• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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3 - Not in Pony Territory

The cool air and the stars that became more and more visible by the moment were a welcome reprieve from the underground ruins they had just left. Maud scanned the horizon slowly in a circle as Tree Hugger moved towards a forest that was nearby to the south.

She reached for a tree and gently rubbed over its surface. "Good evening, my friend."

"Hello," it replied. "Most don't take the time to greet me."

Tree Hugger blinked with surprise, but rolled right along with it. "Radical! Like, you're alive, I mean, even more alive than the lovely melody of a tree. Hello, honored forest spirit."

"Hello to you." An elfin face poked out from behind the tree. "It's been centuries since I saw a pony! Aw, you're adorable!"

Maud wandered closer. "Who are you talking to?" She spotted the fae creature and tilted her head. "Hello."

The tree nymph let out an alarmed gasp. "Your friend, she's hurt! Poor little pony, you just wait right there." She reached up and snatched a handful of acorns and held them out towards Maud. "Eat and be better, little pony."

Maud approached curiously and gave them a lone sniff before she shrugged and munched on one loudly, crunching it effortlessly. It exploded into new tastes and some of her hurts began to fade. "Not as crunchy as I prefer." She accepted another when offered, and another after that, eating from the palm of the smiling nymph.

Tree Hugger smiled placidly. "Sorry to bother you, righteous forest spirit, but could you tell us how to get to town?"

The nymph stuck out her tongue. "Ew, you don't want to be there, trust me. Humans don't treat ponies nicely, or my kind either. We have more in common than you do with them anyway."

Tree Hugger tilted her head a little. "What's a human? That sounds kinda... familiar, man."

She frowned delicately. "They stand on two legs, like I do, but they always wear lots of clothes, and usually stink, and half of them are big brutish males! Not like us nymphs, we're all female."

Maud nodded slowly. "My father's a male."

She stuck out her tongue. "Mine too."

Tree Hugger started counting in the air. "Wait... If you're all female, how is your father, like... I don't understand, wise forest spirit, lay some wisdom down on me."

She giggled softly as she danced away from the tree and circled Tree Hugger. "You talk so strangely, but with such respect. My mother got a human to stop scratching himself and play with her for a little while, then I happened. It's a tradition."

Maud tilted her head. "So they are your size?"

She nodded quickly at that. "Just uglier. Just imagine me, but ugly, there's your human."

Tree Hugger smiled. "Far out... Do they move out with you, to the trees, or bring you to their towns?"

She grimaced at the very idea of it. "No way! Either way would make one of us very unhappy. We have some fun, maybe make a kid, then we let them go home. If they want to visit, they'd better be polite." She leaned forward on her tiptoes. "Presents don't hurt."

Maud tapped her chin. "Does that work with ponies?"

The nymph looked surprised at the question. "Why, I never tried. Like I said, you're the first ponies I've seen in forever!" She put her hands on her hips. "Besides, you're both girl ponies, aren't you?"

"Like, for sure." Tree Hugger nodded softly. "I don't think my companion meant to imply we would do that kind of thing."

She spread a grin. "You sure you don't want to try?"

Maud seemed to consider it a moment before shrugging.

Tree Hugger giggled. "I've never talked with a tree spirit so alive! Wait, are you this tree's spirit, or one with the forest?" She gestured at the tree she found the nymph in.

She reached back to gently caress over it much like Tree Hugger had done. "This is my favorite, but I call the whole forest home." She paused suddenly and glared into the forest. "I have to go." She stepped into the tree and vanished.

Maud turned to her friend. "She was interesting."

Tree Hugger nodded and glanced up at the sky. It was becoming night truly. It was dark, save for the heavy and full moon that rose slowly above. It wasn't their moon. It wasn't Luna's moon. "Man... I feel way lost right now. Not cool... We should find some shelter."

Maud moved up to the tree and looked ready to strike it when Tree Hugger moved swiftly in her way. "No way! This is her tree! We can't hurt it, totally uncool. Can't we find somewhere else? Like a cave or something?"

Maud turned from the tree, then began walking away. Tree Hugger followed after her as they moved away from the forest. Maud moved from rock to rock as if searching for something, but she never said what, until she found the right rock in the growing darkness. The full moon did a passable job of preventing the darkness from engulfing them.

Maud turned away from the rock and Tree Hugger frowned a little, but then Maud lashed out her hind legs and smashed the rock solidly. It quivered before a small hole opened in it. "There."

Hugger moved up curiously. "Righteous... You are truly a warden of stone, just as I totally watch over the trees." She sank to her belly and shimmied into the rock, finding it to be mostly hollow. After the entrance, there was plenty of room to move around, providing about a ten foot circle for them. "Radical. Can you close it up while we sleep?"

