• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,812 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Chapter 38 Part 1: Big Fish in a Small Pound

Author's Note:

ATTENTION: This is only the first half. The whole of the chapter is done, I just cut it in two due to two different narratives, so my proofers could relax some as they were busy; and and to keep things coming out at a consistent rate without dumping a 25k chapter on you guys.

Part two SHOULD be out by Monday or Tuesday of next week. The next reader work section will be uploaded with it

Also happy birthday Chance! Hope you like the gift!

Proofed by Faith-Wolff and Lance-Omikron
Illustrations by Faith-Wolff

Mako Atoll

Godzilla Junior paced through the atoll settlement with cursory glances at some of the sights he passed on his way through, Electra swimming along beside and behind him to offer her service as a guide should he ask of anything as per Queen Maui’s instruction. She expected a lot of questions, given this King Godzilla was the first landpony to ever visit Mako on peaceful terms. Any previous who made it through either before The Shroud was put up or got through by some fortune were lusting pirates with much less than pleasant intentions, so to have someone from dry land walk right through the middle of the township settled upon the reefs without concern was a new sight even if he wasn’t a normal landpony. And judging from the wandering eyes they were getting from a lot of the passing mermares, not a sight that was going unnoticed. Be it sheer surprise at seeing a stallion stroll past them or the fact Electra knew some of them hadn’t had “shore leave” in a long time, just about everymare was looking at them when they passed by; everything from half lidded eyes at Junior to jealous leers at Electra that left her swimming a little faster.

Electra glanced awkwardly at Godzilla.

-He really can’t have not noticed by now, he must be very determined to get to the boat!-

Electra cleared her throat and tapped Godzilla on the shoulder with her fin, “Ahem, excuse me your majesty. Are you alright? Enjoying Mako’s first impression? Anything I can help with?”

Junior glanced over at her sideways and shook his head slightly and speaking with some bubbles in his voice, “Pretty town, not used to seeing them underwater. Which way to the boat?”

Electra altered their course slightly to take a path with slightly fewer residents in the way, “This way. The local investigators should still be there. What do you think caused it?”

“Investigation isn’t my best trait. I don’t expect to find out much of anything unless there is a clear scent or energy trail to follow. I just wanted to have a look through it myself to check for such and talk to whoever’s been searching for evidence. Conscious issue and keeping something in mind to mull over. Or report back upon my return.”

“Fair enough.”

They soon came upon the rim of the atoll and Electra couldn’t be happier about it. The upheaval of earth to form the atoll’s ring was covered in fencing and the equivalent of police tape made out of kelp. Spying the beached hull of the ship poking into the water slightly, Junior kicked off the bottom and swam up to surface, shaking himself off slightly after climbing on shore. Electra shot herself out of the water and hummed a few tunes to activate her charm necklace, a set of clam shells strung next to two shark teeth. Her body was covered in a brief glow of light and soon landed with all four hooves upon the shore as a near-identically colored earth pony mare. Flicking a wet bang out of her face, Electra paused as she noticed Godzilla staring at her. His expression was fairly stoic, but carried the barest hint of confusion and or surprise at what he’d just seen.

An awkward silence passed between them before Junior reminded himself just what kind of world he was in and shrugged it off, turning his attention back to the boat. The vessel itself was largely untouched, just pushed further onto the sandy atoll rim and anchored to make sure a storm or freak current didn’t drag it off to sea. Several mares were milling about the hull of the ship or the setup next to it, where all the belongings on board were spread out for inspection by others.

Junior noticed how each of the mares had a few of the same peculiar traits like damp manes and occasional glints of what looked like a stray scale or two on the insides of their hindlegs. He leaned over towards Electra, stooping down given their height difference, and muttered, “Don’t recall Celestia sending anyone else. So are they all...?”

Noting his motioning towards the investigators, Electra nodded and replied, “Mermares, yes. We’re not as good as changelings but we can shift to one equivalent land mare form as well as some minor tweaks like color.”

“Right…”, he grunted, letting the surprise die off.

After getting a nod from Electra, Junior approached and caught the attention of one “unicorn” investigator who pushed up her sunglasses. Her eyes widened slightly and she stood up to attention before vaulting herself over the bow of the ship to land in the sand below. She pitched her head back and hollered, “Royalty present girls! Act sharp!”

She didn’t hear a slight grunt coming from Junior at the descriptor before she paced up, minding to give a slight bow.

Saaaaaaaal-utations, Your Majesty; I am Amethyst Pearl. We thought you might swim by, so we’ve been amassing our findings that started since the boat was found by Electra here.” the purple-bodied, pale-maned unicorn noted while motioning to Electra.

Electra noticed Godzilla Junior straighten up and pause, holding himself up with a slight puff in his form that left no illusion to how well built he was; at least Pearl seemed to take notice.

-Must be how he usually is, he is a king after all.-

“What have you and the other investigators found?”, he grunted simply.

Amethyst Pearl sighed, waving her hoof a bit, “No need for formalities Your Majesty, we’re all just friends here on Mako-”

She walked over towards the flattened out, towel-covered spot the loose belongings had been splayed out on to keep them dry and free of sand. Most of it was what one would expect ponies on a voyage to bring, sunglasses, hats, some spare clothes for special occasions, cases of luggage; along with a few more unique knick knacks like some jewelry, somepony’s toupee, a sword, red and green hats and matching overalls, and a large number of books. Effectively, anything not part of the ship and not nailed down was taken off to be documented and looked over for clues.

Amythyst Pearl continued to speak, some other mares coming around to stand beside her, “-we pulled everything off that we could find. So far no signs of damage from looting, no weather damage beyond some winds or moisture from mists, and a lot of valuables were left untouched. It’s like the only thing missing is the crew and passengers; but thankfully no blood, signs of a struggle, or anything to suggest they were harmed. Probably not pirates. Deck was pretty dry and even the inner hall was emptied so it’s unlikely they fell overboard. We’re not sure what caused this.”

“I see. Give me a moment.”, Godzilla spoke plainly as he walked up to the organized articles and started to move over and through them, bending down to more closely inspect and sniff at them. He kept at that for a good half hour as the investigators went back to work on the boat itself, though some would occasionally glance over and call out to him to ask if he needed assistance only to go unheard and unnoticed. The glances Junior would get for other reasons also went unnoticed by everypony but an awkward feeling Electra.

After the half hour was up, Godzilla gathered himself up and stepped away from the potential evidence giving subtle head shakes. When Electra came back up to his side, she heard him muttering something almost silently. It took her a few repetitions to understand what he was thinking aloud to himself, “There’s nothing. Nothing there…”

Godzilla paused while he passed by the boat, throwing his voice up to it, “Keep up the good work. I will return when it’s time to depart.”

Amethyst Pearl, calm due to lack of suggestions as to violence being afoot in the disappearances, gave the stallion an almost playful salute and nodded. Electra noticed her eyes wandered on Godzilla for a while after he stopped glancing in her direction.

“We’ll be sure to call you up if we find something overt!, she piped, only to earn almost no reaction from Godzilla at all as he just walked into the water and sank under the surface.

Electra looked to the rows of lost artifacts, the boat, and to Godzilla where he sunk under the atoll’s waves. It was very true what Pearl spoke of and she didn’t fault the investigation crews for finding no clear signs as of yet, that the boat itself looked almost completely spotless. It had seen some wear over the years of its usage for sure, all saltwater vessels needed to, but none of the dings or kinks upon the old metal or wood looked remotely fresh given all the staining and corrosion on them from age. She could just pray the hope that no foul play was involved was true.

She dove into the water, changing back to her true form before finding Godzilla waiting for her. His eyes were averted upwards to beyond the glimmering surface of the water and back to the boat. Clearly mulling over something in his mind, the unicorn shrugged out a jet of bubble from his nose and turned back to his guide.

“So, your Queen asked me to scout the island for outsiders. Where should I go?”


King Godzilla was remarkably quiet when they went back into the township reef. Electra puzzled for a moment while he looked the plaza and shops over.

-For a legged one, would have thought he’d be more surprised at an underwater town. Maybe his kingdom back home is like Mako? He does seem to not drown easy.-

“Hey, excuse me,” she muttered, tapping his shoulder with a fin to get his attention; “I hate to pester, but out of curiosity what’s your domain back home like?”

King Godzilla looked over at her, nudging his head a bit to keep his mane from blowing into his face due to the waterflow. He shrugged slightly and spoke plainly, “If you count where I am if not on patrol or visiting Lea or my sensei, it’s an island, Solgell.”

“Is this reminding you of it at all, your majesty?”

Electra worried it was something she said that gave him pause, he seemed to almost flinch at that last sentence. Still, if something plagued him it wasn’t visible in his response. Godzilla smiled slightly and shook his head, giving a bemused chuckle, “It’s different, bigger for sure. Though this Mako place is just as pretty, more shops too.”

“Wooould you like to see them?” Electra pipped, idly rotating around until she got a nod from her escortee.

“Lead on.”

The first shop was a crocker kiln, which presented its own little surprise given the shop was built into a part of the reef that broke to the surface. The front half of the store, the area for customers and stock with the front desk, shelves, and register, was flooded like the rest of the plaza. But contrastingly, the back half was behind a set of glowing shells that formed a line between them on the floor and walls, holding back the water from the crafting area with numerous in-progress china and pottery as well as the kiln visible through the curtain of air. If viewed from above the waterline, one would see the kiln’s chimney poking out of the waterline to vent the smoke off.

“And here’s the crocker house. Most metals don’t keep good down here for obvious reasons so china and clay are the best for utilities. Parts are above water to keep the fire good and the clay settled,” Electra said, motioning to the goods on the racks which ranged from ordinary for function and extremely elaborate with ingrained shells and pearls.

“Makes sense. I’ll have a look around, thank you Electra,” Godzilla noted with a nod before walking around with some uncertainty. Electra took another moment to puzzle and survey him as she leaned against the front desk.

-Strange, he looks interested and confused at the same time. This the first time he’s done this?-

Movement in the water behind her signalled an arrival. Electra glanced over to see a unicorn in an apron and glasses walk into the veil of water and transfigure into a solid green mermare, the tray of china she was holding in her hooves now held in fins.

She sighed and put the tray down while flicking her head fin out of her face to wipe down her glasses, “Hey there ‘Lectra. Not often I've see you in here.”

