• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 46 - Sleeping with your love

Sleeping with your love

On a stormy night, Dusk Shine and Spike had a slumber party with their friends Applejack and Rarity. And despite all the arguments between the mares, due to their notable incompatibility of personalities, the slumber party had been a successful until then: roasting marshmallows and telling horror stories… However, now it was time for the most difficult test to face.

"You want us to play Spin the Bottle!?" Applejack with a heavy blush, looking nervously at Rarity.

"What’s 'Spin the Bottle'?" Dusk asked curiously, seeing the bottle in the middle of the circle, and like his little dragon brother, not understanding the concept of the proposed game.

"It's a kissing game." Rarity said bluntly, causing Dusk and Spike to be surprised and blush. "Each one of us will spin the bottle, and whoever points to the tip of the bottle will receive a kiss from the one who spun it."

"B-But the kisses are..." Applejack said nervously, then blushed even more.

"The objective of the game is to give a kiss on the mouth. Now, there have been many versions of the game, some of which are a bit more…risqué. However, since we are few and we may get someone who is uncomfortable to kiss, we'll give the option so that they can also kiss on the cheek." Rarity said smiling while glancing at Dusk.

"I have one in three chances of kissing Dusk Shine, and if I missed my turn, I still have another chance when Dusk spins the bottle! This is definitely a great opportunity that I can't miss." Rarity thought smiling and screaming with excitement in her mind.

As everyone sat in a circle, following Rarity's instructions, Dusk looked at Applejack and noted that she was as nervous as he was, although he concealed his nervousness better. The only ones who seemed more excited were Rarity and Spike. Granted, the little dragon was also nervous, but the swelling emotions of finally being able to kiss his beloved crush overcame his fear.

"Well now, who will be the first-?" Rarity said quietly, who was just as nervous and anxious as everyone to be kissed, but she knew how to hide her nervousness much better. After all, she couldn't look nervous after being herself who had taken the courage to propose that daring game.

"Me first!" Spike interrupted, quickly raising his claw. Eager to know if his luck would favor him in that game or not.

Spike slowly approached the bottle, and spun it around quickly, knowing that there would be no point in trying to calculate to target Rarity, it was just luck. That's how Spike stared at the bottle carefully, without blinking an eye and with his claws clenched tightly, watching slow rotation of the bottle until finally it stopped altogether.

"Wow! It looks like it's pointed at me." Rarity said in surprise, then giving Spike a sweet smile.

"YES! YES! YES!!" Spike screamed in his mind, as dozens of little Spikes partied in his head. All while the real Spike pressed his lips tight to avoid screaming with excitement at the luck that had favored him. Slowly Spike got up and walked over to Rarity, who was just sitting next to him. Then Rarity closed his eyes and waited for the baby dragon closer.

From the beginning, the white unicorn knew that having to kiss Spike was a possibility, but this was not something she disliked. Spike was like a little brother to her, so it didn't bother her to receive a quick and innocent kiss on the lips from her little Spikey-Wikey.

For his part, Spike began to tremble with nerves when he saw his beautiful Rarity with her eyes closed, waiting for him. And the closer he got to her lips, the more nervous he became, and even more when he noticed that Dusk and Applejack were watching him intently, also blushing when they knew what was about to happen.

Spike and Rarity’s lips were mere inches apart, he could already smell her sweet perfume, and his lips kept trembling, knowing that his first kiss would be with the mare that had stolen his heart... but... but...

Finally, Spike closed his eyes and gave Rarity a quick kiss on the cheek, quickly turning around and sitting with his head down and blushing. Furious at himself for not having the courage to kiss Rarity on the lips.

Sensing Spike's kiss on her cheek, Rarity opened her eyes and touched her cheek, very surprised that Spike would pass up the rare opportunity to kiss her on the lips. Then Rarity looked at Spike and saw that the little dragon was so embarrassed that he didn't even dare look at her.

"Oh...! My sweet and tender Spike." Rarity said lovingly, who had been captivated by the sweet innocence of her beloved baby dragon.

Then Rarity stood up and gave Spike a big kiss on the cheek and hugged him tightly and lovingly, like he was a little stuffed animal. Spike had then stopped being embarrassed and put on a silly face of satisfaction at feeling Rarity's love in that sweet kiss and that warm hug.

"Okay, now it's my turn!" Rarity said excitedly, after returning to her spot to sit down. Then she spun the bottle and waited impatiently for it to come to a complete stop.

"I-I think it' me..." Dusk said nervously, red with embarrassment when he noticed that the bottle was pointing at him.

"YES! YES! YES!!" This time it was Rarity who shouted victorious in her mind, because her wish was fulfilled.

Seeing Rarity stand up, Dusk did the same as she had previously done and simply closed his eyes as his cheeks blushed with nervousness at what was about to happen. Meanwhile, Applejack only looked away in a bad mood as Rarity approached Dusk, however, the orange mare couldn't help but look sideways to see the kiss anyway.

"I know a kiss in a game is not a big deal, but I'll make it a kiss to remember!" Rarity thought, blushing, very nervous as she approached Dusk's lips, but also very excited and determined not to miss the opportunity to finally further her love for the purple colt.

As she approached her beloved, Rarity couldn't avoid seeing askance at Applejack and notice that she had an angry look. The fashionista felt little guilt in kissing Dusk in from of her rival, as she was still annoyed at the orange mare from earlier. But the look that surprised Rarity most was Spike's, who unlike Applejack, watched intently as she approached to kiss Dusk.

"Spike! Don't look at me like that!" Rarity thought nervously, just as she was about to kiss Dusk's lips.

Then Rarity couldn't help but think about how her dear Spike had felt hurt when he found out that she had kissed Dusk, and now she was kissing his brother again, and in front of his eyes! Even more, her dear Spike hadn't dared to kiss her on the mouth and now she did with Dusk Shine, how cruel could she be with her dear Spikey-Wikey!?

