I Am (No) God

by Animatorsnake

First published

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

The Summer Sun Celebration 1000-Year Anniversary - an event that would forever change all of Equestria, as six average mares would soon become the heroes of Equestria... Except it isn't about them; this story resolves around a stallion who was present for such an event but not only had a role in it... but just... "appeared".

Destiny is a fickle thing, many believe fate happens, things happen... Some say there's a greater force in play that does the slightest actions to change our lives... So what happens when that very power is living just down the road.

Story Theme Song/Arc 1 OP: Don't Stop
Arc 2 OP: The Shield and the Sword

Timeline: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/825197/i-am-no-god-timeline

Story Artwork: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/894389/iang-art

Character Bios: (Direct Link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rug4oFgvLCnZxrghCkOe389k3ty5gXa481jWj1SkXqY/edit?usp=sharing
(Blog Link) https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/900300/iang-update-data-inanis

Story Chronology: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1004596/iang-story-chronology

Updates: (08-24-18) Holy banana shakes, its only been seven hours and already this story got twelve likes, several people already added into their favorites, and I haven't even got to reach the third chapter... Who are you people and where is my usual readers?
(08-24-18) I GOT FEATURED! YEEEAAAHAAHAHAHA! And I whole lotta favorites, and one watch too; thank yeah all for enjoying this story!
Update (03-12-18) The new cover of IANG
(07-16-20) DAMN! WE GOT FEATURED AGAIN! Only took two bloody years and we got featured a second time!
(01-13-23) Ay yo shite! I got featured a third time after only posting my latest chapter, and the date too though could not have made it even better! HILARIOUS!
(11-24-23) Wow, I posted what is equivalent to a mini-chapter, and somehow I got featured... not going to lie, but whenever I seem to get back to posing is when I get featured... this needs some experimenting later.)
(04-11-24) Ohhh featured again, Noice.
(06-12-24) Alright another featured!

Milestone: (25-08-18) 1000+ Total Views
(25-08-18) 50+ Total Likes - Just what the heck people, you're all making my heart beat more than usual, and I'm getting the shakes! THE SHAKES!
(02-09-18) 1000+ Views of the old original first chapter
(20-09-18) YES YEEEES YEAAAAAAS *kicks boombox to play music* 100 likes baby! *insane evil laughter*
(??-11-18) Reached 1000+ Views of the current first chapter... don't know what date, but yeah
(14?maybe-11-18) HOLY SNAP, I got to pay better attention... welp reached over 100+ likes, oh and reached 5000+ Total Views too
(25-05-19) Over 10,000+ Total Views, another record breaker!
(01-11-19) 15,000+ Total Views, let's keep wracking up that number even further!
(09-12-19) 200+ Likes, now we should reach 300.
(31-01-20) 18,000+ Total Views, WOOHOO!
(21-03-20) 20,000+ Total Views, awesome!
(16-09-20) 30,000+ Total Views, WE GETTING HIGHER AND HIGHER NOW!
(02-01-21) 35,000+ Total Views, the first milestone record for 2021! LET'S REACH 40,000!
(30-03-21) AH FREAKING YES! 40,000+ Total Views in just two months from the last milestone! GO BEYOND, 50K TOTAL VIEWS!
(29-05-21) 5,000+ Views on the first chapter, we've come a long way since then
(13-11-21) So I was a tad busy, but now I got the chance to check - WE REACHED 300+ Likes, GO BEYOND!
(03-02-22) By the deities, we've reached 50,000+ Total Views! Can we reach 75,000+ and BEYOND!?
(17-09-23) 75,000+ TOTAL VIEWS! TIME WE REACHED 100k!

The Trader (Edited)

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Many ask questions that defy what is beyond their own understanding, about the possibility of the impossible, that there is an expanse of realms each unique in an endless sea of nothing. These worlds exist in a flash of a moment, both twinkling in one moment and in the next moment to be gone; all of them share one thing in common, the history and stories shared from generation to generation about the world they reside in. So in this vast expanse of heroic deeds, villainous acts, demonic forces and corrupted gods, lives a spark in this sea of nothing.

Here lives a world of harmony and magic, a place that has known peace for as long it could remember, as war and strife is nothing more than myth… It is here that our story begins; the story of someone who was the hero, who has fallen the path of the villain, has risen as the demon many seen him to be, and ruled as the mad deity he’s become… but this is a story about self-penitence, a bottomless rage from an age long gone, a life of unending torment and eternal madness…

This… is the story of the Deity of the Void… and his fall…

Another time, another place – Location Unknown; Time Unknown

...White… Whiter than the purest snow, clear of impurity and empty of everything… That was the best way to describe this world, as it extended as far as the eye could see. Where I am though wasn’t important, but rather what was happening… What was happening?

The clashing of metal, gunshots and spells being fired echoed silently across the wide expanse as explosions and smoke was the only things seen other than the pure white. A group consisting of various people wielded different weapons – swords, shields, spears, guns, staffs, and various other objects. The group while had their own reasons of being here, were all convinced by one single individual. The individual in question was blurry, with only two distinct features about this person, the colors red and blue.

Ah yes… I was fighting, it would have been the greatest… and most humiliating fight I’d be a part of; I was ready for everything, every possible outcome and even if I wasn’t ready, they’d soon understand why I was the Deity of the Void soon enough… If it weren’t for him.

The leader of the group seemed to have shouted something but the words were blurred and garbled as if what was happening, wasn’t happening. The group all stared with different expressions at the entity and monster they came to defeat; the one responsible for so much pain and suffering… of every problem being his own fault… even if he was a deity. The entity standing before them couldn’t be properly described, the closest description was of a humanoid entity shrouded in blackish flames, that swayed under a windless area wherever it was. It had no discernible pupils, but two white and bright eyes that gazed with a hateful look that seemed to devour everything within his sight.

The shadowy entity opened one of his hands, the palm facing upward, as a ball of pitch black energy began to coalesce together into one of the most terrifying things that the entity has seen through the many realms he’s seen – a black-hole. The black-hole began to consume anything within its sight, the entity unbothered by the slowly growing black ball; as the group tried to stand their ground, they ended up skidding or having to hold onto someone’s outstretching hand.

Victory would have been assured… but… I wasn’t just against simple mortals.

One of the members of the group stepped forward and with an outstretched hand clasped it close, causing the black-hole to be disintegrated by an unseen force. Many of those at that battle were from a creation of mine… one I would both regret… and become intrigued, that defied me to this day.

After the black-hole vanished, the leader charged forward with an interesting weapon – it was a sword made of white steel that glowed, with ten gems of varying colors embedded into the cross-guard. The weapon was one of twelve weapons, capable of actually slaying godly entities, going so far to wipe their existence too… one of ‘his’ weapons; his old weapons.

The shadowy entity dodged the sword easily… but as he was about to finish him off, he felt a blast of Void energy fired at him by a feminine figure that looked similar to the leader. The blast while not fatal was a good distraction… distracting enough to direct the entity’s attention toward the girl. With a sadistic gaze, the entity unleashed a powerful beam of Void energy that nearly killed her, sheering off one of her arms into non-existence.

This attack enraged the leader, as he was about to strike the final blow against the entity, was blocked by a pure black sword. Both weapons clashed, both fueled by equal emotions from both their owners – wrath. An explosion of opposite energies blanked out all sound and light as both the leader and entity screamed at one another… until nothing remained, not even dust.

Both the leader and entity were gone, sacrificing himself to defeat the one true monster of all their problems was gone… alongside the greatest heroes that once lived that time… But things don’t go the way they want… unseen to the wounded, the enraged deity plummeted into a random part of the Void to lick his wounds and hide… but to where would be the question…

That however would all crumble together as something felt off; a random weight was on the sleeper of this memory, snapping his eyes to the waking world.

Equestria; Ponyville, the Obsidian Shack; 5:50am

The stallion opened his eyes to the waking world, before realizing all he saw was darkness… and something soft. Reaching his hoof to where his face should be, the stallion felt a small furry object clinging to his face, pushing its tiny snout into his mane. Seeing as he was woken abruptly, the stallion flung said object off him until said object fell off the bed, landing on a chair as both the object and chair clattered to the floor.

The stallion grumbled a little, not liking his time for sleep to be taken away… for many reasons; the stallion stared at the one responsible for waking him up, glowering at the still napping cub bear. This cub bear’s fur was purple with three blue lines across the back and as it opened its eyes with a yawn, cerise orbs scanned it’s surroundings before glancing at the stallion. Both the stallion and the cub looked at one another before the cub simply climbed back on the bed, gazing up at the stallion with a blank look, when in reality it was just as miffed too.

“Don’t give me that look, if you want to sleep, how come you won’t use your own bedding?” The stallion pointed at the edge of the bed where some circle of pillows and blanket was; the cub returned to face the stallion, but did a small roar as an answer. “...Your excuse is because you’re afraid I might fall off my bed when I’m asleep, so you make sure I’m still laying on it by sleeping on top of me...”

The cub flapped its ears as an answer and in return the stallion bopped the cub’s head lightly. “Do that again and you’re not getting fish; the last time you slept on me, you ended up napping on my head for a whole day.” The cub huffed, before jumping down and pushing the door to outside open, as the door closed back again, the stallion sighed and got off the bed too.

Gazing outside his window, which was tinted black so less sunlight got through, he could discern it was going to be sunrise soon and with that being the start of the day for him. Doing some morning stretches, he ends it by twisting his neck that created some audible pops, then stepping outside. The sky while not as bright was bright enough to show a slightly dark blue sky with some yellow, red, and orange, that mixed with the blue to create a purple color across the sky by the rising sun in the horizon.

Looking around him, the stallion lived in a small one-room house called the Obsidian Shack, built by himself, there was also a tool-shed at least three meters from the house, while a couple more meters was a storage barn with most of his belongings inside. There was a farm which had various interesting produce not often found in Equestria and some other commonly grown produce alongside it; while to the east was a sizable lake for fishing, which had two trees with a hammock tied to them for a good place to rest and relax.

There was a sign some distance near some trees that was the barrier from a dirt path that led to either his neighbor’s home or to town. Trotting to the sign, the stallion gazed at what was written, being the stallion’s name and when this was all built. Eclipse Light’s property; made in Aug 2, 1499 A.E.

Straightening the sign, Eclipse trotted by the trees until ending up on the other side to the dirt path. Looking down both ways, he faced the path towards the town known as Ponyville, heading there for a few reasons; breakfast being one of them, another is his daily morning run… and another was because of a special event coming to Ponyville. Having done his research it was called the Summer Sun Celebration, basically being the longest day of the whole year. However further research later, Eclipse found it was also the anniversary of the forgotten princess of Equestria, Princess Celestia’s sister, Princess Luna who became a being called Nightmare Moon, a mare who wished nothing but eternal darkness forever upon Equestria.

The thought of someone wanting eternal darkness was one, inefficient, since how you’re suppose to rule a world when everything that doesn’t depend on the night would wither and die, and two… the nightmare part reminded Eclipse of something… from his past.

If what was written in that book is true, then I may need to make sure that nothing like that would gain any more attention from outside forces’.

Eclipse shook the thought away and began his trot to Ponyville. “But, that will be for another time,” said Eclipse. “I should see if they’re open this time with the festivities being prepared.”

Ponyville, Town Hall Square; 6:10am

The trot to town hall wasn’t that long for the stallion called Eclipse Light, having been intensively familiar with the building throughout the month he’s been living in Ponyville. It was just nearly a month already that he’s been in this small town, living with all the… quirky folk who live here. There have especially been five particular mares he’s been well acquainted with, only being friends with two of them since the day he arrived to Ponyville, while the others are simply acquaintances, but he occasionally sees them. Though one of them seems to hold a tight grudge with him since his first arrival to this town; the two have reconciled how they acted to one another, but they wouldn’t call themselves friends to that degree.

After circling town which takes a couple minutes for Eclipse when speed-walking and a few minutes running, he reached his end destination for the run; Sugarcube Corner, while having an odd design is Eclipse’s favorite spot anytime of the day and where he usually goes to eat… it was actually the only place he goes to eat often. Luckily the bakery was open early because it being the celebration today, some of the ponies were given different things to do to prepare for the celebration. The owners of the bakery, the Cakes – Cupcake and Carrot Cake – were responsible for making pastries for the celebration.

Entering inside the bakery, the inside was empty with only one pony inside that was handling the counter. This pony was a pink pony, her cutiemark being three balloons of yellow and blue, the mare was humming to herself with a happy tune before turning around with a smile. “Oh hiya Ipsy! You up and early as usual!” said Pinkie.

Pinkamena Diane Pie, aka Pinkie Pie; age twenty, her cutiemark relates to her talent of party-planning, event-planning and… well if it involves, cakes, balloons, games, and anything considered fun for her, then she’ll be involved in some way. Out of the ponies I’ve met in this town, she’s the one I’m most intrigued about; she’s also the one who seems to understand my need for solitude for somepony so rambunctious, only acting perky around me whenever she likes, but doesn’t intrude on my own business. She might have a hidden talent in understanding others… that or she’s good at learning others secrets. “Hello Pinkie, the same thing as usual,” said Eclipse.

Pinkie smiled back in return, heading to the back for something forEclipse, returning back with a blueberry muffin and apple juice. Once hoofing the muffin and juice, Eclipse gave the bits needed then sat down on the seats near the windows. As Eclipse sat there gazing at the early morning sky, Pinkie sat across from him, holding her head up with her hooves and giving a warm smile.

“Soooo… How was your day?” asked Pinkie.

Eclipse took a sip of his apple juice, savoring the drink, glancing at Pinkie before processing a response to say. “Well, if you call having Luella napping on my face being ‘good’ then I’d say my day’s been the same; you know Pinkie… I really feel like the two of us are friends,” said Eclipse.

Pinkie began to brighten happily… till her hope was crushed just as quickly as it came. “Sadly I have to be honest and only see you as somepony to have a conversation with.” Pinkie pouted and crossed her legs in an annoyed manner.

“And how come, we’ve known each other for a month and out of everypony – well except Rainbow – I’m the one who hasn’t been considered a friend or someone you’d want to visit! You’re being a big meanie Ipsy!”

Sighing, Eclipse scooted over to Pinkie and patted her head awkwardly. “Pinkie, for starters I’m in a business contract with Applejack and while she and I have a good friendship, it’s mostly for business. Rarity visits me often for my rare silks I sell, we barely chat beyond that… Fluttershy though…” Eclipse couldn’t find the words why he himself was so friendly with Fluttershy out of everypony he’s met… he sees a part of himself in her… a part of him that he hasn’t seen for so long.

“What about Fluttershy, are you two dat-” Eclipse immediately went from a straight face expression to a frown as he stuffed his hoof into Pinkie’s mouth without a second thought.

“What did I told you about assuming things around me… especially about me,” said Eclipse, with a dangerous edge.

Pinkie removed the hoof in her, as she smiled nervously, gently putting his hoof back on the table. “Now now Eclipse, I didn’t mean to get you upset, its just you two are way closer than the others, you two practically can be seen being in a relationship you know.”

Eclipse continued to glare, making Pinkie sweat; the last time she gotten Eclipse this upset was when she pranked him weeks ago, the last thing you want was Eclipse angry, he’s like an out of control train. The two stared at one another, ending with Eclipse nodding in agreement and munching on his muffin grumpily, at the same time, the pony in question came entering with another mare.

“Good morning darlings, hello Sir Eclipse, I see you are up and early as usual,” said Rarity.

“Hello Eclipse, I hope you had a good rest… not that I’m trying to intrude or anything...” said Fluttershy.

“Hey Rarity, hey Fluttershy! We were just talking about you girls, I’ll go get you two something to eat!”

“Thank you Pinkie dear, I’ll just have some tea for me, do you want anything Fluttershy?”

“Tea for me too, if that’s alright.” After being given some orders, Pinkie went off to pour some tea for her friends; the two mares sat on the table Eclipse was sitting on – Fluttershy sat beside Eclipse and Rarity sat beside Fluttershy. The three had nothing to say or speak about, so the two mares decided to converse with one another, leaving Eclipse busy with his thoughts; glancing at the two mares Eclipse thought about what he knew about the two.

Rarity; age twenty-three, her cutiemark are three diamonds, relating to things considered beautiful or fashionable to her. She works as a seamstress and a “fashionista”, owning her own building that counts as her store and home. She’s a regular for my stand when buying supplies for her store or sometimes visit to have a small chat; she and I are at terms to being fellow store-owners, but for her she considers us social friends.

Fluttershy; age twenty-one, her cutiemark are three butterflies with pink wings, her talent is a unique one as she can communicate and understand animals. Out of all the ponies I’ve met, she’s the shiest pony I’ve met, but her kind and sweet nature make her a better approach than the others. Oddly enough when I first met her, she was quite the opposite of what I considered shy. The two of us have become good friends; both of us liking our solitude and peaceful quiet lives, most cases she would visit me, in most occasions the two of us napping together…

Eclipse shook his head from the odd feeling in his head, something about that mare reminded him about something… but he couldn’t quite remember what exactly. The clatter of porcelain was heard as two teacups on plates was placed down before the girls by Pinkie, who returned with her own meal, a pink frosted donut with sprinkles. “Pinkie, is that healthy to eat so early in the morning?” asked Rarity.

“Wouldn’t Pinkie working in a bakery mean that everything she eats consists of sweets? I doubt she be able to find something else to eat here, even if she had the choice to,” said Eclipse. “Though it answers why she’s hyper twenty-four-seven.”

Rarity thought about this and agreed with a nod. “I guess that makes sense, but seriously you need to eat properly and not just sweets and pastries everyday.”

With half of the girls here now, Eclipse got their attention with a cough; the girls and himself volunteered to helping with setting up this year’s Summer Sun Celebration for Ponyville. Rarity was responsible of decorations, Fluttershy was responsible for music, Eclipse handled making fireworks, while Pinkie dealt with entertainment; the other two, Applejack and Rainbow were doing catering and clearing the skies of clouds.

“Where’s Applejack as of right now exactly?” asked Eclipse.

“I think she mentioned having her family reunion during the morning and afternoon, but she’ll bring the food to the town hall in the evening,” said Fluttershy.

“Well as long she’s ready I suppose… and Rainbow?”

The girls knew that Eclipse and Rainbow had a sour first impression, the two tolerating one another but not putting any effort for a friendly relationship. Even though Rainbow was sorry about a few things she said to Eclipse, the two decided to stay out of each other’s mane for the coming time since Eclipse came to Ponyville.

“She’ll handle the clouds, so don’t worry your little head Ipsy!” said Pinkie.

Eclipse sighed, leaning back on his seat, gazing back out the window as the sky began to turn into a light blue with some ponies beginning to wake up now. Seeing that the morning time was starting to begin, he stood up from his seat and headed to the exit. “I should get ready now, I just remembered Applejack asked me a few days ago to deliver some barrels of Flavor Soda to her. I was wondering what reason she needed some, but if it had to be for this reunion then it makes sense.”

“Well we should all be getting ready for the celebration,” said Rarity. Everypony stood up and as Eclipse was leaving, Rarity remembered something but was too late to tell Eclipse. “Oh I almost forgot, apparently I heard they’re sending somepony from Canterlot to oversee the preparations here. Imagine somepony from Canterlot, I just wonder who they are exactly!”

“Maybe we should tell Eclipse about that, you know how he dislikes surprises or things he isn’t prepared for,” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure Eclipse is also expecting somepony to see how things are doing here, the princess is of course coming here for the celebration so it obviously makes sense they send somepony ahead to check things.”

As the girls got ready for the celebration, Eclipse trotted some distance from Sugarcube Corner back to his property, when thoughts about the celebration and its true purpose came to mind. The one thousand-year anniversary of Nightmare Moon… I should make some preparations if things don’t go so well.Eclipse trotted down the street, an unnoticed smile crossing his face; he grinned with dark intent at the idea of meeting somepony who’d entertain him for awhile.

“This day might get interesting after all,” said Eclipse, chuckling.

Canterlot, Twilight’s Tower; 8:00am

Twilight was panicking majorly, after doing further research about the story and history of the Summer Sun Celebration, she discovered of the coming of Nightmare Moon and her promise of revenge of an eternal night. Her mane was a mess, as she hurriedly looked everywhere for the one thing that had defeated Nightmare Moon before; an ancient artifact used by Princess Celestia called the Elements of Harmony. As she was searching for said book about the artifacts, Spike came in with a yawn having been asleep still and had a cup of warm milk in his claw, sipping the drink.

“Spike, finally you’re awake! I need you to find me the book on the Elements of Harmony and send a letter to Princess Celestia, there’s something I’ve discovered that she needs to know!” shouted Twilight.

“Okay calm down Twilight, can you not panic like that one time you thought you were late returning a book but the librarian told us they had enough copies of the book and gave you that one for free. I swear every time I’m not around you’ll end up making things over-complicated and panic even further,” said Spike, rubbing his eyes. “Just… breath and calm down.”

Twilight took several deep breaths, using her hoof to express her exhales and inhales; she then smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Spike… things have been frustrating lately, there was some incident in Canterlot a few weeks ago at some bar. The Royal Guard reported finding several of the patrons beaten to a pulp, but they couldn’t find the culprit… all they could remember was somepony who was minding his own business but was approached by some shady ponies; he also had an unfamiliar cutiemark that nopony has ever seen before.”

“Why are you panicking over what happened to some bar far from where we live?”

“Its just that the incident was so strange; nopony could remember any large defining details except for his cutiemark, but everything else was blank. Not only that, this was the biggest crime that involved any form of violence in years, the last incident being some fight between a minotaur and a griffin, and both were drunk… this… this felt like a full on battle with the number of ponies knocked out. The only reason I know is because I was nearby; I heard some commotion but I thought it was nothing… I could of done something to stop it but-”

Spike calmed down Twilight by rubbing the back of her neck, the feeling relaxing Twilight immediately. “Thanks Spike,” said Twilight, gratefully.

“No problem, I am your number one assistant after all! Now what’s this book you need me to find, the Elements of Harmony right?” asked Spike. Twilight nodded and like that Spike went off, climbing up a ladder to look through the large bookcase to find the book in question. Deciding to look at the book about Nightmare Moon, there was one thing she remembered about the night of the bar fight.

The guards also mentioned that the culprit wasn’t a local or anypony from any known criminal list, but they know the pony was an earth pony for certain, by the fact that there was no magical residue in the aftermath of the fight or anypony flying away from the bar afterwards; it had to been an earth pony with the fact that many ponies couldn’t been beaten by any common unicorn or pegasus.

“Hey Twilight, found the book,” said Spike, handing her the book. After levitating the book up and reading it quickly, she closed it and looked at Spike.

“Okay Spike, I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia about what I discovered.” After telling Spike what to write, sending said letter with his magical dragon fire, a response came back immediately. Reading the letter gave Twilight a confused expression, Spike deciding to see what was written on it, chuckled.

“How come the princess doesn’t believe in the prophecy? Not only that but I’m being sent to this town called Ponyville to check preparations of the celebration. I thought she see how important this all was,” said Twilight.

“Well she’s also sending you to make friends; come on Twilight this can’t be all that bad. You been pretty stressful this past month, maybe we can finally get some relaxation at this place now,” said Spike.

Giving in, Twilight agreed it did make some sense; preparing for the trip to Ponyville, the two took some of their personal belongings and headed to Canterlot Castle for the flying carriage that’ll take them there. I wonder who’ll I meet there?

Ponyville, Town Center; 10:30am

Eclipse was pulling one of his wagons full of four barrels worth of two different types of Flavor Soda, the weight of the wagon and barrels not a problem for him. He was taking the barrels to Sweet Apple Acres now, on the dirt road to the Apple family farm and as he trotted down the path, he finally reached the familiar wooden archway with the family logo on the wooden sign. Crossing the archway, he spotted various ponies with apple-related cutiemarks on their flanks, all of them mingling and talking with one another happily.

“Eclipse! You’re finally here!” Looking among the crowd of ponies, came out a stetson-wearing mare, her coat orange and her mane and tail being blond, as her cutiemark were three red apples.

Applejack; age twenty-four, her cutiemark consists of three red apples, obviously relating to her family’s trade of apple-related products. She was the first of few ponies I made contracts with; I promised to assist her on bucking apple trees whenever she needed the help and in return I get a quarter share of the bucket of apples, depending on the number of trees I’ve bucked. Her family that lives with her here consist of her younger sister, Applebloom who should be starting school by a few days from now, her older brother Big Mac; the two of us didn’t start off on good terms, but after helping out in the farm on my first day, the two of us gained a good friendship. Finally there’s the matron of the family, Granny Smith, the oldest known member I know in the apple family, her wisdom and experience counter her old age… sometimes.

Eclipse removed the clasp of the harness that connected him to the wagon, before approaching the smiling apple farmer. “Good afternoon Applejack, I delivered the barrels as you requested,” said Eclipse, with a business-like manner.

“Thank you for this… if I need to give you bits later for the help, I’ll gladly do so,” said Applejack.

“There’s no need, I know your family barely manages on some seasons with just enough money to keep the farm up and standing. The contract of gaining a portion of some of your family’s apples is good enough for me, it should be I who should lend you bits,” said Eclipse.

“Oh shucks, that’s swell of you, but as a fellow hard-worker yourself I can’t ask for bits from you… Say, how’s preparations back at town doing, once I’m done here at the reunion I got some of the food ready to be delivered at the town hall?”

“Things are doing fine I believe.” Eclipse checked the sun, seeing it was almost eleven o’clock soon. “I should get going, I need to open shop some time now. I’ll leave the wagon here and come back to get it, have a good reunion Applejack.”

Eclipse bowed and turned around to leave, Applejack waving goodbye and thanking him as she shouted back at him. “Again, thank you for this!” As Eclipse left, he trotted down the dirt path, listening to the wind blow and sway against the leaves of the apple trees, the warm summer air blowing against his mane. Trotting down the peaceful path, he heard some talking further ahead, taking a look he spotted a unicorn and… a baby dragon; both were in a middle of a conversation, the mare asking the drake something, on a scroll he was holding between his claws.

“So who’re we seeing first Spike?” asked the mare.

“Let’s see… we’re suppose to see a pony by the name of Applejack, she’s handling the catering for the celebration.” The two trotted down the path, until Eclipse and the mare made eye contact, both stopping to look at one another. They continued to stare at one another, Eclipse showing as little interest into their conversation, while Twilight gave a tilt of her head.

The unicorn smiled a little before speaking to Eclipse. “Excuse me, we’re trying to find a pony by the name of Applejack, is she further down this path?” Eclipse deciding to assist these two finding Applejack, as it was the farmer’s business and not his; pointing a hoof further down the path, not requiring the need for words to get his point. “Oh just down the path, well, thank you for the directions. Come on Spike.”

“Wait up Twilight!” The drake hobbled behind the now named mare, the two vanishing further down the dirt path, but as they left Eclipse felt as though he seen that mare somewhere before. Where have I seen that mare before? Eclipse decided to figure it out another day later, so continuing his way back to town; Eclipse later went back home, strapped his movable stand to town center that was where Sugarcube Corner is and after setting up his shop, he was ready for the day.

Waiting patiently, he gained several interested buyers, selling Flavor Soda, other interesting foods, some items that the locals wanted to use and another item of use called Element Orbs; the orbs had many uses based on a crystal inside them called an Element Crystal. One example of what one of the orbs did was the Ice Orb, which was commonly used in the summer, for its cooling effects, keeping anypony near them nice and chilled during the hot summer days.

After selling some of his product to one pony, he slid the bits into a metal box until a familiar face headed toward him… or specially, bounced toward him. “Ipsy! Ipsy! IPSY! You won’t believe what or who I saw!” shouted Pinkie. Sliding toward the front of his stand, she picked up some dust as she stopped in front of the stand. After the dust cleared Eclipse found a smiling Pinkie, who had both her forehooves clasped together.

Deciding to stoke the flames that would surely turn into a firestorm, Eclipse responded back. “And who exactly did you saw?” asked Eclipse.

“I SAW TWO NEW PONIES! Well one of them was a dragon, but two new future friends are here! Oh I never met a dragon before, I bet he’s ferocious and awesome like Rainbow Dash! That unicorn though tried to say hi to me but I was so shocked that there was somepony new that I ran off and wanted to tell somepony and I saw you and-” Pinkie was silenced as Eclipse shoved a bottle of Flavor Soda, which shushed and satisfied the hyper ball of pink fluff.

“I already know, I saw them headed to Applejack’s about her catering; they’re probably the two whom were sent from Canterlot to check the status of the celebration. If they’re here, I recommend you should get the entertainment ready too,” said Eclipse.

Pinkie removed the now empty bottle of soda before smiling up at Eclipse. “Oh don’t worry, I have that all taken care of, but I should prepare a surprise party for them. I also heard they’re going to live here at the old library!”

Now this gotten Eclipse’s attention, further making him think about the news about these now two new residents of Ponyville. “Why would somepony from Canterlot be sent here to check things and be moved here if they’re only to oversee the preparations of an event that comes once a year?” said Eclipse, muttering a rhetorical question.

“I bet somepony higher up told them to live here, because they’ve been living in a solitude lifestyle for their entire life, so whoever sent them thought they should make some friends or something,” said Pinkie, answering Eclipse’s question.

There was one thing Eclipse learned since living here in Ponyville, no matter how odd or weird things happened here, whether it be coming from Pinkie or not, Eclipse didn’t bother to question it… he’s seen weirder things in his life, Pinkie wasn’t the biggest oddity he’s seen.

“Well I gotta go Ipsy, I got a party to prepare!” And like that, Pinkie dashed off as she left an after-image of herself before it too vanished. Eclipse didn’t bother being surprised by the impossible, either too busy in his own thoughts or not caring. It was at that same time that he got another visit from someone else; climbing up the front of the stand was Luella, who plopped herself down, she also had something in her mouth, a book that possibly came from the library.

“...I’d ask where you got that, but I’m probably not going to like the answer,” said Eclipse, slightly upset. The cub dropped the book and just pawed it, then looking up at Eclipse. Seeing that Luella wanted him to read the book, he took the book in hoof and looking at the cover and reading it. “‘Elements of Harmony’… the same elements, that supposedly sealed away this Nightmare Moon?” Luella nodded, nudging him to read it; opening the book, Eclipse skimmed through some parts until reaching parts that intrigued him a little, then closing it.

After some further thought on the legend of Nightmare Moon, the magical stones called the Elements of Harmony and the thousand-year promise to return… all clues led that this night would be the night of her return. There were many coincidences in life, many moments that could have been sheer luck… but every story has a shred of truth in them and it’s that truth you would need to be most afraid of. Putting the book away into one of the shelves of the stand, Eclipse decided to close up shop early, seeing as he wasn’t getting a lot of activity today with the celebration and seeing he now had something to check.

“Looks like I’m going to be busy for today after all; Luella, go and set up the fireworks at the town hall, if nothing shifty happens there set them off, but if something does occur, find me at the ruins… I need to go and find something I may had overlooked.” Eclipse puts on the harness to move the stand and began heading back to his home, to put the stand away safely. Luella watched Eclipse leaving back home, having to trot through Ponyville Park to head there, so receiving his given orders, Luella ran to a nearby alleyway before vanishing into the shadows, melding with them due to her dark fur. A flash of dark light appeared and disappeared, nopony nearby to have notice what had occurred.

Ponyville, Ponyville Park; 11:15am

Once arriving at the park, Eclipse moved the moving stand behind him as its wheels crushed grass and small stone under it, but as he neared the park, he saw three figures up ahead heading for him. All three were familiar, as he could recognize one of them being Fluttershy, while the other two were the unicorn and dragon he met who were looking for Applejack. Fluttershy was currently in a deep conversation with the drake, or in this case he was telling her his life’s story; as both Eclipse and the group were starting to get close, Fluttershy noticed Eclipse and flew up to him. “Hello Eclipse, look there’s a baby dragon, have you ever met a dragon before in your life?” asked Fluttershy, excited.

It was rare to find Fluttershy excited about anything, the only thing getting her attention is if it was related to animals or other creatures. “I’ve met my fair share of reptilian creatures before, some dragons I encountered are known to hoard piles of treasures beyond anyone’s imagination,” said Eclipse. The two who were with Fluttershy approached, before the mare recognized Eclipse instantly.

“Hey, you’re the stallion that helped us with the directions before; thank you for showing us where to go, um… What’s your name?”

“I’m Eclipse Light; local trader and inventor, I heard that you are the pony sent from Canterlot to check everything going on, for the Summer Sun Celebration. May I ask what your name would be?” asked Eclipse.

“Well my name is Twilight Sparkle, apprentice of Princess Celestia, and this here is my number one assistant, Spike. You’re supposed to be responsible with fireworks correct, I was heading back to the local library to stay for the night, but I’m wondering if you have them set up and everything?”

“I have them set for the night when the princess should arrive, but I’m busy at the moment with something, I’d like to continue this conversation later; I’ll be seeing you all later, have a good afternoon you two.” Eclipse trotted off with the stand behind him, and as they saw him leave, Twilight for once found him the most decent and normal pony she’s seen in this town so far.

“Well he was nice,” said Twilight.

“I don’t know… felt like he was avoiding us,” said Spike.

“Eclipse can be often busy sometimes; how about we go to your new home, I know a quick way to get there,” said Fluttershy. “But can we go back to talking about you Mr Spike?”

“Oh well, back when I had just hatched from my egg,” said Spike, continuing his life story.

Twilight sighed, leaving with the two to the library, but stopped to think about when she saw Eclipse. His cutiemark… I never seen anything like that before… maybe I can get a connection at the Royal Library to see about family cutiemarks.

The two continued down the path of the park to the local library, Golden Oaks Library, the three soon encountering a surprise that’ll be coming for them once arriving.

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 6:30pm

After the surprise party, her drinking some hot sauce thinking it was a drink and running upstairs, those downstairs continued to party in her supposed new home… but none of this didn’t bother or upset her. Ever since she saw Eclipse’s cutiemark, she couldn’t stop thinking of him in her head; now she wasn’t into him or anything rather his cutiemark was intriguing, especially for an earth pony like him.

Once she got upstairs into her room, she asked Spike to send a quick letter to Princess Celestia if she could get a book on family cutiemarks from the Royal Library. At first she thought the princess would ignore this request and tell her to make friends, but her response was a good one as there didn’t seem to be any harm in her getting said books. She received several books on family lines and cutiemarks, as they were teleported right in front of her; she was reading through the eleventh book of the twelve she received and still she couldn’t find anything on the stallion’s cutiemark.

“Guuuh! How hard is it to find a cutiemark like his in these books or at least one similar like his, I’m certain a cutiemark that’s as interesting as his, would mean he has to have some sort of family history here, or something,” said Twilight, levitating the book she was reading away, for the next one.

Opening this one, she skimmed through it before she found an interesting part of the book, that talked about cutiemarks relating to stars.

Ponies who have these cutiemarks are commonly known to be from unicorns, especially those with powerful magic, but the chance of non-unicorns getting a star cutiemark is possible; this can happen if a member from that pony’s family heritage is a unicorn. Another important factor is this; non-unicorns and unicorns with five-pointed stars, or less mean their magic level is enough for basic unicorn spells, and has no adverse, or special abilities for non-unicorns, no matter how many stars said pony has. However, there have been rare occurrences of either a unicorn, or non-unicorn getting more than a five-pointed star, for example a six-pointed star; those with a six-pointed star have access to large stores of magic, while non-unicorns could be descendants to a unicorn, who had access to powerful spells in the past. Now even if a unicorn doesn’t have a six-pointed star, doesn’t mean they have small stores of magic, even those who are said to only have four, or five-pointed stars have miraculous magic power and magical talent. However, throughout the recorded history of Equestria and before… As Twilight turned the page to the rest of the paragraph she read it carefully, the implications starting to grow serious for her.

“‘...there has never once or ever been, a pony with a star above a six-pointed star; if there were ever such a pony, like somepony with a ten-pointed star or higher… they be stronger than even the princess herself.’ A ten… pointed… star.” Quickly, Twilight grabbed a pencil and some paper and drew a crude drawing of Eclipse’s cutiemark from what she could remember – since she only saw it once during the second time she met him.

The crude drawing showed a ten-pointed star, but not one that had all ten points at a different direction; while only two of the points went north and south, the other eight points were paired up in twos, each making one odd point with two smaller points jutting out each of the corners. Twilight was sure there was something in the center, but couldn’t remember what it was and so after done drawing, she pondered about Eclipse’s cutiemark, and what it meant for him to have such a unique cutiemark.

“Ten-pointed star… Stronger than the princess… Hmmmm,” said Twilight, gazing at the setting sun. I wonder if Eclipse knows how special he is, maybe I should ask the girls if Eclipse has any special history here in Equestria.

Outside of Ponyville – Edge of the Everfree Forest; 6:40pm

Watching the sun begin to set and disappear over the horizon, Eclipse turned to gaze at the dark and gloomy Everfree Forest; having been here before half a month ago was… unpleasant to say the least. None of the dangers within weren’t truly a threat to him, but due to his focus being distracted, he ended up comatose deep in the forest. Not one of his greatest moments, but it made the perfect excuse to say he accidentally misplaced his hoof on where he was trotting, he didn’t want anypony to know why he was in there.

Now having to go there once again, but this time without any needed supplies as he memorized the path he needed to be taking; if what the book on those, “Elements of Harmony” were correct, then the only logical place they were both kept and left behind would be the same place he found at his last trip in this forest.

“What secrets do you hold within this ancient forest perhaps… I’ll figure out soon enough,” said Eclipse. Smiling to himself, he trotted forward, the nearby wildlife sensing his presence, running the opposite direction from whatever ominous force they felt and that was unseen by normal eyes.

True Nightmares (Edited)

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Everfree Forest; 7:00pm

Eclipse knew that the festivities of the Summer Sun Celebration began at exactly at nine o’clock, but due to it beginning to be dark now, it greatly emphasized the shadows and darkness of the Everfree Forest. None of this seemed to faze or bother him, but in response to the darkness, Eclipse continued unabated by the eerie silence of the Everfree; trotting down the path, he stopped, sensing familiar auras approaching him ahead.

Glancing at the direction that these auras were coming from, soon he could hear the faint rustling of the bushes, until a foul smell overcame the air, as something rotten was approaching. Since it was complete darkness, only the barest of the moon’s light slipped through the cracks of the branches; several set of yellow glowing eyes gazed back at him as they growled at the lonely pony, easy prey in their eyes.

Not batting an eye, the wooden wolves surrounded him each giving their own menacing look, until one bold Timberwolf charged with saliva-like sap dripping from it’s open maw. Imagining sinking it’s teeth into flesh, the Timberwolf felt a whole other feeling, which began to slowly grow within it’s core, and like that the Timberwolf exploded into wooden shrapnel as bits and pieces of what remained of the creature clattered against it’s fellows.

The confused glances at what just happened to one of their kin was so sudden, that before any could make a move, the pony rushed forth with impossible speeds to one of them. With an utter slam of Eclipse’s right forehoof, he smashed the head of another Timberwolf, as the body went limp from the quick execution. Now yelping in fear, the Timberwolves began to back away in fear now realizing this wasn’t any ordinary pony; seeing them scamper away in fear, Eclipse showed no mercy and so with his raised hoof three black shadowy orbs were shot forth from his hoof, all three orbs blasting the designated targets to dust, which left only one Timberwolf to remain.

Seeing his comrades easily decimated so quickly, the wooden wolf ran with it’s tail between its legs; still having his hoof pointed at the retreating creature, Eclipse clicked his tongue, lowering his leg back down. Coward.

Now free of further interruptions, Eclipse trotted further down the path, leaving behind his wanton destruction behind, like walking through a field of grass. He continued down the path, finding all wildlife miles away from him, making his nighttime trot through the forest utterly silent. Seeing as the silence wasn’t the forest being creepy or eerie, rather the fact something much more terrifying now roamed within the ancient trees.

Eclipse soon came upon a crossroads, but this wasn’t an issue as he knew which way he was needed to go, continuing his journey without slowing down the slightest. Some time passed by, and while Eclipse could had reached his destination quickly, he was in no hurry, as he would finally arrive at his location in just an hour and a half later. After crossing through more trees, he came upon the place he was looking for, standing vigilant for who knows how long, was an ancient and decrepit castle.

Moss enveloped most of the castle, with some of the structure either already collapsed or cracked from age or the weather. The only path to cross was a suspended bridge that shouldn’t be safe to cross, due to the molded boards, or how easily the wind blew the bridge to shift about. Crossing the bridge though never crossed Eclipse’s mind of it being dangerous it could be to do, as he managed to reach the other side without any complications.

Looking at the old pathway to the castle’s doors, he trotted up the steps to the doors, pushing the degraded wooden doors as they creaked open; the ground of what was assumed to be the castle foyer had several paths that led who knows where, and some stairs that headed to an upper part of the castle. The ground was coated with a layer of dust and rocks, there were some tapestries that were somewhat intact and a red carpet that was placed and led to the paths in the foyer.

Now… where shall I look. Eclipse closed his eyes to focus, the air around him shifted as if some sort of invisible force was moving the surrounding debris; with a slight movement of his head, Eclipse glanced at one of the four paths, trotting down the closest left path. The path was just like the rest of the castle, but soon the surrounding area transformed as he soon found himself back outside, now trotting on a stone pathway, that led to another decrepit building some distance away.

Making his way to the building, Eclipse was greeted by two more aged wooden doors, but opening these with a single push of his hoof caused the doors to fall back, and create a cloud of dust to appear. After the dust cleared, Eclipse found himself in a roofless room with a strange statue in the center; the statue had five pedestals on different levels, as they each held a single stone orb with a symbol engraved on them, the middle was bare of anything, as if something was supposed to be there once but wasn’t there anymore.

The aura he looked for was coming from the statue, so with closer examination he sensed five, no… six unique auras signatures, each one in the stone orb with the six being in the middle pedestal that was bare and empty. “Found you,” said Eclipse. Extending his hoof, Eclipse took careful care of one of the five stone orbs he held; with his eyes closed, he could sense the immense energy that came off from just one of the orbs, but it wasn’t too powerful by his standards. “So these are the ‘Elements of Harmony’, not what I expected but if so, time to do what I came for, though this may take awhile… luckily I shouldn’t be disturbed for awhile.” Putting the stone orb back on its original pedestal, Eclipse sat back down crossed legged.

Putting both his forelegs together, he closed his eyes and began to focus; to the unseen eye he looked to be meditating, but was entirely doing something that required his full and utter attention.

Ponyville, Outside Town Hall; 8:50pm

Twilight was a bit miffed right now, when she was told by Spike that everypony was heading to the Town Hall for the Summer Sun Celebration and for the appearance of Princess Celestia, Twilight took the chance to talk to Eclipse about his unique cutiemark. Going to the back of the building where she was told by Fluttershy where Eclipse set up the fireworks and where he would be, all she found was the fireworks… but no Eclipse. Twilight was grumbling with Spike riding on her back, as she had her head down in disappointment.

Where could that stallion be? Shouldn’t he be in the back of the Town Hall and prepare the fireworks; I bet he figured out I was curious about his cutiemark and hid somewhere. Twilight continued to grumble but gotten the attention of Spike, who told her that Mayor Mare was halfway through her speech. Deciding to not be rude, she began to listen to the mayor; several of the ponies she met and saw at the party were also either among the crowd, or busy doing something else. Applejack, Pinkie, and another mare by the name of Rainbow Dash were watching from the crowd like her, Fluttershy was with her birds and she was told Rarity was out back awaiting for the princess’s arrival. At least nothing bad happened so far.

It was just as the mayor finished her speech, as the curtains that were to reveal the princess opened, revealing nothing and what followed was a loud commotion from the crowd, until an evil laughter filled the building as dark mist seeped in from every crack and crevice. Ponies began to panic, some of the girls Twilight met also began standing their ground or calming everypony around them, but Twilight was the only one there who knew what was happening, she knew exactly what was going to happen, as she warned Princess Celestia about this great evil’s return.

Appearing before one of the upper balconies in a dark blue fog, was a pony who was called the Mare In the Moon for the last thousand years, but she was known by another name. “Nightmare Moon,” said Twilight, quietly.

The evil alicorn cackled, talking about how she was happy to see ‘her’ ponies and saying something about ‘sealing away Celestia’ and ‘that their sun-loving days were over’. Some ponies retorted back, others cowered in fear, but Twilight stood forth saying she saw her coming and knew this was coming; what followed next was Nightmare Moon leaving, as ponies ran from the Town Hall to their homes for safety. Having other ideas, Twilight ran off back to her home to search for a solution to this problem quickly, but as she ran off, something watched her from the shadows of one of the alleyways that faced the Town Hall. Coming out the shadows was Luella who gazed at the running mare, before turning around and disappearing in the darkness, to warn her master of what was coming.

Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters; 9:10pm

Eclipse was nearly done with what he was doing and like that a flash of black light enveloped the stone orbs and the middle pedestal before disappearing. Standing back on all four hooves, Eclipse glanced at his finished work, looking at the night sky, he saw the moon… and what was missing on the surface; for the last month Eclipse has saw a face of a mare on the moon, many of the locals having a story relating to this phenomenon called “The Mare In the Moon”. It could be just coincidence, that the face of the mare was missing on the prophesied date… but Eclipse felt a presence all around him; slowly a dark blue fog began to shroud his surroundings, circling around himself to find the source of the presence, but realized it was the fog itself.

Hmmm, imagine my surprise to find somepony all the way here? Tell me colt, why are you all the way here alone, are you looking for lost treasures or to explore places not seen in centuries?” asked a mare’s voice, coming from everywhere. “Well it does not matter, you shall be taught a lesson for coming to my abode.

As soon as the presence of whoever this speaker was vanished, three new auras came forth from the fog; clad in dark skin-tight suits, were three pegasi that radiated a dark power, the three pegasi grinning maliciously at Eclipse. Two were stallions with the third being a mare, one of the stallions charged at Eclipse, ready to bulldoze him over with his size alone, but seeing the attack coming, Eclipse sidestepped the stallion who slammed into the statue instead.

Deciding to see what his opponents were capable of doing, Eclipse vaulted over the other stallion’s extended hoof, who tried to hoof-punch Eclipse. The attack being missed, Eclipse rolled behind the second stallion, dodging a swipe from him, until he felt the presence of the mare who dived from above. Now with both the mare and other stallion on both sides of Eclipse, he back-flipped over the mare and landed behind her; with the confusion of his agile move. the mare crashed into the second stallion, as both of them crashed to the stallion who slammed into the statue earlier, all three tumbling together in a jumble of bodies. Approaching the three, they soon dispersed into smoke, as three small dark blue wisps floated off further into the building, up some stairs.

It appears you’re not as weak as Ithought… Serve us, serve Nightmare Moon your true ruler and we shall grant you the greatest of gifts and powers, beyond your own imagination!” With the voice now identified, Eclipse could see that placing Luella by the Town Hall just in case was a smart move and that coming here was also going as he imagined.

“I don’t serve somebody who uses parlor tricks and puppets to attack me, when they can just fight me themselves,” said Eclipse, in a bored tone. “If you want my respect, then show yourself.”

Eclipse felt slight anger within the presence’s aura, before it calmed back down. “So be it. meet me beyond these stairs… and you shall see my true might and glory.” The voice vanished as well as the presence, as Eclipse could now sense it ahead up the steps; following the voice’s command, he climbed up the steps, before he entered another decrepit building. This one held several columns holding the structure’s roof and long windows that let ton of light to slip in, giving it a lunar glow in the area.

Staring at the end of the hallway-like building was the one who tried to attack him and convert him to her side; she wore armor around her hooves, head, and barrel, as they were a dark blue color, while her coat, wings, and horn were pitch black, leaving her mane and tail to move ethereally and the same color as the fog earlier. Nightmare Moon stood on a platform with an evil smirk, gazing down at Eclipse, as one would gaze upon something insignificant.

“So you’re Nightmare Moon, the one who would have brought eternal night to Equestria and beyond, only to be sealed away for a thousand years and has returned to do what was prophesied,” said Eclipse.

“Ah, I see you are familiar with the prophecy of those wary of my possible return, indeed I have come back to bring eternal night and none shall stop me. You must see it to be fruitless to defy me, so I will forgive you of your earlier insolence, and make you my right-hoof stallion; will you accept my offer of power?” asked Nightmare, grinning.

Eclipse did not answer, scanning Nightmare Moon from top to bottom, but once done he glanced at her, he began shaking his head. “I have seen your true power and all I see is some spoiled brat who never took the chance to show what she’s truly made of. Besides, you are impeding my plans and need to be dealt with, swiftly.”

Nightmare’s response was a laugh of amusement, before glancing down at Eclipse. “To imagine there be somepony as foolhardy these days; you amuse me colt, maybe I shall keep you as my jester and watch you entertain me, with that asinine attitude of yours, but first I need to teach you a lesson of subservience!” With both her fore-hooves raised high up, she slammed them down sending a wave of dark magic right at Eclipse; the wave was rushing right for the stallion who stood where he was, but as they neared him, he charged forth and twist his body to dodge the attack before skidding to a stop. The attack smashed against a few columns that fell down and crashed against the floor with a resounding thud that shook the structure.

Seeing the impossible feat, Nightmare snarled and fired blasts of raw dark magic, but Eclipse swiftly ran and dodged in a zig-zag motion, jumping above some before heading right for the alicorn. Her eyes widened seeing the stallion charge right at her, so with a large swipe of her front leg, she attempted to smack him aside. However, Eclipse grabbed leverage from the extended leg, using it to vault up before smashing his hoof against the side of Nightmare’s helmet where her skull was, but it wasn’t the shock of seeing some pony charge her fearlessly, but the force of the hit that shook her.

It felt like as if the blast of a powerful spell slammed into the side of her head, as her helmet cracked from the force of the blow. This isn’t the power of an earth pony, what kind of power does this stallion have!?

Nightmare teleported to gain some distance from the stallion, feeling the headache from the blow, she removed her helmet, letting her ethereal mane to be blown from an unseen wind. She glared at Eclipse with a hateful stare, seeing that this wasn’t an ordinary stallion before her. “It seems I underestimated you for somepony so simple looking. Are you working for my sister, to think she plan ahead and send somepony to stop my return than herself, but I can see why; your skills and fighting prowess is impressive indeed,” said Nightmare. “You have gained my respect, so might I ask your name?”

At the mention of gaining respect, Eclipse actually smiled, but it wasn’t a good one, as his smile was one who mocked someone else. “Respect? Keep your respect, I don’t need the respect of somebody as weak as you,” said Eclipse, taunting. This hit Nightmare strongly, as she snarled back with rage in her eyes, the ground underneath trembling from her sheer magical power.

“YOU DARE INSULT ME, I WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE MIGHT OF MY POWER!” screamed Nightmare, her voice shaking the structure. “Now you will face something I use only against those deserving of it, and seeing that you so desperately wish to see my true might, I think you deserve it greatly!” Using all her might, she summoned forth a large scythe, which had the symbol of the moon while the blade was shaped in a way that promised pain to all.

Nightmare cackled as she wielded the weapon with her magic, before teleporting; sensing where she went he turned around to find her flying up before throwing the scythe downward at Eclipse with incredible speed. “Now, DIE!”

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 9:45pm

After Twilight returned back to the library and put Spike to sleep, she relentlessly searched for the book on the “Elements of Harmony”, when the girls came inside asking for questions; after a lengthy explanation, which gotten some of them to fall asleep or nearly nod off, they helped her look for said book. That was fifteen minutes ago and so far they couldn’t find the book, no matter where they looked – even listening to Pinkie’s advice to check under E – but no, the book was nowhere to be found, almost like somepony had taken it.

“Consarnit! Nightmare Moon probably came by here some time and taken the book, so we couldn’t find a solution or something!” shouted Applejack.

“Well, so what if she took some book, let’s go after her and beat the crud outta her!” said Rainbow, slamming her hooves together.

“We can’t, only the Elements can stop her and even if we go after her we don’t know where she even we-” Before she could finish, a massive explosion could be heard miles away, as if it happened right next to them; the girls ran out to see what caused the explosion and saw a small mushroom cloud of dust far deep in the Everfree Forest. Whatever caused that means something is happening there, maybe Princess Celestia caught up with Nightmare Moon and is fighting her at the Everfree Forest. “Girls, I think I know where we need to go and while we don’t have or know where the Elements are, we need to help in some way and stop Nightmare Moon. Who’s with me!?”

All the girls cheered, well most of them while Fluttershy cheered quietly; with everypony agreeing with her, they headed toward the Everfree Forest without a second thought. As they ran deeper into the forest, they could hear the sounds of a distant battle as it shook the ground itself. Whoever is fighting Nightmare Moon, they must be fighting with all they have.

(Mood Music)

Earlier – Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters; 9:44pm

Nightmare Moon swung her scythe toward Eclipse with a mad giggle, as she awaited to see the pony sliced in half from her attack, but felt a sudden force stopping her attack; looking down, she saw her weapon stopped by Eclipse with his bare hoof, the stallion gazing back with a bored, emotionless gaze. “So this is all you have to show for… I haven’t used close to one percent of my power and you say this is one of your greatest trump cards…” Eclipse pulled back his other hoof, punching the scythe and its owner back with a strong force, that dragged the ground and nearby rubble with the sheer might of the hit.

Luckily her weapon did not shatter, but the force alone caused her whole body to shake from how much power was behind that hit. This… this isn’t some powerful enchantment or some gift given by my sister… What kind of power is this!? “What are you?” asked Nightmare, fear creeping up her spine.

Eclipse gazed back before dusting himself off from the soot and dirt that got on him before looking back with an apathetic gaze, that bore into her very soul. Then after gazing at her, Eclipse did something odd that is abnormal for a pony; with some slight effort, but stabilized afterwards, Eclipse stood tall on his rear-legs, while both his forelegs stood to his sides, as he now stood like a minotaur would. The action and posture was so odd to her, that she gazed back with an utterly confused look, but Eclipse continued what he was doing, as he spread both rear hooves apart and pointed both forelegs behind him.

Before she could react, Eclipse vanished, at first she assumed he ran off, some of her ego returning but soon she would regret that, as she felt an extreme blow from her chin; as her head was flung upward from an uppercut from Eclipse, who was suddenly below her. Soon he appeared above her before spinning himself forward and slamming his rear-leg onto her cranium, sending her flying through a stone wall and into the castle’s main structure.

Nightmare had to shake her dazed state away, before she spat out a glob of blood onto the floor, taking a look at her surroundings, soon revealed she was now in the main foyer of the castle. I need… I need to get away, he isn’t some normal or even a specially trained pony, he isn’t even a pony with that level of power. Maybe if I run south I can get away and plan my revenge later and-

She was interrupted from her thoughts, as she felt an overwhelming pressure of power behind her, the power was so immense that she nearly toppled over and barf what food she had in her scrawny body. After wiping her snout of the puke, she turned to stare at the one she now feared; Eclipse didn’t change much but he emanated a dark aura of power, that was unlike any kind of power she had felt before. “Well, where is this power you promised, to imagine you not show your best is a little… sad. If you won’t show your all, then I can’t keep holding back forever,” said Eclipse.

“What do you mean you’ve been holding back, you have enough power to topple an alicorn, maybe two even!? Is this all a joke to you!” screamed Nightmare, barely holding up with the support of her scythe. “You dare try to insult me and think you can threaten and scare me with whatever power you are using!”

All that was keeping Nightmare fainting from the sheer power she felt, was her ego and will alone, but in reality her body was shaking feverishly, as any second this unnatural stallion could finish her off any second. Eclipse eyes seem to darken while at the same time the atmosphere quieted, everything became a constant silence; unsure to what was happening, Nightmare looked around at how darker it got compared to the darkness she was familiar with.

“...You think I’m threatening you right now? I’m simply speaking the truth, but if you really want a challenge, then I’ll show you a real threat.” Eclipse extended his right foreleg, when something seemed to shimmer into existence as a black obsidian sword popped into existence, as it floated about from an unseen force.

Now with the sword levitated before Eclipse, all form of apathy and quiet demeanor from the stallion was gone, replaced with an eternally deep despair that nearly crushed Nightmare’s psyche. Her head felt like drums being hammered thunderously, as her hearing became difficult and breathing was painful to do; she felt droplets of something coming from her face, so using a hoof to touch her snout, she pulled it back and gazed at her now reddened hoof.

Am… am I bleeding… Nightmare had blood dripping from her nostrils, before she felt a dark and ominous voice echo in her mind, trying to find the source and stop the sounds in her mind.

My voice is enough to bring those weaker willed to bend a knee before me; what you see is just half of a single percent of my power… any further and I might put you into a comatose state… or worse.” Nightmare finally found the voice’s source… causing her to drop her weapon out of shock and fear; what stood before her was still the stallion, but he was levitating off the ground and his eyes were pure white, as his mane and tail bristled wildly like the flames of a fire. His sword floated alongside its master, awaiting for any given command, before it was flung forward toward Nightmare who was slashed across the chest by the sword.

Nightmare screamed in utter suffering and pain, as unlike normal sword slashes, this attack was unlike anything she knew, as it felt as if her very being, her soul was being tore asunder by the weapon. Brought down to her knees, Nightmare gazed weakly at the ground, all her ego and will gone, the dark energy that once dwell within her, now replaced with a pitiful mare who wasn’t Nightmare… but the sister of Princess Celestia – Princess Luna.

Eclipse trotted back on all four hooves toward her, his immense power still showing and emanating off of him, standing before her he gazed down at her. Lifting her chin so she looked up at his form, Luna barely had any consciousness left as she looked up with a whimper and sniffle, the pain too much to bear. “W…W-what will you do to me?” asked Luna, fear clear in her eyes.

Eclipse gazed darkly at her, hard to see what he thought in those pure white eyes and emotionless expression. “...I could end your very existence,” said Eclipse. This gain a shudder and tears from the princess, the idea of her life being wiped clean off forever, nopony ever remembering her except her sister… or would her sister even remember what was to happen to her right now. “But you aren’t a threat to my plans… but don’t worry… What I will give will be something… you’ll never remember.

Eclipse reached forward with one hoof extended, toward Luna’s forehead, her eyes staring at the outstretched hoof as it made contact with her. “Now… forget all, remember bliss, as you empty of all thought and memory; Null Mind.” And like that, Luna’s eyes widened as something much more painful skyrocketed through her head and burrowed further pass her skull; she screamed like a banshee as she tried all her might to pull the hoof that was on her head, but it was fruitless as her weakened state barely budged the hoof.

Tears started to flow from the princess’s eyes, as she continued screaming until every memory, from their battle, encounter, and everything else that involved him vanished away, never to return. Luna continued crying and screaming until no more tears could be shed, until her throat became sore and raw, as Luna’s eyes rolled back to show the white of her eyes.

Now done, he removed his hoof as her motionless body fell to ground with a thump, Luna’s eyes closing as she laid motionless, but the only sign of her being alive was the slow rise and fall of her chest, as her quiet but harsh breaths came through. Eclipse gazed down at her, his emotions impossible to read, but soon he returned to his previous state, turned around and left. “Sweet dreams… sweet dreams,” said Eclipse, quietly.

Everfree Forest, Near the Castle of the Two Sisters; 10:00pm

After going through several trials in the creepy forest and finding the Elements after Twilight sensed a strong magical signature, the girls headed to where the fight led to before rushing into a large room. “Surrender Nightmare Moon, we found the Elements of Harmony and aren’t afraid to-” Twilight stopped mid-speech as she gazed at the destroyed terrain, of what she assumed was the main foyer; the area looked like something smashed and utterly devastated the area.

“Girls, look!” shouted Pinkie. They all looked and saw the small form of a blue alicorn and at first they thought it was Nightmare Moon, but soon realized it was somepony else. At that same time, they heard a pop behind them and turned to see Princess Celestia, who appeared to be ready to say something.

“Well done girls you-” Celestia saw the destruction of what remained of her old home’s main foyer, but then gazed at the motionless small alicorn in the center of the room. “LUNA!” screamed Celestia, pushing aside the girls.

Not wanting to get out of their princess’s way, the girls moved out the way as best they can for their royal; Celestia removed her tiara, not caring about it, as she threw it a bit harshly than she should, before placing her head where Luna’s heart should be. After several silent seconds, she sighed in relief before examining her sister further with a magical scan.

She has several cracked ribs, she’s hemorrhaging from inside, possibly from one of the ribs puncturing something, she has bruises all over her body and a sword slash across her chest, but the worse of all is her skull is fractured. Most of the damage seems to be coming from her head, but I can’t tell what caused it.

Celestia soon felt a hoof on her shoulder and violently turned around to stare whoever approached her. “DON’T TOUCH HER!” screamed Celestia, holding onto Luna desperately. She realized she screamed into the face of her student who trotted back with her ears splayed against her head; it wasn’t just her too, as everypony moved back from the force of the scream.

Quickly she reposed herself, as she gently laid Luna onto her back, looking at all her ponies with somber but motherly look. “I am sorry for my reaction my ponies… it’s just when I sent Twilight here, I had hope she make friends and with them they would revert my sister back to normal by using the Elements of Harmony. It appears something or somepony had already assaulted her, as for why is a mystery; I had hoped to reunite with my sister in better terms, but it appears things did not go that way. It’s sad to say that I won’t be attending the Summer Sun Celebration at Ponyville, but I will bring the sun up as soon as I bring my sister and I back to Canterlot, I will also teleport you all back to Ponyville too; I hope the six of you do great things and your friendship grows even furthermore.”

The girls and Twilight looked at one another and smiled back at their princess. “We understand princess, to be reunited with a long lost family member is really important, we’ll return to Ponyville and continue the celebration,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, I’d be mighty angry if sumpony were to come and mess with my family,” said Applejack.

Happy that her ponies understood, Celestia teleported the six new Element Bearers back to Ponyville; before she could teleport to Canterlot, she felt a shift on her back, turning around she saw one of her sister’s eyes open. “Lulu! Thank Faust you’re fine; what happened, who done this to you?!”

Luna took a deep haggard breath before nuzzling the back of her sister’s neck; Celestia was happy that her sister had no ill wills with her and was happier she had enough strength to move a little. “...I… don’t remember… it’s… to painful… to remember… So… so much pain...” Celestia could feel the tears that wet the back of her coat, but she did not care and let her little sister shed her tears of the horrible experience she went through.

“It is fine dear sister, I shall bring you back to Canterlot and see to it that the best doctors bring you back to a healthy and stable condition. We shall see to it who’s responsible and make sure they pay for harming you,” said Celestia.

Luna had other thoughts though about that, while not remembering who done this to her, she felt she deserved what happened to her from trying to bring eternal night to Equestria. Soon the two sisters returned to Canterlot, leaving behind the desolate and silent ruins within the Everfree.

Hours later – Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner; 1:00am

Just as the princess promised, the sun was up during this early morning, the ponies celebrated still once being told the princess couldn’t attend the celebration, due to an emergency. Many ponies continued to celebrate, or decided to sleep even though the sun was up; the girls after being sent back to Ponyville, all hanged at Sugarcube Corner with Spike, who was woken up from the sudden loud teleportation pop in the library, now with them drinking some apple juice.

The girls stayed quiet as they sat together on a circular table, each one having the Elements now transformed into trinkets for them to wear on the table. Seeing Princess Celestia’s sister, Luna who was Nightmare Moon beaten up and in a near death state was enough for them to forget what she did in the past, nopony deserved such a painful and horrible experience.

They all stayed quiet, not sure what to say, until the one to speak was Rainbow. “So… who you think beat up the princess’s sister?” asked Rainbow, poking her Element.

“Rainbow!” shouted Applejack.

“I was just asking, I mean somepony real tough has gotta to had fought Nightmare Moon and beat her and return her back to Princess Luna, right?” The idea wasn’t far off, imagine somepony that powerful could exist and beat an alicorn easily, especially one empowered with dark magic.

Power to best even an alicorn… Could it be… “Girls, there’s something I want to ask, Eclipse Light’s cutiemark… what does it mean exactly?” asked Twilight.

The girls gave her an intrigued look and it was understandable since what just happened some time ago and have one of them talk about something else to distract themselves… though they probably needed that right now, so they were happy to answer. “Well, Eclipse told us it relates to him getting it from doing alchemy and potion-making,” said Fluttershy. “He hasn’t told us the full story, but that’s what he told us so far.”

“Why are you asking dear?” asked Rarity, now interested.

“Well… I was doing some research on cutiemarks and looked through families with similar cutiemarks, but it says those with star cutie-marks are often found in unicorns and rare on non-unicorns. Stars represent somepony’s skills in magic in some way or fashion, while non-unicorns with stars are said to descend from having unicorn ancestors in their family tree… but it says the largest confirmed number of points a cutiemark star has ever had, was six…”

This still gave the girls a confused tilt of the head from what Twilight was getting at, but they let her continue as the conversation now caught their attention. “Well… Eclipse has a ten-pointed star and the book says that if somepony were to have something higher than a six-pointed star, it says a ten-pointed star cutiemark states that pony is as strong or stronger than an alicorn,” said Twilight. This gained some gasps at what Twilight was implying and the first to respond would be the one who disliked him the most.

“I KNEW IT! I knew we couldn’t trust him, he’s probably the one who beat up Princess Celestia’s sister!”

“Now now, let’s not get to conclusions just yet, I am unsure whether this theory is true or not. I wanted to ask Eclipse himself, but I can’t seem to find him before Nightmare Moon appeared… if only I had a detailed drawing of Eclipse’s cutiemark.”

“I have a detailed drawing of Eclipse’s cutiemark!” said Pinkie, with a grin. The girls looked at her with a surprised gaze as she looked at them obliviously.

“And why would you have something like that?” asked Applejack.

“His cutiemark looked cool and I asked him to draw his for me,” said Pinkie. “Let me get it!” Pinkie zoomed off, and placed the picture before Twilight and the girls to look at; while the girls has seen Eclipse plenty of times, he was pretty reclusive, so remembering his cutiemark was hard to do, so as they gazed at the drawing they were amazed at the drawing of the intricate cuitemark.

It was the ten-pointed star that Twilight sketched, but other details were shown too; the center had a black sun that was covered by a moon that had five dots in a certain pattern, while the ten points of the star were colored differently, possibly representing the ten elements Eclipse uses in his Element Orbs he sells. Something about the cutiemark… felt unreal… unnatural… impossible, to have a sun and moon on one’s flank was rare, but at the same time to have a ten-pointed star to boot… something was fishy and she was going to find out what.

Outside in an alleyway, watching the girls was Luella who sat on a trash bin with her cerise eyes, before turning her head to gaze at her master, who leaned against the wall of a house, while reading a book. Eclipse didn’t glance at the girls, but he knew where they were and what they were doing without even looking at the slightest. “And now… let the dominoes, fall,” said Eclipse.

Closing the book with both hooves, he trotted further in the darkness of the alleyway, followed by Luella. As they vanished into the shadows, Eclipse left the book he read outside the alleyway, left laying on the sunlit ground; the book of the cover with golden embroidery used for the letters showed the title of the book itself.

‘The Elements of Harmony’.

Sleuthing & Tracking (Edited)

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Ponyville, Ponyville Park; 5:50am

After what happened with Nightmare Moon’s defeat and Princess Luna’s return, things had quieted down after the celebration. It was two days after the Summer Sun Celebration and while it was really early in the morning, Twilight was waiting at the park with some binoculars, papers, a pencil, and a saddlebag with some food and water inside. She looked ready for an hour of studying with half the stuff she has, but as to why she was up so early and at the park, was a mystery until three silhouettes approached her with their own supplies.

“Thank you all for coming, but you really didn’t need to come, I could of done this by myself,” said Twilight.

“Nah, besides we’re doing this to see if Eclipse was the one responsible with beating up Nightmare Moon,” said Rainbow, punching her hoof upwards.

“We still don’t know that and that’s not the reason why we’re spying on him; I couldn’t find him yesterday, so instead of confronting him, I thought we see what he does on a daily basis.” I understand why Rainbow is here, she doesn’t trust Eclipse even before I came to Ponyville. Pinkie is here because, she’s just curious about Eclipse, and Fluttershy… Well I’m not sure why Fluttershy came along. “Fluttershy, why did you agree to coming? I know Applejack couldn’t come, because she was busy at her family farm with it being Applebucking Season; Rarity didn’t find it interesting or right to spy on Eclipse, but you however are really close to Eclipse, so how come you’re doing this?”

“Yeah Flutters, I thought you disagreed to not do this in the first place,” said Rainbow.

“Yes, but I also wanted to prove Eclipse isn’t doing anything wrong and to make sure you don’t bother Eclipse… that… and I suppose I’m a little curious, if that’s not a bad thing,” said Fluttershy, prodding her hooves together.

“Well, as long everypony is here, I left Spike back at the library, since we aren’t done unpacking yet from arriving, so once he wakes up he should start unpacking and be done by the time I come back. Now let’s go and see what Eclipse does these mornings, but by the way Pinkie, you’re certain he gets up ‘every’ morning at this time?”

“Uh huh, Ipsy always comes to Sugarcube Corner to eat breakfast, then heads back home to do some stuff,” said Pinkie, bouncing along with the others.

“Well as long you know when he gets up, then I suppose we should get there before he wakes up.” The girls trotted together, until they made their way to the treeline that surrounded Eclipse’s property. Right now, they sat or laid down on the grass, and hid within the shrubbery, pulling out some binoculars – except Rainbow and Fluttershy due to their natural pegasi sight, being able to see without the need for binoculars. The time is six o’clock, so Eclipse should be up right about… now!

For awhile nothing seemed to happen, but soon some shuffling could be heard inside the shack, until the door opened; stepping out was indeed Eclipse, except something was off. Latched onto his face and still asleep was Eclipse’s pet bear cub, Luella who snored cutely, before nuzzling her snout into Eclipse’s mane. A quiet aww from Fluttershy and Pinkie was heard, while Twilight continued to observe; Eclipse was definitely awake, but not happy with the current situation. So with some force due to the cub’s strength, he unlatched her from his face, before plopping her onto the ground, where she continued to nap.

The girls watched Eclipse until he reached the edge of the lake he lived near, dunking his head in for a good minute, then pulling it out. Eclipse trotted back inside his shack and brought out a clear orb with a red crystal inside; the orb activated and bathed a red glow over Eclipse, until his wet mane and head dried immediately with the orb’s assistance. “Girls, what’s that Eclipse is holding?” asked Twilight, whispering.

“Those are Element Orbs, he sells them at his stand during the afternoon hours; he has several types, each having their own uses. You can ask Eclipse later if you like about what each one does,” said Fluttershy.

Twilight nodded at the information, writing it down onto a piece of paper, before looking back through her binoculars, only to find Eclipse gone. “Where did he go?”

Rainbow nudged them and pointed back where they came from to see Eclipse trotting down the dirt path to Ponyville. “Come on, he’s already gotten a head start,” said Rainbow, flying off.

The others soon followed, until they reached Ponyville Park again, then hid in some nearby bushes, watching Eclipse cross the bridge to Ponyville. Before he could cross though, he stopped and did a few stretches, consisting him of stretching his body and gripping his head with both forehooves as he stood on both rear-hooves, twisting his neck that made audible cracks. After done with that, he began jogging around Town Hall and further into town.

“What’s he doing now?” asked Rainbow.

“Oh, Ipsy jogs around town and once he reaches Sugarcube Corner he comes inside to eat his breakfast, going home once done,” said Pinkie.

“Well since we know where he’ll be, let’s meet him near Sugarcube Corner.” The girls went the opposite direction Eclipse went, going to the bakery quickly, before waiting for Eclipse near one of the alleyways close to the bakery. They thought it take awhile, but after a few minutes, Eclipse already was spotted nearing Sugarcube Corner, as he approached the doorway, Rainbow realized something.

“Hey Pinkie... you’re the one who greets Eclipse every morning with his breakfast, should you be there right now?” The girls turned to where the pink mare was, only to find a ponyquin with a picture of Pinkie’s face and a pink mane wig on it. They turned around and spotted Pinkie going to the back entrance, until they heard the voice of Pinkie inside and after several seconds later, they found Eclipse exiting the bakery with a blueberry muffin on his head, while sipping some apple juice with one hoof, trotting on only three legs.

Pinkie later appeared back with the others, like nothing happened. “Phew, that was close, I almost forgot that I greet Eclipse every morning. Let’s go!” said Pinkie, sneaking behind Eclipse. The girls all sighed and chuckled at the mare’s odd behavior; soon all four followed Eclipse back to his home, which he ate some of his muffin and gave the rest to Luella who was up and awake now.

Eclipse went back in his home, but later came out with something that was familiar to the girls except Twilight. “What’s that he’s wearing?” asked Twilight. Worn on Eclipse’s head was a pair of headphones, which played music for him, trotting to a hammock he had setup, before laying on the hammock and closing his eyes.

He was left listening to music, while the gentle morning wind blew his hammock, swinging it gently as the stallion slept. “Wait, he wakes up early, goes for a jog, eats breakfast, only to go back to sleep!” said Rainbow, nearly shouting.

“Rainbow, shush, besides, he can’t be there forever for the whole morning, we’ll wait until he does something else,” said Twilight, putting her binoculars back on. “Even if it takes forever.”

Rainbow sighed but gave in, but decided to nap on a tree branch, away from Eclipse’s view while the others watched vigilantly.

Elsewhere – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Medical Wing; 7:30am

After returning back to Canterlot with Luna on her back two days ago, many of the castle staff panicked to find their monarch stained in blood from the smaller alicorn on her back, in the middle of the medical wing. Celestia ordered the best doctors and nurses to care for Luna, which the medical staff did swiftly, bringing the injured royal to one of their biggest operating rooms; during those two days, Celestia was told by several doctors and nurses to wait until later.

She was given the all clear and Celestia entered the room which her sister was in; Luna had a heart monitor checking her status and several devices connected to her to keep her alive. While unnecessary due to Luna’s natural alicorn healing, Celestia was happy her subjects gave the best care for her sister; Luna had a breathing mask over her snout, that gave anesthetics to her to ease the pain.

Given a detailed explanation by one of the doctors about her sister’s status, she was told that indeed one of her broken ribs did puncture something inside her, but nothing vital and that the biggest problem was the injuries to her head, specifically her brain. They weren’t sure what caused it, as they couldn’t find any magical signatures, so she wasn’t attacked with magic, but they did find several parts of her body being dealt with powerful traumatic force, most likely something powerful hitting her like a large beast or something.

The biggest mystery was when Celestia asked, was there any tampering with her sister’s mind, possibly a magical spell or curse used to effect her memory. Sadly none of the doctors or magi could find any magical influence, even though she persisted somepony manipulated her sister’s memories, but the only way to confirm this was for Luna to wake up from her comatose state and explain what she could remember.

Celestia sat beside her sister, having removed her tiara and putting it aside to gaze at her sister, the only sound was the beat of the heart monitor. Celestia pushed aside some of Luna’s mane on her face, to gaze at the sleeping mare; she expected many scenarios to come from Luna’s return after a thousand years, anger, sadness, forgiveness, happiness… what she didn’t sought to expect was the beaten and bloody form of her sister, laid broken before her hooves like a thrown and used rag.

Lulu… Who did this to you…

Celestia knew she sent her student to make friends, who would find the Elements and use them to remove the dark influence on Luna and return her to normal, but from the report from her student, she couldn’t arrive to where the Elements were kept or her sister in time, as she couldn’t find the book that mentioned the location of where the Elements of Harmony could be found. The only reasons Twilight and her friends even arrived at the ruined castle, was due to a large explosion being heard from the Everfree; by the time they arrived, they only found the aftermath of a battle, Luna being the defeated one.

The only good news about all of this was that Luna’s dark influence vanished or a better word would be gone, as if something removed it from her completely. Either way, the solar monarch was furious about the thought of somepony coming to defeat and brutally harm her dear sister, even if she was in the influence of dark magic and became Nightmare Moon.

“Sis-sister...” Celestia was brought out of her thoughts and realized Luna had her hoof around her own; the sudden contact brought Celestia to look down at Luna’s face. While her eyes were still closed, she could see her face move before she tiredly opened her eyes. “T-Tia?”

“Lulu, you’re… You’re awake!” said Celestia. “Do you… remember what happened the night of your return?”

Celestia could see the strain on Luna’s face, trying to remember the previous events, but nothing came up. “I… can’t remember… All I remember was the endless days of the moon and then appearing in a building full of ponies, one of them shouted saying she knew about the prophecy… but after that… nothing,” said Luna.

“Do you think your memories were tampered?”

“...Maybe… but if so, then there should be signs; a headache, maybe lapses in memories that don’t fit together or some sort of magical signature around my mind.”

Celestia agreed, she did a careful scan around her sister’s mind and found nothing that showed any memory manipulation of the like; the two sisters decided to enjoy one another being there for each other, until one of the nurses came inside and noticed the patient awake. She immediately left and brought back one of the doctors responsible with making sure Luna was stable.

“It appears you recovered sooner than we thought, but it’s good to see you awake and well princess, let me just do a scan to see if there’s anything else that needs to be checked.” As the doctor scanned Luna, the nurse checked everything else before detaching the heart monitor and the mask from Luna, the doctor finished his scan and smiled. “Well good news is that you’re recovering for now and should be fine some time soon, but for now you’ll have to stay in bed for a few more days just in case, if that is alright with you Princess Celestia.”

“It is alright doctor,” said Celestia. The doctor nodded, before bowing down before the two monarchs and leaving with the nurse. Once alone again, Luna turned to face Celestia with a frown; noticing her sister’s look, Celestia nuzzled her face which elicited her sister pouting at the sudden affection.

“Tiaaah, stoop!”

“No, not when my sister is giving such a sad look – what’s wrong Lulu?”

“...I’m just surprised at how quick these ponies seem to care for me, even though what I’ve done in the past,” said Luna.

Celestia looked at her sister somberly, but brushed a tear that slid down her face. “Do not think it like that sister, they are simply doing their best no matter who it is they’re caring for. Many do not remember the past, so do not feel burdened by what have you done before… It is sad to say many do not care to remember our history, but I try my best to teach future generations of Equestria’s history, both the good and bad.”

Luna smiled at least knowing, that the doctors and nurses did their job out of duty and not an order or anything like that. “I am glad… but… there is the issue about what caused my current state; if something or someone was capable of beating me, even if I was in a different mental state… Who do you think would have this kind of power to best an alicorn?” asked Luna, worry plastered on her face.

“I do not know Luna… but I will do all I can to find out who’s responsible.” The two sisters sat together, enjoying each other’s company for the rest of the day. “For now, let’s catch up on lost time, sister.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:30am

Eclipse luckily did not stay on the hammock for long, as he was there for only an hour before doing other things; he watered and checked his garden full of various produce, consisting of potatoes, watermelons, and other fruits and vegetables uncommon to Equestria. Other things he done was go to his storage building to sift through for something, before pulling out some materials and trot into his shack and make something. He later came back out and gathered a bucket of sand and went inside before coming out with a basket full of empty glass bottles.

This continued for the last few hours, until it was nearing eleven o’clock, with some recent activity happening which involved Eclipse pulling out his stand and heading to Ponyville. Twilight quickly turned to the sleeping mares, poking and shaking a sleeping Fluttershy and Pinkie, before bucking the tree Rainbow slept on. This caused Rainbow to fall off and fall face first onto the ground, groaning from her rude awakening.

“What was that for, I was having an awesome nap?” asked Rainbow, grumpily.

“Well sorry, but Eclipse is on the move, I think he’s going to sell his wares right now, where does he usually sell his products?”

“Over by Sugarcube Corner, where the fountain is, come on let’s go before we lose him!” Soon the four went off and followed Eclipse; unnoticed by the four, was another small figure watching them leave. Luella gazed at their leaving figures, following behind them.

Soon the group followed Eclipse, until he set up his shop at the Town Center; the second he had things set, ponies lined up to buy some refreshments and other items of interest. Others came over with Element Orbs that needed to be charged, which took an hour before coming back to pick them up and the charging was for free. This went on for the next hour or so, until it reached thirteen o’clock, which Eclipse set up a sign for his half hour break for lunch, heading out to eat something.

“Hey, he’s gone, but how come he left his shop like that, shouldn’t he had closed it just in case?” asked Rainbow.