Electra shrugged and crossed her fins, “Here escorting someone Nixie, Queen’s orders.”

Nixie raised her brow, fitting her work glasses back on while peeking around Electra to try and see who it was making noise in the shop as they moved through it, “Oh! Is it that-”

Godzilla Junior rounded a corner aisle, attention on one of the racks as he was muttering something to himself. Before Electra could try and listen in to what was he saying to himself, Nixie grabbed her from behind and yanked her behind the counter.

“Gakp! Nixie what’s gotten into you?” She growled, struggling free of the grasp.

Nixie grimaced, practically jittering all over, “Sorry sorry! Is that him? Is that?”

She was practically jumping up and down, an admirable feat given she was underwater. Electra rolled her eyes and nodded as she muttered the title robotically, “King Godzilla Gojo Junior of Terra. Princess Celestia sent him to Mako to pick up that lost boat.”

Nixie practically squealed, earning a surprised look from Electra. She looked between her friend and the giant, still oblivious stallion and started to notice how red Nixie was getting in the face.

“You do know he’s a giant dinosaur, right?” Electra muttered with a deadpanned expression. Nixie just still had gleaming in her eyes.

“Yeaaah, but I know he’s not now thooough!” Nixie said with a glazed look in her eyes as she watched the customer from under the counter.

Electra promptly acquainted her face with her fin as she recalled the similar looks her escortee kept getting as they moved through Mako as well as Amethyst Pearl’s reaction, “Yeah, you and the rest of Mako seemed to have noticed that.”

“Hey, he’s a ‘Junior’, not a ‘Second’. That means he’s still single. Not hard on the eyes either!”

Electra’s eyes narrowed and she grumbled, “Wouldn’t he be into females of his own species?”

“I can fix that!” Nixie quipped with a wink.

“No, would have noticed by now… Hiding is not something that’s the norm,” Junior absentmindedly thought aloud to himself, looking over Nixie’s crafts. When he pulled one off the rack, he found a green and red snout with half-lidded blue eyes looking back at him. Momentarily paused as he locked eyes with the mermare, Junior casually greeted her before going back to looking at the vase.

“Hello, you must be the shop owner.”

“That I am, name’s Nixie. You can shorten it as you like though,” she whispered. In the back behind the counter Electra was groaning.

-Seriously? That line? He’s a royal giant dinosaur Nixie, not a drunk at a club for shore leave.-

“Nixie is good enough, rather cute actually. Some people back home had names like that,” Junior noted while looking over the vase still so he didn’t see or didn’t take notice to the stars forming in Nixie’s eyes nor see how much her tail flukes were wagging on the other side of the shelf.

“O-Oh, so happy to be of service to your nostalgia Your Majesty. Enjoy Mako so far?”

Junior nodded, letting his eyes drift over the other racks. He stepped away from the aisle he pulled the vase from somewhat to turn around, unknowingly dodging an outstretched fin from Nixie trying to settle itself around his midsection or flank. He sighed, looking out a window to the rest of the reefs and letting a tiny smile form on his muzzle, “Reminds me of home, too. At least my other home.”

Nixie held back her grumble over failing to touch him, instead pulling her head out from the shelf and swimming around to get beside him, “Ooooh? Have more than one domain back on Terra? You must be quite the royal.”

“No, I just move a lot. I couldn’t return to my hatch place if I tried. Still remember Kyoto well enough though.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I… hit a nerve-”, Nixie whispered showing some concern and some other things while slipping closer to him. She whispered up into the stallion’s ear, “-could give you something to remember Mako by.”

Nixie kicked a shell over across the floor with her tail flukes, rolling it to the doorway. The water shifted again as a wall of almost transparent magic formed between the new shell and several more in the doorway, identical to the one separating the shop from the work area. The water in the shop instantly evaporated off and vented out the window, leaving the shop dried off if still a bit misty. Electra flopped on the ground behind the counter, her magic activating again and transforming her into her earth pony disguise. She grunted, putting a hoof on the counter and clawing her way up it with gritted teeth, not very happy about getting shifted without a little warning. Nixie had also changed, having now flopped to the floor beside Junior in her own unicorn disguise.

-So that’s what she meant by “I can fix that!” when I talked about ‘his own species’...-

Junior quickly glanced around, clearly confused as to what was going on when all the water was suddenly gone. Not oblivious to what was on the floor next to him though, his attention soon turned to Nixie as the ‘unicorn’ stretched out and flicked her mane back with her hoof. When Junior’s next action was less ogling her form and more putting the vase down to pick her up, she opted to try and be a bit more overt in her action and grabbed onto his hoof.

Ten seconds later and Junior was rapidly power walking out of the crocker shop with a deadpanned expression stretched across his face with a facefinning Electra following along behind him.

“I am so sorry, she is never like that…”


Having gotten through the experience with Nixie that won’t be recounted in words, Junior and Electra found themselves moving, walking and slowly swimming respectively, into the core of the town square. Electra had been studying the stallion so closely after he shot down Nixie that one might think she was “switching teams” of interest, but moreover she was mostly just baffled. True, the unicorn was very quick to put his metaphorical and literal hoof down, but the rise Nixie got out of him seemed to lack the disgust one would expect from a failed courtship. She couldn’t put her fin on it, but it almost was a mixture of ignorance and mild confusion one would encounter at somepony speaking gibberish they couldn’t understand.

-He’s single and royalty, shouldn’t he be used to suitors by now?-

“What is this?”

Her train of thought was derailed by Godzilla’s calm tone. Glancing over she noticed he was looking up at something, a rarity given his stature, and she traced his line of sight to the central hub they were closing in on. Arranged in a ring of sorts, the hub of the market district was cleared of coral and rock, leaving just the pale sand and what stood upon the stony strata under said sand. Arranged around the center of the circle was a spiraling ring of busts showing mermares of all shapes and sizes, carved out of seastone and bathed in the dazzling sunbeams filtering down from above. Some were smiling, some looked out stoically, one or two was frowning, and a particularly perky looking bust had a jestful smirk; but each seemed regal in some way or another. A trait unified in the fact each of them was wearing some type of crown and necklace, with the back portion of the former being identical to each. Junior recognized it from Queen Maui’s adornment as well.

Electra swam over to the busts and circled around the ring, “These are all of Mako’s past queens. Whenever a queen reaches a certain age, she partially abdicates to train her successor. Once the training is complete, the old queen has her bust finished and the new one takes on part of the regalia.”

Junior walked over slowly, standing just slightly shorter than the outermost bust which he surmised based off its position to be the most recent addition, “So this was Queen Maui’s predecessor. And the reason Maui doesn’t have a bust-”

He glanced at Electra to finish his sentence, which she did after a nod, “She took the throne only recently, yes. So we won’t be seeing her entry for a while. We mermares might be a bit longer lived than a pony, most queens especially because their power is bolstered during the ceremony, but we can’t all age like Princess Celestia did!”

She giggled.

“You mentioned a ceremony, what is it?”

“See this?”, Electra muttered while pointing to the spiny shell portions of the crown each queen wore that stuck up high, “These are Queen Amatheia’s, quite possibly the greatest mermare whom ever lived. She founded and settled Mako over one thousand years ago, even before Equestria. Some say a sort of magic on the island drew her to it and bonded to her. Her magic rubbed off on her regalia and the island itself, giving them both her power. It’s how such magic as The Shroud can exist. And since then the magic of each queen fed into the island and vice versa, with Amatheia’s last act ensuring a strong successor.”

Junior’s eyes glided to the looming form in the heart of the spiral. Rather than a mere bust, a life size statue of a very large mermare was seated like she was perched on a rock and watching over the town. Based off the elaborate pearl necklaces, coral fans, and shells adorning her form; she was as clear a cut of someone of importance as one could find. The mermare’s expression was stoic, but just looking at it Junior could feel a sense of motherly or grandmotherly warmth coming from the visage that glimmered in the sunbeams. Closest comparison he could give is what he felt looking at Azusa mixed with what he assumed ponies felt when beaming up at Princess Celestia.

“And I take it, that is her?”, he noted after pacing up to the statue and standing before it. If it really was life size, evidently this Queen Amatheia had another trait in common with Princess Celestia. Compared to her, Queen Maui looked like a teenager in scale.

“Mmmmhm! Until she came around, all mermares lived in smaller pods. She did such a good job organizing and helping everypony settle, they practically begged her to be the first queen. Not that she minded the role, granted hehe.”, Electra snickered while looking up at the statue fondly.

After a moment of thought however, Junior puzzled and turned his head back to the busts of Amatheia’s successors.

“So if she was chosen, is that a rule for all the queens after? No princess daughters or lineage to take up the title? I don’t know much of how other leaderships work, but I thought that was the general rule for kings or queens.”

“For most and it was supposed to be that way. There were two princesses, Amatheia’s daughters Melpomene and her little sister Hymnia.”

“What happened to them?”

Electra’s demeanor wilted slightly after she paused, uncomfortably looking down and off to the side; “It’s… a long story. They were exiled.”

Junior snapped his head around towards Electra, grunting incredulously while motioning to the Amatheia statue, “She banished her own children?”

Electra could only shake her head, “No. Others did…”

She sighed, looking up to the statue.

“Records are… scant. Not too many mermares like to record what happened so a lot of it was lost to history. Some years after the founding, invaders came and ran rampant; sowing discord and malice by misery or magic. They froze over the top of the island and its surroundings, trapping the mermares under the water beneath and between the ice. They almost froze to death. Crown princess Melpomene and her younger sister Hymnia offered themselves up, using themselves to draw the invaders away to give their mother time to prepare a spell to expel the invaders; one that put up a barrier around Mako to keep them out…”

Junior, catching onto the train of thought being set, chimed in, “The Shroud?”

“First version of it, yes,” Electra muttered with a nod, “It took a lot out of her though and added with the grief of her daughters sacrificing themselves…”

She cast a solemn look up at Amatheia’s statue. If viewed with that in mind and from the right angle where the sunbeams cast shadows on her face, the statue’s expression shifted from welcoming and motherly to grieving. Broken.

“Not even she could survive that… Her second cousin, Li’ban, was the next closest relative; so she was reluctantly coronated as regent until another queen could be picked. That’s when they found out the lost princesses weren’t so lost. Either they got free or their captors were destroyed by something else, but they came back carrying something. Something that reacted with The Shroud’s magic.”