Eventually, Rarity closed her eyes tightly and quickly kissed Dusk's cheek, causing Dusk to open his eyes in surprise as Spike and Applejack sighed in relief.

"Wow... A kiss on the cheek..." Dusk said thinking aloud, sounding a little disappointed. But then he raised his head and smiled nervously. "Sorry, you mentioned earlier that the objective of the game was to kiss on the mouth. So, I guess I was expecting you to kiss me, hehe... heh... heh..." Dusk added with a clumsy laugh, completely blushed.

"Yeah... I... I think I got nervous, sorry, hehe..." Rarity said slowly, also with a nervous laugh as she returned to her spot.

"Noooo!!" Rarity thought as she wept into her mind. "Clumsy and tender Spike… why didn't you kiss me on the mouth!? So, I could have kissed Dusk without regrets!"

"I- I think it's... m-my turn..." Applejack said awkwardly, blushing even before she spun the bottle. Then she started her turn, spinning the bottle abruptly because of how nervous she was, and just as nervous she waited, until the bottle finally stopped and pointed to…

"Um…this isn’t necessary, is it?" Rarity said with an annoyed look, after seeing the bottle pointed at her.

"I don't know... I'll search in the slumber party book to see if the rules for this game appear!" Dusk said quickly, not understanding that Rarity had asked a rhetorical question.

"Whatever, let's get this over with quickly." Applejack also said a little annoyed, who had lost all nerves when she saw that Rarity had been chosen. "Move your face." Applejack ordered for Rarity to move around and show her cheek.

Reluctantly Rarity did as her friend told her, and she looked up scornfully as she waited for the kiss on her cheek. While Applejack approached with the same reluctance to kiss Rarity's cheek, the farmer pictured an image of Granny Smith looking at her disapprovingly. She knew exactly why her grandmother would reprimand her for something as intimate as a kiss in a game.

Of the many differences that Rarity had with Applejack, there was also another important one, which was in the act of kissing. Rarity had kissed often in her childhood, like most fillies her age, with nothing sentimental involved, only to act out what she saw adult ponies do. But Applejack had never kissed anyone in her childhood, neither on the mouth nor on the cheeks. Being raised by her grandmother for much of her life had made her much more conservative about kissing than other mares.

"But this isn’t my first kiss... I already kissed Dusk!" Applejack thought, stopping, starting to get nervous thinking more than she should. "But that was an accidental kiss... But it still counts anyway! But... I always tell the girls that kiss didn’t count... besides if I had to kiss Dusk I wouldn't be so nervous. It's just... if I'm in love with Dusk, then my lips should only touch Dusk... But this is just a silly kiss on the cheek! This doesn't count at all!" Applejack kept thinking, internally arguing with herself.

"Why is she so nervous!?" Rarity thought uneasily, glancing at Applejack and seeing that she had stayed still near her cheek, but she wasn't kissing her.

"Enough is enough! I'm going to do it! Just do it fast!" Applejack thought, closing her eyes tight, full of determination.

"Are you going to do it or I-!?" Rarity said, turning to face Applejack, just as she advanced with her eyes closed towards her, which finally caused the mares to kiss each other on the mouth with great force.

The instant Applejack felt something strange about the kiss, she immediately opened her eyes and saw with amazement that she was kissing Rarity on the mouth, the same stupor that Rarity had at that very moment. For two seconds both mares were so shocked that they froze just as they were. Then the reasoning returned to them and they quickly separated, completely red with shame.

"Why did you kiss me on the mouth!?" Rarity yelled completely red, both embarrassed and furious.

"You moved your face!" Applejack yelled as red as or even redder than her friend.

"Because you were taking forever to kiss my cheek!" Rarity yelled almost hysterically.

"Forgive me Granny Smith! I kissed a girl! I lost my purity!" Applejack screamed in her mind as she cried.

As the mares kept yelling at each other, Dusk looked away as his cheeks turned slightly blushed, all for having been moved for a small moment to see two beautiful mares kissing in front of him. A guilt that made him redder with shame. Spike, meanwhile, said nothing as he only looked on in shock as he was hugging his tail tightly.

"I think it's my turn." Dusk finally said, shaking his head to push away all libidinous thoughts about his friends.

Then Dusk walked over to the bottle and spun it around, causing Applejack and Rarity to stop arguing and looking at each other with hatred for a second, as they were both interested in knowing the result of this last spin of the bottle. The bottle finally stopped spinning slowly, until it was pointed at the target, right in the middle of the two mares.

"Enough of the mixed signals!" Dusk frustratedly screamed in his mind to see that the bottle was not pointed at Rarity nor Applejack completely.

"Well… I guess I'll have to..." Applejack said blushing after seeing and believing the bottle was pointed at her.

"What are you talking about? The bottle is clearly pointing at me!" Rarity said indignantly.

After saying that, the mares again began to argue among themselves again as they had been doing throughout the slumber party.

"Let Dusk decide!" Rarity finally said, looking seriously at Dusk, while Applejack accepted what her friend was saying and looked in the same intense way at Dusk.

"Huh? I… w-well…" Dusk said nervously, thinking that his friends wanted to win just to show that they were better than the other. But for the first time, Dusk thought and accepted that maybe there was a small, tiny possibility that they were arguing why they really wanted to kiss him, which made him blush slightly.

Then, before the attentive and expectant gaze of his friends, Dusk put on a reflective face while thinking about what would be the correct answer to this problem, since it would be very shameless of him to say that he could kiss both of them, and very cowardly of him if he said he didn't want to kiss neither of them.

"What's wrong? Why is he thinking about it so much? It's not like he can calculate something, he just has to choose-" Rarity thought in confusion when she saw that Dusk seemed to be solving a mathematical problem instead of deciding who to kiss. But it was at that moment that Rarity was shocked to discover what Dusk was thinking and that it was she who had just made a terrible miscalculation.

"I-If I have to choose one... I think I'll choose Applejack." Dusk said blushing, after thinking for a while about his answer, at the surprising and equally red face of Applejack.

