• Published 7th May 2014
  • 18,136 Views, 1,011 Comments

Gravity of the Situation - DJSkywalker

A young girl sealed in stone for over a thousand years has been releaed due to Discord's chaos. After everything that happened can she forgive the alicorn sisters for what they've done? Or will Equestria be destroyed by a great force of the

  • ...

Kindness, Loyalty, and Gravity

I awoke fairly well this morning, of course the sun still burned into my eyes, but that’s just Celestia being a bitch in the morning. Today was going to be hectic, I could just feel it. I am just glad that the plumbing in the castle still works miraculously so I could have a shower. After that refreshing experience, I got ready for the day, throwing on my shirt, jeans, and jacket. I adjusted my headband into its perfect spot and tied my scarf comfortably around my neck and I was ready for the day, once my boots were laced up. As I headed out, I remembered one last thing: my shield. I picked it up from the hanging spot I had on the wall and strapped it to my back, also checking that my staff was secure in its spot. I felt the shield shrink down to the size of a small backpack and I walked out of the room.

After scaring Spike yesterday, today I decided to fly into town. It was still pretty early so I wouldn’t have to worry about being seen. I flew over the small village softly, like a gliding bird, enjoying the fresh morning air. It was so calm and peaceful this morning that I just decided to lie on my back as I floated over to the library. The feeling of serenity was so nice…and then it was rudely interrupted.

“HEY!” I opened an eye slightly to the sight of a rainbow maned pegasus glaring harshly as she floated above me. I raised an eyebrow in response to her yelling. “What do you think you’re doing here?”

“Um, resting,” I reply, a little annoyed with her attitude. “If you really want to know, I’m waiting for Twilight to wake up. She and I have plans today.”

“And just what are you going to be doing with one of my friends?”

I glared slightly at this pegasus. “She wants me to make friends with you and Fluttershy. After that, I don’t know.”

“Well, you may have Flutters fooled, but not me. I know you’re bad news, Gravity. You’re just a monster and I’ll be watching you every step of the way. You’ve been warned.” With that, Rainbow Dash flew off in a huff, ruining my happy morning.

“Rude much,” I mumbled under my breath. I looked down below to the library and saw movement by one of the windows. I landed down at the front door and knocked, not loudly, but just enough to be noticeable. A few seconds later, the small drake opened the door, smiling at me for once.

“Good morning, Kat. Here to see Twilight?” he asked, sounding chipper.

“Well that, and maybe get some breakfast. If you wouldn’t mind.”

“No problem, come on in.” He waved me inside and I followed after closing the door. He led me to the dining room where Twilight was already eating a healthy stack of pancakes. Upon seeing me, her face brightened.

“Good morning, Kat,” Twilight greeted me. “Care to have some?” she asked pointing at the remaining pancakes.

“Don’t mind if I do!” I picked up a fork and levitated a good stack for myself. After stuffing three of the golden cakes of the gods down into my gullet, I chatted with Twilight and Spike. “Ya know, I flew into Rainbow Dash this morning.”

“Oh, how did that go?” asked Twilight.

“Not very well. I think we can skip me seeing her later today. She seems really peeved.”

“Well, Rainbow has been known to hold a grudge. She’s also very protective of her friends, and that includes the Princesses.”

“That explains the ‘tude. Let’s just skip her and move on to your other friend. We can work of Rainbow another day.”

“If you say so,” Twilight relented rather reluctantly. “That leaves just Fluttershy and I am not completely certain on how that’s going to go.”

“Why’s that?” I asked, truly curious. Both mares made mention on Fluttershy reacting to me strangely previously. Is it because she seems familiar to me? Guess I’ll find out later.

“Oh it’s something I would feel better about having Fluttershy tell you herself.” Yeah, that’s not suspicious at all, but I let it pass. The rest of breakfast was just some idle chit chat, nothing important. A little while later found me and Twilight on our way towards Fluttershy’s cottage. We had gone out the back door of the library and were skirting around the town itself so I wouldn’t be seen. This caused the walk to take twice as long as usual, or so Twilight told me. So, it was a full hour of walking until we came across a quaint little cottage settled just outside the Everfree Forest. I could see animals all running around happily around the cottage with birds chirping musically in the background. It was like a scene right from the mind of Walt Disney! Twilight approached the door as I found myself surrounded by little critters, all wanting to climb on me. I heard a door open and a butter-yellow pegasus appearing from the doorway.