Junior tilted his head, having been listening close but that last sentence threw him off slightly; “How did that work? They couldn’t just swim under the storms like I could?”

“No. The Shroud has some magic to it that keeps the mists, illusions, and storms up, but that is just part of it. The other part was tailor made to keep out dark magic… Like what was growing inside the princesses.”

Both of them went dead quiet for a time, especially after Junior realized what was being implied. Electra sighed, rubbing at her forehead to ease the aches. This whole story wasn’t one told often, that part especially.

“Pirates aren’t the only ones to try and do that to mermares… And, whoever or whatever the fathers were, The Shroud reacted to their children growing inside the sisters and kept them out. Some tried to find a way to get the princesses through, get past the barriers; but others feared what the children might grow up into and suggested against it. The experiences prior had warped Melpomene, one can’t blame her, and the magic used on her by her captors to incite hatred or discord probably didn’t help. Tensions grew and before Li’ban could stop it, a fin-jerk reaction was cast that so many have regretted for centuries. They were exiled.”

“Search parties didn’t find anything, though legend says Melpomene’s regalia was found on a shallow grave. Hymnia and the children were never found.”

Junior shrugged. Not one unaccustomed to sad tales, but that didn’t grant him immunity from empathy; “Who were these ‘invaders’?”

Electra lifted up her fins with a defeated expression, “The story was a mark of shame for centuries, over time it got mystified or details forgotten because so few told it. Some versions it was magical raiders, others it was evil spirits who can physically manifest; one I heard spoke about a stormy king. It’s been so long and it was so poorly recorded that a lot was lost.”

“I can believe that. Memory fades with time. Princess Luna had told me a lot of details about her got lost to history... What happened to the children?”

“Being honest, I don’t know for sure. Some think beings that came to Equestria about a decade and a half later might have been them, but when Starswirl the Bearded beat them he moved them somewhere where they couldn’t hurt anypony. Details are iffy and most archivists or older mermares don’t like talking about them…. Thiiiiis whole um… exile and tragedy tale, iiiit’s not muddying your view of Mako too much; right? You’re kinda the first landpony to hear it.. eheheh”, Electra muttered apprehensively, biting her lip and putting a fin behind her head.

King Godzilla turned his head towards her and looked between her and the statute, regarding both before shaking his head, “No one is perfect. You’re not, Mako’s not, anything in Equestria is not, the humans who raised me aren’t, and I’m certainly not.”

He closed his eyes, recalling one of many long talks he had with a certain alicorn in the late hours of the night during an escort, “As Lulu tells me, it’s not the mistakes we make that matter as much as how we make due on fixing them. Times change, and I’m sure if the events happened now things might be different.”

Electra’s face slowly warmed to the reassurance, having briefly fretted that she just screwed up her own job by muddying her homewaters right when Queen Maui was trying to open them up, sighing. She was about to say something when her face froze before tilting and scrunching up in mild confusion.

“Wait… Who’s Lulu?”

Godzilla said nothing, promptly shutting up and snapping around to pace off; though Electra could have sworn he got some red color to his snout right before he did so.

“... Lovely plaza this way I can see.”

Electra narrowed her eyes before taking off after him.

-Okay, NOW I’m curious!-


The plaza diner was Electra’s pick for a location, partly because she was starving and partly because she needed him to sit down and stay in one place to give her time to ponder with him still close by. Unfortunately them being in a open area that was frequented meant many a gaze was upon them. Which, much to her worry, meant basically a good three-fourths of all the mermares passing by were either stopping in their non-existent tracks and staring or hadn’t so much as looked at their food since Godzilla walked passed and sat down.

Electra grunted to clear her throat, setting her menu back down, “Sooo uuuh, been to a restaurant before? Your majesty? Sir? King?”

Godzilla Junior was dense, figuratively and literally, but thankfully he noticed how nervous she was speaking as well as looking around at the mermares also in the restaurant.

“Calm down, I’m not going to eat you in here-”

He didn’t however notice how red in the face Electra and some mermares close by got at that sentence, just shrugging, “-I’ve been to a place like this before. Captain Frost brought me to Berry’s Tavern more than once.”

The server mermare, a particularly stunning mermare by the name of Ondina floated over and one didn’t need a guess as to which of the two at table 3 she looked at more, “Welcome to The Cove, what can I do for our special guests today?”

Electra instinctively shifted closer to Junior a bit, partly to make sure the server saw her and partly because she didn’t want a repeat of what happened with Nixie. Unfortunately her actions didn’t go unnoticed, just not by Godzilla. Rather, most of the half lidded looks directed at Godzilla promptly turned to narrow-eyed glares aiming daggers at her. Electra gulped, able to read some of the gossiping lips the others were whispering.

“Pffha, figures she’d be clingy.”

“I thought she swung for the same team?”

“Evidently not, was holding out on us.”

“He already mentioned eating her, probably used a hexing song.”

“We’ll just have to outd-”

Godzilla Junior’s radiating heat and hard hoof nudged her shoulder to snap her back to her more local senses, “Electra. Ondina here offered drinks, how does that even work underwater?”

Electra shook herself down to clear her mind and tried to force her way through a mental reset to answer a basic question, “Oh um The um, Cove haa-aas above-shore seating. For those who want a mixed drink or to sunbathe.”

“Or be free of the fishes, you know for some more… private accommodations,” Ondina chimed, leaning a bit closer to a still stone faced Godzilla even as she curled her tail and flukes around his seat. With a similar flash of magic that Nixie and herself used earlier, Ondina's shell necklace glowed and for a brief moment her mermare body was replaced with a beautiful pegasus mare with long blonde mane and orange fur that flowed in the ocean water. Her pose transitioned to leaning in very close to the comparatively huge stallion, practically draped across the back of his chair. Godzilla Junior seemed momentarily surprised at the show of magic, lurching over to the side and looking back to look the pegasus dead in the eye as she looked dreamily into his. A silence passed for a full ten seconds before the contact with seawater broke the spell and she reverted to her mermare form.

“....Yes, might as well try it while I’m here. Had enough to eat but I’m still plenty thirsty. I’ll drink anything you got,” he said bluntly, earning some surprise from both Ondina and Electra.

Electra, eyes wide, looked between what was easily one of the prettiest mermares on the atoll and the guy she’d almost literally thrown herself at while flashing her looks. Junior hadn’t budged the entire time, even as his last line left them both red in the face. Ondina, while momentarily surprised, gathered up the menus and flashed a sweet smile and a wink, “W-Well! Should have taken you to be forward! I’ll get right on it, ‘Lectra be a dear and show our guest up to some quieter arrangements.”

“Looking forward to eating out your stuff,” Junior said plainly still unfazed, blinking blankly as he looked over at Electra without a word. Electra's face was bright red and her eyes were wide as dinner plates in shock. If sweat could have fallen from the side of her straining-to-grin face, it would have. Both from Junior’s reaction, or lack thereof, and the fact Ondina was clearly blushing up a storm as she swam away like she was eagerly skipping.

-He just no-sold the Ondi’wink! A-AND outdid her! Last time she tried that on a Baltimare club we all had to bail before half the mosh pit rushed her! AND he just turned the tables on her without flinching! What the kelp is this guy?!-

“Y-Yeah, sure... “, she choked, motioning for Godzilla Junior to follow her. A motioning that got a bit quicker when she saw all the glares being directed at her from all around the restaurant.

-Why couldn’t they be looking at me like this without the hundreds of kilos of stallion meat in the room?-

She mentally whined as they surfaced on the sandbar that was atop The Cove’s roof. Shaking herself off in her new pony disguise as Junior calmly surfaced near her, she apprehensively got seated at one of the above-water tables. Electra bit her lip and leaned in, glancing cautiously at the water.

“I saw the others down there-”

She looked up to see Godzilla Junior looming, albeit accidentally given the height difference, over her.
“-I don’t know what’s going on with you and them, but panic is something I know well when they were looking at you. Hope this gets you out of the line of fire.”, he shrugged.

Electra blinked a few times, still tight in the nerves but the edges of her lips were beginning to curl upwards, “O-Oh, thanks. It’s just eh-heh, off day. Not something that happens often.”

-Because you’re not something that happens often around here.-

“Soooooooooo!-”, she chimed, leaning in closer with a sing-songy tone to try and defuse the tension, “-What do you do often? I know the basics but what do you do a lot on Terra in specific? I’m a racer, it’s why I do patrols a lot. Raced Rainbow Dash once you know!”

“Oh, that blue Element Bearer pegasus Rodan flew with? How did that work?”

“Was a race under the water, long story. We were talking about you? What you do back on Terra?”

Godzilla paused for a time before curtly replying, “I get physical. A lot.”

Electra chewed the inside of her cheek, trying to figure out what he was implying.

-Weeell, if he swings for the same team that explains why he wasn’t buying what Ondina or Nixie were selling…-

“With um… boys or girls?”

“Either, I find plenty of both.”

Electra nearly choked on her breath, blinking as she puzzled.

-... Huh! Guess he’s just very open about it.-

Electra was about to say something, only for a sharp cooing sound cut her off. She darted her head to the side and spotted a set of familiar eyes looking up at them seductively from the water. Ondina stepped out of the sea carrying a tray with two china vessels of liquid.

“Glad to know that isn’t something you’re opposed to. I won’t judge if you want to bring another stallion in.”

Godzilla idly glanced around, observing the admittedly beautiful setting of the atoll, its forest, mountain, and seas.

“Rodan would probably like all the sun, though Lea's female but she's always was partial to islands,” he noted casually.

“More the merrier!”, a heavily blushing Ondina chimed.

Electra acquainted her own face to her hoof. One could practically hear the sound of cracking glass when her eyes snapped open to the sound of beautiful singing. Electra’s vision darted to the source. Ondina, still giving Godzilla the bed-reef eyes, evidently wasn’t content to give up on a wink and a flaunt. Her necklace glowing to apply the magic, a harmonious, beautiful melody was seeping out of her voice. It was gentle, gentle as an undercurrent that massaged the seagrass beds like the music massaged her ears. Electra blushed, sighing as she leaned in closer. While it was true that one mermare’s courting song didn’t work on another in terms of telling them their intentions, she could understand the lyrics and was entranced. Ondina truly was as good a singer as her looks implied, spelling a beautiful solo about traversing the seas and finding something she didn’t know she wanted so close by; hoping they’d show similar thoughts.

