• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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11 - The Manse Fills

Lady Longtail sat out on the balcony, shielded from the direct glare of the angry sun by an overhanging cloth from the roof. She watched as ratfolk darted about the lawn. Her lawn. "Have I done the right thing, offering shelter to a bunch of rat men?"

Applejack pointed at one particular biped. "That one's a rat, uh, woman?"

This seemed to relax her a little, and she smiled. "Perhaps they will have a family of their own." She turned her gaze to the Crusaders lined up on either side of Applejack. "Let's talk about you. The rats are no longer your problem. You've done as I asked, but something bothers me. What were you fighting?"

Apple Bloom turned to face Lady Longtail, sitting on her haunches. "Well they were about so big, and they had scales and teeth and claws. Kinda lahk little dragons without the fire breath n' all that. Oh! Two-legged too."

The butler spoke. "Kobolds, madame. Dreadful beasts, they're arguably worse than the ratfolk."

Applejack frowned a little. "Which critter's more known for tunneling?"

The butler considered this a moment before gesturing at the rats. "In my reading, the ratfolk were once as nomadic as the purrsians, though I shudder to draw likeness between the two people. Kobolds are traditionally underground creatures, not creatures of the desert."

Scootaloo turned away from the scurrying ratfolk to look at the butler. "Hey wait! What if the rats didn't dig those tunnels? What if they just moved in after the lizard people dug it out, and they just came back?"

Lady Longtail let out a slow sigh. "Then you've done me a greater favor that I already knew. The kobolds would have raided the manor, not holed up in its walls. They weren't trying to, but the ratfolk saved me." She looked to Applejack. "You slept here last night. Do you not have a home of your own?"

Applejack jumped a little. "Ah thought ya said we could stay over? Ah didn't mean no offense by it."

Longtail shook her head. "No offense is taken, but...?"

Applejack shuffled a little. "But it's true, we were staying at a tavern before we came here."

Longtail nodded. "Then it's settled. Your payment, besides two hundred coin, will be one of the master bedrooms, to be used until you need it no longer. It will do my old heart good to have some little ones running around the grounds... besides the rats."

Sweetie Belle clopped her hooves together. "That's really nice of you, ma'am!" The others quickly echoed the sentiment.

Longtail smiled with a building warmth. "You're brave little warriors, aren't you? Did you learn anything from your battle?"

Apple Bloom raised a hoof to go first. "Ah figured out what ah was doing wrong with mah potions! Now anypony can drink 'em!"

Sweetie went next. "I... learned that there are more uses to singing than singing."

Applejack raised a brow. "Come again?"

Sweetie shook her head. "It's hard to explain... I feel like I can tell a tall tale like a sung story, and tell when somepony is trying to do the same to me."

The butler spoke up as he looked at Sweetie. "You are a bard, maturing into your social powers. It really suits you, madame, if you don't mind my saying."

Sweetie flashed a bright smile. "Thanks!" She looked back at her flank, blank as ever...

Lady Longtail noticed the glance. "What were you looking for, little pony?"

Scootaloo offered an answer first. "A cutie mark! We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Longtail shook her head. "Do you mean a brand of destiny?"

Applejack nodded. "That's what ponies around here call it. They haven't gotten theirs yet."

Longtail looked befuddled, wrinkled brow raising. "Ponies are born with them, branded by the gods themselves, or so I heard. How did you... avoid that?"

All of them but Sweetie started to look nervous. Sweetie immediately wove a tale. "We're cursed! That's why we made the Crusaders, to break the curse and get our marks!"

Longtail reached out and ran slightly shaking fingers through Sweetie's mane. "You just finished telling me you got better at tall tales. You won't fool me that easily. Tell me the truth."

Sweetie shrunk with sheepish shame. Applejack stepped forward. "Well, ya see, we ain't from around these parts."

Longtail looked over the ponies. "Where are you from then?"

Applejack sighed softly. "I can't answer that question, not for lack of wanting ta. A world away? Universe? I don't know."

Longtail looked from one to the next and back again. "Brands aside, you look very... normal... for extraplanar travelers."

Apple Bloom smiled brightly. "We changed when we got here. We used ta be different-shaped a little."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Hard ta describe really. More rounded, less threatening. We were still ponies. We weren't trying ta be deceitful, it's just a mite difficult ta explain."

Scootaloo spread her wings wide. "My wings work now!"

Longtail focused on Scootaloo, as if the rest of the world ceased to exist. "You couldn't fly before? How terrible! Do you know how to?" Scootaloo shuffled in place. "Answer enough." Lady Longtail rose to her paws, stretching out slowly, arching her back and extending her wings. "For this, I will spread my wings one more time. Come, little one, let's show you how to embrace the sky."

The two were soon gone, Scootaloo following after Longtail with a goofy grin.