“Oh, hello Twilight. What brings you by? If you don’t mind me asking,” Fluttershy said in her shy little voice.

“Morning Fluttershy. I just wanted to stop by and say hello and there’s a certain someone I think you’ll be glad to meet.”

“Oh? And who’s that?”

Twilight gestured over to me, as I was covered in animals all acting like I had a treat for them or something. I even humored the idea that I was the treat. “Fluttershy, I would like to re-introduce you to Kat Shifter, a.k.a. Gravity.”

Fluttershy stared at me for a moment or two, before breaking into giggles at my predicament, Twilight following suit. I gave both ponies a deadpan look, not amused in the slightest. “Yeah, yeah, I’m a riot. Now could one of you please get these animals off me.”

“Oh! Of course!” Fluttershy flew over to me and began brushing the rabbits, ferrets, and whatever else had clung to me. “I’m sorry about that Kat. I don’t know what came over them.”

“There your animals, Fluttershy. I am sure it just come naturally to them by now,” Twilight said oh so matter-of-factly. What the hell did she mean by that?

“M-maybe,” Fluttershy admitted. She then turned back to me. “Would you like to come in, Kat? It’s alright if you don’t want to.”

“No, I would love to.” I got up and followed the unicorn and pegasus into the cottage, ducking slightly from the low door opening. The inside was quite lovely as well, kind of a mix of The Hobbit and The Seven Dwarves. Very quaint. “I like this place,” I said looking over everything.

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Fluttershy beamed. “I’ll be right back with some tea. Just make yourselves comfortable.” She trotted out of the living room and into what I assumed was the kitchen with a happy skip in her step. Weird. While Twilight took a seat on the couch, I decided to look over the small collection of knickknacks that lined Fluttershy’s shelves.

There was nothing to special. A few pieces of china, some wooden dolls, a small diamond, some family photos...diamond?! I sent my eyes right back to the small black diamond that rested on her mantle. It was cracked right down the middle, yet the gem was still in one piece. What stopped me on the diamond was the fact that it was crafted perfectly. The lines were accurately cut, giving it the appearance of being sharp, but was actually smoother than any other like it. There was only one diamond I knew of that had ever been crafted like that. It was meant as a symbol for her, a gentle soul with great beauty that could be hidden behind a fierce exterior.

It was during that moment that Fluttershy walked back into the room, placing a plate with tea and treats on the table. She noticed me hovering in front of the diamond. “Oh, do you like that one? It’s a family heirloom that’s been in my family for generations.” My eyes turned to dinner plates, though my back was to the two ponies, hiding the fact. “It was given to my ancestor over a thousand years ago from a very special friend. Her name was--”

“Flitterbee. Her name was Flitterbee,” I interrupted turning toward the shy pegasus who was looking at me with pride.

“You do remember her,” Fluttershy said with a tearful smile.

I just stared back in shock at her. “How could I forget my greatest friend?” I finally said, tears growing my eyes. I crouched down and held out my arms. Fluttershy understood the gesture and flew into my arms. I hugged that mare like the world was ending and she was my special someone. “You lived on Flitter,” I whispered under my breath. “I am so glad.”

“She never gave up on you, Kat,” Fluttershy said back. “My grandmother passed down her diary to me. I read every entry and she always believed that you had been wronged and you would one day return to us. And she was right, I knew she was right.”

I could feel that hot tears flowing from eyes. This was Flitterbee’s descendant, and I could feel her spirit emanating with the mare. I wasn’t alone after all; she waited for me. “It took a thousand years, Flitter, but I’m back. And I’ll never leave again,” I whispered into Fluttershy’s massive pink mane.

We stayed like that for a good five minutes just crying on each other. Twilight just stayed where she was, saying nothing and giving us the space we needed. We separated after that and I was lead over to the couch where I sat next to Twilight while Fluttershy took the chair nearby.