Electra smiled, resting her cheek on her hooves as she closed her eyes; her earlier shock and confusion quelled by the gorgeous melody.

Godzilla Junior just tilted his head and blinked at Ondina, who was too entranced in her singing to notice.

What she did notice was the fact her solo turned into a duet as Nixie returned and climbed half her body onto land, assuming her land pony disguise and mimicking Ondina’s melody after adjusting her glasses. Ondina narrowed her eyes through her sideways glance and tried to sing louder, only for Nixie to follow her pitch.

Then another customer from The Cove joined in. And then another. And then another. Within the space of thirty seconds a flash mob had corralled around the table. Godzilla Junior maintained his stoic visage, even if his inquisitive glances were beginning to show more and more signs of confusion. Electra meanwhile was broken out of enjoying the music when the melody and lyrics shifted. From the peaceful ballad to a more lively tune, the content had changed from emotional to… expressive.

Electra’s eyes dilated in surprise as her ears flopped against her head and she covered her gaping mouth with her hooves while sporting the complexion of a cherry.

-OOoooh myyyyy Faaaaaaaaauuuust!-

Evidently, some of the crowd were making their lewd intentions much more overt than metaphor. Electra gritted her teeth as her mind raced with a panic, especially after seeing some of the improvised choir giving each other jealous glares.

-Gotta think of something! Gotta think of something! If he goes into that crowd Queen Maui will kill me for the PR blunder!... L-Lulu! Whoever Lulu is, she’s important enough for him to remember!-

“H-Heeeeeeey! King Godzilla!”, She chimed with faked glee, putting a chummy arm around his shoulders and sporting an extremely forced grin especially after looking at the crowd.

Godzilla Junior’s reaction was per the norm of his reactions so far, in that he was hilariously unreactive to the libido-driven chaos going on around him, “... Yes?”

“What color is someone you like?”

“... As in friend or ally?-”

Just a pick a colooooor! What color is something you like?!”, she muttered through her grin.

Fortunately he didn’t need much time to blurt out an answer without thinking, too stupefied at what he was seeing, “Night sky blue.”

As soon as he said that, some of the mermare crowd quickly started trying to adjust their necklaces and disguise magic. Waves of light washed over the flashmob, many trying to reconfigure their landpony disguises to match the color description. Arguments broke out, derailing parts of the song. Some debated whether he meant a dark blue mane, coat, or both; with others angrily barking at their cohorts over the act of ‘swimming in on their claim’. Godzilla Junior looked on upon the now quarreling mob with stoic befuddlement even as a jittery Electra grabbed him from behind to lead him away.

“Quick, while they’re distracted!”


Junior and Electra stood still under and behind the cover of some sea boulders, the kaiju sitting on and bracing his back against one as the mermare rested the upper half of her body on it while placing her chin upon her crossed flippers; both looking out into the sea as far as one could witness before running up against The Shroud.

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen that many mares stepping in on each other’s song before. Gotta fin it to yah your majesty, must have nerves of titanium to just shrug that stuff off...”, Electra muttered quietly while shaking her head in disbelief.

Junior didn’t budge, just grunting curtly, “Who’s shooby?”

Electra raised a brow and looked to him with a tilted head, sporting the sort of expression of befuddlement one would have upon hearing someone exclaim their wallet tasted like purple, “What?”

“The mermares singing, they kept referring to it or them. Shooby, doo, and some combination of those. Shooby doo and other lyrics like that. At least I think they were lyrics, I really had no clue what was going on.”

Electra’s eyes shot open and she went dead still for a moment, before budging as a gust of hushed giggles erupted from her throat involuntarily; “Pfft….ppfft...Pwhahaaaaaaah-”

She sucked in before resuming her roar of laughter, smacking the rock she lay on with a fin as if tagging out for mercy, “-hoooooooooo … Fwwwahahahaha! Aaaaaah! Y-You know what they were doing right?”

“No,” Junior deadpanned.

Electra rolled on her back, still snorting with laughter, “And here I was thinking you were either the biggest prude ever, swung for the same team harder than I do, or the densest guy ever.... Hehehe haaaaaaa! A mermare’s song is supposed to telepathically tell what they’re singing to what they want. Not mind control or suggestion, but it can help break the ice for any gal on shore-leave if the mister or miss she’s eyeing up seems interested. Doesn’t work with some species.”

Junior sighed and finished her sentence for her, “And must not work on me because I’m actually a kaiju. So, they were trying to court me like that Nixie friend of yours at the shop.”

Electra held up her flippers and shrugged her shoulders, “So you have been noticing how many of them had their eye on you the moment you came here. Yeah, pretty much… You know, first few cords were really sweet but how it turned out... King Leo’s beard it turned lewd reaaaal fast.”

Godzilla Junior puzzled, before casting his eyes down and to the side. The expression on his face shifted, even if he was unaware of it and it caught Electra’s attention. For someone who’d kept a pretty astute composure since he got here, let alone with how big and powerful his pictures in the landpony papers made him seem in either form; seeing him frowning sadly and his eyes almost quivering with clearly confused or somber thoughts was jarring.

Electra glanced around awkwardly, rising up and putting a flipper atop her head while chuckling half heartedly to try and defuse any tension; “Hey um... Your majesty, maybe we should get you ready for tonight? Queen Maui requested you return early for a state dinner.”


His single word retort left her tilting her head, “King Godzilla?”

Junior shrugged, “Just Junior works. I’m just, baffled. Your kind isn’t the first to try and court me and so far I’m still so confused why it has happened.”

“Why’s that? You’re a king right? The pool of options can’t be too small back home if no guys or gals out of your league.”

“... I have no interest in males. And as far as I know, there’s only two females of my kind back on Terra whom are kaiju like me. One is a friend, but no interest in the slightest.”

“And the other?”

“My sister.”

“Oooooooh,” Electra groaned as she rubbed at her chin with her fin, “So this is not just a bigger pool, you’re literally in your first pool.”

Junior shrugged, “Aside from one actual pegasus mare whom was about as physical as Nixie was, yes. I didn’t even know what flirting was until some days ago. And why me is something I still tilt my head at.”

Electra rolled her eyes at Junior’s slight pout, sitting up some and punching him in the arm after deciding to drop the formalities, “Hey, for a guy who’s tall as a mountain you sure put yourself down a lot. As for why, I can answer that somewhat even if I don’t share the interest… No offense, I’m just not into males.”

Junior glanced over at her and shrugged his shoulders, giving her the go ahead to speak.

“Not sure about the landponies, but you see most mermares are… tricky when it comes to these sort of things. Not gonna lie, some were throwing their flukes at you because this unicorn body of yours ain’t shabby. You’re no Prince Blueblood or Shining Armor, but hey nopony’s perfect. So if they were going for purely physical flirting, you fit the bill pretty well and the royal title is a plus. For some mermares who want to form an emotional attachment, your credentials are pretty good so far. News travels fast and lots of them heard of this otherworld king who literally threw himself into the fray to protect a city, and we’ve heard of your released background. Then there is the factor of you not seeming to drown easy,” Electra quipped with a giggle, remembering her own stupor upon first meeting Junior.

“... I fail to see how that’s a factor,” Junior deadpanned, blunt but still listening.

“Well, if a mermare wants to find a guy to settle down with; most of the time she has to leave home to stay with him; regardless of if he realizes she’s a mermare or not. I’ve known of mermares who lived whole lives with children and grandchildren and her family never even knew she was one until she revealed herself. Sometimes this means moving pretty far inland. You heard of a place called Dodge Junction and Appleloosa?”

“A friend of mine and one of the Element bearers was sent to that last one.”

“Would you believe me if I told you there are two mermares living there and been there for years? Just saying that many times for the mermares who are wanting or are considering getting a male partner, it’s a pick between sea and stallion. Home or a new one... You? Not the case. In fact, between decent looks, heroic persona and fact gals can get attracted to someone with some past troubles, and you being the first thing with Y chromosome to be able to safely cross through The Shroud? I’d say by most standards around here you’d be a prize catch! To be honest I’m surprised you’re not showing even a little interest, lots of pretty dames around here iiiif I do say so myself!”, She giggled with a smile, rubbing at the back of her head.

Junior shrugged, even if he did fancy a brief chuckle at Electra’s humor, “I guess I just don’t think too highly of myself. Probably just me still being stuck in the mindset Terra hammered into my head for years. Constantly worrying for the sake of other kaiju and humans, always being cautious as not to poison or kill anyone on accident, constantly patrolling. Never had time to even think of any real future with anyone even with my abysmal ‘pool’. Daiei, if any females of a similar species ever showed interest in me I probably was too focused on work to have ever even noticed!... My mother told me being here in Equestria might be a blessing in disguise, a chance to relax; maybe try some things I never could before. But, what’s the point in trying if I’m just going to go back to Terra one day and go right back to what I was doing?”

He growled, more out of frustrated confusion then anger. He wrung his hooves through his mane and pressed them to the sides of his head while hissing, before frustratingly slamming them down on the ground before him hard enough to leave cracks in the stone. Electa jolted up slightly, eyes wide but listening close to the surprisingly quiet whisper coming out of Junior’s downturned face.

“All I’ve ever wanted was to not think I was going to get another scar the next day… And when I finally got peace I don’t know what to do with it.”

Electra frowned, sitting up and looking at Junior as he put his gaze to his hooves. A touch cautious, she reached out and messied his mane with her fin. He’d look up to see a calm, sweet smile coming from the mermare as she spoke in a gentle pitch, “My mother met my dad when he was saving a little colt from a riptide, he was a beach lifeguard. They only knew each other for a month before he… passed. And yet, I know everything they did in that month because she and him lived up to the moment everyday and she never regretted or forgot it. Sometimes memory can overpower even the worst heartbreak… So, coming from someone who has seen it first-fin, if you make use of the time you got and don’t hold back, you won’t regret it when you lose it. And if you fumble a fin, try again.”

