• Published 1st Mar 2016
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Skyrim: tales of the Equestrian hero - spawnzillafinalwars

Sahrot Strun, the Dragonborn and protector of Skyrim, has been sent on a mission to lift his curse. After saving his family from the Thalmor, he has been forced into a portal leading to a land known as Equestria. will he ever return home to Skyrim?

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Chapter 3: The Crystalling

Sahrot Strun spotted Twilight and her friends waiting at some sort of station, Twilight waving at Sahrot to come over. he obliged, jogging over to where they were. as he approached Twilight, she gave him a quizzical look, handing him his book of Restoration spells.

"I read through your book, but I just can't make sense of it. I know the nature of these spells, most of them being healing magic and ward spells, but I just can't figure out how to cast them." Twilight explained. Sahrot looked through his spellbook, opening to the beginning part.

"I do believe it's because you do not understand the nature of Tamrielic magic. the source of our magic comes from the energy within us, called Magicka. to unlock the Magicka, you must find the inner flow of your spirit. go ahead, focus in on that spiritual flow within your being." Sahrot stated.

"well...okay, I'll try my best." Twilight said. she closed her eyes, and began to concentrate. she focused deep within her conscious, trying to find that ethereal flow. as she had focused, she began to feel something, like a tiny trickle, ebbing into her mind. just as she tried to focus in on that trickle, her concentration was shattered when she heard the whistle of the train as it reached the station. she sighed, knowing that she had potentially come close to unlocking the flow of Magicka within her. she'll have to ask Sahrot more about the nature of Magicka when they board the train. Sahrot, on the other hand, was startled at the sound of the whistling of the horn, and quickly turned to see a steam-powered contraption rolling it's way to the station. he pulled out his greatsword, and prepared to battle the machine...until Twilight rested her hoof on his side. he turned to look at Twilight, who was shaking her head.

"Sahrot, that's the train! don't worry, its not going to hurt anypony. its only here to transport us to the Crystal Empire." Twilight explained. Sahrot stared at her for a moment, before sliding his greatsword back into its scabbard. Twilight sighed in relief, glad that the situation didn't get out of hand. the train stopped at the station, and opened its doors, letting all to come inside. Twilight and her friends were the first to enter, with Spike and Starlight following suit. Sahrot stayed behind, letting all the other ponies in first, before entering himself. once inside, he spotted Twilight in one of the seat to the left, in which she had beckoned him to her. once he had taken his seat next to her, the trains' engines revved up, and the party was off to the Crystal Empire. Sahrot watched through the window in wonder, seeing all the buildings, trees, signs, and ponies flash by as the train traveled by them. it seemed as though only the sky had remained the same throughout the journey. as Sahrot was staring out the window, he heard a murmuring sound where Twilight was. he turned her direction, only to find her moved to another seat, chatting with Starlight. he was only able to pick up bits and pieces from their conversation, and he believed that it was something about Starlight meeting a friend in the Crystal Empire. whatever the talk was about, it seemed to put Starlight into a state of nervousness, despite her best efforts to hide it. he decided it would be best that he stay out of the conversation, as it was not his business. the chat then ended between Starlight and Twilight, in which Twilight turned her attention to Spike. she told the baby dragon to write a letter to someone known as princess Celestia. he was not informed that there were other rulers in this land. he'll have to ask Twilight about this princess when she gets back. he didn't have to wait long, as Twilight then returned to her seat beside Sahrot. the Argonian did waste his time in asking Twilight his question.

"Who is this Celestia that you spoke of earlier? from what I have gathered, she's another princess, like you." Sahrot said.

"Oh! right, I was going to tell you about the other princesses." Twilight replied.

"Princesses? so there's even more rulers that I am not aware of?" Sahrot inquired.

