• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 1,137 Views, 50 Comments

Batmare Triumphant - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight. Batmare and Robin come face to face with Miss. Freeze, and a new villan emerges from an old ally. Can the dynamic duo defend Equestria against these new threats?

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Attack On Ponyville: Part 1 (Invasion From The Everfree)

Two Face quickly proved himself to be a valueable ally to Miss. Freeze, but as the days ticked by, this "Nightwing" figure continued to be a thorn in their backside. All the while, Batmare and Robin were still nowhere to be seen.

At last, Two Face came up with a solution. "The only we can get rid of our enemies for good, is with an all out attack on Ponyville." he told Miss. Freeze, showing her a holographic table map of Ponyville "Once the rest of Equestria sees just how much of a threat we are, they'll surrender to us in a heartbeat."

"And what if they do not?" Miss. Freeze asked "What should be done with those foolish enough to resist?"

"We make an example out of 'em!" Two Face said, slamming the hoof that wasn't holding his tommy gun down on the table "Then we kill 'em! That should scare off any resistence."

"A bit brutish if you ask me, but if it gets the job done I have no complaints." Miss. Freeze replied "But just how do you propose to bring Ponyville to its knees? The instant we declare an attack, Princess Celestia will send every unit of the royal guards to Ponyville. And if the citizens join forces with the guards, which they most certainly will, our forces will be crushed in an instant."

"That's why, I've devised a strategy to make sure Ponyville falls." Two Face explained "It's a three phase plan, and it works as follow. Phase One: We send some of our more 'disposable' forces into The Everfree Forest. They'll stir up some trouble, and draw attention to themselves. The royal guards won't be able to resist a chance to capture some of our men, and so they'll automatically be deployed in The Everfree Forest."

"The royal guards are highly trained in the art of survival. They will be well prepared for any threats that might dwell in that forest." Miss. Freeze said, shaking her head.

"You think I'm unaware of that fact? Least you forget, when that weak minded Fancy Pants was around, the royal guards marched past almost everyday. I know how they work, and I know how their captain thinks. I'm counting on them to survive the dangers of The Everfree Forest. But by the time they do, they'll be bogged down and exhausted, ripe for the picking." Two Face replied.

"So, what's the next step of that plan of yours?" Miss. Freeze asked "So far, I am not impressed with your idea."

"The best is yet to come." Two Face grinned "While the royal guard is busy with a wild goose chase, some of our forces will apprehend that enchanted zebra that lives in that forest. And once we 'persuade' her, she will be a valueable assest to our cause. If she refuses, we'll lock her up for a while, and see how much pressure we need to apply to make her crack."

"I wasn't certain whether or not you were aware of that zebra's prescence. But I should warn you, I have observed her and it is safe to say that her skills as an enchantress are very much for real." Miss. Freeze said ominously.

"One way or another, we'll catch her. And once old stipes face is out of the picture, we can move on." Two Face replied "Phase Two: In order to flush out any royal guards that might not be deployed in The Everfree Forest, and to confuse the ones that are already deployed, we'll send a larger force into Ponyville in disguise. They'll slip in unnoticed, and reak havoc everywhere they go. By the time the royal guards realize what's going on, it'll be too late."

"A very clever idea, a simple bait and switch on a scale that nopony has ever attempted before." Miss. Freeze realized "Do go on. I'm curious as to how this will all wrap up."

"You're gonna love it!" Two Face grinned fiendishly "I've saved the best for last. Phase Three: All of our remaining forces will meet up and combine together to pick off threats. Then, we move in, and tell that stuffy old mare they call 'mayor' to surrender to us or Ponyville literally gets iced. And when she caves into our demands, we go ahead and freeze Ponyville to the core anyway."

"And what if any 'do gooders' like Batmare, Robin, or Nightwing show up?" Miss. Freeze asked.

"It's simple, we kill 'em! Other than the royal guards, that zebra enchantress, and the mayor, our men will be instructed to kill any resistence on sight." Two Face said, his face taking on a sadistic smile. "So, what do you think? Can I plan 'em or what?"

"As long as you're certain that your plan will end with us in control, and the rest of Equestria begging for mercy, I approve." Miss. Freeze replied "Were such a thing possible, my heart would warm at the thought of being on top once again."