Junior looked up, first at Electra and then out to sea with a blank expression that still betrayed tiny hints of surprise. He considered it all. Words and wishes of his mother to unwind more, his own wish for decades, some slight fantasizing and speculation of how Electra’s parents must have been in their allotted time, and a half dozen other facets in the time he had to think in quiet. The thought of why his answer to the question of “What’s the color of something you like?” was “dark blue” didn’t elude him either.


Memories weren’t elusive. The time he refused to leave her alone when she was vulnerable, and she did the same by bringing herself and his mother to him when he needed the help. The quiet or speaking time shared when he’d wake her and she’d help him get some sleep free of nightmares. Most beings he’d known had one reaction to seeing him enraged, and it logically was to get out of his way. But Luna, she was too stubborn and too caring to quit. If the peace of mind he’d been feeling since he got here in Equestria could take a form, it would be a dark blue alicorn his mother definitely seemed to approve of.

He unconsciously reached up and touched the faint line going across his jaw and cheek, tracing the same facial scar Luna would during a quiet moment when he’d do the same to the one beneath her wing. She said it was a trust sign, showing they knew the real Luna and Junior respectively. He was starting to feel more to it with some redness forming on his snout.

Junior sighed, this time with some measure of content on his face rather annoyance or tiredness, “You’re right… This world is the most peace I’ve had since I was grown, I should make the most of it.. You’re a wise mare Miss Electra.”

Electra blushed, snickering, “Aw shucks, thanks your majesty. Sounds to me like you’re living in the ‘now’ finally.”

“Going to try to. And again, just Junior works,” he muttered, standing up from his seat as the familiar sea air blew across his face and he closed his eyes to let the salt, spray, and calm meditate his mind.

“On Terra, I thought next to nothing about anything else but where my power would be needed next. I thought and cared for others, but only as family or friends. Didn’t have a chance for anything.. different, even if I wanted to. Maybe the thought didn’t occur to me from lack of chance or maybe I worried I was selfish, get in the way of duty.”

“Hey,-” Electra smirked, punching him in the shoulder with a flipper, “-if it’s a two way street, this sort of thing is never selfish. And personally I can’t think of a better motivator if pulling stunts like you did at Canterlot is your norm… Soooo, who’s the lucky mermare?”

Junior shrugged, chuckling quietly even as he felt nervous, much to his surprise, about the thoughts he was having; “As lovely as your homeland is and as welcoming as your neighbors are, she’s not here.”

Electra let out a loud, impressed whistle and clapped her fins even as she shook her head, “Woooooow! You must be from another planet! Not too many stallions would take being on a pretty island surrounded by beautiful mares trying to throw themselves at him in stride like that…. Huh, sounds like a Neighponese comic.”


Princess Luna turned herself over in her bedding and elegantly stretched out her wings, a tiny smile working its way across her face as she heard a set of hoofsteps walking up to her.

-Humph, he’s a bit late. Wonder if it was accident or he wanted me to rest more?-

Luna muffled a giggle, her face feeling a bit warm. One could practically hear the record scratch go off in her mind when instead of Junior’s deep, calm tone after some heavy hoofsteps; the sound to greet her to the evening was the lighter steps and chipper tone.

“Rise and glow, your majesty!”

The voice was masculine, but not even close to Godzilla’s pitch. Luna froze and her smile flattened, eyes snapping open as she lurched up out of bed to see the beaming grin of a solid red pegasus stallion with brown hair wearing dayguard armor. The alicorn of the night blinked a few times in confusion, glancing around her room and not seeing a trace of the typical red-yellow eyes and towering figure that had been greeting her to the waking world for well over a week.

Shaking her stupor off, even if she was still confused on the inside, Princess Luna cleared her throat upon sitting up and addressing the good captain; “Ahem… Good evening, thou is Private Chance correct? Ex-..cuuuse us if we sound cautious, but isn’t it usually Godzilla whom is sent on this shift?”

Chance nodded, keeping up his salute dutifully, “Captain said he got pulled for a special assignment by Princess Celestia. He should be back in a few hours, but so you didn’t oversleep more she sent me up here to get you.”

Princess Luna nodded, hovering out of her bed and using her magic to neatly set the covers back on straight, “Understandable, the night is young and there is much to do. However we believe the agreement was Godzilla would remain in Canterlot to repel any attacks to come here. We wish we were counseled on this decision our sister has made.”

There was a tiny hint of annoyance in that tone that Private Chance thankfully didn’t pick up or act on. Petty as it was, Luna was slightly miffed something dealing with her… confidant-

-Yes, confidant. No need to get flustered like when he called you ‘Lulu’, Lulu!-

-had been sent off both without her notice and making her wake up slightly less pleasant. Private Chance awkwardly watched Princess Luna puzzle and mull over her thoughts, not oblivious to the redness forming on her snout and cheeks but not knowing if it was from some embarrassment or some other matter he wasn’t in the know of.

He grunted, putting a wrist to his mouth and clearing his throat, “U-uhem, your majesty. As far as I was told, it was considered safe as the kaiju called Mothra Lea and Princess Twilight Sparkle were going to be making several back and forth trips between Ponyville and Canterlot, effectively covering both regions. So Godzilla’s temporary departure should be safe, ma’am- princess!”

Snapped from her inner musings, Princess Luna shook it off and walked up to Private Chance and gave him a pleasant nod and curtsy bow, “No need to worry, young mister Chance. We just tend to dwell on many a’thought. Now, enjoy thou’s night off for we shall ensure it is a calm time in thanks for the pleasant rousing to awareness thou gifted. We merely need to counsel our sister some over pleasantries.”

Private Chance had been shaking in his knees since he stepped into the chamber, anxious at the moment’s passing. Finally after to silently exhale in relief, he straightened himself up and trotted alongside Princess Luna with a smile; “Thank you princess, birthday night! Princess Celestia is waiting for you in the dining hall. Something about she expected you to show up when you saw me… whatever that means.”

Princess Luna deadpanned in expression, muttering under her breath as she suspected another one of her sister’s pranks, “Whatever that means indeed, Celly…”


A short time later and Princess Luna was seating herself at a table across from her sister. Not a grand ballroom banquet table, that would be a laughable waste of space and require them to throw their voices just to hear each other from across the table. Instead the two most powerful equines to ever live were sitting across from each other at a small wreck room booth, crowns set aside and able to step out of their regalia. It was Princess Celestia’s idea when her sister first returned, reconnecting by parking themselves at the same spot they used as fillies between Starswirl’s lessons. Back then it was usually Smart Cookie who flipped them up some food on the skillet, these days it was Princess Celestia. Not that her sister minded, without fail she managed to utterly destroy what she attempted; somehow managing to fry iced tea and freeze fried potatoes. Needless to say, they were both plenty happy about whom handled the high stacks of flapjack pancakes quickly being devoured.

Regalia off, sitting in seats almost too small to fit them, wolfing down huge stacks of food without an ounce of poise or refinement, this was the favorite time of the day and night for the both of them. Not Princess Celestia, constant paragon for an entire species whom couldn’t falter for a moment in the populated day, and not Princess Luna, keeper of the nightly vigil over the worlds within the dream; but “Celly” and “Lulu”. Two sisters who ate their pancakes way too fast and then burst out laughing when one of them feigned composure to sip some tea in an over-the-top dignified manner.

Snorting, Luna gulped down another pancake and the remainder of her tea in one go, setting both plate and glass down onto the table with an audible clunk, “Victory is mine, dear sister! First done, first question’s mine.”

“You may fire when ready then, Lulu,” Celestia snickered, taking a sip of her tea with an expression that instantly screamed she was being persnickety like she was up to something.

Luna narrowed her eyes to try and look serious as she leaned forward, an effort partially ruined by how Celestia noticed the manner in which her wings were perking up and her face was turning red.

“You told him my nickname, didn’t you?”

“That seems likely to suppose, I am one of few whom know it and the only one allowed to use it… Unless, you don’t mind him calling you such, Lulu.”

Celestia raised a jesting eyebrow that left Luna narrowing her eyes, the night alicorn reaching back to push her wings down as they were about to have a mind of their own and shoot outwards. Celestia regarded a pancake slice, running it over some syrup before devouring it, “Not like I do not already know the answer to this, but you’ve grown affection for him haven’t you?... Ooor, do you wish for me to presume it is entirely platonic in how you seem chipper that he’s the one to wake you each night? Don’t think I haven’t noticed that either.”

Luna sunk down in her seat while her wings started to stick up more, wanting to ask why the room was suddenly feeling very warm as she dropped her forehead onto the side of the table. She sucked in her breath while closing her eyes, wanting to bark a retort. But, truth overpowered the urge for the easy and likely-to-fail path out. She kept her head against the table, nodding slowly in a manner that tapped her horn against the table’s edge.

Celestia giggled, only to be cut off by a quiet whisper by Luna.

“Celly, am I in love?”

Much to Luna’s shock when she raised her head to look to her sister, she saw Celestia shake her head and affirm the motion with a calm, “No.”

Luna tilted her head, lifting it up a bit more and giving her sister a baffled expression. Celestia sighed, adding to the confusion spurred by the negative affirmation with a warm smile as she reached over and placed a hoof at her sister’s chest just above the heart. “Love takes time, it’s not the first step; but a progression. Affection, platonic or romantic, takes many routes and many speeds. What you have is affections, romantic ones. No one knows when they will fall in love, but you won’t need to ask when it happens. You’ll know.”

Luna blinked, putting a hoof to her lip and puzzling, “So, why nudge me towards Goji?”

Celestia lifted her hoof and put it to her little sister’s still flushing cheek, beaming at her. “Because I saw the potential for love there, someday. And I think it’s something you both should strive to; it’ll help you both. Relationships don’t stop progressing when romantic affection goes both ways, it’s a journey. So, you tell me, why is it he being the topic is making my baby sister so red in the face? What did he take notice of with you?”

Luna chewed her lip, looking up and to the side while mentally going through all her interactions with the kaiju king, first impressions withstanding.

“Might sound weird… but, I think it started because he didn’t notice. Didn’t notice whom I was. When most ponies address me, they always seem to focus on the ‘Princess’ part like it’s my first name. Oh, they can mean it endearingly for sure!”

