• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 3 - A shy first encounter

A shy first encounter

"You’re lost, aren't you?" Spike said after seeing that Dusk was frantically looking everywhere. "I told you we have to ask for directions!"

"I'm not lost!" Dusk replied annoying. "It's just... the shortcut that I took, it left me a little disoriented."

Dusk had surrounded the town heading towards the southwest, it was the right direction, but every time he saw a house, Dusk took a small detour to avoid it. So they were deviating slightly from their path.

"See? Here is the forest!" Dusk said happily pointing the way forward, towards the beginning of a forest. "I told you I didn't need to ask for directions."

Both of them left the road and are headed towards the bright forest.

"Is this the infamous and dark Everfree forest?" Spike asked looking everywhere.

This forest was far from gloomy. Sunlight easily passed between the branches of serene trees, leaving large gaps bathed by its light; it could hear the pleasant songs of birds all over the place, butterflies flitted from one side to another, and if they looked carefully they could see fluffy bunnies hiding when they see both of them walking.

This was far from being a dark forest.

"Well... maybe Canterlot's ponies exaggerated when they spoke of it." Dusk replied unsure because he was also having doubts about whether this was really the Everfree forest.

"I guess the best will be-" Dusk couldn't finish speaking because he became alert to hear something far into the distance.

Dusk looked at Spike and motioned him to follow, they both went slowly and silently to where the sound was. As they are approaching nearer, they could hear that it was a voice, a melodious voice humming a pretty tune.

When they arrived near the sound, they hid behind a bush, and with their hooves and claws opened a space through it to see where the sound came from.

In front of them, giving them back, there was a beautiful yellow pegasus, with a long tail and mane of light pink color, she had huge calypso eyes and three pink butterflies on their sides that formed her cutie mark, all accompanied by a beautiful voice.

Dusk stood looking at her for a moment and then he closed quickly the hole that he had opened in the bush and turned facing the other side.

After a few seconds when Dusk stared at nothing, he began to look down towards Spike. There he saw that his dragon brother had a huge smile and was staring at him.

Dusk was not expecting this, finding a pony in the forest, this was precisely what he didn't want to do, meet someone. Now he would have to keep his promise, as he had promised Spike, and the dragon knew it, for that reason Spike couldn't get off that huge smile of triumph on his face.

The voice of the mare was still singing, she did not notice that behind a bush were Dusk and Spike hiding. Neither of them wanted to stop the singing and/or scare the mare, so they both looked at each other and soundlessly communicated with glances and signs among them.

"Let's get out of here." Dusk explained with signals to Spike, beckoning with his hooves and looking away repeatedly.

"Of course not!" Spike replied to him with signals, crossing his arms and pointing at him and his heart, which meant "you promised."

Dusk covered his face with his hooves as frustration sample.

"Okay, but what should I do?" Dusk asked with signals after a few seconds.

"Go and talk with her" Spike pointed with signals, then he took a small branch that was on the floor and placed it on his ear, one end of the branch was on his ear and the other end was curved and finished near his mouth. Spike pointed various times at the branch, hoping that Dusk could guess what he wanted to do.

And indeed, Dusk understood what Spike wanted. The unicorn brought his horn to the branch and then it shimmered while at the end that was near the mouth of Spike, a small and bright purple magic ball was formed.

This was a spell that Dusk had invented a few months ago, this spell made a small object work as a headset, thus when a unicorn performs the spell he could communicate through this instrument with another possessing the hearing instrument. It was actually a very useful spell, Princess Celestia had praised Dusk when he invented it, but Dusk never thought it was really usefull, as it had the limitation that it could only communicate with two beings at one time and both of them had to be less than 15 bodies away, otherwise the magic headset would stop working. Therefore, Dusk only used it a few times to play with Spike.

Spike approached the brilliant end to his mouth and whispered:

"Go to that mare and talk to her, I'll be watching you and giving you tips of the book from here."

Spike's whisper was so weak that he had made almost no sound, but Dusk had clearly heard what his brother had whispered in the magic headset. This was a secure way Spike could speak slowly and only Dusk could hear him.

Dusk turned to the direction to where the mare was. He really didn't want to do this, but he had promised Spike, so he inhaled and exhaled to calm himself down a bit and then he walked around the bush that stood between him and the mare.

The yellow pegasus was singing happily as she gathered a group of small birds flying around her. Every birds chirped following the melody of the mare, until suddenly they were surprised and flown away from her.

"What happened?" The mare asked when she saw that her birds had fled.

"Ehh... excuse me..." Came a voice behind her, which made her jump enormously.

Dusk had approached the yellow pony and he was shocked in the same way when he saw how he inadvertently scared that mare.