“Maybe he has some sort of alarm system set up,” said Twilight.

“Well either way, let’s go,” said Rainbow, trotting to the empty stand.

“Wait, girls,” said Fluttershy, meekly. “We shouldn’t do something that could get us in trouble.”

Fluttershy’s warning was ignored by the girls, with mostly Rainbow and Pinkie going to look out of curiosity and Twilight making sure the girls didn’t get into too much trouble. Once the trio approached the empty stand, leaving Fluttershy to watch from a distance, Pinkie climbed into the open port of the stand while Twilight checked the sliding door to be open. All three mares entered inside, but would soon regret that due to the inside of the stand not being built for more than one pony.

“Hey that’s my tail!”

“Ouch, watch it!”

“Yhao!” The girls starting pushing and shoving in the small confines of the stand, but soon stopped their bickering to make as little movement as possible.

“Let’s see what Eclipse has before he comes back, I’ll see what’s on the counter, Pinkie can check lower shelves and Rainbow you can see the items that are placed on the upper shelves,” said Twilight.

The girls began to look through the items in the stand, finding more Flavor Soda, even more Element Orbs, some items that none of the girls could recognize and so on; they couldn’t find anything of interest, until they heard an audible thunk. The noise came from the sliding door and out of instinct and being the closest, Rainbow went to open it… she’d regret that soon.

“Who’s ther-” Something pounced onto Rainbow’s face and held on her tightly, she screamed at the sudden object on her face, desperately trying to pull it off. This caused Twilight and Pinkie to stop Rainbow from moving too much, but soon the trio were now jumbled in the cramp space, trying to stop Rainbow from flailing too much, which worked as well you may think.

Fluttershy watched the scene before her, having seen what was on Rainbow’s face; Luella had appeared sometime the girls were inside Eclipse’s stand, Fluttershy seeing the cub, with said cub pawing the sliding door, which what followed next resulting to what she saw happening before her. She was so distracted that she didn’t notice somepony approach behind her, who also saw what was happening.

“Mind I ask what’s happening here?” Fluttershy turned around and saw an unamused Eclipse, who had a bag of food on his back. “I leave for several minutes and find Pinkie, Twilight, and Rainbow in my stand who’re currently being attacked by Luella… please tell me you have nothing to do with this Fluttershy?”

“Well...” Eclipse didn’t need to hear her response, sighing as he rubbed his eyes with a hoof; he proceeded to put the bag of food down and trot to the ruckus, soon evicting everyone out the stand, leaving the girls and Luella plopped out the stand, until Eclipse overshadowed them with a frown and intense gaze.

“Uh… hi Ipsy… good afternoon,” said Pinkie, with a weak smile. Eclipse snorted, his gaze not leaving the three mares at the slightest.

Later – Ponyville, Town Center; 2:00pm

After making sure the mess was cleaned by the girls’ panicked scuffle and that Luella was reprimanded for her pounce onto Rainbow, Eclipse gazed at the girls – except for Fluttershy who was spared of Eclipse’s anger. “So you decided to follow me since early in the morning, out of some superstition about my cutiemark,” said Eclipse. “Not only that, but you tried sifting through my personal property, which not only is that a crime, but you could of touched something that could of harmed you.”

Twilight cringed at this, she knew better than to do all of this, nevertheless to even suggest it in the first place; her curiosity gotten the best of her and it didn’t help she went this far, instead of asking Eclipse himself.

“Sorry Eclipse, I can go a little far about new discoveries or things I don’t understand… I… I’m really sorry,” said Twilight, her ears splayed against her head.

“Me too, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Eclipse,” said Pinkie.

Rainbow had her hooves crossed while looking away from Eclipse, with some of Luella’s scratches on her face, but she was fine. Eclipse wasn’t expecting an apology from her or any of them; with a sigh he looked at them one final time. “Look… my business is my business, if I want to involve or tell any of you of it, then I will but there’s no need to snoop into it. Alright?” The girls nodded but Rainbow stayed silent, until she gained a nudge from Twilight; Rainbow grumbled something out, but Eclipse raised his brow at her.

“Uhhh, I said I’m sorry and I won’t snoop into your things and stuff.”

“That’s all I needed to hear, so for now try not to delve into others business, unless you have a perfect reason or if it involves you in some way. I need to get back to business girls, but if you have any questions,” said Eclipse. Twilight raised her hoof, but received a look from Eclipse. “No, I’m not going to explain how I got my cutiemark, that alone is going to take awhile and I’d rather not talk about it right now.” Twilight lowered her hoof and gave a disappointed look at the ground.

The girls soon went their own ways, leaving Fluttershy to stand by with a smile. “Thank you for going easy on them Eclipse, but maybe you shouldn’t be too harsh on them, especially Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy.

“Rainbow won’t trust me no matter what I say or do, but I will tolerate her, so as long she doesn’t go over the boundaries with my patience, then I’ll see to it I won’t aggravate her either… Besides, no harm in some small rivalry of sorts.” Eclipse grinned at that, before facing his stand. “Now, I must get back to what I was doing Fluttershy, have a good afternoon.”

“You too Eclipse.” The butterscotch pegasus soon left, leaving Eclipse to work at his stand, but as soon things went back to normal and the day went on, Eclipse returned back home and parked his stand into the storage building.

Entering his abode, Eclipse took a moment to look around his surroundings, he then trotted to the edge of his bed, moved some barrels aside before lifting a wooden panel, revealing a set of stairs leading below. Heading downstairs, Eclipse grabbed a nearby lantern that had a red crystal inside that glowed and gave off a warmth similar to a flame.

Eclipse stood inside a dark tunnel that split two ways, but going to the longer tunnel, Eclipse found himself before a wooden door that looked older and rotten, possibly from being underground. Hanging the lantern onto a hook placed in the wall, Eclipse opened the door; stepping inside he found a pool of crystal clear water, looking inside Eclipse could see his reflection. Closing his eyes, Eclipse dipped his hoof but immediately pulled it out, the rippling showing images… several images, of six ponies, six mares.

One showed Applejack, bucking the trees at her family farm, another showed Rarity at her boutique working on another dress, one showed Pinkie bouncing happily around Ponyville, one showed Rainbow flying in the sky doing tricks and the like, one showed Fluttershy at her cottage taking care of some animals, and one showed Twilight was at the library writing a letter to her mentor, Princess Celestia. All of this was shown on the pool of water, with the girls now connected with the Elements, their locations could be tracked through this pool or with other known methods.

“Soon… soon...”

Illusive Stories (Edited)

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Several days later – Ponyville, Eclipse Property; 8:00am

So after the incident with the girls following Eclipse around, things had quieted down; Applejack and Rarity heard about it and both mares were laughing about Rainbow’s incident with Luella. It was funnier whenever Luella would be found wandering Ponyville and for the cub to encounter Rainbow, the pegasus eyes widening and flying off. Eclipse has forgiven the girls, though he wasn’t mad at the slightest, only annoyed at most, except for the one pony who did come but didn’t get in trouble; Fluttershy was enjoying a nice morning visit to Eclipse’s, happy to visit the stallion.

Many of the girls except Twilight always had discussions about Eclipse and Fluttershy’s relationship, while Eclipse would either give a cold, bored tone to most ponies and a mildly annoyed attitude, but whenever he was with Fluttershy he seemed to show a certain warmth that he’s never shown toward anypony before. This made some interesting rumors about the two, but it was quickly quelled by Eclipse, resulting in several puns that were either a threat or some convoluted joke… it was hard to tell with that stallion.

Fluttershy reached the edge of Eclipse’s property to find the stallion laying on his hammock, his headphones around his neck as it played music. The headphones he had could be used to listen to music or as speakers, so the music played around the area; the song was… interesting, there was a certain bounce to it and at the same time brought a certain energy. Eclipse had his eyes closed and bobbed his head to the beat of the music, Fluttershy approaching him until she got close enough for him to open an eye toward her.

“Good morning Miss Fluttershy,” said Eclipse, going back to his relaxation.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at Eclipse’s pleasantries, the one thing that didn’t seem to change between the two since they first met. “You can call me just Fluttershy, Eclipse...” said Fluttershy.

“Sorry, force of habit… but I don’t see why not, you are older than me and it be rude to refer you by just name.”

“But aren’t the others older than you too?”

“Well true, but Applejack is too formal toward myself and won’t accept the idea of me giving her a title, Pinkie and Rainbow are too immature to be considered my seniors, and Twilight I’ve met just now and is the youngest of you girls, leaving Rarity being the only one I refer to Miss or Lady… I feel though you’re…” Eclipse couldn’t seem to say the word he wanted to say, something about her… He wasn’t sure if it related to her Element.

There was one thing Eclipse learned about the girls since they gained the Elements; each of the Elements gives its users special abilities uniquely based off that Element. Honesty is a lie detector, but it has a second purpose, as it allows the user to see the truth within someone… whatever that means, but I have a gist of what it could mean. Loyalty increases resistance against mind manipulation and improves one’s abilities tenfold. Generosity allows to share one’s energy with another and use said energy to create things with one’s imagination. Laughter relates to probability, basically luck, then there’s Magic, which improves the aura capabilities of the user and strengthens the other Elements… This leaves Kindness, allowing to calm anyone… but, there’s another ability that I can’t determine what it is.

Eclipse realized Fluttershy was giving him a worried look, placing a hoof onto his cheek. “Eclipse, are you alright, you been quiet… more than usual,” said Fluttershy.

“I am fine, though aren’t you being a tad forward with the contact, unless you think you’re making the ‘right’ choice,” said Eclipse, with a mischievous grin.

Fluttershy caught the pun he used as she had used her right foreleg to touch Eclipse’s cheek, making the mare giggle before a tinge of red came to her cheeks. She never understood why the others thought she and Eclipse would make a good couple… she only thought of him as a friend so why’d he have any interest in somepony like her.

The two though were interrupted by some distant noise at the town, the sound was unfamiliar to both. “What in the names of the deities? We may need to pause our conversation for now Miss Fluttershy, let’s see what’s going on at Ponyville,” said Eclipse. Fluttershy followed Eclipse to town, but as they trotted together… Fluttershy felt something or rather heard something.

His life no matter how long it’ll last is full of pain and suffering, he’ll bring only ruin to all, peace will never last, destined to play his role – the role of the monster.

The strange voice spooked Fluttershy, making her pause at the cold sensation from the voice, shivering from hearing it. Who… who was that?

“Miss Fluttershy… Fluttershy… are you… are you alright?” Fluttershy realized that she stopped mid-trot with Eclipse, glancing at the gaze in Eclipse’s eyes, he was worried.

“I’m fine Eclipse… but...” No, I shouldn’t worry Eclipse, it’s probably just me. “Nevermind, let’s go see what’s happening at the town.” Eclipse for now stopped his questioning, but kept a careful look at her, her sudden distant look she gave somewhat out of place for her.

Ponyville, Outside Town Hall; 8:30am

Both Eclipse and Fluttershy finally arrived at the town and heard the commotion clearly, it sounded like some sort of event was happening outside of Town Hall; a crowd of ponies were around a portable stage of some kind, with a unicorn mare in an outfit that consisted of stars, her coat was a light blue while her mane and tail were a different color of blue with cerulean stripes.

The two noticed their friends at the front of the crowd, each one not giving an amused look, except for Twilight who seemed worried, giving a downcast look. The two approached the others, Fluttershy a worried look and Eclipse an impassive gaze. “Girls, what’s happening here?” asked Fluttershy.

“Oh hey Flutters, some pony here just came and started to make a whole thing about how great and powerful she is, but I’m the only awesomest flyer here ever!” said Rainbow, posing.

“Yeah, nopony is better than Twilaaaah, I mean… uh… I’ll just stop talking,” said Spike. Spike whistled away as he took a few steps from Rarity, this caught the attention of Eclipse who shook his head. Youth…

As this supposed show went on, the fireworks gaining some interest from Eclipse, but as the show went on and several ponies – mostly the girls giving negative comments – he saw Twilight drag Spike off to the side. Deciding to stop viewing the show, Eclipse approached the mare who reprimanded Spike about something. “...And that’s why I’m worried they will think I’m some sort of… glory-hog or something,” said Twilight, her ears splayed back.

“And why would you think like that?” asked Eclipse. This spooked Twilight who swiftly turned around and started muttering a few things. “Breath Twilight, breath.”

Twilight calmed down and gave a guilty look in return. “I’m worried everypony will think I’m some sort of big shot pony with great magic or something… and that my friends would think I’m somepony pompous and boastful.”

Eclipse’s response was blunt and a tad rude though his message was clear as rain. “I swear, you girls overreact over the simplest of things like the world’s going to end and all of you are years older than me… Look, you are the literal Element of Magic, so what if somebody starts spouting how great they are, someone isn’t made great by just words but the actions and choices they make, you and the girls are destined for something… So don’t compare yourself to that Trixie pony.”

Twilight was happy with Eclipse’s response though it was a little rough, but before she could talk Eclipse still continued. “And besides, this Trixie pony’s job is to wow and amaze ponies, whether her stories are true or not, so I don’t know why you girls are all in a tissy about it.” She frowned at the interruption, but sighed seeing why Eclipse was both helpful and complicating.

He sure can get to the point about things. Later the three came back to find their friends in different situations, Applejack was hogtied by her own lasso, Rainbow found herself dizzy on the ground, andturbed Rarity’s mane into a horrid green; Trixie gazed around at the next pony to test her might against, until her gaze fell onto Twilight. “So, will you try your luck against the Great and Powerful, TRIXIE!” shouted Trixie.

“I… I...” What do I do, what do I do?!

“Oh what’s wrong, got cold hooves?” Trixie continued to laugh, but this all ended when her next comment came out. “All you ponies won’t even try against Trixie, well Trixie is above ponies like you, Trixie is like a god.”

The word itself caused a reaction from the crowd for a long time, many gasped at such a word and it wasn’t because while there were ponies who praised Princess Celestia as the goddess of the sun, there was one particular pony in the town everypony knew disliked the notion of the word god or goddess. “What… Did you say?” Trixie looked amongst the crowd to find a bland, dark furred stallion his eyes giving an intensity in them that made her take a step back, before going back to her boastful attitude.

Eclipse began stepping onto the stage, but was stopped by a worried Twilight. “Eclipse, what are you doing, did you see what she did to the others? What are you going to do that’ll stop her?” Eclipse turned to look at her and the gaze in his eyes… was terrifying; his pupils were unnaturally small as dots and his mane and fur raised on its ends like a viper hissing.

“Teach her a lesson on what it means to have power.” Continuing coming up the stage, Eclipse stood before Trixie the mare snorting derisively, before taunting back with a comment.

“Ohhh, I’m so scared, what are you going to do, show some of your earth pony slang?” This insulted a lot of the earth ponies in the crowd, but didn’t phase Eclipse at the slightest.

“No… I’m going to tell you a story, about what happens to those that can think they’re above others without thinking of the consequences.” You don’t become better than others by working together or improving one’s skills, that isn’t enough, it requires a certain finesse, will, and in the end you need to trample over others, to surpass them or they’ll drag you down with them. Being given or taking power isn’t easy nor will it be afterwards, you’ll have to live a life of solitude and hated by others for what you done and what you are. There are only two paths for anyone in life, you either die the hero of your own story, or live long enough to watch everything around you burn. So tell me…

“What makes you think you can think of yourself as a god, because every god I know and encountered throughout history and my travels have only brought pain, lies, or betrayal… So yes, I think you’d make a perfect god,” said Eclipse, sarcastically.

Trixie stepped back a little frightened by the sudden change of attitude Eclipse showed from calm to raving mad, his eyes were bloodshot and bared his teeth like a wild mongrel. Soon his original demeanor came back, but he kept a sneer toward Trixie. “By tomorrow sunrise, if you are still here I will evict you, with extreme prejudice. Understand?”

The mare nodded vigorously, unable to speak a single word, Eclipse turned around to see the crowd giving him varying looks, each one somewhat fearful of the stallion’s hidden feelings. Since Eclipse began living here, everypony knew him as this calm, young, reserved stallion who lived in solitude and liked to crack puns or sarcastic comments… but this was a whole other side to him that nopony wanted to see again. The rage in his eyes simmered but it was still there; he trotted off the stage and moved across the crowd, everypony taking a step back to not get in the way of the stallion’s path.

Fluttershy tried to stop him, but he continued trotting by, ignoring the mare’s pleas. He left town and soon was making his way across the bridge back to his home. The girls watched him leave and most of the crowd either left or stayed to listen to Trixie’s stories, albeit in a somewhat less boisterous voice.

“Never seen Eclipse that mad before and the last time he ever gotten mad was that time Pinkie pranked him, with half the town getting on fire,” said Applejack.

“Eclipse did what!? He lit the town on fire!”

“What, no darling, Pinkie here thought it would be ‘funny’ to use some of Eclipse’s Element Orbs, apparently she wanted to use the lightning ones to give Eclipse a big shock… however the orbs attracted a lightning storm, causing the town to burst to flames from the sudden lightning storm,” said Rarity.

“I had to help Eclipse with collecting the orbs and write sorry letters to everypony,” said Pinkie, her hair deflating. “But Eclipse forgave me, but he’d joke about it around me… though he never was this mad with me.”

“Maybe we should check on him, he was right about not worrying about Trixie, she’s just trying to impress everypony so it shouldn’t matter what she says she did. We know what we did and what we can do… but I feel like what Trixie said really upset Eclipse,” said Twilight. The girls agreed with her, Rainbow shrugging and joining the others with Spike walking beside them.

Back at Eclipse’s Property; 9:00am

Eclipse stormed back to his property, heading straight to the storage building and with a frustrated look he tossed aside several objects, creating the noises of clattering and crashing of fragile items that smashed against the interior of the building. His eyes flashed several colors, each one going by so quickly it was hard to tell what each color was; it returned back to his emerald eyes, the atmosphere around him seemed to darken, not even the light from the open doors outside seemed capable to penetrate said darkness.

Eclipse stayed in said darkness until he felt something around one of his legs, he gazed down with an empty look but stared back at the worried gaze of Luella, the cub bear made a low growl before rubbing her snout against his leg. The simple gesture was enough for the surrounding darkness to ebb away and for natural lighting to return to the building; sighing in self pity, Eclipse glanced at some of his items before looking at a familiar item from his past.

“I need to distract myself with something,” said Eclipse, quietly.

Eclipse approached the discarded and shattered items, pushing them aside he picked up a familiar item from a time long gone; Eclipse picked up a sword with a unique symbol engraved onto the cross-guard, it showed two flaming angelic wings around an entity of fire with a single eye. To think I come back to old habits for comfort.

The girls trotted together down the dirt path, until they came upon a familiar and used path through the trees, each of the girls had varying thoughts go through their head, but the one who was deepest in thought was Twilight. ‘There are only two paths for anyone in life, you either die the hero of your own story, or live long enough to watch everything around you burn.’ Those were his exact words, I know little about Eclipse, but so do the girls… Just what kind of life did he live before he came here?

“Twilight, hey Twilight… Twilight!” Looking around, she saw Spike looking up at her worriedly before getting her attention to look at something; the other girls had reached the edge of the other side of the trees, but were standing just barely exiting the trees.

Trotting up with the others, she wondered what exactly the others stopped to see, getting closer to the others’ side of the woods. “Girls, why are all of you stopping, what exactly do you se-” Twilight stopped and saw something… well there was no words to best describe what she was seeing.

The girls and Spike looked at the large empty area of Eclipse’s Property, where they saw Luella sitting some distance close to them, but what caught all their attention was two things; one was some sort of training dummy but unlike the ones that look similar to a pony or minotaur, this one had a spherical bald head, a wooden torso, and sturdy branches to the sides and one wooden pole that held the dummy standing.

Then there was the second thing that caught everyone’s attention, Eclipse; he had both rear-legs knelt down and his left foreleg knelt down too, leaving his right foreleg propped up. His head was facing down and eyes closed, but before him stabbed to the ground was an intricate sword made of metal that gleamed a fiery blue, while the cross-guard and handle was made of an ebony metal. Eclipse looked like he was in a position similar to how the priests and knights would do when praying or making an oath.

“What’s he doing-” The girls shush Rainbow, before they all continued to watch what was happening before them.

After a short while Eclipse opened his eyes and stood up taking the sword with his right hoof, then standing on his rear legs, with the sword he made a few practice spins and doing a downward swipe. Gazing at the dummy, Eclipse brought his rear right leg behind him, pointed the hoof with the sword to point behind him, reached forward with his left fore leg. This was done with perfect ease, as if he’s done this dozens upon dozens of times; if an equine were to do the same motions he did, it’d look awkward but he did it in such a way it was flawlessly normal.

What happened next was too quick for any of them as Eclipse moved like a blur, before anyone knew it, Eclipse had jumped high with his two rear-legs and swung his sword in an arc which slammed against the dummy; Eclipse followed it next with several more moves, after landing which he turned around swiftly and made a horizontal arc that left a mark on the dummy, then sidestepped and thrust his sword which left the weapon embedded into the dummy before somersaulting over the dummy and sending several precise hoof strikes, until the last one struck the pommel of the sword, sending the sword to fly through the dummy and embed into a nearby tree… one of the trees the girls were near.

This elicit a surprised gasp from Rarity, which also caught the attention of Eclipse who looked up from his moment of training to see the girls and Spike. Going back on all fours, Eclipse gazed at them with his bland stare, before trotting toward them.

Twilight quickly trotted forward, thinking of something quick to say for their sudden appearance and Eclipse’s rant earlier. “Eclipse, um, we’re sorry for interrupting you and earlier about that whole thing with Trixie… Look I’m not going to judge what you said or did but-”

Twilight stopped, seeing Eclipse had reached for the sword’s handle behind her, pulling it out swiftly before putting it into his mouth and trotting away. The girls watched Eclipse leave and enter his storage building, deciding to follow, Twilight and the others followed Eclipse with Luella watching them go, before following behind them.

The girls having been here before already know about some of the things Eclipse keeps here, but Twilight and Spike were new to entering inside here for the first time. The inside had crates stacked or placed onto some upper parts of the storage building, with several wagons and items around the building. However, the inside looked like a storm came by here as some items were smashed or toppled over one another, leaving dangerous shards of the smashed items or other things laying on the ground.

“Yeesh Eclipse, what happened here?” asked Applejack.

Eclipse still didn’t answer, but after putting the sword away into a scabbard, he looked around him then at the girls. “...Did some house cleaning,” said Eclipse.

“Eclipse, even without my Element I can tell you were lying… What’s wrong?”

Eclipse kept quiet still, but took a deep inhale of air, gazing at the mess he made and the worried gazes of everyone. After further silence, Eclipse brushed some of the shattered pieces to a pile before sitting on a crate. “Too many bad memories came up when that mare started to mention the word god… her speech reminded me of something back in my past. I didn’t live a happy life, you girls should know that… I try not to remember much, but it gets to you… If I had to best describe how I felt, let’s say if you met a veteran who fought in some battle or war, then there are certain suppressed memories that might cause… strong emotions.”

“I know what you’re talking about, some veterans the past couple of decades and century who fought in some of the last remaining wars and battles seen in Equestria gained some traumatic moments during these fights. Going into detail is brutal enough, but most of these ponies either end up in an asylum or… do drastic things; it was after Celestia gain true peace across Equestria, incidents like this from veterans or ponies who’re depressed have decreased for the past century.”

“So are you saying Eclipse is like that?” asked Rarity.

“Ohhh, Eclipse,” said Fluttershy, reaching a hoof to the pony. Eclipse looked at the outstretched hoof, but allowed her to comfort him, but mostly to make her feel better from hearing Twilight’s explanation.

“What Twilight says is similar, but… let’s say I’m much more strong willed than others… Let things be bygones for now though, it was just a spur of the moment from what you saw earlier,” said Eclipse.

“Which, you exploding at Trixie or you wielding that sword earlier?” asked Rainbow.

The girls gave Rainbow a look that screamed for her to shush, but Eclipse still answered, whether for Rainbow or simply to make his point clear. “Both… I let that part of me go a long time, but I still find myself going back to it,” said Eclipse.

“Were you some sort of soldier or guard before?” asked Spike, curious.

Eclipse actually snorted at this, finding the idea funny before giving a shake of his head as a response. “No… no… how about we let the discussion go for now, this is something I need to handle by myself for now… Though...” Eclipse looked at the mess he made when he came here with the girls and Spike following. “I could use the help cleaning up, I haven’t checked back here and there are probably some stuff I need to make sure didn’t break.”

Everyone agreed to help, slowly the rest of the day continued with them helping clean up Eclipse’s storage building; Rainbow and Pinkie ended up getting coated in a layer of dust which Rarity had to clean from the two mares. Applejack lifted some heavy objects with the directions of Eclipse, while Fluttershy lifted some lighter objects around, leaving Twilight create a list of what objects were here, where they go, and so forth. Spike helped whenever he can by getting refreshments, carrying some stuff and so on, until the storage building was spotless and had even more space than before as some stuff that was broken was thrown out due to age – which was Eclipse’s excuse.

It was getting late and soon the girls returned to their homes, but before they left they said farewell to Eclipse, leaving Eclipse and Fluttershy who wished to stay a little longer to make sure the stallion was alright.

“Eclipse, are you sure you’re alright… I’m worried, but I don’t mean to pry if you don’t want me to...” Eclipse knew Fluttershy was the worrying type, but to this extent… now he understood why she was the Element of Kindness and not the Element of Shyness. “You looked really mad when Trixie was talking near the end… I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

Eclipse placed a hoof on her shoulder, calming the worried mare, until he gave a simple smile that put Fluttershy’s worries to rest. “I’m fine, you need to get some rest, its been an uneventful day and I think some sleep will do us some good.”

Fluttershy relented and agreed to the idea of sleep, soon she went back home leaving Eclipse alone who went back to do his own business. Eclipse glanced back at the leaving silhouette of Fluttershy, before he gazed at the sky, a distant look in his eyes as he reminisced about the past. Shaking his head with a solemn look, he went inside to sleep away the rest of the day.

Location Unknown; Time Unknown

It was another day as usual, like any other, things were… well… peaceful. I woke to the sun’s warmth, my field of vision was gazing up at the leaves and branches of a tree, getting up I was laying on the soft untamed grassy ground, the touch soft and ticklish.

I stood up tall, gazing at the far-reaching grasslands, the blue skies as clouds gently floated by as breezy winds blew through the land, the cold gentle wind caressing my skin. There were sparse structures, each distantly far from one another on this wide open grasslands… if there was one word to describe this paradise, I described it perfectly to the one gazing at the view.


I would gaze at this view for hours on end, sleeping away the peaceful days without a care… but soon my attention would be taken from the surroundings… as I heard it.

Like a roar of a distant animal cry, it echoed like the moans and yells of restless spirits – the screaming… oh the screaming. I turned my gaze to the source, to find a sight I never wanted to see in my long existence. My home, was being burned down… and with it stood the burning, screaming souls of dozens upon dozens of them… all grasping, reaching.

...While I was left watching… forever hearing their screams.

Several hours later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 7:00pm

Eclipse woke to the sound of screams, the dream either waking him up or the actual real screams being the case; getting up and rushing outside, he pinpointed the source coming from town, seeing a distant large figure out the distance. Not stopping there, Eclipse ran to his storage building before looking inside, then gazing at the weapon that was still in the scabbard, he would of reached it but paused.

After further thinking, Eclipse pulled back his hoof as the need for a weapon wasn’t necessary. Another time… another time.

Turning around, Eclipse ran to Ponyville, running until he came to the bridge, his breathing while stable, still hoarse from waking up so suddenly and not giving his body to readjust to the sudden need to run. Staring at what the commotion was all about, it was soon founded to be in the middle of the town; roaring angrily was an Ursa, however unlike the ones he read in some books, it was an Ursa Minor, for if it were a Major, he’d seen it from his home and the roars a Major would make would been loud enough to be heard from Canterlot.

The Minor roared angrily, swiping the thatch roofs off buildings as ponies ran in fear for their lives, Eclipse soon spotted the girls trying to make sure everypony is safely away, until he spotted a familiar unicorn. Trixie ran scared while not wearing her usual attire, the beast saw her and began to chase her, ready to crush her with one of its paws. Seeing this happen, Eclipse rather not wanting the mare’s body to be flat like a pancake, sped toward her before pushing her aside with him, the two rolling just in time before the Minor stomped its paw down.

Trixie looked up at Eclipse, shaking from the near death experience. “Why… Why did you save Trixie?” asked Trixie.

Eclipse looked down at her before looking up at the Minor. “If you think I’m holding a grudge over that comment you made, then you know little about me. I won’t have some simple grudge over you about my past grievances… but in the future, think about what you say to others… you get less enemies that way,” said Eclipse. “We can discuss this later, go hide somewhere until the situation has been dealt with.”

Trixie nodded, running off to safety, now standing alone, Eclipse faced the Minor who roared at him with fury in its eyes. The giant bear pawed the ground, Eclipse keeping his ground as he gazed at the creature; nearby ponies watched the spectacle while at the same time, Twilight with Spike arrived and saw Eclipse gazing at the Minor.

“Eclipse, get out of there!” shouted Twilight. At the signal of Twilight’s shout, the Ursa Minor roared and charged at Eclipse. As the beast began to stampede toward him, time slowed down for everypony; the girls watched with varied shocked and worried looks, most of the populace watched in horror, and Trixie couldn’t look away to what would happen to the pony who saved her.

In that small amount of time, something happened that amazed them all, right before the Minor would crash upon Eclipse, it slid to a stop as the stallion looked up at the Minor. Both the beast and Eclipse looked at one another, until… the creature lowered its snout toward Eclipse, sniffing him a little before a twitch of its nose, it swiveled its head away before going back into the Everfree Forest.

The girls looked at Eclipse and his amazing feat, soon the girls approached him, especially Fluttershy who bounded toward him before colliding a tackle hug at him. Eclipse stood his ground, stumbling a little at the sudden hug, but let it happen as Fluttershy worried and spoke blubbered words at him. “Whu, how, why, you and,” said Fluttershy. “What were you thinking?!”

“...I wasn’t… I just looked at the Ursa back and soon it decided to leave...”

“Yeesh Eclipse, I swear you make the impossible happen everyday,” said Applejack.

“Never mind that, Eclipse here just survived from being torn apart by a freaking Ursa Major!” shouted Rainbow.

“To clarify, that was an Ursa Minor, Major’s are much larger being at least three times larger than a Minor and have a purple ethereal fur and glow,” said Eclipse. This made everypony’s mouths to gape and jaw to metaphorically hit the ground, except for Pinkie who actually had her jaw hit the ground, only to be flung up and back to its original formation.

“AND YOU THINK THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER!?” screamed Twilight, veins popping across her face.

Eclipse gave a nonchalant shrug, which resulted from the lavender mare to collapse rump first to the ground with one leg covering her eyes. “I… I need to make sure that Ursa stays in the Everfree, I’ll be right back...” Twilight soon stood back up and trotted toward the Everfree with her horn ready and glowing; the others all gave their own comments and worries toward Eclipse until a voice was heard.

“Um… excuse Trixie?” Everyone turned around to find Trixie, her head lowered down and ears laid against the sides of her head. Each of the girls gave varying gazes, all of them their own version of them not wanting the unicorn to be here right now, leaving Fluttershy too busy to fuss over Eclipse. “Trixie… would like to apologize for how Trixie acted during this morning and while many of you doubted Trixie’s skills… Trixie shouldn’t roused everypony up like that...”

The girls stayed silent, but after some seconds went by, Eclipse stood up and approached her; the two stared at one another, but Trixie would gaze downward, leaving Eclipse to give his neutral stare. Soon somepony made a move, which was Eclipse patting Trixie’s head, which made the mare give a look of annoyance.

Eclipse on the other hoof still gave his neutral look, but spoke. “You had your reasons… You probably went through the same kind of treatment by others before, so it wouldn’t surprise me you give the same responses over and over… Just remember, that not all situations should be handled out of familiarity and past experiences… You should always be open to other choices.” After finishing ruffling the mare’s mane, Eclipse trotted by the girls and Spike back home. “I’m heading home, I need my rest and I’m certain Twilight can handle everything from here…”

Trixie still felt upset about what she done earlier but soon her negative thoughts ended when Eclipse spoke again. “Oh and another thing,” said Eclipse, catching Trixie’s attention. While Eclipse still faced away from Trixie, she swore she saw him smirking. “While the boasting was a little overboard… I did enjoy your fireworks and tricks, especially the one with Rainbow being spun around.”

Everyone gave shocked looks until they saw Eclipse looking back with an amused grin, soon the stallion chuckled to himself and trotted off. The only one speaking was an angry Rainbow who shouted several things at the stallion, but this left Trixie speechless before the tips of her ears perked up and held a tinge of red. “Um… thank you…” said Trixie, quietly to herself.

The next day later – Ponyville; 8:00am

After Twilight made sure the Ursa Minor went back home to its mother, an Ursa Major, the town praised Twilight being the hero of the day, as not many saw Eclipse’s actions or only knew Twilight had something to do with the rampaging beast staying back in the Everfree. It was also later found out that Snips and Snails were the ones to had brought the beast, actually believing Trixie’s tale, the colts were both reprimanded by their guardians. As for Trixie, instead of leaving she decided to stay a little bit, but as to why nopony knew, she also said sorry to the girls for her attitude toward them and gained a small friendship with Twilight, though the two would rival a little about their own magical skills – Twilight’s educated training and Trixie’s experienced skills.

The day after the fiasco, some reporters came by to talk and ask questions about the event and as this happened the girls with Spike and an embarrassed Trixie, who said several times she came along because she just wanted to know where Eclipse lived and nothing else, this getting a couple of laughs from some of the girls. “Trixie told you, Trixie only wants to know where he lives, nothing else!” shouted Trixie, at a laughing Rainbow.

“Oh nothing about him saving you or anything or maybe the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ just wants to give some of that greatness to Eclipse,” said Rainbow, nudging the blushing unicorn.

This made Trixie blush even harder and more laughs from Rainbow, which caused her to sputter and mutter loudly. Once they neared Eclipse’s property, they soon came upon an interesting sight; Eclipse instead of lounging about or lazily napping was doing something… productive.

The dummy from before – or maybe an identical one – was stationed where the girls last saw it to be,with Eclipse having the same sword from yesterday poised and ready, but before he made any movements, Trixie spoke.

“What the heck is he doing?” asked Trixie. Eclipse swiftly glanced at their direction, making everyone flinched back a little, but once he noticed who it was he flung the sword he had to the ground – the sword stabbed and stuck within the ground – before trotting toward them on all fours.

“I’d ask why you are all here again, but I don’t think that matters,” said Eclipse.

“Sorry, we just wanted to tell you about how the whole Ursa Minor situation happened and that some reporters came by and asked some questions. Nopony knows about you standing up to the thing, except for us, but I thought you’d go and tell the reporters or something,” said Twilight.

“Hmmmm… I’m not big on getting on the news, so I’d like my own business away from the prying eyes of reporters,” said Eclipse, turning around. Eclipse trotted to his sword, pulled it up from the ground and went back to his original position. He then did some practice swings and swipes at the dummy, making some audible thunks whenever the weapon hit the wooden torso of the dummy. “Besides… I got better things to do, you can all go and grab something to eat and drink in my home.”

Pinkie quickly zoomed to Eclipse’s home with Applejack following behind to make sure the hyperactive pony didn’t do anything or break anything inside. The others followed, which left Trixie before Eclipse, but before she could speak, Twilight hurried Trixie to follow them, saying something about Eclipse looking busy and not wanting to distract him.

Soon the stallion went back to training, thinking about what he’s been told. The news huh… Wonder who’ll get interested in some wild Ursa coming to Ponyville, this town has seen its share of oddities, so I doubt it’ll get much attention.

Elsewhere – Canterlot; 1:00pm

After the reporters got what they came for from Ponyville, they quickly released an afternoon newspaper of the story taking front-page across the cities the reporters came from and each news group they came from. Somewhere in the capital, in a large building that was known to those in the city and others, was a church-like building with several symbols of the sun across it and two statues of alicorns that seem to depict strongly toward Celestia herself.

Inside this building at one of its many floors, in an office-like room, with the curtains open to let the sun’s light slip into the room, a unicorn stallion sat checking several files, each one explaining about wild monster reports and several reports of quote-on-quote, righteous actions being taken at some towns not visible on the Equestrian map.

This stallion who sat here, is the head honcho of the military power of one of the largest organizations in Equestria; existing nearly five centuries ago officially, but was around longer since Celestia’s first rise to power as Equestria’s ruler. This organization was called the Church of the Holy Sun, a bunch of fanatical ponies who praised the sun and Celestia… fervently, the one who sat looking through said files was High Paladin Shining Might, his cutiemark being a blazing sword that pierced some clouds. He was in charged of handling any reports of monster attacks, cultists, and other such things that involved doing things in a physical way and while the organization has several leaders for different things the church does, many agreed that he represented the organization the most when it came to public view.

After looking through the file, he heard a noise from a chute that dropped letters, scrolls, files, and other things through for him. Right now what came down was a newspaper, which he levitated and looked through to read; skimming through the basic things, he paused after viewing what was at the front cover of the newspaper.

Slowly a grin appeared on the stallion’s face, which he place the newspaper down and faced a mirror on the right side of him. Lighting his horn, he sent a small wisp of magic to the mirror until it showed the reflection of another pony, this pony was a pegasus stallion who after seeing who was at the other side, did a motion with his right forehoof placed onto his chest. “High Paladin Might, sir! How can I help you today, sir?”

“Paladin Swift Slice, tell platoon one and two to prepare themselves, we’re going to Ponyville… It appears there has been an incident of sorts involving an Ursa Minor and I believe this is the perfect moment we have been looking for,” said Might. The paladin nodded immediately, soon the mirror began to shimmer and became a normal mirror; Might faced away from the mirror to gaze outside, and stare with an addictive gaze at the sun. “Finally… we can do something about that wretched forest… and maybe get an audience with her holiness.”

Righteous Fury (Edited)

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The next day – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 10:30am

After repairs were done at Ponyville from yesterday’s incident with the rampaging Ursa Minor, everything returned back to normal as a relative calmness came back to the town and the townsfolk. Twilight was enjoying a cup of tea while reading a book, Spike was busy playing a game of checkers with Trixie; the showmare decided to stay in Ponyville and live at Twilight’s, the main reason she was staying was due to her carriage having been smashed by the Ursa during its rampage. Right now she decided to do some simple odd jobs and show some of her illusions and tricks to anypony willing to watch, the town also slowly gotten used to the mare and while some find her personality… a little difficult to handle, they were alright with her living in Ponyville.

It was Trixie’s turn to move her piece as she was black while Spike was red, the winner being Trixie so far. “Hmmmm, how about… this,” said Trixie. Moving one of the black pieces, which took down another of Spike’s checker pieces, leaving him with one and her with four… four that were on a particular pattern.

Seeing this, Spike grinned and made his move, taking out all four of Trixie’s checker pieces. “And, I win,” said Spike, triumphantly.

Trixie was shocked at having been easily defeated by Spike, Twilight had taken a glance at their game and chuckled at Spike’s victorious grin. “Tha-that’s impossible, you must had cheated!”

“What no I didn’t, you should have been paying attention to your own pieces then!?”

The two began to bicker back at one another, when they heard some noise outside; it sounded like a bunch of ponies marching through the town in a synchronized motion, when realizing that to Twilight’s memory that she’s only ever heard this once in her life back at Canterlot. “No… no no no, what are they doing here!?” shouted Twilight.

“Twilight?” asked both Spike and Trixie. The lavender unicorn didn’t answer and instead dropped her book and ran outside and what she saw confirmed her suspicions. Marching through Ponyville from the train station was at least forty-eight armored ponies with three ponies leading the march. One of the three ponies at the head of the group shouted an order to halt which resulted all the ponies to stop.

“Attention!” At that signal, all the ponies faced directly Twilight’s library flawlessly, the three ponies in the lead trotted up to Twilight, when Trixie and Spike finally came out to find out what was happening, but were as equally shocked. While Twilight didn’t recognize the two that followed the lead pony, she definitely knew who the pony leading these ponies was.

“Shining Might,” said Twilight, with disdain.

“Ah, her holiness’ student, it is an honor to meet you Twilight Sparkle, I did not know you were living here now and if I did, I’d properly bring my personal honor guard, but sadly we aren’t here on personal visits,” said Might, grinning.

“What are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Of course of course, with you being the recently new Element bearer of Magic, it must be strange to find members of the Church of the Holy Sun here. You see, I have heard news of the recent rampage of an Ursa Minor and as my duty to defend Equestria and its citizens from such vile creatures, I’d thought I come to make certain the beast was dealt with.”

“There’s no need, the creature has returned back to the Everfree Forest and the only reason it came to Ponyville was because two colts agitated the creature.”

“While I’m certain what you say is the truth, but I must make it certain that no future threats like that happen again,” said Might. Might faced the pony to his left who did the church’s signature salute, placing their right forehoof onto their chest while gazing at the sky. “Paladin Swift Slice, I want you and Paladin Pristine to split the forty-eight knights into squads of eight knights, with both of you commanding three squads each. Have them scour this town and the surrounding area near the Everfree, find any clues of possible threats to Equestria and the royalty.”

“Yes High Paladin Might, sir!” shouted Swift, facing the knights. “You heard him, I want squads of eight knights to cover this settlement and find signs of dangerous objects or creatures, pronto!”

And like that, the once detailed and organized ponies began splitting up into six groups, each group having eight ponies with the two paladins monitoring the squads. Twilight gazed at Might who smiled back, which she returned an angry gaze. “You can’t do this, you may say you’re doing this for Equestria, but your just doing this for your own sick reasons! Once I report this to Princess Celestia of what you are doing-”

“That is, if we are doing anything wrong, which we are not, a creature from the Everfree Forest wanders into this town and the only proof you have is from two foals… you really think that’s enough to convince me that it was just an accident? For all we know, that beast could have been forced or ordered to attack here, so unless I find evidence of otherwise or find clues of manipulation on that creature… you can’t tell us to evict the premises.” Even though Might was still smiling at Twilight, she knew behind that smile was a merciless stallion who would do anything for his own goals. “Well, I must take my leave Twilight Sparkle, it was nice meeting you for the first time and I hope to be seeing you at the gala.”

With that Shining Might left Twilight and was soon followed by the two paladins who flanked his sides; watching him leave and go to a corner around town, Twilight quickly faced Spike with a serious look. “Spike, write a letter to the princess about what’s happening here, I need to tell the girls what’s going on. For now stay inside until you get a response message from her, alright?”

Spike nodded, heading back inside with Trixie following him, the door to the library closing. Twilight faced the direction of town where most of her friends would be, heading first to Sugarcube Corner.

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:45am

Since it was a weekend right now, Eclipse wasn’t going to open his shop today and instead went back to his training with the dummy; Fluttershy was there and had invited Rarity for a little picnic, the two mares watching Eclipse train vigilantly.

Eclipse right now was doing some practiced movements and strikes, nothing over the top, but looked impressive from those watching. It was during his training when an audible pop was heard and Twilight and the other girls appeared in front of Eclipse’s home; now gaining the attention of Eclipse and the girls, he put his sword away into a scabbard that was left leaning by the wall of the storage building.

“Twilight dear, what’s wrong?” asked Rarity.

“We need to get to Ponyville!” said Twilight.

“Some good for nothing stallion and his cronies are causin some trouble back in town, using the excuse of that Ursa to go and snoop around! They’re going into ponies’ homes and shuffling through their personal belongings!”

“Yeah, so we’re going to go there and beat the ever loving snot out of them!” Rainbow pumped her hoof up, joined by Pinkie who pulled out an armed and ready party cannon. Fluttershy though didn’t think it was a smart idea to retaliate back, which of course Rarity and Twilight agreed with her, though while she didn’t say she disagreed, it was clear on her worried look.

“We shouldn’t get ourselves in trouble, but we should make sure everypony else is fine. I sent a letter to Princess Celestia to come here and do something to stop them,” said Twilight.

“Can’t we… ask them to stop and leave?” Twilight approached Fluttershy, placing a hoof on her withers, giving the shy mare a shake of her head.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, but the pony leading these ponies isn’t somepony that can be persuaded with words.”

“Then how about I try talking to this pony?” Everypony looked at Eclipse, who had his sword sheathed in his scabbard, before hoofing the sheathed sword to Fluttershy; the butterscotch mare held onto the weapon, watching Eclipse heading to town. “I want to see what kind of pony this… What’s his name by the way?”

“He’s called High Paladin Shining Might, one of the leaders of the Church of the Holy Sun, he’s responsible with monster hunts, cultist activity, and anything that can be considered a threat to Equestria and Princess Celestia. They’ve been around as long as Celestia began ruling Equestria, but only became ‘official’ five centuries ago. I don’t know much about them other than that he is the one that most of the public see, so their reputation isn’t that great.”

Eclipse nodded in thanks before heading to town. “Thank you Twilight, I’ll be seeing you girls later… its time I get to meet this High Paladin,” said Eclipse. Due to facing away from the girls, they didn’t see Eclipse’s visage shift to one of neutral expression, then to a calm determination.

After sending the letter to Princess Celestia, Spike and Trixie decided to try and make sure everypony was alright, but soon came to a problem. As they were helping ponies, a squad of armored ponies, wearing white steel with gold, each wielding various weapons and crossbows; the squad of eight ponies saw Spike and things escalated quickly.

“DRAGON, CATCH IT!” Immediately Spike’s eyes widened and before he knew it, one of the ponies wielded a crossbow and fired a modified bolt which released a net, trapping not just Spike but Trixie and the ponies they were trying to help.

“Hey, what gives!” shouted Spike.

“Get Trixie out of here, or Trixie will-”

“Shut it! You, send a message to Paladin Swift, tell him we found a young dragon here and he was conspiring with some of the townsfolk!”

“What!?” Spike was completely gobsmacked, did these guys had any idea who he was and while they weren’t directly under Princess Celestia’s commands, they should at least know who he is. “I’m Twilight Sparkle’s assistant, Spike, if you don’t get me out, she and Princess Celestia will get real upset!”

At the mention of the princess, the ponies glared at Spike, one of them pulling out a sword and pointing it at the trapped Spike. “Still your tongue drake or I’ll slice it off for you!” Spike gulped at the close proximity of the sword, but with all that was happening and the adrenaline coursing through him, he was on a roll.

“Do anything to me and you’ll regret it,” said Spike, bravely.

“Why you little piece of...” As Spike watched the sword rise up, something came rushing at the unsuspecting pony; before anyone knew it, Eclipse rushed forth and headbutted the stallion, causing him to skid across the ground as his weapon clattered right in front of Spike.

The other armored ponies took a step back, eyes widened at one of their own easily taken down. “Knight down, knight down, take down that stall-” The knight who was shouting was unable to finish his sentence as Eclipse quickly did a spin jump and sent his rearleg to crash against the side of his armored head, which did nothing to protect him as it caved in slightly. The stallion went limp, with spittle dripping from his open mouth, left unconscious from the powerful strike.

The other knights look down at another of their own taken down, before glaring angrily at the one responsible; Eclipse ignoring the angry knights, turned to face Spike and tossed the net off them. “Spike, get these ponies and Trixie somewhere safe, head toward the town hall, the girls should be there and tell them to avoid these zealots, alright,” said Eclipse. Before Spike could talk, he quickly pointed at an oncoming attack from a stallion wielding a mace.

Eclipse dodged the mace without even looking before throwing a hoof strike into the pony’s gut, causing the stallion to barf and kneel down. Gesturing for Spike to go, he followed Eclipse’s commands and guided the ponies with Trixie away. Now alone with five of the paladins, one of their own on the ground from the hit he took that managed to been felt through armor; Eclipse gazed at each of them, one wielded a crossbow and was a pegasus, meaning he took the chance to fly up, three were earth ponies, two wielded swords while the third wielded a short spear, and the last one was a unicorn who prepared a spell and levitate a flail.

Each one of these so called knights, slowly surrounded him with the unicorn taking the back and the pegasus taking position to fire bolts at Eclipse from the roof of a building. “Look, either you put those weapons down or I’m going have to put all of you down,” said Eclipse. “So I suggest you listen before-”

“Do not listen to this infidel, show him the might of the Holy Sun and her holiness, Princess Celestia – Goddess of the Sun! He shall pay for interfering in things he doesn’t understand!” Eclipse sighed, then gazed at the ponies or rather at the unicorn in particular.

“I don’t like it when someone interrupts me, so your first,” said Eclipse, pointing at the unicorn. “Then the one with the spear, then the left one and finally the right… And you… well, we’ll see whether you run or not.”

Taking this chance, the one wielding the sword on the right charged but as he brought his sword down, Eclipse vanished. “What the, where did he go!?” shouted the unicorn knight. The knights frantically looked around, but the unicorn felt a tap on his withers, looking to see what touched him, he came to face a hoof slamming into his face, before he was grabbed by the head and tossed into an already shattered window. The others faced the source of the noise to find Eclipse already having dealt with their ally, twisting his neck for audible cracks to be heard, then glancing at them next.

“So… Who’s next?” asked Eclipse, giving out a sadistic grin.

The girls managed to reach town hall, already seeing the knights causing a ruckus, by entering ponies homes and breaking items, but so far nopony gotten hurt. “Why these... I’m gonna teach these ponies what happens when you mess with my hometown!”

“Wait, we can’t do anything or else they’ll retaliate back! I may be Princess Celestia’s apprentice but even I can’t stop them, we need to make sure everypony is alright and wait for the princess.”

At that exact moment, Spike came running in with Trixie and several of the townsfolk, once they met up with Twilight and the girls, Twilight told everypony to head to Sweet Apple Acres or Eclipse’s Property and wait until things calm down. The townsfolk obliged and headed to either location while some went to tell other ponies of the news; Twilight looked at Spike and noticed some bruises, while not too bad, were still noticed by the mare.

“Spike! What happened, who did this!?” asked Twilight.

“I’m fine, but if you’re wondering, those so called knights of the Church of the Holy Sun threw a net over me, Trixie and some of the townsfolk we were trying to help. They didn’t even know I was your assistant and threatened me with a sword, we were lucky that Eclipse was nearby and stopped them,” said Spike.

“AND HE’S LEFT WITH DEALING WITH THOSE RUFFIANS! Twilight, we need to help Eclipse and stop this madness, even though a lady like myself shouldn’t get myself involve in these sort of things, I can’t just stand here and let these… uncouth, barbaric, ponies to go around and ruin my home and the homes of everypony else!”

“You said it Rare, let’s go and kick these ponies flanks!”

“Yeah, let’s teach these meanies what happens when you mess with a pony from Ponyville!”

While the girls were ready and willing to fight, leaving Twilight inching closer and closer to agree, they soon had to stop their ideas of fighting when they heard something; at first it felt like something was whizzing through the air and before they knew it, something crashed some distance near the town hall. Laid in a small crater was a partially bleeding and dazed pegasus knight, which luckily the blood seemed to come from a cut on his head and he didn’t seem too badly injured from his crash.

Skidding into the scene whilst dodging several bolts and spells fired at him was Eclipse, until a literal horde of knights came charging at Eclipse from different directions. After dealing with the ones he was facing, the pegasus that Eclipse threatened earlier attempted to run but got taken down by Eclipse from a thrown rock which collided with his head. While he was taken out, the remaining other knights heard the commotion and came running after him, forcing him to find an open area to fight them all off.

Now surrounded from all sides by the remaining forty knights, twenty earth ponies, ten unicorns, and ten pegasi, all surrounding him with the earth ponies the first to approach the cornered Eclipse. The girls watched from the distance, but the first to react was Fluttershy who nearly charged forward to save her friend. “Eclipse!” Quickly, Twilight and soon the others followed her example to stop the now worried Fluttershy and while she was just a pegasus, she nearly toppled the others over from her sheer will alone.

“Flutters, calm down, I know I want to beat these tools as much as you, but Eclipse can handle himself,” said Rainbow.

“Since when did you worried so much about him Dash?” asked Applejack.

“Shut up, if he can deal with an Ursa and not flinch, then what can forty armed ponies can do to him?”

“They can surround him and force him to submission real quick,” said Spike, factually.

“SPIKE!” shouted everypony except Fluttershy.

“Okay okay, yeesh.”

Twilight was the one to calm Fluttershy, who was hyperventilating now, but her breathing slowed down enough for her to stop her pursuit of charging into a literal wall of metal and flesh. “Fluttershy, calm down… I know seeing Eclipse surrounded and in that kind of situation would make anyone of us panic.”

“Not me.” Twilight glared at Rainbow, who simply shrugged and looked at the fight that would happen soon.

“Eclipse… is tougher than anyone of us could imagine, heck we all saw how he fought with that sword of his, so there’s no need to worry.” Fluttershy looked at Twilight then at where she assumed Eclipse to be, but slowly she gave a soft nod before leaning her head against Rarity, who calmed the worried mare.

“Don’t worry dear, Eclipse will make sure these ponies are given a proper lesson in manners and etiquette… though I hope he doesn’t try to break any of their bones,” said Rarity.

“I hope he breaks all the bones!” shouted Pinkie. A horrified look was given by everyone, which Pinkie gave a confused look. “What, I meant figuratively, you know like breaking a leg.”

“Trixie promises not to get on your bad side… ever.”

(Fight Music)

Eclipse found he was surrounded, unarmed and outnumbered, facing against some semi-trained opponents, wearing some semi-decent armor. Just like the old days. Soon a pony approached forward, this one wearing some pretty interesting armor and wore a helm with two ornate feathered wings similar to a valkyrie. The pony removed their helm to reveal themselves to be a mare pegasus; what fur color he could see was teal, while her mane was beige with orange that made two lines through her mane that reached the back of her neck.

“In the name of the Church of the Holy Sun and her holiness herself, Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, I Paladin Pristine of the 2nd Platoon, hereby order you to halt and surrender yourself in suspicion of a possible threat to Equestria and her holiness!” shouted Pristine. “We shall restrain you with these manacles and chains once capture is done and a thorough search of your belongings and lodging will be done until we find anything of interest!”

Eclipse didn’t respond, he didn’t speak, but the only gesture he gave was a simple one; posing into his fighting stance, standing tall on both rear-legs, he positioned both his forelegs to his sides and gave an intense glare in return. While not fazing Pristine, the other knights took a few steps back, but after another glare by the mare they took positions, while some ponies approached with raised weapons aimed at the stallion.

“Knights, cease this fool,” said Pristine.

The knights approached, but as they gotten closer, Eclipse took in a deep inhale, his breathing going from a steady pattern to a slow inhale and exhale. Keeping his gaze on Pristine, just as one of the knights was approaching from behind, he sidestepped him before throwing a right hoof strike, which dazed the knight. After seeing one of their own attacked stirred the others to charge, but were soon stunned as Eclipse lunged forth and unleashed a flurry of blows toward the knights he lunged toward. Each strike did a fatal blow to them, causing them to fall to the ground with pained expressions; Eclipse dodged an oncoming sword with ease before smashing the wielder of the weapon with a roundhouse kick.

Next he back-flipped behind more knights and did a leg sweep that tumbled the knights to the ground, then spotted an oncoming bolt fired at him before dodging said bolt. Looking at the one responsible for firing said weapon, more oncoming bolts and spells were fired at him, dodging them with ease with a simple movement of his head or sidestepping those aimed at his body.

Soon the ground was littered with bolts and marks of used spells, Eclipse soon faced the line of unicorns and pegasi that fired said projectiles, before kicking the ground below him, flinging himself toward the firing squad. Seeing the stallion rushing right for them, caused a panic amongst the unicorns, but before they could retreat Eclipse reached them as he uppercut one of them and proceedied to incapacitate the others.

The pegasi dive-bombed Eclipse which he backed away until the cloud of dust cleared, soon one pegasus came rushing with wing-blades, using the weapons with practiced ease, however Eclipse still managed to dodge said weapons. Each swipe from the pegasus’s wings nearly reached Eclipse, but each were easily dodged; seeing his attacks not hitting, the pegasus charged forth and sent a powerful gust of wind, the wind while strong enough to push back some nearby knights, didn’t move Eclipse.

Seeing him unfazed by the gust of wind, Eclipse took advantage of the pony’s shock and struck him on the muzzle, sending a stream of blood down his mouth. Another hit was struck across his face as he came skidding across the ground to stop before Pristine. Seeing one of the very knights that she personally trained angered her immensely, she soon approached with an interesting weapon that was strapped to her tail, the weapon was a whip-like weapon with spikes across it and with one flick of her tail the weapon came crashing to the ground with the end having a spear tip that created a deep protrusion in the ground.

“It seems we’ve underestimated you… but I won’t, so it’s best you surrender now while you have the chance,” said Pristine, lowering her form.

Eclipse took a ready stance, showing no sign of retreat or intimidated at the slightest, this spurring Pristine to charge forth sending out a whiplash of spikes. The attack came as suddenly and as quick as its owner, Eclipse maneuvered around the attack, but the whip came back and nearly shredded his back, having to roll to avoid it. Once the whip was back on Pristine’s side, she sent another attack, relentlessly whipping at Eclipse without pause or slowing down, while Eclipse dodged, he needed a way to counter back, but without a weapon that may be impossible.

Seeing no other choices possible, Eclipse looked around until he saw the girls some distance away, watching the fight. “GIRLS! MY WEAPON, PASS ME MY WEAPON!” shouted Eclipse, catching Pristine off-guard.

The girls glanced up to see Eclipse waving over to them, before dodging a strike from a whip, Fluttershy quickly looked up but stopped from making a step forward. Looking down at the sword she carried in her hooves, she wasn’t sure if she should give it to Eclipse and while these ponies were harming Eclipse, giving the weapon to him… wouldn’t it make the situation worse. I want to help him, but somepony could get really hurt if I give him his sword. I already know what he can do with it… but what if he would hurt somepony…

Fluttershy soon felt two hooves around her withers, looking up to find Twilight looking at her with a gentle smile. “Fluttershy, I know you don’t want to hurt anypony, but these ponies will if we don’t do something. I know Eclipse… might hurt somepony, but he knows that worse things will happen… let me get the sword to Eclipse and I’ll promise everything will be alright,” said Twilight, reassuring Fluttershy.

She looked down and examined the sheathed sword, before with a troubled sigh, gave it to Twilight, once giving it to her, she looked up at her. “Please… I don’t want anypony to get hurt… but I don’t want Eclipse to get hurt either...”

Twilight nodded, then teleported as close as she could, at least a meter outside of the perimeter that the knights made. Eclipse had just dodged another whip strike, when he heard Twilight’s voice over the dozens of knights still standing. “ECLIPSE! CATCH!” shouted Twilight. Using all her magic she could, Twilight flung the weapon toward Eclipse, catching the sword he unsheathed and pointed the sword upward.

Seeing the weapon, Pristine charged forth, turning to yell at the remaining knights. “Knights, charge and take him down, but I want his head!” shouted Pristine.

As Eclipse grasped his sword and stood back on both rear-hooves, he brought his sword just an inch from his snout, before doing a circular slash sending forth a wave of ebony energy. The wave knocked back everypony, either blown back to the ground or into any nearby objects like walls, benches, or trees. Pristine slowly began to get back up, until she and a few others were the only ones standing, but barely; looking toward where Eclipse was, he saw him with the sword as he casually spun it around his leg before gripping it with the other hoof to do the same thing.

Eclipse gazed down at the ebony blade of the sword, tightening his grip on the handle before staring forward at Pristine. “I will say this once… Stop while you can, because I won’t hold back with what I’m about to do,” said Eclipse.

“I shall never surrender, for I am a paladin of the Church of the Holy Sun, for I praise and follow her holiness herself! Face judgment and be happy that you fought one of our warriors and die honorably! YAAAAAARRRH!” Pristine charged forth sending forth her whip right at Eclipse; seeing the attack, Eclipse brought forth his weapon and with one single swipe, the whip and air around Pristine and Eclipse began to tremble.

Just as Pristine passed Eclipse, both stood tall, but sheathing his weapon away, Eclipse began to trot away on all fours. “I warned you, be glad I did not hit anything vital...” As he began to leave, Pristine took one look at him… before her weapon shattered into scraps, with several cuts crisscrossed all over her body, a trail of blood dripping from a cut above one of her eyes. Soon she was brought to a kneeling position, coughing up blood that splattered the ground, taking one final look at the one who easily defeated her.


Eclipse didn’t answer, continuing to trot by the remaining knights still standing, moving out of his way out of a mix of fear and awe, soon Pristine fainted as she was left in a heap on a small pool of her own blood. Reaching toward the others, he was soon stopped by another paladin and a unicorn who wore armor that was giving out a light or ambiance similar to aura, who still held a smile even though he stood in the middle of the battle’s aftermath.

“So, you are the one responsible for all of… this,” said Might, who gestured to the surrounding area.

Eclipse took a look of his surroundings and while the fight he had with the knights was bad, the more notable or damaged areas was the town itself while the fight only had several holes or small craters made mostly by the knights than Eclipse. “Are you referring to the fight your followers caused, or the ransacking of this town,” said Eclipse, sarcastically.

This didn’t seem to offend Might, though Eclipse could sense small ripples of red aura, meaning that his comment did get some sort of reaction, however the one to respond wasn’t Might but rather the one beside him. “YOU DARE BLAME THIS MESS ON THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SUN! YOU WHO HAVE PULLED OUT AND USED A WEAPON AGAINST ONE OF OUR OWN, NOT TO MENTION TO BE AIDED BY SOMEPONY FROM THIS TOWN! WE SHALL BURN YOU AND THOSE WHO LIVE HERE FOR THIS INSULT!” shouted Swift, ready to strike.

“Still yourself Swift Slice, while I… find his tone of voice unacceptable, we did indeed caused this mess, however it appears our labors has gained fruit. You, what is your name and where did you gain this sword, I have never seen such fine craftsmanship, if you tell us where such a weapon was forged and where you gained said training, maybe we may forget this… incident,” said Might, smiling. “I am High Paladin Shining Might of the Church of the Holy Sun and here is my right-hoof stallion, Paladin Swift Slice!”

The others watched with their own worried looks while Eclipse looked impassively, before gazing at said sheathed sword and back at Might. “This weapon… you do not deserve of its origins and the knowledge behind it,” said Eclipse.

Now that… what hit the nail on the proverbial coffin; Might calm smile shifted to one of rage as he gave out a snarl and stomped both his front hooves with enough force to create small cracks to spread on the ground, his glare enough to shatter stone. “YOU DARE! You dare talk back to me in such a way; I can bring you, your family, your home and this entire town and everypony who lives here to burn by fire and worse! Or I could just take everything from you, keep you caged for your entire life, until you are given the forgiveness of the sun and her holiness, so either you bow down peasant and wallow for forgiveness and just maybe… I might forgive you.”

His anger was still present in his eyes, but he held an arrogant smirk, believing his words was enough to convince this nopony and even not he used a persuasive spell while he was speaking to convince any weak-willed fool. This pony is pudding between my hooves.

Eclipse was quiet, no, he was beyond quiet as everything near him didn’t utter a single noise, like all sound died around him. The girls and Spike watched with abated breaths, not daring to breath or make a single noise, the nearby knights also watched with equal silence, leaving the breathing of Might and Swift the only heard noise. Finding the silence to continue, Might took this chance to speak again with another angry growl. “Well, speak you,” shouted Might. “Pathetic!” The ground around Eclipse seem to shimmer and darken. “Worthless!” His fur bristled as an unseen wind blew through his mane and tail with powerful strokes. “Weakling!”

That and everything this stallion said would been enough for Eclipse to just wipe him out, this town and half of Equestria into nothing… if it weren’t for one pony to stand up for her friend. “How, dare you!” screamed Fluttershy. Having enough she flew right up to Might’s snout and gave her the Stare, and while this caused him to take a step back, he held strong, albeit barely.

“You can destroy everypony’s homes and threaten us, but you will never, ever harm and insult my friend! Go back wherever you came from, take those that came with you and never come ba-”

“SILENCE; I SHALL NOT BE TALKED BACK BY SOME WENCH!” This spooked Fluttershy and before she knew it, Might fired a blast of magic that while not harmful, the knockback was enough to make her crash into the ground. “I shall teach you and many to come a lesson they will never, forget!” Might prepared to unleash a powerful spell that would harm but not kill anypony but due to his anger the spell was stronger than it was meant to be. He fired said spell, the nearby ponies shouted in surprise, some of the girls trying to reach for their friend; Twilight watched and she could teleport Fluttershy out of the way, but the suddenness of her confronting Might and his sudden blast of magic was too quick.

I-I won’t be able to reach her!

However she wouldn’t need to, as the spell was reaching her, she felt something… push her or rather, lifted her aside, until she came to the hooves of Rainbow and Applejack, being the ones to react first but finding a spooked Fluttershy tumbling into their hooves.

A massive cloud of dust appeared as the spell hit something, once the dust began to clear, standing in the middle of a decently large crater was Eclipse, who stood on a piece of the ground that still remained but barely. The shock came to everyone full force, but before Might could react… he felt something snap, looking down to realize his horn… was snapped off; the feeling of having his horn snapped off created a backlash toward him, causing him to release his breakfast all over the ground.

He wouldn’t be able to take any further respite before he felt something kicked him to the ground and stomp onto his throat. He was left gazing at the fuming Eclipse who gazed down with eyes that bore the embodiment of wrath, his teeth showed that they weren’t the natural kind found for a herbivorous race, but ones made to rend flesh. Eclipse was still simmering from the blast of the spell as smoke rose from his form, but he was unfazed and unharmed; Swift charged with his blade but soon it was turned to dust from a single strike of Eclipse’s hoof, which destroyed the sword and crashed against Swift’s head until it twisted into an irregular position, painful but not a killing blow, most likely having a cast around his neck for a couple of weeks or month.

This all happened so fluidly and quickly that nopony even realized Eclipse got from where he was to being on top of Might, the stallion himself struggling under the pressure around his throat. “You… bastard,” said Might, barely able to speak. Might would be silenced once more by Eclipse adding further pressure onto the hoof on the throat of the crippled unicorn.

Eclipse lowered himself near Might’s ear, making sure the pony was kept pinned to the ground, once he was just an inch from his ear, he spoke in a cold and empty voice that bore no rage nor sympathy. “I can simply end you here and now and whether somebody cares for your worthless existence won’t matter because by the time I’m done with you… nobody will have the capacity to remember whatever legacy you’ll leave behind. Leave now with your subordinates and if you ever put one hoof back here… I’ll do more than leave broken bodies and unconscious ponies.”

While it could sound like a threat it wasn’t, it was Eclipse promising a fate worse than even death; his pride being on the line, Might responded the best way possible, so after Eclipse took his hoof off of him, he got up, glanced at the injured Swift Slice before facing some knights still standing.

“You, send a message from the church to send some priests to heal and help bring the wounded back to Canterlot… we’re leaving,” said Might. The pony sneered at Eclipse but quickly left with an injured and unconscious Swift being lifted onto his back, before grabbing his torn horn on the ground, gazing at it with a sad look before it changed to one of anger. Soon the remaining knights carried or tried waking up those who only had minor injuries, soon all fifty-one members of the church heading back to the train station.

The knights with the paladins soon left, leaving Eclipse, the girls and Spike remaining near the town hall; soon they approached Eclipse who stood still with his sword sheathed that hung loosely around his barrel. The first to approach him was Fluttershy, but before she could approach the group stop to gaze at Eclipse, who gave his simple neutral look, had something trailing down his snout as a small stream of blood dripped down one of his nostrils, unnoticed by him.

“Eclipse, your bleeding!” said Fluttershy. Soon the others gasped at Eclipse sudden nosebleed and as he checked to confirm this, his vision slowly gotten blurry as well his mind began to fog over.

It seems… I’ve overworked myself… “Well… that’s a problem,” said Eclipse. Like that, he promptly fell unconscious but was soon stop mid-fall by Fluttershy who wrapped a wing around him. Barely able to hear, his senses soon dulled, the last things he heard were the voices of those around him ebb away.

“Rainbow call a doctor, quickly! Everything is going to be okay Eclipse, help’s comin-” Soon Twilight’s voice was gone, replaced by the blissful silence of nothing.

Nearby – Ponyville; 11:25am

From the distance, watching the group that surrounded Eclipse’s unconscious form, was Luella; the bear cub had watched the fight and his master confronting the so called high paladin, before said paladin and his group left soon afterwards. His master while fell and caught by Fluttershy did cause panic amongst the group wasn’t something to worry about for the small creature, as she knew the reason why he fainted was not due to exhaustion, injuries, or the like… it was because he was still recovering from a previous incident from his past before coming to Ponyville.

An incident that only he and Luella knew… an incident that would remind the cub to better care for her master. Seeing him defenseless and alone troubled her, not wanting the same incident from before to repeat; soon the cub bear followed the group who carried Eclipse to Ponyville General Hospital, nopony capable of comprehending her thoughts about her real relationship with Eclipse Light.

Wounded Soul (Edited)

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Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 11:00am

Celestia sat at her throne doing morning court but since it was a weekend, most ponies took the time to relax during the weekends, leaving the number of ponies coming to morning court a small number; the only ponies to come were nobles who wish to invite the princess to their own parties, members from the trading guild in Canterlot who give suggestions on new trade routes, deals, and contracts. There were the rare chance for ponies who wished to talk about different problems, these being actual problems since during the weekdays, ponies come around from Equestria to discuss their own issues with the princess, leaving these ponies zero time to talk with the princess due to daily busy schedules.

Today though was quiet and problems and complaints were slim today with only one pony giving a report about strange activity further west; Celestia enjoyed a cup of tea, savoring the taste when a cloud of smoke floated toward her which soon transformed into a scroll that dropped onto her lap. Seeing the scroll belonging to her student, she opened the scroll, reading the surprisingly small report until she continued to read it further, her once calm visage changing to a troubled and frustrated look.

Them again, I’ve been adamant about this that if they were to cause trouble again, I’d have no choice but to ban any future activities for the following year and a thorough search of their properties of corruption… but in the end corruption is the last thing I find in that zealous organization. Ever since her ruling with her sister when Equestria was founded, both sisters gained a cult-like following, each of them dealing the issue in their own way. While Celestia ignored or monitored their activities as best she could, Luna took a more up close approach and integrated these members into what become the Lunar Guard and also gaining the support of the sub-race of ponies, Thestrals or also known by the common tongue, bat ponies.

After Luna’s banishment, the followers of Luna have become surprisingly quiet and non-violent than in the past, as a way of repentance for not foreseeing what had become of their “Lady of the Night”, this however became the opposite for followers of Celestia as seeing their goddess attacked by her own sister, riled them up into a frenzy. The so called cultist hunts and battles between the followers of the Sun and the followers of the Moon was a dark stain in Equestrian history and because of this, all loyal groups of followers of the Sun would further become what now exists for the last five centuries – the Church of the Holy Sun.

The organization has three leaders based off the three pony races, each responsible for different goals within the group to better support the organization and praise to Princess Celestia; these leaders starting from the oldest was an elderly pegasus by the name of High Priest Grail, responsible with the religious part of the group and training of priests and priestesses in the group that would become the healers of the Church and spread their word to which ever part of Equestria. Next was an earth pony mare called Doctor Warm Earth, she’s the rational member of the group and while the very zealous members dislike her, she’s responsible with research, study, and excavation of artifacts that interest the organization, making her a pony of science than religion, but the main reason why she was a part of the organization was her interest in alicorns and their origins.

Finally there was the enforcers of the organization, High Paladin Shining Might, a unicorn with magic power equivalent, possibly greater than the current captain of Canterlot’s Royal Guard, Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor. He was a zealous pony who led the paladins and knights of the organization, responsible with everything that the public dislikes about the Church, as they strike down on threats on “Equestria and her holiness” is the common saying used by them. No fatal actions have been done by them, usually property damage and harassment, but there was one incident when Doctor Warm heard rumors of an artifact relating to Celestia in a small town; to further check for proof of this, Doctor Warm sent High Paladin Might to search the town, but after no evidence was found, the High Paladin felt betrayed and burned the town out of rage and treachery for the falseness of it, giving the organization a warning of any further actions like this would result in serious consequences. So far the organization has stayed quiet and done simple investigations of cultist and monster hunts… but the reason Celestia was angered about their recent search in Ponyville was because of the recent attack of the Ursa Minor which was solved and investigated already.

They’re using the excuse to burn down the Everfree Forest, I had warned all my ponies to stray away from there and to leave the ancient forest alone. That organization has been trying to use every excuse to burn down that forest out of some notion to appease me, what they don’t know is that forest has been enchanted before me and my sister’s rise to rule Equestria, which keeps the deadly creatures of the forest to not stray away unless provoked or some other reason. If that forest is destroyed, then the deadly beasts would roam Equestria without a home… there is also the various secrets kept hidden in the forest itself and our old home that should be kept hidden.

“Guard!” shouted Celestia, to the nearest guard. A royal guard faced her and saluted, ready to do what she commanded for him to do. “I want you to gather a platoon of forty of the Royal Guard and get them ready to head to Ponyville, pronto! Also send somepony to wake my sister and tell her to come to the airship docks.”

The guard saluted and ran off to do what he’s been told, Celestia faced Raven her secretary. “Raven, I want you to cancel the morning court for today and clear the rest of my schedule for today too, tell them that something important has come up that needs my attention,” said Celestia.

“I’ll make sure that the nobles you scheduled to see understand the urgency of these sudden events, princess,” said Raven, bowing. After the secretary left, Princess Celestia exited the throne hall through the side doors behind the throne; she was followed by two guards who made sure they were by her side constantly and while it was unnecessary, she needed to make sure her guards had something to do.

Going through the halls of the castle, Celestia arrived at the airship docks that were stationed near Canterlot Castle and to the public, there was a part of the docks which was reserved for the Royal Guard, Lunar Guard, and the Princesses. Right now, a platoon of forty members of the royal guard were preparing to board a carrier-class ‘Whale’ airship, there were several airships models used for different situations.

The smallest airship, scout-class ‘Pixie’ only required three to four ponies to properly fly and can hold up to six in total, quickest airship capable of reaching west to east of Equestria in only half a day. The battle-class ‘Wyvern’ carries seven to ten with the maximum of fifteen, used as the basic form of defense and attack during raids against bandits or deadly creatures, equipped with four crossbow repeaters and one ballista, there’s also an optional addition of adding four cannons on the deck. The armor-class ‘Drake’ carries twenty to thirty ponies, being equipped with six crossbow repeaters, eight cannons, two ballistas, and a magic battery, a unique weapon powered through magic that fires a condensed beam, but can only be fired when the airship is stationary.

There is of course the carrier-class ‘Whale’ combined with the working staff of twenty ponies and the passengers of forty to sixty ponies, a total of eighty or more ponies can be lifted in the airship; the airship isn’t equipped with weaponry but does have fourteen cannons on deck and eight hook cannons around the hull that are used to land or even dock onto other ships. Then there’s the siege-class ‘Giant’ that said to be able to hold one-hundred to one-hundred and twenty, but sadly was decommissioned once peace finally came to Equestria, with rumors saying it once held twenty crossbow repeaters, forty cannons, six hook cannons at the bow, four ballistas, and a destroyer cannon, a weapon that charges magical energy before firing a focused beam of magic from the surrounding atmosphere.

The second Celestia entered the docks, she noticed her sister already there, speaking with one of the guards before said guard went to board the airship. Luna spotted her sister waving her hoof at her approach, after she recovered just a week ago, she regained a little of her former state from what she looked a thousand years ago, though there was still some differences as her mane didn’t flow as much it did or showed that starry sky look either. Once both sisters were close they gave each other a wing hug before returning to focusing on the reason why they’re here.

“Sister, what’s thou… I mean, what’s the problem, I’ve been told the bare things but could you tell me in better detail?” asked Luna. Luna started learning about the common tongue now and often reads history books about what she missed the past millennium.

“The Church of the Holy Sun are causing a commotion at Ponyville, specifically High Paladin Shining Might is using the incident yesterday with the Ursa Minor to destroy the Everfree Forest and anything else he wishes to do,” said Celestia.

“Oh, that sun cult correct, I read a little on them, apparently they started to grow in power after my banishment… Tia, while I don’t want to speak about this now, but we both made mistakes in the past and we won’t be able to atone for them… but we have to handle this group now.”

“...We’ll see Luna, for now we should head to Ponyville before further damage is made-” And that moment, another scroll appeared before the two, and as Celestia unrolled it, she began to read a further report from her student.

Dear, Princess Celestia

The incident in Ponyville has been dealt with and High Paladin Shining Might is retreating back to Canterlot from the train station and while I’m certain you want to intervene them immediately, I should report that the casualties are from mostly his own; myself nor the girls or any of the townsfolk had any part in their injuries, rather another resident who just started living in Ponyville earlier than I did responded to their actions. I should also mention that Spike was treated badly by some of the knights of that order, but Eclipse intervened and managed to… ‘persuade’ them before sending them away from town.

Eclipse fainted afterwards, we brought him to the Ponyville General Hospital but doctors say he’s fine… I’m not sure if he fainted due to exhaustion or something, but… well there’s something I need to discuss with you personally about him, I hope you receive this letter post-haste.

From your student, Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Spike is alright, he only got a few scrapes.

“Well it appears things have calmed down, but we need to go there to make sure our ponies are alright; sister, I want you to go see Twilight and her friends about this Eclipse Light pony. I met him personally but I don’t know much about him, other than that he wished to have a license from the trader’s guild in Canterlot when he visited half a month ago. I will deal with the Church of the Holy Sun and Shining Might… I also think it’s a good idea for you to properly be introduced to my student and her friends, other than myself and some of the castle staff.”

“But Tia...” Celestia petted her sister’s mane which made her pout before giving a small smile in return. “Alright, but you better hurry with dealing with those ruffians from that so called order.”

“I promise, now let’s hurry and make haste to Ponyville.” Both alicorn sisters boarded the airship and soon made their way to Ponyville, the trip taking five to ten minutes at their current speed.

Ponyville, Ponyville General Hospital; 11:15am

After getting Eclipse to the hospital, they waited patiently for the doctors to check any further problems just in case. The girls along with Spike and Trixie were now in the waiting room near the room Eclipse was being kept at right now, each of them had their own thoughts and worries, with Fluttershy being the one who hasn’t spoken a word and kept to herself with Rarity by her side.

Nobody spoke and when they did it was in hushed words, but soon the silence ended with Rainbow speaking. “Okay, is nopony seriously going to start asking about what Eclipse did just now, he literally just took down nearly fifty ponies by himself bare-hooved, only to end up using a weapon against one of those paladin dudes! And when that Might dude started to act all tough and try to hurt Fluttershy, Eclipse somehow pushed her out of the way and freaking snap his horn off, Eclipse did the freaking impossible!”

“RAINBOW!” The prismatic mare cringed at the sudden shout before looking at the one who spoke; Twilight who suddenly stood up and shouted soon got the attention of everyone, even Fluttershy who finally glanced up. “...I don’t want us to put any assumptions about Eclipse or anything… I know we all saw something that was impossible, so we should wait until we get answers from him. I sent a message to Princess Celestia and she sent a response to me earlier that both her and Princess Luna will be coming here. Let’s wait until then… we all have questions right now about today, but we can’t throw any accusations right now...”

Soon after Twilight’s talk, an unexpected visitor entered the room as the one entering was Princess Luna herself, immediately everyone stood up and bowed their heads toward the royal. “Please everyone, there’s no need for you to bow, especially with what’s happened recently. I was told about the situation by my sister, she’s currently handling with this ‘High Paladin’ Shining Might and his actions of today. My sister sent me ahead to check on this Eclipse Light, he’s the one who stopped this madness and I’ve come to say my thanks and see if he’s fine,” said Luna. “Have there been any news of him after you brought him here?”

“None yet so far princess, but I’m surprised that you came here,” said Twilight.

“Celestia thought it be a good idea I’m introduced to the heroines of Equestria and her student,” said Luna. As the two spoke to one another, one of the nurses by the name of Nurse Redheart entered from the hall that led to where the patients were, noticing Princess Luna.

“Princess Luna, wha-what are you doing here!?” asked Redheart, surprised.

“Don’t mind my sudden visit, I came here to see one of the patients here with the rest, is he awake now?”