Celestia nodded as she counted off some names she’d heard, “Best princess. Cool princess. Hot princess, though my temperature is higher-”

Luna shrugged, chuckling before she continued, “Point being, endearment or.. even lust with some stallions and mares, it was about or at least related to appearances and positions. Even young Twilight Sparkle and her friends had my past as a subject of focus, though of no real fault of their own granted. I guess, for this sort of thing; I wasn’t looking for somepony with forgiveness and pity or just fondness. I didn’t know it until I found it, but that made it stick out. I was unknowingly looking for somepony- someone with understanding…. He knows what happened and never brought it up again in focus. I’m… normal to him. Instead of regarding me as royalty and following any wish, he was too stubborn to be ordered away when I visited Starswirl’s grave!”

“What I’m trying to say is, when I got to know him; I found an understanding. He’s seen me vulnerable, and I for him. No judgement or pity either way.”

“You like him because he reacts to you as yourself, not as a princess, not as a redeemed; just you. And based off how you act around him, seems the sentiment is mutual. You don't even to notice he's literally too big to fit in the castle in his true state anymore when you dangle him upside down on a return flight,” Celestia pulled her hoof back and tilted her head with a tiny smile and glow in her eyes, “That’s why you let him call you Lulu, right?”

Luna’s face returned to a bright red color and she nodded slightly like a shy schoolfilly.

Celestia chuckled, “It’s just be a start, a lovely one though. You don’t have to treat this like you’re going to marry in the evening, just enjoy it for what it is and see how it shifts once the start is made. And if it doesn’t work out, then you’ve at least tried and it sounds like I’ve arranged you with somepony who does understand you where you needed it. And friendship is not a downgrade from romance, it’s just different.”

A stray thought gave her a tiny, worried frown as she looked up at her sister.

“Did you do what you did because he… reminds you of somepony?”, she whispered, nervous about stepping on any hooves. She knew why her sister kept a shard of the mirror portal Starswirl and Celestia worked on in the solar wing.

If she was pained, Celestia only showed it briefly; sighing in a slightly tired fashion though not from labors of the day, as she nodded; “There are many similarities which I’ve taken notice to. And not just being tall, dark, and handsome either.”

“So, was this whole thing like with you and that other world’s Sombra?” Luna muttered, reaching out and placing her hooves on her sister’s to comfort her just in case she hit any nerves.

Celestia shrugged her shoulders, pulling out a gentle smile, “We both went into it not knowing how long it would last. But, then again, no romance does. I might not be pursuing anypony, but I have grieved enough so fret not for me.”

“This is your time, and I feel you should let him know that... -”, her smile grew into a sly smirk as she leaned in, “-smart as he is, I think he is a little dense in the skull in more ways than one. As Ardent Sentry said, romance is like settling sky. First you stake your spot in open sky, then worry with the invasions constantly.”

Luna didn’t know Ardent Sentry too well, having only met the pegasus a few times before the whole Nightmare Moon debacle. Needless to say, hearing about what happened to that unsure rookie after hoof was a hugely head tilting moment and such declaration from her caused a reflexive snicker.

“Well, explains why the Sentrys are always so forward about these sort of things!”

“Tis true, Stalwart first asked his future wife out by showing up with a full guard escort… and she was one of the guards!”

Both alicorns burst out laughing, rattling the table with tapping hooves and kicking legs. Eventually Celestia squealed, melting into a mischievous giggle as she covered her mouth with a hoof, “I am soooooo sorry!”

The overly hammy line caught her off guard and Luna peaked out from her laughter to glimpse Celestia sporting an enormous, extremely suspicious looking, smirking grin. Luna’s expression changed from cackling with a blushing face to snapping her head and neck up to look at her sister so quickly one could practically hear her neck ratcheting; a narrowed glare aimed at the jokester.

“Whaaaat.. did you… do?”

Celestia rolled her eyes and looked off towards the ceiling, “You see, a lost ship ran aground in a remote spot and I was made aware of it. His amphibious nature and ability to swim at high speeds made him ideal for retrieval in the harsh environment. When I and Captain Frost explained the situation to him, he volunteered.”

“And.. praytell-...” Luna growled through her teeth, leaning across the table and turning her head to raise an ear directly towards the snickering alicorn, “-wheeeere was it you sent him?”

“Mako island,” Celestia muttered plainly with a slightly sing-songy manner.

Luna’s face quickly turned to a blushing scowl and her eyes widened in horror.

“Th-The mermare capital?! Where he’d be the only male for hundreds of kilometers?!”, she roared, levitating figuratively and literally out of her seat.

“Oh assuredly! I would have told you sooner buut-”

Luna cut her off, now remembering asking the exact question of where Junior had gone right when Celestia turned around levitating two super stacks of pancakes, “You fiend! You distracted me with your pan pastries!”

“Oh but you loved them! And you remember the rule you made, first one done gets first question”, Celestia piped, beaming with her eyes closed. She motioned to the kitchen area in the back of the room with the stove, “I got enough for seconds if you so wish it!”

“I was two when I made that rule!”, Luna roared defensively, blushing beet red and quickly getting her regalia back on.

“Oh where are you going so early in the night, Lulu? Want to wait a moment before somepony sees their dark, beautiful night princess so flushed in the face and straight in the wing?”

No time! If I don’t get there soon those aquatic seductresses are going to have a population explosion in ten months!”

Lulu the Red Faced Alicorn awkwardly bellowed, barely getting her crown on, albeit putting it on backwards, before teleporting out and flying so quick she broke the sound barrier in a second.


It was an odd observation Godzilla Junior made about where he was right now. Second time in the day he’d been sitting at a table and yet despite his surroundings shifting from a public restaurant to the queen’s quarters, he found himself seated at something even smaller to the point his hind hooves were touching Queen Maui’s tail.

“Small table, you sure this isn’t cramped?”, Junior grunted.

Queen Maui leaned forward, crossing her fins while resting her chin upon them, “I prefer, intimate. Wanted to make you comfortable and keep matters casual. Has Mako been accommodating?”

Junior nodded his head slightly to the left, “Your species is kind, if… upfront.”

“Well tis a saying in the seas, mermares make. Make crafts, make time, make decisions. I certainly did.”

“How so?”

Queen Maui reached up and pulled her crown from her head, finally taking her eyes off her guest and looking upon the relic with a puzzled expression that almost seemed to have hints of sadness in it. A quiver of the eye, very slight frown on the lip, hesitance in breath.

“When I was young, I was always exploring. If I could, I’d go weeks without ever seeing Mako Atoll. I was constantly on dry land or sneaking onto ferries. Call it a bit of teenage rebellion or call it my focus of interest, but I always liked spending time with and learning more of land ponies. Magic, mannerisms, dress, food, books, anything really. I can’t begin to tell you all the stuff I have stashed in my quarters, it’s a packrat nest!”, Maui snickered in a very unqueenly manner.

Finishing her little laugh, she shook her head and let her fin brush across the crown, “Came to bite me in the flipper though. On one trip I snuck aboard and spent time on a ferry, and one of the ponies saw me sneaking back off and what I really was; which way I went. Turned out they were a pirate spy… Next time I head out I found the same ferry in nearly the same spot and didn’t stop to think of why other than maybe they needed help or had run into some boat trouble.”

Junior puzzled as Maui went silent for a time, letting the ‘bangs’ of her mane shadow her face. He wasn’t clueless to what was being implied, “It was a trap, wasn’t it?”

Queen Maui shrugged and nodded, “Pirates had taken the ship over, thrown the crew and passengers in the cargo hull, and waited for me to come. When I crawled onboard to investigate I had a bucket of sea water dumped on me when I began to sense something was wrong. Large contact with salt water breaks the disguise spell if you haven’t figured that out yet.”

“I have. Continue.”

“Right…. Well, let’s just say I was glad in hindsight that I was very young back then and hadn’t developed any. Didn’t mean the pirates didn’t want me though. Mermares can excel in luck magic, how much so can be exaggerated in some landpony tales, but it’s there and they wanted me to be forced into being their good luck charm. Better plunder, easier boardings, good fortune at gambling dens; be a good haul to have a mermare coerced into helping…. But ooohohoho, I gave luck alright, bad luck.”

“How much?”

“Enough that the next boat they tried to raid just so happened to be loaded up in a sting operation by the Canterlot Royal Guard who’d come looking for the ferry,” Maui muttered with a chuckle.

Junior leaned back in his seat, raising an eyebrow as he started to recognize the story from one of his talks with Captain Blueberry Frost, “Captain Stalwart Sentry’s pirate errand. One of his last missions before retiring.”

Maui smirked and nodded, “The one and only, and let me tell you that the dragonslayer’s reputation didn’t do him justice. Who told you of this?”

“Captain Frost, she was also on the mission wasn’t she?”

“Her and former Captain, now Prince Shining Armor. She ever mention freeing one prisoner who was tied up in the ship captain’s quarters and not the hold like the other hostages?”

Junior pursed his lips and raised his brow slightly at seeing Maui’s smirk growing, “Yes. She noted how weird it seemed a young mare was in there in particula-....”

He didn’t finish that sentence, knowing his audience didn’t need that information. After all, he was looking at the subject of that last sentence.

“Yep, that was me in disguise. I put it back on after being tied up to keep from drying out. I honestly doubted her or Shining Armor knew I was what I was when they freed me, but I was inclined to return the favor. Couple of good ideas, hostages out of the way, a few well aimed waterspout twisters later and the pirates were all captured, nopony got hurt much; and I was going back home.”

Her smile gradually flattened into a pout and then a full on frown as she regarded her now much heavier crown, “My little stunt got me notice. Not for getting captured, but for how much magic I pulled off once they found out what I did. Queen Rita picked me to be her successor the next week. With training for a few years and then my coronation, my little spat as a hostage was the last time I ever left Mako.”

Maui shrugged her shoulders, setting her crown on the table, “Might be why I wanted to finally open The Shroud some. Call it shallow but if I couldn’t go to the outside world anymore, I’d want the outside world to come to me.”

Junior pondered it for a moment before grunting a retort, “You had a fondness for something you couldn’t experience anymore, pretty clearly given you still had that liking after getting taken like that. For what it’s worth I had the inverse situation, same wanting. You want to go back to what’s beyond your birthplace but can’t go due to duty, I can’t go back to my hatchplace for that and other reasons.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“I’d squish it,” Junior deadpanned, spurring a snicker from the mermare on account of the unintentional snark.