"I knew it! Dusk, sweet as he is, is too logical and has a cookie-cutter mentality!" Rarity thought frustrated as she understood what Dusk had to think about before deciding. "When I kissed Dusk the first time, I gave him a long kiss and then a little kiss goodbye... That was two kisses! Dusk’s must still be unsure about his feelings for us and thus decided to choose Applejack since he only kissed her once.

After the impact on hearing Dusk's response, Applejack shook her head and tried to look calm, even though she was totally nervous. However, she also realized that she wasn't nervous in the same way as when she had to kiss Rarity on the cheek. Despite the fact that her granny and her very conservative customs, told Applejack that it was wrong to kiss Dusk without being formally in a relationship, Applejack couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of nerves mixed with emotion and anxiety when seeing Dusk looking at her directly to the eyes.

"Don't be silly... You shouldn't get so excited just for a kiss on the cheek." Applejack thought, anticipating what Dusk would do, since with so much time to know him, she knew that he wouldn't do anything daring like kiss her on the mouth, much less in front of Rarity and Spike.

"Okay..." Applejack said pretending to be calm, closing her eyes and turning to show her cheek. "Do it quick-"

However, Applejack failed to finish her sentence, since Dusk gently moved her face and gave her a quick and surprising kiss on the lips.

That was a short but very intense kiss that left everyone present with their mouths open from the impact of what they had just seen, and in the case of Applejack, what they had just felt. Spike had a face of complete surprise. For her part, Rarity had a face of fright and amazement, almost on the verge of fainting from how she never imagined that Dusk would be so daring. As for Applejack, she was left speechless as her lips began to tremble slightly after Dusk retreated back. The country mare quickly lowered her hat over her face to hide the massive amount of red blooming on her face.

"WHY DID YOU KISS HER ON THE LIPS!?" Rarity yelled after coming out of shock.

Dusk looked at Rarity and lowered his head, completely embarrassed.

"I-I thought that was the objective of the game... You said so..." Dusk said embarrassed, slowly realizing how daring he had been and blushing more and more. "A-Applejack, I... I'm sorry if I was too impulsive..."

Applejack was still so embarrassed by what had happened that she still couldn't speak, so she, still keeping her face covered by her hat, just shook her head quickly, signaling that she wasn't upset with Dusk.

"Dusk is hiding something..." Rarity thought after looking closely at Dusk. "He seems to have changed from the shy, awkward colt that I met all the time ago..." she thought narrowing her eyes and, like Applejack before, noticing that something inside Dusk seemed to have changed, and only time would tell them if it was for better or for worse.

"I... I think it would have been fine if I had kissed Rarity too, after all, this is just a game... But there was another reason why I had to kiss Applejack." Dusk internally reassured himself, still blushing and looking down at the floor. "I was Applejack's first kiss, but we both know that was just an accident... And if it was really her first kiss... I don't want her to remember me for a bad kiss without feelings." Dusk thought blushing again before the other meaning than had the last kiss, which itself was given with much feeling.

"Hey! Well done!" Spike suddenly whispered, hitting Dusk's side. "If you like Applejack, we could put the slumber party aside and start a double date." Spike added, whispering into Dusk's ear.

"Hehe... maybe another time, casanova." Dusk said blushing, laughing at the idea of ​​his brother, who was really just looking for an excuse to have a date with Rarity and get Dusk out of his way. "Besides, I don't think you'll be awake much longer, it's past midnight." Dusk added, smiling at Spike's tired eyes.

"Nah... I'm fine... 'yawn'..." Spike said, not being able to avoid yawning, since his bedtime was long past.

It was a while before Applejack was able to calm her face and took the hat off her face. However, she wasn't able to look Dusk in the eyes again, since she knew that only one look of his would be enough for her to return to turn red with shame.

"It's your turn to choose a game." Rarity said pursing her lip and looking at Dusk a little annoyed.

Dusk started to think of some activity to continue with the slumber party, but since he had never been to one, no idea came to his mind. So, he finally took the slumber party book he had taken out and started going through it looking for some game.

"Maybe we could play this game. It's called 'Truth or Dare'." Dusk said, starting to read the instructions for that game. "Let's see... first you have to ask someone to either to tell a truth about themselves or dare them to do a certain activity... How is that about the challenge? I don't really understand."

"It's easy." Rarity said, glancing at Applejack and still feeling jealous for the kiss that Dusk had just given her. "For example, I could dare Applejack to be more delicate and feminine, although she surely never will."

"Oh yeah? Well, I dare you to stop being prissy and boring." Applejack said, knowing that Rarity must be jealous of her at the time.

"I dare you to use shampoo to wash your mane for one day." Rarity said angry.

"I dare you to stop putting on makeup even for one day." Applejack replied just as angry.

"Yeah... uh... I think we better not do 'dares' and we'll do the part where we tell the truth, hehe." Dusk said nervously, seeing that they must be playing something soon, because if his friends stayed a long time doing nothing, they would start arguing quickly. "Please don't keep arguing."

Hearing Dusk's request, and seeing him so nervous, both mares looked at each other annoyed and again looked away to stop arguing, only for a moment.

"So... what kind of questions should we ask?" Dusk asked calmer, relieved that his friends stopped arguing.

"This opportunity could be useful to learn more about Dusk..." Rarity thought looking at Dusk, then looking at Applejack, and she couldn't help feeling upset by that last kiss they had given. "That's right! I could take advantage of knowing what Dusk felt when he kissed me and the other girls. So, I'm going to start with…"

"I already know a question!" Rarity said, glancing at Applejack and then looking at Dusk. "What was your first kiss and how did you feel about it?"

At that moment Dusk and Applejack blushed completely, looked at each other, and then quickly pointed at Rarity, much to the unicorn's surprise.

"Huh? Me?" Rarity said surprised, who had not expected to be the first to tell her story.

Rarity made a thoughtful face, and the first thing that came to mind was that of her first love, that toxic relationship that Dusk was already aware of, but Rarity didn't want to relive it, much less tell Applejack, since it was very painful and intimate for her. Then she went further back in her memory until she smiled as she remembered something she had almost forgotten.

