• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Arendelle (Part 1)

Bright and early in the morning, everyone assembled at The Land of Departure for training, mostly to see if Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie are capable of using their new Keyblades as skillfully as Sora had. They did decently well against Sombra, but whether it was temporary or not, Aqua wanted to see for herself just in case. She stood on the side with Twilight, Kair, Xion, the Young Six, Donald, Goofy, Spike, and Starlight, leaving enough space inside the main foyer of the building for each mare to spar against Sora, Riku, Lea, Ventus, and Terra. They'll only be fighting one-on-one, but if they can handle fighting an experienced wielder, they can handle a group of Heartless on their own.

Each mare stared down their opponent; Rainbow against Sora, Pinkie against Ventus, Applejack against Terra, Rarity against Riku, and Fluttershy against Lea. Everyone expected Fluttershy to back down and not be fully ready for a full-on sparring match against one of them, but she was willing to give it a try. She may have come a long way from being the timid pegasus she was a few years ago, but in a fight varied depending on her friends needing her when the time demanded it.

"You sure you don't want me to go easy on you, Fluttershy?" Lea asked curiously.

"I want to see the full extent of their skills," Aqua said. "Neither of you hold back."

"Alright, but if I push too hard, I'm not getting blamed," Lea said.

"I don't mind if you go all out," Fluttershy said. "I think I can do this."

"Alright! Begin!" Aqua announced.

Rainbow Dash sped toward Sora, quickly blocking her Keyblade as she sent him skidding back across the floor. She may be fast, but Sora was able to keep up with her long before they became friends. Pinkie hopped in a zigzag, trying to throw Ventus off guard before she lunged forward, missing him as he rolled out of her path and went on the offensive. Terra and Applejack rushed forward, their blades striking with incredible force, pushing the other back in a battle of dominance. Rarity acted defensively while Riku charged at her, her aura keeping a tight grip on her Keyblade as she kept her distance while blocking his swings and thrusts. Lea smirked, igniting his Keyblade with magical flames as he lowered it from his shoulder, leaving a trail of fire behind him as he ran toward Fluttershy, then slashed upward, releasing a fiery slash that she dodged.

All five duelers were split up in their own personal battle around the room, visible for their audience to see each and every one of them. Neither of the men were holding themselves back as Aqua instructed, and as the mares have mentioned the day before, they feel like years of experience had washed over them upon connecting themselves with their Keyblade of Harmony. They were even able to cast the basic of magic spells between their attacks aside from their weapons' unique Formchange abilities. Even without switching their Keyblades to their transformed variations, they proved to everyone watching that they were as experienced as Sora was in terms of combat.

After thirty minutes, Aqua launched a small magic firework in the air, signaling the dueling pairs to stop. "Aww, man. I was about to kick Sora's plot," Rainbow groaned.

"Pth. Yeah, right," Sora scoffed.

"I've seen enough...and I can't believe it's possible, but you girls really are skilled with no prior experience," Aqua said.

"Hay yeah, we are!" Rainbow cheered. "Does that mean we can get that cool Keyblade armor and fly around on gliders to other worlds!?"

"You may be as experienced as Sora, but when traveling to other worlds, you can't risk sticking yourself out in other worlds," Aqua reminded the eager pegasus. "I still don't understand how Twilight's power can't change her to blend in with the inhabitants of another world without the aid of her own magic. Gallus and Ocellus never changed either, and even though Smolder had, the changes were only slightly visible."

"Some of the people in Corona were a bit weirded out seeing me, but they didn't freak out," Gallus said. "...Except those guards when I woke up in that sack after Marluxia knocked me out."

"Speaking of, now that the rest of the girls are Key bearers like me, the Organization could target them if they knew they have Keyblades as well," Twilight said. "Assuming they're still searching for the other Princesses of Heart or more followers, we need to be really careful."

"Ah'm sure if we stick together, they can't beat us," Applejack said.

"Yeah! Our friendship is stronger than any evildoer or darkest of darkness!" Pinkie agreed.

"We still need to be careful," Aqua reminded everyone.

Their conversation was interrupted when they heard the main entrance doors open downstairs. "Starlight!? Are you in this...weird place!?"

"Trixie?" Starlight questioned. Everyone gathered to the steps, where they found the unicorn magician climbing up, looking around at the interior in awe. "What are you doing here?"

"I was trying to look for you so you can help me with some new magic tricks I was working on," Trixie said. "You were nowhere in the castle, and then I found that strange portal that led to this place. I got a bit curious, and luckily, I found you." She glanced at everyone else, recognizing Ventus when she saw him in his human form in their coup against Chrysalis. "...And...everypony else. Did I miss a big meeting or something?"

"Just some practice sparring for the others," Starlight said. "I wanted to see for myself."

Trixie looked at the Young Six, Silverstream giving her an excited wave as the teens recognized the sub when Starlight was in charge of the school a while back. "...I see," she mumbled.

"I'll help out as soon as we're done wrapping things up here," Starlight promised.

"Ok." Trixie decided to wander around and see the place for herself. Starlight quickly caught up with her, slightly annoyed her friend invited herself inside a place she shouldn't have wandered into without knowing if it was safe or not. "So, is this some sort of weird training ground for the others? It's very spacious."

"Yeah, but it was once lost years ago and Aqua had transformed it into something else," Starlight explained. "It's more of a safer place to train for the six students. And now the other girls have Keyblades, so there's a whole lot more of them able to protect Equestria and the rest of the worlds."

"So those Keyblade things are like candy getting handed out on Nightmare Night now?" Trixie questioned. "Do you have one?"

"No. I think I've had enough power to last me multiple lifetimes," Starlight chuckled nervously.

"I wonder what mine would look like," Trixie pondered curiously. "Ooh! Would it help with my magic tricks? I was thinking of trying to use it to saw a lucky member of the audience in half."

"They are weapons, not tools for prestidigitation," Starlight reminded the ignorant magician. "Heartless are drawn to the Keyblade. You'll be more focused on fighting them off than magic tricks."

"Oh, please. No beast is a match for the Great and Powerful Trixie," Trixie gloated.

"You freaked out when Pharynx ambushed and captured us at the changeling hive," Starlight reminded yet again, giving her friend a blank stare.

"Trixie is much braver than she was back then," the magician gloated, making Starlight sigh heavily. "You think I can hold one of my shows here? I bet the backdrop up on that mountain would be perfect when it's night."

"Well, it's definitely something to look at," Starlight said. "It was perfect for Sora and Kairi's wedding a few months ago."

"Wait, wedding!?" Trixie shrieked, stopping her random wandering to gawk at Starlight. "What wedding!? They got married!? Why did nopony tell the Great and Powerful Trixie!?"

"Because you were busy on tour at the time, and it was more of a private gather for those close to everypony in Ponyville," Starlight explained. "There were some other humans who were there that were friends of Sora and Kairi's as well. Plus, since it's supposed to be a secret involving the knowledge of other worlds, they didn't want the world order to be broken...Well, more broken than it already is."

"...Oh yeah. I was on a tour that month," Trixie mumbled. "Well, whoever's wedding is next, Trixie better get an invite. I bet the cake was delicious."

"Well, it was a fun wedding, except it was soured by what happened to our magic a couple months ago," Starlight said. "That filly, Cozy Glow, she was behind that whole fiasco. And it almost left Sora a broken person because of her."

"You know, I was gonna ask if you had some magic trouble when that happened when I returned to Ponyville. And...Cozy Glow was the pegasus filly who was super helpful?" Starlight nodded her head, making Trixie hum curiously. "...Yeah, I had a feeling she looked evil."

"Huh!? How!?" Starlight exclaimed, flabbergasted by Trixie's assumption.