“So, what was that exactly?” Twilight asked after a moment.

I sighed and began the tale. “A long time ago, roughly two hundred and thirty years after I had been transported to Equestria, I met a young filly named Flitterbee. Flitter, as I called her, was shy little pegasus who could barely stand up for herself. I had been stationed in Trottingham at the time, looking over the town as it’s the closest town to the badlands and we had received some ominous messages from the area. I met Flitter when she was crying in an alley after a particularly rough session with her bullies. Flitter was picked on constantly being unable to fly very well as well as being an orphan, like myself. The very thought of bullies hurting such an innocent little filly ignited a fury within me. So, I took her to meet these bullies and I had a few words with them. It was on that day where I swore I would protect the little filly.

I watched as the Flitter grew, always there to make sure she was alright. She prospered under my care, I even would consider myself her big sister or maybe even mother. It just hurt me deep down to see any harm come to my little Flitter. It was a few years later when I saw her hidden talent. I saw another pack of bullies picking on her one day as I arrived to pick her up from school, but something happened before I could intervene. She exploded on them, yelling even harsher words and she just glared at them. Five colts, several years older than her, suddenly wet themselves and ran off crying to their mommies.”

“The ‘Stare’!” Twilight interrupted.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“The Stare! Fluttershy can do it too!” I looked at Fluttershy in shock and surprise.

She blushed a little and hid behind her mane. “I don’t like doing it, but sometimes my animals need to be reeled in a little.” I smiled like a proud mother; Fluttershy was much more like her ancestor than I thought.

“A year later, Princess Celestia ordered me back to the Castle of the Two Sisters. The dragons were starting to refuse coming to meetings if my presence was not there. So, regretfully, I packed my bags for my home. Flitter was in tears as I prepared for my flight, but I promised that she would never be alone. I told her I would come back some day and to prove it, I gave her a perfect diamond, one of my greatest works. I told her that all she had to do was think of me while holding the diamond close to her heart and I would be there for her. I’m glad I did because not ten years later, Trottingham was invaded. If it wasn’t for that diamond, I never would have been able to find my little Flitter in the panic. I got to her just in time to beat down the bugs that had attacked. I got her to safety as fast as I could, Flitter holding me tight the entire time. I think it was because of Flitter that I lost it on those changelings. It was because of my feelings for her that I did what I did.”

“That’s something that’s been bothering me, Kat,” Twilight said. “You keep mentioning these things called ‘changelings’ that invaded Trottingham, but I couldn’t find a single mention of any such creatures in my books. Why is that?”

I sighed. “That would be because of me. The Trottingham Massacre, as it would be later called, does not refer only to the slaughter of the innocent ponies of that town, but also to the murder of the invaders. I personally wiped the changeling race out of existence for what they did. I made the changelings extinct.”

Both girls were gaping at me. “You k-killed an entire race of beings to save your surrogate daughter?” Twilight said, almost accusingly.

“Not just her, also there was the nearly fifteen hundred lives they devoured. Be glad they aren’t around any more. Where do you think the story of the vampony came from?”

“Amazing,” Twilight said. “I’d like to discuss these creatures in depth sometime. If you’re up for it.”

“Some other time, but yes I will, Twilight.” I sighed happily and turned back to Fluttershy. “After what happened, though, the princesses forced me to stay in the castle at all times, so I never got to see Flitter again. I am truly happy that she was able to live her life to the fullest.”

“But she never forgot you, Kat,” Fluttershy reminded me. “She kept you story alive with our family. We all are grateful to you for everything you did for us. If weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here, nor would my mother and grandfather. You are our hero, Kat, and our greatest friend.”

With tears in my eyes, I replied, “Thank you Fluttershy. If would be alright with you, I would like for us to be friends. Can we?” I opened my arms wide again. Fluttershy smiled and hugged me tight.

“Of course. . . Grandmother,” Fluttershy responded.

