• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,710 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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66 - Guardian of the River

The river grew larger by the hour as the current began to turn against them the closer they came to it, trying to shove them not only back away from the river but out into the lake. Their rowing became all the more intense, manically combatting the forces of the water beneath them, trying to drag them away from their goal.

Paul heaved at his oar and winced at the creaking it made. "We're going to end up losing them at this rate."

Fast nodded. "I don't think you're off on that. Make for the shore, damn the forest. We've got to get on land while we have the option.

Tree lifted a hoof. "Should I get to dragging?"

"Yes, yes!" Fast waved at her. "Get on it. We need to beach and get off this raft before the oars give out, then the raft itself."

Maud pushed powerfully, too powerfully, and the oar cracked with a loud splintering noise, leaving her with a stick with no hope of reaching the bottom of it. "We may be in trouble."

Tree dove into the water as she changed mid-air. Slimy suckers attached to the raft as she began tugging it towards the shore as best she could, barely managing a precious inch with every pull and strained motion.

Fast grabbed her lance in her mouth and twisted it free of the rack it was secured in. A curious makeshift oar, she shoved it deep into the water and pushed with Paul, gaining against the crushing current bit by precious bit.

Tabitha clapped her hands. "We're getting there! Keep at it!" As if cheering with her, Bright gave a loud screech of a caw, flapping his wings from atop Tabitha's shoulder. "You heard him, put your back into it!"

Maud raised a brow at Tabitha. "I think they're doing what they can. Do you have another oar?"

She raised her shoulders. "'Fraid not. I don't know any spells that'd help." She crouched down by the edge of the raft. "What else could I do, paddle?"

"Every bit counts." She moved to do as she preached, using her hoof as a paddle for what little it was worth. Seeing her efforts, Tabitha shoved a hand into the chilly waters and got to trying to help with Maud. Every member of the party save Bright was doing their best to get the raft to the side.

In time, they succeeded, being pushed away from the mouth of the river, but touching the edge of the forest. Fast threw her head towards it. "Everyone off. We'll have to hike the rest."

Tabitha put her hands on her hips. "There's nothing wrong with the raft."

Maud stepped free of it and turned back to face her. "If you want to carry it."

Paul was next off. "Thanks fer makin' it, but I ain't gonna be the one t'haul it to where we'll need it next."

Fast slammed her lance back into place and moved for the edge. "Come on. We'll get you something nice for it when we're back in civilization."

Tabitha stepped off with a sigh. "It's the first boat I ever made..."

Tree popped out of the water and flopped onto land limply before becoming a panting pony. Without her anchoring it, the raft drifted away, leaving Fast to hop free last and join them.

"I said not one step."

All eyes turned to see the graceful motions of a deer approaching them. "Not one."

Tree rolled up to her belly quickly. "Please, we meant no harm. We couldn't go further by water. We mean no harm."

She made a motion of her hoof. "I have no choice, I must expel you." She began to weave runes in the air. The faintest smile touched her snout. "Get back to the pony realm, where you belong."

Tree stood up quickly, tail swaying. "You'd do that? You truly are a righteous m--doe."

She tilted her head lightly. "At least one." The magic left her hooves and the forest rushed at them. They all felt like they were falling from a very large tree, until they were dropped roughly at another beach. The river roared just before them, but they were not at or in a forest. There was a single tree beside them, but it was mostly clear.

Fast was first on her hooves, circling quickly. "We seem to be alone. Who was that, Tree Hugger?"

Paul pushed up to his feet. "That's what I'd like t'know. What even was that? A talking deer?"

Tabitha shrugged, still sitting. "We're traveling with a bunch of magic ponies, why would a talking deer be stranger?"

Tree smiled gently. "Nothing odd about talking deer. I saw her on the other side of the forest. She asked us not to go into the forest, and I tried my best... She's a lot nicer than the other protectors we ran into, harshing our buzz."