"She was WAY too nice and sweet. And that curly hair of hers just screams, 'I'm diabolical, but nopony will suspect me because I'll pass off as cute and innocent.'" Starlight let out an irritated groan as she smacked her forehead. Out of everyone who had met Cozy Glow and saw the innocent persona she created to fool them all, Trixie was the only one who wasn't phased by her cutesey helpfulness. "I may not be as magically intelligent as you or Twilight, but appearances can always be deceiving."

"She clearly fooled all of us, considering she's actually a stunted mare around Sora's age." Trixie blanched, caught off guard by that bit of Cozy Glow.

"...I guess that makes more sense with her being evil now," she mumbled. Trixie continued walking through the halls and inspecting the rooms she and Starlight passed as she caught up with what else she missed. "So, was there anything else exciting that happened which didn't involve the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

"Celestia and Luna are retiring, and they want Twilight to take the throne," Starlight said.

"Can the princesses retire?" Trixie asked.

"After one thousand years, I'm sure retirement is highly needed between those two," Starlight said. "Especially when I was sent up there to deal with a friendship problem between them...and I made it worse by swapping their cutie marks."

"Oh, that must have been hilarious!" Trixie giggled, Starlight joining her, though much more anxious when her cutie mark swapping could have ended up being a disaster. "So if Twilight is going to be running Equestria, does that mean she's leaving you in charge of the school?"

"Uh huh," Starlight nodded.

"You think I can 'assist' as your vice-headmare?" Trixie asked curiously.

"I'm not in charge just yet," Starlight quickly said, dismissing any of Trixie's crazy ideas of being immediately hired as a staff member because of their friendship. "Besides, who I pick as part of the faculty will have to go through a hiring process."

"Pth. Trixie has that in the bag," Trixie gloated.

Starlight grunted, dragging her friend along with her magic out of the building. "Let's just go on and work on your magic tricks now," she said. "Maybe we'll practice sawing you in half and see if you can piece yourself back together."

As the day passed, Aqua finished sorting through her thoughts on Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow's training evaluation and continued training with the Young Six. And while she was considering having the Mane Six accompanying them to rescue worlds from the Heartless, she discovered a new world in the cosmos, and there was some Heartless activity going on. With everyone assembled, including her young apprentices, they looked at the mountainous region that held the kingdom that was in need of help.

"Another new world, and possibly housing a new Princess of Heart," Riku said.

"You'd think with all the exploring we did, we would have seen some of these worlds," Ventus mumbled.

"Ooh! Is this a chance for an early galactic field trip!?" Silverstream asked.

"Hmm...This is a pretty large mountain range," Aqua mumbled. Though Monsters Inc. was a huge facility, it paled in comparison to the Kingdom of Corona and the massive size of the shopping mall in the Toy Box. After Sora, Donald, and Goofy got split up by their charges who joined them on their respective first world explorations, they were going to need more additional chaperones. Luckily, with the addition of the Mane Six as wielders among their numbers, Aqua found this a perfect opportunity to include a couple more teachers to the group. "...Alright. Sora, are you up for this?"

"When am I not?" Sora asked. "I'm practically in charge of the field trips beyond Equestria. And if the Organization pops up, I can handle them."

"What about Marluxia, Young Xehanort, and Vanitas?" Donald questioned. "In order, you were put to sleep, flung into a video game, and smacked around."

"H-Hey, this time is different!" Sora exclaimed. "I feel way more stronger now!"

"We'll see," Donald scoffed.

"So, who's gonna be the lucky teen who'll join us?" Goofy asked curiously.

"Ooh! Ooh ooh ooh! Pick me!" Silverstream waved her arms wildly.

"I think...Yona would be perfect," Aqua said, making Silverstream groan in exasperation.

"Yona ready to save new world!" Yona cheered.

"And I also want Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to join you," Aqua continued, startling everyone in the room.

"Us too?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ooh! This kinda feels like a friendship mission, but at the same time, it's not!" Pinkie said. "Although, I do gotta wonder why, too."

"As new wielders, we don't know if the Organization will find out and choose to take either of you as well as the Young Six," Aqua explained. "We haven't heard anything from them since their run-in with Vanitas. We still don't even know if they found anyone else to fill their ranks, or what their plans are for the new Princesses of Heart. Seeing how capable you girls are, I think it's best to have a couple additional overseers for our apprentices in case something happens that causes them to get split up from Sora, Donald, or Goofy."

"That does make a lot of sense," Twilight said. "We've already had three scares that could have ended in disaster with Gallus, Smolder, and Ocellus."

"But why Fluttershy first?" Rainbow asked. "If it's over a mountain, I can handle doing a fly-by and handle Heartless running around in a few minutes."

"Wow. Rainbow Dash claimin' not to finish anythin' in ten seconds flat?" Applejack chuckled. "Maybe gettin' a Keyblade really did make her grow out of her cocky ego after all."

"Hey, you see the size of the region!? Who knows what kind of Heartless could lurk in secret caves or cliff edges that I could miss!?" Rainbow argued while the others laughed at the surprisingly humble response.

"I'm not sure what we'll find, but I think we can handle it, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy assured.

"Yeah! Two mares who share the same voice actor, but different singers, can deal with a dangerous mountain excavation and evil spooky monsters from destroying a world!" Pinkie cheered.

Confused, Yona looked at Pinkie and Fluttershy, and mulling over the odd statement Pinkie made about their voices. "Umm...Yona not sure if Yona's ears work," she mumbled. "Yona not hear Professor Fluttershy or Professor Pinkie have same voice."

"I think it's one of those 'Pinkie being Pinkie' things," Sandbar said. "She does and says a lot of weird things. Especially things that don't make sense."

"Oh," Yona grunted, but she was still a bit curious if Pinkie and Fluttershy did sound like the same pony.

"Let's get a move on, guys," Sora said. "And...let's hopefully not get split up."

"Don't jinx it!" Donald squawked.

"Once you guys reach the world, update us on what's happening," Aqua added.

"Yes, ma'am!" Sora said as he, Donald, and Goofy saluted to her.

"You think we can bring back depressed Sora?" Riku asked teasingly. "I'm already missing the peace and quiet."

Sora blew a raspberry at his best friend, then headed out with his battle companions, Jiminy included, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Yona following after them. "Good luck, Yona!" Ocellus called out.

"She can crush any Heartless with her power alone," Smolder said. "She'll probably have it easier than either of us had."

Taking two of the smaller Gummi ships, Sora piloted one while Goofy took control of the other as they flew off to their destination. Once they arrived, the world from space seemed to be filled with snow. At the bottom was a grand castle, but splitting it from the mountains and trees on the upper half was what appeared to be the core of the world, though it seemed to look more like crystal or ice that made the planet's surface. Either it was a river or lake that split the two halves of snowy land, or if the world's center could actually be seen around that section up close.

Both Gummi ships landed deep in the woods, keeping them hidden from any mountain goers that hike up the mountains. As they exited the ships, a few snowflakes fell as they searched around for the castle they saw in the world. There was a town connected to it as well on the other side of a fjord with a view of the ocean spanning out on the horizon. Their search was interrupted when a group of Soldiers popped up, surrounding the six travelers.

"Yay! Time to test our mettle!" Pinkie cheered as she summoned her Keyblade. Fluttershy, Yona, and Sora did the same, with Donald and Goofy calling their own weapons as they each faced their own Soldier. Pinkie let out a yell as she sprinted toward her Heartless, bounding over it as it tried to take a swing at her, then slashed through it and killed it, watching the small heart float out from its dispersed body. "One down, and plenty more to go!"

Fluttershy watched her Soldier as it ran toward her, then swiftly blocked its fist, following up with a counter that caught her off guard. As she swung her Keyblade to retaliate, a pair of pink ethereal eagle claws shot out, stabbing the Heartless and sending it tumbling back. She didn't linger on how that happened for long and slashed her opponent before it could get back up, slaying it.

