• Published 7th May 2014
  • 18,136 Views, 1,011 Comments

Gravity of the Situation - DJSkywalker

A young girl sealed in stone for over a thousand years has been releaed due to Discord's chaos. After everything that happened can she forgive the alicorn sisters for what they've done? Or will Equestria be destroyed by a great force of the

  • ...

The Long Awaited Showdown, part one

I floated above the floor of my castle, midway through my rant. Ever since I came back to my castle, I had been screaming and yelling through the throne room about Celestia nearly letting Chrysalis and the changelings going on a mass killing spree. I had sent the boys back to the coven after they gave me the damage report. In all, sixty-three ponies were killed in the invasion attempt. That was sixty-three too many. “What was she thinking?! I know for a fact that Celestia had more power than that over grown bug, so why the hell did she sit there and do nothing?! She could have stopped that invasion easily, Luna going in would just be overkill, and kept everypony out of danger. What the hell is her problem?!”

“It is the same as it has always been. Celestia made a mistake, something you know quite well.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” I stopped speaking when I realized that something actually answered my question. I knew for a fact that no one else was in my castle, so who just answered me. “Who said that?” I asked without moving.

“I did,” the voice answered. Now that I focus on it, the voice was very… familiar. I turned around as fast as I could and was greeted to the sight of a black, star-coated cat smiling at me.

“Dusty?” I asked, tears building in the corners of my eyes, eager to burst forth.

To my surprise and glee, the cat nodded. “Hello again, Mistress Kat. I told you I would return soon, didn’t I?” I rushed forward with speed not even I knew I had, scooping up Dusty, and hugging him crushingly tight.

“DUSTY!! You’re alive, you’re alive, you’re alive!!” I screamed as tears of joy rolled down my face. He was here, I could feel his soft fur, the beating of his heart. My Dusty was back!

“Yes, Mistress, I am alive, but I won’t be for much longer if you keep crushing me,” he wheezed out. My eyes shot open and I let him go, tumbling to the floor. He coughed a few times, refilling his lungs with air, making me blush from my reaction.

“Sorry,” I squeaked out.

Dusty only shook his head, still smiling. “No harm has been done, my old friend. It is good to see you after so long as well. Now,” he said while straightening himself up, “I do believe that we have much to discuss.”

The next few hours flew by fast as I told Dusty everything. And I mean everything. From my return, to the changes, the friends, the family, and my revenge plans. It took a little bit longer to explain Auric, Teridax, and Gilgamesh, but he was able to understand it after a little bit. When I was done pouring out my heart to him, he sighed and hung his head. “Why is that whenever I take my eyes off you, you always seem to get in to trouble?”

I glared playfully at him.

He just shook his head lightly. “Kat, what part of ‘we need the princesses’ did you not understand? I know you’re mad at them, don’t think I am not, but if we are to defeat the nevi, we are going to need their help. I have felt the disturbances getting stronger, so I am sure you have noticed.”

I nodded. “Yes, the nevi are getting stronger. Much more than I thought they ever would. But why do we need them? They can’t even defend their own capital?”

“KAT!” he yelled at me, causing me to flinch. “You stubborn, hard headed fool! We need the princesses because no matter how strong you become, one person cannot handle this alone! Let go of your stubborn pride for once and see reason!”

I was very tempted to growl at him for his words, but I kept calm because I knew there was no way he could fully understand. “Dusty, they took you away from me. They have toyed with others lives for centuries and have put thousands of lives at risk. They put my only family in danger when they could have stopped the threat before it occurred. They need to know the price for messing with others’ lives!”

He glared right back at me. “Is that really your reason?” His question threw me off, allowing him to continue. “You’re sure there isn’t another reason behind all of this? Maybe something a little more personal with Celestia?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Kat! I, of all people, know how close you were to Celestia all those years ago. You used to look up to her. She used to be your role model, the kind of being you wanted to be. What happened to that Kat?” His tone softened as he asked that.

“She was stabbed in the back, one too many times,” I refuted. Dusty seemed taken aback by that, as he went quiet. “I have to do this. It’s the only way I can show them the real me. That I am not their plaything. It’s time to prove who I am to them.” I walked off from, needing a few minutes of space. I sped off so fast, that I missed Dusty’s last words to me.

“But at what cost, Mistress?”


