• Published 10th Apr 2015
  • 3,076 Views, 1,620 Comments

The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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56 - Rolling Apple

Applejack dashed through the town, charging for the floating home that housed Rainbow Dash. Her progress was abruptly halted as she was hauled from the ground, dangling by her hooves held together in a snare. "Pinkie Pie!"

The pink pony bounced out of a nearby bush. "That's me!"

"Let me down from here right this moment. We don't have a moment ta lose." Applejack flexed and heaved, trying to find leverage to free herself.

"No can do." Pinkie tilted her head. "You don't need that thing anyway, Applejack."

Applejack grunted in annoyance before arcane words began spilling from her. She swelled monstrously, snapping the rope that held her and falling back to the ground. Pinkie waved her hooves, trying to calm Applejack down, but she was already rolling onto her hooves and thundering away from the party pony.

Applejack fretted over how the scythe might be abused or fall into the hands of somepony awful. She arrived just under Rainbow's house. "Rainbow! Git yer flank down here right this second! This ain't funny!"

Rainbow peeked her head off the edge of her cloud. "No way! You just... Applejack, think about what you just did without even hestiating! Sheesh, you blame me for being impulsive."

Applejack thumped the ground with an large hoof. "Ah punished two rotten little fillies. That's what ah did!"

Rainbow leaned a bit more over the side. "You just sent two fillies that don't know anything about fighting, magic, or anything, to Everglow! You've been there! I've been there! You killed them, Applejack. You just killed them. That isn't... the Applejack I know..." She flopped onto the cloud on her belly, mumbling something else too quietly for Applejack to hear.

Applejack raised a hoof towards the house and felt a mild pull. She yanked back against it and the scythe suddenly burst through the bottom of Rainbow's house, flying through the air towards Applejack to land on her back as if it belonged there. Of course it did... Applejack let out a soft breath of relief before nodding at Rainbow. "Maybe I was a mite hasty. Come on down, Dash. We can talk this out, like friends."

Rainbow tensed. She could see the scythe had been reclaimed, though Applejack seemed calm. "You're not super ticked off?"

Applejack shook her head. "You're trying to be a friend. Ah haven't changed." She raised a hoof over her chest. "We're still friends, Rainbow Dash, but you need to not take mah things. That ain't right. If ya think I done wrong, ya tell me that to mah face, without stealin'. Two wrongs don't hardly make a right."

Rainbow slipped off the cloud and landed in front of Applejack. "Sorry, but that thing's way dangerous! Why do you even have it?"

Applejack advanced forward and suddenly threw an leg over Rainbow, pulling her close and almost forcefully nuzzling a cheek. Rainbow's wings fluttered a moment. It wasn't that she disapproved of a hug or affection from AJ, but this was a bit more aggressive than AJ normally was about it. "Yer my friend, Dash. One ah mah best. Ah just want to protect ya. Trust me."

Rainbow looked into Applejack's eyes and saw an intense focus. She felt disquieted, and yet safe. If Applejack said she would be protected, she would be... Nothing in Equestria would stop AJ from keeping her safe... Rainbow stared with half-lidded eyes, about ready to surrender to this powerful magnetism before she suddenly shook her head. "I don't need protection. I'm Rainbow Danger Dash! I do the protecting, Applejack." Rainbow felt... strange all over. Part of her wanted to just roll over and let Applejack be her guardian and protector, but the idea of it angered her. "We're a team!"

Applejack silenced Rainbow with a sudden kiss, and the two sank to the ground, lost to the world for several long moments. Applejack suddenly shrank to her normal size, but that didn't stop the passionate exchange. When Applejack finally did draw back, she was smiling. "Yer the most important mare ah know. Let me protect you."

Rainbow felt intense heat all through her body. As much as her ego demanded she defend the right to stand on her own hooves, she wanted to be loved, and the intense passion Applejack was giving her was so tempting. "I'm... This isn't right. We're part of the same team, AJ. I want to be at your side, not a damsel in distress. Don't you... L-love that part of me?"

Applejack frowned with thought before she gave a hesitant nod, "Yer right..." She got up to her hooves and offered one to Rainbow Dash. "Ya shouldn't be a damsel in distress. Ya should be my right-hoof mare. Maybe that was mah mistake before. Ya can help me stay on the straight and narrow like."

