• Published 1st Mar 2016
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Skyrim: tales of the Equestrian hero - spawnzillafinalwars

Sahrot Strun, the Dragonborn and protector of Skyrim, has been sent on a mission to lift his curse. After saving his family from the Thalmor, he has been forced into a portal leading to a land known as Equestria. will he ever return home to Skyrim?

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Looming Thunder

Sahrot Strun ran for what seemed like an hour, never stopping until he had reached the outskirts of the city. he staggered out of the city borders, and into the freezing snow. his breathing was haggard, his legs quaking due to the run. he looked up to see the royal sisters, as they further ascended to the clouds. the storm had stopped dissipating, and started reforming, until it was a large wall of foreboding thunderclouds, heralding a wave of ice and snow. the sisters formed a barrier between them and the storm, and flew head first into the thunderous clouds. Sahrot breathed in deeply, preparing to shout away the storm once more. he stood tall amidst the wind-swept snow, his lungs filled to the brim, as he shouted yet again.

"Lok, VAH KOOR!" he roared. his Thu'um was loud and mighty, as it rose to part the turbulent clouds above. the storm started to gradually part. Sahrot was sure that the storm was about to fade, smiling behind his helm...until he saw that the storm had slowly reformed, and was gaining strength every second. Sahrot was flabbergasted at the sight, for even the combined efforts of the sisters and the Dragonborn were not enough to quell the massive storm. Sahrot gouged through his mind for anything that could help with the situation, as the clouds were beginning to gain speed towards the city, pushing back the princesses, despite their efforts. Sahrot thought hard of what to do next, running through the ideas in his head. he then stopped, as he had an idea of how to push back the storm. he inhaled yet again, preparing to shout once more. he looked not at the sky, but instead the ground, using a completely different shout, one that he had not used for some time now.

'I just hope this will work.' Sahrot thought grimly, as he saw the sisters being pushed back. with that, he shouted the words of summoning.

"Dur, NEH VIIR!"


Celestia had started to grow weary of pushing back the thunderclouds, and as she turned to see her sister, she saw that Luna's strength was also waning. still, she reinforced her barrier as a lightning bolt had nearly struck her. the storm was gaining more and more land, as the princesses power had begun to falter. she shut her eyes as a sudden gust of icy wind had pelted her with tiny bits of frost. they were being pushed further back, as the storm was now entering the city. she blasted away a stratus cloud as it was approaching the city center. her mane was starting to freeze due to the cold, and ice had started forming on the front of her body. she looked to her sister again, this time she could see her fatigue, as her wing-beats had grown less active, and her horn was starting to flicker.

"Push them back, sister! the storm must not overtake the empire!" Celestia yelled. she did not know if her sister had heard her amidst the howling wind, but both she and Luna had heard a roar in the distance. she squinted her eyes to peer through the clouds, barely making out a figure in the distance. it was very large, with what appears to be broad wings that give it the ability to fly. it roared again, this time drowning out the howl of the wind. Celestia has now become fearful of the creature, as it came closer to the sisters. now it was visible, and Celestia instantly knew what it was; a dragon, with razor sharp fangs, spikes riddling his back, withered wings, and a crested head. Luna saw the dragon approaching, and grew frightened. Celestia aimed her horn at the beast, ready to blast it with her magic, until a familiar voice had shouted.

"Lok, VAH KOOR!" Sahrot yelled. the sky around the group began to part once more, but had resisted the shout, and had once again pushed back the sisters.

"Sahrot! is that you!? what are you doing on a dragon!?" Celestia yelled. there were so many questions she had, with little to no time to have them answered.

"There is no time to explain, just find Twilight and the others! if they haven't found a way to fix the Crystal Heart, then evacuate the city! we will hold off the storm until then!" Sahrot shouted.

"WHAT!? are you insane!? there is no way you could hold off the storm alone!" Celestia responded sternly.

"I am not alone, for I now have the help of another dovah! princess, please, just trust me on this. we must act now if there is any hope for the people of this land." Sahrot stated. Celestia looked through the sockets of Sahrots' helm, and into the eyes of the Dragonborn.
she saw his resolve to protect others, deep within the veil of darkness that obscures his eyes. Celestia sighed, turning her attention to the empire, now beginning to be blanketed with snow.