I smiled and chuckled a little, hugging her back. “Don’t call me that,” I laughed back, getting a laugh all around. From there we talked so much, I learned all about my little Flutters’ life, from Cloudsdale to Ponyville, Twilight filling me in a little more about what I had missed in the thousand years I was missing. “You sure have been through a lot girls, though I must say I am proud of you for standing up for your friends to that dragon, my little Flutter. That took a lot of courage.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, I’m not a very courageous pony. I was very frightened.”

“Yes, but you did it anyway. That is what courage is: being able to do what you need to do, despite your fear. I am very proud, Fluttershy.” She blushed even more, getting a hearty chuckle from me. I glanced around the room for a moment, then my eyes got stuck on an object on the table. It was a calendar, the date plain as day in bright red: October 21. I paled, it was today. I stood up suddenly, moving towards the door.

“Kat? Kat, what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked, sounding hysterical.

“There’s something I need to do today, Flutters. I need to be alone. I’m sorry.” I took off outside of the house, taking flight and heading back towards the castle. What I didn’t know was that as I flew over the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy and Twilight rounded up there other friends to go out searching for me. They even got Rainbow Dash to do, albeit reluctantly. Several hours later was when Rainbow found me, though I didn’t even know she was there. I was too busy staring at the massive stone in front of me, the millennia of vines that had once surrounded it, now laying heaps all over. Etched into the stone were three names, all weathered from time.

Tears stained my eyes. I couldn’t read the names anymore and I couldn’t even remember them, either. I sat there, tears falling to the ground. “I’m so sorry,” I said to the stone. “I can’t even remember your names. What kind of daughter or sister can’t remember her family’s names? I’m so sorry Mom, Dad, little bro. I’m so so sorry. I wish I could have visited before, but I got stuck. Heh heh, bad joke I know. I wish I hadn’t dragged us to that movie all those years ago. It’s all my fault this happened; I’m so sorry. Truly the worst birthday ever.” I let the tears continue to fall and then I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I turned to see the rainbow mare looking back at me with a pained expression. I turned my head harshly. “What do you want?”

Rainbow hesitated, not knowing what to say or how to say it. “I’m sorry.”

My head turned back to her so fast, I should have gotten whiplash. “What?”

“I’m sorry, okay!” she huffed. “I shouldn’t have been so harsh. I should have just given you a chance like the others. So, I’m sorry.”

I sighed, turning back to the memorial I had made all those years ago. “No, Rainbow, you have nothing to be sorry about. I know that you’re the Element of Loyalty and you were just being cautious for your friends. I can’t fault you for that. I am glad you’re willing to give me a chance, though.” We sat there for a few minutes in silence both staring at the stone in front. I began to hum a small little tune that my father had showed me along time ago. Rainbow turned her head back to me.

“What are you singing?”

“A little song my dad taught me. He said that it described how he felt in Vietnam quite well. He was so young, nineteen, going into a war that he wanted no part of.”

“Your dad was in the military, too?!” Rainbow asked in shock. I was equally shocked.

Your dad was in the military?!”

“Yeah. He was in the Griffon Incursion couple decades back. The Griffon tried taking back some of the land they lost in the Griffon War. It wasn’t pretty, or at least that’s what he told me. He was a hero, always putting his life on the line for others.”

“Sounds like my dad to a tee. What does he do these days?”

“Nothing really,” Rainbow said with a sad expression. “He just sits at that home, staring off into space. Nothing ever reaches him now, not after the accident that took his wings and left him in a vegetative state.”

I nodded solemnly, knowing a few others like that back home. “I am sorry to hear that Rainbow. It sounds like he was true stallion for his country. While my dad may not have liked the situation he was in, that didn’t stop him from fighting for what he knew was right.” Again, silence reigned between us.

“Do you… do you think you could teach me?” Rainbow asked hesitantly. “The song that is.”

I turned towards Rainbow and smiled lightly. “Sure Rainbow, just join in when you feel comfortable.” She nodded and I began to sing.

Rainbow joined in around the chorus, her voice blending with my own seemlessly. Even though we had no music to voice this song, it didn't matter, the lyrics alone were enough. Both of us, two souls bonded by our heroic fathers who gave so much for the ones they loved. I didn’t need to look to know that she was crying, since I was crying too.