A few days passed, the entire time taken up by me trying to convince Dusty to help me with my impending fight. I only had four more days before everything came together and I knew that I would need Dusty as a fail safe. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a friend there with me. He immediately refused to have any part of it, not wanting to cause any more damage. I wasn’t deterred. Every few hours, I would pester him with the question again, each time getting a ‘no’, but it got weaker each time.Yesterday was the breaking point when I informed him that I was still capable of losing control, knowing that he was the only one that could keep my power from going out of control. Knowing full well what the implications that would occur if I somehow lost control, he relented into helping me, but he didn’t have to like it.

It’s not like I wanted him to fight alongside me. I just needed him the area so I didn’t accidentally Extinguish either Luna or Celestia. I wanted to beat them up, not rip them apart on the atomic level. Even I think that’s a little bit of an overreaction. With my failsafe in place, I could now focus on getting in some last minute training. I was practicing in the throne room today, swinging my staff in fierce, fluid movements. Just as I was instructed, I had been focusing on swift, lighter strikes instead of strong ones which restricted my movements. I was going for quantity with the staff,with quality from the shield as I would imagine bashing my target with the shield. I had even took a little more from the good Captain by throwing my shield around, directing it with shifts that would eventually bring it back to me. You did not want to get hit by this thing!

My concentration, however, was broken as the doors to the throne were suddenly burst open, revealing five familiar ponies and a sixth that was also familiar, but was also looking quite furious. I saw her looking around the room, her glare never relaxing. “Come out Kat!” Twilight yelled. “I know you’re here!”

Wow, does she look pissed. Wondering why she can’t see me? Well, that would because I was on the ceiling. Less stuff to break up there. I put away my weapons and floated down in front of them. “What’s up girls?”

If looks could kill, I am pretty sure I would be nine feet under with a hole in my chest, based on Twilight's glare. “What’s up? What’s up!? That’s what you have to say after what you did?! Not, ‘Oh hello girls. I am so sorry for causing a mass genocide and then challenging Celestia to a duel to the death.’? What is wrong with you?! How could you do something so, so, so monstrous?!”

“Monstrous?” I parroted with surprise, that quickly turned to anger. “Monstrous?! I’m the monster?! What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? I did this world a favor by finally eliminating those bugs!”

“That is not a decision you had any right to make!” she countered. “You are no god! You are just like any of us, and nopony, or person, has any right to decide whether or not an entire species has the right to live! You never even gave them a chance!”

I was getting very tired of my unicorn friend right now. “I gave them a chance, Twilight. Maybe it’s time you finally heard the true story of the Trottingham Massacre.” The girls leaned, including Twilight, who was both suspicious and curious. “As you know, the changelings invaded Trottingham, unprovoked, and attacked it’s populace. What you probably do not know is that they were already in Equestria at the time.” I saw their eyes widen, but I continued on. “The changelings were in Equestria under invitation from Princess Celestia to conduct peace talks between ponies and changelings. The queen eagerly accepted and they flew in to the country, unimpeded. With no one there to stop them, the bugs immediately flew off to the nearest city and began to devour its citizens, that city being Trottingham. When we received word at the castle, I sprinted off to save the ponies, especially my little Flitter. However, it had been a few hours since the invasion had begun, so when I arrived there had been many, many casualties. In anger, I released black hole with all my might, decimating the Queen and her kin. Only one survived my onslaught, Princess Chrysalis. I left her alive, because I had hoped that she would not fall like her mother did. I warned her that if they ever did anything like that again, I would eradicate them.”

I turned back to the girls, specifically Twilight, and gave them a fierce look. “Do you know how many lives those monsters took that night? Two thousand ponies were brutally murdered. Why? Because of Celestia, that’s why! Luna and I both told her not to trust the changelings. We pleaded with her not to go through with this and the citizens of Trottingham paid the price for her stupidity!”

“Don’t talk about Princess Celestia like that!” Twilight screamed at me with angry tears in her eyes.

I glared right back at her. “Why shouldn’t I? It’s the truth! Celestia is not some perfect goddess; she is far from it! Celestia has made mistake, after mistake, after mistake, with this latest changeling invasion the most recent. You put your teacher on such a high pedestal that you can’t see what kind of a terrible pony she really is! She’s just as much at fault for her actions as you and me. She is no goddess, she is just a simple pony with too much power.”

“Celestia is NOT A TERRIBLE PONY!! She is the kindest, most caring pony in all of Equestria, if not the world! You are just too stubborn to see past your own revenge and self pity! Celestia did what she felt she had to do to protect everypony. You forced her! You speak of her having too much power, but what about you?! You’re just as at fault!”

