• Published 2nd Aug 2013
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The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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One-Shot: The Shisa's Task

King Caesar
Clover the Clever

Naha, Okinawa Island, Japan; several days before the Solgell Island Attack

Streets cracked and windows shattered as a titanic form fell backwards, having been shoved through the roofing of a boat warehouse. Torrents of dust clouds kicked up into the evening sky and obscured several city blocks as emergency vehicle sirens ripped through the air. The entire city was locked in a state of chaos as its citizens frantically dropped everything they called home to flee for their lives in the evacuation. Several battalions of Japanese SDF and US Military attack helicopters and armored divisions were on sight in minutes, but their use alone was lukewarm at best. There target was no foreign invasion army, it was something every city in the world dreaded a visit from.

Sea Dragon
Any title worked….

Dagahra snarled as several hellfire missiles exploded on the back of his head, prying his attention away from the boat house. The assault only managed to blow off a few scales, but it was enough for the sea dragon to loose several waves of energy blasts from his maw and dorsal fins, forcing the chopper pilot to disengage and dodge for her life to avoid being disintegrated. Dagahra bellowed as it crawled after the helicopter, crushing dozens of abandoned cars and apartments underfoot. It didn’t take long for the beast’s attention to be drawn back to what he came for. Noxious gases and fumes spilt out of a running, abet stalled car; the revving of its engine acting like a mass scaled dinner bell for the pollution eating sea demon. The car however was different from the others. The doors have been slammed shut and partially dented in from another car, sealing its occupants inside as they screamed and beat on the windows to try and free themselves. Dagahra’s fanged jaws opened wide, the fleeting images of the trapped humans through the tinted windows being icing on the toxic cake. In his eagerness to feed however, Dagahra forgot about the boathouse; nor did he think that the family’s screams would fall upon deaf ears.

A blur of movement tore itself free from the docks. Twin paws tipped with sharp, stone talons grabbed Dagahra by the mouth as a leonine roar ripped through the air. King Caesar dug his feet into the ground as he wrestled and struggled to hold the now thrashing kaiju away from the humans. Throwing his hips and shoulders in one direction, the giant shisa hurled Dagahra several blocks down the street and into the evacuated city park. Gemstone eyes quickly shifted down and the same powerful limbs that hurled a 25,000 ton Dagahra several hundred yards eased down and gently grasped the car. Sticking the very tip of a claw through the passenger window, Caesar pulled back and tore the door off its hinges in the same manner a human would tear the tab off a soda can. The fleeing family, thankfully unharmed, spilt out of the vehicle in a rushed fashion. After several of them took a moment to gawk at the calm shisa looming over them, they quickly took each other by the hand to run down the street towards the evacuation vehicles the military had set up several dozen blocks away.

King Caesar rose back to his full height as he stood with his back to the Shuri Castle, former residence of the Ryukyu royal family; trying to brush aside memories of days past as he glared down at the recovering Dagahra. The vaguely monitor lizard-like kaiju shook its head free of several tons of rubble before bellowing an enraged challenge to the shisa. King Caesar only responded by raising up his paws in a guard stance akin to a martial artist, as the military helicopters buzzed past him. Normally two kaiju brawling in a city would lead to the local military raining down everything they had on the two of them. But Caesar was different than most. The moment the guardian beast appeared on scene, all of Okinawa breathed a sigh of relief. He was one of the few kaiju humanity never turned their arsenal on, and today was not going to break that tithe. Both kaiju tensed their muscles, preparing to charge.

A pebble dropped into the pond in the Shuri palace.

King Caesar charged forward, leaping over an apartment complex as Dagahra pounced at him.


Hooves silently trod across a glass-like floor as the starry void squirreled around in a peaceful symphony. A horn glimmered with magic as a curtain of light opened up before the horn’s owner. The curtain draped down into a window, the images of the massive Shisa and sea dragon struggling playing before the viewer almost like movie screen.

-His strength and power may be lacking compared to the others of his realm…-

As the shifting tapestry of vision shifted to the sight of Caesar freeing the trapped humans, a smile crossed a pale face.

