• Published 7th May 2014
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Gravity of the Situation - DJSkywalker

A young girl sealed in stone for over a thousand years has been releaed due to Discord's chaos. After everything that happened can she forgive the alicorn sisters for what they've done? Or will Equestria be destroyed by a great force of the

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Meeting Up with an Old Friend

*****Third Person POV*****

“Now if you will all excuse me,” spoke Princess Celestia to Twilight and her five friends, “I must return to Canterlot.” Early in the day, Twilight Sparkle had caused a mass outbreak in Ponyville after using the ‘want-it-need-it’ spell on a doll. The townsfolk ended up in a large brawl over the doll and Princess Celestia had come to quell the fighting. After failing to keep Kat in Ponyville, Twilight had freaked out over not having anything to report to her teacher as she did weekly and now, thanks to Spike, she no longer needed to worry about such things. Princess Celestia had come down and instructed Twilight and her friends to only send friendship reports when they discovered something new about friendship.

Princess Celestia was just about to take off back to Canterlot, but Twilight felt that she had to tell her mentor about Kat. “Wait, Princess!” Twilight called out.

Celestia turned to her student with a questioning look. “Something else, my faithful student?”

Twilight looked to the floor of her balcony with shame. “I meant to tell you Princess, but the girls and I, well, we found Kat.”

The news caused the solar princess to blink. “What? When?”

“Yesterday. I am sorry Princess, I should have told you, but I thought if we could gain Kat’s trust, she would be more open to forgiving you and Princess Luna. Unfortunately, not even a pony who said he came from another world was able to relieve her anger. She took off last night, saying that she was hearing a voice inside her head. We haven’t seen her since.”

Princess Celestia let out a sigh, both of relief and exasperation. “Do not blame yourself, Twilight. Nor any of you,” Celestia added looking to the five mares behind her student. “Kat has always been one to hold a grudge and is not so easily dissuaded. Her anger is one thing you do not want, my little ponies, so I am glad that you are all safe.”

“Ah just wish she didn’t go and lie to that feller who came to visit her,” Applejack said angrily while shaking her head. “It just wasn’t right the way she fooled him like that.”

“Ah, yes, so she still does that from time to time,” Celestia said while averting her gaze to the stars. The six mares looked to their princess with confusion. “Allow me to explain. One of Kat’s greatest tacts is she is capable of fooling just about anypony or anyone. It is why, in many places, she is referred to as the ‘Manipulator’. Not just because she bends gravity to her will, but also because she was always good at manipulating her emotions on a mental scale. She has this uncanny ability to control her mood swings. Kat may be whiny and complaining one minute, then happy and content, the next. She was one of the best infiltrators we ever had. Being rarely seen helped along with that.”

“You mean she messes with ponies all the time?” Applejack asked in angry stupor.

“No, not all the time. Only when she feels she needs to. It does make one worry at times whether you are talking to the real Kat or one of her ‘personas’, though she is much more honest when she is being herself. I do hope that she changes her mind about attacking us, however. I truly do not wish to imprison a friend again.”

“I don’t think we have that option, Princess,” Rainbow Dash said, causing everypony to look at her.

“What do you mean, Miss Rainbow Dash?” Princess Celestia asked the pegasus.

“I mean that somepony here can’t be trusted to use their element on Kat!” The girls all gasped, but Rainbow wasn’t done. “Isn’t that right, Fluttershy!?”

Everypony’s eyes turned to the meek pegasus who was doing her best to hide behind a bookcase. She was wearing a look of both shame and fear. “Is this true, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, slowly approaching her friend. “Will you not use your element on Kat?”

Fluttershy looked close to tears as she spoke. “I-I’m sorry girls, b-but I can’t. I-I can’t hurt Kat.”

“Why not, dear?” asked Rarity.

“Um, well, it’s because of…Oh, lookatthetimeIneedtofeedmyanimalsgoodnightgirlsbye!” And with that rapid sentence, Fluttershy took off at Rainbow Dash speeds towards her cottage. Then all eyes turned to Rainbow Dash.

“Well, Rainbow?” asked Applejack. “Care to tell us what the hay just happened?”