The butler gestured inside. "I'll show you to your room." He led them through the halls of the manor, stopping at a room that seemed large enough to fit an entire family if there were more beds in it.

Applejack whistled low. "Hoowee, she weren't kidding 'bout it being a 'master' bedroom.

Apple Bloom faced the butler. "If she's so rich, why are you tha only one working here?"

He raised a brow. "The other staff left over the years, when other employers offered them more money."

Sweetie frowned at the story. "What? Just like that? She's such a nice cat! Doesn't that count for something?"

He smiled then, but bowed stiffly. "It does for some of us. Ring the bell if you require my services." Then he was gone, door closed gently behind him.

Applejack frowned and snorted. "That's it. Ah ain't taking charity from that cat lady sitting down. Ah'm gonna patch up that wall fer her. You two up fer helping?" Both crisply saluted with grins. "That's tha spirit! Let's make it good as new." Applejack led the way, and the rest of the day was spent repairing the damage done and reinforcing the breach to discourage any other underground residents.

Before they finished closing it up, Apple Bloom squeezed through the hole and vanished from sight. There was a muffled bang and she came scampering out, covered in dust. "Nothing's coming through that tunnel!" Applejack held out a hoof and they bumped with sisterly pride. The sun was lowering by the time they emerged from the hallway, looking satisfied with their work.

They heard elevated voices as they came. Following them brought them to the front yard, where Longtail was arguing with another purrsian that Applejack found faintly familiar.

The younger purrsian snorted at Longtail. "You went from living alone to living with rats? Have you lost all sense of pride? They're filthy, disease-ridden beasts!"

Longtail scowled her wrinkly face. "That makes them one step up from the average cat on the street. They're willing to work for their keep and they need a place to live. Did you come back just to berate me? I was happier alone."

"Mother..." The younger purrsian sighed softly. "No I didn't come back just for that. I wasn't expecting to come back to this! Why do you have a pony child here?" She pointed off to where Scootaloo was playing in the fountain with a purrsian kitten. They appeared to be having quite a good time of it. The other Crusaders abandoned Applejack, rushing to join Scootaloo and her new friend. "Children! Is that their mother?" She leveled her gaze at Applejack before her expression changed like a switch. "You!"

Applejack approached cautiously. "Me? What's wrong?"

The younger purrsian smiled at Applejack. "You were with the ponies that rescued us. It's your fault in part that I'm here at all to complain at my senile, but lovable, mother."

Applejack tapped the ground twice. "Willow was it? Nice ta meetcha again."

Willow nodded. "Willow Longtail. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Lady Longtail blinked at their reunion. "You know this pony?"

Willow nodded. "It's thanks to her and her friends that I survived the train wreck and got back to civilization. I did a lot of thinking about them. They didn't even really want the money I was offering for it."

Applejack smiled gently. "We were doing what was right ta do. That's how neighbors should behave."

Longtail pointed a furry finger at Applejack. "See, that's what I'm talking about."

Willow sighed. "Enough arguing. Give me a hug." Old arguments were set aside long enough for the two to embrace warmly. "I missed you, crazy old bat."

"I missed you too, foolish child. And you brought my grandkitten. For that, I will let you stay."

Willow turned to the fountain. "Sunflower! Come say hello to Grandmother!"

"Yes mom!" Sunflower shook himself free of water and rushed up to Lady Longtail, who caught him in a dive and they hugged fiercely.

"Oh, how you've grown!" Longtail set him down and pet over the fur of his head. "Look at you! You're going to break so many pretty girls' hearts."

Sunflower blushed at the praise and made a face. "Grandma... Say, Grandma, why are there a bunch of ponies here? They're fun!"

Scootaloo arrived on the scene first on her restored wings, tackling Sunflower to the ground with a giggle of delight. They wrestled, forgetting about the adults for the moment.

Longtail smiled at the sight before letting out a slow sigh. "My home is starting to feel more like a home again... How long are you staying, Willow?"

Willow shrugged her shoulders. "My plans fell through... I'm returning with my tail between my legs. Will you give your foolish daughter harbor while she works out her next scheme?"

Longtail pulled Willow forward into a new embrace. "As if you had to ask. You are welcome here as long as you need it, just don't pick on the rats. They've been through enough."

Willow made a bit of a face. "I will try not to, mother. At least tell me you put them in one of the outer houses?"

Applejack cleared her throat softly. "Sorry ta interrupt a family moment, but thought ya should know we patched that hole up for ya. No more varmints'll bother ya from there."

Longtail nodded in thanks. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you. You really are a kind neighbor."

Willow tilted her head slightly. "Are they neighbors?"

Longtail shook her head in return. "They're staying here for now, same as you."

Willow looked over Applejack, then smiled. "I can deal with civilized pony folk. It's nice to run into you again."

Author's Note:

Lady Longtail gets more background info, Apple Bloom learns the magic of infusions, and the manor seems full of people!

I bet they brought typos...

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