Dusk froze, like the pegasus who seemed petrified while she hid herself behind her own mane, watching with great fear to Dusk, it seemed that at any moment that the mare would cry or would flee the place.

Dusk began to see himself, lifting his hooves to see if he had stepped on something or if there was anything out of place that had scared the mare in that way.

"Must be my mane" Dusk thought, convincing himself that this new look of his mane didn't favor him.

"Please don't be scared" Dusk spoke again, breaking the silence. "I just... wanted to ask you if... here is the Everfree forest..." Dusk invented at the time after realizing that he didn't have a plan for how to start a conversation.

The mare remained in total silence, and Dusk was not sure but it seemed that when he mentioned the word 'Everfree', the mare had begun to tremble weakly.

"Spike~ This isn't working~" said Dusk, singing weakly as he didn't stop smiling, knowing that although he whispered, Spike could clearly hear him through the magical headset.

"Wait a second!" Dusk heard Spike's voice in his mind speaking through the headset. "Let me see the book. Let's see... Chapter one... Meeting a friend, a warm greeting is a good way to start a conversation..." Spike read the book.

"That didn't work, give me something else" Dusk whispered, still smiling at the yellow mare, who is still watching him.

"Let's see... ask her name!" Spike said animatedly.

"Err... sorry, w-what is your name?" Dusk spoke to the pegasus, trying not to look uncomfortable and taking a small step towards her.

"... Fluttershy..." the yellow pegasus whispered weakly, taking a small step back.

“Crap, this isn't working!” Dusk Shine thought, beginning to grow impatient to see that apparently he had encountered the shyest pony of Equestria.

"I'm sorry but I didn't hear your name, could you repeat it?" Dusk said, gathering his patience and giving another couple of steps to get closer to the mare, to listen better if she was to whisper her name again.

The pegasus opened her mouth to answer, but she couldn't speak, because before she does, a loud roar was heard nearby. Both the mare and Dusk stopped looking at each other and directed their view in the distance to know what was that noise.

"GROAR!" a bear that looked not far away, growled again strongly and beginning its career to where they were.

While the bear was heading towards them, Dusk started shaking and cursing in his thoughts “Why now!? A wild bear attacks us! Damn my luck!” Then he quickly thought of his course of action:

"I'll never win a race against a bear, if I run he'll eat me. I don't think I'm strong enough to paralyze a wild bear with my magic, it would be a gamble. I could teleport myself with magic, but if I have to teleport myself, a mare and Spike, I can't do it from far away and also I'll waste my magic power in vain. If only I were alone! I could save myself if I leave this mare, but I can't! Crap! What do I do!?" Dusk thought frantically, unable to find an appropriate solution.

"RUN, DUSK, RUN!" Spike shouted through the headset, as he saw the bear coming towards them.

"If this mare got freaked out just by seeing me, she must be in shock now that a bear attacks us, I can't tell her that she must flee while I distract the bear. I don't know what to do! I just know that I can't abandon her to her fate!" Dusk's mind finally came to a suicidal conclusion, while the bear running towards them was getting closer.

"Oh! He’s just Harr-" the mare spoke for the first time in an audible voice, only to be interrupted by Dusk Shine.

"Don't be afraid!" Dusk exclaimed loudly, as he moved a hoof forward to protect the yellow pegasus. "I'll protect you" Dusk Shine said firmly, facing his impending doom.

The pegasus stared at Dusk. "Was this pony who didn't know her trying to protect her? Was he risking his life for her?" The mare thought looking from behind Dusk. This was a gesture that no one had ever done for her, much less a colt. The heart of the pegasus started beating faster, not when she looked at the 'dangerous' bear coming towards them, but rather when she looked at the brave purple unicorn that was in front of her.

"I can’t look!" Spike shouted through the headset, while Dusk saw his life passing through his eyes (indeed a very boring life, as almost all of his life had been about studying).

The bear was in front of them, Dusk was motionless, totally scared, but he didn't want to show it in front of the mare he was trying to protect. Dusk closed his eyes and prepared for what was coming, he gave his life to luck of fate. But nothing prepared him for what was going to happened.

As soon as the bear stood in front of them, he grabbed both Dusk and the yellow pegasus and gave them a big hug while buffeted from side to side very warmly.

Dusk Shine's face showed total disbelief while being embraced by the bear that he thought was going to devour him a few seconds ago.

After shaking them, the bear stopped hugging and left them gently on the ground.

"So you missed me, right Harry?" the pegasus said gently as she began petting the bear on his head.

"Groar!" the bear growled affectionately, like a puppy.