"Well, yes. there are exactly others, Celestia being one of them. she is the princess of the sun, responsible for raising and setting the sun. next is princess Luna, Celestias' sister. she controls the moon, and monitors the dreams of everypony in Equestria, doing her best to eliminate nightmares. then there is princess Cadence, the princess of love, niece of Celestia, a personal friend of mine, now my sister-in-law, and is the one that we are celebrating the Crystalling with." elaborated.

"Hmm...and the royal sisters are also attending the Crystalling? do you think they will be accepting of me, possibly even help us with my situation?" Sahrot asked, yearning to know.

"Oh, they are definitely going to attend their nieces' Crystalling, and as for you, I have already sent a letter detailing your situation, so I'm quite sure that she will be more than willing to help you." Twilight assured Sahrot. he sighed in relief, happy that at least he will have help to get back home. he about to turn back to the window, when Twilight tapped him on the shoulder. he back to Twilight, seeing what she wants.

"Um, Sahrot? I've been meaning to ask you about the nature of Magicka." Twilight stated.

"Well, what is it that you would want to know?" Sahrot inquired.

"You see, back when I was concentrating on finding that 'flow', I found a small trickle of...something. I honestly don't know what it really is, but I believe that it was that Magicka flow that you were talking about." Twilight elucidated.

"Ah, yes, the Magicka flow. it would seem that you have actually found it. I am honestly surprised that you would find so soon. however, what you have found is exactly what you described; a small trickle. you would need to practice and learn more about magic in order to unlock more and more of your Magicka reserve. since you do not have the means, besides the Restoration spellbook, I certainly help you if you need it." Sahrot responded.

"Y-you really think that I found it? so that would mean that I could learn an entirely new form of MAGIC?" Twilight asked excitedly.
Sahrot nodded his head in agreement, which had Twilight quivering with giddiness and joy.

"So, how long is it before we reach the Crystal Empire?" Sahrot asked.

"Oh, it should be just a few more hours before we get there. do you want to get any refreshments?" Twilight asked, pointing to the waiter going down the isle, giving out refreshments.

"what kind of drinks do they have? any wine, or mead, perhaps?" Sahrot inquired. Twilight looked at Sahrot in confusion.

"Well, they do give out wine, but what is mead?" Twilight said, confused.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you don't know what MEAD is?" Sahrot questioned.

"W-well, umm, I think I've heard about it before, but I had never tried it out. what is it like?" Twilight enquired, curious about it.

"I cannot just explain it to you, Twilight, besides that its a refreshing drink that will leave you in utter bliss, especially Honningbrew mead. you have to experience it in order to truly understand it. here, I think I have a few bottles inside my pack." Sahrot stated, rummaging through his bag. he looked through the pack for a few seconds, before pulling out two bottles.

"AH HA! here we are. two bottles of Honningbrew mead, just in time to spice things up. here, Twilight." Sahrot said, handing Twilight a bottle. she pulled out the cork, and took a whiff of the contents.

"Oh-hoh, wow. it smells absolutely delicious!" she exclaimed, gaining the attention of her friends.

"What's that you have there, Twilight? is it some kind of cider?" Pinkie asked, poking her head above Twilight.

"Its something called mead, and it's from Sahrot." Twilight replied. Sahrot thought about the situation for a minute, before pulling out a third bottle from his sack.

"Waiter! I would like to order eight cups, please." Sahrot called out. the waiter in turn brought him eight plastic cups, all stacked up.

"Um, Sahrot, what are you doing?" Twilight asked, seeing Sahrot pouring the mead into each cup.

"I realized that I did not offer any of your friends the mead, so I decided that I will split it amongst the eight of us." Sahrot replied, handing a cup to Pinkie.

