• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks (Part Three)

Twilight woke up in the middle of the night, unable to stop worrying about the counter-spell she needed to make before the first day of the Battle of the Bands. Everyone else was asleep, finding a place for their sleeping bags or mats in Pinkie's room. She could always count on Pinkie to manage to find room, even as she slept in her own bed. Riku was sleeping beside her, an arm wrapped around her, thankfully curled from underneath her. Being careful not to wake him up, Twilight gently move his hand away from her and sat up, thankful to see him still deep in his sleep.

She stood up and opened the drawer she put Fluttershy's notebook in. There was so much pressure put on her, and she barely even started a single line of lyrics for the musical spell that could stop the Dazzlings. Quietly closing the door, she carefully tip-toed over the others as they snored away, nearly losing her balance as she almost missed Sora's arm laying outstretched where he and Kairi were sleeping. At least she had enough practice as a human and from her training to right herself back up before she fell on someone.

After navigating her way over the obstacles that were her friends, Twilight made her way to the kitchen, laying the book down on the counter and opening it up to her pages. She grumbled at the terrible handwriting, cursing her fingers and wondered how Spike was able to write with his claws so easily. Grabbing her pencil in her mouth, the only easy method of writing she could do with no magic, she began trying to write down a song to use as the counter-spell against the sirens. It was harder than it seemed, spending at least half an hour writing the spell, and anything that came to mind was absolutely terrible.

"Urgh. No," she grumbled quietly to herself, erasing a couple lines in her poorly written song. "That's not going to work..."

"Hey, Twilight." Twilight yelped, summoning her Keyblade in her hands by defensive instinct, aiming it at Sunset from the doorway. "Whoa, hey! It's just me!"

"Sunset..." The alicorn-turned-human dismissed her weapon, giggling sheepishly. "Sorry. Defensive reaction."

"As long as you don't run me through with that thing, that's fine by me," Sunset said, letting out a relieved sigh. She walked into the kitchen, seeing the notebook she had laid out. "You're still working on the spell?"

"Yeah. It needs to be perfect," Twilight said. "We might only have one shot at this."

"Well, we're really glad you guys are here." Sunset went over to the fridge to get something to drink. She opened the door, shocked to see dozens of cans of whipped cream fill up the whole space. "Ok, who the heck stocks up this much whipped cream?"

"This is Pinkie Pie's house," Twilight pointed out.

"Right. Always keep forgetting about that." Sunset just shrugged and pulled out a can, not sure which of them were already in use. She sprayed a small dollop on a finger, sucking the fluffy cream. "Must be nice to have everyone come to you to solve their problems...instead of waiting for you to cause a problem..."

Twilight looked down at her song, so many mistakes and revisions in the last thirty minutes making it more and more of a disaster waiting to happen. "Just because everyone expects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen."

"Well, you can't stop them from expecting the best if things turn out bad," Sunset said.

"Which only makes things harder," Twilight said. "Because the last thing you want to do is-"

"Let everybody down," they both said simultaneously.

Sunset was a little surprised to hear Twilight say she was afraid of letting others down. She expected her to be a princess with a calm mind and able to fix any problem no matter how difficult it may seem. Even after seeing her and Sora bring everyone at CHS together after all she did to tear them into groups, she managed to fix those problems she made in only a couple days. Sunset closed the fridge door, only to yelp in surprise as she saw Pinkie's sister, Maud, standing before her, wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of blue short shorts.

"Boulder was hungry," she said in a monotone voice, not surprising Twilight to see her again, even though this was Maud's human double.

In Maud's hand was Boulder, the small rock that might be like pony Maud's pet rock. She grabbed a box of crackers and poured some on Boulder, leaving behind a mess as she made her way back to her room. Sunset was a little stunned, unable to figure out the odd teen with her obsession of rocks, and believing Boulder was an actual pet.

"I still can't believe she and Pinkie Pie are related," Sunset uttered.

"Tell me about it," Twilight said with a giggle. "You have no idea just how strong my Pinkie's Maud is. We were attacked by Heartless when she was in Ponyville, and a Heartless called a Defender almost hurt Pinkie while several others tried to attack my friends. Maud ran for her, faster than Sora can react or Rainbow Dash's speed, and actually punched the shield the Defenders hold, cracking the impenetrable shield, and then smashing it to pieces. Sora, Riku, and Kairi said it was outright impossible to break through one, but Maud's far stronger than she looks."

"...Wow...Wish I could have seen that." Even though she didn't have an idea of what a Defender looked like, she knew shields can be hard to break unless given enough force, depending on the material used. "...So, you've gotten better at using a sword after all this time?"

"Yeah. Training was a bit more complicated than I thought it was, but I got used to it." Twilight felt her biceps, showing a little muscle, though not as much as Riku or Sora. "Hopefully, I'll get to learning about the magical aspects of a Keyblade wielder. So many things end up distracting me. Or my teacher."

"How did you even get it anyway?" Sunset asked as she leaned against the counter. "Do you make one or does it just...appear?"

"Uhh...I'm still reeling about how I got mine," Twilight admitted. "Apparently, a Keyblade can appear to a wielder worthy enough to have one in two ways: either by performing a Keyblade Inheritence Ceremony, or by complete accident when someone touches a Keyblade Master's Keyblade...Mine was the latter when I touched Riku's while his hoof was touching it as well."

"...Oh...Kind of an unlucky break, huh?" Twilight just shrugged, her life already destined to be the Element of Magic and an alicorn princess, no longer bothered by the extra role she has now. Sunset sighed, staring down at her feet, her destiny probably would have turned out as Twilight's if she didn't act out like a selfish, spoiled child. "Even though I'm the unlucky one...I bet there wasn't a day where you had used darkness over something stupid or selfish."

"...Well...I did, actually." Sunset quickly lifted her head up, staring at Twilight with shock. "It wasn't on purpose, though...but it was still a pretty painful experience for me."

"No way," Sunset said. "How could you have used the power of darkness by mistake? You're Princess Celestia's personal student, far better than I ever was."

"Like I said, I didn't exactly unleash it immediately when I felt it," Twilight said. Even though she had gotten over that painful memory, it was a reminder for her to never stray down that path again. "...You remember earlier when Riku told you about how he used the power of darkness?" Sunset nodded. "...Well, that witch he mentioned, Maleficent...She appeared in my room a couple years ago, before I became an alicorn."

