The Cutters

by Priceless911

First published

During an era of war, Three Mercenaries with unknown pasts have rule over all battlefields of every nation... yet there was good reason they were so feared.

(Prequel to Tears of a Fallen Star)
More than one thousand years ago, the world was a continuous string of wars. With nations at each other’s throats, leaders would place their trust in the assistance of mercenaries. But of all the mercenaries in the world, none were more feared than a special group known only as “The Cutters”. This group of three ponies, an earth pony and two pegasi were so feared that most nations would hesitate before hiring them. Mainly because their number one rule was to work for the highest bidder. Even if it meant killing their current contractor. With a past shrouded in mystery and a skill unmatched by any nation. these three mercenaries would kill without hesitation, without fear, and without mercy, a jewel for any nation’s military force. Yet there is more to them than what meets the eye.

The Crystal Empire Traitor

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The soldier stood at attention in the middle of the royal hall, with his king watching from his thorn, as his general paced around him, “Soldier! I called you here because of all the kings soldiers, you seemed to be the most loyal, trustworthy, and strong… however, that won’t stop me from asking you a series of questions to prove your loyalty… What is your name?”
The soldier replied, “My name is Major Traipse, Sir!”
the general looked at the king who watched with no expression, then the general looked back at the soldier and asked, “Is that your real name?”
“No, Sir!”
“What is your real name?”
Traipse replied without hesitation, “I don’t know sir!”

The General smiled as he looked at the curious look on the kings face, then he looked back and replied, “Then why do you call yourself Traipse?”
Traipse replied without expression and without hesitation, “That was a nickname given to me the day I made my first kill… since that was a nickname given to a soldier, that what I went by as a soldier, because that is the only life I know.. and the only life I wish to know. Sir!”
The general smiled, “Whose orders do you follow?”
“The king, sir!”
“Would you Die for the king?”
“Yes, Sir!’
“Would you Kill for the king?”
“Yes, Sir!”
“If ordered, would you kill a fellow soldier?”
“Yes, Sir!”
“If ordered would you kill a civilian?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Even if the civilian did nothing wrong?”
“Yes Sir!”
“If ordered… would you kill yourself?”
Like before with no hesitation or expression Traipse replied, “Yes, Sir!”

The general quickly looked back at the king as the kings applauding echoed through the hall, “Excellent, he is an exceptional soldier… he is absolutely perfect for the task at hoof… now I want to ask him a few questions?”
The king stood up from his throne and began trotting toward Traipse. As the king paced, Traipse held his stance and expression as the king spoke, “Your Loyalty is apparent… however I must ask. You were part of my foal soldier program correct?”
Traipse Replied, “Yes your majesty!”

The king changed his expression, “You’re a half blood I see, tell me which of your parents was a Crystal pony, your mother or your father?”
Traipse replied, “I don’t know your majesty. I don’t remember them.”
“So… you feel no resentment to me for taking you from your family as a foal?”
“No your Majesty. I don’t.”
The King smiled, “And why is that?”
Traipse replied, “It was your word that had me taken from them… and your word is not only absolute… its law. If you took me from my parents, then it was my fate to be taken from them.”

The king nodded his head, “They broke you in pretty well I see… it good to see that your loyalty knows no bound. The best of my knights are part of the Crystal jousting tournaments… Tell me… Why haven’t I seen you compete?”
Traipse replied, “I am a soldier whose purpose is to follow the king’s orders… I'm not meant to perform and entertain the peasants of this empire. I'll leave the performances to the show ponies and stick to protecting my king.”
The king smiled, “And who is this king that you set your soul devotion to? Who is this lord that you follow? This… God?”
Traipse replied without expression and without hesitation, “King Sombra, of the Crystal Empire!”

King Sombra smiled, “He’ll do… General Leave us, I have a mission for my devoted soldier, here that only he and I should know about.”
The general was disappointed that he wouldn’t hear about the mission but as he was ordered, he nodded his head and left the royal hall leaving both King Sombra and Traipse alone. King Sombra waited before the doors were completely shut before he spoke, “Major… I have a mission for you that is of the upmost importance, this mission will only be known between you and me, and if anypony else finds out about it… then they must be killed before they have a chance to tell more. But if they do tell more, then you will die with them… am I understood?”
“Yes Your majesty”
“And you still want to carry it out?”
“I follow my king’s orders, even if it leads me to my end.”

King Sombra smiled, “I want you to find out as much as you can from the slaves of this wretched city… I want you to find out what gives them hope and happiness. And when you do… I want you to take it from them. But I'll warn you now. If you are seen taking it from them, You will die. If you tell anypony about your task, you will die. If rumor of your involvement in this action is even mumbled in the tiniest aspect of this empire… you will die. Am I clear?”
Traipses replied, “Yes your majesty!”
The king then looked him in the eye and continued, “When this task is complete, then you will be rewarded. If you succeed, I'll give you a position on my royal council, plus a promotion to colonel. I bet you were thinking I had no heart, and was going to let this mission go unrewarded, right? Well I believe all loyal soldiers should be praised for their actions.”

Traipse nodded his head but kept his expression as he replied, “Thank you your majesty!”
King Sombra turned around to trot to his throne as he spoke, “You may leave now… remember nopony should ever discover this plan… oh, and by the way… I'm giving you two weeks to complete this task. If you fail to have the object that gives this ponies their hop by Sunday of the final week… then guess what will happen to you. Because I grow tired of repeating myself.”
Traipse replied, “Understood your majesty, death awaits failure. I will not fail you, your majesty. of this I guarantee.”
King Sombra sat on his throne and replied, “See to it you don’t. I would hate to see such loyal blood spilled due to insolence… now be gone!”

For the rest of the day Traipse spent his time trying to find out what interested the civilians in the Crystal Empire. Since he never once tried to converse with anypony other than soldiers, he knew very little about the daily activities of the common pony. While observing them in the streets, they seemed very quaint, yet at peace. While paying attention to many ponies’ conversations, he learned that most didn’t like the actions that King Sombra made but since he was supposed to keep his mission secret, he didn’t comment on the ponies’ words. Traipse took note of every major event that the Crystal ponies talked about, Jousting had an impact on the Crystal ponies but it seemed minimal at best. The bands that had Flugelhorns as primary instruments also had a little fame throughout the city but of all, the Crystal festival… and the even to end each festival took the highest attention amongst the ponies.

Traipse discovered that what it was that made the festival so famous was an ancient relic Called the Crystal Heart. Traipse knew that if this was truly the source of their hope and happiness then this was what he needed to steal, so he made his decision and decided to wait till the next day to form a plan. That night as he slept, Traipse found himself in an unusual dream that seemed to have him standing in emptiness with nothing around him. Being the well-trained soldier that he is, he looked around without showing any concern or worry in all the questions that were running through his mind, Questions like, “Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here, and how do I get back?”
As Traipse looked around he saw something in the distance so he began trotting towards it. as he got closer and closer, he realized it was the Crystal Heart… the very item that brought hope to the crystal ponies, and the same item that he had to steal.

As Traipse approached the Crystal Heart, he could see his reflection in it, “It’s a beautiful artifact… I can see why the Crystal ponies cherish it so.”
As he looked at is reflection he noticed something strange. It looked like the reflection started to age… not only that. The reflection started to decay making it look like his face was decomposing before his very eyes. Feeling an abundant amount of fear, he looked away and started feeling his face to see if the reflection was real. luckily his face felt fine and when he looked back at his reflection it was normal again. giving a sigh of relief, Traipse continued looking at the reflection, then the reflection of a mare approached him from behind.

Traipse thought the Mare was just another illusion but he studied the reflection very closely, this mare was tall with a dark blue pelt and a mystic flowing blue Mane. he didn’t understand who it was but he did notice that she was an alicorn, and she was wearing the crown of a princess. The mare gave him a disappointed look and spoke, “Are you going to really attempt this?”
Traipse turned and found that the reflection was real, the mare was standing next to him, so he replied, “And who are you to be asking such a question?”
The mare Replied, “My name is Princess Luna of Equestria, I am the ruler of the night… and as ruler I can see into your dreams… You plan to steal the Crystal Heart don’t you?”

Traipse tried to show as much disrespect in his voice as he could when he replied, “This doesn’t concern a Princess… the best thing you can do is stay out of it!”
Princess Lune was deeply offended, but she held her composure as she replied, “On the contrary, The Crystal Empire is a neighboring state of Equestria, to have such a heartless king rule the ponies there is nothing more than disrespectful to both my sister and myself. His actions are unacceptable and if they continue… we will put a stop to them.”

Traipse ignored the princes and replied, “If you are a threat to the king and his plans, then you're my enemy… I suggest you stop giving me dreams of fear, and leave immediately before you get hurt… Princess.”
Luna turned to trot away, “If that is what you wish, then I'll take my leave. However, I'm not the one giving you nightmares… your own subconscious is doing that by itself. Something in your mind and heart is telling you that this is a bad idea, and it’s trying to stop you before you make a terrible Mistake. If I were you I’d listen to it before it’s too late. It could save your life.”
Traipse replied as he turned back to the Crystal Heart, “The king’s orders are law, and I must obey th…”
Traipse stopped talking when he looked at his reflection and saw a skeleton in his place.

Reacting quickly out of fear Traipse punched the Crystal Heart causing it to shatter into a million pieces of crystal dust. Then he heard a voice come from behind him, “Excellent work Major… you’ve served your king well. Thanks to you, the pathetic slaves of the empire are now completely hopeless and will never have the courage to stand up to me and my power, now nothing will stop me from enslaving the entire empire.”
Traipse quickly turned around and bowed to King Sombra who was standing behind him, “I… uh… I only followed your order your majesty.”
King Sombra smiled, “Yes, and with that order carried out, I have no further use for you.”

All of a sudden king Sombra pulled a dagger from behind his back and stabbed Traipse in his chest. With the unbearable pain he felt Traipse fell to the ground and looked up at his king, “Y-your majesty… but… I…”
king Sombra approached him on the ground and held a sword above his head, “You followed your orders well, and you will be rewarded in the next life, but I have no use of you, so there isn’t any reason to keep you under me. Good bye Major.”
Then King Sombra dropped the sword on his neck but as soon as the blade hit his throat Traipse opened his eyes and sat up in his bunk, breathing deeply, and with a cold sweat.

Traipse looked around at his surroundings, all his fellow soldiers in the barracks were sound asleep completely unaware of his sudden awakening of fear. As Traipse laid back down, he couldn’t stop thinking about what that princess said. He knew that what the king was doing was in every sense of the word, wrong… but he knew that it didn’t matter what he thought. The kings word is law, to defy the king is to defy the inevitable, to defy the inevitable is blasphemy and should result with immediate death and eternal torment. These are the words that were pounded into his head as a foal, and repeated every night before lights out. Why would he have to recite them if they weren’t true?

Traipse decided to forget about it and try to get some sleep. The next morning Traipse still had his dream and doubts in his mind but he put those aside to deal with his planning. As he thought about what he could do he observed the Crystal Heart and the activity around it. it always sat at the heart of the city in the open. Since there was no guard it would be easy to take however its location was too open, it was impossible to just trot up and take it without anypony seeing him. therefore, he thought about what he needed to carry this plan out. First he would need something to distract the surrounding ponies. then there is a chance he would need some help in taking it, though of course he would have to silence them once the heart was stashed away.

Finally after a few day of planning while ignoring the same nightmare every night, he thought of a perfect way to steal the Crystal Heart. He enlisted the help of two new soldiers to help him create flyers to hold a surprise jousting tournament in the stadium furthest from the Crystal Heart’s courtyard. The king was displeased with this unexpected gathering but knowing who was responsible for organizing such an event only gave him confidence that this tournament was for a good purpose. On the day of the tournament just as he expected almost every pony took a day off of their normal duties to attempt it. while everypony was at the tournament, Traipse and the two soldiers he recruited went to the courtyard where the Crystal Heart was kept. As his soldiers were putting a tarp over the heart, an elderly mare yelled to them, “Hey! What are you doing with the Crystal Heart!”

Traipse looked at the elderly mare then he spoke to his soldiers, “Continue with the plan take the heart to the castle and wait for me outside the kings chambers, but whatever you do, don’t let anypony know what’s under the tarp or let anypony remove it. this is an order from the king himself.”
The soldiers replied, “Yes Sir!”
As the soldiers continued their actions, Traipse lead the old mare to an unfinished building that was being built near the plaza, “My dear madam, the king has ordered us to bring the Crystal Heart to a special area where we can have it thoroughly polished by gem casters from Canterlot.”
The mare was suspicious, “Really? Why would Canterlot care about our city when they have a lot more to deal with?”

Traipse nodded his head, “You know… that’s exactly what I said… too bad right?”
the old mare replied, “Too bad what are you talking abo…”
Before she could finish her sentences, Traipse pushed her into a support beam then punched it with enough force to break it. As the unfinished roof collapsed on the elderly pony, Traipse took a step back knowing that an elderly pony would be too frail to survive such a horrible accident. He also knew that nopony would ask questions about an unsupported support beam falling over and causing the roof to collapse… it was too bad this elderly pony was on her way home at the time.

Traipse felt a little guilty for his actions and the sneakiness of his alibi but he knew that he was only following his orders. When Traipse approached the king’s chambers he met his soldiers outside the doors as they stood beside a tarp covered wagon. Traipse approached them and spoke, “Is that it?”
one of the soldiers replied “Yes Sir, and as you ordered nopony knows what it is, or saw us come here with it.”
Traipse smiled, “Good then, I believe it’s time we meet with the king… shall we.”
The three ponies opened the doors to the king’s chambers and pulled the cart in, then they approached the front of the king’s throne then bowed as Traipse spoke, “Your majesty I'm here about the mission you gave me… I will give you a full report as soon as I complete it.”

The two soldiers who were with Traipse were confused as the king smiled and replied, “Very well then… Complete it.”
Traipse nodded his head, “As you wish your majesty.”
Traipse reached up and grabbed the first guards spear with one hoof then drew the guards dagger with his other hoof. Moving quickly Traipse used the dagger to stabbed the first soldier in the back of his neck. As the other soldier took a few steps back in fear, Traipse held the spear at the very bottom of the shaft and jabbed the blade towards the second soldier stabbing him in his face and killing him instantly. As he pulled the blade from the dead soldier, Traipse put the spear in an upright position and bowed to the king as he spoke completely ignoring the blood from the blade as it rolled down the spear and over his hooves, “Your majesty… The mission is complete. All ponies who know of our… Your plan are dead. Here under this tarp. I have the hope of the Crystal Ponies… The Crystal Heart.”

King Sombra smiled, “So you have… and I'll say you performed exceptionally well. you lead the citizens away from their precious heart with a ruse, that’s cruel. To kill a helpless elderly mare who spotted you, that’s disgraceful to ponykind. But to have two unknown soldiers deliver the heart to me then kill them after they followed your order to your exact specification. That’s just plain heartless. You belong on my council… you’re just the type of stallion who deserves the position. I can’t think of a better soldier for the job.”
Traipse was surprised that the king knew about the elderly mare… but his surprise was overshadowed by the guilt he felt with each detail of his action, but he was able to hide it as he replied, “Thank you your majesty… I will not disappoint you.”

Later that night Trips had another dream, He stood in the plaza where the Crystal Heart used to sit and watching the ponies around him talk amongst themselves, “Who did this? Who is responsible? Why would anypony be so cruel?”
With the city asking questions Traipse kept his mouth shut about the crime until a very familiar voice spoke up, “HE IS RESPONSIBLE!”
Traipse looked in the direction the voice came from but fear over took him as he laid his eyes in the standing corpse that used to be the elderly mare. she stood in front of him with her head caved in and a missing limb.

Traipse took a few steps back in fear as everypony in the plaza looked at him, then two more familiar voices called out, “He is the one responsible!”
“Yea he had us steal it for him, then he killed us and took the credit!”
Traipse turned around to see the two soldiers he killed standing there with the wounds that they died from still on them. Traipse tried to explain, “But… but I…”
The elderly mare yelled again, “Don’t even think about denying it! the blood is still on your hoof!”
Traipse looked down at his hoof to see the blood still there after it rolled down the spear.

Then another familiar voice called over the crowd, “It’s not his fault! He was only following the orders of his king!”
Traipse looked where the voice came from to see Princess Luna approaching them, “Your… your majesty? I…”
one of the dead soldier spoke up, “That doesn’t mean anything! We were only following orders too… His order, and for that we paid for it with our lives! What about us!!!”
Princess Luna yelled again, “IF YOU WANT JUSTICE THEN GIVE HIM TIME!!! I'm here to speak with him of a matter of great importance. This matter will decide the fate of your families and friend, so if you want justice then allow me to talk with him.”
the three corpses looked at each other nodded their heads then replied, “As you wish your majesty. we wish you luck in reforming this… murderer.”

With that said the three corpses disappeared from their sight. Traipse found it hard to look Luna in the eye as he spoke, “If you’re wanting me to thank you for saving me from figments of my own imagination… then you’ve got another thing coming.”
Princess Luna gave Traipse a look of pity, “You feel even more guilty than you’re letting on to be. You subconscious isn’t playing fair anymore. From this moment on your dreams will get worse and worse until you atone for your crime.”
Traipse was in deep denial, “I’ve committed no crime. I’ve nothing to atone for.”
Princess Luna gave him a blank stare, “So you say… but as a merciful princess… I'll give you a chance to prove your pride wrong. In three days’ time, one of my most trusted soldiers will arrive in the Crystal Empire. His name is Captain Mist he will be accompanied by a Cadet Dust. They will not be wearing any armor of any king since they are posing as a newlywed couple but they will be observing the empire and its subjects while preparing for me and my sisters arrival.”

Traipse was concerned, “Arrival? What are you talking about? you’re coming here to the Crystal Empire?”
Princess Luna spoke to him seriously, “Yes… the king went too far this time. he must be dealt with. If you want to assist us in bringing an end to his tyranny, then meet Captain Mist at the café that sits on the edge of the plaza where the Crystal Heart used to sit. This is the only chance you will get to save yourself Traipse, I know that you can do good, you just need the chance. Remember… Three days they will be there between noon and sunset, I would suggest you not wear any uniform so that you don’t attract attention.”
Traipse tried to reply with an unamused expression, but it was easy to see that he had interest in the offer, “And if I refuse?”
Princess Luna turned around and trotted away from him as she replied, “Then you, your soldiers, and your king will fall together.”
And with those words, Princess Luna vanished before his very eyes, then he awoke with the morning sun.

The next day was spent being processed into the Crystal Empire’s counsel, then Traipse and the rest of the council members joined the king as he made a royal announcement to his subjects, “To all my… loyal subjects! I have recently discovered that rather than putting your devotion and hope in your king who so selflessly watches over you… you have placed it upon an ancient relic that seems to glow brightly in the sun. So to keep your devotion, I have taken the Crystal Heart away and placed it in a secret location so that your loyalty can turn to me from this moment on. If you so wish to see your precious Crystal Heart again… then I'm afraid you’re wasting your time and life. The heart is in a place where nopony will ever find it. thank you… and long live your king!”
An uproar of gasps, and crying came from the crowd as the king turned to enter the castle. As the king trotted past Traipse he looked at him and spoke, “I think that went well… don’t you… Colonel.”

As the king continued into the castle, Traipse looked over the crowd. One by one, the Crystal Ponies started to lose their glow, and their happiness. Traipse couldn’t help but feel sorry for the ponies but he just hid his feeling and followed the king back into the royal hall with the rest of the council. Throughout the rest of the day, Traipse sat with the rest of the council as they dealt with matters concerning the subjects. It was easy to tell that everypony who entered the hall was unhappy about the Crystal Heart though many of the complaints were the lack of food, water or medicine amongst the empire. There were also groups that pleaded and begged that the Crystal Heart was returned, but it wasn’t long before the king became tired of the begging and had everypony from that point on severely punished then forced to work under him as his personal slaves.

With each passing pony, Traipse became more and more unhappy with his actions, now not only was he thinking about Princess Luna’s offer, he was guaranteeing his participation in her plan. That night on his way back to his barracks he noticed that everypony he passed seemed depressed. It was as if the energy was completely drained from their bodies. He even had one pony recognize his uniform and asked, “Why?... why would the king do something so cruel. What did we ever do to deserve this?”
Traipse couldn’t bear to look at him, he couldn’t even answer, he just lowered his head and trotted around the poor tormented pony. It appeared that not only did the Crystal Heart give them hope… but it completed them in some way.

On the second day, nothing changed, the ponies still were depressed, the complaints about the Crystal Heart continued to pour in, despite the harsh punishment that befell them. This day seemed like the longest day of Traipse life. The constant reminder of his actions was implanted on every face in the empire… that is every face except King Sombra. Traipse knew that it was no longer an act of loyalty that made him obey the king’s orders… but it was brainwash. Now, with the Princess’s spies, ready to meet him on the next day. He would be able to make up for all the wrong he did, not only with the Crystal Heart… but with everything else he did long before that mission, the lives he took… the nations that fell to his soldiers actions... he had to answer for them all.

The night passed without a dream or nightmare. The next morning he decided to be there early and wait for Princess Luna’s soldiers to arrive rather than meet them after words. As he sat there he closely observed the ponies in the café, each one was moping around as they have been doing since the Crystal Heart was taken. But then a noisy couple entered the café, the mare looked over at the stallion, “Come on honey, this looks like a nice place to eat. Then you can take me sightseeing. I’ve always wanted to see the Crystal Empire in the summer, it’s just so beautiful.”
The stallion sighed, “Dust yo…”
“MRS. MIST!... honey…”
The stallion sighed again, “Amber… you’re taking this whole marriage thing way too seriously. You know we are just undercover right?”

The Mare pouted and replied, “That’s not a very nice thing to say about this marriage, what do you think the kids would say?”
the stallion shook his head, “Ok… first off. We aren’t supposed to have kids in this disguise… and second you need to stop talking to me like we are actually married… it's getting little creepy.”
The mare nudged him and smiled, “Why? Do you want to make it real or something… does the wise captain have feelings for his faithful student? Does he want to make her his bride? Hmm.”
the stallions face turned red as he replied, “Wha… I… uh… no! of course not… that’s why it’s so creepy.”
The mare looked at him and pouted, “That was almost insulting how quickly you answered that. What’s wrong with me?”

As entertaining as the couple seemed Traipse knew that these ponies where his contacts, so he approached them before the stallion was to dig his own grave with his answer to the mare’s question, “Good afternoon? My name is Colonel Traipse of the Crystal Empire. Am I to understand you’re from Canterlot?”
The stallion replied, “Yes we are, my name is Chrome Mist and this is my comp…”
“Wife… Mrs. Amber Mist. We are on our honeymoon, isn’t that right dear?”
Captain Mist looked at His associate and sighed, “Celestia strike me down now while I'm still young…”
Captain Mist continued, “This eccentric little firecracker is Cadet Dust… don’t mind her, this is her first mission.”
Traipse smiled, “Ok well, since you are here now, let’s find a quiet place to talk.

Captain Mist replied, This place is fine, thank you. now to the matter at hoof. As you are already aware, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are going to be here soon, so what we need from you is a little help with the castle guards. Being a colonel, you already have rank over most of the guards so it will be easy for you to help us get into the castle. From there Princess Celestia will do the rest.”
Traipse Replied, “And Princess Luna? what is it she will be doing?”
Cadet Dust asked, “Why are you concerned with Princess Luna?”
Traipse replied, “I just want to make sure she is involved in this too… she spoke to me in a rather cautious tone. I was just hoping she wasn’t going to duck out as soon as the blade is drawn.”

Captain Mist replied, “Don’t worry about a thing. Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are in on this. Neither one will hold back when they begin the assault.”
Traipse nodded his head, “Alright then when will they be here?”
“Tomorrow? Why so soon?”
Cadet Dust answered, “Well they were going to be here next week, but with the condition the crystal ponies are in, we can’t wait another day. This has to be taken care of now.”
Traipse agreed, “Very well then I'll mix up the guard schedule so that there is major misunderstanding, this will allow you small opening in the time table. But I think I can only give you an hour tops. Do you think you can get in in that time?”

Captain Mist replied, “It will have to do, say between two and three o’clock?”
Traipse nodded his head, “Done, but I have to ask. When this is all said and done… what’s next?”
Cadet Dust though for a second then answered, “I'm not sure… what is next captain?”
Captain Mist thought to himself and replied, “Well, I suppose things would go back to normal. Only this time another pony would be put in charge of the Crystal Empire… how about you Traipse? You definitely fit the qualifications of a born leader. Why not take charge of the empire?”
Traipse replied, “Thanks but no thanks, I think this would be a time to search for the Crystal Princess.”

Both Captain Mist and Cadet Dust were confused, “Crystal Princess?”
Traipse explained, “Yes, a number of years ago the Empire was ruled by a princess. However, one day she left to travel the world, and hasn’t been heard from since. We all presumed her dead. But its compactly unknown what happened to her. Till then I guess one of the equestrians princesses can take over. Either way I intend to keep my position as Colonel, I'll gladly give up the council though. There is just too much work in it.”
Captain Mist nodded his head and replied, “That sounds like a simple plan to me. but it’s time we get going. Tomorrow around two o’clock we will be waiting for you at the city border. From there we hope you will escort us into the city safely.”
Traipse smiled, “Don’t worry about a thing, I'll do my part… but I expect to meet your princess face to face… not that I don’t trust you… but I'm still confused as to how Princess Luna was able to get into my dreams.”

As the three parted ways Traipse spent what’s left of the day making three different guard schedules making it so confusing that there would actually be an hour with nopony on shift. This made it very easy to assure that there would be no distractions. The next day at about two o’clock Traipse went to the city’s edge were he saw Princess Luna, and another alicorn that he had never met before. They stood with a large number of soldiers around them. As Princess Luna approached him, “It’s nice to finally meet you in the flesh. Did everything go as planned?”
Traipse nodded his head, “Yep, the kings personal guards are the only ones on duty right now. So are we just going to trot through the front doors like you own the place?”
Princess Luna smiled, “Probably.”

There was a brief moment of silence were everypony in the conversation knew it wasn’t the best strategy, until finally Traipse shrugged his shoulders, “Ok, well then let’s get moving, am I to assume your soldiers will join us?”
Princess Luna Replied, “Yes they will split off into the streets to keep the citizens calm, while Captain Mist, Cadet Dust, sister and I will go in and meet the king.”
Traipse could only assume that the Mare standing with Luna was her sister Princess Celestia so he replied, “I never thought I would attempt anything like this… but I completely agree with your choice, He must be stopped. But don’t you have a commander too?”
Princess Celestia replied, “He is watching over Canterlot while we are here. Luna and I will have no trouble taking care of king Sombra on our own.”
Traipse nodded his head, “Ok then let’s go before the guards notice there isn’t anypony on duty.”

Traipse lead both princesses and their soldiers threw the city and to King Sombra’s castle. With each passing street a large number of soldiers broke off of the main group and started securing the homes so that the citizens would stay where they were safe. As they continued Princess Celestia spoke to Traipse, “I’ve heard many things about your skills as a soldier Colonel, perhaps when this is all over you can come to Canterlot and continue your service under my royal guard.”
Traipse nodded his head but answered with only one word, “Perhaps...”
It was easy to see that all of his attention was on their current task.

As Traipse opened the large doors into the throne room, he entered with no hesitation or yielding to the king when the king and his two guards looked his way, “Colonel? May I ask why you have entered my presence with not one, but two Equestrian Princesses?”
Traipse kept his expression of confidence as Princess Celestia spoke, “King Sombra! Your reign of terror has come to an end. Surrender now and your punishment will be minimal.”
The King began to laugh as he replied, “You continue to amaze me Colonel… after everything I’ve done to make you strong, your heart is even black enough to betray me… very well… KILL THE TRAITOR!!!”
The two guards charged forward as Traipse charged at them.

The first guard who was carrying an axe swung vertically at Traipse, but Traipse dodged to the left then punched the guard making him let go of the axe. With the axe still sitting upright on the floor inside the gash it had made, Traipse grabbed the axe handle and spun around removing the soldiers head in a horrifying way.. The next guard drew his sword and swung a number of times trying to hit Traipse, but with each swing Traipse managed to dodge the blade. Finally using the Iron horseshoes on his hooves, Traipse managed to catch the blade then he yanked it from the soldier’s hooves and stabbed the surprised soldier before he could react. As the soldier fell to the ground dead, Traipse looked at King Sombra, “ITS OVER YOUR MAJESTY SURRENDER NOW!”
King Sombra smiled, “You know if I had a son… I’d expect him to be just as heartless as you, you kill your own soldiers, you kill innocents, you stole hope and happiness from thousands, and you betray the king and home you are sworn to protect. You’re just like me, a heartless beast. For that alone… I'll gladly hand over my Empire… but it appears I have better plans for it.”

King Sombra’s horn started to glow brightly as Princess Celestia yelled, “Now sister! He is about to cast some kind of spell!”
Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna put their horns together and generated a spell using both their magic to fire some kind of beam at King Sombra, just before the Princesses’ beam hit the king, he stomped the ground causing it to shake the entire castle… but that’s all it seemed to do. slowly he start to evaporate into a black smoke. As the smoke slowly made its way up his body, the last thing Traipse could see of the king was his face evaporating with a menacingly evil smile on it.

After the last bit of King Sombra’s horn vanished into the black smoke, the ground started to shake again. Traipse quickly ran to a nearby window, but he couldn’t believe his eyes, “The Empire! Its… Disappearing!”
slowly a wall of light started from the outside of the city and made its way back in. as the light continued to close in on the castle Princess Luna rushed to Traipse and covered him with her wings while Princess Celestia did the same with Captain Mist and Cadet Dust. As soon as the light hit the castle, the floor beneath Traipse vanished and he began to fall from the two stories that the floor originally sat at. As he fell Princess Luna opened her wings and glided them both safely to the ground, Just as Princess Celestia did the same for the other two soldiers. As soon as they landed Traipse looked around.

The entire Crystal Empire was gone… and in its place was a frozen wasteland. All the soldiers that entered the city with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still here, but everything else was gone. Traipse was stunned, “Where… where is… the castle? Where are the streets? The buildings? The crystal ponies? Where is the empire?”
Captain Mist trotted up to Traipse,” I guess… the spell he used took the kingdom with it.”
Traipse looked at Captain Mist, “Y-you guess? YOU GUESS! What do you mean you guess?! Where is everypony!?! Where is the Empire! What happened to them!?!”
Captain Mist replied, “The spell he used before he was turned into shadows. He decided to take the kingdom with him. this is completely unexpected.”
“UNEXPECTED!?! You said you were here to help the Crystal Ponies!”

Cadet Dust spoke next, “Calm down Traipse this isn’t the time to panic.”
Captain Mist added, “If we start now I'm sure we can find a way to bring them ba…”
Traipse pulled Captain Mist to the ground and pinned him there, “SHUT UP!!! I bet you planed this didn’t you! You all did! YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN KING SOMBRA!!!”
Captain Mist replied, “Easy now, that’s a little harsh isn’t it? we came to help you, if you come back with us to Canterlot then we can figure this out together…”
Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and Cadet Dust all together grabbed Traipse with their magic, pulled him off of Captain Mist, and held him in the air, as Princess Celestia tried to calm him down, “Colonel please! This isn’t the time t…”

Traipse yelled to the group, “ENOUGH! You’re no better than king Sombra! I should have known better than to trust ponies from Equestria! You claim you care about the crystal ponies, you claim that you are here to help them! Well answer me this? WHERE ARE THEY!!! Give me proof that you meant to help them! Show me a pony that you have helped through all this!”
As Cadet Dust helped Captain Mist up from the ground, they all lowered their heads in shame, as Princess Luna replied, Traipse… we meant well. we wanted nothing more than to help them… but this was completely unex…”
“…pected? Yea… I’ve heard that excuse already… just answer me this, why am I still here?”
Princess Celestia replied, “Since you’re only a half blood… maybe the spell was directed toward full blooded crystal ponies, that would explain why my soldiers are still here too.”
“And the king… what happened to him?”
“He was turned to shadow and banished to the Ice of the arctic north…”

Traipse lowered his head, “You can let me down now… I'm not going to attack you.”
The three stopped using their unicorn magic to let Traipse down then Princess Celestia spoke, “Come Traipse, we will go back to Equestria and find out ho…”
“With all due Disrespect, your majesty… I don’t want to go anywhere with the likes of you, your dream corrupting sister, and your pathetic excuse for a captain… in fact. I'm going to leave and I hope to never see any of you… or even step hoof in Equestria for along as I live.”
Captain Mist wiped he blood from his face as he yelled in in rage, “GOOD!!! THEN GO!!!”
Cadet Dust looked at Captain Mist, “Captain… please don’t make thing worse!”

Traipse turned around to trot away, “Very well… Good bye.”
As Traipse trotted by Princess Luna he stopped and looked her in the eye, “And you… if you appear in anymore of my dreams from this moment on… I'll hunt you down, and kill every subject I have to, until I find, and kill you… am I understood… Princess?”
Princess Luna lowered her head in shame, “You won’t see me again Traipse… I promise.”
Traipse continued trotting away as he replied, “Good.”
As Traipse trotted away, Captain Mist spoke to Princess Celestia, “Are you going to let him disrespect you in such a manner? He should be pun…”
Princess Luna interrupted him, “No… it’s us that should be punished… what we did to him… it’s as if we banished him from his home for no reason… we literally destroyed his life”
“Yea, but…”
Princess Celestia added, “Think of it like this captain… say somepony killed both me and Princess Luna, then destroyed Equestria… what would you do then?... You don’t know because that’s exactly what he is trying to figure out for himself.”

Captain Mist looked at Traipse as he disappeared over the horizon, “I… I guess I understand… but isn’t that what a traitor like him deserves?”
Princess Luna replied, “he isn’t a traitor, he only followed his orders as any soldier would. In fact I believe that somewhere in his heart there is some good. Otherwise he would have never helped us. I hope someday he finds it.”
and from that moment on… Traipse left Equestria and vowed never to have anything to do with The kingdom or its princesses ever again.

A Disturbed Serenity

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Another pony from the group of travelers trotted up to the yelling pony and looked at the bodies, “No… they don’t need help… not anymore. The freezing wind was too much for them both. I guess these lovers were on their way to the town we just left, the poor souls.”
The other pony sighed, “Freezing to death in a blizzard like this… well at least they went together in each other’s arms. That’s how I would want to go if my wife and I were alone like this. Should we give them a proper burial?”
The first pony replied, “It seems like that’s the least we can do for them. It’s a shame we didn’t find them in time.”

As the two stallions tried to move the frozen corpses the first pony noticed something, “It looks like this mare is holding something… it’s a foal… the poor thing must have died with them.”
Then the second pony noticed something else, “Wait a second… the foal… it’s breathing… THIS FILLY IS ALIVE! HEY, GET THE DOCTOR DOWN HERE!!! WE HAVE A FOAL THAT NEEDS HELP!!!”
A large number of ponies from the Nomadic Tribe quickly rushed to them and pulled the infant filly from her frozen mother’s arms. The doctor of the group quickly rushed the foal to his wagon and started checking her for any kind of frostbite.

After a few minutes the doctor returned with good news, “The young foal is one hundred percent fine… she isn’t even sick. It looks like the last act of her mother and father was to save her life using their bodies to keep her warm. It was as if she was meant to survive this tragedy.”
One of the mares in the crowd called out “What are we going to do with her!”
One of the stallions replied “What else? we are going to take care of her. We saved her, so as far as I'm concerned… She’s one of us! We should make her part of the community.”
After that speech there was an uproar of ponies agreeing with the stallion, so the doctor replied, “It’s settled then, from this point forward… She will travel with us. Now there was no sign of her name so I guess we should give her one, can anypony think of a name?”

The large group of ponies discussed a name for a while, until finally, a decision was made, and the doctor called out, “Well it looks like we have a name for our new Foal. We shall call her Serenity.”
The same uproar as before reemerged from the crowd showing that they all agreed with the name and from that moment on Serenity traveled with the nomadic community. As the years passed, young Serenity grew up learning the tricks to being a nomad. The community of wanderers would travel from town to town, trading items, assisting farmers, working in mines, and whatever else they could do to make money for their traveling community. Then with the change in the seasons, they would move on together.

Serenity had an unusual talent of throwing daggers at targets so she would use her talent as a street performer, but most of the time she would help work on farms, or mines with other the nomads. As time went by, she grew into a strong pegasus, who put her pride in keeping the rest of the nomads safe from harm. One day while traveling through a mountainous region of the Griffon Kingdoms, they found a small village where they were mining silver. This is where Serenity met a strong unicorn miner named Jack Hammer, who helped them get a job in the mines. After a few days, Jack finally gathered his courage and approached her while they were working, “Um… Serenity? I was wondering if… you know we could go out sometimes, kinda… um… to dinner or something like that.”
Serenity blushed while she replied, “Well… I'm not looking for any kind of relationship at this time so I'm going to have to say, no thank you.”

Jack Hammer seemed hurt, but he hid it behind a smile and replied, “That’s alright, I'll ask again later…”
taking it as a joke, Serenity just brushed off the conversation and finished off the day like any other. Then when the next day came… he asked again. The conversation was almost the exact same as it was the day prior, and it ended the same too. Then the same thing happened the day after that, then the day after that. She couldn’t help but admire his determination, and not only that, she started paying attention to his actions both during and after work. Overall, he was a very kindhearted stallion. He did charity work for the town from time to time, he had many friends that he would joke around with, and he was never disrespectful to anypony, no matter what the situation. The only odd thing about him was that when she asked the griffon residence about him, they told her that he wandered into town the same way she did, with no explanation of his past or his reason.

Finally, after about two weeks of the same routine the conversation went a little differently, Jack Hammer asked his usual question, “Um… Serenity? I was wondering if…”
“Fine, if you want to go out that badly then I'll accept.”
Without realizing it, the stallion spoke, “That’s alright.. I’ll ask again la… wait… you said yes didn’t you?”
Serenity giggled as she replied, “Of course I did… you’ve been asking me every day for almost two weeks now.”
Jack smile, “Really? I haven’t noticed… actually it’s been about two weeks and two days… but who is counting?”
Serenity laughed at the stallions since of homer, He seemed even more charming now than the last time he asked.