This time it was Dusk’s turn to stay speechless as he stared at the bizarre scene of a timid mare petting a ferocious bear, totally stunned.

The yellow pegasus needed a few seconds to again be aware of the presence of Dusk. She had acted instinctively to give affection to the bear that she had forgotten that she was in front of the purple unicorn. As she realized, she blushed, stopped petting the huge bear and returned to her timid attitude.

An awkward silence was in place, the bear was dozing by the affection he had received, the embarrassed mare was looking down and the poor Dusk was still motionless with his mouth wide open in shock to pass so quickly from the fear of death to absolute surprise.

"I... I’m really sorry that Harry scared you, but he's a good bear." the pegasus said softly, mustering her courage to take the voice and apologize. "He never attacks anyone, mr. ehh..."

The pegasus waited for the unicorn to complete the sentence. For his part, Dusk took a moment to react and realize that he had still maintained a stupid face and the mare was waiting for an answer.

"Ehh... Dusk, Dusk Shine." Dusk finally finished the sentence.

It reigned again a long silence.

"And... your name is...?" Dusk began the conversation again when he realized that he still didn't know the name of the mare and besides, this was the natural course of a conversation after someone had asked the name of one.

"Oh! My name is Fluttershy." The pegasus replied, as if she had been waiting for Dusk to ask her this question.

For some reason now the mare spoke in an audible voice and best of all, it seemed that she was no longer afraid of Dusk. "Perhaps it's because she feels guilty for scaring me with the bear" Dusk thought. But regardless of whatever reason, this was the opportunity he needed to have a conversation with a pony and fulfill what he had promised Spike.

"Ehh... Miss Fluttershy, I... I'm a pony from Canterlot and for some reasons I'd rather not remember, I ended up near here, in Ponyville, and now I went to a castle that should be near here but I'm afraid that I'm lost. Apparently you live nearby, could you show me the right direction?" Dusk said with excessive politeness, as if he were dictating a letter.

"Groar..." Dusk couldn't continue the conversation because he was interrupted by the low growl of the bear who pushed with his muzzle the mane of Fluttershy.

"I think I can help you, just give me a minute." Fluttershy said, turning towards the bear.

Meanwhile, at the same moment, Spike was behind the bush. He had been face down with ears plugged and eyes tightly closed. As soon as he had seen the bear in front of Dusk, and seeing that his brother had not run, he had thrown himself to the floor and covered his ears so as to not listen as his beloved brother was getting devoured. He had been that way for a while now, with the fear of knowing what he would see once he opened his eyes. Finally he steeled himself, opened his eyes and stood. Between him and what was left of Dusk and the mare after the bear attack, only the bush prevented his full view. Spike gulped and slowly opened a space in the bush to see what had happened.

The little dragon didn't believe what he saw. There his brother Dusk was completely safe, with his mouth wide open and looking at what most surprised Spike. There the yellow mare was, subjecting the bear on the floor, jumping on him and beating the ferocious beast on his back and neck.

"This... THIS IS A WILD MARE!" Spike thought when he saw what seemed to be a shy pony before had become a brave fighter and she 'attacked' the big bear mercilessly.

"I didn't know the provincial ponies were so wild!" Spike thought, slowly closing the hole he had used to see through the bush and hiding himself again while a shiver ran down his back. "Maybe it was not such a good idea to force Dusk to talk to these ponies." Spike thought.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy ended 'attacking' the bear.

"That... that was amazing!" Dusk said surprised after watching as the mare had handled the huge bear. "Anyone would think you were fighting, it was amazing."

"It... it was nothing..." Fluttershy shyly replied in which the more praise she received, the more she blushed. "It's just that once a month Harry needs his massage, it's something violent in sight, but I must massage strongly so he can feel it through his great coat."

Both of them stared for a few seconds before Fluttershy looked away embarrassed.

"Oh, it's true! I haven't even introduce my partner yet." Dusk said excitedly looking towards the bush. "Spike, come out!"

"Friend?" Fluttershy asked shyly.

"Yeah, he's a dragon, he is my only greatest friend, rather he is like my brother." Dusk said heading for the bush.

As soon as Fluttershy heard the word 'dragon', her fear came back and she began to tremble.

"D-dra-dragon?" Fluttershy stammered, cowering on herself and retreating. "I... I don't think it's a good idea."

"Don't worry, he is very friendly and outgoing, you'll like him. Why don't you-" Dusk stopped talking when he realized that Spike was no longer behind that bush.

"Spike, where are you?" Dusk spoke softly, knowing it wasn't necessary to scream because Spike can hear it thanks to the magical headset.

"I hid on another side, I don't want to meet that pony!" Spike said through the headset in Dusk's mind.

