• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Power Ponies

Inside the Golden Oak Library, Twilight was getting settled down to head to bed. She opened her eyes when she heard a click come from a lamp, looking over to see Spike in his smaller bed, reading one of his many comics.

"Spike, what are you doing?" she asked. "It's getting late."

"But I'm just getting to the good part!" he said. "I can't exactly continue the Power Ponies comic number I stopped at until I get caught up in this other epic comic series called 'Dissidia Pony Fantasy'!"

"Pony what?" Spike leapt up onto Twilight's bed and showed him the cover of the comic.

"'Dissidia Pony Fantasy' is a story about the fate of the world falling on ten heroes from across time and dimensions, champions of Cosmos who fight against the ten evil villains from their same worlds, chosen by a demon named Chaos," Spike explained. "Every hero and villain, with their own unique skills, magic, style of combat, and personalities fight in a long and drawn out war between light and darkness. And in the next Power Ponies comic, there's going to be a crossover comic, where three heroes and one villain get sucked into Maretropolis to stop the Mane-iac and one of the villains sucked in the world!"

Twilight was already lost to what Spike was explaining as she looked at the first comic and the other one he held up that showed the Power Ponies comic he mentioned. In the Dissidia Pony Fantasy comic cover, there were ten different ponies on one side and ten on the other, all of them silhouetted aside from weapons or magical spells. They were in a magical battleground, the field looking like a vast ocean, yet it seemed solid to walk on. The Power Ponies comic had six ponies in superhero uniforms and a colt behind one of them.

"...Ok...I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds...exciting?" Spike groaned, realizing Twilight wouldn't understand since his summarizing was pretty brief and she wasn't much of a comic reader for how many books she reads a day.

"It's a good series with action scenes, and the next Power Ponies comic is going to have the Mane-iac steal the Electro-Orb from the Maretropolis museum." Spike sighed at the next bit he would explain, pointing at the colt behind the Power Ponies. "She wouldn't have known about it if Hum Drum didn't open his big mouth and tell her all about it."

"Hum Drum's a Power Pony, too?" Twilight asked.

"More like the bumbling sidekick who's completely useless," he grumbled. "He gets in the way, gets caught, and the Power Ponies have to help him whenever he tries to help."

"I can see how into those series you are, but we need to get some sleep," Twilight said. "If we want to clean up that castle that Celestia and Luna used to live in before Nightmare Moon was born."

"Eh, yeah. You're right." Spike hopped down from the bed and into his small basket, putting his comics underneath the pillow he rested on. "I actually don't want to spoil myself to see who gets sucked into Maretropolis until I read the comic tomorrow."

Twilight giggled and shook her head, knowing just how serious she can be with any novels she reads. "Good night, Spike."

She turned the lamp off with her magic, both dragon and alicorn falling right to sleep, resting up to clean up the castle in the morning.

The next morning, the Mane Six, Spike, Sora, Riku, and Kairi headed through the Everfree Forest and into the Castle of the Two Sisters, bringing plenty of cleaning supplies to spruce the ruins up and clean off the rubble. It would take a lot of work to clean up crumbled castle, but they could manage it while working together. As the girls worked on the foyer and throne room, Sora and Riku flew about the halls and wiped down the ceilings and walls, along with the armor and statues.

"So, Aqua wasn't feeling up to helping?" Sora asked.

"Afraid so. She must still be freaked out about having a...magic surge, was it?" The spiky-haired teen shrugged as he continued cleaning. "I wonder what Kairi would do if she got that mad."

"Well, she did get frustrated with Twilight when she still had a crush on me and when she lost her mind over a friendship lesson she needed to send. But, nothing really ticked her off that much to make her explode out of anger." Sora felt a chill run down his spine, afraid to imagine what Kairi would unleash. "And I don't want to know."

"She is a Princess of Heart. Maybe she might unleash some kind of light element. Electricity, fire, wind-" Riku was suddenly smacked in the back of the head by Sora's dirty cloth, chuckling teasingly as he turned to see his shocked expression.

"Ok, cut it out! Just thinking of that happening's going to haunt my dreams!" Sora began to smirk, crossing his hooves against his chest. "At least we know what'll happen to Twilight. Cross her, and she could burn you to a crisp."

Riku frowned, completely forgetting Twilight's highly angered state. "Point taken. Never anger girls, because they can be a lot scarier than monsters."

"There is Maleficent, and she turns into a dragon, but she doesn't count since we can easily kick her butt." The stallions continued cleaning until they finished up the ceilings and higher walls.

"Hey, Sora, Riku!" Both teens looked down to see Spike carrying a comic in his claws, unaware of the bucket of soap water the two were using to re-wet their cloths. He wound up accidentally stepping in it, getting the bucket stuck to his foot. "Oh, come on. Not again."

"I thought you were helping the girls in the foyer," Riku said as he and Sora flew down to help the baby dragon pull the bucket away from his foot.

"I was going to, but they didn't need my help." Spike sighed sadly. "They got it under control. Unless you guys need help with the halls?"

"Sorry, but we got it all covered, Spike." The baby dragon groaned and slumped over in misery. Sora took the comic he held, which was the new crossover comic he wanted to read. "'Power Ponies and Dissidia Pony Fantasy'. Sounds like an action filled comic." He noticed the small colt in the background behind the six mare superheroes that were the Power Ponies. "Hey, this little guy must have some cool powers."

"Hum Drum doesn't have any powers," Spike grumbled as he took back his comic. "He's just the useless sidekick...Kind of like how I'm useless helping clean up this castle."

"What do you mean you're useless?" Sora asked, both him and Riku surprised to hear him talk himself down. "You always help Twilight when she freaks out and clean up her messes."

"And bringing the Crystal Heart, too," Riku mentioned.

"But Sora was the one who fought off Sombra," Spike reminded. "You guys are all the heroes: saving worlds, fighting dangerous monsters, defeating the bad guys. Twilight and the others are the Elements of Harmony, you two and Kairi are Keyblade wielders, and I barely do anything to help you guys."

"Well...maybe that's true, but I couldn't handle some fights on my own," Sora said. "Donald and Goofy helped me the first time I met them."