That night the stallion took her out to dinner and showed her some interesting places in the village. She was amazed at all the things she didn’t notice as she flew to and from the mine every day. After that night, the two seemed inseparable. He would tell of his life growing up as a miner’s son in a town near the Crystal Empire, and his talent to use his magic to cause flint and sulfur deposits in the ground to explode clearing large boulders when digging in mines. It seemed strange that he would listen with great enthusiasm when she talked about the nomads, about the elder pony who seems to be the leader despite the fact that the others respect the doctor more, and how their community seems to pick up wandering soldiers to use as protection during bandit raids. However, she figured it was because he worked in mines all his life, while the nomads traveled all over the world.

The nomads and the other miners couldn’t think of any two ponies who were more perfect for each other than Serenity and Jack Hammer. Nevertheless, it wasn’t long before the day she dreaded, came. One morning before traveling to the mines, the elder nomad approached Serenity, “My dear Serenity, spring is here and it’s time we move on. I know that you have fallen in love with a local, so I'll give you a choice. Either stay here and become a resident of this town, or convince him to come with us. Whatever you decide, we will leave this town in three days. At sunrise on the fourth day, we will be leaving, with or without you. Please decide soon.”
And without letting Serenity reply, the elder continued to his daily duties, leaving her in a troubled state. She didn’t want to leave the nomads, but she didn’t want to force him to go if he wanted to.

That evening they spent the usual time together, however Serenity couldn’t keep her focus so Jack had to ask, “Is everything ok Reni? You seem troubled.”
She replied, “We will be leaving again soon…. And I was wondering if you wanted to go with us?”
Jack smiled and answered with sarcasm, “Hmm… stay here with all the fun of digging in a mine… or travel the world with the mare of my dreams, visiting exotic places and meeting interesting Ponies… decisions, decisions.”
Serenity replied, “Jack this isn’t a joke… I'm really worried about this… please just tell me.”
Jack pulled a bit from his pocket and replied, “Why we don’t let this decide. Heads I'll go with you and tails I’ll give this coin to you then go with you.”

Serenity smiled as he tossed the coin into the air and let it hit the ground behind him, then without even turning to look at the coin he looked into her eyes and replied, "Well… looks like I'm going with you.”
She smiled as she replied, “You didn’t see what it was… how do you know what we will do now?”
He smiled as he got closer to her, “I just know… besides I'm too scared to look, I don’t want to give up that bit.”
She could only smile as they leaned in and shared their first kiss. It was this moment, that she decided that she would spend the rest of her life with this stallion.

Jack asked, “So… where are we going and which route will we be taking?”
Serenity replied, “Well I think we are going into the Hooviet Union from here, we will be taking the mountain pass to the north.”
“Really… the north?”
“Is something wrong?”
Jack replied, “Oh no, that’s a fine route. I was just thinking that it will be a very calm journey to take… and I can’t wait to take it with you.”
They spent the rest of the night together, talking about all the things he could do to help the nomads in the future. Nevertheless, only thing she could think of for the rest of the night was that from this moment on, she will never be unhappy, or worried… not with her true love by her side.

The next few days passed by and Serenity agreed that she would meet him in front of their convoy right before they left, however when the time came to meet him… nopony showed up. She waited and waited and waited, but the stallion she was in love with, never arrived. The rest of the nomads even decided to postpone their departure for a few hours for her sake… but Jack Hammer ever arrived to leave with them so she had no choice but to go without him. the thought of leaving him behind hurt her deeply, but it hurt her even more to think that he stood her up when he agreed to go with them. But she tried as hard as she could to forget about him, and keep going.

Shortly after the Nomad’s convoy made it into the gorge, they came across a narrow passage but it was completely blocked. The Convoy lead called to the back, “ALL PONIES STOP!”
As the convoy stopped Serenity galloped to the front, “What’s the hold up?”
The lead replied, “A rock slide closed the passage ahead, we are going to have to dig our way through.”
The entire convoy turned around and looked in the direction they came to see Jack Hammer standing with a number of stallions by his side. Serenity called out, “Jack? But I though we…”

Jack smiled as he looked at Serenity, “You know… I actually started to fall for you… but that wasn’t part of the plan.”
Serenity called back, “What plan? What’s going on here Jack?”
Jack shook his head, and then called to the entire convoy, “Lay down your weapons and surrender all your valuables! That includes the money you made while you were in town! Don’t try anything heroic or I promise you, it won’t end well.”
Serenity couldn’t believe her ears, “JACK!... What are you doing?!”
Jack smiled sinisterly at her and replied, “Thank you Reni, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have discovered all that I know about your group. Like how the doctor is the most respected member, and the elder is supposed to be the leader. I also wouldn’t know which route you would be taking so that I could have an ambushed sitting and waiting for you… though you are late.”

Tears came to her eyes, “WE WAITED FOR YOU!!!”
Jack laughed, “You’re so sweet and adorable, I could really fall in love with a mare like you, however I live my life as a bandit leader, and honestly, a mare like you is too good for me.”
Serenity had tears rolling down her face as she replied, “You… you mean… you played me?... you… you didn’t have feelings for me at all?...”
Jack replied heartlessly “I'm afraid so my dear. Don’t worry, if you do as we ask, you and the rest of your… rejects will go free and unharmed. All you have to do is cooperate.”

Serenity felt an incredible pain in her heart, this pain easily multiplied the pain she felt wn she left without him in the first place. Now, he not only betrayed her, but he broke her heart. With tears continuing to roll down her face, Serenity yelled as she charged, “You want us to surrender… OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!”
Jack smiled as he shook his head in disappointment, “I should have guessed… Very well.”
Using his magic Jack caused a deposit of flint in the base of the cliffs to explode causing a rockslide. Serenity tried all she could to reach Jack before the rocks could reach her, but it was no use. One rock rolled under her hooves causing her to fall over and the rest rolled on top of her burying her alive. When the dust settled, she felt very weak as she looked around under the rock and gravel. While she was there she heard his voice, “Foolish Pegasus… it’s such a shame really, you just don’t find romantics like that anymore, It’s a pity. GANG LET’S GET THEM!!! SHOW NO MERCY TO THOSE WHO RESIST!!!”

The last sounds she heard before falling unconscious were the metal on metal sounds of swords and shields. She didn’t know how many hours had passed, but she woke to dead silence, and the intense smell of blood. With barely enough room to move, her wings and hooves, she started to dig her way out. By the time she emerged from the pile of rock and gravel, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Everypony… the mares, the stallions, the elderly, even the foals… they were all dead. The entire community was completely wiped out. She dropped to her knees in complete horror and pain. She loved him… she trusted him, and she wanted to marry that stallion someday… but he took her heart and stomped it right in front of her. He used her to trap, and kill the entire clan of nomads.

Serenity gathered the bodies of her friends and family up and counted them… there were no survivors. She still found it hard to believe that the kind hearted, sweet, and charming stallion that she fell in love with was the same stallion who mercilessly killed everypony she cared about, But he made one fatal mistake… she was still alive.. She started searching through the striped wagon for any items that could be salvaged, but all she could find was a bunch of unused black fabric, a dull farming scythe and a number of knitting needles. It wasn’t much but considering all that had happened to her… it was perfect. She spent the rest of the day burying her fallen community and then went to work. Using some stitching thread that she found, she was able to turn the black fabric into a cloak. Then she used the flat part of some sand stone she found to sharpen both the scythe and the needles to a razor sharpened state. With here new weapons ready for battle, Serenity traveled back to the town to find Jack. When she got there, she had discovered that he had quit his job at the mine and traveled east further into the Griffon Kingdom.

Serenity saw no other choice; she traveled east to try to track him down. Luckily as the sun set on the next day, she caught up with him. He and his gang of bandits were setting up a camp for the night, and she couldn’t see a more perfect time to kill him. That night, while he and his gang were laughing around the bonfire, Serenity snuck into the camp by staying in the shadows and keeping her hoofsteps silent. When she was close enough she kept herself hidden while she watched Jack Hammer for the perfect time to strike. With each passing minute, she became more and more furious, not only was he talking and playing as if what he did was normal, but he didn’t show even the slightest expression of regret or guilt. Finally, Jack stood up and spoke, “Well guys I'm out for the night, don’t stay up too late, we will be leaving early tomorrow.”

Jack Hammer started trotting away from the bonfire and entered a large tent. Shortly after he went in, Serenity snuck in behind him. while he was getting his sleeping bag ready he turned around and saw her standing there with the hood on her cloak covering her face and her scythe, “Wha… who… who are you?”
Serenity smiled as she replied, “Foolish Unicorn… it’s a shame really, you just don’t meet hopeless romantics like you anymore.”
Jacks eyes widened, “Serenity?... no… but you’re supposed to be…”
“Dead! No… I'm not… but you will be soon.”

Out of fear Jack Hammer dashed out the other side of the tent, while Serenity used her scythe to cut through the top as she flew into the sky. While in the air, Serenity pulled two needles out and tossed them at her fleeing ex. The needles hit both his hind hooves as Jack Hammer fell to the ground screaming and crying in pain. As Serenity landed next to him, Jack turned around and tried to use his magic to fight back but not only was there no flint to ignite, but the pain in his hooves was too intense for him to focus his magic on anything. When Serenity saw this she pinned his head to the ground with one hoof and then using her scythe and all the strength she could, she bashed the blunt end of her scythe against Jacks horn while it was pressed against a rock, causing it to break into pieces.

Jack Hammer let out a scream of intense pain and horror that made the bandits who were rushing to the screams they heard before, hesitate with worry and fear. A tear rolled down Serenity’s expressionless face as she spoke, “I trusted you… I loved you… I would have given my life for you… Then you betrayed me, and took everything I had from me… my family… my friends, and my life. Now, I'm going to take the same things from you… the only difference is before I take your life I'm going to watch you suffer.”
Serenity turned to see a group of bandits standing there looking at her with their weapons drawn. Without saying a word, Serenity pulled another needle from under her cloak and threw it at the bandit who yelled at her.

The needle silently flew through the air before digging into the face of the bandit, killing him on contact. Seeing this another bandit who was standing on the other side of where she was facing charged her. However, the moment he got close enough, Serenity spun around with her scythe and clipped him across his throat. The stallion stood stunned for a few seconds before coughing up blood and falling over dead. After that, the bandits all charged at once, trying their best to stop the intruder at all cost. However, what they weren’t expecting was the fury that was controlling their unknown assailant. Moving very quickly she managed to either dodge or block every attack and counter with either a thrown needle or a swift strike of her scythe on either their faces or their throats. At no time did she ever inflict any injury to anypony’s torso or legs. The fierce fighting lasted almost ten minutes before she chased down the remaining bandits who were trying to flee for their lives, but she made certain to finish off everypony there leaving behind absolutely no survivors.

Once the bloody mist finally settled Serenity, with her eyes filled with rage and anger, turned back to the pony that she used to love. The cowering Jack laid there crying in pain, fear, and shock, then he looked up at the dark figure who stood over him looking at him with hate filled eyes from under the hood of her blood stained cloak, carrying a scythe dripping in blood. As he looked at her in fear, he spoke, “You… you did die… you’re not the beautiful mare I tricked… you’re not the lovely mare that I kissed a few nights ago. she died… she was crushed by falling rocks… what you are is a monster created by her rage and anger towards me… you’re The Grim Reaper, here to judge me for my sins… you’re… you’re not even a pony anymore…”
Serenity looked at Jack with an emotionless expression and replied, “If that is true, then you have been judged and you will die. Here and now!”

The terrified Stallion trembled in fear as he looked at the unrecognizable corpses around him. Then he looked back at the dark figure that stood before him with neither regret nor mercy in her eyes. He started to cry as he spoke, “Please… I'm sorry… I… I didn’t want this to happen… I didn’t want anypony to get hurt from this… I swear… I…”
Serenity interrupted him “Yet every pony I knew and loved, died because of you!”
“NO!... Not just me it was the rest of the gangs’ idea they claimed that if we killed anypony who resists then we would become well known for showing no mercy… please… I beg of you… I don’t want to die… I didn’t mean for anypony to get hurt I swear… you hear me… I sw……”
Before the whimpering pony could finish his sentence, he was silenced by Serenity’s blade as she held the scythe over her head and dropped the point into his forehead, splitting his skull, and ending his life.

When Serenity pilled the scythe back and flung the blood off it, she looked around. The entire bandit camp was silent; all that could be heard was the wind and the cracking sound of the bonfire while all that could be seen was the corpse that glowed in the light of the moon and the bonfire. The instant smell of fresh blood filled the air as she thought to herself, “It’s over… my family can now rest in peace… they can now… rest…”
All of a sudden she started to feel the guilt of all the lives she had taken within the last hour… she started to feel the souls of more than seventy five bandits clawing on her mind as if they were trying to take her with them. She dropped her scythe and griped her head, “Silence.. This silence… I… I'm completely alone now!… I can’t be the only survivor of both sides!… I… I'm the one to blame for their deaths… I'm the only one left to take the blame!… but, I'm still alive… I'm still here!… once again I managed to survive when I should have died!… I…”
Serenity took a deep breath, as it started to rain around her, “I guess that’s my purpose then. To survive when I should die… maybe that’s why Jack and I could never be… maybe I'm not meant to be with anypony. Well then I assume I should start a new life then, one devoid of friends and family, I guess I should just forget my past all together.”
Serenity stood and started cleaning the blood off her with the rainwater, while doing this; she noticed that her cutie mark had appeared it was a black heart with a blood red lightning bolt piercing it. She could only assume she received it the moment she dropped her scythe on Jacks head. Next, she looked through the camp for items that she could use, she recovered all the money that was taken from the Nomads, but that and a saddlebag of food was all she took as she left the camp leaving all the bodies and the tents untouched.

Soon the entire kingdom was in an uproar about an evil spirit that massacred a nomadic tribe and a gang of bandits, leaving behind no survivors, and no signs of mercy. With this rumor of a monster mercilessly killing travelers, Germaneigh decided to increase security on its borders between Germaneigh and The Griffon Kingdom. However, this seemed like a threat toward the Griffon Kingdom, so one act became another and before they knew it, both nations declared war on each other. With a new war-taking place, griffon soldiers started putting up stands all over the Griffon Kingdom to recruit either soldiers or mercenaries. It was by chance that Serenity happened to pass one of these stands, so being a lone wanderer with no ties to anypony alive, she decided to sign on as a mercenary. The griffon soldier couldn’t help but laugh at her request, “My apologies miss, but we are looking for griffon mercenaries… not ponies, especially a mare. So unless you can prove that you’re skilled enough, I'm going to deny your request.”

The griffon put his talon on the registration form and started sliding it across the table away from Serenity. Then using her accuracy Serenity slammed the blade of her scythe on the form piercing both the form and the table, while making the blade go right between the fingers on the griffon’s talon. When the griffon pulled his unharmed talon back in shock, she replied, “I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll see to it that I am well worth the money paid to me, and if I die then you don’t have to pay me so there is no losing in this deal.”
The shocked griffon nodded his head and replied, “Well… then… um… sign away miss… uh… What was your name?”
Serenity looked at the name line of the registration form and put the only word she could think of, then she replied, “I have no name… and no past… but I was last called… The Reaper.”

Noble Blood

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The young filly was lead into the ballroom wearing a beautiful gown. As she delicately entered the room, her mother looked at her and spoke, “Trot with your chin higher! You look like you’re depressed, an unhealthy look for a proper mare! And don’t trot with your knees so high! A proper mare, glides across the floor like a delicate flower blossom down a soft stream. She doesn’t trot like a clumsy dandelion in a river. Besides, you could accidentally step on your dress and ruin it during a formal occasion. And a proper mare will not entertain with a ruined dress; it will disgrace your nobility and your husband to be. And For Celestia's sake, Smile! You must look pleased that so many have arrived for your betrothal ball.”

The nervous filly made the corrections to her stance and replied, “My apologies mother.”
The noble mare replied, “An apology isn’t necessary… neither are mistakes. You will get it right before you sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a ball to announce the young colt that you will be betrothed to and I will not allow you to embarrass us in front of your future in-laws.”
As the filly tried to trot the way she was told to, she asked her mother, “Why must I be betrothed mother? Shouldn’t I have the right to marry whomever I choose?”

The mother sighed and replied, “Serenade, we have discussed this before. As the oldest daughter of our family, you are to inherit the family fortune upon our death, and we cannot allow you to handle such a burden without a husband. Besides , Charles Mist Jr. is one of the most respected stallions in Canterlot, and with his son already training himself for the royal guard exam, at the young age of six. He will be the perfect husband to further carry our family into the highest of nobility. Despite your continues mistakes… Stop dragging your hooves and keep your wings closed. Just because you’re losing your balance, doesn’t mean opening your wings to retrieve it, will make you look any less sloppy.”

Serenade made the corrections to her wings and continued practicing while she replied, “But… I never even met Chrome Mist before… what if I don’t love him?”
The filly’s mother paced around her daughter observing as she replied, “love? In this case, it’s more a matter of principles than love. When I was your age, I was betrothed to your father, as my mother was before her. The reason we do this is so that we keep the appearance of our family and our name in the highest society. STOP SLOUCHING! It’s disrespectful to your guests, and makes it look like they are boring you.”

Serenade wanted to reply, but they do bore me, but she knew that if she did her mother would scold her. All her life she was raised to be a proper noble mare, but she wanted to do all the things that middle class foals could do, frolic through fields, play outside during the rain, and even stay out late with friends… though because of her strict mother’s teachings she didn’t have any friends. Unless you count the servants who were at her beck and call. Nevertheless, she didn’t want friends who would do everything you told them to without question. She wanted friend who will disagree, argue, and decide what fun things to do without needing a suggestion. She wanted a real friend. But as her mother would continue to tell her, unless your friends had a high place in society, they could never be helpful as friends.

While all this was running through her mind, a butler entered the room, “Madam… Master Charles Mist and his son Young Master Chrome have arrived.”
With that said, the butler stepped aside and a noble stallion entered the room followed by a young colt. The stallion spoke, “Good Afternoon Lady Song and Miss Serenade, I came to discuss the arrangement for tomorrow’s betrothal ball.”
Miss Song replied, “Of course, my husband is in the next room so let us discuss this in there with him. Young Chrome, can you stay here and keep your future bride company?”
The young colt bowed as he replied, “It would be a pleasure ma’am.”
Miss Song smiled pleasantly as she left the room, “Such a polite young gentlecolt, you have my trust then young stallion.”

As soon as both parents have left the room, Chrome sighed, “Saturday afternoon and instead of being outside practicing my sword play, I'm stuck here babysitting a pampered little princess.”
Serenade was both shocked and offended, “Well… at least you get to go outside! My mother won’t let me, she says the dirt and grass are not worthy enough to be trotted on by a noble mare. Nevertheless, I do not care. Ponies weren’t meant to trot upon mink carpets and marble floors forever.”
The sneaky young stallion smiled and replied, “Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
Serenade replied, “I don’t know? Do you hate your mother too? Because that’s what I'm thinking.”

Chrome shook his head and replied, “No, I’m thinking we should sneak out while our parents are talking.”
“What? But what if we get caught? Mother will be furious…”
“Don’t worry; we won’t get caught, so long as you lead the way.”
Serenade was confuse, “M-me? Why me?”
Chrome replied, “This manor belongs to your family, so surely you know the way outside. If you lead the way I'll get us out of here unseen alright?”
Serenade didn’t expect her future husband to be this sneaky, now she couldn’t tell what to think of him. At first, he seemed to be the polite noble he was supposed to be, then he seemed like a snotty brat, and now he is a cleaver sneaky troublemaker. Nevertheless, she couldn’t turn down this chance to act like a normal foal for once in her life, so she smiled, “Let’s do it.”

Serenade led the way as they snuck out of the mansion and into the garden behind the estate. Once they got there she and Chrome started doing things that most foal did on a day-to-day basis. They played games like tag, guards and bandits, and they even found a large bush that they used to make believe they were in a fort. With each passing activity, the dress she was wearing got more and more dirty and worn, but she didn’t care. For the first time in her life, Serenade Song was a real foal. Finally, they decided to end the day with her first attempt at flying. Serenade climbed to the top of a tree and looked down at Chrome on the ground as he spoke, “Ok, now try to flap your wings and jump.”

Serenade was nervous as she spoke, “Um are you sure? It really high up.”
Chrome replied, “Trust me it’s easy.”
Serenade replied, “How do you know it’s easy? You’re a unicorn!”
Chrome shook his head, “Well if you’re too scared, then we can always find something a little wimpier to do. I mean I can’t help it if you’re a chicken.”
Serenade got angry, “I'M NOT A CHICKEN! I'm… I just don’t know if I can do it or not.”
Chrome replied, “Try this, just close your eyes and feel the wind, maybe that’ll take your mind off the fear. And if it doesn’t then just jump and if you can’t do it then I'll catch you, how’s that sound? Just trust me.”
Serenade sighed, “Well ok… here I go… I'm going to… jump now… any second I'm going to do it…”
While Serenade was stalling, the branch she was standing on snapped in half causing her to fall.

While Serenade was falling, she let out a scream that echoed into the distance. Chrome called to her, “FLAP YOUR WINGS, QUICKLY… FLAP YOUR WINGS!!!”
Serenade frantically started flapping her wings but they only slowed her drop very little. While falling, she looked down and feared the worst as she stretched her wings out as far as she could, as if by reflex. With her wings open they caught lift and caused her to swoop upward just a few feet from hitting Chrome who was keeping his word and trying to catch her. As soon as her altitude started to rise, she stopped focusing on what she was doing and just let her pegasus instinct take control. With that, she climbed into the air and called out, “I'm… I'm doing it!... I'm really doing it!... I'M FLYING!!!... I'M REALLY FLYING!!!”
Serenade climbed to a specific altitude and started to glide steadily. While she did this, she closed her eyes, felt the wind in her mane, and listened to the flapping of her dress in the wind.

Serenade never felt more at peace than this exact moment. This was the cherry, on top of what was now the best day of her life. Then she opened her eyes and flew back towards Chrome who was still standing under the tree cheering. All of a sudden, she heard a voice, “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!! GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!!!”
Serenade quickly looked at the ground behind her to see her mother standing there with an angry expression on her face, “Mo-mother I-I can expl…”
Before she could finish her sentence Serenade few through the branches of the tree in front of her without realizing it. When she did, the branches caught hold of her dress and stared ripping it until finally one caught hold and stopped her in her tracks.

As she hung there by her dress, she tried to think about what just happened before the lacing on the front of her dress ripped apart and she fell to the ground leaving the ruined dress in the tree above. As soon as she hit the ground, Chrome ran up to her, “Serenade! You ok?”
Serenade sat up and rubbed her head, “Yea... I'm ok… for now anyway.”
With an expression of anger on her face, Serenades mother trotted up to her and grabbed her by her ear, “I can’t believe you would deliberately disobey me like this. You know better to go outside without asking first. And furthermore, you ruined your gown! Why do you like to disgrace our family in many ways. All of this is so unbecoming of a noble mare. Now tell me exactly what were you thinking when you though up this ridiculous action?”

Serenade hesitated as she answered, “Well… you see… I… uh…”
Serenade and her mother looked at Chrome with shock as he continued, “I told her that she was too scared to show me how to get to the garden then, once she showed me the way, I bet her that she couldn’t handle playing the kinds of games I play when I'm outside. So… you see… It’s my fault not hers!”
Charles Mist trotted up and spoke, “Well at least he was honest enough to defend her. I’d say my son is a perfect husband for your daughter. This proves that he will protect her from any future dangers.”
As angry as Miss Song was, she admired Chrome’s bravery in standing up to her like that. Bravery like that was very uncommon in a colt his age so with her appearance in mind, she smiled at Serenade and replied, “I suppose I can overlook this incident just this once. However, I can’t overlook the fact that your gown for the ball tomorrow is ruined. I hope we can attain a replacement in such short notice.”

Charles Mist smiled and spoke up, “No worries, I'll have my personal tailor get on it right away, in fact, since it was young Chrome who was responsible for this incident in the first place, I'll pay the dress plus a little interest. It’s the least I could do for my son’s recklessness.”
Miss Song smiled and replied, “Well if you insist, then far be it for me to turn down your offer, as a future in-law I wouldn’t think of starting off this betrothal with bad tidings.”
Charles smiled and replied, “It’s settled then, I'll call for him and have him here within the hour to take measurements and begin. As for myself and young Chrome here, we have other business to attend to so we will thank you for your hospitality and bid you good day. Come Chrome we have to be leaving now.”
Chrome smiled and replied, “Of course father… Good evening to you Lady Song, Miss Serenade, I’ll graciously await the time for us to meet again.”

As Charles and Chrome Mist left the garden, Miss Song and Serenade smiled pleasantly until they were out of their sight. Miss Song turned towards her daughter and spoke with an enraged yet unconcerned tone, “You continue to embarrass me and our family? Have you no shame? No concern for the wellbeing of this family’s future appeal to the eyes of high society? You’re lucky young master Chrome stood up for you, if neither one of them were present, then your punishment would be severe. Now I want you to go to your room and await the arrival of the tailor. You WILL be presentable tomorrow and you WILL NOT embarrass this family any further, am I understood!”

Serenade had never been so afraid of her mother before, but she expected this kind of lecture so she hung her head in shame as she turned around and replied, “Yes mother… right away.”
As Serenade trotted away, her mothers called out in a disgusted tone, “And for Celestia’s sake, bathe yourself! I will not have you seeing Mr. Mist’s tailor in such… Filth.”
Serenade was enraged at her mother’s comment, but being taught to hide her anger helped her cover the frustration she was feeling at this exact moment. When she was halfway back to her bedchambers, Serenade stopped next to a window and looked into the garden, from the second floor, the garden looked very similar to what it looked like when she was flying. She couldn’t help but think of the freedom she felt while she was in mid-flight. Then she thought about the colt who made it all possible. she started to blush as she thought about him and the fact that they would be married in the future. Then she mumbled to herself, “Mrs. Chrome Mist… maybe this betrothal is a good idea after all.”

The rest of the night went as her mother planned. She spent the night getting herself cleaned up and getting her dress made for the ball, then the entirety of the next day was spent rehearsing the way she was supposed to trot, talk, and act around her guests, so that she would be ready for the ball that evening. That night at the ball, Princess Celestia herself stood with both Serenade and Chrome in the center of the ballroom as she announced to all the guests, “Welcome, Fillies and gentlecolts, to this very special occasion. Tonight we will announce the official agreement between the Song and Mist family so that it will be known that on this night twelve years from now, Young Serenade Song, and Chrome Mist will be married. An occasion as special as this will be a day that both families will look forward to with great anticipation. We wish these two foals luck on their future happiness.”
As the crowed started to applaud, Serenade couldn’t help but blush at the idea of her future marriage. She really enjoyed the idea even though it seemed like Chrome had no real comment on the subject.

As the time went by, the night seemed like every other formal event that Serenade has been a part of. With every action she made, her mother was continuously criticizing everything she did that wasn’t a part of her usual nobility lessons. It was almost too distracting how often Miss Song would correct her that it seemed to draw more attention than the actual mistake itself. But for some reason, Serenade felt… unsafe. She didn’t know what it was but she just put the though at the back of her mind as her frustration kept getting worse and worse with every action her mother corrected until finally she made the ultimate mistake. While she was going up the master staircase at the edge of the ballroom, she accidently stepped on the edge of her dress and ripped it as she stumbled and fell down the stairs. As she picked herself up from the ground, a number of ponies helped her up and lead her to the next room to check her injuries.

In the next room as everypony was checking to see if she was ok, Serenade’s mother trotted into the room and asked, “Sweetie? Are you ok?”
Serenade rubbed the bump on her head and replied, “Yes mother… I'm fine; the worst I received was a slight bump.”
The mother gave her a look that was void of any concern as she spoke to the others in the room, “Could you ponies give me a moment alone with my daughter?”
The ponies felt a little confused about being asked to leave the room but they nodded their heads and left as they were asked. When the door closed behind them, Serenade hung her head in shame already knowing what was coming next. Miss Song turned back to her daughter and started pacing in front of her, “So… a bump was the only serious injury you received… right?”

Serenade had never heard her mother speak in such a careless tone, especially after a screw-up like that in front of the entire upper-class community of Canterlot. She tried not to cringe in fear as she replied, “Y-yes mother, I'm completely fine, I wish I could say the same about my dress though…”
Miss Song continued pacing as she replied, “I already noticed that… but that’s the only injuries… correct?”
“Y-yes mother that’s it…”
Miss Song stopped pacing and stood in front of her daughter as she replied, “Well… then would you mind explaining the half dead reputation you left at the bottom of the staircase? You embarrassed yourself your father and further more you embarrassed me… not just in front of your friends and family… but in front of the entire kingdom. And Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are also here! Do you know what kind of damage you are responsible for! Now that your betrothal to Young Chrome Mist is final, your recklessness has done nothing but ruined the reputation of both our families! Let me guess you lifted your hooves too high and stepped on your dress… didn’t you? Just what do you have to say for yourself?”

Serenade tried as hard as she could to hold in her tears of guilt as she replied, “I… I didn’t mean to…”
“I don’t want to hear it!… Sadly, I expected this kind of action from you so I had a second dress ready for this occasion. Stay here and wait for me to return with it… I will not allow you to further disgrace your family by going back out there in a ruined dress… stay here and don’t do anything stupid…”
Tears started to roll down Serenade’s face as her mother left the room, just outside the door her mother was approached by two stallions, one of them spoke, “Miss Song, my name is Doctor Stint, I was in the crowd when this little accident happened, if you would… I wish to take a look at Miss Serenade. I think that she could have had a concussion through the incident so I would like to check her to make sure she is ok.”
Miss Song sighed before replying, “Fine… Do what you have to doctor… but if anything is wrong with her, then please tell me and nopony else… I’ve had enough disappointment for one night.”

The stallions were a little confused at Miss Song’s words but they just shrugged their shoulders and replied, “Um… Ok.”
When the two stallions entered, the room one stood by the door after it closed while the other approached Serenades and spoke, “Little Serenade? I'm here to check and make sure you’re completely fine, but first I'm going to give you a pain killer so you can stop crying over that bump on you head.”
Serenade was too ashamed to tell the stallion that she wasn’t crying because of the bump, so she decided to play long and replied, “O-ok… thank you doctor.”
The stallion handed her a pill and a glass of water, almost three minutes after taking the pill, Serenade started to feel its effect as the pain on her head went away, but that wasn’t the only effect. Slowly she started to feel sleepy as her sight started to darken and she started to pass out. The last thing she heard before losing consciousness was the other stallion speaking, “Alright you grab the filly while I'll get the window open…”

The next thing she knew, Serenade woke up in what looked like a cave of some kind. She struggled to pick herself up from the ground but it was no use, all four of her hooves were tied up while her wings were strapped to her side with a belt. She was completely unable to move. As she looked around, she saw the same two stallions that were at the ball enter the cave. One was speaking to the other as they entered, “Look its very simple, when the phoenix gets back with the reply message from her mother we will arrange a location to meet with them for the exchange, they get the girl back while we get the bits. Its brilliant. They will literally pay a fortune to get their little princess back so now we will be rich.”
The other replied, “But… what if they set a trap for us?”
“That’s why we will have a sword to her throat, whether we will actually hurt her or not depends on how they treat this. They won’t try anything heroic if they think we will kill her if something were to happen right? Don’t worry this plan is fool proof.”

Serenade felt nervous as she spoke, “W-where am I?”
One of the stallions spoke, “Oh, you’re awake… Don’t worry little one, if your mommy and daddy meet our demands then we will safely return you to them and there will be no harm done, until then just stay calm and quiet and we will make this as easy on you as we can.”
Serenade was worried about what would happen to her, but she knew that the best thing to do in this situation was what she was told so she only replied, “Can you at least tell me how long I’ve been asleep?”
The second stallion replied, “You’ve been out for about a day now. I think the dosage we gave you was a little too much but then again these are adult sleeping pills, and you’re what? five, six years at the most. Either way we left the ransom note last night so we should be receiving a reply soon.”

Serenade replied, “Ransom note? You mean… I’ve been foalnaped?”
The first stallion spoke again, “I'm afraid so little one, but like I said before, if you keep quiet and calm then there won’t be any problems. Once we receive a reply from your parents we will kindly take our one million bits and be on our merry way. you will be back with your parents and your future husband, while me and my comrade here will vanish, and you will never see us ever again.”
Just then, a phoenix flew through a hole in the top of the cave, droped a note on the table and waited for a treat. The first stallion smiled, “Well speak of the demon, here is the reply now.”

As the first stallion picked up the note and began to read, the second attempted to give the phoenix a treat. The phoenix looked at the treat then looked back at the stallion. Finally, the phoenix jumped into the air and started pecking the stallion in a way to show that it really didn’t like this particular pony. Serenade couldn’t help but laugh at the hilarious event as the stallion tried to fight back only to be outsmarted by the creature. After laughing for a few seconds Serenade looked at the other stallion who was reading the note the phoenix brought in. she watched as his expression of self-convinced brilliance, slowly turned to confusion, shock, then depression. The stallion looked at his partner and spoke, “Hey! Will you stop fooling around with that bird, get over here.”
At that moment, the phoenix stopped attacking the pony and allowed him to approach his partner and read the note. Like the pony before him, his expression when he read the note turned from pride to depression.

Serenade felt very confused as they stared in disbelief at the note in their hooves. The two stallions started mumbling quietly to each other so she couldn’t hear them but with the emptiness of the cave she could hear them plain as day, the second stallion spoke “So… what do you make of this?”
His partner replied, “I just can’t believe it, it seemed like such a small amount compared to how much their family actually has. Not to mention the Mist family has double what the Song family has.”
“So what do we do about the girl?”
“What do ya mean?”
“Well she is no use to us… should we just kill her?”
The first stallion replied quickly “No… I can kill a stallion any day of the week, and I could kill a mare if I have proper reason… but there is no way in Tartarus’ gates, that I'll ever kill a filly, especially this one. It’s not her fault she was born into a rich family, nor is it her fault her parents decided to do this..”
“Well what would you suggest? If word gets out that our first attempt at an actual crime ends like this then our reputations will be burned at a stake.”
“You’re missing the bigger picture here, this isn’t about us anymore it’s about the girl.”
“Well then what do we do?”
“The only thing I can think of is to let her decide, one she could come with us and be a third member of our little group, two we can let her go off and start a new life of her own or three we can send her back to her parents.”
The second stallion sighed, “That’s a hard decision to make, I know I wouldn’t want to go back to a mother who refuses to do anything if I were foalnaped.”

Serenade couldn’t believe her ears, she knew her mother was cruel… but she had no idea that she would be as cruel to completely ignore her daughter’s personal safety. Serenade stayed quiet so she could hear more, “That poor foal… to be honest I would feel more guilty about this if we did just send her back. I can’t believe that mare thinks more about her reputation then her own daughter. It makes me sick to even consider sending her daughter back into the unloving arms of that witch.”
The second stallion replied, “Like it or not we need to think of something fast, just because she won’t pay us doesn’t mean she didn’t send out a search party for us.”
The first pony replied, “Well then we will just have to give her a choice then.”
The stallion turned and approached Serenade, as he reached down with a dagger and cut the ropes that tied her hooves together, he spoke softly, “Well little missy… it looks like you lucked out, so you’re free to go and do as you plea…”
“Take me with you…”

Both stallions were shocked to hear her say that. Serenade picked herself up off the ground and took the belt off her wings as she repeated herself, “Please… take me with you. If mother refuses to pay for my release, then I think it’s only fair that I join you two… I-I may be young, but I'll do everything I can to avoid disappointing you… I swear.”
The first stallion spoke again, “Now think about this for a second, if you do this then you will be turning your back on everything you have, friends, family, possessions, and your home. are you sure you want to do that?”
Serenade replied, “There are only two things in this world that I care about. One was going my future husband, and the second is my ability to fly. If I stay then I'll never get the chance to fly freely on my own and when I think about it… I only met Chrome a few days ago… I like him, but I don’t know if I will next year or even twelve years when we are supposed to be married. I think that the best choice for me… is to leave this place.”

The two stallions looked at each other and nodded the or heads then replied, “Well if that’s your choice then you’re free to come with us, so long as you don’t mind lying, cheating and stealing to survive. But either way. you better be willing to become a criminal if you want to come with us. We don’t intend to change our way just because of a plan gone wrong.”
The filly nodded as she replied, “Let’s be on our way then shall we?”
As the three ponies left the cave, Serenade looked into the distance and could see Canterlot. As she stood there, she sighed and spoke, “Chrome… thank you, if it wasn’t for you… I never would have flown and felt what it is to be free. I'll never forget you.”

From that day on the young filly threw away her life of nobility, changed her name to Wing, and became a criminal. She spent the next few years’ doing petty thefts and muggings with her two partners. There was only one rule she chose to follow, no matter what, she would never kill. After a few simple heists, she managed to steal an experimental weapon from a griffin blacksmith. This weapon was a series of blades and plates that would strap around the wings and torso of a Griffin, so that they could use both wings as either swords or shields. Using some contacts she made in the criminal underground, she had the weapon refitted for her wings. But the weight alone made it almost impossible for her to use them. Nevertheless, with every heist she partook in, she would wear this weapon and threaten anypony who stood against her, despite her rule to never kill. As time went by, the young filly grew into a beautiful mare whose looks were as deadly as the blades that she continuously wore.

With her continuous training with her weapons of choice, she not only got used to the weight, but she mastered flying and fighting with the wing blades which was never done even by the griffin soldiers who tried to carry this weapon. However as the years went by, the times began to change. Soon her partners fell victim to their own karma, so she decided to become a messenger for hire. However, this was no reason to stop wearing her wing blades. She continued to wear her blades and deliver parcels with ease, though she continued to follow her rule to never kill. But on her free time, she discovered her talent by continuously enjoying the gentle breeze. Using just the wind alone, she could tell everything about what was around her. She could detect tall buildings in the distance, large groups of animals, she could even read the weather and predict when the wind would shift, increase or decrease, though she rarely used this talent. She enjoyed the feeling of the wind, and to understand it more made her feel even more free.

One day while relaxing in a pub in Prance, a stallion she knew trotted in and spoke to her, “Hey Wing, I have some work for you if you’re interested. A noble mare from Canterlot requested some rather… dishonest documents be made, and delivered to her. Now there aren’t many messengers I know who will carry something like this so I figured you would do it yourself.”
Wing smiled as she replied, “So long as the pay is good, I'll deliver it. So what’s so illegal about it anyway?”
The stallion sat the envelope on the table and smiled, “It’s just a fake death certificate, that’s all. The certificate, name, address, and the first half of the payment are in this envelope, you will get the rest when the job is complete.”
As the stallion stood up and left the pub, Wing picked up the envelope and read the employers information. But she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the name, “Aria Song?... M-mother?”