"Why not?" Dusk asked.

"Did you see how she handled the bear? And I thought she was weak and timid! The truth is she scared me... Anyway, it's YOUR job to become her friend, not mine! I don't want that she knocks me out as she did with the bear." Spike replied scared in Dusk's mind.

"You don't understand, what happened was-" Dusk tried to explain the situation before being interrupted by a soft voice.

"Uh... excuse me Mr.Dusk, who are you talking to?" Fluttershy asked innocently after realizing that Dusk was talking to himself.

"Ah! I'm talking to Spike, what happens is that only I can listen to him." Dusk said without giving much importance to what she said.

"Only you?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"Yes, in my mind." Dusk said.

"Ohhh..." Fluttershy said softly, standing up.

Now Fluttershy thought she understood what was happening, she just needed to connect the dots. Dusk had said that Spike was his only friend, that only he could hear him and he spoke in his mind, besides he was a dragon, a dragon friend! How absurd!! No huge and terrifying dragon could be small enough to hide behind a small bush. There could only be one explanation, Spike the dragon was the imaginary friend of Mr. Dusk!

Fluttershy approached Dusk and she greeted the air.

"Nice to meet you Spike!" Fluttershy said speaking to the nothingness and then looking piously to Dusk. "You say this dragon is your only friend?"

"Ehh... yes..." Dusk replied confused as to why Fluttershy was greeting at nothing.

"Ohh...! So you and Mr. Dusk are like brothers and you are always together, I see... "Fluttershy continued talking to the air, believing that she was talking to the imaginary friend of Dusk. "It is fortunate that you are a friendly dragon, dragons usually terrify me."

"With whom is this pony speaking to? Besides being wild, is she also crazy?" Dusk heard Spike conversing in his mind.

Dusk was slowly opening his eyes when he understood what was happening, Fluttershy thought Spike was imaginary! This was bad, now the pony with which he had tried to have a conversation with to become her friend would think he was crazy. Dusk thought about correcting her immediately, but then he remembered what Fluttershy just said: 'dragons terrified her'. If he made Spike go out of hiding place and Fluttershy realized that he was a real dragon, she would freeze with fright or worse, she would run away. It definitely was not a good idea to show Spike right now, besides Spike also was afraid of her. "What a headache!" Dusk thought. Finally he decided that the best for now would be to play along with Fluttershy, it also seemed that she didn't think of Dusk like a madpony, rather it seemed that she had some worth for him, which in any case was useful if he wanted to convince this mare to become his friend.

Harry, the bear, began sniffing at Dusk's mane, this made Dusk snapped back to reality and get out of his thoughts.

"Nice bear... nice bear..." Dusk began to stutter with some fear, stepping backwards.

"Please don't be afraid" Fluttershy said, approaching him. "Harry would never hurt you, he's just smelling to remind you, probably because he likes you."

Dusk allowed the bear to finish sniffing him, then Harry smiled and walked away quietly.

"You see? He's big but he's very kind and caring." Fluttershy said cheerfully.

They both smiled at each other. Definitely there was no tension in the air, both Fluttershy and Dusk looked much more relaxed and natural in their speaking and acting.

"I think it's time to go." Fluttershy said suddenly. "I still have to visit many animals in the forest."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dusk." Fluttershy smiled. "Oh! And you too, Spike!" Fluttershy said looking at the empty space in front of the bush.

The mare started to walk away, leaving Dusk slightly blushed and with a strange new feeling.

"She really has a beautiful smile..." Dusk thought.

While the mare started to walk away, Dusk quickly woke up and spoke to Spike.

"Spike! What do I do!? What should I tell her? How do I convince her to be my friend before she goes away!?"

"What do you...?" Spike replied in the magical headset. "You want... you want to befriend her? That is fantastic! That is…! Erm... are you sure you don't want to look for another pony? It's just that mare making me a little scared..."

"Well... it's not that I'm eager to make friends, I... I just want to fulfill the promise I made you." Dusk said sheepishly.

Spike was surprised, he knew Dusk perfectly well, he knew when Dusk was lying or hiding something. Is it true that Dusk was beginning to open up and to consider making real friends? If his hunch was right, this was great! At last Dusk really wanted to meet someone else and become his friend!

While it was true that the yellow mare terrified Spike, for the dragon, it was more important that Dusk again believe in friendship, rather than their own fear, and if his brother wanted to befriend a pony-who-knocks-bears, he would help. So Spike quickly took the book 'How to make friends, for dummies' and sought a new hint.

"Okay, okay, listen... ask her for her interests, that should help." Spike said quickly.

"Eh... F-Fluttershy!" Dusk shouted running towards where the mare walked.