-But... He may be just what is needed…-

Back in downtown Naha

Caesar snarled as Dagahra locked his jaws down on the shisa’s forearm in a manner akin to a rabid bulldog. Almost backpedaling into an office building, Caesar forced back his pain as he flipped his arm around, twisting Dagahra with it and exposing the demon’s belly. Ripping his maw open in a roar, Caesar lifted the drake up a short distance before dropping 20,000 tons of kaiju, belly first into his rapidly rising knee. Bones cracked and muscles taught as the air was pried free from Dagahra’s lungs, his jaws opened in a gasp. Caesar quickly freed his arm as he minded not to let Dagahra land on a smaller apartment complex they were fighting next too. Fighting inside a city was something the guardian very much would like to avoid. Every foot fall, every attack, every tumble he had to try and make sure it wasn’t going to land on someone. It was like trying to fight in a room full of card castles while trying not to let any fall and risk crushing an ant. Dagahra and others like him had no qualms; they only fought to win or fought to kill, no matter where it was.

Still, fighting for the humans gave Caesar something else.

In a great show of strength, the shisa hoisted up the choking pollution monstrosity above his head, letting the military rain down missiles and tank fire upon the beast as he turned towards the harbor.

Fighting for something other than yourself was a great motivator to fight harder.

King Caesar braced himself and lurched his arms forward, hurling Dagahra hundreds of yards through the air, before the drake came crashing down into the sea. The waters churned into tidal waves from the multi thousand ton cannon ball, shaking docks, boats, and piers to their foundations. Caesar walked to the edge of the harbor, stepping down into the throbbing sea as he scanned the water for movement.

-He took quite a beating just a moment ago, and he knows physically he cannot win. Still, this would be a quick retreat…-

Helicopters buzzed high above, beaming down rays of search lights that scanned along the raging surf. King Caesar eyed the dark waters, before his vision locked onto a small movement to his right. The waters stilled, and then the world was filled with slow motion.

Dagahra ripped forth from the surf like an erupting geyser, light collected into a ball housed behind his fanged maw. King Caesar’s instincts kicked in as he shifted his head to the exact direction the sea dragon was pointing. Water droplets flew everywhere as the world itself slowly shifted back to normal speed. Dagahra fired his assault beam near point blank, right at Caesar’s face…. right at his eye. The energy attack continued amidst Dagahra’s bellowing roar, pouring into Caesar’s right eye like water down a drain.

-Didn’t even try to aim away from my face… Imbecile…-

Caesar grabbed his foe by the throat, squeezing down with his powerful paws with enough force to half choke the kaiju, cutting the last of the beam off as it was siphoned into the shisa’s eye. Dagahra hissed and struggled as the guardian beast’s eyes glimmered with a brilliant aura, Caesar’s leonine face curling back its lips into a snarl. Twisting his hips like a judo master, King Caesar spun around and hurled the dragon into the air and away from the city. Dagahra roared and bleated as he tried to steady himself in the air enough to fly, but just as soon as he had halted his fall and avoid tumbling into the surf, Caesar’s eyes flashed a familiar glow. Twin beams of power, identical but of an even greater magnitude than Dagahra’s, shot forth from King Caesar’s eyes and slammed into the drake’s chest. Flesh and scales were burned away on impact as the mirrored beam pushed the demon further and further back. Dagahra screamed as he was blasted thousands of feet backwards, cutting a trench into the sea’s surface before being pushed under.

After ten whole seconds of assault, King Caesar’s stored power ran dry, the beam cutting off into a smoky haze that permeated from his ruby eyes. Helicopters buzzed through the air as King Caesar stood idle, still as a statue, in the calming sea, waiting to make sure his enemy wasn’t bound to return for round 2. Fortunately, the sea remained placid as Dagahra fled back to whatever dark chasm he crawled out from. Emergency vehicles roared down from the streets as fire fighters and ambulances scrambled to repair that of the city damaged in the rampage. King Caesar shifted, glancing back at the palace as memories flashed back. The shisa’s gaze glanced back to the humans down below as he stood tall.

Yes he had caused some property damage in driving back Dagahra, but nothing that could have been avoided. The humans knew well enough the merit of their guardian’s character, and that the damage would have been far worse if he hadn’t arrived. Caesar knew this was well, and a calmed exhale overtook him. He’d saved lives today, and for that he couldn’t have been happier.