"Alright, Sahrot, I will trust you. but as soon as we are done, we will aid you once more." Celestia said.

"Best of luck to you." Sahrot replied, before he rode off with the dragon. Celestia watched him go for a moment, before she and her sister flew to the tower, hoping that Twilight and the others had found a way to stop the storm.


Starlight sighed in frustration as she had exited the door of the house, thinking to herself of what had went wrong. Spike had followed her out, crumpling the list that Twilight had made and threw it away.

"Guess we won't be needing that anymore. I'm sorry that the lesson didn't go well." he said.

"Its not your fault, Spike, or Twilight's. its me that Sunburst doesn't want to be friends with." she stated.

"I never recalled him saying he didn't want to be your friend." Spike said.

"He didn't have to. I'm the one who ruined this lesson. I'd understand if Twilight would want to disown me her student." Starlight replied, drooping her head down.

"Don't say that, Starlight! Twilight took you in as her student because she believed in you, and I do, too. even if Sunburst doesn't want to be friends with you, you still have Twilight and I to be your friends." Spike stated reassuringly. Starlight lifted her head, a smile slowly forming across her face.

"Thank you, Spike, I guess I forgot about that. I still have you guys, even if one of you has dragons' breath." Starlight said jokingly. Spike looked at her in confusion, before breathing out from his mouth, seeing mist forming in front of him.

"Ummm, Starlight, that isn't dragons' breath. its snowing, look." Spike corrected Starlight, pointing up.

"Wait, what?" Starlight asked, looking up to the sky. she saw massive thunderclouds looming over the Crystal Empire, closing in around the entire city.

"I didn't know that it snowed here. wasn't the Crystal Heart supposed to keep away the harsh weather?" Starlight enquired, as she started to shiver.

"Yes, its supposed to do just that. maybe there's something wrong? oh no, if that's the case, then we'd better hurry back to the tower!" Spike exclaimed, dashing toward the tower, with Starlight following close behind.


Twilight was frantically searching throughout the Crystal Library for anything that could help with the situation. she skimmed several books within the library, reading through the pages to find something, anything, to help with the situation at hand. she sighed in frustration after reading over forty books with nothing helpful. Cadence wasn't fairing much, either, as she flew around each aisle for the spell, with no success. Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were too busy trying to detain the baby, as it flew around and teleported throughout the entire library. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy were sent outside to try and disband the crowd that had formed for the ceremony. their efforts were in vain, however, as the crowd refused to move. inside the castle, the child fluttered about the aisles in the library, giggling and firing magical bursts of energy along the way, damaging the tower. Shining Armor was chasing her down, along with Pinkie Pie, and were both starting to perspire from their efforts. the child flew around the corner, and into another aisle, only to be greeted with Rarity, who was armed with a butterfly net.

"Got you!" she exclaimed, holding her net up to snare the baby. the child would have flown right into the net, and be caught by Rarity, had she not teleported at the last second. Cadence looked to her distraught husband, not seeing the baby along with him.

"I thought you had the baby taken care of!" Cadence yelled.

"I'm trying!" Shining Armor replied. Cadence sighed with slight frustration as Twilight continued her search for the spell. as they continued searching, the library doors had opened, revealing Starlight and Spike.

"What's going on out there? we saw the strange weather, and the crowd of ponies outside." Starlight asked.

"Do you want the long or short version of the story?" Pinkie asked, clinging onto the child.

"Umm, short?" Starlight responded.

"Well, we had started the Crystalling, and we all met at the Crystal Heart, but then the baby had some difficulty with her magic, because she was actually an alicorn, and then she got sad, and cried so loud it shattered the Heart, and then the weather was starting to get bad, but Sahrot used his weird dragon magic to make the weather go away, and then he, along with princess Celestia and Luna, went of to push back the storm, but it seems like they're having some trouble." Pinkie explained.

"Oh. umm, alright then." Starlight said, more confused than before.

"Wait, Twilight! do you think this book is the one?" Cadence suddenly exclaimed, hovering down the book to Twilight. she took the book, reading through the contents, until she stopped at a page.

