• Published 9th Feb 2015
  • 1,131 Views, 50 Comments

Batmare Triumphant - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight. Batmare and Robin come face to face with Miss. Freeze, and a new villan emerges from an old ally. Can the dynamic duo defend Equestria against these new threats?

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Making Your Own Luck

"Are you sure it was actually Princess Luna and not somepony dressed like her?" Fancy Pants asked Batmare. The two allies were currently seated in the young district attorney's office, exchanging all their news. The black and grey of Batmare's suit contrasted quite heavily with the rich red carpeting, and wooden oak desk. The whole room gave off a friendly and welcoming vibe, as opposed to feeling like the headquarters of one of Equestria's greatest legal consultants.

"My eyes certainly didn't decieve me." Batmare replied "I just don't know what it is that motivated her to a life of crime. She gave no answers. The only lead I have is the design of her suit. It looks like something out of Canter. Corp."

"Well, I'm actually conducting an investigation of that company as we speak." Fancy Pants explained "It seems that, months ago there was some sort of incident with one of their labs. But all information about it has been suspiciously disappearing, I suspect some sort of cover up."

"What do you suppose they're trying to hide? Do you think it might be connected to Miss. Freeze somehow?" Batmare asked.

"I don't know, the investigation hasn't yielded any results yet. And I've been working on it for the better half of a month." Fancy Pants explained "It's pretty hard to run an investigation in the midst of your own re-election campaign. I may have put Blueblood away for good, but there's still Jet Set and his wife Upper Crust to deal with. And they've been pulling out all the stops to bring me down."

"Isn't Jet Set the head of Canter. Corp.?" Batmare asked.

"Indeed he is." Fancy Pants replied "And I suspect that's why he's trying to unseat me, whatever he's hiding must be something very damaging to his reputation."

"Well, it's a good thing you've got the finanical support of Princess Twilight and her royal advisors." Batmare said with a smile "I hear that Miss. Rarity in particular has been donating almost non-stop to your re-election fund. With them on your side, along with Robin and I, you've got this in the bag."

"I sure hope so, crime and corruption have been on the decline since I took office and I intend to keep it that way." Fancy Pants said firmly "I'm just glad that this campaign is almost over."

"So am I." Batmare replied "Now, I'd better go before anypony sees me. If you need to contact me, you know how I can be reached." And with that, Batmare left through an open window.

Now Fancy Pants was alone, but he didn't mind. Sometimes, a little peace and quiet was a welcome change. Even so (although he wouldn't admit to himself) he was starting to worry about his chances for re-election. The results were due to start coming in very soon, and he couldn't help but worry. "What if I am somehow defeated? What will happen to me then?" he thought to himself.

Then his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Upon opening it, Fancy Pants was greeted with the sight of his wife Fleur De Lis. Her beautiful snow white coat, and poofy yet elegant mane were a welcome sight to the young district attorney.

"Fancy Pants darling, must you continue to go through with your investigation of Canter. Corp.?" Fleur asked "You've already made a significant difference in your time as district attorney."

"I know you're worried about me Fleur, but I didn't get to where I was by turning my back on the citizens of Equestria." Fancy Pants replied firmly "I made a promise, and I intend to keep it til the day I die."

"It's just that, lately I've been plagued with reocurring nightmares. And in every single one of them, I see you being savegley attacked and beaten by someone or something." Fleur admitted "I fear that these nightmares are a warning sign. If you do not cease your investigation, you may pay for it with your life. I know this sounds selfish of me, but please don't do this. Leave the investigation to somepony else. Please."

Fancy Pants sighed, he knew that his wife's dreams were not to be taken lately. After all, they had been responsible for her convincing her husband to run for district attorney in Canterlot. And he'd won by an overwhelming majority. Even so, he didn't want to just wrap up his investigation part way through. "I'll tell you what Fleur, why don't we let lady luck decide this for us?" he suggested, and pulled out a special bit coin that had been given to him by his very first campaign donor. "If it lands on heads, I'll continue my investigation. And if it lands on tails I'll see about transferring the investigation to another individual. No matter what happens though, I want you to promise me you'll support me."

"I will always support you Fancy Pants." Fleur promised "You should know that by now."