Wing quickly opened the certificate up and read it to herself, The certificate was for a one, Serenade Song who died last week on her way back from boarding school. Her carriage was swept into a ravine after a nasty rockslide. Needless to say, she was the only one who didn’t survive the tragedy. Wing knew that every word on this document was false but she still couldn’t believe that her mother would make up something so elaborate just to keep her good name. Needless to say, Wing took the job, secured the envelope, and flew back to her old manor in Canterlot. When she arrived, Wing couldn’t help but hesitate as she approached the doors of the manor. It had been only one decade since she left that life behind, but she still didn’t want to go back to it, despite how the time may have changed her situation. Without even knocking on the large doors, Wing entered the main lobby and went through the corridor to her mother’s chambers. When she opened the door, her mother looked at her and spoke, “Who the blazes are you!”
Wing decided to hide her identity, “Miss Song? My name is Wing; I'm here to deliver some documentation to you.”
The rude noble sneered at her as she replied, “Oh… fine… lay them on the table.”
As Wing laid the envelope down on the table in the center of the room, the mare approached the table, opened the envelope, and looked at the documents, then she sat down in a chair and put her hoof print on the signature box then replied, “Since you’re late, I won’t be giving you any tip. For a pony of your… class, I'm sure that’s acceptable.”
Wing was greatly annoyed, not only was this stingy old mare trying to skip out on the bill, but she also didn’t even recognize her own daughter.

Rather than argue Wing decided to start up a conversation, “The documents say your daughter died… but I’ve been around forgeries long enough to know that those are fake… may I ask what really happened to her?”
Then Miss Song gave Wing an unamused look, “She’s gone… that’s all you need to know.”
“Did you kill her?”
The noble chuckled “Don’t be absurd, I don’t know if she is alive or not… but that doesn’t matter anymore, as far as society is concerned, she is gone. Ever since she was small, I knew she would never hold up to our name. She was too free spirited and… reckless. She never paid attention to my lesson and she never made even the slightest bit of progress, in acting proper. I can’t say I didn’t love her, but I was never proud of her. She would continuously embarrass me and this family with every action she committed. Until finally somepony took her from me. And to embarrass me even more they wanted me to actually pay for her return.”
Wing started to get annoyed with her words but she held it in as she replied, “So… may I ask what you did about that?”
Miss Song replied, “To save myself any further embarrassment, I kept the whole thing secret and just claimed that my daughter went to a boarding school instead. To be honest I’d rather have a daughter who died by a terrible accident than an embarrassment to the family fortune.”

Wing couldn’t hold it in anymore, “So, you decided to have her removed from existence!?!”
“What’s it to you, Peasant? Just because you have, a beautiful face doesn’t give you the right to criticize me in my own home! You never had a reputation to keep! You never hade company to please. What would a lowly wretch like you know about nobility!?!”
Remembering the training she went through as a foal, Wing began gracefully pacing in the room as she replied, “Oh… I think I know a thing or two about keeping a reputation. But what I don’t know about is how Pessimistic snob like you would ever consider yourself a suitable mother!”
The Noble mare replied while sitting in her chair, “Well, well, it would seem that the stray knows how to clean herself up, and act noble, but that doesn’t matter. A mutt like you will never know what it’s like living in my horseshoes! Besides look at your hoof placement, you’re stepping too high. If you were wearing a gown you would st… wait…”
the noble mare’s expression went from curious to shocked as she spoke, “S… Serenade?… it… it can’t be…”

Wing replied with no expression, “Hello mother… it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
“But… but you’re supposed to be…”
“Sorry I'm not dead, but who cares anyway right?”
Miss Song sighed as she spoke, “Get out…”
“You heard me peasant! I said, GET OUT!!! You embarrassed my name and made me look like a fool, and then you decide not to return until after I announce your death to Canterlot? You're nothing but one continuous embarrassment after another and I won’t have you do it to me again! SO GET OUT!!!”
Wing couldn’t believe her ears, “So just like that you’re going to call me dead? You think because you have your precious money, reputation, manor, and name, that you can make me vanish just like that? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!”

Miss Song yelled as she replied, “I am the widow Song! And my reputation as a noble was tarnished only once in my entire life. And that was when my ingrate of a daughter embarrassed me at her betrothal party when she was young! Since then… I’ve had no daughter, and her father died last year believing his daughter was accomplishing much at her boarding school. I will not have his name tarnished a second time. Especially by a mare who chooses to wear ridiculous slabs of scrap on her wings, and parades around delivering parcels for her next meal! Now do what I say for once in your life, and leave this place before I call the Royal Guards!”
Wings rage took over as she replied, “Oh I'll leave, once I'm finished with you! Let me show you just what these SCRAPS CAN DO!!!”

With that said, Wing charged toward her mother with her wing stretched out as far as it could, exposing the razor sharp blade that was connected to it. Before her mother could react, the blade cut completely through both her mother and the chair she was sitting in, and out the other side with very little resistance to Wing’s movements. As the top halves of the objects severed by the blade fell to the ground, Wing looked at her bloodstained weapon. The room around her was now silent, the only sounds to be heard was the light tapping as the blood dripped from her blade onto the floor. Wing couldn’t believe what she had just done, not only did she break her one rule that she chose never to break, but she did so by killing her own mother. And to make the matter worse… she felt great in doing so. As she flung the blood from her wing she turned back, to look at both of the pieces that used to be considered her mother and smiled, “It’s… it’s done. I’ve never felt so… content. Yet, unconcerned. So this is the feeling of taking a life. I can’t say I like it… but, it was much simpler than I expected.”
Wing trotted back to the documents, then she dipped her hoof in her mother’s blood and put her hoof print next to her mother’s in the signature box. After that, she closed the envelope and sat it back on the table next to the chair. Wing then turned and left the manor with nothing more than a content smile on her face and a clear conscience.

Within a month, Wing had changed her name yet again, this time she called herself Blade, as she hung up her life as a simple messenger, and became a mercenary who delivers across battlefields. Now that she had given up her rule of no killing, Blade was free to take any risk that came her way, even to a point of killing large formations of attacking pegasi. Though she still loved to use her appearance as a beautiful mare to trick others, she preferred fighting in the skies. Because it didn’t matter how much her feathers could be stained with blood, so long as the wind was there to calm her, she couldn’t feel the slightest bit of remorse, for herself, or her opponents.

When Legends Clash

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The Crystal Mercenary sat in the trench with a calm, unconcerned expression on his face, as the sound of whistles and screams fell around him with the falling arrows. Traipse didn’t have any concern for what was happening around him. His only concern was that his role in this battle was to track down the Hooviet general and kill him… that’s it. As Traipse looked around in the trench he was sitting in, all he could see were terrified Ibex soldiers. The soldier to his left was praying as he griped a photograph of his doe and kid. The soldier on his right had his eyes shut as he held his ears trying to block out the screams of those dying around them. While the soldier in front of Traipse on the other side of the trench was shivering with complete terror, until finally through the heat of the moment, he lost control, “I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE!!!”

The terrified ibex climbed out of the trench and started sprinting away from the trench and enemy army. As Traipse expected, the poor soul was struck in his back a number of times by falling arrows before he fell to the ground and stopped moving. Traipse shook his head and thought to himself, “These creatures aren’t meant for war. They are a peace loving species, and to declare war on the Hooviet Union was a huge mistake. Even buffaloes hade more fighting spirit than these poor souls.”
While thinking to himself with a continued expressionless stare, the ibex on his right nudged him, “Hey Mr. Traipse? You seem way too calm through this… What’s your secret?”
Traipse looked back and replied with no expression, “I have nothing to lose.”

The ibex soldier was speechless, but before he could think of how to reply, the arrows stopped falling and the ibex officer called through the trench, “ON YOUR HOOVES BILLIES!!! THAT WAS THE LAST OF THE ARROWS SO BE READY TO MOVE UP!!!”
Traipse stood up and looked over the trench wall into the mist covered battlefield. All that could be seen were dead Ibex and Hooviet Soldiers, and mud made from the blood spilled by those soldiers. The officer went to each ibex soldier and whispered, “Move quietly when the billy next to you moves.”
Then he got to Traipse, “This is your chance Mercenary, you know your mission and we wish you luck.”
With no expression, Traipse just nodded his head and continued looking through the trench with the other soldiers. Then one by one like a wave from the ocean, the Ibex soldiers climbed from the trench and started moving into the battlefield as quietly as they could.

Traipse climbed out and started followed them, however knowing that the mist gave both sides the disadvantage, only made him more alert to what was in front of him. As the soldiers continued going through the mist covered battlefield the soldier trotting next to Traipse spoke, “Where are they? It’s too quiet… I… I don’t like this… not one bit.”
Traipse ignored the ibex all together, then he spotted something in the mist so he froze to try to identify the shadows in the mist. Knowing that he had battle experience, the ibex around him also stopped. When the Ibex officer spotted the stopped group, he call out, “What’s the hold u…”
Before the officer could finish his sentence, an arrow came from the mist ahead and hit him in his side, piercing his heart and killing him. as the officer fell to the ground, Traipse yells so all the Ibex could hear, “CHARGE!!!”

Immediately after he gave the order in the officer’s place, all the Ibex charged forward into the mists. When they reached the other end of the mists the Ibex soldiers could see the entire enemy formation so now they knew their target. Seeing their targets, the Hooviet archers launched another barrage of arrows at the charging formation, only to have most of the ibex dodge the fire. Armed with only metal horseshoes, Traipse block a few arrows and dodged the rest with no change in his approaching speed. Then he discovered the Hooviets biggest mistake, “CLEAR THE PATH, THEIR GENERAL IS IN THEIR FRONT FORMATION!!!”
With his order, the Ibex soldier who was with him in the trench charged in front of him and led the way forward, as a number of the other ibex gathered around Traipse to help push him through the front line.

As the charging group of soldiers approached the Hooviet formation, the front Ibex soldier bowed his head down and dug his curved horns deep into the enemy pony’s chest. As he did so, he flung his head upward tossing the solider over his back and leaving him on the ground behind him. after that, the rest of the leading soldiers either mimicked the first’s action or they head butted the defending ponies knocking them to the ground to be finished off by sword or spear. When Traipse reached the formation, he blocked the strike from a sword with his metal horseshoes, then pushed the double-edged sword forward driving the blade into its owner’s face. Shortly after, he continued forward into the small hole that the Ibex soldiers were making in the Hooviet’s formation. After the Ibex soldiers made it through the formation, Traipse came around and charged at the Hooviet general. The general tried to lunge a spear at him but using the horseshoes, Traipse pushed the blade off to the side and ran his hoof up the weapon. as his horseshoes grinded up the spear shaft, Traipse crossed his right front hoof in front of him then using all the strength he could, he swung back bashing the Hooviet general in his face knocking him to the ground.

As the Hooviet general tried to get up to fight back Traipse rushed towards him and continuously started punching him in his face. After the brutal beating that the general took, he finally laid his head down and spoke through his pain, “I… I surrender. Please… no more. The Hooviet union has fallen to the Ibex Empire…”
Traipse stood over his fallen foe and spoke, “Sorry… but that’s not part of my contract. I was paid to end this battle, by killing you. so… that’s exactly what I'll do. Nothing personal, it’s just business.”
After hearing Traipse’s words, Fear ran through the Hooviet general’s eyes, however, before the general could do or say anything, Traipse reached down placing his right hoof on the left side of the general’s neck and the other on the general’s chin. And with one swift jerking motion, he broke the Hooviet general’s neck, and ended his life.

When Traipse looked up, he saw an almost endless string of shocked Ibex, and Hooviet soldiers. Traipse paid no mind to any of them as he trotted over to the generals spear, broke the blade off the shaft and trotted back to the trench that he was sitting in at the start of the battle. As he trotted away, one by one the Hooviet soldiers started to throw their weapons to the ground and surrender quietly. As Traipse arrived back at the trench, there was already talk of the end of the war going around, however Traipse paid no mind to any of it, nor did he respond to any of the congratulatory praise he was receiving from the Ibex soldiers he passed, all he did was continue on his path to meet his contractor. After a period of time, Traipse finally approached the underground bunker of the Ibex General.

As he entered, Traipse took the Hooviet spear blade and stuck it into the table in the center of the bunker as he spoke, “Their general is dead.”
The ibex general looked at the spear and replied “Then this is a cause for celebration. How about a drink?”
Traipse replied without an expression, “How about my pay?”
The Ibex general placed two glasses and a bottle of wine on the table as he replied, “You will get your pay within the hour mercenary, but first we should celebrate.”
“No… first I get my pay, then you can celebrate all you want.”
The general poured the drinks, “You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust anything anymore. I want my money.”

The Ibex sighed as he reached under the table and placed a bag of Gems on the table, “I was hoping in light of the merciless completion of your task that you would at least have a drink before getting back to business. I already heard about you killing the general after he surrendered… that’s cold blooded.”
Traipse looked into the bag, then he closed it and placed it in his pocket on the inside of his armor, “You wanted a dead general… you got him. You didn’t say anything about if he surrendered before I kill him. Next time, be specific.”
The General replied, “Next time I won’t hire you, I don’t want you giving my soldiers the impression that killing a defeated foe is okay.”
Traipse smiled, “Then next time, your soldiers will fall.”
With that said, Traipse turned around and left the bunker without so much as even touching the glass of wine the Ibex General poured for him.

That night in the nearby town of Salazar, Traipse sat in the corner of a pub watching a group of Ibex soldiers celebrating the end of the war. As he sat there, he started to remember the feeling of winning a war. He remembered gathering with the other Crystal knights and talking about all the lives they took for the king, and about what they would do now that the war was over. But what he wondered about the most, was that every time he won a battle back then he claimed he would stop fighting, settle down and find a mare, and raise a foal. But despite all the battles he won for King Sombra, he never did stop fighting, he never settled down, and he never found love. But that was about two years ago, before Princess Luna & Celestia, and before the fall of the Crystal Empire. Now he can’t even enjoy a victory anymore. Back then, ending a war meant living in peace, gaining new land or new benefits. Now, a victory was just a steady paycheck, and nothing more. It didn’t matter whether or not he would win or lose. A victory or defeat was nothing to a mercenary. It’s just a matter of being paid or not.

As he sat there thinking about this, the same soldier from both the trench and the battlefield approached him, “Mr. Traipse, it’s good to see you here. Please, don’t bother spending any of your hard earned money, let me buy you a drink. It’s the least I can do for your help.”
Traipse replied, “No thanks.”
The Ibex soldier insisted, “Come on Mr. Traipse, I and the rest of us over there owe you a lot for helping u…”
“I said, No.”
Traipse finished off his drink and started to stand up as the ibex soldier replied, “Well at least can you give me a word of advice? You know so that the next time I have to fight I can feel a little more confident.”
Traipse placed a gem on the table to pay for his drink as he replied, “You really want my advice?”
“Yes please, it would be an honor to take advice from the Crystal Mercenary”
Traipse glared into his eyes as he replied, “lay down your sword, and never step onto a battlefield again. You don’t belong out there.”

The Ibex soldier was speechless, as Traipse put his saddlebag on and left the pub. As he trotted by a dark alley, he stopped when he heard a voice, “Making friends everywhere you go, aren’t you?”
Traipse looked into the alley and replied, “A mercenary has no need for friends. And what does a minotaur care anyway.”
The minotaur stepped out of the shadows and replied, “It’s not me who cares, but my liege. I represent Titan, Leader of the minotaur clans and high Chieftain of the Land of the blackened sand.”
Traipse was intrigued though he didn’t show it, “And what would Titan need with me?”
“You are the Crystal Mercenary, aren’t you?”
Traipse nodded his head, “I am.”
The minotaur replied, “The chieftain wants to hire you to assassinate the griffin commander who controls the western border of the Griffin Kingdoms.”

Traipse replied, “Before I accept anything, I want him to realize that a simple assassination job will cost him either a thirteen pound bag of gems, or thirty thousand bits.”
The minotaur replied as he handed him a map with an X on it, “Agreed, if you move into the Griffin Kingdoms first, then we will meet you at the borders in one week, with your reward.”
Traipse nodded his head and replied, “I'll see him there then.”
With that, said Traipse started on his journey to the Griffin Kingdoms to find out who was in command of the western border and where he could be found.

Far away in the Griffin Kingdoms, the griffin king stood overlooking a map while he addressed his commanders, “Titan and his soldiers are planning to attack through the western border, we will need to increase our security on the border. Meanwhile I wa…”
The king and his soldiers took a step back from the table, as a blood soaked bag fell from the ceiling and landed on the map. All the commanders in the room drew their swords and started looking around the room, but they couldn’t see where the bag fell from. As the griffin king opened the bag, he took a step back in horror when he saw what it was. Then he heard a voice come from behind him, “That’s the head of the Minotaur general you ordered me to kill.”

The King turned around and calmly spoke, “Then it’s a good thing I hired you yet again, Reaper. How many times is this, six, seven?”
The Reaper stepped out of the shadows and replied, “Actually this makes four, but you are my favorite customer.”
The king smiled, “Well with your reputation, I can only expect good things from you. I want to employ you for the remainder of this war.”
The Reaper nodded her head, “Then you know my price.”
“As always a very fair price for victory. When you’re needed I'll call.”
The Reaper stepped into the shadows and vanished as she replied, “I'll be watching and waiting.”
one of the commanders spoke up, “Um… your majesty, can you really trust her? A pony as shady as The Reaper seems very untrustworthy to me.”

The griffin king turned back to his commander and replied, “I trust her more than most of my soldiers, she has continued to help the Griffin Kingdom since my father, Harpy the Second was king. So I wouldn’t take her lightly if I were you, I may have just taken control of the crown, but I know my allies when I see them.”
As the griffin king went back to his strategy planning with his commanders, The Reaper stood at the top of a guard tower in Gryphus looking into moonlit horizon, she could still hear the screams of the night she took her first set of lives, she could still see the face of the stallion who ruined her life. And in her mind, it wasn’t enough that he has been dead for five years. She still wished she could make him suffer, but like always she can only sigh and consider her next action in her current war.

Days later, Traipse not only found his way into the Griffin Kingdoms but he managed to track down the commander in controls of the western border, and await his chance to strike. After careful planning Traipse decided, the best time to strike would be during a supply convoy that the commander would be escorting into the rural towns of the Griffin Kingdoms. Traipse watched from the concealment of a thick grassy hill as the convoy made its way up the road, Traipse looked closely at the soldiers in the convoy trying to decide the best way to approach them. While he did so, he was amazed to see a pony in the front of the formation wearing a dark cloak, and carrying a scythe. Traipse immediate knew who it was, news of The Reaper had travelled all over the mercenary business, and though he had never met this legend face to face, he knew that he had no chance against this particular mercenary. He decided the best way to attack would be from the side of the convoy where the commanders defense was weakest.

Traipse waited until he finally saw the griffin commander talking with some of his soldiers in the center of the convoy, before he sprang into action. Traipse charged from the side of the hill into the open as fast as he could with only one enemy on his mind. As he charged, he managed to get about two hundred feet from the convoy before a soldier spotted him and yelled, “UNKNOWN SOLDIER APPROACHING!!! TO ARMS!!!”
the only two soldier between the commander and Traipse charged forward and lunged their spears at him, but Traipse dodged both attacks and slipped by them without even so much as a second glance. The griffin commander drew his sword and smiled, “You want me assassin? Come and get me!”
The griffin swung his sword at Traipse, but he was shocked when Traipse put out both his front hooves and caught the blade on both sides, with the metal horseshoes protecting his hooves.
Seeing the shock on the commander’s face, Traipse smiled, “Nothing personal, it’s just business.”
Using every bit of strength he had, Traipse jerked his hooves and broke the blade in half. And with one quick action, Traipse turned his half of the blade around then he drove it deep into the unsuspecting griffin’s chest. Then, moving with the same speed as before, Traipse charged passed the falling commander and out the other side of the convoy, leaving behind only one casualty.

Hearing the commotion in the back, The Reaper flew into the sky just in time to see Traipse as he was exiting the formation. The Reaper quickly drew three throwing needles and threw them at the escaping assassin. Seeing the needles at just the right time, Traipse managed to dodge two of the three, but the third dug itself into his side at an angle just enough to miss any vital organs. With his wound only slowing him slightly Traipse made it over the hill and vanished into the forest. The Reaper wanted to pursue him but with the medics quickly rushing towards the Griffin commander, she knew that he was still alive. The Reaper rushed to the griffin commander and did all that she could to help the medics, but it was no use. By the time they arrived at the closest town, the griffin commander was pronounced dead.

Traipse found his way to a nearby cave and hid himself so he could fix himself up. First, he gathered the supplies he would need to stitch up his wound, then he slowly pulled the needle from his side as he covered it with a cloth, finally after the bleeding slowed, he started stitching it with a sutures kit he had. As he did so, he mumbled to himself through the pain, “They don’t call him The Reaper for nothing, if I didn’t try to dodge this one too, then it would have gone through my heart. But I got the job done, now I just have to wait for the Minotaur to arrive.”
After stitching and covering his wound, Traipse put his armor back on and started trotting to the area on the map that he was supposed to meet with Titan.

Meanwhile back at the nearby town, The Reaper felt a little disappointed that she failed to protect the commander, despite the fact that her orders were to protect the convoy. As she sat watching the griffin convoy resupply, a griffin colonel trotted up, “Um… Reaper… ma’am… any idea who the pony was that attacked us?”
The Reaper replied, “I think so, I’ve heard rumor of a mercenary known as the Crystal Mercenary. He’s an earth pony who was not only responsible for the fall of the Crystal Empire, but he likes to fight unarmed, and places all his focus on completing his main task. I hear the best way to identify him is by his neon green eyes, but I didn’t see his face, so this is only a guess.”
The griffin replied, “Do you think you can… deal with him?”
The Reaper replied, “It’s not part of my contract, so the only way I will face him is if he poses a threat to my mission, or attempts to attack me. Nevertheless, he dodged two of my needles without any problem, and managed to get away after the third one hit him, so I'm guessing he is a lot stronger then I would have guessed. I think if given a chance, he could beat me, in a fair fight, but if I were to sneak up on him, then it’s all over.”

After a few hours of traveling Traipse found himself at the meeting location, it was a large open field with randomly placed boulders. Judging by the way each boulder sat he could only guess that this was an old forgotten battlefield and these were the projectiles used by catapults and trebuchets. Traipse located an area next to a pile of boulders that he rearranged to make a somewhat concealed camp for himself. Using the spare time he had, he decided to clean his wound up a little then started to sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet. Being in so many battlefields started to make him forget that long after the fighting ends, the land becomes peaceful again, it was this peace and quiet that he often longed to see, despite the fact that he made his living off war. However, it wasn’t long before his relaxation was disturbed by a rising sound that was all too familiar to him.

Traipse quickly took cover behind one of the bigger boulders so he could safely watch what was happening. From over the horizon, emerged a very large minotaur army, all in perfect formation and well-armed. Knowing that this was the force he was supposed to meet, Traipse approached in a casual manner. Before he could speak, the first rank of soldiers in the front quickly surrounded Traipse and pointed their spears at him. One of the soldiers approached him and spoke, “Who are you? And why are you here? Judging from your armor, you’re obviously a soldier, but what nation do you fight under?”
Traipse stepped forward and spoke, “Where is Titan? I completed his task and I want my pay!”
“Your pay huh? So I'm guessing from your Eyes, you’re the Crystal Mercenary he hired right. Come with me! We will go meet the Chieftain.”

All the Minotaur lowered their spears as Traipse followed the officer to their leader. After a while of trotting through the massive army, Traipse found himself standing in front of a minotaur warring black armor, “So… you’re the Crystal Mercenary I hired right?”
Traipse replied, “So… you’re the minotaur who hired me right?”
The minotaur replied, “I am no mere minotaur. I am Titan! Leader of the minotaur and high chieftain of the Land of the blackened sand!”
Traipse sarcastically replied, “Yea, and I was a colonel of the Crystal Empire. Titles are just words; I'm here to get what I'm owed. I took your task and completed it with a flying shade of blood red, so stop wasting my time and give me my money.”

Slowly the other Minotaur started to surround the annoyed mercenary, making it easy to see what was about to happen. Titan smiled as he started pacing around Traipse, “So… you killed a griffin and think that I owe you money for that alone? Apparently you’re dumber than you look. You can act tough all you want pony, but you’re still just a weakling like the rest of your species.”
Traipse, was enraged but he calmly replied, “So you’re not going to pay me then… are you?”
the minotaur stopped pacing then replied with a smile, “If you want your reward… Come and get it!”
Traipse charged the minotaur as he replied, “WITH PLEASURE!!!”
As Traipse approached the cocky minotaur, he raised his hoof to attack before another minotaur grabbed him by his tail, slung him through the air, and hit him against a stationary boulder.

Traipse stood up and tried to charge Titian a second time before another one of his soldiers grabbed him by his back hoof and tossed him through the air, “GO LONG!”
The large formation of minotaur started laughing at Traipse as he helplessly flew through the air. On the other side of the formation, one minotaur started yelling, “I GOT HIM! I GOT HIM!”
The moment the minotaur was supposed to catch Traipse he drew back his arms and let Traipse hit another boulder that he was standing over, “Oops… I missed!!!”
The wounded earth pony stood up to find that his stitches had reopened and he was bleeding again from both his wound and his lip. The surrounding minotaur continued hazing the earth pony as he wiped the blood from his face and slowly looked around.

Finally, Titan walked into the middle of the open and spoke, “Oh… I'm sorry pony…. You wanted to fight me one on one didn’t you? Well… here I am… come and get me!”
Dizzy, wounded, and exhausted, the mercenary started towards Titan slowly. With every few steps, he would either lean while he trotted, or he would stumble which only added to the laughter that was echoing from the crowd around him. When Traipse got close enough to Titian, Titian tried to attack him by punching in his direction. However, despite his wounds and exhaustion, Traipse managed to dodge the attack, but when he attempted to counter by turning around and kicking the minotaur in his face, Titan caught his rear hooves then held him up high, “You know what pony? You’re right, titles are just words, I mean look at you. The great Crystal Mercenary, Traitor to King Sombra and believed to be part of the downfall of the Crystal Empire. Yet in the end… you’re just another pathetic earth pony,”

Traipse sneered at the large minotaur and spoke, “What was that you said? Maybe you should come close and say it directly to my face.”
Trying to call a bluff, Titan leaned in and spoke directly to Traipse from a few inches away, “You’re nothing but a pat…”
With all the strength he had, Traipse reached out and punched Titan as hard as he could, then he spoke, “I'm sorry I'm a little deaf today, can you repeat that again only a little slower? My hooves weren’t ready.”
As a drop of blood rolled out of Titan’s nose, he replied with an enraged expression, “You… you little worm… I'm going to show you what happens to those who cross Titan.”

With that said, Titan balled up his fist and started punching Traipse while he was being held above the ground. The furious minotaur stood there continuously punching Traipse, over and over. As the merciless beating continued, the laughter in the crowd slowly died, some though this was too much while others couldn’t continue watching this display of unbridled violence. With each passing hit Traipse tried all he could to get another chance to hit Titan, but since one never opened up for him, he decided to use all his energy to stay conscious through the intense beating that he was taking from the enraged minotaur. Finally, Titan managed to wear himself out so he stopped punching the poor pony and just held him in the air. The battered, bruised and half-conscious pony hung there like a rag doll with almost no signs of movement, then Titan looked back at some of his soldier and said two words, “Post him!”

Traipse continued trying to keep himself awake when he noticed a group of minotaur approaching him carrying a large ballista bolt that was at least ten feet long. The minotaur planted the head of the bolt into the ground so that it would stand strait up when they let it go. Then they tied Traipse hind hooves together and hung him upside down from the top of the post. As he hung there Traipse started slowly slipping unconscious when Titan drew a dagger from his side and held it to Traipse’s throat as he spoke, “You know, usually I would just kill a little pony who insults me, but you… you’re special in my book. I'm just going to leave you hear to bleed to death. And if that doesn’t happen, I'm sure some random animal will find you appetizing after following the scent of your blood. But I'll give you a chance, if you can survive here until my army is on its way back home, then I'll free you and let you go. Otherwise, you will die here. Good luck, Crystal Mercenary.”
The last thing Traipse remembers of the conversation was the Minotaur soldiers laughing at him as they started moving out.

Further in the Griffin Kingdoms, the griffin king was looking at some documents when he heard The Reaper’s voice, “Your majesty, the convoys have successfully returned to Gryphus. However, I regret to inform you that your commander fell before he reached the western border.”
The king turned and looked around but he couldn’t find The Reaper so he just replied, “My commander fell? May I ask to whom?”
the voice replied, this time closer from the other side of the table, “A mercenary… no doubt he was hired by Titan.”
The king looked at the end of the table to see The Reaper sitting there as he replied, “Hmmm… alright I have another task for you, I want yo…”
“Sorry… but we mercenaries have a pact. We will never hunt each other, the only way we would fight is if one attacked another or one was interfering with another’s contract.”
The king thought to himself, “Well far be it for me to break apart such a respectful pact. So how about this, if my commander is dead then no doubt Titan and his army are closer than we expected.”
The Reaper nodded her head and replied, “Should I go investigate the western border?”
King Harpy replied, “Gladly, and if you find anything please report to one of my royal camps in the area… that is… if they haven’t already fallen to the enemy.”
The Reaper nodded her head and put the hood on her cloak up as she vanished into the shadows.
The king could only think to himself, “If it wasn’t for the fact that I trust her… I’d be terrified of how she does that.”

Hours later Traipse finally regained consciousness, to find that it was now night fall, the minotaur army was gone, and he was still hanging upside down on the ballista bolt. Luckily, his wound stopped bleeding enough to start to close itself up, but he still needed to treat it or it could become infected, so ignoring his pain, Traipse used his waist to pull his upper body high enough so he could untie himself. As soon as he was free he fell to the ground and hit it hard enough to stun him for a few seconds, then he picked himself up off the ground and slowly made his way back to his camp. Looking around, the grassy field was now tramples to give a good appearance of what it may have looked like after this area was a battlefield. When Traipse found his camp, he discovered that the minotaur found it too, everything from his food and water to his pay from his last job was ransacked or taken. Luckily, his suture kit and a few bandaged were still there, but regardless of what was left behind, he still lost his dignity and he wanted nothing more than to settle the score.

After Traipse re-stitched and bandaged the wound, he started making his way deeper into the Griffin Kingdoms, he didn’t know where, when, or how, but he wanted to find Titan and make him suffer, even if he was in no shape to fight. A few hours had passed before the sun began to rise over the horizon covering the land in a dark shadow. While this happened, Traipse heard a voice come from nowhere, “Who are you, and which nation do you represent?”
Traipse looked around but didn’t see anypony, at first he thought it was a part of his concussion given to him by Titan when he was being used like a punching bag. But then he started feeling the presence of another. Traipse looked directly into one of the shadows as he spoke, “Stop hiding and show yourself!”

The Reaper casually stepped out of the shadows that Traipse was staring into. With the combination of her cloak hood and the shadows from the sunrise, Traipse couldn’t see her face at all but he was surprised when he heard her reply, “You’re very keen, not many ponies can see me in the shadows from the way I conceal myself. But then again I’ve heard about your skill so I'm not too surprised. Somepony like the Crystal Mercenary, is very difficult to fool.”
Traipse thought to himself, “Her voice… a mare? I thought The Reaper was a stallion.”
Traipse replied to The Reaper’s comment, “Coming from a legend like yourself, that a very flattering complement, miss Reaper… but I'm afraid I'm in a hurry so I’ll be on my way…”
The Reaper stopped him, “Not so fast Crystal Mercenary. You didn’t answer my question, who are you working for?”

Traipse replied, “First off, call me Traipse… or Tri for short. Second, that’s a matter that I need to sort out myself, so if you would excuse me then I will be on my way.”
Traipse tried to trot past The Reaper on her right, but she tilted her scythe down in front of him, “I'm afraid I'm supposed to scout this area and report what I find, and part of that is a mercenary who works for whatever nation he currently works for. so if you want to continue your task, you’re going to have to get passed me.”
With the metal horseshoe protecting his hoof, Traipse put his hoof on the blade then flung it upward causing it to shift from The Reapers, right to her left side, “Thanks… but no thanks, I don’t have time to play right now, so, maybe later.”
As Traipse took one more step, The Reaper shifted her body to her left, turning her around and placing the scythe back in his path, “Sorry, but as a mercenary, you understand why I must complete this task.”
using the same hoof as before, Traipse raised the scythe blade up until he could see his reflection on it, then trying to act as uninterested as possible, he replied, “Funny, I could say the same.”

Without warning, Traipse grabbed the scythe shaft then tried to punch The Reaper, only to glaze her cloak as she released her scythe and jumped out of the way. With her scythe in Traipse hooves now, he lunged forward and swung it at her with an attempted to cut her down, but she dodged the second attack just like the first only to counter by throwing two needles at him. Traipse managed to block both needles with the scythe, but while he did so, The Reaper flew towards him and tried to strike him with a third needle while she held it like a dagger. Traipse managed to save himself by bringing the bottom of the scythe’s shaft up, causing her needle to dig into the shaft instead of his chest. The Reaper then grabbed the scythe’s shaft with both her front hooves and used her rear hooves to kick Traipse in his face, throwing him away from her while causing him to release the Scythe.

Out of reflex Traipse rolled from his back onto his hooves as he hit the ground then he picked up a nearby rock and tossed it at her. With her primary weapon back in her hooves, The Reaper used one swift swing to cut the rock in half then she stood casually and spoke, “You’re pretty good for an injured stallion.”
Traipse sneered at her and replied, “Who says I'm injured?”
The Reaper put the hood on her cloak down and smiled. Traipse was shocked when he got a good look at her face, she wasn’t a demon as all the stories claimed her to be, in fact she was quite beautiful for the most feared mercenary alive. The Reaper replied, “You don’t have to fake it, I know you’re injured. First off I hit you with one of my needles yesterday, and secondly, I can see a number of bruises on your face and body. Not to mention your actions seem… lagged. It’s as if you’re trying to ignore pain that you’re already feeling, a broken bone, maybe muscle damage.”

Traipse continued to play dumb as he turned to continue on his way, “I don’t have time for this! The longer you hold me up, the further Titan gets from me.”
As Traipse started trotting away, The Reaper flew towards him and started trotting beside him, “Something happened, didn’t it? A sour deal, theft, or refusal to pay?”
Traipse continued trotting as he replied, “let it go Reaper… this is a concern for us mortals.”
The Reaper stepped in front of Traipse and gave him a serious look, “… Scy…”
Traipse stopped trotting, “… Scy?”
The Reaper smiled, “Yea… Scy… you have a nickname, and so do I. calling me The Reaper all the time kinda gets old, doesn’t it?”
Traipse shook his head as he started trotting around The Reaper, “Alright then… Scy… short for Scythe I'm guessing… how appropriate. Well Scy, now that we have been properly introduced, I believe this is where we part ways.”

As Traipse continued trotting away, Scy called to him, “If you’re looking for Titan, then I'm guessing not only did your deal go bad… but all the thing I said earlier were true… he refused to pay, he beat you to a pulp, then he stole everything you had, to include your dignity right?”
Traipse continued trotting as he replied, “Yea… And what’s it to you?”
“Are you currently employed?”
Traipse stopped in his tracks and turned around, “What?”
The Reaper smiled, “If not… then how about I hire you?”
Traipse was a little shocked, “Wait… what?... are you serious?”
Scy continued, “With your reputation… it would be an honor to hire the Crystal mercenary who took down the entire Crystal Empire unarmed… or at least that’s what the rumors say.”
Traipse smiled and shook his head, “And to be hired by The Reaper? The mare who is said to have defeated Cerberus as she escaped from Tartarus, and massacred every demon that followed her, just for fun… or so the rumor goes. Maybe that isn’t such a bad idea. But I have to ask… Why? Why help a fellow mercenary who you owe nothing too?”

Scy lowered her head as she replied, “Because I know what it feels like to be betrayed… I know all too well.”
With Scy’s reply, Traipse could see pain in her eyes, the same kind of pain, that goes far deeper than any sword could. Rather than opening old wounds he just replied, “You know… I’ve never heard of working for another mercenary before… but it could be interesting so count me in.”
The Reaper smiled, “Then its settled, when this job is done, I'll pay you a good amount of my earnings… how about… ten percent?”
Traipse sarcastically replied, “Oh… wow… a whole ten? Gosh I was expecting one percent but if ten is your offer then I guess I should take it while its hot.”

The Reaper smiled, “That isn’t the best part. I'll deliver Titan to you on a silver platter with all the fixing to cook him any way you want.”
Traipse smiled, “Now you’re talking.”
Traipse put his hoof out and hoof bumped The Reaper to seal the deal, “So miss Scy, what are my orders?”
Scy looked into the distance and replied, “Any idea where Titan is headed?”
Traipse replied, “The closest fortress, with an army his size, it will fall quickly.”
The Reaper smiled, “Then he better be fighting in the front. Because we will be cutting through his back soon.”
Traipse smiled, “Literally!”

The two mercenaries travelled further inland until they reached an area just outside the city of Kestrel. When the two looked into the city, Titan’s army had already breached the city wall and were working on getting the castle gate open. Looking at the massive army, The Reaper pointed at the rear Minotaur formation and spoke, “There… Titan is in that formation. Should we go over and say hello?”
Traipse smiled, “That sounds like an excellent idea, we wouldn’t want to be antisocial now would we?”
The Reaper nodded her head, “So is there any way you wanted to approach this? Or should we just charge in and improvise?”
Traipse replied, “Well I'm always up for a good improve.”

In the minotaur formation, Titan stood looking at the city with a smile on his face as a soldier approached him, “Sir! the griffins are holding themselves up in the castle.”
Titan called out, “Then let’s brings the castle down o…”
Titan stopped talking when he heard the merciless screams of the soldiers behind him. he turned around just in time to see one of his soldiers fall to the ground, and Traipse standing there completely alone. Traipse jumped onto the fallen soldier and broke his neck before he could get up, then he looked at Titan, started trotting towards him, and spoke, “TITAN! You and I have a score to settle!”