"Really?" Twilight nodded her head, letting out a sigh as she wrapped her arms around herself, staring down at the notebook of scrambled words and poorly made lyrics.

"Before I ever moved to Ponyville, I didn't know how to make friends," she said. "I didn't even know what it was like to fall in love and be in a relationship with somepony. The day I arrived, that was when I met Sora. I thought he was annoying with his cheerful attitude. He showed me around town, where I met my friends, but the longer I got to actually know him, he was far different than I expected him to be."

"Was it his hair?" Sunset asked.

"...Maybe...But it was also because he was wanted as the pony who brought the Heartless to us. You can thank my Rainbow Dash for wanting to bust him and act like a hero when she ended up trying to arrest a hero stopping the Heartless." Sunset snorted and rolled her eyes, imagining how hilarious it would have been to see Sora get arrested for trying to help everyone. "Anyway, while we went to find the Elements of Harmony at the old castle in the Everfree Forest, Sora had saved me on several occassions, whether it was from a fall that could have killed me, the Heartless, or Nightmare Moon...After all of that, I began have a crush on him."

"Damsel in distress, and immediately falling for the hero who saved you," Sunset said as she shook her head. "You're a helpless romantic."

"Hey! I didn't know what to do when I experienced falling in love for the first time!" Twilight defended, her cheeks turning pink as she pouted.

"And to try and win him over, you consoled with a book on romance to help give you the answers, right?" Twilight whined, nodding her head shamefully. Sunset couldn't help but laugh, which only embarrassed Twilight even more. "S-Sorry. I just guessed that as a solution you turned to. Please, continue."

"Mrph...It wasn't much help, anyway," the princess grumbled. "Then, after a while, I learned that Sora actually had a crush of his own, which just so happened to be Kairi...The two of them were friends ever since they were little, and Sora...practically sacrificed his heart to save her. I was so conflicted at that point, not wanting to take him away from someone who he would literally die for...Then, that's when Kairi showed up in Equestria some time later.

"When I heard her name after bumping into her, I wasn't sure if it was really the Kairi Sora knew...But, after a close call against a Heartless they called a Stealth Sneak, I felt my heart ache when they recognized each other." Twilight lowered her head, memories of her anger welling up, Maleficent meeting with her and using hypnosis and persuasive encouragement to not deny her wishes, and attacking Sora and Kairi under the influence of her darkness resurfaced. "...I started feeling really bitter, even after I had promised myself that if Sora and Kairi ever became a couple, I would be happy for them and move on...but I couldn't.

"I felt some destructive power inside of me, and I was scared to use it," Twilight continued. "I stayed locked in my room all day, and that night, Maleficent appeared in my room, somehow very persuasive with the way she spoke to me and used her magic on me to unleash my darkness against my will...Sora came up to check on me, and I wound up lusting over him. I couldn't stop myself, and after he shoved me away, that action was enough to cause my will to crack, turning me into a corrupted mare controlled by the darkness of her envy." She looked up at Sunset, who seemed to show some sympathy for her. "It was kind of like how you were when you unleashed all your wrath and hatred, but it wasn't as bad since you had the Element of Magic worn on your head."

"...I-I see," Sunset muttered, feeling a lot worse as her darkness was worse than Twilight's since wrath seemed a lot more dangerous than jealousy.

"Kairi managed to purify me, pulling my darkness out of me similar to how Sora and I used the power of the Elements of Harmony out of you, but Kairi could do it since she's one of seven special princesses with a heart of pure light unlike everyone else's hearts." Sunset's jaw dropped. She didn't think it was possible for someone to ever have a heart that pure, but meeting Kairi for the first time, she didn't expect her to be a princess as well. "Once I was freed, I was devastated when I woke up. I thought Sora and Kairi wouldn't be my friends after I attacked them, and I fell into a depression. I was so scared to know what would happen if my other friends found out I used darkness, against my will, and they would leave me because of it...

"I'm kind of glad they didn't, but that didn't mean what I did never faded away..." Twilight looked down at the notebook again. "Sora and I are still friends, even after that moment...He's not one to give up on someone when they need his help, whether or not they turned to the darkness. He's really special to everyone...including you, Sunset."

"...He could have ended my life if he wanted to...but he spared me...I don't feel like I deserved a second chance, but I took it and I was willing to change after realizing just how dangerous that power was..." Sunset let out a small laugh. "Sora's weird...but I owe him my life." She then yawned and stretched out her arms. "Well, as interesting as that story was, I'm gonna get back to sleep. Good luck with the counter-spell...Even though you probably don't need it..."

Sunset began making her way back to Pinkie's room and back to her sleeping bag. "Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight called out. The teen stopped and looked back at her, but the words Twilight wanted to say fell from her thoughts. "...Never mind. It's not important."

"Alright, then," Sunset said. "Don't stay up too late. You'll need to rehearse the songs with the Rainbooms before the competition starts."

"I won't." Sunset finally left, but now that Twilight was alone, she sighed and stared at the terrible lyrics that she made up. She slammed her hands down on the counter, not letting the stress get to her. "No. I have to do this...I need to make this counter-spell..." Twilight whimpered and racked her brain as she tried to come up with something better than what was already written. "How did Zecora go through her life if she spoke in rhyme ever since she could talk? This is more complicated than I thought it would be..."

The next morning, everyone got dressed and made their way over to Sweet Apple Acres in the human world of Equestria. It wasn't as massive as the earth pony family's, but they still had several apple trees in their orchard along with other crops and taking care of a variety of animals. The Rainbooms gathered their instruments from their homes before arriving at the farm, setting themselves up in the garage not too far from the farmhouse, a perfect setting to practice their songs. Twilight did manage to memorize the lyrics for the songs the band and did perfectly well, but when it came to the counter-spell she created, they were glad the only ones who heard them were Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and any farm animals unfortunate to be around the garage.

Hey, hey, listen
We've got a message for you

It was utterly horrible, and everyone in the garage cringed. They had played this song so many times, and none of the girls in the band could find what the rhythm was or what tempo the song should go at. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Sunset, and Spike's ears grated from Twilight's terrible singing, the lyrics themselves, and the mismatched instrument sounds being played.

