• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,214 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 5: The Noblest are Rarely Nobles

Shining Armor, in his sister’s humble opinion, could be a very smug bastard. As they had begun their journey home to Canterlot he teased her endlessly about Ser Solaris and seemed to revel in her discomfort.

“Why Twily,” he sang, “if you’d only told me months ago that you wanted a lady knight I’m sure the suitors I choose would have been better suited.”

“Shut it,” she growled.

“I’m just saying… Ser Solaris is the only one so far you’ve even bothered to speak to!”

“She was…” Twilight struggled to find an accurate description, “different, I guess. Earnest.”

Her brother sighed, “I’m afraid father won’t like her near as much as you and I do. She didn’t seem very wealthy, even for a tournament champion.”

It was then that a messenger, dressed in the blue of their father’s crest, came trotting into the hall where they were reading together. He bowed low to Shining and then to Twilight and then extended a letter.

Rolling her eyes at her brother Twilight accepted the letter and began to read:


Thus far you have both failed to choose, or even find, an acceptable husband for Twilight. As such, I have elected to select one for you. A certain Count Timber Spruce of Everfree has asked for my permission to court Twilight and I have accepted. He will be competing at Roan and that is where you will meet him. It is of the utmost importance that Twilight makes a good impression. Sir Spruce is very wealthy and considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the country at the moment.

Impress him.


Lord Night Light, Royal Astronomer: Court of the Night Princess

Twilight’s face paled halfway through the letter and when she had finished Shining had to tug it from her grip. “He-he can’t do that!”

He winced, “he’s our dad, Twily.”

“I will not marry Timber Spruce,” she hissed, “He’s a pompous jerk, he thinks just because his sister is the Countess of Everfree that he can do whatever he wants!”

“Then you had better convince father that Ser Solaris is a better fit.”

“Who- who said I wanted to marry her?” she whined, Shining merely laughed.

Sunset stood stiff as a board as they watched Pinkie present her faked papers to the officials. A sharp exhale of relief tumbled out when they waved the Pink girl on with hardly more than a glance.

Upon stepping into the stadium, huge and unlike anything Ser Sunburst had ever competed in, she was approached by a messenger. The girl was small and scruffy but dressed in a light purple smock with a familiar looking pink star on it. “Ser!” the girl wheezed, “Ser Solaris Incarnate? I’ve a message for you, from my lady.”

Startled, Sunset blinked and then nodded. “And er- who would that be?”

“She said to say that she hasn’t yet decided to give you her name… Ser Hound,” the child replied cheekily. She pulled a note from her satchel and cleared her throat, “The lady says, ‘Ser Hound… I will be a Roan to watch you compete. I have convinced my parents to accompany myself and my brother so that they may see you win this tournament.” She looked up at Sunset with serious eyes. “She also said to tell you that if you don’t win her father is going to force her to accept Count Timber Spruce’s request for her hand.”

“Her hand!?” Sunset squawked, “She can’t! We've barely had a chance to court a little.”

The girl grimaced and shrugged, “if you impress Lord Night Light he might reconsider.” With this, she turned and sped away. Almost too far away to be heard she stopped and called, “I’m rooting for you!”

Dejected and feeling as if she would burst from frustration, Sunset stomped off to find Flash. He had set up in a corner, far enough away from the other smiths that they would not be bothered. He grinned and waved her in immediately, “shut the tent flap behind you. I have something for you.”

“I hope you’re hiding a damn miracle in your quarters then,” she huffed, flopping down and using a pile of hay as a seat. “My lady sent a messenger to me earlier. She’s going to be betrothed to some Count or something if I don’t win this tournament and impress her father.”

Flash winced, “A miracle is a little above my pay grade, what I do have, is armor that will actually fit.” He pulled down a large sheet that she hadn’t even noticed in the mess. Behind the improvised curtain was a gleaming set of armor. It was polished to a shine and the gold metal glinted in the pale light of the forge.

“Why does it look so light?”

He beamed at her and tugged her toward the armor stand. “Before he died my master taught me a special way to heat the metal; it makes it turn the color of gold! I’ve never been able to get anyone to try it as armor.”

Sunset frowned, “It looks so small though, what will I do if I take a lance or spear to the chest?”

“It’s stronger than anything else that’s ever been made,” he protested, “Master Speak Shaker called it ‘Sun Steel’. Are you at least brave enough to try it?”

Eyes flicking back and forth from Flash’s pleading face to the beautiful armor, Sunset gave a sigh. “Alright,” she groaned, “may the Goddess save me; I’ll try it.”

Applejack took one look at the armor and shook her head, “they’ll crush you.” Rainbow Dash had been unable to say anything over her laughter. Sunset, however, was determined to give the armor a fair chance.

She let the girls round up three good natured knights who agreed to take a few swings at Sunset. They took turns giving progressively rougher stabs and slashes at her, again and again. In short order, each was exhausted and none of them even managed to so much as scratch the steel. Flash was practically vibrating in place when a fourth knight approached. She was a tall woman, dressed in extravagantly detailed armor. The armor was deep black with silver edging. The chest plate bore a depiction of a crescent moon and there was a purple cape draped over her shoulders.

She looked down at Sunset through her helmet and seemed to admire the ‘steel’ as Flash had called it, “would you mind terribly if we sparred?” Through the visor, Sunset saw that she had dark skin but what caught her attention were her eyes. The stranger’s eyes were the same bright blue-green that she saw in the mirror every day.

“Er- Sure?”

The knight drew her blade and took up a stance. Sunset mirrored her. Applejack whistled and from where she was perched on a nearby tree branch, Pinkie called out, “Fight!”

The stranger did not miss a beat, she lunged immediately and Sunset barely had time to react. She didn’t let herself waiver and returned the thrust with a slash. She was still not used to the lightness of her new armor and the movement was far faster than expected. The stranger tried to side step but she still took the tip of Sunset’s spear to the ribs.

They traded blow for blow. Sunset found she was able to move very swiftly with the lighter armor and when she did take a hit, the sun steel seemed to absorb most of the force. The other knight was fast, and she was impressively strong but her own armor was heavy. It was made of thick iron and it was obvious that her opponent was tiring herself out. Intending to end the sparring session quickly, Sunset darted into her space and gave a thrust of her spear. At the last moment, her opponent managed to jerk her head out of the way and snatched the spear. She trust the tip of the weapon out and away and in doing so, gave herself an opening. Instead of trying to stab at the armor, she drove the hilt up and caught Sunset’s exposed chin. Her head snapped back and she hit the ground.

It took several long minutes for her to regain her thoughts with the ringing in her ears and she winced when she touched her sore face. The other knight thrust out a hand to help her up. “You fight very well and your armor is impressive,” she complimented. “What is your name? It has been a long time since someone gave me such a challenge. Where did you come by such armor?”

“Give me your own name my friend, and I will give you mine and the name of the smith who made it.”

With a genuine sounding laugh she replied, “I am Ser Nightmare Moon and I would be very pleased to call you my friend. You are a fierce adversary.”

Sunset jerked off her helmet and shook her hand, “Ser Solaris Incarnate, of Trotland. The smithy that travels with us, Flash Sentry, made this for me, he calls it Sun Steel.”

“I have seen the one you speak of, he’s barely more than a child!”

Feeling very proud of her young friend and of her sparkling new armor Sunset grinned. “I was told once that the noblest are very rarely noble and the youngest son is oft the wisest. He’s young but he’s clever and he’s talented.”

A flicked of recognition floated through the woman’s eyes but was just as swiftly stifled. “Wise words, I will have to speak to him about something for myself and my house.” She bowed to Sunset before slipping away in much the same way as she appeared.