"Just making sure." Fancy Pants replied, and tossed the coin into the air. When it came back, he caught it, picked it up, and looked at it. "Well, heads it is." he stated.

"Why do I get the feeling that was your two headed coin?" Fleur asked.

"You know me too well Fleur. I am guilty, as charged." Fancy Pants admitted "But I simply cannot bring myself to give up on this investigation. I have a feeling that the truth is right under my nose."

All Fleur could do was sigh, it was no use trying to convince her husband otherwise. And since she had already promised to support him, there was nothing more she could do except pray to Celestia that her nightmares were just nightmares, and not something else. "I'm going to go down to the telegraph station to hear the votes being counted. Things are already looking good, if all goes well you could win as early as the next hour." Fleur said, as headed out the door "Where do you want me to arrange your press confrence?"

"Wherever you'd like my dear." Fancy Pants replied "I'll join you in a little bit, I just need to finish filing some paperwork."

"Don't take too long." Fleur smiled, and left the office.

A few minutes later, Fancy Pants had just finished filing away the final piece of paperwork that commanded his attention for the immediate future. The rest could wait until later. Just then, there was a knock on the door. "That's weird." Fancy Pants thought to himself, as he went to go answer it "I wasn't expecting any visitors besides Batmare and Fleur. It's probably Upper Crust coming to yack my ear off about leaving her husband's business alone, for the fifthteenth time this month."

But upon opening the door, Fancy Pants was created with the sight of a group of masked stallions. "Excuse me." one of the stallions spoke in an oily voice "You ever dance with the devil on a pale moonlit night?"

Fancy Pants was surprised at the question "Why do you ask?" he said nervously.

"Oh, no reason really." the masked stallion replied "It's just a little something we were told to ask. Now, you are District Attorney Fancy Pants, the district attorney made famous for his cooperation with Batmare, right?"

"Yes I am." Fancy Pants said firmly "Is there something I can help you with?"

"As a matter of fact, there is." the masked stallion said ominously "Grab him boys!" Without warning, two other masked stallions leaped forward and grabbed hold of Fancy Pants, refusing to let go.

Fancy Pants tried to light up his horn and fend off the attackers, but a third stallion was one step ahead of him. And quickly slipped a magical blocking ring onto Fancy Pants' horn, rendering his magic powerless. All the district attorney could do now, was kick and flail about. "Let go of me!" he shouted "Do you know the trouble you've just found?!"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll tell us." the masked stallion from earlier chuckled "Nothing personal, but we've been paid a good deal of money to mess you up a bit. Or I should say, a lot!" To prove his point, the masked stallion pulled out a baseball bat and began to smash it repeatedly against Fancy Pant's body.

The other gang members joined in, using crowbars, shovels, frying pans, and whatever blunt instruments they felt would do a good enough job. Some of them took turns throwing punches and kicks, while others laughed wickedly.

"Stop, please stop!" Fancy Pants pleaded, as he began to be beaten senseless. Already, his suit was becoming stained with the unmistakeable redness of his own blood. It wasn't long before he felt weak, and collapsed onto the ground. Pain coursing through his veins.

Using their magic, two of the masked stallions dragged Fancy Pants back up to his hooves. "We ain't done with you yet!" one of the stallions hissed "So the least you could do is stand up and take your beatin' like a stallion!" Said stallion then rammed his elbow into Fancy Pant's stomach, the impact striking the district attorney hard in the chest and knocking the breath out of him.

While this assault was going on, Batmare and Robin had their own problem to deal with. They were still recovering from the licking they'd faced during their encounter with Miss. Freeze.

Suddenly, one of the screens in the Bat Cave caught signs of trouble. "Take a look at this, it's some of Miss. Freeze's henchponies." Batmare said to Robin, as they saw the unmistakeable signs of stolen Canter. Corp. suits. It was obvious that Miss. Freeze and her subordinates had something against Canter. Corp.

"It's the guys from the museum, except without the hockey outfits!" Robin exclaimed "And they match the profiles of the culprits from the latest Canter. Corp. break in! But, what are they doing in Ponyville all on their own?!"

"Whatever it is, it can't be good." Batmare replied, her gloved hooves clenched tightly in anger "Come on Robin! We're going after them!"

