• Published 9th Feb 2015
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Batmare Triumphant - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight. Batmare and Robin come face to face with Miss. Freeze, and a new villan emerges from an old ally. Can the dynamic duo defend Equestria against these new threats?

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Attack On Ponyville: Part 4 (Enter Nightwing)

Thanks in no small part to the efforts of The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Two Face's goons were soundly beaten and driven back. Ponyville was saved, at least for the time being.

But while all that chaos was going on in Ponyville, another superhero was busy in Canterlot. This hero had a hunch that, before his transformation into Two Face, Fancy Pants had been on to something with his investigation of Canter. Corp. Deciding to pick up where the former District Attorney left off, the hero headed for Canterlot. hoping that he would get some answers. "The truth about that 'incident' has got to be stored somewhere within that corporation." he thought to himself.

Not one to take the front door, the hero snuck in through the ventilation system, and timed his movements to just the right moment. He managed to catch a security guard on his own, and quickly put a gag around said guard's mouth to keep him quiet. "Sorry buddy, I'll be back for you soon enough." the hero apologized, as he gently stuffed the guard into a closet and "borrowed" his uniform.

With the security guard uniform, the hero found it easy to sneak past Canter. Corp. officials. Before long, he found what he was looking for. In front of him stood a bright red door with the words Records Room written on it. "Just what was I looking for. Time to get to the bottom of this." The hero thought to himself, and used the card from the borrowed uniform to gain access. Once inside, he searched the various filing cabinets, all of which were labled with a letter from A to Z.

The hero found what he was looking for, in the filing cabinet labled with the letter P. A few seconds later, he found an envelope that read Princess Luna, Employee of Canter. Corp.. Upon opening said envelope, the hero found a couple of items of interest. The first were a series of photograhps, showing Princess Luna with what appeared to be a bat pony from the night guard.

"That's right, I remember now." the hero thought to himself "Princess Luna fell in love with Shadow Mist, the captain of the night guard. Shining Armor said he'd never met a finer stallion in all his years of service." In each photo, Princess Luna and Shadow Mist seemed incredibly happy. Even if some of them were a little hard to make out at first, the photograhps showed an innocent and happy romantic couple.

Putting the photos aside, the hero discovered that the second item of interest was a medical record from a hospital in Canterlot, dated a month before the 'incident' at Canter. Corp and subsequent cover-up. Printed on it was the following information:

Patient Name: Shadow Mist

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Species: Bat Pony

Information: Patient has been complaining of constant drowsiness, even just after waking up. On top of that, he has been coughing up purple blood, and has reportedly suffered from headaches that over the counter medication have not been able to treat. Upon talking with his love interest, the princess of the night, we have come to learn that the patient has been suffering from these problems, since returning from a trip to The Crystal Empire three weeks ago.

Diagnosis: Dark Magic Poisoning

Prognosis: Terminal, 100% positive

The third and final item of interest, was a small disc with the date of the 'incident' printed on. The hero placed the other items back into the envelope, and returned the envelope to where he had found it a short time ago. After that, he quickly but quietly left the records room, and headed for a room where he could input the disc, and examine what was stored on it.

It didn't take him long to find a suitable location. It was a small security station, that was looked after by the security guard who was currently stuffed into the closet. Sitting down at the desk, the hero placed the disc into a slot in the monitor, and watched as the disc began to play a recording of security footage from the date labled on its front.

The footage showed Princes Luna, who seemed very anxious about something. "Is this thing recording?" she asked herself, as she fumbled around with the camera. In a matter of seconds, she seemed to be aware of the fact that the camera was indeed recording. Regaining her composure, Princess Luna cleared her throat and began to speak "My name is Princess Luna, one of the co-rulers of Equestria. And I'm recording what I believe, may very well be pony kind's first step towards eternal life."

The camera moved to show a giant tube like machine of some kind, with a bat pony resting inside it. "What you see here is a specially designed crogenic freezing chamber, created and constructed by myself." Princess Luna continued, and placed a hoof on the machine "It is my intent to use chambers like this prototype, to help preserve ponies stricken with fatal diseases. Ponies such as my own beloved Shadow Mist, stricken with a terminal case of Dark Magic Poisoning. I shall have him preserved like this until a cure is found, at which point I shall un-freeze him and give him the cure. After that, I shall leave my invention as it currently stands, so that others may study and learn from it."