Titan smiled, “I thought we already settled this pony… you’re not worth the time… or the money.”
As Traipse continued to trot towards Titan, a minotaur soldier charged up on his side and reached out to grab him, but what came next only terrified the entire formation of minotaur. Before the soldier could grab Traipse, Scy appeared out of nowhere and removed the minotaur’s arm with one steady swing of her scythe. The wounded minotaur fell to the ground screaming in pain until he was silenced when The Reaper dropped her scythe onto his head. While the rest of the formation stood there in shock, Traipse continued towards Titan with no reaction to Scy’s actions, “This is between you and me Titan. Let’s not get any others involved shall we?”
Titan sneered as he charged towards Traipse. When Titan was close enough, Traipse ducked down and pushed himself forward, kicking the large minotaur in his knees and causing him to fall to the ground. Then as Titan tried to get up, Traipse jumped into the air and used all his strength to kick Titan in the face with all four hooves at once, then Traipse pulled Titans dagger from its sheath and stabbed him in his right bicep.

Titan let out a scream that terrified the spectating minotaur, one actually tried rushing to his aid, only to take two steps before being hit in the neck by The Reapers needles, and falling to the ground. It was clear to see that The Reaper wouldn’t let any of Titan’s soldiers get involved. Traipse jumped off Titan and stood back as he spoke, “What’s the matter? Is the pony too much for the mighty Titan? Or are you just too afraid to fight without your army.”
Titan pulled the dagger from his bicep, picked himself up from the ground, and charged at Traipse. This time instead of attacking low, Traipse just jumped straight forward and headbutted Titan’s face before he could swing the dagger. Feeling the shock from the impact, Titan dropped the dagger and grabbed his head, while Traipse caught the falling dagger and dug it into Titans thigh. As Titan fell to the ground screaming, Traipse pulled the dagger out of one thigh and stabbed the other, making Titans screams even more pain riddled and horrifying.

As Titan laid there whimpering in pain, he was finally able to calm himself and speak, “I'm… I'm sorry!… Mercy!… please!… I'll pay your price!… I'll double it, just no more!… please I'm begging you show a fallen soldier mercy!...”
Traipse, gave Titan a look that sent chills up his spine, “I'm sorry but your offer has expired… I just want to ask you one thing, do you want to live? Or die?”
Titan gave the question no thought, “I… I want to live!… please!… don’t kill me!…”
Traipse replied without expression, but if I just let you go then there will be no lesson learned… then again if I kill you there is still no lesson learned. Hmmm… decisions, decisions. What to do?… what to do?… Wait I know.”
Traipse looked over at The Reaper, “Hey Scy… can you come over here please?”

Titan felt more and more terrified with each step that The Reaper took as she approached, “Yes Tri?”
Traipse reached up and took the scythe from her, “I would like to borrow this for a few seconds.”
Traipse then turned back to the terrified minotaur and spoke, “I hope you learned your lesson, when you give a mercenary a job… you better pay him.”
Traipse quickly raised and dropped the scythe blade on Titan’s right elbow removing his forearm, with one unexpected swing. Titan rolled on his side gripping his armless bicep while he screamed in terrified pain. As he did so, Traipse picked up the minotaur’s forearm and held it high so the entire formation could see, “This is a lesson to you all! If you hire me, I will get paid! One way… or another!”
Traipse threw the severed limb in the air and used the scythe to cut the appendage into smaller pieces so it couldn’t be reattached. As Traipse gave the scythe back to The Reaper, he looked at the wounded and whimpering minotaur lying on the ground and spoke, “Oh and one more thing… this was personal.”
Both Traipse and The Reaper trotted through the formation and away from the army and their wounded foe with absolutely no resistance from the fear stricken minotaur army that surrounded them.

Within a few days, King Harpy received a letter from Titan, claiming that his army was withdrawing from the war and that they would surrender their land and nation to the Griffin Kingdoms. All he asked for in return, was that the king would refuse to pay his mercenaries for their cruel actions during this war. Though the king accepted the offer, he knew better than to deny payment to The Reaper, so instead he didn’t pay her for the war but he paid her for the lasting relationship that the griffin royal family valued so much from her services. A loophole that irritated Titan, but in fear for his life from the very mercenaries who took his arm, he overlooked the kings action and made no abjections to the king’s decision.

With the end of the war, The Reaper kept her word and paid Traipse ten percent of her earnings, as well as reimbursed him for what he lost prior to their meeting. But as Traipse took the bag of gems from Scy, he had to ask, “Scy? Why did you help me? it didn’t benefit you in any way, and all in all it seemed like an extra burden on you.”
Scy sighed, “I told you already, I too was betrayed a long time ago… by… by one I cared about deeply and if I had the chance, I’d kill him again and again until my blade was permanently stained by his blood… so I just couldn’t let you go on with unsettled business. I couldn’t live with myself afterwards.”
Traipse smiled, “I guess there is more to you than what the rumors say… well I guess I should get going then… I should probably find more work now.”
Trying to stall, Scy replied, “So… uh… where will you go next… if you don’t mind my asking?”
Traipse also tried to stall as he replied, “Um… I honestly don’t know… um… where will you go?”
Continuing to stall, Scy replied, “Well, I was actually going to find out where you were going. You know, if there was another war you had in mind, I was going to see if they needed another mercenary.”

Finally, after a period of awkward silence, Traipse replied, “Why… why don’t you come with me… you know so we can fight together in the next war.”
The Reaper replied, “Wait… you mean like a partnership?”
“Well yea… unless you don’t want to.”
The Reaper thought to herself for a second then replied, “You know what, that sounds good. You’re a straightforward open battlefield mercenary, while I'm a stealthy behind the shadows mercenary, so we would make the perfect team. And who knows we may add on more members as time goes by.”
Traipse replied, “That sound like a wonderful idea… but what would we call ourselves?”
The Reaper thought for a second, “How about the Crystal Mercenaries?”
Traipse replied, “No, that doesn’t seem to fit us anyway… how about the Scythes?”
The Reaper replied, “No, that won’t work either, you don’t even carry a weapon… how about the Cutthroats?”
Traipse replied, “Cutthroats seems more like a pirate gang than mercenaries. But maybe we can shorten it, The Cuts?”
The Reaper replied, “Hmmm… The Cutters, that sounds pretty good to me.”
Traipse smiled, “Alright then, from this moment on, you and I… we are The Cutters.”

The Tome of Eden

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The Tome of Eden

The crowed cheered as the racers made their way around the turn. Blade slowly made her way into the second place position, as they crossed the starting line marking the beginning of the last lap. Blade knew that the course had numerous blind spots that would be a perfect time to make a move to win the race. One such area was after the third turn, where the racers were supposed to fly through a narrow cavern. As the racers approached the turn, Blade flew close to the lead Racer’s rear hooves. Right before entering the cavern, she quickly flew under him then upward, hitting the bottom of his hooves with her head, and causing him to flip forward while losing control and hitting the edge of the cavern’s entrance. From there on, Blade flew with a simple speed, as she finished the race, with nopony stopping her from first place.

As the rest of the racers finished the race, Blade landed on the winner’s pedestal as the announcer called out, “THE WINNER AND STILL THE SHARPEST BEAUTY IN THE SKY!!! BLADE!!!”
The crowed let out a loud cheer as Blade gave a wink to her fans in the crowed. With such low demands for messengers on the battlefield, she has had to race illegally in the underground raceway for money. Later after the race was over and Blade had received her winnings, she attached her weapons and started to leave the stadium as she mumbled to herself, “Another day, and another waste of time… I need to get more publicity as a mercenary, it’s the only way I'll find work.”
“BLADE!!! I got a bone to pick with you!”
Blade turned to look at the stadium doors and the racer she sent into the cavern entrance approached her, “What in Celestia's name was that stunt you pulled back there! You think because you’re a mare that I'm going to let you get away with that?”

Blade smiled, “If you don’t like it call the royal guards… you know as well as I do that these races are illegal to begin with.”
As Blade turned around to trot away, four of the other racers flew up and landed in front of her, as the annoyed racer replied, “if you’re going to play dirty on the track, then we will play dirty off the track.”
Blade turned back to the racer and smiled, “exactly… how dirty are you willing to play?”
The pegasus only smiled, as one of the other racers charged at Blade from behind. Already expecting something like this from a group of illegal sky racers, Blade used her hind legs to kick backwards, hitting the charging racer in his face. After that stallion fell to the ground, two more charged from both sides. Blade waited till they were close enough then she opened her left wing and ducked her wing downward while jumping towards her left attacker. Placing her wing low and between the attacking pony’s hooves, she quickly threw her wing up and tossed the pony over her head and into the pony charging from the other side.

When the two ponies hit the ground, Blade noticed that another pony was attacking from above. As the fourth pegasus tried to drop down on her head, she dodged the attack and countered by swinging the back of her wing, bashing the flat part of her weapon against the pegasus’ head and throwing him to the ground. With all the other racers lying on the ground, Blade looked back at the racer who started this whole mess and shook her head, “That’s sad… really it is. Four attackers and not one scratch on a simple mare like myself. My best advice is to leave now, the next pony to attack me, will not get up again.”
The Racer was enraged as he began charging her, “Tough words from a racing mare!”
Blade gave the attacking racer an unamused look as she dodged his attempt to tackle her. The stallion tried to attack again, but before he could, Blade charged him and enclosed the front of her wings against his neck, cutting, killing, and decapitating the unsuspecting pony, before he even realized he was in danger.

After seeing the leading racer fall to the ground without his head, the four other racers quickly shuffled to their hooves and flew away on fear. Blade shook her head and spoke, “Pathetic, simply and plainly pathetic.”
As she turned back, she saw an earth pony standing next to the racers corpse, tapping the dead ponies head as she spoke, “Your reputation precedes you miss Blade… I vonder if you’re as good a mercenary as you are a flyer and fighter.”
Blade was skeptic as she spoke, “I saw you in the crowed today… at the edge of turn five right? Judging by your accent, you’re a Hooviet noble.”
The Mare replied, “Your eyes are sharper than your blades… I’m impressed, but how did you know I vas a noble?”
Blade replied, “The way you stand… that says it all. So I'm guessing you’re not here to watch the races… or to watch me dispose of useless track trash.”

The noble replied, “Quick as you are beautiful. I understand this is only a hobby for money, and that your real profession is a mercenary messenger. Am I right? Or do I have the vrong mare?”
Blade replied, “That would be me. Are you here to request my assistance?”
The mare replied, “Ve can’t talk here, I vant you to meet me and my general in the pub at the edge of town.”
The mare then turned around and left with nothing more to say. As the mare left Blade was curious, why would they need to go to a secretive place to speak? And if the Hooviets have already travelled as far as the Prance Underground Raceway to find her, what would they need her to do… and why?

Elsewhere in the capital city of Pearis, Traipse of the Cutters was trotting alongside the King as they talked, “This package is of the highest priority, I cannot stress how much I want it in my possession.”
Traipse looked at the king and asked, “So what exactly is this package? Why do you want it so badly?”
The king sneered as he replied, “That is something that a mercenary shouldn’t know… all I will tell you is that it is a spell book.”
Traipse looked at the king and spoke, “And what do you plan to do with this said item?”
The king replied, “I only want it as deterrence. No nation will threaten my kingdom if I possess it.”
Traipse didn’t like what he was hearing but he replied with an attempt to place the focus elsewhere, “So what about this war that is starting between Prance and the Hooviet Union? Is this some kind of diversion?”

The king trotted to a map and replied, “Yes… the Hooviet general who has the package is currently in Prance, so I want to find him and secure the package before he can return to his nation.”
“In other words… you want the Cutters to secure the package, right?”
The king smiled, “Yes… I want you to track him down and steal the parcel from him before he gets to St. Pettershurd in the Hooviet Union.”
“And the general? Would you like him dead or alive?”
The king smiled, “Either one is fine; my only concern is that I get that book. now… about the costs?”
Traipse smiled, “To get to the Hooviet Union, he would have to cross over your army then make his way over the Inferno’s Straits. That’s a dangerous journey to make even for The Cutters. I think that something like this will set you at about… two billion bits.”
“That’s my only offer, do you want that book or not?”
The king sighed, “Fine, but with that price, you better get this done quickly. Not too far outside of this city lies the windy mountain. Chances are you will find the general hiding in the shanty town that sits at the mountain’s base.”

Traipse nodded his head, “Agreed. Get the money ready and fight your little decoy of a war, and we will return with the book.”
The king was curious, “We? Aren’t you the Reaper?”
Traipse replied as he trotted away, “The Reaper has been watching me ever since I entered this castle, I'm just her partner.”
Without warning The Reaper wearing her signature cloak and carrying her scythe, stepped out from behind the King and spoke as she trotted past him, “We will get you your book and be back for our money… you better have it ready when we return.”
As Scy passed the king, a cold chill went up his spine. None of his guards spotted her, and she made it close enough to stab him in the back without even being detected. A truly terrifying pony, and that was just one of the ponies known as the Cutters. He didn’t want to know about the stallion who approached him up front with nothing to fear.

Back in the Windy Mountains Shanty Town, Blade was just arriving at a pub on the other side of the town. As she walked in, she saw the same mare that was at the races sitting in the corner of the room with a stallion. As she approached them, she spoke first, “Hello again, is this the gen…”
“Yes… my name is General Victor Neghvelskie; you’ve already met my secretary Dorothy Red.”
Dorothy nodded her head, “It’s good to see you’re interested in our offer Miss Ving.”
The general continued, “I’ve heard a lot about you from Dorothy, you have von all ten races in today’s underground circuits, and still you managed to fight off a group of sore losers, to include decapitating their leader. Because of this, I believe you are perfect for a job that well require both your speed and your cunning...”

The general placed a parcel on the table that was wrapped with paper and twine. As Blade sat down at the table, the general pushed the package closer to her, “This spell book is the last of the old tomes of Eden; I vant you to deliver it to St. Pertershurd in the Hooviet Union.”
As usual Blade had no concern with what she was delivering, all she wanted to know was where, when, and the price, but that didn’t stop her curiosity, “St. Petershurd? Aren’t you on your way there too? Why not deliver it yourself?”
The General replied, “Just this morning, the King of Prance found out I vas traveling through this nation vith this book, so to try and stop me, he declared var on the Hooviet Union. As ve speak, a large army is approaching our borders. That army sits between me and my homeland, If I attempt to pass this army, then there is a strong chance I vill get captured, and have the book taken from me. A simple mercenary is less likely to attract attention.”

Blade smiled, “So… you’re using yourself as bait to lure the enemy away from this book right? I can’t help but admire your courage. I'll see to it that this book arrives on time… now about payment. Flying through an enemy army from behind… and crossing the Inferno Straits… I would say the total for a job like this would be about…”
“Two hundred fifty thousand bits?”
Blade was speechless, she was about to say only ninety thousand, but when she was offered almost three times her offer she couldn’t refuse, “Done… This book must be worth a lot. I'll make sure it gets there unharmed.”
As Blade picked up the parcel, the general added, “Deliver it to the prime minister, and mention my name. You vill get every bit your owed. And… vone more thing?”
The General replied, “If something happens, and you’re unable to prevent the parcel from falling into enemy hooves… destroy it!”

Blade was surprised, “Destroy it? Are you sure?”
Dorothy stepped forward, “It vould be better for this item to be destroyed then to fall into the hooves of somepony who vould attempt to use it. Don’t vorry, you vill still get vone quarter of your payment if it is destroyed.”
Blade nodded her head, “Alright, I'll try to get it there in one piece and if it comes to it… I'll destroy it.”
The general nodded his head as Blade placed the parcel in her saddlebag and turned to leave, “I vish you luck Miss Ving… fly free and stay safe.”
Blade smiled and replied, “Please call me Blade… and don’t worry. It vill… I mean… it will get there safely.”

As soon as Blade trotted out the door of the pub, she passed both Traipse and The Reaper as she opened her wings and began to fly towards the front lines. As soon as both the Reaper and Traipse entered the pub, the bartender looked at them and started feeling nervous, “looking for something?... or somepony?”
Traipse and the Reaper didn’t reply, instead they looked at the general and his secretary in the corner of the room and trotted over to them. Traipse spoke first, “Excuse me sir? I'm looking for somepony from the Hooviet Union who fits your description… are you by chance, General Neghvelskie.”
The general replied, “That vould depend, vhat do you need from the general?”
Dorothy slowly pulled a dagger from under the table but kept it hidden as Traipse tried to reply, “You have in your possession, a book. We are he…”
Just then Dorothy lunged herself forward with the dagger in an attempt to stab Traipse as he was talking. Expecting an attack The Reaper threw a needle hitting her on her hoof, and causing her to drop the dagger. As this happened Traipse grabbed the Mare by her throat and slammed her against the wall as he caught the falling dagger and held the blade against her throat.

Quickly reacting to the danger, General Neghvelskie stood up in an attempt to help her but before he could step forward, the Reaper held out her scythe in front of him so that he couldn’t move closer to Traipse, “DOROTHY! RELEASE HER!!!”
Traipse smiled, “Not until you give me the book!!!”
The General replied, “But… I DON’T HAVE IT!!!”
Dorothy spoke through her pain, “Mercenary swine… You vill never get that book.”
Traipse spoke again, “Well general? What would you rather give up the book… or your soldier’s life?”
The general replied hysterically, “She isn’t a soldier! She has nothing to do vith this! PLEASE! LET HER GO!!!”

Traipse smiled as he replied, “If she isn’t a soldier then her death can be avoided! All you have to do is give us the book!”
“THEN, WHO DOES!!! C’mon general… the clock is ticking and I don’t think I have any patients left… Tick… Tock…”
Dorothy started to tear up as she spoke, “Don’t my general… I’m not vorth it…”
General Neghvelskie continued to hesitate, as he stood there staring at the content look on Dorothy’s face. Traipse replied as he pulled the dagger back, “Too bad then… You had your chance to save her!”
As Traipse reared the dagger back then lunged it forward to kill Dorothy, the general became hysterical, “NO!!! DON’T!!! I LOVE HER!!!”

Traipse froze in place as the room became completely silent. Dorothy was frozen in fear as a small trickle of blood rolled down the center of her face and around her muzzle. Traipse managed to stop the blade before it could kill her, but the very tip of the blade still managed to break the skin on her forehead. Traipse pulled the dagger back and lowered it as he looked over at The Reaper. She shook her head as she held her scythe back up and turned towards the door, “They don’t have it… but I think I know who does.”
Traipse let go of both the dagger and the mare, as he turned to follow Scy. Dorothy was full of so much fear that she immediately fell to the ground as the general rushed to her side. Before Traipse trotted away, he spoke to the general, “Love is precious general… If you take her where she is in danger, then you may lose her forever… Remember that.”
The whole room watched, as both The Reaper and Traipse left the building.

When the two mercenaries were outside, Traipse asked, “So Scy? Who has the book?”
“Do you recognize the mare we passed when we arrived here?”
Traipse replied, “No, I didn’t. Have you met her before?”
“No… but I know that she is the only pony in the world who carries that weapon she had on her wings… and I also know she happens to be a messenger for hire.”
Traipse nodded his head, “Got it… she was hired to deliver the book for the general wasn’t she?”
The Reaper nodded her head, “And we both know which way she will travel to get to where she’s going. She has a head start on us… but she will have to travel through the Prance royal army first, so we will cut her off while they slow her down. In addition, any pegasus with common sence will avoid flying at night with a new moon. So tonight, she will probably camp out. We should travel all night to catch up.”

Traipse nodded his head, “Then you travel by sky and I'll stick to the ground. Do you think we will be able to catch her?”
Scy replied, “She doesn’t know we are after her, so she probably isn’t in any rush.”
Traipse replied, “Then I'll meet you at the front lines. Remember to let the Prance army know that you are on their side.”
Scy nodded her head as she took to the skies. When she was almost too far to see, Traipse started galloping down the road as fast as he could in hopes that he could reach the border before Blade.

About two days later, Blade was reaching the rear line of the Prance royal army. She held her head up high and felt the wind as she realized her threat, “Hmm… three thousand soldiers… ninety catapults… four towers… nine trebuchets and on the other side almost two and a half miles away… a large heat source, probably the Inferno Straits… the river of magma. I wonder how I'm supposed to pass an army like this.”
Blade then noticed that a large number of Trebuchets were being assembled side by side on the area at the rear of the army, so she smiled, “Perfect.”
Down in the ranks Traipse and The Reaper were trotting beside the Prance General as he spoke, “So far I’ve increased security on both the front and rear lines, if they see any pegasi that aren’t on our side they have orders to engage.”
Traipse replied, “Good but if she is as fast as the rumors say, then she could easily make it through your security and back before you’re able to react.”

All of a sudden, a soldier approached the group, “General… we have spotted a mare approaching our rear line… she’s a pegasus… a rather attractive pegasus. We’ve already contained her sir.”
Traipse and the Reaper looked at each other, then Traipse replied, “We will handle this… carry on general.”
The general nodded his head as both Traipse and the Reaper trotted to the rear of the fromation. As they continued, Traipse spoke, “I don’t like this… no mercenary with common sense would ever think of approaching the enemy army so casually like this.”
Scy replied, “ You’re right… either she is very stupid… or she has something up her sleeves… you talk to her I'll observe.”
Traipse replied, “Sounds good… keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”
Scy smiled as she vanished into the shadows, “Don’t I always?”

By the time Traipse reached Blade she was talking with the guards who spotted her, when she saw him she asked, “You… you look familiar… have I worked for you before?.”
Traipse shook his head, “unlikely… My name is Traipse, I'm a…”
“The Crystal Mercenary?”
“You’ve heard of me?”
Blade smiled as she started pacing around him, “Who hasn’t heard of the mercenary who took down the Crystal Empire with his bare hooves… you’re even more handsome in the flesh.”
Traipse was flattered, but he knew the game she was playing so he replied, “well then, perhaps you can give this handsome stallion that book you’re carrying.”
Blade replied innocently, “Book? What book? I'm only delivering a box of cookies to my sick grandmother in the Hooviet Union… that’s all.”

Traipse smiled, “Really… and does your grandmother know you’re carrying such deadly weapons on your wings?”
Blade hid her face and spoke with a sad tone, “Now that’s just mean… it’s not my fault my wings are underdeveloped and I have to wear these prosthetics to cover them.”
Hearing her fake crying made one of the surrounding soldiers trot to her and pat her on the back trying to make her feel better. However, Traipse didn’t buy it for even a second, he trotted over to two other soldiers who were watching the event and replied, “prosthetic wings huh?… my apologies… let me make it up to you.”
Traipse unexpectedly drew both the guard’s swords and threw them at Blade as she was looking at him though her fake tears. Reacting Quickly Blade pulled the Guard who was trying to comfort her into the first sword and deflected the second one with the outside of her weapon. then as Traipse started charging her, She threw the dead soldier at him, jumped into the air, and hovered overhead while she spoke, “Not bad… but you will have to do bet…”

Just then Blade felt a shift in the wind… immediately reacting to this shift, she ducked her head down as The Reapers Scythe flew by the exact area her neck was in before she ducked. The Reaper tried swinging again, this time diagonally, but Blade flew away from her and dodged it. As she hovered there, she took one look at Scy and immediately knew who she was, “No… the Reaper…”
Remembering her initial plan, Blade tried to retreat from her foes and fly toward the trebuchets as fast as she could. As Blade flew, Scy tossed a needle at her hitting her on her wing just below the safety of her weapons armor. When the needle pierced her wing, Blade gave out a faint yelp as she fell towards the ground and crashed at the base of one of the first trebuchet. As both the Reaper and Traipse approached her, Blade was dragging herself against the ground crawling closer to the chain net that cradled the trebuchets next projectile. Seeing the fear in her eyes, Traipse spoke, “Sorry miss messenger… but this is the end of the road, give us the book and we will let you go free, you’re not part of the contract so you don’t need to waste your life on something so simple, now do you?”

As Blade made it to the trebuchets shot, she smiled, “You know how it is… a mercenary tries to complete her contract… no matter what the risk.”
Blade griped the needle on her wing and cringed as she pulled it out slowly. After the needle was out, she held it at the ready as if she was going to fight back with it. The Reaper spoke, “I admire your determination mare… but that won’t help you here.”
Blade replied with a pain riddled glare, “I wouldn’t be too sure…”
Blade threw the needle past both mercenaries and hit the release lever to the trebuchets, then she leaned against the boulder and braced herself. The large arm that suspended above the trio started to move as it pulled against the chain net that was holding the large projectile, dragging it below the massive machine straight towards the two mercenaries. Reacting out of instinct, Traipse tackled the Reaper pushing them both out of the way as the large boulder was dragged over the ground they stood on. Then both the boulder and the mare who was pressing herself against it were tossed into the air and flung a long distance with incredible speed.

As both the projectile and Blade vanished into the clouds above, Traipse smiled, “You know what… I like her. Just when you think you have her figured out… she surprises you. Plus she outdoes me in recklessness.”
Scy replied, “I agree… I can’t tell if she plans this out or if she just improvises. Not to mention that last stunt she pulled was near insane, I don’t think I would even consider attempting something as crazy as that.”
Traipse sighed, “Well… it’s safe to say we lost her.”
“Don’t be too sure, her landing won’t work in her favor… not to mention she is wounded so she won’t be flying. Nevertheless, we can cut her off at the inferno straits… I don’t see her attempting to fly or swim a river of lava, at least not in her condition..”
Traipse nodded his head, “Then let’s get moving.”

As the large boulder spun as it flew through the air, Blade continued to hold on as tight as she could until finally, as the boulder was falling, the G-forces proved too much for the wounded mare as it tossed her off just moments before they both hit the ground. Both the projectile and Blade rolled along the ground, until Blade hit a large boulder that was in her path stopping her on the spot. As she struggled to pick herself up, she looked in the direction the projectile was rolling as it rolled off a cliff and vanished. Then a large splash of molten lava came up from over the cliff’s edge revealing where she was, “the… the inferno straits? I was tossed almost two miles to the inferno straits?... wow, their aim was way off.”

Blade leaned herself against a pile of rocks and sat there breathing heavily trying to ease the pain in her wing. As she looked at her wound, she became worried, at first it was just a little puncture, but rolling into the trebuchet, being tossed over a mile and landing with an aggressive roll caused it to open up and made it worse. She knew wounds would heal… but they could only heal so much. If the injury was bad enough to affect her permanently, then she would never fly again. she tried to forget this worry as she looked through her saddlebag for medical supplies. Sadly, she didn’t have anything on her that could help, so she decided to improvise. Blade first removed her weapons then pulled out the parcel she was supposed to deliver. Next, she removed the paper and twine that covered the parcel and used both to wrap up and tie her wound so it couldn’t get any worse. However, the amount of energy she had, the blood loss she had sustained, and the fact that she was alone, made this patch up take two hours of her daylight. Now that her wound was patched, she only had less than an hour before nightfall, and traveling at night with no ability to fly was something she wasn’t about to attempt, so she placed the unwrapped book back in her saddlebag and found a soft place to set up camp.

That night as she sat on her campsite near the edge of the inferno straits, she started to get tired of looking into the vast river of magma and decided to get ready to go to sleep. She removed her weapon and sat it beside her saddlebag, but as she looked at her saddlebag and the blood from her wing that stained it, she started to think about her mission. Deliver a book… but why would the Hooviet Union pay her so much to deliver it?… and why would the king of Prance hire the Cutters to retrieve something so simple?”
Blade opened her saddlebag and pulled the book out to examine it. the cover was old and worn with images on it that seemed to resemble alicorns. There was no writing on the cover, nor was there any way to tell who wrote it, so she decided to open it and read it herself. It was a spell book, that much was certain, but the writing was very old and faded, and all the pictures of unicorns performing the spells weren’t unicorns at all… they were all alicorns. As she sifted through the book, she found many spells that seemed normal, teleportation, invisibility, levitation, even instructions to turn a normal Unicorn into an alicorn. Then she found a page meant for only Pegasi, on it there were only four abilities, The Sonic Rainboom, The Lightning Orb, the Telescopic Eye, and the Wind Whisper, which happened to be what she did to read the wind like she does. these weren’t spells at all, but each one was an ability that some pegasi were born with.

This page highly interested her, but she still couldn’t see the value in this book that would be any reason to start a war. She continued looking through the book until she got to the very last page, this page wasn’t a spell it was instructions, a recipe to create something. However, as Blade started reading the page, she heard a voice, “Sorry to disturb your story, but the tale ends here.”
Blade quickly looked up to see Traipse standing in front of her. She quickly looked down to reach for her weapon but it was gone. As she turned to run, she saw that the Reaper had already blocked the only path she could take. The Reaper put the hood on her cloak down as she held up Blade’s weapons and spoke, “Looking for this?”
Blade quickly looked around but with no strength to fly, she was trapped. Traipse smiled, “it’s been a long day for all three of us, so let’s just end this now… give us the book, and there won’t be any more bloodshed.”

Blade was worried, without her weapons, and with her wing in such rough shape there was nothing she could do to defend herself, but rather than give up, Blade placed the book under her good wing and readied herself to charge the Reaper. Scy could only smile as she spoke, “I admire your determination… but it’s over. You might as well save your strength.”
Ignoring the warning, She charged forward with an attempt to tackle Scy, however, it was a senseless effort. Turning her scythe around and using the blunt part of her weapon, The Reaper bashed Blade on her face with a single swing, throwing her a number of feet away and causing her to drop the book as she flew and landed at Traipse hooves. Before she could get up Traipse stepped on her wounded wing and began pressing down as she started screaming in pain. With tears of pain rolling down her face, Blade thought that this was the end, she started to think about how the infamous Cutters would end her life, until she heard something unexpected, “Traipse… let her go. We have what we came for, there isn’t any reason to finish her off, or cripple her.”

Traipse looked at the Reaper and nodded his head, “You’re right Scy… sorry I guess I lost my head for a few seconds.”
Traipse took his hoof off Blade’s wing and stepped over her as she rolled to her side and caressed her pain riddled wound. Traipse trotted over to the book and picked it up, “Now why would a messenger with such skill be wasting her time and putting everything she had to protect this book? Why is it so special?”
with tears still rolling down her face Blade glared at Traipse and replied through her pain and heavy breathing, “How… should I know?... all I know is… they are paying me… a lot to deliver… that package. Much… more than I would … usually charge.”
Traipse smiled, “Well you definitely think like a mercenary… I can’t believe I’ve never heard of you before.”
Blade continued glaring at him as she spoke, “Bite me… you son of a bi…”
“Calm down… that was a complement. Either way this book must have something in it that is very special.”

Traipse opened the book and started reading it. Just like Blade saw, there wasn’t anything very unique about this book other than its age, but both nations wouldn’t want anything old unless it had something unique about it. then finally, Traipse got to the last page and paused, “Wait a second… what have we here?... Hmm… instructions to create something?”
as Traipse continued reading, he found something of interest, “the Elements of harmony? I didn’t know they could be crea…”
Traipse eyes widened as he continued reading further into the page. Finally, he dropped the book and took a few steps back from it in shock, “why?… why would anypony do such a thing?… why would anypony sacrifice so much?...”
Blade continued lying on the ground with curious concern, while the Reaper spoke, “Tri? What is it? What does it say?”

Traipse didn’t reply, instead he picked up the book closed it and looked at the cover while thinking to himself. Then after a brief moment of silence, he mumbled to himself, “no… I won’t let this happen.”
Traipse trotted towards the cliff and looked into the river of magma that flowed hundreds of feet below. Then he looked at the book and sighed, “The Elements of harmony are an evil power that should never see the light of day… there is just too much to lose.”
Traipse then tossed the book over the edge of the cliff and watched as the book evaporated, as it hit the surface of the magma. Then he turned to Scy who was standing there with a confused look on her face, “What’s done… is done… please let’s just forget about the book and report to the king.”
Blade was speechless at what had just happened, she let herself be captured by an army, had her wing pierced by a needle, shot herself from a trebuchet, and was beaten senseless only to have her package destroyed before her very eyes. Nevertheless, Scy looked at Traipse and replied, “I trust your judgment, so I won’t ask… but what will we tell the king?”

Traipse thought to himself then replied, “we will tell him that the messenger who carried the book was knocked out of the sky and both her and the book fell into the Straits… that should be enough.”
so what about the messenger then? Should we make our story true?”
Blade felt nervous, she knew that she didn’t have the strength to stop them if they did throw her into the lava, but she was relieved when Traipse replied, “No… let’s just let her be. We’ve done enough to her already.”
as Traipse turned to trot away, the Reaper had an idea, “Hey Tri? What would you think about adding a third?”
“A third?”
“Yea… a third. She has already proven herself to be greatly skilled and fearless. Not to mention she was able to escape us once. So I think she would be perfect for a third.”

Blade didn’t understand what the two mercenaries were talking about as Traipse approached her and spoke, “Miss… you’ve heard of us right? you’ve heard of what they call us?”
Blade sneered at Traipse as she replied, “Of course I have, any mercenary who is worth their weight in bits knows who you two are. The Crystal Mercenary, and the Reaper… rumors have spread saying you two teamed up and began calling yourselves the Cutters right?”
Traipse, smile pleasantly as he replied, “good that makes things easier, How would you like to become a member of the cutters too?”

Blades expression of anger went to shock, “What? but… I'm not even that big a mercenary. I’ve only completed three jobs total, why would a group with a reputation like yours want a newbie like me?”
The Reaper smiled as she replied, “You’re fearless, strong, determined and an exceptional flyer. I was actually considering this long before we got here, you’ve proven yourself worthy, and to be honest… it would make me feel better knowing that you’re covering us from the sky. I prefer to fight in the shadows while Traipse fights on the ground. Having you in the sky would definitely give us a better edge in open combat.”
Blade had to ask, “What’s in it for me?”
Traipse replied, “Well, we all share the profits equally, we do a job together or not at all, and we will always watch each other’s backs. There are only a few rules.”
Blade thought she had found the catch so she replied, “Name them.”

Traipse spoke, “One, we will work for the highest bidder, no matter the contractor. Two, we never betray our own, even to the highest bidder. And three, never accept a contract unless we all agree on it. You will make our third member, but we don’t know how many we may add in the future, so I'm making these rules as if we had ten or more members.”
Blade thought to herself and spoke, “What if I say no?”
The Reaper replied, “Then we will leave you here with nothing more to say… we won’t force you to do anything. It’s entirely your decision.”
Blade thought to herself then replied, “If you will help me get to St. Petershurd, then I'll gladly join. They still offered to pay me a quarter of the price if I had to destroy the book for any reason. But that money is going straight to my medical bill for my wing.”

Traipse smiled, “Even if you wanted to split it amongst us, that’s where it would have gone anyway. I told you, we look out for our own.”
Blade smiled as she struggled to pick herself up from the ground, “Good… because I'll need looking after till my wing is better, but I promise I won’t let you two down.”
Scy nodded her head as they began trotting together, “That sound fair enough, miss…”
“Blade… ponies call me Blade.”
“Well Blade, welcome to The Cutters.”

Eden's Secret (Part 1)

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The terrified Sheik galloped as fast as he could through his garden. He didn’t know what to do to protect himself. One minute he was enjoying the calm moonlit night with his most trusted guard, then the next he was standing next to a headless corpse. Being too far from his palace doors to make it to safety he decided he should try to hide further in the garden instead… but he already knew that he wasn’t going to survive this. The sheik made it to the very far corner of the garden then he turned around and gripped a medallion that hung around his neck. While holding onto the charm, he started to pray for safety, though he knew full and well that it wouldn’t come.

While praying the sheik anxiously looked around trying to spot his assassin. The dark shadows only increased the terror in his very soul, and then he heard a twig snap in the shadows to his side. Out of terror and fear, the Noble stallion broke the chain on his medallion and tossed it into the shadows. As the terrified stallion looked into the shadows where his medallion landed, he heard a voice that scared him even more, “Now that’s not very wise. What if the spirits of that medallion were the only thing protecting you? Not that that’s the case here.”
The Sheik replied, “What is it you want from me? why are you here?”
a different voice replied, “Saddle Arabia has many sheiks… and the others found out that you’re hoarding secret resources from them… so we’ve been hired to... educate you on the term, partnership. Meaning, you don’t hide precious resources from your fellow partners.”

The stallion lowered his head and replied, “I… I see. So… you are here to assassinate me then, right?”
a stallions voice replied, “It’s nothing personal… it’s just business. However we will give you a chance to say your final words.”
The sheik sighed, “There is nothing I can say to cleanse my conscience of my sin… I expected this day for many years. I only ask one thing of you.”
the first voice replied, “Name it.”
The sheik dropped to his knees, “That medallion… can you give it to my son. I was going to pass it down to him when he became the new sheik anyway.”

The Reaper stepped out of the shadows and replied, “As you wish… your final request will be fulfilled.”
The sheik smiled and lowered his head, “Praise be to your cause. I am truly blessed to fall to such noble souls.”
The Reaper shook her head, “No… we have no souls.”
With those words, Scy raised her scythe and ended the Sheik’s life in the most painless way she could. As the dead pony fell to his side, Traipse approached them with the medallion and spoke, “Here… you give this to his son. Me and Blade will meet you at the pub near the city wall when you’re done.”
The Reaper nodded her head as she took the medallion, “Be careful.”
Traipse smiled as he turned to leave the garden, “You too.”

Up on the tower balcony just outside the young prince’s room, Scy left the medallion on the stone railing and threw a small pebble threw the doorway to signal the prince as he sat reading a book. Hearing the sound the prince closed the book and trotted out onto the balcony, “Hel-hello? Is anypony out here?”
The Reaper watched from the shadows as the prince approached the balcony and picked up the medallion, then he looked into the garden and saw his father’s corpse lying below “GUARDS! GUARDS! FATHER! HE HAS BEEN KILLED!!! QUICKLY! SOUND THE ALARM!!!”
Hearing the prince’s cries made Scy feel slightly guilty about her actions. But as all mercenaries know, you only get paid, if you complete your mission. With that thought in mind, The Reaper snuck back out of the castle without detection and arrived at the pub near the city wall.

When she arrived, The Reaper trotted over to the table where Traipse and Blade were at and sat down. Both Traipse and Blade were discussing their next job, “Zebrica is no place for mercenaries of our profession. Plus I heard that their conflicts are at a stalemate, so what would be the point.”
Blade replied to Traipse, “I'm only saying we should get involved in a job that will allow you to pull more weight, I mean what did you do tonight? Nothing that’s what. at least I took the head off the guar…”
Scy quickly covered Blade’s mouth, “Now isn’t the time to discuss the job… the city in now alert so it would be best to avoid talking about it.”
Traipse sighed, “Look I know I was of no help tonight… but it’s not my fault, I'm not meant for stealth kills and I can’t fly. It’s just one of the values of being an earth pony.”