"The relic reconstitution spell! of course!" Twilight yelled in excitement. she read the spell, memorizing it so she could use it. just she had finished reading the last few lines, the child had begun to sniffle, until she sneezed, releasing an energy blast from her horn. the beam ricocheted off one the crystal walls, and bounded toward Rarity. she shrieked, lifting up a mirror from her satchel to block the beam. it bounced off Rarity's mirror to nearly strike Cadence, but was deflected by her shield, and headed towards Starlight. she had barely enough time to form a magical barrier around herself, sending the beam to Twilight, who ducked under cover, only to have the beam sear through the spellbook, including the reconstitution spell. the group gasped in shock at what had occurred, for their key to salvation was in ashes.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight!" Starlight exclaimed apologetically.

"Its not your fault, Starlight." Twilight responded, still shaken. she looked through the book one last time, but it was no use. the blast had destroyed the contents of the book, leaving only a large hole burned through it.

"Do you think that you could remember the spell?" Cadence asked hopefully.

"Well, I could try...but it would take time to remember it correctly, and I only read through it once!" Twilight stated.

"Oh, don't worry now, Twilight! if anypony could remember that spell, it'd be you! but I think you might want to start remembering now." Pinkie replied, pointing to a crack in the wall. Twilight looked through the crack, seeing the storm rumbling outside. the storm had nearly engulfed the entire city, smothering the area with snow. she saw the princesses descend from the sky, yet she saw a flying form amidst the clouds. she couldn't make out anything from the figure other than its size, which was gigantic. then she heard two voices, shouting in unison.

"Lok, VAH KOOR!"

with that, the clouds were being driven away, but started to crawl back to their former position. Twilight had covered her ears from the sudden boom, but as she moved her hooves from her ears, she was able to see the form now, and as she looked up, she saw that it was a dragon. she squinted her eyes at a black form behind the dragons' crest, and realized that it was Sahrot, riding the dragon to combat the storm.

"A dragon? how? when? oh goodness, this day has been nothing but pure insanity." Twilight sighed. "Well, I'll see what I can do, then. I just hope that I can remember it correctly."

Twilight went back to the desk that she was previously at, pulling out a quill and paper to write down the spell. Cadence looked at Twilight with worry, not all too sure of her sister-in-law's success.

"Shining, I want you to evacuate the city, just in case this doesn't work." Cadence stated. Shining Armor nodded in response, quickly moving outside. Starlight moved to Twilight's side, hoping that there was something she could do to help.

"Oh, hey Starlight, umm...how was your lesson with Sunburst?" Twilight asked.

"It didn't really work out. turns out he was a big, important wizard who is always busy, which is understandable." Starlight responded, sighing.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Starlight. I wished things could of gone better with your lesson." Twilight said, shaking her head.

"It doesn't really matter, what matters right now is that we try to fix this problem before its too late." Starlight replied. as she said this, Cadence, upon hearing the conversation, had approached Starlight.

"Well, I'm not familiar with the name Sunburst, but if he's an important wizard, then bring him here. we could certainly use his expertize in magic." Cadence said. Starlight's eyes lit up with realization, and a smile formed on her face.

"Yes, of course! I'll get him right away!" Starlight exclaimed, bolting out the door. Spike had followed her as well, hoping that he could help her. the two rushed out of the castle, and into the snow-covered city center. Starlight galloped to Sunburst's house, hoping that he could help with the situation at hand.


Sahrot scanned the city for a moment, making sure the citizens were safe, before turning his attention back to the storm. the clouds have parted slightly, but still remained.

"Curse this weather, its as if the winds of Atmora have come to smother this land!" Sahrot muttered.

"Have no fear, Qahnaarin, we have at least kept the storm at bay, long enough for the people to evacuate. look, down below us!" Durnehviir responded. Sahrot looked down, and sure enough, the Crystal ponies, led by Shining Armor, the princesses, and three of Twilight's friends, were making their way to the train station. before they had reached the end of the city, however, they had stopped. Sahrot was befuddled by this, wondering why they had stopped. as if that was not confusing enough for him, they then turned around and headed back. Sahrot decided that he should investigate the situation.

"Durnehviir! let us see why they have turned back." he shouted.