Rainbow accepted the hoof and slid upright. AJ's new proposal felt much better, and she nodded. "Yeah! I can do that." They embraced tightly, the fate of the bullying twins entirely forgotten in the emotional rollercoaster.

Willow stepped back onto the streets of Ponyville. Dinner had been pleasant and educational. The cat wasn't as perfect as first impressions led to believe, which actually comforted her a great deal. Nothing perfect could be trusted. Even the ponies of this colorful world had their little flaws that made them real.

Willow conjured Kalik from the void between worlds, and the flaming cat nodded at her. "This place is new. Where are we?"

"This is Ponyville, in the land of Equestria." Willow waved a paw around. "Our new home."

Kalik chuckled softly. "Your new home. I just visit. Did you conjure me for a battle?"

"Of a different sort." Willow huffed. "I could use some advice."

Kalik tilted her head. "Advice, from me? Are you well, dear mistress?"

Willow leveled a finger at Kalik. "Don't give me guff. My boy's found love, and I plan to be there for him, but that doesn't mean I have to be idle. They have cats here too, same as the ponies you see walking around. Brightly colored, two tails, generally nice folk."

Kalik tilted his head. "You plan to go native then?"

Willow snorted lightly. "Not unless I have to. I'm not giving up my body so casually, but that's not the question." She rolled a paw. "It's more a matter of the heart."

Kalik smiled a little. "We elementals have it easier in that regard. We have no need for that kind of binding, or, you know, messy things that lead to painful births. Still, I've known you a long time. I think you know what to do, but you're afraid to do it. You only live once, little mortal, enjoy the life you've been given."

Willow huffed and sat down. "That simple?"

"Most of life is," agreed Kalik. "We just like making it more complicated. Whatever you decide, I am ever your servant, and your friend."

Willow closed the distance and gave Kalik a soft hug. "I'm sorry for forgetting that last part at times. Thank you for putting up with me."

Kalik nuzzled briefly before slipping out of Willow's grip and stretching out. "Let's look around? I want to see some of this new world. Tell me what you've learned of it."

Willow rose up to her paws, nodding. "We'll start the tour at the town hall." She pointed, then started in that direction. "The ponies are a little timid at times. They'll probably shy away from a cat on fire until they get to know you, but they're quite sweet after that."

The train came to a gentle stop. Twilight led the way off the train. "Well, good luck. Again, if you need anything, just let me know. It's good to have you on our side." She gave a smile to Lex and Sonata, then moved to trot away.

Sonata waved at the departing Twilight before looking to Lex, waiting for him to lead the way forward.

Lex narrowed his eyes at Twilight's comment about sides, but decided that it wasn't worth pursuing, instead looking around. Willow wasn't immediately in sight, and he belatedly realized that he wasn't sure where to find her. Ponyville wasn't a very large town, but even so, the thought of wasting time by aimlessly wandering in search of her was irritating just to consider.

He looked to Sonata. "We should..." he was going to say 'split up,' but that idea died as soon as it was conceived. He didn't want to be apart from her, not when just looking at her sent a thrill of excitement through him. Not when he still felt a sudden spike of joy every time she smiled or nuzzled him. "...find the most populated area and start there."

Sonata tapped her chin. "It shouldn't be, like, too hard. She's the only purrsian in the entire world, right?" She bumped against him before trotting towards the closest knot of ponies she spotted. "Hey guys. Have you, like, seen a winged cat? About this tall?" she held up a hoof. "Kinda grumpy but mostly nice?"

Two of three of the ponies shook their heads, but the last bobbed hers and pointed down the road. "They had another cat with them, on fire! How could I forget that?"

The other two ponies looked suddenly sheepish as they confessed that they actually had forgotten that. "I just didn't want to stare at them, and got away, but they didn't chase me, and then I saw my friends here," explained the stallion simply.

Lex frowned. Why would Willow summon that planar creature of hers here, where there were no obvious threats? Wordlessly, he turned away from the townsponies and picked up his pace as he trotted down the indicated road.