She slipped in easily, then reached out and pulled in the rubble that fell with her kick. She made a quick stack of it, blocking the exit and making the outside world far away. "We should sleep."

Hugger nodded at Maud. "We totally should." She settled against the rocky wall of her temporary home and closed her eyes, trying to sleep. She hadn't had a chance to eat, or do any of the fun things she usually did before bedtime, and it bothered her more and more. She turned to ask Maud how she felt, but Maud was already asleep silently. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was calm.

Hugger gave a little smile. Seeing her friend relaxing so easily made her feel a little calm, even though her belly protested at the lack of food. She began to pat herself down and found an acorn in her hair. Did it come from the original oak, back in Equestria, or the new one, here in... wherever they were?

She held the acorn gently, rolling it around in her hooves as she thought over her situation. "This is bad..." Nopony heard her, or at least replied. She held up the acorn and she felt an urge. There was a power waiting, it would help her. She smiled gently. "Gentle spirit of the forest, like, lay it on me. I surrender to your might."

The acorn flashed softly with natural energy. She could see it, smell it. It was a totally radical aura. The acorn smelled delicious. She brought it to her snout and gently chewed on it. Her hunger faded quickly, and her belly filled as if she had just eaten an entire meal. She was full and much happier than a moment before. "Nature provides..." She settled to the ground with a warm smile, and was soon as asleep as her companion.

They awoke to the sound of stones being tossed aside. Maud turned to the entrance and stared at it intently. Another stone was tossed. They could both see the hole that was made. Light spilled in. It was day! But they were trapped in their stone tent. Tree Hugger slid nervously behind her companion. "A totally uncool way to wake up. Are you alright?"

Maud nodded, but said nothing, her eyes never leaving the rock pile as it was dug away with hands faster. It was like a minotaur, but those hands didn't have a layer of fur on them.

When the pile was about halfway down, a strange face leaned in to look at them. The nymph had been right. They really did look like ugly nymphs.

The human grinned. "Hello there. What have we here? Guys! Look at this!"

Footsteps came closer as Maud rose to her hooves. Her muscles were tense and ready.

Another face came into view. "Are those little horses?"

"Ponies, yeah," said the first one. "How do you figure someone lost them out here?"

The second one frowned. "I ain't never seen a horse that was green. Maybe they belongs to the devil of the trees?"

The first one laughed. "You're way too superstitious."

Tree Hugger cleared her throat. "Like, excuse me?" The human looked at her, surprised. "Hey there! It's totally cool to meet you and all, but can you give us a little personal space? Our chakras are feeling a little blocked right now."

The human withdrew and spoke in hurried whispers with his friend, going back and forth.

Maud took the opportunity to slip from the cave, popping out just beside the two. They jumped back and looked at her like she might suddenly grow a second head. She just stared at them quietly.

The second one shook his head. "Do you think it talks too?"

The first one shook his head at the exact same rate. "What're the odds? She looks like a normal horse."

Maud pointed away from the cave with a hoof. "Back up."

They went pale and backed up a little, giving room for Tree Hugger to emerge with a smile.

In the light of day, they could see these ponies were... not horses. There were a thousand little things wrong. They were built oddly. They were... something else. The first advanced, drawing a dagger. "Look, we don't want no trouble. Don't be laying no hexes on us!"

Tree Hugger held up a hoof. "Like, chill out, man. You're harshing the vibes. We're here for peace and tranquility."

The second smiled a little. "See, they're nice... whatever they ares. Maybe they give wishes?"

The first looked towards Tree Hugger, still holding his dagger, though he seemed more defensive than ready to lunge with it. "So, do you give wishes?"

Hugger tapped her chin. "That totally depends on what your wish is, man. If you want to sit down and meditate with me, wish granted." Her eyes opened with the word wish before falling to their usual placid state. "What's your deal, man?"

The second swatted the first on the arm. "Stop waving that at them. They ain't even doing nothin'."

The first hesitantly put his dagger away. "We get eaten, I'm gonna come back just to haunt you!"

Tree Hugger took the lull in the excitement to look over the humans. The first one had short black hair on his head and wore a green shirt and dirty brown across most of his body. She couldn't identify... Oh, leather. Ick... "Gnarly..." She had a gut instinct it hadn't been taken in any kind way. She turned her eyes to the second and saw he was dressed in more cloth and less leather, except his big boots. He had reddish hair and a big moustache. They were like the nymph, without the pointed ears, or grace, or gentleness, or... They weren't really like the nymph.

The second offered his hand suddenly. "Never mind him. Pleased ta make your acquaintances."

Maud tilted her head before silently offering a hoof. He wrapped his fingers around it and they shook gently. Perhaps new friends could be made?

Author's Note:

Oh look, natives! This world has a very diverse biosphere of both intelligent and unintelligent beasts that would like to meet our pony heroes and invite them to dinner.

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