"About time I saw some action!" Robin said seriously "They won't get the best of us this time!". He hopped onto his motorbike, while Batmare hopped into The Batmobile. And the dynamic duo quickly sped off to confront the evil doers.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" one of the goons asked, as he eyed the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Positive. The dynamic duo can never resist the chance to put evil doers like us in our place." another goon said with a smirk.

"But what about Miss. Freeze? The boss ain't gonna be too happy to find out we're picking fights with her enemies." a third goon asked, nervously pacing back and forth.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, and besides all that we're doing her a favor." the second goon said in reply "This way we can test the waters and see if Ponyville is a good first target for that 'secret weapon' she's been working on."

"I don't think this is such a good idea." the first said nervously "Maybe we should just forget about Ponyville and go back to Manehattan."

"And miss out on the easiest money we'll ever make? I don't think so!" the goon leader snorted "Don't forget, we're gettin' paid a good deal to draw those two goody gooders out into the open! Speaking of which, it seems our 'guests' have arrived. You know what to do men, let's give them a reception they'll never forget!"

"You got it!" one of the goons replied, and began to fire his machine gun on the approaching super heroes. The Batmobile swerved, and swayed, dodging any bullets that threatened to puncture its tires. As for Robin, he kept his motorbike's movement as eratic and unpredictable as he could to throw the goons off.

Eventually, Robin got close enough to leap off of his bike and tackle one of the goons. Taking advantage of the diversion, Batmare swooped in and knocked down two more goons.

"Well, well. I was wonderin' when you goody goody two horseshoes were gonna show." the goon leader smirked, as he eyed Batmare and Robin while keeping his trusty tommy gun close at hoof. A thick black mask obscured his face.

"So, you're the one responsible for this attack?" Batmare asked.

"Indeed I am." the goon leader said firmly.

"Where's your boss?" Robin asked "Shouldn't she be here too, or is she too afraid to show her face in these parts?"

"There's no need for the boss to get involved!" the goon leader shouted, and fired his tommy gun. Robin narrowly evaded the shot. "As you can see, I'm more than a match for the two of you! Ain't that right boys?!"

"That's right." the other goons replied.

"So you think having an army gives you the edge huh?" Robin taunted "And here I thought you were smart."

"Watch it boy wonder, or we'll see how useful you are when I put a bullet through your skull!" the goon leader threatened "You know, it was pretty foolish of you to go without a mask like Batmare. At least she'll put up an actual challenge!"

"You think you're so tough just because you have a gun?" Robin asked.

"You're testing my patience boy blunder!" the goon leader hissed, he pointed his tommy gun closer to Robin.

"I think I've heard enough!" Batmare replied, and knocked the gun away with a well placed batarang "Let's teach this blowhard a thing or two about humility!"

"I'm right behind you Batmare!" Robin smiled, and the two of them leaped into action.

"Get them!" the goon leader shouted. The other goons didn't need to be told twice, and leapt into the fray. The goon leader smiled happily, as Batman and Robin were quickly occupied with battling his subordinates. This gave him the time he needed to grab his tommy gun. "Time to clip the boy wonder's wings." he thought to himself, as he once again aimed the gun at Robin.

"These guys just don't know when to give up, do they?" Robin asked Batmare, as he kicked one goon into another, sending the two of them to the ground.

"Indeed they don't." Batmare replied, as she used her batarang to take down an entire group of goons that had come charging at her. Then, out of the corner of her eye she spotted something familiar. It didn't take her long to recognize what it was "Robin, behind you!" she shouted. Robin did so, and gasped at the sight of a tommy gun being pointed directly at him.

"DIE BIRD BOY!" the goon leader shouted, and pulled the trigger tightly. Time seemed to come to a crawl, as Robin threw up his arms to try and protect himself. While Batmare, reacting quickly, threw an explosive pellet directly into the tommy gun's path. There was an explosion, and a scream. Batmare quickly pulled Robin down, and threw her cape over him, shielding him from the blast.

"Are you alright Batmare?" Robin asked, when the ringing in his ears stopped.

"I'll be fine." Batmare replied, relieved that her quick thinking had saved her student's life "I'm just glad that no good stallion didn't get to you. I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me."