"Then it's settled! In a matter of days, Ponyville won't know what hit it!" Two Face said eagerly "Just leave everything to me."

"Very well, but keep in mind that you will be responsible should anything go wrong." Miss. Freeze warned "Do not make me question my trust in you, or Ponyville will not be the only thing that freezes."

"Just relax." Two Face reassured Miss. Freeze "With me on the job, there will no mistakes."

Before long, Two Face's plan was put into action. Everypony working for either him or Miss. Freeze, was notified of the plan, and given specific instructions on what was to be expected of them.

"Remember boys, I'm paying you a great deal here. So don't screw this up!" Two Face threatened "I will not tolerate failure of any sort! If any of you come back here without completing your assignments, you will answer to my tommy gun! Do I make myself clear?!"

The goons all gulped, Two Face was scary when he was angry. "Yes boss. We won't let you down." they all said.

"See that you don't, now go!" Two Face instructed, and the goons fanned out in every direction. Some headed towards a store in Manehattan to pick up a few "accessoires" for when they headed to Ponyville. Others were flown in a private airship to the outskirts of The Everfree Forest.

"Now pay attention boys!" Two Face said seriously, speaking over the ship's intercom "All of you onboard this flying machine have been chosen for an important mission! Once you reach the drop off point, you will parachute out and land in The Everfree Forest. Once in the forest, start causing as much trouble as you possibly can. The more the better. When the royal guards spot you, run away and lead them deeper into the forest. Two of you should have recieved a special badge on your outfits. If you have it, that means your job is capture Zecora. She's a zebra enchantress that lives in a hut somewhere in the forest. Capture her and bring her back to base. I'll take over from there. Over and out!"

Unknown to Two Face, a certain greenish-yellow coated filly was heading towards Zecora's hut at that very moment. And she was going to unknowingly play a very big part in the outcome of the operation to capture Zecora.

"I really do hate havin' to ask her all the time, but she's the only one who supplies all the ingredients I need to make my potions for Twilight Time." Apple Bloom said to herself, as she followed the usual path to Zecora's hut.

In a matter of seconds, Apple Bloom came upon the familiar carved out hut that was home to the friendly zebra everypony knew and loved. "Wonder if she knows anythin' about that mysterious Nightwing fella." she thought to herself.

But when Apple Bloom knocked on the door of Zecora's hut, there was no reply. The door fell off its hinges, as if something had forced its way inside. "That's funny, Zecora's usually home around this time. And it's not like her to just let her home fall into decay like this." Apple Bloom thought to herself, as she obeserved the inside of the hut. Now, there seemed to be signs of some sort of struggle. At least three sets of hoofprints were present on the floor, and they seemed to go all over the place, even briefly up the walls at various points.

On the floors, empty potion vials lay broken, and vases smashed into pieces. Apple Bloom had to watch her step in order to avoid glass and wood shards. She was starting to grow worried, something must've happened to Zecora! But what?! "Zecora? Zecora? Where are ya Zecora?!" Apple Bloom called, the only reply came in the form of the wind whistling through the open door.

Apple Bloom continued to call out for Zecora, hoping beyond hope that the zebra had just fallen asleep and forgotten to clean up after one of her brews exploded. "Zecora?! Zecora, please answer me! This isn't funny anymore!" Apple Bloom said crossly.

Suddenly, there came a reply "Let me go, you fiendish brute! Or so help me, I'll turn you into a newt!" Zecora shouted.

"Ma'am, quit struggling and come with us! You're only making this harder on yourself!" a male voice said cruelly.

Apple Bloom looked out the window, and gasped. There was Zecora, who looked a lot worse for the wear than she normally did. Several large bruise marks were noticeable on her body, as well as a few cuts that looked pretty nasty. She was currently being dragged kicking and screaming, by two stallions dressed in black suits.

One of the stallions was a grey coated unicorn, with no mane or tail what-so-ever. The other was a brown coated unicorn, with a jet black mane and tail stylized into a buzz cut.

"Zecora!" Apple Bloom shouted, horrified at what she saw. One of her oldest friends was being dragged away by complete strangers, and from the looks of things, Zecora had been beaten up pretty badly.