Blade nodded her head, “My apologies… it’s just been a long night. So Boss did you pass on that trinket?”
The Reaper nodded her head, “Yes, he got it… and don’t call me boss. I'm not the only pony who founded The Cutters.”
Blade smiled, “Yea, but you’re the only one who matters.”
Scy giggled at Traipse’s reaction, “We are all equals here. Nopony is any better than the next, besides it doesn’t matter who is better at what. we accept jobs together, we complete jobs together, and we share the profits equally. So let’s just relax and wait to meet our contact.”

As the three continued to talk about their next job, a pony entered the room and approached them, “The infamous Cutters, am I right? I was sent here by my master; your current contractor.”
Blade replied, “And does he know the status of our task?”
the shady pony tossed a bag full of gems on the table as he replied, “I believe he does and I think this should cover the cost… however my master has one more task for you, that is… if you accept.”
Traipse picked up the bag and looked at the gems as he replied, “Hmm… that will depend on the task now wouldn’t it?”
The pony replied, “Of course, we need you to track down my master’s most dangerous assassin. He went missing a week ago.”

The Reaper was curious, “So… this assassin, if he were still around, would he had been sent on our most recent job?”
the pony replied, “Yes, he would… is that a problem?”
Blade shook her head, “Not at all, more profit for us… so how much are you willing to pay for this assassin?”
The pony replied, “Two hundred thousand.”
Blade was surprised at the offer; however, Traipse was skeptic, “Why so much for only one pony?”
The shady pony smiled, “This one pony is more than he seems my friend… much more.”
Blade looked at The Reaper and spoke, “Sounds acceptable to me… how about you boss?”

The Reaper nodded her head, “First off, don’t call me boss. Second, this offer seems excessively generous for only one pony. Why is your master offering so much?”
The pony replied, “Because we know where he is… and it won’t be an easy task. My master feels that a generous offer will better persuade you for this particular task.”
Traipse shook his head, “Alright… where is he?”
The pony lowered his head, “Far to the east, past the charred lands and across the frozen peaks. Just on the other side of the Hooviet Union. He lies imprisoned in the depths of the land guarded by the hound of the demons.”
The three mercenaries looked at each other and shook their heads, first The Reaper spoke, “The hound of demons…”
Next Blade, “Past the Hooviet Union…”
Traipse shook his head, looked at the ground, and finished, “Tartarus… You want us, to break into the depth of the underworld and break out an assassin who has been imprisoned in Tartarus?”

The pony smiled, “Sort of…yes… is that a problem?”
Blade was concerned as she replied, “Um… yes it is… Nopony has ever crossed into Tartarus and escaped with their lives. It’s impossible.”
The Reaper nodded her head, “To attempt something so dangerous would be suicide… even for us.”
Traipse started to stand up, “I think we are done here, even I have my limit.”
The stallion shook his head, “Hold your horses my friend… he is in Tartarus… However, he is only in the bordering territory. But if we don’t hurry, he will be banished pass the gate. At this time, he is being held in a prison just outside. If you want to save him, you have to free him when they attempt to move him into Tartarus. That is the only chance you will have, not only will the resistance be simple… but you won’t even have to deal with the demon hound.”
Traipse sat back down, “Why is he so important?”
the stallion replied, “Have you ever heard of Eden?”

The three ponies looked at each other as Traipse replied, “Yes… it’s a myth. A silly superstition for ponies who want to explain where alicorns came from.”
The stallion replied, “Eden is no myth my friend. This assassin is being imprisoned because he is one of very few who have actually seen the city with his own eyes.”
The Reaper asked, “So who is sending him to Tartarus for seeing the city?”
“The Hooviet Union, he sold them a sacred book that he found in the city, a few years ago. But when he went back to try and find more, the Equestrian royal guards caught him and turned him in, for crimes against existence.”
Blade was curious, “Crimes against existence? What in the world is that supposed to mean?”
The stallion leaned in closer to the center of the table as he replied, “Eden has a dark secret… nopony knows why… but The Griffin Kingdoms, the minotaur, the Hooviet Union, and Equestria all have tried to keep its location quiet so that nopony can finds out this secret.”

The Reaper thought for a second and replied, “So this assassin… he discovered its secret?”
The shady pony replied, “That is what my master wants to find out. The assassin has been there a number of times but he refused to tell anypony where it is. And now that he will be imprisoned in Tartarus, we fear he will never tell us.”
Traipse sat back and replied, “The mission seems fair… but it’s not my choice… Scy?”
The Reaper thought to herself, “A very dangerous mission… but a very curious one as well. Blade?”
Blade smiled, “I like it… this should definitely prove to be an interesting journey, Let’s go for it boss.”
The Reaper replied, “Don’t call me boss. Anyway, it looks like your mission is accepted… but with one change.”
The stallion replied, “Change?”
“If we fail to retrieve your stallion in time or if he dies… you will pay us half if we are able to attain the information he has.”
The shady stallion smiled, “My dear… you have a deal.”

The Reaper put her hoof out and repeated herself, “If you seal the deal now… there will be consequences if you fail to pay… and not just your master… but you as well.”
The stallion gave Scy a hoof bump and replied, “Consider this deal… sealed. Thank you for our understanding my friend. We will meet at my master’s castle when the job is finished.”
The stallion stood up and spoke as he left the table, “The assassin goes by the name Mirage. He is an unusual stallion but he knows what he is doing. May your journey be safe my friends.”
Later that night… the three mercenaries escaped from the city. There wasn’t a single pony in the entire city who suspected them as the sheik’s assassins.

The three traveled long and far towards their destination. With each passing step, Blade and Scy felt no real concern about their mission, however Traipse did. He didn’t want to bring it up, but something about an assassin who traveled to the city of Eden, then returned multiple times seemed suspicious. But for the same assassin to be captured and banished into Tartarus… that was unheard of. Then there was the matter of the Book. He remembered that tome from Eden that he destroyed three years ago… but was it the same book? And did it have anything to do with this secret? Nevertheless, in the interest of keeping his partner’s hopes high, he decided to ignore his concern for now.

One week had passed before the three ponies finally reached their destination. They stood at the summit of a great mountain overlooking the prison that the assassin was being kept, the road to his final punishment and the Gate to the very depths of Tartarus, that was miles away but still large enough to see from where they were. Just outside the gate sat the mighty Cerberus, a demon hound born with three heads, and the temper of a cranky dragon. Blade felt the wind and spoke, “The Prison doors just opened. There is a swift draft coming straight through the walls that usually would be blocked and there is a stench in the air, maybe by minotaur… or changelings.”
The Reaper smiled, “Yea… that and we can see a convoy of minotaur leaving through the gate from here.”
Blade looked down at the prison and saw that there was a small convoy leaving the gate. Then she looked at The Reaper and sighed, “Sure boss… take all the fun out of it.”
“I told you to stop calling me bos…”

Traipse pointed at the convoy, as they continued on their path. At the center of the large group of minotaur, there was a Unicorn being lead with four chains connected to his neck cuff, and a strange looking halter around his horn. Blade spoke, “I think it’s safe to say that that’s our stallion… kinda cute if you ask me…”
Traipse replied, “We didn’t…?
The Reaper smiled at Traipse’s comment before asking, “So what’s that on his head?”
Blade replied, “I’ve seen something like that before… I think it’s an anti-magic halter. The Hooviets use it to prevent unicorns from using magic.”
The Reaper spoke next, “So what’s our plane of approach? Will we improvise?”
Traipse shook his head, “Hmmm, how about I play road block?”
Blade nodded, “Well ok… but you better not take too long.”
Traipse smiled, “Alright then let’s go meet our new friend.”

A few minutes later down on the road, the leading Minotaur saw Traipse standing on the path so he called, “CONVOY HALT! ARCHERS AT THE READY!!!”
Soldiers approached the front from the sides of the convoy and readied their bows, as the leader yelled to Traipse, “You are blocking a prison convoy on route to the gates of Tartarus! Step off the road and out of our way immediately! If you do not comply, we will kill you and remove you ourselves!!! This is your first, last, and only warning! STEP ASIDE!!!”
Traipse didn't respond, instead he just stood there and stared at the archers with no concerned expression on his face. The leading minotaur thought to himself for a few seconds then answered the silence, “Very well, ARCHERS FI…”

Before the minotaur could finish his sentence, three needles came from behind him and dug deep into the back of his neck with precise and lethal precision. As the leading minotaur fell to the ground, the archers who were well trained, knew exactly what to do in this situation. Each archer released their arrows and sent them flying towards Traipse, then they huddled in to a circle and started looking around to find the source of the projectiles. As they looked around, Traipse used his speed and agility to dodge each and every arrow flying towards him. After getting past the only wave of arrows flying towards him, Traipse continued charging towards the archers with his target and his actions already decided. In the skies, both Blade and The Reaper dropped from the clouds and crossed each other’s paths as they aimed for the other two officers in the entire convoy. When the archers spotted the two, they started taking aim, but before they could fire, Traipse had already closed the distance between them so he jumped into the air, landed on the lead archer’s shoulders, and broke his neck before they could react.

With the three skilled mercenaries attacking the clueless convoy at once, the entire convoy was in a state of confusion. Using this to his advantage, the chained assassin pulled his chain free from one of the minotaurs who was holding him, then he used the same chain to bash one of the others in the head, allowing two of the four chains to be released. With is mobility free from restraint, the unicorn wrapped the chain around one of the guards neck and strangled him while he pulled the keys to his neck cuff and halter off the guard’s belt. The assassin quickly unlocked the Anti-magic halter on his head. With his magical abilities free, the assassin used his magic to wrap the chains around the necks of the guards surrounding him, and then he tightened each chain until their necks broke under the tension. With The Reaper cutting down the officers, Traipse breaking necks and crushing skulls, the assassin disarming them and killing them with their own weapons, and Blade cutting down all who try to flee for their lives. The four ponies cleared out the convoy quickly, leaving behind no survivors, or prisoners.

The assassin looked over at the three mercenaries and smiled, “I don’t know who you are… but it’s an honor to be rescued by two gorgeous beauties like yourselves and your… friend.”
Traipse gave the assassin a dull look as The Reaper spoke, “Your name… is it Mirage?”
The charming stallion took Scy’s hoof and kissed it, “Yes it is, and may I have the name of the beautiful rose that I have the pleasure of calling my savior? And don’t try to deny it… that cloak can only put a shadow over a flower… it will never remove its beauty.”
The Reaper is never one to fall for flattery, but for some unknown reason she couldn’t help but blush as she replied, “Oh… my name is, um… I mean you can call me The Reaper… or Scy, if you want.”
Mirage smiled, “Scy? Well I'll call you my Scy of relief then, because if it wasn’t for you… I would be forever sealed in Tartarus right now.”
The Reaper continued blushing as Blade trotted up to her and nudged her shoulder as she whispered, “Oh he’s smooth… by the way boss… you’re blushing.”
Scy put the hood on her cloak up to cover her blushing face as Traipse spoke to Mirage, “Maybe we should get going now, you know… before reinforcements arrive and take you.”

The unicorn nodded his head and replied, “Of course, perhaps we should get to a safe location before continuing the introductions.”
With that said, the four ponies left the area and continued away from Tartarus until they were on the other side of the border into Hooviet Territory. As the four ponies stopped to rest Traipse asked the assassin, “So… your name is Mirage right? What is your basic skill as an assassin?”
The stallion replied, “Seems kinda rude…”
“You’re asking me what my skill is and you have yet to introduce yourself… really I may kill ponies for a living, but even I have more class then that.”
Blade started to snicker as Traipse sighed,, “My name is Traipse… we are the Cutters.”
“Traipse, The Crystal Mercenary? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Traipse smiled, “Good things I hope.”
“No… not really, but I appreciate the help all the same.”

Traipse was a little annoyed with Mirage’s comment but he kept it quite as Mirage continued, “So that would lead me to believe that the other beauty would be Blade wouldn’t it.”
Blade held out her hoof and smiled, “Charmed to meet you.”
The polite stallion replied, “As am I. though… I think there is one other who has completely captivated me… Miss Scy?”
The Reaper blushed as she replied, “Well aren’t you the charmer…”
Mirage replied, “Indeed I am… However, this is only a shell. I am much more than that.”
Seeing what was going on Traipse interrupted them, “we should go ahead and set up camp, it will be dark soon.”
Mirage nodded his head, “That’s a good idea Trips maybe you should go and gather the fire wood while Miss Scy and I can prepare the fire.”
Traipse was appalled, “My name is Traipse! and who are you to...”
“Tri… calm down! Let’s just get camp set up okay?”
Seeing the irritation in The Reaper’s eyes, Traipse replied, “Alright… I'll be back in a few minutes.”

While he was trotting away, Traipse heard The Reaper laugh behind him, so he stopped and turned his head to look. He could see Mirage and Scy still talking as he was flirting with her and she was actually falling for it. Feeling uncomfortable with what he was watching, Traipse looked back and saw Blade standing in front of him with a smirk on her face, “You’re Jealous… aren’t you?”
Traipse smiled, “Jealous! Of him? Don’t be ridiculous, I'm just a little concerned, I’ve never seen Scy like this before!”
Blade replied, “Of course you haven’t, she’s in love.”
“Love? Scy?”
Blade sighed, “She is a mare you know… and despite how you feel about it… she can fall in love.”
“I know that! What I mean is, how can she fall for a conceited, snobby, noble, pretty-colt like him? I just didn’t see him being her type.”

Blade nodded her head, “Well despite his differences he is a noble and I honestly didn’t see her liking that kind of stallion. But in the subject of stallions, he is quite charming.”
Traipse looked at the two again as he replied, “Differences? How do you mean?”
Blade replied, “He trots like a noble, but not like a unicorn.”
Traipse pauses for a second then replied, “You lost me.”
Blade explained, “Nobles trot all by appearance, Unicorn trot with their head held high showing off their horn, kind of pert if you ask me. Pegasi and alicorns, trot with their shoulders broadened to show their wings off, while Earth ponies just trot with their backs strait to show their strength. He however trots like a pegasus. Which is unusual when considering he has no wings. But then again, he could have been raised by pegasi. Either way you’ve got some competition.”

Traipse shook his head, “Competition? Please… Scy and I are friends. That’s all there is to it.”
Traipse trotted around Blade and mumbled to himself, “Competition my plot… that stallion couldn’t stand in my shadow without feeling faint…”
after he trotted past her, Traipse paused, “Um… Blade? What was I?...”
Blade sighed, “Firewood.”
“Right, Right firewood… I knew that?”
Traipse continued trotting away to gather the firewood while Blade smiled, “Is there a word that can describe how much denial he is in?”

Hours later the four ponies sat next to a campfire, As Mirage and Scy entertained each other with stories of past missions. Then Mirage spoke “I have to ask. Each one of you are known for having a most horrifying past… would it be a bother to learn of it?”
Traipse replied, “Yes… it would.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Blade spoke “You see, we don’t talk about our pasts… not even to each other.”
“Really? Why?”
Scy replied, “For protection…”
“Protection? From what?”

Traipse answered, “We know that there was a life before The Cutters, and we know that it's a life that drove us into becoming what we are today… Nevertheless, we don’t share it with each other, simply to keep each other safe. As far as we are concerned, we know enough about each other to have no need in knowing more. Scy and Blade both know I was once a guard in the Crystal Empire. We know that Blade was once a noble, and we know that Scy became a legend simply by the number of lives she has taken with her scythe. And as far as we care. That’s all we need to know.”
Mirage thought to himself, “But knowing ones past will only strengthen the bond between partners… isn’t that what you want?”

Traipse shook his head, “We share profit, supplies, Jobs, and decisions. Our bond as a team is and will always be stronger than any sword pointed in our direction. I don’t see any need in making it stronger.”
Mirage nodded his head, “Well I would disagree, but that’s your choice.”
Traipse changed the subject, “Tell me assassin…”
“I have a name… I think you’d be respectful enough to refer to me by that name… it’s alright though, I understand that a barbaric and uncivilized stallion only acts with what he knows.”
Traipse did everything he could to hold in his anger as he replied, “Alright then… Mirage… I wanted to ask you if the rumor is true. Do you really know how to get to…”
“Eden? Yes I’ve had the honor of stepping on those hollowed grounds…”

Traipse continued, “I heard it was just a myth… the last city of the alicorn. Simple ponytails told to keep little foals imaginations alive before bed.”
Mirage smiled, “As did I… till I stumbled across it a few years ago. It was breathtaking… I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my life… till today at least.”
Mirage smiled at Scy as Traipse tried to keep the subject going, “So you arrived at this city a few years ago… why, and how did you get captured?”
Mirages replied while looking into the fire, “I discovered something of great value… but when I went to retrieve it. I was captured by Equestrian Ponies.”
As a depressed look started to appear on the stallions face, The Reaper put her hoof on his shoulder, “What was it? what did you find that Equestria didn’t want you to take?”

Mirage smiled at the sympathy she was showing as he replied, “Treasure… Mountains of it… Imagine riches so great in value that all nations, the Hooviet Union, The Griffin Kingdoms and Equestria were so bent on keeping it safe that they would leave it in one place and never move it in hopes that no other nation would discover its location.”
The subject of treasure caught everyponies attention so Blade asked, “Was there really so much of it?”
Mirage replied, “Indeed there is, I haven’t seen it myself but why else would I be arrested immediately after opening its hiding place?”
Traipse became suspicious, “Wait a second… You haven’t even seen this treasure before with your own eyes?”

Mirage shook his head, “Not really, I read about a treasure hidden under the castle so when I returned there I immediately started digging for it. after about three days of digging, my pick broke through the ceiling of an old tomb, and as soon as the light shined in, a gold glow shined out. But before could look inside, an Equestrian pegasus tackled me and pinned me to the ground. That barbaric pony held me in place till other guards arrived, chained me up, and threw me in a cell. Then they claim I'm committing some kind of crime against existence.”
Traipse was still skeptic, “Equestrian Royal guards? Why would they be in Eden?”
The Reaper sighed, “Because they probably want control over the treasure too… haven’t you been listening?”

Traipse felt a little offended by Scy’s tone as Mirage continued, “You know… if we were to join forces, I'll wager we would have no problems taking the treasure from them by force. With Blade’s voracity, Traipses’… um… Presents, and the lovely Miss Scy leading the way, we will make short work of those weak guards and get away with the treasure rich as kings.”
Traipse thought to himself, “So… you want us to help you retrieve this treasure?”
Mirage nodded his head, “It would be a spectacular victory for the Cutters don’t you think?”
Scy nodded her head, “You know what? I think that would be a good journey for us.”
Blade added, “A mountain of treasure… I like the sound of that.”

Traipse knew that at this point it didn’t matter what his opinion was on the subject so he just replied, “Well it looks like we will be taking the offer from the highest bidder. So count me in too... I guess”
Scy looked at Traipse, “Guess? What do you mean you guess? This is an offer of a lifetime.. why are you so skeptic about it?”
Traipse replied, “Scy, this just seems too good to be true; I just don’t know if I trust it.”
Blade spoke up, “Look Tri, you should be happy about this, Just think of all that money.”
Scy continued, “Come on Tri… We’re a team, we will only do this if you will join us… please?”
As Traipse looked into The Reapers eyes, he could only sigh, “Alright… if we are together, then why not.”

The Reaper smiled as Mirage nodded his head, “Then it’s agreed then, when dawn approaches, we will set a course for Eden.”
Scy then blushed as she added, “And you know what, once it’s said and done… you should join the Cutters too. We can use a unicorn of your talents.”
Mirage looked at Traipse and smiled sinisterly, “Miss Scy… it would be an honor to fight by your side… from now on.”
Traipse didn’t like that idea at all, but what made it worse was for a split second, he could swear that the Unicorn’s brown eyes had turned green while he smiled.

Eden's Secret (part 2)

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“I hate heights, I hate heights, I hate them, I hate them, I really, really hate them…”
Traipse continued to mumble to himself as he was trotting along the narrow path that lead down the side of a seemingly bottomless ravine. While continuing on their path Mirage turned and looked at Traipse as he led the way, “Step lightly Mr. Tri… These cliffs are quite treacherous.”
Traipse looked at Mirage and asked, “Are you sure this is the right way?”
Mirage smiled, “You still don’t trust me yet… do you?”
Traipse smiled as he imagined pushing Mirage over the edge of the cliff, “Now what in the world would give you that idea?”
All of a sudden, Blade flew up to the narrow path and spoke as she hovered in the air, “How are you boys doing? Having fun Tri?”
Traipse nervously looked over the edge and sighed when he couldn’t see the bottom of the ravine, “I’d be doing lot better if my hooves were on stable ground, without an endless drop on one side and a ninety foot wall on the other.”

Mirage smiled as he continued on the path, “The brave fighter is afraid of heights, as it would seem.”
Traipse gave Mirage a dull look and replied, “Well I don’t have any wings to prevent me from hitting the ground. So I think I have reason to be.”
Scy flew up and started hovering next to them as she spoke to Mirage, “So how far ahead is it?”
Mirage smiled, “Well angel, we have about a quarter mile left of this trail then it will turn into a slope leading down into the bottom of this ravine. Down there we will reach a cave covered in mist. That, my angel, is the Gate to Eden.”
Mirage looked back at Traipse and replied to his comment, “A maiden with wings who brings good fate and fortune to the ground dwellers below. An apparition of beauty to those around her.”
Scy blushed as Traipse rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself, “Give it a rest…”

Of the group, Blade was the only one who heard Traipse comment so she smiled as she spoke, “Well, we will leave you to your male bonding while the boss and I go ahead. We will meet you at the end of the path.”
Scy sighed as the two pegasi flew ahead, “How many times do I have to tell you? Stop calling me boss.”
When the pegasi were out of sight, Traipse asked, “Hey Mirage?”
Mirage replied, “Yes Mr. Traipse?”
“I heard that you managed to take a book from Eden a few years ago, right?”
Mirage paused for a moment then after a brief hesitation, he continued leading the two along the narrow path, “Yes… I remember that old book. I believe I sold it to the Hooviet Union.”
Traipse continued, “Why did you sell it knowing what it contained?”

Mirage smiled, “Why would you keep bronze, when gold is just around the corner… by the way, what did it contain anyway?”
Traipse was amazed, “You mean you didn’t even know the devastation that book could bring?”
Mirage shook his head, “When I find something with value, I hunt for a high bidder. When I find something useless, then I hunt for somepony who sees value in it. That’s just how I operate. You’re a mercenary, you should know how the world works. Everything and Everypony is useless until a value is found…”
Traipse wanted to ask about Scy, but he didn’t want to hear the answer so he just replied, “Sometimes you have to overlook its value, otherwise you may give away something that is priceless.”
Mirage smiled, “Sometimes even a priceless item will be given up for something.”
Traipse didn’t like this pony to begin with, so rather than start an argument, he just replied, “Whatever you say.”

As Traipse and Mirage continued to trot around a turn, Traipse noticed that the path got even narrower, so he started to hug the wall more and watch his hooves as he continued so he wouldn’t slip. Just up ahead Traipse and Mirage could see Blade and Scy standing on the path as it widened and began its descent. As the two mares waved back Mirage smiled, “You know, there is a sight that has some legitimate value… despite the waste.”
Traipse was confused, “What do you mean waste? Just keep your mind on the tra…”
All of a sudden, Traipse saw a faint green haze surround the ground he was trotting over. As Traipse stared at the confusing green glow, the ground it was touching began to crack and crumble as it fell out from under him. As Traipse began to fall, he quickly started trying to grab the wall. Traipse fell a few feet before he finally grabbed an exposed plant root, stopping himself from the fall as he called out, “SCY! BLADE! LITTLE HELP!?!”

When the two mares saw Traipse in trouble they both leapt from the path and started flying down to help him. Traipse continued to hold onto the root while waiting for his partners to help him, but as he looked up, he saw Mirage looking down at him with an unusual smile on his face, then the same green glow that caused the ground to fall surrounded both Mirage’s horn and the root Traipse was holding onto. Traipse sneered at Mirage, “You Traitorous piece of sh…”
All of a sudden, the branch he was holding onto snapped and Traipse began to fall once again, but this time he only fell five feet before he landed on a large flat boulder that was being held up by the same green haze of magic that caused the fall. Traipse was enraged as the boulder flew up and stopped so he could step back onto the path.

Both The Reaper and Blade laded in front of Traipse as Scy spoke, “Traipse! Are you O…”
Traipse didn’t reply, in fact he trotted right past her and straight toward Mirage. When he got close enough the first thing he did was punch Mirage in the side of his face, then he picked him up by his throat and slammed him against the wall of the ravine and yelled, “YOU!!! WHY DID YOU TRY TO KILL ME!?!”
The choking stallion replied, “I… I don’t know… what you’re talking abou…”
Both Scy and Blade galloped up to Traipse, ‘TRI! Let him go! What’s gotten into you?”
Traipse looked back at the two mares as he replied, “This… this… pretty-colt tried to kill me! First he used his magic to cause the ground to collapse from under me, then he used his magic to cut the branch I was holding onto, and let me fall.”
The Reaper yelled back, “That can’t be true! It was his magic that caught you in the end! So why would he try to kill you, just to save you in the end?!”

Traipse didn’t know how to answer that, “Well… He… I… I Still Don’t…”
Mirages spoke through his strain, “When... I trotted past the… place that fell… I felt the ground… crumble beneath me… so I tried to hold it up… while you made it… passed, but… it fell anyway… then when you were holding onto the… branch I tried… to pull it from the… cliff so you would fall onto… the platform I had ready below you… That’s it! I apologize if my actions… were misunderstood… but that’s the truth.”
Blade spoke next, “You see Tri! It’s just a misunderstanding! Now let him go!”
“Yea but…”
As Traipse looked at the rage on The Reaper’s face, he could only sigh as he slowly lowered Mirage and let him go.

Traipse looked at Mirage and spoke while holding back all his anger, “Sorry… that was my mistake…”
Mirage dusted himself off, and spoke, “There, there… no harm done. Even the greatest of us make mistakes from time to time. So all is well and forgotten.”
Scy shook her head at Traipse as she turned around, “I don’t know what your problem is Tri… But you had better get over it… And soon!”
Traipse was shocked that The Reaper took so much offence to that, “Scy…”
Blade spoke next, “I knew you were jealous… but now you’re just being plain foalish.”
Blade then turned around and angrily trotted off to catch up to The Reaper, as Traipse gave Mirage an angry look, “I don’t know the game you’re playing… but trust me, you will lose if you keep it up.”
Mirage replied as he trotted by, “Mr. Traipse, I don’t know why you distrust me so… but please understand that I'm not out to hurt you in any way… The Cutters are my allies, and… I'm falling in love with Miss Scy, so there isn’t a thing that I would ever do to threaten you or your team. But with the way things are going, I'm afraid you’re making it hard for them to trust you.”

With that, said Mirage started following the two mares leaving Traipse in a state of confusion. This pony was not a member of The Cutters, meaning that for now he can’t be trusted. However, his story seems plausible, and despite their confrontation afterwards, he still spoke politely even after being threatened. But was it too politely? Was he faking everything?… and if so, what was his plan? Traipse quietly followed the rest of the group in silence as they continued to the bottom of the ravine. When they got there, they all saw a large cave that was almost completely concealed by the misty haze that surrounded them. As they entered the cave, Mirage took the lead, “Tread lightly friends, on the other side of this cave lies the mystical forgotten City of Eden, and I'll be willing to bet that we will meet soldiers from other nations defending the treasure it holds.”
As they continued, Blade noticed that Traipse was quiet, so she started trotting next to him and asked, “Still sulking?”

Traipse gave Blade a dull look as he replied, “Are you trying to start something?”
“Look Tri, I don’t know anything about how you feel about the boss, but if you want to get her attention, you need to be honest with your feelings.”
Traipse sighed, “I understand what you’re saying… but this isn’t the right scenario for that kind of advice. My problem is that I don’t trust that stallion at all. There is just something about him that seems… off. I don’t like it, and I wouldn’t doubt that he would stab us in the back the first chance he…”
Before Traipse could finish his sentence, the group of ponies approached the end of the cave that opened up into what looked like a massive crater. In the center was a very large collection of ancient ruins that sat in the middle of a forest. As The Cutters marveled at the sight, Mirage stepped forward, “Behold my friends! The Lost City of Eden!”

Blade looked around the city at the crater walls and spoke, “The wind is very faint here, but the view is breathtaking.”
Mirage explained, “More than ten thousand years ago this was an active volcano… In fact, it was the largest on the entire planet. But one day something happened that caused it to explode in a massive force that left the edges of the volcano intact but destroyed the rest, leaving the volcano dead and dormant. An alicorn king saw use in the surrounding mountains so he sought to build an impenetrable fortress in the center, and as time went by, nomads began to settle near the fortress until this became the safest, most prosperous city in the entire world.”
The Reaper was curious, “What happened to it? Why was the city abandoned after so many years of prosperity?”
Mirage replied, “Nopony knows, some say that a small chasm opened up and sent toxic gas spewing into the city streets. Some say a demon came through and caused the extinction of the alicorn race. And others say that one day, for some unknown reason. Everypony in the city just vanished into thin air. As if they just evaporated into dust.”

Traipse thought to himself then he spoke, “I bet it was greed.”
Mirage looked at Traipse and replied, “Really? And what makes you say that?”
“This treasure you spoke of… if it’s really as large and valuable as you say. Then no doubt, it had something to do with their disappearance. Bandits, a plague, maybe even a mutiny of the king’s guards. All it takes is one desperate soul getting jealous and attempting something foolish, and even an entire nation can fall.”
Mirage shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Oh well, I’d say this is how things operate. Shale we get moving? The entrance to the treasure tomb is at the base of the castle in the center of the city. Once we arrive there we can claim the treasure.”

The ponies traveled from the cave entrance toward the city, but as they traveled Traipse realized something, through all the brush, and forestland that was between the massive city and the only entrance into the Crater, there was zero signs of life other than plant life. No birds chirping, no insects buzzing, in fact the sound of their hoof steps, and the wind was the only sounds that could be heard… other than the annoying sound of the charming unicorn continuously flirting with The Reaper, which only irritated Traipse all the more. But as they took their first few steps into the streets of the once amazing city, Blade Froze in place, “Stop… there are soldiers ahead.”
Mirage looked around, “Where? I don’t…”
“Shhh… Blade? What do you see?”
Blade closed her eyes, as she studied the wind then replied to Traipse, “Three squads… griffin… ponies… all waiting for us… they know we are here… and they are waiting for us.”

Mirage felt a little skeptic, “How do you kn…”
“The wind… I can feel them. One group is in an alley two blocks down. The other two, on the rooftops near the same alley. It would seem as if they are waiting for us.”
Scy replied, “Then we have the upper hoof. They won’t expect us to be expecting them… is that the right way to say that? It sounded a little funny.”
“When it’s said with your beautiful voice… it doesn’t need to be.”
The Reaper playfully nudged Mirage as she smiled, “oh stop…”
Traipse rolled his eyes as he thought to himself, “Yes… please… stop…”
Blade suggested, “It might be best to ignore them and wait till they act first. They’re not in any position that gives them any form of tactical advantage.”
Traipse nodded, “Agreed, we will see what their plan is before we react.”

Mirage smiled, “I didn’t expect the merciless Cutters to be so… organized. I always thought you just reacted in the heat of the moment.”
The Reaper smiled, “No most of the time we would just improvise, but I'm willing to bet that if there are groups here from other nations, then they must be part of a well-trained section of their armies.”
Traipse looked at Mirage and added, “Which means… you better watch how you act.”
Rather than defend himself by making an excuse for his comment, Traipse just rolled his eyes and continued down the street with no reply for Scy’s outburst. Afterwards The Reaper, sighed, “I’m sorry Mirage… I just don’t know what’s gotten into him all of a sudden. He normally isn’t like this.”
“It’s quite alright Miss Scy, maybe when he sees the treasure… he will have a change of heart.”

The group continued down the street, but sure enough as soon as they approached the alley that Blade spoke of, a group of griffin soldiers stepped out of the alley and blocked the road. Then a number of archers wearing Hooviet armor revealed themselves as they stepped to the edges of the rooftops on each side of the street, while a group of Equestrian Pegasi flew out from behind the Hooviet archers, and blocked the road behind them. While all the soldiers watched The Cutters and their companion, a Griffin Officer stepped forward and spoke, “You have entered a restricted area, if you want to continue you must have written consent from Princess Celestia of Equestria, King Harpy of the Griffin Kingdoms, or Prime Minister Nicolai of the Hooviet Union. Otherwise you must leave this city immediately!”

As they usually did in this situation, The Cutters answered with nothing more than an uninterested stare, while Mirage looked around nervously at the surrounding soldiers. As the griffin stood there waiting for a reply, one of the Equestrian Pegasi spoke up, “Wait a second, an earth pony with neon green eyes, a beautiful mare with Blades on her wings… and a cloak covered mare wielding a Scythe… You three are The Cutters aren’t you?”
The group continued to hold their silence as the archers on the rooftops around them drew their bows. The Griffin leader then spoke up, “If you are The Cutters… then we know why you are here… and we won’t let you get away with it. ALL SOLDIERS ATTACK! KILL THE INTRUDERS!”

With their leaders orders, all the archers on the rooftops released their arrows at once creating a closing wave of arrows upon the group, but before the arrows came close to hitting their mark, all the arrows stopped in midflight and hovered over the four intruders. The Hooviet leader was surprised by this more than any other, “This… this is impossible. Not even an alicorn has the power to stop that many arrows a once.”
The four ponies stood in the shadow of countless arrows, as The Reaper looked at Mirage and smiled, “Are you the cause of this?... I'm impressed.”
Mirage smiled, “With this power?… You haven’t seen anything yet my dear”
Mirage looked back at the cloud above him and turned all the arrows around to face out in all directions at once. Seeing this the griffin general called out, “TAKE CO…”
Before the griffin could finish his sentence, the arrows shot out in all direction sending the arrows into everything and everypony around them.

The remaining enemy soldiers emerged from their cover as the griffin yelled through the pain of an arrow that was stuck in his wing, “CHARGE!!!!”
Small groups of Hooviet soldiers charged first from the buildings on each side. As they got close, The Reaper dropped her Scythe, opened her wings, which threw her cloak completely behind her, then she reared up on her hind hooves as she tossed needle after needle at her charging enemy. With almost no time to react and no way to see the thin projectile, the remaining Hooviet soldiers retreated towards the alleys to take cover, as Scy smiled, “Now… we fight in my element.”
Scy then put the hood on her cloak up, picked up her scythe, and backed into the shadow of the building behind her, where she vanished.

As the equestrian pegasi charged towards the group, Blade could only smile as she jumped straight up into the sky as all the equestrian pegasi flew after her. In the sky, Blade flew straight towards a large cloud then when she was passed it, she continued a little higher before diving down through the cloud and attacking the unsuspecting pegasi. Using her quickened agility, she managed to dodge the swords of each equestrian pegasus, and drop the razor sharp edges of her weapon on each one removing heads and wings. Then she turned and flew into a thick white cloud where she waited patiently for her pursuers. By now, the large group of Equestrian Pegasi were marked down to a simple few. But as each one charged into the cloud… none emerged alive. This time Blade focused her mark only on throats, and with horrid screams echoing from the concealment. The white cloud started to turn red.

On the ground, Traipse was annoyed that he was fighting alongside the unicorn that he didn’t trust as they faced off against the griffin forces. Mirage managed to take a sword from one and fight back with that, while Traipse fought back by using his iron horseshoes to block blades and bash skulls. With each passing attack the griffin tried to think of a better strategy until one pulled an unusual sphere from his bag, then he used a piece of flint and struck it against his armor to light the wick sticking out the top. “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!”
The enemy griffin threw the small sphere at Traipse as he looked at the yelling griffin. As the object flew through the air, Traipse noticed that all the griffin around him quickly took cover, so reacting fast, Traipse picked up a dead griffin’s sword and turned it sideways as he swung and deflected the incoming projectile towards some of the griffin who were scrambling for cover.

As the sphere was now flying away from Traipse, it landed near an old shack and exploded sending pieces of wood, dirt and dust into the air from a few feet away from Traipse. The shockwave knocked him down and stunned him for a few seconds. Traipse stumbled to his hooves and tried to look for his enemies through the airborne dust, but as he did, a griffin unexpectedly landed next to him and swung his talon backwards, bashing Traipse in his face with the top of an iron gauntlet, and knocking him to the ground. As Traipse tried to get back up, the griffin soldier used one talon to pin him to the ground, but before the griffin could finish him off, Traipse managed to put his hoof out and hold the griffins gauntlet back before he could fall victim to the razor sharp claws. As Traipse continued holding the claws just inches from his face, the griffin smiled, “Whatever you’re planning… it won’t work. We will die before we let you endanger us all.”

Traipse felt concerned about the griffin’s words, he replied while holding the griffin’s gauntlet back, “What?... what are you talking about?... What exactly… are you guarding?”
The griffin loosened his grip as he replied, “You mean you don’t know? Our orders are to prevent anything from releasin…”
Before the griffin could finish his sentence, Mirage drove a spear through his torso and flung him off of Traipse, and away from them both. Traipse stood up and looked around to find that all the enemies they were fighting were dead. Then he glared at Mirage and asked, “What was he talking about?”
Mirage dropped the spear and replied as he dusted himself off, “I haven’t a clue as to what you’re talking about.”
Traipse repeated himself, “Don’t give me that? What exactly are we here to steal? Something tells me it isn’t treasure that can be used for money. So explain it to me… why are we here?”

Mirage gave Traipse a skeptic look, “My dear friend, we are here for a mountain of gold and gems… that’s all there is to it. To imply that there is another reason we are here is simply madness. Maybe we should ta…”
Traipse looked and saw The Reaper trotting out of the ally with her cloak and Scythe splattered with blood, “Scy… That griffin, he…”
“NO! I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!! I don’t want to hear any more excuses! You will get along with Mirage because like it or not he IS a member of this team, and he WILL be with us after this mission is over, now shut your muzzle, and let’s go!!!”
“But Scy…”

Acting as if nothing happened, Mirage started down the road and spoke, “Just this way… we aren’t far now.”
The Reaper angrily turned around and started following Mirage down the road as Blade landed in front of them, “Hey boss, what did I miss?”
The Reaper angrily trotted passed her without making eye contact and replied, “We’re going! Let’s keep moving!”
Blade was confused about Scy’s anger, but when she looked at Traipse with an expression that asked, what’s wrong, he just looked away in shame as he started trotting by her following Mirage and The Reaper. As Blade turned to follow the rest of the group, she didn’t know what was going on… but she knew it wasn’t like The Reaper to be so angry at Traipse. She could only sigh, and follow her comrades as they continued toward the treasure.

