• Published 1st Mar 2016
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Skyrim: tales of the Equestrian hero - spawnzillafinalwars

Sahrot Strun, the Dragonborn and protector of Skyrim, has been sent on a mission to lift his curse. After saving his family from the Thalmor, he has been forced into a portal leading to a land known as Equestria. will he ever return home to Skyrim?

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Chapter 2: the land of Equestria

Sahrot had his breath taken away at the sight of Twilight's castle. it was like a gigantic tree house...made of crystal. Sahrot was confused at the prospect of a crystalline tree, but shrugged it off, for he has seen much stranger things in the Shivering Isles. as they neared the gate, the doors opened, revealing a short, reptilian creature.

"Twilight! I had just organized the books of Starswirl's otherworld theory in your-?" the creature started, but stopped mid-sentence when it spotted Sahrot, who in turn kept his hand on his sword.

"T-Twilight, um, who, or what, is that?" the creature stuttered.

"Don't worry, Spike. he isn't going to hurt anyone." Twilight reassured him.

Spike sighed in relief, but still looked uneasy. Twilight went up to him and gave him a hug, further comforting him. she then started explaining the situation to Spike, as well as making introductions.

"Spike, this is Sahrot Strun. Sahrot, Spike. Sahrot is a newcomer, Spike, and I have offered him shelter in the castle. Sahrot, this is Spike, my personal assistant, and a great friend. as to what he is, well, he's a baby dragon." Twilight explained.

"Hey!" Spike exclaimed.

Sahrot was in utter confusion. a dragon? there are dragons here in this world? that does not bode well for him, for if these dragons are anything like the ones in Skyrim, they could be looking for him. but he looked down at the baby dragon, scanning his body. it was unlike he had ever seen of a dragon. the dragon had arms instead of wings, and was bipedal. Sahrot had never seen a baby dragon before, but he imagined them to be more akin to their parents.

"there are dragons here, in this world?" Sahrot questioned.

"Um, yes, there are. why do you ask?" Twilight asked.

"Strange...where do these dragons live?" Sahrot asked.

"Dragons usually live in secluded areas, like caves and ruins, but there is rumor that they have an entire civilization. I wouldn't really trust such a rumor, though. why do you want to know?" Twilight asked again.

"I-its nothing, there is no need to worry about it." Sahrot stated.

"Sahrot, please, if there's anything that's bothering you, I'm more than willing to help." Twilight offered.

"...I will explain my situation in the castle, somewhere private with you" Sahrot said curtly.

Twilight pouted slightly, but nodded in agreement. Twilight and her friends led Sahrot through the halls of the castle, passing through several waiting rooms, libraries, dining areas, and laboratories. they stopped at what appears to be a large bedroom, ornamented with crystal facets, while the furniture is made of regular wood.

"This will be your living quarter for as long as you may wish to be here. I hope you'll be comfortable here." Twilight said gingerly.

"this will surely do for now. I thank you for your hospitality, Twilight Sparkle." Sahrot replied. "I believe that you wanted to speak with me in private?"

"Oh, yes, there is. we should speak alone in the dining hall." Twilight stated.

With that, both Sahrot and Twilight left the group, and proceeded to the dining hall. there, Twilight closed the door behind them, and the two then seated themselves at the table nearest the door. Twilight wore a grin on her face, which made Sahrot somewhat uneasy.

"Okay then, first question: since you already told me who and what you are, can you tell me exactly where you're from?" Twilight asked.

"I hail from the land of Tamriel, and the province that I come from is known as Black Marsh." Sahrot answered.

Twilight's grin grows wider at the information, her mind burning with the endless questions yet to be answered.

"What is this 'Tamriel' that you speak of? is it another continent? and what is this 'Black Marsh' that you come from like?" Twilight inquired.
Sahrot closed his eyes and sighed, thinking back to his younger days, in the region of Black Marsh.

"Tamriel is a continent, overflowing with the history and cultures of it's people, including my own. as I explained earlier, I come from a race of reptilian hominids, known as Argonians. we live in the province of Tamriel known as Black Marsh, a dangerous and poisonous land, filled with toxic fumes, carnivorous plant life, venomous beasts, and deadliest of all, debilitating diseases that could easily kill a man." Sahrot replied. he opened his eyes to see Twilight's expression shift from excitement, to shock.

"Are you alright, Princess Twilight? I hope I did not make you feel uneasy." Sahrot stated.

"No, no, I-it's just that...you and your kind have LIVED in this kind of environment? how did your people ever managed to survive, let alone live inside such a harsh and dangerous land?" Twilight supplicated.