"I didn't know that could happen," she uttered. "I thought something like that happened when the Keyblade of Kindness turned into a shield."

"Maybe it's a passive ability," Pinkie pondered aloud.

Yona snorted and charged forward, chasing down her Soldier when it realized it was trying to take down a wielder who was built like a steel wall. She caught up with it, trampling it under her hooves, then turned around with a leap, slamming her Keyblade down into the snow. Proud of taking out her first Heartless, Yona cheered, unaware of two of the Soldiers coming up to attack her from behind. Luckily, Donald and Goofy took them out, the former with a Fire spell while the latter was struck in the back of the head by his shield, faceplanting into the powdery snow.

"Keep an eye out, Yona!" Goofy advised.

"Oh. Right." She looked back at the dazed Soldier at her hooves, then slammed her front hooves down on it, killing it. "Yona can do this!"

Sora took his time with his Soldier as the others watched. He was toying with the Heartless as it tried to punch or kick him, only for its limbs to be parried or get shoved back. He gave it one more shot as they both charged each other, leapt forward, but Sora's swing was much faster, slicing through the Soldier and killing it. Sora grinned, only to grimace as an icy breeze brushed past him, making him shiver.

"Ahh! Cold!" he complained, dismissing his Keyblade as he began rubbing his arms to try to keep warm.

"It not that cold," Yona said. "Yona feel fine."

"It is a little nippy out here," Pinkie said. "Kinda wish I brought my boots and hat."

"I thought you liked being in the snow, Sora," Goofy teased.

"Yeah! When I was a pony and I was covered in fur!" Sora exclaimed.

"Is that why masters as humans always wear clothes?" Yona asked curiously.

"Along with...other certain things," Sora vaguely answered. As he continued trying to keep himself warm, the chilly mountain air was soon forgotten as he looked out at the town and watched the sea suddenly turn into ice. "What the...? Even the ocean's getting frozen over. That shouldn't be possible."

Curious, the others joined Sora, staring at salt water freezing over. They rushed down to the water's edge, wondering if Heartless were involved with the sudden phenomenon. Looking out toward the fjord, Yona gasped and pointed.

"Look! Human on water!" she said, surprising the group when they did see a young woman on the water, physically running on top of the surface, and even causing the water to freeze as snowflake glyphs lit up beneath her path.

She wore a dark blue dress with long black sleeves, her right hand bearing a glove that matched her dress while the left was bare, a long purple cloak fluttering behind her as she ran. Her hair was an icy blonde and in a uniquely styled braid that was tied up in a short bun. There was even a crown on her head, depicting her as royalty along with the clothes she was wearing. Though she was a fair distance away from them, Sora noticed how upset the woman was. Hearing the ice beginning to form as it approached the shore, the six explorers stepped back before their feet/hooves were frozen along with the sea.

"Whoa! We're gonna need a whole lot of skating to break the ice up when spring comes in this world!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"But...isn't it supposed to be summer?" Fluttershy asked. "Or do other worlds have different seasons?"

"Is human making ice?" Yona asked as she looked back at the fleeing woman, watching the webbing snowflake glyphs as they eventually froze up the rest of the water as she ran up the snowy hill. "She has magic?"

"Looks like it," Donald said, tapping the iced over sea with his fist. "Aqua will have a run for her money with her power over ice."

"She looked sad," Sora said. "What was she running from?"

"There's probably more Heartless and she's running from them!" Pinkie guessed. They all looked at Pinkie in silence, all of them clearly seeing no signs of Heartless chasing after her, or even any commotion that came from the castle or town. "...They could be invisible."

"Let's follow her and make sure she's ok," Sora said, leading the way as they gave chase.

As they climbed up the slope leading further up the mountain, they were slowed down by more Heartless that appeared. Luckily, the woman seemed to be spared as she passed them further on ahead, but her luck would run out if they didn't catch up to her. More Soldiers appeared, along with aquatic Heartless mages called Marine Rumbas and the return of Parasol Beauties from the Kingdom of Corona.

"Uh oh! That's not a good combination!" Goofy said.

"Stay alert, ladies!" Donald warned.

With their weapons bared, they rushed in to clear the Heartless. Sora rushed toward the Parasol Beauties, knowing their umbrella laser fire would be more of a pain from a distance. Yona charged into the incoming Soldiers, slicing through them while Pinkie hopped on the yak's back and began firing a salvo of Fire spells to dry out the Rumbas' Water spells. Just like Pinkie, her spells were just as random; the magic fire began to curve and seemed to miss its target, only to suddenly zip straight toward its intended target, catching them by surprise. Fluttershy, Donald, and Goofy handled the stragglers that were knocked by the stampeding yak teen, avoiding stray laser fire from the Parasol Beauties. Sora tried to keep their lasers focused on him, knocking away their umbrellas and smacking them left and right, flinging them into their other fellow "ladies" to distract them.

Once they dealt with the wave of Heartless, they hurried onward to catch up with the fleeing woman. They came up to a steep cliff wall, pausing when they saw some snow and pebbles fall against the rock wall ahead. Looking up, more Heartless bounded down the rocky ledges and barred their path. They looked like reindeer, colored blue and black with curved antlers that looked like they were made of ice.

"Oh no! There are Heartless that look like adorable reindeer!?" Fluttershy exclaimed in horror.

"Not too adorable with those yellow eyes making them more menacing," Sora said. "Let's kill off these Winterhorns and hurry after that woman!"

The Winterhorns were very nimble, hopping and prancing about like Pinkie, though its icy antlers weren't just for show. They were able to create iceballs as they scooped up the snow beneath them, then hurled them at the warriors. They even jumped high and flipped around, spinning around and dropping icicles from their antlers onto the heroic trio and Equestrian natives. Luckily, their attacks were easy to dodge or block, and Fire was their biggest weakness when Donald struck one with Firaga, melting away its antlers and leaving it open to get smacked by Goofy's shield. Yona tried some magic on them, using Fire and melting a Winterhorn's antlers, but they were still able to fight back as the hornless Heartless galloped toward her and tried to ram her. Fluttershy casted a protective barrier around Yona just as it struck, which retaliated with a pair of fangs lunging out and biting it hard, destroying the weakened Heartless. And Pinkie's wild Fire flinging made the fireballs fly in circles around the other Winterhorns, even as they tried to hop away and lost their antlers in the process.

The herd was dealt with and their path was free, only for their next obstacle being the steep climb upward. "Gawrsh, that's gonna be trouble to climb with all the snow and ice around here," Goofy said.

"I can run up it no sweat," Sora gloated.

"And what about us!?" Donald squawked.

"I thought ducks could fly, Donald," Sora teased, making the mage grumble.

"Oh my. I don't know if I can carry everypony else up this wall," Fluttershy mumbled. "Even with my new abilities, I'm not that physically capable."

"You wrestled Harry the bear for a massage!" Sora reminded the pegasus. "You could definitely lift Yona a few feet in the air at least!"

"What if we just ran up the wall?" Pinkie suggested. "Like this!" She sprinted up to the wall, then her body angled as she continued running as she reached the top. "It's easy!"

"Uhh, Yona don't know if Yona can climb like that," Yona nervously said. And seeing how tall the mountain was, she was incredibly wary of heights after the sudden drop back in Cloudsdale a few months ago. "M-Maybe Yona find other, not tall way of climbing?"

"Smolder was able to grind on rails in that giant gumball dispenser back in the mall," Sora said. "I'm sure with all the stamina training you did with Aqua, you can run up this wall without falling. Just give it a try."