-The humans can handle their clean up well, best not give them additional work walking back home through the city-

With that, the ancient shisa turned and waded through the knee deep waters, going around the island’s shore and back to his chambers.


She had seen it all, pride and hope swelling up inside her chest.
“Yes… you’ll do nicely.”

A glowing horn flickered as the viewing screen before her shut, a glimmering light resembling the outline of a closed door replacing it. Like an opening stage curtain, the glow slipped across and encompassed the whole of the outline. The summoning spell was prepared.

Unknown cavern, Okinawa Island

King Caesar remained silent as the entrance to his chasm closed off behind him, cloaking everything around him in a soothing darkness. The cave was very tall and very wide, able to comfortably fit its denizen’s massive form even while he was standing. It was here Caesar remained until times he was needed, which thankfully was not as often as one would think. Remembering days of ages past, the kaiju sat down cross legged, resting his arms as his eyes dimmed into deep meditation. It was closest thing to sleep the guardian had, a state that could only be broken when he need defend himself or upon times another summoned him. The small, soft voice he heard as soon as he lowered his dog-like ears told him the latter was occurring.

“Guardian Beast, King Caesar of the Ryukyu islands. Your services are needed.”

As soon as he heard those words, Caesar instantly felt something amiss in the world around him. The hard, uneven floor of the cave was gone in an instant. Replacing it was a solid, firm, flat ground akin to the polished wood and tiled floors he hadn’t sat on in centuries. The shisa opened his eyes slowly before gazing upon the glowing form standing before him, only realizing as soon as his vision returned that he was in his cave no longer. The still, rocky décor was replaced with a brilliant, encircling cosmos. As distant meteors shot past and peaceful stars glimmered, King Caesar couldn’t help but feel both awed and warmed to a heart’s glow at what he saw around him. Truly, this land he was in now was peace and harmony painted onto a canvas. Unsettling however, was that for some reason the guardian couldn’t shake the feeling that he seemed much lighter than before, but he opted to put that idea aside for now. The illuminated shape of his host stole all of his attention.

Immediately he got the impression he was looking the being in the eye, telling him either this was a fellow kaiju whom summoned him, or the magic he was sensing had altered his size. The lightened sensation across his limbs seemed to indicate the latter. The shape itself was more or less obscured by the brilliant, white-purple aura that cloaked it; glimmering so bright at times the shisa had to cover his eyes with a paw at one point. Through the light he thought he could make out a single, long horn on its head and four broadly tipped limbs; vaguely similar in overall shape to an equine or deer. An eyebrow rose for a moment, but soon settled back down as the shisa nearly hung his jaw in awe. Before him was a creature unlike any he had ever seen, but it resembled one sacred beast he knew of. One sacred beast he was forever to respect. Caesar shifted to a kneeling position, slowly catching a fist into his open palm as he bowed respectfully, keeping his head down.

“You don’t seem to be shocked to see my form.”

Caesar didn’t rise as he spoke in what were mere growls and hisses to a human, but what he knew would be comprehensible speech to his guest. He knew not still who or what exactly was talking to him now, but his respectful tone to the feminine voice was the same as if he was addressing a queen.

-Judging from her presence in this starry void, queen she very well may be….-

“I have lived for many years, more than enough to know a being of magic when I see it. What task would you have of me kirin?”

Caesar crossed an arm across his chest, having referred to his host by the closest description he could imagine, hoping it took no offence. He could physically feel her power radiating off her in a welcoming, warm aura. A kind of aura that was the hallmark of benevolence, but the amount raw energy he was picking off was…imposing to say the least. Still, hope proved advantageous. A hoof was outstretched, calmly placing itself on the guardian’s stony crown. The voice was of a chiming bell. With its sound the very room seemed to be filled with positive feelings and contented calm.

“Rise, mightiest of the shisa.”

Caesar did as requested, looking forth at his summoner. She still radiated like an angelic kami, so much so he still couldn't exactly get a good look at her features.

“I come to you not for aid to myself, but to the world I watch over and the mortals who constitute it. A grave danger has come to them from a distant land, one they may not be able to stand against alone. While you are not powerful enough to defeat this evil alone, your duty and character make you the perfect aid for them. I ask of you to go to that world, help save its mortals, aid its heroes, and tip the balance in their favor.”