"I remember that. My first kiss was at school when I was a little filly." Rarity said smiling as she remembered how childish she was at the time. "It was my first time attending a birthday party with both fillies and colts, and the birthday girl wanted to play the spinning bottle game because there was a colt she liked. We all played that game, but at the end of the game there was a very sad little colt, a young colt with a somewhat awkward face, who had been refused to be kissed by all the fillies at the party. That made me really sad, so I finally stood up and kissed him. Since it was my first kiss, it was awkward and so fast that we barely touched our lips. But it left me very happy, more than I expected. Not because I felt something for that colt, but because he was very happy after that kiss." Rarity finished with a smile, thinking about how powerful a simple gesture of affection could be.

"And... what happened to that young colt?" Dusk asked curious, for a moment feeling a curious sensation, a new feeling that he couldn't explain at the moment when he imagined another colt kissing Rarity.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. I think the next day his parents went to live in Canterlot and I never saw him again." Rarity said with a shrug.

"It's your turn!" Dusk said quickly, pointing at Applejack when he understood that it was now up to someone else to tell his story, and he wasn't good at making a nice story like the one Rarity had just done.

Applejack was surprised to be pointed out and then lowered her blushing head as she debated against her own shame so she could tell about her first kiss, since the colt that had been was just there.

"M-My first kiss was on the farm... a few days before this year's Summer Sun Celebration." Applejack said slowly as she made an effort to avoid blushing more than she was. “A-A clumsy colt had climbed onto one of the trees in the orchard to try to help us harvest apples. I was watching him and he… fell on top of me and… we accidentally kissed."

At that moment Applejack looked askance at Dusk, who was also red with shame knowing that she was talking about him.

"When that colt kissed me, the first thing I felt was surprise, then annoyance and confusion, but later, as more time passed, what I started feeling was..." Applejack said blushing more and more, so much that it was impossible to finish in say the feeling she had felt. Then she closed her eyes and forced herself to continue speaking. "I know it was an accidental kiss! But… But it was very important because it was my first kiss!" Applejack added almost in a scream.

While everyone was surprised by Applejack's words, she took the opportunity to look at Dusk seriously, although she still kept her cheeks blushed.

"Now is your turn." Applejack said seriously. "How did you feel with your first kiss."

"E-Enough is enough... I-It's not necessary that we continue this game." Rarity said quickly with a worried look, stretching one of her hooves to prevent Dusk from speaking.

"This is bad!" Rarity thought when she noticed that things were taking a course that didn't favor her. "I can't let them continue talking about their first kiss and how they felt between them."

"I want to listen to Dusk." Applejack replied in a bad mood, understanding that Rarity was interrupting so Dusk wouldn't be honest about his own feelings about that kiss.

"I already know the story of the first kiss between the two of you! I don't want to have to hear the same story twice!" Rarity said annoyed, bringing her angry gaze closer to her friend.

"It may be the same story, but you said yourself that we had to say what we felt!" Applejack said, looking angry at the unicorn.

"Uh... I don't know if it's important. But Applejack wasn’t my first kiss." Dusk said shyly, causing an awkward silence to remain in the room.

Rarity and Applejack had frozen with their angry looks, looking at each other. And so, they stayed for several seconds, until they both turned and saw Dusk with confused looks.

"Huh?" Both mares said at the same time, still not sure what they had just heard.

"Dusk had kissed someone before reaching Ponyville? But he himself said he had no friends." Rarity thought confused, still surprised by the revelation.

"W-Who was your first kiss?" Applejack asked, also stunned by the revelation.

"Hmm... It was in Canterlot. I remember that-" Dusk said, beginning to remember, until a stab of pain made him close one eye, and it was very difficult for him to remember what had happened. "It was... it was a long time ago. It was an afternoon... or maybe a morning. There was a lot of mist… and she… kissed me." Dusk finished, holding his head with a hoof, confused when he realized that something he had always taken for granted, he had a hard time remembering.

"That's all? Who was? Where? When?" Rarity asked curiously.

"I-I don't know..." Dusk replied very confused. "I don't remember her face, nor the place... but I do remember the kiss."

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other in confusion and then looked back at Dusk.

"Maybe it was a dream." Applejack said, thinking that maybe Dusk had such a hard time remembering because it had been something that never really happened.

At Applejack's words, Dusk just stared at the ground in confusion for a second.

"M-Maybe you're right..." Dusk finally said, more and more unsure if that memory had really happened, but what he couldn't deny was that that memory brought back strong emotions.

While Dusk continued to meditate on why it was so difficult to remember that memory of his childhood, both mares decided to stop harassing him with questions while he calmed down, and while they looked at each other, little by little, the rivalry that had been strengthened that day after arguing all day was returning to them.

"So, you weren't the first." Rarity said with a mocking smile.

"No, but I was the last one." Applejack replied smiling the same way.

Then war was declared again between both mares and both were silent but seeing each other so furious that it almost seemed that they were shooting lightning through their eyes. It was only then that Dusk came out of his thoughts and realized that his friends were getting ready to argue again if he didn't intervene soon. He looked to the side to see if Spike could help him, but only at that moment Dusk realized that his little brother had long since fallen asleep, with his sleep so heavy that no scream woke him up.

"I think we should play to something else. Let's see..." Dusk said quickly to change the hostile atmosphere, then he turned, levitated his book on slumber parties and looked for another game. "Here's something! It says: Pillow Fight."

"Pillow Fight?" Dusk thought raising his head, immediately imagining what that game would be about. And then the image of Rarity and Applejack surrounded by pillows came to his mind, laughing and flirting as they playfully hit each other with soft pillows. "Wait… What the hell am I thinking about!?" Dusk screamed in his mind realizing how wrong it was to think of his friends in such a way, as he shook his head to push that crazy and lustful image away from his mind.