"...Well...Ok. Yona try." Yona faced the wall, then gave a running start, and jumped. Her hooves managed to press onto the wall, but she failed to keep going, slipped, and fell on her rump. She tried again, this time trying to push off the wall, only to actually push off and launch herself into Sora, making him yell and grunt as she landed on him. "Ugh! Yona can't do it."

"Worth...a shot," Sora groaned. Yona rolled off of him as he got up, brushing off the snow on his clothes. "I think you're more built to move mountains, not climb them."

"So what do we do? We're not going to catch up to her," Fluttershy said.

While Pinkie was watching from above, she scratched her head in thought. Looking around for any stray rope that someone might have left, her eyes lingering on her balloon cutie mark. Her ears perked up as a small bell rang in her head, grinning widely as she summoned her Keyblade.

"I got an idea!" she called out. "Balloon!"

She thrust her Keyblade in the air, causing several colorful magic orbs to appear as platforms ascending the wall. "'Balloon'?" Yona repeated curiously.

"Oh, right! I can't believe I forgot this spell!" Sora said. "Bumping into one of these can launch you up in the air like portable trampolines!"

"And completely harmless to friendlies with as little magic put into them to make them bouncy, pouncy, trouncy, flouncy, fun fun fun fun fun!" Pinkie chanted.

"Let's see if it works," Goofy said as he volunteered to test Pinkie's harmless Balloon spell. He jumped up on the first Balloon, bounding off it as it popped, gaining more height, reaching the next one, and so on and so on. He made it to the top without any aftereffects, turning back around to look down at the others. "I'd say that's a successful method of travel!"

"Let's just hope Pinkie has enough mana for the rest of the climb," Donald uttered.

Pinkie recast her Balloon staircase for Donald and Yona while Fluttershy hovered to the top and Sora was content to running up the wall. Once Donald and Yona, after a bit of hesitation from the launching height from the magic spell as they popped under her hooves, they continued onward. More snowy slopes and some trees growing on the mountain as they climbed higher and higher. More Heartless tried to impede them, but were swiftly dealt with thanks to their teamwork. They soon approached a gorge that overlooked the castle and town down below, and up ahead was the woman that ran away, slowing down and continuing her ascent up the mountain.

"Hey, Miss! Hold up!" Sora called out.

Startled, she stopped and turned around, backing away from the group as they approached her in fear. "Why are you here?" she asked. She opened her mouth to speak again, only to pause when she saw Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Yona beside Sora, Donald, and Goofy. "...What type of horses are those?"

"Actually, we're ponies!" Pinkie corrected, startling the woman.

"I-It talks!?" she exclaimed.

"Human not surprised by master, Donald, and Goofy, but not ponies?" Yona asked, which shocked the woman all the more.

"Uhh, don't worry. We're not gonna hurt you," Sora assured. "I'm Sora. This is Donald, Goofy, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Yona."

Pinkie gave her a cheery wave as they were introduced, easing the royal knowing they weren't dangerous creatures. "What brings you to Arendelle? The coronation?" she asked.

"Coronation?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ooh! Our friend Twilight was gonna have another coronation and rule our kingdom, but sadly, it got delayed when an evil unicorn came back to life and almost destroyed everything!" Pinkie explained, making Sora, Donald, and Goofy wince as the party pony's rambling could have already broken the world order.

"I-Ignore Pinkie! She's quite the chatterbox!" Sora laughed as he grabbed the earth pony and ruffled her curly mane roughly. He knelt down, squeezing her barrel as he whispered in her ear "Pinkie, don't give away where we're 'from'! The world order!"

"Oh. Right," Pinkie giggled bashfully.

"You're...from another kingdom?" the woman asked. "And...it's ruled by...little talking ponies with...bright, unnatural fur colors?"

"Like I said. Pinkie loves to talk," Sora stated. "She loves rambling about all sorts of things, even make-believe stories. But we are from...someplace warmer." The royal took Sora's word, though she was still a bit wary of them all, not just the talking quadrupeds traveling with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. "So, what's you're name."

"Elsa...Queen Elsa of Arendelle," she said, her introduction and title surprising the visiting warriors.

"The queen!?" they all gasped aloud.

Pinkie immediately plopped herself to the snow, bowing to Elsa, then lifted her head up with snow comically clinging to her face. "Bow to the queen!" she shrieked before slamming her face back down into the snow.

Yona followed Pinkie and bowed, but the others could see that being called a queen was distressing to Elsa. "No. You all shouldn't be here," she said. "Please go back to the village."

She begins to walk off, making Pinkie and Yona lift their heads, the snow around their faces dropping back to the ground. "Where are you going, Your Majesty?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. "It's...not really safe out here. And you look upset...Scared."

"Yeah!" Pinkie zipped over to Elsa, surprising her as she popped in front of her. "You look like you need a friend! And Pinkie Pie is that kind of friend you can talk to and can turn that frown upside down!"

Despite Pinkie's randomness catching her off guard, Elsa walked past her, grimacing as she huddled her arms to her chest. "Please leave. I need to be alone," she said. "I don't want to hurt anyone."

"What happen to Queen?" Yona asked as she hurried after her, wanting to help too. "What Queen Elsa do?"

"Yona, I don't know if she wants to talk about it," Sora said. "Whatever happened must have been rough."

"But when the going gets tough, it helps when you have friends who stick together," Goofy said.

"Exactly," Sora agreed. "Although, to be fair, Donald, you do lose your temper a lot."

"Huh!? I do not!" Donald complained.

Elsa stopped, her thoughts racing as she listened to Sora and Donald bickering. "I don't know," Pinkie said. "Sora has a pretty big temper, and he blows up when he gets angry."

"No I don't!" Sora argued.

"You don't like Flim and Flam," Fluttershy mentioned. "And you...broke some of their inventions in retaliation for the damage they could have done to Applejack's family."

"I even heard you lost it when the Washouts tried to make Scootaloo do a dangerous stunt with an unsafe rocket on a scooter," Goofy added.

"Hey, if someone threatens my friends and family, I'm making sure they know never to mess with them ever again!" Sora reasoned.

"You took several months of alone time after what happened, and you still weren't all better when you jumped back to your old self," Donald reminded the wielder.

Elsa grew frustrated and turned around. "Enough!" she shouted, waving her hand, accidentally using her magic.

Her hand subconsciously glowed and shot ice magic in front of her, creating a wall of icy spikes to appear. The others yelled out in surprise as the spikes almost hit them, Pinkie and Yona specifically as they were much closer to Elsa than the others. Elsa realized what she did, panicking and terrified that she lost control of her power and almost got a couple innocent talking creatures to get hurt. Despite the near deathly scare, what they saw earlier when Elsa ran across the water was true; she has the power to use ice magic.

Behind her, Winterhorns suddenly appeared, getting her attention as they approached her menacingly. "More Heartless!" Goofy called out.

Yona growled, summoning her Keyblade, then slammed it down onto the spikes, shattering them. She charged forward, slamming her Keyblade down to the earth, causing a small quake that made the Winterhorns stumble. Sora, Donald, and Goofy stepped in and took on the incoming Heartless while they were temporarily stunned.

"Girls, cover Elsa!" Sora ordered.

"You got it!" Pinkie said.

"What are these-?" Elsa yelped as Yona got behind her, lifting her up and landing her on her back.

"Yona protect queen!" Yona said. She turned around and got to safety with Fluttershy and Pinkie running beside her. They didn't get far when more Winterhorns appeared, blocking their path, along with a Rock Troll behind the Heartless reindeer. "Big Heartless!"

"Oh dear. That's not good," Fluttershy mumbled.

"Ok! Running away to safety is not the best option! Time for plan B!" Pinkie summoned her Keyblade, letting it Formchange and shift into its dual bubble gun state. Elsa stared at Pinkie's strange weapons, then heard Fluttershy summon her Keyblade and Formchange it into a whip. If they thought they were shocked to see her use her ice magic, she was just as shocked seeing their Keyblades, and the ability to change their form into different weapons at will. "Yona, stick between us and keep Queen Elsa safe!"