Fast shook her head. "She didn't hurt us. I'm not sure where we are exactly, but if I have north figured out." She turned slowly and pointed. "That puts the river to our east, which means we're past it, and that's a huge relief."

Maud nodded. "You're good at making friends, Tree Hugger. That's the second time you've met a druid and they helped us."

Tree waved it off. "We're all parts of the same orchestra." She gave a wistful smile. "I wanted to hear her song. She seemed sad and alone. I really think she'd be happier out of that forest." She put a hoof to her chest. "Blessings, protector of the forest. I hope we get to sing together one day."

Bright landed on Tree's head. "Possibly."

Fast turned away from the river. "Alright, since we're all here and in one piece? This is our goal. We head west. We'll hit the desert first. Tree, you're going to be very important, again. You can make water and keep us from melting in the sun, right?"

Tree sat and raised her forehooves, giving a little melodic cry that caused a small cloud to appear over them all, sprinkling gently.

"Perfect." Fast smiled. "With you at our side, the desert has little to use against us, besides what lives in it. We'll get to Murrage and join a caravan there to get to the core of pony lands."

Paul looked curious even as he checked over his backpack. "Murrage? That hardly sounds like a pony town."

Fast shook her head. "It isn't. It's a city, home of the purrsians. Good people, so long as you remember they value money above all else. Come on, let's put some distance between ourselves and this river before the sun comes down."

Maud moved to trot along beside Fast as they began to get hiking. "Will I be useful?"

Fast tilted her head. "There was a doubt? You're easily my equal in battle, you keep a calm head, and you take decisive action. Tree will keep us safe from the elements, but when the denizens of the desert show up, it'll be our job to keep the party safe."

Paul flexed an arm, hiking a thumb at himself. "Me too, right? Don't forget I know how to use this thing on my back."

Fast waved a hoof. "I didn't forget, but I also didn't forget you're still learning. You've made great strides, considering how long you've been in the game." She canted her head lightly. "A literal trial by fire at times..."

Paul shrugged. "I heard once that a smart man knows that he'll never know anything."

Tree strolled up on the other side of him. "Woah, man, that's seriously deep. I grok completely."

Tabitha rubbed one arm with the opposing hand. "So we're close to the pony lands, right?"

"That we are." Fast peeked over her shoulder. "It's up to you if you want to present yourself as a human or a satyr. A pair of boots and a cloak could hide your extra parts, if you care to, or just be open about it if it doesn't bother you that much."

Tabitha frowned a little as she scuffed the ground with a shark-hide clad hoof. "I'm not going to hide from ponies. Do they not like satyrs?"

Fast shrugged as she walked. "Some like them more than others. Most just never saw one, so they'll be surprised, but it's not as if you aren't traveling in good company, hmm?"

Paul swatted at Tabitha's side. "Be proud of what you are, pony princess, though you may want to chill out on the princess part until you earn it."

Tree nodded slowly. "He's right. You may step on hooves if you make a lot of noise about being in charge of them." She smiled up at Tabitha. "We're used to it."

"You just put up with me?" Tabitha pouted a little.

Maud shook her head with a slow blink. "We like you."


The conversation faded to a comfortable silence as they put the river behind them. Tabitha gave a little smile. "You were right though."

"Who was?" Paul glanced towards her.

Tabitha pointed at Fast. "Fast was. The raft did its part. I shouldn't be sad about that. It's not like it was alive..."

Fast clucked her tongue. "Too right. It was your effort that should be remembered, and will be." She turned and walked backwards a little awkwardly. "I shudder to think how our journey would have gone without even one of you. We've all held keys to pushing forward, and that's not me just making things up."

Tree inclined an ear. "It was, like, karma, pushing us all together to where we needed to be. Destiny, right?"

Be it karma or something else, they found a little copse between two large rocks where Tree created the illusion of a hardy shrub that concealed them. The lake and its horrors were behind, and the desert beckoned to them ahead.

Author's Note:

Back on dry land! Hirrah and hallelujah for the return of charge attacks and ground-based typos!

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