'OOOH! it smells so good, I just cant wait to try it!" Pinkie exclaimed, downing the whole cup. the group waited in anticipation for Pinkie's reaction. Pinkie said nothing, but bore a gigantic smile on her face. it seemed to be the only reason needed for the rest of the group to join in. Sahrot handed cups to Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Rainbow Dash. he then handed a cup to Twilight, and they all chugged down their glasses in unison. Applejack and Rainbow Dash seemed to have the greatest reactions, saying that it was best thing they ever had, even better than apple cider. the rest simply complimented the drink, saying that it was delicious. after a few minutes, however, everyone except Sahrot had started to get a little drowsy, as the drink is slowly getting sleepy. Twilight, in particular, had actually fell asleep. seeing as how everyone else is following suit, Sahrot sighed, and rested his head on the window. he closed his eyes, replaying the events that led him here in his conscience, as he we was slowly drifting off to sleep with them.


Sahrots' eyes opened groggily, as he found himself comfortably tucked into a warm bed. he yawned loudly, rolling in his sheets, as he pulled himself out of bed. he spotted his armor laying next to his mounted weapons, along with his usual traveling gear. with another yawn, he rubbed his eyes, clearing out any dust that may have rested there. as soon as he cleared his eyes, he noticed that he was back at his home in Markarth. the entire place was clean, with no sign of damage or burned areas at all. he stepped into his washroom, where he proceeded to rinse his hands and face with the water pipe. he closed off the pipe, and walked right into the dining area, where he was greeted by his wife, Brelyna. she smiled warmly at him, and was accompanied by their children, Lucia and Hroar.

"Good morning, my love. I hope that you had a restful sleep." Brelyna said.

"Well, I certainly have enjoyed my rest. even though I had the strangest dream." Sahrot stated, recalling the previous events.

"Oh, what was it about?" Brelyna asked. Sahrot arced his back into a stretch, as he remembered his moments with those...ponies.

"It started off normal, I was just walking down the steps of the temple of the Divines in Solitude. I was then approached by a courier, who had told me that the Thalmor had ransacked our home, so I raced to Markarth, only to find you missing, so I had to find you in a crypt. I rescued you, then I was fighting the Thalmor, until one of them opened a portal into another world, and had blasted me into it. I then found myself in world governed by...magical, talking ponies. I was able to talk with one of the pony leaders into helping me find my way home, and...I woke up here. I guess it was all just dream, and it certainly was the strangest thing that I ever experienced." Sahrot explained, scratching his head.

"Wow, it certainly is something that is strange, love. but do not worry, you are home now, so please, sit down and eat, and let this troubling dream fade away." Brelyna said soothingly. Sahrot Strun was a little apprehensive, as he noticed that his wife did not speak like that, and the supposed dream he had felt all to real. he slowly moved to the table, taking his seat while his family dined. he inspected his food, which was a platter full of horker steaks, fried potatoes, grilled leeks, a goat's leg, steamed mudcrab legs, and a side dish of beef stew. he picked up the goat's leg, further inspecting, before taking a bite out of it...before spitting it right out. he looked into the bit area of the leg, only to find it rotten inside, with maggots crawling out of the leg. with a yell, he threw the leg away from him as hard as he could, tossing it near the front door. he glared at his wife, only to find her smiling once more.

"What did you do, Brelyna?! are you trying to poison me?!" Sahrot roared.

"Oh, Sahrot, you poor, sad fool." Brelyna spoke, with a voice that is not her own. Sahrots' eyes widened with shock and confusion, as he backed away from the table.

"Daddy, where are you going? don't leave us." 'Lucia' said.

"You...you are not my daughter," he stated coarsely. "you are not my family...this.. this is some kind of nightmare. this has to be the work of a Daedra, a-a Daedric Prince!."

"Oh, not just some Daedric Prince, Sahrot, THE Daedric Prince of dreams and nightmares." 'Brelyna' sneered.

"No...it's you...Vaermina." Sahrot whispered, fearful of what is to come next. 'Brelyna' laughed as she rose from the table, rising into the air, as the entire room began to darken and pulsate. she continued to laugh, as her body began to shrivel and tear. Sahrot looked around the room frantically, as it began to shift into a dark, empty void. he looked up at 'Brelyna', as she now rose several feet above him, and her skin was starting to fall off, revealing the Dreamweaver in her terrible form. the deity descended from the air, landing in front of Sahrot. she loomed over the mortal, making him seem small and frail.

