• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,816 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 6: Hijack

Author's Note:

Proofreading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff
Artwork by Faith-Wolff

Kaiju Amalgam Universe Timeline (recommended reading)

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

Princess Luna
Sweetie Belle

A massive, broad paw shifted. Claws the size of carriages shoveled into the ground beneath the pair of gawking ponies, before they felt the ground under them rumble. Roots and foundation were torn free from the earth as Anguirus scooped the riverbed and left it sift through his fingers, leaving the pegasus and filly soon sitting in up in his palm. Benign intent revealed itself through a pair of door sized eyes that were still locked on the drakes ahead, the kaiju holding the pair behind his mass in a protective manner, and Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief. She had no idea what this creature was, but it was clear what side it was antagonistic to. Gentle Leaf meanwhile was feeling her spirits, which had sunken to a new low in the minutes prior, soar. She mutely cheered as she waved her hooves, only needing a glance at ivory colors and purple eyes to know exactly who this being was.

Anguirus shifted his arms, turning his torso around, turning his paw to gently set down the pair on the roof of a thankfully intact counselor building behind him. Garble snarled as the other dragons formed up in a semi-circle around their leader, a chorus of bellows, roars, and cackles ringing out as muscles flexed and flames shot into the air. The spiny titan grunted lowly as he glanced at the ponies, ignoring the dragons’ display. Expanding his lungs as air was sucked into the kaiju’s body like a vacuum, Anguirus charged his signature ability

-Now you stay right there… I'm gonna show these clowns how it's done… -

Just as Garble himself had started his own booming call, Anguirus snapped his head and body around towards the dragons and threw open his jaws to unleash a roar that eclipsed anything Equestria had ever seen short of record size Mother Ursa. The drakes instantly silenced as they felt a hurricane gust of air slam into them, shorting out their fires just as it had their roars. Anguirus stepped forward as he reared up on his hindlegs in a manner not far removed from an enraged bear. Although not magnitudes larger, the kaiju was clearly a full head or so taller and a good deal bulkier than even the larger dragons, evening out any sense of advantage the gang’s numbers gave them. Anguirus snorted, waiting to see if his little show would dismay the group from something he knew was coming. The crackling of licking flames in Garble’s maw gave him all the answers he needed, leaving the ankylosaur to rolled his eyes.

-What an idiot...-

Dropping down on all fours as a ball of red fire impacted his shell, Anguirus disappeared briefly from the drakes’ view in a smokescreen. For a split second, it was quiet. Garble pulled a fanged smirk as the smoke swayed in the wind. The sound of crumbling stone underfoot reigned in the drakes’ attention before massive hind legs kicked off, Anguirus, barely even blackened and not bearing a single burn, launched himself out of the smokescreen and pounced forward, eyes ablaze and fangs bared.

Diakaiju Universe, Global Defense Force Headquarters, Arsenal Control Room

Amidst a hall of computer systems and viewing screens, dozens of GDF personnel went about their work. Monitoring everything from insurrectionist groups like ‘Red Bamboo’, to extraterrestrial enclaves, to over three dozen active daikaiju. The task required an around the clock full staff. Atop of monitoring any potential threats there was the matter of this facility’s responsibility in keeping tabs on the force’s impressive weapons stock. Squadrons of combat vehicles, nearly a dozen mech units and jaegers; and more miscellaneous arsenals had entire wings of staff devoted to them, directed by the people working in this building. No one wanted another Kiryu incident with a rogue A.I, or anything possibly magnitudes worse, so everything was protected and monitored to brace against such a scenario.

Unfortunately, such was about to happen.

A computer monitor flickered with red alert messages as alarms sounded throughout the room, instantly averting the entire staff’s attention as the image of an all too familiar satellite weapon that flickered onto the main viewing screen. Hijame Kudo typed feverishly at the controls in a vain attempt to fix any errors and shut down the systems that were trying to force themselves online, but too little avail. Every attempt he made locked him out more and more of the system he and his colleagues were attempting to reign in. Commander Pentacost’s voice barked through the intercom.

“Kudo what the hell is going on?!”

Kudo was sweating bullets as he jerked forward and grabbed a microphone and set it to the side of his keyboard as he feverishly mashed at the keys.

“It’s Dimension Tide commander! Half its systems just went online on their own! Something is accessing them remotely!”

“What?! Did our systems get hacked into?!”

Kudo frantically scanned over all of the GDF system’s numerous proxies and firewalls.

“Negative sir! The servers have increased traffic coming from the outside, but all the fiewalls are in plac-“

Hijame stopped short when he saw something that made him freeze in place. The image of Dimension Tide on the central screen flickered briefly, before arguably the most powerful weapon that had ever existed began to shift in orbit. Images and values spat across the computer monitors, projecting information that made the team’s blood run cold.