“Remember last night when I needed to speak with Fluttershy?”

“Yeah?” all five asked, while Celestia watched on with interest.

“Well, it kinda went a little like this….”

You all had just gone inside the tree when I confronted Fluttershy on something I had noticed when she was around Kat. “Okay, Fluttershy, spill! You have been comforting, protective, and helpful to that ‘Kat’ ever since you saw her. What gives? She’s a bad pony!”

What I didn’t expect from Flutters was for her to turn red faced angry. “Never. Say. That. Again! Kat is not a bad pony! If it weren’t for Kat, I wouldn’t even be alive!” As soon as Fluttershy spoke those words, her hooves went straight to her mouth, while I was speechless..

“Wh-what?! What are you talking about Fluttershy?”

She sighed. “Rainbow, did you know that my family is not originally from Cloudsdale?”

“They’re not? Then where do they come from?”

“My family is originally from Trotingham.”

“What does that have do with Kat?”

“Rainbow, my family was living in Trottingham at the time of the great Trottingham Massacre. Kat, or Gravity as my family knows her, is the one that saved my ancestor from being killed by the invaders. My family owes their lives to her.”

I just sat there, dumbstruck by her revelation. “E-even so, can’t you see that she’s dangerous?”

“So are Twilight and the Princesses, Rainbow. You don’t get it, she saved us and we honor her for it. Every year, my family makes a trip to Canterlot to pay our respects to the statue of Gravity that sits in the Canterlot Gardens. There is a shrine to her in my cottage. She is a hero to me and I will do everything I can to help her. I’m sorry, Rainbow, but this is one thing that I have to be adamant on.”

Before I could say another word, she got up and walked in to the library. I sat outside for another moment and then followed her in.

“And that’s what happened,” Rainbow said finishing her recount. Everypony were staring with wide eyes at the pegasus. “We can’t trust Fluttershy to help with this, so the Elements are useless.”

Everypony stayed silent, trying to process everything they had been told. It was just so mind bending that Fluttershy was the one to not help protect others. After another moment, Princess Celestia spoke. “This certainly a setback in our plans to protect ourselves from Kat. Luna and I must ready ourselves for Kat’s inevitable attack.”

Before Celestia could continue, a day guard flew in and stayed flying above the balcony. “Your highness! The Gravity Shifter has been spotted!”

“Where!?” Celestia asked, her eagerness a little too obvious.

“She was seen flying towards the Dragon Lands. Shall we pursue?”

Celestia ground her teeth. “No. That would be a mistake.”

“Why is that Princess?” Twilight asked, a little scared of her mentors apparent anger.

“Because it would be unwise to attack a goddess in a domain of her followers.”

*****(Kat’s P.O.V.)*****

It’s been nearly twelve hours of flying, but I can now see that Dragon Lands stretching out below me and, wow what a sight! The magnificent mountains of these lands always amazed me and in one thousand years it had only gotten so much more beautiful. The mountains looked a little bigger than last time and the valleys below had gotten so much greener. It looked like a land of peace, save for smoke billowing from a few of the cave riddled mountains. I landed near the entrance to one of the caves and peered inside. Oh. Wow.

I couldn’t believe what my eyes were telling me. Everywhere, they were freaking everywhere. Nevi as far as the eye could see. I could see minions, stars, and hulks. Minions are easy enough, stars are just difficult, but hulks are just problems on their own! The minions and stars have only just one eye which make them easier targets, hulks, however, have multiple eyes that need to be taken out and they are extremely strong. At least I don’t see any great whites or spearquines. Those are toughies, too. And it looks like the dragons were having troubles with them as well. In all it was about fifty nevi against a hundred dragons. Guess who’s winning, and no, it’s not the dragons.

I knew I had to do something, the dragons were good allies back in the day, well, after the war anyways. I saw a relatively young drake taking on a hulk and it wasn’t going good. The big ink-like behemoth had the teenage dragon under its weight and was about to deal the killing blow. The dragon just kept spewing flames, desperate to live. I powered up and launched myself right for the big guys side, taking out its largest eye on the shoulder with a swift kick. The hulk reared back, allowing the dragon to get free.