"Yes, mortal fool, and now that I know you are no longer in Nirn, I can torment you for your act against me. and on top of that, I now have a new world for myself, and since it's not guarded by those damnable Divines, I won't have anyone to oppose me." Vaermina said, cackling to herself.

"No...no, I won't let you do that! not to these creatures, not to anyone! I will stop you, demon!" Sahrot yelled pulling out his sword. he swung at Vaermina with all his might...only for it to pass right through her.

"FOOL! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS!? YOU ARE IN MY REALM, AND YOU DARE TO TRY AND STRIKE ME?! OH, YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" Vaermina seethed, preparing to strike down the bug in front of her. Sahrot ducked to the side as Vaermina unleashed a volley of bolts, continuously dodging her barrage. Vaermina ceased her assault, and instead summoned tendrils of pure darkness from the environment. they managed to snare Sahrot, and held him to the ground, as Vaermina hovered over him.

"And now, fool, it's time for me to exact my revenge." Vaermina said, sneering over her victim. but, before she could torture Sahrot, he began to fade, causing Vaermina to halt her attack. she knew what was happening; Sahrot Strun was waking up. the god watched as her adversary faded away from the dream realm, and into the waking world, smiling as she did.

'The mortal will not remember this encounter, as most mortals cannot remember their own dreams. but, if he does, then I will just have to silence him once and for all. for now though,' she thought, looking into the new world, 'I have a new realm for my taking.' with that, she laughed to herself in the cold abyss, and, moments later, other voices laughed along with her.


Sahrot Strun's eyes flashed open as he woke. he gasped as he rose abruptly from the seat, his heart was racing, and a cold sweat was forming on his brow. he put his hand to his chest in order to calm his heart, as he looked around his environment. he was back at the train, which had apparently stopped, meaning they had arrived at the Crystal Empire. he scanned the area for Twilight and her friends, but they were nowhere to be found. sighing, he reached for the sack beneath him.

'They most likely have left the train.' he thought, as he saw several of the ponies exiting the train. he gathered his things from beneath his seat. as he was walking out of the train, he glanced outside, to see an entire city made out of crystals. he was in awe, as he eyed the multiple buildings made of crystal, with several hues of blue and pink. the spotted the crystal tower in the center of the city, a radiant spire of shimmering marvel. he continued out of the train, confident that they would be there. he realized that he didn't have to find them after all, as he exited the train to find Twilight and her friends chatting with a unicorn stallion. he walked behind the group, the clamping of his boots giving him away, as Twilight turned around to see him.

"Oh, Sahrot, you're awake! great, now we can introduce you to my brother, Shining Armor." she stated. Sahrot looked at the stallion, which was Shining Armor. he noticed that he seemed off, as though he was deprived of rest. Shining Armor in turn fumbled his way to greet Sahrot, offering his hoof.

"Its nice to meet you, sir. I am Shi*haagh*ning Armor, and I heard some neat things about you from my sister." he yawned, clearly tired from whatever had taken his energy.

"It is indeed good to meet a member of Twilight's family, and I presume that there is more that I have yet to meet?" Sahrot enquired.

"What? oh, right, the baby! of course, just follow me!" he exclaimed, jogging to the tower. Twilight followed after him, along with her friends and Sahrot. as they neared the tower, Sahrot realized that Starlight and Spike were not present.

"What happened to your friends, Starlight and Spike?" Sahrot asked Twilight.

"They went on start Starlight's first lesson, and Spike went along to help her." she answered. Sahrot nodded his head in understanding, as they had finally reached the tower. as they neared the entrance, the pony guards saluted to Shining Armor, allowing him and the rest into the building. however, when Sahrot tried to enter, the guards had blocked his path.

"Stop there, creature! you will go no further." the guard yelled. Shining Armor rushed to the guard, annoyance played across his face.