“Um, yes but… there’s a problem; we tried using our equipment and magic scans to see any further problems and… whatever damage occurred to him was never there… like it just… vanished.”

“Vanished? What you mean vanished?” asked Twilight.

“Well… its best you look for yourself, he’s asleep right now due to some of the anesthetics we used, follow me to his room.” They all followed Nurse Redheart to where Eclipse was being kept, going down two hallways before coming to a room with a single bed near a window facing an open field, the sun’s light slipping through the window and into the room. “He should be awake in a couple of minutes, but please keep your voices low here.”

Once everyone nodded and understood, Redheart exited the room to check other things, the girls looked at the resting Eclipse who didn’t look like he changed at all or had any damage from the fight. Settling down in the room, everyone found somewhere to sit until Princess Luna took a look at Eclipse for the first time, gazing at the stallion sparking something in her psyche. Strange… I feel like I’ve seen this pony before… but where?

“Princess, will Eclipse be fine?” asked Fluttershy, approaching the princess.

“So far from what I can see he’ll be fine and I’m certain the scans that the doctors here have done are accurate enough, for now we’ll wait for him to awaken and for my sister to return. Whilst we are waiting, what can all of you tell me about this stallion here?”

Everyone had their own thoughts on Eclipse, the first of them to speak being Pinkie who bounced up to Princess Luna with a smile. “Oh oh, Eclipse really likes taking walks in the early morning and visits the bakery to have breakfast and owns his own shop and-” Pinkie was shushed by Applejack as she placed a hoof on her snout to stop her quick talking.

“I don’t think the princess needs to know that much about Eclipse; well, he’s hard-working for sure and is helpful to anypony who needs it,” said Applejack.

“He’s also a gentle-colt, polite, and brave, he can be quite generous himself if asked nicely too,” said Rarity.

“He’s a close friend and while he can be a little distant to others, he can be friendly once you get to know him,” said Fluttershy.

Everyone looked at Rainbow who was silent this whole time, but after several moments of silence she rolled her eyes before facing everyone. “...He can be a jerk sometimes… but he’s a cool dude I guess...”

The next pony to speak was Trixie who may had over-exaggerated how she sees Eclipse from her perspective. “Trixie sees Eclipse as Trixie’s hero for he had saved the great and powerful Trixie from being flattened by the Ursa Minor. Trixie will forever be grateful for his actions and for his awe inspiring power and abilities!”

“Shhhhh, Eclipse is sleeping,” said Fluttershy.

Trixie chuckled lightly, and soon it was Twilight who was next to talk about Eclipse to Princess Luna, even though Twilight only knew Eclipse for a short time, but she tried her best to talk about what she knew and thought about him.

“He’s… well, for the most part a seclusive stallion, he doesn’t catch me to be the sociable type, though that differs from who you ask. For the last two weeks I’ve been here, he’s been helpful with giving me research material on some of the things he has and found on his travels. He can be insightful and mature for his age, though he does have some anger issues, he’s somepony I can depend on for something… though...”

Hmmmm, is there something bothering my sister’s apprentice about this stallion? As Luna waited for Twilight’s response, the young unicorn put her thoughts together and gave her answer.

“There are times… when he’s somepony else, before the Ursa Minor came stampeding through Ponyville, Eclipse reacted negatively toward Trixie about something she said. He also has some strange but interesting items, especially this sword he owns, its made of this azure metal with anebony handle, it also has this strange symbol on the cross-guard...”

“Hold on, this Eclipse wielded a mysterious weapon? Nopony of this day and age owns or uses any kind of weapons for personal use of any kind, the only ones who would even own a weapon other than the Equestrian Guard or other military forces from neighboring nations are retired guards, bandits, or bounty hunters, but Equestria’s number of retired guards are slim and consist of only ponies who’ve only been a guard for two or so years, and bandits are only near the border of Equestria and beyond. Bounty hunters maybe, but we rarely need the assistance of them and all ex-bounty hunters have all their weapons revoked once retiring in Equestria for safety reasons.”

“Well Eclipse says he’s not from here, heck he didn’t even know the Everfree Forest was dangerous when he first came here and just nonchalantly trotted through that place to come to Ponyville,” said Applejack.

This brought more questions than answers that Luna originally thought, when she first heard news of this Eclipse Light, she thought she be introduced to a brave citizen of Equestria who fought bravely to defend his home and friends… but instead from what she understands, this pony is a loner who has his own secrets to keep and not only that, managed to fend off two platoons of the Church of the Holy Sun, alone.

“Hrrrrh…” Everyone turned to find where the voice was coming from, but found a still unconscious Eclipse mumbling to himself, at first they thought he was beginning to wake up, but he went back to being quiet soon afterwards.

“Poor Eclipse, do you think he’s having a nightmare princess?” asked Fluttershy.

Luna approached him, placing her horn onto his forehead but after doing that, she felt… something, block her back. Taking a few steps back, Luna’s eyes widened out of shock before taking several deep breaths. “Princess, what happened!?”

“I… I’m not sure… There… was this presence, that pushed me back… it could be due to my recent return, I’m not at full strength as of yet… but for now I suppose we’ll wait for your friend to awaken,” said Luna. And maybe get some answers from him too.

Everyone soon waited for Eclipse to awaken, Spike and Pinkie going to get snacks while everypony else got more acquainted with Princess Luna and other small talk.

Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 11:30am

Shining Might was beyond furious, he was dripping rage at the thought of this humiliation at the hooves of some nopony, the second he would return back to Canterlot, he’ll bring the full might and power of the Church of the Holy Sun upon Ponyville. “That stallion will pay for this, he’ll regret he crossed paths with I, High Paladin Shining Might and nothing shall stop me,” said Might, to himself.

“HIGH PALADIN, SIR! She’s coming, our goddess is approaching us!”

Those words sent shivers across his fur, turning to face the one pony he praised since his youth; his father and his entire bloodline have been loyal and faithful to her highness, being one of the couple bloodlines that faithfully follow Celestia. She has never once seen the princess personally, having seen her from a distance or through the news about her, so this was a glorious time for her highness to see them personally, to see him personally.

As the knights who could still stand, stood in attention while those somewhat injured tried their best to stand tall and straight. Might stood with Swift and Pristine who had some bandages around them, but stood ready behind the High Paladin.

Soon Princess Celestia who had twenty members of the Royal Guard following behind her, stood before High Paladin Might… and she was not happy. While she didn’t show any anger openly, her eyes played another story, the anger and disappointment in them clear as water. She soon spoke in a calm and clear voice, getting the attention of Might and his subordinates, including the remaining knights still conscious.

“High Paladin Shining Might, I am here because you and your… ‘company’ have assaulted and disturbed the peace of this town and its residents, luckily nopony was harmed other than some scrapes and bruises. I have warned you in the past about such actions being taken, but you have crossed the line by not only attacking unarmed civilians but even my own student, her friends, and even her assistant. The damage has been dealt and can be mended, but I am afraid of the psychological damage done which may take time before our ponies can even trust the local guard, thinking they were responsible due to the similarities in armor. To put things simply, you are hereby revoked of any activities relating to the following – monster hunting, cultists, and anything to do with using your militaristic might for the Church of the Holy Sun or your own needs… try to use your own forces for anything, no matter what it may be and you’ll be in the Canterlot dungeons before you could even blink.”

Celestia had gazed deeply back at Might, if it being any other situation, he be giddy with excitement but right now, he wanted that gaze to be directed at somepony else. He expected some form of hello from her highness or even some assistance about his injured troops or dealing with a certain upstart stallion… but this… this was not how he imagined meeting her highness. He had been reprimanded for certain ‘morally wrong’ choices before, but would always be reprimanded by the High Priest or some officer ranked soldier of the Royal Guard… but never any of the royals, especially Princess Celestia herself.

Seeing and hearing her reprimanding him for what he done, was worse than being stabbed by jagged knives. “Am I clear, High Paladin Might,” said Celestia, threateningly.

“...Yes… yes your… highness,” said Might, weakly.

“Good, I will at least have some of the guard escort your injured to Canterlot immediately, while those with minor wounds will be examined by the healers and medics we brought with us. You and those who can still stand are to stay here until given permission to leave; I hope you learn something from this and not make another mistake like it again.”

Watching Princess Celestia leave, radiating her holy beauty and seeing it leave his sight inch by inch was the greatest pain he felt in his heart. Thoughts of what he done wrong to deserve such treatment, about why her highness was so angry with him… and to put the blame on somepony, a certain pony came to mind.

“That stallion… will pay,” said Might, clenching his teeth tightly.

After leaving the train station – Ponyville, Ponyville General Hospital; 11:50am

Celestia sighed after dealing with the High Paladin and while surprisingly she got less resistance than she imagined, having to say such things to somepony… still felt wrong for her; all her ponies in her eyes are like children to her, no matter how old somepony might be, she felt like she was angrily talking back to a foal.

She decided to send the rest of the guards who were still with her to check the edge of the forest and make sure the citizens were calmed down, leaving her alone as she approached the hospital. I need some time to my own devices.

Before she could reach the entrance she spotted something at the doors that sat there like it was waiting for something; what sat there was a small furry cub bear with a peculiar fur color that gazed back at her with cerise eyes that bore deep into her soul. Finding a possible carnivore creature this deep in Equestrian land was strange, with a tilt of her head the cub followed her motions exactly, before she smiled, knelt down and came muzzle to muzzle with the cub.

“Now what are you doing out here… are you lost?” The cub didn’t answer, she didn’t expect it to answer of course, so what the cub did next didn’t surprise her. Reaching forward the bear cub placed its paws onto her snout, the cub’s claws not scratching her while the soft touch of the cub’s paws tickled her.

“Now then… Do you want to come inside?” The cub did a small nod, before letting go of Celestia’s snout and turning to continue to gaze at the closed hospital doors. Understanding why the cub has been sitting at the entrance of the doorway now, she used her magic to keep the doors open which the cub entered through with Celestia following behind. Soon the cub brought her snout in the air to sniff the surrounding air, before quickly catching a scent and following it, surprisingly, the way the cub was going was the same path that Celestia needed to go to meet Twilight and her sister.

The two soon made their way to the exact room that Eclipse Light was being kept at, the cub entering as the door wasn’t fully closed and left ajar; Celestia approached the door, opening it to see the girls in the room with Luna who was currently glowering over the adorable cub bear. “Oh aren’t you just adorable, now how did you get in here?” asked Luna, lifting the cub bear up.

“Oh that’s Eclipse’s protege Luella, she lives with Eclipse,” said Fluttershy. The cub bear gave an annoyed look before scrambling out of Luna’s hold and making her way to the sleeping Eclipse, climbing up the medical bed before going in circles and plopping herself down to nap beside Eclipse’s head.

“Really, she came all the way here just to take a nap,” said Rainbow, crossing her hooves.

“Says the pony who naps all the time,” said Applejack, whispering.

“That’s just Luella’s way of worrying over Eclipse, right,” said Fluttershy. The cub opened one eye before closing to continue her nap, snuggling closer to Eclipse.

Celestia examined the sleeping pony in question, before facing her sister and the others in the room. “It does not appear there is anything wrong with him on the surface, have you found anything below sister, how about you Twilight?” asked Celestia.

“Nothing I could find Tia.”

“Neither I princess, I trust the doctors and nurses and even if I did do a scan, I’d get the same results like Princess Luna… but… Princess, I have a question.”

“I will answer any questions you have for me, Twilight, go ahead.” Twilight seemed to pause, taking a deep breath before looking up at Celestia with a determined but wary look.

“Princess… what do you know about this sword, particularly the symbol on the cross-guard?” Twilight soon levitated a sheathed sword to Celestia who took it in her own magic, but the second she grasped it in her levitation spell, she felt a strange power emanating from the weapon. Unsheathing the blade revealed a dark blue blade and an ebony handle, the cross-guard being dark blue steel; the symbol in the center of the cross-guard showed two flaming wings upon a strange being that had one eye. The strangest thing however wasn’t the sword or the symbol, unseen by anypony except by Celestia due to her holding it with her magic, she saw “it”.

A strange energy seemed to flow through the weapon, that was a pitch dark ebony that seemed to be far darker than even her sister’s night skies. “I am sorry Twilight, but I do not recognize this symbol nor the craftsmanship of this sword, it is too big for any pony or griffin and doesn’t look like a weapon the minotaur race would use or craft.”

“Sister, is something wrong?” asked Luna.

“Indeed sister, I saw a strange energy wrapped around this weapon like a swaddled foal… as to what it is though-”

The group heard or rather felt something, a presence coming from behind them, to Celestia it felt like something was boring two piercing knives into her skull. Quickly but so quick that she lost focus and drop the sword to the ground with a loud clatter, they soon found a now awoken Eclipse who had Luella napping on his head.

“...I’d ask why my sword is unsheathed and is being examined, but I’d like to know why two royals are in the same room I am in?” asked Eclipse.

The girls soon swarmed him, with only Spike, Trixie and Rainbow standing on the sidelines, each of them asking different questions. Eclipse silenced them all with a raise of his hoof, then he slowly got off the bed, slipping Luella off his head and gently laying the sleeping cub onto Fluttershy’s awaiting hooves, who made sure the cub was comfortable on her new sleeping spot between Fluttershy’s wings.

Eclipse faced Princess Celestia before kneeling down to pick up his sword with his hoof, then grabbing the sheath and sheathing the sword. After putting the weapon away, he left it laying on the bed, turning to face once more at the now attentive Princess Celestia and Luna. “Now then… I believe some questions are in order now,” said Eclipse.

“Indeed but first however, we have not been properly introduced yet, I am Princess Luna, I recently just returned to the throne some weeks ago from my… banishment.” Celestia could sense the tinge of guilt in her voice, but luckily Eclipse didn’t show any reaction that gave a negative impact at all.

“It is my pleasure to be meeting you Luna, I am Eclipse Light… but I’m assuming you knew that already considering you are here than back at your throne.”

“You… are not afraid of me?”

Eclipse didn’t show any reaction but gave a cheeky smirk in return, making Luna tilt her head in confusion. “Princess… I’ve seen things that make the creatures in the Everfree Forest become comparable to the softness of a pillow. As to your question, I know about the legend behind… your past.” Luna’s ears wilted as they laid flat against her head, but before she could speak Eclipse continued onward. “That though does not define somebody… you can only truly judge someone by the present than the past, so know that I won’t judge you for something that happened a millennia ago.”

“I am thankful for your kind words Eclipse, but I think there are more pressing matters to be dealt with… The weapon you own… Where did you get it?”

Eclipse eyes seem to darken from the question, before he gazed outside at the window, deep in thought. No… not yet, shouldn’t tell them about anything…

“Its best you don’t know and if I were to tell you, you’ll never be able to find the source or information about this sword or the symbol… Just know its not something for you to worry about and I acquired through… an old comrade.”

“I… see… Well I must do a thorough search of… your belongings, for safety reasons-”

“Princess, you don’t think Eclipse has something dangerous, do you?” asked Fluttershy.

Both Celestia and Luna looked at one another, before glancing at the now worried group. “After the incident that happened with the Holy Sun, I believe we make sure another incident like this doesn’t happen, not only that but Eclipse has possibly smuggled in possible illegal objects, which is why we must do a search of Eclipse’s property. If this was one of our citizens then there would be some leeway, however the news of Eclipse being from outside Equestria has come to me… making him still a foreigner by all rights. If we find something of questionable demand, charges will be brought toward you and if nothing is found...”

Eclipse continued to gaze at the princesses with a bland look, before facing his weapon and strapping it to his back, then he headed for the room’s exit, turning to face the group. “Well… let’s get this over with, follow me.”

Soon the princesses and the others followed Eclipse to his personal property, getting permission from the hospital for Eclipse to leave, seeing he was in good condition. As they exited the hospital, the last to exit was Fluttershy, pausing as she heard… a voice.

He holds the secrets of days old, of a time long lost, forgotten by the ebb of time; he wields the keys to all worlds… he is the guardian of an empty throne.

Looking around to find the source of the voice, Fluttershy soon finds her focus returning after hearing the voice of Rainbow calling her. “Hey Shy, you alright?”

“I’m fine Rainbow…”

“Well come on, the others are already ahead of us!” Rainbow and Fluttershy soon caught up with the others, the voice gone just as it appeared.

Collector's Wish (Edited)

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Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 12:25pm

After crossing the trees, the group finally arrived at Eclipse’s property, the stallion trotting ahead to his storage building, before looking behind him. “This is where I keep a majority of my things, you can look inside and examine what you find, but I’d be careful about some of the things you find,” said Eclipse, entering inside.

The two princesses examined their surroundings finding the simple shack, the small house and storage building a tad much for somepony who’s living by themselves. Following him into the storage building, they find it to be pitch dark until a shimmering glow brightens the area to reveal several yellow crystals placed on sconces embedded in the wooden pillars that’s part of the building. The expansive room looked recently cleaned and cleared of dust and clutter.

Luna examined a particular corner of the room she found interesting as it was chuck full of various weapons of different size and shape. This raised alarms for both the princesses, but before any questions were raised, Eclipse was currently looking through an open crate before pulling out what was another one of those yellow crystals. “Excuse me for one second, there’s something I need to do real quick, if you need me for anything I’ll be in the back of the building.”

Disappearing behind some large crates, they could only see his shadow illuminated from the glow of the crystal he held. Now alone to their own devices, the girls decided to examine some more of Eclipse’s stuff, with Rarity going through some of the exotic cloths and materials he has. Pinkie and Rainbow were busy fooling around with some pieces of armor and weapons that were luckily dull enough to not do any harm. Applejack was busy cleaning some farming tools that Eclipse had while seeing what other seeds he had too. Trixie seemed to be busy keeping to herself, a tad overwhelmed with having two royals in the same building just inches from her.

Fluttershy – with Luella riding on her back still – and Spike decided to head into Eclipse’s house to make some snacks for everyone, leaving Princess Luna and Celestia with Twilight who was smiling sheepishly at the two royals. “Um… I hope you aren’t mad princesses,” said Twilight. “Heh heh heh...”

“There is nothing to worry about Twilight, however I am worried that a single traveler from outside of Equestria’s borders managed to make it to the center of our nation whilst traveling with this many items… did he come here alone?” asked Celestia.

“From what I know yes, but he was followed by-” Twilight couldn’t finish her sentence as something was flung toward her, looking back she saw Rainbow who was whistling while Pinkie was blinded by a very large helmet she wore. “Rainbow! What was that!?”

“Um… I may have lost my grip and almost hit you with the sword I was holding… no big deal...”

“NO BIG- Rainbow, that sword could have been sharp or worse hit me!”

“No need to worry, those weapons have an enchantment to dull strikes, making them feel like a pebble hit you, though avoid being hit in the eyes,” said Eclipse who appeared behind them. This spooked Twilight who jumped back in surprise, this also took Luna by surprise too who didn’t realize he was there.

“How, when?” Luna look back and forth to where Eclipse was and where he was now; the crystal he was holding was now placed into a sconce on one of the wooden pillars. “The only ones to ever sneak up behind me are my own Lunar Guard and the various thestrals under my night?”

“Let’s say I can be incognito when I choose to be… though I’m often forgotten in most cases,” said Eclipse. “Well, I’m done with my earlier business, let’s get back to why you’re here… is there anything here you find illegal?”

Princess Celestia took another look at the surrounding room before approaching a crate and opening it to find some materials like bricks, wood, stone and so on. After some further thought Celestia went through what she saw and knew. While he does have weapons they don’t appear to be dangerous… still, there’s some things that are unknown to myself and Luna here.

“While the weapons’ issue can be dealt with by giving you a weapon’s license there is questions I’d like to ask you – those crystals… what are they?” asked Celestia.

Looking at the crystals lighting up the room, Eclipse approaches one of them as his hoof is left hovering in front of it, the crystal glowed a gentle light. “These are called Element Crystals, there are ten known types I’ve found through my travels and the ones you are seeing are called Light Crystals which I use for lighting rooms. They also have more uses but I think I can write you a detail list of each crystals quirks and uses if you want.”

This intrigued Celestia more, the idea of strange magical crystals with varying uses could be helpful for her and her ponies… the question though was where to find them and how they work. “Where exactly did you gain said crystals from exactly?”

“Hmmmmm, its hard to explain but they can be found in places which best fit their ‘element’.” A small smirk appeared on Eclipse’s snout, but went back to his bored look. “All I can say is that they’re best found in places with no nearby civilization can be found. I have methods to make my own though as I’m not dependent on finding more to renew my stock.”

Surprise wasn’t an appropriate word to use as Twilight literally leaped toward Eclipse, which he sidestepped the mare at the last moment. Skidding to a stop from tripping over something, Twilight swiftly turned around with a manic look in her eyes. “YOU CAN MAKE ARTIFICIAL ELEMENT CRYSTALS!?”

“Not artificial, they’re still considered element crystals, the methods to making your own are just complicating and a bit tricky so sharing the method to do it wouldn’t be helpful for anyone else as I’m the only one who can make them.”

Celestia watched the scene of Twilight thirsting for knowledge while Eclipse calmly explained things to the mare, a small smile came to the princess’s snout. It appears I was right about these two being a good match.

“Calm yourself Twilight,” said Celestia. “I believe I have come to a decision on what shall be done with this… situation.”

Twilight and everypony else in the storage building looked to Celestia, Eclipse calmly taking things with strive than a panicked or worried look. Facing the calm stallion, Celestia gazed at her sister who also wished to know what would become of Eclipse.

“I have decided that in order for you to keep the more dangerous aspects of your items, you’ll be given a weapons’ and collector’s licenses, one to make sure you won’t be harassed for owning weapons or anything that may be considered dangerous – magical or not. I would suggest you put your more dangerous and rare items into a museum, but you appear to handle yourself well… though I am not certain a lock will keep thieves or curious ponies from coming inside.”

Celestia – and a few of Twilight’s new friends – glanced at Pinkie who was playing with some rusted daggers against Rainbow who was trying to lift a hefty club. Not even bothering to see the two playing with dangerous weapons, Eclipse spoke in turn. “Again, the crystals have various uses, this building has several alarms and reinforcements that would make it impossible to come here by brute force, stealth, digging underneath or any method through magic use. This isn’t the first time I had to travel with a majority of my belongings for lengthy travels.”

“...Especially one as permanent as this one,” said Eclipse, to himself quietly.

“Did you say something Sir Eclipse?” asked Luna.

Shaking his head, Eclipse headed to leave the building. “No, let’s head back outside, there are a few things I wish to discuss with you personally to both your majesties.” As Eclipse left, the others followed behind with some giggling from Pinkie as she pulled out the giant helmet from her head, causing her mane to poof back out.

Once outside, Spike and Fluttershy came out of Eclipse’s home with some food and a picnic blanket set for everyone to enjoy. “Hey everypony, Fluttershy and I prepared some food while everypony was busy, did we miss anything?”

“Is Eclipse in trouble, I hope you won’t be upset with Eclipse if he did anything wrong princesses.”

“Trixie can say for a fact that Eclipse holds nothing illegal or dangerous… is what Trixie hopes,” said Trixie, sheepishly.

Seeing how some of her subjects show a lot of faith with Eclipse brought a smile to her. “Do not worry my ponies, I simply need to know if there is of anything I need to know and whether the decision of Eclipse keeping said items should be yes or no. Now, today has been very exhausting so please, rest and eat while myself and my sister speak with Eclipse.”

While the others busied themselves with eating, the two alicorns and Eclipse stood under the shade of a tree, gazing at one another for the next few seconds in silence. Soon a cough came from Luna, wishing to end the now awkward silence. “What is it you wish to ask of us, Eclipse?” asked Luna.

“What is to be done with the Holy Sun and the ones responsible?”

“Ah the Holy Sun… they shall be punished and reprimanded for their actions whether through payment or surveillance, though if they attempt any further actions… well I believe my sister has made her point to have them rot in the dungeons.”

“Well yes, but hopefully it won’t come to that… still...” Celestia gazed at her student and her new friends, with a soft but worried smile. “I did not imagine something like this would happen, maybe it is best I post some guards in Ponyville, some problems can’t be solved through diplomatic means.”

“Sister, is that a good choice, I mean I know that posting guards here in a town that lives near the Everfree is a smart choice, but from the history books, Ponyville hasn’t had any Royal Guard or nearby patrols come by here, ever. This will bring some unwanted attention from reporters and the more rowdy nobility.”

“We must, besides ponies will catch win of the Holy Sun’s recent activities, best we act now than later. I will have eight of the Royal Guard and Luna you will choose four of the Lunar Guard be stationed here, a barracks will be stationed near the Everfree, Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres for easy access to all three areas.”

Stationing the guard here will improve certain aspects within the town, but much of my own Lunar Guard are still untrained… maybe… “Sir Eclipse,” said Luna.

Eclipse gazed up at Luna, while not answering back he clearly was waiting for an answer. “I wish for you to personally train our recently remade Lunar Guard and while there are some skilled and trained members, I believe sending some newcomers to the guard to make their duties here in Ponyville will improve their first-hoof experience working in the open. I have examined you have a sort of training facility here so I’d wish you accept this offer.”

Eclipse glanced at the modified training dummy he made himself, facing the princesses with an indecipherable look. “...I don’t think that can be possible.”

This surprised Luna, she thought that Eclipse would accept such an offer, being a fellow warrior – Luna having a fighter’s soul than her sister could sense his inner warrior – but the refusal was sudden but not shocking. “If you are worried that others might be troubled by your sudden work with the Lunar Guard and become jealous do not worry, I will personally inform any military members of what responsibilities you hold while training my guard-”

“You mistake me, it is not that I can’t train or wish not too… but rather those who want to train under me can’t or rather won’t be able to catch up. My method of training… isn’t for the faint of heart, you have to give up something in return in order to use the skills I wield… it will be physically, mentally and spiritually damaging… I only ever had one student… one and only one.”

At that same time, Luella stepped out of the house and moved directly for Eclipse, the cub glanced up at him before clambering up and nuzzling his neck. He didn’t seem bothered by the action and continued to look at the princesses, both perturbed by the sudden nonchalant notion of Luella napping on Eclipse’s head.

“...She… has changed and with that change, her dedication to the craft has become an obsession; various different effects will happen varying the pony or user, but they always lose one thing.” Both princesses paid close attention, but suddenly a deep chill was felt up their coats, like something was trailing a sickly appendage against their napes. “They lose what makes them… ‘them’.”

After the mysterious but ominous message, Eclipse faced the heavens with his eyes gazing upward in deep thought. Closing his eyes, he exhaled a breath before turning around to join the girls and Spike. “If I were to tell you the truth… I’d end up making them run for their lives – I’m not what you call a ‘good’ teacher.”

Watching Eclipse leave with Luella on his head, the two sisters faced one another before a decision was made. “Very well, I see we are done with what we need to discuss, but one more thing,” said Celestia, Eclipse stopping to listen. “We will at least have our guards train at your property, as this area is perfect for training and you have the facilities to do so, we will give you compensation for allowing them using your facilities at their leisure of course.”

Eclipse still faced away from them, but with a slight head sway, he had one eye gazing at the sisters. “That will be fine, I’d ask a certain amount but I believe two-hundred bits will do.”

Accepting the requested offer, Eclipse nodded and went his way. “Good then, it was nice meeting you two, your majesties.” Seeing things were over, the two royals approached the others before Celestia spoke to Twilight.

“Twilight, we are done with our discussion with Eclipse, we’ve decided to station some guards here in the coming week, we’d like you to fully introduce these guards to the town and have them recognize all the known paths to the Everfree and meet any certain local townsfolk. While for now we’re sending a total of twelve guards, more will steadily be stationed here. Now if anything like this ever happens again, send a message to myself or the captain stationed here in Ponyville.”

“Yes princess, I’ll make sure that they’ll meet the mayor and my friends… though where will they be stationed in Ponyville?”

“Well…” After some thought, a good spot was picked as Celestia faced her student. “Across from Carousal Boutique is an empty patch of land, it is just some distance from Eclipse’s property and several paths that lead to Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres or the Everfree Forest.”

“That close, wait, why do they need to be close to Eclipse?” asked Twilight.

“Well, Eclipse has said that it is alright for the guards to use his facilities to train, he is of course being paid for this.”

Twilight faced Eclipse who was eating a banana with Luella sat beside him, eating a fish recently caught. Does that mean Eclipse is training them?

“Now then, with things done and the situation being dealt with, we should return back to Canterlot and speak to a certain High Priest of the Holy Sun,” said Luna.

“Indeed… once news reach, things might get...”


Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun; 1:00pm

Deep within the confines of the headquarters of the Holy Sun, High Priest Grail was currently before his personal shrine to the Princess of the Sun, having a statue of the sun and a giant portrait of Celestia, the portrait itself looking very ancient, at the very least a few centuries old, still in prime condition through magic.

“Blessed is her holy majesty, the only one to truly rule Equestria and all the lands under her sun, for she will bring forth the light that will guide all of ponykind to a brighter and grander future for all,” said Grail.

After finished with his prayers, Grail stood up, grabbed his scepter and his cloak – it was marble white with a gold trim outline – along with the assemble he wore a hat with the symbol of the Holy Sun. Exiting the alcove, he walked down a long pathway before entering a room with several other priests and holy sisters praying diligently; passing by all of those present, he entered another room that was bare of nothing. Approaching a panel, he opened it before pressing the scepter tip against it, soon a flash of energy coursed through the room and soon it began to shake. The room descended down, revealing to be a hidden elevator, after standing and facing away from the panel, soon the walls became translucent to reveal a vast underground area below the cathedral. Here was the true goals of the Holy Sun, here is what the members of this organization since its founding been striving to accomplish.

While the secrets to alicornhood were hidden by all, but the Princesses for years the organization has been striving to unlock said secret from it’s founder, Grail’s ancestor – Spotless Chalice – a mare of science. She would lead the Holy Sun into a path to search for the secrets of alicornhood, immortality and immense power, but over time the organization gained faithful and zealous members that believe and worship Celestia, so to disguise their true goals, they hidden away their scientific secrets behind prayers, shrines and faithful acts to her holiness.

Grail himself while a pony of science is indeed a true zealot, so to not have both his interests intertwine deeply, he has found somepony else to handle the research part of things. Approaching the pony in question, Doctor Warm Earth was currently examining something behind a glass container.

“Subject appears to be rejecting alicorn serum 5.07 Model: Solar, side-effects appear manageable but not perfect... Will clean containment room and eradicate subject – bring in the next one.”

“Doctor Warm... How is our... ‘tests’ doing?”

Warm gazed at Grail with a surprisingly cold and calculating gaze, while her name might be different from her personality, Warm was born into a farming community... though her excellent intellect was not widely accepted by her earth-pony community. It was when Grail found her did she find her true calling behind test tubes and labs than farming equipment and barn animals.

“Not well, but we are getting somewhere... Sir, while I know you might find this displeasing, but I believe we should gain samples of possibly from Princess Luna if we are to further our objective-”

“No! That will not be necessary... Where is High Paladin Might, haven’t seen him or his lackeys anywhere?”

“Him? I believe he went to Ponyville, something about an Ursa Minor and purging heathens or something.”

“That moron, I told him to not do anything reckless... well, we’ll be expecting the princesses soon, go and continue things down here... Oh and prepare a small contingency of the knights in Canterlot, rumors is there is a powerful artifact hidden in the darkest corners of the city... an artifact that you may know.”

Warm stopped what she was doing and her previous cold look changed to a warm but sadistic smile. “The Alicorn Amulet, finally,” said Warm, giggling to herself. “Close... we are so close.”

Elsewhere – Manehatten; 3:50pm

Deep in the city, in the abandoned parts of the city of Manehatten... the smell of blood and death lingers; within the old factories that were once used in the prime time of Manehatten, a pair of Royal Guards with some of their fellows who were speaking to possible witnesses were examining a cloth covering the body of the victim.


“Tool Box – stallion, early thirties, earth pony – local around here as his shop is just a few blocks from where the body was found by a group of young colts.”


“Just the colts, but others heard a strange commotion here... this case doesn’t make sense, this is like the fifth one the last month since August.”

“I know what you mean... especially the wounds on this one are exactly like the others... or at least similar.” The report was that the first victim was found in an alleyway near the residential district, a young mare by the name of Sunny was trotting back home only to be found covered in cuts of various depth... and all her blood gone. It was the same with all the other bodies, various cuts, zero damage or dismemberment of the body, but all the blood gone... somepony or something was attacking ponies and sucking all the blood out of them.

“If this continues, we’re going have to do a complete lockdown of the city and search for whoever is responsible.”

“What makes you think it’s one culprit, each of the victims were killed in different locations at either days or weeks apart, it could be a group for all we know.”

“No... the cuts are the same, same weapon and whoever is doing it is a pro. They know where to cut to get most the blood flowing out, trust me I know... its similar to Zebrican fighting styles.”

“Where you learn that from?”

“Was present in the Zebrican attacks, you learn a bit from the locals.”

“How old are you?”

“Old enough for your mother to be in high school before, now come on, we need to get this body back to the station for further examination.”

Following the older guard, the younger guard was about to leave when he spotted something in the sunlight – a strange red crystal. Seeing that to be interesting, he picked it up but not for evidence, instead putting it inside his armor for himself, leaving with his senior afterwards.

Watching from a smoke stack of an abandoned tower, a silhouette watched calmly, before a grin of sharp blood-coated teeth formed on the silhouette’s mouth. “Hmmmmmm, another play-thing for meeeee. Hehhhehhe heheheh.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 4:50pm

After the picnic, everyone headed back home, leaving Eclipse and Fluttershy behind to clean-up; the girls decided to plan about what they should do for the coming week before the new Ponyville guard was stationed. Pinkie was obviously going to set up a party for them, while the others were wondering who they’ll meet, right now Twilight was coordinating with Mayor Mare and some construction worker ponies in making the barracks and where Princess Celestia wants it built.

Eclipse was currently washing some dishes until he heard the door open with Fluttershy carrying the picnic blanket with Luella following behind her. “Eclipse, what sort of deal did you make with the princesses... I’m curious is all,” said Fluttershy.

“They wanted me to train the guard as most will be inexperienced and new to their new roles of being stationed here.”

“Oh, did you say yes?”

“Not quite, I’m not the best at teaching... well not in the way you think...”

Fluttershy sensed Eclipse was hiding something and after hearing strange voices and many other odd things, none of it made her question Eclipse before, so seeing him be uncertain of something was a little new. Approaching her friend, Fluttershy placed a hoof on his withers, not entirely grabbing his attention but enough for him to hear what she had to say.

“I don’t think you’re a terrible teacher, you probably know more than myself or the girls, you been to places and seen many different kinds of creatures and beings... So don’t think little of yourself, because... I believe in you.”

Eclipse gazed at Fluttershy, as she gave a small kind smile, the gesture was sweet but Eclipse gave a smirk and patted her on the head. “Aren’t you becoming braver by the day.”

Fluttershy flushed a little before she hid behind her wings. “Well... you did always tell me to speak out more...” The two shared a small laugh before going back doing some more chores, soon they were done and Fluttershy went back to her cottage. Watching her leave, Eclipse saw her pink tail disappear within the shrubbery, turning around he went back inside before opening the hatch that led downstairs.

Heading downstairs he went further down before turning to face another door, but this one was a dark metallic door, with rivets embedded inside and the symbol of his cutiemark etched onto the surface. Pulling out a key, he unlocked the door, opened it and entered inside – the sounds of echoing voices and a swirling vortex was heard.

Gazing back at him was a swirling mass of darkness, as Eclipse stared back at it, he reached forward before pulling his hoof back, feeling the pull of the portal. Ahhhh, so its finally finished. Looking at the portal he turned to face the other individual with him, Luella looked up with her usual bland gaze.

“So then... time to head back, hmmmm?”

Not a single word came out, but Eclipse heard her response. “Good... time to move forward and begin Phase One.”

Faith & Shadows (Edited)

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Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun; 6:00pm

After High Paladin Shining Might returned with his forces, he stormed into his office and for the last few hours the only noise inside was the shattering of wood and glass. His lieutenants, Paladins Swift Slice and Pristine were sent immediately to the medical ward; Pristine was currently stepping out of her medical room, limping through the empty halls of the medical ward of the Grand Cathedral.

The Grand Cathedral was stationed just some distance near Canterlot Castle, having been built at the western side of the mountain, the building itself being almost twice the size of Canterlot Castle, maybe more. Pristine had some glances by the paladins and knights that weren’t present during the Ponyville operation, many giving curious looks while others sneered at her failure… what they didn’t know is what she failed at.

Pristine was simmering from the inside, wanting any chance to take her vengeance against that stallion who dare dishonored and humiliated her. Once I get my chance, I’ll wipe out him and that worthless town.

Not paying attention to where she was trotting, she bumped into somepony… somepony big, looking up with a glare it weakened after staring up at Paladin Stone Ridge, a massive stallion who wielded a giant war-hammer and a scar over his right eye. On his back was a small unicorn mare, his partner, Sister Twinkle, a silly grin plastered on her face.

“Heya Prissy, what ya doing?” asked Twinkle. Ridge grunted with one eye looking down at Pristine and the various cuts cress-crossed over her body, but he seemed to be focusing on the wound over her eye.

“...What happened?”

This surprised Pristine having the stoic silent Ridge speak, especially about what happened to her; many of the paladins wouldn’t give a damn of what happened to another fellow paladin, especially if they failed their objective for their glorious sun. Standing back up, she ignored Twinkle and focused on Ridge, putting together her thoughts before speaking.

“We were sent with High Paladin Might, to search for any evidence of corruption within a small town called Ponyville. The second we began our mission… we were attacked,” said Pristine. Ridge began paying close attention at the mention of an attack, but continued to let Pristine speak. “One of our groups encountered a local that took down every member of that squad, it took all forty knights and even myself to fight against him… and this was before he gotten his hooves on a weapon. Suddenly this wave of energy swept toward all my knights and as I fought with him one-on-one… I was struck down immediately, in a blink of an eye, I found myself coated in various cuts and wounds…”

Ridge looked down at Pristine before snorting and moving forward. “I see… is there plans of a retaliation?”

“No, but it might have to do with the princess coming to see us soon.”

Ridge paused and turned around to face Pristine. “Which one?”

“The solar one, her highness came to Ponyville and reprimanded us for disturbing the peace… High Paladin Might is having a fit in his office, if you were to go there now...”

“Hmmmm… now why would she go to such a place like that?”

“Oh oh, I bet it has to do with her student living there now!” Both paladins looked at the hyperactive Twinkle as she continued to speak. “Don’t you hear the news, Twilight Sparkle – Princess Celestia’s student – is living in Ponyville, so it wouldn’t surprise me if her student called her down about the mess you guys were causing.”


“Are you referring to her highness or our organization?” asked Twinkle, cheekily. Pristine sputtered at that and looked away in shame, before glaring back angrily.

“We do what we must...”

Ridge watched the two before another figure stepped forward, turning around the corner was Paladin Swift Slice and he seemed… less agitated than Pristine even though his injuries were far worse. He had a cast around his neck from having his head twisted in the wrong direction, but as he approached the trio, he went up to Pristine suddenly. “Paladin Pristine… High Paladin Might wants to see you...”

The sudden sensation of terror fell upon Pristine, but she bottled it up as she slowly made her way to the High Paladin’s office without question. As she left, Swift watched her leave before facing the other two with an emotionless look. “So, what did Might wanted her for?”

“None of your concern sister… though I also have news for you two; all paladins and priestesses are to meet in the armory in two hours… It appears that High Priest Grail wishes to tell us something… of importance.”

“Even the ones who’re injured and still away?”

“Them too, all current operations are being canceled or postponed for later; I will meet you two there shortly… and… don’t tell anypony about Pristine’s future whereabouts from now on… to us… she is a nopony.” With that said, Swift Slice left, leaving the stoic stallion and jumpy small mare to their devices.

“...Well that was creepy… Alright Ridgy let’s go get some grub! Imma hungry!” Nodding, Ridge made his way to the cafeteria, forgetting about his earlier conversation with Pristine – orders or not, Pristine was dead to him now.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 6:45pm

Princess Celestia and Luna made their way through Canterlot Castle, as they were preparing to confront the High Priest of the Holy Sun, even though bringing Luna wouldn’t help, it was best she finally met the leaders of the Holy Sun. With them was a contingency of twenty Royal Guard and ten Lunar Guard. Leading them was Captain Shining Armor of the Canterlot branch of the Royal Guard and beside him was also Captain Lun of the Canterlot branch of the Lunar Guard.

“Princess, what exactly are we going to the Holy Sun’s base for, I heard about the commotion in Ponyville from some of the other guards but not much details… Did something happen to Twilight?” asked Shining.

“Do not fret Captain Armor, your sister is safe but we still must speak to the High Priest about keeping better control of his knights,” said Luna.

“Of course your highness.”

As they continued trotting down the halls, they finally reached the main gates that led outside to Canterlot Castle. After some moments of making their way to the Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, they found themselves before the massive pillars and doors to the Holy Sun’s base. Standing guard were several knights who were wide-eyed at seeing their goddess standing before them, only one of the knights managed to shake out of their stupor to respond.

“Your grace, what brings you here to our domain.”

“I wish to speak to your high priest… he has a few things he must answer for,” said Celestia. The knights looked at one another, before the one that spoke signaled one of the knights to get the high priest.

“He will come shortly, but you mustn’t wait out here, please come inside and we’ll get you something to drink your grace.” At that moment, the giant gates of the Grand Cathedral opened to let Celestia’s entourage to enter, but as Luna followed behind, many of the knights gave her hidden glares, even toward the Lunar Guard too.

I see after centuries after my banishment, they still hold that hateful doctrine of theirs toward myself and my Lunar Guard… arrogant fools.

Once inside they waited in a giant indoor courtyard with a fountain in the middle and several benches and gardens with various paths beside them. “How long shall we wait for High Priest Grail?” asked Celestia.

“He will come in a moments notice your grace, so please wait while I get somepony to go prepare some tea and snacks for you.” Leaving, both princesses and their guards were alone in the courtyard, awaiting for the arrival of the high priest.

“At least they didn’t make a commotion about Princess Luna or my guard,” said Lun.

“Their silence speaks volumes about what has occurred in Ponyville… they know something happened and that we’re here to right their wrongs,” said Luna. “Keep a keen sight of your surroundings, for we entered a dragon’s den.”

Grand Cathedral, Outside Shining Might’s Office; 7:00pm

Pristine was standing before Might’s office, with only one clear thought in her head that screamed trouble. What could Might want, I know that failure isn’t an option but Swift himself wasn’t exactly useful as instead of assisting me, he told me to go and find the disturbance while he went to find the High Paladin. I may have been in service to the Church for four years and been a paladin for only half of those years, but I deserve as much respect as he does, I’m no simple knight or squire.

Calming down before she entered the office, she knocked her hoof against the door and awaited permission to enter. “You may enter,” said Might, his voice muffled from the door. Entering the room, when Pristine entered inside she expected Shining Might, but what she didn’t expect was High Priest Grail standing beside Might in his office.

“Hi-High Priest Grail! What are you doing here my liege?!”

“Do not mine me paladin, I was simply here to speak to Might about some things.”

Even though it made sense that the high priest would speak to Might… she felt that there was another reason he was here. She couldn’t think quickly enough before her thought process was interrupted by Might’s voice.

“I did not call you to ask questions, now Paladin Pristine… I wish to speak to you about the Ponyville operation.”

Pristine gulped before she stood rigid to listen to Might’s recalling of that operation. “As you must know, we – the Church of the Holy Sun – do not accept failure… sadly that could not be stopped during what has occurred recently. After some thought it was decided that the blame had to be directed to somepony.” Pristine listened and knew that Might was thinking of that damn of a stallion in Ponyville and awaited for the order to have him captured and tortured within the Church’s dungeons.

...Is what she thought.

“Which is why… you are being discharged; Paladin Pristine, you are hereby banished from the Church of the Holy Sun and all its assets. Return your armor and equipment to the armory, take all your belongings and leave the premises.”

Pristine still showed her rigid stance, but it slowly faltered as she couldn’t believe the words coming from Shining Might. She was to be exiled from the Church and to take the blame for an operation that wasn’t hers, while her record was flawless and yes she did nothing worthwhile for the Church, to imagine her to be used as a scapegoat of all things was inexcusable.

Unable to respond to what’s happening, Might stood there gazing at Pristine with an indifferent look while Grail didn’t show any interest whatsoever. With her head downcast with a look of utter defeat, she nodded in understanding and slowly left, trying her best to hide the tears streaming down her face.

As she left, Might watched her leave before a disgruntled sigh came from him. “I did not see why you had me exile one of my best paladins,” said Might. “While the blame could have been placed on the knights or that damn stallion.”

“We both know that blaming our subordinates wouldn’t made a difference and that Pristine herself was the only choice to make perfect face. Once reporters come, tell them that the Ponyville operation was made by her and for her incompetence, acted irrationally.”

“We both know that operation was under my direct command… but nevertheless, what is done is done. Now then, I believe you have a certain goddess to meet...”

Grail noticed the bitterness in his voice, asking him why he was like this. “What is the matter Might, for somepony to be faithful to our objective and her holiness, I thought you be giddy meeting her?”

“…I’d rather not be near her and face her wrath again after Ponyville… I like to repent alone in my office a little longer before having to face her after this shame...”

Nodding in understanding, Grail exited the office, now leaving Might alone in the office. That stallion… he will burn in Tartarus for this dishonor.

After Grail left, he arrived at the indoor courtyard and met Princess Celestia and Luna, who were with their respective guards. The princesses spotted the high priest, approaching him with their regal stances; both groups bowed to one another before speaking. “Welcome my holiness and guests to our home, I’d humbly ask why you grace us with your presence, but I believe I already know,” said Grail.

“Indeed, it appears that Shining Might has caused another ruckus, but he has gone too far this time. Attacking citizens without provocation and nearly harming one of the Elements of Harmony, there is no big enough punishment to give to him that I’d consider within my power… but I think a simple warning, compensation to pay for repairs in Ponyville and to its citizens as well as some further surveillance of the Church will be happening from now on. I decree that all operations outside of Canterlot involving the Holy Sun are canceled, whether it be simple trade deals or militaristic operations… so I suggest you recall all of your paladins, knights and workers back here from now on until further notice.”

Accepting these terms, High Priest Grail bowed but before he would let Celestia continue speaking he spoke first. “I accept these terms but there is something else I’d like to know of this… ‘obstacle’ that somehow fended off nearly forty knights by himself with little assistance. I heard from the reports that he single-hoofedly defeated all the knights sent to Ponyville, as well as the two paladins that came with Shining Might and best him himself without any problems. While it is not best to judge, but I’d think you would of done something about that… predicament.”

While Celestia did not wish to speak about Eclipse, Grail had a point that he should know of the one responsible for beating his knights to submission at the very least. “...He is a stallion that recently moved to Ponyville, apparently having come from outside of Equestria. He is technically only a recent addition to Equestria’s ever-expanding populace… he goes by the name of Eclipse Light, but that is as far as I will tell or explain to you.”

“I see...” Eclipse Light… what an ironic name, one who has the word ‘Light’ in his name, but the word ‘Eclipse’ – that which covers our glorious sun or bathes the moon in blood red… truly a name of a very interesting pony. “Thank you for gifting me with this information, I will immediately send messages to all our current operations to return to the Grand Cathedral.”

“If that is all, we shall leave,” said Luna.

Watching both princesses exit his sight, they went back to Canterlot Castle, but as they left a random priest approached the High Priest, whispering in his ear even though the two royalties have left already. “High Priest Grail, there is a problem over by our knights at Manehattan. We haven’t received any reports from them the last two days… if all of our forces do not return as her radiance has requested...”

“Do not fret… there are certain… ‘operations’ which her highness does not know exist, the ones that are public knowledge will cease and return, but the remaining few will continue as they were ordered whilst hiding their presence. As for the knights in Manehattan, send a small contingency of priests with a knight or two. Her majesty said no more militaristic operations, so tell her or her guards that the priests are simply there to retrieve something that the Church has left in Manehattan.”

“I... I’ll see to what will be down high priest… there is also the issue with Pala- I mean… with the exiled, Pristine?”

“Has she not been told to leave yet?”

“No, she has… I was wondering if we should keep a close eye on her, even though she has only been here for four years she knows some secrets about the Church… would it not be best to execute her?”

“No… but do keep an eye on her, her usefulness is best with her alive than dead… She may not know it but...”

Her time to redeem herself will come, but for now it is best we have her not have any connections with us from now on. I have plans that will change this nation and soon… the world.

Across the vast sea of nothing – The Void; Time: Non-existent

Absolute nothing wasn’t a good enough description to describe what the Void was; it was a place between the folds of worlds, a path across multiple realms, a sea full of endless possibilities and chances. From multiverse to multiverse it stretches far and wide like the ever expanding vastness of progress, it held secrets that were both unknown and ancient to many.

It was also home to entities of shadow and void-energy, these floating clouds of pure black were known as Shadowlings… their origin is as shrouded as their name. They wander from realm to realm, residing within the darkness but never revealing themselves to the inhabitants of the realms they wander into.

The Void was a dangerous place to any average dweller as those who dare venture beyond the barriers of their world will end with their very lives to forfeit. Only rare chosen have the chance or power to cross to mysterious plane and even then it would be tasking on the mind to make it through without a proper guide.

It was here… did ‘he’ called it home and it was here did ‘he’ have business with someone.

Opening his eyes, Eclipse gaze wandered throughout the ever vast black emptiness of the Void, below him was no surface yet he felt ground. Above was the same with no sky or clouds, no stars or celestial bodies to gaze upon… emptiness reigned supreme here and it forever would. The only details was the darkness, an eerie shadowy fog that wished to consume you and the echoing of its hidden denizens.

In the distance, the desolate destroyed remains of various structures and objects could be seen scattered like pebbles on a road. With his evaluation of his surroundings done, he continued further on the invisible path he stood upon, heading to an unknown destination.

A place like this would make any mortal shake in fear and terror… though Eclipse seemed to be preoccupied on his own thoughts. The Void… it has been… years? Decades? I lost count ever since that incident, but still though it is good to be back. I wonder how the ‘rest’ are doing…

So busy with his thoughts, did he not notice something glimmering in the distance that was getting closer and closer to him.

Well, almost.

Tilting his head to the side did he dodge the object before a massive explosion was detonated behind him. Not even looking back at the explosion, he dodged several more objects flying toward him with ease. Embedded below him were several serrated throwing knives, with a purple glow coming from the blades.

“Well shite, I thought I’d get you with those, welp time for plan B.” Looking up, Eclispe spotted just inches close to him was a figure that was going for a drop kick right at him. Time slowed and with a step to the side, Eclipse reached forward and grabbed the figure’s leg and tossed him behind Eclipse. The figure was sent flying before he did a roll and skid to a stop behind Eclipse.

Both Eclipse and his assailant stood some distance away from each other, facing the other direction, they stood like this until both vanished. A loud boom was sounded as several sparks and flashes appeared across the previously dark and silent space, now littered with flickering lights and the sounds of various attacks being flung at the two fighters.

Soon the battle ended with both Eclipse and his opponent facing one another, surrounded by broken pieces of black stone before said black stone reformed and vanished, repairing the damaged ground from their duel. They gazed at one another before they stood slack once more with Eclipse calmly returning to his four-legged stance, with the other figure slouching forward… before bending backward with his head facing upward and one of his hands slapping against his forehead.

“GAHWHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! THE FUCK IS WITH THAT LOOK OF YOURS!?” Eclipse wasn’t bothered by the sudden expletives from this being, as he was one of his subordinates.

“You know why I am like this, now what are you doing here Poison and where are the others?” asked Eclipse, calmly.

The figure that stood before Eclipse was one of his commanders; known to all – or at the very least by those that know the existence of the Void and other realms – as one of the four members of the Four Horseman of the Forgotten Elements; Poison of Famine.

He was crude, crazy, reckless… and somewhat of a complete ass… but he did his job and that was most important in the eyes of his peers. He handled things with a less subtle touch, but what he lacked in subtlety or required a certain level of patience, he was best handled with situations that required… mass-execution. He wasn’t called Famine for nothing though, wherever he went all were effected by the slow approaching sensation of disease and he was indeed one with the cruelest sense of humor.

He often let his opponents left breathing, before letting them live within bare inches of their lives as they were slowly killed by his aura of venom that would kill you in moments. He wore a very strange outfit, a mix of a black suit with silver stripes that made a cress-cross pattern, gray pants with black military boots and a purple tie that fit with his suit, he even sported a green fedora too; his face though was scarred with one of his eyes non-functional while various smaller scars were spread out like a canvas.

His dark green eye gave off a sense of danger and a promise of a painful and slow death… he wasn’t some mere being… he was an animal loose from it’s cage. An animal with intelligence, as he wasn’t some moron which made him much more deadly. He equipped himself with various knives under his coat, but on his back was a weapon wrapped in some sort of filthy brown rags, the only signs of the weapon was some sort of handle wrapped in coal-black wrappings.

His main weapons however was what was wrapped in his hands, a pair of black-spiked fisticuffs which had the symbol of a jade skull surrounded within a silver gear.

Poison was reckless indeed, so much so that he would attack the one he serves… though I believe he does so because he just wants to see his master fight and want him to show off his true power to be unleashed – he loves fighting strong opponents, whether they be ally or foe.

“They’re coming, though I think they’ll probably wait for you the rest of the way… by the way, where’s the bloody pipsqueak? Thought I felt two enter the Void, but only found you here.”

“Luella is… occupied with something else, I told her to find ‘him’.”

“Ah, the new guy… right right, welp let’s get going, you are the big man after all… Or should I call you big pony?” Even though Eclipse didn’t laugh he simply continued his way down the path. “Oh come on, at least give me a response… I bet Soul would laugh.”

As the two made their way further down the path of nothing, they soon came upon something different. Amongst the vast bleak darkness was a simple object, it was very out of place for a place that was to be complete nothingness. Stood in the darkness, surrounded in a strange white glow was a wooden door with a bronze-colored door handle.

Reaching for the door, Eclipse opened it and entering inside, followed by Poison, the door closing by itself with a click. Now inside, Eclipse found himself in another place within the same darkness, but this time there was natural light within the space. Looking up was a sky lit with a sun, but instead of a normal light, it was the color of an ebony-like blue, spouting dark blue flames; the land was shrouded in a blue tint with endless grassy plains as far as the eye could see.

On a dirt path led to an obsidian table with ten seats made of the same obsidian stone, one of the seats was shattered leaving a pile of black stone. Standing around the table were four other figures, each of the figures wore different outfits than Poison but as they spotted Eclipse approach, they all knelt down and bowed before Eclipse.

“Our liege has returned, it has been too long since your absence. When we heard that you were in battle we would of immediately assisted you… but you made the choice to fight alone, so when we heard your sudden disappearance...”

The figure that spoke stood up before gazing at Eclipse with the same look as Eclipse – a bland bored calm gaze. “But it is fortuitous you have made it safely from your battle, when we got word that you were safe in some unknown realm we were ready to send forces to bring you safely back… but...”

Eclipse seemed to raise his hoof, bringing silence to the speaker once more, after he silenced everyone he continued to speak. “At the time of my disappearance, the damage done to me was severe but not permanent. To be certain my enemies didn’t find me I had to disappear – both from others and myself – which was why I purposely vanished in the deepest depths of the Void into the realm I was currently residing in… but my recovery is still necessary.”

The others listened intently, especially one that stood to the left of the table. “Well my lord, might I ask what you plan exactly?”

“...I have plans for the coming future, but that time isn’t now so I must keep my presence unknown to other forces… I’m thinking of taking a sabbatical for now.”

This brought varying reactions but the biggest was probably coming from Poison who laughed. “HA! You, taking a break? That’s fucking A-class hilarious! Ahhhh I thought today be boring and back to business but this, ohhhh I gotta see how this will end!” shouted Poison. He was shortly silenced when the one who was previously speaking gazed at him, the message clear in his eyes. Poison ignored the death glare but continued speaking. “Okay but seriously, what exactly is the problem, how come you ain’t back to your usual self?”

“The problem is worse than you think, my powers haven’t changed… but it’s less that and more of my physical form… or rather my old one… It Is still damaged from the battle and it could take years possibly centuries for it to return back to its previous state… But I found something interesting about the realm I found myself in, the natural aura energy is much more purer in other realms I know of. What would of taken centuries would be just shortened to a few years, which is why I am taking a short break in this realm in order to return to my full power-”

“How bad is it?”

Everyone, even Eclipse looked at the one who spoke, a figure in a black robe and cloak that stood to the left of the table. “Your physical form… how bad is it?”

Silence continued to reign, but instead of simply answering, he showed it; slowly he was shrouded in black flames before a figure shrouded in black fire and shadows seemed to shimmer before them, but what was noticeable was the large white slash across the mid-section. It leaked of energy and seemed to be a scar across the black fiery entity, but soon the figure vanished replaced by Eclipse Light once more.

“That was the result of a void-weapon… But with that finally explained, I’d like to explain a few things while I am presently absent. You all will be in charge of the various realms to watch over and oversee, report anything that needs my attention… and also, the Void Legion will be led by our newest member.”

All those present nodded, so with business concluded Eclipse made his way to leave but before he did, the one who asked about what sort of plans he had, asked another question. “Also, another thing my lord but… how exactly do you fight in that new body of yours?”

“...It is… interesting to pretend to be mortal around others… it has been too long since I’ve lived among them… too long...” With that, he soon exited through the same door he came from, returning to the vast emptiness of the Void.

Now with their master gone, they looked at the one who was in command when he wasn’t here. “So… now what the hell do we do? Boss is going to take a break while we’re busy handling the paperwork,” said Poison.

“What part of paperwork are you thinking that involves the kind of work our lord does? I swear you get more absurd each passing day.”

“Oh shut your gob you bloody tin-can.”

“Call me that again and I’ll slit your throat with your own hands.”

“Try it, I dare ya to see my thoughts.”

Poison glared at the one who spoke before the two returned to their devices. After the meeting was now concluded, all five individuals soon left one by one through black swirling vortexes, leading them to their previous destinations.

Soon the obsidian table was left bare and alone, the only thing to be heard was the calming wind, being blown through the grass with a gentle breeze.

Somewhere else – ???

A feminine figure moved through the metal hallways, the echoing of her footsteps was the only sound to be heard. She was unfamiliar with this place, but she had come to see the one who made this… thing. Entering another room, she found herself on a black wide empty surface, the metal highway reached as far as a city, maybe farther even.

Standing in the middle of the metal surface was a lone armored figure, his ethereal cape blowing from an unseen wind. Approaching him, she stood before him from his side, he was gazing upward at the starlit sky; unbothered by the fact he stood in space with zero oxygen nearby… though the fact he wore a suit was possibly why he could breath… or was it.

“So… you’re the one that the master has found to be our newest member.” The figure didn’t speak, continuing to gaze upward at the various stars with an unflinching gaze. “Well I came to tell you that your first mission is to oversee our forces and continue your current position. He also wanted me to notify you that from now on that you take orders from his second-in-command. If you have any questions, simply ask me with this.”

The girl handed him a black crystal, glowing a black light; the armored entity faced her with red-piercing eyes, before reaching down and grasping the crystal with clawed gauntlets. After grabbing it, the crystal vanished into pixels of data, before the figure continued to gaze at the starlit skies of infinite space.

With her job done, the girl turned around and continued to walk away and vanishing into a swirling black vortex. The armored figure stood resolute, now alone, his gaze unblinking toward the stars; he stood there with a cold gaze, unfeeling and emotionless. He wielded an interesting weapon, a double-handed katana that was as long as it’s wielder.

He slowly turned, returning through two metal doors that slid to the sides before closing, pressurizing as they prepared to leave from a single command from the artificial intelligence manning the vessel. A loud hum could be heard, before the metal surface was revealed to be a landing platform of a giant structure the size of a country. It was lined with turrets equipped with weaponry beyond understanding, engines capable of exerting power and energy enough to melt away stone.

A giant cannon was placed on top, capable of firing its payload with deadly efficiency while several larger turrets that fired rounds accelerated similarly like gauss rifles. The giant spaceship was similar in design like a battle cruiser but with varying differences, it hummed in empty space before a loud noise was heard as the ship was preparing to warp toward it’s next destination. Within moments the ship floated there in space mightily before vanishing another second, leaving behind empty space as the shock-wave spread forth from the now vanished floating fortress of a ship.

The armored entity sat in a command chair, gazing at the coordinates he was to go to next, his red gaze staring at where he was heading to next. “...I enforce and protect the Void and serve the Maker, that this realm and all realms will be shrouded in my ebony grip. This, I swear...”

Soon the giant vessel reappeared, suddenly exiting void-travel in front of several unknown vessels, apparently appearing in a middle of a battle. Communication chatter appeared on his screen of various unknown languages, understanding the voices as clear as ice… all of them demanded who he was and for him to surrender… He didn’t come for peace… he came for war.

With a slight raise of his armored gauntlet, he tapped a single button… the sound of energy blasts, high velocity rounds and a giant void cannon firing was heard… as well as the screams of the dying. The armored entity sat there watching the mass eradication of possibly thousands… uncaring, unfeeling… He had no soul for he was just suit of armor, with one directive in mind.

“Protect the Void – defend order in the multiverse. Death to all… and be wiped from existence.” The distant explosion of the other space vessels became farther and farther as he gazed coldly, watching the number of deaths as numbers. The attack was less of an attack and more of as pest control, but it might as well have been… beings who try to defy and reach further than they think… only to be put back to their place.

All that remained was the wrecks of floating dead vessels, the thousands of bodies that littered space. The behemoth of the ebony vessel stood there like an unwavering titan, ready to proceed to it’s next destination – it’s next target of annihilation. With the engines flaring to light, they grew louder and louder, before a soundless boom echoed… and vanished, returning to the Void to hunt once more.

Change of Perspective (Edited)

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One Week Later – Train from Canterlot to Ponyville; 9:00am

September 18, Year 1010

Myself and several other members of both the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard have been selected to be the new guard stationed at a small town called Ponyville. Previous records state that the town never had any guards posted here before and the only reason this new change was made is because of the recent developments of the Church of the Holy Sun assaulting the town under “false-pretenses”. Further investigations has revealed zero evidence of any of the followed reasons the Church had to attacking the town, but with this new insight brought to the princesses and the Canterlot nobility, they had made the decision to invest resources in building and stationing a guard barracks and at least a squad of twelve – myself included – guards stationed here.

Eight from the Royal Guard and four from the Lunar Guard, each one of us were selected from various guard stations from different parts of Equestria. While the thestrals were selected by Princess Luna herself, First Lieutenant Orion Grey and Private First Class Crystal came from Canterlot; I don’t know much about Crystal, but Orion is known by both the Canterlot Guard and other guard companies, it was said he was a possible candidate to become Captain of the Guard at Canterlot, though that position was taken by Captain Shining Armor.

The twins – Private E-2 Yin and Private E-2 Yang – were both stationed from Baltimare, they surprisingly have their own reputation for being… unpredictable.

Sergeant Iris, she… well… when I first met her she made an interesting first introduction, though her skill with magic is extraordinary considering she was raised in Vanhoover, a city not known for having a lot of unicorns.

Private E-1 Soapstone and Private E-1 Heart Beat, they were hoof-picked from Manehattan after asking to be transferred; apparently, something strange is happening in Manehattan but they won’t go into further details, mostly because they don’t know and that it is mostly rumor and gossip… but, the information has been interesting so far.

The Lunar Guard while small compared to the ones stationed in Manehattan and Canterlot, all four of its members each have their own individual reputations and skills. Out of the four the most notable is Sergeant Ves – her full name is Vespertilio, an old thestral name passed down from parent-to-child. She comes from one of the older pure-blood thestral tribes and her skills at both combat, leadership, and strategy put her on-par with the best strategists in Equestrian history… it was upsetting that she couldn’t become – or rather join – the Royal Guard, she would of made an excellent Royal Guard to follow under.

Our objective today is to go to Ponyville, meet the princess’ protege – Twilight Sparkle – and be escorted to the newly built Ponyville Barracks.

After finishing writing down her recent log, Clear Sight closed her notebook and placed it away into her saddlebag. Sight was a pegasus who was previously stationed at Cloudsdale, her cutiemark is a pair of glasses; her calculative and serious personality made her the staff sergeant of her previous squad.

Glancing in the train cart, she looked upon her fellow guards, as they each busied themselves by speaking in short conversations or absently awaited the train to stop soon. Among them was Orion Grey who was speaking to Ves about their arrival to Ponyville.

“After we meet Twilight Sparkle, we’ll set up a patrol schedule and also give a speech to the local populace in the afternoon tomorrow. We’ll begin training on the day after the speech at exactly seven o’clock,” said Orion.

“When are we getting the remainder of our guards, we’re practically not at the amount I’d expect to be stationed at a town this size?” asked Ves, a tad annoyed.

“Well for now we’re the only ones being stationed here, we don’t want to put all our cards on the table.”

Ves seemed to fold her hooves in an angry pout before she chuckled to herself. “You were always the one to never risk it all without knowing what you’re trotting into.”

Clear Sight looked outside, the rolling hills, endless forests, and bright blue skies passed by, Canterlot growing smaller and smaller with each passing second. In the distance the faraway buildings of Ponyville were approaching; from what she heard, each of them were summoned and selected by their royal majesties due to various factors, being chosen for this new guard branch.

So far, myself and my fellow guards are selected for our different skills and experiences, how that’ll fair in a town that has never had guards posted here before will make things interesting.

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 9:30am

“Hmmmmmm...” Eclipse sat on his recently made fishing dock, as he sat on a chair with fishing pole in hoof. He stared at the crystal clear water awaiting for a catch to come, having to live with a carnivorous companion, he often catches enough fish for a week to feed Luella… and other uses.

The past week has been interesting to say the least, ranging from a dragon roosting near Ponyville to a local zebra living in the Everfree Forest. Eclipse wasn’t present in any of these as he had business outside of town; when he gotten back, it was just a day after the whole poison joke incident. Twilight and the girls soon found out that Eclipse was well acquainted with Zecora, sometimes visiting her to trade some of her herbs and various other potions for his own rare and interesting wares.

With that known, Twilight tried to corner him to answer all her questions, but due to the new guard branch being made, she and the whole town were too busy with anything else. Luckily Eclipse wasn’t needed for this so he was left to his own devices… that still didn’t stop a persistent unicorn from trying.

“Oh come on! At least answer my question, why do you need Zecora’s potions and herbs for? From what I know of you, you seem fine on your own, so having to ask Zecora for things you most likely can find on your own doesn’t make sense,” said Twilight.

“As I said again, Zecora is a friend and business partner, by asking for her own mixtures and herbs she gathers personally from the Everfree, she has access to my own wares and supplies… you think the only food she gets is from the forest?”

Twilight scuffed the ground with a huff, laying on the beach were some of her friends, Fluttershy, Rarity and surprisingly Rainbow who was lazing on a cloud close to the ground. Rarity and Rainbow were both done with their own individual work and Fluttershy was always free to visit her dear friend Eclipse. Spike came walking to the mares with glasses of ice tea with lemons on them, waddling beside him was Luella who had a bone in her mouth.

“Here you go girls, some nice fresh ice tea for everypony,” said Spike, handing the glasses to them.

“Oh thank you Spikey-Wikey, you’re such a dear,” said Rarity, levitating a glass.

“Thanks Spike! Seriously though, you gotta chill Twilight, you’ve been working constantly for those preparations for this new guard branch for nearly the entire week! Just relax and chill.”

“That’s not true, Mayor Mare and Pinkie have each been making preparations for the guards stationed here too, I helped with the barracks and the guard presentation in the afternoon tomorrow. I’ve been occupied with other things if you must know.”

“Like bothering Eclipse since he got back from his business trip,” said Spike.

“Ye- WHAT, NO!” The girls and Spike laughed while Twilight’s flustered look and beet-red face was clear all over her. Eclipse didn’t mind the friendly banter, focused on his current task, patiently he waited and then comes the bite. Feeling the tight strong pull, Eclipse lifted the rod with all his might and what came out was his fifth fish, the new catch flopping into a bucket along with four others.

Luella approached the bucket full of treats before Eclipse swatted her snout. “Eat later, these are for later.” Huffing, the cub waddled off toward Fluttershy, laying on her lap.

“I find it interesting you know how to fish Eclipse, not many ponies know basic fishing unless they were born near a port.”

“I have experience...” Throwing his line, Eclipse awaited for another bite when Twilight continued her rant.

“Pleeease, can you at least answer one of my questions?”

Eclipse kept his gaze steady but faced Twilight with a flat-look. “Again, my business is my own and you should focus on yours, the train for the guards is coming soon.” Looking up at the sky, Twilight paid attention to the positioning of the sun.

“Sigh, I suppose you’re right, come on Spike, we need to prepare for the arrival of the new guard branch of Ponyville.” Setting the plate he used to carry the ice tea to the ground, Spike followed Twilight to the train station.

“Goodbye Rarity, you too everypony!”

The girls waved goodbye at their friends and continued to relax… or they would when an audible beeping from Eclipse was heard. Pulling something out of a satchel near him, was a stopwatch, stopping the alarm and putting it away. Picking up his fishing rod and bucket of fish, he trotted to the girls and passed them. “Excuse me, it appears I have something to do as well, it was nice having you all visit. Come along Luella.”

Hearing Eclipse, Luella stood up and followed him back to the shack and to wherever he needed to go next. The girls watched him go before Rainbow stretched herself, grabbing the cloud she was laid on and letting it float back up.

“Well I gotta go, I wanna see these guards being posted here. See you all later at noon!” Rainbow flew off, soon Rarity herself left saying she needed to wear something to meet the guard too, saying her farewells to Fluttershy.

Now left alone, Fluttershy soon left, but heard the voice again. As the clock ticks, a trail of events will lead to terrible things to come. The six go through trial after trial, but can they face what’s to come?

“Ohhh, please Mr Voice, can’t we talk about something else?” For awhile the voice would come and go but never answer back to her, it stopped frightening her after the first few times she heard it, but sometimes Fluttershy worried what the voice said… that it was something more than just simple words.

Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 10:00am

Twilight stood with Spike, awaiting for the train’s arrival in the distance, the train with the new Ponyville Royal and Lunar Guard Branch were soon arriving. She was told of the two leading officers – First Lieutenant Orion Grey of the Royal Guard and Sergeant Ves of the Lunar Guard – who were both selected by the princesses as well as several other chosen guards.

While the guards were small in number for a town like Ponyville, it was temporary for the next couple of months, with the size increasing later. Awaiting the train, it slowed down with a loud hiss and blare of the horn; with the smoke clearing, the doors opened with several armored ponies coming out.

From left to right, two columns of five guards – the left consisting of one pegasi and four earth ponies, the right with three thestrals and two unicorns – another two standing in the middle adorning higher ranked armor than the usual fully golden or dark purple armor that either the Royal Guard or Lunar Guard are known to wear.

“First Lieutenant Orion Grey and Sergeant Ves, it’s nice to meet you, I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s student. I was sent here to meet you two and show you where the newly built guard barracks is and for you to meet the town’s mayor.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you too Twilight, but please call me Orion and my companion Ves just by our names. You’re simply a civilian and not part of the military, there’s no need for you to call us by rank,” said Orion.

“R-Right, sorry, now let me show you the way.” Soon the group and their luggage followed Twilight to the barracks. They trotted by various townsfolk who watched the newly arrived guard, some with curious looks and others with impressed gazes.

One of the thestrals gazed happily at his surroundings, trying to take in everything about his new surroundings. “Woooow, so this is a rural town, never been into any of the pony settlements,” said Mango, skipping happily.

“You been only stationed at a city, right Mango?” asked Basket.

“Righty-oh! I bet the fruits they got here are delish, especially those apples, they look fiiine!”

The guards while consisting of both members of the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard, both groups were individually unique consisting of their separate experiences and skills. While Orion was the leading officer, he was still considered only responsible of the Royal Guard while Ves was in charge of the Lunar Guard.

As the group carried their belongings to the newly built barracks, they encountered one of Twilight’s friends, Pinkie Pie; the bouncy mare hopped toward them before smiling as brightly as usual. “Hi Twilight, are these the new guard ponies sent by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!”

“Yes Pinkie, this is the guards that were sent by their majesties. Orion, I like you to meet my friend, Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight.

“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie, I’m the number one party-planner in Equestria! Let’s celebrate a ‘Welcome to Ponyville Guardponies’, party!” After saying that, a blast of confetti came out of nowhere, covering everyone.

The guards looked at Pinkie incredulously, leaving only Pinkie and Mango smiling at each other. “Oooooh, I like her!” said Mango.

After some more introductions, the group continued making their way to the barracks; the building itself was a three-story building with a basement. The main floor consisted of the lobby with stairs that led to the second floor, a cafeteria for guards, a recreation room, public washrooms, and a front desk, stairs to the basement were beneath and around the stairs to the second floor. The second floor had the majority of the offices, with one large room being where all the guards shared their separate office spaces with two separate offices for the officer of the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard, a small storage room was in place too for office supplies or cleaning supplies, the stairs to the third floor was beside the storage room.

The third floor held all the guards’ personal rooms, each having its own bathroom, while Orion and Ves had balconies for their rooms. The basement held the armory, holding cell, research room, and a vault to hold anything of importance and the guards’ bits they receive from either the town or the princesses.

Finally arriving, the group gazed at their new base of operations – the first official guard barracks of Ponyville. “So this is where we’re going to stay at,” said Crystal. “Not shabby I suppose.”

“Quit complaining Crystal,” said Beat.

“DIBS ON WHICH ROOM I PICK!” shouted Mango, zooming into the building. The rest of the guards soon followed except for Orion, Ves, and Sight.

“Thank you for leading us here Twilight, I remember earlier that a local would give us the required space to train, correct. Where would we meet this pony?”

“Ummm, I wouldn’t call him a ‘local’,” said Twilight, chuckling. This raised a brow from Orion, Ves picked up her bags and headed upstairs, prodding Orion to follow.

“Come on, we should make sure they don’t cause a mess and remind them that they’re off for today but are to be ready for the guard presentation tomorrow.” Nodding in turn, Orion said farewell to Twilight, but as the two officers left, Twilight was left with Clear Sight outside.

The two didn’t speak for awhile but after some awkward standing, Spike decided to speak up alongside with Pinkie.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie, what’s your name?”

“Staff Sergeant Clear Sight, mam, something I can help you with?”

“We just wanted to know who you are,” said Spike.

“I see, but if that is all, I’m going to explore the town to report any possible patrol paths we can choose to my superiors, excuse me,” said Sight. As she left, they watched her leave with a stoic but calm trot, a very professional form compared to the rest of the guards that came off the train.

“Well she was… interesting,” said Twilight.

“OHHH! I should get their ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party ready! Could you tell them it’ll begin around 6:30pm, Twilight?” Nodding back, Pinkie grinned and hopped away back to the bakery, now by themselves, Twilight looked at Spike.

“Come on, we should head back to the library for now and tell Princess Celestia that the guards arrived with no problems.” Leaving, everyone went their separate ways, Clear Sight wandered the town of Ponyville, checking the various stores, talking to the shopkeepers – sometimes buying certain items – until she shortly made her way to the local park.

Sight was reviewing her notebook, writing down her recent observations and drawing some perfect copies of some landmarks of the town for future reference. Sugarcube Corner is where that bubbly mare, Ms. Pie lives and works at. Golden Oaks Library is where Ms. Sparkle resides with her assistant and there is also the town hall, a store called the Carousal Boutique and a particular area called Sweet Apple Acres. Apparently the Element of Honesty – Applejack – lives with her brother, sister, and grandmother, they’re apparently a big reason why this town exists, maybe I should convince the lieutenant if we can gain provisions from them instead of waiting for supplies by train.

Thinking to herself, Sight spotted something interesting from a distance, waddling on all fours was a particular bear cub. It had an unnatural fur color and the most peculiar cerise eyes she’s ever seen before. The cub was busy wandering the park by itself and while it did have a collar, having a wandering predatory animal without it’s owner nearby was a big safety problem. Appears I won’t be doing nothing for today after all.

Ponyville, Ponyville Barracks; 11:00am

Once done unpacking and getting adjusted to the layout of the barracks, all the guards except for Orion and Ves who needed to see Mayor Mare personally and do paperwork later would be busy for the day. This left all the guards from the Royal and Lunar Guard to explore the town; the twins, Yin and Yang went to check out the marketplace, while Fang, Soapstone, and Crystal went to the tavern for some drinks.

Iris went to Sugarcube Corner with Heart Beat – who she dragged along – leaving only Mango and Fruit Basket to check out the park by themselves. Mango wanted to go to the local bakery but enjoyed Fruit’s company more and decided to go with her. “What’cha wanna do Fruity?” asked Mango.

“Not much, really I want to go rest but I think checking out the town when most of the townsfolk are up than in the evening is a better way to introduce ourselves to them. You could have joined Iris and Heart to that bakery, I know you wanted to try some of those sweets.”

“Nah, I kinda enjoy being with you. Besides, where’s the fun without my fellow thestral to watch my back!” Mango wrapped a leg around Fruit, smiling back at her, smiling in turn the two enjoyed their walk through town until they spotted a familiar figure. Ahead of them was Clear Sight who was prone down and behind some shrubbery, she was staring at something on the other side of the bushes.

What’s the Staff Sergeant doing? Before she could call her out, Mango flew silently up to her and he was just above her, as Mango dangled down in front of her in surprise.

“AYE CLEAR, WATTA YOU DOING?!” This spooked Sight, but she quickly grabbed the thestral back to her cover, Fruit made her way to them before being dragged to the shrubs too.

Soon the two thestrals found themselves looking at an irritated Sight who was giving them, especially Mango the stink-eye. “Don’t. Do. That. Again,” said Sight. “Now why are you two here?”

“I was wondering that myself, Mango and I were taking a walk through the park… But why are you hiding here for?”

Deciding to use her actions than words, Sight showed them an interesting sight, sat on top a rock was a bear cub that was taking a nap. The cub itself was just there, shuffling whenever the light of the sun reached it’s eyes. It wore a collar so it was definitely somepony’s pet, but the fact a carnivore was in the middle of a public area with it’s owner not being near it was a tad dangerous, whether it was properly tamed and trained.

“Whee, never seen that thing before, what you want us to do Clear?” asked Mango.

“We should report this to the lieutenant and sergeant,” said Fruit.

Sight however wasn’t paying attention as a new development was made, the cub suddenly brought one of it’s ears up before rising up and sniffing the air. Soon it departed from it’s spot and waddled off away from the rock – and from the ponies hiding near it. Getting up quickly, Sight followed the bear cub, both thestrals looked at one another, one with a worried look, the other smiling as Mango followed Sight. I have a feeling we’re going to get in big trouble. Following too, the trio of guards followed this strange cub.

Ponyville, Ponyville Marketplace; 11:15am

The twins – Yin and Yang – were at the marketplace to check out some of the produce, but they were also there to test their haggling skills. Back at Baltimare, it was a pub of trade unlike other port cities, so the twins were known to get some excellent trade deals with merchants for their guard company… sadly this sort of got them in trouble sometimes.

“Twenty bits for these carrots.” The shopkeeper owner was trying to sell some carrots to this strange pair and while usually he would of sold it to them for ten, they wanted it lower and now he was thinking of upping the price.

Yin – the sister and quieter of the two – looked at her twin, whispering into her ear, understanding what she said, Yang approached – the brother and talkative one – looked at the shopkeeper and smiled. “Now now, let’s not increase the size like that, we just want two carrots and it seems a tad much to sell two carrots for ten bits, so we wanted to scale it down to five. Bringing up the price because you only sell them in bags of five to seven carrots seems to be a bit… forceful, what if the buyer wants a certain amount, then how can you get business then?”

“Nopony has complained before so I don’t know why you won’t buy a bushel of my carrots!”

“Because we’re just looking for a snack is all,” said Yang.

“Then go eat at that bakery or some restaurant, I’m trying to sell my produce here!” Yang while the nicer of the two, can be a bit… rambunctious and would sometimes respond in an active way. Yin raised her hoof to stop her brother and approached the shopkeeper.

“...How much is a bushel?” The shopkeeper smiled and leaned forward to tell her the amount.