"Right!" Yona said.

Pinkie aimed her guns and began firing bubbles at the Rock Troll, making it roar and stumble back from the popping bubbles hitting its face. Fluttershy whipped the Winterhorns, smacking them back to keep them from going after Elsa and Yona. One tried to slip past her, only to have its torso wrapped in the elongated pink metal, then swung around like a mace and flung back to the other Winterhorns, bowling them over. Pinkie added some bubbles to the stunned reindeer, leaping over them and using the force of her shots to keep her hovering over them.

The Rock Troll recovered and let out a roar, throwing a rock at the hovering pink earth pony. "Pinkie, look out!" Fluttershy warned.

Thinking quickly, Fluttershy snapped her whip at Pinkie, wrapping it around her barrel, then pulled her over to her, narrowly avoiding getting struck by the incoming boulder. Elsa gasped as the rock headed for them, but Yona slid the queen off her back, then sliced through the rock with ease.

"Yona not let Heartless hurt queen!" Yona said. Ignoring her post, she stomped her hoof, then ran forward, sprinting past her professors.

"Yona, wait!" Pinkie yelled out.

Yona bellowed as an aura appeared around her body, quickly flashing into a light brown and trailed behind her. She barreled through the Winterhorns, trampling over the ones in her path and sending the others that touched the powerful aura flying, either sending them off the edge of the cliff or crashing into the side of the mountain. They all were destroyed with hearts flying out from their bodies, and she continued her rampage toward the Rock Troll as it set its ax to its face to increase its defense. With a leap, the aura around Yona began to spiral like a drill, startling both mares when the swirling aura around her pierced through the Rock Troll's face and straight out its back. Its armor broke instantaneously, making it stagger and tumble backward as she slammed it to the ground.

"Yak! SMASH!" Yona yelled, then jumped and slammed all four hooves into the giant Heartless's face. The ground shook on impact, its face caving in before it poofed in a large cloud of mist, releasing the heart it carried. The quake seemed like it would have caused an avalanche, Sora, Donald, and Goofy looking back after they finished off the Winterhorns that got in front of them. Neither of them realized Heartless appeared behind them, but from the size of the heart and hearing the Rock Troll's roars, they weren't all that surprised like Fluttershy and Pinkie when Yona seemed to have the raw strength to take down a Heartless that big. With no more Heartless in sight, Yona giggled as she walked back, surprised by the new move she was able to pull off. "Yona practice hard during break."

Pinkie had to physically pick up her jaw, still astonished by the yak drill that bowled over their group of Heartless. "Ok, maybe we weren't needed after all," she said after recovering from the shock.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy grouped back up with their Equestrian companions, the trio highly impressed by Yona's improved strength. "I can't believe you took out an Rock Troll on your own," Sora said.

"How did you do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't know. Yona run fast, and then glowing light appear and make Yona move a little faster, then pierce through trees Yona practice on," Yona explained. "Yona think it something like Master Terra's dashing?"

"Huh. So it's a different type of dash that's built more for power than evasion," Sora pondered. "You didn't want to show Aqua?"

"Yona wanted to surprise masters," the yak said.

"Well, color us super surprised!" Pinkie said. "You and your Stump Smasher are super strong!"

"'Stump Smasher'?" Donald questioned.

"Well, since Keybades all have names, and ours are unoriginally titled the Keyblades of Harmony but makes sense since they ARE the Elements of Harmony, the Young Six's Keyblades also have names to be given, too," Pinkie reasoned. "Yona's looks like it's made of wood, and yaks like to smash things. Stump Smasher!"

"Yona not name Keyblade that," Yona said. "Yona Keyblade Trampling Yak."

"Eh, I think we need to go back to the drawing board for that," Pinkie mumbled, pulling out some papers with lists of different names. "Let's see...How about 'Rough Timber'? Or maybe 'Stampeding Spruce'? 'Bovine Burr'?" Pinkie laughed at the last name, letting out a snort. "Get it? 'Burr'? Because it's also cold, and Yakyakistan is in the north where it's all snowy!"

While the six visitors discussed Yona's strength and Pinkie brainstormed different names Yona could give her Keyblade, Elsa was in awe at their prowess. She clutched her ungloved hand, part of her feeling guilty after her outburst and almost hurting them when they only wanted to help her. They don't know about her struggles containing her magic and what it could have done out of her control. She approached them, trying not to lose her composure and keep her magic in check.

"I...I'm sorry I was so upset," she said, getting their attention. "Thank you for your help."

"Yona glad queen is not hurt!" Yona said with a grin.

Elsa gave the yak a small smile, the shock of meeting the talking ponies and yak already forgotten. Behind them, she gasped, spotting one of the Winterhorns Yona knocked back hop back onto the edge of the cliff. It jumped up, threatening to hurt them.

"Look out!" she warned, raising her hands and shooting a beam of ice at the Heartless.

They all turned to watch the Heartless get struck and destroyed by Elsa's magic. It was still highly impressive for them to see someone control magic at will without a source, like a wand or a Keyblade, especially with ice magic that powerful. The visitors looked at Elsa in awe, the queen startling herself as she brought her hands back to her abdomen.

"That's amazing," Sora said. "You can control ice."

"Control it?" Elsa repeated, shaking her head as she held her hands tightly. "No. All I ever do...is hurt people."

"But you hurt a Heartless," Pinkie said. "They deserve to get hurt."

"'Heartless'? Is that what those creatures are called?" Elsa asked. "What are they?"

"They're monsters that go after people's hearts," Sora explained. "Wherever they go, there's always trouble."

"They're after people's hearts?" Elsa repeated, astonished and worried about the safety of her kingdom with Heartless roaming around.

"You should head back home," Fluttershy advised. "It's really dangerous up here now."

Instead of heeding their warning, Elsa turned away from them and looked at her hands. "This is my home now...I can't go back." She clenched her fingers, grimacing at the powers she was born with. "I don't want to hurt anyone. Arendelle is safer with me staying up here."

Confused, the group watched Elsa begin to leave, but Yona tried to run up to her. "But it not safe for queen either!" she tried to reason.

Elsa created a large wall of thick ice behind her, making Yona bump her head against it. "Please, go away!" she begged, running further up the mountain.

"Wait! Queen Elsa!" Yona called out, summoning Trampling Yak to break through the ice to chase after her.

Sora stopped her, placing a hoof on her back, making her freeze and look at him. "I think she needs a little space to herself, Yona," he said. "I want to help her, too, but she's able to take care of herself."

"But Yona want to help cheer Elsa up," the yak mumbled.

"And how is that any of your business?" Behind them, they turned around to see a portal of darkness appear, and behind it was someone Sora wasn't expecting to bump into after their last encounter. Smirking coyly at them, Larxene approached them, surprised to see three Equestrians joining Sora, Donald, and Goofy unlike what she'd heard from her other accomplices with their run-ins with half of the Young Six. "Learn to read a room, you giant bundle of fuzz."

"Larxene," Sora grumbled. "How long have you been watching us!?"

"Long enough," Larxene said. "Though Luxord was vague with who had Keyblades, so far, they were all a bunch of kids. Just like you back then, Sora. And now Keyblades are just falling into everyone's lap."

"You were the one who attacked Riku back in the swamp, weren't you?" Fluttershy questioned. "I heard what happened when I fainted when I caught Swamp Fever. That wasn't fair attacking him while he was sick."

"Who plays fair when it's all about winning?" Larxene scoffed.

"Well, if you want a tussle, then maybe you should try us!" Pinkie said. "I've yet to use my new Keyblade cannon, and I've got an itchy trigger finger with your name written all over it!"