"Pillow fight?" Rarity said looking at Dusk and then looking at Applejack with an evil smile.

"Sounds good to me." Applejack said, also looking at Rarity with an evil smile.

And it was only then that Dusk came out of his crazy fantasies and returned to reality when he turned and saw that his friends looked each other with deep hatred, with a mental image quite different from what Dusk Shine had imagined.

"Yes... I think we'd better play something else..." Dusk said nervous, realizing that if he let them play that, it could turn into a 'pillow massacre'. Then Dusk kept looking in his book until he found another game, that after reading the instructions, he knew it was the perfect game for that occasion. "Here it is! We'll play: Guess Who."

The mares looked at Dusk confused as he levitated small pieces of paper and quills.

"Someone writes something on the paper, be it an object, place, feeling or even another pony, and then the other two will put the paper on top, see each other and give clues about what the other represents, and at the end of the turn they'll see if each one guesses the name that was written above." Dusk said smiling, handing Rarity two papers and a quill. "You go first, Rarity."

The white unicorn took what Dusk had to offer and thought for a moment.

"You just have to write something. You don't need to be adorning the pieces of paper." Applejack murmured with a mocking smile.

That comment was the last push Rarity needed to put into action a brilliant plan that she had come up with to annoy Applejack. So, Rarity finally wrote something on the two papers, she passed one to Dusk, the other to Applejack, and they both put their papers on their heads for the other to look at.

"All right. Begin." Rarity said with an innocent smile.

"Me first." Dusk said excitedly, reading what Applejack had written on her paper. "You wear it on your hooves and… you are dirty, although that would be easily fixed by washing. You probably look ugly and battered from so much work." Dusk said describing 'a dirty boot', which was what was written on the Applejack paper.

Applejack blushed with embarrassment upon suddenly hearing Dusk saying she was dirty and needed washing, and then she understood that Rarity had written something for Dusk to sneakily insult her, embarrassing the orange mare. However, the thing that embarrassed Applejack the most was that Dusk had written on his paper: 'Being Feminine'.

After Dusk finished giving his hints, Applejack thought about how to explain Dusk’s word. Her first thought was to target Rarity, but that would only compliment the fashionista even more. So, unsure of what to do, Applejack started acting like she was putting on makeup, and then exaggeratedly moved her hips.

"What does that mean?" Dusk asked without understanding what Applejack’s mimicry could mean.

"Maybe she doesn't know how to explain her concept because she doesn't know it." Rarity said with a mocking smile as Applejack turned red with embarrassment and looked at her with hatred.

Finally, neither Dusk nor Applejack guessed their respective concepts, and although there seemed to be two losers, the only one who felt she had lost was Applejack, completely flustered at how Rarity cheated at the game.

"It's my turn!" Applejack said annoyed, this time taking two papers, writing on them and handing them over to Dusk and Rarity. "Get started!"

Dusk read what Rarity's paper said and started with his hints.

"You look pretty, but… I don't think you really have any useful purpose. You are extremely delicate and could easily break." Dusk said giving the first hints when reading 'crystal chandelier' on the paper of Rarity.

As with Applejack, it pained Rarity to hear that Dusk had told her that she was useless and very delicate, but she quickly understood that Applejack had used the same trick on her to make Dusk say bad things to her face. Then Rarity read Dusk's paper and blushed reading 'Chicken Dance'.

"Hurry Rarity! It's your turn to give me a hint." Dusk said excitedly.

At Dusk's insistence, Rarity put herself in a silly position, and began to do a ridiculous dance by swinging and waving her hooves while imitating a chicken, a very popular dance when they had all been foals. All while Rarity was red with embarrassment at having to do something so ridiculous.

"Hahaha! I know this one: The chicken dance! Haha." Dusk said guessing his concept, laughing a lot at seeing Rarity doing that silly dance, the same laugh Applejack had at that moment, which made Rarity look at her in fury, red with shame for forcing her to do that in front of Dusk.

Finally, it was Dusk’s turn, and he had an idea as to how to ease the tension between the two mares. The colt wrote something in the papers and handed them to his friends, who were already glaring each other with fury in their eyes. As they looked up to see what the other had written in their heads, both were surprised to read what they had written. Applejack had a piece of paper saying 'Applejack' and Rarity had a piece of paper saying 'Rarity'.

"Begin." Dusk said, as both mares smiled wickedly, knowing that they could attack each other as part of the game.

"You're a shallow pony, who only cares about minor things." Applejack said looking angrily at her friend, launching the first attack.

"You're a sloppy pony who only uses her brute force without thinking." Rarity said, also angry.

"Those are lousy descriptions." Dusk said as he watched the game, ready to carry out his true plan. "Come on! I know you can give better descriptions than that. Something that really helps you guess who you are."

After a couple of seconds of silence, Applejack finally spoke.

"You... you're generous." Applejack said with effort, looking away.

"And I suppose you're honest." Rarity said also looking away, but then sighing and looking back at Applejack. "You're... you're mature, trustworthy and... a great friend."

"Y-You're passionate and dedicated, and... you're also a really good friend." Applejack said, also looking back at Rarity.

For the first time at night, both mares stared at each other for a moment without a hint of anger. At last, it seemed that they were both leaving their fury behind, after all they were friends and they had to forgive each other at some point. Only that was missing, say 'I'm sorry', but... Who would say it first? For after such a bitter and cruel dispute, the ego of neither of them accepted to be the first to say those words.

Finally, Rarity's lips parted slightly to utter that few words, but just then an enormous snore from Spike ruined the entire moment.

"I think I should take Spike to his bed." Dusk said a little worried, looking at his little brother, then looking at his friends, who finally just looked away.

"So close!" Dusk thought frustrated after seeing that his friends still didn't see each other. "I think they’re no longer upset with each other, but they're not on good terms yet..."

After looking at the clock, everyone decided that it was time to sleep. So, Dusk prepared Spike's basket-bed next to the chimney, since on rainy days the dragons needed to be closer to the heat. Dusk then prepared an extra bed that could be installed in front of his. Applejack and Rarity agreed to sleep together, however it was still clear that there was still some tension between the two of them despite the fact that they had yet to insult each other again.