“FINE!” I roared at her in anger, I had enough of this. “If that is how you truly feel, then you can just go! Get out of my castle! Get out of my sight! Just run along back to your precious princess and you can wait around until she stabs you in the back!” I turned away before she could even offer a rebuttal and started to walk off.

“Grandmother,” Fluttershy called out to me. I stopped for a moment and noticed that she was right at my side, looking at me with those big,.almost sea-green eyes. I patted her on the head, giving her a small smile and then continued off.

*****Dusty's POV*****

I watched as my mistress walked off in anger from the group of ponies. I had kept myself hidden so as to see how she and these ponies truly acted around each other. Not that I mistrusted Kat’s word, but she did have a tendency to bend the truth. Seeing their reactions, however, have solidified what Kat had told me. None of them would understand how Kat feels about all of this, so I decided that I would inform them. I made my presence known as subtly as possible.

“Well, that certainly could have gone better, or worse.” All six of them jumped, my mistress’ granddaughter freezing up and falling to the floor. Why there was the sound of a bleating goat, I will never know. They turned towards me with looks of surprise and fear, not something I was accustomed to seeing. The purple unicorn, Twilight I believe, approached me with caution, her anger seemingly forgotten.

“Who, who are you?”

“Apologies,” I said, giving them a small bow. “I am known as Dusty, familiar to one Kat Shifter, as well as her guardian and best friend. It is an honor to meet her friends and granddaughter. I thank you for watching over her in my absence, as such, I am in your debt.”

Fluttershy had unfrozen by the time I was done speaking and approached me cautiously. “You’re really Dusty?” Her voice was quieter than I assumed, it was quite beautiful actually. She seemed so much like Kat’s beloved Flitter, I know now why she had become so attached to this mare.

I nodded in response. “I am he. You are Fluttershy, correct?”

“Yes,” she nodded in response.

“You are so much like your ancestor,” I said, making her blush. “Kat has told me much about all of you, and I see that her trust were put in the right mares. Especially you, Fluttershy. If were not for you, I believe that Kat would have fallen deeper into the darkness that her heart currently resides in.” I approached her and put a paw on her heart. “For that, you have my eternal gratitude and thanks.”

The pegasus blushed even brighter. “It-it was nothing. I just couldn’t let my grandmother become a truly bad pony.”

“Person,” I corrected out of habit. “It warms my heart that Kat has found new ponies she cares about. Though, I am afraid that it has not deterred her from her goal.”

Twilight seemed to remember her anger upon me saying that, as she immediately scowled and growled. “Why does she have to be like that?! What is her problem?”

I sighed, beginning to follow after Kat. “I cannot answer that in full, I would suggest you find your answers in the library further in the castle. I must attend to Kat, so I will leave you with this, Twilight. You would be in same position as Kat, if your mother-figure had betrayed you.” I turned my form into wisps and teleported to my mistress’ side, leaving six wide-eyed ponies in my wake. I found Kat laying on her bed, reading over a book. “Tis a rare sight to see you reading, Mistress.”

She sighed, putting the book down for a moment. “I thought you had gotten over calling me that, Dusty. If you must know, I am reading up on the few powers that I had written down of the sisters having. I must not only prepare physically, but mentally as well. Know thy enemy and all that.”

“You have learned much, my friend. And I call you Mistress because that is who you are to me. My mistress, my friend, my responsibility. My life is yours Kat, remember that.”

She rolled her eyes and patted me lovingly while smiling brightly. “Just stop risking it so much. I need you Dusty. You are my rock. I already feel saner just having you around again.”

“Nothing could ever make you sane,” I quipped.

She giggled and scratched me behind the ears. Ah, that feels sooo amazing! “There’s that wit I missed. Come on, let’s get back to work. I’m running out of time to get ready.” I sighed and nodded. While I may not approve of this direction, I’m not going to let my Kat fall into the darkness alone. I will follow her into the depths and be the one to pull her back out into the light. I died for her once, and I am more than prepared to do so again.

*****Twilight's POV*****

The girls had left hours ago, leaving the library to me alone for that time. It was quite the expanse of books, so many books! Books, books, books! Whoops, focus Twilight! Dusty said that the answer to Kat’s anger was held within one of these ancient tomes of knowledge. Oh, if only I had brought Spike, then we could be getting this done twice as fast. I sighed, closing the book in front of me and adding it to the pile on the floor next to the table. Another dead end. That’s all I’ve had for the past six hours, nothing, but dead ends!