We leaned into each other, offering the emotional support we had been deprived of for years. Barely a moment later, both of us were enveloped in a hug by five other ponies. I knew it was our friends, who had no doubt been watching from the trees, letting us have our peace.

“Hey Kat?” asked Pinkie in a soft whisper.

“Yes, Pinkie?”

“Happy Birthday.”

I sniffled. “Thank you. I expect there’s a party for me tomorrow?”

“It’ll be the greatest party you’ve ever had. I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“And we’ll all be there by your side, darling,” Rarity informed me.

“You may not have had friends back then, Kat, but you have them now,” Twilight said quietly.

“And there’s nothing you can do to get rid of us,” Fluttershy said firmly.

I sighed happily. “Thank you girls, thank you very much.”

The next several weeks passed by in a blur. The very next morning, Pinkie threw me what I can honestly say was the greatest party I have ever been to. She called it my After-Birthday Party and it was rockin’! The DJ was one of the coolest mares I have ever met. The food was de-lici-ous! How does that mare make food of the gods?! I tried to get some recipes, but was turned down each time. The party was also my introduction to the town. They took my presence slightly better than I thought and we all had a good time.

The next day was when news of the Gravity Queen reached Ponyville. I was scared that everypony would believe the papers (mostly because they were true), but they all brushed it off as just fear mongering. Apparently the editor of this paper had once even called the Elements of Harmony menaces to society so his standing wasn’t very high in the town. I later found out that his name was, I kid you not, Jay Jay Jameson. Can you believe that?

Then came Nightmare Night which I was dying to attend. So, I did… for like an hour. Then a certain lunar princess came down, scaring the crap out of everypony and forcing me to hide out at Twilight’s for the remainder of the night. I passed out candy to trick-or-treaters, though made sure it was only through a crack in the door, to pass the time. Now it was November and time for my midday nap. I just got back from a nevi invasion of Mareami; that was a fun place to burn. There were actually stoned ponies on the beach thanking me for the extra tans they were getting from the burning city. How ponies tan, I will never know. That was the third nevi strike this week. I’m starting to want a vacation. Even with hanging out with Fluttershy and the others, a girl can get stressed out easily being in mortal danger all the time. Wish there was some way I could take a break from all this.

Okay, note to all other Displaced who somehow read this, never, I repeat, never say or think that statement. For what happened next has got to be some of the weirdest shit I have ever gotten into. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I hear a loud voice ringing in my ears, saying, Mistress of Gravity, wielder of one of the laws of nature, hear me! I, the Mighty Gilgamesh, call upon thee! Come, Kat Shifter!

First response: who the what now? Second: scream! Why scream, because the magical portal book on my bed somehow flipped itself open, revealing the portal that sucked me in like a bucking vacuum. Got to say, not fun at all. Next thing I know, I am laying face down on a suit of armor, in a compromising position, I might add. I thanked whatever god was looking out for me that no one could see me right now. And then that thought got thrown right out the freakin’ window!

"Huh,” spoke the armor. I shot up immediately, seeing a face behind the mask. “Pretty girl with exotic eyes and hair from another dimension falls on top of guy. Now all we need is a dramatic wind to come in from nowhere and the background to be filled with rose petals and we can start our own harem manga."

What? I looked back down, reminding me of the position I was in and my face turned beet red from anger and embarrassment. Lighting my hands with power, I got up, grabbed the guy in the armor with gravity and flung him into a nearby tree as hard as I could, sending him right through said tree and into another behind it. He spoke again, lying in a heap, and me now realizing it was the same voice as the one that summoned me here.

“Ah, also the 'girl beats up guy in over the top manner due to embarrassment' trope. How could I possibly forget that one?"

I put my hand to my head, slowly getting a headache and thinking to myself, “What the hell have I gotten myself into this time?

Author's Note:

Couple things to say. One: d'aww, the feels!!!
Two: The Rainbow Dash scene was inspired by the great story Memorial. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do.
Three: The song - Airbone Ranger Infanty by Kristy Lee Cook, all rights belong to her and whatnot.
Four: Another crossover! Woo! Everyone, it's time to get Epic!!