We're not all alike
But our friendship is true

Yeah, we're really different

Sunset had to turn down an amp's speaker nearby as Twilight practically caused feedback into the microphone she sang in. She could swore she felt her ears ringing, or bleed, neither of the audience able to keep their hands away from their ears to respect Twilight's first ever song she wrote.

But we still get along
So hey, hey, listen to our song

Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity cringed as well, unable to find any magic with the counter-spell song. Pinkie even stopped playing the drums at one point, practically bored before Applejack and Rarity leered at her, needing their drummer to help time them on the beat. At least Rainbow Dash was trying to get into it, though she mostly focused on shredding on her guitar, her pony ears starting to grow in a glowing light on her head.

You may think you're in control
But we're here to prove you wrong
With our friendship and our music
With the power of our song

Sora looked outside of the opened garage doors, watching Granny Smith walk by and put two apple cores in her ears to drown out the horrible song. "Should have put in our ear plugs for this song, not the sirens," he said to himself, thankful to have the music blaring out his voice.

Gonna stomp our feet, clap our hands
With the magic of friendship
Gonna stop your evil plan

Thankfully, the song was finally over, Rainbow playing out a final riff as it ended. She looked around to see if anyone else transformed, only to grumble in disappointment, the glowing light of her almost formed ears popping out of existence. The sound of silence filled the air, but just like the past few times they tried to rehearse the counter-spell, everyone wished the silence was the right spell.

"...Well, that was...better than the last five times you played it," Spike lied with a nervous giggle.

"Nnope," Big Mac said as he walked by the garage door.

"I think it's pretty obvious with what's wrong with the counter-spell," Rainbow said as she tuned her guitar.

"You turnin' the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?" Applejack questioned disdainfully.

"Hey, at least I'm trying to pick up the slack!" the guitarist argued. "I'm the only one out of us who's at least trying!"

"It's fine!" Twilight quickly said. "We just...need a bit more practice. One more time from the top!"

"No!" Riku, Sora, Kairi, Sunset, and Spike shouted simultaneously.

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but...please no more," Riku begged. "I think you need to fix up that counter-spell on...well, everything."

"I know," Twilight groaned, leering at her terrible song. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Perhaps we should take a short break," Rarity suggested. "How about we try on a few wardrobe choices I put together for the band!?"

The fashion savvy teen pulled a mobile hanger filled with different outfits, her antics irritating Applejack. "Rarity, for goodness sake."

"I like this one preferrably." Rarity quickly changed into a sparkling lavender jacket with gold trimming and epaulettes on the shoulders. "...Eh. I guess we can go with something more modern."

"Rarity, we're tryin' to save our school," Applejack reminded irately. "Enough with the costumes!"

Rarity had quickly changed into some sort of techno outfit, wearing a yellow outfit from her neck to her feet while wearing a robotic helmet with three blue diamonds glowing on the black visor. "Oh, you can NEVER have enough costumes!"

"...That was a fast wardrobe change," Kairi complimented.

"Rarity just wants to make things more fun," Pinkie grumbled. "Isn't that what being in a band is supposed to be?"

"Ok, let's not have the band break up over small things that irritate us," Sora said, quickly stepping in before the girls wound up like the other students at Canterlot High. "Rarity, I don't think costumes are necessary at all. It's not a fashion competition."

"Well, guys don't have much time to start an argument in the first place," Sunset said, checking her phone for the time. "We have to check in at the Battle of the Bands in fifteen minutes!"

"What!?" Twilight exclaimed. "But the counter-spell's not ready! If we play it in the first round and it doesn't work on the sirens, they'll know what we're up to!"

"Then it looks like we're going to have to buy Twilight some time," Rainbow said. "I'll take over lead vocals again until she gets that counter-spell all finished up. And since the Dazzlings are sure to get to the finals, we have plenty of time until then. You can fix it before the finals, right, Twi?"

"Uhh, right," Twilight said, though her voice lacked confidence in herself.

"Then let's get going before we're too late!" The girls packed up their instruments and rushed out of the garage and down the road to the school.

"As soon as we get there, better put on our plugs," Kairi reminded, pulling out her ear plugs from her pocket. "I just hope these simple ear plugs can stop Equestrian siren's music."

"Same here." Riku noticed how stressed Twilight was, her walking slow and lacking with determination. "What's wrong, Twilight?"

"...I-It's nothing," she said, though the look on her face said otherwise.

"...Oh jeeze...You upset about what I said about your counter-spell?" Riku asked.

"No, I knew it was going to be terrible after we tried to play the song the first time." She opened the notebook, cringing at the terrible lyrics. "I have never made any spells that are as complicated as this. I made simpler spells back then, but to make something to counter the powerful magic of Equestrian sirens who have never been seen for over a thousand years is much more difficult than it sounds. And it's a musical spell, which is even harder."

"So, you're not mad at me for saying your song sucks? Even though your singing in a random musical number back in Equestria is far better?" He received his answer with a kiss on the cheek, feeling Twilight's hand grasp his. "...I'll take that as a no."

Inside the gym, the Battle of the Bands were about ready to begin as all the students were grouped up in their bands on the bleachers. In front of the stage was a table for Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, being the judges for the competition. Both adults made their way up onto the stage, Celestia with a mic in her hand as she prepared announce the start of the competition.

"Welcome to the first ever Canterlot High School Battle of the Bands! I think I speak for all of us when I say that this is by far the greatest event we've ever done here at this school!" The students cheered in excitement, though still under the sirens' spell as they were ready to blow the rest of their peers away with their music. "And we are glad our three newest students encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting!"

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata waved to their victims, already feeling their adoration before the Battle of the Bands even began. They knew they would clearly win, and once they gain enough strength to steal the Equestrian magic in the school, they could rule over this world, and when they found the portal back to their old home, Equestria.

"But, seeing as this is a competition, there can only be one winner," Luna added, which only sparked more negative reactions out of the bands. "Who will be the winner of this Battle of the Bands?"

The students then began arguing, claiming their band will win over the others, throwing insults at their peers under the sirens' power. The Dazzlings absorbed the negative energy they were releasing, growing even stronger thanks to everyone giving them what they desired.

