• Published 31st May 2022
  • 1,213 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Knight - PhantomBulwark

Sunset Shimmer, a young squire, becomes so much more than what destiny had planned. Is she truly a knight? Is she more than the peasant she was born as?

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Chapter 1: A Knight's Tale

Sunset was pleased. This wasn’t strictly news, however, the reason for her happiness was. A win was in the cards for them today, and that was rare. All Sir Sunburst had to do was stay on the damn horse and they would be able to eat, all of them, not just the knight.

Cheerfully she sauntered toward her fellow squire, “get his lordship up AJ! He’s due back on the field in two minutes.”

Applejack, a dark look on her tanned face turned from where she was kneeling next to their master. “Dead,” She groaned.

What?” Sunset stumbled toward them and shook the lifeless knight roughly, “no, no, no! He has to finish the match!” When she sucked in a breath the smell that greeted her turned her stomach and she turned away retching and cursing.

The third of their party came trotting up; a grin stretched across her face and called out to them. “Just as you said Sun,” she rasped, her multicolored locks falling into her face. “All he needs to do is stay in the saddle and we’ve won! The judge didn’t buy Lord Magnus’s cheating theory.”

“He’s dead.” AJ snapped.

Rainbow Dash froze and a bewildered expression crossed her face. “What do you mean dead?”

Turning back to him, Sunset kicked the lifeless body of their former master and spat. “The fire of his soul is helping heat hell.” She gave him another kick, “his spirit is gone but his stink remains. Does that answer the question?”

“No!” Rainbow cried, “No he’s asleep, wake the bastard up!”

“He is dead!” AJ barked again, “useless rat got drunk last night and now he’s puked himself to death. If you were standing close enough you’d burn your nose on the smell!”

“But... But I haven’t eaten in three days!”

Sunset cuffed Rainbow roughly across the back of her head, “none of us have RD!” She turned again and delivered one final, solid kick to the departed knight’s head and cursed loudly in a way that made both her companions cringe.

There was the telltale sound of an approaching horses and one of the tournament officials called out for Sunburst. He glared down from his high horse at Rainbow, “is his lordship Sir Sunburst forfeiting? He’s late to the final lance.”

RD flinched, “He’s uh…”

“He’s on his way!” Sunset smiled as charmingly as possible. An idea formed swiftly in her mind and her heart thundered in its cage. Desperation and hunger taking hold of both her thoughts and her mouth.

Looking distinctly not-charmed the attendant snarled, “He’s due within the next three minutes or he forfeits.” With that he turned and spurred his horse onward tossing dust into their faces. Rainbow spat after him and thumped into a sitting position against a tree, burying her head in her arms.

Applejack jerked Sunset around and delivered a firm slap to her head. “He can’t report to the damn lists unless you’re a necromancer and ain’t mentioned it. In case you ain’t noticed he’s damn departed!”

“I’ll… I’ll ride in his place.” She turned to Rainbow, “strip his armor, and help me.” Rainbow obeyed without a word, Applejack however gave her another slap.

“What’s your name Sunset?” When she got no response she shoved Sunset in the chest, “I asked you Sunset Shimmer to give me your name! It ain’t Ser Shimmer, it ain’t Duchess or Countess or Lady Shimmer. It sure as hell ain’t Princess Shimmer.”

Already yanking the old, half-rusted armor into place she snarled, “I know that. Now do you want to eat or not? I can joust just as well as that pompous ass did when he still drew breath. Now, we have a chance at a proper meal tonight if I can stay in the saddle. Would you rather try your luck on the road? No money or hope for work?” Applejack did not respond but they all knew the answer. With Sunburst dead Sunset was their only hope. There was no place for three unemployed squires in a village like this, especially if they had not a single bit to their names. If they didn’t win today then they would be stuck, destitute and reduced to begging.

She did her best to sit tall in the saddle in the ill-fitting armor, waving to the cheering crowd as they approached the field. She could feel the eyes on them and then, as if in slow motion, the flag was dropped before she even fully lined up. With a start, she spurred the old mare forward hard and gripped the lance desperately.

Everything went from slow motion to moving far faster than she could track. The other knight was speeding toward her and then her helmet slipped and most of her vision was obscured. There was unyielding pain followed by total darkness. Dimly, she came back to awareness at the sound of AJ’s voice calling out for her. “Sunset! Sun can ya hear me?” Dash was nearby, screaming incoherently in elation. Vaguely she realized that she had won the match. Her head throbbed and she groaned softly at the loudness of her friends voices in her ears.

“For the love of the sun would you two shut up?” She moaned.

Applejack whooped even louder, “thank the heavens she’s breathing!” Sunset clutched her head and shoved her away.

“WE’VE WON!” Dash roared again. Sunset tried to push her off and whimpered her pained agreement.

Eventually they were guided toward the largest of the stands by another attendant. “Sir Sunburst!” Someone barked, “Remove your helmet in the presence of Lord Trottham.”

She could see shapes through her bent visor and the blood pooling in her eyes. She did her best to look toward the where the Lord sat. “My lord…” She hesitated, desperately trying to lower her voice to something akin to Sunburst’s low Canterlot draw. Her bloodied nose made her voice sound even worse, as though she had gargled gravel. “I’m afraid the final lance blow has… bent the helmet to my head.”

RD chuckled nervously and there was an oppressive moment of silence and then finally the attendant turned to the Lord and his assembly. “I present, your champion my lord: Sir Sunburst Starwatcher of Canterlot.” The crowd roared and Sunset grinned through the pain as AJ placed the golden trinket in her hand.