Just then, the camera cut over to the door leading to the lab where Princess Luna currently was. A very angry voice shouted "Open this door, now!" A second later, Jet Set stormed into the room with two Canter. Corp. security guards. Princess Luna seemed shocked. "So, even after I told you that your little 'science project' was too expensive to build, you went ahead and constructed it behind my back?" Jet Set asked Princess Luna.

"You couldn't see past the bits, you failed to take into account the pony you were killing with your decison!" Princess Luna said angrily.

"What you are forgetting, Princess, is that this equipment belongs to me!" Jet Set snapped "And I have every legal right as a citizen of Equestria to use it however I want! So I say, that 'freeze-chamber' of yours has got to go!"

"But Shadow Mist is in there!" Princess Luna argued.

"So? Just un-freeze him and take him out of there!" Jet Set replied "Better hurry, I'm in a very bad mood today."

"But you don't understand, I can't bring him out of there now! Not when he's just going to die!" Princess Luna pleaded.

Jet Set took no notice, and simply said to the security guards "Ignore her! Open that chamber by any means possible! And as soon as that bat pony is freed, destroy the machine! I've already lost a ton of money thanks to this waste of resources! The sooner it's out of my sight, the sooner I can start making money again!"

In a fit of desperation, Princess Luna used her magic to snatch a gun from one of the security guards, and pointed it directly at Jet Set. "Stay away from him! Just leave us alone, you monster!"

"Put down that gun, your majesty." Jet Set said in a smooth yet oily voice "I'm sure we can work out a deal of some kind."

"Really?" Princess Luna asked, dropping the gun on the floor.

Jet Set smiled, but it didn't seem to be a sincere smile, it seemed to be a rather sadistic smile. "Of course!" he replied, and before Princess Luna could react, he snatched up the gun and fired it at her. The resulting impact pushed the mighty alicorn back, causing her to topple over a table filled with dangerous chemicals. A hazardous smoke cloud began to fill the air. Jet Set and the security guards fled the room.

The last thing that could be heard on the recording, was Princess Luna calling out for her special somepony, even as the smoke cloud overwhelmed her. The recording clicked off a second later.

The hero was completely horrified at what he'd seen. "So this is what Canter. Corp.'s been hiding all this time!" he thought to himself, as the disc with the security footage was ejected from the monitor. He quickly tucked it into the belt on his suit (the security guard outfit hadn't covered that part up completely). "A little insurance policy, in case those corporate bastards catch me! Once I've dealt with Two Face, this disc is going straight to the public! Jet Set won't be able to hide the truth for much longer." And with that, the hero returned to where he had stuffed the security guard, put his outfit back on, and freed him.

"Let's keep my little visit a secret, shall we?" the hero whispered to the security guard. The security guard nodded, and the hero departed. Now he could turn his attention towards defeating Two Face once and for all. And after he'd exposed Canter. Corp.'s secret, he'd be able to focus on stopping Miss. Freeze (assuming she didn't give up after seeing Jet Set and Canter. Corp. brought to justice).

Two Face was furious when he heard the news about what happened in Ponyville. He stomped angrily back and forth, all the while complaning loudly to himself. "I can't believe it! Somehow, my plan has failed! I gave those guys simple instructions to follow, and they messed it up! The worst part is, that rotten Nightwing figure isn't responsible at all! All these superheros are becoming a major pain in my ass!"

"So, your so called 'Foolproof Plan' to bring Ponyville to its knees has failed." Miss. Freeze said crossly, her freeze ray clutched firmly in her hooves "I warned you what would happen if you failed me."

Two Face became desperate, he was willing to do anything to get back into Miss. Freeze's good books before it was too late. "But your frozeness, it's not my fault." he pleaded.

"No excuses!" Miss. Freeze snapped, pointing her freeze ray directly at Two Face "You have cost me considerable time and resources. Not to mention, you have failed to get Ponyville to surrender to me. Now, you shall pay the price for your mistakes. I wish I could say 'It has been a pleasure to work with you.' but I cannot."

"Leave him alone, Miss. Freeze, or you'll answer to me!" a voice shouted, drawing the attention of the two super villans in the room.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" Miss. Freeze demanded.

The voice was silent for a moment, then it said "I don't see why not, but you just might end up regretting you asked." A second later, emerging from the shadows was a familiar light purple skinned dragon with green scales. But now he had on a different costume, he wore a thick black suit that stretched from his chin down to his legs, and he had black rubber gloves to match. With the exception of a few white shoulder sleeves, the only color that could be found was on the suit's symbol. Painted in dark blue was a bird depicted in mid flight, and this symbol was emblazoned into the center of the suit. In his right claw, he clenched a black staff with an electrical current running through it.

Both Miss. Freeze and Two Face recognized the figure at once, or so they thought. "So, the boy blunder has come to stop us?" Two Face asked with a fiendish smile "Where's your partner, Batmare?"

"There won't be a need for her to get involved." the dragon replied, swinging his staff around "I'll finish you both on my own!"

"Taking us both on by yourself? You must be crazy, bird boy." Miss. Freeze taunted.

"So you think, but you're underlooking a key detail." the dragon smiled.

"And what would that be?" Two Face asked.

"Robin is no more. He flew away." the dragon explained.

"Then just who or what are you, besides dead in a few seconds?" Two Face asked curiously.

"Ah, I was hoping you'd ask me that." the dragon said with a smile "I'm Nightwing now, and I'm going to be the one to save the day! So, who wants to be first?!"

Upon hearing the name "Nightwing", Two Face's blood began to boil. That meant that the dragon standing before him was the one responsible for thwarting so many of his schemes. Two Face turned to Miss. Freeze and said angrily "Get out of here! I'll settle this on my own!"

Miss. Freeze was happy to agree, since either way she would get something good out of it. If Two Face succeeded, Nightwing would be out of the picture for good. And if Nightwing prevailed, he would save her the trouble of having to take care of Two Face herself. "Very well then, I shall leave you to it." she said with a smile, and left the room.

"Your friend can't help you now!" Nightwing taunted "Last chance, Two Face! Surrender now, and I might go easy on you."

Two Face simply replied by picking up his tommy gun, and locking the clip into place "We'll see just how tough you are after I put a few bullets through that thick skull of yours!" he threatened.

"Bring it, Two Face! I'm not scared!" Nightwing replied.

"You will be in a second!" Two Face smirked, and fired his tommy gun. Nightwing was more than ready for him, and with an impressive acrobatics display, he leaped across the room, dodging the bullets.

Nightwing quickly swung his staff round again, with the intent to thrust it full force into Two Face's back. But Two Face was not so easily defeated, and knocked Nightwing back with a blast from his horn.

"All this time, I thought you'd be tougher." Two Face said to Nightwing.

"Oh, I'm just getting warmed up." Nightwing replied confidently "But by all means, keep trying to kill me. You won't win."

"You forget, kid, that I like to make my own luck!" Two Face shouted, and fired his tommy gun again. But this time, instead of the usual sound of gun fire, there was only a soft click. Angrily, Two Face threw down his tommy gun.

"Batmare always used to say that guns weren't reliable." Nightwing teased "Now I can see that she was right."

Two Face didn't say anything in response, he simply pulled out a sword and charged at Nightwing. Nightwing raised his staff to block the blow, a task that was a lot harder to pull it off then it sounds.

Two Face continued to push his sword with more and more force, while Nightwing tried his hardest to push back with his staff. For a few tense seconds, the two kept at it.

"You can't hold out forever!" Two Face growled to Nightwing "Mark my words, I will kill you! No matter what it takes!"

"Sorry, gonna have to take a rain check on that." Nightwing said in response, and with a smile he pulled on his staff with his left claw. As if by magic, the staff split into two small rods, and both of them had an electric current flowing through them.

"What the-" Two Face replied, completely shocked by what he had just witnessed.

Nightwing said nothing, he just took advantage of Two Face's momentary distraction to kick the crime boss hard in the chest. Two Face groaned, and dropped his sword on the ground as he winced in pain.