"But then you got a whole lot better at fighting, and they seemed practically useless when fighting tougher Heartless or any bad guy?" Sora opened his mouth to speak, but paused as most of the opponents they've faced were mostly dealt with by him.

"That doesn't mean they're sidekicks," Riku said. "They can hold their own and fight back. Besides, without them to back him up when I attacked him after taking his Keyblade away, I would have probably killed him."

"Besides, Donald and Goofy are my friends. I don't see them as assistants helping me fight. I see them as reliable allies with a strength of their own to help with what I might lack." Sora patted Spike's head, the dragon looking up at him, still a bit unsure of his own worth. "When fighting with friends, there are no sidekicks."

"...Whatever you say. I'm just gonna find a room to read my comic, seeing as all the cleaning's going to be done soon." Spike slumped off to find an empty room to read, Sora and Riku following him, just to make sure he didn't accidentally spring any of the still active traps and help him out of his sadness.

"How about we read that comic with you?" Sora suggested. "Riku and I were going to take a break anyway."

"Yeah. Just the title alone sounds pretty cool," Riku said.

"You guys won't really get it unless you know both of the comics since it's a crossover...but, I guess I can explain each of the characters as they show up. I'm curious to know who's going to show up from the Dissidia series." The three males found the library Riku and Twilight were in as they tried to find what was in the chest given by the Tree of Harmony. They entered the secret room where Celestia and Luna's journal was hidden, Spike setting the comic down on the podium the princess' journal stood. He opened the comic to read it, but instead saw nothing but blank white pages. "What the hay!? It's blank!"

Spike began flipping through the pages, all of them were blank and showing no sign of the comic. "Wow. What a rip-off."

"Aww man!" Spike whined. "This was a brand new comic, and it's the crossover of two awesome stories!" He flipped back to the first page, but before he could close it, he saw something written in the corner of the page. He leaned closer and squinted his eyes to see what it was, but the writing on it was too small to read. "Urgh. The only thing that's actually written inside, and it's too small. I'll be right back and get a magnifying glass."

As the baby dragon ran off to get the magnifying glass to read the small writing, Sora and Riku stared at each other in confusion. "What kind of publishing company leaves all of the comic blank and sell it?"

"Maybe it's a subscription thing," Sora pondered. "Those things are always annoying when you have to pay more to get what you really want."

"Or the artists wound up getting lazy and said, 'Eh. Good enough with just the cover. Let's sell it for profit.'" Spike returned with the magnifying glass, though they heard the girls calling out for them.

"Spike, where'd you run off to!?" Twilight called out.

"We're here in the library!" Sora replied as he and Riku exited the secret room.

Spike held the magnifying glass against the writing and read it out loud. "'You can return to the place you started once both villains are defeated. Take a closer look to join the adventure in this book.'" After reading the odd poem, light began to shine from the pages, making Spike back away in fear. "Uh oh. What did I do?"

Spotting the sudden burst of light come from the room, the ponies rushed in wondering what was happening. "Spike?"

"Ahh!" The book began to suck the baby dragon in, unable to escape as its force was too strong to break away from.

"Spike!" Twilight leapt forward and grabbed him, struggling to pull him out. "W-What the hay is happening!?"

She yelped as she felt the book suck her in too. Riku quickly ran up to them and grabbed Twilight, grunting heavily as he tried to pull them out. Soon, the others helped too, but it began to swallow them all into the comic no matter how hard they pulled. First were Spike, Twilight, and Riku, then Sora and Kairi, followed by Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced over to the book and jumped in. "Wheeeee!"

Sora groaned as he came to, blacking out as soon as his body was sucked into the comic book. His past experience jumping into Pooh's storybook shouldn't have made it that bad, though it seemed like whatever enchantment was on the comic was a lot more powerful. He stood up, finding himself on the roof of a tall building, looking around to see he was now in a city. He walked over to the edge and looked down, bright lights shining around the landscape in the night sky.

"Whoa. All of us got sucked in the comic book," he said. He heard groans come from behind him, which came from Riku and Kairi. He turned to look at them, highly surprised at how they looked. "Whoa!"

Kairi stood up and shook her head, now wearing a sleeveless red dress with floral patterns, her mane and tail curly and in a ponytail. Along with her dress, she wore a pair of white tights, long red gloves around her forelegs, a pale pink cape tied around her neck, and red and gold pointed boots on her hind hooves. There was also a simple sword hanging by her waist held by a leather scabbard, though with how blunt it seemed, it was a pretty weak weapon to have.

Riku, on the other hoof, was adorned with black full body armor with indigo and gold trimming. There was no trace of his body able to be seen from the armor, making him look like a dark night except for the silver tail hanging behind him and white wings against his sides. Over his back was a black lance with a dark pointed tip. As they came back to their senses, they looked down at themselves, surprised at the new clothing/armor they were wearing.

"Ok, this is kind of insulting to me," Riku groaned. "I feel like a demonic knight under this-" He looked up and gasped, looking at Sora. "Sora!? Is that you!?"

"Yeah...Wait, did I change too?" The armored stallion nodded, his armor clanking with his movements. Sora looked down at himself, now wearing a teal jacket over a white sleeveless shirt and a pair of blue cargo pants with belts layered around his waist. At his sides were sheathes that held twin daggers, the pommels of the weapons designed to combine them together to make a double bladed staff. On his front hooves were a pair of gray gloves with large blue cuffs, and on his hind hooves were a pair of two-toned gray and white boots. His hair was longer and no longer spiked, feeling a ponytail running down his neck, he still had his wings, but what surprised him when he saw his tail is that it was now a brown monkey's tail. "...Ok. This is a weird...transformation."

"I kinda like the monkey tail," Kairi commented, watching Sora move it around as he experimented with the primate-like appendage. "But back on the subject of what the heck just happened to us!?"

"That comic book Spike had must have been enchanted," Sora said. "It was like Pooh's storybook, but I didn't exactly change into something else when I jumped in."

"And I'm guessing the others got sucked in here as well. Wherever we are, we'd better be careful." Riku held out his hoof to summon his Keyblade, but it didn't appear. "What the...?" He thrust his hoof out and summoned it again, but the same results happened. "Ok, this is not good. I can't use my Keyblade."