Ugh, this is completely tiring. I put my head in my hooves, groaning in frustration of this all. What Dusty had told us doesn’t seem to add up to how Kat acts. I understood that the shifter and the princesses were close, but I can’t really believe that they were that close. It’s just too unbelievable. Kat’s words even more so. How could Princess Celestia, of all ponies, be a terrible pony? Okay, so she’s made a couple of mistakes, but it can’t be as many as Kat said. She’s my teacher, almost like another mother to me. Of course I would think highly of her, but if Kat really felt that way too, then what made her change? One event alone couldn’t have done it. What happened back then? When did everything change?

I sighed, leaning back in my chair slightly. To my surprise, the chair stopped leaning and something ‘clicked’ off to the side. I look over to see part of the bookcase sliding away and revealing a hidden room! I was stunned at first, but soon gathered enough courage and curiosity to explore the new room. It was very nice inside, almost perfectly preserved. It seemed to be some kind of private chambers, noting the beds and cushions inside. Then, I noticed a book stand in the center of the room, with a nearly perfect book resting on it. The cover was covered in a light amount of dust. I blew it off with a quick breath, revealing two golden pony heads, the symbol of the sisters. I opened the book carefully, hoping not to damage it. I read the first line inside:

The Journal of the Two Sisters

I gasped. This had to be what Dusty spoke of! I levitated the book of the stand and positioned myself on one of the cushions. I began to read, hoping that all of my answers could be found within.

*****Kat's POV*****

I laid awake late into the night, working through many different plans and ideas. Dusty had curled up on one of the pillow near the headboard, leaving me to work in silence. While I may have never been the best student in school, I was no idiot. I had to think this through. In all honesty, Celestia was the bigger threat between the two alicorn sisters. I needed to focus on her, but I doubt Luna would ever give me the chance. I wrote down and worked through idea after idea, making sure I had at least some kind of plan. I think I finally worked one just right, to where I got to fight both of them at their fullest, as well as making certain I would win. None of us will be holding back this time around. I will finally show them my true power.

My silent night was broken suddenly from a soft knocking at my door. I was surprised, thinking that the girls had left hours ago. I floated to the door and saw the pony I least wanted to speak with: Twilight Sparkle. I felt as if I should speak to her rudely, probably making a sarcastic remark, but the look on her face instantly dissuaded me. It was one of sadness, grief, despair, and guilt. I saw many signs that she had been crying, noting her bloodshot eyes and the tear marks in her fur.

“Twilight?” I asked, keeping my voice low and calm. “What are you still doing here? And why have you been crying?”

“Hello Kat,” she replied solemnly, seemingly ignoring my questions. “Can I come in?”

Not sure what was going on, and probably against my better judgement, I allowed her in, closing the door after her. I floated back to the bed and motioned for her to join me. She didn’t say as word as she pulled herself up and we just sat in silence. It was not an uncomfortable one, mind you, but it felt as if it should be.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” I asked. She was beginning to worry me.

She looked right into my eyes; I could practically feel the guilt pouring off of her. “Kat… I’m sorry.” I was too shocked to say anything before she continued. “I found Celestia’s journal and I read everything.” Oh, that explains it. We found out the same way, then. “Kat, I am so sorry. I, I should have… I don’t know what I should have done. I didn’t want to believe you,” I saw her tearing up, not even bothering to keep them in check. “I wanted to much to believe that the Princess was perfect. The perfect teacher and role model that I had known all of my life. But, after reading everything she’s done, I-I just don’t know what to think anymore. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Kat, but… oh, I don’t what to do with this information!”

Twilight flung herself at me and began to sob into my chest. I was surprised at first, but soon wrapped my arms around her, cradling the crying unicorn. I began to rock in my seat, keeping my rhythm steady. “Shh, shh, it’s alright, Twilight. I forgive you. I know it’s hard, but you will move past this. I wasn’t able to, but you’re stronger than me. You, Rainbow, Applejack, you’re all so much stronger than I could ever be. I wish I could be like all of you, able to move beyond the past and take in life as it is, but I can’t. I promise you, Twilight, I will not kill them. I don’t think I ever did, even when I yelled it right in her face. I don’t think I could have ever gone through with it. Be strong, Twilight, I know you can be.”