“Again its ten bits and I’ll give you seven carrots per bag.”

Here Yin stayed quiet before looking back at the shopkeeper with a calm, but eerie look. “That pricing doesn’t make sense,” said Yin, calmly.

Before the shopkeeper could talk, Yin rose her hoof to stop him and continued to speak. “If you were to divide the amount of bits and the number of carrots you are willing to sell, they don’t add up. You’d get 1.4 bits per carrot, technically it should be five carrots for ten bits and the fact you are unwilling to sell two carrots for just five bits which is not only cheaper and less of your product being used up per day for you, means you sir don’t understand the proper management of selling your wares.”

Some jaws lowered at the sudden exposition this mare gave, but she wasn’t done yet as she said a few more things. “Not only that, but you tried to double the amount to twenty just because you won’t sell less of what you usually sell. Is there a reason why you’re trying to sell so many carrots?” The shopkeeper stayed quiet but sighed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yep, some weeks ago I had this deal with some trader from Manehattan who wanted to buy my carrots – at least two hundred carrots. Sadly, because of what’s going on there recently, the place is on lockdown meaning my produce can’t get there, unless I sign several documents which I don’t have the time or money to do… So now I have a surplus of carrots which wouldn’t be a problem, but things recently have been slow and I’m not the only carrot-seller… So I been trying to sell in bushels than my usual customer selection nowadays, even if I have to sell those bushels cheap.”

Yin and Yang looked at one another before, Yang spoke next. “How about we buy those carrots for you for five hundred bits and that any time we come to buy, we get two carrots for only five bits… deal?” Showing his hoof to the shopkeeper, the stallion shook it vigorously but soon raised his brow.

“Where you going to get that kinda money from?”

“Oh don’t worry, we’re from the new guard branch here in Ponyville, just send it to our barracks by the evening and we’ll handle the rest,” said Yang.

After done with their shopping the twins waved goodbye to the shopkeeper and made off with their two carrots. “Now that was some good dealing sis… but I thought we came here to haggle?” asked Yang.

“We did, we also learned that a carrot costs around three bits here, unlike back home they cost five bits for just one. Appears a lot of things are cheaper in the midland area of Equestria,” said Yin.

“You got that right – these are some tasty carrots,” said Yang, biting into his. As the two walked, they spotted Sight, Mango, and Fruit sneaking by while following what appears to be a bear cub. The twins watched them go before they looked at one another. “You wanna follow?”

“Not in the mood, let’s go to that apple stall next, the apples there seem decent enough,” said Yin.

Ponyville, Ponyville Squre; 11:30am

Stepping out of the bakery, Iris and Heart carried some bags full of pastries, Iris twirled around with a smile while Heart sighed from having been brought along by the sergeant. “WOOHOO! Now those were some delicious pastries! Ohhhh I can’t wait to show these to the others soon!” said Iris.

“Please sergeant, can we head back now, I was in the middle of something before you dragged me along,” said Heart.

“Oooooh no sirree, we still need to head to the local clothes maker, I heard her designs are just fabulous!” Heart sighed but in the corner of her eye she saw three familiar guards following something, but she was unable to catch a look before she was dragged along by Iris once more. “Cooome on, let’s gooooo!”

I hope whatever their doing is better than what I’m doing right now.

Meanwhile with the trio – they followed the cub further into town, into alleyways, empty streets until they came upon the cub crossing a bridge to what appears to be the town school. The cub stopped at the steps of the school, before pawing the ground around it, sniffing the air again.

“What’s it trying to do?” asked Mango.

Continuing to watch, the front door of the school opened as a mare with a cutiemark that has three flowers with smiley faces on them. The mare looked down at the cub as the cub gave what appeared to be a greeting from the small creature by rubbing it’s head against her leg. The cub looked up at the mare with it’s beady eyes, before it went off again on a different direction.

“Well it appears that mare is familiar with the cub, but she doesn’t appear to be the owner,” said Fruit. “Maybe it’s trying to find it’s owner.”

“Possibly, for now we’ll follow, it isn’t safe to keep a carnivorous animal wandering on it’s own whether the owner has gone missing or not.”

As they tailed the cub even further on, they soon had to traverse a forest before ending up on a clearing. At first they didn’t notice anything, but standing in the middle of the clearing was a stallion who was planting some kind of wooden spire into the ground. It was at least two meters long, at the top was some kind of purple crystal; the ground around the crystal was cleared of grass, especially near the wooden spire as it was replaced with gravel.

Sight stepped out of cover to approach the stallion with both Mango and Fruit later joining; the cub bear approached the stallion, rubbing against one of his legs before turning to face the three newcomers. Eclipse turned to face the three new faces, facing Sight with his calm gaze.

“Hello, can I help you three?” asked Eclipse.

“Is this you’re bear?” asked Sight.

“In a sense, yes.”

“If so, you need to keep better watch of where she goes, you could cause a ruckus if somepony were to see… her...” Mango took a closer look to confirm, wondering how she figured that out, while Eclipse gazed at Luella who was rubbing her fur down.

“She’s very familiar with the townsfolk, that and she’s smarter than you think so if she were to terrify somebody she’ll give them some space. If you are here worried about her wandering town, then you three must be the new guards that’ll be stationed here.”

Sight nodded with Fruit coming up forward to greet Eclipse. “Hello, my name is Fruit Basket, here are my companions Mango and Clear Sight. We’re indeed some of the guards that are being stationed here, I was just wondering, but what are you doing out here?”

Eclipse faced the spire, placing a hoof on the wooden shaft; the surface had various markings scratched onto it of an unreadable language. Some kind of language or possibly a sort of rune-writing.

“Are you making some sort of magic script onto that spire?” asked Sight, pointing a hoof at the strange symbols.

“Close, but I call it aura sigils from where I come from… You seem knowledgeable for a pegasus, not trying to be assumptive,” said Eclipse.

“There’s no problem in being prepared for anything, especially coming from the earth pony who’s using said items that seem to be magical in nature,” said Sight.

The two gave each other a good stare, one bland and inexpressive, the other calculative and cold; the staring stopped as Mango propped himself in the middle and flew up to the spire. “Sooooo, what’s this purple gem supposed to be?”

“That’s an Energy Crystal, they’re capable of absorbing electrical currents from either thunderclouds or magic with an affinity with lightning. I’m testing them to make a product to absorb thunderbolts during the more intense rainy days. I was told it would rain some time this evening, an acquaintance mentioned there will be thunder later. I’m testing the prototypes for my thunder-rods and see if they’ll work.”

Fruit had a thoughtful look before realization came to her, realizing who she was speaking to. “By any chance… are you the resident who’ll allow us to use your property to train at?” asked Fruit.

Eclipse looked at her and with a nod he went back to examining his spire. He… isn’t how I imagined at all, Princess Luna told us that an eccentric but experienced warrior would allow us to train at his home. I expected some grizzled guard or maybe some mercenary from outside the country… he… looks younger than I imagined.

“Looks can be deceiving.” Fruit came back from her thoughts and looked at Eclipse who was still examining the spire, but had spoken again. “You shouldn’t be fooled by one’s appearance… Done, the spire is finished now and if you want you can see where you’ll be training.”

Eclipse picked some saddlebags and made his way back to town, Fruit watched him leave before Mango and Sight followed behind. “He’s weird… I like him,” said Mango, giddily.

“I can see the eccentric part, but how trained is he in combat for Princess Luna to be impressed,” said Sight. “Come along Private Fruit, we might gain some battle experience after all.”

Fruit watched her fellow guards follow Eclipse, she felt something near her leg and looking down was the cub bear. It gazed up with her cerise eyes before snorting and waddling toward Eclipse, Fruit continued to gaze at him before following soon after. “And I was hoping for a calm walk through the park...”

Ponyville, Ponyville Barracks; 12:15pm

Crystal, Fang, and Soapstone came back from the tavern, while it was just the afternoon, they were able to get some drinks before returning back to the barracks. When they got back they soon found a majority of everypony in the cafeteria eating pastries. “Uhhh, did we miss something?” asked Crystal.

“Oh, hey you guys! Hearty and I went to that bakery we saw before and bought some pastries for everypony! Here, come and get some,” said Iris, biting into a cupcake.

The three joined them eating, enjoying the tasty treats and as they ate, Orion and Ves both came downstairs to the cafeteria to find their guards eating sweets. “I’d ask what’s going on, but I can ask that later, is everypony here?” asked Ves.

“Nah boss, Clear Sight, Fruit Basket, and the jokester are still absent,” said Fang.

“We know where they are,” said Yang. “While we were coming back to the barracks from our trip to the market, we saw the three following a blackish stallion, we know which direction they went too.”

“I’d ask one of you to get them, but we might as well hit two birds with one stone. Come on all of you, we’re going to visit where we’ll be training in this town,” said Orion. “The owner from what the princesses has told me and Ves is an ex-soldier from outside of Equestria.”

“So he’s a minotaur or griffon?” asked Soapstone.

“No, pony and he’s apparently here with some interesting items, so to start things off we need some ground rules while we’re there. Anything owned by him is not to be touched or trifled with and if any one of you even thinks of prodding anything he owns, you will be in so much shit, they’ll need an excavation team to dig you out. Do I make myself clear!”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

With that response they all made their way to where Sight and the other two Lunar Guards went to, while at the same time, Eclipse led the three guards back to his home.

They examined their surroundings and noticed the three structures – a shack, a shed and a storage building. Each of the buildings were made of a dark blue wood, with tiled roofing on them too; Eclipse soon left them to enter the storage building while Luella sat under the shade of some tree and laid there, watching them.

“So this is where we’ll be training, sweet space,” said Mango. “Heh, I can imagine some great spots to prank somepony too!”

“Come on Mango, we’re not here to make a ruckus.”

Eclipse returned but with several items that were being carried inside a cart behind him, the items inside were some training dummies, spears, swords, and some target ranges for training. Stopping in the middle of the field, he emptied the wagon and placed them on the ground.

“These are the dummies and training weapons you’ll be using, your princesses asked that I also prepare some equipment for you guards to use too.”

“We brought our own gear, but I am sure our superiors would be thankful for the gesture.” Sight examined the training swords and spears before she noticed something else in the wagon – near them was a sheathed sword. Bringing the sword up, she unsheathed it and examined the blue blade and ebony handle, with an intricate symbol of a creature with flaming wings and a single eye.

This sword… is a masterpiece. Sight soon had a hoof on her withers, looking back at her was Eclipse who soon took the sword from her before placing it back in the sheath.

“I see my weapon interests you, do you wish to test against it?” ask Eclipse. Since they first met him, he didn’t give that aura of smugness you expect of his age, but now they could feel an almost radiating pride from him.

Sight in turn smiled, strange coming from the somewhat professional mare. “By all means,” said Sight.

The group of guards were heading to where the others went until they soon came upon Twilight with her assistant and some unfamiliar mares. They recognized Pinkie, but the others were some new faces, the two groups soon met each other on the edge of some trees.

“Oh, Orion, Ves! Are you here to visit Eclipse?”

“Ah, so that’s the stallion that led our guards here, yes but we are also here to introduce our guards to where they’ll train. We also heard some of our other guards went here too, how about we go see this Eclipse Light, he has been the word recently at Canterlot ever since one of those cult’s recent actions,” said Ves.

“Ves, remember we don’t call them that,” said Orion.

“Oh come now Orion, what would you call a group of fanatics who praise one of the princesses like some almighty being of power?”

Orion kept quiet, but he made his point when he looked at her, Ves shrugged back at him before making their way through the trees.

They soon came upon a clearing with some structures and four figures, among them was Fruit and Mango who were under the shade of a tree with a bear cub laying on Fruit’s lap. What got everyone’s attention wasn’t them, but what was happening in the middle of the clearing.

Facing against each other was Eclipse and Sight, both wielding a sword and spear respectively; Eclipse was standing on his two legs while his sword was pointed to the ground with his forelegs on the hilt. Sight had her spear held by one leg expertly and stood on all three with her wings ready, the two were facing one another ready to fight any second… but waited for an unseen signal.

“Why are they just standing there?” asked Rainbow, whispering to Applejack.

“Maybe their waiting until something happens.”

“But what are they waiting for that’ll happe-”

(Fight Music)

Suddenly like that music started playing and the fight began, the two rushed forth with Eclipse charging forward, but as the two neared one another, Sight flew up and then attacked from a blind spot. As she flew right for him, Eclipse rolled to the side and began dodging several spear strikes from her.

The two moved like they were dancing with Sight on the offense and Eclipse staying defensive; everyone watched, not daring to speak as the two combatants fought each other. So, this is Eclipse Light, from what I understand he’s an ex-soldier of some unnamed nation.

“You think it’s possible I can recruit him for the Lunar Guard, he’d definitely fit with that look he has, am I right Orion,” said Ves. However she only gotten silence in turn, looking up at him he noticed he was looking at the fight, but held a focused gaze on Eclipse. “Heeey, you better not be trying to get him yourself too.”

“No… its not that… Look.”

Facing toward the fight once more, while Sight was indeed keeping Eclipse on his hooves, he was calm and dodging easily, but there was a strange look in his eyes… a sort of empty gaze… as if he detached himself completely. “I know few warriors who’re capable of going in a sort of zen moment, able to dodge and react to any action done to them… but it take decades for that kind of training… The princesses mentioned he was sixteen, correct?”

“Pretty young for an ex-soldier… but that’s not the only thing,” said Ves, paying attention.

Just as Sight was about to attack she swung her spear suddenly and charged forth and threw a hoof strike, then she grabbed her spear and was ready to swing it back. Eclipse managed to dodge the first spear swing and the strike, but as the second swing came he brought his sword up that took most of the hit. Eclipse used the force of the hit to fly some distance away from her, but soon she came back to send a flurry of spear strikes.

Keep your opponent on edge, give no chances to retaliate and when the moment comes. As she attacked she spotted an opening. Take it.

Pushing forth she brought her spear forward and managed to nick the side of Eclipse’s face, backing off she hovered some distance away. Some gasps from the girls and a few cheers from Mango and some of the guards were in response to the hit. Eclipse stood there before raising a hoof to the wound, looking at his own blood, he wiped the wound until he looked up at her.

“You have some expert training on you… sadly, it’ll take more than that to face against me,” said Eclipse.

Sight kept her guard up, but had to dodge quickly as Eclipse threw his sword like a javelin, the weapon landing some distance from her. Realizing her mistake she quickly faced Eclipse, but was too late as she found him upon her; disarming her, he quickly grabbed her by the scruff of her chest and threw her to the ground.

Continuing with his throw, he followed with several punches to her mid-section before knocking the wind from her. Getting off and dodging a punch from her, Eclipse backed off but easily moved to the side as she flew forward, as she was quickly reaching for her own weapon. Quickly getting up with her spear she then rushed forth with her weapon aimed at Eclipse, screaming a battle cry.

As she rushed up to him, the unexpected happened, one moment he was there the next he wasn’t, dazed by his disappearance she looked up to find him standing on the shaft of her spear. Gazing back with empty eyes, Eclipse launched from her spear before hitting the back of her head, splaying her on the ground.

Getting up, she turned around before finding a sword touching her muzzle, Eclipse with his weapon back, had Sight on the ground with a weapon inches from her face. “Never, underestimate an opponent from just appearances alone,” said Eclipse.

The two stared at one another before Eclipse moved the weapon away and trotted away. Soon Sight was swarmed by her fellow guards, each asking a question until Orion and Ves approached.

“First Lieutenant Orion, Sergeant Ves! I was doing some sparring with Sir Eclipse, I recommend he join the guard, sir!” Quickly up and saluting, Sight had her hoof lowered by Orion as he trotted up to Eclipse who was picking up the spear used in their duel.

Eclipse picked up the weapon before he came upon another new face. “The notorious Eclipse Light, Princesses Celestia and Luna have spoken of your deeds in this town… but I am sad that you denied wanting to join either the Royal or Lunar Guard. Those were some excellent skills you used, but I must ask… Where have you learned such fighting techniques?”

Eclipse didn’t speak, trotting by him instead, but as he trotted by he spoke quietly. “You must do what you can… in times of war,” said Eclipse, emptily.

Orion watched him leave back to the storage wagon as the girls and Spike also swarmed him too. That stallion… I don’t think the princesses were overreacting about what they saw in Ponyville.

A day before the arrival of the new guards to Ponyville – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 6:00pm

Orion was told to meet Princesses Celestia and Luna in Princess Celestia’s private chambers, he wasn’t told much but they wanted to tell him something about his new post in Ponyville. Arriving at the door, the two guards stationed there bowed before knocking on the door.

“First Lieutenant Orion Grey is here princesses.”

“Let him in,” said Celestia, her voice muffled. One of the guards opened the door and continued to watch the hall as Orion entered. The door closed behind him soon after he entered, Celestia and Luna were busy examining the reports about the incident at Ponyville and several other reports about the activities – or lack thereof – of the Church.

“Lieutenant, we are glad you could come,” said Luna.

“It is no problem Princess Luna, is there a reason you called me, is it about who’s going to the new barracks at Ponyville?” asked Orion.

“No… we wish to tell you of a certain resident there.” Celestia showed Orion a picture of an ebony stallion with an empty gaze. “His name is Eclipse Light, recently he just came to Equestria beyond our borders a month ago. He has brought several things – unknown items – with him and while we usually would investigate further… we have made a deal with him.”

“So you wish for me to watch his activities while I’m posted there?”

“No, not that… I want you to watch Twilight and her friends.” Orion was perplexed but allowed her to continue speaking.

“This mysterious stallion suddenly appears in Ponyville and has gotten close to Twilight and her friends, even before my student arrived he has already befriended her friends who’d have just recently became the Elements of Harmony. All of this is too sudden that somepony with skills to rival veteran guards would just prop up at the most opportune time… If something were to happen to them… So promise me this, that no matter how close they may be with this Eclipse.”

He is not to be underestimated, I fear he’s capable of more than we may believe.

Orion watched as the girls and Eclipse soon spoke about the duel, talking to each of them in turn. Don’t worry your highness… they won’t be leaving my sight.

Delving Deeper (Edited)

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Ponyville, Ponyville Barracks; 6:00pm

After the duel, the guards passed the time by examining some of the training equipment they’ll be using for training. They talked and introduced themselves to Twilight’s friends – the current wielders of the Elements of Harmony – and another one of her friends, a traveling entertainer by the name of Trixie. Once introductions were made, the guards went back to their barracks to arrange some of their belongings and equipment they brought with them.

Some time later a delivery was made to the Ponyville Guard Branch, which was more food supplies, several equipment items for the research room, several other things, and some bags of bits to be used for trade with the town. They brought the supplies back to the barracks and after putting it away safely, they finally received the invitation to Sugarcube Corner; since they had nothing else to do, all the guards made their way to where the party would happen.

Once arriving, they met up with the girls and Eclipse, who were setting up tables outside the bakery, as the party would take place outside too. A large banner was spread above the bakery which said, “Welcome to Ponyville New Guardponies” and just like any Pinkie party, all of the townsfolk had arrived to enjoy the festivities.

“Whoa! This is one awesome party you have set up,” said Mango, amazed.

“Hey everypony, glad you could make it! We got games, food, drinks, music, and more food!” shouted Pinkie. “OH, we even have a photo booth set up too!”

As everypony began to enjoy the party, both Orion and Ves decided to speak alone, while the rest of their squad partied with the townsfolk. The two officers stopped near an empty part of the town square, before turning to face each other.

“Sooo, why we’re all alone here, hmmmm?” asked Ves, sultrily.

“Quit your fooling around, I need to ask you what you think of Eclipse,” said Orion. Ves finished her drink before tossing it to a nearby trash bin, facing Orion once more.

“Well… for starters, he’s trained in a style of a sword-wielder that’s similar to how minotaurs wield weapons… But then that’s where all similarities end as minotaurs often use axes or hammers and rarely use swords. Not to mention his unorthodox way of fighting, nopony would be crazy enough to throw their weapon like that, risking to disarm themselves.”

“My exact thoughts and at first I thought he was being reckless, but he acted like he done that exact move before, multiple times even. For now, you and I are to be keeping close tabs on him and report any unusual findings to the princesses… the rest of the squad can’t know of this,” said Orion.

Ves agreed, but before they left, she stopped Orion, the stallion turned around and he noticed the worried look on her. Deciding to press about it, he placed a hoof on her withers as she looked up at him.

“Vespy? What’s wrong?” I hate it when he uses that nickname.

“...I received reports from some buddies stationed at the Lunar Guard branch at Manehattan… the situation there is getting worse. The mysterious attacks are getting worse and worse and both the Royal and Lunar Guard, are up at their necks on both complaints and accusations toward ponies that are innocent… Many of the populace believe a thestral is behind this, one that’s sucking the blood off of ponies.”

Here Orion’s brow raised, speaking back about the absurdity of the situation. “That’s an old mare’s tale, thestrals only eat bugs and fruits, while occasionally you guys eat fish but usually as a last cause. You think somepony is trying to defame thestrals… or worse, Princess Luna? This isn’t the first time something like this was attempted, ever since she returned, a majority of thestrals came out of hiding, living within Equestrian towns and cities now.”

“Betting you those cultists are behind this...”

“No, Princess Celestia ordered the Church that all their operatives are to be returned to Canterlot and within their Cathedral… Though there have been rumors of a small force in Manehattan, but I hear they’re leaving sometime soon.”

“They better… but seriously, what else could it be?”

“…I don’t know… but let’s hope whatever it is,” said Orion.

It’s dealt with soon.

Elsewhere – Manehattan, Manehattan Royal Guard Branch HQ; 7:00pm

After the investigation that happened a week ago, no new sightings or attacks have come up since the murder of Tool Box. Private E2 Watcher, had finished doing some minor tasks for his superior and was heading home for the day. “Heading home, Watcher?”

Turning around, his fellow guard – Private E2 Niche Spot – sat lazily on his chair, checking his own work; this ranged from reports on robberies, arguments between ponies, or the usual prank from adolescent foals. “Yeah, just finished my paperwork for the day, going to head home now.”

“Well you stay safe you hear, things been getting a tad unstable with these random attacks,” said Niche.

“What makes you think they’re random?” asked Watcher.

“Well for starters, all our victims have no connections to the government or any shady groups we know of, so that rules out that these are planned attacks. Most likely, somepony found some evil ancient artifact, has gone bonkers in the process, with the only difference being that it’s one of the more violent artifacts…”

“And your other theory?” Niche stayed quiet in thought, before shrugging.

“Who knows, heck, I bet it’s some sort of creature from the Everfree or further beyond that wandered here.”

Watcher thought of this, but no, these attacks were too focused… precise… but what connections do these ponies have with each other. They are all residents of Manehattan, being here for years, none of them have ever met or encountered one another… but there has been one connection.

A majority of the killings have happened around the abandoned industrial area to the north-west of the city. The only reason we haven’t caught the culprit, was due to the randomness of the attacks and while some of the ponies did indeed live near this area, others didn’t. It even gets stranger when these ponies are secluded from others, meaning nopony – not even known family – knows much about their whereabouts.

Watcher decides to think about this another time, as he waves goodbye to Niche and makes his way back home. Leaving the Royal Guard Branch HQ, Watcher makes his way back home, wearing his civilian clothes which consist of a small fedora and vest. After trotting for several blocks, he reaches his apartment, entering the empty foyer, he goes to the elevator waiting for the door to close and pressing a button listed as seven.

As the elevator shifts and climbs up, he exits as the doors open, heading to his room near the end of the hall. Using his magic, he levitates a key from a pouch hung around his neck, unlocking the door, he enters inside.

Undressing himself, he hangs both his vest and fedora on a coat stand, making his way to his desk. His room consisted of three rooms that weren’t that large – the bathroom consisted of a shower, sink, and toilet, the kitchen had several drawers, a basic stove, a fridge, and a small table with a single chair. The main room which had his bed in one corner, a couch facing opposite of his bed, a desk with various items on it, and a chest with all his clothes inside were the only furniture in the room.

A window was above his desk, with it being the only window in his apartment room. Approaching his desk, he pulled the chair and sat on it, pulling himself closer to the desk with his hooves. Using his magic, he cleared all the items on the desk swiftly, before opening a small drawer to his right.

Searching with both his magic and eyes, he pulls out an interesting item – a red crystallized… something. He found this object during the investigation of Tool Box’s death, the object was left near a dumpster some distance from the body. At first he wanted to show this to his superior, but the item didn’t look magically imbued or shown any other interesting traits; after some further examination he decided to take it with him back home.

Now alone with the crystal, he took a careful look of it and unlike crystals he knows or read about, this one was pretty jagged but hardy, not even his strongest hammer from the local store that he bought could crack it. What was also interesting was that, while it was indeed red, the coloration… was scarily similar to the color of blood. Shining a light on it, didn’t seem to reflect back any light so it’s luster wasn’t that great.

Leaning back on his chair, he sighed to himself, the strange crystal perplexing him even more. Just what is this thing?

Suddenly, Watcher hears a loud crash from the wall near his bed, the noise was coming from his neighbor next door. At first it was quiet like something may have fallen, until a loud crash of glass being smashed was heard. Hearing further noises of a struggle and grunting, Watcher got to his hooves, rushed to his door and quickly reached the door next to his.

Readying to break in the door, Watcher nearly got slammed to the wall when the door busted open with his neighbor flying out, slumping down on the ground. Checking if he was alright, he saw a large slash wound around his mid-section, with what appears to be several stab wounds. “You alright?”

The stallion grunted, wheezing a little, glad he was still alive, he cast a quick healing regenerative spell on him before rushing into the room. Looking inside, the lights were off which left the only source of light coming from the light of the moon. The window was smashed open, with shards of glass all over the ground, but looking carefully into the dark room, he noticed something shift from the shadows.

Preparing to fire a stun spell, he shouted at whoever was hiding in the darkness. “Come out! I’m a member of the Royal Guard, if you attempt to resist, I have no choice but to use my magic against you!” shouted Watcher.

Having heard no response, he added more power into his spell, enough to brighten the room… until his gaze fell upon something shocking. Standing under the glow of his magic, was a thestral unlike any thestral he’s met before.

He has seen and know some members of the Lunar Guard – both during his patrols during the evening and personally meeting a few – so what he was seeing… was the impossible.

Her mane and tail were the color of red, but this red was a mix of two reds – a faint red… and a crimson red. Instead of the regular black, dark blue, or dark purple fur common among thestrals, hers was an off-white tone similar to pink, but had a slight red sheen to it. Her lithe form and slender legs made her very alluring and attractive, two thoughts that confused Watcher, considering he was never this distracted no matter the sex or looks anypony had, especially during an arrest.

What really caught his attention were three major details – her eyes weren’t like a normal pony’s or even a thestral’s would look like. Instead of the common oval shape, they had two points that curled up, leaving her iris to pierce deep within him as if she was seeing everything… but her eyes… weren’t that of a pony, but of a predator.

Having catching his attention, she smiled, revealing the row of sharp, pointed teeth that could carve through flesh and bone; this was the second thing he noticed, the third however was what made his body turn into a shivering mess.

Her teeth… their stained with blood, fresh blood. Watcher has seen his fair share of the aftermaths of fights, seeing the cloth-covered bodies and sometimes the small pools of blood they leave behind, before being cleaned up.

Blood dripped from the mare’s mouth and Watcher was certain it wasn’t hers, the thestral – if ‘it’ could be called a thestral – smiled further, the smile changing from a mischievous one, to a crazed smile. Before he could act, her wings burst from their folded position and she flapped with one hard stroke, sending her through the already shattered window.

Quickly reaching the window, he found nothing but the moon, the distant buildings, and the evening lights from faraway streets below. Watcher began to calm down, but soon his panic rose once more, what he saw wasn’t some sapient being, he wasn’t even sure it was sentient either.

He sat down, surrounded by shattered glass, broken furniture, and now the noticeable droplets of fresh blood staining the wooden flooring. Watcher gazed at the night sky, thinking of his next move with this new knowledge on hoof. “That thing… just what the buck was it?”

The next day later – Equestria; Ponyville, Town Hall Square; 12:30pm

As the sun was at its highest peak, the day was beginning with the newly stationed guard, preparing a presentation to the townsfolk of Ponyville. Orion, Ves, and their respective guards stood behind a cloth barrier, separating them from the town. All of them wore their guard armor, each of them having a small mark on their armor on their withers with the left side holding their rank, while the right side held the symbol of either the sun or moon, depending on if they were part of the Royal Guard or the Lunar Guard.

Twilight stood on the podium addressing the townsfolk – as usual she prepared and brought some papers for a quick speech – starting with her talking about the new arrival of the guard being stationed in Ponyville. “With the newly built guard barracks to house the new Royal and Lunar Guard branches here in Ponyville, it is my honor to introduce the leading officer of the Royal Guard – First Lieutenant Orion Grey!”

Everypony stomped and cheered as the lieutenant approached the stage and stood behind the podium; clearing his voice and facing the crowd, he thought to himself on what to say, until speaking to the mic.

“Citizens of Ponyville, it is my honor to be chosen by their highnesses, Princesses Celestia and Luna to command and watch over this quaint town. Even though I and my fellow guards, have only been stationed here for a single day, I hope to diligently work and protect all of you from any manner of danger. I thank all of you for placing your faith and trust in the Royal and Lunar Guard and that we may do our jobs swiftly, efficiently, and in our best capabilities we can with all of you!”

Bowing his head down in respect to the crowd, then to Mayor Mare, and Twilight Sparkle, Orion soon stepped off the stage allowing Mayor Mare to come up. “Thank you lieutenant, with that, I officially say that the Ponyville Barracks and the newly stationed Royal Guard and Lunar Guard to hereby be official! Cheers to the new guard!”

As the cheers of everypony echoed across the town, some decided to do a small celebration here on the town hall square, while others went back to their daily business. Orion and Ves ordered their guards with the assigned patrol rights, time schedule, and who be partnered with who. As they went off, the duo decided to take a short walk away from the celebration, making their way halfway to the park before stopping by an empty bench.

Sitting down, Ves removed her helmet, sighing in content from not wearing her stuffy helmet anymore. “I know we had to do this speech in the afternoon, but the heat is killing me, especially with my armor on,” said Ves.

“Now now, don’t be complaining by something a recruit would had to deal with, besides didn’t you had to go through a three-day training regime under daylight hours, so you would be used to the sun in case of emergencies.”

“Yeah, but back then, we weren’t forced to wear armor and to not stand under the sun all the time… Soooo, what are you planning on doing now? We’re going to get more troops next year, so I’m wondering, are you planning to upgrade the barracks or build another one.”

Orion gazed around town, before remembering the open space near the train stationed, an idea coming to him. “The northern area of the town could be useful and placing a small outpost near the train station for either supplies or surprise guests would be a good choice. The barracks that we have now can be refurbished to be the barracks for new recruits.”

Ves nodded in agreement, the two sat there alone until Ves remembered something this morning. Having checked the local post-office, she apparently received a letter from one of her old pals stationed in Manehattan. The situation there is getting worse, a private who was at home spotted the possible suspect attacking his neighbor… the details were sketchy, but they know now they’re not dealing with some thug or criminal.

“Something bothering you Ves?” asked Orion.

“Nothing, I’ll tell you later, let’s go around town and do our job.” The two went off, making their rounds as the new guards of Ponyville.

Ponyville, Town Hall Square; 1:15pm

After the guard presentation, Eclipse and Fluttershy watched their friends and the rest of the town, talk and mingle with the new guard. Pinkie was passing pastries and other goodies to everypony with the help of Mango, who enjoyed helping the pink mare. Rarity was talking with Crystal and how it was like being a guard in Canterlot, the others talked to each of the guards, whether it was about their own lives, where they came from and so on.

“Things are going well for them, though I’m assuming more guards will be posted here some time in the future,” said Eclipse, speaking to Sight.

“From what I can understand, a platoon worth of guards will be stationed here and considering both the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard being here… roughly around thirty guards.”

“That’s more than double of the guards here already,” said Fluttershy. “Where will all of you be staying if that many are going to be stationed here?”

“My superiors will handle things like that, but that won’t happen in a year or two.”

As the three were talking, a gray mare wearing a mail-saddlebag approached Eclipse; Derpy landed – flopping in front of them to be specific – and quickly stood on all four legs, giving her cheerful smile toward the three. “Special delivery for an Eclipse Light, from Canterlot!” shouted Derpy.

Reaching into her saddlebag, she pulled out a letter with the mark of the Canterlot nobility and after receiving the letter, Eclipse nodded his thanks to her as Derpy flew off. Opening the letter while the others wondered what the commotion was about, Eclipse read the letter’s contents to himself.

“What’s the letter about Eclipse?” asked Fluttershy.

“Hmmm, a noblepony wishes to make a trade agreement with me at Canterlot, it doesn’t specify from who, but I have an address and date of when to meet. I’m to leave for tomorrow, I’ll tell the others later of this, but I need to send a quick message to a hotel to have a room rented in Canterlot. It was good to be speaking to you again Sight, I’ll continue our conversation another day.”

As Eclipse made his way to leave, Fluttershy quickly caught up to him, a worried look on her. “Is it safe for you to go to Canterlot, those Church ponies are mainly stationed in Canterlot. What if you bump into them and they cause something?”

Eclipse gazed thoughtfully back at her, before smoothing her mane, a small grin in response to her worries. “Then they’ll pay the price for breaking the agreement they made with Celestia and do not worry, I been to Canterlot so I know my around and which places to avoid when necessary. I’m only going for business, that’s all, so be calm till I return,” said Eclipse. “I’ll bring a souvenir in turn maybe while I’m there.”

Fluttershy smiled in turn as Eclipse left and headed back home, later on the girls and the rest of Eclipse’s friends soon learned of his leave to Canterlot. Twilight decided to send a letter to Celestia, seeing as she too was worried that Eclipse might get in trouble with the Church and hoped her teacher could make sure Eclipse’s visit to Canterlot went smoothly.

The rest of the day went smoothly as everypony went by their usual daily business, with the guard now beginning their jobs of patrolling the town, answering any problems to come, and bringing security and peace. Eclipse prepared his business trip to Canterlot, having left the responsibility of his property to Luella, the cub simply watching over the place, with an odd but simple gesture of loyalty to him.

Later that night – Manehattan; 9:00pm

Deep in the abandoned section of Manehattan – the north-west part of the city – within the desolate factories and abandoned quiet streets; inside one of the abandoned factories, an albino thestral gazed out a cracked window, the moon at its fullest, the light beaming downward toward her.

The thestral was twirling a knife on her hoof, the edge was coated in crimson red, staining both her hoof and fur. She didn’t seem bothered, gazing forth at the horizon, watching the glimmering lights of the towers and buildings that made up Manehattan’s landscape. The mare gave a crazed demented smile, showing her shark-like teeth, glinting from the light of the moon.

“For a place full of pastel ponies, things have been getting interesting since I ended up here… Wonder what other wonderful surprises I can find…” The mare looked behind her at the lifeless form behind her on the catwalk; the body was drained of blood, leaving nothing but a lifeless husk, the eyes sunken and showing a face of eternal horror, the last vestiges of this denizen were unheard screams of terror.

“She fought, but I became bored after the... what was it, seventh… eighth stab?” Shrugging to herself, she tossed her knife up before catching it with her hoof once more, sheathing the serrated knife back into a hidden sheath under her wings. “Oh well, can’t be sitting here doing nothing, time to go back out and begin the hunt once more.”

The mare giggled to herself, her eyes showing not a shred of sanity, revealing a hungering blood-lust of both for blood and other unsavory needs.

“Gotta go and grab another meal before the night’s end, hehahehheheeeee.” The albino thestral soon flapped her wings, flying through the night sky, awaiting for another pony to target – another pony to feast upon.

The Merchant of Chance (Edited)

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Two days later – Canterlot; 9:00am

It had been two days since Eclipse received the letter of invitation to come to Canterlot, since he left yesterday morning, he spent exploring Canterlot, especially the parts of the capital city he never seen from his last visit. Right now, Eclipse stood on the balcony of his hotel room, gazing at the sun’s ascension across the horizon; unlike Ponyville, Canterlot could be described as a mix between a fantasy-like city, with some modern designs added with it.

The population consisted of mostly unicorns, with a few pegasi and earth ponies, not all unicorns who lived in Canterlot were nobility, those who weren’t were either visitors or those not born in Canterlot, but live in the city now. Eclipse had met some of the nobility when he first came to the city for his traders’ license and like many who met him, nopony had no idea what he was thinking.

After done gazing at the far horizon, Eclipse went back into his room; he didn’t bring a lot with him, just some things like bits, several items he wanted to trade for other things, and some papers he needed to be signed by the traders’ guild. Eclipse thought back to his departure from Ponyville, having said farewell to the girls and Spike.

Yesterday – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 8:30am

Eclipse was bringing his saddlebags, a single luggage bag, and a sizable pouch of bits, having come to the station platform to say farewell was the girls including Trixie and Spike. “Are you certain you don’t need any one of us coming, I mean you said you’re meeting a mysterious noble who hasn’t written their name. What if the Church is behind this,” said Twilight.

“Then they’ll be the ones who’ll regret doing so,” said Eclipse. “Just as I made an agreement with Celestia and Luna, they too must abide by their agreement too, neither they nor I will interfere with one another.”


“Twilight dear, don’t worry, if anypony can handle these brutes, I’m certain Eclipse can,” said Rarity. “Though it would have been nice to have come and visit Canterlot with you.”

“Again, I can’t, the letter specified I come alone and it is purely a business visit. If it were anything else, I would of asked if any of you would like to come, but I own my own trading business, meaning I have to go alone and will be going only for that reason.”

The girls sighed but understood, Eclipse has done these things before and knew how serious he took them to be. As the train was readying to leave, Eclipse entered inside, but turned around to face them. “I’ll be back by sometime tomorrow or the day afterwards, by then, there shouldn’t be any reason to worry,” said Eclipse. “Farewell everyone, I’ll be seeing you later.”

The girls and Spike began to wave, each of them giving their own farewells. “Bye! Farewell, darling! See yeah later! Bye Ipsy! Goodbye Eclipse! Come back soon! Have a great trip!”

As they waved at Eclipse who watched them from his window, he sat on his seat, watching the scenery change as the train made its way to Canterlot. Watching the train leave, everyone began to leave, only leaving Twilight and Spike. “I hope he’ll be fine Spike, who knows what this mysterious pony wants with Eclipse,” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry Twilight, Eclipse handled dozens of those Church knights, heck he can handle himself on his own just fine. Come on, we should head back to town, I still haven’t had breakfast yet. I heard Pinkie made a new breakfast meal to the menu!” Twilight watched the train leave, until she couldn’t spot it anymore, sighing to herself she too soon left. I’m certain he’ll be fine… What could possibly happen while he’s there?

Present time – Canterlot; 9:15am

Eclipse began to gather the things he planned bringing to go out, reviewing the invitation again, the letter stated he was to meet at this exact address around noon. Still having some time before needing to arrive at where he’s to meet this mysterious pony, Eclipse took his things and went to go around town a little.

Once arriving to the foyer of the hotel and exiting out to the streets of Canterlot, Eclipse made up a mental list of what he should do before noon. I should check the traders guild and see if anything new has happened and see if I need to update my license. I should also check the local market for anything worth buying… Then…

“A gift,” said Eclipse to himself. “I did promise if possible I get a souvenir for Fluttershy… but what for the others.” As Eclipse thought of this, he tried to think what each of the girls would like for a gift.

“Hmmmm, cooking supplies or maybe a cookbook for Pinkie, Rarity would want some cloth for her designs, probably see if there’s a local seamstress here. Not sure what Applejack would want, but she did mention the tools back at her farm have been getting dull… I’ll see if the blacksmiths can make something for me. Rainbow, well she doesn’t speak to me often, rarely would be an apt description, but I think I can do… hmmmm, maybe...”

As Eclipse thought of some gifts for some of his… acquaintances, there was still Twilight and Fluttershy. “Twilight… I was going to the local library here, I need to look something up… maybe I can see if there’s a book here that’ll interest her. Fluttershy, now she’s the trickiest out of everyone, she’s been somewhat understanding of my eccentric personality. Her gift…”

Eclipse glanced at the blue sky, deep in thought as passersby ponies either watched before continuing to trot by or ignored him with a huff and snout to the air. It didn’t bother Eclipse, he dealt with all kinds of beings, so it didn’t faze him how they acted. Unable to think of anything for Fluttershy, Eclipse decided to put that idea on hold for now. Well, for now I’ll just get to doing my mental list before noon, time to see how the guild has been doing.

Making his way down the street, Eclipse took several turns before making his way at a certain district; this area of Canterlot held all the guilds and different groups, which consisted of either adventurers, traders, mages, and all other manner of professions. The traders guild building was, well what you call a flashy mess – the sign above the front door was of a moneybag with a feather in the middle.

The feather symbolized of the old system of how mail was sent by birds, as pegasi were still a warrior tribe back before the tribes united together. In memory to the old mail system, the feather is now used as a symbol for all traders known far and wide.

Approaching the entrance, he enters inside and as usual the traders guild was as busy as it was the last time he came inside. Line-ups full of merchants awaited to speak to the teller behind a wall of glass and wood. The tellers handled what kind of materials the traders either exported or imported, sometimes wishing for bits to either use to buy more materials or other reasons.

There was a lobby area for ponies and other races to rest, a decorated fireplace with a beautiful painted portrait of Canterlot and the mountain it rested upon. Stairs that led to the upper area, where only older and special members would reside. Even though Eclipse has only been a member less than half a year, he has enough influence himself that he was allowed access to the upper areas, which he was heading to.

The pony stationed by the steps, eyed Eclipse, raising his hoof to stop him. “Identification, sir.”

Reaching into his saddlebag, he pulled out an ebony badge, this badge was both unique and special, as it was both made by Eclipse for purposes as to be used as his identification for the traders guild. While it showed nothing different from the other badges used for identification in the guild, that wasn’t what the pony was looking for; wearing special glasses, the pony can visibly see the unique magical signature enchanted on it by one of the staff of the guild.

Nodding, the pony removed the rope that blocks the stairs, moving aside for Eclipse. “This way sir and thank you for visiting us again.” Making his way up after putting away the badge, Eclipse trotted further around the second floor until he came to another room.

This room was small in comparison with only one pony behind a desk with several stacks of paper, she was busy stamping a paper, before levitating that one away for another, repeating the process. She paused realizing she had a guest – a familiar and unforgettable one.

“Ahhhhh, zess good to zee you, zir Eclipse.” The mare wore an interesting pair of glasses, that were shaped to have a curve and tinted a light red color. Her mane was spiked on the top, but slick at the bottom, with her tail smooth until the ends were pointed like a porcupine.

Her cutie-mark was that of a golden ingot that glimmered, she wore a small purple vest and a diamond necklace. “Hello again, Goldenshine…” said Eclipse.

“Zes Zes, good to zee you too. What brings you here?” asked Goldenshine, pausing her stamping to focus her gaze on Eclipse. “Are you perhaps er for business… or pleasure?”

Now if anypony else heard this, they blush immensely or get the wrong idea, but Eclipse perfectly knew that she was referring to a different kind of pleasure. Eclipse tutted to himself before facing her once more, pulling something from his saddlebag. “We both know you are a mare of integrity and wouldn’t bring yourself into something like that.”

“Hmmmm, zeems you haven’t changed a zingle bit… Zpeaking of bits, if you are not here for either, what brings you here?”

Eclipse pulls out the item and shows it to her – a spherical clear orb with a purple crystal inside – standing to await her evaluation. Looking carefully, she lifts the object with her magic, sensing the electrical energy inside as well as the supernatural energy.

“My experiments on the Thunder Orb are complete, I wish to have them sold in Canterlot and possibly in other cities in the future. I know that trade with the other four Element Orbs have been going well; I’ll hoof you the paperwork about the details of the object and I’ll let you handle the rest.”

Goldenshine ended her examination and hoofed it back to Eclipse, who placed it back in his saddlebag. “Excellent, it has been a while zince you brought these wondrous items! Zhould I have them a similar price like the others?”

“No, unlike them, they are trickier to handle and may require a permit for safety reasons, especially for pegasi who know extensively about thunderbolts or unicorns who are familiar with electrical magic.”

Goldenshine nodded in agreement and after discussing payment, who shall sell them and where they shall be sold and other details, Eclipse left, but before he did he turned back to face her. “Another thing, what is the current ‘news’ within Canterlot?” asked Eclipse.

“...Zee Church are compliant with the Princesses, however… Rumor is that zomething is ztirring in Manehattan and both the Church and Guard are deeply involved in zome way… But that is all I’ve heard, other than that, nothing else has come up.”

“I see… thank you Goldenshine.”

“No problem and have a good day.”

Now leaving, Eclipse soon left the traders guild, now done with that, he went through the rest of his mental list – gift-shopping.

One shopping spree later – Canterlot, Noble District; 12:00pm

Finishing his gift-shopping, he carried his saddlebags full of gifts and other items to the address he was to meet this mysterious noble. It took him thirty minutes, after he finished getting the last item off his mental list; looking through the invitation, he glanced up at the large gates that led to a mansion.

Not surprised this pony lived in a mansion and in his own property, but who is it that I’m meeting? Checking the gate, Eclipse found it to be open, so with little trouble he opened the gate enough for him to slip inside.

Trotting down a stone path, he passed several garden decorations ranging from statues, fountains to what appeared to be a large shrub cut in the shape of a snowflake. Approaching the doors to the mansion, he noticed a rope, pulling the rope a series of melodious bells rang, echoing throughout the mansion.

Immediately, a unicorn stallion wearing a butler outfit with a black mustache that twirled on the edges gazed back with a serious but calm gaze. “How may I help you, sir?”

“I am Eclipse Light, I was invited by the owner of this estate to meet at this exact time, am I not in the correct area?” asked Eclipse.

“Oh no, you have indeed arrived in the proper location, please come inside sir Eclipse, my master has been expecting you.” The butler opens the door wider to let Eclipse enter, once inside, the butler asks if he may hold onto his belongings for now. Eclipse removes his saddlebags as the butler levitates it to a small cupboard for safekeeping, he then leads Eclipse to where the master of the estate is. “Please, follow me, I’ll lead you to the master.”

Eclipse is led through the mansion, many of the decorations seem to relate to winter, snow, or anything white. The symbol of a snowflake is seen plastered on banners and hung alongside the walls. Passing by a painting of what appears to be of a stallion, a mare, and a filly, Eclipse pauses as he gazes at the painting.

That filly… why do I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere?

“We’re almost there sir, this way.” Eclipse continues following the butler until the two approach two double doors, the butler opens said doors and Eclipse can see they lead to a study. Sitting on a large desk with a fireplace behind it was an old pegasus stallion, his mane swept back.

The old stallion’s mane and tail were both white as well as his fur, his eyes were both an ice blue. He was looking through some papers, but looked up when the door opened, putting away his things before standing up himself. “Ah, you must be Eclipse Light, so good to see you, my name is Purity Snow, I own Snow Transports, a transportation company. We deal in goods, transportation for ponies, and both imports and exports,” said Snow, extending a hoof.

Eclipse reached for his hoof and shook it, Snow led Eclipse to some couches to sit on, facing each other from opposite sides. The butler soon brought some tea for the two to drink, Snow drinking something from overseas while Eclipse had some green tea.

Taking a sip, Eclipse placed his cup down, bringing his attention back on Snow. “Mr Snow-”

“Please please, just Snow,” said Snow, smiling.

“...Snow, I must assume you’re part of the nobility,” said Eclipse, continuing.

“Yes, while my family isn’t that known, we do occasionally get requests from other noble families or the royalty. I’d enjoy going into detail about one particular exchange but, I shouldn’t waste your time now, let’s discuss why I invited you here.”

Eclipse kept a neutral gaze, but Snow knew that Eclipse didn’t say no to what he had to say, continuing to speak. “The last time you were in Canterlot, you spoke to the headmaster of the traders guild… and I heard rumors of a particular item only you have. If it’s not much of a problem, but is it possible we can make a deal about these, Element Crystals.”

For a while Eclipse is quiet, but looks up at Purity for a few seconds, then reaches a hoof toward him. “While I need more details about it, I do agree with this arrangement, but of course you must have something on your end you’ll give,” said Eclipse.

“Yes yes of course,” said Snow, shaking Eclipse’s hoof. “As for the arrangement in detail I sadly have to say it has to be done later, I have another guest I must see. How about I have my daughter accompany you around the city until I can call you later.”

Snow stood up before heading to his desk, before pulling out a bell, ringing it two times then placing it back down. Nothing happened but then the bell began to glow, as a voice was heard from the bell. “Yes father?”

“Dear, could you come to my study, I need you to escort a guest of ours until evening,” said Snow. The bell soon stopped glowing and after some moments later, a knock from the door was heard. “Come in.”

Entering inside, was another pegasus, but she was very familiar to Eclipse. She had teal fur, a beige mane with two orange lines through her mane, reaching the back of her neck, she also had the same eyes as her father.

“I am here father, who am I to esco- YOU!”

Pristine glared hatefully at the stallion who caused everything bad that has happened to her this past week – her exile from the Church, her humiliation at her defeat, and to be used as a scapegoat for the incident at Ponyville. She was about to throw a strong right hook, but stopped when her father intervened.

“Pristine my dear, you know this stallion?”

“DO I KNO- ahem, yes father, I do. I met him when I served under the Church.”

“Oh… I see, I am so sorry Eclipse, if I knew you met my daughter… if you feel uncomfortable please, I am sorry and I’ll do anything for this mistake I’ve made.”

“I am fine, to be honest when I saw that painting here, that filly looked familiar and I have no qualms with her.”

“Well that’s good, Pristine, I would like you to escort sir Eclipse around Canterlot until evening.”

“WHAT!? Father, I cannot be with this… stallion, he has devastated my honor and standing within the Church, I shall not forgive him or be forced to be his… mare.”

The two argued quietly or as quiet as they could, while Eclipse continued to drink his tea, until he himself stood up. “I must go Snow – it was nice meeting you, you have lovely tea – I have other things I have to do in this city. I’ll see you in the evening,” said Eclipse.

“Of course,” said Snow.

As Eclipse was led out by the butler, Snow quickly glanced at Pristine with a tired gaze, sighing. “Please, dear, ever since you left the Church you been here in your room… if you aren’t going to work could you please do this one thing for me. If we gain access to sir Eclipse’s goods, it can help dozens of ponies… Please my snowflake, won’t you do this?”

Pristine angrily crossed her hooves, but after one last look at her pleading father, she gave in. “Alright… but if he does anything I am leaving him, you hear?”

Not needing to speak, Snow signaled for her to head out, while back outside Eclipse was walking to the gates of the property by himself, until he heard the sounds of beating wings. Not needing to look, Pristine landed near him before trotting alongside him.

“Look, I’m only doing this because my father asked me to… but know this, I still hate you for what you done to me,” said Pristine, trotting past him.

Eclipse watched her leave, but exited out of the Snow property, heading toward Canterlot with a new acquaintance with him.

Pristine’s Perspective – Canterlot; 1:00pm

I can’t believe I have to be with this stallion, of all the ponies my father had to make a deal with, it had to be him! Maybe I should just ditch him when I get the chance, go get a drink.

Pristine trotted beside Eclipse, not knowing where exactly he needed to go, however as they trotted through the streets they ended up stuck in the middle of rush hour. The two were swarmed by ponies trying to get to their separate destinations, Pristine soon lost sight of Eclipse, making it her chance to leave.

She left the main streets of Canterlot, heading to the part of Canterlot that was shadowed by Mt. Canterlot where taverns, inns, and various other night-time establishments are mostly found. Most of these places weren’t open, but there was one particular bar she knew was open all the time. This bar she used to visit before she joined the Church, hanging with old friends… but that was a long time ago.

Sighing to herself, Pristine entered inside, the ponies inside continued to talk and drink, not bothering to see who came inside. Approaching the bartender, she sat on an empty stool, waiting for the pony handling the drinks to notice her. Turning around, the stallion handling the bar looked at her, raising a brow.

“Apple cider, nothing too hard,” said Pristine.

The stallion nodded going to the back to get her drink, as she waited for her mug, while minding her own business, Pristine could feel she was being gazed at. Looking around but making it look like she wasn’t focusing on anything, she noticed two stallions gazing at her. They did look like they were interested in her like any stallion would when looking at a mare… but their gazes were angry, hateful. This doesn’t look good, better get this drink and leave.

The bartender came back and after paying and getting the drink, she quickly drank it in one go. As she was readying to leave, she was stopped by the same pair of stallions, neither looked to be in the conversational mood.

“Can I help you,” asked Pristine, an annoyed edge in her voice.

“Oh you can help, by paying for what you done,” said the left stallion. He was a normal brown colt his mane gray – not due to age – both eyes a simple green. His friend was a cobalt blue with muddy yellow mane and tail, eyes yellow.

Both of them were earth ponies, but Pristine looked carefully and noticed a particular mark around their withers. That’s… that’s a ‘mark of the flame’, only those who defied the Church are given that mark… but those marks were banned by orders from the solar goddess. Survivors of the Church’s purges…

“I see you are survivors of the Church purges, but that doesn’t answer what you want with me?”

“What we want with- We know you were there during those purges, we know you had a part in dozens of ponies being scarred… killed.”

Now here Pristine was shocked, she has read of the Church purges due to her training as a paladin, but the purges happened long before she joined and before Princess Luna’s return. She has read on who was responsible, who was involved and so forth. The looks on these two stallions were no doubt true hatred, but they must of mistook her for somepony else, a veteran of the Church most likely and it was unlikely they knew she was an ex-member of the Church, word wouldn’t spread that fast.

Before either side could do anything, the bartender slammed a mug he was cleaning, he glared at all three ponies, his message clear. “Fine, we’ll take this outside.”

The two stallions left, but Pristine knew they were waiting for her outside, deciding there was no way out of this situation she might as well humor these ponies. Leaving the bar, she stepped outside, but the two stallions she expected weren’t alone, apparently they had friends as several more ponies, some unicorns, pegasi, and more earth ponies appeared.

“Great, its going to be one of those days,” said Pristine.

Pristine and the group of ponies stood where they were, eyeing the other with a mix of anger, vengeance, and fear of what’s to come. A random piece of newspaper flitted through the air, the uneasy silence echoed around them.

(Fight Music)

“GET HER!” Then all Tartarus went loose, the earth ponies were the first to strike, but Pristine obviously flew up, however the pegasi expected this, readying to strike. They flew straight for her, ready to fight in the air or ground her toward their comrades on the ground.

Pristine wasn’t going to be beaten this easily, she may not have her armor or equipment, but her training would help her in this fight. Just as two pegasi were about to fly right into her, she dived in the last second, making them both crash into one another. Diving down she struck a few ponies on the ground before flying back up.

I don’t care what these ponies been through, if you’ve been attacked, you retaliate back. Pristine flew down and pounced the cobalt blue stallion who spoke to her, his friend tried to attack her, but she bucked him back.

“You want me so badly, come and get me!” shouted Pristine.

Just as she was about to strike another pony, the unicorns held her with their magic, she tried to struggle free but they held a tight grip. “You think we would just sit and watch, now stay still and take your punishment.”

The unicorns then use their magic and slam her harshly into the ground, now splayed on the ground, she weakly tries to get up. The blue stallion from before approaches her, anger easily seen in his eyes, but Pristine wouldn’t let this bastard take the pleasure in her defeat.

“I don’t know why you’re after me, but if you’re angry at the Church because of the purges then fine, but I had nothing to do with them! I was a foal when they happened and wasn’t even a member yet of the Church or even in training under them,” said Pristine.

“LIES! We saw you during the Church’s raids and we have an informant that connects you to them!”

They have a spy in the Church?! I may not be a member anymore, but my loyalty to the Church is still strong.

“Enough of this, let’s finish this now Cobalt!” Cobalt – the now named blue earth pony – turned to one of the unicorns who had their magical hold on Pristine. Turning to face her, he pulled something from his back, the object wasn’t visible before to her, but with it in full view she saw what it was.

It was a simple wooden baseball bat, sturdy with some age to it, but she knew perfectly it wasn’t to be used for playing games right now. Cobalt surprisingly stood on two hooves, placing the thick part of the bat to his other hoof, holding the handle with his right hoof.

Holding the bat with both hooves now, he raised the bat high above his head, aimed right for Pristine’s cranium for a painful, but non-lethal blow. “I want you to suffer for the crimes you done,” said Cobalt. Pristine wouldn’t look away, she didn’t had any thoughts of not being able to see her father or seeing any old friends… her mind was blank.

The only thought that raged in her thought was a singular thought, screaming like a ferocious roar of a manticore.

Damn you all, damn you all to Tartarus!

“For my family, you bi-” Mid swing, the hit didn’t come and she couldn’t believe the hoof that struck Cobalt – the dark-furred hoof of a certain stallion. It wasn’t the fact she was being saved by the last pony she expected, nor was it the reaction on his face… what caught her so off-guard by all of this… was his eyes.

In those eyes she saw not righteous justice, nor anger… she saw something she has never seen except once, when she challenged a retired royal guard during one of her missions as a simple knight under the ranks of the Church.

Unbridled bloodlust.

Sometime earlier, third-person perspective – Canterlot; 1:25pm

Eclipse knew he lost track of Pristine and he knew where she went… but instead of catching up to her, he simply followed her. He tailed her going into some bar, at first he would of went inside but paused when he noticed several figures approach the building, but not entering, staying within the other alleyways and pathways.

Deciding to watch from elsewhere, Eclipse spotted another alleyway with the two walls close together, but not too close to make it impossible for somepony to get stuck between. Going into the alleyway, he scaled up the wall with ease, until he made it up a roof of a random building, watching what was to occur later.

Soon, two ponies exited, both earth ponies and male, but soon following just several moments later was a familiar pegasus mare. Eclipse could easily see what was to happen from above – he saw the entire fight, why they were after her, Pristine fighting back before being caught by the unicorns – watching it all unnoticed like a gargoyle statue.

He watched till he saw the blue earth pony approaching with a bat on his back, still watching, he did nothing but watch. Seeing what was to unveil, Eclipse took one then two steps forward, dropping from the roof silently, only a small puff of dust coming from his drop.

Unnoticed, Eclipse took three more steps, but as he neared the fourth… he was gone and reappeared with his right forehoof aimed right at Cobalt’s head. Using his momentum, rather than hitting he continued the momentum of his movement to carry both himself and Cobalt, slamming him to the opposite wall.

(Fight Music)

Not down but in a daze, the rest of Cobalt’s group couldn’t react quickly on what just happened or what was to happen next. Eclipse lazily gazed as he swiftly counted every pony present other than Pristine herself; for him everything seemed to move in slow motion, the wingbeats of the pegasi, the stomps of the ponies, the shouts of those shocked of his sudden appearance, and the humming of the unicorns’ horns.

Five pegasi, nine earth ponies, six unicorns… Unfair advantage, should quell their numbers quickly.

He started oddly enough with the pegasi, since he was an earth pony, they assumed he wouldn’t be able to reach them… they were wrong. It was shocking when he appeared, but it was impossible when he was on the ground and suddenly midair now, face first with one of the pegasi. Before anypony could speak, Eclipse grabbed the pegasus by the scruff of his neck and tossed him at the unicorns.

Next he spun in the air, sending both his back hooves to slam two more pegasi into the ground, with a resounding crash – and crack of bones. Dropping to the ground, the stonework of the alleyway cracked from his drop, however not slowing down yet, he rushed low and fast into the earth ponies, flipping one hefty pony to the sky and grabbing him, using him as an impromptu pony-sized bat.

He swung the large stallion into his fellow ponies, sending mare and colt into various objects within the alley, but he wasn’t done with him yet. Grabbing him by the back of the head, Eclipse slammed him into his knee, breaking his snout as a flow of blood came flowing from his nostrils.

Those who could still stand weren’t spared, as Eclipse dropkick one pony who was about to get up, sending him flying into a trash bin. The unicorns soon got up, one of them ready to fire a spell, but Eclipse rushed right for him.

The unicorn hesitated and fired the spell, trying to go for a simple stun spell, but the shot was stronger than intended, the shot having struck true but didn’t slow or even show any harm to Eclipse. That moment of shock would be the unicorn’s downfall, as Eclipse lifted him up and spun him around into his fellow comrades, bringing them once more to the ground.

The other pony who was with Cobalt earlier rushed Eclipse, but Eclipse kicked him to the side before doing a lethal back-kick into the stallion’s leg. A resounding shattering noise was heard and the pony screamed like a banshee before silenced by Eclipse with a simple hoof punch to the face.

The entire fight with Pristine before Eclipse’s intervention lasted for only thirty seconds… the fight now lasted for only seven seconds. Cobalt soon got up, but when he realized everypony was either down, unconscious, or cowering in fear, he soon turned to face the neutral-gazed Eclipse.

That gaze soon turned to him, Cobalt looked down to see his bat, reaching for it and after immediately picking it up he swung it when he saw Eclipse near him. Eclipse grabbed the bat with a single hoof before shattering it into splinters with his other hoof, whilst still gazing at him.

“S-Stay back, STAY BACK DAMMIT!” shouted Cobalt, backing to the wall.

Too afraid and too stupid, Cobalt threw a hoof punch which Eclipse grabbed, twisting it till Cobalt was left gazing at the stone ground. The only other pony watching was Pristine who gazed with a dumbfounded look on her face, as Eclipse was slowly twisting Cobalt’s foreleg.

“Wh-y!? Why are you helping her, she has harmed innocent ponies, families!? Why help somepony like her, what reason do you have to help somepony like her?!”

Surprisingly Eclipse paused but didn’t stop, he continued to gaze at the back of Cobalt’s head, until he spoke. “I have none...”


The sound of a leg being twisted the wrong direction was heard, Cobalt pausing before gazing at his twisted leg; a silent scream came from his throat as he held his dislocated leg with his other hoof, cradling it like a foal.

Eclipse ignored him and those on the ground, approaching Pristine with an extended hoof, which she swatted away. “I didn’t need your help,” said Pristine, angrily. Standing up, she pushed Eclipse aside as she left the scene, Eclipse watched her leave but soon followed, walking over the broken forms of the ponies he fought.

Canterlot, Canterlot Park; 2:15pm

After some time Eclipse managed to track down where Pristine ended up, she was sitting alone at a bench in the park. The park wasn’t empty, but she was the only one in the area, she sat staring at a small lake that was built within the park, various ducks swimming on the surface of the lake.

Pristine was seething, she didn’t care if she was saved, it only made it worse that the very pony behind all her problems, was the same pony who reached a hoof to her. She picked up small stones, tossing them across the water’s surface, watching the stones skip.

I will never accept him, he can rot in Tartarus for all I care. Pristine was so deep in thought, she didn’t notice Eclipse standing behind her. She soon felt a presence, but instead of turning to look, Eclipse spoke which caught her off guard that he managed to find her again.

“Might I ask why those ponies were trying to attack you? I know it has something to do with the Church…”

“...I’m not part of the Church anymore,” said Pristine, her gaze still facing the lake. “Ever since our arrival at Ponyville, the Church has decided I take the downfall… they used me as a scapegoat and put all the blame on me.”

Eclipse didn’t speak, but he knew that she was still going to vent more of her frustration at him, so deciding to sit down on the same bench she sat on, he also gazed at the lake’s surface. “All my life I wanted to be of use to somepony or rather anybody. I wanted purpose in my life of indulgence, I was raised under my father’s care, not once have I ever met my mother and unlike other nobles, I wanted to bring actual change…”

Pristine was quiet for a little bit, sighing once before moving her gaze to the sky, watching the clouds float gently in the air, the sun just seen in the corner of her eyes. “You’re probably thinking why I never thought of joining the Royal Guard… well two reasons, one was my father, because he doesn’t allow the Equestrian military to use his trains to transport military supplies for his own reasons, so he and the Royal Guard don’t see eye-to-eye. The second reason… was due to myself six years ago, I wasn’t physically healthy at the time, I had weak wings and a frail body but I wanted to join the Royal Guard so badly… I was denied before I could even begin my first week of basic training.”

“I tried several different methods to help my physical form, but no matter what it didn’t help in the slightest… so during those two months after I was denied to join, I wallowed in my own despair… But one day… a recruiter from the Church of the Holy Sun, approached me. They didn’t care whether I was crippled, scarred, or physically weak, they accepted all equally no matter your weaknesses.”

“I began my training immediately like many others, I wasn’t given any special attention and like the rest of my peers my condition gotten better, so much so that I rose to be the best in my class. Soon I became a paladin in just two years, which would of taken four for any regular member, I led my own battalion and everything… until I met you.”

“Not only did you managed to defeat me, but you also defeated the knights that came alongside us, my fellow paladin and even the high paladin himself. Things gotten worse after that, we met the wrath of our goddess herself, Celestia, not once has she ever spoken to us personally; she would send several warnings of our actions, but never ever have we dealt with such fury from her before… I’m not clear why she even came to such a small town, but rumors was that somepony important was living in the town… don’t know who, but whoever it was must have riled the goddess.”

She doesn’t know that Celestia’s student was living in Ponyville, means only that ‘high paladin’ knew, as well as some other higher members of the Church.

“I expected I get some sort of attention due to that… ‘incident’, I wasn’t surprised those ponies attacked me, but the reasons and methods were shocking. If I was still a member of the Church, I’d warn them there was a spy within their members… but because I’m not a member, I can’t do anything, they probably think I was spouting lies. I can imagine the leaders of the Church have already planned using me as a scapegoat for that incident, I haven’t heard news of who was responsible, but I bet they put the blame on me sooner or later.”

At that comment, this is where Eclipse acted, before Pristine could continue speaking, Eclipse placed a hoof on her shoulder, somewhat surprising her only to gain her ire. “Oh what now? You here to pity me?”

Pulling out something from his saddlebags, he pulled out a newspaper from this morning. “Guessing from what you said, you didn’t see today’s news,” said Eclipse. Passing the newspaper to Pristine, she soon read the front cover, until her annoyed look changed to shock, at the front cover, was a picture of High Paladin Shining Might, prostrating himself before the Princesses.

The news state that earlier this morning, High Paladin Shining Might from the Church of the Holy Sun, has placed himself responsible for the recent actions of the Church, against the town of Ponyville. He also said that he would help in repairs for handling the payment for any damages that occurred within the town during the Church’s recent ‘incident’. The newspaper hasn’t mention the involvement of anypony else, putting all the blame toward himself alone.

“This… can’t be… but… they kicked me out of the Church… I thought I...” said Pristine, mumbling the rest of her sentence.

“The story also states that the other paladins involved were ordered by Shining Might himself and nobody during the incident volunteered to join. Everything from damages to instigated attacks against the town and threats to citizens were all blamed solely on Shining Might, he himself stating so to be true,” said Eclipse. “I don’t know what’s this about you being kicked from the Church or why those ponies had such a vendetta on you… all I know is that the fault – whatever you think it may be – isn’t on you.”

Pristine’s shocked look still showed, but soon she had a confused look in her eyes, facing Eclipse she hoofed the newspaper, which he accepted back. She stared at her own hooves, before sighing to herself in defeat. “...I’m such a fool… Why did I worry so much about what reasons the Church had me kicked out… They probably did so due to my failure at defeating you… not about this whole plan about attacking Ponyville...” said Pristine. “Graaaah, everything is just so… RAAAAAH!”

Pristine stomped away, standing up from the bench and rushing toward a tree, slamming her forehooves at it, continuously attacking the tree. “STUPID MIGHT! STUPID GRAIL! STUPID CHURCH! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID… me...” Soon, she slumped down to the ground, her back facing the tree she was just hoof-punching. Tears started to trail down her face, trying to wipe them away, only to get her legs wet and covered in snot.

“I’m not even worth as a scapegoat, I have nothing, nopony to go to, no creed to follow, and no group to follow under! NOTHING!”

Eclipse still sat at the bench, watching her continue to cry even more to herself, taking a deep breath and exhale, Eclipse removed his saddlebag, leaving it on the bench. He approached her, but instead of sitting beside her, giving her a hug, or doing something to make her feel better, he just said one thing… harshly.

“Life isn’t perfect, nor does it have purpose,” said Eclipse.

“Oh yeah? I don’t think you know this, but in Equestria, everypony has a purpose in life, it’s called a cutiemark. If I can’t even do something I was made to do, then how can I have any purpose in life?”

“...You don’t, why live for others, when in life, you should only have you to live for. Follow your own creed, your own path, do things you like to do… Sure it’ll be lonely, but at least you be doing something you yearn to do.”

Pristine gazed at the ground, but soon spotted an outstretched hoof, staring at it intently she reached for it then being pulled up by Eclipse. “For somepony who can be ruthless in a fight… you sure know how to uplift others, in a weird way sure, but you do your job well.”

Eclipse simply shrugged, going back to the bench to get his things; Pristine now looks at Eclipse, really look at him for the first time. She spots his cutiemark, it was unlike any cutiemark she seen before… but something about it brought some unknown feeling in her heart. What’s… this feeling I have… Its like, its like-

“Lady Pristine, Sir Eclipse?” The two turned around to see Purity Snow’s butler approaching the two, he stops, bowing to Pristine then bowing to Eclipse. “Sorry if I am intruding, but Master Snow would like to invite you to a party around six o’clock in the evening; I already sent an invitation at the hotel you are staying at. It is recommended you dress in a suit for this event, you are also needed at this event too Lady Pristine, please, come along.”

Pristine looked at Eclipse, before surprisingly she bowed back at him in a respectful manner. “I suppose this is farewell for now… Sir Eclipse...” said Pristine.

“Eclipse will do, it was nice to have met you… and I had a wonderful time being escorted by you Pristine. I will see you at the party, farewell.”

Pristine watched him leave, her cheeks somewhat reddened from the exchange, before huffing away. “He can still be annoying sometimes… but just a little bit...” Smiling to herself, she trotted back home, a little happier than before.

Sometime later – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Canterlot Royal Garden; 6:15pm

Purity Snow rented a party at the Royal Gardens at Canterlot Castle, there several wide tables were placed with various foods, drinks, and treats. Music of various strings was heard as nobles and famous celebrities danced, conversed, or ate food. Some guards were stationed at the outer perimeter of the party, but mostly there to make sure no fans of any of the celebrities sneaked through.

Eclipse arrived at the party wearing a suit surprisingly, the suit was made by Rarity after his last visit to Canterlot. The suit consisted of a simple dark blue vest that stretched down to his barrel, pointing outward in a v-shape, the collar area had a pin of Eclipse’s cutiemark – also made by Rarity – with five buttons made of sapphires.

He didn’t catch the eye of anypony, which was fine with Eclipse, he wasn’t here to socialize as he still needed to see Purity Snow after the party. He could see Snow speaking to several nobles, but before he could approach him, he bumped into Pristine. “Oh, you actually came… nice suit...” said Pristine.

Pristine awkwardly rubbed against her leg with her left hoof, Eclipse paid attention to the dress she wore, it wasn’t something frilly, being a simple aqua dress that streamlined to fit snugly with her form, that flowed beautifully from the gentle evening breeze. She wore a pin of a snowdrop on her mane, which oddly enough fit her.

Eclipse stood there minding his own thoughts while Pristine mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and fear. Oh great, you try to approach him but you can’t even follow up with anything else, other than a simple hello!

“Snowdrop… ironic,” said Eclipse.


“Snowdrops are best represented as new beginnings and other things as well, it is quite ironic that you, who earlier hated me, now want to have a new start with me.”

“...I just picked it because I liked them, none of this meaning nonsense.”

“Of course, sorry.” The two went back to silence, but Pristine was less flustered now, the only sign of her earlier embarrassment was her rosy cheeks. The two heard an echo of a cough, spotting Snow on a stage with a microphone stand in front of him; he looked from side to side, before preparing to speak.

“Thank you all for coming to this wonderful celebration I prepared, I am here to honor my company’s thirty long years of service to the crown and this grand nation of ours. To Equestria and a prosperous future!” Cheering alongside with him, everypony continued the party while Snow went back to talking to several other nobles.

Seeing that he wouldn’t get a chance to speak to him, Eclipse decided to walk further around the garden and not wanting him to go alone, Pristine followed along. However, as the two left, two other figures spotted the two, following behind them as well.

After wandering for a good while, they end up by the hedge maze, sitting on a nearby bench; Eclipse sits down with his plot only, while Pristine lays down with her front hooves dangling off the bench. Eclipse gazes at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle and the moon shine across the land, Pristine however had her focus on him than the sky.

“Soooo… what do you do for a living?” asked Pristine.

“I’m a trader, selling products I’ve made and collected from my various travels, occasionally I do my own research in my spare time,” said Eclipse.

“What kind of research do you do?”

“The rules of reality.”

“The rules of what?”

“Reality – I see what is possible and breaking the impossible. My research goes beyond one’s concept of their own reality and so forth… sometimes it can be both literal and metaphorical in some cases. I have both seen miracles and tragedies, times of war and peace, entire nations rising and falling in the blink of an eye. I’ve seen battles fought for love, peace, honor, hope, greed, vengeance, hatred, sorrow, and even bouts of insanity. Lands far gone and renewed, mountains that reach the heavens, lands that birth beasts and beauty incarnate, kingdoms of metal and industry, of clay and stone, of ash and fire, and even of shadow and light. Halls of knowledge that none have seen in centuries, weapons of mass-annihilation… I’ve seen it all and yet to see even more.”

Pristine was a bit speechless but gave a confused look back at Eclipse. “Yeesh, you sure you aren’t a poet too?”

“...I occasionally make my own poetry too… on occasion.” Pristine laughed at that, her giggles growing louder and louder, slowing down to breath properly.

“You know… I’m starting to see that you aren’t as bad as I thought… but… I want to know something?”

Eclipse stayed quiet, one eye on her, the other on the sky. “For somepony so scientific and chill… the way you fought back then...”

“When I handled those thugs earlier?”

“Before that, when I fought against you back at Ponyville, I have never seen nor heard of anypony fighting that way. Eclipse… where exactly do you come from to learn that kind of fighting style.” Eclipse was silent, he was so silent, the atmosphere suddenly became chillier than before, sound seem to distort, things felt weird around Pristine as if things were starting to make her vision swirl. Eclipse eyes seem to change color rapidly until ending up as if they were glowing white, unnoticed by Pristine, too busy looking at her hooves with her strange vision.

“I’m… from...”

Before Eclipse could finish, a loud shout was heard and everything around them turned to normal, finding the source, they spotted two pegasi approaching them. They didn’t wear any dress or suit, but rather some sort of military outfit or stunt suit.

“Hey! You!” The one shouting was a female pegasus, who wore a notable outfit that any pony – especially pegasi – would know both from the ground and sky. The mare approaching Eclipse and Pristine was Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts and with her was another famous member, Soarin, second-in-command of the Wonderbolts.

Storming up to them without warning, Fleetfoot glares angrily at Pristine, completely ignoring Eclipse who was watching the encounter with a careful eye. Soarin appeared to sweat nervously, trying to defuse the coming situation with his fellow Wonderbolt.

“YOU! You’re a member of that church aren’t you!” shouted Fleetfoot.

Pristine was confused, yes it was possible that certain members – especially paladins – of the Church are noticed by the public, but it’s rare for anypony in general to recognize a member, especially an ex-member. Before she could even speak, Fleetfoot was up at her face, snout to snout, with a snarl in her voice.

“You think you can just come here and ruin everything around you, don’t you! I don’t know who let you come here, but you better leave before I cause an incident,” said Fleetfoot.

Pristine wasn’t afraid of a tussle, but before she could retort, a hoof gently laid on her withers. Looking up was Eclipse who stood up to glance at Fleetfoot with a neutral gaze. The Wonderbolt changed her gaze from Pristine to Eclipse, her angry glare softening, but still as intense.

“Who’re you supposed to be, her coltfriend?”

“No, but could I ask you to step away from her, I don’t know if you knew this, but she’s the daughter of the one hosting this party. You should think what would happen if a member of a known group as yours were to harm a relative of a notable noble like Snow.”

Fleetfoot was shocked, but went back to furious until Eclipse continued to speak. “Regardless of her past, I don’t believe you should act so hastily. She may had been a member, but the actions the Church do these days aren’t as horrendous in the past, so I doubt she became involved with anything terrible as of late.”

Terrible? So you don’t count the incident in Ponyville as terrible? Seeing the situation changing, Soarin quickly approached her friend Fleetfoot, having noticed that they were gaining the attention of somepony else in the distance – a guard from the look of the armor.

“Thank you for calming my friend – well, calming her a little – and we’re so sorry for disturbing you two, we’ll leave now,” said Soarin. Quickly, Soarin dragged Fleetfoot by the nape, the two pegasi leaving around a corner of the hedge maze.

After the two left, the pony approaching was a familiar captain of the guard, Eclipse has only seen him from a distance and a glance the last time he visited Canterlot – the current Royal Guard Captain of Canterlot, Shining Armor. Pristine seeing the Wonderbolts leave and the approach of the captain, she sighed, before looking at Eclipse with a testy gaze.

“I swear, whenever I’m with you, its always has a fight involved too… I need a drink, you can deal with that captain, just tell him there was a misunderstanding or something,” said Pristine. “Oh and we aren’t done with our earlier conversation, you still have to answer my question.”

Pristine didn’t give him a chance to speak back, leaving Eclipse to sit on the bench alone, until the captain soon approached. “Sir, what was that all about earlier, I hope nothing serious happened here,” said Shining.

“...Nothing, just a misunderstanding from some of the guests, they confused my plus one for somebody else. Sorry if I am being rude, but I believe I’ve seen you before somewhere?”

“That’s not a surprise, I’m Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard and you are?”

“Eclipse Light, trader and future partner of sir Purity Snow, I came here because he wished to use my resources and future dealings.”

“Well its nice meeting you Eclipse.” As the two shook hooves, Eclipse noticed Shining’s cutiemark, it was awfully similar to Twilight’s with some slight differences. Curious, Eclipse stopped shaking Shining’s hoof, which made the stallion raise his brow before he spoke.

“By any chance… do you know a Twilight Sparkle?”

“Do I know her, I’m her brother… why?” Eclipse put the pieces together and gave a cheeky smile; standing up, Eclipse’s grip on Shining’s hoof was stronger but not too tight.

“No matter the distance between one place and another, you can find the unexpected anywhere; I am… acquainted with her, I moved to Ponyville a month before she did, so she and I are somewhat new arrivals in that quaint town.”

“No way, so your that stallion she kept sending letters to the princess about! I read them with Cadance, but I never expected to meet you here of all places!”

Now it was Eclipse to be surprised, apparently somepony has been writing about him, though he somewhat knew Twilight sent a letter to Celestia once a week, but he wasn’t certain what was on said letters… guess that answered that question.

“...Say… What’s your relationship with my sister by the way?” Eclipse could tell he was being interrogated, but he found it somewhat humorous that Twilight’s brother would think she and him were to be that close.

Oh this would be lovely to bring up to her in the future. “Now, aren’t you being a tad suspicious… if you must know… She hates it when I say one of my puns, how I’m always distant yet appearing in the right time, how I am younger than her but am wiser than any adult she has ever met in her life, oh and that she was suspicious of me and convinced some of her new friends to tail and break-and-enter my own property… But to answer your question… I find her quite rude but endearing, so… she is a friend – nothing more or less.”

The neutral gaze Eclipse gave sealed the deal as Shining gave a dumbfounded look, but quickly coughed to the side. “Uhhhh, okay then… welp, it was nice meeting you Eclipse...” said Shining. Yeesh, she was definitely right about the eccentric part.

The two were interrupted when the appearance of Snow and his butler approached the two. “Oh, hello Captain Armor, excuse me but I must have a private talk with my business partner. You wouldn’t mind?” asked Snow.

Shining shook his head and soon made his way elsewhere. “No, I was finishing my talk with Eclipse myself. It was nice meeting you Eclipse, tell Twilight I said hi.” Watching him leave, Eclipse and Snow soon made their way back to the party.

Once they were somewhere secluded, the two spoke, Eclipse watched as Snow brought up some papers to sign and faced him. “These are the papers that by allowing you to use my trading routes, I gain access to your personal supply of those crystals… however, if we want this to happen, there is that favor.”