"Feel that, girls?" Adagio asked Sonata and Aria. "Our true power is getting closer to being fully restored." A moment later, the doors opened up as the Rainbooms and their entourage finally arrived. They saw the other teens arguing, dreading the amount of energy they were giving the sirens. "And the real magic we seek will be ours soon enough."

"One problem, Adagio," Aria said. "The Rainblooms, or whatever they call themselves, aren't under our spell like the rest of the school. How are we going to get their magic?"

"The Rainbooms are just as capable of falling apart as everyone else," the leader of the sirens answered. "All they need is a little push in the wrong direction. And I have a feeling everyone here will want to line up to give them a shove."

"What about the new kids?" Sonata asked. "They weren't there when we sang to everyone in the cafeteria yesterday. Should we put them under our spell now or later?"

"Not right now. I know one of those four new 'students' is pretty special." Adagio pulled out a picture she had printed out last night after doing a little digging on the teens who weren't affected by their hypnotic music. Some of the students who took part in the school's website took plenty of pictures of the Fall Formal a few months ago, finding out that three specific students weren't from this world like them. One specific photo that was captured showing Sunset as a demonic Heartless and Sora in his Harmony Form rushing toward each other. "This little hero, Sora, would be perfect as our little assistant."

"That weird kid?" Aria asked questionably. "Ugh. He's too sickeningly nice."

"I like his hair," Sonata said, swiping the picture out of Adagio's hand. "Hey! He had colorful rainbow clothes in this picture and he's wearing all black right now! I like the rainbow colors more."

"Then focus on what he used to stop Sunset Shimmer, the former 'queen' of this school." Adagio took the picture back, making Sonata whine in sadness. Holding it out for her two colleagues to see, she pointed at the seven Keyblades he had, one in his hand while the other six hovered around him. "Apparently, these strange looking swords seem to be pretty powerful from how the school article described them. These must also be the other powerful magical energies that appeared with the Equestrian magic."

"Giant keys? As weapons?" Aria scoffed and leaned back in her seat. "Pretty stupid designs if you ask me."

"I like that shiny white one in his hands," Sonata said. "It's spirally."

"And powerful," Adagio added. She smirked, the Battle of the Bands about to start with the first act as she watched Sora walk backstage with his friends. "When he's by himself, we'll go in for the kill..."

"Wait, I thought you said he was going to be our helper. Why do you want to kill him?" Aria groaned in annoyance while Adagio facepalmed at Sonata's obliviousness.

"She means have him under our control when he's alone," Aria rephrased, the ditsy siren finally understanding now.

The first band to start off the Battle of the Bands were Snips and Snails, both of them dressed up like rappers: Snips wearing a backwards cap, shutter sunglasses, and a fake gold chain necklace with a fake clock hanging on it, while Snails wore a black bandanna and black tinted shades, both of them wearing baggy pants and blue and red sweat jackets. They started out beatboxing as their style of music to perform, though it was terrible and off beat, the two dimmest of preteens only making fools of themselves with their performance.

Aw, yeah! Snips and Snails indahouse, yo!

They call me MC Snips and that ain't no lie
My favorite food is like pumpkin pie

I'm DJ Snazzy Snails, I like whales
When I go to the beach, I always bring my pails

Even though Sora, Riku, and Kairi had their ears protected before entering the school, they can still hear enough to cringe with the others at the two boys' horrible rapping. Oddly enough, the only ones apparently liking their performance were Pinkie and Sonata, Aria and Adagio stifling their snickering as they found it hilarious at how horrible they were. Even the audience, Celestia, and Luna weren't entertained, eyebrows raised in confusion as they wondered why these two even bothered to compete.

Everybody knows my favorite color is orange
My rhymes are so fly, they're better than...um...

Than an orange, yo!


The group watching from backstage all groaned as their horrendous freestyle rap had the word "orange" used to try to rhyme, and failed using the same word to try to save it. Sora was desperate to hear the Cutie Mark Crusaders sing their theme song to drown out the painful rap. Snips and Snails clearly didn't put too much effort as they just muttered random stuff while beatboxing, trying to make it last for at least a minute.

Bam! That just happened!]

Aw, yeah! We out!

Snips and Snails outta here!

They dropped the mics to the ground, sending an ear piecing feedback as the foam mics clanged to the ground. Everyone winced, even the sirens, at the rapping dimwits' mic drop.

"Please do not drop the microphones," Celestia scolded, she and Luna clearly seeing Snips and Snails wouldn't be making it to the next round.

The two boys didn't heed their principal's warning as they cheered, thinking they easily won. "Yeah! In your face, Rainbooms!"

"Well, at least you're not as bad as those two, Twilight," Riku said. "Maybe you should give them a lesson on putting effort in creating music."

"Heheheh. I don't think so," Twilight said, fearing ever teaching those two anything without getting a headache just to get them to pay attention to a lesson.

"Alright, Rainbooms, our turn!" Rainbow said. "Let's rock!"

Just as the Rainbooms were about to head on stage, Kairi noticed one of the girls were missing. "Wait. Where did Rarity go off to?"

"I'm here!" Rarity called out, running up to them through the back doors behind the stage. Everyone all groaned in exasperation as the teen had made a sudden wardrobe change, wearing something that rockers from the seventies wore: a tan ribbon tied around her head like a bandanna, a loosely hanging jacket with sequins and metal fringes hanging over the sleeves and the hem of the tan coat, a longer purple skirt, and light gray furred sandals. "Sorry! I just had to wear something fabulous in front of the audience."

Sora sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Rarity! What did we just discuss earlier?"

"Forget it," Applejack grumbled. "Let's just get onstage before we get disqualified for not bein' up there."

"Good luck, girls," Sunset said, hoping a lot of luck was on their side.

Even though everyone in the audience leered at the Rainbooms as they set up their instruments, mics, and got in position, they knew they shouldn't expect much applause from the rivaling bands, only focusing on pleasing the not as corrupted women judging them. "Ok, girls, remember that we have to be good enough to pass, but not too good that we let the sirens see our magic," Twilight reminded her Canterlot High friends. "If they realize what we're doing, we might not be able to use the counter-spell I still need to work on."

"No sweat, Twilight," Rainbow said confidently, tuning her guitar. "Be cool enough to win, but not too cool and show off the ears and tail and stuff. Soooo, about twenty percent less cool."