The satellite map of the world flashed onto all the computer screens despite the tech team’s panicking efforts to avert it. The image fizzed into static briefly before a list of locations lit up on the side of the screen, red targeting circles highlighting locations the weapon’s targeting system was locking onto.

[6, -167, South Pacific]
[39, 133, Sea of Japan]
[14, 113, South Chinese Sea]
[11, 142, Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench]
[23, -73, Caribbean Sea, Samana Cays Island]
[43, 142, Hokkaido, Japan, Mount Tokachi]
[-84, 81, Antarctica]
[52, 172, Bering Sea, USA, Attu Island]

Hijame futilely mashed at the controls, rapidly typing the shut down commands in over and over again.

“Officer Hijame please respond, I heard that command; where is it firing?!”

Tendo Choi took over for his colleague as he typed away the coordinates to his superior, trying his hardest to keep a cool head through it all. Dimension Tide took aim at the planet below it like a cannon trained upon a besieged castle.

“Eight locations sir, sending the Lat by Longitude now. They’re nowhere inhabited thankfully and Tide should burn itself out after all this."

Pentacost didn’t know whether to be relieved their ultimate weapon wasn’t pointing itself at any population centers, angered that the effort would likely put their trump card out of commission and stick them with a repair bill big enough to make a new mech. Or, if he should be horrified that someone had managed to hack into the most secure network on the planet. One other unsettling fact greeted him as he rushed from his office to the command center to meet with his colleagues.

-What kind of terrorists steals a system like that and neither makes any demands nor points it at anything they could threaten with?-

The mechanical, female voice of the base's AI chimed through the intercoms.

Apple Family farm

Granny Smith and Fluttershy shared a calm sigh and nod as they placed the last cool rag on the enormous mare’s forehead. Destroyah’s blood red fur was crisscrossed with bandages coating dressed wounds. Xenilla looked over his ally and could only shake his head. In their world Destroyah was a bloodthirsty psychopath who’d try to kill anything in her way, and had the power to do so. Now she was a wounded patient, several ribs broken, bruises coating half her side, with bite and claw wounds on her shoulder and chest. Bandages and cool rags that warded off fevers almost covered her more than her red fur.

-Either her entry to this world was even rougher than mine, or we are much more underpowered than I thought…-

Xenilla’s eyes shifted as he saw a trio of white, orange, and yellow walk up to the fallen mare, the latter two crawling over and gently snuggling up to and nuzzling Destroyah as the former trotted up to a bemused Xenilla.

“M-mister Zenallia sir?”

Xenilla elected to ignore how badly the filly butchered his name as he glanced down at her, raising an eyebrow.


Sweetie Belle looked over sadly at the sleeping Destroyah as Scootaloo slipped under her wing and snuggled up against the fur on her shoulder. Xenilla didn’t know if he should burst out laughing at the irony or roll his eyes at the accidental idiocy.

“Princess Desotroyah, is she gonna be ok? I’ve never seen a pony so bandaged up.”

Xenilla couldn’t help but chuckle, both at the mispronounced name and the likely single most horrendously misplaced title he had ever heard. Sweetie Belle’s sadden face warmed at the laugh, not even coming close to guessing the true intent and only thinking the best.

“She’s had far worse, you need not worry.”

Xenilla closed his eyes and nodded with the statement, still weighing his options about this world’s populace. His thoughts were cut off by a bundle of plush toy soft mane and fur rubbing up against his leg. His eyes snapped open and he rapidly had to avoid the instinct to fire a Corona blast at any being that touched him, let alone put their forelimbs around his right upper limb and was rubbing their tear stained face against it. Muffled “thank you”s were barely audible as Xenilla could almost feel any all mighty deity that might exist laughing at him. Sinking his face into a neutral pose, Xenilla craned his other forehoof around and patted the filly’s head, the thought of smashing open her cranium not eluding him; desperately hoping it would get the filly to let go.


Thankfully, the more gentlemanly option paid off and after a few moments the little unicorn let go, soon joining her friends snuggling up to death incarnate.

-Good Tanaka of all the realms we end up, we find the one that would have given humans diabetes in about five seconds. How in the Nine Circles of Daiei do these ‘ponies’ have such power like what I felt back at the cabin, and then feel the need to try to coat everything they see with several tons of sugar? What kind of twisted supreme being would condone such irony?-

Thoughts shifted away from the fillies and to the crimson mare they were snuggling up to. Xenilla’s face hardened. This world had great power, some of which he sensed exceeded their own. Yes, the realm was placid unless pushed too far. And he knew the instant Destroyah waking up in the persona she was, she'd push it far too much for his liking. Unless he did something, as soon as his ally awaken, she’d kick off a bloodbath the likes of which few even had the stomach to think of. If she did that any attempt to strike back at this world in this state they were stuck in, it was a futile fight. Even the sun and moon here gave off a power he could sense, indicating someone he'd yet to meet had control over the celestial bodies themselves.