“Hehehehe, charming. Still, apologies for the tangent and any, trouble, the good folk of Mako gave you. Any speculation on the boat?”

Godzilla Junior went silent for a time, reflecting on what he had been for most of the day in private and losing that last distinction, “Your team seemed to be eyeing it up as much as they were me. Doesn’t appear to be pirates thankfully… There is one entity I know of that could cause peo-ponies to vanish like that, and it’s one I’d never wish to be unleashed on this world. Fought it-.. Him before and he did kidnap hundreds.”

Queen Maui leaned in closer, tilting her head slightly while sporting a commendably serious look after seeing the clear distress on Godzilla’s visage, “Who is it? If it’s as serious as it seems, I’d have expected you to panic”

“Grand King Ghidorah, space faring sociopath and probably the most powerful being I’ve ever faced. Pray he never ends up in this world, his lack of being here is why I’m not as frantic.”

“How can you tell he’s not?”

Junior shrugged, “Simply put? A ship, even a dozen of them, that’s far from enough for him. When Lea and I fought him over a decade ago he literally emptied a city of it’s children. The boat incident might be curiously similar and I intend to report in on it, but Ghidorah is far from someone not to make himself known. Hiding isn’t something he does.”

Queen Maui gulped, not sure if she could breathe a sigh of relief or not, “Well, I guess we should take the good news as it comes. Too gentle to be pirates and too… small.. to be this Ghidorah creature. Still someponies missing however.”

“All the more reason to get it back to Equestria for a more thorough investigation.”

“To that I can tip my crown to, I really hope for the best in this situation. There will be more distant patrols to investigate if more ships or any ship which may have the hostages are found…. Now, on a hopefully more pleasant subject, what do you think of Princess Luna?”


“Weeeeell?” Queen Maui chimed, letting the word roll off her tongue as she let the rest of her previous apprehension slack off.

Junior’s eyes slowly narrowed and he leaned back a bit further in his seat, hoping not to get a repeat of what happened at the crocker house, “She is… valued. Why do you ask?”

“Oh because the letter you gave me back from Princess Celestia also had this little gem written on the back,” she quipped, flicking out the waterproof paper and holding it up to her. While at first the back of it seemed blank, the glow of her crown and necklace charm revealed luminous inkings scrawled across the back with invisible ink.

“Magic ink, only visible in a magical aura’s glow. Princess Celestia always has them in use if she sends me a letter with a notch in the side like this one did.”

Queen Maui straightened up and pulled out a pair of glasses to magnify the writings and make them legible, “Ahem… Dear Queen Maui, as you probably presumed by the notch on the upper left corner; this is a special message for yourself and those you trust it to. Know that I say all of the following not as a threat, but as a friend. You must know that King Godzilla Gojo Junior is most certainly not available, for he and my dear little sister have bonded quite well. She hasn’t said anything yet, but I don’t see her walking around red in the face and her wings stiff as boards for her not to be thinking it.

Do not attempt flirtations as he is under claim. You would be wasting your time anyways, I do not believe he understands them at all. It would also be wise not to provoke my sister, for I approve of his company around her and wouldn’t wish to see that stopped. Especially given she doesn’t know he’s gone to Mako and won’t be finding out until the evening.

I have never seen Luna so happy in centuries and I have good reason to believe her ‘confidant’ is responsible. Why I intend to find out, but I know what I’ve been seeing. I like this one.

Consider this a test of multiple fronts in addition to the practical reasons of my sending my friend to your shores. I am well assured my dear little sister will most certainly be questioning me as soon as she awakens to find he’s not the one by her bedside.

Wishing you well and trusting your judgement, Princess Celestia.”

Queen Maui chuckled and leaned over whilst cocking an eyebrow, “Needless to say, the elder alicorn seems to most certainly approve of your presence around her sister. Rare feat to be sure.”

Junior’s mind was wrought with implications and possibilities. He knew what he was starting to think and after his talk with Electra, what he was heavily considering trying. But this? This was a shocking swerve. Celestia was an individual he knew nothing but respect for. Calm of mind, always looking out for others, watching over those who didn’t even think she’d bother; it reminded him a lot of his best friend Lea and had Celestia been born of Terra he was almost certain she’d have been a mothra. He’d never gotten the idea she didn’t like him being around her sister, after all she wouldn’t have sent him after her that night at Starswirl’s glade otherwise. But by the sound of things it seemed like he’d gotten much more than just approval of presence, it sounded like-

For the first time in the day, a mermare could say that the King of the Monsters went dead quiet while flushing slightly on the snout. Shaking off his stupor, Junior looked back up to Maui.

“And what are your views on this?”, he grunted.

-Last time one of them thought another was approaching me they started stepping on each other’s fins, could do without an encore.-

Queen Maui shrugged, “Well, let’s just say Princess Celestia’s timeless wisdom rings true when she had to leave me a note saying you’re ‘under claim’.”

“... Just please tell me you’re not going to break into song,” he deadpanned, spurring a mischievous snicker from Maui.

“Oooh don’t think the thought didn’t cross my mind!... But alas, I am not one to attempt to swim my way through another’s reef. You’d make a most interesting pursuit for sure.”

Remembering Electra’s explanation, Junior grumbled as he half speculated this jest by Celestia was set up with her knowing the reasoning behind his reception before he did, “So I’ve been told…”

Queen Maui rolled her eyes and swam out of her seat, rolling upside down in the water and tapping at Godzilla’s shoulder, “Oh lighten up some will you, I’m just attempting to be a friend. If I am to guess right and from Princess Celestia’s notes here, you clearly can act casual based off how you act around Princess Luna. Yes?”

“Wouldn’t be wrong. Feeling is… mutual, to be honest. I’m not exactly one whom can go around without a lot of attention back on Terra. This whole ordeal here in Equestria has been quite different in some ways.”

He paused, letting his eyes travel back and forth even as he closed them; a clear indication he was thinking back to something fond as Maui glimpsed a smile briefly forming on his muzzle before he returned to his stronger demeanor.

“So with all do respect, don’t try anything. I’ve seen it before today and I’m not interested.”

“Noooot even a little?”, she quipped, leaning closer with a teasing smirk.

Junior just deadpanned, “No.”

Queen Maui struck a pout, but one that coupled with her putting a fin across her forehead like she was gasping made it clear she was intentionally being over the top. She spun herself around slowly underwater, looking at Junior upside-down.

“Makes sense actually. You’re a dinosaur, right?”

“...Last I checked.”, he grunted, a bit confused at the relevancy.

“Remember how I said I snuck out a lot? Well one thing I did was a lot of reading. Lots of smart ponies on the shipping boats or at port. If dinosaurs on Terra are like the ones that once lived here in Equestria, that means they’re like birds and crocodilians. Most of those types of animals get one partner and stick to it. If your species is the same, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re literally hardwired for monogamy. Two-way connection with just one partner after bonding or courting.”

“... So, in a plainer explanation?”

Queen Maui shrugged, “You’re libido literally doesn’t activate until after a courting cycle. You’re reactive, not proactive... Huh, guess that’s why you shot down that choir faster than most of us would a drunk. And if what Princess Celestia is implying is true, I take it you’ve been spending a lot of time around Princess Luna?”

“Wouldn’t be wrong…”, Godzilla Junior grumbled while letting his mind think through the implications. Every single time he’d been around a female of the same or similar species, before or after Equestria. Before getting warped into a talking equine there was a few female saurian of similar types to him back on Terra. Raiga, Orka, Titanosaurus, some of which he got along fine with, but circumstances or behaviors could explain why there wasn’t a temptation, even a subconscious one, to bond. Titanosaurus didn’t like humans at all, Orka was raising Gorgo, Raiga and he got along fine but didn’t seem to compliment each other well; and he was always being too quick to rush off onto patrol to let any thoughts do much more than bounce off him.

Even after showing up in Equestria to a relative peace, Blade Dancer was a no-go as beyond the baffling flirting he didn’t understand, she was too upfront, and Lea was too close as to be seen as anything other than something of a sibling. Every other female he’d been around from Captain Frost to Moonbeam Glimmer still frequently brought up his nature, well meaning or ill meaning as it was. All outside of one, and even then it was only after the two got some understanding beyond King of the Monsters and Alicorn Princess that he grew fond of being around her.

It all dawned on him like a eureka moment. He knew previously whom he enjoyed being around in this peace time his mother and Electra brought up. Now he was beginning to think he knew why. Godzilla Junior slowly nodded as he felt the phantom sensation of a hoof tracing one of his faded scars. For all the abnormal things in his life, the power, the war, the circumstances; Luna was just about the only normal thing that ever happened to him since his days at Kyoto.

“... You would have a point there.”

Queen Maui chuckled, “Well I’d say you’re off to a good start, you have to be able to be dedicated or be the densest stallion on the planet to go through an island full of mares and not stray.”

Junior raised an eyebrow, “This was one of those tests Celestia mentioned?”

“Wouldn’t be surprised. She sneaks these sort of tests with her students all the time… Just with less risk of population growth.”

“So I was informed by Electra… Is that usual for mermares to sing about that stuff oooor?-”

“O-ohoho Faust no! But then again, most males aren’t you…. Now, since we have time before departure; I do believe I can help you with something.”


Queen Maui’s eyes, necklace charms, and crown all became encased in a magical aura that preceded large stone slabs on either end of the chamber closing shut. Water began to rush out of the dinner chamber, either draining out through vents in the walls or being steamed off by a slight heat Maui activated with her charm. In the drop of a minute, the dinner hall was perfectly dry and now scattered with salt crystals on the ground from the evaporated waters. Queen Maui’s body became encased in the same light and after a few moments she was replaced in form by a stunner of an earth pony mare. While she might have been about average or even slightly below average in size for a mermare, Maui’s landpony form was reasonably tall; slightly shorter than Blade Dancer. She kept her dual colored coat of a white underbelly with a black or dark gray dorsal shading, her large head fin replaced with a flowing white mane.

From what he knew of pony standards, Junior could tell she was quite the looker. What he didn’t know was why she was walking towards him with half lidded eyes.

“If you try anything,” he growled with narrowed eyes.

Queen Maui just rolled hers, waving her hoof in a jesting manner. “Relaaaax King Godzilla, I might be shore hungry but I’m not looking for any heirs. I merely was going to offer my humble help.”