Sora and Kairi did the same, but just like Riku, they couldn't summong their Keyblades either. "I can't call mine either."

"Me too." Curious with the weapons they have on them now, Sora pulled out the daggers and held them in his hooves. He attached the pommels together, creating the double bladed staff to use as a change in weapon style, detaching them back to dual daggers as he looked at them. "Oh boy. I guess we're going to have to use our new weapons while we're like this."

Kairi pulled out her sword, but as she felt the dulled blade, she grimaced. "My 'sword' is more like a blunt training sword."

Riku felt around his back for the spear, holding it out and examining it through the eyes of his dark-spiked helmet, the face designed on the helm making him look menacing. "I have no practice using longer weapons like spears."

"Let's see if we can find Spike and the girls," Sora suggested. "We must have turned into characters from his comic, so he might tell us who we are and where we're at."

He lead the way and ran up to the side of the roof, leaping far without using his wings as he made it to the other building. Riku and Kairi followed, though the armored stallion was heavily weighed down by his gear as he leapt across the rooftops, not even his wings were able to budge from the restricted armor. He barely made it across, grabbing onto the ledge and pulling himself up. Luckily, they didn't have to go far as they found the others on that rooftop on the other side, knocked unconscious from being pulled into the comic book world.

Spike was the first of them to wake up, all of them dressed like the characters that were from the Power Ponies. He wore a simple red cape, a mask, blue gloves and blue boots. Twilight wore a lavender full body suit with a small blue cape, silver boots on her hooves, wearing a pair of protective goggles over her eyes over a mask similar to her suit, and her horn covered under a blue plastic similar in color to her cape that's attached to her mask.Pinkie Pie's mane and tail were shorted and more swept back, wearing a white full body jumpsuit with purple arrows zigzagging all over the outfit. Rainbow wore a dark blue outfit, the hooves white with a yellow lightning bolt pinned above her suit's fetlocks, her mane sticking up over the headgear she had on, and a lightning bolt pendant around her neck. Rarity wore a blue outfit with blue diamonds all over, her mane styled differently as her hair and tail had purple diamonds in them, a pair of purple diamond bracelets on her forehooves, and a blue mask over her eyes. Applejack wore a red and black jumpsuit, the mask showed her eyes and muzzle, the back of her mane and tail tied in green wrappings, and carried a black saddle that held gold horseshoes and a golden lasso. And Fluttershy had a green outfit with a short purple scarf kept around her neck with a flower brooch, bracelets with butterflies on her forehooves, wearing a purple mask, and her mane and tail were swept back.

"Ugh...What happened?" Spike asked as he looked around the roof. "Whoa...Is this Maretropolis?"

"Maretropolis?" Riku asked, getting the baby dragon's attention.

His jaw dropped when he noticed Sora, Riku, and Kairi, the Mane Six slowly getting up as they recovered from blacking out after getting sucked into the comic. "No way..." The six mares looked over themselves as Spike pointed at them, recognizing the characters they were portraying in his comics. "The Masked Matter-Horn. Fili-Second. Zapp." As soon as he looked at Rarity, his heart thumped, his crush more beautiful in the gem wearing superhero's outfit. "R-Radiance..." Spike quickly shook his head and snapped out of his love-struck daze, continuing to name their personas. "Mistress Mare-velous. Saddle Rager...Holy new personas, you girls are the Power Ponies!

"And Sora, Kairi, and Riku..." The baby dragon let out a shuddering gasp, recognizing the outfits the Keyblade wielders wore from the other comic that's crossed over with the Power Ponies. "Zidane, Terra, and Cecil!? You three are from Dissidia Pony Fantasy! Oh my gosh, this is awesome!"

"Yeah, as excited as you are, Spike, you think you can explain to us everything?" Sora asked. "You might know who we are, but all of us have no idea."

Suddenly, Pinkie zoomed past everyone at high speeds that could match Rainbow's fastest speed as she flew, quickly coming back as she jogged in place. "Hey! I got super speed! This is fun!"

"Pinkie, now's not the time to have fun," Twilight scolded. "How did we get sucked into this comic book world, and how do we get out of here? I don't see anything for us to escape from like in Pooh's storybook."

"Aha! I knew that honey looked familiar!" Sora shouted. "You were in Pooh's book when you went off on your vacation last year!"

"I actually don't know what happened," Spike said. "I read a small inscription that was in the first page of the comic. It must have been a spell I accidentally triggered. I think the only way to get out is to beat the two villains."

"So it's like we're literally part of the comic?" Rainbow asked. "Sweet!"

"Well, well, well, look who also got pulled into this beautiful city I plan on destroying!" Startled, everyone turned around to face the unexpected guest that snuck up on them.

Standing before them on the other side of the roof was an odd looking stallion who's dressed like a jester. His clothing was a variety of colors with polka dots and stripes, mainly all red and yellow as it made him stand out. His mane and tail were blonde, his face covered in white and red makeup, his wide, sinister looking grin painted in a permanent purple smile that made him more psychotic than his clothing style. Sora, Riku, and Kairi stood ready to fight, getting a bad feeling about this stallion smirking at them in his ridiculous outfit, but Spike gasped in horror, knowing who he was.

"Oh no!" he exclaimed. "HE'S the one villain who gets sucked into Maretropolis!?"

"Wait, Bozo the Clown's a villain?" Riku questioned.

"Oh, how hilarious, Cecil!" the stallion sarcastically exclaimed. "Thought you'd actually know me from the constant fights we've all had. But it seems like you all have amnesia. Perfect! I can knock all your skulls in AND destroy this place before whatever crazy dimensional pull brings us back home." As he held his hoof up, the whole city shook as an explosion not too far from the building they were on blew up. "Hey! I'm the one who blows things up! Who's doing all the fun when it should be my job!?"

"Wait, the museum of Maretropolis is around here." Spike hurried over to the side of the roof, the others following and looking down, along with the crazy stallion. Below them was the museum, a large hole embedded in the wall as it was broken through by some kind of explosion. Stepping out of the smoke from green tentacles made out of hair was a purple mare wearing dark purple outfit, the collar and braces over her black boots gold, her green mane carrying her out as she was able to will it to do anything. In her wild and animated hair, she stole an orb that sparked with electricity. "Oh no. It's the Mane-iac! And she stole the Electro-Orb!"