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked innocently.

"I... I’m asking so, what are your interests?" Dusk asked nervously.

Fluttershy looked confused for a moment, this was a very sudden question considering that until a few seconds ago they were saying goodbye. However she decided to answer and not spin around the matter, because being honest with herself, for some reason Fluttershy had been glad that Dusk hadn't left yet and that he wanted to keep talking to her.

"I like taking care of animals" Fluttershy said softly, blushing a little.

"That's great!" Dusk said animatedly. "A pony who cares for animals, that's the reason for your cutie mark, right? I guess our talents are completely different, I like to study and for that reason I'm almost always in a library."

"So... you've never been in contact with animals?" Fluttershy asked with some regret.

"Well... I've seen several books, also there are some animals in the castle garden, but I have never come close to them."

A few seconds passed as Fluttershy looked down, then she closed her eyes and bit her lip. It seems as if she was debating with herself about doing something or not. Finally she looked shyly at Dusk and spoke.

"Y-you like to accompany me to see the animals?"

Dusk stared at the face of the mare. Fluttershy looked so fragile, so innocent, her shy and huge eyes staring at him waiting for an answer. Dusk again felt a strange feeling inside him.

"Sure! I'd love to accompany you!" Dusk replied without thinking.

As soon as he answered, both Spike and Dusk were amazed at the response. Had Dusk really agreed to go caring for animals in the woods with an unknown pony? Spike stood with his mouth open, while Dusk still didn't understand why he had responded so quickly without thinking, without a strategy, he just FELT it was right.

"Really!? I'm glad to hear that! Let's go!" Fluttershy responded brightly with a smile.

She had been so afraid that he rejected her. But as always said a friend with whom she went always to the spa, sometimes you have to have some courage and speak your voice out, and thus sometimes you'll get your reward.

Fluttershy started walking, then Dusk Shine quickly followed her, sharing the smile that the mare had given him, not understanding why, he just knew that he was happy for some reason. And further back, Spike followed them cautiously, moving from bush to bush, still incredulous that Dusk was interacting with another pony by his own choice.

The evening was falling fast while Fluttershy took Dusk (and Spike) by different sectors of the forest.

Dusk accompanied her while they were visiting the ducks and swans that were in a small lake, then they visited the rabbit holes, the oaks where squirrels clambered happily, the homes of beavers and raccoons, the holes where snakes and lizards slept, and they visited the different wooden houses carefully placed in the trees that served as home to the most diverse and colorful birds of the place.

As the afternoon progresses more, Dusk Shine was surprised more and more.

One of the reasons for his surprise was the extensive nature and the beauty of the place, without any stores, houses or other buildings, only nature, which could be called the true Equestria, beautiful landscapes where many living creatures ran totally free while they were bathed in sunlight, winds of sunset, summer heat... a beautiful vision that Dusk never imagined to see in reality, and he never could have seen it if he hadn't left his room-library in Canterlot.

The second reason for his astonishment, and perhaps the most powerful, it was to see Fluttershy. While it was true that at the beginning of their walk together they didn't talk much, mainly because Dusk didn't know what to talk about because he wasn't used to improvising conversations with others, the atmosphere gradually became more pleasing when he saw how each forest creature approached them and were petted easily by the yellow mare, all creatures seemed to love Fluttershy, and Fluttershy corresponds to them. This love and kindness that the mare emanated seemed to go beyond her natural talent, shown in her cutie mark, even Dusk had to admit that every time he felt more comfortable to be next to the pegasus.

That was how they slowly began to talk more freely, which also made Fluttershy, who apparently spoke and felt calmer when she was surrounded by her animals. Thus Dusk learned that they weren't really in the Everfree forest, but it was only a small grove that was before he entered the dark forest; And that Fluttershy used to spend most of her time on the outskirts of town and she just went there when she had to buy something special or when she wanted to meet with her friends; Dusk also learned that despite being a pegasus, she didn't like flying much and since she had left Cloudsdale being small, she had devoted herself to care for the animals living there.

Both ponies were talking about the animals that Fluttershy took care of, while the sun began to set.

"So, you know all the animals that live in this place?" Dusk asked.

"Well, not all, but many of them. Also I must constantly be seeing new babies when they are born." Fluttershy replied calmly.

"Luckily there are only small field animals, I guess the most frightening is the bear I met a while ago." Dusk said, laughing a little.

"Oh, no, Harry is not at all scary. On the other hoof..." Fluttershy became thoughtful for a moment. "I guess Angel is... yes, he's a bit frightening."

Hearing this, Dusk stopped and a cold sweat ran down his spine.

"A-Angel is scarier than Harry?" Dusk asked nervously.