"Apple Bloom, please run away. These brutes will catch you, if you stay." Zecora replied feebly.

"I'm not leavin' you Zecora, I won't let those guys take you without a fight!" Apple Bloom said seriously.

"Apple Bloom, listen to what I say! I want you to run away!" Zecora pleaded.

"No! I'm not turnin' my back on a friend in need!" Apple Bloom said boldly, and turned her attention to the stallions dragging Zecora away. "Hey! Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb!"

"You talking to us, filly?!" the grey coated stallion asked.

"I am!" Apple Bloom replied "You wanna mess with my friend, you're gonna have to go through me first!"

"Filly, you're out of your league!" the brown coated stallion said with a shake of his head "But if that's the way you want it, fine! It's your funeral!"

"Just try and stop me!" Apple Bloom said boldly, and retreated into the safety of the hut. She quickly began looking around for anything that could help her. As luck would have it, some of Zecora's potion ingredients hadn't yet been touched, and neither had her book of what was needed to make specific enchantments. Using her chemistry set that she had stored in her saddle bag, Apple Bloom set to work on brewing up potions that she could use to save Zecora.

"Try this on for size!" Apple Bloom shouted, as she threw one of the potions she mixed up out the window. It exploded, and in a puff of purple smoke, a miniature thunder cloud appeared.

The grey coated stallion had little time to react, before a bolt of lightning from the cloud struck him on his behind. "Y'ouch!" he exclaimed. "You'll pay for that, you little brat!"

Apple Bloom took no notice, and simply threw another potion out the window. This one exploded in a puff of orange smoke, which produced a massive claw not unlike the one seen in crane games at an arcade.

The claw clamped down onto the brown coated stallion, picked him up, and threw him into a tree. A massive lump formed on his head, and he was starting to see stars. He quicky shrugged it off. "That wasn't funny! You're gonna be sorry, kid! When I get my hooves on you, you'll wish you were never born!"

"Bring it on! I ain't afraid of you guys!" Apple Bloom boasted, and threw two more potions out the window. The first one exploded in a puff of green smoke, and the second in a puff of pink smoke.

The spell contained within the green smoke momentarily froze the goons in their tracks with sticky black tar, leaving them vulernable to a giant bowling ball that emerged from the pink smoke. The two stallions were unable to get out of the way in time, and were squashed flat as the bowling ball rolled over them. They turned back to normal a second later.

"Strike!" Apple Bloom cheered, as the two stallions rose to their hooves and shook themselves off.

"This little twerp is more of a pain then I thought." the grey coated stallion complained.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" the brown coated stallion asked "The boss ain't gonna happy if we come back empty hooved!"

"I have an idea." the grey coated stallion said, and whispered something to his partner.

"Oh, I like this idea!" the brown coated stallion chuckled, a rather fiendish smile forming on his face.

"Just follow my lead, and be ready to light up your horn when I give the signal." the grey coated stallion instructed.

"You boys had enough yet?" Apple Bloom taunted "'Cause I could do this all day!"

"Oh really?" the grey coated stallion asked "Well then, how do you like this?!" And he and his partner quickly lit up their horns. Before Apple Bloom had a chance to react, they fired off two colored beams of magic. One was blue, and the other was red.

Apple Bloom ducked, as the spells flew right past her "Ya missed me!" she taunted.

"Wasn't aiming for ya!" the brown coated stallion replied, as he and his partner ran back to Zecora and promptly grabbed her.

Just as Apple Bloom realized what the stallions were aiming for, a powerful explosion rocked Zecora's hut. "Oh horse apples!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, just before the entire hut was engulfed in flames. Various potions that Apple Bloom had just brewed up, spilled over, and encased her in a variety of different colored smokes.

Zecora was horrified, as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. No words could begin to describe what she was seeing, and indeed no words came out of her mouth. The look of shock that registered on her face was all the proof anyone would've needed to realize what she was going through.

"Come on, ma'am! The boss wants to see you!" the gray stallion said, as he and his partner once again tried to drag Zecora away.