The Mane-iac cackled maniacally, sounding just as insane as the villainous clown standing with them, looking up at the building, seeing her arch-enemies watching her, stallions with fashionable hairstyles exiting the hole in the building, clearly being her henchponies. "If it isn't the Power Ponies! So glad of you to join us!"

"Who the hay is this?" The stallion ignored the others as he leapt off the roof and dove down to the streets. Before he landed, a gust of wind appeared underneath him, slowing his descent as he landed before the Mane-iac and her goons. The villainess and stallions stood wary, having no idea who he was as he slowly walked across the road. "So, you're the one causing this much destruction without my consent? You look insane, your hair is wild, and you have a bunch stallions following you as they wear the most demeaning outfits that can't put my own to shame?"

"And who are you?" the mare questioned. "Are you with the Power Ponies?"

"Ha! That's hilarious! But no. And I like your attitude." He suddenly zipped around, knocking Mane-iac's hair holding her up, making her yelp in surprise as she fell into his hooves. "How would you like to destroy this world with me, sweet cheeks?"

"Oh great," Spike groaned, smacking himself in the forehead. "There's a love interest between these two in this comic? So not cool."

Mane-iac smacked the joker stallion in the face with her hair, rising back up in the air away from him, but he just grinned. "Ooh. Hard to get, eh? Love it."

"Ok, can you tell us what's going on?" Riku asked.

"Ok. From the latest issues, your characters Cecil, Zidane, and Terra, along with that stallion down there, who's name is Kefka, wind up here in the Power Ponies world of Maretropolis, and he's going to team up with the Mane-iac and help her with her plans to take over the city. Or destroy it." Sora and Riku looked at each other, unsure how someone as crazy as the stallion in the clown costume could destroy a world.

"He's nothing but a joke," Sora said.

"Oh, he's a lot worse than you think," Spike explained. "He's insane, and he can use powerful magic spells."

"But he's an earth pony," Applejack said. "How can he use magic?"

"He was experimented on in his world, infused with magic, which is why he's insane." The baby dragon looked back at the heroes. "Riku, you're character is Cecil. He's a dark knight who killed others as he was ordered by his king, but after being betrayed, he fought back and changed into a paladin after a long journey to try to redeem himself. He can turn into both forms, using light and darkness to fight, but his dark knight is more useful on the ground while his paladin form is better for aerial combat."

"But if I'm able to do that, how do I shift to get out of this clunky armor?" Riku asked.

"Flare out your wings from their sides." He did as he was told, straining to stretch his wings out from their sides away from the black armor.

He managed to do so, his body shining brightly from a white light as his armor was now lighter and more white. The helmet was gone as it revealed his face, beads in his longer hair, and now had a flowing cape behind his back. Twilight's jaw dropped as she saw Riku in his paladin form, the stallion lifting up his spear as it had changed too, a little bit brighter with a red bladed tip.

"Ok. Going to take a while to get used to spreading my wings and keeping them out and using both forms, but I think I can manage." He folded his wings back to his sides, changing back to a dark knight, Twilight groaning in disappointment as he reverted back.

"Kairi, you're character is Terra, and she's Kefka's rival in the world of Dissidia," Spike continued. "You have powerful magic as well, but you're also a half-magical creature called an Esper. You mostly use magic to fight, and that sword is just for show."

"Yeah, I figured that the moment I pulled it out," Kairi said, looking down at the terribly dull blade at her side. "And, what does an Esper do?"

"It's a powerful form she takes to help her fight, her magic several times stronger, but it only activates when you go into EX Mode. And before you ask, it's a powerful transformative state all three of you can go into, unleashing your most powerful of attacks on your opponents." Spike looked at Sora as the Keyblade wielders understood a little about themselves. "And Sora is Zidane, he's a thief and is pretty unique, being a pony with a monkey tail."

"Yeah, I can see that," Sora said as he waved his long monkey tail in front of him. "And I got a look at my guy's weapons: dual daggers that can also turn into a double bladed staff."

"Right, and his EX Mode is like Terra's, though he goes into Trance Mode. His body glows and his fur turns pink and white, and he can unleash powerful spells while it also increases his strength and agility." Sora nodded in understanding, pulling out his daggers.

"Ok. So, we've got to take care of the clown while the girls take out the psycho hair maniac." Riku held out his spear, shifting to paladin form, Kairi lighting her horn to ready her spellcasting. "Spike, you tell the girls their powers while we-"

"INCOMING!" Pinkie alerted as a small ember shot up in the air, quickly falling down on them.

"Oh crud! Run!" Spike shouted, the small spark of flame suddenly erupting into a blast of fire, flinging everyone back from the powerful blast.

Kefka cackled as he climbed up the building, skipping across the roof as he reached the top. "Don't think I forgot about any of you while I tried to woo my lovely, maniacal, octopus-haired mistress! But what she doesn't know is that, once she completes her plan, I'll take over from there. So for now-" Kefka cackled some more, his laughter echoing and growing louder as his hooves began sparking with electricity. "-let the fun begin!"

He flailed his hooves around, creating random bolts of lightning to shoot down upon the nine ponies and baby dragon, everyone scattering around as the bolts curved around instead of firing straight down. Kefka's magic was as insane as he was, never knowing what they'll expect to get hit by. Sora, Riku, and Kairi ran forward to distract the magically crazed earth pony, keeping him and his magic far enough away so the others can get used to their new powers they now had.

While the Mane Six and baby dragon recovered from the surprisingly curved lightning strikes, they heard the Mane-iac laugh as she watched the magical display from below. "Guys, we've got to stop the Mane-iac before she gets away! You have to use your new powers!"

"What can we do!?" As Twilight asked, Pinkie Pie zipped around, running down the building and beginning to annoy the henchponies. "Aside from Pinkie Pie and her super speed!"