"Ah, well, you see, how we are able to survive in Black Marsh is a rather long and complicated topic. it would take a considerable amount of time to explain, as I will have to go into detail of my people's culture. so I will have to explain that in another time." Sahrot replied. Twilight frowned slightly at this, but respected Sahrot's choice.

"So, how exactly did you get here? it's obvious at this point that you don't belong in this realm." Twilight asked.

"Well, that should be easy enough to explain. I was in the Hall of The Nine Divines, one of the many places of worship to our gods. there, I was given an audience by Akatosh, the chief of the Divines. I was given a task to retrieve this staff." Sahrot pulled out the staff from his side, and shown it to Twilight. she levitated the staff from his hand, and inspected it further.

"this is a very peculiar staff...what does it do?" Twilight asked, handing back the staff to Sahrot.

"I honestly do not know. the only thing that I have seen this thing do is open a rift to other dimensions. this, along with an Elder Scroll, was what had ultimately brought me here." Sahrot stated. Twilight was astounded. this staff, along with this 'Elder Scroll', is what had brought him to the land of Equestria. just what kind of magic is powerful enough to do that?

"So, after I was given the mission, a courier had come to warn me of my wife being kidnapped. I raced back to my home, only to find it in flames, while my friends, along with the city guards, fighting off a group of Elves called the Thalmor. I helped to quickly defeat them, with only one of my friends injured, and just the dining area of my home burnt." Sahrot continued. Twilight had a look of worry on her face when he had told her of his wife's kidnapping.

"Oh, goodness, who could do that, and why would they even do so?" Twilight enquired.

"She was kidnapped by the Thalmor, a group of High Elves who see themselves and all elven kind as superior over the other races, being humans and the beast races. they had kidnapped her so they could get to me, and take my blood, to use it in their plans to enter your world." Sahrot replied.

"Wait, these Thalmor were the ones that brought you here? what were they planning to do when they entered Equestria?" Twilight asked urgently.

"They are the reason that I am here, though they did not intend to do so. they wanted me for my blood, so they can use the staff to open the portal, and enter into your world. they intended to kill me for my blood, but I had prevailed against their forces. I had fought their leader, and soundly defeated him. in his dying act, however, he struck me with a lightning spell, and into the portal, sending me here. I guess that would have been for the best, because if had they done so, they would have certainly tried to invade and conquer your world. of course, they won't be able to do so, as I now possess the means to enter other worlds. now, though, I am stuck in this world, with no idea on how to get back. I was hoping that with your help, I could find a way back to my world. if you could help me, then I would be eternally grateful to you." Sahrot said. Twilight thought about the situation before her.

'This being is from another world, completely alien to our own. he comes from a world that is rich with history, culture, as well as power. it seems as though they use magic as well, but how? I sensed no magical energy from him, yet he was readying a lightning spell. but, he needs help, and as much as I would like to have some answers, I can't deny him from going back home.'

"Yes, Sahrot, I will help you, in any way I can." Twilight stated. Sahrot sighed in relief, looking at Twilight with thankful eyes.

"Thank you, Twilight, and if there is anything that I can do to help you in return, then I would be glad to do so." Sahrot replied.

Twilight stared at Sahrot gleefully, as she levitated a quill and notebook to her.

"Well, there are still a lot of things that I would like to know. earlier you asked about dragons in our world, meaning that you had dragons in yours as well. you even said that you made your name from the 'dragons' tongue'. how is that so, and what is your connection to them?" Twilight asked earnestly.

"Ah, yes, the dragons of Skyrim. well, it is a very interesting story of how they came to be. it all began long ago, before the mortal races were created." Sahrot began, seeing Twilight writing in her notebook.

"The dragons, or Dovah in their tongue, were the children of Akatosh, the god of time. they were a powerful race, able to bend the laws of the world to their will. they do this through their own power, known as 'The Voice', and would form powerful effects, called 'Thu'ums, or 'Shouts'." Sahrot continued.

"The Voice? is that some form of magic? what could these shouts do? is it only usable by dragons alone?" Twilight asked, eagerly waiting for Sahrot's answer.

"In some way, I suppose. however, this 'magic' is quite hard to learn for mortals, but would be second nature those of the Dov. I am able to learn such words rather easily, as the blood of the dragons runs through me." Sahrot replied.

"Wait, dragons blood? but, you said that you were not a dragon. how can that be?" Twilight wondered.

"Though I may not be a dragon, I am still a child of Akatosh. you see, I am what is called a Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn. I am a mortal being, born with the blood and soul of a dragon. throughout the history of Tamriel, the Dragonborn were known to be powerful beings, with power so great, we could take on whole armies by ourselves." Sahrot went on.