Eclipse awaited for what he was to do, Snow signaled his butler, he brought forth some papers and a map. Opening the map, Snow pointed to a particular area just south-west of Equestria. “There is a certain artifact I like you to retrieve here within the San Palomino Desert for me; I am a collector of such objects and I like you to retrieve it for me. While I am unable to get you a guide and supplies, I can have my daughter help you, she has her own personal connections so you have no problems with traveling through such a dangerous part of Equestria. I also noticed you have become… quite fond of her.”

Rather the opposite. “She has been… unforgiving of our previous encounter, but she has tried to reconcile with me. I would be glad for her assistance and don’t worry I have some of my own help for this trip. Is this all you ask of me?” asked Eclipse.

Snow shook his head and with this the two shook hooves and Eclipse decided to head back to his hotel room, preparing to leave. On his way out, he spotted Pristine with a glass of red wine, she wasn’t drunk but a slight tinge of red on her cheeks was visible.

“Pristine, are you stable?”

“Wha, stable, I… yeah yeah I’m fine… So how did the talk with my father go?”

“He wants me to go somewhere to get something, he also suggested I take you there. We leave immediately, so it best you come with me now,” said Eclipse.

The sudden news shook Pristine out of her small drunkenness, pouring the rest of her drink to the ground, she followed… before remembering where the two of them are going. “You do realize this looks like you are inviting me for some… you know,” said Pristine, bashfully.

“...The one thing I hate more are idiots who don’t grasp an entire situation, they can make some very particular assumptions that I rather hate. Let them think, but the moment I hear any certain rumors… Let’s just say, there’s a reason you don’t want to see me angry.”

With that comment alone, Pristine followed behind him, her own smile splayed on her snout. He intrigues me every passing second.

Somewhere else – Canterlot, Noble District; 7:00pm

In Snow’s mansion, after the party, the stallion himself is within a hidden room inside the mansion; standing before a clear crystal ball, he made certain he was indeed alone before he activated the crystal ball. “Are you there my liege?” asked Snow, bowing.

Soon the connection became clearer and the voice of Grail could be heard. “Ahhh, I see you’ve played your part, well done Snow, how were the results?” asked Grail.

“I have sent him to get the artifact in question, I have also sent Pristine with him as you requested; I thank you that you accepted my daughter into the Church those many years ago, sir.”

“Now now old friend, there is no reasons to act that way… you are one of our sleeper agents after all – the hidden blade of the Church you could say – and your daughter has talent that the royal guard so foolishly didn’t see. With this, my plan can truly commence… await for further orders.”

With that the connection ended and Snow soon left, leaving the crystal ball to once more collect dust within the walls of Snow’s mansion.

Stone to Sand

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Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 3:30am

After the party at Canterlot, Eclipse went back to the hotel to pack his belongings, Pristine later joined him after she went back home and packed her own things. The two first went to the traders guild to speak to Goldenshine, the earlier trade agreement that Eclipse had made would have to be postponed for later as he would be out for another business trip. Understanding the situation, Goldenshine said she will await Eclipse’s response once he comes back from his trip.

After that was dealt with, Eclipse left for Ponyville by the evening train, it takes usually six hours between Ponyville and Canterlot by train, so both Eclipse and Pristine arrived in Ponyville early in the morning. Pristine was half-awake when they arrived, not wanting to wake her, Eclipse carried her and both their belongings back to his home.

Once the two arrived there, Eclipse laid Pristine on his bed, but after he did that, Pristine woke up. “Hmmm… where am I?” asked Pristine.

“My home, I don’t have a guest bed so you can sleep here for now,” said Eclipse.

“...So we’ve finally arrived in Ponyville already, I never expected your house to be this… small.”

“I like to keeps things compact and simple, that and I only planned on living by myself when I arrived here. Don’t worry about where I’ll be sleeping tonight, for now rest, in the morning we’ll be preparing to leave for Las Pegasus.”

Pristine wanted to ask more questions but soon sleep came upon her, resting quietly, Eclipse soon left his home and approached the hammock set up by the lake. Climbing into it, Eclipse rested calmly as he gazed at the moon, its lunar light beaming down from above. It’ll be a long journey once the sun comes, for now I have many things that need to be done before my departure.

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 7:30am

Twilight woke up that morning, looking around her room, she could still see Spike still sleeping in his basket. After Eclipse left for Canterlot, she’s been coming to his place every morning, doing some cleaning, organizing, sometimes she would find something interesting and examine it.

After a quick shower, brushing her teeth, and eating a bowl of cereal, Twilight headed off to Eclipse’s; the trot there wasn’t long and she could see some ponies were beginning to awake at this hour. The morning was peaceful as birds chirped musically, a gentle wind blowing through the town, the early signs of Fall were visible with the changing coloration of the leaves and many animals gathering what food they can for hibernation.

The weather pegasi should be bringing rain clouds in the coming weeks.

Twilight neared the path that led to Eclipse’s property, trotting through the trees she spotted the small building that was Eclipse’s home. Approaching the front door, Twilight used her magic and lifting a rock placed conveniently near the front door, lifted it to reveal a key. Using the key to unlock the door, Twilight put the key back and entered inside… only to be face-to-face with a familiar face.

Standing before her was one of the paladins of the Church, who was standing inside Eclipse’s home; Pristine looked back at the sudden entrance of the student of Princess Celestia, the figure that many of the Church’s members praised as a holy entity, though Pristine has been humbled and sober from that kind of view, she still shares some form of respect to the princess still.

Both mares gazed at one another, until Twilight reacted immediately by using her magic to grab a chair behind Pristine and throwing it at her. Pristine felt the sudden shift in the wind and ducked down to dodge it, the chair was luckily stopped by Twilight’s levitation before it hit her, but after putting it aside, Pristine charged at her. The two ended up tumbling on the ground, both sides saying some sort of retort and accusation.





The two continued to struggle in the ground before both heard a cough, slowly looking to where the sound came from, they saw Luella – Eclipse’s cub bear companion – who was gazing at them with an annoyed look. Behind her were a pair of familiar hooves, looking up was the equally neutral but somewhat annoyed Eclipse.

“I’d like to ask what you two are doing, but considering both of you have met previously – albeit at not so good terms – before, that’s still no excuse to be fighting in my property… Though at this point it devolved from a fight to… whatever manner of awkward position you two are at.”

Luella growled, a sniff with her nose getting Eclipse attention as he glanced down at the cub. “I agree, they are indeed in a risque position, but that’s no way to casually mention it.” The cub snorted with another growl, making Eclipse raise his brow. “Hilarious indeed but I’m not going to allow two close acquaintances of mine to fight like a pair of grade school boys… or would it be girls instead? A cat-fight maybe or would it be a kitten-fight?”

The odd rambling of Eclipse managed to get the two off each other, that and when he mentioned some key words in his sentence, the two were now blushing furiously; Twilight quickly reeled her embarrassment in and glared – or tried to – at Eclipse.


“Twilight, indoor voice, it’s almost eight in the morning.”

Breathing in and out calmly, Twilight looked back at Eclipse with a serious gaze. “Eclipse… Why is she here, isn’t she a member of the Church, a paladin last I remembered?” asked Twilight.

Long story sort, Twilight was told the recent news in Canterlot of how Shining Might personally stated he was at fault for the recent incident in Ponyville, how Pristine was fired before said statement, of her being the daughter of the noble that asked for Eclipse’s help, and that he is planning an exploration trip to the San Palomino Desert with her and a few others.

It was a lot for her to take in, but the idea Eclipse’s return has now changed to him immediately leaving again… there were many conflicting thoughts in her head. “I know you have questions Twilight, but I need to speak to the lieutenant and sergeant of the Royal and Lunar Guards. I’m going to see if they can spare some of their troops to come join me in this journey for this artifact. I’ll be back later, so if you or the girls have questions come back here in an hour or two, but for now… please don’t argue any further with miss Pristine, she isn’t as bad as you believe… though her temper is to be questioned.”

“HEY I… okay you got me there, but I’m trying yeesh,” said Pristine, grumbling.

Eclipse did a small smirk before headed off to town toward the local barracks; the two mares were now alone, both standing there with their own thoughts to deal with.

Well this is awkward, better do something to lighten the mood.

“Um, miss Twilight, since Eclipse and I arrived earlier here, we haven’t properly unpacked any the things we brought from Canterlot… and I suppose with your organizational skills, you might help with choosing which items to bring to a trip to the desert,” said Pristine.

Twilight was quiet for awhile but sighed. “Sure, I can help with that and Twilight is just fine… ummmm.”

“Pristine, just Pristine.” The two headed back inside, Twilight bringing the chair she tried to throw at Pristine to where it was before. Still outside, Luella gave an annoyed grumble and waddled off somewhere, growling a cute roar that oddly sounded like an unheard swear… though it could be just animal noises.

Ponyville, Ponyville Barracks; 8:15am

Orion was in his personal office, he was looking through different documents, one of said documents was a list of possible recruits to join the Ponyville Guard in the coming months. When Orion was first sent to be stationed in the new guard barracks in Ponyville, he was given at least a section of troops both from the Royal Guard and the recently made Lunar Guard. Later in the following months – next year – another section of troops will arrive to reinforce the current troops, making at least a squad of troops.

But because I’m a first lieutenant and not a sergeant, technically I’m supposed to command roughly between sixteen to fifty, a platoon. The only reason why the princess allowed a lieutenant to command a military force in such a town this size was due to the Everfree Forest, that and her reasons were doubled with the Church’s recent actions against this town.

Orion viewed the current list of future guards for both groups to come, most were privates of various ranks, with a few other higher ranked guards like corporal, sergeant, and specialist… but there was one surprising rank among them.

“Second Lieutenant Meltdown...”

The second lieutenant rose in the ranks for his excellent leadership skills, combative abilities, magical prowess, and much more; he was originally just a private first class when the city he was stationed at became under siege from a group of wild adolescent dragons. After his leading officer was demoralized from the sudden attack, he led what remaining guards and fought back to save the city – a militaristic celebrity to put it simply.

“To imagine he would want to be stationed here of all places… but why?”

Orion knew perfectly that some of these troops were given this position, especially the lower-ranked guards, but those with higher ranks, mostly officer rank, can choose where to station themselves… so the fact a fellow officer willingly stationed here was a tad suspicious. I’ll ask the princess if she knows why he’s coming here, if not I’ll ask some friends who were also stationed at the same city he was stationed, why he made the decision to be stationed here.

Moving on down the list, Orion made out that six new Royal Guard members and six new Lunar Guard members were to make preparations to be stationed here by somewhere around January. Most were fliers like pegasi and thestrals, a pair of earth ponies, and some unicorns; it was made clear that the Lunar Guard did not only consist of thestrals, most of their ranks were mostly thestrals and pegasi, with some unicorns, though it was rare to find an earth pony or two.

A knock on the door was heard as Orion was looking through the names of these newcomers, putting away the document, the one to enter inside was Ves. She wore a hoodie, it was midnight blue with the edge of the hoodie being purple, with tiny stars stitched on the hoodie. Even though it was early morning, fall was starting some time and while thestrals do have a natural affinity against cold weather… Ves oddly wore a sweater at this hour.

“Strange, why are you wearing that?” asked Orion.

“Oh, you got a problem with my choice in clothing… you wanna see me without it,” said Ves, teasingly.

“Can you not do this now, I’m busy with these documents… some being yours.”

“Oh boo hoo, having trouble with paperwork are we and if you must know why I have a sweater on, I may be fine with the cold but it’s no excuse I have to deal with it… Besides, I enjoy something soft, warm, and comfortable, that and it helps to block out the sunlight aimed at my eyes.”

Sighing Orion knew Ves was just trying to have some fun on this slow day, especially after Eclipse received that letter of invitation to Canterlot, not a lot happening while he was gone. He planned to have further discussions with the mysterious stallion, but it felt way too convenient for him to leave.

Before the discussion with whatever Ves wanted to come here for could continue, the two were interrupted when suddenly Eclipse walked into the room. “Lieutenant Orion, may I have a word with you,” said Eclipse.

“WHA! Where did you come from!?”

Even Orion was shocked, Eclipse just nonchalantly walked into his office, nopony even noticed he came to the second floor which was restricted from civilians. Hearing more hoofsteps, Iris came upstairs from the front desk in the lobby. “So sorry sir, he just suddenly went upstairs and it took me a few seconds to realize he went up without my say so, should I bring him back downstairs?”

Eclipse and Orion looked at one another, Orion glanced at Ves and after she calmed down from her shock, she agreed that while Eclipse appearance was sudden… the timing was perfect. “No, go back to your post Iris, I need to speak to sir Eclipse.”

Iris looked at the two and shrugged, going back to the front desk; seeing no signs of him needing to leave, Eclipse sat down on the guest chair in Orion’s office. Ves stood beside Orion, leaving Eclipse to sit down on the only chair in the room – other than Orion’s – until he waited by looking at the two until Orion spoke.

“Eclipse, what exactly do you need to see me for?” asked Orion.

“Well, after my visit from Canterlot, the pony who wished to meet me wanted to make a trade agreement with him. While he gives me access into using his personal trade routes, I allow him to use the elemental orbs I sell. During our agreement he asked me to find an artifact he has an interest in, I came here to ask for the assistance of the local guard for this endeavor.”

Orion looked at Ves and the two looked back at Eclipse. “So you want to use some of our guards huh, well I suppose this will complete that debt we owe you for allowing us to use your property to train. How many of our guards do you need and who specifically?”

Eclipse explained he was heading to San Palomino Desert, so he needed somebody with good navigation and scouting skills, he also needed somebody with good night-vision as not only would they be traveling under the hot scorching sun, but frigid desert nights too.

Orion suggested Staff Sergeant Clear Sight go with Eclipse, the two having been acquainted already the choice was alright; for Ves’s suggestion, Specialist Fang would be a good pick. Fang had a knack for CQC and was previously stationed near a desert in the past. With two of three guards picked, there was only one guard they needed to choose.

“Hmmmm, I believe Heart Beat would be a good third choice, while she is only a private unlike Sight and Fang, her knowledge with herbs and medical practices is better than anypony else in our guard. With the local hospital not needing any assistance right now, it’ll be fine if she goes with you, its best you have somepony to patch any wounds you may get during the trip.”

“Oh, another warning, if you are indeed going to the desert, be wary of tatzlwurms, giant tunneler worms, Fang can further explain to you the best way to avoid those critters,” said Ves.

With that, Orion and Eclipse further talked until both agreed to the current arrangement; Eclipse gave further payment to Orion and told him he’ll be ready to leave around noon with his own supplies and companion.

After Eclipse left, Orion called in the three guards that would join Eclipse. “So… who do you think sent Eclipse to get this artifact… you think it has anything to do with the Church?”

“If it does, the guards we send will tell us immediately,” said Orion. Soon Sight, Fang, and Beat entered the office, saluting in a row before their two superiors. “I have a job for you three, so pay close attention.”

Elsewhere – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 8:30am

Twilight helped Pristine unpack the rest of the belongings that both she and Eclipse brought back from Canterlot. Twilight soon found that some of the items were possibly souvenirs Eclipse bought, while he was at Canterlot for her and the girls; not wanting to ruin the surprise, she floated them all to his bed, putting her focus on other things.

Pristine was busy checking what kind of supplies they need for their journey to the San Palomino Desert, this including three pouches of water, some sand-resistant clothing, a shawl to cover her face from both the sun and any sand, and something Eclipse recommend she hold onto – an ice orb and wind orb. She wasn’t certain what reason to use for either orb, the ice orb was kinda obvious but the wind orb, she had no clue what kind of emergency to use that for.

While organizing through some more stuff, Twilight paused in her organizing, but kept her gaze on some still closed bags. “So, Pristine, what exactly are you and Eclipse doing together?” asked Twilight.

“Um, well as Eclipse said-”

“I mean, personally… why did you agreed to come with Eclipse, I assumed you could of said no to not coming, whether you were told to or not.”

Pristine was put into quite the pickle, even if she said it was because her father told her to, it wasn’t an answer Twilight would happily accept. Thinking deep, Pristine sighed as she put more rations into her saddlebags.

“Well… at first I didn’t want to come, firstly for our history together,” said Pristine.

You can say that again, you nearly sliced a chunk out of him with that whip of yours.

“And secondly, he didn’t express a friendly visage about him… always either serious, neutral, or both at the same time… Though, he somehow got under my skin and I ended up owing him – twice – so yeah...”

“But… there’s more,” said Twilight, curious.

Pristine looked out the only window in the shack-sized house, the sun was still rising, but she could hear the distant chatter of ponies wandering the streets beyond the trees. She can see Canterlot from here, the view was perfect, imagine seeing the city under either the light of the sun… or the moon. Believe it or not, Pristine did had a fascination for the stars and the night sky, loving to watch the beauty of it all… though that was a long long time ago.

“Well… he had this, mystique to him, like trying to open a locked book, you got the key but no matter what, that book would always stay close. I had every chance to go up to him and ask, but it always slip away… He has that feeling you know, like… like...”

“You gotta know more, no matter what,” said Twilight, finishing Pristine’s thought. The two stared at one another, but soon gazed back at the window.

“Yeah… you just gotta know...” At that moment, the door opened to find Eclipse entering, after explaining that Orion would be sending three of his guards with them, he and Pristine continued packing with the help of Twilight, but soon she left to tell the girls.

With Twilight gone, Eclipse swiftly took some items – five of the known orbs he has, his own water pouch, rations, a simple dagger, a map, and a compass – wearing the basic desert outfit, he also brought his scabbard and sword, sheathed with his saddlebags.

“We’re meeting the requested guards at the train station, you ready?”

Pristine nodded and the two soon left, making their way to the train station, they soon found Orion and Ves there with the three requested guards, the girls, Spike, and Trixie were there too… but something was off. Where’s Twilight?

“Wait! I’m coming too!” Turning around, was Twilight who had saddlebags packed to the brim with… well who knows what – possibly everything you may or may not need for a journey through the desert.

What is this filly doing?! “Miss Sparkle, what are you doing, I was told only Eclipse, his guest, and my guards were going on this trip,” said Orion.

“That’s why I’m volunteering!” Everypony was shocked, even Twilight’s friends, except for Spike who sighed. Eclipse looked at the drake and the moment Spike saw Eclipse looking at him, he spoke.

“After Twilight was told you were leaving again from Ponyville so soon you came back, she decided to come with you, no matter what. I tried to convince her, but she told me to get the girls while she got ready,” said Spike, crossing both arms together.

The girls and Orion were quickly trying to persuade her from joining Eclipse, but after a quick whistle from Eclipse, all attention came to him. Approaching Twilight, who had a determined look, Eclipse faced her with his stone-faced expression.

“You can’t tell me I can’t come Eclipse, you’ve been away more often than usual, but this sudden trip is too… suspicious; I really don’t care who you bring, but please, at least let me come, I’ve read about desert travel and what to do to survive in the desert, you don’t need to do this alone without friends!”

Eclipse still stayed quiet, everybody thought Eclipse would say yes, he seemed to always had a soft spot for the girls ever since he met them… but today seemed to be different.

“No, you’re not coming.” Twilight was shocked, but before she could speak, Eclipse continued. “This is a business trip Twilight – a serious one – I know you are sent to… ‘similar’ assignments by Celestia, but there will be real danger… and real consequences where there will be no second chances and no time to make a precise, clear decision.”

Twilight’s ears lowered to the sides of her head, but when a hoof was laid on her withers, she looked up to Eclipse. “I won’t say this is for your safety or I can’t risk bringing you, you’re a smart girl, but I need to know you trust me… I’ll even let you watch over my place longer… you can check out what I’ve been working on, how about that?”

This brightened her mood… albeit a little, so with a nod Eclipse made his way to the train that headed to Las Pegasus. With everypony else on board, Orion quickly spoke to Sight before the train departed.

“Report anything out of the ordinary, both for Eclipse and Ms Pristine… I know she’s ex-Church, but I don’t know anything other than that, the moment you see any signs of Church influence, crush this crystal.” Orion passed Sight a glowing blue crystal that was shaped like a diamond, nodding in understanding, Orion stepped back as the train’s doors closed and with three loud whistles it went off from the station. The group watched it leave and as it slowly left everybody else soon left too, leaving Twilight with Applejack who stayed with her just in case.

“Come on sugarcube, let’s head to Sugarcube Corner,” said Applejack.

Twilight followed Applejack, soon seeing the train leave her sight as it got further away. I just hope he knows what he’s doing.

Elsewhere watching the group leave, Luella watched before gazing at the disappearing figure of the train. The cub turned to a dark alleyway, until a flash of violet light consumed the darkened alleyway, until both the light and cub, vanished.

Two Days Later – Equestria, Las Pegasus; 12:00pm

It took two days by train to get to the famous entertainment city of Equestria – Las Pegasus, gambling, games, shows, and much more could be found here. Surprisingly the crime and law in the city wasn’t as bad as you expect… though that just means the criminals just had to think smarter than they usually did.

The group finally arrived, but when they made it there they came upon a slight problem, Pristine got sick during the train ride, apparently somepony had the flu and it spread, only Pristine being the one member being sick. So while Pristine was staying at a hotel Eclipse rented, the three guards were allowed to explore the city, while Eclipse handled other business in the city.

This small tourism ended with all kinds of hijinks, shenanigans, and somepony ending up with somepony else in bed… though, that’s a story for another time. After the enjoyable – but secretive – time the guards had in Las Pegasus, they stayed quiet about what they did while at the city, especially not questioning what Eclipse did while he was busy in the city too.

With Pristine better, they finally started heading off through the San Palomino Desert for the coming days; it was the first day and they were already having problems, Pristine and Eclipse didn’t had any problems with their water, but sadly Heart Beat didn’t bring enough water, so she had to share with Fang and they are now rationing for water… so in general, it was pretty normal from waking up from a hangover earlier in the morning.

(Mood Music)

Day 4 – After given the order to escort Sir Eclipse and his companion – and the mission given by Orion – myself, Private E-1 Heart Beat, and Specialist Fang arrived yesterday with Eclipse at the city of Las Pegasus… I will however not record the events of what occurred that day… for classified reasons.

Sight shook her head, the hangover from the morning still felt throbbing through her skull.

Prepping ourselves that morning – though trying to keep your bearings with a hangover was not a good feeling – we started our journey for our first day in the San Palomino Desert. It was hot obviously, but with the liquor drunk yesterday, it felt sweltering. We rationed our water for a day, sadly, Heart Beat hadn’t properly brought enough water. So now here we are, trying to not die of thirst… or worse.

Finished with that, Sight closed her journal and brought her focus back to facing forward; in the lead was Eclipse, he was wearing a sunhat he bought back in Las Pegasus and had his headphones on, listening to music. Behind him was Pristine, with Clear Sight in the middle, with the last two behind her was Fang and Heart Beat. Fang was making sure Heart didn’t faint, so he had his wing wrapped around the tired mare.

“Come on private, just a couple more minutes and we can do a quick swig of water,” said Fang.

“How… how close are we to that ridge?” asked Heart, panting. Some moments ago, Clear said she spotted a ridge with some shade for the group some distance… sadly, they’ve been walking for so long, it was hard to tell how close they were.

Deciding to ask the one in the lead, Pristine approached Eclipse who has done nothing – other than lead them – but hum to himself the song he was listening to. Approaching the humming stallion, who didn’t hear the earlier conversation, well appeared to not heard it, Pristine tapped his withers but he continued to trot forward.

Not taking the polite route anymore, Pristine removed Eclipse’s hat and headphones, but when she did she pressed the volume setting from singular-hearing to surrounding-hearing. The moment she did so, music flooded every ponies’ ears, ten seconds of silence with only music being played was heard until Eclipse tapped the side of his headphones, pausing the song.

Turning around, Eclipse’s neutral gaze held an edge of annoyance, though his normal gaze would be confused as annoyance too. Flustered, Pristine chuckled, coughing to ignore the feeling of Eclipse’s glare. “As I was asking before, are we close to the ridge?”

Instead of answering Eclipse simply faced forward and pointed, ahead was indeed the ridge which was just over a sand dune. Climbing over the dune, they made camp under the ridge up till later in the evening.

“Finally!” Quickly, Heart took out her pouch of water and drank, the water splashing a little on her face and down her throat. With a satisfied sigh, she put away the pouch and helped with setting up their mats and prepping a campfire.

Eclipse was looking over the map and compass, leaving his headphones into his saddlebag. Pristine approached, first taking a quick breath and facing the stallion from the front than behind. “Um, sorry for doing that, you weren’t hearing me and-”

“I did hear you...”

Right, he hates assumptions. “Then how come you didn’t respond?”

“...Liked the song...”

Sighing some more, Pristine looked down at the map, the ridge was only a sixth of the way from Las Pegasus and their current objective wasn’t even close compared to the kilometers of sand they need to traverse.

“Go help the others, we’ll continue traveling at six in the evening,” said Eclipse, pulling out a notebook. Not defying his orders, Pristine gave a casual salute and made her way to the guards.

Sight watched the two interact and opened her journal, pulling out a feather dipped with fresh ink.

The mare called Pristine, her relationship with Eclipse Light is… interesting, I’ll keep further details on future logs on her during our trip. I am still unclear of her motives and what role she plays with this trip.

The following day – Equestria, San Palomino Desert; 9:00pm

We’ve left at exactly six o’clock in the evening, that was three hours ago and just as the day is scorching hot, the night is frigid cold. No snow, but that doesn’t stop the chilling desert wind to blow by; echoes of desert fauna can be heard, but they’re far enough that we don’t need to worry… but oddly enough Eclipse has been keeping an eye toward a certain sand dune for the last thirty minutes… What exactly is he looking for?

The next day – Equestria, San Palomino Desert; 7:00am

Day 5 – That dune earlier was a tatzlwurm and it has been following us for the last several hours since Eclipse spotted it. For whatever reason he didn’t mention to tell us – or the fact I didn’t notice even though with my training and talents – he seemed ready… and was he ready.

“CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP! WHERE DID THAT THING COME FROM!?” shouted Fang, running full-pelt.

The group were being chased by a tatzlwurm, giant worm-like creatures common in desert-terrain, this one was smaller but was still dangerous for it’s size. Just ahead was a formation of stones, the group planning to climb up for safety, the bad part about this was due to the sand, it was hard to run on, the worse part was because of their clothing those with wings couldn’t fly… so Fang and Pristine were trying their best to catch up, especially when Sight was quicker, even though she was a pegasus too.

“ECLIPSE! NEXT TIME YOU SPOT SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY, DO NOT WITHHOLD THAT INFORMATION TO YOURSELF!” screamed Pristine. “OR I SWEAR I’LL-” The roar of the tatzlwurm was enough motivation for the group to run, but as they made it to the stone formations, Eclipse did a one-hundred-eighty turn and faced the beast. Tossing his saddlebags away he pulled out his sword, going to his fighting pose that all in the group both saw and knew for him to use.

“ECLIPSE! Get up here, NOW!”

Ignoring Pristine, Eclipse waited for the beast to get close and just as it was about to swallow him whole, he jumped up, over the creature and dragged his sword through the creature. Reaching the end of it, the creature shuddered and fell flat on the ground with a large slash through it, the stench of blood and flesh strongly exuding from it.

Everypony came down and approached the now dead tatzlwurm, they made sure not to breath in the foul scent, soon seeing Eclipse wiping his blade on the corpse, the blood quickly staining the body. Pristine soon trotted up to Eclipse furiously, ready to yell at him for his actions. “WHAT IN THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING! First you didn’t tell us there was a tatzlwurm nearby and you do that! For once, think before you act!”

“I did, that tatzlwurm wasn’t alone, the dune I was watching was a swarm of the things, but they didn’t bother to chase us; however, one of them decided to begin following us… we should move quickly, I killed that one as quick as I could but the others will soon follow. We’ll skip making camp today and head straight to the oasis, we should make it there by tomorrow, maybe sooner if we get moving now.”

After that explanation, before anypony could say anything, a distant cloud of dust could be seen, the exact same direction they came from earlier. Not arguing, the group quickly followed, leaving Sight to stare back and following too.

My earlier theories to what kind of capabilities Eclipse can do have both been proven… and debunked, Eclipse isn’t some veteran soldier or wandering traveler… he’s much more. This trip has proven to me two things, Eclipse can handle himself… and he never needed us to help in the first place. So why did he bring us along then?

The next day – Equestria, San Palomino Desert; 5:00am

Day 6 – We spent the rest of yesterday running to the oasis, though before we got there we were attacked by the rest of that group of tatzlwurms, but we handled them quickly. Tired, exhausted and dehydrated, we only managed to reach the oasis… until we reached another problem.

“Well… this is bad,” said Fang, looking through his binoculars.

Everypony scouted ahead while hidden on a sand dune, that a caravan parked by the oasis they were heading to… the problem was it wasn’t a good caravan. The caravan consisted of griffons, armed to the teeth with somewhat decent armor on, there was one particular griffon who was wielding a pretty hefty poleaxe and duel throwing axes.

“Bandits?” asked Pristine.

Sight looked at the gathered griffons, without the need of the binoculars she could easily see that there were at least twenty of them, though there could be more within the three carriages. There was a distinct thing about this group, a symbol of an axe and sword crossed together with the face of a lion on top of both weapons.

“A mercenary group… from the symbol on the carriages… the Iron Lions,” said Sight.

“The who?” asked Heart.

Fang turned to face Heart who just finished their last remaining drop of water… well, it might be their last drop, but the current situation made it even more complicating on how they’ll refill their water pouches.

“They’re a tough bunch from the Griffon Kingdom… but why are they all the way here for?”

“Well if they’re just mercenaries, they shouldn’t have any problems with us just wanting to refill our water containers.”

“True… but they’re not ordinary mercenaries, there’s a reason why all the guilds, especially those dealing with weapons have to have a permit for the last thousand years by Princess Celestia. The purpose was to regulate arming non-governmental groups with weapons, the only reason the Church can keep so many weapons and armed forces – even though it’s unclear how many they have – is due to the fact that technically the Church has been around before Celestia and has changed names across the ages, meaning they’re outside from that law.”

“But this group… they’re also quite anti-Equestrian in nature, with the only times they ever deal with Equestria is for money alone… to be honest they might be considered more like bandits than mercenaries. My only question is how did such an armed group get into the country...”

“Unless, they didn’t come through the country,” said Eclipse, catching every ponies’ attention. “Don’t forget that south of here is untamed land, they may have gone by the long route, but it isn’t illegal for them to come through south. I’ve read that the border of the south of Equestria has difficulty due to the natural obstacles, so the border guard don’t handle with the security here… still…”

The group were faced with an armed group of mercenaries and the hot relentless desert in the day, or the frigid cold winds at night, even Sight herself couldn’t think of much ideas of what to do here. However she didn’t need to say anything as somepony made the decision for them… or rather an action.

Eclipse walked past the group and headed down to the oasis, it took a while but the group immediately tried to stop him, but went back to hiding, watching the neutral stallion approach the griffon with the poleaxe.

For awhile the griffon stood paying no mind to anything when he spotted the approaching stallion with a sheathed sword. Whistling, all twenty and more griffons approached, pointing weapons both ranged and melee toward the sudden appearance of the pony. “Look what we got here boys!”

Eclipse watched each of the griffons with a close eye, each armed with swords, axes, shields, crossbows, and spears. The assumed twenty changed to thirty now, though Eclipse could sense more somewhere but that wasn’t his focus though, it was what was in the carriages that got his attention.

Seeing this, the griffon who ordered all the others smiled, tapping his weapon against the carriage. “You wondering what’s inside, well too bad buddy, we didn’t come all the way to fail our mission so I suggest you wander wherever you came from or-”


“...Excuse me?”

“I said… surrender.”

The silence was palpable at that moment that it was hard to breath or even speak, so the reaction wasn’t that much of a shock… the outcome though was. “Screw this, open fire on this prick!”

As the bolts of crossbow fire fell upon Eclipse, he unsheathed his weapon and slashed away the bolts, next Eclipse rushed the griffons to the right and shredded their weapon. The group saw this and immediately rushed down to assist Eclipse, with Fang and Pristine handling those armed with crossbows, while Heart and Sight went for those on the left.

The fight seemed to be a loss with the pony but the griffons weren’t faring well with the sudden attack of more ponies. The lead griffon charged Eclipse, first throwing his two axes, which Eclipse swatted the first and grabbed the second, tossing it to the side.

“Hrm, you’re not like anybody I’ve faced before… You’ll be fun to fight against, now let’s see how you’ll fair against-” The griffon didn’t had a chance to finish, as he was cut down to pieces in mere seconds, the rest of the griffons laid beaten down or ran away.

Done with that nuisance, sheathing back his sword, Eclipse approached the carriage and destroying the lock on it with his hoof, he then opened it to look inside. As I suspected…

Inside were ponies and a few zebras, some of them were normal citizens but a few were probably part of Equestria’s border guard. Once the others approached, they looked inside and gasped in shock, Heart quickly went in and broke the chains holding them together.

“Are all of you alright, what happened!?”

After getting a lengthy explanation from them, they were told that these mercenaries were hired to capture Equestrians and zebras down south of the continent, as for why was unknown. Making certain their wounds were taken cared of and fed properly, the freed border guards took the citizens to safety to a nearby guard outpost that wasn’t that far from the oasis. Saying their thanks, the captured ponies and zebras were led to the safety of the guard outpost.

Pristine approached Eclipse with some worry to those captured by the mercenaries. “How did you know… it could have been anything in those carriages, but you knew immediately those griffons captured ponies… so how?”

“...Instinct, though the real answer would be experience mostly… There was a time that capturing locals of another nation was a more effective bargaining tool, especially for leaders who were too caring for their own citizens. We should head off soon, we should be approaching our destination in just in the early afternoon.”

Pristine watched Eclipse leave, then gazed at the corpses of the griffon mercenaries, especially the wounds of the leader. He did it quickly but brutally… its hard to tell if he took it personally or not… Deciding to think of thoughts like that later, she followed the group to the distant red mountains.

Later in the day – Equestria, San Palomino Desert; 11:00am

The group finally reached their destination, the red mountains at the edge of the desert towering high with the desert to the north and to the south was a dense forest beyond these mountains. At first nothing of interest could be spotted, but as they got closer, what they witnessed was jaw-dropping.

The skeletal remains of a giant beast could be seen, its jaws open and teeth poking out of the sand and rock. Further down the skeleton’s throat was a giant tunnel, though the question whether the cave was natural or was the continued remains of the skeleton was up for debate.

“Well damn, this was the last thing I expected to find, the rest of you set up camp, I’ll check ahead to see how deep this cave goes,” said Fang, putting down his belongings.

Fang flew toward the cave, his distant flaps echoing until nothing, everypony else began setting up their equipment and tents. While this was happening, Eclipse was busy examining the gigantic teeth of the skeletal beast. Pristine was finished setting up her things and approached Eclipse, both curious about the remains and something else.

“Eclipse, do these remains have any relation with the artifact we’re trying to find?” asked Pristine.

“Hmmmmm, no, these remains are… pre-pre-Equestrian, way before any civilized race has ever found these lands… My guest is the place the artifact is located at is some sort of long ancient civilization that resided here… buried by sand and rock.”

“I guess that makes some sense… hey, you got any time?”

Eclipse turned to face Pristine, putting away his stuff to face her, the two were alone while everypony else is busy setting up camp or checking the surrounding area. Inhaling deeply, Pristine kept eye-to-eye with him, as a particular question has been deeply troubling her since the night at Canterlot.

“Eclipse, you remember my question at my father’s party at Canterlot, I never received my answer… Where are you from Eclipse, just… who are you?”

Instead of reacting as he did before, Eclipse had an inkling something like this would happen, taking a breath he faced Pristine, ready for this… but paused as his vision took him below at his own hooves.

Before Pristine could ask what was wrong, a tremendous rumbling happened, getting intense with each passing second. Flapping quickly from the cave, Fang came back with a worried and panicked look.

“EARTHQUAKE!” Soon the rest of the group came back from their unfinished camp site, rubble from the mountainside befell upon the group. Deciding to make a quick decision, Sight shouted and pointed toward the large cave Fang came from earlier.

“Quickly, to the cave!” shouted Sight.

“Wait, not the-” Before he could complete shouting his warning, another shockwave happened which caused both the cave and the ground beneath them to collapse, taking everypony by surprise. Pristine let out an unheard scream as she watched both herself and the three guards become separated from Eclipse, who she last saw falling into a crack on the ground, then darkness consumed her vision.

Somewhere else – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:15am

It has been roughly five to six days since Eclipse’s second departure from Ponyville, Twilight spent her time either at the library, helping out friends with various things, organizing books at the library – only to reread said books she organized – or in this case, spend her time at Eclipse’s.

Twilight was taking a break organizing the things in Eclipse’s storage building, deciding to organize them by herself and putting them under purpose than alphabetized. She was done with farm tools and farm supplies and was halfway through weapons. Anything she was unable to categorize she put under ‘Other’ or ‘Miscellaneous’.

Inside Eclipse’s small home, she sat upon one of the two only chairs, the table having a plate that once had a sandwich on the round table. Other than the dresser, kitchen cabinets, and shelves, there wasn’t a lot to find in Eclipse’s home… that was until Twilight out of curiosity decided to look around the small home.

After finishing her sandwich, cleaning the plate and making sure there were no crumbs on the table and ground, Twilight decided to see if there was any reading material to find. Picking one random book on Eclipse’s shelves, something slipped out between the pages of the untitled-book.

Huh, a photo? Picking up the picture, she found an interesting sight – the photo showed a young bipedal creature and from her clothes and face, it was a she. The girl sat on a rock that was on top a cliff, the girl was overlooking the horizon with a beautiful clear sea in the background, far below the cliff.

Guessing by her size and shape… she’s either ten or twelve… I think.

Before she could further examine this mysterious photo, a knock on the door interrupts her inner theorist. Putting away the photo back into a random page of the book, Twilight slips the book back onto the shelf she found it. Approaching the door when another knock is heard, she quickly opens the door. “I’m sorry, but the owner isn’t home, if you have any questions I can tell him for yo-”

Looking up to see who it was, she was shocked when standing before her was Princess Luna herself, back to her normal look than the one she saw when she and her friends found her at the Castle of Two Sisters.

“P-P-Princess Luna, wha-what are you...” said Twilight, shocked.

“Hello Miss Sparkle… we need to talk.”

Meanwhile – Equestria, San Palomino Desert; 12:00pm

It was just darkness, pure utter darkness, nopony could see anything… well, there was one other exception. Specialist Fang could clearly see in the darkness without any problems, being a thestral had its perks; he could see the still forms of three other equine figures, approaching the closest, he found Pristine. From what little he could understand, she was ex-Church and is the daughter of the noble that Eclipse was trying to make a deal with.

“Hey, wake up, wake up!”

Nudging the mare, she mumbled something until her eyelids slowly lifted, she only saw darkness but she knew somepony was near her. “Whu- what happened, I remember… the ground shaking… then… then...” Realization immediately struck her, but before she could get up Fang placed a hoof on her.

“Whoa, don’t move, we need to make certain you got no injuries, I may have night-vision but even I can’t tell if you are all right or not,” said Fang.

Calming for a bit, Pristine laid down, some time went by before the others soon woke up and each of them checked themselves and any of the stuff that came with them when the ground broke apart underneath them.

Okay, we have enough supplies to survive here for a few days… but I feel as though something is missing.

Clear Sight took careful glance at her surroundings and everypony else, that was when something was indeed missing… or rather someone. “Eclipse Light, he’s not here,” said Sight.

“Shit, not only did we lose the only person who can navigate us out of this place but also out of the desert, he had the map because he knew where we need to go to find this artifact… Well, can’t sit here and complain, we need to get to the surface and quickly call for a rescue team,” said Fang.

“I checked our supplies, we have some rations, water containers, bandages, a few healing salves, and a few flare sticks,” said Heart. “But what about Eclipse, he’s out here… he might even be-”

“DON’T THINK LIKE THAT!” shouted Pristine, bristling with anger. “He wouldn’t be easily put down like that.”

Everypony nodded a little, they all saw and knew Eclipse was no ordinary pony and he could handle himself… now they need to get a way out without making the situation worse. There was no unicorns in their group, so the only item they can use for light was the flares, they lasted between thirty minutes to an hour and with how few they have, they had to spare them as much as possible, using the first flare to check themselves and their surroundings.

The group headed off, with their weapons drawn, their formation was diamond shaped with Fang in the lead, Pristine and Clear Sight to the left and right and Heart Beat in the back, holding the flare. This placement was so that they had light, while at the same time, Fang could see in the dark ahead in case something was coming for them.

For the last fifteen – or what felt like that – minutes, the group soon came upon a slight incline down in the tunnel, occasionally having to climb down or be careful of where they step on and not trip and tumble down.

They found an underwater ravine and making sure the water was safe to drink, they refilled their containers; further down, was several tunnels and using one of Sight’s feathers, they used it to see if there was any drafts of wind.

“Hmmmm,” said Sight, watching her feather. The feather swayed to the left-most tunnel, seeing this, Sight tucked her feather away and pointed that direction. “This way, there’s a draft of air this way.”

The group headed that way but as they left, the glowing eyes and skittering noises of an unknown number of creatures appeared in the other tunnels they didn’t take.

Going further in, they came upon an interesting sight, they found the remnants of an underground city – a necropolis. The city itself was close to the same size as Canterlot; however, due to what little light there is it was hard to tell the actual size. There were small sunbeams raining down on the dead city from the cavern’s ceiling, suggesting they were dug by some tunneler creatures.

“Okay, we have two goals right now, first we need to find Eclipse and secondly we find the artifact and get out of this place,” said Fang.

The group nodded, but as Heart was advancing forward to look at the ruins, she stepped on a loose part of the ground. After a click was heard, Fang quickly dragged her back, just in time as a swarm of arrows struck where Heart was moments ago.

“Whoa, t-thanks...” said Heart, shaken.

“Just watch your surroundings, the traps in this place are still functional after all these centuries. I’ll lead the way, but watch where you step, alright,” said Fang.

Receiving their nods, the group made their way down the ancient steps, passing under an old archway with unreadable symbols chipped into the stone. While not understanding it, Sight brought out her journal and copied the symbols for future study.

The group passed various structures ranging from small domed-shaped stone homes, to two to three-story tall buildings. The purpose of these buildings were unknown with some guesses and observations being the only clues to what they were. The biggest structure they saw was a ziggurat, but the center was left empty, meaning something was there.

Some traps were unavoidable and had to either trigger them or go around them, one trap consisted of a room filling up with water, but instead sand came out that only reached up the group’s legs halfway, which made it more of an annoyance.

There was one trap that was near fatal for the group, especially for those that can fly as a strange gas descended on the group from above. There was a switch hidden in the ceiling for the exit to open, but because of the thick poison was descending from above, Pristine, Sight, and Fang tried to figure a way to fly through; with no ideas, Heart used what remaining alcohol they had – this consisted of the rubbing alcohol and some wine they got from Las Pegasus – dousing three cloths in the stuff. Using the alcohol-covered cloths to absorb the gas, they used the cloths to cover their snouts, the three went to fly up to find the switch.

They managed to find the switch and leave before the room would fill with gas, panting after that experience, the group were finally reaching one of their objectives. Climbing the way up a slope of stairs, Pristine heard a weird clicking noise.

“Wait… did anypony hear that?”

The group paused, at first they hear nothing but the clicking comes back and louder, each of them pulling out a weapon they specialize with. Before Pristine left Canterlot with Eclipse, she had ordered a specialized weapon to be built for her, a barbed whip called Thorn holding the whip with her mouth than her previous weapon that was strapped to her tail.

The other guards had their own weapons hoof-picked and unlike other guard branches, the Ponyville Guard were allowed to pick which weapon they are most comfortable with than the common sword or spear. Fang was equipped with a pair of iron claws on his forehooves, the claws sharp and ready to tear through leather and iron armor; Heart Beat held an iron war axe with her mouth, surprisingly she could swing that weapon without any problems.

Clear Sight brought her steel spear and unlike the training spear she used against Eclipse during their duel, this spear was enchanted with a frost affect, meaning anyone stabbed by the spear will have the area stabbed slowly freeze over by a chilling ice. This was useful against creatures vulnerable to the cold, which was helpful for this mission especially due to many of the creatures that live further south in the San Palomino Desert were weak to ice-based attacks.

Their formation was with Sight at the front, Fang to the left and Heart to the right, while Pristine took the back with her whip having the longest reach than Sight’s spear. They awaited for whatever creatures would slink their way from the darkness and what came made Heart’s fur bristle in fear.

Like a squirming mass of worms came a swarm of desert critters that consisted of giant scorpions and centipedes, their pincers and tails ready to rip their newest meal to shreds. “Aim for the joints, that carapace of theirs is tough like steel, for the centipedes aim for their heads, cutting them won’t do nothing but get them angrier!” shouted Fang.

“I’ll handle the bigger ones, Fang, you and Heart handle the scorpions and their tails! Pristine, make sure none of them attack us from our flanks, we can’t be surrounded by them no matter what!”

While Pristine was neutral with the rest of the group – other than Eclipse – it has been awhile she’s been ordered by anypony before, as usually she was the one giving orders with the only ones ordering her were the high paladin or senior paladins. Still, this situation didn’t need her pride or ego bursting forth, so she nodded in response to Sight’s words and kept an eye on any of these bugs from sneaking around them.

One centipede or scorpion would manage to get through but Pristine’s whip made short work of them; with a flick of her whip the barbs lining her whip did a score of wounds that penetrated deep into the weaker parts of their carapace. It kept them at bay from attacking the others and distracted them for the others to attack from the insects’ blind spots.

Slowly they were backing off from the swarm of insects as they seem to be coming from everywhere, at first they came from the path the group just came from but soon, they swarmed from all directions of the necropolis. “Crap! We need to head to the top of that ziggurat, quick!”

Climbing up the steps, Sight would stab one of the insects, sending its frost-covered body down the steps into the swarm of bugs. What was most disturbing was that the insects would start to devour the dead and severely wounded among them.

Cannibalistic insects, for there to be this many would likely mean an infestation… but where could they have gained any nearby food within this area?

Sight dodged the stab of one of the scorpions and thrust her weapon deep into the eye socket of the creature with a loud squelch. The creature wailed in pain as it backed off into the rest of its kind, soon the group were nearing the top of the ziggurat when suddenly, a loud rumbling was heard.

“What the heck is th-” An explosion of dust and rock came from above and with it was sunlight as a gigantic tatzlwurm burst from the ceiling of the cavern. With a mighty roar, it sent spittle everywhere as it shook both the ponies and insects.

(Fight Music)

At first they were worried they would have to face against the insects and a tatzlwurm now, when they noticed something strapped on the worm, with a gleam in both his eyes and sword in hoof was Eclipse. “ECLIPSE! WHAT THE BUCK IS HE DOING!?” shouted Pristine.

Eclipse rode the worm with his sword stabbed into its tough flesh, removing his sword from the worm he jumped off the creature into the swarm of insects. At first he vanished into the mass before an explosion of insectoid parts flew every direction as Eclipse unleashed a dark purple energy slash.

Dashing through them with a slash and strike of his weapon, Eclipse reached the others before stomping onto the head of a centipede. “So, what did I miss?” asked Eclipse.

“First, where in the heck were you?! Secondly… glad you’re safe,” said Pristine, giving a cheeky grin.

Eclipse joined in the fighting before facing the tatzlwurm as it unleashed another furious roar; reaching into his saddlebags, Eclipse pulled out a fire crystal and replacing it with a dark purple crystal embedded into the pommel of his sword with the fire crystal. Soon the sword was engulfed in blazing flames, with that quick exchange he began rushing toward the giant worm, Eclipse dodging the falling debris of the cavern ceiling, until he hopped up several buildings and into the maw of the beast.

With a focused gaze and firm grip he unleashed a giant blazing energy slash that tore through the beast, leaving a flaming slash through the middle. With an unholy screech it’s final death throes were heard as it’s slowly burning corpse fell down onto the swarm of insects. Seeing the giant beast slain the rest of the insects fled back into the cavernous tunnels they came from.

Sheathing his sword and removing the fire crystal back into his saddlebags, Eclipse returned back to the others. Taking a quick breather and making certain all the bugs were taken care of, the group faced Eclipse with mixed feelings – relief, annoyance, indifference, and amazement.

“Well you took your sweet time, just exactly what in Tartarus happened to you?” asked Fang.

“Woke up somewhere deeper in these caves, but later I found the necropolis and climbed the top of this ziggurat. Reaching the top I searched around and found this,” said Eclipse. Reaching into his saddlebags, he pulled out the statue of an alicorn, though of one nopony was familiar of. “After I got it, I tripped some sort of trap, fell into a hidden trapdoor, faced the tatzlwurm by myself until it dug through the earth whilst I had my sword stabbed into… then I came here and reunited with the rest of you.”

“And that occurred while we were unconscious and exploring the tunnels by ourselves? Yeesh, I’m starting to think trouble finds you, might need to keep my space away from you from now on,” said Fang.

“Enough jokes, that tatzlwurm has made a way for us out,” said Sight. Pointing upward, the now gaping hole made by the creature had beams of sunlight slipping through. With three fliers, Pristine carried Eclipse while Fang carried Heart, leaving Sight to lead everypony else out.

Reaching the cavern’s ceiling, they found a tunnel leading up and after climbing the steep incline, they come out of the cave that leads into the summit of the mountain range the group saw. Breathing in the fresh air, the group take this moment of peace to rest… but the peace is short lived.

“By Celestia was that a crazy experience, I am never joining any more missions outside of Equestria again,” said Heart.

“Oh don’t worry, this one will be your last.” Hearing a sudden unfamiliar voice, Heart and the others are ambushed by several members of the Church wearing lighter versions of their armor. Heart is taken down immediately with a blow to the head, Fang tries to counter but is struck with several taser darts, electricity streaming through his body, his unconscious body flopping onto the ground.

Sight manages to fight back long enough until a powerful stun spell strikes her from behind, with a scream she falls. Pristine takes a beating but manages to keep standing alongside Eclipse who rolled away to safety, unsheathing his sword out.

Standing before the defeated forms of the guards were ten members of the Church’s Solar Inquisitors – elite hunters that are trained to deal with internal problems. The one leading this Inquisitors’ squad is Solar Inquisitor Power Strike, an earth pony who wielded a mace over his armored withers, alongside him were several inquisitors and senior inquisitors, each wielding various weapons.

“Who, who in the heck are you guys!? Are you… ARE YOU PART OF THE CHURCH!” shouted Pristine, fury in her eyes.

“Well ain’t it obvious by our armor,” said Power, tauntingly.

“But… you don’t look like knights or a paladin, who… who are you?”

“Well, since we have time and we’ll deal with all of you later – we are the hidden light of the Church, to handle problems that need… a subtle touch within Equestria. For we are, the Solar Inquisitors of the Church of the Holy Sun, its hidden blade and final line of defense!”

Pristine was gobsmacked, she didn’t knew the church had a hidden faction within their organization, she didn’t even hear rumors of there being such a thing. She’s been part of the church for roughly four years and not once has she heard a word of them from younger knights or the squires.

“You, you have to be lying! I was a paladin of the Church’s Knights, I would of known this, High Paladin Shining Might would of known of this!” screamed Pristine, her whip flailing at the closest inquisitor.

The inquisitor dodged and struck her whip with a sword, snapping the whip in half, leaving the other half to fall from Pristine’s mouth. Power smirked and gave a snarky laugh while the others watched with intense stares, ready to attack any moment with a single signal their high ranking officer.

“You think that buffoon knows of our existence, he may have some excellent military training and skill in magic… but because of that arrogant – and ignorant personality – he couldn’t find his way out of a tin can, even with the best spells in his arsenal! No, we serve a higher cause and pony, with only a rare few in the high echelon of the Church knowing of our existence… others… well… they didn’t last very long.”

Pristine was brimming with rage, not only was she and the others tricked to come here by the Church, but she was certain that those who know they were sent here, would become written off as gone missing or taken by the natural wildlife… it was the perfect scenario for somepony to just… vanish. They were fooled from the very start… and she was played along with the others too.

Are they here due to my failure, no, I would have been dealt with sooner then… they’re here because of Eclipse maybe? That doesn’t make sense either, if the High Paladin doesn’t know of them then who-

Then it hit her, right before she was exiled from the Church there was somepony else with High Paladin Might… somepony who was of higher rank than even him. High Priest Grail… he’s the one who planned all this, who ordered of our ambush, but what are they here for exactly?

“As I mentioned earlier, since you’ll all be dealt with soon, no need to withheld our objective – hoof over the artifact.”

Pristine looked to Eclipse who slowly pulled out the artifact he found and gazed at it, to others it was a stone statue of an alicorn… but there was something interesting about the statue. Embedded where the alicorn’s eyes would be was a gem, a gem that radiated magical energy that even Pristine could feel it, even though she wasn’t a unicorn.

“So, you came for this,” said Eclipse, holding the artifact in his hoof.

“That and your immediate execution, you are an unknown element toward the Church and must be handled quickly and efficiently. Having you find the artifact and ambushing you far from civilization was a smart choice… it was lucky we managed to snag some intel about your meeting with Purity Snow and that trade you made with him… sad to say you won’t be able to make that agreement with him now.”

Pristine was furious now, before she was enraged but now she was absolutely livid, not only has she been tricked but these black-ops ponies sneaked into her home and manipulated the trade agreement between Eclipse and her father.

Not wanting to go down without a fight, Pristine dashed by Eclipse toward Power Strike with murder in her eyes. Power grinned maliciously as he easily side-stepped Pristine’s hoof punch and raising his mace, slammed the weapon between her wings, shattering her spine and kicking her to the wall of the mountain. Winded and possibly paralyzed, Pristine coughed out blood as her vision was beginning to swim; the last thing she saw was the Church members slowly surrounding Eclipse, then darkness.

Power Strike’s Perspective – Equestria, San Palomino Mountains; 1:15pm

Things were going well for me, while we could do anything to the guards and this Eclipse pony, but we were told to capture Pristine… though nopony said unharmed. She may be ex-Church, but the higher ups want her alive… not my business to question them, I just do what I need to do.

“Alright, you either give that artifact to us real quick and we’ll make your death quick and painless,” I said, smiling devilishly.

He was looking at all my inquisitors who surrounded him, then gazed at the unconscious forms of his traveling companions, finally he stared at the beaten Pristine. I didn’t care at the slightest what was going through that head of his, but I was getting annoyed from his lack of response… that is until he finally spoke.

“You’re not planning to kill her,” said Eclipse.

“If it were up to me I would, but I was given my orders to capture her, you however aren’t so lucky.”

“Hmmm… good, don’t need to hold back… not at full strength yet but this should do...” said Eclipse, mumbling to himself.

I lifted a brow when he started to talk to himself, but I got even more confused on what he did next; staring at me, he dropped his weapon with a loud clatter, some of the inquisitors looked at one another until I gave the signal to slowly surround him. This might be easier than I thought, I assumed he would make a fuss but it looks like he won’t be any trou-

“It was a smart choice to isolate us from outside interference, so far away from civilization we’re practically outside of Equestria. Sure there will be some suspicion to our disappearance, however I haven’t made that big of an influence for Celestia to send a rescue team, Pristine being ex-Church won’t much help either to have somebody look for us, at best they’ll send teams to look for their missing guards but seeing how you deal with certain… individuals, I doubt they’ll find much.”

“DON’T SPEAK OF OUR GODDESS AS IF YOU KNOW HER!” I screamed, my veins bulging from my neck.

“True true… but you forgot one detail about this mission of yours.” Strangely, the surrounding air began to chill, sound started to vanish as if we were inside the vacuum of space… it was getting harder to breath too, even though we weren’t that high up in the atmosphere. “You don’t know much about me either.”

“THAT’S IT! FINISH HIM!” Aiming my mace at him, my inquisitors rush head first with their weapons poised and ready to kill. Eclipse breathed his final breath… and his eyes opened with a brilliant glowing white.

“Void Aura – release.”

Meanwhile – Ponyville, Ponyville Park; 1:30pm

After Luna’s surprise visit, she and Twilight came to Ponyville Park and for the past two hours and a half, they sat on a bench. Neither have spoken, only listening to the chirping of the birds and the other ponies wandering the park on this fine afternoon. Twilight at first was nervous but relaxed after the first hour, she then collected her thoughts, wondering what Luna wanted to talk to her about… when she finally spoke.

“Miss Sparkle-”

“Twilight… just call me Twilight,” said Twilight, with a sheepish smile.

Luna raised a brow but sighed, staring at the blue sky, watching some birds and pegasi fly by. “...Twilight… it was originally my intention that I wish to confide in you with something that bothers me deeply...”

“What is it you want to talk about, princess?”

“Please, call me Luna, I wish to not speak as princess and citizen… but as friends,” said Luna, smiling. Twilight nodded with a smile, before letting Luna continue speaking. “Well… ever since I awakened from my injuries on the day of my return… I have been getting… ‘feelings’ of sorts, this strange itch, a sensation that’s been felt through my body and mind since that day. These ‘feelings’ occur whenever during my daily schedule, but especially when I try to recollect that day.”

So far I tried to use multiple solutions to solve this conundrum – modern medicine, ancient practices, magical means, and occasionally… binge snacking – but not of them work or would weaken this ‘feeling’. I thought they would just move on with time… that was until I came to Ponyville for the first time. It was during when I was invited with my sister to check up the status of Ponyville after the Church’s recent activities here… it was specifically when I met face-to-face with Eclipse Light whilst he was unconscious.

Twilight was shocked but didn’t dare speak and continued to listen closely.

It was a small prick but, it awoken something inside me, like an old wound reopening, but just like that it vanished… another odd conundrum was the wounds I gained during the fight whilst I was under the influence of my Nightmare Moon form… that all the wounds I gained simply vanished. While alicorns do have a vast regenerative healing, usually we are left with scars, depending on the wounds… but… they all simply don’t exist on me, even the sensation of that pain I felt ebbed away… like they never existed… like the fight itself never happened.

Slowly, each passing day the memories of that day are beginning to ebb away – I remember speaking to those ponies in the town hall, I remember sending and placing a myriad of obstacles against you and your friends. The one thing I can’t recall… is what happened in the castle, even though I was under dark influences, I could vaguely remember what I did as Nightmare Moon… but it is as if whatever being I fought with as Nightmare Moon, just never happened.

“This is where things enter the impossible… but if I’m right, it is possible that the being I fought against is a being capable of warping reality,” said Luna, a serious look in her eyes. “I have fought such beings before – Discord, the Spirit of Chaos being a good example – but this form of reality warping… is like nothing I’ve faced… to have the capabilities to change a moment of time without it having any serious changes in the time-line… would have to involve astronomical powers beyond myself or my sister.”

“It is like somepony did one action, but slowly made that action to never happen in the first place,” said Luna.

Twilight gave a worried look, thinking deeply about this situation, she looked back at Luna with a confused look. “But, why are you telling me this Luna, what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to investigate this… mystery of mine; I wish that you solve this yourself and you keep our meeting and conversation to you and myself… please, don’t tell anypony and promise me, not as a princess… but as a friend,” said Luna.

Twilight thinks about this, but nods in confirmation with a determined gaze. “I will Luna and I’m happy we could be friends,” said Twilight.

Soon Twilight says farewell to Luna as she teleports back to Canterlot, now alone in the park, Twilight sits, contemplating the theory Luna had and who could be behind the strange occurrence behind defeating Nightmare Moon. Who or what could be powerful enough to face against an alicorn… and why?

Equestria, San Palomino Mountains; 1:40pm

(Mood Music)

It was the remnants of a massacre, all the Church inquisitors were left beaten and broken heaps of what remained of both their armor and will. Most were unconscious, but thefew who are still awake were either weeping in fear, while others rocked themselves back and forth, whispering sweet nothings to themselves, their minds broken from what they witnessed.

Solar Inquisitor Power Strike, the cocky and fearless leader of this squad, the one who easily took down guards from the Royal Guard and an ex-Church Paladin… was slowly backing away – his armor was shred apart, his fur singed from strange black flames that instead of burning him, left a cold, lifeless sensation to crawl up his leg – in complete and utter terror.

It was supposed to be a simple target and collection mission, even the freaking Church Knights could of done this by themselves… So how, how could this have gone to shit this quick!

Then, the silence came back, looking up with tears streaming from his one eye, the other having a deep slash cut deep into him, most likely destroying the eye itself. Blood poured from small wounds all over his body, his fur matted with sweat, blood, and dirt. With his one eye, he gazed at the one responsible… with his one eye, he gazed at damnation itself.

He would run… but it was impossible after he summoned his ‘pet’, it was made of shadows itself, the weight of its gigantic paw on his body felt like every bone in him would be crushed into dust. It came out of nowhere, took out one of the inquisitors, sent two of the others flying into the mountain… it even devoured another inquisitor when she attempted to fly off… watching her wings being snapped off with a swipe of its paw before devouring her whole – and alive, armor and all.

The beast didn’t press too hard as he had enough space between his lungs to breath and speak.

“Just what in the holy goddess are you.”

Eclipse stood before Power with an unflinching gaze, his eyes flashed different colors like a mad myriad of a twisted rainbow, until his eyes stayed into a bright glowing white. His gaze felt cold to Power, every inch of his fur and skin crawled, as his psyche screamed for him to run, but the bear kept him grounded in place.

“I am beyond imagination, I am the voice within the darkness, I am both the hand that guides and impedes you. I am both creator and destroyer of dozens of worlds, the lives of many have fallen with my judgment and more will continue to follow. Fate cannot chain me, life and death bow before me, I am the jailer of reality and choice is under my whim… I am your salvation… and your end.”

Like that, Eclipse raises his hoof, signaling the giant shadow bear to let go of its prey; as the creature returned to it’s master’s side, Eclipse used an unseen power as swirls of black fire consumed the rest of Power’s team… while he gazed back at Eclipse… his glowing white eyes shown no sympathy, no rage… just absolute nothingness.

With not a single word, he raised his hoof, pointing it at Power… and unleashed a flash of black light, Power didn’t feel anything as the dark light consumed him… leaving nothing behind. An eerie silence befell the surrounding area, leaving behind only a frigid sensation – and the remaining survivors of this encounter.

Some time later – Equestria; 2:30pm

Pristine’s mind was groggy, soon her faculties came together and her eyes opened as she felt the gentle swaying of a hammock and the familiarity of weightlessness to her when it came to flying for every naturally flying creature.

Wait a minute… flying? Pristine opened her eyes, when she realized she was in an unfamiliar room, sleeping on an unfamiliar hammock… Where in the heck was she?

Finding her belongings on a nearby desk, she checked everything was there – all her supplies were there from when the earthquake took the stuff that didn’t survive and her perfectly ‘unharmed’ custom-made whip. Deciding to leave it there, she left her room, to find herself in a hallway with no windows, the only lighting being a lamp enchanted to use magical fire, the flames won’t burn the wooden frame of the airship she was inside.

Trotting further down the hall, she found some steps, climbing up them she found herself on the deck of the mysterious airship, seeing several crew-ponies working on the clock to make sure they would arrive at their destination on time.

Looking around to find a familiar face, she spotted one, Eclipse was leaning on the railing of the starboard part of the airship, gazing at the afternoon sky. Approaching him, he soon turned to spot her but continued to gaze upward, standing beside him she too stared upward but soon started asking the whirlwind of questions in her mind.

“...Just… what happened?”

“You mean you don’t remember?”

“...And that would be...”

Eclipse faced her with his neutral gaze before leaning his head to a pair of seats for the two to sit on, accepting his invitation, the two sat as Pristine got comfortable to hear what she missed.

Well, we reached the top of the tunnel to the surface, but once we gotten up all of you started to feel ill, it was then confirmed you must of gotten poisoned from one of the scorpions and not noticing it until after the adrenaline stopped pumping in each of your veins, so I called for help with this. Eclipse showed a telecommunication crystal he pulled from his saddlebags, giving it to Pristine for her to see.

I contacted authorities from Las Pegasus to pick us up, I told them to reach the mountain range near San Palomino Desert. Using what methods of signaling them I could, we got all of you on board and gave you the medicine to cure you of the poison. I was fine – though they gave me some just in case – and some time later, you’re the first to wake up and we’re having this conversation.

“I believe you are now caught up,” said Eclipse.

Pristine gave back the crystal, but there were some conflicting thoughts, as if she was forgetting something important but couldn’t quite remember. Soon they heard a loud whistle, looking down she spotted Las Pegasus in the distance; the airship crew readied to land the airship just outside the city limits as Las Pegasus doesn’t have a natural airship port as the nearest airship port was at the border guard’s base near Las Pegasus.

Soon the rest of the group woke up, gathered their belongings and departed the airship, once everypony was getting off, the sensation Pristine felt earlier comes back. Turning to face Eclipse, Pristine was going to ask if what he said really did happen, to confirm her suspicions.

“Eclipse, are you certain-” But as soon she was about to finish her question… it immediately vanished – the feeling, the sensation of her memory being wrong – soon afterwards.

“Yes, Pristine, what’s wrong?” asked Eclipse, busy speaking to the captain of the airship.

Pristine gave a puzzled look but quickly shook her head, turning away to head to the train station. “Nothing… meet you at the station!” Waving goodbye to the crew, Pristine followed the others to the station back to Ponyville.

(Outro Music)


Watching them leave, once they gotten far enough from sight… everything stopped; the crew of the airship froze, all activity on the airship seemed to stop, even the wind around the area just… stopped.

Soon a strange veil seem to descend, the crew vanished in puffs of black smoke, the airship changed from being a simple border patrol ship… to a Church of the Holy Sun airship, as the sails changed from a basic white to the symbols and colors of the Church. The captain vanished with the rest of his crew, leaving nothing but an empty shell behind – not a single soul manned that vessel.

Turning to face the airship, he raised a hoof to his snout as a black flame poofed to existance on his hoof and with an exhale of his breath, the flame floated gently toward the airship. As it made contact with the vessel, it became consumed in black flames, the flames spread so fast, it took mere seconds before nothing remained, not even ash; the ground where the airship landed was unharmed as if the strange fire was ordered to only burn the ship itself, leaving only lingering smoke trails until even the smoke was wiped away.

Turning away from where the airship was, a glimmer of white light slipped from his eyes, until vanishing, replaced with Eclipse’s emerald eyes. Walking away, Eclipse’s empty gaze remained… the only change brought upon him was the sadistic grin plastered on his face.

Special Chapter: The Maker's Corner

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The Void, The Temple; Time: Non-existent

Time was a concept that doesn’t exist in the Void, void-travel is reliable, but if you aren’t careful you might end up several years ahead in your time. Time is different for each realm, it could be days for one realm while another would be years, the Void has no such rules as it could feel like eons has gone by, when in the realm you came from it was just five seconds.

Strange shadowy, smokey entities roamed the endless black surface, distant ruined buildings could be seen, the ‘sky’ was just pure black and certain parts of the ground were just empty vast pits that were an unimaginable depth. The one of the know standing structure within the Void, was a building called ‘The Temple’; it consisted of pillars that held a roof that covered a wide area, with several levels that could be climbed by long, wide stairways. The structure was made of a black ebony stone, the material was unique to the Void in that it gave off the ambient energies of a Void crystal.

The inside of The Temple was bare, with little decoration, but there was single ebony throne etched with three symbols – one was of a circle with eight sections of different colors, the center had two colors, the second was of a ten-pointed star with an eye in the middle, the eye felt like it was constantly gazing upon all, the third of a sword with wings sprouting to the sides, whilst wreathed in flames.

The throne was empty, but not only that but a sense of emptiness came from the throne, as if the original owner would not be coming back anymore… then movement was heard, the echoing clip-clop of hooves could be heard until a unicorn of black fur approached; however, at close inspection the fur isn’t black but a dark purple, the unicorn’s mane and tail was short compare to the natural and common length of ponies, the colors being slight brighter but still dark purple.

Her cutie-mark was of a paw with three claws poking out, on the paw was an upside-down five-pointed star with a circle in the middle of the star, each color – from the paw to the star and the circle were of various purples. The unicorn gazed at the throne, slowly having their sight travel down the throne, until their gaze lasted upon the seat. With a tired and solemn sigh, they sat down and seemed to gaze forward at nothing… they continued to gaze as if expecting or rather they were looking at some-

“You can stop the narrating now Jeffson, I can handle the rest.”

…As you wish, my lady…

… … …

So, we’re alone now… you must be wondering for awhile back since the start of this… ‘story’ who was narrating it and at some points it was Jeffson, but no, I’ve been the main source of the narration. Who am I you may ask? ...For now, call me Ursus, I’ve seen everything from start to finish… sure some parts I wasn’t actually present, but I had my ways of learning what happened.

I continue on with questions about myself, but we’re not here for that, I am to answer questions about what may come in the future of our story, what has happened, what is unseen, the mysteries that you wanted answered and never knew would be answered.

To begin things, let’s first start off with some questions from you… ‘readers’ if I am correct… interesting folk you are, entities capable of viewing beyond the Void to other realms… though your reach only goes that far.

Now, let’s begin.


Wonder if Celestia would recognize this bear cub?
Has she met Harry already?
By Greehorn from The Gran Galloping What? (old chapter)

Harry you say, you must be referring to the bear that’s friends with Fluttershy, correct… as for Celestia… all she knew was what she saw with her own eyes… unlike me, her habit to eat cake behind her servants and sister is something I know intimately. Moving on…

Wonder why he need to track the Mane 6?
By Greenhorn from Sleuthing & Tracking

My master… had an interest with those girls, not only were they fated to be together and use those artifacts; my master always had a strange hobby when it came to mortals chosen by destiny… still, he had his reasons why he kept his eye on mortals that catch his eye… There are some things even I don’t know that he keeps from me… Many secrets.

Does this mean he’s becoming weaker?
By Thatguywholikesfood from Righteous Fury

Weak… The day he fought against ‘him’ would be a day I would regret… He held a strength a rare few had in his day… Sometimes I wish I could ask him one last time how he faces said weakness.

He’s awake and listening, isn’t he?
By Motodrop from Wounded Soul

...Not anymore… … ...Oh wait, you mean… Ah well… at the time its hard to tell when he’s conscious of his surroundings or not, sometimes I think he’s out there… somewhere.

So what is this, some variant of the fermi paradox?
In a grander, eldritch fashion?
We don’t see alien ships cause something bigger and scarier killed them all?
By Heidao from Faith & Shadows

Fermi, paradox? Let’s see… ah yes, that theory on extraterrestrial life… alien is too broad a term, especially when I’m constantly traversing various realms… pretty much everything is alien – both the known and unknown. There are aliens, but its only alien if its from that realm…

Hmmmm, hard to say what is considered scary or eldritch as you put it… I was afraid… once… now… I’m the one everyone is afraid of…

If I remember correctly, the newest member of our circle was sent to handle a possible threat to that multiverse, some backwater race thought themselves of warmongers and planned to plunder and conquer various realms… the ‘knight’ took care of them easily.

Let’s take a short recess shall we, there are a few things I must do, then we shall come back to the questions.

Transmission Ended; Beginning Transmission with the Guide

Hello, she is unaware of that I am using this to communicate with you, if it is unclear who or what I am, simply call me the Guide. I am here to answer… questions that might be somewhat… how do you say, ‘fourth-wall’; to put it simply I shall answer questions for the one behind the creation of this story.

So Nightmare Moon in this story wasn’t a corrupting entity possessed Luna but her alter-ego?
In this case, won’t the Elements be useless to dispel the Nightmare Moon from Luna?
Did Twilight activate the Elements without going through the crisis moment?
Or did Eclipse have a hoof in this development?
By Greenhorn from True Nightmares

I will transmit the thoughts of the author on these questions, while also know the answer, these questions were directed at him and not me… think of me as a bridge between you and him.

Transmission Connected – Connecting – Connecting – Connected; Transmission Interference – Clearing – Cleared

Well to put it simply, think of Luna’s negative emotions were influenced by dark magic or her out-of-control alicorn magic, that dark side of her was always there, it only became uncontrollable to a certain point – in a sense it is her alter-ego.

The Elements wiped clean all the negative and dark magic influencing her, the inner-Nightmare Moon is still within Luna, only at a suppressed state.

Whether Eclipse helped the girls get the Elements is quite a conundrum, but to put it in my words, Twilight figured out about how the Elements were connected to the girls and the last Element – Magic – was when her magic reacted with the stone orbs that held the Elements, revealing the Elements in their true form.

These are some interesting questions, yes ‘he’ can be… quite hard to read, but he has his reasons to do things, but let us continue to the next recipient’s question.

Have you considered getting an editor?
By Motodrop from The Trader

I don’t think so, I do better at my own pace and while I would love some help, I’m doing alright by myself so far.

In what strange place in the world is soda pop ever called flavor soda?
By Professor Litmus from The Trader

Yeah, I don’t know how that came to be, at the time I was drinking a lot of slushies and one day I was thinking what kind of job Eclipse would do… makes sense if he were a traveling trader or sold various items he found in his travels. There was also how one of his abilities relates to creating things, so him having a cutie-mark relating to alchemy and having the idea to have some sort of drink to sell, made me put two-and-two together.

The naming… yeah that was during one of my moments.

Huh, that explains a few things and I was always wondering whether ‘he’ or this creator ever invented the name itself.

Is the void from a particular media/inspired from it, or is it your own?
By Alitaher003 from Stone to Sand

There is some inspiration from various shows I watched as I grew up, but its my own idea and perspective on how the idea of other worlds work.

The Void is the walls between worlds, it is what keeps some semblance of balance between the different multiverses, its also what keeps these worlds from colliding with each other. The Void is self-reliant and can defend itself from outside forces, but if I had to give a good example how it works… the Lich King from Warcraft is my best example, to those who don’t understand – The Void wants someone to rule it, someone to lead it, the Void is ancient but has never picked somebody to use it until now.

That being would be ‘Eclipse Light’, so he’s the first being to integrate with The Void and not losing a sense of self. The Void holds secrets that would shatter the foundation of many worlds, there are entities that dwell and roam The Void, slipping out of the The Void and back; however… there is something that existed before The Void… and the era before The Void was one wrought with Chaos.

I agree with this explanation, The Void has existed long before ‘he’ took reins over it, it has been known by many names and under different forms, but right now this is its current form, which both reflect its master and the concept – an empty plane with endless unknown routes and choices.

Ah, seems my time is coming to an end, but I will return do not worry.

Transmission Ended; Beginning Transmission with The Temple

Hello again, I had to… deal with a certain nuisance before she could cause any further havoc.

“Oh come on, it was an accident… besides the bugga had it coming trying to make moves on the goods.”

I swear, one of these days I’m going to end that miserable sick life of yours…

“Just try it sweetie… you know you aint getting rid of widdle old me.”

Sigh, let’s get on back with the questions.

So we have a real vampire loose in Equus?
Wonder if she come from the same place as Eclipse?
By Greenhorn from Delving Deeper

Ttch, oh yes, that… ‘woman’ is infamous for her reputation when it came to blood.

“Oh don’t be like that my dear, you and I were so close before, I remember the times you and I would snuggle-”

If you don’t shut it, I’ll cut that tongue of yours out… as for her and my master’s history, they don’t come from the same realm; I’m still uncertain how you ended up in Equestria, but I knew for certain that I should have finished you off when I had the chance.

“No need for the threats, to be honest I am surprised Eclipse let me go… well I wouldn’t call it being spared, as it was more like he and I… had unfinished business.”

Right… unfinished business...

I think that vampire pony will be interested in Eclipse, but in what way?
By Mitril from Delving Deeper

“Ohhhhh, I was definitely interested in him back in the day… in the hot steamy kind of wa-”

One, more, word, I just dare you to speak about my master that way and you’re going to see what its like to have a butt for a face.

“Yer no fun.”

Those appear to be all the known questions-

“Oh I got a question; are you a vi-”

You see Ursus swipe at a figure standing to their left, then facing toward at empty space once more.

Excuse me for one second, but I need to correct a certain someone, for now, please view these personal journal notes from an ex-member of the Church of the Holy Sun… I won’t say how I got them, all you need to know is that this information may or may not answer some questions about the organization. Now then – COME HERE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SKAG SH-

[Memoirs of a Church Squire]

So how has this Celestia cult existed for so long?
By Garfilth from Righteous Fury

The Church has stood before Celestia first appeared alongside her sister, however back then they were under a different name, it was only when the two sisters first started gaining recognition for who they were was when the group started getting their own respective following. While a majority followed Celestia through their own religious groups and communities, Luna had the support of the minority, especially the Equestrian military at the time. The largest group at the time for Celestia was called the Rising Sun Church, which would soon become the Church of the Holy Sun.

After Luna’s transformation to becoming Nightmare Moon, the already thin line between those loyal to Luna and zealots who praised Celestia as a goddess was thinning even further; after the fight between the sisters, their respective followers waged a hidden war with one another. Those loyal to Luna would of won, but these were the same ponies who swore to protect their country and fellow pony, this however wasn’t true for the Church, before the coming war, they slowly integrated various religious groups into their growing organization.

With it they gained numbers, resources, but most importantly, various artifacts gathered by these religious groups, some artifacts were fake but the real ones… it was the last piece that changed the difference between the militaristic Luna Guard and the zealous Church.

Originally the Church did indeed worship and respected Celestia’s choices, but due to the various smaller groups joining the Church, their own ideologies and views on Celestia has warped and changed the Church multiple times. Many atrocities were done by the Church – whether it was due to these various ideologies or the fact that the Church was rumored to be manipulated by another group – and while Celestia did her best to limit their activities, Celestia had a nation to lead and her view on her ponies, blinded her to their activities – both known and hidden.

Still, if they fancy themselves a templar order for the Crown… you’d think they’d know who the important ponies are well ahead of the public at large, yeah?
By Kadigan from The Merchant of Chance

There were rumors once of a hidden section of the Church called the Inquisitors, it was their job to find what information they could find from ancient knowledge to current politics. While it does mean the Church knows everything to an extent, it also means they don’t know everything, only select members know what the Inquisitors find, specifically, the military section of the Church led by Shining Might is ignorant to certain pieces of information.

And more importantly, I’d probably want to investigate as much as I possibly could into Luna returning. She’s an alicorn too, right?
By Kadigan from The Merchant of Chance

The only section who has any interest on Luna is the R&D section of the Church led by Warm Earth… but their interests aren’t as wonderful as the lunar princess might believe.

And as an aside – if they don’t see that, with a name like theirs, any of their actions will cast a shadow at the crown… then they’re retarded.
By Kadigan from The Merchant of Chance

The Church is split on their views on Celestia, putting aside the individual views, the Church is made up of at least four – known – views and ideologies on Princess Celestia and Equestria, originating back when the Church integrated other religious groups.

The militaristic section wish for a more aggressive stand point for Equestria and Celestia, wishing for Equestria to be a true grand nation above the other kingdoms and races, putting Celestia on a pedestal above all.

The religious section wish to unite all ponies and any races that are willing to join them, not as violent as the militaristic section, the religious section is very serious and intense with their practices and accepting non-pony members.

The R&D section want the goal for progress and explore all the mysteries of the world, they see Celestia and the other alicorns of sources of scientific discovery, if left by their own devices, unimaginable horrors could be unleashed for their thirst for knowledge.

The Solar Inquisitors are an unknown, not many know what they want or where their origins came from within the Church. Secrecy is their goal, as they hold knowledge kept from their fellow members… some secrets not meant to be known.

And on the international stage, they’re making her look weak…
By Kadigan from The Merchant of Chance

The other races don’t care or have zero reason to pay attention to the activities that occur in Equestria unless they effect them in some manner. Either they’re busy with their own internal issues or don’t care; the Church’s activities limit to only Equestria so news of any activities that they do outside is rare – though that’s just the information they do reveal.

The Church is only known within Equestria and those who know of them outside, only heard of them through their own spy network or if they personally encountered them before.

There is a lot that the Church holds within their walls… sometimes I wonder… during the earlier reign of Celestia and her sister… who could had benefited and gave what was a small religious zealot group resources and access to ancient magical artifacts in the first place… I plan on leaving the Church now, things are going down, rumors have it that something is coming for the cathedral, many believe its the Royal Guard, others think it has to do with those strange crystals sent to R&D, but as a simple squire… I’m leaving first thing morning… just hope I can find Pristine once I’m outta here.

[Journal of Calm Ripple]

Sigh, I’m back and I dealt with that pest… for now… going ask the shadowlings to clean up that mess though.


...Anyway, there appears to be one final question, afterwards we should be done…

As Ursus prepared to read the final question, the so-called pest from earlier quickly had their legs healed and slowly sneaked behind her to also see what the question was… and she grinned when she read it ahead of Ursus.

oooooo whomst is this????
By shayray189 from Apple Business

“ITS ME, Spoiler!”


“Come and catch me if ya want me out!”

Ursus began chasing her, the sounds of explosions and various objects destroyed thrown at a certain somebody could be heard. The throne was left bare once more, but soon a screen materialized before said throne, until it seemed to rewind back a particular point… the screen showed a small one room, one floor house in the middle of an open space – Eclipse Light’s home.

Eclipse Light’s Property; 9:00am

Eclipse was busy laying on his hammock, minding his own business, Luella was sleeping under the shade of Eclipse. Gazing at the sky, Eclipse felt a slight change in the atmosphere… then he could sense several eyes gazing upon him, with a quick flick of his eyes to the lake, there was nothing… but to him, he could see ‘them’.

“Hmmm, now this is interesting, been awhile since I’ve met you before… So I assume your thirst for knowledge is still not quenched,” said Eclipse.

Sooo… where’s the bear cub?
By Motodrop from Hello, My Name Is…

Looking down, Luella was strangely gone the moment the question appeared, deciding to think about the question itself, Eclipse came up with his answer.

“Luella? Don’t know, but she’s pretty much everywhere… sometimes I think she just likes vanishing one moment and reappearing whenever.”

At that moment, the cub bear returned with a fish in her mouth, dropping it, she began to eat the flesh of what appeared to be salmon. “Luella, you ate already, you don’t need to eat more salmon,” said Eclipse.

The cub roared before continuing to eat, Eclipse decided he wouldn’t be able to convince the cub, so he went to see what would come next before him.

Cadance: Auntie what are you doing?
Celestia: Oh, lovely niece. I just try to see if this stallion can drag my faithful student out of her room.
Cadance: But that is my job! Who is this stallion? Hand me the info and I will do the rest.
By Greenhorn from Building A Home, & Maintaining One

“Ahhh, this answers that feeling I had some weeks ago.”

A few weeks ago – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:00am

Eclipse was busy looking through books in the Golden Oaks Library when he felt a shiver down his neck; Twilight who was busy reading a book to past the time, noticed Eclipse with a far-off gaze.

“Uh, everything alright Eclipse?”

“...For some reason I feel like somebody is trying to put me together with somebody else...”

“What made you come to that conclusion?”

“...Just a feeling, by the way, what’s your opinion on relationships?”


“Nevermind, go back and read your… Book on relationships?”

Twilight looked down and remember she was indeed reading a book on relationships… she couldn’t for the life of her to this day why it was a good idea to pick up this book and read it. “I WAS CURIOUS! SHUT UP! IM GOING TO MAKE TEA!”

Twilight quickly ran off to the kitchen with a deep blush on her face; once she was gone, Eclipse turns to face… ‘something’, eyeing an unseen audience. “Something tells me this joke was a ticking time-bomb a long time ago… hope you’re satisfied.”

Present time...

Eclipse gave another un-amused look before shaking his head. “I swear, you are all worse than Pinkie...”

Was this as you planned, master?
Will I be moving, master?
By flutterboot from I Am (No) God – Updates and Changes (blog)

While Eclipse was distracted for just a moment, time seem to pause and the Guide appears.

Hello there, ‘he’ doesn’t know I’m here, but if you wish to have a place to live.

The entity reveals a gateway to a hidden realm, away from the prying eyes of otherworldly entities.

There’s a hidden realm within The Void, its called the Center of All Realms, but to those who have no home to go to, a refuge...

The Multiverse Zone.

Whether things were planned from the day you were born, some things don’t go the way I imagine they go, but there are as many paths as there are as many lives out there.

Once done, the entity leaves, time resumes and the question seems to dissipate as if it was never there. Eclipse sees if there are anymore questions, but after seeing none appear anymore, he lays down once more after not sensing the earlier sensation now gone… he was alone with Luella once more. Strange… why do I feel like somebody else was here… it feels… familiar… too familiar…

Eclipse would be distracted that day as he had some unexpected guests.

Location: Unknown; Time: Unknown; Entity: The Author

Hello everyone, we are at the end or close to the end of this special chapter, surprisingly longer than I imagined, but I had to find some way to makes thinks interesting for what was a Q&A chapter.

I sprinkled in events that may occur in the future of the story – would they be considered spoilers, maybe, will they matter, depends, will honestly understand what’s going on, doubtful – but first two things I want to do before we end the chapter and go on to the author notes.

First… the official last question which there are a total of thirty questions which were asked from twelve different people. Sure it wasn’t my minimum of one hundred questions or even close to halfway, but I enjoyed answering them, while some are old questions I may have answered or replied to, I never really considered those as full-filling answers to those questions.

Now… here is the last question.

Fuxxing with the character creation sliders, I see? ;]
By Kadigam from He Goes For A Walk

Before writing IANG and making Eclipse Light’s character...

Hmmmmm, which colors should I go with for Eclipse… meh, I’ll do with dark colors like black, purple and dark blue again…

The now...

Yep, that was literally my mental process to making Eclipse, just decided on that and the rest was history, really the colors itself reflected best on how imagined Eclipse to be like as he is the closest representation to myself.

Moving on, next is a behind-the-scenes process from the creation to IANG, to me teasing the story itself, the entire story remake to IANG, the suggestion list for guard names, and finally to here.

First, here is a chronological list of things of anything IANG related…

BTS Content:

Mar 18, 2018 – IANG original timeline

Mar 18 to 25, 2018 – IANG: Month 0 first chapter created (exact date unknown)

Jul 7, 2018 – IANG original first chapter created

August 15, 2018 – IANG first teaser

August 23 to 29, 2018 – IANG original chapters published

Aug 26, 2018 – IANG Timeline blog

Aug 30, 2018 – IANG has problems blog

Aug 30, 2018 – IANG Final Decision blog

Aug 30, 2018 – IANG Timeline revised

Aug 30, 2018 – IANG remake first chapter created

Aug 31, 2018 – IANG remake first chapter published

Sep 3, 2018 – IANG Updates and Changes blog

Sep 21, 2018 – IANG: Month 0 first chapter published

Feb 6, 2019 – IANG Guard Name Suggestion List

I first started writing down IANG with the original timeline, which started with Month 0, then followed by the main story which would take place throughout season 1 to season 5 of the show – including the first two Equestria Girls movies. After that, I originally planned to write down two stories after the main one, an interquel story and a sequel story, the interquel taking place between S5 and S6, while the sequel took place during events of S6 and onwards.

The original story has changed compared to the current story, originally I planned there to be 135 chapters, plus including the bonus and special chapters, that’s a total of 161 chapters – that’s 135 chapters and 26 bonus chapters. The interquel was planned to have 45 chapters and 3 bonus chapters – that’s 48 total chapters; the sequel chapter which wasn’t complete – during the idea stage – had planned for at least thirteen chapters, with a fourteenth one that was left incomplete.

Not all of these chapters were written, these were the ones that I had thought up of, I only gotten as far as four to five chapters to write; the chapters from Month 0 are roughly left untouched with little changes made on them, so they’re the same number of chapters I plan to make, but I won’t say how many is that.

I can’t remember when I wrote the first official chapter of the IANG series – I was writing Month 0 first at the time – it was between Mar 18 to 25, 2018. I then wrote the first chapter of the main series on Jul 7, 2018, and teased IANG on Aug 15, 2018 on the blog, “New Stories Coming” followed by me publishing the original chapters from Aug 23 to 29, 2018.

I made the timeline blog for the story on Aug 26, 2018, but the following days after the recent story I published on the twenty-ninth, I noticed some serious feedback about the story and I came to the realization that the story wasn’t going how I first imagined. After writing two response blogs on the story – one about what went wrong and my final decision about the story on Aug 30, 2018 – I began writing a revised timeline for IANG and a remake chapter of the first chapter.

On Sep 3, 2018, I posted a blog about the new changes made to IANG and the great feedback I got from all of my readers. On Sep 21, 2018, I published the first chapter of Month 0, officially beginning my start to writing IANG as a whole.

After writing partway through IANG I wanted to make a chapter that used characters from the readers, so on Feb 6, 2019, I asked for guard name suggestions from everyone and I got more than I asked for – full on bios.

And now we’re here in the present, thanks to all of my readers, I also like to bring a shoutout to some people who helped in some way during my time when I was first writing this story – in the author notes of course.

This was probably the best way I could give some form of fan service to you guys, if you want even more questions answered either comment, PM, or wait for the next special chapter. See yeah guys later.

The Plan Behind the Plan

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One Day Later – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 7:00am

Once Eclipse and company got back to Las Pegasus, they immediately left for Ponyville which took them the rest of the day. They soon arrived back in town by morning and the group went their separate ways, the guards heading back to the barracks while Eclipse and Pristine went back to his place.

Once arriving at the guard barracks, both Orion and Ves wished to listen to each of their reports on what they witnessed and know, but after done listening Fang and Heart Beat’s reports, they awaited Clear Sight’s report as she was precise and detailed when it came to her reports. After finished hearing from Heart Beat, Clear Sight soon entered Orion’s office with her personal journal to show to her superiors.

Sitting down, Orion sat there for some time until he spoke. “So, having heard Fang and Heart’s reports, is there anything else that they may have forgotten to mention?” asked Orion, awaiting Sight’s answer.

Everything I’ve witnessed is in this journal – on the thirty-fifth page to be exact – but to clarify the main points of our journey at arriving at Las Pegasus to the San Palomino Desert. Throughout the train ride from Ponyville to Las Pegasus, we have encountered no problems, during our time in Las Pegasus, no suspicious activity happened either, though during out time there it has been a bit fuzzy, but I’ll write down what I can remember.

During the start of our trip through the desert, we had some water troubles, encountered with local wildlife – a tatzlwurm – which Eclipse Light dealt with swiftly; the most alarming incident was when we arrived at a known oasis where a notorious mercenary group mostly known in the Griffon Kingdom called the Iron Lions was kidnapping Equestrian citizens and any locals further south, they also caught a few border guard, but Eclipse was the one to find something suspicious about them and fought off their leader. We were unable to capture any as those we fought were dealt with or ran away.

After that, we finally reached the area that Eclipse was trying to find, once making camp, Specialist Fang scouted ahead within the cave system we camped near when a sudden earthquake occurred; he quickly flew back to warn us but during the chaos, we became separated from Eclipse Light. We and the mare that came with Eclipse, Pristine Snow, traversed through the cave system with what supplies that managed to survive.

We found an ancient necropolis buried underneath, encountering several traps left by the previous denizens. After traveling further within the necropolis, we encountered insectoid predators that swarmed toward our position, but after some time defending our position, Eclipse appeared whilst fighting another tatzlwurm. Dealing with both the creature and insects, Eclipse had found the artifact while separated from us, we escaped using the tunnels that tatzlwurm dug already, reaching the surface on top one of the mountains near the San Palomino Desert.

Reaching the top…

“Reaching the top...” Here Sight seemed to have a troubled look, but after some time Ves coughed to catch her time.

“Is something the matter staff sergeant, what happened once you reached the surface?” asked Ves.

“...Well, all of us became unconscious other than Eclipse, saying we were poisoned and sent us into a somewhat unconscious state. During that time he called a rescue airship to our location, which we spent within for few hours until arriving back at Las Pegasus. Soon, we immediately went to the train station came back to Ponyville – again with no problems – and that’s the end of my report.”

Orion contemplated this until asking one more question. “That’s everything you remember, nothing else occurred or seemed out of the ordinary?”

“No sir, my memory is clear as it was, the only times I had trouble remembering was during Las Pegasus and escaping the necropolis, but the only ones who were still conscious and mentally capable was Eclipse. I’m not certain where he was during Las Pegasus, but he was with us the entire time as we left together at the necropolis and he was the one who called for help, none of us were capable of doing so, even Pristine fallen ill by the poison.”

Thinking about what he’s heard, Orion shook his head and told Sight to return his equipment back to the armory and that he and the those that came with her could take a break until tomorrow. Once Sight left, Orion leaned on his seat while Ves gave him a look.

“So, found anything out of place,” said Ves.

“...Other than what occurred in Las Pegasus and that necropolis… Eclipse was our only witness and I can’t be certain he’ll be honest with us, but I can tell even without doing a magical scan that none of them has been influenced in any way. Safe to say, the Church wasn’t involved with this request given to Eclipse and it was honestly just a noble who wanted a favor done from Eclipse.”

“Well with that business done, I believe we should promote those three, while this wasn’t guard business, they still stopped a kidnapping and probably in good terms with the daughter of a noble, especially a noble like Purity Snow,” said Ves.

Nodding in agreement, Orion gazed at the three written reports from all three of the guards who traveled with Eclipse; he would handle the promotions of both Fruit Basket and Clear Sight, while Ves would handle Fang’s promotion. They wouldn’t do anything serious, a simple promotion ceremony with only the guard, he didn’t want any of the townsfolk knowing about why they were promoted.

I also need to report this incident, while I’m certain the border guards have also sent one, I should send one from my guards perspective too to keep the princesses informed about the vulnerability of our southern border.

Meanwhile – Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, Grail’s Office; 7:45am

Grail was looking through several prayers and donations from followers all across Equestria, ever since the incident in Ponyville, the Church’s activities have taken a temporary hiatus until things cool down. While a majority of their forces stayed stationed within the Grand Cathedral in Canterlot or the various outposts across Equestria.

There are the few operations that’re still in progress in secret, the one in Manehattan however seems to be having problems though.

Grail heard a knock at his door, calling for whoever is knocking to enter, he found a surprising face entering; one of the Solar Inquisitors entered inside, they didn’t look different from any other member of the Church, but there was unique insignia located on their neck, a magically enchanted tattoo that created an illusion where only other members can see it and specific individuals.

Putting aside his belongings, the inquisitor bowed before awaiting for Grail to give him a signal to speak, raising his hoof at the inquisitor. “Is there something wrong?”

“Sir, roughly three days ago, an operation was sent out for ten Solar Inquisitors led by an earth pony stallion called Power Strike, to the San Palomino Desert. While I wouldn’t bring this up without reason, however, the reasons why this operation was made during our temporary abstaining of any future operations and the lack of information on those assigned to this operation. By chance… did you request this operation personally?”

Grail thought back about this development, it wasn’t surprising other members wouldn’t know about each other, only the Chief of the Inquisition knew the personal information of all members, he knew too but only enough for him to request operations under his command. Sometimes members from the Solar Inquisitors would create false identities to keep others – both members of the Church and outside – to not recognize them, they even went as far to use advanced illusion magic to change their bodies.

Hmmmmm, I don’t believe I gave any orders for any operations since the lockdown I commenced… This isn’t a first for us to use false information, though sometimes we fool ourselves with it to trick any who manage to sneak in and gather intelligence… luckily the information they gather and hear is things we want them to hear.

“I haven’t given any kind of orders for this operation, we are still in lockdown and that hasn’t changed, redact all information on this mission. As for the information on these individuals, remove them, for all we know they could be simply false information we accidentally mixed in with the important files,” said Grail.

Bowing without a word, the Solar Inquisitor leaves, mentioning how that the detail on these individuals was rather specific. Grail sighed that it was strange how for false ponies, they were so detailed, either their false information system was that good or he was getting old.

“For now, wipe everything on them, make them appear they never existed.”

As he’s left alone in his office, Grail goes back to his earlier business, but a strange niggling feeling in the back of his head seems to remain after hearing the news. Any faint or lingering memories of this “San Palomino Desert Operation” slowly fade and vanish into nothing.

Ponyville, Ponyville Park; 8:30am

Both Eclipse and Pristine trotted together to his place, Pristine was exhausted from the events of the trip, she couldn’t rest within the train so she was still tired. Pausing for a minute, Pristine glanced at the saddlebags that was holding the artifact, Eclipse decided he would hold it and give to Purity Snow tomorrow, but she was planning to head back to Canterlot.

“Hey Eclipse, why don’t I hold onto the artifact, I’m going to head back home after I’ve take a little vacation here in Ponyville,” said Pristine, stretching her sore muscles.

“You’ll be staying in Ponyville, how long?”

“A week or two, I need to check new places than stay at home in Canterlot, besides, I heard you can get some nice apple cider here,” said Pristine, smiling.

Eclipse thought about this, while he did plan to immediately give the artifact to Snow, he did have plans that needed to be prepared for in the coming months. Deciding that giving it to Pristine wouldn’t be a problem, she would be in Ponyville so if anything happened he would know immediately.

Nodding in agreement, Eclipse gave her the artifact, she then said she needed to got rent a room at one of the local apartments, saying her goodbyes, Eclipse headed back home to see if anything new or different has happened while he was away.

Fifteen Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:50am

Half a month goes by, not much happened during that time with the only notable event was when a swarm of bug-like critters called parasprites swarmed the town and started eating any food they could find. Twilight tried solving the problem with a spell, but it devolved to the critters eating the buildings instead, the problem was solved by Pinkie with the use of several instruments.

The only place that wasn’t effected is Eclipse’s as none of the parasprites flew near where he lives, there were some that did, but they quickly flew away, though seeing one of their own being eaten by a cub bear was enough to scare them off.

Eclipse went back to his experiments and tinkering with various devices of his, it was also around this time that the latest element orb Eclipse had been experimenting with – the Thunder Orb – was being sold during his return. Unlike the other orbs which were publicly sold, these ones required a permit to be used. The only ones who were interested in buying them has mostly been pegasi, they have also been bought by weather scientists and other tinkerers who were curious and wished to experiment with the orbs for their own uses.

With the widespread news of the Thunder Orb, it has peaked the interest of wide science community across Equestria, since then, Eclipse has received requests and invitations from different institutes. He has so far not accepted any yet and the only reason is he just recently returned from a trip, but would think about these invitations a later date.

Currently, he was lounging on his hammock, resting and listening to the ambient sounds of the wind and birds of this cloudy afternoon. As he drifted within his psyche, distant memories from the past arose, visions of a time long ago and forgotten by countless eons.

Location Unknown; Time Unknown

(Mood Music)

It all started with the near extinction of race and the ‘death’ of a realm, a war that would change everything. Dozens of world were created, dozens more were destroyed, a cycle of renewal and dust; wars waged across worlds, mountains turned to sand, forests into ash, seas boiled as bodies piled to the very heavens… and buried deep to the depths of hell.

I witness entire civilizations crumble at their pursuit for a power both unattainable and forbidden, countless souls wasted for a wish that will never satisfy. It all started with the clash of two forces – an army of unimaginable power and might, against unrelenting force of pure chaotic energy – and it will end like so.

I watched the pleas of so many… watching them die by their own hands, I became a symbol of hatred for those that knew me and yet they seem to forget… that I may be a higher being but I’m not their symbol of worship.

Before my creations, I’ve met several unlikely allies…

Standing to my right was a suited, mustached figure – a loyal servant and devoted to the end.

To my left was her, a girl branded with the death of her kind – marked with the symbol of the beast, a constant companion.

The man who stood in my shadow was a reflection of me – as I am a reflection of him.

The four that stood behind him to his left and right represented the four horseman of legend – they would conquer any soul, bring a dead calm to all wars, spread their poisonous famine, and bring order till the death of all.

My shadow smiled sadistically, it blemish stained upon my very being – it was both my taint and my burden.

I stood before those that defy me, the betrayer among their ranks, but the one leading them was a face that would forever stay permanently within my memories. Red as crimson flames, blue as the distant seas, wielding infinity in one hand, the elements in another, he kept a leash on his nightmares…

He was my mistake, but he became more than that… He became what died within me…

He was the hero, I was the ‘problem’ – he saw the monster that terrorized his world… I saw myself, more than I would look in a mirror.

We were standing at different sides, but we were still one, now two.

...It started with extinction and death… but it will end with the light being extinguished and the darkness being replaced with a different darkness… always, and forever.

Eclipse felt a presence near him, disturbed by his mental roaming, he slowly opened his eyes and felt the shadow of somebody above him. Once his vision became clear, he was staring at the green eyes of Applejack, her small smile growing seeing him awake.

“Howdy Eclipse, finally got your attention huh,” said Applejack.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Eclipse continued to stare at her with his hooves still behind his head. “Hello Applejack, is there a reason you came to visit me at this hour, thought you be still at your apple stand at the market?”

The apple farmer stepped back and sat, giving Eclipse space to step out of his hammock and stretch a little. “Big Mac is handling the stand, said I should take a breather, was originally going head back to the farm to do something chores… but I remembered that I wanted to speak to you, if you weren’t busy...”

Seeing that something was indeed bothering her, Eclipse led AJ to the docks, the two sitting at the edge with their legs dangling above the clear lake water. It wasn’t too cloudy, but there were enough clouds to block some of the sunlight; Eclipse gazed at the passing clouds and at his periphery vision, he could see Applejack her eyeing her own reflection, deep in thought.

“How was your trip?” asked Applejack, suddenly.

While the question popped out, Eclipse wasn’t unprepared to answer, taking a few seconds before speaking back. “We encountered some obstacles, but nothing we couldn’t handle, we found what we came for and came right back home,” said Eclipse.

Applejack had a skeptical look to her, she could tell that Eclipse was hiding something and seeing how his answer wasn’t acceptable enough for her, he sighed. “Come on Eclipse, what’s bothering you this much, usually you can be really detailed when you talk.”

“Hmmmm,,, I’m not certain if you should know this or not, but during our journey we encounter mercenary group capturing ponies and other races.”

The surprise on her face was visible, as it morphed to anger at the thought that another race would go so low to enslave another. The act of slavery is rare with the only signs of it continuing is further south or parts unknown. Sure there was some sense of government and order outside of Equestria, but not close to the level of peace and harmony – on the surface – in Equestria.

“Handling them wasn’t an issue, but it brought some memories I never thought would come back again,” said Eclipse.

Applejack was curious about Eclipse’s past, but she didn’t want to bring any bad memories up to know. Before she could respond, Eclipse already start talking, keeping silent she listened to his tale.

“The moment you have your choice taken from you without warning… is the moment your freedom becomes nothing, but an empty wish. The situation itself reminded me about another choice I had to make… one that’s changed so much about me. Life brings out a version of you that you never expect to exist, its either to take or to sacrifice – you take what you can or you give up something for another…”

She wasn’t sure whether to take his words literal or not, but she had vague understanding that she had to give up some things for her family and friends. Sighing, Eclipse glanced at Applejack, giving her a strange look.

“But you aren’t here for my ramblings… something’s bothering you as well? Why did you want to come visit me today?”

Lying wasn’t Applejack’s forte, heck, she wasn’t much of a conversation suave as Rarity when talking to pompous ponies from Canterlot or her fashion business, she wasn’t bold and cocky like Rainbow that can easily back up her conversations with sheer ego. She wasn’t Twilight who uses facts and logic, Pinkie with her outrageous personality or Fluttershy while quiet can talk her way out of some unexpected situations when necessary.

She’s honest yes, but that’s it, she couldn’t for the life of her tell a fib without making a face… sure she once was capable of lying, but that was moment in her life she rather not remember or repeat. “Nothing avoids your eye huh… Yeah, I’ve been a bit… stressed lately. I’m not the only one either, some of the other townsfolk feel the same or similar as I do. Ever since the Church came to Ponyville, we’re worried another incident like that will happen again, sure Celestia and Luna wouldn’t allow them to make a move… but...”

Applejack shook at the thought, it deeply made her worried at the thought of another attack by the Church, sure it shouldn’t had this much an effect. Eclipse would had further asked about why was Applejack so worried about the Church, but he knew what she needed wasn’t more questions, but something to ease her worries.

“...Hey, I’m going to tell you something I’ve been planning on and I’m hoping you could keep this to yourself. When I first came to this town, it reminded me a lot about… my old life… but, after seeing different places here in Equestria, visiting the varying cultural lifestyles and ponies from Las Pegasus to Canterlot to and so on, there was a singular think that never changed wherever I went.”

“For the last several centuries, there hasn’t been a shred of progress made, sure a few notable things had changed within this continent, but not much has changed. There is so many problems, albeit small, if they’re not properly fixed, the country itself will collapse. Your fears are correct, sure the Church are a problem, but the biggest issues this land faces doesn’t compare to them; what I see isn’t some attack or religious crusade by them, no.”

“The biggest problems is stagnation and need to adapt, too many depend on one way of living and I’m not just referring to the three tribes, every race included have stayed living a single way of thinking… I mean, your land speaks about harmony and unity, yet not only do you have internal issues with the Church and other problems, but from what I’ve seen and experienced not many ponies are accepting of other races, heck if those that are closely related to ponies appear to be just as ostracized too. The only times this isn’t the case is those who had close encounters with other races.”

“While I can’t fix all of these problems… I’m hoping to push forward one of them – stagnation – I plan to sell my wares and inventions in the coming years and hopefully… ‘inspire’ others to make change in Equestria. Sure there might be some bumps here and there, but I believe this is the best outcome, if not this, then some outside group will manipulate things that will only benefit them… I know you don’t notice it, but I do, I’m sure you have received news from relatives you have from Manehattan, how there’s some serious business going on there even though news of what’s happening in the city is pretty vague.”

Applejack nodded, at first many ponies thought there was some sort of small pandemic or wild creature loose in the city, but those who have family and friends outside the city – this includes her and the entire Apple Family – have a somewhat better understanding of the situation. While the residents in Manehattan have little idea what is going on, various rumors, sightings, and speculations that some sort of crazed being is going around attacking ponies.

The details were limited for lots of reasons, but it isn’t pretty going on in that city, Applejack nodded along with Eclipse, continuing to listen.

“That’s just the smaller problems, what I sense is very similar to… other situations I’ve seen further beyond Equestria’s known reach. If certain situations occur – small killings, riots, outside groups taking advantage of the situation, collapse of entire kingdom – it can lead to something I am deeply familiar with, a chaos that will get worse if not handled from its roots.”

“I have a vague idea on who may be responsible for some of these problems, but… even so… I can feel that won’t even fix the problem forever… which is why rather than trying to fix a problem until everything goes back to normal, instead, improve upon it. Make certain changes and lead certain individuals which will lead to an outcome that will not only improve Equestria, but hopefully begin another era of progress.”

“Equestria has been stuck within a single path… time to open it to others routes, sure things might not go the way I may plan or change might already be happening without my intervention,” said Eclipse, sighing.

Lifting one of his hooves to Applejack’s withers, he pats her there while looking at her. “However, its better to have tried something than nothing… and I am stubborn when it comes to these things.”

Before she could respond, the two are interrupted when four small hoof-steps are heard on the dock behind them. Turning around, they spot Applebloom approaching them, nearing Applejack, stopping right before her sister.

“Applejack, Big Mac sent me to get ya, he needs your help at the barn with lifting one of the hay bales up the ramp to the loft of the barn,” said Applebloom, turning to Eclipse. “What were you two talking about?”

Applejack chuckles, messing up Applebloom mane as she slowly stands up. “Now that’s not for you to know, tell Big Mac I’ll be there in a sec.”

Turning to look at Eclipse with a skeptical look, the filly turns around slowly – Applejack shushes her away seeing her not leave quickly – until running off, back to Sweet Apple Acres. Once she’s gone, Applejack faces Eclipse, her worry while not vanishing has lessened to some degree.

“While I’m not sure about Equestria being stagnated and needing to change… but I can understand what you mean – kinda – that we can’t be dependent on things like the guard, princesses, and somepony else. If I’m worried that the Church or some beasty from the Everfree wanders over to Ponyville, I need to stand on my own four hooves… well… without my friends of course,” said Applejack, smiling.

(Mood Music)

Eclipse gave a thin smile, watching Applejack leave, waving goodbye until she disappeared within the trees across from his place. Now alone, he turns to look at his reflection… but what’s looking back at him isn’t him… looking at him is sickness that has cursed him as long as he could remember.

The ‘reflection’ smiles with a crazed grin, sharpened teeth and black ichor oozing from that thing’s mouth, eyes, nose, and ears. Eclipse gaze turns cold as if he’s staring the ‘reflection’ with abhorrent hate, hate so deep, any given the gaze would wish death upon themselves.

“I haven’t lied to her if that’s what you think, I do plan to bring change… but I’m not going to need any necessary sacrifices for what I wish to occur.”

The ‘reflection’ grin changes to a scowl, it begins mouthing something, no words are heard as the gentle breeze and swishing of the lake are the only noises heard. The ‘reflection’ give a cocky yet curious look, as if trying to decipher a code from simply staring at Eclipse’s face.

“Change is necessary for this world, if it were any other situation, if it were… a world untouched by the Void, I would of left with enough power to move on and find another world to recuperate… This world is flowing with the Void… so much of it that, my plans have… evolved.”

The ‘reflection’ gaze morphs to confusion to realization to fascination and then, psychotic glee. A silent laughter came from the ‘reflection’, if the sound that occurred could be heard, it would be as if death itself played an orchestra toward the lives of an entire galaxy.

Eclipse’s gaze moved toward the sky, it was past noon, close to being two in the afternoon; thoughts raged within his psyche, of a plan that was slowly being unraveled – the Church, Equestria, this realm, the abundance of Void energy, the Element Orbs, the mysterious incidents in Manehattan, the Elements of Harmony – it was all coming together, he could see how it may end… but… that was simply the beginning.

If his plan was truly going to work he needed to do three things, in a specific order, at a specific time, and… he would need to make certain it all occurs before he can return to his full might.

The Church is planning something that’s for certain… but from the information I’ve managed to gather, it appears somebody else or another group is behind the Church’s movements. I’d need to uncover this group, then, like a candle’s flame, end both them and the Church… but, the final thing that I need to do…

Is make certain that I’m not found before I am at my full strength… while I can handle whatever may come, there are many unknowns within this world… Let’s hope that no sudden twists occur in the next two years.

Eclipse looks down at the lake, his reflection is back to normal, with that done, he stands up and heads back inside to continue his work.

Elsewhere – Canterlot, Noble District; 9:30pm

Pristine spent most of her time after returning from her trip to be in Ponyville, she needed some time to relax and rather than spend in at home in Canterlot, she thought it be nice to get to know a bit more about the place Eclipse lives.

Sure it was somewhat surprising to get a party from the bouncy mare called Pinkie Pie and luckily there was a few familiar faces like, Fang, Twilight Sparkle, Heart Beat, and Clear Sight there. The party was also made to celebrate the three guards promotions – Pristine wasn’t certain what new ranks they made – and after spending the past fifteen days in that somewhat odd town, she came back home late in the evening.

Opening the door of her family mansion, she came inside to find the foyer pitch black with little candle light within the nearby halls. She wasn’t expecting anypony awake and didn’t wish to ring the bell to call the family butler, she wanted Tidy to be undisturbed at this hour – he spends his time reading in the library, when nopony else is awake.

Sighing to herself, Pristine took several steps forward, stretching her tired muscles from having to nap in the train seat’s. “Just going to bring this artifact to father and take a nice bubble bath… maybe check if there’s any ice tea in the fridge,” said Pristine.

Heading to her father’s study, Pristine knocks on the doors, but before she could she sees they are ajar; looking inside, she finds the room empty, not even the fireplace was on. Huh, he must be asleep, I’ll just leave the artifact on his desk.

Entering inside, the door suddenly slams shut and before she could react to the door slamming, from the shadows, a claw with a piece of cloth wraps around her muzzle, covering her snout and mouth. Pristine struggles, managing to slam a forehoof into her assailant, but they continue to hold her, even after an audible grunt from them.

Her struggling slowly changes to rough and ecstatic, to slow and weak, then with her final breath, Pristine falls unconscious as the claw holding the cloth from her muzzle, slowly lifts off. A claw checks her pulse, until a silent affirmative is heard from her assailant.

Two other shadowy figures approach their comrade who held Pristine, tying some ropes and putting a bag on her head. “Good, prep for her extract, we’re heading back to the rendezvous point. Send a message back, she will want to know that we got the target.”

One of the figures nods back, prepping a scroll, the figure that spoke looks down at Pristine’s face with an unknown expression, before a bag then covers her entire face.

Succession in Failure

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Twenty-Five Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 9:00am

Almost a month has gone by, during that time, after a new mobile home-carriage was made for Trixie, she continued her traveling magician act across Equestria again, she of course promised to come back to Ponyville in the future when given the chance. With her farewell from the girls, Spike, and Eclipse, things stayed calm since her departure; Eclipse was continuing to be recognized by both the scientific and magical communities across Equestria.

During this moment of peace, Eclipse took the time to continue his experiments on his next set of Element Orbs – Earth, Wood, Water, Steel, and Darkness Orbs. Unlike his tests with the Thunder Orb, he did not test these orbs alone, hearing the news of his rising fame, Twilight volunteered to help alongside Eclipse on his experiments for these orbs.

They so far gone through half of the orbs, the first of said orbs being the Earth Orb; the main properties of this orb is its abilities to enhance one’s physical durability or an object’s durability. So far for practical use it would sell well, especially when embedded onto a wagon, doubling that wagon’s durability, but the main buyers would be used for militaristic uses for weapons and armor.

The next orb after that is the Wood Orb; this orb would be especially helpful for farmers as when placed near a garden, the nearby plants will give a better yield, the orb goes as far as a ten meter radius. The orb also give the bonus ability to give healing properties, but it depends on the user’s stamina for its effectiveness on themselves or others, so while healing a tiny scratch or bruise won’t cause much strain, healing a gash or deep cut would require tremendous stamina and endurance from the user.

The last orb to be tested is the Water Orb; Eclipse plans to place a serious permit behind this orb, just like the Thunder Orb. Each orb has three main uses – elemental use, trait use, and environmental use – while the Water Orb can produce water for elemental and change the moisture levels around the orb for environmental, the trait use is the main reason why this orb would need careful ownership when being sold. This orb is capable of turning their user to near invisible levels, they do this by surrounding them in a thin reflective surface similar to looking at a mirror reflection or still water surface. The only times a user can be seen is up close with a careful eye or through movement which will leave a slight shimmering effect; the effect can also work in an area at least five meter radius, but will drain the orb’s energy faster when doing so.

Currently, both Eclipse and Twilight were moving on to testing the Steel Orb, also known as the ‘Boost Orb’. The orb’s natural ability is manipulating metal like clay and magnetism, it can also be used a metal detector for environmental use; the orb’s trait ability is it’s use to boost a user’s abilities for a certain duration, doubling them. When combined with either of the other orbs, will enhance that orbs abilities too, if two Steel Orbs are used with their user can boost the user quadruple, but drain twice faster, same can be said when using with another orb from a different element.

Twilight sighs and swipes the sweat from her brow after trying to use three Steel Orbs to boost her abilities, but tired out almost after three minutes, as using the orbs is based off one’s stamina. Eclipse approaches the exhausted Twilight, reaching out a hoof towards her.

“How about we take a break,” said Eclipse.

Agreeing with his suggestion, Twilight gets back up shakily with Eclipse’s help, stumbling for awhile until they settle down under the shade of some trees. For this past month, Twilight has asked Spike to watch the library while she works with Eclipse, as closing down the library for almost an entire month would had been overkill.

While Twilight is laying on a picnic blanket Eclipse placed earlier in the day, he heads to his home to get the two some refreshing drinks. As Twilight lays down, her limbs splayed on all directions, she stares at the tree’s leaves, as small rays of sunlight slip through the tree’s branches.

For that single moment, Twilight thinks back to that surprise visit she received from Princess Luna when Eclipse was away during that trip through the San Palomino Desert. The only time she was this doubtful of Eclipse was that one time she, Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy – though Fluttershy was there make certain we wouldn’t do anything too reckless – snooped around Eclipse, following him almost throughout the entire day until they were caught sneaking around his wagon.

Why am I remembering all of this now of all times, Eclipse sure has some suspicious stuff and can be very strange at times, but he hasn’t done anything that would give us reason to be suspicious of him.

Maybe I should tell Eclipse about this, I shouldn’t hide the fact that one of the princesses doesn’t trust him… but, Luna told me to promise to never tell anypony, I haven’t even told my friends, even Spike.

Sighing, she placed a foreleg to cover he eyes, until she felt something nudge her head slightly. Looking who it is, she sees Luella looking down at her, the grumpy bear cub snorting at her, then circling around and plopping down beside her head.

“Oh, hey Luella… say… you wouldn’t know that Luna visited Eclipse’s place while he was away, right?” asked Twilight, giving a sheepish smile.

The cub only gazed at her with its usual bored look, yawning and showing it’s pretty impressive teeth, it blinked owlishly at her. Twilight smile slowly vanished as she gave a weak chuckle, sighing to herself once more.

“Great, now I’m talking to a cub… maybe I should talk to somepony about this… maybe send a letter to Luna.”

“Send who a letter?” Twilight quickly lifted half of her body to see Eclipse was just a meter away with both drinks carried on a tray by his right foreleg. After using her magic to get her drink, she sipped into the blue colored drink, finding it to be Blueberry Flavor Soda, while Eclipse’s was an Apple Flavor Soda.

“Oh no-nothing Eclipse… say, can I ask you something?” asked Twilight.

Eclipse sipped on his drink, placing it back down on the tray and facing Twilight. “What do you want to know?”

“Well… if someone told you to keep a secret, but that secret involves somepony else and you feel guilty that the pony being talked about, deserves to also know… What should you do?”

“...For starters, if whoever told this secret told you, then they must trust you to keep it, but if you feel that whoever is being talked about should know too… Its important to keep a promise, always remember that; however, if you feel unsure about keeping this secret, talk to the one who told you. If you feel too unsure about keeping this secret, you should tell the person who told you so they know that you’re at least honest with them and yourself if you can’t keep that secret – its better to prepare to mend the outcome than resolve the situation.”

Twilight thought about this for awhile and found it acceptable. Alright then, I’ll go speak to Luna when I get the chance, I’ll ask her why does she have such high suspicions of Eclipse and not ask him about her feelings towards him… Wait, that doesn’t sound right- Oh, you know what you mean Sparkle.

“Thanks Eclipse, so, what’s the next orb we’re going to work on?” asked Twilight.

“The next will be the final one – the Darkness Orb aka, Magic Orb,” said Eclipse, explaining about the orb.

The orb was used when I was traversing through the Everfree Forest to get my supplies when I first came to Ponyville, it works similar like the Water Orb when it comes to stealth, but mostly effective under dark areas. The main use of the Darkness Orb is that it can enhance magical abilities whether they be through natural means or items enchanted with magic.

“The main reason I accepted your volunteering was so that you can help test the prototype for the Darkness Orb, we can wait a little bit until you’ve got some of her stamina back.”

Twilight thinks about this next orb and it requiring her magic, seeing as this will mostly focus on her strongest point – magic – Twilight didn’t see any problems with this experiment. “I’m fine Eclipse, let’s get this test ready,” said Twilight.

Eclipse looked at Twilight, then went to prepare the experiment; as Eclipse stands by to report any details within the experiment, lingering thoughts about Luna’s suspicions and Twilight’s own doubts about Eclipse resurface. Distracted by her lingering thoughts, as Twilight begins to levitate the orb, she starts letting magical energy seep into the orb.

At first nothing much happens, but suddenly an eeriedark purple glow slowly happens and without warning, it burst forth; the glow began to enshrouded Twilight and the surrounding area. Eclipse noticed what was happening, quickly he tried reaching Twilight until he too was engulfed by the wave of darkness. Twilight’s conscious slowly began to ebb away, her vision becoming a murky mess as various shadowy figures swayed like reflections on the surface of water, the last thing she heard was a melody that both haunted and entranced her.

Location: Unknown; Time: Unknown

(Mood Music)

Cold… Everything… is so cold…

Wearily, Twilight opened her eyes but her vision was just peer darkness, her senses were dull, she could barely feel anything. It was hard to tell if she was standing, laying, or floating in the air, what was most terrifying is the silence; nothing, no wind, no echoes, nothing, it was as if sound was absent and never existed at all.

The complete silence and utter darkness was beginning to unsettle her, she was about to speak but… nothing, she tried again and again and nothing. She was certain her voice was working, she can feel her throat move and she was certain her hearing wasn’t terrible, as there were no clear signs about her hearing having problems.

Things got worse as it wasn’t just her sight too, her sense of smell too, while ponies sense of smell wasn’t as great than a dragon’s or diamond dog, they were pretty decent. There was always a particular scent whenever you enter a place, room, or even a different environment outdoors… here in this pitch black wasteland, nothing, it was like being in a vacuum of space, she could breath but she didn’t smell any oxygen.

Then her vision returned, but she was still in the pitch black wasteland, but now there were three doors in front of her. Each door was made of a different wooden material and had a symbol etched on them; the left door was a dark blue oak, it looked older than the other two doors, the symbol etched was of a sword, but the sword was familiar. Without warning the memory of where she seen this sword came to her like lightning striking, it was the exact or similar to Eclipse’s sword, the one with the mysterious cross-guard symbol.

The middle door was radically different than the left or right doors, as this door was covered in chains and locks that were covered in rust, grime, and various signs of aging; the door was made of a blackish-red color, etched with varying symbols. The door screamed a terrible power toward Twilight, it made her stomach curl and the tips on her fur on edge, every part of her being was screaming for her to be away from that door no matter what.

The right door was newer and cleaner than the other two doors, made of a grayish birch-like material, the symbol was that of the infinity symbol. A white glowing light was visibly slipping from the edges of the door, whenever the light would touch her, it brought this sense of serenity… of calm… but compared to the doors covered in chains and symbols, the light seemed to bring this sense of sadness within her… like if she were to go closer to that light, she would have to give something up in return.

Where am I, I… I remember helping Eclipse with his experiments and then… the orb it… exploded? No, not exploded… like some sort of burst of darkness came forth.

Having no idea where she should go, she thought of using her own magic, but then nothing happened, she tried again and nothing again. Without a mirror or any form of reflection, she couldn’t tell what was wrong with her horn or rather her magic. She couldn’t feel any physical or magical problems, but she knew now she couldn’t use her regular means of escape… which left only two other options.

She could tell that while the chains covering the middle door may look weak, they were sturdier than they look. This left Twilight with the door with the sword symbol and the door with the infinity symbol; Twilight went to the door on the left first as she was familiar with the sword symbol being Eclipse’s sword, as it was the only familiar thing she could recognize.

Approaching the door, she placed her hoof on the door knob, opening the door wide open when a blue light engulfed her fully.

Location: Door of the Original; Time: The Age of Redacted

A sudden burst of sensation came upon Twilight, all of her senses were back to normal, she could see, hear, smell, feel, and taste; she was standing a small hill surrounded by lush grassy plains, that stretched as far as she could see. The hill she was standing on had a tree which she was under, the breed of the tree she was unfamiliar with and while her knowledge of plants was pretty limited, she knew enough from reading.

The tree itself was taller than any common trees in Equestria, it stood tall and strong, the roots kept it in place like an immovable boulder and from just looking at the bark was unbreakable, similar to some ironwood trees. Her gaze traveled to the skies, as various clouds and the bright blue sky seem to shimmer like snow, there stood a town some distance from the hill; the quaint town had buildings with tile roofs, some having a mix of stone or wooden walls, glass windows, and wooden doors.

She could barely see bipedal silhouettes moving within the town, minding their own business, the silhouettes were various sizes and heights, she could guess a few were children from their activities alone.

Everything about this view was the definition of peaceful, it brought a smile to Twilight seeing a place similar like her home. She would enjoyed to keep watching, when suddenly, things changed, it started when an unholy scream or howl echoed across the landscape. The sound made Twilight wince as she shut her eyes and tried to block the sound from her sensitive ears, once the howl died down, she looked around her and it changed instantly.

(Mood Music)

The once lush grassy plains turned into a crisp field of ash and hardened dirt, the tree she stood under was now lifeless, nothing more than a lifeless husk as if something drained all the energy out of it. The town… oh the town was ablaze, buildings were being crushed by unholy abominations, taking the form of different shapes and sizes, strange tendrils sprouted all over from the ground, curling around anything they could grasp.

The skies were blotted out by eyes that roamed and gazed down below as if hunting, searching; the sky began to roar as if became alive within moments, a deep, putrid gash ripped open wide as monstrous figures could be seen within the tear in the sky. Gazing upward, she witnessed the symbol of beating, bleeding heart wrapped in chains and spikes, stitches and branded with a metal-X. Two purplish clawed hands with eyes within their palms grasped the heart, as demonic laughter echoed forth.

Out of everything she began to witness, there was one thing that caught her attention above everything else, and that was the horrendous scream that came after. The sound was unlike anything she had heard before, it couldn’t had come from any sentient or sapient living thing; searching for the sound, she saw standing atop the shadowed forms of slaughtered monsters, piled atop each other like messed up menagerie of corpses, was one of the bipedal silhouettes she saw before.

She couldn’t differentiate how old this one was compared to the others, but it held two objects within its appendages. In one hand it held a sword, it was hard to tell what the sword was, but it was similar in shape like Eclipse’s; the second object in the other hand he held a bloodied pendant, the picture was distorted from the blood that pooled from the figure’s fingers and the flames from the inferno, slowly consuming the town.

Like somebody sped up time, several images flashed by for mere moments, but it left an imprint on her that Twilight could easily recall; she witnessed the same biped standing over a field of graves, shovel in hand. Next she witnessed it hunt these monstrosities, now wielding various weapons, but using two swords as that was it’s signature look, cutting them down with rage within it’s heart. The image to come next was the figure now forced to either stop or fight in a war between two nations, a war it never wanted a part in.

Next she saw the aftermath of this war, the result of him being responsible for the near extinction of an entire race, while the other nation was assimilated into an ancient power; the final image she saw was this figure’s final moments, as he slowly died within ebony flames… and was reborn into something else.

At first she thought it was all over, but there was one more image, which Twilight believed to be the final one.

Location: Door of the Original; Time: The Age of Void

Rather than the sudden flashes or quick images to move within her peripheral view, this time it was like when she stood upon that hill and watched time flow by. The only exception to that time and now, was that she could move now; Twilight taking advantage of this new discovery, moved her body and all her senses came back, but she couldn’t speak still, as it came out as this strange static noise or garbled sound.

Deciding to examine her surroundings, she was standing in the middle of a devastated city, at first she thought it was a city due to how many buildings there were, but then she noticed the primitive state many if not all the buildings were in, concluding it was a very large village. The homes themselves were a mix of various styles from zebrican huts, buffalo tikis, some pre-Equestrian pony houses, and others.

There were rarely any stone buildings within the area, mostly made of mud, clay, straw, and so on. Twilight wandered the street or muddied path she was at, heading down the direction she was originally facing; while the buildings were partially destroyed, it was hard for her to tell if this village was attacked or it was already in this state of ruin.

(Mood Music)

Just as she was advancing forward, she felt a wet sensation around her hoof, at first she thought it was more mud or a puddle, but looking down to see what she stepped on, she was met with a horrifying sight. Stretching further down the wide path was a sea of blood, bodies draped on the walls and roofs of buildings, some leaning or laying on the ground, every single one held the same horrified look in their eyes.

Unlike the bipedal silhouettes she saw in her previous visions, these ones had more detail on them, some held animal-like parts on them – furry ears, tails, hooves, claws – while at the same time some of the bipedal descriptions like hands and feet. They were all either a mix of both or neither, but they shared the same wounds, mangled corpses, ripped out throats, guts spilling out, and it wasn’t just one particular age, she could see children and elderly, families, friends, all weren’t spared by this slaughter.

Twilight wanted to gag, but some of her bodily functions still wouldn’t allow her puke her recent meal out, the stench was still present, but she would have to endure it all. She continued to move through the muck of blood and viscera, minding to step over or around any bodies in her path.

The further she continued, the more bloody and grotesque the path became as bodies became less and less recognizable, making the nearby walls and the path stained with blood, leaving only a scarlet sea of blood, guts, body parts, and other extremities.

It was then she heard weeping, knowing there to be a survivor, Twilight tried her best to half trot and swim through the carnage. She came upon what appeared to be the remnants of a town square and the half-destroyed fountain in the center. Searching for where the crying was coming from, she saw the small bipedal, a child and from her guesses they were between five or six years old.

Careful to not frighten them, Twilight slowly neared them from the side so not to sneak up behind them; seeing what they were doing, she saw the child crying over two adult bipedal figures, it was at that moment she put together what she recently saw and now, that these bodies were most likely the child’s now deceased parents.

Saddened with this realization, Twilight’s now sorrowful mood was interrupted when a new sound came to her, quickly turning to see who else was approaching… she came upon sight that turned her blood into ice.

This biped was unlike any of the bodies she saw, this one was shrouded in utter darkness, two glowing white orbs made up some resemblance of eyes, the darkness swirled and swayed like black flames, but the single most notable detail that caught Twilight off-guard was the sheer empty coldness she saw within those eyes. Even though they weren’t directly looking at her, she could feel the absolute frigid emptiness within them, as if the abyss was made manifest right before her.

The figure slowly approached the child, unaffected by the gore, Twilight wasn’t certain who or what this was, but if they were responsible for this tragedy. Her suspicions were answered however to be wrong, as the entity knelt down before the child, as the child gazed up at the entity, a tear-filled look in their eyes.

The entity seem to contemplate, when they spoke which shocked Twilight as she could now hear and understand somebody for once.

“Little one… what has become of those who dwell here?”

The child did not speak, it was hard to tell if she could or not, but when she did she spoke a language that Twilight couldn’t comprehend, it sounded like complete gibberish. The entity seemed to perfectly understand and after gazing around sadly, sighed and stood back up once more.

“It appears another fool attempted to force their will upon the Void… and only earned it’s ire instead… My name isn’t important as that name is merely a word to me… but for you, I would like to know yours. What is your name little one?”

Reaching down a hand to the child, Twilight heard them say something but again it was indecipherable again, she could only tell that it involved three to four syllables, though she could be wrong. Soon both the child and the entity walked away from the blood-drenched village, hand in hand; the child seemed to speak again, the entity looked down with a thoughtful gaze before speaking again.

“It is hard to translate my title to those that speak your dialect as it has been eons since I heard another speak the language of the Infinite… but, you may call me, Mokai’Din.”

Twilight watched both the entity and child walk away from the carnage, both slowly vanishing as the surrounding area dims away. Her vision suddenly becomes blurry, trying to wipe her eyes, distant sounds and voices could be heard around her.

(Mood Music)

Blinking away the sudden blurriness she’s witness to seeing the shadowed silhouettes of several figures, as a bright light was behind them. Twilight could only see their shapes, but couldn’t see any defining features or their faces; she recognized the entity from before standing in the middle, with several other figures standing to his sides.

Standing to the entity’s left were three figures, the first one looked similar to the entity but wore trench-coat and scarf, the second one appeared to have a mustache and appeared to be the oldest present, the third and final individual wore a cloak and wielded a scythe.

There were four standing to the entity’s right, the first figure resembled that of a young girl, the silhouettes of her clothes appeared to be a shredded shirt that showed her waist, with a symbol of a bear’s paw on her right shoulder, she also wore torn jean shorts and a pair of black shoes. The three other figures that stood beside the girl each wore interesting and unique clothing.

One wore armor that resembled that of a knight’s, but had a luxurious cape with intricate designs on his armor; the second took the shape of a slender woman, she wore clothing and armor similar to the style of those from Neighpon, she also had a crimson blindfold on; the third and final figure wore clothing that resembled ponies from Manehattan’s earlier days when the city was overrun by crime and the various mobster families that were common in those days.

All seven of these figures stood beside the entity, each resembling some sort of symbol that floated above each of them, some Twilight could guess and others she couldn’t, but she didn’t recognize any of them or what they could mean. Sensing another sensation, Twilight looked behind her, when she was once more standing before the three doors again.

Confused now, she looked back to where she saw the entity and the several figures, but they were gone now, where they were was now a far-reaching darkness. Now back before the three doors, Twilight knew what was behind the left door, next was the right door, the one with the infinity symbol.

(Mood Music)

Stepping toward that door, she opened it and entered inside, blinded by a white light, her eyes readjusted to her new surroundings. Twilight found herself now standing in a space completely opposite to that of the complete darkness; she stood within a space of utter white, the sky was white, the ground was white, the far horizon was white. She turned to find the door, but that too was now gone, now alone in utter blank white.

Worried she may have chosen the wrong door, Twilight noticed something approaching in the distance, at first she thought it was just her imagination, but standing just a few meters away was a figure similar to the entity made of black flames. Unlike that entity, this one was pure white, their eyes were a slight light gray so she could tell between their body and eyes; this entity’s body was more solid, but appeared to have an almost hazy look to them, like looking through a dense fog.

This entity examined Twilight then they bowed and spoke. “Hello there, my name is the Guide, it is a surprise to see you here Twilight Sparkle as I don’t see many others in this realm. What brings you here?”

Twilight was surprised this entity – who calls itself, the Guide – knows her name, deciding to ask the most important questions, she calms down from her shock. “How do you know my name? Also, where and what is this place exactly?” asked Twilight.

The Guide chuckles, then sits down on a pure-white chair that suddenly appeared for them. “I know many things, if I didn’t know, I’d be a terrible guide, wouldn’t I,” said the Guide. “As to here… this is my home, Origins, but before I can answer more of your questions, how did you get here?”

Twilight thinks about this and explains her recent experiences to how she got to this place, the Guide listens to her explanation and once she gets to her meeting him, he senses that she may awaken soon. “It appears you’ll awaken from your slumber soon.”

“You mean I’ve been asleep?”

“In a way, but also not quite, before you go, you must understand that what you learned here will change your view of your world… and ‘him’,” said the Guide, standing up from his chair.

Him, who does he mean by him?

Before Twilight can ask one more question, the infinite white space begins to crumble around him, the last thing she sees and hear is the Guide waving toward her. “Another thing, tell your friend Fluttershy, that I’m sorry about the voices in her head.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 6:30pm

With a gasp, Twilight wakes up, her eyes opening suddenly and the first thing she sees is the ceiling of Eclipse’s home. Looking out at the nearest window, she sees it’s almost dark now and at the edge of her vision, she sees Eclipse sitting at his desk, looking through some papers and the Darkness Orb itself.

Eclipse notices she’s awake, getting off his seat and approaching her, checking to see if she’s alright. “You’re awake, I was planning to call the hospital if you didn’t wake up soon,” said Eclipse.

“Yeah, just got a headache is all… say, what happened during the experiment, after I went unconscious?” asked Twilight.

“Well, the orb backfired when it interacted with your magic, apparently it fed off so much of your magic that it unleashed so much energy and put you to sleep. I was safe with only slight drowsiness effecting me, luckily I knew of what sort of after-effects the orb had, so I had you stay here until I was certain that the orb didn’t have any other unknown reactions.”

Twilight hummed after hearing this, it was then she remembered the weird dream she had and retold it to Eclipse. “Well, glad nothing bad happened… I also had this, strange dream…”

As Twilight retold the details of her dream, Eclipse began to listen, but as she continued reaching the parts like the doors, the strange visions, the Guide, unknown to her, Eclipse’s eyes began to glow – the same glow from the entity calling itself, Mokai’Din. Getting to the end of her explanation, she felt a hoof on her forehead.

“Eclipse what are yo-”

In an instant, Twilight was consumed by an intense drowsiness, falling asleep once more; certain she wouldn’t wake up again, Eclipse placed his hoof on her head and slowly a glow formed down the length of the leg that was placed on Twilight’s head. Like film reel, Eclipse witnessed all of Twilight’s memories and with a flick of his eye, those memories vanished, leaving an empty gap within.

Frowning that Twilight so called dream, was her some how roaming the Void itself, now learning of this newest development, Eclipse glances at the Darkness Orb and how it now somehow allows anyone to astral project somebody’s consciousness into the Void, without dealing with the deadly effects when within it.

Does this have to do with Twilight being an Element of Harmony… or something else… It appears this world continues to surprise – for better or worse.

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:00pm

Twilight reawakens, finding herself laying on her bed in her home, blinking away the sleep, Twilight tries to backtrack to what she was doing before. Her earlier memories are a foggy mess, as she remembers assisting Eclipse with his experiments on the Element Orbs, her growing doubts about Eclipse, the orb unleashing a wave of darkness, her waking up in Eclipse’s home and then… nothing.

Looking over the edge of her bed, she saw Spike sleeping in his basket from the dim light of the moon, watching her snore and wriggle every once in awhile; searching through the dark room, she noticed a note by the windowsill near her bed. Levitating the note to her, she sees it’s from Spike and that it explains that Eclipse carried her back home after she fell asleep – again – on his bed.

Dear Twilight,

Hey Twilight, so Eclipse came over carrying you from his place, he told me what happened – so you fell asleep in his place again after exhausting most of your magic in one of the experiments involving those Element Orbs.

He also mentioned that he needs to do a few more checks and decisions about selling the Darkness Orb, so he’s planning to delay that product until he finds out what went wrong. He said you should be alright, but if you get any headaches or other notable effects, he told me to tell you to tell him about it.

From, Spike

P.S. Eclipse said he won’t be needing any future help on his experiments or any other projects for now, so he said for you to relax for a bit.

Happy that Spike, listened to her lessons when writing a message to somepony – albeit this one only needing to be a simple and short notice – Twilight wasn’t tired having been asleep twice. Deciding to stay awake instead going back to sleep, Twilight got off her bed and went to her desk, lighting a candle, she levitated over some parchment, ink, and a feather.

Twilight wrote down notes about her own view and experience about the recent experiments she done with Eclipse and her own theories about how they could be used other than the ones the two thought up together.

As she wrote down, the small light from the flickering candle, stretched out her shadow, splaying it back against the walls of the room. Unseen and unknown to her, as Twilight focuses her writing and thoughts, her shadow took form from an equine shape, to a strange and eldritch design; her shadow resembled that of a creature with smooth and bald head, spines that curled down along it’s back, three-pronged claws that could wrap around a fully grown stallion and it’s two pair of oval-shape eyes.

This shadowy creature leaned over Twilight’s seat, hanging above her and looking down at her and her the written words on her parchment. The creature spied on her, as Twilight and the creature were the only two individuals awake in that room; the creature watched, its sight never leaving her for a moment’s notice.

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Ten Days Later – Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner; 12:00pm

After the experiment that Twilight and Eclipse worked on, things have been slow in Ponyville with the only notable event occurring was the Running of the Leaves. The only ones among the friends to join the race was Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack as everyone else either spectated or was busy with something else.

As the girls were busy doing their own things, they were suddenly invited by Pinkie to come to Sugarcube Corner at noon; the only one who wasn’t invited was Eclipse, luckily he was in the middle of something as his place, so it was only the girls who went to see Pinkie.

All of them sat around the round-table near the windows looking outside at the plaza, seeing various townsfolk trot around. Pinkie soon approached with various refreshments and bake goods for her friends to eat.

“Thanks for all of you coming over, there’s some super-duper big news I gotta tell ya!”

Rainbow sipped from her milkshake, until she spoke while everypony else listened in. “What’s so important that you gotta tell us like this? Found some awesome new recipe you want us to try or something?”

“BETTER!” shouted Pinkie. “A while back, Ipsy never told me when his birthday is or how old he really is, but he would tell unless I got both his and Mayor Mare’s permissions.”

This quickly got everypony’s attention, while Rarity was intrigued due to the gossip, Applejack and Fluttershy did seem that particularly interested, Twilight and Rainbow however just like Pinkie found these news shocking as they been trying to find out any little bit of information about Eclipse for themselves.

“He told you! WHEN?!” asked Twilight, putting down the muffin she was about to eat.

“About a week ago, he gave his permission for the go ahead and I just recently got Mayor Mare’s permission too! She gave me a copy of his citizen certificate, the certificate only has name, birth date, age, and the earliest photo of him arriving in town, so nothing too personal or stuff! I wanted to look myself, but I was worried you all be upset I didn’t show you so I planned to bring you all here but I was worried Eclipse would figure out so I had to secretly call you here without alerting him but theeen-”

“Pinkie dear, I think we got the picture,” said Rarity, levitating a cupcake into her bouncy friend’s mouth.

As Pinkie chewed on the cupcake wholly, she absently showed the unopened envelope with the certificate inside. Twilight levitated the certificate and opened it carefully, to reveal the contents inside; none of the girls know much about Eclipse with the only information they know is based off what they seen from him, told by him, or knew from each other’s experiences.

After opening the envelope, she levitated out some papers and small hoof-sized photo of Eclipse – a week after he arrived in Ponyville – looking through the certificate, the shocking news that came to the girls was his actual age and birth date.

“He’s sixteen! This has to be fake, no way he can be that old, he looks way older than that,” said Rainbow.

“Well he does look younger when we first met him, the only reason we never thought he was this age, would have to do with how he normally acts and talks around us… Though to be honest, I always had an inkling he was younger than any of us,” said Rarity.

“He’s three years… younger than me… and he’s studying advanced alchemy…” said Twilight, muttering to herself.

“I think we broke Twi girls,” said Applejack, looking through the certificate again. “Hey look, it says here his birthday is on November 18.”

“Isn’t that… tomorrow?”

Soon the realization to this came to them all, all the girls look to Pinkie who was now smiling brightly, until she slowly pulled out a tiny party cannon the length of her foreleg. Pulling the rope, she fried a tiny spread of confetti that covered all her friends.


The gaping mouths of the girls was left unnoticed by Pinkie, as she hopped around, yammering on about different party ideas for Eclipse and the flavor of cake she should make for him. While this happened, Twilight thought about this party and Eclipse carefully until a thought came to her.

“Hold on Pinkie, if Eclipse gave you permission to see his certificate to show his age and birth… wouldn’t that mean he expects you to prep a surprise party. How exactly are we going set up a surprise party with him catching wind of it immediately, we would need somepony to keep him occupied?”

At that moment, the girls slowly turned to their shy friend, Fluttershy who was busy picking bits of confetti out of her mane. Noticing the sudden attention, she blushed and prodded her front hooves together. “I could distract him, I’m not that great at prepping a party so I could do this tomorrow.”

“Well that settles that, while Fluttershy distracts Eclipse, we’ll prep the party here in Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, we’ll need to do it sometime around nine to ten in the morning as Eclipse up earlier and comes here at that time. Rarity and I can handle decorations, Applejack and Rainbow will set up the banner, tables, and chairs, while Pinkie will handle all the food, drinks, and the cake. Is everypony alright with this?”

At the nod and agreement of everypony, the girls headed out to get the supplies they need for tomorrow. Fluttershy went back to her cottage, stopping in the middle of the road at the realization that she would need an excuse to distract Eclipse with. “Oh no.”

The Next Day – Ponyville, Eclipse Light’s Property; 8:30am

After waking up early as usual, Eclipse went through his routine until returning home from getting breakfast at Sugarcube Corner. Arriving at the bakery… was odd to put it simply, Pinkie was her usual self, though things felt different, Eclipse however was preoccupied with other things so he didn’t paid much attention when he was there.

Looking through his notes from the different experiments he worked on the past few months, he was currently looking at his notes on the Darkness Orb that he experimented on with Twilight. After some further thought on the results of that experiment, he decided to postpone its production for now until he could find the real reason to why it reacted with Twilight – if it resulted to her unicorn physiology and her magic, or if it had to do with her being an Element of Harmony.

Looking through his work some more, a knock interrupted his reading, putting away his things, he approached the door, peeking out until fully opening it to find Fluttershy standing on the other side. The shy pegasus had become a close… friend for Eclipse, though there are still thoughts about what her real position she has within his varying connections with those he knows.

“Hello Fluttershy, what brings you here today?” asked Eclipse.

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy smiled back at Eclipse. “Hi Eclipse, I thought I could visit you and see how you were doing… Is it alright I come in.”

Taking in Fluttershy sudden visit, Eclipse didn’t mind her coming as he stepped aside to let her in. Entering his home, Fluttershy took a look inside, even though having been here dozens of times before, not much has changed either visually or physically since her previous visits.

Deciding to take her mind off her doubts and fears about her plan to keep Eclipse occupied from coming to town for the rest of the day, Fluttershy explored his collection of books, searching through the various titles – both in Equestrian and in foreign languages. Opening one random book, she finds it holds a collection of different drawings, most likely made by Eclipse himself in the past.

The drawings are mostly landscapes drawings of various locations, many ones Fluttershy doesn’t know of or could imagine herself. There are even drawings of creatures and items of interest, but out of this vast collection… there one drawing that caught her interest; held within a leather-bound book much older than any of the others, was a drawing the caught her eye.

Slipping the drawing from a protective covering within the book, she got a better view of it under the shaded light from the windows inside Eclipse’s home. “Eclipse, what’s this drawing about?” asked Fluttershy.

Looking over her withers, Eclipse could see what drawing Fluttershy was examining; the drawing she was looking at showed a field of weapons, various sizes, shapes, each one fitting for their wielder’s personality and style. All the weapons had flowers overgrown and burying said weapons under roots, dirt, and petals, but one weapon in particular that was drawn atop a small hill with the light of the sun on top it, was a sword very similar to Eclipse’s sword.

“This drawing, it was drawn during the aftermath of a war called, ‘The War of Bai’Gaduon’, and the drawing’s name is ‘Requiem’, depicting the location and theme based off the name, perfectly,” said Eclipse.

“Then… are all these drawings based off real events?”

Eclipse pauses after her question, a small moment of silence descending on the two until he finally answers. “No… not all of them are based off anything real...”

His art of places forgotten, people met, and items discovered, represent the tormented history of himself. Lies he speaks and lies are both his weapon, his shield, and his curse.

Hearing the voice once more, before Fluttershy could respond back to Eclipse or question the voice in her head, she’s interrupted by Eclipse speaking again. “Fluttershy… Why are you really here?”

Swallowing down her anxiety, Fluttershy tries to come up with a response, muttering a little until Eclipse lifts hoof for her silence, proceeding to continue speaking.

“You don’t need to answer, its a rhetorical question, it is somewhat fortuitous for your arrival actually… I need some help with something that was planning to do today,” said Eclipse.

Completely forgetting about her earlier question, she asks what she needs to help Eclipse with. “Wha-What do you need help with Eclipse?”

“Well, I’m planning of traveling to the Everfree Forest to get some particular items at the abandoned castle within the forest. I’ll be there for most of the day, up to noon maybe, longer if I was doing by myself, but with you we should be done before sundown.”

Now realizing that Eclipse needs her help to go to the Everfree, Fluttershy’s thoughts became a jumble of fear, worry, and indecisiveness about whether she should go or not, but with no other ideas to occupy or distract Eclipse from going to Ponyville, Fluttershy sighed internally to herself.

“I’ll be happy to come Eclipse… what do we need to get there?” asked Fluttershy.

“Some specific books, I’ll give you a list once we get there, but let’s get some supplies as we’ll be there for awhile,” said Eclipse, gathering his things. “We’ll meet by your cottage as it’s the safest and closest place to enter the Everfree from.”

Nodding in agreement, Fluttershy got ready to head to the Everfree, heading back home to get some things ready for her trip.

Elsewhere – Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner; 9:15am

After Eclipse got his morning meal from Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie quickly got the girls to come over to prep for his surprise birthday party. Some time later, some of the townsfolk came to help prep too, this included Bon Bon, Lyra, the Cakes, Big Mac, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and others.

During the preparation, Twilight became curious since Pinkie told her and the others about Eclipse’s birthday, since last night, till now about why did he want his birthday to be kept a secret. “Pinkie, how come Eclipse wanted his birthday kept secret this badly… I mean sure there’s a lot he won’t tell us – like all the stuff he has, the places he saw he’s been that not even I heard of before, or about himself too – it’s just… by now… he would at least mention his birthday or something?”

Pinkie gives thoughtful look and places her chin on her hoof, looking at Twilight after thinking. “I had the same thought, why didn’t Ipsy tell me when his birthday is, his favorite cake, or a little crumb about his birthday or what kind of birthday song he likes… When I kept asking him about it, he told me that it gave him some bad memories… which I found weird, how can your own birthday bring bad memories, shouldn’t it be the other way around.”

“Really, I wouldn’t be upset about cake and being given gifts once a year, heck I’d love it if I had it every month or so!” said Rainbow, pumping her forehooves up.

“Well… he said something very bad happened… like, if a party was ruined but thousands times worse… or something,” said Pinkie. “He wasn’t very descriptive, which was odd for somepony like Ipsy… but he looked really upset when I tried to ask again… So I promised I would wait until the right time… which was just a few weeks ago!”

After hearing this, all the girls go quiet, until Applejack gets all their attention. “Well, we shouldn’t worry about what reason Eclipse has for not liking his birth-date. If he told Pinkie just weeks before, then he may be okay with us setting up one for him. So let’s make this birthday party the best he’ll have!”

Everyone agreed and continued the preparations, albeit Twilight still had conflicted thoughts about the whole thing, becoming more curious to why he wanted his birthday avoided so badly.

Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters; 12:00pm

Meanwhile with Fluttershy and Eclipse, after gathering their things, it took them roughly two hours to reach the castle, since it would take longer with a larger group, it being the middle of the day, and with Eclipse finding a safer and quicker route to the castle which possible with just the two of them, they arrived at the gates of the castle.

Entering from the main gates of the castle, they came upon six hallways, three from the left and right, standing within what was the main lobby. Ahead of them was what remained of some stairs, moss and mushrooms coating the stone stairs, albeit they were manageable to climb up the fungi coated steps.

The stairs led up to a pair of thrones, each throne representing the duality of the sun and moon, also representing both the alicorn sisters. Having been here before with photographic memory of the castle’s layout from his last – known – visit, the two headed to the abandoned royal library. Full with mildew-rotted shelves, books that were mostly made of dust and rotted pages, the windows that aligned the walls were left somewhat intact with only a thick layer of grime and filth covering the designs on the windows.

Once reaching the center of the library, Eclipse hoofs Fluttershy a list that showed five specific books they would need to search. The list itself was clear on both the books title and description to have better chance of finding them.

“So find these books within the library, I would help you, but there’s something else I need to do here, I’ll be gone for awhile, but hopefully you can handle this alone. I know the castle can be somewhat frightening alone, but don’t worry, there’s some local spiders and critters that live within the castle, I’m sure you can find some guidance here for help,” said Eclipse. At that same time, Fluttershy noticed a small family of mice that skittered near her, squeaking happily at her.

Seeing this, Fluttershy said hello at toward the mice and looked back at Eclipse. “Don’t worry Eclipse, I’ll find these books, you worry about what you need to do.”

Nodding in thanks, Eclipse says to meet him back at the lobby once done and they’ll leave sometime before sunset, arriving back to town near sunset. Heading off, while Fluttershy busied herself with searching for the list of books, Eclipse leaves the castle from a different exit; exploring the outside of the castle, he finds long stairway that leads down along the edge of the ravine that surrounds the castle.

Going deeper down the stairs, Eclipse reaches the bottom, there he finds a cave that’s fifty meters tall, entering inside he finds the object of his search – a crystalline tree.

“Hmmm, hello again, we meet once more,” said Eclipse, muttering.

Approaching the mystical tree, he pulls out two objects from his saddlebags before the tree, the first object is a strange ebony crystal that seemed to glow a black light, giving off an eldritch sensation. The second object was a jagged dagger, the blade was either shattered from constant use or was already designed to look to inflict suffering than to relieve on of their life.

Exploring the expansive cave’s interior, he finds a stick, picking up the stick back to where he place the two objects from before, he begins etching various symbols on the ground.

Meanwhile with Fluttershy, after some time has passed, the sun is reaching the end of the horizon, but was still high up enough that it won’t be nighttime any time soon. So far, her search has ended with her finding four out of five of the books – the books she found so far are, “History of Pre-Equestria”, “Legends, Myths, & Tales”, “Magical Artifacts”, and “Fae & Creatures”.

Still searching for the final book, she befriended the family of mice, a bat, and some spiders, during this time, she has conversed with the critters and about how it was like living in the abandoned castle. During her search, thoughts about the drawing she saw earlier back at Eclipse’s, that compared to all the other drawings she saw Eclipse made and had… that single one has not brought out this much of a lingering feeling for her before.

From just seeing that single drawing she had several feelings overwhelm her from looking at it, out of these feelings, she could best describe only sadness, loneliness, and… pain.

Continuing her search, she soon finds the last book on her list, which looked older than the others, which was located at corner of the library which had a sign on an overhang which had decayed and fallen off, the sign itself unreadable due to the constant unpredictable weather within the Everfree Forest.

The book’s cover was made of leather than the other covers which was made of a pseudo-leather or some other material, the last book’s title is, “Theory on Alternate Universes” which was written by Starswirl the Bearded. For some unknown reason Fluttershy feel like she heard that name before from somepony… unable to remember, she shrugs and puts the book with the rest, soon heading back to the meet up place for Eclipse back in the castle lobby.

Maybe I can explore a little as I wait. Deciding to explore a bit, she chooses a random hallway and heads down that path. Trotting by various abandoned paintings, some destroyed while other partially fine, Fluttershy comes upon a painting of Celestia and Luna of their younger years, both sisters smiling together and close.

During her sight-seeing, something catches the corner of her eye, a shadow or silhouette, curious oddly enough rather than afraid, Fluttershy checks where she saw the shadow further down the hallway.

Back with Eclipse, after done with etching symbols on the ground in front of the crystalline tree, tossing the stick away, he checks the symbols he made into a symbol of what appears to be a ten-pointed star made of two five-pointed stars, one upside down with a different symbol made into each of the star points.

Trotting back to the two items, he picks up the jagged dagger, approaching the crystal tree, he has the point of the dagger touching the tree. After some time, a colorful array of energy slowly seeps out of the tree into the dagger, once done, Eclipse pulls the dagger away and moves back to the etchings where the ebony crystal was placed in the center of the star, surrounded by written symbols of an unknown language.

With the dagger he stabs it into the ground near the ebony crystal, then stepping outside the star, at a safe distance, he begins to sit down in a meditative stance, closing his eyes, he begins to speak a mysterious dialect.

“Drgs gsrh kldvi yvblmw zmlgsvi dliow, xlmevig rg gl gsv hvz lu vnkgrmvhh. Drgs gsrh hsziw lu gsv Elrw, zxxvkg gsrh kldvi zmw rg hszoo yvxlnv z kzig lu nb ldm.”

A strange glow surrounds the dagger and then into the surrounding symbols, the colors that appeared was orange, pink, blue, purple, red, and magenta that swirl in the air like a tornado. The colors dim slowly as both the dagger and symbols turn into a black glow, that gets stronger until the ebony crystal absorbs it all. The aftermath is a strange glow from the crystal, a myriad of vivid colors enshrouded by a dark blue glow, black energy swirling around the crystal.

Finished with the ritual, Eclipse gathers his things and swipes away all the etchings until no evidence remains behind. Heading back up the stairs, he reaches the surface until he spots Fluttershy standing by the gardens, with vegetation overgrown most of the garden, with the designated pathways barely recognizable.

Approaching her, Eclipse notices she seems to have this fare-off gaze about her, until she notices him and quickly gets out of her sudden trance. “Fluttershy, did you get everything in the library?” asked Eclipse.

“Hmm, um, yes… I just wanted to explore a little when I thought I saw something… Its almost sunset, we should head back before it gets too dark,” said Fluttershy, a little distracted.

Ponyville, Outside Sugarcube Corner; 6:30pm

After leaving the Everfree, Fluttershy asks Eclipse to come with her to Sugarcube Corner, so after dropping off both their things at their respective homes, Eclipse meets up Fluttershy at the bridge near the park.

The trot through town to the bakery, Eclipse notices the town is awfully quiet, even though it wasn’t that late yet, he expected to be some activity still outdoors. Fluttershy keeps quiet throughout the whole walk, until they near the bakery which she opens the door for Eclipse.

Entering the dark bakery, he suddenly comes face-to-face with a bright light and a blast of confetti met his face. Standing there hearing everyone saying, “Surprise!”, at his direct vicinity, there was a long awkward pause that lasted longer than imagined.

Fluttershy quickly came in and gave a wince at Eclipse’s blank, confetti-covered, face, and everyone’s worried looks, except for Pinkie who was still unaware to the atmosphere. “SO SO, WERE YOU SURPRISED!” shouted Pinkie, grinning madly.

After awhile, Eclipse sighed, removing some of the confetti on him until he faced Pinkie. “Not really, I expected you do this when I told you that you could check when my birthday was… that and you weren’t exactly subtle when you rushed me out of the bakery in the morning after giving me my order… Next time, stick to acting how you normally would any other day and make sure you catch me when I’m preoccupied with something else, not when I’m free – the best way to surprise somebody is during the thick of the action.”

Pinkie was silent for awhile, until she pulled out notepad and pencil, writing that down, mumbling to herself. “Thick of the action- Got it! Now then, let’s, partaaaaay!”

Soon music began playing and everyone began to party, both inside the bakery and outside, a banner showing Eclipse’s birthday, which was a surprise what his age was, as a cake was brought out – a cookie ice cream cake, with blueberry sauce – and other treats too.

Eclipse sat in a corner of the bakery watching friends and townsfolk mingle with one another, sitting beside him and oddly enough was absent for both yesterday and today until now is Luella, the cub bear busy eating a cupcake given to her.

Placing his plate of ice cream cake to a nearby table, he moved his gaze to the window, looking outside at the starry night sky and the occasional firework fired by the CMC with Big Mac supervising the three. Going deep into his psyche, lingering memories of the last time his birthday was celebrated with those close to his heart, a wishful and sad look could be visible in his eyes.

It was during my twelfth birthday, I had finished my training and was celebrating my graduation with people I knew from my old home. The skies were blue, flowers bloomed as a gentle breeze, brought forth the refreshing smell of the distant sea; I sat on a table, surrounded by the faceless silhouettes of my past comrades.

That moment was the last moment I would ever be with them, happy… and alive. It was only weeks later that I would end up burying those that died during the war and after it… I would continue to bury even more, my hands drenched in blood.

Eclipse had a distant empty look in his eyes, images of creatures that took the shapes of nightmares of a madman. The last face he saw so vividly was the dying look of the last person to die… he would witness his very world burn to nothing as all that remained… would become the birthplace of a vengeful deity… it would be known for all time as, the Requiem of the Forgotten.

Slipping out of false reality, he would find himself suddenly looking at Fluttershy who sat in front of him with a worried look. He realized he must had dozed off with his eyes open, as while the party wasn’t over yet, only close friends appear to be inside still with most outside now, looking at more fireworks and stargazing.

“Eclipse… are you alright, I know we probably shouldn’t had made a surprise party this big, but Pinkie wanted everypony to know and its Pinkie,” said Fluttershy. “I hope you’re not mad.”

Shaking his head, he quickly stood up in his seat, giving a gentle smile as he faced Fluttershy fully. “No… while a small celebration would had suffice, I thank you all for this… I’m happy that you could all celebrate my birthday with me.”

Smiling back, the two watch their friends party – Rainbow blindfolded and trying to his a pinata while Applejack holds it up, Pinkie is talking with some of the guards who came to join, while Rarity appears to try to convince a flustered Ves to try visit her boutique so she could make her a dress, while Twilight asks an attentive Sight about the ruins they found at the San Palomino Desert – both enjoying the other’s company, idly talking to each about their recent endeavors in the past, exchanging stories about each other.

Eclipse was happy, whether his past would deeply scar him for as he long he stands… new memories would always be welcomed to ebb away the distant pain.

Shock & Awe

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Seventeen Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:00am

After Eclipse’s birthday, the first snowflakes were making their appearance across mid-Equestria, all the way to the northern regions of the continent. This year’s winter was planned to have dense snow storms throughout the first week, slowly calming down within the second week, with the varying weather teams would then manage the areas that need more or less snow in them.

Ever since his birthday, a lot of oddities have been happening within Eclipse’s place, this started off when he told Twilight that further tests with the Darkness Orb were to be postponed due to what occurred in the incident, unsure if the orb would be safe for public use. Hearing this, Twilight became worried that the orb or she did something, but after some further explanation from Eclipse – her magic and the orb’s capabilities being the main culprits – that interactions with any ponies natural magical affinity will have unknown side-effects.

So with that explained, it was better safe to keep it on hold until he can find out an alternate solution or see if there was a way to negate said effects. Other strange occurrences have been his frequency to stay home, strange noises coming from the small shack; so far Eclipse had been busy though nopony knows what he’s been working on.

Now though he’s been slowly down on whatever he was working on, right now he was training with the guard as the earlier deal for the guard to use his property as training grounds. Eclipse placed down several posts with Fire Orbs placed on them, both warming the air and melting the snow within an area, making a perfect area to train without worry of ice.

Currently, Eclipse was dueling against Ves – Eclipse wielding his signature sword while Ves was using a unique pair of weapons. Built by a weapon’s manufacturing from Manehattan, the weapon is a pair of daggers integrated into hoof-wielded mechanism, both useful as a hidden weapon and parry tool.

(Mood Music)

Eclipse dodged a stab from Ves as she thrust forth her right foreleg, as the dagger barely made contact with Eclipse’s right cheek. Swinging his sword diagonally from the upper left to the lower right, Ves brought up her left foreleg and crossing both daggers she blocked his swing, albeit the weight of the blow nearly made her buckle down.

Instead of pushing Eclipse off, Ves swiftly slipped away, taking several steps back away from him, once again circling him. While others were focusing on their own training, a few others watched with apt attention – either enjoying the duel or analyzing Eclipse’s moves. So far, since the start of their duel, neither side has gotten a ‘killing blow’ or even a hit, the duel going as far as almost thirty minutes, maybe longer if Ves raised her right foreleg.

“I give, for an earth pony you are pretty nimble,” said Ves, sighing. Unclasping the mechanisms on her forelegs, she gently placed them on a cloth and began to clean and sharpen the blades, checking mechanisms and straps are in proper order.

Eclipse examined his sword, sheathing it after done with his examinations; while putting away his sword, Ves finished with her own cleaning, putting away the unique weapon set. Gazing at one of the poles that held the Fire Orb, a thought came to Ves about the unique crystals.

“Say Eclipse… where exactly did you get these Element Orbs exactly, you mentioned it has to do something about certain areas being radiated by elemental magic or something?”

“I created the Elemental Orbs by finding crystals called Elemental Crystals, I found them from distant lands, saturated in areas based off the ten elements.”

“The ‘Ten Elements’, what’s that?”

Well, imagine every living thing is represented by ten colors, with each color representing an element, from where I come from, one’s life-force is referred to as Aura. There are ten basic aura types, represented both by a color and element – red represents fire, cyan represents ice, gray presents wind, purple represents thunder, orange represents earth, green represents wood, dark blue represents water, silver represents steel, yellow represents light, and dark purple represents darkness.

There are other types, but these are the basic ten that you would commonly encounter within any individual. There are dozens, if not thousands of combinations and unique variations being discovered, from a combination of two aura types to a rare aura type.

Ves was intrigued, to imagine that anypony, heck anyone could have this kind of power… but that brought up another question. “If anyone has this kind of power… how come I haven’t seen any actual examples of it being done here in Equestria or at least rumors or stories beyond the border?”

“My guess, is that many probably call under a different name, the magic that unicorns use is technically a refined style of using aura, but the places I’ve been to use aura in it’s raw state… though the idea of using your own life-force might had been confused as taboo or such...”

That makes sense, I wouldn’t be surprise if somepony says it’s dark magic or something… Maybe I can convince Eclipse to teach a few guards how to use aura… though I doubt he’d do it freely or willingly if using aura is this powerful… maybe that explains all the impossible deeds he’s done in the past since he first arrived in Equestria, I mean using aura doesn’t seem to be a trait limited to one race only.

While taking a break from training, Eclipse is soon visited by the local mailmare, Derpy; after paying for the delivery of various letters from different parts of Equestria, Eclipse reads the contents of the letters. They were all a mix of meeting requests from varying groups that had been interested in his products, especially the Elemental Orbs.

Ever since Pristine headed back to Canterlot, Eclipse has been awaiting a letter from her father – Purity Snow – about news of the retrieval and delivery of the artifact, but so far he’s received from the stallion. Thoughts of heading to Canterlot to personally see him and check on them, but due to his encounter with the Church, it’s been recommended that he stay in Ponyville until the situation between him and the Church has cooled down – it was made certain by both Orion and Twilight that Eclipse doesn’t leave unless they know where he’s going and why.

Eclipse gazed up at the slowly drifting snowflakes outside the warmth of the Fire Orb’s radius, the sensation of the snow and the cool winter breeze was a relaxing feeling for him, as snow is one of the few joys that wouldn’t change no matter where he went.

The simplicity of snow to Eclipse was a calming concept, the idea that it came from water that could had been mixed in with a number of unknown impurities… but once falling down from the sky, becomes a pure endless cycle to both the viewer and those feeling it.

“Alright, everypony take five, we’ll get back to training in half an hour,” said Ves. As the guards stopped their scheduled training, they soon get a visit from the girls and Spike, who brought with them is some food, as they begin to set up a table and chairs for everyone to eat at.

Once everyone began to settle around the table and eat together during this snowy winter day, watching them from afar is Luella. The cub bear’s gaze follows their every move until her attention goes toward Canterlor, but, her gaze appears to stretch further beyond than the capital city, as something else entirely has caught her attention.

Meanwhile – Equestria; 10:30am

Faraway from any civilized town or city within Equestria, deep within a cold, wet, and decaying room, a mare laid against the wall of dark cell, chains wrapped around her forelegs and backlegs. While the chains kept her up and standing against the wall, some rope was tightly wrapped around her mid-section, keeping her wings tied tightly to her body. They were tied in a way to keep them down and secure, but making sure they won’t affect the circulation around her wings.

The cell was nearly pitch black and quiet with the only source of light or sound was a sliver of a yellow glow slipping from the outline of a door, while occasionally, the dripping of water would be heard every few minutes. As consciousness slowly returned to her, a mix of confusion, anger, and fear coursed through her head; the sound of a metal door opening, as the rusted heavy door scraped against the stone floor.

The sudden change in lighting blinded for a short moment, but once her vision got adjusted to the new lighting, both the mare and her captors were revealed. Pristine wasn’t certain who they were, but quickly her brain began firing away, as memories of her kidnapping, being dragged to who knows where, and tortured by them, but she wouldn’t give them the satisfaction – no matter how afraid she really was from the inside.

The trio of griffons that entered her room, are all armored, but the one that stood in the middle wore no helmet and held an almost superior look compared to the others, the insignia of the mercenary guild – the Iron Lions – was visible from what lighting there was on their withers.

The lead griffon stared down at her, as Pristine was slumped slightly down, the only things keeping her up were the chains around her forelegs. “Get up,” said the lead griffon. After giving no response for a few seconds and keeping her usual defiant look, the griffon without hesitation, claws her across the face, a cut soon appearing across her face as blood matted and flowed around her facial fur and down her neck.

Coughing up more blood, she grunts for a bit until she looks up and gives a cheeky smile instead; the griffon grabs a hold of her and forces her to stand up, without even turning his head he speaks to his two subordinates. “Unchain her and make her follow, watch her carefully, she makes a hasty movement to flee or fight, end her.”

After hearing this, the two armored griffons soon approach each unclasping the chains around her, but once she was free, the lead griffon gut punches her, as Pristine’s slumps back down to the ground, with a wheeze she coughs out both blood and air. The two armored griffons lift her up and drag her behind the lead griffon; taking a close attention to her surroundings, she was deep within some sort of fort, an ancient one with the several empty decayed cells, as both frost and bits of mold covered any bare inch of space within the rooms.

The tiny snowflakes that fluttered out a cell window, touched her fur, the sensation easing whatever bruises and broken bones she may had accumulated over time here. Soon her surroundings soon changes immediately, as the light gets brighter and less muted, the cold winds that were once heard, could be felt against her body, the snow on the ground made marks as her near lifeless body was dragged around.

A group of armed griffons could be seen either training, wandering about, or doing whatever else you can within an abandoned fort, some eye her with a mix of disdain and dark glee, a few she recognize from the caravan encountered back in the San Palomino Desert. Among all of these griffons, one stood out compared to the others – this griffon was a she and from what she could tell from her observations, her body took the shape of a cheetah while her head was that of a falcon’s.

The falcon-griffon wielded a halberd, clutched within her right claw, a shortsword sheathed to her left side. After done with a different conversation, the falcon-griffon sees Pristine and her jailers, with a sneer, she signals them to follow as they head up the fort’s ramparts.

Once up there, from what she could see – both due to her mane covering one of her eyes from a mix of blood and sweat, and having to endure sleepless nights – they were located somewhere just north-west of Canterlot, base off the terrain she could see, possibly within the Unicorn Range. Pristine and her griffon captors were camped out in one of the various abandoned forts built during pre-Luna’s banishment, their original purpose was to defend Equestria from hostile nations, however over time they were left abandoned to the slowly coming era of peace, as these bygone relics became overgrown from both nature and the elements.

The two armored griffons dropped her on the cold, frost covered ground of the ramparts, taking a few steps back, but keeping a close eye of her and their surroundings, the lead griffon earlier took a step behind the falcon-griffon, his chest puffed up with a unique claw-gesture that the Iron Lions use as a salute – with their right claw made into a fist, they thump it three times against their left pauldron.

The falcon-griffon watched the view from up the ramparts, not seeming to pay attention to both Pristine or her surroundings, but soon her gaze moved back to her and the intense fury within her eyes could be seen, nay, felt from just being near her. Taking a few steps towards her, she dragged the axe-end of her halberd against the stone floor, the axe-end dangerous approached her neck, both the sharpness and metallic cold touch, making her shiver.

“...From what survivors we could scrounge up from the caravan job in the San Palomino Desert – both of those who weren’t killed by either wildlife or your group, or captured by the border guard once more of them started coming for the stragglers – I know that you were present as one of the ‘attackers’ at the time...”

The axe-end slowly receded away from Pristine’s neck, lifting the halberd up, until she faced a column of ice that slowly grew over time. With precise swiftness, the halberd was previously facing the sky and now was laid embedded in the ground, having just been used to swiftly shatter and cut through the column of ice as if it were air. As the chunk of ice collapsed and fell off the side of the ramparts, down below the mountain side, she gave her halberd to be held by the lead griffon, who kept hold of it without issue.

“...And I learned, that among the group of five ponies that attacked… three were guards… but two of them appeared to be civilians… Instead of getting news of a job well done, getting paid, and seeing every familiar face of those I personally sent off to this job… I was given a bloody bag, from one of the survivors who after managing to escape and circle around the border guard, went back to our ransacked caravan for the body of the one I left in charge… the only remnants he could acquire was his head, the body barely recognizable and even so...”

The falcon-griffon, held look of rage until she seethed with her beak clenched tightly, as her claws shook violently. “As I opened the bag to confirm he’s dead, I found his head half-mutilated with a look of absolute horror and fear etched into his eyes… So tell me, Pristine Snow?”

Cupping one of her claws around Pristine’s face, forcing her to look up at her, even though she tried to bravely look back, the absolute wrath oozed out of her face, putting down whatever defiance that was left inside her… for now.

“What are the names of the other four ponies that were with you? Tell me… and I might, make your death swift, honorable, and clean.”

At that moment, a hawk soon flew and landed on the stone wall of the ramparts, a scroll attached to one of it’s legs. Seeing this, the falcon-griffon, let go of Pristine’s face, tossing her aside as she approached the hawk; after removing the scroll from the hawk’s leg, the bird cawed and flew off to rest. Opening and reading the scroll, she soon finds that it’s from her employers, the scroll mentioning that the group that she sent to Canterlot was getting attention to the crown and that the job they sent them for had to be dealt with soon.

After reading this, she clicks her beak with an annoyed look, handing the scroll to the lead griffon. “Check with those idiots in Canterlot and tell them to hurry up, I don’t want those ponies’ royalty to catch wind of our activities.

The lead griffon nodded, signaling one of the armored griffons to hold the halberd for him, as he left to prep himself to depart for Canterlot. While he left, the falcon-griffon returned her attention back to Pristine, knelling down and raising her chin, as Pristine’s defiant look returned once more, but the response she received from her was a smile before she began to ask her question.

“Now then… answer my question, honestly and perfectly, and your response better be satisfactory now to me. Which among you killed him – who killed Feather Blade?”

Equestria, Everfree Forest; 7:30pm

The chilling winter breeze at night could be felt by all the denizens within the Everfree Forest, unlike the rest of Equestria as the ‘Three Pony Tribes’ regulate the weather and temperature of different parts of Equestria based off the climate and environment, the Everfree and other small spare areas aren’t regulated at the slightest. Winter in these areas are truly harsh to both the unprepared and the experienced, as both beast and critter would have to scavenge whatever food they could find under these harsh times… however…

Roaming the woods of the Everfree, the oaken beasts known as Timberwolves began their usual hunts looking for prey, whether it be winter or summer, spring or fall, these accursed beasts always search for a new meal to savor.

They would always find their target and begin their feasts, until they would hunt once more… but tonight was different, as they picked up a new smell, an unfamiliar one. Due to the thick layer of snow covering the forest floor, it was impossible for both them and their prey to hide from one another, so rather than their usual tactic of slowly surrounding their prey, they stepped out of the bushes, growling and howling at their prey.

The creature before them took the shape of the four-legged creatures that took a manner of different colors, some with horns, some with wings, and some with neither. This one was no different with a horn, though it’s colors were darker and bleaker unlike others they encountered; for starters, to the eyes or rather senses of the Timberwolves her scent was different, they smelt the smell of a beast – the smell of an apex predator – another detail was her eyes, they held no fear, rather for fierce monstrous look, that of a creature hungering… a creature on the hunt.

The lead Timberwolf didn’t care though at this strange pony was the first prey of their hunt, so they would feast like they have feasted on many of the critters within this forest. As the rest of it’s pact began to encircle the pony, the lead Timberwolf coiled itself in a ready stance and pounced forth with claws outstretched and jaws wide open, wooden teeth gleaming with it’s syrupy saliva, the smell of death permeating the air around the wolf.

Elsewhere far away – Location: Realm 6145 – City of Glass; Time: Always Noon

The distant sounds of explosions, gunfire, and collapsing towers could be heard and felt, as steel beams, glass, and concrete shattered and filled the air with crushed dust of demolished towers. Watching from the tallest tower within this realm, were three individuals, watching their fourth compatriot testing the mettle of their newest member to join their ranks.

Standing with his arms crossed is a bipedal armored entity that resembled a medieval knight, who wore a fur cape, his helmet was unique as had a bucket-esque look to it with the top resembling a crown of some kind. A golden light could be seen glowing from within the helmet, the rest of his armor consisted of chest-plate both thick and glamorous with varying jewels and assortment of trinkets plastered on top, the gauntlets appear heavy and could possibly smash even an armored foe.

Other details was his boots that were just bejeweled as this entity’s chest-plate, his weapon of choice though… was odd, rather than a sword, mace, or an axe, it was a staff – a simple staff that resembled more of a simple metal rod, with a yellow stone embedded on the top. The staff itself had no other defining details and felt out of place for this armored eloquent entity, though the staff seem to bring forth a sort of powerful sensation from it, making a most precarious object.

The next entity to stand beside the knight is a female warrior who’s garb was that of a samurai, albeit modified to best fit a slim woman such as herself. Her weapon of choice was bladeless katana which appeared unpractical to have, if she were an ordinary warrior; the next detail of interest was that she was blindfolded, though whether this was because she was blind or not was a mystery. Her gaze was clear though as she could still sense those around her – and those from afar too.

The third and final entity took the visage of the grim reaper – the black flowing cloak that gave off a deathly sense, the scythe the could collect dozens of souls with a single sweep, and the dark miasma that flowed out from below the cloak. His visible hands were wrapped in a pair of dark leather gloves with pointed metallic fingers, that clicked and clacked against the shaft of his scythe.

Under the hood was a faceless mask, with the symbol of an hourglass, stained in a black ichor while the top edge of the hood showed the symbol of an eye. These three individuals are members of elite enforcers that lead their own respective forces, under the command of the shadow of their lord – the Horsemen of the Forgotten Elements.

From the first to last of their members are, the knight, Soul of Conquest, the samurai, Calm of War, the reaper, Order of Death, and their third member who was fighting against their newest member to join them.

(Fight Music)


Another explosion occurred as another fighter, one in dark metallic like suit dodged one of Poison’s attacks – a rock that exploded, releasing a toxic gas that melted anything it made contact with. Poison chased off his foe, laughing and giggling like a madman; Poison’s outfit was that of a mafia gangster, wearing a black fedora and suit, his weaponry being his two fisticuffs called, Pain & Agony, and a third unknown weapon still wrapped in dirty, filthy cloth wrappings.

The unknown foe, pulled duel shotguns that fired energy blasts, Poison swiftly doding the shots and tossing another stone, exploding and releasing another cloud of toxic gas.

“He’s matching Poison’s hits, surprisingly, though that idiot wasn’t the most precise when it came to his attacks,” said Soul, chuckling.

Calm nodded, her ghostly smile forming on her lips, as not only was she blindfolded, but also mute, though her companions could easily understand what she’s trying to convey.

“True true, he is the best when it comes to unarmed combat compare to the three of us, though the match-up is interesting – Poison the close-quarters expert against our newest member who is a jack-of-all trades kind of fellow.”

At that moment another figure appeared from a vortex-like portal, stepping out was a man who appeared to be his mid twenties to early thirties, though his youthful face and smile would make it appear he was much younger, albeit his height would make anyone question that thought.

Turning around to look, Order faced the leader of the Forgotten and the shadow of their lord; the man wore a trench coat, but underneath was a pitch darkness, making it hard to tell what he wore, even if you flashed a light toward said darkness, as it would simply consume whatever light made contact with it. The man’s hair was short, but dense, his eyes piercing yet calm, what weapons he wielded was unknown, but his build was good enough for him to fight unarmed too.

“How is Poison handling him – our newest member?”

“...He is doing well so far, Lord Eclipse,” said Order.

“That’s good, I also have news on Luella, apparently our Lord’s recover is getting close, but she appears… troubled,” said Eclipse, his smile solemn.

The others appeared peaked by these news, facing Eclipse to stop watching the duel. “Really now, Luella? Are you certain we are speaking of the same Luella, the same one who would slaughter an entire planet’s worth of creatures, if it appeared the slighted our master even the slightest bit, that Luella?” asked Soul.

“Yes… that Luella, she says that there is some sort of cultist-like organization that has been bothering our master… Though due to his current predicament we can’t intervene… yet, the same goes for Luella too, even though she always present with our master.”

Calm approached Eclipse, making a gesture to him, understanding what she means, he responded. “I of course gave her advice, though I am uncertain what kind of advice I could give her due to her… own problems,” said Eclipse.

“I doubt that, our master’s protege isn’t call ‘that’ for a reason,” said Soul.

They all nodded in agreement, Eclipse glancing at the distant fight between Poison and their newest member. “Indeed, none of us could take the title...”

The Beast of the Void.

(Outro Music)


More… I need more… These foul mortals are of beasts who dare approach and disturb my master… I will kill and slaughter them all, when the chance is given.

The smell of rot and gore lingered in the air, a pile of wood, corpses, guts, and blood, stained a clearing within the forest, as the blood mixed in with the pure snow, creating a scarlet frost that stained the ground. Trees were torn and smashed, the ground was filled with craters, the bodies of beasts covered every inch of ground.

After the timberwolves attempt at attacking their prey, they were decimated until every last one within that pack were obliterated, but the hunt was not over. Afterwards, came manticores, then cockatrices, cragodiles, a hydra or two, even the mighty Ursa Major stood no match, though that beast was spared with nary a scratch or mark, as it was left to take one of the corpses of the hydra back to it’s den.

Not enough blood, not enough, it will never be enough… this emptiness inside can never be filled. What I need is more – more blood, more gore, more agony, more suffering – I need more, more, more, more…



Standing on a pile of viscera, coated and stained in the slain and the dying was grotesque creature, an abomination against all that is harmonic and pure. Standing on two clawed, legs, with it’s sharpened, bloody paws forth, it’s mane glistening under moonlight, as blood pooled out it’s jaws like a ravenous beast searching for more flesh to devour.

An ungodly roar came forth, shaking the trees and the snow off their branches, scaring and terrifying any nearby critters who could both smell and hear the sounds of death and terror.

With two eyes of cerise, stood a monstrous form unseen before in this realm, what stood was an apex predator above all apex predators – standing tall and enraged is a lycan.


Raising her head up high, she roared as the promise of more blood and death upon those that would dare come to harm her master, she will slaughter all, damning her soul even further until nothing remains, but an incarnation of suffering made flesh and bone.

Predators Among Prey

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Thirty-Nine Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse Light’s Property; 7:30am

The heavy snowstorms began to ease up in the coming weeks, unlike before, things began to slow down but it still continued to snow lightly. Inside his home, Eclipse was reading the books he got help finding at the abandoned castle with Fluttershy’s help.

Currently out of all the books, the one that has both caught his attention and has so far befuddled his brain about this world’s knowledge on alternate realities… has been taxing. So far, the only known knowledge of alternate realities comes from a theory from a wizard that was around a thousand years ago. Apparently, this wizard was known to be the founder of the first spells commonly used in Equestria, he was also the teacher of both the princesses when they were younger.

Seeing that he can’t find anything of importance within the pages of this book, the only other source of knowledge he could think of was the Royal Canterlot Library, specifically, the wing that was built in honor of said wizard. While this was important for his own reasons, right now, satiating his curiosity on other realities wasn’t at the top of his list.

Mid-way through reading, he became distracted when a knock came from his door, placing a bookmark to where he was reading, he checked to see who it was. Opening the door, outside was the local mail-mare of Ponyville, Derpy Hooves; while she was known for her ditzy and clumsy actions, Eclipse got along fine with the mare, that and he found out that some of the muffins sold at Sugarcube Corner come from the mare herself, so it wasn’t shocking that he would have good ties with the mare who sold the same blue-berry muffins Eclipse enjoys.

Waving happily at Eclipse, she puts her snout into her mail-bag, pulling out a unique letter; the letter itself had a wax symbol known for representing the Canterlot nobility. After being given the letter and giving Derpy the rightful payment, with a farewell, Eclipse reviewed the contents of the letter.

Opening it up, Eclipse read the letter inside and the news was indeed troubling, it didn’t explain exactly much, but the letter did indeed come from Purity Snow and apparently he needs him to come to Canterlot immediately. It appears something has happened between our arrival back from the San Palomino Desert to Pristine returning back to Canterlot. Whatever the case, these summons appear urgent, I’ll leave immediately.

With little time, Eclipse leaves with his bare necessities to his trip back to Canterlot, having to leave so suddenly, a simple notice was only left behind at his home for those wondering where he was. Having left Ponyville early in the morning, it took roughly two hours for him to reach the marble city due to the train traffic from Ponyville to Canterlot being non-existent at this time.

After arriving at Canterlot, Eclipse immediately headed to the nobility district, arriving at the doors of Snow’s mansion. Pulling the rope at the front entrance, ringing the door bell, the door was immediately answered by the mansion’s butler; seeing who it was, the butler bows toward Eclipse and swiftly bring shim to Snow.

Following him, the two head to the backyard of the mansion to see Snow at a gazebo, apparently enjoying a cup of tea. Eclipse noticed that one of his element orbs, the fire type was placed just below the gazebo’s roof, creating a small bubble of warmth to both keep the snow away and warm the area within the gazebo.

“I see you received some of my element orbs, I assume so far there has been no problems?”

“None whatsoever, it wasn’t a mistake to make this deal with you, but that’s not why I brought you here,” said Snow, placing his teacup down. “You see, after your arrival from the desert, I haven’t seen my daughter since I’ve sent her with you. She sent me a notice that she would arrive back on Oct 13, she was in Ponyville for fifteen days after coming back from the trip…”

Snow stayed silent after retelling his side of the story of Pristine’s disappearance, after hearing this, Eclipse tells Snow that Pristine told him she was leaving Ponyville on Oct 12 during the evening, that she would arrive back home around midnight between 11 o’clock pm to 12 o’clock am.

Hearing this, Snow remembers he wasn’t home at that hour due to some business elsewhere, he also remembers that he brought his butler with him too, so the mansion would been empty.

“How come I wasn’t informed about her disappearance recently, she’s been gone for nearly four months?” asked Eclipse. Snow looked carefully, it was hard to tell if Eclipse was simply worried… or something else.

“Well, seeing as a noble’s daughter just up and vanished, especially somepony like Pristine, it would cause some alarms to go off. I needed her disappearance to be as quiet as possible and I wasn’t certain who to trust,” said Snow, sighing. “To be honest, I’m deeply worried for her safety, she may had been trained in self-defense...”

Eclipse nodded his head, deep in thought until he raised his head up. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Snow at first was about to decline, but then a thought came to mind, after having first met Eclipse, Snow couldn’t find any information on the recluse stallion. If it were anything else, he would had politely declined his request; however, hearing about his talents – both physically and financially – Eclipse might be the pony to help find his daughter… he was currently barrel deep in problems for him to intervene – directly or secretly.

“Actually there is something you could help me with, ever since her disappearance, there has been strange rumors of voices and noises coming from within the abandoned mines within Mount Canter. I’ll use what connections I can for you to investigate this… and please, with all your power, find my daughter.”

Eclipse stood up and bowed slightly, turning around to leave until he spoke one final time. “That won’t be an issue, give me two days and she’ll be back… that I swear.”

Canterlot, Royal District; 11:00am

After leaving Snow’s mansion and the Noble District, the first place Eclipse went to find any clues whatsoever was to head to the local Royal Guard building in Canterlot. This being the main headquarters of all Royal Guard operations, meant it was located in the Royal District where Canterlot Castle was at.

The only issue was that Eclipse hasn’t been here in a long time, so he isn’t certain where the building as he hasn’t been in it before. Approaching the gates to the castle instead, he was deciding to get directions from the two guards stationed by the gates.

The gate guards both see him, doing their job they quickly stand stiffly with attentive eyes at their recent arrival. “HALT! What’s your business here at Canterlot Castle?”

“None, I was only wishing for directions to the Royal Guard HQ building, do you know where it is?” asked Eclipse.

Understanding why this stallion is here, the two guards still kept their attentive look, but gave a more calm demeanor. The guard standing to left of Eclipse’s view, points to the right with his free hoof that’s not holding his spear.

“Go to the right of the gates to Canterlot Castle, you should see a building there, trust me you’ll know it’s the Equestrian Guard HQ.”

Equestrian Guard? So the building doesn’t only hold the Royal Guard.

Nodding in thanks, Eclipse makes his way right, his destination doesn’t take him long, as he understands what the gate guard meant. Standing right before him is a large building that’s a quarter big as Canterlot Castle with dozens of floors. The main entrance was reminiscent of the staircase you find when entering a museum or a grand library.

Various pillars could be seen holding up an arch right above the doors to the building entrance, as several ponies – either wearing armor or not – could been seen entering and exiting said building. At the top of the building, symbols for both the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard could be for all to see if looking up.

Entering inside was just as amazing as the outside, the main lobby resembled a mix between a bank and a hotel lobby. The noise and clamor of various ponies busy within the large expansive space could be heard; above were solid areas to walk across to the other side of the building for each of the floors, areas for flight-capable creatures to both fly up and down without any issues could be visible through signs.

Several lines could be seen for several different desks similar to what you see in a bank, each one was manned by various unicorns of gender, size, and color. It was understandable why a unicorn was manning the front desks – whether it be due to the city itself or magical advantage for their job – while most tables were full to the brim with a line of ponies, one desk was bare of anypony.

This desk had a sign above that said, “Missing Pony Help Desk” with bright golden yellow letters, the unicorn at this desk was a young mare who appeared to be in the middle of reading a magazine, occasionally flipping to next page and reading with apt attention.

Approaching close enough to speaking range, the unicorn hasn’t noticed Eclipse yet, so with a cough from him she now noticed him. Placing down the magazine with a flick of her horn, she composed herself with a straight pose and smile.

“Hello there sir, how can I help you today?”

“I came here to report the disappearance of a close acquaintance of mine, I was hoping to speak to a guard who could help with searching for her,” said Eclipse.

“Hmmm, well most reported disappearances are usually cases that involve somepony simply forgetting to send a letter of their current whereabouts, getting drunk at some random bar, or being away for extended vacations. Are you certain your friend didn’t simply forgot to call home?”

Seeing that simply reporting wasn’t enough, Eclipse began to explain the same thing he did to Purity Snow about Pristine’s sudden vanishing after leaving Ponyville to return to Canterlot. After summarizing the important parts only – who vanished, her previous activities prior to her disappearance, and how long she was gone for since her last mention of contact – the mare’s eyes widen.

Carefully examining her surroundings, glancing left and right, she quickly levitates a close sign onto the desk. Getting up from her seat she turns around until her head swivels back to Eclipse with a follow gesture. “Please follow me sir, I think this needs to be heard by the captain himself.”

Following her to some stairs, after going up some flight of steps, they reach their destined floor. Trotting by several office spaces with various guards working, they soon past said areas until they come upon a door with a plaque on it.

Eclipse reads the plaque which held a name he never thought to see again. Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard, Twilight’s brother? This should be interesting…

Knocking on the door two times, after a short amount of silence, a voice could be heard. “Hello, who’s there?”

“Its secretary Melon Slice, Captain Armor, there’s somepony here that needs to see you, it’s urgent,” said Melon.

“You may enter!” After hearing his permission to enter, Melon opens the door with Eclipse following behind. Once inside, Shining now sees who was the pony that secretary Melon brought, until he sees a familiar face.

“Eclipse Light? Melon, why is sir Eclipse here?” asked Shining.

Explaining – albeit shorter and straight-forward – to Shining why Eclipse is here, Shining’s acknowledgment to the severity of this situation is shown by his widen eyes. After hearing her explanation, he tells her she can leave, after exiting and closing the door behind her, both stallions are left alone with Shining sitting while Eclipse continued to stand.

“So, I’m told you came here to report a missing pony, Melon so far explained she been missing for nearly six months. So who exactly that’s gone missing, is it somepony I know?”

“You may have, she is the daughter of Purity Snow, Pristine Snow, heiress to Snow Transports,” said Eclipse.

“Wait, that Purity Snow? Yeesh you sure know some scary individuals, if I remember correctly he’s the only transportation company that hasn’t made any contracts with the guard, supposedly the stallion has a deep dislike of the guard and royalty… at least that’s what I heard from veteran guards.”

“Indeed, you see I was hired by him to find his daughter at all costs… and I hope you understand that this news stays as anonymous as possible.”

“I understand, anything involving the nobles would be need to be kept hush hush, though I’m shocked that the same Purity Snow is alright with you asking help from the guard?”

“He never specified my methods, simply that I find her at all costs.” Shining smiled at that, understanding that no matter what kind of lifestyle, family is one thing you do not mess with.

At least not all nobles are that caring of their reputation and it’s simply a stallion worried over their own daughter.

“Now, as I mentioned to the secretary, Pristine vanished on Oct 13 last year and hasn’t been heard or seen of since then. Another thing you should know, Pristine was ex-Church,” said Eclipse.

Hearing this raised some alarms, but after clarifying that her connections with the Church have been severed completely, Shining asked is there anything else he should know about her, Eclipse so far states that what he knows of her is from personal experience only.

“Well thank you for telling me, this at least narrows down the possible suspects now… and don’t worry, ex-Church, connected to any crimes, or any illegal activities will be kept confidential no matter the individual, only higher-ranked members of the guard and the royalty can order a public release of information of said individual.”

Nodding in thanks, Shining then decides that simply sending a small group of guards to do the search and seeing not only is the missing pony in question is a noble and has connections with the Church, would require a level of anonymity and experienced hooves.

“I need to call upon some experienced members of the guard for this search, will it be alright if you wait for four hours, some of them are in the middle of their own duties or stationed at various different parts of Canterlot. I’ll have Melon Slice call upon you until the meeting is ready, you can wait in one of the waiting rooms.”

“I’m fine with this, I’ll await until you call upon the necessary help,” said Eclipse. Before Eclipse left, he turned around to face Shining. “It was also good to see you again, I’ll tell your sister that you’re doing well.”

“Thanks, I should really send a letter every so often when I get the chance, she may report to the princess on daily basis, but I gotta check on my lil sis too sometimes.” After seeing Shining cheeky grin, Eclipse left with his own subtle smile.

Some time later – Canterlot, Royal District, Equestrians Guard HQ; 4:00pm

After some time has gone by, Eclipse was sitting in one of the meeting rooms in the building, sitting around the table was ten other ponies, including Shining Armor, there was twelve ponies involved with the disappearance of Pristine.

The ponies that were called to help with this investigation were all the lieutenants stationed in Canterlot from both the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard. Standing up from his seat, Shining points to a screen that showed images of Pristine and of various locations within Canterlot that she frequently visited before.

“I’ve called you all here as the daughter of noble Purity Snow vanished on October 13, she has been missing ever since then and has only been reported by an acquaintance of Pristine’s, Eclipse Light. Sir Eclipse has been hired by sir Purity to find any evidence of his daughter’s whereabouts with any means possible. Since he has come for our assistance, it is important that I want all of you to search these locations which she frequently visited before her disappearance.”

One of the lieutenants raised their hoof to ask a question which Shining signaled for that pony to speak. “Sir, is this the same mare who was recently exiled from the Church?”

“Yes, but I want the news of her previous relationship with the Church to stay anonymous, if anyone found out an ex-member of the Church vanished and we were trying to find her, it would cause some misunderstanding or at worse direct some negative reaction from the public. This investigation isn’t being done because she has ties with the Church, but because one of the well-known noble families needs help and it would be a boon to have one of them to owe both the guard and the royalty.”

Satisfied with the answer, the pony in question settled down as Shining began to split each of the ponies into groups to search the different parts of Canterlot. Since Eclipse is the one responsible for investigating Pristine’s whereabouts and has asked for the help of the guard, it made sense he would be involved with one of the teams.

Eclipse was introduced to two of the ten lieutenants by Shining Armor, as they would be his partners until the search was over. The ones chosen was a lieutenant from the Royal Guard and a lieutenant from the Lunar Guard; the Royal Guard lieutenant is a unicorn, First Lieutenant Strike Point, while the Lunar Guard lieutenant is a thestral, Second Lieutenant Thorn.

Strike Point is notable for his precision and power with his magic and is one of few unicorns who are capable of piercing through Shining Armor’s trademark barriers. On the other hand, Thorn is known for her reputation to being prickly to anyone who get to close to her, but she can handle herself in a fight so the need for teamwork isn’t important to her.

As the other groups left to begin their own investigations in different parts of Canterlot, the area that Eclipse’s team was sent to investigate and check was the place that Pristine visited that one time when she ditched him to that bar, it was also the same time she was attacked by those ponies before.

Before they would arrive at their destination, Eclipse felt a presence eyeing him from afar, but decided to pretend to not have noticed. “Sir Eclipse, is something the matter?” asked Strike.

“Nothing, was just busy with my own thoughts, let’s head off, I know the place that we’re going to investigate.”

One investigation later – Canterlot; 5:00pm

After traveling from the Royal District, all the way to the Market District, Eclipse decided to let the two lieutenants handle the investigating and gathering clues, while he did his own ‘investigating’. With his eyes closed, the world around him became an inky darkness, but within this darkness was small glimmering lights or colorful blots; the lights or blots represented each individual living thing – from the bartender, the bar’s customers, the mice that skittered on the rafters above, the insects scurried under the floorboards, and the flowers just above a balcony nearby.

My abilities are slowly coming back, but this isn’t enough to give me a clearer picture, I can barely see the individual forms within the city, never mind trying to search and sift through an entire continent.

Internally sighing that this form of searching won’t help yet, Eclipse opened his eyes to find Thorn in front of him – which he already knew she was standing before him. “We finished asking the bartender, he remembers her, but hasn’t seen her since that fight you mentioned… I’m amazed it was you and her that was involved with that fight, but don’t worry, we got enough witnesses to know you or her weren’t at fault, but you sure did a ringer on those colts,” said Thorn.

“Still, was it necessary to use that amount of force on those stallions, you could had cause some serious harm,” said Strike.

“I arrived later on in that tussle, I did what I could to deescalate the situation,” said Eclipse, with a plain look.

How is breaking a stallion’s leg deescalating a situation?

As the three were leaving the bar, Eclipse suddenly turns around and thrusts his hoof right at Strike, at first he thought Eclipse was trying to hit him for his earlier comment, but with his quick reflexes from his training as a guard, he noticed something. Behind both him and Thorn, they didn’t notice the figure that dropped down below from the ledge of window above the entrance of the bar.

Eclipse’s hoof quickly connected with the face of their assailant, as a squawk and the sound of something breaking was heard. The assailant tumbled some distance away from the trio, a trail of blood dripping down from what appeared to be from a beak, a claw wrapping around the now cracked beak.


As the griffon charged again with knife in claw, Eclipse swiftly side-stepped him, hitting the claw that was holding the knife and quickly put the griffon into a hold, now pinned to the ground, the hoodie of the griffon’s cloak fell off to show his face.

“You have some balls to attack in front of a member of the guard,” said Thorn, grinning viciously. “Now why would you attack us though?”

“I ain’t speaking vampony.” At that comment, Thorn, stomped her hoof where the griffon’s lower parts is, a tiny chirp came from the griffon, as his eyes squeezed shut from the pain he felt.

“Call me that again and I’ll start plucking you!”

As Strike tried to keep Thorn back, Eclipse paid attention to something else, his surroundings. At that moment, several more griffons wearing cloaks began to appear from the alleyways and rooftops that surrounded the bar. “You think I came here… alone… You’ll pay… for messing with us…”

Seeing that keeping him conscious wasn’t necessary, Eclipse did another solid hit to his beak, knocking the griffon unconscious. Stepping back with Strike and Thorn who pulled out their own individual weapons – Strike only brought a steel sword while Thorn held spiked mace in her mouth – Eclipse stood in a ready position.

Neither party spoke or made a sound, in side watching the other to see who would make the first move… and that all hell broke loose. Whether it was impatience or not, Thorn roared out and charged one of the griffons, slamming her mace down on their cranium with ruthless efficiency.

“Dammit Thorn,” said Strike.

(Fight Music)

Just like that, Tartarus broke loose, the griffons made the next move as they began to swarm the three with their numbers. Since Strike and Thorn were the only ones armed with any weapons, they expected to keep the griffons off Eclipse as it appears he was the one they were after, but their worry was unneeded.

Taking the weapon dropped by the earlier griffon – a simple dagger – Eclipse managed not only block and parry, but incapacitate a few of their numbers, whether it was simply hitting the hilt of the dagger on their heads or inflicting enough wounds to bring them down.

Deciding to not be out done by Eclipse, Strike fired several precise magical blasts while using his sword to push back any griffons that got too close, Thorn however used sheer might, swinging her mace around, shattering weapons and bones.

After the heavy yet short skirmish, almost all the griffons were unconscious or writhed in pain, leaving only one griffon who was terrified and trembling. Raising both claws in a surrendering gesture, the griffon was currently being interrogated by both lieutenants.

Rather than join the two, Eclipse decided to check the griffon’s belongings on them, checking whatever pockets and pouches on them, Eclipse found an interesting item that might clue to where these griffons came from.

“Bird-brain passed out before we could get anything juicy from him,” said Thorn, grumbling.

“Maybe if you hadn’t tried to threaten him by crushing his ‘eggs’ he wouldn't had paled so badly like a marble statue,” said Strike. “Eclipse, did you find anything from these guys?”

“I did, catch.” After hearing that, Strike immediately caught the object tossed to him with his magic, bringing the object closer to him, levitating before him was an uncut gemstone. While gemstones aren’t that rare in Equestria, there was one particular thing about this gemstone.

“It’s radiating magical energy… means it came from Canterlot, but almost all the gems in Canterlot had been mined out, sure you can occasionally find a gem vein in the mines, but they're too spread out that it’s not worth mining through several more chunks of stone to find said veins… which mean-”

“That these guys found one and it means their hideout it within the abandoned mines,” said Eclipse. “We should head back to Captain Armor soon.”

“HOLD UP! What about these riff-raff?” Looking around the wounded and unconscious griffons, Strike soon called a nearby patrol of guards to detain and escort these griffons to the medical wing and dungeons for questioning later.

After hearing the encounter with griffons near one of the spots Pristine regularly visits, Shining Armor prepares two platoons of guards to investigate the abandoned mines.

Canterlot, Canterlot Mines; 7:30pm

Once arriving, the two platoons which consisted each of sixteen ponies were led by the Captains of the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard, the platoon Eclipse was joining was the one Shining Armor was in command of. Due to the sudden summons to Canterlot, Eclipse never brought his personal equipment, so he was given a standard-issue Royal Guard, iron sword – unlike his own weapons or any weapon he wielded, the swords for the guard were designed to be held within a user’s mouth or for unicorns, was light enough for a standard unicorn guard to levitate and wield.

While not his usual equipment, Eclipse still wielded it with one hand, but had to get use to the fact that this weapon wasn’t designed to be held upon one’s hoof. I’ll get used to it, I’ve used more unconventional weapons in the past.

“Will you be alright with that sword, sorry we couldn’t get you something suitable for you,” said Strike. Alongside with Shining, the lieutenants joined this excursion, while Thorn and the Lunar Guard lieutenants joined the other platoon.

“I’ll be fine, I also brought some other things other than my wallet,” said Eclipse, gesturing to the small saddlebag to his side.

Before he could ask what he meant, the voice of Shining was heard just as they stood by the main entrance to the Canterlot Mines. “Okay, while the other guards are stationed at the other smaller entryways to the mines, our job is to root out these griffons, we’ve confirmed from what information we could get from the ones we caught that they’re the griffon mercenaries, the Iron Lions and that they set up a camp within the mines, as to where we don’t know. Once we reach the intersection further down the main entrance of the mines, the platoon following me will go down the left side while the one’s led by Captain Lilium Nix will head to the right platoon.”

“Now be careful when down in the mines, while the first few levels are pretty safe and stable, further below is dangerous and we should be careful when entering an unstable tunnel or elevator. Now I want earth ponies at the front, unicorns in the middle, and pegasi to watch our rears! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!”

With a boisterous, ‘SIR YES SIR’, both platoons made their way down the mines, once they reach the intersection, both platoons split up to cover more ground. It wasn’t clear how much time went by, but it felt like hours had gone by exploring the endless yet tight tunnel system that was the long abandoned Canterlot Mines.

It was when they finally encountered resistance as they stumbled upon a sizable patrol of five griffons wielding various weapons. Due to both sides stumbling into one another, there was much confusion, luckily Eclipse was the first to react; even though he was slightly slowed down by the unfamiliar sword, Eclipse still managed to take one of the griffons by surprised with a quick swipe to the head.

Now due to the way guard swords are wielded, the standard guard sword were more blunt than sharp due to the angle they’re held by a pony’s mouth, so it was somewhat difficult to slash somebody with it. So rather than trying to cut someone, it was easier to slam the side of the sword against them, while not causing a cut, would leave a nasty bruise and possibly break somebody’s bone.

With this in thought, the simple swipe to the head of the griffon resulted in said griffon seeing stars, as they pirouetted in a circle and flopped in front of his fellows. Quickly the remaining four griffons retaliated until they were struck by spells or several stun crossbow bolts.

Once they were disarmed and in chains, the unicorns set up a teleportation matrix around the five griffons to send them instantly to the Royal Guard HQ dungeons. “Good work Eclipse, but we can’t let you have all the glory. Come on you excuses for Royal Guardsponies, let’s show our guest here how the guard really fights!” shouted Strike, with a grin.

With a roar, the guards prepared to delve deeper from the direction the griffons just came from, they soon encountered more resistance, but managed to take down every obstacle they came across.

It was when they entered a cavernous part of the cave is when they spotted some commotion from down below. Just some meters further below the cavernous cave, they could see a skirmish between a larger group of griffons that were better armed and trained, going against the platoon under the command of Captain Nix.

Currently she and her platoon were taking cover behind some crates probably brought by the griffons while taking heavy fire what appeared to be bolts and a weapon only heard by the higher echelon of the Equestrian military.

“Are those muskets, how the heck did these mercenaries smuggled muskets into Equestria, especially the capital itself?”

“The situation has changed, not only are we dealing with the ones possibly responsible with the kidnapping of miss Snow, but smuggling too. We need to find a way get their attention away from Captain’s Nix platoon, but we can’t get ourselves under fire by those weapons either… if only we had some way to destabilize them quick enough to make the fight a close-quarters one,” said Shining, muttering to himself.

Apparently the muttering to yourself part is hereditary, would explain a lot about Twilight.

Seeing that explaining his plan would take too much time and the necessity for action, Eclipse made his decision as he jumped down from the five meter drop – which was just as shocking as running into a literally wall of ranged weaponry. Surprisingly, Eclipse managed to grab some scaffolding that was previously set-up in the past, swinging himself down from scaffolding to scaffolding until rolling down behind some crates.

Reaching into his saddlebags, he pulls out two objects – an oval-shaped object with a hollow inside and a purple crystal – placing the crystal into the hollow slot of the oval object, Eclipse hears an audible clink. A button soon pops on the top, with everything set, Eclipse runs full-kilt toward the griffons, getting their attention as they soon spotted the suicidal pony rushing them.


Aiming all their weapons at the newer target, Eclipse mentally began to countdown.

Five, Four…

The first volley of shots were easily blocked as Eclipse grabbed a piece of a barrel top and a metal slab to reinforce the barrel top, to block the crossbow bolts and musket shots.

Three, Two…

Seeing them reload for their next volley, Eclipse tossed aside his impromptu shield to quickly speed up toward the circle of griffons. The ones he could see the closest, began to sweat and squawk, backing up to their colleagues.


Pressing the top of the button, Eclipse tossed the object high into the ear, with a clunk it landed in the middle of the group. Those who recognized the shape immediately had their eyes bug out, while others gave a confuse tilt to the strange yet familiar object… until one of their own began to scream.



(Fight Music)

Those that knew the word, scrambled to safety while others stared dumbfounded, what happened next shocked everyone… literally. After several loud beeps came from the device, the sides of the objects slide open, as a torrent of electricity spiraled out like the claws of a ravenous beast.

The untamed lightning unleashed itself upon the hapless griffons as they were cooked alive by the scorching lightning, while some were seared by the slight tingle that the lightning caused as it made a glance touch upon their feathers.

Even after the light show ended, the horror wasn’t over just yet, as they were about to recover and regroup, the same pony from earlier who threw the grenade came over to the closest griffon and smacked him hard to the ground. Quickly grabbing his musket, with ease he aimed at a griffon who was aiming a crossbow at him, with ease he fired the unfamiliar weapon easily.

The musket shot flew true as its target was the griffon’s left calf, blood splattered out as a sizable chunk was taken out. The griffon cawed in agony as he grasped his calf, but quickly once he fell, Eclipse quickly did a one-eighty and used the musket as a club to smack away another griffon who sneaked up behind him.

The remaining standing fifteen or so griffons tried to dog-pile Eclipse, but seeing the brave yet suicidal pony fight them off, gave both platoons enough time to regroup and charge forth at the now disoriented griffons.

The battle was bloody and quick, there was no fatalities on either side and while the lightning appeared to be deadly, only brought those struck by it to go unconscious as it was non-lethal douses of electricity, enough to make them go unconscious but not harm, leaving only some scorch marks.

Eclipse had his share of scrapes, but was fine, as the medical guard bandaged him off and nodded them he was fine now. Just as he was about to speak with Captain Armor and Captain Nix, he was stopped by Strike and Thorn – Strike giving an inquisitive look while Thorn gave a thankful grin.

“Hey, thanks for saving our flanks, whatever that thing you tossed, you might try selling it to the guard, would help a lot with some of the missions we need to deal with when handling troublesome critters.”

“I could, but everything comes with a price,” said Eclipse.

“I like a stallion that can fight and manage his own finances.” After done speaking with him, Strike approached with the same musket Eclipse used, which was now snapped in half after being used as a club.

“How did you shoot this thing? The trigger was designed for griffons, not ponies?” asked Strike.

“…I’m familiar with weapons like this from my previous travels, before arriving to Equestria.”

But that doesn’t answer my question. Before he could ask further, Eclipse was soon called by both captains to see him.

Watching him leave, Strike continued to ponder how it was possible for Eclipse to fire a griffon-only weapon, the impossibility of this situation and many other prior to this now making Strike question about his recent acquaintance.

Eclipse stood before both Armor and Nix, who just finished interrogating the griffon leading this group. “Eclipse, we managed to get what information from this griffon before he’s sent off,” said Shining.

“Apparently, miss Snow is being held at an ancient Equestrian fort located at Unicorn Range, the fort was built during the earlier years of the Founding of Equestria,” said Nix. “Most of that area hasn’t been checked and I know the fort, though due to the location and resources it wasn’t refurbished for use, I kept telling the higher ups that these abandoned forts had to either be refurbished or demolished so they wouldn’t be used against us, but bloody nobles and their grubby hooves wouldn’t spend a single bit to support said expeditions or projects.”

Eclipse now knowing this glanced down at a map that was brought earlier to show where this fort was located. Just as they were about to head off, a guard from the surface approached the trio, saluting at both captains and oddly enough, bowing toward Eclipse.

“Captains Armor and Nix, and Sir Eclipse, I’m sorry to intrude, but both Princesses Celestia and Luna wish an audience three of you. They know of the current situation happening down here and wish to be further updated on the current status of your investigation to the disappearance of Pristine Snow. It is vital you quickly come to the castle, immediately!”

After hearing this, both captains ordered for their guards to gather the wounded and griffons back to the guard headquarters while the remainder secure all weaponry, evidence, and contraband for storage.

Once they got to work, Shining asked for both Nix and Eclipse to come close as teleporting to the throne hall entrance would be easier than on hoof. Getting close, Shining activated his spell as all three were teleported and would meet the princesses of Equestria themselves.

Operation Broken Feather

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Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 9:00pm

Celestia patiently sat on her throne while her sister paced back in forth to the right of the hall, even though it was evening now and was past her sleeping schedule. Hearing the recent news of griffon mercenaries camped within the abandoned mines and having a possible connection with a missing noble’s daughter was enough to keep the princess awake… that and several warm cups of coffee.

“When will they get here, it has been two hours since Captain Armor and Captain Nix left with two platoons of guards from both the Royal and Lunar Guard to root out these griffons!” shouted Luna.

“Well technically sister, they only left for an hour and a half,” said Celestia, sipping her tea afterwards.

“Does that matter! By now I expect those foul terror-birds to be caged and brought before me post-haste!”

Celestia understood why her sister was acting this way, to hear that one of their ponies was kidnapped due to some altercation that this mercenary group had with a small exploration group that involved said pony being kidnapped, a few of their guards, and the pony hired to make said exploration group. It didn’t help that this same mercenary group were also involved in the attempt kidnapping of several of their ponies, border guards, and other sapient beings nearby.

While my sister shows her frustration… mine is a bit more tempered than hers… though I too am furious at the outright bold actions these fiends are doing to our poor ponies.

At that exact moment after finishing her thought, an audible popping noise was heard and with it was the appearance of both captains of the Royal and Lunar Guard, as well as a third individual, a very familiar one to both princesses.

“I had my suspicions that something like this would attract you, but I never imagined them coming to fruition, now what brings you here, Sir Eclipse?” asked Celestia with a playful smile.

While both captains saluted toward their monarch leaders, Eclipse did an informal bow of his own – lowering his head slightly, while bringing his right forehoof to his chest. After finishing their greeting both captains advanced to Celestia and the now seated Luna beside her sister, removing their helmets and kneeling down, leaving Eclipse to stand behind and watch.

“Your majesties, Captain Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard branch and Captain Nix of the Canterlot Lunar Guard branch has come to report on the successful mission to the Canterlot Mines. We came upon a group of mercenary griffons, the same group that was previously encountered at the San Palomino Desert some months prior.”

“Indeed, we also managed to confirm that they are indeed the ones responsible for the kidnapping of the daughter of Purity Snow, Pristine Snow. They have her locked up in an ancient abandoned Equestrian fort located in Unicorn Range, alongside her is the rest of their misbegotten kind. Permission to prepare and send troops to rescue her your majesties?”

At this, Luna glanced at her sister and with that simple look, the lunar princess stood up and with her hoof raised she gave her full support. “You have my permission captain, prepare the best available troops you can and bring these griffons to justice!”

“As do I, prep your forces and head to the train going to Tall Tale for deployment, I will send a letter to the captain stationed there, knowing of your arrival and purpose,” said Celestia. “May fortune and success come to you and your troops on this mission.”

With that, both captains saluted once more and placed their helmets back on, leaving to make preparations. As both captains left Eclipse watches them leave, but before he could depart too, he was soon stopped by the voice of Celestia.

“Hold Sir Eclipse, while our captains have reported what they can to us, we would like a more thorough report on what occurred down there,” said Celestia.

That same playful smile didn’t left the princess’s snout, for some odd reason this deeply reminded him of someone… and it annoyed him to who it reminded him of. “I don’t see why you can’t ask one of your own guards about the events that happened tonight,” said Eclipse. “They witnessed what I witnessed too.”

“True, but I believe hearing it from a third-party rather than our ponies won’t make what they say sound… embellished.”

“You don’t trust your own subjects’ words?”

“That’s not it, rather they sometimes try their best to impress us whenever the chance is given, you however… do not show that kind of feeling toward us.”

Not surprising, not many can tell what I’m feeling… for reasons…

Sighing in defeat, Eclipse accepted their odd invitation and with that, Celestia horn began to light up and soon both herself, Luna, and Eclipse are teleported away. They soon reappear within Celestia’s private quarters, both princesses sitting on some large cushions, while another large cushion is placed before Eclipse, unfazed by the sudden teleportation.

“We were certain you would had show some reaction to being teleported,” said Luna.

“Stranger things have occurred to me, being suddenly sent to an unknown location is the least strangest thing done to me,” said Eclipse, nonchalantly.

“While I would love to hear your experiences during your travels, I would like to know what occurred within the mines?” asked Celestia, a teacup floating within her magical grasp.

Eclipse decided to not withhold information relating to what happened to today, so he told – what he wanted to tell them – what occurred, this involved telling them of his use of his latest device, the ambush that happened near one of the locations they investigated of Pristine’s whereabouts, why the griffons would kidnap Pristine, and even what occurred during his travels through the San Palomino Desert with Pristine.

“So you mean to tell us that these mercenaries not only tried to kidnap our own citizens, but that somepony hired them to do it… this does not bode well… Sister, do you think it has anything to do with my return?” asked Luna, with a guilty look.

Celestia saw this and comforted her sister, wrapping her in one of her wings. “Doubtful, whatever reasons those griffons had to trying to take away our ponies, it had nothing to do with you… but this shows that other forces are out there trying to divide our nation apart, with whatever means they wish to use, regardless of the consequences.”

“Speaking of dividing the nation… Eclipse, what was… your experience like during my return?” asked Luna.

Here, Eclipse paused, albeit for a short second to not raise suspicion as he lowered his own teacup to answer. “My whereabouts was… blurry to say the least, but I know that I wasn’t present when Nightmare Moon appeared at the town hall, I was at the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora and see if she wished to come see the celebration. It was at that time something strange occurred and I saw the girls enter the forest, sadly I could not follow as a strange fog rolled up and I ended up lost until I managed to wander back to town, the whole situation having calmed down afterwards.”

Something about Eclipse’s words didn’t feel right, to Luna his words were true… and wrong at the same time, snippets of what he said appeared correct, but lies too. She would of further asked, when suddenly she got a sudden migraine, as if by just trying to remember the events of that night only made the migraine worse. Celestia too felt something was off, but had to forget it immediately as her sister hissed in pain, placing a hoof to her head.

“Luna, is something wrong?” asked Celestia, worried.

“Nothing, I’m just having a headache-” Luna hissed again as her migraine gotten worse, as if her head was being split apart. The more she tried remember, the worse it got… it was as if something was keeping her from memorizing.

Seeing that Luna wasn’t capable of attending night court tonight, Celestia decided her sister would rest with her until she felt better. “It appears we would need to stop our discussion Eclipse, I’ll have one of the guards escort you out.”

Before Celestia could do that, Eclipse raised his hoof to stop her. “Before you do that, would it be alright I join Shining Armor and Lilium Nix on their mission to save Pristine, I was the one hired by Purity Snow to save his daughter. It would seem wrong to keep me out of this when I promised to return his daughter to him safely, I will even aid your guards by letting borrow some of my newest inventions,” said Eclipse.

Celestia was surprised at the sudden generosity, but she knew like any entrepreneur, Eclipse wanted something in turn. “And what would you like in turn, Sir Eclipse?”

“Nothing much, but is it possible I can have one more ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala… there is a plus one I wish to invite.”

Hearing this was a surprise, Celestia wondered who it was, there was many possible candidates… three in particular however came to the forefront of her mind.

Maybe its Twilight, from my student’s letters the two have gotten quite close with her helping Eclipse with his experiments, but she has her own ticket. Maybe that Fluttershy mare, from what I read, she was the first pony to befriend him, but she got one during that incident with Twilight and that extra ticket I sent to her, resulting in her friends fighting over the ticket.

It could possibly be Pristine, while I don’t know for certain her true feelings toward Eclipse, I heard from Shining how he defended that mare during her father’s party. While I may not be Cadence, I have a keen eye on seeing a young pony in love.

“And who might I ask is the lucky mare, I doubt its a stallion… unless you swing that way,” said Celestia, giving a teasing tone.

Oddly Eclipse didn’t react which wasn’t a surprise, but what was a surprise was his next words. “It is a she… but one you don’t know… I wish to invite an old acquaintance… she has been a tad antsy as of late and I hope showing her some new sights will calm her down…”

The look she saw in his eyes is the same she gives to Luna when she’s amazed by something she’s seen in this era or to Twilight whenever she isn’t paying attention and deep in her studies.


It was a look and feeling she’s become deeply familiar with, seeing this in a stoic stallion like Eclipse was surprising. You would think nothing would faze him and he would continue to stand tall and firm like a mountain… to see this side to him was quite interesting.

With a genuine caring smile, she used her magic and summoned another ticket, levitating it to him. “I can see you truly care for this pony… though I hope you introduce her to me,” said Celestia.

“Doubtful, she’s shy to a fault and quite aggressive to strangers… imagine Fluttershy’s shyness with your sister’s aggressive approach to things,” said Eclipse, giving a description.

That’s quite a combination. “Well hopefully I won’t spook the poor dear too badly, well I think that ends our talk for today. I hope to see you at the gala with the girls,” said Celestia with a bow.

Eclipse returned one in turn, later a guard came in and escorted Eclipse to the exit, as she watched him leave, Celestia levitated her now tired sister after her headache had subsided for now.

“Sister, I’m fine, let me head to night court and-”

“Uh ah, none of that talk Lulu, I think you and I need some sisterly bonding, I’m not going to ignore you at your time of need.”

“But Tia, I’m fine!” Ignoring her complaints, Celestia levitated the sheets and placed them on top herself and Luna. Luna’s previous complaints stopped after snuggling against the soft sheets and her sister’s warmth. With a happy giggle, the two sisters slept cozily together, just like they did in their youth.

Elsewhere – Canterlot; 10:00pm

Eclipse trotted alone down the main street of Canterlot, heading to the train station to meet up with Shining Armor. Going on autopilot, Eclipse didn’t focus on what’s in front of him as he was deep in thought about what recently happened.

It appears the seal I place is fraying, though it won’t be long though, if I had my full power it would had been swift and clean… Still… they’ll find out sooner or later.

Eclipse soon arrived at the station to see several guards boarding the train and among them is Shining and Nix, the two conversing until Shining spots Eclipse. Leaving Nix to prep the troops, Shining approached Eclipse.

“Hello Eclipse, are you going to take the train to stop at Ponyville?”

“Yes, but it won’t be my final stop,” said Eclipse.

Shining raise a brow, but after getting informed by Eclipse about him joining them and giving some of his troops some inventions he made, Shining accepted the additional help. “I guess we’ll be making a temporary stop at Ponyville then, good excuse to see my sister,” said Shining, smiling.

With that, Eclipse entered with Shining just as the train was about to leave, as four platoons – two from the Royal Guard and two from the Lunar Guard – boarded and rode the train to their destination. On the train, Shining and Nix curiously ask Eclipse what exactly does he plan to give to their troops, while Nix also asks what’s the relationship between himself and the kidnapped pony their trying to rescue.

“You’ve seen the device I used against the griffons back in the mines in Canterlot, correct. I plan to give a few of these devices to some of your troops during the operation, of course I only have a small amount so only select guards will be able to use them,” said Eclipse.

“And the connection you have with this Pristine mare?” asked Nix.

“I met her before I met her father… our first encounter wasn’t close to our current one. She and I are at best acquaintances or business companions, she has helped me with the journey at the San Palomino Desert, I would continue to ask her for assistance from that day onward… that is if she wasn’t kidnapped.”

“Well I’m thankful for the further assistance you’ll give to us, but do you have any requests of which guards would take the devices you have, I can see who is available and under your specific necessities for this operation,” said Shining.

Eclipse paused to think until he came to a quick answer, facing Shining with his response. “I don’t have any specifics, but is it possible a small team is made for me during the operation. I think its best that during the operation, while the main force attacks the brunt of the mercenary forces, a small team is sent secretively to extract Pristine during the attack, a sort of black ops team.”

That might not be a bad idea. “This could work to our advantage, as we’re attacking the fort that the mercenaries are camped at, you’ll find another way to enter the fort in secret, find Pristine, and swiftly leave with her. This will require perfect timing, but once done it’ll allow both the Royal and Lunar Guard forces to focus on apprehending the mercenaries,” said Shining.

“We’ll make preparations for this squad once we arrive at Tall Tale, but first we need to make a quick stop at Ponyville for these ‘devices’,” said Nix.

Nodding, Shining sat and waited for the train to stop at Ponyville; due to the sudden movement order of guard forces, many of the guards took a quick nap during the train ride, while some did some idle chatter or wait until the train arrived at its destination.

Eclipse watched from his own spot in the train, his gaze watched over the passing landscape moving by, the starry night sky, expansive fields, and forests were lit up by the lunar light of the moon. A sense of calm and familiarity came to Eclipse, a lot of this current situation reminding him a lot of another scenario he went through before.

Shining noticed Eclipse’s absent gaze, as he coughed to get his attention before speaking. “Is something the matter Eclipse?”

“...Nothing, just some fond old memories…” Eclipse continued to stare off at the starry sky, his eyes reflecting the light of the moon, hiding the sudden flash of color deep within his irises. “Nothing, but old memories…”

Some time later – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 6:30am

Due to the day just beginning, many of the inhabitants of Ponyville were still asleep with the only ones up early this hour being Applejack’s family, Twilight, and Pinkie. At the station, the train slowly begins to make its stop, the doors of the train open, as four platoons worth of guards from both the Royal and Lunar Guard step out.

With them is both captains of the Canterlot branch of both guard organizations – Captains Shining Armor and Lilium Nix – alongside them is Eclipse Light. Once all guards get off the train they settle down and stretch their bodies for a short time to await the train that’ll take that to Tall Tale; while this happened, Eclipse took both captains back to his home property so he could show them the items in question he wishes to bring with him during the operation.

Heading to his property, they encounter a guard patrol, the guard patrol involved Clear Sight and Heart Beat. Both guards recognize Eclipse and while they don’t recognize the ponies with him, they do notice the rank insignia on the armor where the withers would be.

“Captains! What brings the two of you here, sir, mam!” shouted Sight, saluting with Beat following her movements.

“At ease you two, we’re here for an important mission from Canterlot, continue with your patrol, we’re here to simply see something that Sir Eclipse wishes to show us,” said Nix.

Deciding to not question what this mission is or what Eclipse wanted to show them, both mares saluted again and went on back to patrolling the town. After that short distraction, they continued on back to their route to Eclipse’s place, once arriving, Eclipse brings them to his storage building.

Inside they see the same pile of crates and other stuff that was later organized with the help of the girls, among the piles of stuff, Eclipse pulls out one particular crate that’s smaller than the others. Opening the crate, inside he shows it off to both Shining and Nix, who see the same device Eclipse used without the crystal that he placed inside them, leaving these devices a hollow space inside.

“Here are the devices, they’re called Elemental Grenades and they work by placing these crystals inside them. How they work is that imagine the grenade as a vessel to hold the crystal, then depending on the type of crystal a different effect will occur.”

Fire crystals will cause flames to spew forth, creating flames much hotter than your common fire. Light crystals while causing no harm, are capable of blinding and deafening any within a five meter radius, the closer you are to the explosion the longer the effects will last. Ice crystals will encase anyone in ice and leave a frost effect similar to most tundra environments. Wind crystals will release a blast of air, these are best used to send a powerful concussive force to destabilize a large group or knock a larger creature off it’s feet. Thunder crystals as you’ve seen before, unleash a torrent of electricity, capable of stunning, paralyzing, and scorching those in reach.

“I haven’t tested out the other five elemental crystals yet, so you’ll be limited to only using these five types, though since we’re going somewhere high in the mountains, with little to no flammable objects, the fire crystal won’t be of much use. So that leaves the ice and thunder types to be use for offensive situations and the light and wind types for any other situation, though I be very mindful of your surroundings when using the thunder type, as this one is more capable of friendly-fire if not thrown correctly or if thrown near friendlies.”

“Understood and from seeing the device closely, its capable of allowing the user to take the crystal out to exchange for a different one,” said Nix, holding one of the grenades.

“Yes, I’ll let a single squad to hold on to six grenades, which consists of two pairs of thunder and ice crystals, and single light and wind crystal, totaling to six crystals to use for each squad. How many ponies do you have within a squad?” asked Eclipse.

“At least ten guards are within a squad and since we have four platoons, we have a company consisting of one-hundred-and-sixty guards. Since each squad will hold on to six of these grenades, there are approximately sixteen squads, totaling to all the squads having access to ninety-six grenades.”

“If you include the guards that’ll join me in rescuing pristine and my own, we’ll be bringing one-hundred-and-eight grenades.”

Shining’s eyes widen at the sheer amount they would bring for this single operation and seeing how effective they were, he would think it would cost a lot of bits just to pay back to Eclipse of his devices.

“How much would it cost if we were to buy all the available grenades you have?” asked Shining, worried.

“Well, the process just to make a crystal is lengthy, the materials to get for the grenade itself aren’t cheap and to have them mass-produced after this operation for future use… roughly 100,000 bits which would cover only two-hundred grenades.”

100,000 BITS! That’s enough bits to buy one of the smaller mansions in Canterlot or your own private airship!

“Is there a way we can get a discount?”

“Unlikely… how about this, rather than equipping each squad grenades, equip each platoon with double that a squad would get. This will reduce the ninety-six grenades to roughly, forty-eight grenades and the addition to mine, that’s sixty grenades now. Don’t worry about the ones to be used by me or the guards that’ll come with me, this will reduce your payment to only 24,000 bits, less if you have any spare grenades after the operation.”

Okay, that amount is more manageable for our budget.

“How many crystals will each platoon will have?” asked Nix.

“Well, they’ll have four thunder, four ice, two light, and two wind crystals, basically eight offensive and four supportive type grenades will be used for each platoon. I’ll let both you decide which ponies hold which grenades, though I suggest the unicorns to use them as they can either levitate or teleport the grenades to where they want them to go, just remember to place the crystal in and push the button on top to activate it.”

After sending a quick scroll by magic to his guards to get the grenades in this crate at Eclipse’s property, the three leave, but as they leave the storage building, standing outside with a surprised look is Twilight.

“Shining!? What are you doing here?” asked Twilight.

“Twily, its good to see you sis,” said Shining, hugging her little sister. “I’m here to talk with Eclipse about some business.”

“What kind of business?”

“The kind I can’t tell you, guard-related.”

Rather than continuing to question her brother, Twilight looks to Eclipse, at that same moment, four ponies arrive which they’re directed by Nix to carry two crates – one holding the grenades, the other holding the crystals – back to the train. Once they’re busy with transporting the items in question, Twilight tries to gather answers from the only pony who knows what’s going on right now.

“Eclipse, what’s going on, why is my brother trying to buy things from you?”

“I can’t say, but that it involves me being hired by a noble to find his daughter and no I cannot give you details who it is,; this joint-operation with the guard is strictly a need-to-know basis with as little individuals to know what’s occurring right now.”

“But what if you get in trouble, let me and the girls come and help, I’ll quickly gather them and meet up at the train, then we can-” Twilight stopped speaking as Eclipse placed a hoof to her lips, until he dropped them down so he could speak.

“Twilight, this isn’t like the missions Celestia sends you and your friends off to do, this is a military authorized operation with someone’s life in the line. This has nothing to do with a friendship lesson or trying to solve a problem with diplomacy or something that you and the girls can solve… there will be those who will get hurt… maybe worse.”

Twilight’s ears folded down, Shining watched this, but he knew he agreed with Eclipse that this isn’t something her sister or friends should get involved in. Eclipse sighed, placing his hoof on her withers, comforting her as best he could.

“Look I rather not worry the girls with this, its best you don’t tell them about it… I’ll be away again, mind watching my place, check on a few things for me… Can you do this for me?”

For a short while Twilight stayed quiet, but after some time passed she released a breath and looked up at Eclipse. “Sure, I Pinkie Promise,” said Twilight, giving a weak smile.

With this, Eclipse said his farewells as Twilight watched him and her brother leave Eclipse’s property, waving goodbye to both of them. Both stallions and entourage arrived back at the train station to see their guards boarding the next train heading to Tall Tale.

Once getting on board, one of the messenger guards received another scroll from Celestia, stating that she had the Wonderbolts to scout Unicorn Range and to meet back with Shining and Nix’s forces at Tall Tale after the reconnaissance mission.

During the train ride, both captains informed their four platoons of the new objects to be used and how they worked based off Eclipse’s explanation, while this happened Nix introduced four ponies to join Eclipse’s squad to infiltrate and rescue Pristine while the main force attacks and distracts the mercenaries from discovering Eclipse’s team.

Several hours later – Equestria, Unicorn Range; 5:30pm

The train ride from Ponyville to Tall Tale took the majority of the day, but once they reached the city and met up with the Wonderbolts, most of the force still had to travel by hoof to the fort occupied by the mercenaries within Unicorn Range. The mountainous terrain took much longer than the train ride, but with the Wonderbolts scouting the terrain and updated maps, they managed to reach an outcropping overlooking the valley with several ancient outpost towers built alongside the path to the fort.

In the distance was the fort, while the main force stayed behind, five teams made up of Lunar Guards were sent to disable the mercenaries stationed at the outposts. One of these teams was led by Eclipse, with him were four guards, a pair from each guard group.

Eclipse’s team consisted of himself, who was equipped with two dual swords of his, four grenades of light, ice, wind, and thunder crystals. The guards with him are a unicorn and thestral from the Lunar Guard, and a unicorn and pegasus from the Royal Guard; their names are Sergeant First Class Blade Wing, a thestral equipped with a steel variation of her namesake.

Alongside her is Sergeant Flare, a mare who’s proficient with enchantments, equipping herself with a crossbow she enchanted herself. Selected from the Royal Guard are Corporals Stormcall and Light Show, Stormcall being a pegasus equipped himself with an iron sword, while Light Show is a unicorn skilled in using a bo-staff and is proficient in using illusion magic.

Currently, while the other teams were making a safe and easy path for the main force to follow to the fort by disabling the outposts, Eclipse’s team goes around the valley through the mountains. Right now, they were watching the fort from a distance through a mobile telescope; the five were prone on the ground just three-hundred meters from the fort.

“So how we going to approach this, while the other teams are dealing with the outposts, we’re suppose to infiltrate this fort, find the hostage and get out?” asked Stormcall, putting the telescope down.

“Well we actually don’t start infiltrating until the main force strikes the fort, while their fighting up above, we infiltrate the fort through the dozens of tunnels underneath the fort. For now we should get to position before the main force arrives,” said Light Show, responding back to Storm.

“Quit your lollygagging, we need to move,” said Flare, levitating her crossbow off her back.

As the three get ready to leave, Eclipse gazes at the fort with Blade laying beside him. “I know you’re in charge, but don’t forget that if anything gets too drastic, I’m immediately pulling out myself and the others, we can’t save Pristine if we get ourselves in too much danger. Got it?”

Eclipse didn’t respond at first, but looked at Blade with a neutral gaze. “Do what you believe is right, I’m here to make sure Pristine is safely escorted out.”

Blade grunts and quickly moves out with the others, with Eclipse soon following; the five take formation with Eclipse taking lead, Blade to his left, Storm to his right, while both Flare and Light are to the rear. They made their way quickly and stealthily to the base of the mountain that the fort was built on top. Even though the mercenaries didn’t set up patrols around the fort, if they aren’t careful, they may leave tracks in the snow that could be visible from the fort’s walls.

Reaching the base of the mountain, they began their arduous climb up the side of the mountain and due to the griffons’ keen eyesight, it was best to cling to the side of the mountain by hoof rather than flying or teleporting, as they would easily see any of their flight-capable members, while the flashes of light from teleportation would be noticeable immediately.

It took a little longer than planned, but they still got to the cave that led to the cave system underneath the fort. After making sure the cave was empty of hostiles, Light quickly cast several light orbs for them to see. The first thing they came to see were several rusted weaponry and the bones of ancient ponies scattered on the ground of the cave.

“Well this isn’t what I expected when climbing up the side of a mountain into a cave,” said Storm, grumbling.

Blade knelt down to examine the bones and weapons, before glancing ahead of the dark cave. “These bones and weapons are centuries old, most likely these were caused by one of the several civil wars caused during the earlier days of Equestria’s founding. Not all members of the three tribes agreed to the idea of unity,” said Blade. “Come on, let’s get moving.

Changing formation, Blade was the one to take lead with Eclipse taking her position, as the group headed down the winding tunnels of the cave system. It was hard to tell how long they were in those tunnels, but what felt like minutes they soon came upon a slight abnormality with one of the walls of the cave.

This wall of the cave unlike the rest was patterned and smooth, while the cave’s walls were somewhat bumpy and no indentations on it. Bringing the light orbs that Light cast to glow by this wall, they soon discovered it was a wall of the fort.

“Welp we found our way inside, so now what?” asked Storm.

“Now… we wait,” said Flare. “Sir Eclipse, should we set up the explosives now?”

Eclipse nodded and while the guards got to work with placing the explosives to blow up the wall for them to enter inside, they would have to wait until the main force got to position to attacking the fort.

Meanwhile above ground – Equestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:00pm

While Eclipse’s team managed to infiltrate underneath the fort, above ground it was now evening, the sun was beginning to set as the moon could be seen just rising over the horizon. One of the mercenaries yawned, bored having to stand guard on the fort’s ramparts. Paying no attention but the valley below, his vision caught something in the corner of his eye, turning to see what it was, he sees several twinkles of light down below the valley.

Unsure what it is, the lights begin to multiply from their previous number, as more twinkling lights begin to appear. His tired and bored muddled mind was trying to process what he was witnessing, when he swore he could hear a whistling sound, when the lights started growing more in intensity and appear to getting closer.

At the last second, before the mercenary could yelp in surprise, an explosion of magical bolts blasted the side of the fort’s wall that the mercenary was just standing moments ago. This was enough to awake the rest of the mercenaries within the fort from their idleness, as the instant they heard and felt the explosions, they went into action.

(Mood Music)


Like a well oiled machine, the mercenaries leaned and positioned themselves on the tops of the walls, while at the remaining standing tower of the fort, was a cannon that the mercenaries managed to set up. Aiming their muskets and the cannon down below the valley, they could hear the roar of armored ponies in formation.

From the haze of snow and fog came forth a metal wall of ponies, standing in the front were earth ponies carrying heavy-duty shields in two rows, and behind them are unicorns who either cast barrier spells in front of their earth pony compatriots or fired magical bolts through the magical barriers.

Behind them were more earth ponies who appear to be pulling siege equipment, catapults with wooden barrels full of dust to blind those in the fort.

While the fortified defensive front of the ponies may appear impenetrable, they still need to climb up to the fort’s steep slope, thick with slippery ice and a narrow path to the gates of the fort. However, unbeknownst to the griffons, the ponies on the ground would be the least of their worries; soaring high above the clouds, a formation of the pegasi and thestrals that came to this operation gazed downward at the fort.

The plan is to await for the ground forces to reach a certain distance of the fort, in which the unicorns would cast a massive flare spell to blind the griffons, at that moment, the pegasi and thestral guards would swoop in from the sides of the fort and flank the griffons.

As the ground forces approached, led by Shining Armor wearing his full-suit of guard armor, they reached halfway up the slope of the fort, until he nodded to his second-in-command. With that nod, the lieutenant nodded in turn and faced the unicorn section of guards.


At that moment, all the unicorns stopped casting the barrier spells or firing any further magical shots, with the combined might of all the unicorns, they unleashed a massive flare spell toward the area above the fort.

The spell flew true and high, until reaching its apex, unleashed the magical light that both blinded the griffons and signaled their troops up above. Nix who led the aerial troops above spotted the signal and screamed out for her troops to dive. “THE SIGNAL, DIVE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF EQUESTRIA! FOR THE PRINCESSES AND FOR EQUESTRIA!” shouted Nix, diving forth.

At the sight of their captain diving down, the Lunar Guard thestrals and pegasi followed their leader while the Royal Guard pegasi moved forth. While Nix’s forces flew to the right side of the fort, the Royal Guard pegasi were led by another one of Shining’s lieutenants to strike the left side of the fort.

The griffons slowly regained their sight and hearing, until they heard the roaring of the ponies, but it became more audible and sounded as if it was coming from everywhere. That moment the few more aware and experienced griffons quickly start checking their surroundings, soon spotting the flock of pegasi and thestrals charging from up above from both sides of the fort.


Sadly, many of the mercenaries were still blinded, deaf, or too dazed to either fly upward or aim any of their muskets. Those that could however, were too panicked to whether aim their muskets or fly to the flock of enemies.

That single decisive moment wasn’t favorable for the griffons as the pegasi and thestrals crashed toward them like a tide hitting the wall of a cliff. Many griffons on the ramparts were slain immediately, but those stationed at the courtyard, who had more time to regroup, aimed their muskets and fired.

Some rounds missed, others grazed their targets, few got a good shot in, but while they were occupied by the enemies within the fort, they forgot those outside of it. “MOVE IN, BREAK DOWN THAT GATE WHILE THEY’RE DISTRACTED!” shouted Shining.

The ground forces charged forth, while those carrying siege equipment aimed their payload toward the center of the fort where their allies were least likely to be. Barrels of dust were flung into the air, until falling downward in an arc.

The mercenaries in the courtyard were too occupied firing their muskets, until a few shadows suddenly loomed over them. Taking a glance up, they saw barrels falling down upon them, one barrel landed on a griffon, smashing its contents all over the poor bloke, the other two missed but still unleashed their payloads.

Dust spewed forth, blinding and making the griffons breathing in the irritating dust, making it hard to breath or see. Now unimpeded by the enemies in the courtyard, the pegasi and thestrals took the time to swiftly take out the enemies on the ramparts first.

Meanwhile below the fortEquestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:30pm

The rumbling from up above signaled that the battle above was getting louder with each passing minute, but after hearing the loud rhythmic thumping of the battering ram slamming against the fort’s gates, was their signal.

“They reached the gates, time to begin our side of the operation,” said Eclipse. “Everyone step back.”

Hearing this, they all took cover, one of the guards holding the trigger, hits it once everypony is within a safe distance. The explosives detonated, unleashing a blast of dust and stone opposite of them, leaving an opening once the dust clears.

Eclipse steps forth to check the now revealed corridor of the fort’s underground hallways, seeing to his right is a door while to his left is another pathway around a corner. “Clear, okay, this is where we’ll split up, Blade Wing and Light Show will stay here to guard our exit, you two are the best to handle CQC and multiple enemies with your choice of weaponry. Flare and Stormwing will follow me to find Pristine, I will lead with Storm watching our rear, Flare will stay in between us due to her ranged weapon. Does anyone think otherwise we should change any parts of my plan?”