"The Masked Matter-Horn can shoot powerful beams from her horn, including elements like ice, Zapp can summon powerful weather with the lightning bolt pendant around her neck, Radiance can create magical constructs with the bracelets on her forehooves and make whatever she thinks of, Mistress Mare-velous can use her hoofarangs to subdue her opponents and move her lasso by her will, and Saddle Rager turns into a monstrous behemoth when she gets angry!" With Spike's brief description on their powers, the girls nodded, though Fluttershy seemed apprenhensive about getting angry.

"Oh my," the pegasus timidly uttered. "I-I don't think I can get angry."

"Come on, Power Ponies! Let's go!" Rainbow Dash leapt off and flew down to join Pinkie, grabbing the bolt around her neck with her teeth to call in a powerful lightning storm.

Unfortunately, with no idea how to use her new power, she instead caused a massive tornado to swirl above her. The winds suddenly caught the rest of the mares and Spike, even the four fighting ponies were sucked into the vortex. Rainbow was soon sucked into her own tornado with a yelp, Pinkie as well as she accidentally ran too close to the vortex, her outfit highlighting the twister as she tried to run out without any ground to walk on.

"Wheeeeeeee!" Kefka cheered as he began backstroking in the tornado, the others more disoriented as they tried to right themselves in the dangerous winds.

Sora struggled to try to fly out, but as he flew down to a light pole down below, his tail latched onto it, pulling him to safety and free of the harsh storm Rainbow created. "Wow. This tail is quite useful." He looked up, spotting the clown now frog swimming, casting Blizzard spells that shot out around Riku and Kairi, firing down at them as they turned into sharp icicles. "Ok, you psycho. Let's see if you can avoid a stab through the gut from a pair of daggers."

He shot off the pole, letting the tornado carry him as he spun around the cyclone's wind currents, rising up to thrust his daggers into Kefka. While the others tried to get control of their spiraling, Spike had an idea that could stop the tornado.

"Rarity, use your bracelets!" he shouted. "Think of something, anything, that can help!" Rarity looked down at the bracelets and willed whatever was on her mind to appear. But instead of something helpful, she summoned a variety of crockery, the dishes, cups, and tea set getting caught in the wind too. Sora didn't notice as he was struck in the side by one, shifting his trajectory and missing Kefka by mere inches. "Something useful!"

"You missed, monkey boy!" Kefka snickered, his grin turning into a sneer. "But I won't."

He thrust his hoof out, causing a blast of fire to explode in Sora's face, sending him flying out of the tornado and into the ground, the teen lost in a daze as his plan backfired by pink tableware. Twilight tried to use any of her beams to help, but all it did was cause a small spurt of snowflakes to shoot out. Applejack tried to use her lasso to pull her and anyone else she could grab out, only to wind up getting roped up into it by the winds as she was now tied up to a light pole, her struggling only making it wrap around her tighter.

Kairi began using her magic, creating her own magical tornado to counter the one Rainbow made, the winds cancelling each other out as the others fell to the ground. "Aww! No more wind surfing!"

"Seems like the Power Ponies have lost their touch," Mane-iac chuckled, only to get slammed in the back of the head by Riku in his paladin form, the villainess dropping the Electro-Orb from her mane.

"But we haven't." He dove down to thrust his spear through her mane, but Kefka teleported in front of him, freezing the pegasus in place with his Blizzard magic.

"Hey, don't you know it's wrong to hit a lady, Cecil?" he asked. "You're supposed to be a knight. Learn about your code before you do anything stupid!" The joker tapped the ice, causing it to explode and send Riku flying back across the road, slamming him into the wall of a building before he collapsed to the ground in a heap. Kefka turned around and held his hoof out to Mane-iac. "You got just a bump or a concussion?"

"I'll live," she said, getting up with the use of her mane. "But you are quite useful as an ally."

"Kefka Palazzo, at your service!" he said with a bow, grimacing to himself as he hid his face from her.

With the others left disoriented or weakened, Spike got to his feet and shook his head. He looked over to find the Electro-Orb the Mane-iac had dropped. He ran up to it and picked it up, running far enough away so she wouldn't notice it. Unfortunately, with his long cape, the dragon tripped over it and dropped the orb.

"Thank you, Hum Drum," the evil mare thanked, grabbing the orb and holding it within her mane. "You're always so helpful, little sidekick." She laughed and walked over to her henchponies and Kefka, Spike looking down at his outfit, wearing the same clothing that the worthless colt sidekick wore in the comic and wincing in realization. "This is been quite an enjoyable evening, but now it is time to activate my doomsday device!"

"Oooh! Doomsday! I love it already!" Kefka said excitedly as he clapped his hooves. "You sure you aren't single?"

"Stop trying to hit on me or I'll test my device on you first," Mane-iac warned, tossing a smoke bomb at the group as it blew up and shrouded their vision.

They all coughed as they inhaled the smoke, Kairi used her magic to create a gust of wind to blow it away. As soon as the street was cleared, there was no sign of the Mane-iac or Kefka, the two villains getting away with their prize. She ran up to Riku and Kairi, seeing the battered states they were in from the maniacal clown's powerful magic spells, using her character's healing magic to cure them.

"Ugh. Sucks to not have magic," Sora groaned as Kairi helped him back up. "Where the heck did the giant flying china come from?"

"That was my fault," Rarity said. "I didn't know how functional and fashionable these bracelets are. But I couldn't think of anything to stop a tornado."

"Can somepony get me down from here!?" Applejack shouted, still tied up against the light pole. "This darn lasso's constricin' me tighter and tighter the more Ah try to get out!"

"It's physically connected to your will," Spike explained in a sad tone. "Will it a command, and it'll obey."

Applejack stopped her squriming and thought to the lasso to release her, the magical rope loosening itself as it let her go, wrapping itself back into a coil on her bags. "Huh. That's mighty handy."

"Uhh, sorry about the tornado," Rainbow apologized. "I asked for lightning storms and it gave me that tornado. But, maybe with a little practice before we find those guys again, we can easily whoop their butts."

"Maybe somepony else can be Saddle Rager instead of me?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't think I can get angry enough."

Pinkie zipped up and startled Fluttershy, now carrying a tray of cupcakes in her hoof. "Ooh! I can be Saddle Rager! I make a mean angry face!"