"Thanks for saving my life, again." Robin said with gratitude, as he stood up "Let's hope this doesn't become a pattern." And with that, the threat to Ponyville had been stopped.

The same couldn't be said for Fancy Pants, who tried in vain to fight back against his attackers as they continued to beat him ruthlessly. "Is this it? Is this how it all ends?" he thought to himself.

Just when he thought he could take no more, the harsh blows and kicks stopped. Fancy Pants felt the magical hold on him fade, and he collapsed onto the ground once again. By now, he was completely covered in blood, his suit and coat all but covered in red. His breaths felt labored and shallow, as if he could barely draw in enough air.

"Alright, that should be good enough." the stallion with the oily voice said "What do you think boys? Think the client's going to be happy with our work?"

"Almost, it seems like there's something missing." another stallion suggested "And I think I know what that something is." Using his magic, the masked stallion pulled out a container of something. Fancy Pants gasped when he saw what it was.

"Acid? Oh yeah, that'll definitely be the icing on the cake for this assignment." the stallion with the oily voice chuckled "Do the honors my good stallion."

"You've got it!" the other stallion replied, and slowly walked over to where Fancy Pants was laying on the floor. Fancy Pants tried to move, but the pain rocketing through his body prevented him from doing so. All he could do, was look up in horror at what awaited him. In a matter of seconds, he felt something splash onto the left side of his face. Then, came a burning sensation that made him scream at the top of his lungs. And the pain only got worse, as the corrosive chemical trickled down.

The masked stallions laughed, and after leaving behind a calling card (as they had been instructed to do) they left the scene. Poor Fancy Pants couldn't do anything. All he could do was lay there in pain, hoping and praying that someone would notice him before it was too late.

"And the results are in. Fancy Pants has been re-elected District Attorney for Canterlot by an even greater margin than his first election campaign!" an announcer declared at the telegraph station. Everyone who had worked on the Fancy Pants comission errupted into cheers and shouts of joy, even Jet Set's supporters couldn't help but be amazed at what they'd overheard.

But there was one pony who Fleur noticed wasn't part of the celebration, her husband. "It couldn't have taken him this long to file that paperwork." she thought to herself "I should probably go check up on him. Chances are he just fell asleep at his desk, again." And with that, she quietly but quickly slipped away.

When she entered her husband's office, however, a terrible sight awaited Fleur's eyes. There was her husband, laying on the floor. Blood stains were everywhere, and his normally majestic white coat and black suit were covered with blood. Several gash marks, and bruise marks appeared at random spots on his body. But worst of all, half of his face had been splashed with acid.

Upon seeing such a sight, Fleur screamed and immediately rushed to her husband's side. "Fancy Pants?! Fancy Pants, please speak to me!" she pleaded frantically, ignoring the fact that some of his blood was leaking onto her.

"F-Fleur, please, get....help." Fancy Pants said weakly, barely able to mutter the words as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

"We sure showed those clowns, didn't we?" Robin asked, as he and Batmare returned to the Batcave.

"It was... satisfactory I suppose." Batmare replied, after pausing for a moment.

"What do you mean it was satisfactory? We kicked those suckers butts from here to the moon!" Robin said enthusiastically.

"Perhaps, but it seemed too easy." Batmare confessed "It was almost as if those goons wanted to be caught."

"So, you think we were set up somehow?" Robin asked "If so, then by who? And for what reason?"

"I don't know Robin, but I have a bad feeling we'll find out sooner than we think." Batmare replied.

Sure enough, upon returning to The Batcave Batman and Robin were surprised to see Granny Smith waiting there to greet them. The look on her face indicating that she had some very bad news.

"What is it Granny Smith?" Robin asked.

"It's Fancy Pants! While you two were out fighting off those troublemakers, some members of the Shadow Triad came by and attacked him!" Granny Smith revealed "They even splashed half of his face with acid, just before they left!"

"What?!" Batmare and Robin gasped.

Author's Note:

And so now we come to the role that Fancy Pants is playing, and this is the role of Harvey Dent/Two Face. Those of you who only saw Two Face in The Dark Knight would be surprised to know that in all other incarnations, Dent's transformation into Two Face is brought about when he is splashed in the face with acid.