"And y'all should do about eighty percent less than ya usually do," Applejack added, making Rainbow growl under her breath, quickly getting back into being the awesome rocker/athlete she is.

Once they were ready, Pinkie tapped her drumsticks together and counted them down for their song to impress Celestia and Luna. "One! Two!"

[The Rainbooms]
We've just got the day to get ready
And there's only so much time to lose
Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party
So let's think of something fun to do

We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen
We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right

So far, the Rainbooms were doing ok, and the song they started off with was pretty catchy. It wasn't long until someone decided to cause trouble for them. Up on the catwalk, Sora spotted a three girls somehow managing to sneak up above the stage, two of them carrying a magnet tied to something used to control marionettes for a show. He could have sworn the one in the middle, who seemed to be the ringleader of the group, had a pony double of her back in Equestria from the look of her shades and her style of dress. The two girls dropped the magnets down on Rarity, attracting the metal fringes on her outfit, lifting her arms to the side and preventing her from playing her keytar and moving her around like a puppet.

All our friends are here
And it's time to ignite the lights!

Sensing sabotage from the sirens spell commanding the girls to mess them up, Sora leapt up onto the catwalk to confront him. "Hey! What are you doing!? You can't mess with other performers!"

"Stay back!" the sunglasses wearing girl hissed. "I, Photo Finish, and my band will not lose to the Rainbooms!"

Seeing there's no chance to talk them out of it, Sora tried to take the magnets away, but they stubbornly kept them away from him, which only made Rarity's ragdoll flailing continue.

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail

[Twilight Sparkle]
So what you didn't get it right the first time

While Sora struggled to try and free Rarity without resorting to violence, the Crusaders watching decided to show their boredom, catching Pinkie's attention. "Ugh. Boring."

"Needs to be more explosive," Sweetie whined.

Unable to sate her desire to make the song more fun, Pinkie kicked around one of the drums while she still played. She set off what seemed to be a hidden party cannon inside it, showering the stage with confetti, surprising the others, her explosive act baffling Riku, Kairi, and Sunset.

[Pinkie Pie]
Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime

Do your thing, you know you're an original

Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal

[The Rainbooms]

Before reaching the chorus, Twilight accidentally inhaled one of the bits of confetti, sending her into a coughing fit. Riku facepalmed, wondering what Pinkie was thinking shooting confetti out of a drum barrel, however she managed to do that, which was irritating to the other girls as they were trying to perform. Luckily, Fluttershy was beside Twilight, giving her a good whack in the back to cough out the colorful paper. Twilight was utterly embarrassed as she continued singing. She did look over at Riku briefly, who helpfully encouraged her to just keep going, despite literally choking.

We've just got the day to get ready
And there's only so much time to lose
Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party
So let's think of something fun to do

"Can anything get worse?" Riku muttered to himself. He dared to look up, seeing Sora still unable to yank the strings away from the girls while they and Photo Finish kept trying to shove or punch him away. Sneaking past them on the other end, Snips and Snails were up there as they began messing with a spotlight over Fluttershy. They brightened it and aimed it at her, making her stand out more, which made her succumb to stage fright as she began running from it. "I just had to open my big mouth." Riku jumped up onto the catwalk and shoved the fake gangster rapping pre-teens away from the light. "The hell is wrong with you guys!? Quit messing them up!"

Riku tried to fix the light, but Snips and Snails retaliated, jumping on him as they tried to take control of the spotlight. Unfortunately, their struggling kept moving the light on Fluttershy until she finally fled behind Pinkie's drum set.

We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen
We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right
All our friends are here
And it's time to ignite the lights!

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail

"Give! Me! The stupid magnets!" Sora demanded, finally grabbing hold of the strings while under attack by the three weaker teens. As he tried to pull them away, Rarity tugged hard as well, resulting in the sleeves of her outfit to tear off. Sora yelped as he fell back on the catwalk while Photo Finish and her group had let go in time, quickly making their leave as he took the blame for their sabotage. The Keyblade wielder sat up and pulled up the magnets, seeing them along with the ripped off sleeves, hearing Rarity begin crying as her outfit was ruined. "...Oops."

Riku finally managed to throw Snips and Snails off of him on the catwalk, grabbing both of the collars of their jackets and lifting them up into the air."Get off of this catwalk! Just because you two have no talent doesn't mean you can win your way by cheating!"

Snips and Snails looked at each other, then just shrugged, apparently not caring under the siren's spell. Riku dropped them, making sure to give each of them a kick in the rear as they turned around, finally taking his threat seriously. It was already too late as the damage was already done: Rarity was bawling over her outfit, Applejack was pretty furious at what had happened to Rarity because of said outfit, Fluttershy was hiding behind the drums, and there was confetti around them that almost ruined the Rainbooms's song.

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight
Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

"...Well, at least they made it through the song?" Kairi said, unsure if that would even give them some benefit to staying in the competition.

"And are completely humiliated by the sabotage," Sunset added. She peeked around the curtain, seeing Celestia and Luna applauding, despite what happened to the performance. "Although, since Snips and Snails were our first round, we clearly made it to round 2."

The girls exited backstage, all of them thankful that humiliating display was over. "My outfit it ruined!" Rarity whined. "Absolutely ruined!"

"None of that embarrasin' flailin' wouldn't have happened if ya didn't wear that stupid thing!" Applejack shouted. "We needed to SOUND good, not LOOK good! Why can't ya ever get clothes off your brain for one simple minute!?"

"Oh, so it's my fault, Applejack!?" Rarity shouted back. "Excuse me for trying to put on some flair for the band! I was sabotaged, so don't put the blame on me!"

Sora and Riku jumped down beside the others, already hearing the girls begin arguing. "And what was with the confetti, Pinkie!? How are we supposed to play without small paper raining down on us, getting caught in my frets or in our mouths!?"

"It was distracting," Fluttershy mumbled.

"Says the one who ran from a light the whole time!" Pinkie yelled at Fluttershy.

"Girls, stop!" Sora quickly cut in, getting in between all of them before they went at each other's throats. "Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but Rarity, deciding to make a wardrobe change was a dumb move." He then held up the torn sleeves, pulling the magnets off the metal fringes. "Especially wearing clothes that have anything magnetic on them."