After a few minutes of awkwardly silent travel, the group made their way to the base of the castle. Afterwards, the group approached a deep hole in the ground that lead into a dark tunnel under the large fortress, that stood above. Mirage then spoke, “This is it my friends… Miss Scy and I should go in alone while you two stand guard up here. That way we can be ready if reinforcements arrive.”
“Oh no! Over my dead and rotting corpse! We came this far and I'm not letting you do this without me! I'm going too!”
Mirage looked at Traipse and replied, “But we need you out here in case we ge…”
“If you want my trust… then you better earn it! Consider this your test. If I like what I see, then you have my trust, otherwise, I still don’t like you.”
“Yea, but…”
“Just let him go already! If he wants to act like a big foal, then let him. Maybe then he will stop whining and shut up for a change!”

Hearing The Reaper speak so coldly about Traipse hurt him deeply, but like the soreness he was still feeling from the explosion earlier, he just ignored it and continued without showing it. Blade was also shocked about Scy’s cruelty, but she just replied, “I'll scrape my Blade against the wall if anything happens out here.”
Mirage sighed, “Very well, we will be back shortly.”
Mirage then jumped into the tunnel followed by The Reaper and Traipse, when they got inside, Mirage used a spell to make his horn glow so they could see, as the trio started traveling down the tunnel.

As they continued, Traipse wanted to talk to The Reaper, but he could tell by the way she was trotting that she was still angry with him, so he just kept his mouth shut. Then something came to mind, why did they enter the tunnel without any carts for this so-called mountain of treasure? Traipse continued to think about this as the tunnel lead into a large room with six pillars sitting in a circular formation with a small brown chest in the center of the room. The Reaper looked around, “What is this place?”
Mirage slowly approached the chest as he replied, “This is the place where the most powerful magic known to ponydom is locked away from those who are too afraid to use it.”
Traipse started looking at the Images carved into the walls as Scy replied, “The most powerful magic known to ponydom? But… is this the treasure?”
Mirage smiled sinisterly, “Not all treasure in in gems, and gold, my dear… take you for example, any stallion who seeks power would see you as a valuable treasure.”

Traipse recognized the images on the wall, they were all identical to the images in the book he destroyed a few years ago, “This Magic… it wouldn’t be the Elements of Harmony… would it?”
Mirage nodded his head, “Why yes… it most certainly is…”
Traipse turned towards Mirage and continued, “Then it would be best if we left this place.”
Both The Reaper and Mirage looked at Traipse and spoke at the same time, “What?”
“This power isn’t like anything we could understand. It would be best if we just left it as is.”
Traipse turned towards the doorway and started to leave as Scy replied, “But Tri… This could be ou…”
The Reaper was silenced when she heard a sinister laugh coming from Mirage, “You pathetic fool… I should have expected you of all ponies to be afraid of real power… but I'm afraid you can’t leave just yet. I still have to test the power of these elements on a living target.”

The Reaper looked at Mirage in confusion, “Living target? Test? Mirage, what ar…”
Before Scy could finish her question, Mirage used his magic to grab the seams of her cloak that was around her neck, and tighten them as he picked her up into the air,”
“Sorry my dear… But Mirage died years ago. I know because I killed him myself.”
Traipse didn’t waste a second, He immediately charged towards Mirage as he screamed in rage, “LET HER GO YOU SON OF A BI…”
Before Traipse could get close enough Mirage used his magic to pick up Scy’s scythe and fling it towards him. Expecting a defense strategy, Traipse flung his hoof up and deflected the incoming scythe with the iron horseshoe. However when the scythe flew out of his way, Mirage had closed the distance between them and punched Traipse in the face before he could react.

After hitting the ground, Traipse shuffled to his hooves only to have Mirage use magic on his body to toss him across the tomb into the furthest wall from him. When he managed to pick himself up, Traipse watched in disbelief as a ring of green magic surrounded the Unicorn’s horn, and make its way down his body changing him into a creature that looked like a cross between an insect and a pony, “What? What are you?”
The creature smiled, “Why… I'm a changeling. Prince, of the changelings to be exact. My name is Prince Aural, future king of the changeling race. I killed that pathetic Unicorn a few days after he discovered this city. I was disappointed to find that he had already sold the book with the recipe to create the Elements of Harmony. But as soon as I heard a rumor that they could be buried here, I knew this would be my destiny.”
“Or you’ll what? You have no power here earth pony.”

Controlled by rage, Traipse charged again, “I'll CRUSH YOUR SKULL WITH MY BARE HOOVES!!!”
However after about three steps, Prince Aural used his magic to pick Traipse up and pin him against the wall, then he used his magic to pull one of the reapers throwing needless out of her cloak and toss it across the room, hitting Traipse in his front left leg, and nailing him to the wall behind him. As Traipse screamed in pain and anger, the Changing smiled, “Don’t worry pony… I won’t hurt her, why would I kill my future bride?”
The Reaper used what little breath she could to speak, “B-bride?... I'll… die… first…”
the prince smiled, “Oh don’t be so dramatic my dear, earlier today, you held the very same thought in your mind, did you not?, and it was this thought in your mind that made me as powerful as I am now… And with the power of the element, I can make it so. I can transform you into the new queen of the changelings. And we both can take over the entire world with that same power. Wont that be fun?”

Speaking through his pain Traipse yelled across the chamber, “NO DON’T, YOU CAN’T DO THIS!!!”
Aural replied, “Sorry Mr. Traipse… I know you were in love with her first. But I made the first move. So it’s only fair that she will be mine.”
Prince Aural turned and started trotting towards the chest as Traipse replied, “NO!!! You don’t understand! You can’t control the power that the Elements of Harmony contain! Besides who is to say, that is the Elements of Harmony! For all we know that could be the Negative!”
Aural stopped and turned towards Traipse, “The negative? What are you babbling about now?”
Traipse explained, “Look, I saw the recipe, I know what it takes to create the Elements of Harmony. But when they are created… something else is too.”
“Something else? What?”
Traipse replied, “Something dark… The negative! If the Elements of Harmony are as powerful as the book described, then it’s only natural that the negative would be just as powerful.”

Prince Aural smiled sinisterly as he looked back at the chest, “Just as powerful you say… then perhaps it can still be of use to me.”
Traipse continued his plea, “That’s not the point! The point is you don’t know what could happen! Look around you, what happened to this city? Why all of a sudden did all its residence disappear? For all we know the negative could be responsible! It could be the reason that this city is now a ghost town. And they may have been locked in that chest to prevent the rest of the world from becoming the same!”
As the Prince approached the chest, he smiled as he broke the lock with his magic, “First of all, we don’t know that this is the negative. For all we know it could be the Elements of Harmony. And second, we don’t know that the negative is responsible for what happened here, so we won’t know until we just take a look.”

The excited prince slowly opened the chest as Traipse nervously watched from the wall. But when he looked inside, all he saw was black sand, “What? what is this? dirt? Nothing but a pile of useless dirt?”
The changeling started sifting his hoof through the sand hoping that what he was looking for was buried under it, but the only thing inside the whole chest was the sand. As Prince Aural continued searching, Traipse cringed as he pulled the needle from his leg and fell to the ground. Then the prince turned toward Traipse with a hoof full of sand and yelled, “YOU! YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS DON’T YOU!?! TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS! Is it some kind of clue? Some kind of hint to the location of the real elements? TELL ME!!!”
Traipse stumbled to his hooves while he replied, “I… I don’t know what that is… maybe the elements were moved.”

Aural stopped speaking when he noticed that the black dust in his hoof started to cling to him and slowly spread out across his arm until it was completely covered, “What? What is th…”
All of a sudden, the dust that completely covered his arm, fell to the ground, leaving nothing behind, no flesh, no bone, no arm, just empty space. It was as if the sand had devoured his entire limb leaving not even a drop of blood in its wake. When this happened, the magic holding The Reaper in the air disappeared, as she fell to the ground. The changeling stood starring at his missing limb in complete shock, then he fell to the ground screaming in agony. Traipse quickly stumbled to The Reaper to protect her from the danger he had just witnessed while the scared Prince yelled, “WHAT!... WHAT IS THIS!... WHAT HAPPENED?... WHY IS THIS?...”
While the prince continued his cries of pain, Traipse reached The Reaper and ignored his own wounds while he tried to pick her up, “Scy… Scy… we have to go… it isn’t safe here… we have to leave now.”

The Reaper continued trying to regain her breath as she replied, “Traipse?... I'm… I'm sorry.. I should have trusted you… I'm sorry…”
With those words, The Reaper passed out as Traipse heard a loud noise coming from the chest. When he looked up, he saw the sand come pouring out of the chest, then it slowly molded itself into a figure like a sand castle on the beach… only it molded itself into a tall black alicorn. The alicorn made of sand had no expression, but it slowly trotted towards the whimpering Changeling and stood over him looking down. The prince didn’t know what to think, “Please… mercy… I beg of you… show mercy to this dying creature… please...”
With an unidentifiable expression, the alicorn slowly started to lean forward, then it fell on top of the changeling as if it had lost its balance. As the sand alicorn hit the changeling, it dissolved back into the sand and covered the prince as he started to scream in agony and fear from which Traipse has never heard before in his life.

Slowly the pile of sand sank into the displacement of what it was covering, as the screams and crying slowly stopped. Then the sand started to accumulate to create the alicorn a second time, showing that the prince, like his arm before, was completely devoured by the sand. Traipse had never been so terrified before, trying to get out of the cave, he put Scy on his back and limped away, but his leg wound was too deep and he had a hard time moving fast. The dark alicorn looked towards him, then it let out a shriek that echoed through the cave like some kind of demon. The alicorn then dissolved back into the sand and started flying through the air like a black tidal wave heading straight for the two ponies. But as the wave got close, it stopped almost immediately as if it had hit some king of invisible wall. Traipse was confused, but when he took a look around the room, he noticed that two of the six pillars in the room had glowing gems on them and that they were the same two pillars that the sand was trying to cross between. Traipse realized that it was the pillars that was stopping the sand, it was as if it was creating an invisible wall that was imprisoning the black sand inside.

The sand tried to fly in all directions at once but once it realized that it couldn’t go beyond any of the pillars, the sand regained its form of the black alicorn and stared at Traipse, then with a booming and terrifying voice, it said one word “SIN!!!”
The sand dissolved then flew back to the chest that sat in the middle of the room and pilled inside as it closed leaving nothing behind… not one grain of sand, no drop of blood, not even one sign of the changeling’s presence. Everything inside the five pillars looked as it did before the group entered the tomb. Feeling as if he cheated death, Traipse carried The Reaper down the tunnel until he reached the hole in the ceiling that they entered through, as he reached the entrance to the tunnel Traipse called out, “Blade! We need some help down here. Scy is hurt!”
Blade looked into the tunnel then flew down when she saw the blood dripping from Traipse leg, “You stupid head! You’re the one who needs help!”
“Traipse replied, “She comes first.”

Blade took Scy and started looking over her, “Where is Mirage? Is he lost or something?”
Traipse replied, “No… he’s dead. Devoured by his own greed. I'm only sorry that I wasn’t the one who killed him.”
Blade sighed, “Dead? What happened? By the way she is fine, I need to see you now.”
As Blade started looking at Traipse leg, as he replied, “Mirage was a changeling. He wanted to steal something precious here, but it wasn’t here, and instead he met his fate to a trap.”
Blade sighed, “Why do I always miss the interesting missions?”
Traipse smiled, “Maybe you’re just lucky. Now let’s get out of here, maybe there are some medical supplies in an abandoned hospital or something.”

A few hours later the three mercenaries were just outside Eden as Blade finished stitching and bandaging up Traipse wound, “There all done… I think.”
Traipse gave Blade a dull look, “You think?”
“I'M NOT A DOCTOR! Despite how good I would look as a nurse.”
Traipse sighed, “Just because you say that, makes it even more disturbing than it already is.”
Blade popped Traipse in his bandage, “HEY!”
She smiled back, “You started it… besides, somepony needs your support right now.”
Traipse looked in the direction that Blade started pointing in, to see The Reaper sitting on the edge of the cliff looking into Eden. Then Blade smiled, “I'll leave you to it, go get her tiger.”

Traipse trotted up to The Reaper and sat down beside her, “Can you believe it Scy?... Eden, the last city of the alicorns. And it really existed, we are really here... and we…”
Tears started to roll down Scy’s face as she interrupted him, “I'm sorry… I... I'm responsible for this… I should have listened to you from the start… but I was blinded by my own heart… why is it that everypony I fall in love with betrays me? Why?”
Traipse sighed “It’s not your fault Scy. This one used magic, it was probably a spell if anything. Besides maybe you haven’t met the right stallion yet… maybe the right stallion is just around the corner.”
Trying to insinuate that he was talking about somepony else, Traipse nervously looked away as The Reaper smiled, “Maybe… he is right here.”
Traipse blushed , “Well… I… um…”
“I was conscious when Mira… I mean that changeling said that you loved me… was he telling the truth?”
Traipse whole face turned red, “I… uh… well… ya see… uh…”

Scy kissed Traipse on his cheek then leaned against him, “In a way… I already knew. But you still manage to surprise me.”
Traipse tried to think of a reply but there was only one thing he could think to say, “When I was four years old, I was taken from my parents by King Sombra, and forced to become a foal soldier. When I was six… I took my first life, it was a fellow soldier. We were both locked in a cell and told that we wouldn’t get any food or water, and that only one of us would leave there alive. At first, I thought that meant that when one of us died of starvation, that the other would be freed. But I was wrong. That night while we slept, the other foal, realized what it meant so he tried to strangle me in my sleep but I woke up first, and using my bare hooves. I bashed his head against the bars until it cracked open like an egg.”
The Reaper was confused, “Why are you telling me this?”

Traipse smiled as he explained, “That changeling may have been a snobby traitor. But he had a point, I trust you with full knowledge of my past. And whether you trust me or not, is your decision, Scy. I… I love you, and I want to be by your side until death. Even though I don’t know how to show my feelings for you… I just want you to know, that if you want a stallion who won’t betray you… I'm right here.”
Tears came to her eyes, as she leaned back against him and smiled, “When I was newborn, my parents died keeping me warm in a blizzard. I only survived, because a group of traveling Nomads found me and gave me a home. Back then… they called me Serenity…”

Back in Eden, on the tallest tower there was a flash of light as Princess Celestia, an earth pony and a griffin appeared on the balcony. As soon as the flash ended the earth pony dropped to his knees, “The reason I became prime minister, is so I can travel in nice relaxing carriage from place to place. But here I am, teleporting. My stomach can’t take much more of this, princess.”
Princess Celestia looked around as she replied, “My apologies Nicolai… but this is a matter of great importance. We needed to get here fast.”
The griffin stepped forward and spoke, “Well whatever it was… it looks like the danger never took place since the city is still standing, but it’s not like my soldiers to make false accusations about an attack.”
Princess Celestia looked into the distance and spoke, “Maybe they aren’t false… look there. Do you see those ponies on the cliffs? King Harpy you have good eyes, can you identify them?”
The griffin king approached the balcony and looked at the figures, “The Cutters? But why would they attack here?”

The Prime minister spoke up “Vould they try to bring the end of the vorld?”
Princess Celestia replied, “No… Traipse may seem cruel, but he does have a heart. I think this matter solved itself. Do they have the chest?”
King harpy replied, “No… they seem wounded… but they only have what they brought with them.”
Princess Celestia sighed in relief, “Good… then we have no further business here. As long as that chest stays, where it is… then we are safe. Let us return to our nations and replace the fallen soldiers lost today… otherwise we have no further need to intervene with The Cutters. I also ask that you two don’t mention this to them. The further they are from the truth the better.”

The Life We Live

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As the shocked stallion stood up, his companion put his hoof on his shoulder and pulled him back into his seat, “Shhhhh! There isn’t any reason to make a scene.”
The shocked stallion continued, “But… you realize what’s going to happen next right?”
“Um… yea, I'm going to get away scot free, why?”
the stallion looked around as he replied, “no… The Cutters are going to come for you. you’re as good as dead.”

The confident stallion replied, “The Cutters? HA! I left them on some Celestia Forsaken Battlefield facing off against en entire army of Saddle Arabian Knights while my army and I retreated from the area. There is no way they survived that.”
the cautious stallion replied, “Don’t underestimate them… I heard the stories. One is said to have crushed a minotaur head with his bare hooves, one’s beauty is sharp enough to cut through iron, and the last member is said to be the Grim Reaper herself. I bet they survived, and if you really abandon them with no intention on paying for their services… then I bet they are here and watching us right now.”
“Oh, spare me the pony-tales. They are flesh and blood just like you and me. And we all know that blood can spill if cut deep enough by a blade. Besides, why do you think I came to Stalliongrad? We all know that for some reason they avoid Equestria. So I'm safe here even if they survived … which they didn’t.”

The nervous stallion stood up and left the table, “Say what you want… but I'm avoiding you from now on… the last thing I need it to get involved with the pony who ripped off The Cutters… because they will be ripping you apart once they find you.”
As the nervous stallion trotted off, the ex-soldier laughed in his drunken stupor, “HA Fine then! Go off and hide coward! Meanwhile I'm going to live my life care free knowing that there is nothing to be afraid o…”
The cocky stallion froze as Traipse trotted up to the table and sat down, across from him “Hello again General Lancer… it’s been about a week and still no word. I was beginning to think you were avoiding us.”

The now terrified stallion tried to stand up, “I'm going to get another drink would you lik…”
Before he could continue, he stopped when he felt the cold steel of a Scythe cradle his neck, “No… you will sit and chat a while. We have some business to discuss.”
As Lancer sat back down, The Reaper and Blade trotted out from behind him and stood blocking his escape routes. Traipse sat back in his chair as he continued, “Please sit. Stay a while. We have much to discuss.”
“L-like what?”
Traipse leaned over the table and smiled, “Oh I don’t know… the weather, what’s happened in the past week, what it is you’re drinking, or we could always discu…”
Blade impatiently opened her wing and slammed her weapon down on the table cutting the stallion’s wooden mug in half, “WHERE IS OUR MONEY!?!”

Traipse sighed, “Way to be subtle Blade… but yes, where is our payment?”
the stallion tried to make an excuse, “B-But… We lost the war… you still expect me to pay?”
Traipse smiled, “We still took enemy lives… we still risked our own. We get what’s owed, despite the war’s results… it’s what you agreed on when you hired us… remember?”
The stallion nervously looked at each member of The Cutters, “But… But… I… I don’t have the money… will you accepted a late payment? I swear I'll get it to you as soon as I can.”
Blade smiled, “Colt, if I had one bit for every time I’ve heard that before… I wouldn’t need your money.”
“But… But…”
Traipse stood up as he replied, “Well it looks like we will have to start negotiating a settlement… come with me general.”

Scy picked up the stallion onto his hooves and trotted behind him as the four ponies made their way into the back room of the pub. Before they entered, Blade placed a bag of bits on the bar and spoke to the bartender, we need your back room for negotiations.”
Knowing how the mercenaries worked, the bartender pulled the bag below his counter and replied, “Try not to make a mess.”
Then the four ponies entered the room as Traipse asked, “Well who’s up?”
Blade replied first, “I did the last one… I think it’s the boss’s turn.”
Traipse looked at The Reaper, “Scy?”
The Reaper shook her head, “I'm… not feeling up to this today… you can take this one Traipse.”

Trying not to show his concern in front of their contractor, Traipse trotted close to The Reaper and quietly asked, “Serenity? Are you ok?”
she replied quietly, “I'm fine Tri… I'm just not feeling well is all. And please don’t call me by my name in front of Blade… you know I want to keep that quiet.”
Traipse sighed, “Sorry Scy… but I'm a little worried, you haven’t been acting yourself lately. Is something wrong?”
The Reaper smiled, “I'm fine Tri… we can discuss this later… in private.”
Traipse nodded his head, took a few steps back and replied a little louder, “Well then if it’s alright with you could I borrow one of your needles? You know for negotiations?”
Scy smiled and pulled out one of her throwing needles, “Just don’t kill him.”

As Traipse took the needle from Scy, he whispered to her, “I love you.”
The Reaper could only smile as she turned towards Blade, “let’s make sure they aren’t interrupted, shall we?”
Blade smiled, “You got it boss.”
the two mares stepped outside and left Traipse alone with the nervous stallion as they closed the door and locked it from the outside. Then the two mares stood there as if they were pulling some kind of guard outside the door so that nopony could interrupt the two stallions inside.

As they stood there Scy cringed, then looked forward as if nothing happened, then Blade asked, “Boss? Are you ok?”
Scy sighed, “I told you to stop calling me boss. And yes… I'm fine.”
Blade looked at the ground and replied, “well… if I may be so bold to say… you haven’t been acting like your usual self lately. You’ve been more… quiet. Is something bothering you?”
The Reaper shook her head, “Sorry, I didn’t realize it. there isn’t anything wrong Blade, I’ve just been… a lot more alert with our surroundings. Maybe it was that mission a few weeks ago. You know when we failed to protect that Zebracan chief.”
Blade shook her head, “I don’t think so, you seemed fine after that, it was about the middle of last week that you started acting like this.”

The Reaper knew exactly what Blade was talking about but she didn’t want the others to know anything so she Tried to defend herself, “I don’t know… maybe it was something I ate.”
Blade thought to herself then asked, “Is… is everything going well with you and Tri? I mean… how is your relatio…”
“That is too bold!”
Blade looked away as Scy gave her an irritated look, “Sorry… I shouldn’t pry into business that isn’t my own. But still, if there is anything you want to talk about boss. I'm right here. We gals gotta stick together right?”
With absolutely no intention of ever letting Blade find out what the problem is, Scy lied, “Don’t worry, if something is wrong… I'll let you know. And… Blade?”
“Stop calling me boss!”
Blade smiled, “Whatever you say… boss.”

As the two ended their conversation, screams of horror and pain started to pierce the door, causing all the ponies in the room to feel nervous. But what it was that caused some of the ponies to leave the building, was when the screams slowly subsided until all was quiet in the room. After the screaming stopped, not a word was spoken in the entire building… the usually rowdy pub was now quiet as a cemetery. Everypony in the room grew even more afraid when Blade sighed and spoke, “Great… he killed another one. Traipse needs to get some self-control.”
Finally, the door behind the two mares opened as Traipse casually trotted out, “We finally came to an agreement. Now his debt is paid… shall we leave?”
Blade asked, “Did you kill him?”

Traipse handed The Reaper a blood soaked needle and replied, “No… he fainted through the pain. Either way… he won’t be seeing us again… ever.”
Blade replied, “Aww… and I kinda liked those baby blue eyes of his.”
Traipse smiled, “If you want them, they’re still in there. you’d just have to find them first.”
Blade shook her head, “No thank you… I'm fine. So are we on our way then?”
Before Traipse could reply, Scy spoke up, “Actually… if it’s not too much trouble. Would either of you mind if we spent a few more days in Equestria? I would like to take a look at this kingdom if you two don’t mind.”

Blade and Scy both looked at Traipse, knowing that he would be the one to object to the request. However, when he looked at the interest on The Reapers face, he just sighed, “Well, I guess we could stay a little while longer.”
Blade nodded her head, “Alright then why don’t we find an inn to stay at.”
The Reaper replied, “Actually Blade… could you find us a place. I want to speak with Traipse for a second.”
Knowing that the two cared for each other Blade nodded her head, “Not a problem boss. I'll catch you later then.”

As Blade went toward the residential district of Stalliongrad, Traipse and Scy both trotted down the road in the other direction as Scy spoke, “Traipse? why didn’t you tell me that Equestria was such a beautiful place?”
Traipse replied, “Because I never wanted to step into this nation. that’s why”
Scy lowered her head, “I know you don’t like the princesses, but look at this place. Everypony here is happy and nice. There hasn’t even been a war in this nation since before either of us were born. This is almost a perfect place to live.”
Traipse nodded his head, “When the rulers are looked up to as gods… it has to be.”

Scy leaned her head on Traipse shoulder as they continued trotting together, “Tri?”
“Yes Serenity?”
“what do you plan to do once you decide to stop being a mercenary?”
“You know… where will you go? What would you do for money, after you decide to stop fighting.”
Traipse thought to himself as he replied, “I never planned to stop fighting. In fact, I expect to die someday on a battlefield. But till that day, I want to remain by your side.”
Scy took her head of his shoulder and replied, “you mean… all you want to do, is earn money by fighting? And that’s it?”
Traipse nodded his head, “Serenity, I'm a mercenary. War is all I know, it’s all I can do. even if I chose to stop… how long would I last. One month?… one week?... only to find myself back on a battlefield? I know who I am, and I won’t deny it.”

Scy continued, “what about… you know… starting a family, raising a foal. Living like every other stallion?”
Traipse replied, “Serenity? Is something wrong? You’re acting strange.”
The Reaper sighed, “I just worry about you… about us. What if one of us falls in the next mission?
While Scy was talking, Traipse silenced her by putting his hoof against her chin, then leaning in and kissing her. As soon as their kiss ended Traipse replied, “Serenity… we have been through all sorts of missions. Some good, some bad. but I know that what happens to us will always hold some kind of risk… but that’s who we are. We will be fine, besides you’re a better fighter than anypony in this world. Even better than Blade and me. We will be fine. Just trust me.”
The Reaper smiled, and replied, “You’re right Traipse… I'm sorry; I guess I'm just overthinking things.”
Traipse smiled, “Let’s just get back to Blade, I'm sure by now she has found a place for us to stay for the night.”
As the two ponies started back to meet with Blade, two shadowy figures watched closely from a nearby alley, “The rumors were true… The Cutters are in Stalliongrad. Notify the general at once, it’s time for him to settle the score.”

Later that night, in an inn at the edge of town, Traipse and The Reaper slept soundly as a loud crash woke them up. Traipse was the first of the two to sit up and look around, only to see light shining through the now broken window as a small rock rolled around in the pile of broken glass on the floor. “CUTTERS!!! We know you’re in there! It’s time to settle the score! Come out and face the will of Titan!”
Both Traipse and The Reaper quickly got out of the bed and leaned against both sides of the window as Traipse whispered, “Titan? I thought he was dead?”
Scy Replied, “No remember, you let this one live. But why would he want revenge after all these years? Did it take this long for him to learn how to fight with one arm?”
Traipse peeked out the window at the one armed General and his army of minotaur that had flooded the streets of Stalliongrad. Looking into the army he replied, “the coward can’t use his right hand anymore so he decided to use an army instead.”

The door to their room slowly opened as Blade came trotting in with her mane all frizzled and an annoyed look on her face, “Who is that? A friend of yours?”
Traipse nodded, “yep, one of our better friends. But it looks like he wants a reunion. Well Scy? What do you think… care to improvise?”
The Reaper put on her cloak, and picked up her Scythe as she vanished into the darkness of the room’s shadows, “Way ahead of you.”
Traipse smiled shortly after she vanished, “You know, something about the way she does that just makes me love her even more.”
Blade trotted up to Traipse and nudged him, “You two weren’t… you know.”
Traipse sighed, “Blade… grow up…”
Before Blade could reply, a small grenade with a lit fuse came flying through the window as Traipse reacted, “GET DOWN!”

Outside, Titan and his soldiers smiled as they watched the entire window shatter and fly outwards as the explosion threw shrapnel and debris out of the inn. After the dust started to settle, Titan spoke to a few of his soldiers standing to his side, “find their corpses and bring them to me… if they are still alive, kill them.”
Four soldiers broke off from the formation and approached the burning inn to search for the bodies, then the soldier trailing behind the other three collapse unexpectedly. The three turned and gathered at their fallen comrade to see what happened to him. but before they could find out, they too unexpectedly fell to the ground.

The soldier standing right next to Titan started to step forward to see what was happening, but then out of the corner of his eye, Titan spotted a glare fly right over his shoulder and stick into the back of the Minotaur’s head, killing him on contact. Seeing this Titan turned around and yelled, “THE REAPER!!! ALL SOLDIERS FAN OUT AND FIND HER!!!”
The minotaur formation then circled their general and started watching everything around them. They knew The Reaper was the most feared of the three, and they knew that the shadows were her favorite place to strike from, but nothing could prepare any of them for the horror that came next.

One of the lower soldiers looked towards his leader and asked, “General Titan sir… are the stories about her tr…”
the soldier went silent and he fell to the ground after his leg was just severed by a fast moving blade. As the silence slowly became screams of agony Titan frantically grabbed the soldier by his armor and picked him up to eye level, “Where is she?! Did you see her? DID ANY OF YOU SEE THE REAPER!?!”
All the minotaur soldiers looked around in worry as one replied, “General! It’s too dark! We can’t see a…”
the soldiers watched in horror as a Scythe blade came from behind the talking minotaur, rested the shaft on his waist with the curving blade in front of him. But before the soldier could react, the scythe blade jerked backward, cutting him in half before vanishing into the shadows surrounding the now terrified Minotaur soldiers.

Titan tried all he could to keep his soldiers calm and focused, but the horrifying sight of their latest fatality made it harder to do so. In fact, a few soldiers dropped their weapons and started sprinting away from the rest of the formation screaming in fear. But as they did, a dark figure came flying out from an alley they were running by, and using its wings, removed the heads of the fleeing soldiers before vanishing into the alley across the street. Now his soldiers weren’t only terrified, they were starting to question whether they were facing mortal ponies or actual demons. Titan called to his soldiers, “HOLD YOUR GROUND!!! WE ARE PROUD MINOTAUR! WE WILL NOT FALL TO P…”
before Titan could finish his sentence, a dark shadow covered the army, as a cloaked figure hovered in the light of the moon. This was the chance Titan was waiting for but rather than ordering the attack, he stood there hypnotized by the dark figure, as the cloak opened up and a large number of needles rained down upon the army from the dark shadow, as if it were a shadowy rain of death.

The minotaur that were able to keep their senses blocked the rain with their shields however, most were either too terrified, or mesmerized by the sight to defend themselves accordingly. So the rain of needles fell on the small army, killing a large number of soldiers, as a shadowy figure once again flew out of an alley focusing its attacks on minotaur’s necks. With the minotaur soldiers falling in groups now, Titan couldn’t keep them all calm enough to follow his orders, “CALM DOWN!!! HOLD YOUR GROUND!!! DON’T LET THEM DEFEAT YOU SO EASILY! THEY AR JUST TRYING TO GET INTO YO…”
Titan turned around and stopped speaking as he saw Traipse standing in front of him with an expressionless stare, “I can’t say I'm glad to see you again, but I am happy to see that you’re still Left handed… I would have guessed you learned your lesson by now, but I guess I'll have to kill you this time..”
Titan sneered at the confident mercenary, “SOLDIERS KILL HIM!!!”
the surrounding soldiers didn’t follow the order, if they weren’t distracted by the horrors surrounding them, then they were too terrified to act.

As Traipse readied himself to attack, he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, so he changed his plan, “Perhaps we will finish this another time…”
Traipse then turned around and sprinted back into the alley beside the now burning inn as both Blade and The Reaper stopped their attacks, and vanished along with their companion. Titan yelled his order, “DON’T LET HIM GET AWAY AFTER HIM!!! KILL HIM!!!”
with the chaos surrounding the army, now ceased, Titan’s soldiers finally started to follow their general’s orders, but as they did, they stopped immediately after a group of Pegasi landed in front of them and drew their weapons. Titan looked around in confusion, as an army of Pegasi, dropped down from above and surrounded his army, drawing their weapons and holding them in a hostile manner. Then a Mare landed in front of the small army and yelled in anger, “What is going on here! What are an army of minotaur doing in my kingdom!”
Knowing who he was talking to, Titan stepped forward and bowed in respect, “Princess Luna of Equestria… I ask your forgiveness for my intrusion. But my army and I are here to apprehend some fugitives of the land of the black sand!”

Princess Luna was not impressed with his reply so she reminded him, “According to international law… if a fugitive fleas from your nation into another, you will inform that nation of the threat and allow the ruler of said nation to deal with the situation accordingly. But you coming here and terrorize my subjects with an army of minotaur is in my book, an act of war!”
Titan nodded his head, “I understand your majesty… but I request to apprehend the fugitives efore I le…”
“DENIED! Leave Equestria at once!”
Titan looked around and noticed that the princess wasn’t going to let him get his revenge, so he sighed as he replied, “Yes your majesty… as you wish.”

Not far out of town, Traipse, stood watching the scene from a hill, as Blade flew up, “Score one for the princess… so did you get what you wanted Tri?”
Scy flew up and landed just as Traipse replied, “No… I wanted to see him die. but I saw one of the Equestrian pegasi first, so I left before they moved in.”
Blade shook her head, “I guess this only proves that we’ve made quite a few enemies in our travels.”
hearing Blade say those words put The Reaper in deep thought, while Traipse turned and replied, “Well any enemy we face will die. we’ve come too far to let something so simple scare us now.”
With her thought still in mind, Scy spoke, “We should set up camp in the Everfree Forest. nopony will look for us there.”
Traipse nodded his head, “Agreed, let’s go.”
Without seeing the worry on her face, Traipse trotted past Scy and down the road.

The three ponies then continued down the road towards the Everfree Forest, the whole time, Scy kept Blade’s words in her mind. She started to wonder, of how many other enemies they made. And of them, how many would attack them on sight. She was wondering, how far would their enemies go to kill them? And what would happen if a chance came to corner them? With this thought in mind, Scy continued traveling with her team in silence until they finally reached the Everfree Forest. shortly after entering the forest, Scy looked at Blade’s wing and asked, “Um… isn’t that uncomfortable?”
Blade shrugged her shoulders, “actually once you get used to the weight, it’s really not bad.”
Scy smiled, “No, not your weapon… that.”
Blade paused and opened her wing to look at what Scy was talking about. Lodged in her weapon; Blade found one of The Reapers throwing needles that had pierced her weapons armor but only clipped one feather.

Blade started to laugh, “Well It looks like The Reaper almost struck me down too. I guess that will teach me to fly through your rain of death”
Scy smiled, “At least you only had a feather cut, that’s more than I could say for most of the minotaur.”
Blade smiled, “That was an amazing move though boss, flying into the moon like that and raining your needles down… that even gave me chills.”
Scy replied, “I’ve wanted to try something like that for a long time, but a move like that doesn’t give me time to aim my needles so I can only use it on a crowd.”
Blade nodded her head, “Well either way, you’re good at what you do… it’s no question as to why they call you The Reaper.”
Adding this comment to her thoughts only made The Reaper feel worse as Traipse interrupted their conversation, “We will set up here for the rest of the night, is that fine?”

Blade sighed as she looked at the campsite, “Well it isn’t a luxury suite… but it will do.”
With her mind still troubled, Scy replied, “Yea… this is fine…”
Traipse felt concerned, “Scy? Is everything alright? You seem distracted.”
Scy lied, “No I'm fine… I'm just tired… I'll feel better once we get some uninterrupted sleep.”
Traipse believed her lie as he pulled a blanket from his saddlebag and laid it on the ground, “maybe we all just need a little shut eye. Tomorrow we will leave Equestria and be back on the road to our next job.”
Blade pulled her own blanket out and laid down on it, while Traipse laid down on his and Scy laid down next to him, “Hmm… I guess you’re right.”
As the Scy laid against the pony she loved, Both Traipse and Blade fell asleep. However, The Reaper didn’t.

After knowing that her comrades were asleep, she took out a quill, and paper and started writing a note. She continued writing calmly while choosing her words perfectly, then as she finished, she tied the note to the same throwing needle that was in Blade’s wing, and stuck it into a stump in the center of their camp. Then with tears rolling down her face, she kissed Traipse cheek and whispered, “I'm sorry… but this is for the best… I… I love you. and I always will.”
Scy then turned, and put the hood on her cloak up, as she vanished into the night. A few hours later, as the sun began to rise Traipse woke up and noticed that Scy wasn’t lying next to him so he sat up and looked around, but the only thing he found out of the ordinary was the letter she had written. Suspecting that it could be a trap, Traipse cautiously approached the letter, opened it while looking around, then read it.

After reading what was written, Traipse sat in a state of confusion and shock. Slowly and carefully, he reread the letter to make sure he understood completely what it meant, but no matter how many times he read those words, they meant the same thing. Traipse closed the letter and held it in his hooves for a few seconds. In his mind, he couldn’t tell if this was real… or some nightmare. Over and over, he thought of how to solve this new problem… but each and every way ended with the same result. Traipse closed his eyes and mumbled to himself, “No… Serenity, Please… no…”
for the first time since he was a foal, Traipse started to cry silently, “No… Scy… why… why w…”
Traipse quickly wiped his eyes, and hid the letter when he heard Blade waking up behind him. As she stood up and stretched, she looked over at Traipse and spoke, “You two are up a little early this morning… so uh where’s the boss?”

Thinking fast, Traipse replied, “She went to scout the area in case we were followed. Looks like we are in the clear. I'll go tell her you’re awake so we can get moving.”
Without suspecting anything, Blade continued stretching as she replied, “Take your time, I'm in no hurry… but if you see a stream, could you tell me, just because I travel like a mercenary doesn’t mean I want to smell like one.”
Traipse hid his concerns as he turned towards the forest, “Sure… sure…I'll do that.”
Before he vanished into the forest, Blade stopped him, “Traipse? is everything alright? You seem troubled.”
Traipse didn’t turn around, instead he continued trotting as he replied, “I just didn’t sleep well. that’s all. I'll be back in a few.”

Traipse wondered through the forest for a while until he reached a sudden drop off that lead into a clearing in the middle of the forest. at first Traipse looked into the clearing in hopes that he would see The Reaper… but then he just gave it up. he knew that if she were down there, she would hide herself and never be seen by him, even if he Tried his hardest. Traipse sighed as he sat down on the ledge of the drop-off and took out the note. As he started rereading it for what seemed like the hundredth time, he started to tear up again, it wasn’t so much that she was gone, but more along the lines that she felt she had to secretly leave that hurt the most. As he sat there with tears rolling down his face, an all too familiar voice was heard, “You… I finally found you.”
Traipse began to tremble in an almost uncontrollable rage as he wiped away his tears, turned his head, and glared at his approaching enemy out the corner of his eye, “Today is a bad day for you to get on my bad side… if I were you, I’d leave here while I still have an army to command.”