Caesar leaned his head back, half surprised at what he was hearing. The last time he encountered beings from another world led to him having to fight their massive war weapon in an incident he’d much rather not repeat… Still… there were some things a sworn guardian couldn’t turn his back on. For that creed, Caesar kept listening.

“I cannot act upon them directly aside from the briefest of moments, but I can send them one to do so. That is why I call to you, guardian. I know you are distrusting of outsiders, but you may be the only one who can help my beloveds save themselves. Will you aid them?”

Caesar’s gemstone eyes glimmered as thought flashed through them. Century old memories floated to the surface as an ancient creed, last recited aloud at a kingdom long since past. Slowly, the ancient shisa nodded.

“…. For hundreds of years I was sworn to protect those in need from forces outside of their own, and for millennium I have answered whenever I am called without fail. If mortals whom praise no evil are in danger of evil, I will help them. To where shall I go to assist?”

Though he couldn’t make out his guest’s face, the warm, loving wave he felt wash over him told the great shisa his words had been received with a smile.

“…. Over five centuries of protecting and you are still the same, astute royal guardsmen you were all those years ago… I can see now why the mortals of your realm are so trusting of you. I will send you with my power to my realm, from there you will find my charges and fight the encroaching evil-“

King Caesar nearly jolted up in surprise.

-The priestess at the temple don’t even know that, how did sh-?!-

Now, Go!”

In a brilliant flash of warm, purple light that illuminated the entire chasm like a miniature sun, all in attendance vanished.

Northern Equestria

King Caesar didn't know how long he was unconscious. He might have merely nodded out for a few moments, he might have been stuck in meditation for decades. Laying on the ground on his right side, King Caesar stretched his limbs before shifting to try and get his feet below him. The instant his limbs touched the ground however, something was wrong. He could feel his paws, armor, and hair just fine; but his limbs themselves seemed to be shaped different, almost contorted. His paw seemed to be out of proportion, with his arms seemingly now slightly longer than his legs. No sooner had that revelation crossed his mind and his vision cleared was the shisa left completely confused. A strange creature was looming over him, one unlike any he'd ever seen in his life or myth. Its eyes were enormous, giving it a gentle, child-like quality. It was covered with a short, white fur across its body outside of a long, green mane of various shades on its head. Just when the thought he was looking at some kind of equine, he noticed the being bore a single conical horn on its forehead unlike any he'd ever seen. The observer seemed to have an equally perplexed look on its face as well.

Immediately, the beast's expression warmed.

"Oh good you're up! Are you OK mister?"

The being, female again based off the voice, outstretched a hoof in Caesar's direction. Though confused for a moment, either by misunderstanding the gesture at first or by sheer bewilderment of his acquaintance, it took him several seconds to recognized as her offering the equivalent of a hand up. An offer Caesar, after some awkward movements with his new proportions took her up on.

"Wh-who... and.. what are you?"

The being smiled as she fully helped the confused stranger to his feet.

"I'm a unicorn pony of course. My name is Clover, Clover the Clever. Though personally I hate to sound prideful."

Clover giggled to herself as she smiled. Caesar didn't know whether to be confused more by the fact he just heard this 'unicorn' speak his language, or that the size change he detected in the kirin's realm seemed to still be in play. Judging from the tall trees looming over the both of them, which must have been thousands of feet tall in all but the latter scenario; he had indeed been shrunk.

"You're an odd looking Diamond Dog, I didn't know canines could look so varied! What are you doing so far from the Denlands?"

Caesar's confusion was quickly reaching new heights.

"...Diamond...Dog? Denland?"

Clover tilted her head to the side in a universally curious manner.

"Y-yesss that's where I assumed where you were from. I was on my way to the palace when I happened upon you on the side of the road."

Caesar shook his head to make sure he was seeing and hearing straight, and that he hadn't received a blow to the head and was somehow knocked silly. Sure enough though, the image of the perplexed mare failed to yield.

-So the kirin's realm is populated by talking horned horses... Though, this 'Clover' seems benign enough. Equine guardian means equine nation? Sentient mortals that aren't humans... And all this time I considered the Elias odd.... Mercy of Tanaka I will never understand magic...-

"Aaare you ok?"

King Caesar remembered his audience and shrugged.

-Best take it as it comes Caesar-

"I'm fine just... shaken... You mentioned a palace, I take it you have a monarch?"