"Stand down! he's a friend of Twilight, so he is allowed to come with us!" he exclaimed. the guards immediately stood back to position, letting Sahrot through. Shining Armor sighed as they walked up the stairs in the tower.

"I'm sorry that you had to experience that." Shining Armor said.

"It is of no trouble, they were merely doing their job. I would not hold it against them for that." Sahrot replied. Shining Armor said nothing, but was grateful that things would not go sour, as they climbed further up the stairs. Shining then turned right at the entry way of a hall, and as they walked down they all, they stopped at a door.

"Well, here we are, but Twilight, when you come to see the baby, you may be a little surprised." Shining explained.

"Come on, Shining, I've seen babies before! I'm sure this one isn't going to be any different." Twilight responded. Shining then opened the door, revealing three other ponies. Sahrot inspected the three, seeing that they are all had wings and horns, like Twilight. one of them was almost as tall as he was, her horn just barely reaching over his helm. she had a pure white coat, and a multi-colored mane. she also wore regalia, with a tiara upon her head, and a necklace around her neck. she bore a mark on her flank, which was a sun.

'So, this must be Celestia. and the one next to her is her sister, Luna.' Sahrot thought, looking over to the dark blue mare. she think moved his eyes to the third, this one with a pink coat, with a mane of purple, pink, and yellow striped mane. the mark on her flank was that of a crystal heart.

'And this must be Cadence, Twilight's sister in-law.' he thought. he walked in last, letting the others in first. as he walked in, the three princesses stared at him, Cadence with worry, Luna with curiosity, and Celestia with a smile.

"Greetings, newcomer. I believe that you are this 'Sahrot Strun' that I was told of?" Celestia asked, offering her hoof.
Sahrot shook hands with the princess, who was still smiling warmly at him.

"Yes, that would be me. it is a pleasure to meet you, Celestia." he responded. Celestia looked Sahrot up and down, eyeing the armor that he was wearing.

"I see that you have a rather interesting attire. why do you wear such armor?" Celestia asked.

"I am a warrior and an adventurer, princess Celestia. it is common for someone like me to explore places that are dangerous, to battle creatures and beings of great power. the armor that I wear now is the strongest in my world, made from the power of the Daedra." Sahrot replied. Celestia was confused, mainly about what a Daedra is, or what kind of world this being has lived in, but those would be asked later.

"I do believe that there is a baby to be met?" Sahrot enquired.

"Oh! right, the baby!" Twilight exclaimed, walking over to the crib. the rest of the group was behind her, as the baby has opened her eyes. she cooed as she saw the group before her... before unfurling her wings. the entire group save Sahrot, Shining Armor, and the princesses, gasped in surprise. the child giggled softly, chewing on her hoof, as the group looked to the princesses for answers.

"Sh-she's an alicorn." Twilight murmured. the rest of the group wore several expressions of confusion.

"But, wasn't the only way to become an alicorn was to commit a great deed, and earn the power of an alicorn?" Rarity interjected.

"I'm afraid that we do not know. the birth of an alicorn was something that Equestria has never seen before." Luna replied.

"We know that you are confused; we are as well, but there is nothing to fear, as I am sure everything will be just fine." Celestia added.

"YEAH! come on now, everypony, it's still just a baby! what's the worst that could happen?" Rainbow exclaimed. the rest of the group then agreed...that is, until the baby had sneezed, and accidently fired a beam of raw magic through the tower above. everyone had to shield their eyes from the sudden burst, and when the fire had ceased, everyone in the room glanced up to the now blasted ceiling. Sahrots' eyes widened at the amount of destruction that was caused by the blast.

"Please tell us that you have some way to suppress that child's power." Sahrot said.

"Well, um, we don't have a way now, but I'm sure that we will find one soon." Cadence replied.

"I sincerely hope that you do, otherwise, someone may end up hurt, or worse, dead." Sahrot stated.