Xenilla nodded to himself slowly as he drew up a plan
-Yes, now was definitely the time for civility until I figure out how this world works. Time to make sure you do the same Destroyah..-

Turning away from the small group of equines, he walked into an empty stall in the barn. Glancing around to ensure he wasn't being followed, the former kaiju shrugged, knowing what he had to do. His horn ignited with power, energy crackling amidst his shoulder patches and mane, trailing down to his forehoof as he held it out. Simple crystals were an easy concoction, the space fairing dinosaur able to create a whole field of them in an hour with ease. Surge crystals however, were a whole different matter. Each strand of the gem had its own making, and even the slightest deviation could result in a myriad of effects. Some would grant great powers beyond normal capability, some would provide a boost in energy or heal wounds; and others would alter personality, making one attack their own allies. It was something akin to the latter, but of opposite effect which Xenilla was aiming for. He'd made this sort of crystal before, but only a much milder strain. Many in the world before had wondered how he managed to get so many previously mindless, rampaging kaiju under his command. If they saw him now then they'd know why. It took much effort then, and that was at his full power. Now? Now he was in a weakened form, trying his hardest not to accidentally make a surge crystal over ten times more potent not blow up in his face. Gritting his teeth as he strained, sparks of pink energy began to flicker before him, taking solid form.

Effort paid off and after a brief flash of light that made the ponies inside the barn jump back, Xenilla trudged out of the stall with a small, pink gem hovering in front of his head, held by a strand of telekinesis, half dragging his hooves over to the fallen Destroyah. Strands of energy crushed the crystal dozens of times over until it was a fine powder. Barely catching his breath as he let the surging dust fall into a tray of water, Xenilla's telekinesis began to falter. Slumping back on his haunches, the kaiju looked down at the bewildered Cutie Mark Cruaders.

Huffing from the straining effort, Xenilla could practically feel his energy plummet to an all time low as he rolled his eyes.
"Med-icine... I can make healing crystals, pour it on her wounds and it'll make her recover faster."

The previously grim and saddened facade the trio bore on their faces instantly brightened as they jumped up in a gleeful fashion.


Xenilla felt a sweat bead fall down the side of his face as he could physically feel the stupidity in the room rising. Sitting back and leaning himself against a bale of hay as he closed his eyes, the pinging of approaching hoofsteps caused his ears to perk up. A glimpsing yellow and pink greeted his sight just before his vision blackened.

"Are you o-?"
"Wake me up when she starts stirring..."

Back in Canterlot

Godzilla and Princess Luna stood several yards away from each other, across a small field of shattered tree limbs, rubble, and churned earth. After so much time spent in this duel, both had more places on their bodies with injuries than they did places without them. The stallion wheezed as a patch of fur and skin on his chest sizzled, burning badly from a blast of lunar magic he'd been on the receiving end of earlier, his ear was bleeding steadily from a buck to the face; and one of his legs was in a limp from an aerial slam he'd gotten up from just a few minutes earlier. Pain rocketed up the limb, constantly reminding the former kaiju he'd manage to break it in several places, putting his face in a permanent mix of a snarl and wince.

The Lunar Princess was hardly better off. Her once regal mane was matted and twisted, several portions blackened from being burnt off. One of her eyes was blackened and near shut from a cross she wasn't prepared for earlier, blurring her weakened vision. Worst of all was a streaking burn mark that went down her entire left side. In some places just the fur was burnt off, others it had scorched through several layers of skin; but worst of all was her wing. Though the limb thankfully was still intact more or less, the skin had been charred and every single feather had been roasted off, grounding the alicorn despite her best efforts.

The two were huffing and gasping for breath as they stared each other down, refusing to fall. Godzilla weighed his options.

-My healing is definitely reduced, so I can't keep this going... She looks just as banged up, if I can land just one more beam I should be able to at least force her back long enough to recuperate. I just need to draw in enough energ-

Godzilla's attention was ripped away from the alicorn by a wave of power he felt surging past the castle. Jolting his head to the side he could just barely see a great, white light shooting up from the horizon. He felt an energy and a conscious wash over him. The source of the power was alien to him, but the conscious, the 'aura' was evident, bringing both relief and bewilderment are the immense raw power he was feeling.


A jolt of motion demanded his attention, but even the king of the monsters was too slow to react to the blur of dark blue.