"Wow, so you can do all of that? c-can you, perhaps, demonstrate to me the power of The Voice?" Twilight inquired.

"Hmmm....alright, but I'm going to use one of the safer shouts, so that you can see. this particular shout can turn me into an ethereal being, completely unable to be harmed, like a spirit. it would not last for long, but you may still be able to see it's effects." Sahrot stated. Twilight's eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity.

'Yes! he's going to show me some of his powers! alright, now lets see if he can truly turn make himself ethereal. maybe he can show me how to do it. oh, I just can't wait to find out!' she thought.

Sahrot rose from his seat, and stood three feet from Twilight. he took off his helm, revealing his reptilian face once more, as he breathed in. then, with the air filling his lungs, he shouted.

"Feim, ZE GRON!!!"

with that, his body slowly becomes transparent, until he could only be seen as a bluish outline. Twilight could barely believe what she was seeing. she reached her hoof out to him, finding that it completely went through him. he was right, he had become ethereal! she was at a loss for words, for only the highest level unicorns were able to use ethereal spells, and even then, they would only be so for a few minutes, yet Sahrot's 'shout' had lasted nearly half an hour, which she has spent taking notes and sketching his ghostly body. after the shout had worn off, Sahrot then began listing off several 'shouts', the most notable ones being the storm summoning shout, the slow time shout, summoning a hero from someplace called Sovngarde, and sending foes flung away by a powerful force. with that, began to tell the tale of the Dragonborn.

"We were so powerful, that even the Dov feared us, as we have the innate ability to absorb a dragons' soul, completely bound to our spirits, until a Dragonborn dies. one such Dragonborn was the legendary Tiber Septim, otherwise known as Talos. Talos was a mighty being, so much so that he, along with a massive army had conquered nearly all of Tamriel. after that, he had even ascended into divinity, becoming the ninth Divine." Sahrot finished. Twilight was in awe at what Sahrot had told her.

'A mortal being that has so much power, that he became a god? it was completely unheard of, for even the princesses themselves, though immortal, were not gods. could Sahrot be as powerful as Celestia and Luna, possibly stronger? and what about him absorbing a dragons' soul? does he actually go out and slay dragons, taking their souls to increase his power?' she contemplated.

"So, wait, you said that you can absorb the souls of dragons, so does that mean that you actively hunt them down?" Twilight asked nervously. she believed that Spike would be safe, but that raises a question; are the dragons of Equestria actually from Sahrots' world? if so, then the possibility of them raising a civilization is suddenly not so far fetched. she waited for Sahrot to answer her question, her worry becoming increasingly noticeable. Sahrot sighed, and simply replied,

"I only kill the dragons who have been threatening the lives of the people throughout the land, and only hunt down those who have burned down whole villages and towns. I do not hunt dragons for the sake of gaining power, and I'm certainly not going to kill your dragon, if that's what you're afraid of." Sahrot assured Twilight.

"Oh, well, I'm glad that I wouldn't have to worry about that, eh heh. so, now that we hav-" Twilight began, before a sudden creak of the main door gained the attention of both the princess and the Dragonborn. coming in through the door was a female pink unicorn, with a deep purple mane, complete with turquoise streaks through said mane. Sahrot noticed a mark on her flank, showing a double-hued blue streak, with what appears to be a star underneath it.

"Uh, hello, Twilight. I was wondering if yo-" the unicorn started, but immediately stopped when she stared blankly at the Argonian next to Twilight. she looked at Twilight for an answer, in which she received one.

"Oh, Starlight, I'd like you to meet our new guest, Sahrot Strun. he's...new, in our land, so it would be best to show him respect." Twilight stated.

"Greetings, Starlight. as Twilight here has said, my name is Sahrot Strun. it is a pleasure to meet you." Sahrot said, offering his hand.
Starlight shook his hand, and proceeded to talk with Twilight.

"Um, Twilight, I've been wanting to know more about the Crystal Empire, since I'm a little...lacking on the subject." Starlight asked.

"Well, of course! what is it that you want to know?" Twilight enquired.

"It's mainly about The Crystalling. I know that the others have explained it, but the information seems rather murky." she answered.
Sahrot glanced at Twilight, waiting to hear her explain this 'Crystalling' that Starlight had brought up.

"Oh, that's simple! the crystalling is the celebration of the birth Crystal ponies. when a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, they are brought to the Crystal heart. there, the parents are required to bring the purest crystal they could find. a crystaller would be chosen to present the child to everyone who comes, in which they would all share all the joy and happiness and feeding it into the crystal, which would then be transferred in to the Crystal Heart, increasing it's power. and since Shining Armor and Cadence are going to have a child, everyone in the Crystal Empire will be attending." Twilight explained.