"And Pinkie...why do you have a confetti cannon hidden in one of your drums?" Riku questioned. "That wasn't a smart idea to set something like that off. You could have ruined the whole song, or screwed everyone else up while in the middle of a song."

"And let's not squabble over everything," Kairi said. "You girls will end up giving the sirens what they want, and we'll lose before we even get to the finals whether you move on or not." The girls leered at each other, but they knew Sora, Riku, and Kairi did have a point. They dropped their petty arguements, even though they were still sore from being humiliated on stage. "Now, seeing as you won over Celestia and Luna over those two boys, let's find somewhere for you to practice while Twilight has the free time to finish the counter-spell."

"I'll stick around and see how the other bands are, along with the Dazzlings," Sunset said.

"I'll stay with Sunset, too," Sora said. "You never know when there might be an attack."

"Alright. Make sure to keep your ear plugs in," Riku reminded as he pointed at his ears.

Sora nodded, knowing to be cautious around the three sirens.

After a few other bands played, one of them being Flash and his group, Celestia and Luna called for a break, leaving a bit of time for the other bands to prepare themselves. Sora and Sunset walked through the halls, somewhat thankful the Dazzlings didn't go on just yet.

"Some of those other bands were pretty good," Sunset said.

"Guess there really is some competition," Sora said, pulling out his ear plugs, giving his ears some hearing for a while. "A couple of them were kind of weird. I didn't know you could play music on a saw, even though that's a bit dangerous. I'd give Derpy's band an eight out of ten." The duo searched around the halls, wondering where their friends decided to hide out in to practice away from the sirens. As they rounded a corner, Sora ended up bumping into Flash again, the teen glaring spitefully at him. "Ok, one of us needs to be wearing a bell or something so this doesn't become a thing."

"So, your siding with the Rainbooms, huh?" Flash questioned irately. "I thought you would be on my side, but I guess not."

Sora groaned in annoyance, knowing full well Flash was under the sirens' spell, but the constant fighting and sabotage from earlier was getting on his nerves. "Flash, you're not yourself. You're under a spell that is making you angry and obsessed with winning the Battle of the Bands when it's really just supposed to be a friendly showcase."

"Sure, make up excuses," Flash argued. "We're supposed to be friends, right?"

Sunset wanted to try to stop the two boys' fighting, but Sora held his hand up. "Don't worry, Sunset. I can handle a bunch of insults. Go and find the others. I'll catch up with you."

"O-Ok." Knowing Sora could handle verbal assaults perfectly fine with the physical blows he takes in the past, Sunset continued walking down the hall to find the others.

"You still hang out with that monster?" Flash questioned, making the ex-bully freeze for a moment. "Stop pretending to be nice, Sunset! You're not fooling anyone, especially not me! You'll forever be known as the heartless monster who nearly destroyed this school, your name forever written in history as the most dangerous animal in both worlds!"

Even though she knew Flash was under the sirens' spell, his words hurt her greatly. Everyone else at CHS saw her as a monster, she became a monster, and no amount of good deeds and righting the wrongs she made is going to show her peers that she's changed. Sunset slowly walked away, tears falling down her face as she was reminded, yet again, about the sins she's made. Sora leered at Flash, clenching his fist, almost wanting to pop him in the face for saying that to her.

"That was too far, Flash," he growled. "You need to snap out of the sirens' curse and realize you crossed a thin line with Sunset."

"You're actually defending her?" Flash asked, highly appalled. "Did you forget what she did at the Fall Formal!? To all of us!? No matter how much she'll try to reconcile with this school, she's always going to be a mon-!"

Sora grabbed Flash by the collar of his jacket and slammed him into the lockers. "Cut it out, Flash! This isn't you!" he shouted. "You're under the sirens' song! You're not a bitter, cold-hearted guy! You have to snap out of this somehow!" Flash didn't offer a retort, leering back at Sora, even though he knew the Keyblade wielder was far stronger than him. The only way that can free him and everyone else from the Dazzling's magic was to unleash that counter-spell before it's too late. Sora sighed, shoving Flash in the opposite direction where he and Sunset came from. "You should just get back to your band and get ready...You want to win, right? So, go ahead. You won't make it that far."

The musician fixed his jacket with a scoff, storming back to the gym to be with the rest of his bandmates. As soon as Flash disappeared down a hall, Sora let out a heavy sigh as he leaned against the lockers. It was bad enough to have other students try to screw the Rainbooms over and have them lose a round, but he was already getting a headache having to deal with Flash upsetting Sunset with words he knew he wouldn't ever say to her. Hopefully, Sunset didn't believe Flash, but with the way he said them, it sounded like he was being brutally honest and spiteful.

Before he chased after Sunset to find the others, his ears picked up someone singing in the empty hallways. Curious to see who would be practicing in the middle of the hallway during an important competition, he heard the singer come down the hall where Sunset went down, though where she kept going, it came from around the corner. Sora recognized the hall when he and Twilight were confronted by Sunset before the Fall Formal. Carefully approaching the corner, the lights on the ceiling were a bit dimmer than last time as he saw the silhouette of a girl at the other end.

As he was about to walk up to her, she turned her head, making him stop as he saw the red pendant that the sirens wore around their necks. Gasping, Sora reached into his pockets to grab his ear plugs, but just as he was about to put them in, he felt someone grab his arms, forcefully putting them behind his back while someone else took away the only form of protection against the siren's song.

"You won't be needing those," Aria said.

He felt the second person's hands run through his hair, glancing in the other direction behind him to see Sonata playing with his spiked hair. "I like your hair."

Adagio slowly stepped forward and showed herself to Sora as she continued singing, seeing her pendant glow as she worked her magic on him. He heard Aria and Sonata joining in, still feeling a little uncomfortable from the ponytailed siren's touchy hands caressing his hair. The Keyblade wielder shut his eyes and tried to tune them out, but their voices continued harmonizing as they began to hypnotize him in their trance like the students of CHS...only to not feel like he was losing his consciousness.

"Don't fight it," Adagio cooed, Aria and Sonata still singing as they tried to bring him closer to falling under their spell. "You'll be under our spell, and you will obey our every command, Sora."

Squinting his eyes open, Sora was a little shocked to see their spell wasn't working on him at all. He was still himself, his body still in his control, and he didn't feel lightheaded or feeling like a lapdog to the Dazzlings. Adagio gently touched his cheek as she continued to sing, having enough of the invasion of his personal space. He pulled his arms away from his back, surprising the Dazzlings as he leapt back and summoned his Keyblade.