"Of course, Qahnaarin." Durnehviir replied. the dragon then swooped down towards the group, landing just behind them. upon further inspection, Sahrot had spotted Starlight and Spike along with them, who were noticeably nervous when seeing the dragon, which was also mirrored by the citizens of the Crystal Empire.

"May I inquire why you have not fled to the station, and instead turn back to certain doom?" Sahrot asked.

"Sahrot, is that you? well, we actually found a way to drive back the storm, and fix the Crystal Heart." Starlight said.

"You have? then why are you returning the ponies to the city, wouldn't be safer for them to board the train, just in case it doesn't work?" Sahrot questioned. with that, an orange, slightly unkempt unicorn had stepped forth from the group, wearing a cloak, and glasses.

"E-excuse me, sir but we actually need the ponies in order for the spell to work." the unicorn said. Sahrot stared at him for a moment, before turning to Celestia.

"Do you think this will work?" Sahrot asked.

"I can only hope that it will." she replied. Sahrot sighed, as he thought over the situation. a few seconds had passed by before Sahrot had made his decision.

"Alright, but you must hurry, for I cannot hold this storm off forever." he stated. the unicorn bowed his head in thanks, and departed towards the tower, leading the citizens as well. Sahrot watched them leave, hoping that they would succeed, before a thunderous cloud loomed above him had caught his attention.

"Back to the skies we go, Durnehviir." Sahrot said.

"With pleasure, Qahnaarin." Durnehviir responded, taking to the air once more. the two further ascended into the clouds, once again challenging the might of the storm.


Twilight had just finished writing down the final part of the Reconstitution Spell when Cadence had arrived in the Crystal chamber.

"Is it ready?" Cadence asked.

"Just about, I suppose. I hope this works." Twilight responded, handing the spell back to Cadence. Twilight sighed quietly, as she concentrated on the spell, while Cadence had read through it. a moment later, she had joined Twilight in the spell, pooling her magic into the Crystal Heart. they had continued to fuel the artifact, as an aura of pure magic had concealed the crystal shards, fitting them back into the original form of the heart. the two princesses had ceased pouring in their magic, as the Crystal Heart had floated into the air. Twilight held her breath in anticipation, as the heart hovered in the air. a few moments had passed, before the heart had collapsed to the floor in a pile of fragments, much to the dismay of the princesses.

"The spell failed, I don't know what else to do." Twilight said, sighing. she quickly scrambled through her head for any ideas as to why it did not work. she did not think on it long, however, as one of the curtains had been lifted, revealing princess Celestia and Luna.

"An old student of mine, Sunburst, believes he does." Celestia said promptly. she had taken a step to the side, revealing the orange unicorn behind her. he walked from behind Celestia, and to the heart, inspecting the damage.

"The baby did this?" he asked.

"I tried to put it back together with-" Twilight started, before Sunburst had spoke.

"The Relic Reconstitution spell, that won't do it." he stated. he opened the sack at his side, pulling out a book from it.

"The Crystal Heart has been around for millennia, restoring an artifact such as this would require something much more powerful than one spell. you would need to combine it with something else, something unique to the relic itself, SOMETHING that strengthens it and provides it with power?" Sunburst stated, twirling his hoof around. Twilight gave Sunburst a puzzling look before she realized what he was talking about.

"The Crystalling!" she exclaimed.

"Combining that spell, with the light and love of everypony gathered for the ceremony, together with, some nebulous weather spells to clear away the snow," Sunburst said, handing a scroll to Starlight.

"And a little fledglings' forbearance for the parents," he continued, handing a scroll to princess Cadence. "That should curb the little one's power fluctuations." he stated, tickling the infant.

"You must be Sunburst. Starlight has told us about you and your work. I guess you truly are a powerful wizard." Cadence said.

"Oh, I'm no wizard." Sunburst answered, getting a getting a gasp from everypony within the area.

"But he studied magic his whole life, just look at his house. he knows what he's doing, and since there's no better idea, what have we got to lose?" Starlight said, reassuring the other ponies. Cadence had passed the baby to Shining Armor, who had spoke to Sunburst.

"We thought of having Twilight as our Crystaller, but since she's going to be busy, we have decided to choose you instead." Shining said, handing the child to Sunburst.