"Oh yes, definitely, when he didn't like his food or when he is in a bad mood, he's really terrible. Even frightens me to get close to him in those cases." Fluttershy said with a slightly worried smile, as if she was remembering something.

Dusk couldn't avoid panic about this, an animal that even Fluttershy feared!? She! Who could even calm a huge bear just with her voice! Dusk could only imagine how terrible that creature is...

Meanwhile, Spike had spent all afternoon chasing both ponies, however, he stayed far enough away from 'the wild' Fluttershy so she wouldn't discover him, regrettably, this had prevented the magical headset from working properly because it had to be closer to Dusk to operate. Besides, he didn't want to interrupt this unique opportunity Dusk had to make friends.

Suddenly, a bush that was in front of Spike began to stir, this made the dragon put on alert immediately. Expecting the worst, either a bear attack or a terrifying creature, Spike took a branch that was near him and stood on guard, waiting to see what would come out of the bush.

Spike couldn't hide his bewilderment when out of the bushes, instead of a terrible beast appearing, appeared just a lovely little white bunny.

"Ohhh~ it's just a cute bunny~" Spike said it like talking to a baby. "Come here boy."

Spike slowly brought his claw near the bunny. The bunny looked at his claw and then looked at Spike's face, to the surprise of Spike, with a look of anger. The poor dragon didn't know what he had gotten himself into.

At the same time, Dusk and Fluttershy were about to keep walking, while the idea of a terrible creature called Angel still hovers over Dusk's mind. In that moment, when suddenly they both heard a loud scream coming from the bushes. Both looked with a scared face, then without a word, both were slowly moving towards the bush.

Once they were in front of the bush, both were frozen to see that from the bush ran towards them a small dragon being attacked by the nibbles of a little white bunny.

"WAHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Spike yelled at Dusk, trying to get rid of the fast rabbit with his claws.

Dusk Shine went from amazement to laughter, or rather he would have done completely at the sight of his young comrade being attacked by a bunny, if not because it looked like the little rabbit was really causing a headache to Spike. He was about to act when he was stopped by the words of Fluttershy.

"Angel, stop!" Fluttershy said firmly.

In response to this, the bunny immediately stopped, while he still had his paws clutching Spike's ear and his teeth ready to bite it. Then he gave a couple of hops and stood in front of Fluttershy.

"Is that Angel?" Dusk questioned incredulously. "But it's just a bunny!"

"A terrifying bunny..." Spike said lying on the ground, totally exhausted and somewhat sore from the small bites that Angel gave him.

"Why did you attack him!?" Fluttershy asked the bunny. After some squeaks that neither Dusk nor Spike could understand, Fluttershy continued to speak with him. "Okay, maybe he woke you up from your nap but it is not an excuse to attack him."

Finally the rabbit crossed his paws, he looked to the other side annoyed and let out another squeak.

"Angel says he's sorry." Fluttershy finally said, who apparently understood perfectly what the rabbit had said. "I'm really sorry eh... you... who are you?"

The meeting that Dusk had tried to avoid, it had happened naturally, and in the worst way possible. Knowing that there was no other solution, he decided to present them.

"Spike, she's Fluttershy. Fluttershy, he's Spike."

Fluttershy's eyes opened slowly.

"A baby dragon..." Fluttershy said softly.

Dusk feared this, Fluttershy had said earlier that she was terrified of dragons, most likely now she was scared. Before that happened Dusk was prepared to stop her and explain that Spike was not dangerous. However the pegasus, instead of running away from Spike, she quickly approached the dragon.

"YOU REALLY ARE A BABY DRAGON! I had never seen one before! AND YOU TALK! Uh~ you're a sweetheart, you're-" Fluttershy had moved herself much closer to Spike to pet him, but as soon as she was about to touch the dragon, he moved away, to the surprise of Fluttershy.

"What... what happened?" Fluttershy asked surprised. For her who was loved by all the forest creatures, Spike’s fear of her was very anguishing.

"Calm down, both of you." Dusk interrupted, knowing that if he didn't do this, this could turn into a disaster. "Everything is a misunderstanding, let me explain to you..."

Thus, Dusk explained everything in detail, about the fear that Spike had of Fluttershy, about the false attack of the bear and the massage that Fluttershy gave to Harry, that Spike was not imaginary, and that he had hidden himself in the bushes and had been following them.

Finally Spike was visibly calmer when he understood that Fluttershy was not dangerous, there was only one question from Dusk.

"Why aren’t you scared when you see Spike?" Dusk asked.

"Well... he's an adorable baby dragon, not a huge and terrifying adult dragon, they are very different." Fluttershy replied simply. "Besides, it’s my first time getting to know one."