"Nice try," Sora said. "Doesn't seem like your power's fully restored if you can't control me with your siren call."

Adagio was utterly baffled, growling angrily as her idea to use Sora ended up failing. "How is this possible? Are you just like the Rainbooms?"

"I'm not telling," the Keyblade wielder taunted, though, internally, he was bluffing, hoping they would buy it.

"Great idea, Adagio," Aria said sarcastically. "Our magic doesn't work on him."

"Hey, where's that spirally weapon thingie of yours?" Sonata asked.

Sora raised an eyebrow in confusion. "My what?" He looked down at his Keyblade, wondering how much of him they seemed to know if they said his name. It then dawned on him; being "new students", there must have been some past articles in Canterlot High's website that showed prior events that were important or memorable. There must have been pictures of him and Twilight during the Fall Formal, or maybe in the fight against Sunset Shimmer. He shifted into his battle stance, gripping his Keyblade tightly. "How much of me do you know?"

"Well, you have spiky hair that's actually really, really soft," Sonata stated, which irritated Aria and Adagio as the ditsy siren listed what she considered important. "You had really colorful clothes like a rainbow. You have really big shoes though. How big are your feet?"

Adagio slapped the back of Sonata's head, shutting her up. "Ignore her. She's clearly not the brightest of us. As to how we know you, you have been seen in this school's paper a few months back. Especially this." She pulled out the picture of Sora and Sunset in their clash with the ex-bully turned into the corrupted Heartless with the Element of Magic on her head. "You and Sunset Shimmer have such a reputation in this school. But, where yours is quite popular, hers is a bit...infamous."

She lazily tossed the photo, sending it floating toward Sora's feet. Keeping his eye on them in case they tried to attack him, he picked up the picture and took a better look at it. There he was in his Harmony Form, the six Keyblades of Harmony floating around him while the Ultima Keyblade was held in his hands. He was moving like a blur, a bit hard to see the equine ears and tail, and his pegasus wings were slightly obscured by the Keyblades alongside him from the angle of the shot. Sunset, however, was able to be fully seen: her red, yellow, and black body growing darker in the form she took, black demonic wings, a sharp horn protruding from her forehead, the Heartless symbol on her abdomen, glowing red and yellow eyes, and sharp fangs.

"She was a demon just from that picture alone." Sora looked up at Aria, seeing her and Adagio smirk. "Who know something as evil as her ended up becoming such a crybaby?"

"Yeah, we saw her walk down the hall earlier!" Sonata said. "She looked really depressed. I thought that bad girls like her were supposed to be tough."

"I don't know why you bothered sparing her after what she did," Adagio added. "Anyone who was this dangerous shouldn't be trusted. Everyone else seems to hate her." The siren leader chuckled, shrugging her shoulders as she shook her head. "Why is she still here in this world when her past actions are forever burned into the minds of this school?"

"She isn't like that anymore," Sora said. "She's made a mistake in her life. That doesn't mean she should be ridiculed. Sunset Shimmer's making a change in her life, and she has friends helping her every step of the way. Including me."

"Oh, really?" Adagio asked. "Then why isn't she a part of the Rainbooms like her 'friends' if they consider her their equal?" Sora opened his mouth to give an answer, but as she pointed that fact out, he couldn't offer a retort. Seeing him struggle to find a reason, the Dazzlings giggled sinisterly. "Exactly. It's obvious that they don't like her just like the rest of this school."

"Not to mention how bad of a reputation they'll give the Rainbooms if she was part of the band," Aria added. "No one would have seen them perform if she was on stage with them."

"Too bad!" Sonata mocked. "So sad!"

"Besides, no one will remember her, or anything else by the time we're done here." Sora growled, stowing the picture away in his pocket.

"You're not going to succeed, Dazzlings," Sora muttered. "My friends and I are going to stop you. Count on it."

"Then why don't you attack us now?" Sonata asked.

"You three attack with sound," he answered. "I've faced foes who use music to attack me, and since sound can greatly affect anyone depending on how loud and close they are, it can do a lot more damage than a simple blow to a part of the body." Sora slowly stood up from his battle stance, confusing the Dazzlings as he lowered his guard. Resting his Keyblade over his shoulder, he continued leering at the sirens. "I don't really know how much negative energy you absorbed already, but I bet if I rushed you three, you'd let out a powerful shriek that would send me flying back while impairing my hearing. So, right now, I'm not going to do anything...yet..."

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata looked at each other, unsure if Sora was planning to lull them into a false sense of security or if he was actually considering letting them off until they went too far. In his head, Sora knew he wouldn't be able to stand if his head was wracked with painful siren wails. His fight against Demyx was proof enough, even though the Nobody was a chicken who wanted to avoid battle, but when he got serious, his sitar-playing water magic could hurt. The sirens looked back at him, still not willing to believe he'll let them off so easily.

"...You're really going to let us go?" Adagio questioned. Sora didn't respond, remaining standing in place with his Keyblade hung over his shoulder. "...You're really serious...Not so smart for being the school's hero, are you?"

The P.A. system rang out, Celestia's voice heard throughout the school over the intercom. "All remaining bands who have not performed yet please report back to the gym. The next band taking the stage will be Trixie and the Illusionists."

"Well, we're after Trixie and her band," Adagio said. The sirens began walking past Sora, Sonata reaching out to touch his hair again, only to have her hand slapped away by his. "If you're too late to finally decide to take action, Sora, you just might regret letting us go like a fool."

"I already have a plan set in motion," Sora replied. "You'll be surprised when you think you might win, only to lose at the last minute."

"We'll see about that." The Dazzlings headed on their way to the gym as the Battle of the Bands's first round still kept going.

Once they were long gone, Sora dismissed his Keyblade and let out a loud, relieved sigh, sweating bullets as he leaned against the lockers. "Holy crap! I thought I was a goner!" he exclaimed. "I can't believe I'm immune to their hypnotic song like the girls. Maybe my Harmony Form helped protect me since I have the Keyblades of Harmony in my possession...But why was Sunset immune to their magic too?"