While the speedy, silly pony began making funny angry faces and the others practiced how to use their powers, Sora and Riku noticed Spike sitting on the curb, moping about as he looked down at the ground. The two pegasi walked over to the miserable dragon and sat next to him.

"You ok, Spike?" Sora asked, patting his back with his tail.

"No. I'm Hum Drum." Spike held the red cape up. "I'm the worthless sidekick. I had the Electro-Orb, I was about to run and hide it, but I trip over this stupid thing and practically gave it to her. I'm just the comic relief with no special powers or any fighting skills." He sighed and lowered his head in his claws. "Perfect fit for me since I'm barely any help in Ponyville."

"Spike, you still think you're not helpful?" Riku asked.

"You may be dressed like Hum Drum, but you're not really the sidekick in the comic," Sora said. "Just look at all of us. We look the part of the characters, but we've done a really crummy job pretending to be them. Did they fight better than we had in your comics?" Spike nodded his head. "Then who cares who we think we are in a fantasy world? That's them, and we're us. You are Spike, and you're just as important to us as we are to each other."

"Really?" he asked.

"Really, really." Sora patted Spike on the head. "Besides, would a sidekick risk his life to save the Crystal Empire, climbing down the castle with the Crystal Heart? Because without you, I probably wouldn't have survived against Sombra. So, to me...you're my hero."

"As corny as that sounded coming from Sora, that sounds right to me," Riku said, punching his friend in the shoulder. "Just don't go start worshiping him."

"Hey, I'm helping him build up that heroic ego up!" Sora argued. "Besides, without him, your butt would have been wiped out too, along with the rest of the empire and the world. So why don't you bow before Spike the Brave and Glorious for his bravery, sir knight?"

Riku rolled his eyes as Sora flipped up onto the road and bowed to Spike. He decided to play along, standing up alongside his friend and bowed as well. Their praise and words had helped the baby dragon a little, raising his self esteem and reminding him how the fate of the world against the darkness infested unicorn tyrant was saved thanks to him.

"Thanks, guys." Sora and Riku stood back up, the former grinning widely while the latter smirked. "And maybe Hum Drum can play the part of the hero, too. I think I have an idea how we can surprise Kefka and the Mane-iac from her lair and beat them." Spike looked over at the mares, all of them well practiced enough with their new powers for the grand finale, though Fluttershy wasn't able to do much because she couldn't get angry. "I just hope we can get Saddle Rager to get angry."

"Well, Spike, what's you're plan?" Sora asked.

"...I'm not sure if this is a good plan," Sora wondered as he and the others were frozen in place, trapped inside a cage inside the Mane-iac's lair.

Once they had found where the Mane-iac's hideout was in Maretropolis, which happened to be a shampoo factory, they purposefully called out to the mare and Kefka of their arrival. Spike hid in an alley to watch as they began to fight off the henchponies, but the psychotic magical earth pony stallion caught them all off guard and sprayed them with a large canister he was able to lift with his hooves alone. It was the Mane-iac's personal invention, the Hairspray Ray of Doom, which froze everyone in place as they stood in odd poses while also rendering their abilities useless in their frozen state. They were brought in by the henchponies, placed them in a cage, and every time a timer went off, one of the stallions pressed the spray canister to layer another spritz on them to keep them from escaping.

What the villains didn't notice was Spike, A.K.A., Hum Drum, and their plan went perfectly as they suspected him as the sidekick who gets in the way. The dragon crawled his way through the vents in the factory and snuck in, being careful to avoid being spotted as he landed on the rafters. He found his friends trapped in a hanging cage, getting sprayed again to keep them frozen, the Mane-iac sitting on top of her biggest doomsday device that will hit all of Maretropolis to do whatever scheme she had cooked up, and sitting impatiently at the bottom of said machine was Kefka.

"You ponies aren't all that smart, thinking you could come to my lair and catch us by surprise," the Mane-iac taunted. "But now my plans can come to fruition with the help of Kefka. I think I've grown to like him and his insane magic." The heroes in the cage rolled their eyes, the evil mare too oblivious to know that Kefka will end up betraying her in the end if she wins. "And with the Electro-Orb in place, this device will enhance the power of my mane by a million times, releasing a blast of energy that will cause everypony's mane in Maretropolis to grow wild!"

The Mane-iac cackled after her little monologue, the trapped ponies finding that scheme a little ridiculous, even Kefka as he stared up at her. "...That's it? THAT'S what your big plan is to destroy this city!? Grow everypony's hair out of control!?" Kefka questioned. "What kind of diabolical plan is that!? I could think of a thousand different ways that are much better than that!"

"Well, I don't plan on destroying the city!" the mare argued as she looked down at the clown from her seat on her cannon. "What will I take over if everything in Maretropolis is destroyed!?"

"We can always rebuild it and rule over the other ponies. That's what I did before I was called by Chaos," Kefka gloated. "I even became a God myself, with more power than you can imagine."

"Sure. A God. That's not even possible." Soon, the villains began bickering like a married couple, the henchponies staring at them and distracted long enough for Spike to sneak about the factory. "The point is that we have the Power Ponies and three of your enemies held hostage, and the world is ours once Maretropolis is under our control!

"Hey, I don't mean to break up your little fight, but I think you guys are forgetting someone," Sora said, looking over to Spike as he dragged a large red cloth over to a chained hook, the tarp long enough to trap some of the unexpected henchponies once it was hoisted up.

"What? You mean Hum Drum?" Mane-iac laughed uproariously, nearly falling out of her seat, but her mane kept her in place. "You mean the little sidekick!? What can he possibly do!? He wasn't even around this time to watch you all fail!"

"Wait, was that the little runt who tripped over his own cape?" Kefka asked.

"He's not important," the mare said. "In fact, it's a waste to use up your own power against him."

"Oh, we wouldn't want to assume that," Riku said, the others noticing the baby dragon tip toe up to the walkway, pushing the large crate that connected to the chain hook that held the tarp. "You never know when he might do something heroic that would surprise either of us."

"In fact, I wouldn't judge a book by its cover if I were you," Sora added, which only made Mane-iac laugh louder while Kefka groaned in annoyance. "He's going to be busting us out of here right about...now."