“Take out the red eyes!” I yelled to him and he took the hint. With a big inhale, the young drake bellowed out a large flame that singed away the nevi’s remaining eyes. The beast fell to its knees and shattered. “Nice one!”

“T-thank you, you know for saving me and all,” the dragon sputtered out. “What are you?” A roar came from behind me and I saw that the other nevi had noticed my arrival.

“Talk later, fight now. Tell your friends to attack the eyes. It’s their only weakness!” I surged back into the fight. I landed in the midst of a minions with a few stars hovering above me. I smiled wickedly. “Alright you bloody demons, you want a fight? Then let’s get started!” I started to swirl myself around in a tight circle, powering up my most deadly move, the micro-black hole. It was unlocking this power that led the extinction of the Changeling race. My spin got tighter and tighter, until black waves started to surround me and began striking the nevi, several being sucked into the spiral disappeared without a trace. The stars above just started shooting at me from their lower bellies, trying to save their brethren. With most of the minions sucked away and the power starting to wane on my attack, I started to maneuver up towards the floating nevi. Before my black hole dissipated, I was able to take a couple stars with it. With twenty remaining, I took flight and started using my gravity kick to decimate their eyes. One after the other fell, but a few got in some lucky shots and I was starting to tire.

With another star destroyed, I looked around me to see the dragons were starting to destroy the nevi in force. Guess that kid got the others going. Good, because I can’t keep this up much longer. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the focus of the strike force: a gravity storm. Unlike the previous one back at the castle, this one was still roaring and producing nevi. I knew I had to stop it so I flew towards it and landed nearby.

“Okay, so how do you destroy a gravity storm?” I thought out loud. “Screw it, I’m just gonna try and condense it into nothing.” I reached out an aura covered hand and pretty much imagined I was Darth Vader choking the life out of some unfortunate soul (yeah, I’m a nerd, get over it), only it was a gravity storm and not a living being. I poured all I had left into the grasp and I saw that the storm started to shrink, getting smaller and smaller as my power increased against it. When it was about the size of my hand, I clenched my hand into a fist to destroy the nevi factory. With a massive burst, the storm imploded, sending shock waves out that sent me flying a good distance before stopping myself with a stasis field. I set myself down on the rock of the mountain and watched as the dragons picked off the few remaining nevi.

It was roughly ten minutes later, I was approached by several dragons. I was still pretty wiped and just wanted to relax. Twelve hours of flying and intense fighting can really tire a girl out. “Can I help you gentledrakes?” I asked, trying not sound as tired as I really was.

“You’re the one who helped us. Why?” asked a brown scaled, pudgy dragon.

“No one attacks the dragons. That’s my job,” I joked, but they started to become suspicious. Before any of them could say anything, however, a larger dragon approached us, his deep blue scales glowing in the lava light. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

“Enough!” he bellowed. “This one is a friend to our kind.” That voice…No. Way!

“PACO!!” I yelled jumping up from my spot and rushed the big dragon in a tight hug.

“How many times have I told you: my name is Pacolytese?” the big dragon grumbled out.

“That’s what I said: Paco!” I retorted still hugging his barrel. He chuckled a little and returned the hug.

“Ah, Kat, I have missed you my dear friend. Much has changed since you last visited our domain. Come, come. I must show you around.” Paco turned back to his younger affiliates. “Go and spread the word that Gravity has returned to our home!” The dragon’s faces paled and they gasped. With amazing speed, all of them took off, flying in all directions. I turned to face my old friend with a questioning look.

“What was that about?”

“Allow me to explain as we walk.” He gestured forward, I shrug and begin to walk with him falling in step beside me. “Do you know how long you have been gone, Kat?”

“From what I’ve been told, a little over a thousand years.”

He nods. “Yes, almost a thousand and twenty-five years have passed since your banishment. And much has changed in our way of seeing you, my friend.”

“How so?”

Paco chuckles a little and then drops a bomb on me. “You are revered as a goddess amongst the dragons. Gravity the goddess of battle! Your deeds all those years ago started a fresh belief that you were sent from beyond the heavens to bless our kind with glorious battle! Strange how young minds think, no?”