Titan and his soldiers started to laugh, “Actually, I think it would be wise for you to just give up. “If I'm not mistaken you’re all alone here, and I know for a fact that you can’t beat all of us by yourself. I know because if I remember right, we beat you many years ago back when we hired you. so we know that you don’t stand a chance. Now you will pay for the loss of my nation to the Griffin Kingdoms, Not to mention my arm.”
Traipse turned and replied with no concern or gloating in his voice, “Your nation fell because you were a coward…Your army in Stalliongrad had no chance because they were being led by incompetence. So of you… I'm not worried one bit, because there is nothing in this world that you or anypony else in existence can do, to make you seem even worthy enough to breath the same air that I do. You… fell because you’re nothing… your incompetence proves you’re nothing, and if I were you… I’d kill myself because you’re more useless now then the corpse you would leave behind.”

Traipse words gave Titan a strange combination of both rage, and fear, but it was Traipse lack of emotion in saying such words that made it seem worse. Titan Picked up his war hammer and charged in rage, “I'll SHOW YOU NOTHING!!!”
Traipse held his ground without even bracing himself for an attack. With his enemy getting closer Traipse just gave him an unamused stare as he watch. When Titan was close enough, he swung his hammer downward smashing the ground that Traipse was standing on as Traipse ducked forward dodging the attack. Then Traipse quickly pulled the needle that The Reaper left behind and stabbed Titan in his hand causing him to let go of the massive hammer. Using his momentum Traipse picked up the hammer and spun around as he swung it right into Titan’s legs, breaking his left leg and knocking the other out from under him. Titan fell to the ground, but no screams were heard since Traipse continued spinning around as he brought the hammer up above his head, and used the momentum, his strength and the hammer’s weight, to bring it down on Titan head, killing him instantly as the large minotaur skull caved in to the massive hammer’s power.

Titan’s soldiers were shocked, Titan only managed one attack, but with Traipse countering with only three, the battle was over in less than sixty seconds. The army drew their weapons as another soldier yelled, “He can’t face us all, don’t let him get away! He will pay for killing our leader!”
As he stood there silently, still holding onto the massive hammer’s handle, Traipse looked at the army and spoke with a terrifying calmness, “Any who face me today… will die, and I swear to you now… it won’t be painless.”
As Traipse let go of the hammer leaving it on the crushed corpse’s head, the Minotaur army charged forward, knowing nothing of what fate awaited them.

About forty-five minutes later Blade sat back at her camp in worry, as Traipse came trotting up, “Tri? Where have you been? I know I told you to take your time but you’ve been gone almost an hour.”
Traipse nodded, “Sorry, I found a stream and decided to wash up on my way back.”
Blade nudged him on his shoulder, “and you didn’t tell me? Gee thanks a lot Tri. But where is the boss? Is she washing up now? Or did you two wash up together?”
Traipse Tried to hold in his troubles as he replied, “She… she decided to go to Gryphus to meet with a personal friend. She says she will meet up with us near Kestrel in a few days.”
“Kestrel? What is in Kestrel that would require us to travel there?”
Traipse continued his lie, “You know Scy… she is always willing to find whatever she decides to look for. I’d say we should just trust her on this decision. “
Blade thought to herself, “but it’s not like her to travel alone like this…”
This time Traipse replied with the truth, “There must be a lot going through her mind with the whole Titan mess yesterday, I think it’s a good idea to just let her do as she pleases… she has never given us any reason not to trust her.”

Not far from their location, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a number of their royal guards were flying over the forest following a report that some of the Minotaur who were being escorted out of Equestria, had escaped and fled. However, it wasn’t long before one of their soldiers stopped in horror, “Y-Your majesties?”
The princesses stopped and looked down into the Everfree forest at the clearing near a drop off. But the land wasn’t green like the rest of the forest, it was red… blood red. Down below scattered all over the clearing were severed limbs, crushed skills and mutilated corpses of minotaur soldiers, only most weren’t even identifiable as minotaur anymore. Some had been killed so mercilessly, that the horrifyingly scared expressions remained on their lifeless faces, or at least those that still had a face.

As the group of ponies landed in the corpse-filled meadow, Princess Luna held her hoof over her mouth and averted her eyes in horror, “S-sister? What could have done this? what heartless creature could have caused such a sick act?”
Princess Celestia also felt like throwing up, but she held her composer as she investigated the area, “from the hoof prints on the ground, I’d say it was done by a pony.”
Princess Luna replied, “But… that can’t be possible. nopony could have faced an army this size and mercilessly kill them in such a… “
Princess Luna stopped as she saw something on the ground that clashed with the blood red surroundings. When princess Luna picked it up, she called to her sister, “Tia! Look at this, it’s a note.”
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both looked at the note as it read:
“To my wonderful team and friends,

The past few years, have been like a dream. We have done many missions while working for leaders and contractors of all type to include both good and bad. But a series of event have come up that require me to change my lifestyle. I don’t know how to say this, so I'll just come out and say it, Traipse… Blade… I'm pregnant. And I know that leading a life of mother hood with the lifestyle that I live now is impossible. For one, I don’t want my foal to know the horrors of war, or even see a life end in the ways that war shows. I especially don’t want our foal to know that his/her mother and father were responsible for many of those deaths. Also being attacked by Titan made me realize something, as a famous mercenary, we can never live a life of peace and tranquility. So raising a foal in such a life would be impossible.

I know that you two have lived your life following your own decisions… so I won’t ask. If you want to end your life as a mercenary, then you may find me somewhere in Equestria. however, if the life of a mercenary is the life you choose… then I would kindly ask that you don’t come looking for me. I have to think of our foal’s future. Traipse… you’re our foals father, and I won’t give you any reason why you shouldn’t be with him/her. But I only ask, that you give up your life as a mercenary. I don’t want him/her to see death. And I only want to keep him/her as far from war as possible. I know this is a tough decision… but I can only let you make it in my absence. You two are the only friend I have left, and I hope I can see you two in the future… but it won’t be The Reaper that sees you, because from this day forth… The Reaper is dead.
Good Bye


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The pregnant mare made her way through the forest as fast as she could, but with her body slowly going into labor, it was very difficult for her to continue. The mare looked up at Dragon Mountain as she leaned against a tree trying to control her breathing, “Please… Please not yet little one… I need to find shelter first…”
Serenity left her scythe and her needles next to the tree she was against so it would lighten her load, as she struggled to push herself further towards Dragon Mountain hoping to find a cave at the base but as she continued, she started to feel weaker and weaker with each step.

Luckily, a pegasus was flying by as he spotted her from above. The kind pegasus landed as he asked, “Um miss? This area is very dangerous for ponies, I would suggest hea… wait… are you alright miss?”
Serenity looked at the kind pegasus and replied, “sh… shelter… please… I'm… I'm having a foal…”
The pegasus immediately reacted, “uh oh, alright ma’am, just stay calm and try to hold on.”
Scy gave him a look of frustration, “N-not my decision here…”
The pegasus replied, “Yea… sorry, let’s get you back to my cabin… my wife will know how to handle this.”
As the Pegasus opened his wings so that Serenity could climb on his back, Serenity spoke through her pain, “My… my name is Serenity…”
As the kind pegasus started running as fast as he could back to his house, he replied, “Stone… My name is Black Stone. Don’t worry my wife will know how to handle this.”

About an hour later, a mare wearing a bandanna in her mane was sitting outside planting flowers as her husband came sprinting up, “SOPHIA! This mare is going into labor! We need to help her!”
Sophia nodded her head as she replied, “Alright then let’s get her inside, get some water from the well and the towels…”
Black helped the future mother off his back then went to do as he was told while Sophia helped Serenity into the one of the rooms, “its ok miss, we will do everything we can to help.”
Serenity removed her cloak and laid on the bed “Th-thank you for your kindness.”
Sophia smiled, “Sometimes it only takes a little kindness to divert us from the world’s cruelty.”
For the next few hours, Black, and Sophia Stone did everything they could to help Serenity deliver her newborn foal.

Shortly after the delivery, As the former mercenary laid in a bed, she asked, “Mrs. Stone? How… how is my foal?...”
Sophia smiled, “Congratulations Ms. Serenity… you’re the mother of a healthy Pegasus colt.”
Sophia trotted up to her with her colt, and laid the newborn in his mother’s arms. As Serenity held her young pegasus she smiled as she spoke to her sleeping foal, “Hello little one… welcome to the world.”
The little foal slowly opened his eyes and smiled at his mother, Sophia stood to the side smiling at the sight, “He has your eyes.”
Black stood at the doorway as he spoke to his wife, “Honey we should set up another place at the table tonight. I wouldn’t think of sending Ms. Serenity away after what she just went through.”
Sophia smiled, “That sounds fine but maybe you should help with the foal. At least till she gets back on her hooves. Could you find a way to make a small bed for the infant, I think the mother needs her rest.”
Black then went into another room and returned with a thick blanket and fixed it into a bun next to Serenity in the large bed so they could place the foal inside and allow them both to get some rest.

As the mother and son fell asleep, both Black and Sophia continued their day with their usual errands. It was that night as the couple sat down for dinner that Serenity came into the room after resting. As soon as Black saw her he smiled, “Well look who’s finally awake. I hope you’re feeling better.”
Serenity smiled, “I am thank you… I apologize if I'm being a burden.”
Sophia shook her head, “there is nothing to be sorry about, I wouldn’t feel right letting a mother have a foal in the middle of the forest.”
Black added, “As caretakers of this mountain, I can’t allow something like that to happen. Helping you wasn’t only my duty, but it was the right thing to do.”
Serenity nodded her head, “well for what it’s worth, I'm grateful for your kindness. I should probably be leav…”
“Nonsense! At least stay till morning. I can’t send you away so soon. Both you and your foal need rest.”

Serenity felt concerned, “I wouldn’t want to intrude further.”
Sophia replied, “Not at all, consider yourself a guest, Ms. Serenity.”
“Please… just call me Serenity.”
As the mother sat down Black asked, “So Serenity, what do you do for a living?”
Serenity Hesitated, “well… I used to be a soldier, but when I became pregnant I gave it up.”
Sophia nodded her head, “I understand that, war is no place for a foal. So what about his father?”
Serenity lowered her head, “he… he’s not here.”
Black sighed then replied, “I'm sorry to hear that… don’t worry, soon the wars will end and then we won’t lose any more fathers to senseless fighting.”
Serenity though that it was better for them to think that rather than to know the truth so she just replied, “I only wish he could have been here for this. he would have been happy to know he has a son. So how long have you two been married?”

Sophia blushed as Black replied to the question, “About a month now, and we couldn’t be any happier.”
Sophia leaned against her husband and added as she blushed, “in fact, we’ve been planning on having a foal of our own. But I worry about Blacks job.”
Black sighed, “Sophia, we’ve talked about this. The Dragon elder has told us numerous times that our family will be safe to travel this mountain as we please. He has assured us that he and the rest of the dragon clan will look after us and keep us safe from any harm.”
Serenity was confused, “Dragon clan?”
Black smiled, “I am the pony who is responsible for keeping peace between ponies and dragons in Equestria. it isn’t the safest job in the world. But it is absolutely necessary so that the dragons don’t harm ponies, and ponies don’t try to settle in dragon territory.”

Sophia nodded her head and added, “and I worry that having a foal in this type of environment isn’t safe.”
Serenity shook her head and smiled, “Sophia… look at your husband, he took in a helpless mare who was going into labor, and he didn’t hesitate to do everything needed to help me in my time of need. I don’t know much about dragons, but anypony who is willing to help a complete stranger is the kind of pony who will protect his wife and foal from anything.”
Sophia Smiled and replied, “you know Serenity, you’re right. But I wouldn’t call you a stranger, because around here. you’re a friend.”
Serenity lowered her head as she replied, “oh… no… you… don’t need a friend like me. “
Black replied, “why would you say that?”
“Trust me… you don’t want me as a friend…”
At that moment the Foal in the other room started to cry so, Serenity just stood up and went into the other room before Black could reply.

Later that night just before dawn, Serenity sat in the bed with her newborn sleeping in her arms. As she watched him sleep soundly, she started asking herself, “Do… do I really deserve to care for such an innocent soul? How many have I killed? How many fathers, sons, and siblings did I remove from this world? And yet, I want to be here for this little one. I wanna watch him grow up, make the right choices, and eventually have a foal of his own. But do I deserve that privilege?”
As she asked herself these questions, The little foal opened his eyes and smiled at his mother. Serenity couldn’t prevent herself from smiling back at the adorable foal, as she replied to her questions, “you don’t care about what I’ve done. Do you?”
The colt reached out and taped his mother on her muzzle as she held the little foal closer to her face. Feeling the young colts hoof on her face, only made the mare tear up as she smiled, “All you know in this world is that I'm here for you… and no matter what, I'll always keep you safe.”

Serenity laid the foal down in the rolled blanket, then she got up and left the room looking around the cabin for the couple who took her in. When she realized they were asleep, she went back in her room and decided, “I can’t let these ponies get involved any further, I need to leave now while I can.” Then while the little foal became interested in the color of his own hooves, his mother started fashioning together a foal carrier out of a blanket she pulled from the bed. Then she placed the newborn in the carrier, put her cloak on over it and left the cabin with no concern in telling the couple that she was leaving. As she made her way into the forest, her first idea was to retrieve her scythe and needles from the tree she left them beside before she met black. After traveling for some time, just as the sun began to rise, Serenity found the tree where she left her scythe, but she became worried when she found that both her scythe and needles weren’t there. As soon as she noticed they weren’t there, she started to since that there was a presence nearby. Out of worry, she took off her baby carrier, and laid both the carrier and her sleeping foal down on the ground, as she looked around.

Finally, she heard a voice come from the brush behind her, “This Scythe… I’ve only seen it once in my life. But I'll never forget it. it’s the same scythe that took the life of my brother in the griffin kingdoms a few years ago.”
Serenity turned around to see a pony carrying her scythe, while observing the blade in a gloating manner. She was worried that if others knew that she had a foal, then they would start targeting him to get to her. After leaving her newborn on the ground next to the tree, she started trotting into the open while she spoke, “if you really want to honor your brother’s death… then you will leave here and enjoy your life to the fullest. Otherwise, if you stay here any longer, then you may discover information that will prevent me from letting you live.”

The stallion didn’t pay any mind to her warning as he replied, “I'll honor them by killing their murderer!”
With the final word of his sentence, The vengeful stallion charged at the ex-mercenary with her scythe held at the ready as the nervous mare, watched closely at his attack and the way she would counter it, so it would in no way endanger the sleeping colt as he laid just feet from where she was standing. As the Stallion swung the scythe, Serenity easily dodged the blade and gripped the scythe staff with both her front hooves as she got closer to him and warned him again, “final chance… Leave or die.”
With those words, Serenity continued holding the scythe as she swung both her rear hooves in and kicked the stallion in his jaw causing him to release the scythe and fly a few feet before hitting the ground rolling. As the Stallion quickly shuffled to his hooves, he mindlessly tossed the needles at her. With absolutely no concern in her enemy’s actions, Serenity knocked away the needles and held the scythe at the ready.

As the stallion drew his sword, the young foal started to cry from his mobile bed where he was lying. Hearing the cries the stallion looked over at the carrier as he spoke, “A Foal? The reaper has a fo…”
The stallion immediately stopped talking, as he slowly looked down at his chest to see a needle sticking out. As he looked back at the reaper, she sent three more into his chest causing him to fall to the ground, wheezing in pain. The dying stallion looked up at his killer as she trotted towards him with fire in her eyes. The stallion pleaded for his life in a wheezing voice, “m-mercy…”
She unconcerningly looked into his eyes and replied, “You already know too much. To keep my foal safe… you must die.”
With that said, Serenity raised her scythe high, and brought the blade down on his neck, ending the stallion’s life.

Looking down at the dead stallion, only disappointed the ex-mercenary even further. She hoped that she would never have to take a life now that she was a mother, but this only proved that her legacy as The Reaper could never be abandoned, and to keep her foal safe, she had to keep him secret from the rest of the world. As the little colt laid in his carrier crying, Serenity left her scythe sticking out of the dead stallion’s corpse, trotted to her crying foal, and picked him up. When the infant realized who picked him up, the little foal stopped crying and smiled at his mother. Serenity smiled at the little foal and spoke, “as long as I'm here… you will never need to be afraid little one.”
All of a sudden, the little foal looked to the side and smiled at another figure that was standing next to another tree a few feet away.

When Serenity looked, she saw Black Stone standing there with an expression on his face that could only come from a pony who witnessed the entire fight. Without showing any concern in what she had just done, Serenity placed her foal back in his carrier, put the carrier on then proceeded to remove her weapons from the lifeless corpse that was lying on the center of the clearing. After sheathing all her needles and picking up her scythe, She placed the hood of her cloak over her head and spoke, “I told you I'm not the kind of friend you want to have… and this is the reason. Because of your kindness in my hour of need, I'm giving you a chance… if you tell anypony, griffin, dragon, or creature, who I am or what I have with me… I'll be back, and I'll kill both you and your wife. You have been warned…”
And with those words, The Ex-Mercenary vanished into the forest leaving nothing behind, but a corpse and her warning to the stunned stallion. Shortly after she was gone, Black sighed, and replied to the absent pony’s words, “You have my word, None will ever know you were here, or that you’re a mother. Good luck on your journey… Friend.”

Miles away in a distant land, two mercenaries entered Gryphus and started making their way to the castle as Blade asked, “did the king’s messenger say anything about the job?”
Traipse replied, “Nope… he only asked to see us.”
Blade sighed, “Then why are we here?”
“The Griffin King is the closest thing to a friend we have, so if he wants to see us personally then I see no harm in traveling here to see him. Besides, right now thing are going slow for mercenaries, so maybe he will have some work for us.”
Blade looked at Traipse and replied, “Are things going slow for mercenaries? Or just The Cutters?”
Traipse gave her an irritated look, “What are you getting at?”
Blade shrugged her shoulders, “Let’s face it try, Ever since the boss left things have been going downhill.”
“Watch it Blade.”
“Look, I'm only saying that the reputation of The Cutters was built on her skills and name. But now with her gone, we barely have a name anymore.”

Traipse lowered his head and replied, “The Cutters were built upon two, and so long as two remain, we will still exist.”
Blade sighed, “I just don’t understand why the boss would leave like she did. she didn’t say good-bye, she didn’t give us a reason for leaving, and she didn’t even say where she would be. She just told use to meet her in Kestrel, then never showed up.”
Still hiding the truth, Traipse added, “She made her choice… and I won’t hold that against her. So drop it and keep moving.”
Blade shook her head and replied, “if you’re not holding it against her, then why have you been tense and grumpy since the day she left? You’re not even yourself anymore Tri.”
Traipse stopped in his tracks and sighed, “If you don’t like it… then you’re free to leave too.”
Blade felt bad as she put her hoof on his shoulder, “I know how it feels to lose the pony you love Tri. but when she left, she left us both, please remember that.”

Traipse sighed, “maybe it would be best to find us a room for the night… no offence but I’d rather be alone for a while.”
Blade smiled, “I know what you mean, if I hang around you any longer than your grumpiness will give me wrinkles.”
Traipse could only smile, “then I'll see you after my visit with the king.”
Blade nodded her head as she turned and trotted away, “I'll be there.”
As Blade trotted away, Traipse stopped her, “Hey Blade? If you were given the chance to end your life as a mercenary, would you?”
Blade laughed, “And what? Live the life of a boring noble? Please, the day I stop being a mercenary is the day I fall in love, and settle down to have a family, and I’ve yet to meet a stallion that can handle me.”

Traipse could only laugh, “Same here I don’t think a stallion like that exists.”
Blade nodded her head as she continued down the street and out of Traipse sight. Traipse then turned and proceeded to the griffin royal palace to meet King Harpy. As Traipse entered the large castle, the a few guards spoke to him, “Mr. Traipse… The king is expecting you. he is currently in the royal ball room.”
Traipse gave them a friendly nod as he made his way there. After entering the ballroom, Traipse saw the king looking at a few patterns for decoration. The king pointed one out then turned to Traipse, “Welcome Mr. Tri, it’s been a while hasn’t it?”
Traipse smiled, “Not really, it’s only been about four months since our last encounter, which I'll have to apologize for, the Xian thought they could successfully invade your nation but I continued to tell them it was a useless attempt.”

The king could only laugh, “Well the job of a mercenary is to find himself on both sides of the war isn’t it, but I digress. Where are your companions?”
“One is getting us a room in town while the other… she is no longer with us.”
The king nodded his head, “Then that will explain the letter we received.”
The king reached into his robe and pulled a letter out then handed it to Traipse, “about a week ago we received a letter with explicit instructions that it be handed to a member of The Cutters. And we were warned that if the letter’s seal was ever broken by anypony other than The Cutters, that they would be hunted down and killed. I suppose it was The Reaper who sent such a letter?”
Traipse smiled as he opened the letter, “Yes I'm sure…”

Traipse read the letter to himself quietly, then smiled as he mumbled to himself, “A son.”
The king was concerned, “What was that? Is everything alright?”
Traipse smiled and replied, “Yes everything is fine, can I ask that you notify me whenever you receive a letter from her? Traveling will get in the way of receiving mail.”
the king replied, “of course, The Cutters and the Griffin Kingdoms have a trust that can only be made by friends.”
“Thank you your majesty, I'll see myself out.”
The king stopped him, “Wait Mr. Tri? Would you like to attend my ball this evening? Not as a mercenary but as a guest, it’s the least I can do for the history that we share.”
Traipse asked “Really? What’s the occasion?
The king replied, “I have been betrothed, this is a royal wedding ball.”
Traipse smiled, “normally I would decline… but this is a special day for the both of us so I'm ok with it. Besides Blade could use some R and R.”

The Sinner and the Star

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The mother awoke to the sound of flapping wings. When she looked beside her, she saw her young colt flapping his wings as hard as he could to lift himself off the ground. As he did his mother smiled, “Scy? What are you doing?”
Continuing to try, the foal replied, “I'm trying to fly, mama, I wanna be like you so we don’t have to travel on the ground anymore.”
Serenity smiled, “We need to keep a low profile Scy, so even if you could fly, it would still be wise to travel on the ground. Now get your saddlebag on, its time to go.”
As the colt picked up his saddlebag he asked, “So where are we going today mama?”
Serenity replied, “I want to see what’s on the forbidden side of the forest, so we are on our way there.”
The colt smiled as he replied, “Whoo sounds spooky… this is gonna be fun, I just know it!”
Serenity smiled as she replied, “well I wanted to do something different this time since you are turning five this weekend.”

The colt started jumping around in excitement as he replied, “YAY! I want a big party with balloons and tons of presents and a big cake that is three… no, ten times bigger then that tree over there.”
Feeling bad about her sons impossible hopes, Serenity lowered her head, “Scy, please don’t get your hopes up… you know I can’t get that stuff for you.”
Now Scy felt bad for making his mother think about that so he smiled as he sat down infront of her, “Mommy? It’s ok… I know we can’t carry all that stuff in my bag anyway. I'll be happy just being here with you… or maybe we can go into town? I promise I won’t ask for anything, please.”
Serenity giggled at her hopeful colt as she replied, “well alright if you promise to be good and don’t talk to anypony, then we will pass through Manehattan.”
The exited colt cheered with joy as he began skipping merrily down the road, “YAY!!! We’re going into town! We’re going into town! YAY!!!”

Serenity felt both a since of joy and sadness at the same time. She was happy that she could bring such joy to her foal, but she was sad that he was so thrilled just to visit a city. With her reputation, the most they ever saw were small farm towns and travelling merchants. To avoid any danger she had sheltered him from the basic things that most colts his age know. How to treat neighbors, how to make friends, she couldn’t even remember if he had ever met a filly his age before or not. All he knew was what he taught him about surviving in the wild, bartering with merchants, and the little schooling that she gave him from time to time. Yet this little colt was happy with what he had. He never asked for anything that he wanted which also disappointed her, and he always carried on with a smile of content. But what hurt her the most, was when he asked about his father, and she couldn’t even give him an answer. Yet the two were happy, and she knew that one day she would have to give him the things that all colts his age deserved.

With her joy-filled son leading the way, Serenity spoke “Sright Scy, time for your lessons are you ready?”
The colt looked back at his mother and replied with a sharp, quick, and playful, ”Yep.”
Serenity smiled, “Ok first letter, A”
The colt replied, “Apple.”
“Ok, B”
“Carrot… and the next one is Dirt.”
Serenity smiled, “Alright Mr. Smarty-Pants, I'll mix them up then. L.”
“Alright, J.”
“Ummm… Jump!”
“Good, how about K?”
Serenity shook her head, “Wrong, Castle starts with a C… not a K.”
“The colt turned and started trotting backwards in front of his mother as he replied, “Wah? But K makes the kk sound?”
“Yes but C makes the kk sound too.”
The colt turned and started trotting forward again as he pouted, “Why are letters so confusing?”
Serenity smiled, “You’ll get the hang of it soon, all it takes is practice. Now how about S?”

Both Serenity and her foal stopped in their tracks as an elderly mare came trotting onto the road from the forest, “You!!! A sinner! I can smell the blood on your hooves mare! You are filled with Sin, and that Sin will one day lead you to your grave!”
Serenity Braced herself for a fight as her young foal ran and hid behind her front hooves, “M...mommy? Who is that?”
The elderly mare gasped, “A… a colt?... a curse? No… a gift? One to bring both destruction, then salvation. One from which this world will never understand, not value until it’s too late, this gift of the sinner.”
Out of confusion, Serenity spoke up, “Listen here miss, my foal and I have done nothing to disturb you, so If you would kindly keep going and mind your own business, then I'll overlook your hatful remarks towards me and my son.”
The elderly mare continued speaking utter nonsense as she stood blocking the road, “The sinner speaks, though the sinner doesn’t know her gift… her reconciliation for her crimes… long after her death. The sinner will never know till she is long gone.”
Scy whispered to his mother, “M-mommy? Her eyes… they’re scaring me.”
Serenity then looked at the unknown mare’s eyes, “You’re blind?”
The elderly mare looked over the travelers’ heads as she trotted past them while she babbled, “The sinner is quick to judge… quick to judge be the sinner with the gift… the gift she must lose, and lose she will. The gift of destruction and salvation.”

As the elderly mare continued down the road aimlessly speaking in complete nonsense, “Scy asked, “Mommy? Who was that? Why was she so scary if she didn’t want to hurt us?”
Serenity replied, as she put her hoof on his head, “Sometimes when a pony gets really old their mind starts to slip away from them. I think that old mare had a rough life and lost what grip on reality she had left. It’s a shame, to think that she must bear that burden for the rest of her life.”
The colt looked up at his mother from between her front hooves, “Will you ever be like that?”
Serenity smiled, “Someday, maybe.”
The colt then replied, “Well if that ever happens to you… then I'll take care of you.”
Serenity smiled, “I may just hold you to that. But for now I say we need to find some food”
Feeling a small bit of concern for their encounter with the blind mare, Serenity couldn’t help but feel that there was some meaning to the mares words. A sinner who smelt of blood, no doubt she was talking about her past, back when she carried the name Scy, and back when The Reaper was what everypony in the world new her as. However, it’s been years since she carried that name, despite the fact that she still wears the cloak and carries the scythe. She hoped that she would leave that name and that life behind.

Later that evening, after finding an apple tree and stocking up on enough apples to last them for a couple of days, the two ponies set up a campsite just outside the boarder to the forbidden zone of the Everfree Forest. Like usual, Serenity found a place to hide her scythe and needles so nopony would recognize her while they slept. However, right as she started tucking them away, she felt a presence around her; quickly pointing her scythe at the closest tree line, she yelled, “SCY!”
As the colt sat trying to start a campfire, he heard his mother’s instruction and reacted the way he was taught by running to her side and hiding behind her. Serenity held her scythe at the ready as she yelled, “I know you’re there! Stop hiding and show yourselves!”
After she yelled, a number of Equestrian Royal Guards emerged from behind the brush as one spoke, “Calm down miss, we aren’t here to hurt you or your foal. It’s safe to lower your weapon.”
Now that she knew who was in charge of the squad of soldiers, Serenity pointed her scythe at the stallion and replied, “I'll be the judge of that. What do you want?”

The soldier calmly stepped towards her and replied, “My apologies miss, I'm only here to warn you. We have recently had numerous reports of random manticore attacks in this area. Have you or your son seen anything suspicious?”
Serenity sighed, “So you decided to be the princesses little exterminators huh… Well I haven’t seen any manticore around here and even if I did, it’s not uncommon for them to attack travelers who enter their territory.”
The soldier replied, “Yea, but it is uncommon for them to travel outside their territory and attack ponies at random.”
Serenity was curious, “are you sure it’s a manticore and not a bandit?”
The soldier replied, “Bandits usually rob the corpse they leave behind, besides we have eye witnesses saying that it was in fact a large manticore, possibly the alpha male of this forest. Have you seen or heard of it?”
Serenity lowered her scythe as she replied, “No I haven’t, now I would suggest you move along. My foal and I have traveled a long way today and we would like some rest.”
The solders nodded his head and replied, “Of course ma’am sorry for the disturbance. Move out! Let’s try to find this thing before dawn!”
Shortly after the Royal Guards vanished into the night, Serenity and Scy decided to lay down and go to sleep.

The next morning seemed like any other, “Scy woke and was drawing pictures in the sand while his mother smiled, “Alright Scy, it’s time to go… we’ve got a lot of ground to cover before we pass through the forbidden zone of the forest and reach Manehattan.”
The colt put his saddlebag on and asked, “Mommy? Why do they call it the forbidden zone?”
As the two started traveling, she replied, “Well a long time ago, the royal sisters, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia lived in a castle that sat out here. Then it was said that a big dragon came to the castle hoping to claim all the jewels in the kingdom. Shortly after, the princesses left the castle and founded Canterlot then made that their new home. As for the dragon, he took all the gems for himself and attacked anypony who came near the castle. Therefore, they made this part of the forest forbidden. However the dragon eventually was defeat by a mysterious hero who gave his life using a special spell that very few knew but since the castle was way out here while Canterlot had grown into a prosperous city, the royal sisters just decided to stay in their new home and leave this one as is. They didn’t even bother renaming the forbidden zone again since it seemed easier to just let the ponies live in safer areas then the Everfree Forest.”

The colt looked at his mother, “Mysterious hero? What was his name?”
Serenity smiled playfully, “Now if I told you that then he wouldn’t be so mysterious now would he?”
Scy smiled, “Well… I could always pretend I didn’t know him… then he would still be mysterious.”
Serenity shook her head, “You think you’re the smartest pony in the world don’t you?”
The colt playfully smiled, “Yep…”
“Well Mr. Smarty-pants, do you know which way to the castle?”
Serenity smiled, “Well we’re lucky you’re not leading the way then aren’t we?”
The colt smiled, “One day I'll be the mysterious hero then I will be able to lead the way.”
Serenity smiled, “Well then hero, get some apples out of your saddlebag and let’s have breakfast… but remember we have to saves some for tonight too.”
The colt pulled an apple out of the bag and held it in the air in a statue like pose, “Da dad da daaa!!!! Hero Scy! And his hero apple!!! The breakfast of… um… Heroes!”
Serenity leagued at her son’s imagination, it was moments like this, that she admired the most.

Throughout the day, the two ponies stumbled upon many buildings that seemed new, but completely abandoned. They even wondered through The Castle of The Alicorn Sisters that still had banners and furniture from the days when the royal sisters lived there. Nevertheless, as the day grew dim, the two settled down, made a campfire, and sat next to it discussing the places they saw throughout the day. “Mommy? Why do princesses live in houses that big? Aren’t they scared they might get lost?”
Serenity smiled, “Princesses are usually surrounded by guards to help them if they ever get lost.”
“But why do they need guards? Can’t they protect themselves?”
Serenity nodded their heads, “Well, princesses aren’t supposed to protect themselves, they have to protect everypony else, that’s why the guards are with them.”
“Oh so they protect everypony else while the guards pro…”
Scy froze in place and grew quiet, as Serenity saw the scarred look on his face; she started to feel it too. They were being watched, but not by any ponies, but something bigger… Much bigger.

Serenity slowly pulled a needle from her sheath and held it under her cloak so whatever was watching wouldn’t notice. Then she looked at her son and whispered, “Scy… listen to me very carefully. Whatever is watching us is trying to sneak around behind me, so when it jumps out at me, I want you to run away as fast as you can. Do you hear me? As fast as you can and don’t come back until I call for you, ok?”
The scared foal tried to whisper back, “but ma…”
“No buts… this is for your own protection. I can’t protect us both at the same time so I'll let him come after me and I'll take him out on my ow…”
Before Serenity could finish her sentence, a gigantic manticore jumped out of the bushes behind them and tried to grab Serenity. Luckily, she was expecting the attack so she was able to dodge him, but she wasn’t expecting the manticore to be so massive so when she turned to toss the needle into its face, the manticore’s claws caught the tip and knocked it from her hoof as she jumped from his path.

As soon as the manticore landed on the ground, Scy did as he was told and galloped into the forest as his mother stayed to fight. The large beast was about to start chasing his small prey but before he did Serenity charged the monster with her scythe in the air making herself an easy target so the manticore would try to get her instead. With irritation, the manticore turned toward the mare and swung his paw backward hitting the scythe and causing Serenity to lose her balance before the gigantic paw came back and hit her body tossing her through the air and causing her to drop her scythe as she hit a tree nearly fifty feet away. The large manticore started to approach the stunned pony as she sat up and looked around for her scythe, but by the time she found it, she was too late. The large creature was standing over it with no opening for her to grab it. Serenity nervously stared at the large beast as it sneered at her. Serenity tried to reach for another needle but as she did, the manticore put its paw against her pinning her against the tree making it impossible to move. Then just as she felt this was the end, the creature roared in pain as it turned and looked at one of its hind legs. Both Serenity and the Manticore were so focused on each other that they didn’t notice Scy sprinting towards them with her dropped needle and stabbing the beast on his hind leg.

The enraged manticore used his left wing to hit the courageous little colt and knock him through the air hitting a number of tree branches before being stopped by a large tree and falling to the ground. When the foal tried to stand up, he felt an intense pain from his wing. The pain riddled foal griped his wing and started crying as he realized it was broken The large manticore was now focused on one thing and one thing only, getting payback for the needle in his leg. As the manticore turned around and began walking towards the crying colt, he stepped on Serenity’s scythe breaking the shaft and making the weapon useless. Now free and willing to protect her foal, Serenity finished pulling the needle but when she threw it, she was too dazed from the impact so it missed the large creature completely. Now with only one needle left, Serenity pulled it from its sheath and charged at the manticore in an attempt to use it as a dagger. However the large beast new she would make this attempt so he turned around and hit her as hard as he could throwing her into the air and causing her to hit the ground hard enough to stun her to a point to where she couldn’t stand straight. As the terrified colt laid on the ground holding his wing in pain, he started making empty threats, “S-stay back!... I'm w-warning you!... I… I'm not kidding!...”

The large beast approached the young colt as he continued crying in both pain and terror, “S-stop!... G-get away!... If y-you don’t I… You… Um… You will be sorry!... NO! GET AWAY!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! MOMMY!!!”
At that moment, something very strange started to happen. The young colt started to feel a slight tingling feeling in the bottom of his hooves. When he looked down he could see very faint sparks at the points where his hooves met the ground, “W-what?”
Not seeing the sparks the manticore raised his front paws in the air exposing his claws, but before he brought them down on his prey, a small cloud appeared over the colt head, right between his claws and Scy. The manticore stared confusingly at the cloud as the colt did the same, “What? W-what’s that?”
All of a sudden small strings of lightning started to emerge from the cloud as its size began to grow bigger and bigger. As the cloud increased in size, the tingling feeling in the colt’s hooves had stretched from there all over his body as the small sparks on his hooves became long arcs from his ankles. Now it seemed that the electricity from his hooves and the rest of his body began arcing from the top of his mane and into the cloud over his head, which was now almost three times his size.

Serenity stood up and watched the spectacle from a distance, she had no idea what was happening, but the first thought in her mind was that her son was in danger. Stumbling and swaying to her hooves, she stood up and tried making her way toward the terrified foal as fast as she could, falling down numerous times in her dazed state. Now the cloud was five times the foals size as he tried to understand, “What’s happening to me!?! WHY IS THIS!?! MOMMY!!!”
With that last shriek, the cloud above his head sent out an electrical shockwave that scattered out in all directions in a sphere shaped orb. The bright light was so intense that the small foal vanished in the intensity of the light. All Serenity could see of the sight was the manticore’s body disintegrate and turn to ash in the intensity of the shockwave as the tree’s and earth caught in the orb did the same. Serenity tried all she could to charge into the sphere to save her son, but the intensity of the shockwave tossed her away from the sphere and too far to do anything about it. The only thing she could do when she hit the ground was cover her eyes, and hope for the best.

Though it was only about a minute, it seemed like an hour before the large glowing orb finally started to shrink and vanish into the cloud from which it came. When Serenity uncovered her eyes, everything that was caught inside the large glowing orb, was turned to ash. The trees, the ground, even the manticore was destroyed by the large glowing sphere, leaving behind nothing, not even a bone or feather. Still dizzy, Serenity tried to make her way to the massive crater that was left behind by the bright orb. When she got there she was amazed to see her son lying in the center, but when she tried to get close to the crater, a large string of electricity jumped out of the charged soil and hit her, pushing her back from the edges of the crater. Serenity looked closely at her son, he seemed fine other than the broken wing. He had no scorched or damaged feathers, his saddlebag was nowhere to be seen, destroyed by the light but with no harm to his body where it was on him. He seemed to be breathing fine, but not being able to get close enough to him made this a very unbearable for the worried mother. “Scy!... SCY!... SCY!!! WAKE UP!!!”
The foal didn’t respond. With the electricity stored in the soil, long arcs of lightning were jumping all over the ground, but they didn’t seem to faze him at all, then she noticed the reason why. As she carefully examined her son from a distance, she could see his cutie mark appear on his flank, it was a black star with lighting stretching from a cloud in the center to each point. She knew then and there that this wasn’t caused by an unknown phenomenon, he did it himself. Her young foal just discovered a power that was his special talent.

Just then, she started hearing flapping in the distance, knowing that it could be another manticore approaching the blinding light; Scy stumbled into the nearest shadow and concealed herself as she did years prior. As she hid herself, Serenity watched as a royal carriage landed just outside the crater. As soon as the carriage landed on the ground, Princess Luna the princess of the night stepped off it and started investigating the site. As she looked around, one of the soldiers following the carriage called to her, “Your majesty! There is something in the center of this crater! It’s a foal!”
Trying to rush to the foal side, the soldier was tossed to the ground after a bolt of lightning jumped from inside the crater and hit him in his chest. As soon as Princess Luna saw this, she called to the rest of her soldiers, “Do not approach the crater! Stay back!”
Princess Luna slowly made her way towards the crater’s edge until she got close enough to be shocked by an arc of electricity. After taking a step back, Princess Luna used her magic to pick up the foal and carry him from the center of the crater to its edge. The whole time the foal was being carried; arcs of electricity jumped from the crater and made contact with the young foal’s body; however, the foal was still not moving at all. It was as if the electricity wasn’t even fazing him.