Junior paused, stiffening up some even as he let some suspicion waver, “... Go on.”

“Well, that celebration gala for Princess Cadenza and Prince Armor’s child is coming up. No doubt both you and Princess Luna will be attending, yes?”

“Likely. I’m supposed to be around Canterlot for awhile anyways and I am her guard.”

“Well then,-”, she whispered with a playful and yet suspicious tone and a wide smirk.

“-hows about I give you something you can give her?”

One Hour Later

Queen Maui held her hooves around Junior’s muscular neck and shoulders as he loomed over her. The heat between them was intense with each motion, especially when he went in closer after she coached him through it. Eyes fluttering, she started to lean in towards his nuzzle when his hot breath steamed her face.

“None of that.”

The growl made her giggle like a little filly, gently booping the stallion’s nose with her hoof, “Juuust making sure you were paying attention!”


Outside the queen’s citadel in the extinct volcano, Electra sat on a sea boulder; munching on a kelp wrap while watching the sunset beyond The Shroud. Flashes of light within the fog bank caused her to furrow her brow. Lightning wasn’t unheard of in The Shroud’s dense fog and low lying storms, but this looked different. Instead of flashes of white that were brief bursts, the coloration was bright blue and persisted for several long seconds. Thunder-like rumbling echoed out as the flashes raced up and down The Shroud, getting closer every time. They encircled the atoll island with the unbeknownst intent of finding a weak point.

There were legends of some finding their way onto Mako island. Sometimes wayward sailors who got lucky and washed ashore, other times romanticized tales of pirate crews who got extremely fortunate and navigated through them at the sway of a dashing and skilled captain. One tale that didn’t previously exist but was sure to be retold time and time again after this day was of a frantic entity thinking it was on a rescue mission brute-forcing their way through the barrier with pure flight skill and magical power alone.

A blue magical comet tore out of The Shroud and barreled towards Mako Island. Electra grimaced with wide eyes as she dove back into the water to ensure she was clear as the screaming projectile sailed over her.

The comet slammed into the volcano and made it a new skylight, the one driving the burst of magic homing in on a familiar magic trace she’d accommodated herself to awhile back. Princess Luna rammed through the thin stone wall and hit the ground hard enough her hooves made dents and cracks in the ground. The Princess of the Night was not looking well, not regal in the slightest. Sweat and dust clung to her mane and body, she only had two of her four horseshoes on, her collar was only on half straight, the night crown was on backwards, she was huffing for dead breath as her horn smoked; and she’d lost some feathers ramming her way through The Shroud.

And when she saw “Goji” holding a mare below him with their forelimbs around each other like they were in some sort of dance, the blood rushed into her head as quickly as it rushed out. She blushed bright red in the face, looked like she was about to shriek something, and them promptly fainted from exertion. Her eyes rolled back and she started to fall, her last conscious thought being something pushing up.

Queen Maui blinked several times, flabbergasted, “Huh! Must have worn herself out getting here.”

Godzilla Junior sighed, shaking his head in a mute stupor as he picked the alicorn up after having rushed over when he saw her going down. He propped the alicorn up against him, sighing at her limp form. With a gentle hold, he picked her up and carried her with him.


Princess Luna’s eyes fluttered open and instantly she felt a throbbing pain at her forehead. Still effectively blind, the alicorn reached up for her horn and quickly winced at feeling how hot it was.

-Ow! Why is it?!... Oh, right. Teleported across a continent while flying at top speed while using a barrier spell…-

Her vision still blurry and her mind spinning, the alicorn’s thoughts tracked back to why she’d worked herself up into such a frenzy.


She tried to spring up, only to feel a set of gentle, but firm hooves help push her back down onto a bedding that felt like a mattress.

“Hey-ey-ey-ey! Take it easy now, don’t hurt yourself.”

The tone was gentle, feminine by the sound of it, and close. Princess Luna pitched her head up slightly to see the source, the grey and white blob in front of her gradually stopping its spiralling to become the same white and black mare she saw before. Princess Luna didn’t need to see the necklace she wore or her crown to recognize who it was.

“Queen Maui,” she grunted sternly.

Queen Maui, still in her earth pony disguise, returned the look in kind with crossed forelimbs, “Princess Luna.”


“Oh, you’re still on Mako; tide-yanker,”, Maui quipped in a teasing tone, “You passed out after deciding to give me a lovely new skylight, please don’t do that again by the way. You’re on the S.S. Mermare.”

“The-the boat that went missing?”

Maui nodded, “The same, captain’s cabin in fact so you got the best bed in the boat! You’ll find the hull loaded up with my girl’s investigation written down for your teams to go through as they check it all out.You’ll be happy to know we found no blood.”

Princess Luna huffed for breath, gradually winding down into nods, “Good. Ve-ry good. Hopefully they will all be found soon. At least this means they’ll hopefully be safe when they are.”

“That’s the hope… Though, something tells me you’re also concerned with another matter a touch more trivial.”

Maui snickered after seeing the gears in Luna’s head go to work, especially after the alicorn began to sport a very unprincess-like redness in the face and straightness in the wing while flashing the foreboding of a glare at Maui. The mermare in disguise laughed, getting off the bedside she’d been sitting on.

“Don’t worry, nothing happened. Not between me or any of the gals here. Had Electra with him the whole day…. Oh, and yes. Before you ask, pleeeenty of dames tried.”

“Then, what were you two doing?...”, Princess Luna muttered with a slight growl in her undertone. Maui’s jestful, almost sultry tone was not helping and in this state of mind or exhaustion, Luna wouldn’t have realized the mermare queen was just playing it up as a joke.

“Ooooh just something I was showing him to show you at the gala. You’ll see!”, Maui quipped while poking Luna in the nose.

The mermare straightened herself up and began to head for the cabin’s exit door. Princess Luna groaned, sitting herself up and massaging the headache forming at the base of her horn. A quiet voice gave her pause.

“It’s mutual, you know?”

Princess Luna looked up and over to see Queen Maui giving her a warm smile over her shoulder. Luna blinked, stumbling her way off the bed still in a slight daze to walked up to her some.

“Wh-whaat? What are you implying?”, Luna stammered, squinting and rubbing at her sore head.

Maui chuckled and nodded, knowing she’d been heard the first time.

“He’s a picky type, has to be to survive getting as much thrown at him today as he did. Your sister got us both good during this little errand trip. Pretty romantic by the way, rushing in boldly to save your… ‘confidant’, right? Think he returned it when he carried you into her and laid you down.”

Maui wiggled her brow at Luna and giggled seeing Luna’s blushing and quivering wings, “Seemed to have figured out what makes him take a fancy to somepony and it’s not most of my kinds’ way, never would have worked out between us. Yooou on the otherfin.”

Maui opened the door, giving Luna a glance back with a smile on the seam of her lips, “Don’t waste your shot if you even think it’s a small chance. This guy’s real dense.”

Princess Luna pursed her lips and reflected upon it all. Oh she was mad as Tartarus right now, both over the prank, this stupid, stubborn, plasma spewing reptilian for making her get flustered and embarrassed at herself rushing into a rescue; but it was mostly in a petty manner devoid of actual spite. Not small enough to not let them be aware of it once they got back to Equestria, but she was getting some ideas. The fact she knew firsthoof how effective flirting was on Junior was helping validate the story being told.

Didn’t mean she wasn’t going to grill him once they got back in some way.

-Make me act like this will you?!... Hmph! I do have that gifted unicorn student who seems fond of him...-

The alicorn sighed, nodding respectfully to the mermare queen, “We thank thee for thy hospitality towards our… treasured associate. Next time, we shall request to be made aware of the situation beforehoof and accompany him.”

Queen Maui smirked and rolled her eyes, “Whatever floats your boat, Princess. Oh, buuuut if by chance things don’t work out? Do let him know I’m not one for ‘most of my kinds’ way’ either. Haere rā! (Goodbye!)”

She wiggled her brow as she stepped out onto the deck and then vaulted herself over the railing in a dive. Princess Luna’s eyes widened and she rushed forward to the guard rails of the ship just in time to hear the splash and see the now true, mermare form of Queen Maui breach the water’s surface and wave goodbye. It was upon seeing how tiny the mermare looked that Princess Luna realized the boat was at least sixty meters off the sea level. Looking further down the railing she could see a mammoth claw, one at least four meters long and two meters thick at the base, curled around the edge of the ship. Looking to and fro over the edge she could glimpse a thick, scaly leg wade out further into the sea. Putting it to a mental picture the alicorn realized that if she were to fly out and look back, she’d see the gargantuan form of Godzilla Junior gently cradling the S.S. Mermare in his arms like it were a toy. All while moving slow enough to not cast a big wake into the crowd of mermares closer to shore bidding him farewell, or to jostle the alicorn he thought was still resting inside; tenderness many on Terra would never have expected to come from something so massive.

Princess Luna peeked out from beyond the ship’s edge, holding onto the railings as she pitched her head up. A familiar, warm glow filled her chest when she saw the same attentive, concerned eyes scanning the coming fog bank she’d seen at her bedside many nights before and glimpsed for the first time when staring down a horde of gyaos with Canterlot at his back. A tiny, sweet smile crossed her lips even as she quietly walked back inside the captain’s cabin to get some rest.

Celestia was right. She might not be in love, not yet. But she knew what made her happy, and what she was willing to give a chance……

…. After she got some revenge for today of course.

A few minutes further into the voyage, the captain’s window to the sea outside shifted beyond just the fog growing stronger. The ship was slightly raised up as something else lowered down, putting an enormous eye to the window’s presence. Fiery red sclera and a burnt gold iris encircled a pupil that focused in on what lay beyond the opened window. Junior held his breath, as to not rouse the resting form he saw reclined on the bed inside.

He could hope a misunderstanding didn’t ensue too much over this ordeal. He waded into the deeper waters, stealing one last look at the seemingly sleeping alicorn before putting his head under the surface to look ahead whilst holding the boat up. What he could do now was try and make sure he didn’t stomp on a reef or hit a seamount on his way out of The Shroud. What he could do later was make due on more than just trying to make sure she could rest peacefully.

He didn’t see a smiling Luna peek back out of her eye briefly before going to sleep, thinking only thoughts of nights at a certain glade.

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