• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,710 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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38 - The Great City

Despite Fast's fears, boredom proved to be their greatest enemy beyond that point. They rode, ate, slept, and rode again. No fireballs stirred them from sleep or wild animals came to sample their flesh. It was smooth going. The closest they came to running into anyone was a caravan passing the other way about half a mile away. They exchanged long distance waves, but never drew closer than they already were, and then they were gone.

One night, about two days from the next city on their trip, Fast was visited by a dream. She sat in a court, crown held between her hooves. There was a line of ponies that stretched out beyond the castle she was in, coiling out through the city and beyond. A pony would stride forward, she'd put a crown on their head. They'd look so hopeful for a moment, but nothing happened. She took the crown from them quietly, and the next pony stepped forward. It happened over and over and over again. One supplicant stepped forward, a strapping stallion in polished plate much like her own. He accepted the crown, but nothing happened. She could see herself in his shining armor. Her face was lined with wrinkles, and her pink mane had gone grey with age.

She awoke with a start.

Tree Hugger was perched on a rock, legs crossed under her in a very un-ponylike fashion that seemed to please her. "Harsh dream?"

Fast sat up with a shake of her head. "You could say that. I wish I was more learned in these things."

Tree raised an ear. "Oh? Do you think the dream was trying to lay down some heavy notes on you?"

Fast's expression soured. "If it was, I fear for its implications, but it may have simply been my own fears and hesitations haunting me, which I cannot allow."

Tree gave a slow nod. "We're doing scary things. It's normal to be a little worried." She smiled a little. "You have friends. We'll take a load off."

Fast rose to her hooves and stretched in the dim light. "You're kind to say that, but I fear how to best use this crown." She pulled it free with a nuzzle, drawing it from her saddlebag before placing it between herself and Tree. "It does not speak. How will we know when it rests on the right head?"

Tree looked at the crown, with its sun resting atop it. "Well, how did it feel when you wore it?" She reached for it, falling to all fours before she could get close enough to pick it up.

Fast shook her head slowly. "It was difficult to say. The first thing I noticed was my sight returning, and what a blessing that was. I could see even in places I couldn't normally. I felt like I could see everything that needed seeing."

Tree set it on her own head. "I don't think it fits my aura, but here we are..." She squinted into the dark a moment, then shook her head slowly. "I don't get it. Do I have to do something?"

Fast looked at Tree and the crown. "I don't remember doing anything, just wearing it."

Tree held it up on her hooves and set it on Fast's head. Suddenly the night retreated for her. It was clear as day all around her. Tree tilted her head. "You look like you're seeing something."

"I am." Fast rose to her hooves and slowly turned. "The darkvision... no, it's not darkvision. If I... remember correctly, that's in black and white, but this... I can see as if the sun were high in the sky. I don't understand."

"What's to understand?" Tree smiled gently. "The crown digs your vibes, Fast Shadow."

Fast opened her mouth to object, to find Tree's hoof on it. "This doesn't mean you have to be Queen or anything, but I do think you should totally wear it. Maybe it'll let you see what you need to see."

"What I need to see..." Fast sat on her haunches with the soft clanking of metal on metal. "Of course... It's so obvious. Tree, you are a wise soul." She grabbed Tree in a sudden hug. "Thank you."

Tree gave a nervous little laugh. "You're... welcome. A little personal space, please?"

Fast released Tree with a quick nod. "Yes, right, apologies. Why don't you get some sleep? I'm feeling ready for my shift."

The next morning, Paul noticed Fast wearing the crown around. "Changed yer mind?"

Fast nodded at him. "Until we find a better head for it, it seems to want to help guide us, and I welcome its aid."

Tree nodded lightly as she clambered up behind Maud. "It totally suits you, Fast. We'll find what you're looking for."

Paul seemed to consider it as he mounted his horse. "Right. Well it fits you well enough, I s'ppose. How far out are we?"

"Just a few days out." Fast carefully set her heavy self on the poor beast. She gave him a little pat. "Don't you worry, you'll get a little break then. I think it'd be wise to get a cart so our weight is more distributed with wheels to help it along."

Their journey continued, with Caerney drawing into view a few days afterwards. It was vast and sprawling. There was no circle of runes about it, but there was a wall that looked new. From their higher vantage point on the distant city, they could see other walls had been built, perhaps done each time the city wanted to expand. Fast pointed ahead to it. "The largest human city in the western human lands, the great city of Caerney. It isn't where I came in from, but it's the most direct way back West."