Spike shoved the crate down, sending the hook flying across and scooping up a majority of the fashionable henchponies up in the tarp. The sudden trap surprised the two villains as the baby dragon swung across the walkway, kicking the stallion manning the giant aerosol can off his perch. He flailed as he fell and knocked it over, spraying his own team with the spray, freezing them in place instead.

"Ha ha!" Spike laughed as he landed. "How's that for useless!?"

"Great job, 'Hum Drum'!" Twilight congratulated, the heroes slowly able to feel their movements return to them.

"Oh, great job indeed." Spike flinched as Kefka suddenly appeared behind him, glaring down at him with a manic scowl. "Too bad that'll be the only heroic thing you'll ever do in your young life."

As soon as they were able to move again, Sora and Riku used their weapons to slash through the bars. Both stallions leapt out and sped off through the air, slamming into Kefka before he could zap Spike with his magic, followed up by Kairi firing a powerful Firaga spell into him. The explosion sent the psychotic clown flying across the factory, slamming him into the wall.

"Your fight is with us, Kefka," Kairi said. "Stand down, or you'll have to face all three of us at once."

Kefka slid down to the ground, glaring at the three ponies as the two stallions' weapons were drawn while the unicorn had her horn glowing. "I...hate...hate hate...hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATEHATEHATEHATE ALL OF YOU!"

His hooves were engulfed in flames, throwing a massive fireball that swerved in their direction. Sora, Riku, and Kairi avoided the blast as they split up: Riku to Kefka's left, transforming into a dark knight as he ran toward the clown, Kairi on his right while raining lightning down on him, and Sora in the air, latching onto the underside of the metal walkway before flipping up on top, bringing his daggers together to form into a staff as he ran on his hind legs across the railing. Kefka avoided Kairi's magic spells, leering at his enemy as he sped over to her.

"Head's up, clown!" Sora announced, landing down on the evil stallion's back as he slammed his staff down on his head.

"GRAAAAGH! That's it, monkey! I'm gonna pull that tail off your flanks and hang you with it!" Sora began avoiding the mess of spells fired at him with his primate-like agility. "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!!!"

As the Keyblade wielders as the Dissida characters fought against Kefka, the Mane Six, minus Fluttershy, dealt with any of the Mane-iac's remaining henchponies, now having a better grasp of their superpowers. Twilight was able to easily freeze her opponents with her magical ice beams, immobilizing them along with their accidentally sprayed cohorts. Pinkie continuously annoyed them by speeding around and poking them, distracting them enough for Applejack to hogtie them with her lasso or pin them to the walls with her horseshoes. Rainbow Dash was able to control her new weather powers, sucking up henchponies in smaller tornadoes and zapping them with lightning storms. And Rarity used her new creative manipulation to trap any subdued stallions in lavender cages with her bracelets.

"What is going on!?" the Mane-iac asked in shock as she watched her followers getting bested by the Power Ponies. "Get them, you idiots! Stop fooling around and-" The mare yelped as one of Kefka's wild Fire spells flew over her head, exploding away from her and rattling her machine. "Hey! You almost hit me, you insane jester!"

"Sorry if I'm trying to kill some ponies!" he shouted, earning a hard smack in the back of the head by the blunt end of Riku's spear, making the stallion tumble over and roll over to the machine.

"And keep them away from my Hair-Raising Doomsday Device! I spent too much time building this thing!" The Mane-iac spotted Sora, Riku, and Kairi approach them, quickly tapping buttons on her machine to start it up.

Spike looked around, seeing everything was going along well. He soon spotted Fluttershy hiding in a corner, too afraid to help out. If they needed to beat them, they needed the Saddle Rager to transform and get angry.

"Fluttershy, you've got to help!" he called out. "You've got to get angry!"

"I'm trying!" she yelled. "I just can't get angry!"

Kefka slowly stood up, his eyes twitching as he glared at the three heroes. "You know, none of you like to take me seriously. Not even my own comrades back on our never-ending battlefield. I'm a lot more powerful than you think I am, but you all think I'm a joke." A firefly soon flew up in his face, grabbing it in his hoof tightly as he held it out to the ponies he believes to be Cecil, Zidane, and Terra. "This insignificant little insect is you, and my size compared to it shows that I am a God! Your puny little forms, your miserable attempts to fight back futile! And this is what I am going to you three as soon as I can change into my EX Mode!"

The clown smacked the innocent firefly out of his hoof, sending the poor bug flying across the factory. It hit Fluttershy and fell to the ground, the pegasus gasping in horror as the insect's light was weak, but it was thankfully still ok. Sora, Riku, and Kairi turned their heads back to face Kefka, all three of them terrified, but for him more than of.

"Oh, you did not just do that," Riku said.

"Oh, I did, Cecil! And that will happen to you when you get me REALLY ANGRY!" Kefka screamed, snorting heavily.

"No, not that," Kairi interjected.

"You just screwed yourself over," Sora said, all three of them taking big steps back, away from Kefka, the Mane-iac, and her machine.

"...What?" the clown asked, highly confused by their behavior.

"Are. You. Kidding me!?" Fluttershy screamed, turning his and the sinister hair-mare's attention to the infuriated pegasus. "I know you're evil and all, but you hurt a tiny little firefly!? REALLY!?"

"Why yes, I did," Kefka simply stated. "Did you forget the part where we're the evil and we do evil things? If you were sleeping through all of that, then where were you when I was attacking all of you?"

"You know what!? You're just a big, dumb-" Fluttershy's voice suddenly began to go deeper, surprising the evil mare and stallion. "MEANIE! There, I said it! What makes you think you're so special!?" The pegasus's eyes began to turn red, veins beginning to pop around her skin and her body began to grow muscles, stretching her costume to nearly ripping it apart. "WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEPONY YOUR OWN SIZE!?!?!?!?!?"

She began growling, now fully transformed into a raging behemoth of a pegasus, letting out a roar that shocked everyone present in the room while Spike grinned in excitement. "And here comes Saddle Rager."

"...Well...I didn't expect that." Fluttershy grabbed Kefka in her hooves, squeezing him in a deadly grip as he stared in fear at the hulking pegasus crushing him. He tried to cast his magic, shooting sharp icicles down on her back, but they did nothing as it only made her angrier, roaring loudly in his face. "Uhh, hey, Crazy Hair!? Can you blast this thing with that machine of yours now!? That would be nice!"