"I-I'd be honored." Sunburst replied. as he said this, a distant shout can be heard, as Sahrot has been warding off the storm.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Twilight asked. with that, most of the group headed out of the area, leaving only Twilight, princess Celestia and Luna, and Starlight. the three princesses had started the spell, binding the shards into one whole piece. Starlight quickly read through the spellbook, before joining the princesses in repairing the heart. meanwhile, the rest of the group was outside, along with the citizens of the empire. Sunburst selected a crystal from the case, before making his speech.

"Citizens! I present to you our newest member of the Crystal Empire!" he announced. with that, Cadence and Shining Armor had lifted their child in the air, suspending her with their magic. the baby giggled as she unfolded her wings. the crowd gasped in awe and wonder, taking in the beauty of the infant. they bowed their heads, emanating the love they had felt into the ground. Sunburst quickly placed the crystal on the ground, absorbing the love-fueled magic. he then rushed back into the curtained area, jumping high so he may place the crystal into the heart. as the crystal has bound itself with the heart, the cracks had magically been repaired. with that, a torrent of pure magic had erupted from the Crystal Heart. it spiraled though the crystal spire, and into the sky, blasting away the storm clouds. high above the sky, Sahrot spotted a blinding flash of light, and covered his eyes to shield them from the blast. a moment passed by, as he anticipated the blast. he had felt nothing, however, and so he lowered his arm. he saw now that the blast of magic had cleared away the storm, leaving nothing but a clear, beautiful sky. he looked down at the city, seeing the snow no longer smothering the sheer magnificence of it all. Sahrot sighed in relief, glad that the ponies had succeeded.

"Let us land, Durnehviir, for there is no need to worry of the storm anymore." Sahrot said.

"Of course, Qahnaarin." Durnehviir replied, swooping down to the city below. it had taken only a few moments before they had landed. Sahrot stepped off from Durnehviir's neck, flexing his arms due to constantly straining to hold onto the dragon. he scanned the area, noticing the crowd of ponies at the crystal spire. they all had a strange, crystalline texture to them, confusing the Dragonborn for a moment. he moved around the crowd, receiving looks of wariness from the citizens. Sahrot ignored them as he approached Cadence and Shining Armor.

"I am glad to see that you are alright. is there a chance that the child will have any more magic fluctuations?" Sahrot asked.

"I don't think so. Sunburst has given us a spell to help our daughter with her problem. hopefully it works." Shining answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is that on your skin?" Sahrot asked. Shining was confused for a moment, before looking at himself.

"Oh, this? its just an effect that the Crystal Heart has on ponies." Shining said.

"I see...oh! right, where is your sister, Twilight? I have a few questions for her." Sahrot inquired.

"she's right in there." Shining replied, pointing to the curtained area. Sahrot immediately headed in that direction, pulling away the curtains to reveal Twilight, her friends, and the royal sisters, all with the same crystalline texture on there coats. Twilight was talking with Celestia before turning her head to see Sahrot walking in. she smiled warmly at him, and motioned for him to come forth. he did so, and when he was just next to Twilight, Celestia spoke.

"Sahrot, on behalf of all the citizens of the Crystal Empire, we would like to honor you for your noble acts of courage." she stated.
Sahrot was confused for a moment, thinking of what the princess had just said.

"Honor me? why am I to be honored? it was through you and the help of Twilight and her friends that had ultimately saved the city. I had merely held off the storm." Sahrot questioned.

"That may be true, but if you had not held off the storm, then we would all have surely perished under its wrath. you had given us the time we needed to find the solution, and for that, we humbly thank you." Celestia answered, bowing to him. Sahrot said nothing in response, only bowing back in respect. as he got back to his feet, he saw that Twilight had given him a quizzical look.

"What is wrong, Twilight?" he asked.

"I've been wondering...where did that dragon come from?" she said. now everyone in the room was looking at him, wanting to know the same.

"The dragon that is currently outside is an old friend of mine. his name is Durnehviir, and I have summoned him from the Soul Cairn." Sahrot answered.

"An old friend? you're friends with dragons?" Luna enquired.

"Yes. in fact, I am friends with three of the Dov so far." Sahrot stated.

"Dov? what is a Dov?" Cadence asked, walking into the room.