Inadvertently, the explanation from Dusk had spread enough and already the evening had given way to night. Therefore, Dusk kindly offered to accompany Fluttershy to her home, after all it was what a gentlecolt had to do (Celestia had always taught Dusk on etiquette and behavior of a gentlecolt, lessons that in the moment Dusk never appreciated but always fulfilled).

As they walked, Fluttershy began conversing with Spike, asking him about his life, his tastes, his habits. Spike had no problem in responding, in fact he liked that attention that focuses on him and not on his brother Dusk, as it almost always happened. And he would have enjoyed it even more if not for the little bunny sitting on the head of Fluttershy, he was staring at Spike, who realized this. Spike decided not to look into him and tries to ignore him while he talked with Fluttershy. But they both knew the truth, both of them thought the same thing: "Today you have earned a mortal enemy!"

Meanwhile, Dusk initially was happy that Spike was conversing with this friendly mare he had known, after all, like himself, Spike didn't have many friends. But after a few minutes, Dusk slowly began to feel displaced and upset for some reason, a feeling that all other ponies would have been able to identify immediately, all ponies less Dusk Shine, who always analyzed everything in a mathematical and logical way, he couldn't identify feelings, less the feelings of himself. However he was finally able to reach a conclusion, perhaps what he felt was... jealousy? But jealous of what? Dusk's brain couldn't think and his heart didn't want to admit that the jealousy he felt were the product that he wanted to spend more time alone with Fluttershy.

Finally, after a short walk, the three arrived at Fluttershy’s home. This was a small two-storey house that was perfectly camouflaged in the forest with its roof of leaves, it had several windows around itself with a small chimney on top; near it past beside a creek, and surrounding itself there were a multitude of aviaries.

"This is my home" Fluttershy said sheepishly.

"Well... then it's mission accomplished." Dusk said awkwardly, who basically didn't want to say goodbye yet. "I think it's time to go... let's go Spike."

Dusk was indecisive for a moment, he didn't know what was the right way to say goodbye, if with a hug, kissing a hoof like a gentlecolt, just saying goodbye... Finally he decided to do just a small bow, turned himself around and started to walk.

"Okay... but where are we going?" Spike said, who still stood beside Fluttershy.

Spike had touched a vital point, Dusk didn't know where to go.

"W-well... we'll continue on our way to the old castle, of course." Dusk said, trying not to show that he didn't know where to go. "Ehh... Fluttershy, could you show us the way to the Everfree Forest?"

"Ehh... y-yes I can, but..." Fluttershy began to speak, very shyly. "I wouldn't recommend it, that forest is really scary, with wild and dangerous creatures."

Fluttershy's response made both Spike and Dusk freeze their skin, Spike more evident as he began to shake.

"Then there is no way we’ll go there!" Spike said totally freaked out and looking at Dusk. "Even Fluttershy doesn't dare to go, she who can calm the animals, in no way you can think I'll go with you there!"

Dusk had to yield this time, there was no way he could follow the path and leave Spike behind, besides he hated to admit it, but he was also afraid to venture into the dangerous forest, even more so in the night. With this, the idea of going to visit the old castle was discarded for now.

"Okay, you're right." Dusk finally said. "I guess we'll have to go to town. Fluttershy, do you know if there is any inn in town? "

"Yes, there is one, at the entrance of the town." Fluttershy spoke kindly.

"Well, come on now." Dusk said again turning around and starting to walk. "Spike, how much money do we have? To know if we can pay for a deluxe room for five days."

"Ehh... Dusk, I have no money." Spike said, who didn't move from Fluttershy’s side.

Dusk again realized something primordial, something that he should be noted from the outset... they didn't have any money! How could he have been so careless!? And especially, why did the princess sent them to another town without a single coin!

Dusk slowly began to turn his head to look at Spike with a look of fear on his face, this time he didn't know what to say, they were stranded in Ponyville with no money even to pay for a simple room for one night, this meant that they should spend the night in the streets, they would change to sleep in a huge room in Canterlot for the streets of a small peasant village. Spike immediately understood what was going through Dusk's mind and he put the same face of terror, both stared at each other what to them seemed an eternity.

"If you don't have a place to sleep..." the melodious voice of Fluttershy gently broke the silence. "You can stay to sleep with me tonight..."

Fluttershy looked fleetingly at Dusk Shine and then she corrected herself.

"I mean, in my house, not with me!" Fluttershy said quickly, who was totally blushing.

Dusk's brain was slow to process the invitation of Fluttershy, so Spike spoke first.

"Really? That would be great!" Spike said cheerfully, seeing as Fluttershy was saving them from sleeping outdoors.