After laying the unconscious foal on the ground, Princess Luna reached up to feel his pulse, but as she did another arc of electricity jumped from the foal’s body and shocked her. Seeing this made it entirely clear, this foal was the cause of the destruction here. The flash and the massive electrical charge were created at will by this unconscious colt, and it was this reason that he had his cutie mark too. Princess Luna could see that the foal was still breathing so she used her magic to place the foal onto the carriage as one of her solders spoke, “Your majesty? Is it wise to take him with us? We don’t know who he is or how he got out here in the first place.”
Princess Luna pointed at the colt’s double-jointed wing and replied, “Whoever he is, he needs medical attention. I won’t allow a foal with such a gift be overlooked when he’s in need. I'm going to take him to a hospital in Canterlot. Place a guard here and send others to search the area for any witnesses or his parents. If you find them bring them to me I want to speak with them.”
The soldier nodded his head as he replied, “Yes your majesty, you heard her stallions! Search the area and find this colt’s parents! Do not harm them just escort them to their son if you find them!”

As the carriage carrying her son flew away into the night, Serenity felt too weak to chase after it, so she managed to keep herself hidden as she recovered what’s left of her weapons and traveled to Canterlot on hoof. By the time she arrived, the sun had just risen and all the ponies were speaking of rumors of last night’s flash, “Did ya hear, the flash in the forest was caused by some unknown pony.”
“I heard it was a foal, a little filly with no name.”
“No it was a colt, and the reason he has no name is because he hasn’t woken up yet.”
“But what was the light? And how could a colt create something like that?
“Maybe it was a spell.”
“Impossible, the colt is a pegasus, not a unicorn.”
“Then what was it?”
“The princess said it was something called a Lightning orb.”
“The lighting orb? But I thought all who attempted such a feat met their own end?”
“Somehow this colt did it… and survived.”
“Must be either a strong colt, or one lucky soul.”

As the rumors seemed to fly all over the place, Not one pony knew where he was being kept or who he was. Therefore, Serenity started searching for information wherever she could until after three days of searching she found out the colt had been released from the hospital and is in the care of Commander Chrome Mist, High commander of the Equestrian Royal Guards. Serenity now knew what she wanted to do next, later that day she tracked down the manor that Commander Mist lived in and knocked on the door. As the door opened, an elderly butler opened it, “Yes… may I help you madam?”
Serenity asked, “Is this the establishment where I can find a Commander Mist?”
The butler nodded his head, “Yes I believe so… however Lord Mist isn’t in at the moment, he and young Master Bolt are out.”
“Master Bolt?”
The butler nodded, “Yes… young Master Star Bolt came to us just yesterday. The poor foal has no memory of his life before an accident that befell him in the Everfree Forest. So Lord Mist was asked to take him in and raise him until his parents are located.”
Serenity sighed, “I see… well thank you sir, I'm sorry for taking tour time.”
“Not at all madam, would you like to leave a message for Lord Mist?”
Serenity shook her head, “no… I think I'll try again later thank you.”
The butler bowed respectfully as he replied, “As you wish madam, have a nice day.”

Serenity knew that if she was going to get her son back, she needed to do it quietly, with news of the colt’s life spreading like wildfire; she didn’t want to attract attention to herself. Just because he knew a special technique doesn’t change the fact that he is the son of the infamous Reaper, whether he remembers it or not. That night, long after the sun went down, Serenity returned to the manor only this time she didn’t knock on the door. Using the shadows to conceal herself she managed to sneak over the property wall and to the second floor balcony. As she looked inside the large bedroom, she could see her son lying in the bed. Continuing to keep herself quiet, she opened the doors and slipped inside undetected. Then Serenity approached the bed with the intent on waking her son up. However, as she approached him she paused and looked around the room. He had only been there for a few days and already the commander had setup a bedroom for him, complete with a few toys and schoolbooks.

Seeing the setup that the young foal had in the room made her think to herself, “He doesn’t remember me… he… wouldn’t know me even if I told him who he was and who I am. Here… he has a good home. Here he can grow up safe, just like all the other colts his age. Maybe… its better this way. A colt needs a home, somepony who will take care of him, and a chance to have a future doing good for others around him. He has all those things here, and if Commander Mist is as noble as I’ve heard, then he will raise Scy well… I mean… Star Bolt.”
The mare looked at her son and put her hoof on his cheek as she kissed his forehead, tears started to roll down her face, “Good bye my little hero… I hope we will get to meet again one day. Till then, I can only watch you from a distance. I… I love you… and… and I'll always watch over you… my… my little Star.”
With tears rolling down her face, Serenity could only turn around and trot onto the balcony. As she closed the door, Star Bolt opened his eyes and stretched, but when he did, he could see the silhouette of his mother on the balcony. Looking at the figure in confusion the colt asked himself, “Who? Who is that?”
Then as he watched her, Serenity dove off the balcony and out of his sight. Thinking he was just dreaming, the colt turned over and went back to sleep.

Later that night Serenity flew away from Canterlot and to the highest point on Cloudsdale. As she sat there looking over Equestria, she started to think about her life. She thought about when she traveled with the nomads. Then the tragedy that kill them all involving her first love. She thought about her first mission, and how it wasn’t long before she met Traipse on the battlefield. She thought about Blade and her crazy stunt with the catapult, then all the fuss over that book that Traipse destroyed. She started to think about their journey to Eden and the monster that awaited them there. She thought about the love she felt for Traipse after realizing that she had fallen for him. Then she thought about the decision she made to leave her team behind to keep her foal safe. Thinking about these memories and her recent action she started to mumble to herself, “I lived a good life… right? I made some reliable friends, helped a few leaders, saved a few lives… but in the end, I always leave what I cherish the most… is this my curse for cheating death as a foal? Is this a curse for the lives I’ve taken? Or… is this a test?”
Serenity sighed as she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out her broken Scythe. As she observed the blade, she ran her hoof along the red lightning bolt that was engraved and painted into the weapon. “This is and will always be the symbol of The Reaper. And… I will never be at peace so long that I have it. I should just send it to Tri… I have no use for it anymore. I have nopony to protect, I’ve given up on everything, and everypony else thus far… I suppose there is just one more thing to give up now.”

Togeather in Tartarus

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As the sun rose for the third time in almost a year, a cloaked mare crossed a destroyed city gate into a city that was once a deadly battleground. As she made her way through all the continuous construction and reconstruction sites scattered throughout the city, she could overhear two soldiers talking, “That Commander Bolt… it’s his fault the city is in ruins like this. Canterlot used to be a wonderful utopia, now look at it. Part of the city has burned to the ground and the other half collapsed. Our gate is in ruins along with the western wall, most of our lookout towers are lying on the ground, and for what? Because of his stupid crush on Nightmare Moon.”
The other guard replied, “I donno… you didn’t see his face when he was in the dungeon. I’ve never seen a stallion give up on life like that before… especially for just one of his fallen soldiers. If you ask me, I think he was in love with that archer.”
“Well anyway, he is locked away now. Him and Nightmare Moon. Now neither one will ever be a threat to Equestria.”
As the soldiers continued trotting town the street, the mare could only sigh at the subject. As she passed by them without so much as a greeting nod.

The mare continued through the city until she reached the noble district. As she passed the ruins of what was once the most pristine mansions in Equestria, she could see some of the most powerful figureheads in the kingdom digging through the rubble of their manors like the very peasants they claim dominance over. She couldn’t help but think that this is what war does to ponies. It turns kings to peasants and foals to orphans… and those are the lucky ones. The mare continued on her path until she reached the destroyed gates of the Mist Estate. As she stood in front of the large mansion, she noticed that the damage to this building was not only minimal, but it looked just like it did the last time she was here. As the mare approached the doors, she reached up to knock, but stopped when she noticed that the damage on the door looked like they were kicked in. As she slowly pushed the doors open, she looked around the lobby at the damage that was received inside.

The Large lobby also showed little signs of a battle, though there were cut markings and dried blood on the walls and floor. The mare got a little worried until she heard strange sounds coming from one of the rooms on the first floor. The mare followed the sounds into what looked like a lord’s study. Inside there was a young unicorn colt waving a toy sword around, making sound effects as if he were fighting in a great battle. Seeing the young innocent colt trapped in his own imagination, made her smile as the mare went into the study and sat down in one of the chairs, observing the young colt while he continued swinging the sword at his make-believe foes. The colt continued playing until he swung the sword completely around and saw his visitor sitting and watching him play.

Caught off guard and a little embarrassed, the young colt dropped his toy sword and blushed as he tried to act as if nothing happened, “Um… I… um… Ma’am… can I um… help you?”
The mare smiled and replied to the young colt, “You’re very swift on you hooves for somepony so young.”
The colt continued blushing as he replied, “Oh… um… yea, daddy and Uncle Bolt showed me how to fight. So, I practice every chance I get.”
The mare nodded her head, “And it shows, can I ask your name little one?”
The colt straightened his composure and bowed in a noble way “Mist… my name is Chrome Mist Jr. Son to the late Commander Mist and the lord of this manor.”
The mare stood and bowed her head back, “Lord? Then I would think this to be a pleasure to introduce myself. My name is…”

The visitor turned towards the doorway and smiled as she saw a beautiful mare standing there wearing a noble’s gown, “Blade… It’s good to see you again.”
Blade continued into the room as she replied, “I haven’t been called that in years… nowadays they call me Serenade Mist… or Lady Mist, but I don’t need to be so formal around you boss.”
Serenity shook her head, “Do I still have to tell you not to call me boss? If you must call me something, call me Serenity. I don’t go by The Reaper or Scy anymore.”
When the colt heard Serenity refer to herself as The Reaper, he became shocked, “The… The Reaper? You mean The Reaper, from all those stories mommy told me?”
Serenity looked at the young colt and replied, “So she has told stories about me has she? So can you tell me what she said about me?”
“Only that you were the most feared pony in the world. The bodies you left behind could equal the total number of existing ponies and griffin in both Equestria and the Griffin Kingdoms.”
Serenity gave Serenade a smirk as she replied, “Really?”

Serenade smiled as she continued, “I may have exaggerated a little…”
Serenity nodded her head, “Yes you did… you need to add the Hooviet union and even Saddle Arabia to that list too. Nevertheless, I can’t take all the credit. If not for my team, I never would have survived all those battles.”
Serenade smiled as she continued into the room and sat down next to her old comrade, “Chrome? What have I told you about introducing yourself as the lord of this house? Though it is true in a way, I still don’t want you introducing yourself like that at least until you’re old enough to take that responsibility. Remember what happened during the battle a few days ago.”
The colt looked down and nudged his toy sword as he replied, “I’m sorry mommy… I know that it isn’t safe to do so, and I won’t do it again.”
The noble mare nodded her head and replied, “That’s probably not true… but colts will be colts. Can you take your practice outside for a while? Miss Serenity is an old friend and I want to speak with her in private for a while.”
The colt bowed respectfully as he replied, “Yes mommy, It was nice meeting you miss Serenity.”

The colt then picked up his toy sword, and trotted outside as Serenity asked, “What happened during the battle?”
Serenade smiled, “A few of your son’s soldiers offered to escort us out of the city, but when they heard who Chrome was, they panicked because they knew who his mother was too. So, I killed them before they could spread the word.”
Serenity smiled, “Same old Blade, you have a handsome son by the way, he looks just like his father… but, he fights just like you.”
Serenade smiled, “Yes he does… he often talks about how much he wants to be a soldier like his father and uncle. It worries me so much though.”
Serenity nodded her head, “So how have you been since we last saw each other. I see you fell in love and got married, and to the commander of the Equestrian Royal Guard no less.”
Serenade looked over the fireplace at a spear that hung on the wall as she replied, “Yes, and the time we spent together was wonderful… but it ended so tragically.”
Serenity lowered her head in disappointment, “I’m sorry… I know my son was the one that killed him. And I wish I could cha…”
“I don’t… Chrome always said that Star Bolt would be the death of him… turns out he was right. As soon as I heard that this argument between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia would break out in war… I expected one of us to lose somepony in this war… I didn’t expect it to be both though.”

Serenity sighed, “How did Mist Jr. take it? He seems to be in good spirits.”
Serenade smiled, “He is taking it in his own way. By trying to live up to his father’s legacy… I didn’t tell him Commander Bolt was his killer though. The colt looks up to them both so much, it would break his spirit to know that Uncle Bolt killed his father.”
Serenity lowered her head and continued, “And… what about you?”
Serenade shook her head and smiled, “If I wanted to hold a grudge, then I would have killed him before he attacked Canterlot. I knew that in some way it was destined to happen. Therefore, my focus was on keeping my son safe… not that different from you actually. So… what have you been doing in the past twenty years?”
Serenity sighed, “Looking after my son, at least till this war began. With Nightmare Moon magic, I thought it would be better if I had stayed out of this one. Though I did try to confront him in Cloudsdale.”
Serenade looked at Serenity, “… And?”
Serenity shook her head, “He made his choice… I won’t force him to do otherwise. Nevertheless, I suppose he is just like Traipse. Stubborn and confident.”
Serenade smiled, “But I think that was the best thing about him. He always left us guessing.”

The two mares laughed at the subject for a few seconds before Serenity asked, “Speaking of which, have you heard anything from him lately? Don’t tell me he is still a mercenary.”
Serenade looked at Serenity in shock and replied, “You mean, you don’t know?”
“Know? Know what?”
Serenade sighed, “Boss… Traipse in in Tartarus… he has been there for almost three years now.”
Serenity was shocked, “What?... but… how?”
Serenade replied, “Shortly after the Griffin Civil War ended, He and I went to Zebrica and played as body guards for their peace talks. That’s when I found out I was pregnant with Chrome, so when the peace talks ended, I returned here to stay with my husband while he went on to the Griffin Kingdoms at the griffin king’s request. However… he was betrayed. The king had him imprisoned and sent to Tartarus.”
Serenity stood up and spoke with anger behind her voice, “Why?...”
Serenade lowered her head and replied, “The king was angry about our involvement during the Griffin Civil War.”

With anger in her actions, Serenity turned and started trotting towards the door as Serenade stood up and tried to stop her, “Boss wait…”
Serenity stopped but didn’t turn around, “No… I’ve given everything I had without complaint because I knew my sins and I wanted to repent for them… But… Traipse was all I had left… and I’ll die before I give him up too.”
“But what will yo…”
“I’ll think of something… Karma has to play by the same rules we do… so I feel like it owes me something.”
Serenade lowered her head, “I’m sorry boss… I can’t help you… I have to put my son first.”
Serenity smiled as she turned around with a tear rolling down her face, “Of course you do… and I won’t ask you to abandon him. You’re a good mother and a good friend Blade… and even thought The Cutters have ended… I won’t let it end like this. Good-bye Blade… I hope we will get the chance to catch up later.”
Serenity turned around and left the room as Serenade stood there watching her, “The Cutters will never end boss. Because you were The Cutters the whole time. And nopony will ever kill The Reaper.”

Serenade watched as her best friend left the room, and then she sat back down in the chair and looked at the spear over the fireplace, “Chrome… is there really nothing I can do to help?”
Just then, the family butler entered the room and spoke, “My apologies Lady Mist… if I had known you had a guest, I would have put on some tea.”
Serenade shook her head and replied, “It’s quite alright Roberto, we didn’t have time for it anyway.”
The butler bowed as he started to turn towards the door, “Very good Milady…”
before the butler was out of the room Serenade asked, “Um… Roberto?”
The butler turned and asked, “Yes lady Mist?”
“I’m going to be leaving town for a few days… can you look after Chrome for me?”
Roberto bowed as he replied, “Of course Milady… I am always happy to assist, the young master. May I ask where you’re going?”
Serenade smiled, “I have to see an old friend.”

Days later in a land far away from Canterlot, Serenity climbed to the top of a hill and looked down into the valley at the Gate to Tartarus. Some believed the gate was a portal to another dimension, while others believed it to be a gate to a prison underground. Nopony knew the truth but what they did know was that all who entered never returned. And even if they did find a way out of Tartarus. Cerberus, the mighty three-headed guardian would devour them on sight. Serenity looked at the closed doors of the large gate and then at the three headed guard dog that slept soundly outside, then thought to herself. “There is no way I could possibly open such massive doors. And no doubt Cerberus would wake before I could get them opened enough to get inside, so how do I approach this?”
As she tried planning her next move, she noticed that Cerberus had heard something and stood up to look around. Then he began barking at something that was making its way down the valley.

Serenity took a good look into the valley and noticed that there was a convoy of Minotaur leading a prisoner towards the gate. With the monstrous dog still barking at them, one of the Minotaur, stepped forward and yelled, “Cerberus! HEEL!!!”
All three heads of the now silenced dog lowered their ears and backed away, as a second Minotaur stepped forward and stuck a key into a hidden Keyhole on the side of the gate. Slowly the massive doors of the Gate opened to reveal a black spiraling vortex on the other side, as the first Minotaur spoke to his prisoner, “By Order of King Harpy the Fourth, of the Griffin Kingdoms. You have been prosecuted as a menace to society and will henceforth be banished to Tartarus for the rest of eternity. May your death be quick and painless.”
Without letting the prisoner say anything, the Minotaur picked him up and tossed him into the portal as the second griffin pulled the key from the key hole and watched as the massive doors closed on their own.

Serenity knew her plan now. To get into Tartarus she had to get that key. So she waited until the Minotaur had left the gate and its guardian behind and observed them as they spoke, “The King of the griffin kingdoms has been banishing a lot of prisoners lately… kinda makes you think he is a tyrant.”
“It doesn’t matter who he banishes or why. As one of the leaders of the four superpowers, he is one of very few who have a say in who gets banished to Tartarus.”
“I’m only saying that you don’t see princess Celestia banishing anypony there… and she recently banished her sister and her commander to the moon and sta…”
Before the Minotaur could finish the sentence, Serenity sent a needle into his forehead killing him on contact. The Minotaur quickly looked around but with the valley casting a shadow on their surroundings, they couldn’t see her. One Minotaur gripped his Axe and spoke, “Who’s there!?! Show yourself!”

With the formation looking around in worry, Serenity spoke in a way that her voice would echo throughout the valley, “Do you take pride in sending those to their doom?”
One of the Minotaurs replied, “What’s it to you!?!”
Without warning, the Minotaur was struck in his back with a needle and fell to the ground screaming as she replied, “I am the one who brings doom upon others… not you.”
In fear, the Minotaur carrying the key slowly backed into a nearby shadow as he tried to act courageous, “Is that so? Then why don’t you show yourself and prove it to us!!!”
The minotaur froze in sheer terror as he felt a hoof on his shoulder from behind, and heard a whisper in his ear, “…As you wish…”
before the minotaur could turn around, a glare from a metal scythe flew across his body and cut him in half before he had a chance to defend himself. Serenity then took the key from around his belt, as the rest of the Minotaur tried to charge her. However, by the time they reached the corpse of their dead friend, she had already vanished back into the shadows.

The Minotaur quickly turned until their backs were to each other as they nervously looked for their attacker. “Where… where is she?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Who… who was that?”
“I… I think I might be The Rea…”
Before the Minotaur could finish his sentence, a glare flew across his leg removing it as he fell to the ground screaming. Rather than risk their lives, the leading Minotaur screamed as he picked up his injured comrade, “RETREAT!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!”
The group picked up their two injured friends and left their dead as they all began running for their lives.
Serenity could only smile from the shadows as she spoke, “Yep… I still got it.”
Now, with the key to the gate in hoof, she made her way back to the Gates of Tartarus.

As she got close, she noticed that the sounds of the retreating Minotaur didn’t reach Cerberus. The large dog was laying on his side just outside the gate as he slept peacefully. Serenity snuck by the massive animal and approached the keyhole that was on this side of the massive twenty-foot doors. Then as she stuck the key in, the doors slowly opened on their own revealing the large black vortex from before. As Serenity looked in curiosity at the vortex, she felt nervous as she heard a very low growling coming from behind her. She turned around slowly to see that not only has Cerberus woken from his slumber, he was glaring at her while growling with all three heads. Serenity stood up strait, put her hoof out, and commanded, “CERBERUS! HEEL!!!”
The monstrous dog sat down in confusion while all three heads looked at each other, then back at their intruder with a pondering tilt in their necks. Then after thinking over the order, the three heads began growling again, as Serenity shrugged her shoulders, “…It was worth a shot.”
Thinking quickly, Serenity grabbed the key, pulled it from the keyhole, and dashed into the portal before the doors or Cerberus could stop her.

As soon as Serenity was inside the portal, it picked her up off her hooves and spun her into the air multiple times before dropping her from a high altitude in what looked like a massive cave. Reacting to her Pegasus instinct, Serenity opened her wings and glided down to a small cliff that overlooked the realm. All around her, she could see many cliffs, hoodoos, canyons, and geysers of fire scattered all over the place. When she looked up, she could see the portal she emerged from. However, as she watched it, the portal slowly vanished, leaving no way out from where she came. Serenity observed the area closely to see if she knew where to start her search for Traipse but the only thing she could see that would offer any help were small square houses made entirely of Stone. As she observed these places, she realized they weren’t houses at all, but prison cells. So she decided to being looking through them as she flew from the top of the cliff down into the village of cells. As she went from cell to cell, she noticed that most of them had nothing in them. While some had bones of dead inmates.

Finally she managed to find a few cells with living prisoners inside, so she approached one and asked, “Hey… um… sir? Do you know where I can find Traipse of The Cutters?”
The griffin inmate looked at the mare and replied while pouring sand from one talon into the other, “The bars… they speak to me… they say… The king knows best, he does… he knows what war brings… but what brings war?... its ash… ash brings war, and war brings ash… but what brings ash to bring war?”
Serenity knew that the griffin had lost his mind entirely so she just shook her head, “Never mind… sorry if I disturbed you.”
As Serenity turned to leave, the griffin reached through the bars and grabbed her by her hoof, “That scythe… are you here to bring me to my salvation?”
Serenity looked at her scythe then back at the griffin as she put the hood over her face, “Yes… I am.”
The griffin smiled as if he was given hope, “The Cutter you seek… he is near the gate.”
Serenity replied, “What gate?”

Then with one talon still gripping the mare’s hoof, the griffin used the other talon to point towards a mountain in the distance. “There… they ready him to sell his soul…”
Serenity asked, “Who? Who is getting him ready? And what do you mean, sell his soul?”
The griffin started griping her hoof tighter and tighter, “I told you… now grant me my salvation. I told you now give me what you promise.”
With the griffin’s grip starting to hurt her, Serenity tried to pull her hoof free as the griffin started getting hysterical, “Give me what you promise… I told you… give me my salvation… Do it!... DO IT!!! GRANT ME WHAT I WANT!!! I TOLD YOU!!! GIVE ME MY SALVATION!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!! GIVE M…”

Out of fear of her own life, Serenity quickly pulled out one of her needles with her free hoof and stabbed it into the griffin’s talon causing him to release her. As the griffin backed against the wall with surprise, he looked closely at the needle in his talon and smiled, “At last! I can free myself! At last! My salvation awaits me!”
The griffin tossed aside what’s left of his sanity, as he pulled the needle from his talon, and quickly jammed it into his temple, killing himself quickly as his lifeless body fell to the bottom of the cell with a horrid smile on his face. Serenity couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed, of all the battles she has faced, and all the enemies she has encountered, she had never been so afraid in her life then she felt mere moments ago. As she looked at the dead griffin, she couldn’t help but feel sad for him. What could he had been put through to make his mind crack like this… and if Traipse has been here for Four years… what reaction would he give when she approaches him? Serenity sighed in pity for the griffin who killed himself, then turned towards the mountain, and continued her search.

Not long after she crossed the mountain, Serenity came to an area, where there were many strange looking creatures dancing around something. When she saw these creatures, Serenity ducked into the shadows and observed them. These creatures were two feet tall with talons on both their hands and feet, they had bat type wings and pointed ears, noses, and teeth too. Therefore, she could only assume they were demon spawn. As the many creatures continued dancing, Serenity moved higher in the shadows to get a better look at what it was that was entertaining them. In the center of the circle stood a tall demon that towered above the rest. Then she saw what he was doing. He was mercilessly beating the life out of a pony who had no chances to fight back, “Traipse…”
the monster stopped hitting him and walked away from the still stallion as he spoke, “You’re much stronger than I thought pony… I knew you would provide me with great entertainment. Now, relinquish your soul to me… and the pain will stop. How say you?”
Traipse coughed up a little blood then replied, “I… I say, you will never have my soul, so how say you to tha…”
Before Traipse could finish his sentence, the large demon kicked him and sent him flying into the side of the mountain.

After hitting the mountain and rolling to the ground, Traipse tried to move, but couldn’t. The large monster approached him and shook his head, “You’re very determined for a pony. I must say, none have ever kept hold of his sanity this long… and even fewer last this long without surrendering their soul to me… but I will break you, you will not die this day… nor will you ever as long as you refused to surrender your everlasting soul. I will keep you alive… and torture you every day until you break. Only then will you ever know the sweet painless slumber that is death. So buckle up pony… you’re in for a long life. Take him back to his cell, and deprive him of food. Maybe hunger will assist him in his decision.”
As the creature turned around, he paused then started sniffing the air. One of his minions approached him and asked, “What is it master?”
The demon looked into the shadows and replied, “Blood… I smell the blood of another.”
The minion replied, “Another was tossed in here this morning, perhaps it’s his blood.”
The demon continued looking into the shadows that Serenity was hiding in as he replied, “Perhaps…”

With nothing more to say about the subject, the mighty demon and most of his minions continued leaving the area as a few of them picked up the beaten pony, took him to a nearby cell, and tossed him in like a rag doll. As they locked the cell, the small demons laughed as they walked away from the cell doors leaving Traipse lying on the bottom, completely motionless. Once she was certain the coast was clear, Serenity approached the cell and looked inside. Other than his breathing, Traipse laid on the bottom of the cell without moving a muscle. Serenity sighed, “Oh Traipse… what have they done to you?”
Serenity took a step back from the cell bars and swung her scythe twice to cut them. Once on the bottom, and then again on the top. As the bars fell to the ground, Serenity slowly entered the dark cell, and approached the wounded stallion on the floor. As Traipse continued lying on his side, Serenity put her hoof under his head, and raised it up to look at his face. The battered and bruised stallion slowly opened his eyes and spoke, “S-Serenity? B-but… how?”

Serenity smiled as tears started rolling down her face, “I’m here Traipse… I came as soon as I heard. I’m here to save you from this nightmare. I’m here to take you home.”
Serenity leaned in and kissed him, then afterwards, as she raised her head back up, Traipse smiled, “You’re late ya know… but… home… sounds nice. After this… Even Equestria sounds nice.”
Serenity held out her scythe as she picked up Traipse from the floor. After he was on his hooves, he grabbed the scythe and used it as a crutch to hold himself up as he spoke, “It’s no use Serenity… even if we escape the demon king… we can’t escape Tartarus. At least not without the key…”
Serenity smiled as she held the key out, “If you show me the gate… then I’ll show us a way out.”
Traipse smiled, “And that’s why I love you so much. I believe the gate is just on the other side of this ridge. If we hurry, we can get out without being spotted. I don’t know if I can fight any demons off in my state”
The two ponies left the cell and started towards the gates location at Traipse pace.

While the two ponies continued traveling, Serenity spoke, “So what did the demon mean when he said he wanted your soul?”
Traipse replied, “Demon… you mean Lucifer… and I’m guessing you have already met a hollowed.”
“A what?”
Traipse explained, “When a creature surrenders his soul down here, the demon king Lucifer separates it into two parts, the good and the bad. The bad is turned into one of his minions and is forced to serve him for eternity. While the good remains trapped inside the body, and slowly devours itself from the inside out until the body descends into complete madness. By then, the hollowed as they are called, will commit suicide in some way or other due to its insanity. When I arrived here, I came with another mercenary who surrendered his soul almost immediately. But one week later, the hollowed body killed himself by beating his head against the wall until he cracked his skull open.”

Serenity listened in silence as she remembered the strange behavior of the griffin she met earlier. Then she asked, “But… why does he ask you to surrender your soul? Why doesn’t he just take it?”
Traipse replied, “Because he has to have consent before he can take it. Centuries ago, Lucifer would buy souls from mortals for a single wish. Nevertheless, when he was imprisoned here, he had no bargaining chips to give those who came here since all they would ever ask for was freedom. Therefore, he went from negotiations to torture. Every time a new prisoner arrived, he would torture them until they surrendered their souls to him. If the soul doesn’t allow consent, then he can’t do anything to it.”
Serenity sighed, “And our souls would be the crown jewels of his collection. With the amount of bad we have done… we would prove to be reliable minions wouldn’t we?”
Traipse nodded his head, “It’s all he ever talks about these days. And for the past four years, I’ve been able to fight him back… I’m just grateful you came for me Serenity… a few more days, and I don’t think I would have been able to hold back much longer.”

As the two ponies mad it to the top of the ridge, they looked into the distance to see massive doors that looked exactly like the gates they used to enter Tartarus. Traipse smiled as he continued using the scythe as a crutch, “Well… we might make it out of here after all.”
Serenity nodded her head, “Let’s hurry. We have to get there before we are found.”
The two ponies continued moving as fast as Traipse injuries would allow as he asked, “Bolt?… is he here too? I would guess so if you’re here.”
Serenity lowered her head in disappointment, but she didn’t reply as Traipse saw her expression and continued, “Oh… I see… well did he fall in battle?”
She nodded her head, “He did… fighting for the mare he loved.”
Traipse smiled as he shook his head, “I wonder if that Princess was really worth it.”
Serenity replied, “No… it was one of his soldiers he fell for in the end. But when she died… he lost all reason to continue so he fell quickly after that.”
Traipse sighed, “A broken heart… I'd hope he would overcome a weakness like that… but then again, if something happened to you, I don’t think I would be able to fight on either…”

The loud booming voice echoed through the area as Traipse and Serenity quickly turned until they were back to back, as a massive crack formed on the ground around them. Shortly after the crack appeared, many small demons wearing armor and carrying weapons, climbed out of the cracks, as Lucifer, flew down from above and landed between the ponies, and their destination. The monstrous demon smiled as he bowed in respect, “If I didn’t see it with my own eyes then I wouldn’t believe that I’m standing in the presence of a true legend. It’s an honor to meet the infamous Reaper of the surface world.”
Serenity glared at the demon as he raised himself back up and continued, “I'd introduce myself, but I’m afraid your comrade has already explained who I am. If you’re wondering how I discovered you… it’s the blood. Your body reeks of the blood of others… it’s so overwhelming, it made my eyes water. I can only respect one with a kill count as high as you… however, I’m afraid I can’t allow you or Traipse to leave Tartarus. You see when the surface world disown their own they banish them here forever. And even though I have no way of knowing what crime they committed, their punishment stays the same. If you enter Tartarus… your soul belongs to me.”

Serenity readied herself by gripping a needle under her cloak as she replied, “My soul is mine and mine alone. I will never give it up willingly. You’ll have to kill me first!”
Lucifer smiled, “But killing you would be such a waste I wouldn’t dream of harming a soul as precious as yours.”
As Lucifer spoke, Traipse became suspicious, He knew that Lucifer was an embodiment of foul play, so with him acting so direct, Traipse knew he was up to something. As Traipse watched Lucifer talk, he noticed that when he looked towards the ground, Lcifer’s appearance became hazy. Traipse turned his head to look behind them, only to find that what Serenity was talking to was an illusion. The real Lucifer was behind them reaching for Serenity while she was distracted by the decoy. Acting out of impulse, and surprising even Serenity, Traipse took the scythe he was using as a crutch and swung it upward behind them, Removing Lucifer’s arm just before it was close enough to grab the unsuspecting mare’s cloak.

Lucifer let out a scream of pain as his severed arm fell to the ground, turning to ash as it landed. Then two thing happened at the exact same time. Serinity turned and tossed a needle at the screaming Demon’s face while Traipse brought the scythe blade upward with the hopes of removing his head. The needle managed to make contact by digging into Lucifer’s eye… but as the scythe blade made contact with his neck, Lucifer quickly turned his body to ash, so the blade passed through leaving not so much as a cut on him. The Lucifer’s body quickly reassembled on the other side of his minions, that is, all but his severed arm and eye. With his remaining eye, Lucifer glared at his foe’s and spoke with rage, “You dare to harm me? The Demon King of Tartarus!”
Traipse stepped forward ignoring his wounds from earlier, “To Protect the mare I love… I do. I will kill any lord, Princess, King, or even God, that so much as threatened her!”

Serenity looked at Traipse and smiled as she was deeply touched by Traipse words. However, Lucifer replied with little interest in his expression, “Very well… then perhaps your soul isn’t worth the trouble. Pity… I so wanted to have you two as my minions.”
Lucifer flew into the air and spoke so that all his minions could hear, “Execute those ponies! Then hang their bodies up to rot at the front of the Gate. I want all to know what happens when you threaten Lucifer!”
With that said, Lucifer vanished as his hoard of minions charged the ponies. As the first group got close, Traipse swung the scythe cutting four in half with only one swing. As the blade passed through their bodies, the minions fell to the ground and then turned to ash shortly after leaving behind a scorch mark on the ground. While the first hoard continued attacking, Traipse continued making short work of the small demons by cutting them down in groups, while Serenity used her needles to cover his back, tossing them with enough strength to kill two or three with one throw.

As Serenity tossed her last needle, she quickly looked at Traipse as she jumped and flew into the air to dodge the blade of a striking demon, “Traipse!”
Traipse looked at her and knew what was wrong so as he finished off a swing that killed a small number of demons, he flung the scythe into the air making it spin as it was flying towards Serenity. Then he quickly picked up one of the minion’s swords and fought back the demons who were trying to attack the momentarily unarmed pony. As the scythe spun through the air towards Serenity, she timed it perfectly as she caught the weapon by its shaft and continued the scythe’s final spin to cut down the demons that were flying towards her in the air. However as she spun in the air, the key to the gate flew out of her pocket and fell into the massive crowd of demons that were trying to surround the ponies. Knowing that she wouldn’t find the key in the group, she flew back and landed next to Traipse who was doing his best to fight off the surrounding demons.

After landing back on the ground, Serenity backed up until she was next to Traipse and looked around. Though they were killing the demons in groups, more and more continued climbing out of the cracks in the ground, and to make things worse, the ash of the ones that were already dead started to reconstruct themselves and attack a second time. Looking at the hopelessness of their situation, Serenity sighed, “Traipse… the key, I can’t get to it. Its somewhere in the crowd.”
Traipse replied, “This doesn’t look good. I'd hate to say it… but I think we’ve met our match.”
Serenity tried looking for an escape route, but there weren’t any to be seen. As some demons hovered in the air above, the ground was swarming with even more making escape impossible. She took a swing of her scythe and killed five with one blow, but as soon as she finished the swing they regenerated themselves and got ready to attack again, “They just keep coming… there just isn’t any end to them.”
Traipse cut the legs out from one minion and stomped the demon as he hit the ground, “You’re right… this looks like… well… this is it…”

As the hoard of demons continued surrounding the two ponies, Serenity lowered her head as a tear started to roll down her face, “You know what Traipse… even when things seem their darkest… I’m glad I’m here to face them with you. It makes me fe…”
Traipse turned and put his hoof on her shoulder, “... Well Scy? What’s the plan? Should we pull a decoy attempt?”
Serenity smiled as she wiped the tear from her face and smiled confidently, “I don’t know Tri… maybe… we should just Improvise…”
Traipse smiled as he looked at the surrounding enemy, “You know I’m always up for a good improve… so… on my mark?”
Serenity shook her head, “No… Together.”
Traipse smiled, as he looked her in the eye, “… I love you Serenity…”
Serenity smiled back, “And I love you Traipse…”
The two ponies then looked back at their foes, raised their weapons up at the ready, and braced themselves to charge into the surrounding enemy. Then in perfect synchronization, the two Cutters spoke, “OK… Ready… Set… Go!!!”


King Harpy the forth was walking down the corridor of his palace as one of his soldiers spoke, “Are you ok your majesty? You haven’t said a word since the execution.”
The king replied, “I’m fine… it was just that commander Orem was a good friend is all. To have him call me a coward felt… unusual.”
The guard replied, “Perhaps you’re feeling guilty about his words your majesty.”
The king looked at the soldier out the corner of is eye and spoke in irritation, “And who are you to tell me how I’m feeling?”
The soldier bowed in respect as he replied, “My apologies your majesty… I didn’t mean to step out of my place.”
The king’s guards opened the door to his throne room as the king entered and replied, “You are forgiven… for now anyway.”

As the king entered his throne room, he walked over to his throne and sat down as two of his guards closed the doors leaving the king and his personal guard alone in the room, “So colonel… is there any information on the newly reformed Equestria?”
The Guard replied, “Princess Celestia has finally rounded up the resisting survivors of the Nightmare Legion, so from what I hear, the kingdom has gotten used to operating without Princess Luna to raise the moon.”
The king nodded his head, “Then to keep good relations with them, we sho…”
The king went silent as he heard a scraping sound from above. Both the king and his guard looked up in confusion but they didn’t see anything that could be responsible for the metal on marble sound that was just heard. Then with both griffins looking towards the ceiling, a voice was heard, “Nice to see you again… your majesty…”
The griffin king quickly looked in front of his throne to see a pony standing there as he gasped in shock, “You?... But… How?...”

Outside the throne room, the two door guards stood talking as they heard screams coming from inside so they rushed to open the doors but what they found shocked them. The king and his guard were murdered with no signs of entry or exit for an assassin to use. The personal guard was decapitated in a way that showed he tried to fight back, but failed. As for the king, he was found sitting on his throne with a look of sheer terror in his still opened eyes. While in his chest, stuck as if the attacker were standing on the top of his throne, was a scythe… and on the shaft, raise over the throne to claim dominance over even the griffin king… was a banner. A banner that meant salvation or destruction to all soldiers depending on which army flew it. A banner that was usually the last image seen by its victims. A banner recognized by every leader in every nation on the planet. The banner… of The Cutters.