Sonata scooted after Lex, and the two soon came upon Willow and Kalik seated side by side on one of the town benches, apparently pony-watching. They were noticed swiftly, and Willow raised a paw at them, though she didn't seem certain. "Lex? Sonata?"

Sonata quickly nodded. "That's us. Look, we're all Equestrian now." She did a quick turn in place, showing off her form. "Everything went great! You shoulda seen it. We had Celestia, like, eating out of our hands, er, hooves."

"It was a productive meeting," concurred Lex. "Unexpectedly so." He looked at Sonata again as he said that last part, not realizing that he was clearly telegraphing who had made it so productive.

His gaze lingered on Sonata long enough to be telling before he returned it to Willow. "Because of that, we're leaving for Vanhoover, a distant city, later today. I wanted to see to your welfare before I left. Are you and Sunflower doing well here? Is everything alright?"

Kalik snorted, fire licking the air. "Willow hasn't seen Sunflower since he ran off with his new friends. He is taking to this world like a fish returned to water."

Willow elbowed Kalik lightly. "That's a fair summary. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I'm still finding my place in things." She leaned back a little. "But I think I will. That pink pony said she would work with the others to get us a house, and we'll live here. She even said she could prove that love wasn't impossible to find here. I'm not sure her first pick will be the one I go with, but... I do think she proved her point. Did you know there were cats in Equestria?"

Sonata blinked softly. "Like housecats?"

Willow laughed softly. "Like me, you daft girl. You're darling but you can be really dense at times."

Sonata pouted with a snort. "Well, no, I didn't know that, but you don't have to get mean about it. Anyway! You're looking at mayor Lex Legis now." She thrust a hoof at Lex with a big grin and obvious pride.

Lex's answer to Sonata's statement was an actual smile. Normally he was uncomfortable with receiving praise, since it was so rare that he had little idea how to react. But hearing Sonata's voice apply that title to him was enough to bypass all of that, and he couldn't help his happy response. "We should think of a title for you as well. Something more than spokespony."

Sonata tilted her head at Lex. "Wouldn't I be a Mayoress? Oh!" she looked at Willow. "Just to be, like, totally sure, you're cool?"

Kalik flashed her flaming teeth. "I hope not."

Willow rolled her eyes. "We're both fine. I... Thank you both. I'll find my way from here on my own."

Sonata pointed at Willow curiously. "You going to go Equestrian?"

Willow raised a brow. "Does that involve two tails?" At Sonata's blank expression, she snorted. "I'll stay the way I am until that particular issue is forced on me."

Lex nodded, feeling satisfied that he had fulfilled any remaining obligation to her. He started to turn back towards the train station, but stopped abruptly. Something nagged at him, a sense that he wasn't quite finished with Willow yet.

Pausing, Lex tried to figure out what it was. It wasn't his sense of duty, but instead something more akin to how he felt towards Sonata. His brow furrowed at that. Did he have feelings for Willow too? No, he realized. That wasn't it. It was something else, more like how he'd felt towards Sonata just after the meeting with the royal sisters.

Turning back to the purrsian, he tried to put it into words. "Willow, I...um... you've provided useful insight on more than one occasion, and I..." he rolled a hoof, as though that would make his meaning more clear. "I want you to know that I'm...very aware of the value of that."

Kalik, speaking with the bluntness she was accustomed to, said, "I believe the term you search for is 'Thank you'."

Willow tipped her head towards Lex. "When I first saw you together, I had a feeling you'd work out. All I did was give a little nudge in the right direction. You've returned that gift to me, and I'm going to get walking and stop digging in my paws. Good luck in your new job. The way you're acting, it won't be an easy trip, but I get the feeling it'll be one worth doing."

Sonata bobbed her head quickly. "You got that right. We're gonna get those ponies out of the hole they half dug for themselves. Totally write us a letter or something, alright?" She held out a hoof. "Still friends, right?"

Willow met the hoof with a paw. "Still friends."

Author's Note:

Willow accepts a new chapter of her life and gets a chance to say proper goodbyes to Lex and Sonata, who are setting off on their own adventures.

Meanwhile, Applejack ensnares one of her best friends. Will Rainbow Dash be the balance Applejack needs to stay on the right side of things, or will they sink together, lost in a sea where their intentions are little more than typos on the cosmos?

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