Fluttershy smiled at Spike and both of them headed to enter the house. Meanwhile, Dusk was still a little confused, this was a kindness few had appreciated in a big city like Canterlot, where it was even dangerous to walk in certain neighborhoods at night. This made Dusk ask himself "Would he have been able to do the same for another pony...? Perhaps this... was friendship...? "

Finally the three entered Fluttershy's house, a house less rustic than it looked outside, as well as being very welcoming.

"The truth is, is that I only have one bed, you can use it while I sleep on the couch." Fluttershy said with a smile, pointing to the stairs.

"No way!" Dusk interrupted. "It's already very nice of you to let us sleep in your house, we won't take your bed, we'll be fine on the couch, right Spike?"

"Erm... yeah, right." Spike said slowly, he knew Dusk was right, but he would sincerely love to sleep in a bed after having slept in a bag.

After this, Fluttershy gave them blankets to keep themselves warm, she wished them goodnight and went upstairs with Angel.

"Good night, Fluttershy!" Spike said cheerfully while the pegasus climbed the stairs.

"Good night, and... thanks again for letting us stay here..." Dusk said sheepishly.

Fluttershy blushed slightly, smiled and went up the stairs.

Once on the second floor, Fluttershy approached her bed and slowly lay between the sheets. Meanwhile Angel, who had jumped from the back of Fluttershy once she had reached to the second floor, took a couple of jumps and reached the edge of Fluttershy's bed.

"Squeak, squeak" the little white bunny squeaked.

"Yes, Angel? Is something wrong? "Fluttershy asked, who was about to go to sleep.

"Squeak, squeak-squeak! Squeak, squeak." Angel squeaked several times, moving his paws up and down.

"Yes, now that you mention it, I guess it's a little dangerous to let a pony I don't know to sleep in the living room... but... he seems like a dependable pony.


"How do I know that? Well..." before continuing, Fluttershy smiled. "When Harry came to me for a hug, Mr. Dusk thought he was a wild bear and protected me."

"Squeak, squeak?" Angel squeaked confusingly.

"Yes, hehe! Mr. Dusk didn't know that I wasn't in a real danger, but when he tried to protect me..." Fluttershy snuggled between the sheets with a smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks."...it was very tender."

After this, Fluttershy closed her eyes and began to recall the incident, although not exactly like it had happened. In her fantasy, she wore the dress of a princess, Dusk wore a shining armor and instead of Harry, there was a huge dragon who approached.

'Don't worry, I'll protect you!' Were the words that Fluttershy could remember from her head and that made her heart jump with joy.

Fluttershy suddenly opened her eyes, completely blushing.

"What am I thinking?!" Fluttershy said confused while she covered her face with the sheets and spun on her bed.

Angel, who flew as soon as Fluttershy began to spin, was more confused than he was initially. In his young life he had never seen Fluttershy behave that way.

Meanwhile, on the first floor, both Dusk and Spike settled on the couch to sleep, each one at one end.

"Sweet Celestia! I think I had never met anyone as kind as Fluttershy." Dusk said, covering up with the blanket. "She is not only good with animals, but also with strangers like us."

"Yeah, indeed she is a kind-hearted pony." Spike agreed. "But it's not like we were total strangers, I mean, you talked with her all day."

Suddenly an important fact came to Spike's mind.

"So... what do you think?" Spike asked with a sly glance at his brother. "Do you think Fluttershy would be a good friend?"

On the question of Spike, Dusk remained silent for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling. All the facts that had occurred that afternoon flashed through his mind, every moment that he had with Fluttershy. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Yes... maybe-" Dusk immediately stopped at what he was going to say, because as soon as he thought about mentioning the word 'friend', the shadow of an unpleasant memory flashed through his mind, clouding the happy day that he had with Fluttershy. Then, his face changed to show a mixture of fear and anger.

"I don't know." Dusk finally replied annoyingly, closing his eyes to end the talk with Spike and trying to sleep.

#End of chapter 3

Author's Note:

Hi everyone :)
Well, I know it's been a lot of time. The truth is that the chapter was ready quite some time, but the correction was delayed over a month :(
So it doesn't mean that I'm not writing. Actually, I have ready the chapters 4 and 5 in both Spanish and English, the problem as I mentioned before is that the correction is delayed, because my English is not perfect and I don't want to upload a work with a poor language.

Thank you so much to "PhoenixFlambe" for his help with the correction in the translation to English =D

ps1: if someone with experience writing wants to help to correct, it's very welcome, just contact me.

ps2: I changed titles of the two first chapters, as they will be more chapters than I initially thought :P

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