Her sobbing began to calm, looking at me with tear filled eyes. “Do you really promise?” I nodded. She sniffled and put her muzzle back into my bosom. “I don’t want to hate her, Kat. But, how can I after reading of everything she did?”

“Because of who you are, Twilight. Celestia has wronged many, but not you. You know her better than most ponies or beings ever will. I wish I was like you, I really do, but I am not, so I have to make things right. Celestia broke me, and now I have to break her.”

“Just… don’t do anything too crazy, Kat. I still love her.” Silence reigned as she spoke those words, the young mare falling to sleep in my arms soon after. I saw a drop of water fall from my face. I put my hand up to my face and felt warm tears pouring from my eyes. Why was I crying? A sudden realization came to mind, but I didn’t know if I could believe it. Did I still love Celestia, too? I looked out into Luna’s moonlit night, knowing that soon, I would know.


The next several days flew by, focusing on reinforcing my plans, polishing and cleaning my weapons, and finishing my training. I trained until my muscles ached and sweat was pouring out of me. The girls left me be over those days, save for Flutters who drop by once a day to make sure I was still eating and getting proper rest. She’s so thoughtful! But, today was the day. I stared out at the horizon whilst out on the very peak of my castle. Dusty sat on a perch just below me, watching with the same hardened look as me. I simply stood there and waited, then it came. Celestia’s sun rose steadily into the morning sky, blanketing the land in it’s rays of warmth and splendor. It was just as beautiful as it was back then, only now it was a symbol. The symbol that would be the beginning of the end.

I looked over to Dusty who was already staring at me, his face completely unreadable. Then he turned back to the sunrise, but spoke, addressing me, “Are you ready for this Kat?”

I nodded, looking back at the rising sun myself. “Yes. On this day, the Sisters will fall to me.” I gave him a quick glance and put on a small smile. “Thank you for helping me, Dusty.”

“Well, I can’t let you go and do something stupid, now can I?” he asked with a smirk. “I will be in the shadows during your confrontation, Kat. I will be with you, even if you can’t see me.”

I nodded again. “I understand. It’s time for all of this to end.” Without another word, Dusty and I warped to just outside Canterlot Castle. Dusty immediately ducked into the shadows, masking his presence completely. Two guards were there to meet me, eyes wide at my sudden arrival. I glowered down on the two stallions and spoke with an emotionless tone. “Step aside, the Sisters and I have an appointment to keep.”

The guards recollected themselves immediately and put their spears together, attempting to bar me from entering. “You shall not pass, Gravity Queen.” I glared at them and then rolled my eyes. I wormholed right past them and walked off, ignoring their yellings for me to stop. This occurred a few more times, each going the same exact way until I finally reached the entrance to the throne room. I was honestly surprised to see that it was Shining Armor guarding the doors, alone.

“Captain Armor,” I said in a toneless voice.

“General Shifter,” he returned in kind. Him referring to me as a general was strange enough, but he didn’t even seem upset at my presence. “I should fight hoof and nail to keep you from reaching the princess, but I was told not to engage you in combat. That doesn’t mean I have to allow you through.”

I scowled at the (comparatively) young unicorn in front of me. I looked above him to the doors and shouted out, “Celestia! Luna! Enough of this foolishness! Stop with these distractions. It. Is. Time!” ...Did you really think that those two were the only ones capable of such a thing as the Royal Canterlot Voice? Shining was cringing from the volume of my voice and was about to say something, only to be interrupted by a familiar voice from behind the doors.

“Let her in Captain Armor!”

Shining was surprised, to say the least. “B-b-but Princess--!”

“Do it, we have put this off for far too long,” spoke Luna from the throne room. Shining looked ready to argue, but let out a sigh of defeat and hung his head. He stepped away, giving me free passage. I looked at him, and then strode past the doors. Once I had entered the room, I slammed the doors shut with my powers, preventing any future intrusions.

There they were. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

We simply stood there in silence, staring one another down. There wasn’t even the sound of wind as the watched me from their thrones. After what felt like an eternity, I spoke first. “It’s nice to see you again Luna. I’ve heard some interesting things about you.”

Her stare turned fierce. “And we have heard tales of your adventures as well, Ms. Shifter. How disappointing for one so great to fall so far.”

I snorted indignantly. “That’s certainly a mouthful coming from you, Nightmare Moon.”