"Weeell.. kiiiind of.. the Unicorns do but the Pegasi and Earth Ponies have their own leaders that meet with Princess Platinum to pan out the decisions."

"Can I accompany you? I have some... business here and I need to figure some things out."

Clover nodded happily as she started on the trail she had previously been on.

"Certainly, follow me~ What's your name anyways?"

King Caesar lifted a paw up to give his slightly changed body an additional once over. Content that the changes, while great in some areas, seemed relatively minor; the shisa turned diamond canine smiled as he looked upon the mare.

-Well.. For second time around with aliens, at least I found the benign ones and not more black hole apes-

He took a step and tried to follow her but quickly found the faster he went to catch back up, the faster an awkward sensation kept going down his half wobbling legs. He could still walk at a brisk pace, but his odd proportions had clearly affected his ability to run on his hindlegs more than he originally though. His shortened legs and long arms made bipedalism feel awkward, like trying to walk on one's knees. Possible, but something told him traveling another way long distance would be more comfortable. Thankfully, the shisa had some preparation from his old body. While he was mainly bipedal in the past, he was build lengthy enough to permit quadropedal motion from time to time without it being awkward. Dropping down onto his forelimbs in a manner skin to a bear, Caesar instantly felt relief. Noting that running in this manner felt natural, the guardian was content to keep it up; rapidly gaining on Clover and soon walking along side the slightly perplexed pony.

"I am called, King Caesar."

Clover the Clever turned her head as she nearly paused.

"King? I didn't know the Diamond Dogs in Denland had royalty too. Is that why you want to meet the princess? Some sort of diplomatic meeting?"

"No.... Despite the crown, tis just a title. I am the strongest of my kind, so I was referred by to some as their 'king'. I'm not from this 'Denland', never heard of the land. My home was in Ryukyu, known as Okinawa by another name; but I fear I am a long way from there."

"You fear? Don't you know how you got here? How did you get in Equestria?"

"The exact method I... do not know. Someone of great magic seems to have brought me here. She said something about a dangerous invader arriving, so I volunteered to lend aid."

"Well I have no idea who 'she' could be, but the danger part would be accurate. Why I'm actually a bit relieved neither of us is traveling alone now, some roads aren't saf-"

The mare instantly cut herself off as her eyes grew wide with fear. Just as Caesar was about to inquire what was wrong, he sensed it. When one is a guardian for decades, let alone centuries, you know it. You smell it, taste it, see it; feel it. Evil... King Caesar's hairs started to stand up on end as his fangs bore themselves on instinct. There was something very evil nearby, and it was getting close. The transformed diamond dog reared up on his hindlegs, facing the direction he sensed whatever demonic force that was nearby was approaching from.

Something not far ahead was pushing aside forest foliage as it approached. Cloven hooves clicking on the ground as curved horns broke through overhanging branches.

"Is he friend or is he foe... the travelers wonder..."

Caesar let out a snarl, now knowing exactly whom he was sent here for....

"I assure you I am no friend..."

Author's Note:

What's this? King Caesar has been transported to Equestria's distant past?
How will he aid the ponies in their desperate struggle?
Whom is his new adversary?
And just who is this being he mistook for a Kirin?

Some of this a more! Next time on 'The Bridge'!

Made this special chapter in celebration of the recent 2014 Godzilla movie by Gareth Edwards. Saw it last night, and I must say that for longtime fans and normal movie-goers alike, it's a hit not to miss.

This One-Shot's story that will eventually tie into the main story. If you guys like it enough, I or a writer I give permission too may flesh it out into its own full story, a 'prequel' of sorts. Who knows what the future holds, or the past for that matter...
Shisa - The Okinawan counterpart to the Chinese and Japanese Guardian Lions, often seen in front
of temples. Sometimes called 'Lion Dogs' or 'Foo Dogs' by Westerners

Kirin - The Okinawan/Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Qilin, a mythical beast resembling a
scaled deer or antelope. Because it sometimes has a single antler on its head, and are
magical, they are sometimes called the 'Asiatic Unicorn'
Once again, proof reading and artwork by my good friend Faith-Wolff, extra characters by ....well... you'll just have to find and put together the hidden links I scattered in this chapter to know them now don't you?~

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

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