• Published 10th Apr 2015
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The Apple Falls Far from the Tree - David Silver

Applejack has returned from her Everglow adventure with magic all her own. Magic that her little sister and friends want to investigate. What could go wrong when the Apple family falls far from the tree without Twilight to rely on? Ponyfinder/MLP

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55 - Fallen Apple

Rainbow Dash scooched up to Pinkie Pie, her eyes wide and body tense. "Did you just see that?"

Pinkie tilted her head with confusion, "See what?"

Rainbow pointed to where Applejack was calmly nibbling on cake. "She just zapped two fillies to Celestia-Knows-Where!"

Pinkie flashed a bright smile. "Well if Celestia knows where, they're OK!" She pulled out a party hat from nowhere in particular and popped it on Rainbow's head. "Stop looking so glum."

Rainbow frowned at Pinkie's antics, "Pinkie, really. I love you girl, but I need serious Pinkie right now, please?"

Pinkie sat on her haunches and looked at Rainbow. "Alright, what's wrong?"

Rainbow wobbled a hoof at Applejack. "Where did she get that funny thing on her back? She just used it like Discord did his claws at the Gala! Except nopony stopped her and now they're gone!"

Pinkie frowned in obvious thought, tapping a hoof on the ground. "Who was it? I wasn't watching her."

Rainbow sighed softly. "Two fillies, uh, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? Yeah, those are their names. Not the nicest foals on the playground, but nopony at this party deserves to be chucked into another dimension."

"Ah agree." Apple Bloom sat down beside the two adults. "She got it after we talked ta a no-good mare."

Rainbow clopped her hooves together. "Then it's settled. We get that thing away from her and get our old AJ back! Back in a jiff."

Rainbow took off towards Applejack in a streak and grabbed the scythe from her back before AJ had any idea she was under attack. The metal of the scythe burned angrily in Dash's mouth, but she clenched her teeth all the harder and burst through a window, fleeing out into the evening with the dark item.

Applejack turned red with an obvious fury, stomping her hooves and facing the window Rainbow went through. "Ya best get back! Rainbow Dash! That is not fer ya!"

Rainbow did not turn back, instead fleeing up to her home to set the scythe down on a table as soon as she could and get some water into her slightly cooked mouth. "The price we pay to be good friends," she muttered to herself between gulps."

Back at the party, Apple Bloom approached Applejack. "Ya need ta let that thing go."

Applejack frowned at her sister. "It ain't that easy. Rainbow's gonna abuse it. That thing's a right powerful weapon and ah have ta keep it safe, for Equestria."

Apple Bloom shook her head resolutely. "Ya done banished them! Ah mean, ah kinda thought I'd be happier about the day they got punished, but it ain't supposed to be like that! Where did you send them?"

Applejack shrugged lightly. "Back ta Everglow, where they can learn some manners, or hang out with fellow miscreants. They won't bother you girls or anypony else ever again."

Pinkie was suddenly on top of Apple Bloom, leaning forward towards Applejack. "No way! You sent them there?! Applejack!"

Applejack shrunk a little under Pinkie's admonishment. "Ah... Ah'm just trying ta do right... Where did Rainbow Dash get off ta? Ah gotta find her." She suddenly took off running, bursting out onto the streets and not stopping.

Willow sat on a comfortable chair, waiting with slight impatience. Being blindfolded and told to wait was not her usual ideal, but she was trying to have faith in the peppy pink pony. If she was going to live in this naive land, she would give it at least one good chance to do right by her or show its true colors.

"What is this?" asked a strange male voice. "Someone left an exotic female feline here. What a travesty! She should be being treated far better than this."

Willow reached to pull down the blindfold, but a paw came to rest on her own. "Not yet, my precious jewel. The Pink One told me much, but I would rather hear it from your pretty lips. Please, tell me about you, and I will return the favor."

Willow felt the urge to attack, or flee, but fought both down. If the person wanted to talk, there was little harm in that, and they sounded fairly innocent. Their paw also felt familiar, at least compared to pony hooves. So she talked, venting her life to this strange male she knew nothing about, save that they had paws. She vented and she gushed and she said everything, holding nothing back. She spoke of her departed husband, and her fears for her kitten. She spoke about her feelings of joy in exploring, but racking fears that she is wasting her time and failing as a person.

She felt a finger softly brush away her tears. "Your world was a cruel place, but there is happiness to be found, there, and here. I cannot promise I will be your match forever, or even today, but perhaps? Who can know without trying. I will tell you of myself, my flower, then you may decide if we will have a pleasant dinner together."

They talked, and eventually she felt her blindfold being removed, allowing her to see the male feline she was speaking to. He was lean and magenta coated, brightly colored like the ponies, and he had two tails, but he was kind and attentive. She had not known that the nature of Equestrian ponies were shared by other races, but the idea of a doting, emotional, and open husband thrilled some part deep within her, and she agreed to go get something to eat with him. Perhaps Equestria was the right decision.