"Well, that's quite an interesting tradition. I believe this 'Crystalling' ceremony will be today?" Sahrot asked.

"Of course! I just need to receive the invitation from my brother, Shining Armor, and we'll be off!" Twilight chortled with joy.

"Oh, so this Shining Armor is your brother? then congratulations, seeing as you'll be the aunt of their child." Sahrot replied, happy to see her excitement.

"Thanks, Sahrot. OH! that reminded me of something. Sahrot, as the princess of friendship, I invite you to join me and my friends for the celebration!" Twilight chirped. Sahrot was in utter confusion, for he did not expect her to invite him to a celebration. but, he should agree to her request, nonetheless.

"Alright, Twilight, I shall join you in your celebration. just tell what I would need to do." Sahrot replied.

"Oh, well, all that you would need to do is give a gift to the family, anything of your choosing." Twilight stated.

"A gift, you say? hmm...how about this?" Sahrot said, pulling out a book, which had a golden cover, ordained with what appeared to be a bird with it's wings outstretched.

"Um, Sahrot, what is that, exactly? Twilight asked.

"This is a spellbook, containing within it all the Restoration spells currently known in Tamriel. I would believe it would be helpful." Sahrot answered.

"A spellbook!? c-can I perhaps, read it?" Twilight pleaded. Sahrot looked at her for a moment, then decided to hand her the tome, which she had read hungrily. not wanting to interrupt her, Sahrot proceeded out of the door. he strolled down the hallway, eyeing the ornaments and rooms as he walked by. as he turned a corner, he spotted a balcony. he headed to the balcony, watching the town below him, and beyond. he breathed in heavily, wondering what in Oblivion would lie in wait for him in this world. first, the curse that was placed on him, and now this. he knew his life wasn't exactly normal, but he had just wanted it to be peaceful. he stood at the balcony for a few minutes, before turning to leave...and found a bright pink mare inches from his face. Sahrot yelped, instinctively stretching his arm to strike the equine. the pony quickly dodged in response, taking a few steps back. Sahrot then had the time to register the equine, and saw that it was one of Twilights' friends, Pinkie Pie.

"Hoh! By Akatosh, do NOT do that again." Sahrot growled.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie answered gleefully. Sahrot stared at her for a few moments, before taking his leave. yet again, he was stopped, as Pinkie had grasped his hand. he turned to look down at, slightly annoyed by her antics.

"What is it that you want, lady Pinkie Pie?" Sahrot asked, being formal.

"Oh, nothing really, I just wanted to let you know that soon, there's going to be a great party to welcome you to Ponyville!" Pinkie exclaimed. Sahrot was caught completely off guard from Pinkie's words. a party, for him? he thought that was completely un-needed.

"W-well, umm...I thank you for your offer, but I'm afraid that I must decline." Sahrot stated. Pinkie frowned slightly at Sahrot's words.

"Why not? aren't you into parties?" Pinkie asked.

"It is because I do not feel that a party would be necessary. celebrations are made for those who have done great deeds, and so far, I have not done such." Sahrot answered. Pinkie thought about it for a moment, and decided to respect Sahrot's request.

"Then I will make sure to set up a party as soon as you have done a great deed. hey, what's that over there? Pinkie inquired, pointing left from Sahrot. he turned just in time to see a snowflake nearing him. he snatched it from the air, and held it up to his eyes.

'This is a relatively large snowflake. it's almost as large as my hand, and what's this?' Sahrot thought, as he eyed what appeared to be...a stamp. curious, he lifted the stamp, along with part of the snowflake, and it revealed a parchment, which according to what it states, is a formal invitation to the Crystalling. Sahrot's eyes widened at the realization, and bolted down the hall, searching for Twilight. he found her in the library section, still reading his spellbook. Twilight up to see Sahrot at the doorway, making his way toward her.

"Umm, Sahrot? is there something wrong? she asked. Sahrot did not answer, and only handed her the invitation. as soon as she read it, her eyes lit up, and she bore a huge grin on her face. she shook Sahrots' hand, saying many thanks, to which he had replied with modesty. she quickly left the room, presumably to gather her friends. Sahrot sighed with satisfaction, as he walked down the hall yet again, and exited the castle. he strolled through the street, walking by the houses of Ponyville, occasionally waving at the ponyfolk of the town. he was about to turn to a corner, when he heard Twilight calling out to him.

"Sahrot! over here! the train station is to our left!" she called out.

Sahrot was again baffled by what he heard. 'what in Oblivion is a train?', he thought to himself. he thought about it for a moment, but decided it would be better to follow Twilight, and find out for himself.