"It seems as though you did not explain to them of my connections with the dragons of my world, Twilight." Sahrot said, turning to her. she blushed slightly as the attention then shifted to her.

"What's he talking about, Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

"Eh heh, umm, its kind of a long story." she said."


An hour had passed by in the crystal spire, as Twilight had explained to the princesses what kind of being Sahrot was. when she had finished, Celestia remained quiet, lowering her head as she was pondering on the situation. after a few moments, she lifted her head, looking directly at Sahrot.

"Where is the area in which you landed?" Celestia asked.

"It is somewhere in the Everfree forest, nearby a swamp-like area. why do you ask?" Sahrot said.

"Is it still open?" Celestia inquired.

"I honestly do not know. I do not think that it's open, however." Sahrot stated.

"How do you explain the dragon, then?" Celestia questioned.

"As I had stated earlier, I had summoned him from the Soul Cairn, one of the realms of Oblivion." Sahrot said.

"What is this Soul Cairn, and Oblivion?" Luna chimed in.

"Oblivion is an alternate plane of existence that is separate from my own. its inhabitants are known as the Daedra, with most of them being demonic, or beastlike in appearance and personality. they follow the Daedric princes, god-like beings who have created their own realms within Oblivion." Sahrot stated.

"God-like? what are these Daedric princes like?" Cadence asked.

"Well, for one, they have no gender, as they are gods, but they have taken forms suiting their personality. they have played several roles in the lives of mortals, whether it is to genuinely help them, or to toy with them for their gain. most of them are evil and corrupt, but there are two who are known to be good, and caring for the people of my realm. one is known as Meridia, the Daedric prince of light, and life." Sahrot answered.

"What's this Meridia supposed to do?" Twilight inquired.

"Not much is known about her, save that she is spiteful towards those of necromancers and undead. I have served her once, and so she has rewarded me with this." Sahrot said, pulling out something from his pack. it was a sword, bathed in a warm, radiant light. a
single gem rested in the middle of the guard, a burning, shimmering light emanating from its center. the rest of the ponies gasped in awe at its beauty, before Sahrot placed it in his sack once more.

"I do believe that we are getting off track. you have asked me of how Durnehviir has been able to come here." Sahrot stated abruptly.

"Oh! yes, of course." Celestia said.

"To be truthful, I honestly don't know how he would be able to appear. all I know is to call his name, and that's all it would take to summon him. if you wish to know, you should try asking him." Sahrot answered, pulling back the curtains. to everyponies surprise, they saw that the dragon is now gone.

"W-where did he go?" Twilight questioned.

"Do not worry, he has merely returned to the Soul Cairn." Sahrot said.

"So...he has the power to traverse realms?" Twilight asked.

"Only when summoned. and do not think that I can use him to travel back to Nirn through the Soul Cairn. I have tried traversing with him before, and it has not worked." Sahrot answered. he turned to Celestia once more.

"Is there any more questions you need answered?" Sahrot asked.

"There are some questions I would like answered, but not for now. I do not wish to hold you here for too long. after all, the train should be arriving soon." Celestia stated. upon hearing this, Twilight immediately looked around the room, spotting the clock on the wall.

"OH NO! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE TRAIN!" Twilight exclaimed. she then ran through the curtains, and to the train station, with her friends following suit.

"WAIT FOR US, TWILIGHT!" Shining yelled. he then galloped after her, with Cadence trotting behind with the baby. Sahrot sighed with slight annoyance, before bowing to the royal sisters, and bolted after the group. Celestia watched him go, unsure of what to think of the argonian.

'Well, he seems to be good at heart, since he helped save the city. he does seem to have a short temper, however.' Celestia thought, recalling back to Twilight's report. 'But, then again, he has been through a lot. traveling through different realms can certainly put anypony on edge.' she turned away from the curtains, and looked to her sister, who nodded in understanding of what she had wanted. they both channeled their magic, and had teleported to the Canterlot castle, where Celestia had begun to devise a way to return Sahrot to his home.

Author's Note:

in case anyone did not know, this is the Dragonborn who knows all the shouts and spells in the game (DLC included). also, I'm going to take a few liberties about the timing of the shouts, for convenience. :twilightsmile: also, sorry if this took so long to make, I had to work on a few school projects. :pinkiesad2: