• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,693 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Waiting For the Wyrm

Smoke rolled heavily over the clifface.

Every Heraldite was sprawled out across the floor in various states of dizzying shock. One by one, they crawled up on all fours, coughing and sputtering.


"Kaff! Kaff!"

"Grkkktt... guhhhhhhh..."

Ariel shook dust and ash loose from her mane. "Blblblblblb..." She squinted nervously at the hazy twilight above. "Are we dead? Cuz if so, this afterlike sucks."

"The Flatulife," Logan managed.

Ariel blinked. "Okay... after hearing a joke like that I wish I was dead."

Wildcard perched on the wagon and flapped his wings heavily. In so doing, he cleared the immediate air in that vicinity. Kepler could be seen, sprawled out besides a collapsed sniper rifle and an unconscious Flynn.

"Keps!" Rainbow Dash hopped up and crawled over to him. "Are you alright?"

"And so it is the worrld began," Kepler slurred, rubbing the dust out of his eyes with a hairy wrist. "And so it is the worrld shall end."

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie grinned. "Catchy!"

"Looks like everypony's accounted for, Rainbow," Twilight Sparkle said, floating closer to her anchor. "And that magical burst upon our arrival was Kepler's doing."

Rainbow looked at the wyvern again. "Keps? Did you save us just now with that rifle? Or did you suddenly evolve the ability to breathe fire?"

"If only I werre that verrsatile..." He squinted up at her with a tired smile. "Alas, Rrainbow One, I assissted you with mostly prredictable means."

"Sooooooooooo..." Rarity squirmed uncomfortably. "What became of the beast?"

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy floated over and pointed up towards Omega. "Look!"

Briskly, Rainbow spun around to gaze. Wildcard, Ariel, Logan and the rest also looked.

As the haze cleared, a shifting wall of chitinous flesh could be seen... looming above them. By the casual manner in which the wyrm lingered, it appeared as though it only did so by choice. Scarcely a burn mark marred its cranial features. The thing shifted again, let loose a dull bass groan... then retreated slowly back into the earthen depths. Rainbow and the Herald watched as—once again—a seemingly innocuous forest of waving stalks lowered until it was an even extension of the plateau around them. The rumbling persisted... trailed off... then dwindled completely. All was still as the creature found its deep burrow to retire in.

"Did..." Ariel's muzzle twisted. "Did we hurt it?"

Wildcard shook his head.

"If you ask me, sisterr..." Kepler rummaged around, then found his spectacles. "I simply suspect we managed to..." He placed the glasses on, gazing casually at the new alien landscape. "...make it borred of us."

Logan exhaled. "Well, that's a boredom we could live with."

"I'd say," Rainbow stammered.

"Can I cheer now?" Pinkie asked, trembling.

"Ennnghh..." Applejack rolled her eyes, then smiled gently at her. "Eeyup, Pinkie. You can cheer now."

"Wooohooo!" Pinkie pumped a hoof in the air. "We were boring! Go us!"

"Smashing!" Rarity exclaimed. "Or... unsmashing, in this case!" A nervous, ladylike laugh.

"It's sleeping soundly." Fluttershy exhaled with a happy shimmy to her feathers. "All in all, I'd say that's a good thing."

"Way to go, Keps," Rainbow said, turning around. "You totally saved the day on this one."

"Ach! I did not do so on my own!" Kepler waved a talon about. "Arriel and Serraphimus assisted mightily."

Rainbow squinted in the surly griffin's direction. "Is that so...?"

"Don't act as though you're surprised," Seraphimus droned as a shadow loomed behind her. "I simply assisted in what assured momentary survival at the time. You're still a pathetically inept leader, and this entire party is doomed to—" THWACKKK!!! The hilt of a massive axe clobbered her skull from behind.

Seraphimus jolted. A blink... and she actually summoned the strength to throw an accusatory glare behind her shoulder before—



She fell out cold with a rattle of her manacles.

"Big Show?!?!" Rainbow Dash gnashed her teeth. "What the buck?!?"

"Her wings still are unbound," Logan said, resting his axe behind him as he stood over the victim. "She could have flown off at any second."

"But she didn't, dude!"

"So?" Logan frowned. "What's stopping her?! You heard the lady. She's still pissed as hell at you—at all of us!"

"And you think this helps?!"

"Bind her wings back together," Logan belched. "You can thank me later."

Rainbow pouted. "I think you're still high on testosterone after wrestling the wyrm."

"You're welcome."

"Ehhhh..." Ariel crawled over to Seraphimus' unconscious body with a length of chains. "For what it's worth, I'm not complaining."

"Herr motives still arren't entirrely clearr," Kepler admitted.

Wildcard nodded.

"Grnnnnghhh..." Rainbow face-hoofed. "Whatever. Let's just get as much distance between us and Lowly Worm as we can." She glanced tiredly at Seraphimus' figure. "Hoooo boy... she won't be fun to deal with when she comes to."

"Cheese omelette," Flynn slurred, drooling.

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