Pushing the two rods together so that they formed one long staff again, Nightwing used his acrobatic skills to leap into the air, and hurl said staff at Two Face's leg. As soon as the rod made contact, the electricity flowing through the staff began to surge through Two Face's body. "You... can't... stop... me! Not... like this!" Two Face protested, as every nerve in his body was taxed to its limit.

Just when Two Face thought he could take no more, the electricity stopped. With the pain overloading his body, Two Face collapsed onto the floor.

"Be thankful there's only enough electricity in my staff to leave you stunned for a while." Nightwing said seriously, as he retrieved said staff from Two Face. "Considering all the pain and suffering you've caused, you deserve far worse!"

Two Face's only response was a soft growl.

"One down, and one to go." Nightwing said to himself, as he checked his suit "Now, to turn the results of my 'investigation' over to the police."

But before Nightwing could do anything, he suddenly became aware of the sound of clapping. And considering his surroundings, it sounded quite eerie.

"Very well done." a familiar voice said coldly "You've managed to accomplish quite a bit already. I'm impressed. But there's one thing you should know, to me you'll always be the same old 'Bird Boy' following in Batmare's shadow." And before Nightwing could react, he was suddenly frozen up to his neck in ice. His staff dropped onto the ground in much the same fashion as Two Face's tommy gun and sword.

"No fair!" Nightwing complained, trying in vain to break free from his icy prison "You couldn't defeat me in a head on fight, so you had to wait until you could ambush me! You're a coward, Miss. Freeze!"

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong." Miss. Freeze replied "With this, I have effectively frozen the only threat to my operation dead in its tracks! Now, I shall make final preparations for when my ultimate weapon strikes. In a matter of moments, Ponyville shall witness a winter unlike anything it has ever seen before." And with that, Miss. Freeze left the room, leaving Nightwing trapped in the ice.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was sulking to herself in her room. "At least Spike is off doin' somethin' grand." she thought to herself "I'd like to help too, but at this point what difference would I make? I'd just get in the way."

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of white light. And when Applejack opened her eyes, hovering in front of her was a figure obscured by a purple cloak and matching hood. "Who are you?" Applejack asked.

"A friend, that is all I will tell you." the figure replied "I come here with urgent news from outside Ponyville."

"I can't help you." Applejack said glumly "I've hung up my cape for good. My crime fightin' days are behind me."

The figure did not seem convinced, and simply said to Applejack "Spike is in great danger. He needs your help at once!"

"He doesn't want my help, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need it either." Applejack said with a shake of her head.

The figure took no notice, and told Applejack "Spike may have taken on a new name, but there will still be times when he will need your help, just as there will be times where it'll be the other way around. More importantly, you cannot let your doubts and worries of the past hold you back. If you do not hurry, not only will Spike freeze to death, but Ponyville will as well!"

Those words were all Applejack needed to hear to snap out of her depressed mood. Quick as a flash, she raced to the bat cave, put on her bat suit, hopped into the Batmobile, and set off. "Just hang on Spike!" Batmare thought to herself "Help is on the way!"

Author's Note:

And so, after being gone for several chapters (4 to be precise), Spike and Applejack return to the spotlight once again.

Nightwing's design is primarily based on his appearances in "Teen Titans", "The Batman", and "Young Justice", but the staff being able to split into two rods draws inspiration from "Injustice: Gods Among Us" released for the PS3 and X-Box 360 in 2013, and later ported to the PS4 and X-Box One in 2014 with extra costumes and all DLC characters availiable from the start.

In case you don't know, in the DC Comics, when Dick Grayson stops being Robin, he takes up the persona of Nightwing. His reasons for leaving Batman vary depending on which DC Comics novel or show he's in.

When it happened for the first time, this was because Dick Grayson was getting older and wasn't as much of the wisecracking sidekick that he was in the Silver Age. So the comic writers at the time aged him up, turned him into Nightwing, and had him join the new Teen Titans. The next Robin was Jason Todd, because fans felt that Batman needed to have Robin, but the writers didn't want to deage Dick Grayson and have him join Batman again. So a new character was created.