Forehooves dug into the ground as magic surged into a pair of powerful back legs. A slender body swung around at its anchoring before Godzilla could even get the thought to duck, two magically charged hooves bucked him square in the face. Godzilla was sent flying backwards, smashing through a tree back first as Luna fell to the ground in exhaustion.

The monster king skid across the ground before flopping against the alabaster castle wall, his vision going black as he lost consciousness.

Several hours earlier, South Equestrian Night Skies

A gale force of yellow and red flames ripped through the night sky as a streaking blur tore across the moon lit cloud tops. Hovering just about Mach 1, Spitfire sighed a calm relief. Had been awhile since she was able to get away from the academy, even if just for a night, and she was enjoying every second of it. While many were awed by the Wonderbolts as trick fliers, many of the crowds forgot they were a military wing. Some had gotten on the team for their field records as much as they did for their speed, and neither group had any love for a deskjob. To her, the sky wasn’t the limit; it was her freedom. Aside from the occasional hum coming through her radio earpiece from the base, playing some of her favorite songs into the night sky, she was totally alone. Just the way she liked it.

She’d been flying at near top cruising speed for several minutes, clouds, mountain peaks, and towns passing away under her wing beats. Then the music began to die down… That was when an all too familiar voice buzzed through her ear piece.

“Spit, you flying solo tonight right?”

Spitfire put a hoof to her ear to focus the sound.
“Roger that Soarin, needed to stretch my wings out. Something up? Over.”

Soarin put down his coffee and looks closely at the radar screen as signature, registering as his wingmate when she flew through the detector field the unicorns of the royal guard had set up. He thought he saw something on the previous screen, and was looking intently to make sure what he saw was right. The blip tagged as Spitfire was almost a quarter of the way in the screen when a second blip appeared on the edge, moving in the same direction. Soarin’s eyebrow cocked as he pressed the communications button to Spitfire’s earpiece.

“Spit, I have no other way of telling you this, but you got an unidentified speeder going about Mach 0.25 about 1 click to your east heading in the same direction. Gryphon maybe? Over.”

Spitfire glanced off into the distance in vain to spy the flier, before replying with a mundane headshake.
“Negative, no known gryphons that fast for 200 clicks; and the Thunderbirds would show up on the radar…. Want me to investigate, over.”

Her earpiece hummed as Soarin scanned the screen back at the base.
“Go ahead. Bank and get within half a click, but keep safe distance. Over.”

“Roger, tell me if it does anything, over.”

Spitfire tilted her wings into a soft bank, changing her direction of so slightly to intercept the unknown. She drifted for about half a mile before leveling back out. Before she could ask Soarin if the UFO had changed its course, Soarin tore through the communications link, obvious panic in his voice.

“SPIT! The UFO just flew through another detector field and it's over 80 meters long! Keep your distance that thing is a-”

Spitfire’s eyes narrowed, not needing to pay attention to the last word for her to know exactly what was behind her now.

“-Spitfire! The Drake’s just changed its course, it’s coming right at you! 4th of a click away now! Speed up to Mach 1! Over!”

Spitfire’s eyes widened , looking behind her as she pumped her wings harder as a mach cone began to form in front of her, followed by the quick pop accompanying breach of Mach 1, closing rapidly to 2. She saw nothing.

“Soarin I’m almost to Mach 2 but I don’t see anything! Where is target?! Over!”

Soarin watched as Spitfire’s blip noticeably sped up past Mach 2, giving a glimmer of relief knowing she was far too fast for a dragon or any age of size to keep up. That glimmer was dashed when he saw the blip slow down briefly…. And then speed up fast enough to begin closing on Spitfire.

“SPIT! That things going over Mach 0.5… No.. 1! That’s the fastest Dragon on record! 5th of a click away now and speeding up!”

Spitfire strained her wings and ripped out with new speed, rapidly accelerating to Mach 2. Frantically looking back against the air rushing past her, she still saw nothing.

“Soarin! Where is target! I have no visual! Over!”

“SPIT! Its right ontop of you! Get to your top speed and get out of there! You hear me!-“

Spitfire’s attention was shattered from her wingmate’s voice as two massive, pointed wing tips, over 150 meters apart, ripped forth from the clouds below her, cutting through self created waves of cumulus like dual shark fins through water. A massive shadow began to lift out of the silvery cloud surface.


A black beak tore through the air beside her and Spitfire looked into emerald green eyes larger than some houses. A cackling howl louder than thunder ripped through the air as they sped along, before wings that generated hurricane gales at a single flap went to work, and the titan sped off into the cloudscape ahead, it’s sonic boom ripping the smooth surface apart. Spitfire halted, barely able to keep her heart from tearing out of her chest.

“This is Spitfire…. I’m ok… We got a problem...."

The Wonderbolt leader huffed and gasped to try and dispel the sense of shock washing over her at what she'd just seen.


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