"Ok, the pink one's giving me a migraine," Larxene grumbled. "And, as luck would have it, Sora gave you those Keyblades he loved to use to knock a few of us around. I still won't forget that black hole of elements you nearly evaporated me in."

"I'm glad to give you another beating," Sora promised, summoning his Keyblade. "Why are you here? For Yona?"

"As fun as that would be, little yakkity yak over there isn't my target," Larxene said. "But I can add a point for myself with Luxord's little game."

"If you're not here for Yona...then you're after Elsa!" Goofy said.

"Lucky guess. Don't worry, though. We're not going to hurt her," Larxene said. "But I'm not gonna put up with either of your meddling. Be good little troublemakers and stay here."

Larxene raised her hand and aimed it at them, which crackled with electricity, but what startled Sora was that he saw shards of ice around her hand as well. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot out from her palm, narrowly striking them as they dove out of the way. The bolt hit the ice, which began to surge with electricity. She then raised her hand, causing the ice wall to break into pieces and swirl above them.

"What happening?" Yona uttered nervously.

"Ice is so not my style," Larxene commented, smirking at their shock and clenched her fist, sending the shards falling down around Sora, Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Yona.

Sora growled, running toward Larxene. "Larxene!" he yelled out, only for a large chunk of ice to fall in his path, forcing him to skid to a halt, more ice dropping to bar his path.

Seeing them beginning to get trapped within Larxene's magic, Yona saw an opening nearby and ran through it. "Yona!" Donald called out as he tried to chase after her, trying to avoid having them all split up from each other again. The yak made it through just as the ice blocked up the last of the wall, trapping the others inside as the cage of ice expanded, turning it into a massive labyrinth of ice. "Oh no! Not again!"

"What happened to Yona!?" Sora exclaimed.

"She got out before we got completely trapped!" Donald said.

"She's all alone with Larxene!" Goofy added.

"She may be stronger, but she still can't fight someone like her!" Sora began to panic, looking at their surroundings and hoping there was an exit somewhere where Larxene trapped them. "We need to get out of here and save her! Fast!"

"And Elsa!" Fluttershy added. "Even with her ice powers, I don't think she can protect herself from someone in the Organization!"

"Then let's hurry before they get hurt AND we freeze to death!" Pinkie shrieked, shivering as her teeth clacked, her fur standing on end as she shifted around trying to keep warm. "It's colder in here than on the mountain!"

Yona ran out of the ice trap, turning around and watching the ice blocks climb higher and higher. Her exit had been sealed off, leaving her all alone and her mentors trapped inside. She summoned her Keyblade to try to break them out, but froze when she saw the walled-in ice glow, then suddenly disappear. Larxene's smirk faded when she spotted Yona, growling slightly.

"Seriously? Literally the biggest thing that's easier to trap, and it somehow escaped," she grumbled, then shrugged with an annoyed sigh. "Whatever. Doesn't really matter."

"What mean human to do Yona's teachers!?" Yona exclaimed.

"If you did as I told you, you would have had a fun little adventure inside of an ice labyrinth. Seems like you don't listen if your giant horns are clogging up your ears." Yona growled as she stared down Larxene.

"Yona's horns not in ears! Horns on head!" she corrected, Larxene glowering at the yak deadpanned.

"And the insult goes right over your head," she mumbled.

"Bring back Yona's friends now!" Yona demanded.

Larxene snickered in response. "Aww, how cute. The fluffy yak thinks she can intimidate the likes of me," she mocked.

"Yona smash you into bottom of mountain if Yona not get friends back!" Yona warned, which made Larxene laugh even harder.

"You think you can beat me into submission?" Lifting her right hand, she quickly clenched her fingers, calling her knives between them with a spark of electricity. "I'd like to see you try."

Yona charged at Larxene, not afraid of the multiple small weapons that paled to her longer blade. She went for a swing, but despite having a lengthy advantage, Larxene was faster than she thought she was. Larxene dashed backward, causing the yak to stumble forward in surprise. The Nobody chuckled, raising her arms up in her cocky battle stance, her left fingers bearing four more knives between them as well. Undeterred by Larxene's speed and too stubborn to run, Yona furrowed her brows, stomping her hooves and charged once more, building her powerful knockback aura.

As Yona got closer, Larxene continued eluding her, dashing around her and leaping backward, highly aware of their surroundings despite always focusing on the yak. She leapt over Yona as she charged at her, aiming her toward the steep cliff she sent the Winterhorns over. Yona yelled, skidding to a halt before she slipped off.

"H-How does bad human move so fast?" Yona uttered, starting to tire herself out from constantly running like a mad bull.

Larxene suddenly zipped in front of her, standing with her toes just on the edge of the cliff. She kicked Yona in the face, sending the yak stumbling back and shake off the sudden blow. When she focused on the Nobody again, her eyes widened when she thought she was seeing two Larxenes. Before she questioned if she was struck hard enough to disorient her, Larxene and her double dashed forward, zipping around Yona and slashing away at every corner, leaving behind painful shocks that staggered her. After the near-endless barrage, both Larxenes rushed Yona as they appeared in front of her, making the yak flinch as they disappeared, only for several knives to be flung in eight directions around her, striking her, and unleashing a powerful thunderbolt down on her.

Yona cried out, her body spasming as the electricity coursed through her muscles. "You may have brute strength, but you clearly can't keep up with someone who's got more speed," Larxene mocked, standing behind Yona. While expecting Yona to be stunned for quite a while, she was surprised to see her gain feeling back in her limbs, turning around, and flung her massive Keyblade at her. Larxene leaned back, avoiding the spinning blade by a couple inches, hearing it impale itself in the stone wall behind her. "Huh. Seems that yak fur's not as conductive as I thought. Or you're as thick as your braindead skull."

"Don't mock Yona!" Yona screamed, slamming her hooves into the ground, causing the earth to quake.

Larxene staggered slightly, but quickly caught her balance. Yona's Keyblade returned to her mouth as she slammed it into the ground, causing another small quake, followed by pillars of earth to rise around Larxene. Since the break, the Young Six trained themselves to improve their skills, including their magic. And with the yak's impressive strength, Yona discovered her main element she could handle well was Earth magic, especially the physical kind. Pulling her blade out, she threw it at the stone pillars trapping Larxene, causing them to explode into debris.

When the rubble cleared, there was no sign of the lightning assassin. "I guess I've got me a good challenge." Yona gasped, quickly turning around to find Larxene behind her, completely unharmed. "Marluxia let his Reapers attack the griffon and clonk him out before stuffing him in a bag. Young Xehanort played mind games with the dragon. And Vanitas got his ass kicked by a timid little bug horse. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying fighting against a fuzzier, smellier cow from the Himalayans."

"...H-How...? How did human escape!?" Yona exclaimed in shock.

"You almost got me, but you weren't even close," Larxene said. "Next time, don't leave an opening for me to jump out of if you planned to squish me under a bunch of magic stones."

Yona growled, sick of Larxene's condescending, sadistic attitude. "Why Organization want Yona and Yona friends so bad!?" Yona questioned.

"Ugh. Can you please stop speaking in the third person?" Larxene groaned in annoyance. "Larxene doesn't want to hear stupid yak mention themselves." Yona was about to charge, but Larxene threw her knives at Yona's hooves, causing lightning bolts to strike and pick up snow. Through the veil of kicked up snow, Larxene sprinted through it, ramming into Yona, sending her crashing on her back. She tried to get up, only to have four Larxenes appear around her head, holding their knives to the yak's face. "If you brain still hasn't caught up yet, I'm not really interested in you. Or your other dumb friends. They're suddenly not as important anymore."

"W-Why?" Yona asked. "Gallus told one of you about us by accident."