Sora couldn't help but ponder on how Sunset was also spared from being affected by the sirens' song. He knew that Twilight and the girls in this world were safe because of the Element of Magic's power, Twilight unleashing its power to stop and purify Sunset from her darkness. He was apparently safe as well, figuring the Elements of Harmony gave him harmonious magic to protect himself from Discord's chaotic magic. Sunset, however, must still have some power from the Element of Magic when she used it months ago and stayed with her for some reason.

Sora ran through the halls to find out where everyone else was, needing to tell them he was immune to the sirens' song. As he rounded the corner, he accidentally rammed into Sunset as she walked out of the girls' restroom, sending the two of them crashing to the ground. Both teens groaned, Sora helping Sunset back up on her feet.

"And that's why teachers tell students never to run in the halls," Sunset muttered.

"Sorry," Sora apologized. "But you will not believe what almost happened to me. Did you find everyone?"

"...Uhhh...I didn't," Sunset said, sighing sadly as she looked down at the floor, clutching her forearms tightly. "...What Flash said really got to me, so I fled to the bathroom to try to calm myself down."

"Oh." He figured Flash had struck a very sensitive nerve in Sunset the moment she stopped moving. He knew that wasn't really the Flash Sentry he knew, but seeing the pained expression on her face after admitting where she had gone off to instead of finding their friends, his words hurt worse than a punch to the gut. Sora gently placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder, forcing her to look up at him. "Don't listen to anything Flash is saying right now. He's not himself, remember?"

"I know, but what if that's really what he's thinking?" she asked. "Flash is too much of a nice guy to say anything that can hurt someone's feelings..."

"Well, even after all the trouble you caused as the school bully for the last few years, he still put up with everything you did. I'm sure he knew that deep down, right in here-" Sora pointed at Sunset's heart, making her look down at her chest. "-the Sunset Shimmer he cared about was still in there. It pained him to break up with you after seeing you fall down the wrong path; the path of darkness. But now, you're seeing the light, and you have changed. Everyone else will see that change, too. You just need to wait a little bit longer."

Sunset brought a hand over her heart, taking Sora's words to heart, even if she had waited long enough to gain everyone's acceptance. Deep down, underneath the sirens' control, the real Flash was still in there. He just wasn't strong enough to break through their spell. She sighed, looking up at Sora again, this time with a small smile.

"I hope you're right, Sora," she said. "How do you remain so optimistic, even when Riku had lost himself to darkness?"

"Like he said; I'm a stubborn friend," Sora said with a chuckle. "I was dead set on finding Riku and Kairi in the past, and no matter what obstacles I faced, as long as I knew my friends are safe, I'll willingly sacrifice myself in order to keep them safe."

Sunset recalled what Twilight told her last night about her odd crush with Sora, especially how he gave up his own heart to save Kairi. He had literally given up his life save her, and knowing him since their first encounter before the Fall Formal, he would do it again for anyone else he cared about. Even if he may be immature for his age, he's a selfless hero who wants to keep everyone safe, saving worlds and stopping evil without gaining nothing in return.

"...You have a heart several times bigger than your head, Sora." The Keyblade wielder simply grinned as he placed his hands behind his head.

"Sure do," he said. "Now, let's hurry and figure out where the others decided to continue practicing. You guys are going to be surprised at what happened to me in the hall earlier."

"What happened?" Sunset asked as the duo continued searching through the school to find their friends.

Waiting backstage in the gym where the competition continued on, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata waited to go on as soon as Trixie and her band were finished. "Well, that was a bust," Aria grumbled. "Your plan to get that porcupine-headed kid to work for us under our spell failed. Is he really stronger than you thought?"

"I don't even know myself," Adagio said. "He is strong, but even then, he shouldn't have resisted us so easily...Whatever plan it is they are hiding from us, Sora is a fool for letting us off. We'll just keep getting stronger, and he'll be too late to stop us once we gather the magic from the Rainbooms." She lifted up her pendant, the ruby shimmering in the dim lighting. She thought back to the other two teens who were with the Rainbooms, getting another idea. "...Although, now that I think about it, those other two with the Rainbooms and Sora...maybe they aren't as strong as him to be affected by our magic."

"We're seriously going to try that again?" Aria asked with an irritated groan. "And how do you know it won't fail?"

"Because those two weren't around the school until now," Adagio answered. "Being around that blast of Equestrian magic several months ago, that must be the reason behind their immunity. But, that boy and girl weren't there at all, and they just happened to show up out of nowhere just like Sora."

"But I wanted Sora to hang out with us," Sonata whined. "And he didn't show off the spirally key sword from the picture. The picture lied to me."

"Sonata, stop complaining," Adagio hissed. "We're going onstage soon. Just remember not to unleash all your power until the grand finale, where we will be completely restored to our full potential."

After Trixie and the Illusionists were done, the band took their leave off the stage. The Dazzlings grabbed their mics and began to sing once they were ready, the music hypnotic and putting everyone in the gym under a deeper trance.

[The Dazzlings]
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
You didn't know that you fell
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]
Now that you're under our spell

Blindsided by the beat
Clapping your hands, stomping your feet
You didn't know that you fell

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

[Adagio Dazzle]
Now you've fallen under our spell

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]

[The Dazzlings]
We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky

We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
You didn't know that you fell
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Now that you're under our spell

[Adagio Dazzle]
Listen to the sound of my voice

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]
Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]
Soon you'll find you don't have a choice

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]
Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]
Captured in the web of my song

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]
Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

[Adagio Dazzle]
Soon you'll all be singing along

[Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze]
Oh, whoa, oh

[The Dazzlings]
We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky

We've got the music, makes you move it
Got the song that makes you lose it
We say "jump", you say "how high?"
Put your hands up to the sky

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
You didn't know that you fell
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Now that you're under our spell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
You didn't know that you fell
Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Now that you're under our

[Adagio Dazzle]

Their magically entrancing song ended as more green mist filled the gym. The sirens absorbed the negative energy, strengthening them further as Celestia, Luna, and all the students under the influence of their spell were put deeper in their trance. Adagio chuckled maniacally, getting closer and closer to regaining their power, but she will not be satisfied until they absorb the magic from the Rainbooms. They also needed to stop Sora from ruining their plans, their sights set on Riku and Kairi when their guards are dropped and their hearing wasn't covered like Sora's was earlier.

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