Applejack was the first to go to bed, taking advantage of the fact that Rarity went to the bathroom. Then Dusk lay down on his own bed and stared at the ceiling while waiting for sleep to come to him. All the lights went out in the library, allowing everypony to get some much-needed sleep.

Though Dusk had his eyes closed, his senses were still quite awake. That was how Dusk was able to hear Rarity exit the bathroom and make her way to the spare bed. However, the purple unicorn was then surprised when he heard Rarity making her way down stairs instead of climbing into her bed.

"Why did Rarity go back downstairs?" Dusk thought in the dark, after noticing that Rarity hadn't yet gone up to bed. "It's late, she should be back in bed here..."

Thinking 'back in bed here', Dusk unconsciously thought of lying on the same bed next to Rarity, which caused him to blush red.

"Back in the other bed, back in the other bed!" Dusk repeated in his mind to get out that lustful idea. However, the thought was already nestled in his mind, which made him begin to take the weight of the situation for the first time. "Right now, two beautiful mares are sleeping in front of me, and I could... No! Don't think about dirty things!" Dusk thought frantically, totally red, closing his eyes tight to force himself to sleep to stop thinking about inappropriate thoughts.

The night progressed and the only thing heard was the sound of rain on the roof and some occasional thunder in the distance. Then Dusk could hear a soft snore coming from Applejack, who, unlike him, had already fallen fast asleep. And finally, when Dusk was about to fall asleep, he heard Rarity go up to bed. Dusk's first reaction was to pretend he was already asleep, but he was curious to know what had taken his friend so long.

"Rarity, is everything alright?" Dusk whispered, lifting his head from his bed, to see that Rarity was holding Applejack's hat in her hooves.

Rarity carefully put down the hat and walked over to Dusk's bed to chat without waking Applejack.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rarity replied whispering next to Dusk. "I only went down to the living room for a while because I needed light to-" Just then a lightning struck near the library and loud thunder broke the reigning silence, scaring Rarity and instinctively leaping and hiding under the covers on Dusk's bed.

"R-Rarity, what are you doing?" Dusk whispered nervously, completely red when he saw that Rarity had lain down on his bed and hugged him while trembling.

"I'm sorry." Rarity replied, slowly ceasing to tremble and releasing Dusk. "It's just that I'm really scared of thunder."

Both ponies fell silent and neither spoke for several seconds, in which Rarity was almost touching Dusk's body, and Dusk stood pressing his lips nervously, his heart beating a thousand time per second when he saw that Rarity had snuggled closer to his side.

"Dusk... I’d terribly hate to disturb Applejack now that she’s fast asleep in bed." Rarity finally said, ducking her head. "Can I sleep with you?"

Dusk Shine swallowed hard due to how nervous he was, then he looked askance at his friend, who couldn't see her face due to the angle and the darkness, so he couldn't see that Rarity was as blushed or even more than him.

"It wouldn't be correct." Dusk Shine's rational mind said.

"A-Alright..." Dusk finally replied, ignoring what his rationality was telling him.

After that, there was no more conversation. They both laid motionless, close to each other. Rarity's body wasn't touching Dusk's, but it was so close to him that Dusk could feel the heat emanating from his friend's body, enough that the colt couldn't calm down to sleep.

"I'm sorry I ruined your first slumber party." Rarity said suddenly.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Dusk asked confused.

"For... all the discussions Applejack and I had." Rarity replied sadly.

"Oh, don't worry. Still, it was a lot of fun." Dusk smiled. "But now you two are on good terms, aren't you?"

Rarity was silent for a few moments before answering.

"She hasn’t apologized to me, and... neither have I." Rarity said sadly. "I told her so many hurtful things that I regret... I'm a terrible friend."

"That's not true!" Dusk said immediately, turning to get a good look at Rarity. "You're a wonderful friend. You just…had a bad day. I assure you that tomorrow everything will be right." Dusk said staring at his friend.

Rarity was surprised at how confident Dusk said those words, and she put on a loving smile. And so, both unicorns stood watching each other, so close to each other that their faces almost touched. Both unconsciously froze in that position, looking directly into each other's eyes as they blushed slowly, and their feelings slowly took control of their actions.

Suddenly a noise from the front of the bed caused both unicorns to come out of their reveries. Then they both raised their heads and saw that Applejack had gotten up and was staggering as if she was about to fall, all while she had her eyes almost completely closed. Then the orange mare mumbled some unintelligible things and began to walk awkwardly from side to side.

"What's wrong with her?" Rarity asked concerned.

Dusk looked confused and somewhat worried at Applejack, and as he saw her, a sudden thought came to his mind to finish explaining what was happening.

"Normally Granny Smith wouldn't let me eat marshmallows at night. She said they didn't let me sleep well. But this time I think I'll make an exception." Dusk recalled what Applejack had said when they made the marshmallows in the fireplace.

"It seems... that she’s a sleepwalker." Dusk said a little surprised.

Suddenly another loud thunder rumbled in the room, causing Rarity to hug Dusk tightly and start to tremble with fear again.

"Huh? You're scared lil' sis…" Applejack suddenly murmured, who seemed to be dreaming while still sleepwalking.

Then Applejack awkwardly approached Dusk's bed and stroked the colt's cheek.

"Don't worry, lil sis... Here I'm... I'll sleep with you..." Applejack murmured, opening the bed and lying down on the other side of Dusk, hugging him tightly and finally resting her head on the pillow, thus ending her sleepwalking tour.

Rarity, Dusk Shine and Applejack were all now in a single bed, with the colt in the middle of both mares, being hugged tightly by both sides. Dusk only remained static, looking at the ceiling, completely blushed and with his eyes wide open.