Mane-iac charged her cannon at full power, aiming it straight at Fluttershy. She fired and it hit her mark, but the enraged mare smacked the beam back with her hoof, sending it right back at the Mane-iac and hitting her instead. She screamed out as her hair betrayed her, tightly wrapping itself around her in a cocoon of hair. She fell out of her seat and crashed into the ground, knocking herself unconscious.

Kefka slowly looked back at the growling behemoth, swallowing the lump of actual fear in his throat. "Uhh, truce?"

Fluttershy responded with a roar, leaping up onto the machine and began bashing her hooves into it, including using Kefka as a squishy hammer. The others winced as they heard the clown cry out in pain as he slammed into the dastardly menacing hair cannon, the metal of the device being torn to shreds until it was nothing but scrap metal. Luckily, the Electro-Orb remained unharmed as it was squeezed out before Fluttershy got down to the base of it. She wasn't done rampaging yet, continuing to pound Kefka into the ground to get revenge for the little firefly.

"...Well, I guess we didn't have to finish him off after all," Sora uttered, cringing as he thought he heard a bone snapping somewhere in Kefka's body. "You think we should tell her to stop?"

"Not yet." The clown screamed as he was flung across the factory, slamming into a few crates of the Mane-iac's personal shampoos. He stumbled out, covered in several different varieties of hair care product, stars spinning around his head until he fell face first onto the soapy floor, groaning painfully as his eyes spun around in his head. "...Ok, now we should stop her."

Fluttershy growled as she picked up a sheet of metal from the machine she wrecked in her mouth, now calmed down enough to see the carnage she wrought. She spat out the metal and timidly tapped her hooves together in a nervous grin. As everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a dimensional rift opened up in the factory, which lead to the vast lands of the world of Dissidia.

"Whoa. That's so cool," Spike muttered. "This must be the end of the comic. The valiant heroes from Dissidia and Maretropolis beat the foes as Cecil, Terra, and Zidane take Kefka back to their world to continue fighting their endless war between light and darkness."

Before Sora, Kairi, and Riku could do what was expected of them to do, a bright light blinded everyone, suddenly feeling like they were being sucked out of the factory.

The comic book glowed inside of the secret room of the library in the ruins of the old castle. A moment later, the enchanted comic shot everyone out of the world of Maretropolis, sending them all crashing to the floor in a heaping pile.

"Ow," Sora groaned, being the unfortunate one to get caught under the bottom of the ponies and baby dragon. "Can the book warn us when it does that next time?"

Spike quickly sat up and ran to his comic, the blank pages now filled in with comic strips that showed similar scenes to what they all had been in. The beginning scenes and finale were seen as well, showing what parts that didn't happen as they played the parts of their characters. He flipped through the pages, seeing no blank spaces, or the enchantment spell that was put on it.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed, flying out of the pony pile. "Let's do that again!"

"How about let's not?" While the others untangled themselves, Spike was too busy looking at the filled in comic book.

More importantly, he was looking at the scene where he had his talk with Sora and Riku about his worth as a member of the team. It looked like Hum Drum had also been feeling down being a screw up to the Power Ponies after being mocked by the Mane-iac. Zidane, having blonde hair instead of brown, and Cecil, a gray pegasus instead of white in his paladin form, helped cheer the sidekick colt up, and though their words were a lot different to what Sora and Riku said to him, they had a similar meaning as the two brave warriors from another dimension praised Hum Drum's aid to the six mares he assists. And in the showdown in the shampoo factory, the little colt proved he could hold his own, saving the captured heroes with his smaller size and creative rescue plan.

"Hey, anypony want a cupcake!?" Pinkie asked as she held a tray of cupcakes she snagged from Maretropolis.

"How did you get those?" Twilight asked.

"I had half a second before we left, and the bakery wasn't too far from the factory!" She popped a colorful cupcake in her mouth and chewed noisily. "Mmmm! Comically tasty!"

Everyone shook their heads, Pinkie's antics never ceasing to amaze them. Sora and Riku noticed Spike was still looking at the comic book, looking at every single detail that they had all lived through. The two stallions approached the baby dragon, Sora putting a hoof on his head and giving him a light noogie.

"That was an exciting adventure, huh?" Sora asked. "Helping out the heroes by giving the villains a surprise ambush from the powerless ward was a good idea."

"Yeah, but I thought Kefka was going to get me." Spike shuddered at the thought of getting struck by powerful magic from the cynical clown. "I think I've had enough of an adventure for one day."

"Or a whole week?" Riku asked.

"Two weeks, tops. And, I guess I learned I really don't need to be heroic, or have super powers, in order to be a super friend." The two stallions nodded in agreement, patting the dragon on the back.

"Hey, Spike," Twilight called, the males looking over at the alicorn. "Where exactly did you get that comic?"

"I got it in Canterlot at the House of Enchanted Comics." All of them stared at Spike, completely baffled at the baby dragons choice of buying a comic from a magic shop that sold them with enchantments that drag anyone inside it.

"You seriously bought a comic book that came from an enchanted magic shop?" Riku questioned as he leered at the insane dragon.

"I didn't know it actually was enchanted! I just thought they meant they had comics witch enchanting storylines!" The ponies all groaned in annoyance at Spike's misunderstanding of a magic shop with the word "enchanted" in the title in a unicorn city like Canterlot.

"...Spike...Just stick to normal, non-enchanted comics from now on. Ok?" Twilight begged. "I don't want to wind up in another randomly enchanted comic you bring down if you read it at home."

"But it was a crossover...How could I not buy it?" With the day nearing its end after being trapped in the comic book for the remainder of the day, and most of the castle cleaned up, everyone headed back to Ponyville to get some rest.

Spike held onto his new comic, not only as a great issue that had two of his favorite series joining together, but also as a reminder to himself that he's just as important in his large circle of friends as they are. He may not have had any legendary feats like that of Sora, fight back against the darkness like him, Riku, and Kairi, or even an Element of Harmony like Twilight and her friends, but there were times where he does help and no longer feel like he wasn't useful to them.

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