I have no word for what I was feeling about this. Me? A-a goddess? “That is… so freaking AWESOME!! Am I worshipped? There’s no sacrifices to me is there?”

“No, no, nothing that serious. Just a prayer to you when we prepare for a battle. Whether it be a war or personal skirmish, Gravity is who receives our prayers.” We make a turn around a corner and end up in what some dragons would call ‘plush’. I prefer to think of it as a penthouse made of rock. “Ah, here we are. Welcome to my abode.”

“Homey,” I said as he gestured me towards a stone chair. I sat down on it, but wasn’t able to get comfortable. I hate resting stone, always gives me cramps. “So, Paco, what’s been new with you? Still emperor?”

“Hmm, hmm, no I haven’t been emperor in over four hundred years,” he chuckled out. “Let the new generation take care of all the diplomatic and political crap I put up with for centuries. I get to do as I please nowadays as an elder amongst my people. You know though, to this day I am still picking rocks out of my scales thanks to you.”

I smiled a little. “Well then, you shouldn’t have been attacking ponies.”

“Doesn’t mean you had to throw me down a mountain!”

“And then back up, and then down again, and then back up again…”

“Yes, yes, I remember quite well. One does not forget being thrown up and down a mountain thirty times quite so easily.” I giggled as he gave me a deadpan stare.Then he chuckled a little himself. “Oh, it’s been so long since I have heard that wonderful laugh of yours. It’s, been...quiet without you around every now and then, Kat.” We both sighed and looked at the floor. “So, tell me, what all has happened since you awoke?”

From there, I went into full explanation on what had transpired since I was imprisoned. From me attacking Celestia and fleeing, to meeting the new Elements of Harmony, meeting Auric Fulcrum, but Paco interrupted me before I got to tell him the big news.

“So you finally met another human after all this time? That sounds like it would have been interesting.”

“I’m still not quite sure that he was indeed human, as he was a pony, but meeting him did give me some information about some things to be watchful for. Though I had to use the old mind bender to lead him on.”

“Ah, ho ho, the ‘manipulator’ strikes again, eh? Yes I remember you using that old trick to get sympathy from one of my maids that led you right to me.” Paco put on a light glare as he focused on me. I was remembering it quite well.

“I still can’t believe that worked.” I smiled and then changed my face to one of a massive pout, fit with puppy dog eyes that bordered on tears. “‘Please, miss. I have no home and no family. May I please come out of the rain?’” I switched back to my normal face with a bright smile. “Worked like a charm back on Earth, and just as well here. I was made for this stuff. I even figured out how to actually change my thoughts while I was imprisoned. Now I can even convince myself of the stuff I start spewing out.”

“How do you go back to you being you, then?” Paco always was the curious dragon.

“Simple, a time limit. It wears off after about thirty minutes, so I have to be careful with it. I didn’t want to use it on Auric because he was being so nice, but I couldn’t let him convince me to give up revenge on the sisters. He knew too much for his own good, that’s what I think.”

“So you are after revenge.” He let out a sigh. “How is it that one so small can hold so much anger?”

“Hey! I’m not small! I’m five foot, ten inches thank you very much!” I pouted and crossed my arms. “Big meanie.”

He let out a hearty chuckle and my pout crumbled. “I know very much how you act Kat, your manipulators don’t work on me anymore. Now, what are you going to do about this revenge of yours? Do you truly intend to kill the Equestrian Princesses?”

I let out a long sigh. “Originally, yes, I was going to kill them. Now, well after talking with Auric and another, I don’t think killing them would be right. There are too many lives at stake if I were to kill them. No, I have a better plan. I’m just going to beat them to within an inch of their immortal lives. That should be enough to get my payback for sealing me away in stone.”

“What about killing your cat, Dusty?”

“About that…” I went on to explain all that had happened at the old castle and he was surprised to say the least that Dusty was actually trying to restore himself all this time. “These nevi worry me, though,” I said afterwards. “From what Dusty said, it was the nevi that struck at those cities where I was blamed. If that’s so, then how come they haven’t appeared until now? I’m missing facts here, Paco, and it’s very irking.”