Minutes passed on and there was no movement or noise from the three ponies. The only thing Dusk heard was the sound of the rain and the strong beating of his own heart that seemed like a drum ringing next to his ears. It seemed that Rarity and Applejack had fallen asleep after a while, as Dusk could hear Applejack's faint snore and Rarity's quiet breathing. It was then that he looked askance at his right side to check that and saw the beautiful face of Rarity sleeping peacefully stuck to his side, then he did the same to his left side, and also saw the innocent face of Applejack with the same blissful expression.

"Gosh... Why are they so pretty!?" Dusk thought are his cheeks blushed.

Determined to calm down, Dusk closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But as he closed his eyes, his hormones decided to stimulate his other senses. And that was how his nose began to smell the soft and intoxicating perfume of Rarity, at the same time that he could also sense the sweet aroma of apples that Applejack had on her body.

"Why do they smell so good!?" Dusk screamed in his mind, trying in vain to stop sniffing to calm down.

Forcing his mind to focus on something else, Dusk's senses focused on something else, on the hooves and bodies of his friends that hugged him tightly on either side, as if two warm pillows surrounded him and pleasantly squeezed.

"Why are their bodies so soft!?" Dusk screamed a third time in his mind, opening his eyes wide and realizing that the hormones in his body and his own imagination wouldn't allow him to sleep peacefully that night.

The next morning Applejack was slowly waking up, and as she shifted between sleep and reality, she felt a pleasant, familiar male scent on the sheets, and someone hugging her warmly.

"Mmmm, feels nice..." Applejack murmured with a smile, dreaming that she would wake up that morning with Dusk Shine.

"Yes... it feels good..." Whoever hugged her murmured in response.

It took Applejack a few seconds for her brain to react and realize that the voice that had answered her wasn’t male. Then Applejack immediately opened her eyes and saw that Rarity was holding her in front of her. The fashionista had also opened her eyes at the same time, creating an air of awkwardness between the two mares.

Seeing that they were both hugging each other affectionately, both mares parted instantly with equally red faces.

"Why were you hugging me!?" Rarity asked annoyed.

"I don't know! I thought I'd wake up hugging Dusk!" Applejack replied just as annoyed and flustered.

"Wait a second... how did you know you would wake up in Dusk's bed?" Rarity asked looking annoyed at her friend since Applejack was supposed to have been sleepwalking the night before. "You were pretending to be sleepwalking!"

"I-I wasn't pretending." Applejack replied nervously. "I-It's just that at some point in the night I woke up and saw that I was next to Dusk, and... and I didn't go back to my bed... But that's all!" Applejack added even more blushed.

"By the way, where's Dusk?" Rarity asked, looking everywhere.

"Here I am..." Dusk suddenly replied, who was just entering the room, with a towel in his mane and with tremendous dark circles under his eyes. The poor colt was so overwhelmed last night he could only get a few minutes of sleep. "Sorry, but I needed a cold shower... very cold..." Dusk said slightly blushed.

After seeing Dusk approach, both mares looked at each other, narrowed their eyes, and looked away again, knowing that both of them still hadn't solved all their problems.

"Oh, come on!" Dusk said, annoyed to see that his friends were still not on speaking terms. "It's a new day and this shouldn’t continue. I want you to apologize to each other right now and to be good friends again!"

At Dusk's comment, both mares looked at each other sideways and pursed their lips. They both wanted to apologize, but neither wanted to be the first to do so. However, Rarity decided to swallow her pride first and give Applejack her attempt at making amends.

"Here." Rarity finally said, using her magic to levitate Applejack's hat and pull it closer. "Last night I took the opportunity to fix it a little while you slept."

"You did what!?" Applejack yelled terrified, immediately grabbing her hat and looking it all over to see how Rarity had ruined her beloved hat, but after completely checking it out, she was shocked to see that nothing had changed.

"I just repaired the seams. If I hadn't, your hat would have fallen apart in a couple of days." Rarity said looking down at the floor. "It would be quite the shame to have something you value so dear be ruined beyond repair. I would have loved to do some nice embroideries, but I know that hat is important to you, and I would never think of changing it if you don't want to."

Listening to her friend, Applejack understood that Rarity's attention to detail had prevented her precious hat from ripping apart, and she hadn't wanted to listen to her for being as stubborn as she was. She now knew what she had to do.

"I'm sorry..." Applejack finally said, unable to help but shed a small tear. "I'm sorry I said such horrible things to you. You're one of my best friends and I didn't know how to value it."

"I'm sorry too." Rarity said crying with happiness. Then both friends hugged each other and finally ended their biggest fight. “From now on, let’s talk instead of bicker with each other. Like friends.

"Hmm... what's going on?" Spike asked, finally waking up and moving closer to where the others were. "Why are Rarity and Applejack hugging each other?"

"Just a little reconnecting between friends..." Dusk said smiling, excited to see his friends finally making peace.

It was a new morning at Canterlot Palace, and the royal maids, the sisters Sweet Creme and Sweet Caramel, were preparing to wait for their princesses to attend them at breakfast.

The previous morning had been quite particular, with Princess Celestia arriving very depressed, and Princess Luna very happy, making a very noticeable contrast between the two. So both maids hoped that their princesses had already regained their normal moods.

The first to enter the room was Princess Celestia. The white alicorn had entered the dining room totally opposite to the previous day with a huge smile that she didn't even care to hide.

"You seem much more radiant this morning, my dear princess." Sweet Creme said, while serving tea to the princess of the Sun.

"Indeed, I am, Sweet Crème!" Celestia said smiling as she ate a cupcake. "Dusk Shine finally answered my letter." The princess added as she levitated a letter with her magic.

Seeing the levitated letter, Sweet Creme couldn't help but read it and then look at it strangely. The only thing the letter said was:

'I'm sorry to have worried you on the day of the tournament in Cloudsdale. I promise never to do something so risky.

I say goodbye, wishing you happiness and prosperity.

Yours truly, Dusk Shine.'