Paul frowned at it with consideration. "Most people 'round where I come from don't much like this city, talk about how strange their laws are. Ain't so bad, really, don't think. They don't like people owning monsters, people owning people either. Ah heard it draws all kinds here."

Tree smiled with relief. "That sounds like a delightful place. Let's go." She nudged against Maud, who nudged the horse forward.

They found the major trade road weaving its way into the city and began riding along it, where they ran into other people headed into the city.

One wagon lumbered alongside them, its driver looking over at them with undisguised curiosity. "Horses riding horses? That's something new, I'll tell you that."

Paul shrugged. "You haven't seen half the odd things I've done run into so far."

The driver laughed in good cheer. "Spoken like an adventurer. So what brings you into The City?"

Fast turned to the man. "Supplies, mostly. We've a journey ahead of us."

"And behind you, I reckon." The driver nodded. "Well, I'll let you get to it."

They arrived at the gate to find a small group of soldiers was busily looking over each entrant before letting them through. When they got to the two warhorses carrying three ponies and a human, the guard looked confused. "Alright... so what is this?"

Fast slid from the horse to the ground. "We've come to resupply. I trust there's no issue with that?"

Another guard ambled over. "Did I just hear that horse talk?"

Tree Hugger sighed softly. "Come on, man. We're all tired. Can we go chill out a little in your nice city?"

The first guard scratched at his helmet. "Well, no rule saying you can't. We've seen stranger than talking horses when you get right down to it. Just obey the laws. No theft, killing, fights, you know the basics. Be decent people, or horses, whichever." He waved them on through. "That goes double for adventurers."

They strode past the guards and the gate. Fast stayed on her own hooves, enjoying the chance to walk instead of ride. The city was as large as one might expect of such a metropolitan. It also suffered from common issues of the time. The occasional wafts of foul humors would come from sewers failing to suffice for the demand of the growing population, competing with more pleasing aromas from the direction of taverns set up to draw those just entering the city.

Fast homed in on a local looking native. "Excuse me, ma'am? Where would you suggest to put up some horses and get a place to rest for a day or two?"

The woman looked Fast over. "What do they call your kind? There's a choice of taverns with rooms available if what's what you're looking for. Just avoid that one there." She hiked a thumb at the one closest to the gate. "He jumped through some dirty hoops to get the spot, and doesn't deserve a bit of it."

Tree came trotting up beside Fast. "Hello there, sister."

"I'm not your sister." The woman looked amused at the ponies. "Are we being invaded? Most adorable invasion I ever heard of."

Fast shook her head. "I should think not. We are ponies, and thank you for the advice." She turned back to Tree. "We'll take that one there. Guide the horses into the stables and let's get something to eat that isn't dried."

Tree returned to the horses and repeated the instructions to those better able to guide them before trotting over to the tavern and looking up at its sign. "The Lazy Jester, that's a trippy name." She proceeded inside with a little smile. There were humans, elves, a tiny human, child perhaps, and a stout human with a big beard. A man stood behind the counter, and she could see a menu posted there. She clopped her forehooves with joy. Oat cakes and a drink? That sounded lovely. "The universe works in groovy ways."

The others came in to find her with a table claimed and four places waiting for them. She waved them over with a content expression. "I have a room waiting for us afterwards."

Paul gave a soft grunt. "Huh. Got that right set up." Settling into a seat, he reached for a drink and took a mild pull. "Beer's not bad either. Oat cakes? Haven't had this in a while."

Tree tilted her head. "I was a little worried you might not like it."

"What? Nah, it's good. Not like we could afford to have meat every day, or even every week."

Maud settled in her own chair and nudged her cakes before starting to nibble at them. Tree, watching her, leaned forward. "We'll get some rocks to make some soup with on our way out of town."


Fast sat down beside the table, not subjecting the chairs to her weight. "I'll see about that cart, then we're officially off-duty for the rest of the day. Relax, enjoy yourselves. The city has a good feel for it, but don't let your guard down. They love preying on gullible looking travelers. It's true in any city."

Author's Note:

Welcome to Caerney! I'm sure nothing will go wrong here.

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