"That was part of the plan to find out which of you brats became Keyblade wielders, but after some delightful news, you're no longer our top priority," Larxene casually said. "Though Elsa is in my best interest right now. Someone that powerful, and someone who's royalty. Sounds like the perfect job description to be one of those new lucky seven princesses we're tasked to also find."

"Elsa...is Princess of Heart?" Yona asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see if that deep-seeded fear using her ice powers turns her into a Heartless." Fearing for Elsa's safety, Yona wasn't going to let Larxene come anywhere near her. She wasn't able to attempt to retaliate when the four clones of Larxene suddenly leapt into the air, flinging their knives down on the yak and electrocuted her with several powerful thunderbolts. Yona cried out in pain as she was defenseless against the painful lightning strikes. The last one sent her flying from her position, rolling across the snow and knocking her out cold. "Now be a good little yak and stay."

Larxene snickered, disappearing through a portal of darkness, eager to further taunt the yak again.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy raced through the ice labyrinth, slowly figuring out where to go while fending off Heartless. Throughout the confusing passages, there were crystal spires that looked like trees, housing Flutterings hanging from the branches, more Parasol Beauties, Gold Beats, and scattered around the rooms and halls were colorful pots with a Heartless feline body inside called Popcats, posing as normal objects to ambush the group.

After traversing a confusing mess of staircases that either led them to their exit or turning them around, they ascended and reached a room with a spiraled ice pillar in the center. It suddenly shrank into the icy ground, a few smaller ones shooting up from the ground while Nobodies appeared to bar them from their escape. These ones were a new variety like the Reapers; they looked like ninjas from their darker grayed skin, sharp blades for hands, and seemed to crackle with electricity.

"Uh oh! New Nobodies!" Donald said.

"These must be Larxene's," Sora said. "Be cautious, guys!"

"Cautious is my middle name!" Pinkie said.

The Ninjas were quite speedy as they dashed toward their foes, but Sora was able to keep up with them. Using the spires that popped up, he dashed into them, catching some of the nearby Ninjas off guard as he spun around, slicing at them and flinging them into one another. Pinkie had her Keyblade's double bubble guns firing homing bubbles at them, but they were too fast to hit. She decided a bigger gun was necessary, inflating both guns and twisting them to its batter bazooka form. Firing explosive cupcakes at the ground, the sticky batter managed to catch some of them like flies to a trap.

Fluttershy kept her distance, but the Nobodies were incredibly agile as they climbed up the walls and lunged for her. Formchanging her Keyblade into its whip state, she struck any that missed her, trying to smack them down to the ground for the others to double team. One managed to ram into her from behind, sending her crashing to the ground. She began to panic, flinging her whip, creating a small pink barrier around herself that jutted out sharp quills, much like a porcupine's, though much deadlier as it pierced through the Nobody and killed it. Some of the passive magic she has as a Key Bearer behaved like how animals protected themselves in the wild.

Fluttershy got back up, staring down a couple more Ninjas slowly approaching her. Giving her whip a hard flick, she made it spiral and transform into a solid shield in the shape of a butterfly. Despite losing her advantage in distance, she trusted in her defensive power. The Ninjas struck, sparking with electricity as they thrust their blade arms at her. She blocked them, then pushed back, a pink aura of a long rhino horn shooting out and impaling one of the unlucky Ninjas. With a spin, she yelled as the horn disappeared, sending the impaled Nobody flying into the other. She gave her shield a toss, letting it spin as the aura grew and formed five arms similar to that of a starfish's, but much sharper and turned the shield into a giant throwing star. Both Nobodies were struck, being pushed as the sharpened arms slashed them until they struck the wall. The shield crushed them against the thick ice, killing the Ninjas, then bounced back to the pegasus, catching it as the aura quickly dispersed upon its return.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy finished off the rest of the Ninjas that came after them, having seen both mares in a bit of trouble, but they were able to defend themselves with no assistance from them. "You girls really can do this now," Sora commented. "I thought for sure you would have had some difficulty with a new type of Nobody."

"I almost did," Fluttershy said. "I still can't believe I have magical defenses, almost like they're subconscious defensive reactions."

"And this Keyblade cake batter is delicious!" Pinkie added, scooping up a hooffull of batter and stuffed it in her mouth. She grimaced and shivered. "Bleh! It's cold! If I can turn this giant batter-propelled cannon into an oven, I could bake lots of explosive treats!"

"...Why would you-?" Sora began to ask, but remember who he was talking to and shook his head. "Nevermind." The taller spire returned to the center of the room with the threat gone, but there was no other way forward. There was an archway nearby, but all that was there was a wall. Sora hummed curiously as he stared at the pillar. "How do we get out of here?"

"Maybe we should try giving it a spin?" Goofy suggested.

"Like it's some kind of magical mechanism in this massive labyrinth?" Sora asked.

Pinkie beat them to it as she hooked her still transformed Keyblade of Laughter onto the thin center of the pillar, squealing in entertainment. The labyrinth began to shake as they could hear walls suddenly moving around. As they looked back at the archway, the way was opened as the wall slid aside, the spire losing its luster as its power was spent.

"I guess that worked after all," Donald said.

"Let's keep going," Sora said.

Pinkie flung herself off and volunteered to go into the next room first, rolling to a halt with her balloon bazooka aiming around the next area for enemies. "Clear!" she called out. Their next room led them to a long slope, sending them further down into the labyrinth. They slid down except Fluttershy as she chose to fly after the others, spotting more Heartless and some Dusks appearing to stop them. "Not clear! Eat kaboomy cupcakes, demons of darkness and nothingness!"

Pinkie fired another cupcake round, blasting the group on the flat midpoint on the long slope. While they got knocked back from the explosive force, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Pinkie had to avoid more ice spires shooting up on the slop, even ones that glowed from the surface and homed in on them. Fluttershy assisted, tossing her shield down to block the spires following her friends and keep them from popping up to pierce them until they passed. They didn't waste any time stopping, racing past the trapped enemies and slashing past those who waited for them on the steep incline.

The slope ended with a big drop as they jumped down, leaving the Heartless and Nobodies behind. Pinkie aimed at the ground, releasing a giant Balloon spell from the barrel as it slowly grew, then dropped like an anvil before stopping a few inches from the bottom. All five of them landed on it, which popped from their combined weight, safely dropping them and moving on to the next room. More Ninjas appeared, throwing lightning daggers at them and rushed them.

Fluttershy and Goofy blocked the daggers, the pegasus's shield glowing brightly as she unleashed her Keyblade's power, not wasting any time with Yona and Elsa in serious trouble. The butterfly shimmered brightly, then unleashed the wild, ethereal Discord. Its serpentine body and glowing yellow eyes snagged each of the Ninjas, trapping them as it circled them into the middle of the room, then flew up and dove back down with a mighty roar. Slamming into the Nobodies, it exploded into a mushroom cloud, each curve from the cloud shaped by the multitude of animals within as several noises from each species rang out all through the labyrinth.

Fluttershy's Keyblade returned to normal, two more taller ice spires appearing on the raised platforms scattered throughout the room. Knowing what to do to open the next path, Sora and Pinkie ran up to one each and began spinning from them. Two circular segments of the rounded walls shifted, the upper in a clockwise direction while the lower counterclockwise. After a short moment, they both came to a stop, revealing the next path through another archway on the lower segment.

The next passage led back upward, several crystals jutting out and spaced several dozen yards apart reaching the top. "Ugh. Up, down, and all around," Pinkie groaned. "Can't mazes just be straightforward!?"

"Discord made the hedge maze we went through more windy when we first fought him," Sora said. "Mazes are supposed to be full of twists and turns."

"Are we even underground?" Pinkie questioned. "Where the hay did that twin-bang lightning meanie drag us into!?"