"That's all!?" Sweet Creme said annoyed, after seeing that this was the answer that her princess had long awaited after she put her feelings and heart in the last letter she had sent to her beloved student. "I-I apologize, princess." The maid said immediately when she noticed that she had thought out loud.

As Sweet Creme retreated back to give her princess some space, Celestia smiled, realizing that her dear maid hadn't discovered the true nature of the letter. And while she would have loved to share that information with her maid, yet Dusk had tried so hard to hide the true message that Celestia didn't want to waste Dusk's effort.

Dusk's first secret message was that he hadn't put at the end of the letter 'your faithful student' as he always did. He had only put his name, which meant that Dusk wanted to tell her that for him the princess was more than just his magic teacher. But the main message went much further and wasn't even written in words.

What Sweet Creme, and probably very few ponies, would notice about that letter was that there were several inconspicuous lines on the paper that ran across and across the letter from one side to the other. But those marks were not there for no reason, they were instructions! In a distant land, there was an ancient art that was made on paper, called 'origami', something that Dusk had read a long time ago and that the princess also knew. And if that letter that the princess had, she folded it following the instructions, the letter took the shape of a small heart. And that heart had more than one meaning. When Dusk lived in Canterlot, in his first year at the castle, he had given the princess an origami heart on Mother's Day. So that letter Dusk had sent Celestia, had a deep and strong emotional meaning that only they both knew, what made Celestia enormously happy.

"This morning is wonderful!" Celestia said happily, sipping her tea.

"This morning is horrible!" Luna said to herself, walking through the room doors and reluctantly sitting down at the breakfast table.

Realizing that her princess had arrived, Sweet Caramel rushed to serve her a cup of coffee, which Luna snorted. This immediately signaled the maid that her beloved princess was in a much crankier mood than she normally was in the morning, and of course, in a completely different mood than she had the morning before.

"I-Is something wrong, my dear princess?" The maid shyly asked, knowing Luna didn't like to talk when she was in a bad mood, but the maid decided to take the risk anyway.

Princess Luna looked askance at her maid and only grumbled roughly as she looked away and ate a croissant. Then she began to remember what had happened the night before...

As promised, Luna had returned to the dream world that night, ready to meet her beloved Dusk Shine again. She waited and waited, but as the night wore on, it seemed like Dusk wasn't sleeping that night, which made the night princess impatient. As much as she felt there were some ponies having nightmares at the time, her stubbornness caused her to ignore them that night, all because she was eager to reunite with Dusk in his dream.

Finally, when it was close to dawn, Dusk Shine's dream window appeared, allowing Luna to finally enter it. Once there, Luna saw Dusk sitting on his bed, shaking his head from side to side, as if he wanted to get some thoughts away from his head.

"Were you up late, dear Dusk?" Luna said once she landed in front of Dusk.

"Lady Night!" Dusk said surprised to see the alicorn that had appeared in his previous dream. Then Dusk blushed. "Yeah... I had a slumber party and... I think I had a hard time falling asleep... If you're here again, does that mean I'm in another nightmare?"

Hearing Dusk, it was Luna's turn to blush a little.

"Y-Yes... it seems like you are having a little nightmare..." Luna lied, knowing that she couldn't tell him that she was only there because she wanted to see him. "Tell me, why were you shaking your head so much? You seem confused by something… And why is it so hot here?" Luna asked realizing how high the temperature was in the dream.

"It's probably because I'm very nervous..." Dusk said looking down at the ground blushing and scratching his head. "Right now, I'm sleeping next to two mares."

Luna was surprised to hear that, and then she gave an annoyed look.

"I never thought you were one of those colts who liked to partake in such lustful orgies..." Luna said looking at Dusk with a bit of displeasure.

"Is not that!" Dusk said quickly, even more flustered. "It's a long story to tell, but in short, they're my friends, two of them."

"And you... do you have feelings for them?" Luna asked curiously.

"I think so..." Dusk whispered, looking down. "I don't know what to do. First, I don't even think my feelings are reciprocated. And even if they were…"

At that moment five windows appeared around Dusk, to the surprise of Luna and the colt. Then they both looked out the window. One had Dusk and Rarity on a romantic picnic in the park; Dusk and Pinkie Pie appeared in another window playing and kissing while they cooked together; Dusk and Applejack appeared in another window, walking on the farm with two foals that appeared to be their children; Dusk and Rainbow Dash appeared in another window, lying on a bed together and hugging each other; and in the other window Dusk and Fluttershy appeared helping as a couple a small wounded rabbit.

"I feel something for all of them... And at some point I'll have to decide and see if any of them also feel the same way about me..." Dusk whispered, his mind calmer now, knowing perfectly well what his feelings were and that now he only had to face them. "Thank you for showing me this dream, Lady Night."

Turning to see the alicorn, Dusk saw that 'Lady Night' looked confused, and she was looking everywhere, as if searching for something else.

"Is something wrong?" Dusk asked confused.

"D-Don't you have another window out there?" Luna asked looking around and then looking at Dusk. "You only have those feelings... For those five mares?"

"Huh? W-Well, yes, I think so." Dusk replied surprised and a little nervous. "I mean, there are other mares that I think are pretty, like Trixie, or some other mares in town. But with my friends it's different, I think that only with them could I say that I'm... in love."

Suddenly the dream began to shine, and everything began to undulate, just as the previous dream that Lady Night visited had ended. And as the dream faded, the last thing Dusk saw in his dream was Lady Night, who for some reason seemed very upset.

"I'll not give up..." Luna muttered annoyed, after remembering what happened that night.

Seeing that her princess seemed not to want to gossip that morning, Sweet Caramel slowly withdrew and positioned herself next to her sister as they watched the princesses eat. At that moment both maids looked at each other sideways and I know that they both thought the same.

"This ever-changing mood in our beloved princesses... It's all the fault of that Dusk Shine!" The maid sisters thought, annoyed that a simple pony was able to have so much influence on the mood of the two ponies that they respected the most.

End of chapter 46

Author's Note:

Thanks to 'Scribe of the Nightwings' for his help :twilightsmile:

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