As Lex and Sonata departed to get to the train station, Twilight caught up with the pair. "I need to be getting back to Ponyville. We may as well go together. Have you decided what you're going to do?"

Sonata quickly nodded. "We have a battle plan at the ready. Oh! Can you zap us back into Equestrian ponies? Like, we don't want to show up looking odd to the ponies of Vanhoover."

Lex nodded. "We're going to stop briefly in Ponyville as well, but Sonata makes a good point. We're going to be staying in Equestria for the foreseeable future, so there's little point in maintaining these bodies."

Twilight quickly dug out the tuning fork attuned to Equestria and struck it against the ground. As it hummed softly, she funnel magic through it and across the two. Their bodies were washed with the harmony of Equestria, insides and outsides jiggling oddly as they began to fall into the norm for the universe.

Sonata shuddered as she adopted the rounded look of an Equestrian pony, then giggled. "I look super cute!" She did a circle in place. "Anyone have a mirror? I can't see my face."

Lex shuffled awkwardly, not having realized how used to his Everglow body he had grown until now. Still, returning to his birth form wasn't unpleasant. "I have one." With his magic, he withdrew a modestly-sized silver mirror from his extradimensional pack, holding it up so Sonata could look at herself. It was notably ornate, being carved with great care and intricate whorls and patterns.

Sonata tilted her head at the mirror. "That's, like, a really nice one." Her eyes then moved to herself and she gasped. "I have ears again, and you can barely see the gills at all." She turned left and right, wagging her pony ears about. "How do I look?" she smiled brightly at Lex, clearly desiring his answer above any others.

Twilight answered anyway. "You look lovely, Sonata." She tucked the tuning fork away for later emergencies and appeared ready to move on.

"Yes, very nice." Lex's answer was obviously perfunctory, particularly since he wasn't even looking at her as he said it, instead sliding his mirror carefully back into his pack. It was a valuable component for his scrying spell, after all.

Sonata pouted at the lack of attention and reached to poke him in the side with a flat hoof. "Hey. You have a girl now, that means paying attention to her when she asks if she looks good. I shouldn't get better answers for that out of Twilight." She smiled at Twilight. "No offense, like, thanks anyway."

Twilight knew better than to get involved, and just nodded.

Lex frowned at Sonata, confusion and irritation mixing on his features. Confusion won out. "Are you suggesting that the question had some sort of special significance? Or is there some sort of expectation that's taken to be understood with regards to my answer?" His eyes glanced towards the train station, wondering if they had time for this...but the whistle of the train wasn't audible yet, so perhaps this wasn't completely pointless.

Sonata gestured over herself. "I want to know if my boyfriend thinks I'm pretty or not. That's always important." Her expression flattened a bit. "Lex, come on. All I'm asking is for you to really look at me."

Twilight cleared her throat softly. "I'll meet you two at the station." Her goodbye given, she slipped away, escaping the potentially contentious conversation.

Lex barely glanced at Twilight as she fled, his ears folding back at he processed Sonata's request. Why was this so important to her? Other than basic hygiene and instances where decorum was expected, personal appearance was largely a matter of vanity, which he had little regard for.

"I think you're pretty, whatever form you're in," he stated, though his uncertainty - born of his still not being sure why this was important - was audible in his voice. It was a variation of the line that he'd originally used, at Willow's behest, all those months ago. Hopefully it'd suffice now.

Sonata nodded, at least starting to move toward the trains, but not giving up the conversation. "That's very nice, but, like, how is this form compared to the other? You look cuter." She bumped against him lightly. "Not as imposing, which I think will help, but still handsome, at least when you stop frowning." She leaned in to nuzzle at the frown.

"Oh! You want me to compare your current appearance to your previous one!" His sudden expression of realization was almost comical, his ears having righted themselves and his eyes widening in understanding.

Stopping from where he'd begun to walk alongside her, he slowly looked her over, his gaze focused completely on her. After a moment, he nodded to himself in confirmation. "This body suits you better. The reappearance of external ears and the minimizing of your gills fit more closely to the classical standard of Equestrian beauty. The lack of overt muscle definition also abetts your coquettish nature. And...um..." he trailed off for a moment, before glancing down and offering, more timidly, "your muzzle is also more appealing this way. It suits your voice better."

While not the most poetically striking of compliments, they were all well-received by Sonata, her smile growing with each statement. When he was done, she moved up and kissed him on the lips, as intense was it was brief. "Let's catch up with Twilight." Her spacing from Lex was borderline clingy, happily pressing close to Lex the entire way and looking quite happy with the world entire.

Author's Note:

Applejack, what's gotten into you? You're supposed to bump into fences, not chase after evil artifacts.

Did someone typo? Must have.

Sonata gets a compliment out of Lex, and the three are headed back to Ponyville to enjoy the drama already in progress.

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