"You killed my dear friend. Consider yourself dead!" Zecora replied, and kicked her captors hard in the chest with her back hooves. The two stallions groaned in agony, and Zecora took advantage of the opportunity to bolt and run.

"Hey! Come back here!" the brown coated stallion shouted, as Zecora began to flee.

"Ah, let her go." the gray coated stallion replied "We've broken her down nice and good. She won't be a threat to us anymore. And even if she wanted to, she can't retaliate. Not with her hut burnt to a crisp. We did far better than the boss was expecting."

"I guess so." the brown coated stallion realized "If this doesn't get the royal guard's attention, nothing will." And he and his partner ran off chuckling and feeling very pleased with themselves.

Zecora knew there was nothing she could do upon reaching her hut. It was already as good as gone. If the explosion hadn't destroyed all of her work, the resulting fire was most certainly doing the trick. A good deal of her life's work had been destroyed in the blink of an eye, and once again the zebra suddenly found herself without a home.

But that wasn't the worst part, far from it. Everything in the hut could be replaced, heck the hut itself could always be rebuilt. Zecora knew the ponies well enough to know that they were always willing to help a friend in need, no matter who that friend might be. But Apple Bloom had been in the hut when it exploded, and in her heart Zecora knew that the filly was dead. No one could survive such a thing. And just like that, her first friend in Equestria was gone, taken from her at the hooves of Two Face and his cold hearted mercenaries.

Zecora always prided herself on being able to come up with a rhyme for any occasion, even the most unexpected ones. But with the realization that the first pony to ever trust her and consider her a friend was gone, on top of everything else, the only word that came out of Zecora's mouth was "No." And it wasn't even a really big, dramatic, drawn out no. It was a no so soft that it could barely be heard. But the tone of voice that had uttered it indicated just how much pain Zecora was in.

With tears in her eyes, and her heart broken into pieces, Zecora put on her thick brown cloak and trotted sadly away. All the while, silently chanting a blessing in her native tongue, for a departed friend taken too soon. If only there was more she could do. But alas, even an enchantress such as herself could not resurrect the dead.

Unknown to Zecora, however, Apple Bloom had survied the explosion and subsequent fire. Some of the potions that had been spilled as a result of the two spells, spilled onto her. And somehow, they changed her DNA. Apple Bloom wasn't sure how or why it had happened, all she knew was that, as fire broke out all around her, all she could think about was being able to change into something that could withstand the heat and smoke.

And then, a miracle happened. Apple Bloom felt her suddenly morph into a giant tortise, with a shell thick enough to keep the flames and smoke out, as well as protect her from falling debris.

For how long Apple Bloom stayed in her literal shell, she had no clue. All she knew was, eventually, she was able to slowly poke her head out and tunnel her way to safety. Once she reached the surface, she shifted back into being a pony, and collapsed on the ground. "Never thought I'd go out quite like this." she thought to herself, as she oberseved her injuries. The explosion hadn't outright killed her, but it had left with her injuries that she knew could not be healed in time to save her life. The nearest hospital was several miles away.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of white light, and a mysterious figure obscured in a purple cloak and matching hood appeared before Apple Bloom's eyes. "Who.... are... you?" Apple Bloom said weakly.

"A friend, that is all you need to know." the figure replied, her voice sounding like something from a realm beyond the one Apple Bloom dwelled in. The figure scooped Apple Bloom up, and in another flash of light, Apple Bloom found herself deposited outside Ponyville General Hospital.

Thanks to the mysterious figure, Apple Bloom was brought back from the brink of death. But her life was forever changed.

"It seems, that you now somehow posses the ability to transform into any type of animal known to ponies." Nurse Redheart told Apple Bloom.

Furious at such a statement, Apple Bloom turned into a gryphon, and flew away.

Author's Note:

And so, roughly two and a half months after I last updated this fic, I finally take it off hiatus. Yeah, I know it's been a long time, but when Season 5 was announced, things changed.

This chapter kicks off a mini series that will play out over the next couple of chapters, and will launch a new group of superheroes in the universe of this fic. Odds are, you may or may not already know what I'm talking about.

As for who the cloaked figure is, you'll have to wait and see. But here's a hint, she's someone within the CMC's age group, who knows them very well.