“How dare you! Why we ought to-, “ Luna’s words were cut off by an alabaster wing blocking her. She looked over to Celestia who simply shook her head. There was a twinge in my heart at that sight, but I ignored it and continued standing in waiting. “You have come to challenge us,” Luna said after calming down.

“That’s the simple version, yes.”

“Are thee prepared for mortal combat?”

I reached behind my back, and pulled on my shield. Just for this occasion, I had my weapon of choice specially painted in my signature colors: black and gold. The outer ring was black, and interchanging with gold for each ring. In the center, was a solid picture of Space, representing my friend. I slid back my right foot and lowered my center of gravity.

“I am.”

“Good.” With a burst of speed, Luna sprung at me, using her wings for a massive boost. I pulled myself behind the shield and braced against her sudden charge. I felt the massive force of her magic and body hit my guard, but I held my ground with a small bit of shifting. With a quick burst of force, I shoved Luna off, sending her into the air where she hovered above me. I noticed that Celestia simply sat there and watched. I would make her regret that decision.

“You have betrayed the very beings you swore to protect, Kat,” Luna shouted to me.

“The only betrayal I know of was committed by the two of you!” I lifted into the air and fired a gravity kick right at Luna. She flew out of the way, which put me in the position to hit the wall.


I hit the wall with the ball of my foot and, using the moment, turned and sprung at Luna. I slammed my shield right into her muzzle, sending her to the floor with a yelp. I shifted gravity to an intense level that sent me slamming into Luna with a massive force. She screamed out in pain, but I gave her no chance of recovery. I activated a stasis field, causing her body to orbit around me. She struggled to break free of my gravitational field, but it was too strong. I flung out my free hand and sent her flying into the castle wall.

“Luna!” Celestia cried out, yet she stayed put. Works for me.

Luna groaned from her crater, but I kept her pinned, putting an increasing amount of pressure on her. I walked slowly towards her, glaring at her in deep anger. “I warned you, princesses. This time was for real, and you were not to go easy on me. You will pay the price for your disrespect and arrogance, princess of the night. Be gone!”

“NO!” I heard Celestia cry, but it was too late. I created a dark red and black orb around Luna, sealing her within. With a quick twirl of my wrist, the orb condensed into nothingness in less than a second. And like that, Luna was taken care of.

I turned towards Celestia, who was staring wide-eyed at where her sister once was. The air in the room was still, but then instantly became supercharged with solar energy. I watched as Celestia’s rage poured over into her physical being. Celestia’s mane and tail had turned into a living fire, her eyes glowing a near blinding gold. Very few beings have ever had the pleasure of seeing this side of Celestia, and now I was among their ranks. The Celestial Rage.

With a quick flash, Celestia summoned her legendary armor. It was pure gold, that I knew, but I had never seen her wear it. She looked magnificent under the plating. The chest plate was large and fiercely thick. Her helmet was similar to the guards, but included a special ring around where her horn went through that would triple her spells’ powers. Her wings were encased in the golden wing blades that were rumored to tear through anything with ease. Seeing them in their full splendor, I believe it. To finish it all, Celestia summoned her mightiest weapon: Mjolnir. This was nothing like Thor’s pitiful weapon, no, this was a true war hammer. It was the same height as the princess, it’s handle made of the purest gold that was reinforced and enchanted with magic older than her star itself. The hammer itself was made from the densest material in the known universe, with itself being the only known amount on the planet. This substance was so old, that its very name was lost to time. I referred to it as Black Matter (not to be confused with dark matter). Legend has, that it is the remains of a black hole that used to reside where the sun is now. Whether I believed or not, the metal still existed and was now to be used against me in full force.

This was the fight I was looking for. I was no longer facing Princess Celestia. No, I now faced her true form: Solar Flare.

“Are you prepared to perish for your crimes... Allison?” she asked in a very calm voice, despite her raging exterior.

I didn’t even smirk as I summoned my staff from the shield, the weapon springing to its full extension as soon as it hit my palm. I covered myself in aura and power in the same instance, lowering back to my stance. “Just how it should be,” I remarked. “You and me, Celestia.”

“Yes. It will end, just as it began.”

“Then let’s get started!” I yell as I fly at her, she repeating the action in kind. In that instant, Gravity clashed with Sol itself.

Author's Note:

It's on now! Kat Shifter vs. Princess Celestia! Who will win, who will lose? What truths will be revealed? How will this end? Tune in next to time to see the conclusion to this most anticipated match up!