Paco smiled at me. “Well then, I think I have something that will cheer you right up! Follow me.” He got up and I moved to follow. We walked down the passageways in silence, though we were stopped a few times by my new worshipers. After a while, we reached a passage with no other dragons in sight. A long time ago, I would have been worried that Paco was leading me to my death, but after the war, we had become fast friends. Paco was a very understanding drake, and we were able to tolerate each others quirks. He’s a history buff and I’m a crazy psychopath; it works. “By the way Kat,” he said after a painfully silent experience. “Where did you come up with that adoption story you told that Auric pony? That isn’t one of your usuals.”

I shrugged. “Don’t know. I just had this strange dream the night before I was sealed that I had found an adoption form in Celestia’s room. Me and my crazy mind, right?”

“Are you certain?” Paco didn’t look so sure. “There were rumors circulating among the ruling leaders that Celestia was thinking of adopting you.”

I waved him off. “Nah, Celestia and I were close, but not that close. It was a dream, nothing more. Where are we going anyways?”

We stopped at a door, normal for a dragon, but it was quite large from my perspective. Paco opened the door and entered with me trailing. It was small armory room as their were swords, spears, and… is that what I think it is? My eyes widened as I noticed the centerpiece of the room. Held up high on a pedestal was a large shield, it’s silver metal gleaming in the fire light of the room. I recognized it right away.

“My shield!” I rushed forward and grabbed it, lifting it to my face and seeing my reflection on the metal. Long ago, I had the dragons comission me a weapon befitting me. Swords were cool, but they weren’t my style. Spears just didn’t work with me. I tried archery once, let’s not go any further than that, yeesh! A shield is what had been decided and I had them craft one after one of my favorite heroes: Captain America. The shield was large and circular in shape with amazing defense. It took all sorts of blows and I even used it as a sled from time to time. It worked perfect with my powers.

“It took a few hundred years to finally rework it back together after it was smashed in the Griffin Wars. The metal has been re-enforced with the most powerful metals we have found, while also decreasing its weight substantially. It is much more durable as well as being protected from most magic spells. There is also a little present inside. Take a look”

I looked at where my arm would sleeve the shield and noticed a small bar latched on to the gauntlet. I removed the bar and lifted to my eyes as it suddenly sprung out on both sides into a bow staff. “Awesome! Pony smiths got nothing on you guys. You did amazing work in repairing my old weapon and the staff was a nice bonus.” I reattached the staff, it shrinking back down immidiately and strung the shield across my back. Suddenly, I felt the weapon shrink, so I looked back and saw that the shield was now roughly the size of a back pack. “Convenient. Thanks Paco. I can always trust you.”

“Any time my old friend. I hope you take it easy on the sisters, they truly did not mean to hurt you after all.”

“Don’t worry Paco. With Dusty still alive it wouldn’t be right to kill them for wrongdoing. But betraying me and sealing me in stone must be repaid. Near death experiences never hurt no one anyways.” He looked at me incredulously and I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean.”

Paco chuckled. “Yes, unfortunately I do. Are you leaving so soon?”

“Yeah, I need to keep repairing the castle. I need a roof over my head that ain’t leaking. I’ll be sure to visit, though. And keep an eye out for more nevi for me, will ya?” I covered myself in aura and began to float.

“If I see anymore of those creatures, I shall notify you immediately. Stay well, Kat, and be safe.”

“Thanks for everything Paco! See you around!” I flew off the way we came, me hearing something along the lines of ‘and my name is Pacolytese!’ or something along those lines. I smiled as I continued flying by the dragons, some bowing or cheering as I flew by. I waved to them and sped off into the distance, heading for my new home.

Author's Note:

So, some wondered how Kat could just turn around and say what she did about Auric, well it's because she can abuse her own emotions and her way of thinking, albeit temporarily. Kat's certainly a strange one that's for sure and now she has some weapons. Why? Well, in the game all you have is powers and kicks, and that just ain't enough to get the job done sometimes. Now she's ready for a fight, but is it a fight that she can win? Find out as we journey deeper down this road.