"We have to be getting close to an exit somewhere," Goofy said.

Sora bounded his way up to the top, jumping from crystal to crystal, Fluttershy following while she tried her hoof at casting Balloon steps with Pinkie. Donald and Goofy jumped together on the same set of Balloons and Pinkie took her own, bouncing higher and higher and regrouping with Sora. Another archway blocked by the moveable walls of the labyrinth prevented them from progressing, though the ice pillar was in an adjacent room across a small bridge. More Ninjas ambushed them, Pinkie taking charge this time with her weapon beginning to inflate and fire its biggest blast.

"Time to blow this popsicle stand!" she said, yelping as the small blast of confetti that fired from the barrel sent her tumbling back down the bridge. "DUCK AND COVER! AND NOT DONALD DUCK!"

"Wak! Hey!" Donald exclaimed.

"Complain later! Find cover now!" Sora advised, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

Donald, Goofy, and Fluttershy sprinted down the bridge and stood as far away from the entrance to the room as possible. The Nobodies looked at the colorful confetti in confusion, one of them curiously holding its blade hand out to catch one of the bits of magical paper. A hissing noise suddenly grew louder as the confetti began glowing, followed by a muffled explosion and gallons of unbaked cake batter suddenly erupted. All the Ninjas were destroyed by the point blank range of the deadly balloon cannon's ultimate blast, the pillar to unlock the way rising up through the mess of batter.

"Gawrsh. I don't know which is worse to get hit by; a magical nuke or a delicious one," Goofy said with a small chortle.

"And with how cold it is in here, the batter's just gonna freeze," Pinkie pouted. "What a waste of good dough."

Ignoring Pinkie's grievances, her Keyblade returning to normal after firing its confetti surprise, Sora hopped up to the pillar and spun on it. The walls moved within the room as there was another arch in here, which opened up to their next, and hopefully final, path. Up ahead was a rail for them to grind on, curving around to the other end as it crosses a giant chasm. Sora took the lead and dashed on ahead, Donald, Goofy, and Pinkie following with the latter cheering with glee as she balanced on her hind legs, and Fluttershy continued her flight after them. Despite getting ambushed by Marine Rumbas on their grind, Sora took them down with a barrage of light beams from his Keyblade.

Once safely across, they sprinted down a hall with another ice pillar in the center of the room where six normal pillars stood in a hexagonal shape, spanning up and beyond the ceiling of the floor they were on. Again, more Ninjas tried to stop them, making the main ice pillar sink into the ground and more dangerous ones popped up.

"Just how many of them are there?" Fluttershy asked, starting to feel exhausted from all the run-ins so far.

"No rest for the wicked," Sora said. "Let's take them down!"

"Ooh! Is this the part where we do some team Limits!?" Pinkie asked curiously. Sora was going to suggest that, but suddenly, Pinkie and Fluttershy's Keyblades began to react strangely. Their chains began to glow as they felt something weird come from them. Sora felt that same sensation, something he hadn't experienced in nearly a year with Twilight back in Olympus. "...Ok, this is definitely new."

"What's...happening to us?" Fluttershy asked, hers and Pinkie's hooves aiming their Keyblades upward.

Sora's Keyblade began to glow, doing the same thing. All three Keyblades unleashed a beam of light, which curved around them and sank into the ground beneath their feet. Donald and Goofy were confused by what had just happened, only for a large raft with bright and colorful neon lights with several seats and a torrent of water gushing from underneath it caught them all by surprise. All five of them were strapped in, a large disc sitting in the middle in front of them tilting toward the Ninjas, making them move and leave a trail of raging rapids behind them.

"What just happened!?" Donald asked.

"This looks just like that magic train Sora and Twilight summoned back on Mt. Olympus!" Goofy said.

"This is so weird. It's...another Attraction Summon," Sora uttered. He took the disc and tilted it, making it move in whichever direction he wanted. The raft protected its riders from the Ninjas' thunder daggers, even bowling them over and knocking them back. He then lifted it up, causing the raft to jump up, leaving an arch of water in its wake as the trail grew longer. "Ha! But this is actually kinda fun!"

"Hey, don't hog the wheel!" Pinkie said. "I wanna make some loop-de-loops!" Pinkie grasped the disc and tilted it toward her, jerking the raft in that same direction. She made it leap around, crushing Ninjas unfortunate to be underneath it. "Come on, how do you loop the loop like a hula hoop!?"

"Rafts don't work like that, Pinkie!" Sora scolded, wrestling back control, making the other riders jolt as the two fought. "If we flip, we'll capsize this raft and get stuck!"

"You got to make most of the path!" Pinkie whined. "GIMMIE THE WHEEL!"

"Umm, what happens if we run out of water?" Fluttershy asked.

She got her answer when Sora and Pinkie both pushed down on the disc, making them jerk suddenly and go backwards on the path they created. It was like they were flowing down a raging rapid they managed to form all around the room, water splashing as the higher speed crashed into the Ninjas. Everyone held on, but it was surprisingly exciting like they were on an actual water rapid ride from an amusement park. Their ride came to an end as it rose back up from where it began, then slowly tilted and crashed down, causing a massive wave of water to rush around the neon raft, washing away and harming the last of the Ninjas.

The raft faded into colorful lights, barely drenched from the rushing water splashing around them. "Whoo hoo! That was fun! Let's do it again!"

"How did that even happen?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm...not sure," Sora said. "Last time, we fought the Rock Titan with Twilight, and it just...appeared after this odd feeling. You girls felt it, too, right?" Pinkie and Fluttershy both nodded. Sora hummed curiously, wondering how these Attraction Summons were able to be called on. Last time, they were in peril against the Rock Titan, but they weren't in any serious danger. The crystal pillar in the room resurfaced while he was in thought. "We're gonna have to figure out how that all works once we're sure Yona's fine, and then we go after Elsa and warn her about Larxene."

Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy nodded in agreement. Sora spun himself around the pillar, causing the platform it stood on to shift and begin to rise. They ascended through what felt like several stories, looking up as they heard the labyrinth clicking and locking up, the shifting walls connecting together as the maze formed into a giant snowflake. Once they reached the top, they stepped off, finding three different rail paths leading to three separate rooms, with the one in their line of sight leading to a portal. Taking that as their exit, they grinded down the path and ran through.

On the other side, they were finally out of the ice labyrinth, the portal lingering around if anyone was crazy enough to get lost back in there. Their celebration for freedom fell when they spotted Yona laying in the snow, unconscious.

"Yona!" They quickly rushed over to her, thankful she was still here, but feared the worst if Larxene severely harmed the yak.

As they attempted to check on her, Sora touched her side, letting out a startled yell as Yona's thick fur shocked her. "Jeeze. I don't think Larxene held back on her," he mumbled, flexing his fingers, still feeling the lingering electricity clinging to Yona's fur.

He cast Cure on the yak, healing any of her wounds. Yona slowly woke up with a groan, shaking her head as she got back on her hooves.

"Where Yona?" she mumbled.

"Yona, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"You shouldn't have run off like that!" Donald scolded.

Yona's eyes widened, remembering what happened to her. "Elsa in trouble!" she said. "Bad human think Elsa is Princess of Heart!"

"If Elsa's one of the new princesses, then we definitely need to hurry and find her before Larxene does," Sora said.

"Yona try to stop her...but she too fast," Yona mumbled. "...And...she say she and Organization not think Yona and friends worth taking anymore."

"Don't trust anything the Organization says," Goofy said. "We're just glad she lost interest in you and she's focusing on Elsa more."

Yona grunted in response, still feeling like Larxene was telling the truth, but had no idea why the Organization dropped kidnapping her and her other friends. She followed her mentors as they continued up the mountain trail, hoping Larxene took a scenic route and they caught up to Elsa before it's too late.

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