Even though Blade is responsible in making sure herself and the guards are safe and to leave if things go south, she could see no fault in his plan, by leaving both herself and Light to defend is a smart decision, with her mastery of CQC, that and Light Show is an excellent illusionist, meaning his spells will save time for Eclipse’s group to search for Pristine. While she doesn’t know the fighting capability of Eclipse – only through word of mouth – she trusts both Storm’s and Flare’s abilities to balance out that risk.

“None, we’ll make sure the way is clear on your way back,” said Blade, opening her wings in a ready position.

With that, Eclipse soon sped off to the left side with Flare and Storm following behind; now alone with Light, the two prepped for any mercenaries to investigate the noise from their explosives.

Further deep within the fort – Equestria, Unicorn Range, Abandoned Fort; 7:35pm

Ferrous heard the sounds of battle above-ground some time ago, but earlier she thought she heard an explosion coming closer by rather than from above.

Are they planning to come for her? Ferrous gazed down at a chained Pristine, who was quiet and also paying attention to the sounds coming from above. Ferrous turned her gaze to the two black-armored griffons who were inside the cell with her.

“You two, stay here and guard her cell, nobody – griffon or pony – is to approach this cell until my return,” said Ferrous.

Both saluted, positioning themselves to guard the cell, standing side-by-side by the door, once done with Pristine, Ferrous soon left with an entourage of her remaining elite mercenaries following behind. “Let’s welcome our guests, shall we.”

While Ferrous and her elites climbed back to the surface, the mercenaries were slowly losing ground and the only place left for them to hold was the courtyard. The battle started off with the use of ranged weaponry, but now every griffon fought with their melee weapons, several one vs one battles taking place within the courtyard.

The gates of the fort had fell and laid fallen on the ground as the remainder of the guard force swarmed the courtyard, fighting off any griffons still standing or capture those surrendering and unconscious. Shining took down his fifth opponent, it looked like the ponies were winning when the tide of the battle changed once more.

Like an outstretching black claw, several black-armored griffons swooped from the fort’s innards, smashing the majority of guard forces with ease. Among them stood Ferrous Pride, wielding her black steel halberd, Harbinger, while her head was bare to the frigid mountain air, an aura of intimidation could still be felt by just looking at her.

(Mood Music)

“Lady Ferrous, I believe the unicorn that defeated some of our grunts is one of their captains, what you want us to do with him?”

Ferrous gazed at Shining, just as he gazed back at her, wielding his saber, Defender, he charged forth toward her. “Deal with him, my only interest is finding the one who slain Feather Blade, dead or alive,” said Ferrous flying toward a different area of the battle.

With their orders given, both mercenary elites charged toward Shining, one wielding a mace, the other wielding a two-handed battleaxe. The one with the battleaxe swung horizontally from Shining’s right, ducking to dodge, he had to quickly roll to the right to dodge the mace from the other elite.

Backing up swiftly, both his opponents circled him as Shining levitated his saber close to him, watching both his opponents and surroundings. While Ferrous busied herself as she swiftly took down a royal guard with ease, two of Shining’s lieutenants approached her, knowing that by taking down the leader the rest will fall.

“So, you wish to play with me, then don’t make a lady waiting,” said Ferrous, curling one of her claws into a ‘come hither’ motion.

Back below underground, Eclipse’s group swiftly took down several mercenary grunts who were still underground, though it was actually Flare and Storm who did most of the work, while Eclipse only dodged and directed an enemy’s attack for either of the two guards to take them down.

He hasn’t pulled out his swords once, what is he waiting for?!

Storm dodged a sudden musket shot, until Flare fired an enchanted stun bolt, electrifying and knocking the musket-wielding griffon to the ground, the griffon twitching every few seconds from the bolt embedded in their chest.

“HEY, PAY ATTENTION! If you haven’t noticed, we’re in a middle of a battle,” said Flare, reloading her crossbow.

“Sorry, but seriously are you going to help us deal with these guys or are you going to keep those swords of yours still sheathed?”

Storm got no response as Eclipse continued to lead the two, giving an annoyed grunt Storm followed with Flare beside him. The three head deeper into the fort until they come upon a hallway with only a cell door in the end, guarding the door is two black-armored griffons, both wielding swords.

“We found where they’re keeping Pristine,” said Eclipse. “These must be the elites so be careful-”

Before they could come up with a plan, Storm’s earlier annoyance of Eclipse having not done anything so far reached its peak. Deciding to charge forth than listen, Storm swiftly flew ahead of both Flare and Eclipse; the unicorn tried her best to tell Storm to get back here, but he ignored her. Storm charged one of the elite mercenaries, but his haste would be his downfall, raising his own sword, the elite easily parried his weapon and slashed his sword across his chest. After being dealt with a diagonal cut, the elite swiftly turned around and kicked him back, sending him sliding back to Eclipse and Flare.

Storm laid flat with a broken snout and the slash across his torso from the elite mercenary swiftly cutting him. Flare hung her crossbow over her back and ran to Storm, quickly casting a simple healing spell and lifting him up. “You idiot, these aren’t like the mercenaries we dealt with before,” said Flare, a tinge of worry in her voice.

Eclipse watched both the elites and guards, until a plan came to his mind, approaching Flare, she looked up to see Eclipse looking down at her. “Take him back to the others, I’ll deal with these two and get Pristine back to the extraction point.”

Flare wanted to say something, but staying here with a wounded companion would only slow Eclipse down and even if they managed to beat the two elites, they would have to drag back two potentially injured ponies back, both slowing them down and leaving them potentially in danger to ambushes. Sighing, Flare lifted Storm in her telekinesis, until she glanced back at Eclipse, but shook her head and ran back to where the others are at.

Now alone, Eclipse faced the two armed elites, slowly unsheathing both his swords and standing on his rear-legs, gaining a confused grunt from both elites.

“Shall we dance,” said Eclipse, pointing his right sword at the elites.

(Fight Music)

At the same time as Eclipse’s fight, Shining just defeated both of the mercenary elites sent by Ferrous, now standing before Ferrous herself, while she dealt with both of Shining’s lieutenants with ease. Shining’s removed his helmet earlier due to that piece of armor being dealt with a heavy blow, leaving it with a big dent in it.

Shining levitated his saber toward Ferrous, but he wouldn’t be facing her alone, landing beside him is Nix, who wielded her enchanted spear, Missa Fruit. Both captains of the Royal and Lunar Guard Canterlot branch stood up against one of the leaders of the Iron Lions; after what felt like several minutes, Ferrous charged with a feral grin, as Shining and Nix answered her charge with their own snarls.

Below the fort, both the elites and Eclipse did their own stare-off, until Eclipse made the first move. Both elites readied themselves, due to them being in a corridor, neither elite could fly, but their one advantage was the pristine black armor they wore.

Confident on their defense and fighting skills, both elites would swiftly deal a heavy blow on Eclipse… sadly they never fought anyone like him before, and it would be the last time they face somebody like him.

Eclipse swung his left sword down, but like an angry deity smiting a foolish mortal, the sword became shrouded in black light, cutting through the elite’s sword and armor like butter. The elite’s companion watched as his fellow burst to black flames, barely time for a death throe to be heard in time.

Terrified by the sudden strange attack, the elite tried to attack back, but as his sword made contact with Eclipse, his sword simply bounced off some sort of invisible armor; feeling the sudden vibration climbing up his limbs, he instinctively dropped his weapon and gazed fearfully up at Eclipse.

His eyes oozed of black flames as his weapons became engulfed in black flames, leaving his eyes a bright glowing white. “Face me with dread and fear, for what awaits you is emptiness and all-consuming nothingness.”

Elementa Ad Gladii Technique I; Ebony Flames!

With the ferocity of an unrelenting fire, Eclipse swung both swords in a cross-cut, shattering the elite’s armor and engulfing the hapless griffon consumed by ebony flames. After watching the corpse burn and turn into ash, Eclipse walked over both mounds of ash that was the remains of the elite mercenaries, sheathing both his weapons fluidly.

Approaching the heavy-duty cell door, Eclipse raised his right foreleg and smashed the door open, inside he saw a now conscious Pristine, who smiled back at him. “What took you so long?” asked Pristine, grinning weakly.

In the surface, both Shining and Nix were on equal-footing against Ferrous, but due to facing against their own fair share of opponents prior and that Ferrous just recently joined the battle, the two captains were starting to reach their limit. Blocking and pushing off an attack from Ferrous’ halberd, Nix thrust forth her spear which was blocked by the flat side of Ferrous’ halberd.

They were in a stalemate, but before anyone could make a move, one of Ferrous’ elites swiftly flew down and whispered something to her. Her eyes widen and she spoke back while keeping her eyes still on her opponents.

“They got the hostage!?” said Ferrous, a tinge of annoyance in her voice.

“When we checked, we only found a shattered door and two mounds of ash. What do you want us to do my lady?”

For a moment she stood there, thinking, taking a quick evaluation of the current situation, they were slowly losing troops and they had no more leverage. Sighing in aggravation, she lifted her halberd and thrust the pommel end to the ground, sending a blast of dust and snow everywhere.

“We regroup back to our fall-back position, spread the word… we’re done here.”

Nodding, the elite flew off, moments later a horn was heard and the remaining flight-capable griffons flew off. The sounds of ponies cheering was heard, Ferrous gazed back at both Shining and Nix with a mix of admiration and hidden battle-lust.

“If we ever meet again, know I won’t be making this choice again and will finish our fight, but for now, this is farewell,” said Ferrous, one powerful flap of her wings and she was seen soaring away with the rest of her troops.

Watching her and the other mercenaries leave, Shining soon met up with Eclipse’s team, along with them is Pristine. The medics swiftly healed the injured – both their own and the captured griffons – until a flying carriage arrived to pick up both the captains, Pristine, and Eclipse back to Canterlot.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 12:00am

The flying carriage flew from the fort in Unicorn Range to Canterlot Castle took about four hours, during the flight, which Shining took advantage and got his needed rest, leaving Nix awake to write the report of the battle. Pristine finally took her well deserved rest after being in captivity, leaning against Eclipse, though he paid no attention to her as he busied himself by gazing outside, watching the slowly changing landscape down below.

Soon they approached Canterlot and rather than landing at the airship docks, they landed in the middle of the castle’s gardens. Once they slowed down and stopped on the somewhat bumpy landing, Shining awoke with a trail of saliva trailing down the side of his face.

Pristine was somewhat more elegant than him, but awoke with a snort and realizing she was leaning on Eclipse, coughed awkwardly. After the four got off with Eclipse last to leave, they soon spotted the princesses welcoming their successful return, alongside them is Twilight and her friends too.

The first to approach is Fluttershy who hugged Eclipse, which he returned calmly, the others soon joined, Twilight and Spike asking Shining what happened, while the rest of the girls mingled and spoke with either Nix or Pristine.

“Please my ponies, give the four some space, they been through some rough times during this operation,” said Celestia. The girls and Spike took a step back, but were no less than happy to see them all back and safe.

“Well down Captains Armor and Nix, we shall prepare a ceremony in the coming sunrise, for now, rest,” said Luna. “And you must be miss Pristine, your father dearly misses you back at his mansion.”

“I will see him some time later, but would it be alright your majesties if I were to stay here until I’m at my proper strength,” said Pristine, trying to bow.

“Please my little pony, do not strain yourself, we would allow you to stay in the castle’s medial ward until you are at peak health to leave,” said Celestia.

“Thank you your majesties.”

With that, the girls and Spike decided to do a late-night celebration and stay in the castle until returning home later in the afternoon. While everypony left, the only two remaining in the gardens is Eclipse who sat on one of the many benches that dotted the gardens, with Pristine joining him.

Eclipse pulled out one of his swords and brought out a whet stone, sharpening the blade. Pristine sat down beside him, with a tired groan she slumped against the back of the bench. The two stayed silent with the only sounds are the night noises of the critters of the gardens and Eclipse’s whet stone against the blade of his sword.

“...I’m thankful that you came to rescue me…” said Pristine.

“I was simply doing what your father hired me to do… When I learned of your disappearance, your father mentioned he never received the artifact. Do those mercenaries have it?”

“Sadly, they do, it was the only thing of my belongings they took, luckily they left my other personal belongings alone… I suppose this means that deal you made with my father won’t be happening.”

“Not quite,” said Eclipse, gazing at his sword under the moonlight. Pristine raised her brow, which Eclipse took as a response to keep talking. “I made another agreement with him to save you, which means your father still owes me. It may not be an artifact, but I’m certain the life of his daughter is of much greater value.”

Eclipse gave her a side-glance, this made her chuckle and sigh. “You are quite the shrewd sales-pony.”

“I do what I can… In all honesty, if the guard didn’t give their support to help… I would be forced to use my own, ‘resources’,” said Eclipse, cryptically.

At that Pristine’s curiosity peaked further, but before she could speak, Eclipse tapped her forehead with his left front hoof. This slight touch, spooked her, but she gave an annoyed grunt and snort.

“Now now, that isn’t for you to know and for me to handle…”

“And what exactly do these ‘resources’ of yours entail?”

Standing up from the bench, Eclipse sheathed his sword and placed his whet stone away in his saddlebags. Trotting away to the interior of the castle, the light of the moon beaming down to reveal his emerald eyes and mischievous grin.

“The what isn’t important, the why is that these mercenaries were impeding my plans and they were let on lightly, thanto be struck by something much more terrifying. Have a safe evening Miss Pristine, tell your father I’ll send a letter to him about our deal a different time… and, it was nice to see you once more.”

With that, Eclipse stepped into the darkness, leaving Pristine alone to gaze and wonder about what Eclipse said to her. What could be more terrifying than facing the fury of the princesses’ and their guard?

Elsewhere – Outside of Equestria; 12:30am

After regrouping with what remained of the Iron Lions, Ferrous gazed at several images of some particular individuals – these pictures involved Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Pristine, Twilight and her friends, Captain Shiningg Armor, Captain Lilium Nix, Blade Wing, Flare, Stormcall, Light Show, Heart Beat, Fang, and Clear Sight – all of them had some sort of connection with the one responsible for slaying Feather Blade and ruining their job in the San Palomino Desert and now their most recent incident.

When they captured Pristine in her own home, they sold the artifact they found on her to an anonymous buyer, so it wasn’t a total loss. While they were unable to ransom her, they did achieve another goal, during the battle, one of the grunts managed to see and recognize the one responsible for foiling the Palomino job.

A picture of a stallion with a dark colored mane and tail, also a dark colored coat, and piercing emerald eyes. This pony was unlike any pony she’d seen or met, it reminded her deeply of the guards under that moon princess’ command. A name was written on the photo, of the one she will get vengeance on once she got the rest of the Iron Lions and returned to Equestria to finish this annoyance of a pony.

“Eclipse Light, may we meet soon and once we do, you’ll regret crossing the Iron Lions,” said Ferrous, stabbing a knife into the photo of Eclipse.

The New Blood, the Samurai, & the Gangster

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Fourteen Weeks Later – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 11:00am

Roughly three months has went by since Pristine’s rescue from the mercenary group called, the Iron Lions, because of this incident, not only has Equestria’s border guard had went through some new changes, but security within the core of Equestria too.

The fact that a third-party sneaked their way into the center of Equestria, managing to set up operations within Canterlot in secret, kidnapped a pony, and involved in several crimes that would have caused an international incident. After that incident, Celestia and Luna have sent several envoys – by magic and through representatives – to the Griffon Lands to get answers about this, though the chances they had anything to do with the mercenaries is slim to none.

Considering incidents like this may happen in the future, Celestia granted First Lieutenant Orion’s request for more guards. Originally Orion was supposed to get more guards during the start of the year, but was delayed – mostly due to the no need for more guards sent to a small town and being near the capital – but, after the kidnapping his request was granted, that and it was to add security around the Elements… and other reasons.

The new transfer of guards was a total of twelve – four unicorns, three pegasi, three thestrals, and two earth ponies – six each going to both the Royal Guard and Lunar Guard. While all of the new guards each had varying skills and talents unique to them, there were a few individuals who caught the attention of Orion.

The first indivual that caught Orion’s interest is, Second Lieutenant Meltdown – a Royal Guard Hero who’s a notable unicorn with magical power equal to Captain Shining Armor, as well as an excellent military strategist. He first got Orion’s attention when he spotted his transfer request to Ponyville prior to Eclipse’s expedition to San Palomino Desert. Professionally, he’s well known to both the troops and officers of both guard organizations, but personally he has no knowledge to who he is or what he’s like on and off duty.

The second individual is, Sergeant Midnight Sun – a fellow sergeant from the Lunar Guard like Ves, unlike her though, Midnight is strict than lax compared to Ves. There is one problem however, with the two being of the same rank, the one in charge of the Lunar Guard will be complicating, though the obvious answer is that seniority ranks the other, with Ves being the senior member among the guards stationed in Ponyville.

There is also Fang, who was promoted to Sergeant after assisting Eclipse during his expedition, but due to him having both professional and personal ties with Ves and the other Lunar Guards, he has no reason to seek a leadership role among the Lunar Guards in Ponyville.

The third, fourth, and fifth individuals aren’t remarkable in any way except for one detail, they’re the relatives of Clear Sight – Private E-2 Sharp Sight, Clear’s younger brother, while he’s only been in the guard for a short while, is talented just like his sister, alongside him is their cousin, Private E-1 Sharp Wing and his step-brother, Private E-1 Sharp Arrow.

Talent-wise their above the standard guard, but still need some improvements under other aspects, the only other interesting fact about them is they belong to two ancient pegasus warrior tribes – the Sharp Clan and Sight Clan – but after the three pony tribes united together, they assimilated as a part of the UEA (United Equestrian Army), the precursor to the Royal Guard.

Since both families were purely military families, it wasn’t that surprising if all their children joined the military, however, if they chose any other occupation, it would either be in industry and trade, or politics.

Right now, Orion, Ves, Clear, and Twilight with Spike awaited at train station platform for departures, awaiting the newest wave of guards to come. The train was soon approaching, unlike the first wave of guards who arrived mostly on their own, this wave arrived with some civilians, not many, but it took awhile until they could spot any of the new guards.

Once they managed to organize themselves, the twelve guards split up with Meltdown ahead of the new Royal Guard members and Midnight ahead of the new Lunar Guard members. Both groups gave a salute to Orion and company, both Meltdown and Midnight stepping forward.

“Second Lieutenant Meltdown of the 1st Ponyville Platoon of the Royal Guard, reporting,” said Meltdown, giving a professional salute.

“Sergeant Midnight Sun of the 1st Ponyville Platoon of the Lunar Guard, reporting!” said Midnight, sternly.

“At ease, thank you for joining the Ponyville Guard branch, we’ve been waiting for awhile for more guards to be sent,” said Orion.

“We thought we had to await another year for more to arrive,” said Ves, trotting beside Orion. For a short second, Midnight gave a sneer, which quickly vanished as she returned to her professional look.

Ves however caught this. My, my, somepony is a tad bit stiff.

“Before we proceed further on, there’s something I have to report to you sir,” said Meltdown. “Between the guard transfer that was supposed to be on January but delayed to April, we’ve received… some interesting entries for the guard.”

Raising his brow, Orion further questioned what does Meltdown mean. “New guards? This wasn’t mentioned to me, I would of heard of new transfers being sent here.”

“Not transfers sir… Rather some new guard members from outside the country wish to join.”

Wait, did he say, members from outside the country?

“Um, excuse me, Sir Meltdown, but what do you mean by ‘outside the country’?” asked Twilight, curious.

“Best you see yourself,” said Meltdown, stepping aside. Once he stepped aside, he revealed six individuals that both surprised and intrigued those present.

Standing in a row, from left to right is a unicorn, a gryphon, another unicorn, a diamond dog, a minotaur, and a pegasus. Each one introduced themselves, starting with the unicorn, who lookedsimilar to a rose – her mane and tail were a dark red, her fur close between a dark green and black, with brown eyes while her cutiemark is a rose covered in barbs.

“Greetings, my name is Barbed Rose, I’m from one of the settlements within Northern Equestria, I was given a recommendation from a retired guard who lived in my village to join the guard. To be honest I had no interest joining, but I heard this is the least boring place south of my home.”

After done introducing herself, next was the griffon, he was possibly the oldest one among the six, as he was a basic mix of eagle-lion, with several old scars, one above his right eye and a crack around his beak, his eyes were a dull silver, now looking similar to gray.

“Name’s Quick Feather, I’m an ex-guard from the Griffon Lands, I came here after joining an exchange program halfway through my time being a part of the griffon military. Since then I’ve stayed stationed in Trottingham, but wanted a change in scenery… I’m sure a town close to the capital will change my day-to-day pace…”

Next is the second unicorn, she had a mane bouncy like Pinkie’s, but her tail was somewhat more slimmer – her mane and tail is light blue with lime green lines, her fur is white similar to Rarity’s, while having pink eyes, her cutie-mark is several bubbles of various colors.

“Heya! I’m Bubble Pop, I come from Prance as both a transfer and representative of my homeland! Hope we all become friends and companions for peace and love!”

The next ones were both the diamond dog and minotaur – the diamond dog looked like your average diamond dog, the only other differences is he’s less scruffier, while having a lean build is quicker, but definitely has musculature under that fur, and unlike having a dog-like face is more similar to a husky’s while his ears are larger than they normally are, with green eyes. The minotaur has a brownish hide with light yellow splotches around his arms and face, his horns are curled upwards and behind him, his eyes are a faint yellow.

“Greetings, I am Light Tap, my companion here goes by the name of Heavy Ear, I wish to join the guard within Equestria, while my companion is here to follow me. While my kind are known for their violent nature, my ideals and views on life are closer to you ponies, but my skill-set would be a problem if I were to become a part of pony society. So the only solution was to join a more… acceptable occupation toward my skills.”

This was surprising to hear that a minotaur with similar ideals like ponies, while it made Orion and the others pause for a minute in thought, they soon had to pay attention to the next and final individual to introduce.

The last individual is a pegasus, he was very bland, as his mane and tail were a simple black while, he had blue fur and green eyes, his cutie-mark is a pair of pegasus wings.

“Um, name’s Flight… I’m from Saddle Arabia… nice to meet you…”

“What reason do you have for wanting to join the guard and come to Equestria?” asked Orion.

“None really, I was wandering place to place back in Saddle Arabia… wanted a change of location and to see new sights… I heard about the exchange program like the griffon here, so I thought I join too… nothing special about me.”

At that moment Quick gave a raise of his brow, but it was for a short moment before he went back to parade stance, facing forward. After some further checks from both Meltdown and each of the six personal files, Orion and his entourage led the new wave of guards to their new barracks that was recently built.

The new barracks is three times larger than the one built in town, so it could accommodate the current guards, new guards, and more guards to come. This recent addition to the town had a similar layout to the old barracks; other than the fact it was larger, this one had a roof floor which was open to the public and could be rented for events, there are also several new facilities.

The newer facilities is a garage for carriage located in the first floor, also a part of the railway is connected to this new guard barracks, which is used for the personal transportation of supplies and guards directly to the barracks rather through the local train station.

In the second floor is a personal medical facility to be used for the guards or in emergencies any civilians, a communication crystal facility has been installed to allow contact to Canterlot – and future areas once proper connections have been made. A second basement has been built for the sole purpose as a vault, but unlike the one in the old barracks, this one is to keep any dangerous artifacts or items of interest until to deemed safe or transported to either Canterlot or Manehattan.

The arrangement of guard positioning was rearranged, with the higher ranked guards moving to the new barracks, while lower ranked guards will be stationed at the old barracks, unless the original guard wish to keep their old rooms or move to the new barracks.

Both the new guards and reserve guards look in amazement at their new base of operations, the only ones moving out of the old barracks is Orion, Clear Sight, Ves, and Fang. So the ones being stationed in the old barracks now are – Crystal, Yin, Yang, Soapstone, Heart Beat, Mango, Fruit Basket, Barbed Rose, Heavy Ear, and Flight, with Iris and Light Tap being the two higher ranked guards stationed in the barracks.

The new barracks will station the majority of the guards, but in order of rank and group, the guards are split into three groups.

The Royal Guard consist of First Lieutenant Orion Grey and his new and current second-in-command, Second Lieutenant Meltdown, next is the newly promoted, Sergeant First Class Clear Sight, then the guards other than the old ones are – Private E-2 Sharp Sight, Private E-1 Forest Shield, Private E-1 Sharp Arrow, Private E-1 Sharp Wing, and Private E-1 Fast Shot – with all the old guards being their original rank, other than Heart Beat who was promoted from Private E-1 to Private First Class.

The Lunar Guard consisted originally of only four members – Ves, Fang, Mango, and Fruit Basket – now their numbers have doubled, the newer members consist of a total of ten Lunar Guards – they area, Sergeant Midnight Sun, Corporal Night Rain, Corporal Shadow Fog, Specialist Silent Blaze, Private First Class Windstorm, and Private E-1 Bob – alongside them, the original members are the same rank still except for Fang who was previously Specialist and is now Sergeant.

The Reserve Guard are not officially part of either guard group and won’t be officially part of the Equestrian military until they served exactly six months and become a part of at least one guard operation. None of the six have a rank until they completed their respective requirements, so are only referred to as, “Reservists”.

While they’re told to leave their belongings in the recreation room in the new barracks, the tour came to an end and all the guards were being led to the training grounds located at Eclipse’s Property. While they’re being led there, some of the guards begin to have their own conversations, but three in particular appear to be the main focuses of all the guards questions – and the perspectives of three varying groups within the newer members.

While ahead of the group is Orion, Ves, Clear, Meltdown, Midnight, Twilight, and Spike, the other guards followed behind closely, among said guards, three particular stallions were talking with one another. Sharp Sight, member of the Sight clan and Clear’s younger brother, spoke with his two cousins – Sharp Arrow and Sharp Wing.

“Hey Sharp, when was the last time you spoke or seen your sister?” asked Arrow.

“A long time ago…” said Sharp, muttering. “I don’t understand why she wanted to be stationed a place in the middle of Equestria, she could of picked locations way better than here.”

“I wouldn’t called Ponyville, the ‘middle of Equestria’ its home to the heroines of Equestria – the Mane 6 – not to mention this place gets way more activity than the bigger settlements like Canterlot, Manehattan, or Cloudsdale, being built beside the Everfree Forest and all,” said Wing, factually.

“I know I know… its just… she was given such better opportunities, heck, I heard she was given a chance to join Celestia’s elite guard, not many ponies get the chance to join them. When I heard the news I thought she would accept the invitation immediately… not, be stationed in some small-time town.”

I don’t see what exactly could have caught her eye here of all places, I mean its one thing to see the new guard barracks built in a town that’s never had guards stationed here before, but after her staying for a week I thought she come back… but no, instead I our family gets a letter of her permanent stay in Ponyville and her denial of joining the elites! I’ll find out what reason made her stay… even if I have to force her back home.

Elsewhere among the group, Midnight trotted with two of her fellow thestrals, Night and Shadow, while Midnight kept quiet, the subtle glare she was giving to Ves was deeply noticed by the other two.

“I see Midnight is disliking our senior member, what’s wrong this time Sun?” asked Night.

“How can somepony this childish be the one in charge of the Lunar Guard, I know the Lunar Guard doesn’t have many officers with Luna’s recent return, but how come out of all the guards picked she was chosen to lead the Lunar Guards stationed here,” said Midnight, a frown on her face.

“Well, let’s not forget that the three of us joined the guard the same time and that Ves has been part of the guard before Luna’s return and that she’s in equal skill as the lieutenant.”

“I heard the only reasons she sergeant is because back then, thestrals weren’t widely accepted among the guard… there’s also the rumors she’s gotten into plenty of fights with other guards,” said Night.

“Regardless, she may had been stationed here longer, but we both share the same rank, so we both have authority when it comes to Lunar Guard choices here…” Midnight trotted ahead, her two companions looking at one another with a mix of worry and apprehension.

At the far back, the six reservists walked together, while neither of them know one another – except for the minotaur and diamond dog – they were in the same one-week course given to them back in Canterlot. The course itself was a simple run-down on basic Equestrian military training and the location they were being transported too; since the only ones with any military background are Bubble Pop and Quick Feather, their training was slightly different, but they still trained with the others.

The first to speak surprisingly is Flight, the skittish pegasus looking left and right as if he expects the boogeymare to pop up any second. To make him relax, Quick placed a wing on top of the young stallion, the sudden contact making him jump, but calm once he saw who it was.

“Calm down Flight, we’re just going to see where we’re going be training for our stay in this quaint town. No need to worry,” said Quick.

“Tha-anks, its just…”

“We know Flight, the only reason you joined is because you had no skills whatsoever other than you’re a pretty decent flier – not enough to join the Wonderbolts, but enough to be above your average pegasus – so you had no choice, but to join the guard… You’re lucky that Quick recommended you to join the exchange program when he met you back at… what town were you stationed at Quick?” asked Rose.

“Trottingham, I was part of the Griffon Military two months ago, until I joined an exchange program to be stationed in one of Equestria’s towns… and I was the only one to accept moving countries.”

“How come you moved exactly, Feather?” asked Tap.

“I’ve been part of the Griffon Military for twenty-seven years, I’m forty-five, my homeland is falling apart… heck there’s barely a military back home at all. There’s barely any jobs left home and joining another country’s military was better than being some farmer in Equestria. Look, there are those who join the military out of some obligation to family or country… and then there are those who have nowhere to go… in all honesty, when I met you Flight, you looked you could barely walk on your own legs, so I suggested you join the guard and would you know it, they needed some fresh bodies in some town called Ponyville.”

“Yeah, we all have our reasons for joining and pick this place, me… well, just like Quicky here, I joined the exchange program, though not the same time as him, I had to deal with some things before I could come to Equestria, so don’t worry Flight, we all got each others back,” said Pop, smiling.

After seeing that smile, Flight gave one of his own, albeit it was a bit small and awkward, but he felt some comfort at knowing that these strangers would have each others’ back. Heavy grunted, saying some in dimondian to Tap, the minotaur speaking in turn until facing the others.

“Heavy can smell we’re nearing out destination,” said Tap.

“And how can he tell?” asked Rose.

“The area ahead has the same scent he caught on the two called Orion and Ves, we’re nearing the place where the guards go to train.”

“Then we better get ready, let’s go.”

The six soon followed the rest of the guard entourage, heading to the sounds of grunts and training weapons hitting other weapons or ponies. Passing some trees, they come upon several ponies training with either wooden swords, spears, and other gear for the purpose of training.

Several ponies and thestrals were training on some flat ground, with zero rocks or other obstructions that may cause tripping or any injuries to occur, with the only injuries they would get is some light bruises and sore muscles.

The ones training are Yin and Yang facing each other with swords, Iris who was practicing her magic on a training dummy, Heart Beat helping Fruit Basket with doing some reps with some dumb-bells. At the far edge of the training area is several mares sat on a picnic blanket watching the guards training, Twilight’s friends enjoying some snacks prepared for the group to enjoy.

While watching the guards did catch the newcomers attention, what got everypony intrigued was a CQC match between five guards, or rather, four guards and an unfamiliar stallion. The only reason this caught everypony’s attention was the fact that four of the guards were facing off against the fifth individual, to those who don’t know their names it would look like an unfair match… to those who knew who was facing who, it was equally matched up.

Eclipse sat crossed-legged on the ground, his opponents were Fang, Mango, Crystal, and Soapstone – two thestrals, one earth pony, and one unicorn – since magic was forbidden in this match, the only ones that anypony would need to worry about is Soapstone and Fang. While it was obvious to watch out for Soapstone, him being an earth pony, the reason anypony who fought against Fang when it came to CQC to be worried is because he’s the one CQC expert among the guards – even the newcomers. The only ones to beat him or have a chance with him is Ves, Orion, or Clear… that is if you only include the guards, Eclipse was a different story all together.

While many of the guards watched to the sidelines, Orion, Ves, Meltdown, Twilight, Spike, Clear, and Midnight stood with Twilight’s friends. Seeing the unfair match, Midnight approached Ves expecting to know why their allowing this kind of match to happen.

“First Lieutenant Orion, sir! Why are you allowing this training match to happen with fellow guards, a one vs four match is not only unfair, but unethical, this is overkill, sir!?”

Ves watched, but rather than letting Orion, she approached Midnight with her own stern look. “Sergeant Midnight, if you must know, that pony is no ordinary pony and he’s not a guard.”

“You’re letting a civilian train with the guards!”

“That ‘civilian’ is the owner of this training area, not only do we have to pay him for using this area, but he’s trained and a skilled fighter. If I were you, I see for yourself what’s consider unfair and fair with your own eyes… you might learn something from this experience.”

“And what might that be, Sergeant Ves?” asked Midnight, with a glare.

“That not everything is what it appears on the surface…”

At those words, Midnight glared at Ves but faced the CQC match, the four guards positioned themselves, with Crystal circling to stand behind Eclipse, Soapstone and Fang circling from the left and right, while Mango flew up and positioned at the front. Eclipse stayed sat crossed-legged, but soon stood up and to the confusion of those new here, stood on his rear-hooves.

“What’s he doing,” asked Arrow. Sharp soon silenced him as he watched with a bit interest and wondering who this stallion was.

A calm soon came as the other guards who were training stopped what they were doing to watch, some even betting, but not who would win… but who’s going to stand last.

Eclipse had his eyes closed the entire time, the four guards looked at one another and Fang signaled them all to move. Soapstone charged forth with Crystal matching him next, Mango flew up higher and dived down, with Fang watching but, circling to stand in front of Eclipse.

To those watching it felt like the world was moving at normal speed, to Eclipse… everything froze; with a deep inhale, his eyes slowly opened, with an exhale, he made his move. Just before the match began, Eclipse set up some music for the guards to listen to… the next song that began to play just as the match began, would fit best to what was happening and what was going to happen – total utter chaos.

(Mood Music)

Just as Soapstone got close, Eclipse tilted backwards, easily dodging his hoof-punch, but just as Crystal was coming up from behind him, with a slight push of his rear-hooves, he jumped up and over Crystal in a backwards flip. Now in the air and seeing Mango diving right towards him, just as Mango made contact with Eclipse, he grabbed his outstretch hooves and slammed him into the now confused Soapstone and Crystal, causing the three to get into a pony pile.

Landing behind the three, Fang took his chance to act, with a power flap of his wings boosting himself toward Eclipse. The two fought one another, Fang on the offensive while Eclipse on the defensive, blocking punches and kicks, pushing them aside, or simply dodging, no matter what Fang did he couldn’t get a good hit on Eclipse.

Just as he thought he was about to hit him, Eclipse spun around, grabbed Fang by the scruff of his neck and threw him at a now standing trio of stallions, only to meet the ground once more, luckily Mango got up quickly, only to meet a dropkick from him. Tumbling on the ground, Mango came face first to the ground, in a daze and unconscious.

Next to get up were Soapstone and Crystal, while Fang dash backwards to give himself some space. Eclipse made his next move by rushing up to Crystal. Not expecting this move, he was getting ready when Eclipse changed targets to Soapstone, who was not expecting this.

Doing a quick jab in reaction to Eclipse’s sudden approach, he dodged the jab, grabbing Soapstone’s outstretched limb, pulling him in close. Once he got face-to-face with him, Eclipse headbutted him from below the chin, soon he was seeing stars when a sudden pain was felt around his stomach.

Eclipse finished his assault by thrusting his hoof into Soapstone’s stomach, watching spittle come out his mouth until falling flat on his stomach. This all happened so fast that Crystal could do nothing but watch, that is until it was his turn.

Just before Eclipse could land a hit, Fang came in rushing in from his blind-spot, though all this did was get Eclipse away from Crystal, as he simply rolled backwards to face the two.

Rather than fighting separately now, the two remaining fighters charged Eclipse together; Fang started the charge with Crystal following behind him. Eclipse pushed one of Fang’s jabs and blocked any follow-up attacks, when Crystal came up next, Eclipse opened himself to his attack.

At first everyone assumed Eclipse finally got hit, when Crystal couldn’t move his hoof back, as Eclipse wrapped both his fore-hooves around his. Planting both his rear-hooves to the ground, Eclipse lifted Crystal up and began twirling around until he tossed him toward Fang.

Rather than catching his teammate, Fang dodged to the side as Crystal was tossed into the crowd, some getting out of the way except for one earth-pony… who simply watched as Crystal slammed into his sizable chest, sliding down before his hooves.

Fang quickly faced Eclipse, but the stallion simply stood in place until he got to a fighting position, signaling his one hoof toward Fang. Accepting the challenge, the two stood in ready stance and face one another; the two stood and stare for who knows how long until one or the other broke.

Soon the dam reached its limit and something came loose, the two charged, each giving and receiving their fair share of blows and hits. Deciding enough was enough, Fang grappled Eclipse and tried to fly both himself and him to the sky. Watching the two fighters now in mid-air, it was hard to tell who would win now.

Fang was ready to slam him full-force into the ground, when Eclipse did something else, reaching around he grabbed the back of Fang’s head, blocking his view. Tried his best to struggle free from the sudden hold, Eclipse flipped him over until Fang had his back facing the ground with Eclipse on top.

Letting go of his head, Eclipse kicked him in the barrel then just before Fang could get his wits, he grabbed him by his wings and stood on him in the air.

“Should of stayed fighting me in the ground, you had a better chance than taking me to the sky,” said Eclipse. “Game match.”

With that, a cloud of dust appeared where both Eclipse and Fang crashed into, once the dust cleared, Eclipse walked away on all fours with Fang laying flat on a small crater. Eclipse headed to his saddlebags, until he pulled out a green crystal, tossing it to Fang.

“Put that around your wings anywhere sore, won’t fix broken bones, but it should ebb the pain for a professional to check you,” said Eclipse.

“You know… sometimes I wonder if you’ve done this before or not… but I’m guessing my answer will be the same each time…”

“I have… but I won’t say.”

“And I rest my case… Ow.”

As those who fought in the match also got their own crystals and got checked by some of the medical-trained guards, Orion got everyone’s attention to gather around. Eclipse made his way to a stool with his equipment nearby, grabbing his pair of dual swords, he pulled a whetstone and some tools, checking and maintaining his weapons as he sat on the stool.

The newer batch of guards were curious why Eclipse was joining them, not knowing yet he wasn’t a guard or affiliated with the guard other than they’re paying him to rent his place whenever. After Orion got the first wave of guards to stand on one side and the second and third waves to stand on the other, he began to do introductions.

“Ponyville Guards! I like you to meet your new fellow brothers and sisters, at this very moment, we are official at the required amount to be considered a platoon! Welcome, to the 1st Ponyville Platoon, we will take a thirty-minute recess for everyone to get to know each other, then we’ll meet back at the new barracks so everyone will get the updated schedules!”

As everyone got to know each other, it was then that Meltdown approached Eclipse, who continued to do maintenance on his weapons. All of the guards watched this happened, those who knew Eclipse wondering how this interaction will go and those who don’t know Eclipse will wonder how Meltdown act towards him.

It was to everyone’s shock that Meltdown began to bow respectfully toward Eclipse, when he didn’t join the others in parade stance and wasn’t scolded by any of the officers… that is until they heard what Meltdown said next.

“You must be ‘the’ Eclipse Light – fought against the Holy Sun Church’s forces, fought one of their highly trained paladins, even came to blows with High Paladin Shining Might himself… I’ve also heard of your travels through the San Palomino Desert, facing those mercenaries, and helping the guard with an operation to save a noble’s daughter from those same mercenaries – you’re deeds have been heard as far as Luna Bay and from that spectacle earlier, it was definitely not an exaggeration either.”

Many of the newer guards began muttering to each after hearing that, some asking who this Eclipse pony is, those who heard telling them what they heard, and so on. Even though after seeing what they saw earlier there were still many doubters among them, but hearing from a guard celebrity like Meltdown, it was hard to say if what he said was true or not.

Even after speaking, Eclipse continued to do maintenance, not moving his sight away from his swords, as he began sharpening the blades with the whetstone. Some of the guards who were still confused asked the guards stationed here longer than they had who Eclipse was.

“Eclipse is a civilian hired by the princesses themselves to help the Ponyville Guard with renting his land to train, as well as other duties,” said Fang, now covered in bandages.

“Yeah, he’s also a very successful business-pony, heard he has deals as far as Dodge Junction,” said Mango, joining the conversation.

“If you were to toss in ever guard stationed here – not including the newer arrivals – we wouldn’t manage to take him down, even if he took us seriously,” said Crystal, holding an ice pack to his head.

“He’s also a skilled warrior than any hardened guard I seen before in my life,” said Soapstone, adding his piece.

While most of the new guards were skeptic about this, the only ones that had any interest or awe into Eclipse is the reservists. While Tap and Flight are impressed and amazed, Rose and Quick are intrigued by the stallion.

“Really, wow!” said Flight, starry-eyed.

“Quite the warrior, many of my brethren back home would be impressed to see this pony fight… his technique though is unlike anything I’ve seen before,” said Tap.

“The way he moves and acts reminds me of fighters who have wings, if he were a pegasus or griffon, I think that swiftness of his was natural… Tad odd to see a land-walker move this way,” said Quick.

“I seen my share of hoof-fights, that had to be the cleanest one I’ve seen before, I fought plenty of ponies by myself alone, but I never come out unscathed. This stallion fought four trained guards by himself, are you sure he ain’t secretly a guard or something,” asked Rose, raising a brow.

The guards were split into three groups – those who were skeptical about Eclipse himself, which consisted of the new guards, those who were impressed or at least knew him long enough, consisting of the reservists and old guards, and finally those who stayed neutral or had no thoughts, this was mixed between the old and new – but everyone agreed that Eclipse’s deeds were legit.

Eclipse stopped sharpening his sword, lifting it up to get a better look of it, at that moment both Meltdown and Eclipse looked at one another. While Eclipse was simply gazing at his sword, Meltdown was taking in every detail of Eclipse – from his eyes, to his face, his mane, anything of interest to better tell who this stallion was before him.

Finish with his examinations, Meltdown gave a smile then spoke. “If it wouldn’t be much trouble, would Sir Eclipse accept a duel with me,” said Meltdown, continuing to smile.

If a record player was playing right then, the sudden stop and scratch would be so loud, the sudden awkward silence to come wouldn’t still be enough to show the sheer shock on everyone’s faces. Many of the guards who heard Meltdown’s heroic deeds were quite shocked, that the usually tame stallion would suddenly request a duel just after that intense match that happened earlier.

Orion was about to speak up, if Midnight didn’t approach beside Meltdown and gazed down at Eclipse with her own look. The difference between Meltdown’s calm, collected, and friendly gaze, was a mirrored opposite of Midnight’s intense, murderous, feral eyes, the sheer tough as nails, grizzled look she gave, would make you think she’s a veteran who fought in two wars.

“I’d also like to see the… rumored ‘skills’ you hold, especially of your tussle with a tatzlwurm, a very ferocious beast.”

It was one think when one notable guard asked to face Eclipse, but for two notable guards of different guard groups to ask for a duel at the same time, was as rare as a blue moon. Though the number of surprises weren’t going to end there, seeing two known guards challenge what is apparently the local militia, Sharp Sight was the next to approach.

His reasons for this was mostly, because he recently heard that one of the reasons his sister is still staying in this town, has to do with the stallion everyone is talking about.

If this Eclipse Light pony gets the attention of both of these known guards, let’s see how skilled of warrior he is to face against Clear, no no-name pony can face sis in a battle without getting a flew licks in.

“Excuse me, but would it be alright I join in this duel, I’d also like to see the skills of this stallion myself,” said Sharp.

“Ah, you must be Sharp Sight from the Sharp and Sight clans. Your sister is stationed here too, correct? I was surprised she stationed herself than anywhere else,” said Meltdown.

While the two spoke to one another, Eclipse placed his swords aside and stood up, facing the three, with his usual neutral gaze.

“What kind of duel exactly do you want?” asked Eclipse.

Before anypony could answer, Twilight quickly approached, reaching a hoof around Eclipse. “Would you three mind if I borrow him for a sec, thank you,” said Twilight, with an awkward chuckle.

The three guards watch a distraught Twilight, drag Eclipse some distance near his home; they saw Twilight who had some hairs springing out of her mane, talking to Eclipse with a worried look. Eclipse himself just looked back, speaking a few words, before pausing to let Twilight talk more, who continued to get louder and more distraught with each passing second.

Soon Twilight gave off when she placed a hoof on her forehead and trotted back to the three guards with Eclipse. “Sorry about her, she can be very panicky when it comes to these things.”


“And I need to remind you that this is a requested duel and not an outright challenge from a noble… Also, I’m not as prideful or ignorant to not know my own limits,” said Eclipse. “Don’t worry Twilight, you’ll get less gray hairs that way.”

Flabbergasted, Twilight puffed out her cheeks and gave an annoyed look, those watching gave their own confused looks, but after giving in she joined her friends who either consoled her or laughed.

Eclipse looked at the three until he reached for his sword and twirled it around, stopping it until the bladed pointed upward. “What kind of duel do you three wish to do?”

After some further talking, they agreed to fight armed rather than with their own hooves and instead of using training weapons, they all agreed to use actual weapons. The only one who wore any kind of armor is Sharp, who wore some padded armor that covered his front and barrel. The weapons of choice each fighter chose is an enchanted silver lance for Meltdown called Flare; Midnight equipped herself with a pair of serrated wingblades called Ivory, Sharp wielded his personal rapier.

The duel like the previous match was Eclipse against all three guards, with Eclipse using his dual swords, standing on his rear-hooves in the CQC match. Unlike that match, the unicorn guards surrounded the four fighters in a five-by-five meter radius circle, casting a barrier around them as this match will involve the use of magic from Meltdown for this fight as Eclipse allowed it.

The moment the barrier came up, the three guards got to position, Meltdown stood at the back of their formation while Midnight circled to the right, leaving Sharp to circle to the left. Eclipse stood where he was, with both swords pointed to the ground, he had his gaze on Meltdown.

Other than his swords, Eclipse also had some pouches tied around his waist, the purpose of said pouches was unknown to everyone, but it didn’t change the situation right now. Just as Eclipse changed his perspective from Meltdown to Sharp is when Midnight struck.

Pouncing forth with a flap of her wings, she pointed both her wingblades toward Eclipse; dodging back, he block another attack when Sharp thrust his rapier. Watching Sharp’s rapier blade slide across Eclipse sword, he momentarily let go of his sword handle, using his other sword to take a swing at Sharp.

The sudden move was enough to make Sharp back off, as Eclipse’s sword that was locked with the rapier was sent flying upward. Charging at Sharp, he jumped up and hopped on his head, using him as a trampoline to reach up for his other sword. Somersaulting forward, Eclipse hit Sharp with his sword guard, who barely blocked until he was sent back to Meltdown.

Midnight snarled and swung her left wing toward Eclipse who had his back facing her, as the wing neared him, he blocked her attack with his sword while still facing forward. Pivoting himself around to face her, as he turned fully around he swung his other sword to strike her from her unguarded side.

Just as the sword was about to strike, suddenly the two backed off from each other when a magical arrow came flying between where the two were just moments ago. Soon several more followed after the first one, all coming from Meltdown who advanced slowly. Each magical arrow struck the ground around Eclipse, some flying true, but when the ones that got towards Eclipse neared him, he blocked or struck with the flat-end of his swords.

This surprised many as usually weapons enchanted with protective spells could block or nullify magical attacks, and signs of an enchanted weapon are easy to see from a glance, yet Eclipse’s didn’t show any of those signs.

“Is his weapon enchanted?” asked Ves.

“No, usually a glow appears around weapons and armor that’s enchanted, there are cases though… but this isn’t one of those cases,” said Orion, responding back.

Seeing this happen, all three regrouped together and went back to their previous positions, with Midnight and Sharp circling him once more. Those who watched wondered who won this match, many believing the guards would win, the minority though were those who faced and traveled with Eclipse, the girls and Spike, and the reservists who feel some sort of camaraderie with him.

As the three continued to be vigilant but ready, Eclipse paused his movements, went back to his previous stationary pose – standing on his rear-hooves with both swords pointed down and facing to both sides of him.

Most duels involved one vs one fights or two vs two fights, depending on the situation, the challenger and challenged, and so on... well to say what was happening in front of everyone was not what anyone expected. On one side was Meltdown, Midnight Sun, and Sharp Sight – one was well-known hero among the Royal Guards, another is veteran and skilled Night Guard, the third comes from a long lineage of warriors from Pre-Equestria – to say this was an unfair battle was clear as day... however, to those who personally – and those who fought – against the one being challenged... it was a pretty balanced fight.

His opponents had an equal mix of weaponry and abilities, two were flight capable, one can use magic, each their weapons is something they are skilled with personally and matches with their fighting styles.

While none of them have ever fought together or trained together before, they adapted quickly and know their roles; so far, the young stallion called Sharp, appears fresh out of the training yard, but his senses are like his namesake. The thestral mare on the other hoof is keep tabs on her opponent, her wingblades at a moments notice straight and open to cut into anything its wielder demands it to.

Finally... Meltdown, he stood in the far back, casting spells in the ready, but if his companions can't take the brunt of the damage, he would charge in with his enchanted lance, capable of creating quite the impact to anything it touches.

Most of the newer batch of guards all put their bits – those actually betting and not – to the three guards, knowing from rumor and having seen them fight that their skills were no joke, that the one they were facing had no chance against the three... but to those who been in Ponyville longer than they... knew better.

Whether it be Meltdown's natural talent, Midnight's dedication to the guard and her training, or Sharp's long lineage of warrior-blood and being taught by the best trainers out there, the three were truly match against any foe they were about to face.

None could match them... though, you can't match someone that has no proper equal.

Eclipse stood there with both his signature swords to the side, standing on both his hind legs like a minotaur would, his head tilted down and the sun's light beaming against his back, creating a long outstretched shadow before him.

The shadows hid his eyes, only showing the darkened visage of his face to be seen, but for a short moment, if somepony paid attention... you swear you saw a glimmer of light appear where his eyes were.

This may be a duel and not a true battle... but for once... I don't feel like holding back – I think I can "loosen up" just for today.

Eclipse sheathed both his swords, but his opponents still kept a vigilant stance, keeping an eye on his movements; reaching both his hooves into two separate pouches being held by some ropes around his barrel, Eclipse pulled out a pair of purple crystals. Shoving both crystals into the guard area of his swords, a strange glow envelope both blades, before Eclipse once more unsheathed said swords.

For a short moment another glow appears around his eyes... and during that small exchange with Eclipse glancing at his opponents... you could swear Eclipse smiled for that short span.

"You know, I haven't used this technique in such a long time... But this isn't a terrible start to reusing an old trick."

So please... do try to fight till I'm satisfied.

And at that moment... it became clear that no amount of training, skill, and talent... could surmount to what could best be described as a living prodigy.

In that single moment, a manifestation of battle stepped forth and appeared in flesh and bone – an "Angel of Death" has awoken.

Meanwhile outside the barrier, Twilight and company watched the duel, if it could be called that, earlier when Twilight spoke to Eclipse, ever since that incident with the Darkness Crystals, she’s been… paranoid. Well paranoid was saying it light, she felt like something has been watching her from the shadows, literally, but what really bothered her is that… she’s been feeling weird whenever she’s near Eclipse or rather whenever Eclipse is under certain… conditions.

Maybe it has to do with what happened during that experiment… Eclipse hasn’t told me what happened from his perspective, all I know what happened that day is from what Spike heard from him… So why do I feel like I’m forgetting something.

As they watched the match continue, when Eclipse suddenly began sheathing his swords, he pulled out two very familiar crystals that Twilight recognized.

Wait, aren’t those a pair of Darkness Crystals? Didn’t Eclipse say he would temporarily not use those, why is he using them, didn’t we agree their dangerous to use!

Eclipse soon slammed both crystals into the guard area of both his swords, soon a dark purple glow enveloped both the blades. Unsheathing both swords once more, he twirled them both, when he took a different pose; flipping one sword with the blade pointing backwards, the other sword was positioned in front of him while the other one that had the blade pointed to the ground was behind him.

He faced his opponents with his left rear-hoof in front of his and right rear-hoof behind him, positioning himself to the side, facing them with a different look in his eyes than before.

(Fight Music)

Seconds went by until his eyes opened wide, with an intense stare, he dashed forth with both blades pointed to the sides, leveled parallel from one another. The sudden speed he exerted was enough to make Meltdown to fire a more powerful magical arrow, its size and color, more brighter and bigger than the ones before.

Midnight and Sharp charged forth, Meltdown’s attack and the two coming from the sides, cornering Eclipse in the middle when he blocked and pushed back both Midnight and Sharp; as the magic arrow got closer to Eclipse, he dashed towards it… and melded into the shadows that the bolt created from its ambient glow.

All three guards were shocked momentarily, as well as their audience when Eclipse vanished into the shadows. Meltdown cast a quick search spell to find Eclipse… when his spell told him, Eclipse was located where he was standing.

Just before he could react, Eclipse exploded forth out of Meltdown’s shadow, appearing behind him, which took the unicorn by surprise. Eclipse slammed both swords toward Meltdown, which he quickly used his lance to block, the blow staggering him enough.

Eclipse was partially in Meltdown’s shadow, when he fully emerged out and bounced off the lance, landing some distance away from him. Midnight and Sharp ran back to Meltdown to assist him, but as the three got back together, Eclipse swung his sword horizontally at the three, sending out a shadowy energy slash, which carved the ground like some land-shark.


Midnight shoved Sharp to the side, quickly dodging while Meltdown teleported away from the attack. As the dust cleared and the three looked back where Eclipse was once more, he fell backwards into a pool of darkness, vanishing once more into the shadows.

Thinking fast, Meltdown cast a big ball of light, making all available shadows vanish immediately, soon the three waited until he reappeared. For awhile nothing happened, but from Midnight’s perspective, just as she looked at Meltdown she saw something around his levitating lance. Soon two swords sprung out the shaded area below Meltdown’s lance, the swords reached around and swung down on his lance, sending the weapon flying away from Meltdown.

Springing out of the darkness, Eclipse came out until sending out two vertical energy slashes at Sharp, the first slash he was capable of dodging, while the second got his rapier, sending the weapon to tumble away.

Watching his weapon fly away, Eclipse took this chance and rammed into Sharp, sending him flying straight toward the barrier back-first. Sliding down, he fell down on the ground with a wheeze, beaten, but still conscious when he found himself and his weapon outside the barrier by Iris, who considered him out.

“Why did you pull me out!?” shouted Sharp, angrily.

“Hey, if this was a real battle, you be dead, the moment you lost your weapon and went down, you’re out,” said Iris. “Just be lucky Eclipse didn’t knock you silly.”

Sharp glared back at her, but glanced at the ground, slamming his hoof to the ground in frustration; back with Midnight and Meltdown, while Meltdown was unarmed, he used his magic to block both Eclipse’s ranged and melee attacks.

Midnight flew up and dived down with both her wingblades ready to strike their foe, just as she got close to Eclipse with one of the wingblades nearing his neck, Eclipse bent his head down to dodge. Turning around his entire sword being held by his left hoof glowed with a bright dark purple, soon he slammed the sword to the ground, unleashing a blast of shadowy energy to engulf both him and Meltdown.

Midnight was sent flying back, but she was capable of stopping herself with some quick flaps of her wings, stabilizing herself in the air. Looking down, the only one left standing from that attack is Meltdown who was now standing beside Sharp.

Eclipse faced Midnight, the two looked at one another, with a snarl Midnight did a desperate dive toward him. Swinging his sword as she got close, Midnight dodged his attack, rolling in the air and getting behind him, ready to stab her wingblade toward Eclipse.

Turning to face her, thinking she won with this move, Eclipse’s whole body turned into living shadows, melding through her weapon. Becoming living shadows, Eclipse slipped behind Midnight and pointed both swords at the back of her neck. Feeling the tips of the blades against the fur on her neck, she sighed, lowering her weapons in defeat.

“You win… what the heck are those swords?”

Retrieving his swords away from Midnight, Eclipse sheathed blades and began to trot away on all fours. “Some old mementos from a distant past…” said Eclipse, leaving the barrier.

Watching him leave, many of the new guards watch him in a mix of awe, shock, and fear, even some of the old guards were a bit perplexed by this side of Eclipse. Twilight was racking her mind together what she witnessed.

But how, Eclipse said the Darkness Crystals were unsafe to use and needed further testing, he never told me they could be used this way!

The reserve guards respect for Eclipse grew further on, Flight who was quiet and kept to himself, exploded with emotion. He ran up to Eclipse and began asking him rapid-fire questions, the others soon joined and began asking him their own questions.

“HOW DID YOU DO THAT!? THAT WAS AMAZING! CAN YOU TEACH US TO DO THAT!” shouted Flight, hopping around Eclipse.

“My, for somepony as young as you, I haven’t seen fighting like that in all my years,” said Quick, chuckling.

“Hey, want to get a drink with me, I’ll buy,” said Rose, grinning.

Eclipse looked at the six figures, among them, he kept a close on Flight who didn’t notice at all, still starry-eyed from seeing the spectacle of showdown earlier.

Hmmm, his aura… is different from the others…

“Maybe another time, I have some business I have to attend to, but it was nice to meet you all,” said Eclipse, doing a semi-bow.

Watching him trot away to his home, the reserve guards looked at one another until they were all called back to Orion. The lieutenant looked down at all the guards who returned to parade stance, with their attention him now than Eclipse, he raised his voice.

“WELCOME TO PONYVILLE! Before we get you acquainted with the town, its residents, and your new homes, we’ll begin training – now!”

The Next Day – Ponyville, Outpost Harmony, Orion’s Office; 9:00am

After a harsh day of training, getting acquainted with their new homes, and the occasional introduction with some of the more well-known residents. Today, the newer guards are on patrol of the town, with their numbers up to twenty-four – not including the reservists – the patrol scheduling has become flexible and allows two pairs of patrols to be sent into the town.

One patrol will follow a route from the school to the town hall, while the second patrol will follow a route from the train station to the north-eastern part of town. Before this could happen, Orion and Ves planned to have the newer guards take up the original patrol plan for a week so they’re better familiarized with the area, this of course doesn’t mean the old guard have extra free-time, as the hours they’re suppose to be doing patrol, are spent on either training or office-work – which is a lot considering Ponyville has a lot of paperwork than you would think.

While the new guards are getting use to their given roles, Orion was in his new office, unlike the previous one which was decent, but this one looked like it was made for a captain.

Heh, captain… like I’ll reach that rank anytime soon… took me two years to reach first lieutenant from my rank as second lieutenant. Now I have to get a total of five years of service… sadly its rare for anyone to get rank of captain, you’re more likely to get that rank in the larger cities… not a small town here.

Though, getting a personal assignment and request from the princess herself was enough for me to accept being posted here.

Orion looked through the profiles of the original guards stationed here, having promoted Clear Sight, Fang, and Heart Beat due to their assistance with Eclipse on his journey through the San Palomino Desert, but also for their assistance in rescuing kidnapped Equestrian citizens, border guards, and other sapient creatures from a group of griffon mercenaries.

Right now he was reviewing both the profiles of said original guards and their newer arrivals, specifically, the ones that will be promoted soon in five months. Soapstone was promoted just last month to PE2, I might have to hold a promotion ceremony on September – unlike his I had to call him to my office and tell him the good news.

“Let’s start with Meltdown and Midnight Sun, then the rest – I’ll do the reservists last,” said Orion, pulling out Meltdown’s portfolio first.

Meltdown – rank, Second Lieutenant; age, twenty; gender, male; species, unicorn – is the youngest recorded guard to be promoted to lieutenant. Was originally stationed at Tall Tale until his actions saved the city from a dragon rampaging at the city, which he swiftly moved to Canterlot, given both officer training and a promotion to his current rank.

He’s young, practically the safe age as all of the privates, though he was the second candidate to become captain back in Canterlot… though the previous captain chose Shining Armor – Armor has been stationed in Canterlot longer, is a local, and he’s also brother to the princess’ student… that and his many other connections with the royalty.

Moving on, he put Meltdown’s profile aside and grabbed Midnight’s next.

Midnight Sun – rank, Sergeant; age, twenty-four; gender, female; species, thestral – was stationed at an outpost near Hollow Shades, alongside her is her two close friends Night Rain and Shadow Fog. Strict, you would assume she was a drill-sergeant, but that’s her normal attitude – both on and off-duty.

With her and Ves being the same rank, command for the Lunar Guard will get confusing fast, but generally common-sense follows that the senior guard who’s been stationed longer is in charge… hopefully Midnight will follow that and use regulation and demand they both share command, or worse.

As Orion was putting away her profile, one of the profiles from the pile slip and slid into his periphery view. Looking at the profile, it was the profile of Clear Sight’s younger brother – Sharp Sight – deciding to take a look with it in front of him, he read the contents inside.

Sharp Sight – rank, Private E-2; age, twenty-one; gender, male; species, pegasus – comes from both the Sharp and Sight bloodlines, two well-known pegasus clans. Young but talented, was given several recommendations by both members of his family and other known guards.

If I remember, he’s Clear’s brother, their five years apart, but his build makes him look way younger, but what’s more surprising is he and Meltdown joined the guard around the same time – different locations though – to imagine that somepony who had no prior military background from his family, rose the ranks, while somepony who does had to take the longer route.

“Wonder how those two will be when they first meet,” said Orion.

Ponyville, Outpost Harmony, Clear’s Room; 9:30am

Clear sat at her desk, pencil in hoof, she had her journal open and was currently writing down what happened yesterday.

April 23, Year 1011

It has been seven months and three days – two-hundred and sixteen days – since my new deployment here in Ponyville. The requested guards that was asked and supposed to arrive on January have finally come, with it we now have an outpost built come distance outside of Ponyville, with it additional rail tracks were made for military munitions to be sent to this outpost rather than collecting them back at local train station.

The numbers of both Royal Guards and Lunar Guards have doubled, with them are six reservists from outside of Equestria. I’ve been told they aren’t officially guards yet but will still need to follow the same schedule we do, until they’ve been posted here for six months will they become officially guards. Only the ones called Quick Feather and Bubble Pop are different as while they aren’t Equestrian guards, were originally military from their respective nations, they too will follow the six-month rule, but are given some leeway for certain situations.

The other four however are different, other than three of them being foreigners, the one called Barbed Rose is an Equestrian but she’s from the frontier towns – I think the one located further north-west, Luna Bay – and the borders south and north of Equestria are a bit difficult to tell which is considered Equestrian land and not. Rather than going through the paperwork – which is faster, but much more meticulous – she rather go through the six-month rule like the others too.

Among the new guards, Sharp Sight and our cousins-

Clear paused writing as she stared at the words she put down, after some thought and conflicted thinking within her psyche, she scratched out those words and rewrote her original sentence.

Among the new guards, Sharp Sight and our cousins The new guards involve Privates Sharp Sight, Sharp Arrow, and Sharp Wing; the three joined together, but Sharp has been already reached PE2, I believe he was involve a small scuffle at Cloudsdale – something to do with some smugglers transporting illegal goods.

He is doing alright and I hope he improves… that he…

Sighing, she put her pencil down, crossing her forehooves onto the desk and laying her head on top of them, burying her head.

Ten years… its been ten years, we haven’t seen each other for ten whole years. I haven’t seen or spoke with him since he eleven, not after… not after I left to stay with uncle Sharp. Sure I heard how he’s been from our cousins, but ever since… I hope he forgives me.

“...Sharp, for we keep our blades that way; Sight, for we want our targets in view; Slash, for we will give our foes in return... This is the mantra, the mantra of the Purebloods…”

At that moment, she gets a knock on her door, waiting to see who it was, a mix of anxiety and fear washed through her, but soon those feelings ebbed away as she exhaled loudly. “Who’s there?”

“Its me, Iris! Some of the new guys and gals invited me to drinks tonight, I'm wondering if you want to come, can I come in?”

For some time Clear thought about what she heard, soon she stood up and approached the door, reaching a hoof over she opened the door to see a smiling Iris. The unicorn was… very happy for somepony like her, but she does her job well, out of everypony here, both her illusion magic and secretarial skills have been helpful.

“...Who exactly will be there?” asked Clear.

“And she opens the door, if you’re wondering, I know Mango, Fang, Crystal, Beat, and Soapstone will be there, as well as the new younger guards… I think a stallion called Sharp Sight will be there… say you wouldn’t be related would you?”

Clear mumbled something out, but it was unheard by Iris, before she could respond though, Clear spoke up. “Actually I think I’ll have to deny your invitation…”

Iris looked carefully at Clear expression and body, ever since she was stationed in Ponyville, she got to know all of her fellow guards as much as possible – being in charge of greeting anypony enter the barracks meant she had to see plenty of faces and see what their true intentions are. Iris can clearly see that something was bothering her fellow guard, sure Clear is a higher rank than her, she always felt a sort of sisterhood with the collected mare.

Placing a hoof on her withers, she guided the now confused Clear to her bed, the two sat down and looked at one another. “You alright, something bothering you?”

“I… yes he’s my brother, but we haven’t seen each other in over a decade… We… didn’t leave on good terms,” said Clear.

As long she could remember, she never opened up to anypony, ever since she left her home and began training with her uncle, she has always kept to herself… and wrote down her personal feelings in her journal… well… sometimes. So right now, her speaking to somepony she barely knew only as a fellow guard was… strange and out of place for her.

“I see… go on.”

Clear looked at Iris deeply, rather than ask what went wrong or anything else, she tells her to keep going. Deciding to go with it, Clear began talking a little about herself and brother… and the family’s long ancient tradition.

You see… when a member of my family reaches a certain age, they are sent away from home and train for the rest of their life in a sort of pilgrimage. Said pilgrimage doesn’t happen only with my family but two others – the Sharp clan and Slash clan, other fellow pegasi clans. The other clans sent followed this tradition, sadly the Slash clan had no sons – they don’t accept daughters to do the tradition, was always their sons.

“Ah huh.”

To compensate for this, the Sharp clan sent their two sons to do the tradition. The tradition involves the eldest of that clan to live with both clans for a certain number of years, you see, the children are sent when they reach the age of twelve and expected to join the military by eighteen or nineteen… so three years to train under each clan.

“Where does this lead to you and your brother’s current relationship?”

...My brother… back then wasn’t like how he is… well, I don’t know how he really is now compared to back then, but he was kind… too kind. He wouldn’t survive that kind of training from the other two clans, he couldn’t survive the training from our father. I myself was the same, but mostly because no expectations for me to do the tradition was expected… when I heard he would be sent away from home the moment he turned twelve… I made my decision.

I was sixteen when I took his place, so rather than the total of six years of training, I only had two years… So instead of the training that every eldest son is given normally… I was given a long forbidden version of the tradition, one that hadn’t been used in ages due to the changing of the times… Let’s just say it left its own scars – mentally and physically.

“And that is my life’s story – I gave up my future so my brother wouldn’t had to go through that version of Tartarus…”

“Well… I don’t think it worked considering your brother still joined the guard,” said Iris. “Sorry, if that sounded rude… but I’m just saying you know.”

Clear nodded, when she heard the news of Sharp joining the guard… it was sudden, though she suspect their father secretly trained him at home which is forbidden, as only one child will join the guard – with some exceptions – while the other should find a suitable partner to keep the bloodline going.

Iris thought about what she heard from Clear, then she began to think how Clear never opened up to anypony before, only the bare minimum of communication came from her… With a soft smile, she wrapped a hoof around her, this surprising Clear a bit from the sudden contact.

“I’m thankful you opened up this to me… Maybe I’ll tell the others I won’t join them, how about you and I have our own girls night, just the two of us?”

Clear looked at Iris a bit before staring down at the ground, for the longest time she’s been alone, carrying this burden so long, feeling she couldn’t depend on anypony else anymore. Maybe I can change that today onward.

“Sure… I like that, a lot.”

Ponyville, Berry Punch’s Bar; 11:00pm

Many of the newer guards decided to go to the local bar just as planned, the only ones that didn’t attend are Orion, Meltdown, Clear Sight, Iris, Fang, and all the reservists. The entire bar was rented for tonight, so other than Berry Punch and two servers, the locale was filled with only guards. Since the guards did nothing but train, patrol, or other such duties the day they arrived and yesterday, it was alright for them to have some time off this evening.

All of the guards were sitting in their own tables, immediately creating and shows the various groups; the obvious groups were the old guards, which consisted of Crystal, Yin, Yang, Soapstone, and Heart Beat. The other tables held their own groups – one table has only the Sharp and Sight members, one table has the thestrals, while another had a mix of Royal and Lunar Guard members.

Sitting at the far corner was a particular group of ponies which consisted of both members from both guard groups. The first of the five is a male earth pony, his cutie-mark consists of a shield that looks like an oaken tree with branches and leaves extending from the sides; his name is Forest Shield, he’s like your average Royal Guard, while the guards stationed at Canterlot are given enchanted armor that makes all guards – male or female – look the same based off specific selection, other cities don’t have the same enchantments for their guards’ armor, this is mostly due to Canterlot having a heavy unicorn population and enchanters are more frequent than other cities – also meaning that enchantments are more cheap in Canterlot too.

Forest Shield has a brown mane and tail, dark green fur, and his eyes are light brown color, his weaponry when on duty is a guard-standard spear and tower shield. He set his mug of alcohol – Berry’s home-made brew – listening to the conversation coming from two of his fellow guards.

The next guard that sat across from Forest is a lithe, but fiery pegasus by the name of Fast Shot; many would mistake this pegasus as a mare due to their physique, but whenever any stallion try to attempt at wooing ‘her’, they would end up beaten a pulp and finding out they are a he… though, those are the words that come from Fast.

Fast Shot has a yellow mane with blue zigzag pattern going through both their mane and tail, blue coat, and orange eyes. Their cutie-mark is a ball with two lightning bolts trailing behind it, one yellow and the other blue; their desired weapons are – oddly enough – are a pair of swords, even though they can’t properly wield two swords.

The current conversation was actually about Fast’s sudden decision to wield two swords rather than just one, their excuse was the fact they witnessed Eclipse use two. “How come I can’t use two!? If that stallion can use two then I can too!” shouted Fast, swinging their mug to make their point.

“What kind of cock-measuring contest are you trying to beat him in!? For starter’s he didn’t just use two swords, he fought using an unseen technique you daft feather-head!”


The one arguing back with Fast Shot is the pegasus from the Lunar Guard, Windstorm, who sat beside Forest, unlike Fast’s comment of a parrot, Windstorm was pretty average for a pegasus. His coat is cloud-white, while his mane and tail is white-blue, his eyes being a light purple color. His cutie-mark is a several clouds taking a formation of a tornado; he uses a guard-standard throwing spear, light enough to fly with and perfect for close-to-mid range combat.

“Look, for the love of Harmony, you can’t honestly think you’ll learn to use two swords just by watching Sir Eclipse. He explicitly said he won’t teach his techniques with anyone from the guard, that was the deal made between him and the princesses,” said Windstorm.

“And how the heck do you know that exactly?”

“Its called reading the guard manual that lieutenant Orion made for us newcomers – the town’s layout, our duties, the rules we guards have to abide by in this town, and all other guard standard regulations – don’t tell me you even read the beginning section of the manual,” said Windstorm.

“I have… partially…”

Windstorm sighs, alongside his sigh is a chuckle from the group’s fourth member, who sat between Windstorm and Fast Shot, the unicorn from the Lunar Guard, Silent Blaze.

Blaze mane is short, only reaching a quarter length down her neck, both the mane and tail being the color pink, while her coat is a gray coloration similar to Orion’s, her eyes being a dark pink. Her cutie-mark is a blazing fire taking the form of a bell.

Being a unicorn, its obvious she doesn’t use a weapon, she specializes with pyromancy, illusion magic, and summons a magical sword made of the flames from her magic. Like her namesake, she’s actually a mute, but quite ‘vocal’ when she wishes to be, let’s say her point is made clear and her temper can be quite harsh, though she’s friendly to those she considers her comrades.

Blaze gave a mute chuckle, prefer to enjoying a glass of red wine than her companions mugs of beer; the last of their group is the large stallion who sat beside Windstorm. Oddly enough his name is what caught everypony’s attention, as he goes by the surname of Bob – though that isn’t his full name, but it was much easier to remember than his full-name.

His mane and tail is purple, his fur is a basic blue, while his eyes are the same blue as his coat; his cutie-mark is a pair of boxing gloves, with his armaments being a pair of guard-standard hoof gauntlets.

Originally Fang was the expert CQC guard in Ponyville, but that position has been overtaken by Bob as he was an ex-pro boxer from Fillydelphia. When Fang did some CQC training with Bob, unlike his match against Eclipse who was quick and precise, Bob dealt some powerful and weighty hits, taking Fang by surprise and down in the ground in moments.

With this outing for drinks many of the guards got to know one another, though it was clear at least four groups had been made within the guards in Ponyville. While one group consist of the older guards, another consisting of the newer guards, the third and fourth groups however are interest; the third group consist of Meltdown and the Sharps, while Meltdown isn’t the leader he and Sharp Sight appear to have gotten close as acquaintances, having both be patrol partners.

The fourth group consist of the thestrals, or more specifically, Midnight and her two close companions, Shadow Fog and Night Rain. While they have no begrudging feelings toward the other guards, Midnight their leader is somewhat against Ves when it comes to guard duties, since they both share the same rank – alongside Fang who while being a sergeant, follows Ves as his superior.

There is of course a fifth group which is the reservists, though none of the guards know much about them since they didn’t join them for drinks at the bar, volunteering to do patrol duty while everypony else went for drinks.

Sitting at the bar, Sharp Sight and his cousins Arrow and Wing, discuss about Meltdown and Orion, specifically with two well-known stallions, one who reached their rank through hard-work, while the other through talent. “So who you think is more deserving of becoming captain of this town exactly, sure Orion has higher rank than him, but the chances of Meltdown becoming captain are just as similar as Orion’s?” asked Arrow.

“Why are we having this discussion in the first place, isn’t it mutiny to be having these thoughts?” asked Wing.

“That is if we are thinking of mutiny, I’m just wondering about succession of captaincy in this town. Sure we don’t have enough guards for anypony to be ranked to captain, that is something were to happen, I mean we’re located near the Everfree Forest, some wild creatures have to wander out and enter the town, right?”

“Unlikely, previous reports state that the chances of a monster attacking is real slim, due to the actions of the Mane 6 and our resident benefactor, Sir Eclipse,” said Sharp.

“So there’s no chance for them to be promoted to captain through deeds, as the chances them being ranked through service is real unlikely,” said Arrow.

“Not quite…” Sharp takes a sip of his drink, before placing down, facing his cousins. “If you heard the rumors and reports from Canterlot, you know that the Church has a vendetta with Sir Eclipse, whether that’s public knowledge or not depends on who you ask. Either way, sooner or later, the Church will make their move against Sir Eclipse, then we guards will act in kind… I’ll help Meltdown succeed as captain, I respect him and support him whole-heartily.”

Sure, this has nothing to do with your grudge with your sister, who works directly for Orion.

“Of course, whatever you say Sharp,” said Arrow.

“We’re with you either way dude,” said Wing, nodding in kind.

Sharp continued to drink from his mug, thoughts of what the future will hold, swirling in his mind.

Three Days Later – Ponyville, Ponyville Barracks; 6:00am

Three days have gone by, the guards have gotten used to being the town and their given schedules, but the focus was on the reservists. Waking up early in the morning, an hour before anyone else usually wakes up, it was normal for Rose to up at this hour, mostly because it relates to her prior job.

She used to work as a lumberjack, while anywhere else, the only dangers to worry about is falling trees, she worked in Northern Equestria, where the temperatures were colder, the local fauna wasn’t as friendly as anywhere else, and you’re more likely to get frostbitten than crushed by logs. Another issue with the job is that its harder to find good lumber or firewood in this case, as most trees are too frozen to be used.

Most of the settlements in Northern Equestria consist of mostly earth ponies and pegasi, while there were a few unicorns within each of these settlements, fewer had access to fire or heat-based spells. Sadly, Rose’s magical abilities related to manipulating and summoning magical rose vines and anything to do with plants… which is completely useless in colder climates where plant-life is zilch.

With no other choice, she had to work for a job that she could use her talents for, having a sort of close connection with mother nature, she could tell which trees were alright to cut, which ones were rotting, and which ones needed more time to grow.

Working as a lumberjack has built up a lot of muscle, working with stallions who could knock you out with a hoof-punch and drink three-times than your average stallion, had an effect on her. She got to her own tussles, gained quite the rep – both when it comes to alcohol and to her own might – and built up her muscles that she could be compared to the average earth-pony strength.

Though there is this ritual she always follows every morning exactly at six o’clock, back home she get up at that hour, go to her favorite coffee shop, and go for a walk through town… sadly there’s one issue, the town doesn’t sell coffee, they sell a lot of tea though. A good thing though is that the guard barracks has a coffee machine down in the kitchen, another good thing is she knows how to make a good brew from being taught by a close friend.

“Maybe I should write a letter back to everypony back home,” said Rose.

After getting a mug of coffee, she stepped outside the barracks and gazed at the rising sun, the orange, yellow, and red colors spread out across the town. She’s always followed this same ritual ever since she was introduced to the taste of coffee, especially when she came to age to drink the beverage.

Those who know Rose is that she’s a lot like her namesake… but those who are close with her, would know she can be quite the softy. She loves listening to orchestral music, she enjoys a good sunrise, and while living in a village that’s winter three out of four seasons a year, she actual enjoys the snow.

Sadly her crass attitude is simply due to her lack of communication skills and having to act tough… her only friend was that same coffee shop owner back at her hometown.

I should really write a letter to home.

Gazing around her, she spotted a familiar sight, trotting around town for a jog is Eclipse Light, just as he passed the barracks, she approached him as he slowed down slightly and began stretching a little. As she got closer, Eclipse soon noticed her, turning around to face her as she took another swig of her coffee.

“Hello, you must be… one of the reservists, correct. Barbed Rose, right?”

“Er, sure, so what are you doing here this early in the morning?”

“Ah, well I’ve always wake up at six o’clock, go for a jog around town, then get some breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, been doing it since I first came to this town,” said Eclipse. “I’m assuming you have your own morning rituals.”

“You could say that… say you drink coffee,” said Rose. “Got a brew ready back at the barracks.”

“I drink sometimes… on a good day and when I’m in the mood,” said Eclipse.

“That’s… an odd reason…”

Eclipse followed Rose back into the barracks, which she got him a mug of coffee, the two sat at one of the tables in the recreation room. Rose saw Eclipse’s CQC match against those guards, then the armed match with three other armed guards, he won both matches, though when she the way he used those duel swords and morph into the shadows… was quite the spectacle.

The two sat quietly, Rose taking at glance at the window to outside, then back at Eclipse, while he took a sip of his coffee, tasting it a little. “Tad sweet, never imagined you prefer sugar into your coffee,” said Eclipse.

“Sorry about that, never was a fan of the usual bitter taste coffee has, my friend always preferred drinking coffee as it is, though he would sometimes slip me some sugar for my coffee…”

“Hmmm, no problem, its best to take a gift than denying it, its how you treat said gift afterwards is up to you.”

“Wow, what’s with all the wise-man mojo you got going on?”

“No, just personal experience is all.”

Rose thought about, taking another sip from her coffee, after awhile Eclipse soon left, saying his farewell, she stopped him from leaving.

“Hold on, before you go, can you answer a question, there’s been something bothering me for awhile,” said Rose, getting Eclipse attention. “What made you want to live here? I mean I came here because I needed a change of scenery and an old retired guard I knew suggested I work for the guard, and living in this place seemed an alright start.”

Eclipse held a contemplative look, he knew the answer but it wasn’t something he should openly say, after some further thought, he came up with a response.

“Same as you – I wished a changed of scenery – a new start, no, rather to change my routine.”

“Your routine?”

“Ah, well… my previous occupation has gotten a little messy, so I needed a little break, some away time you could say. You can be surprised the places you wish to go and the places you end up going to.”

Rose nodded in agreement, she didn’t imagine seeing herself ever leaving her hometown, heck, becoming a guard was as likely her sprouting wings and becoming a princess. After saying goodbye to Eclipse, Rose went back inside, muttering about writing a letter for home.

Ponyville, Outpost Harmony; 9:30am

It was another day for Bubble Pop, while her bubbly personality would be a match, if not exact carbon copy of a certain bouncy pink-maned mare, she’s competent doing her work as a guard. Pop was looking through several documents relating to future and current relating to troops, supplies, new armor and weaponry, and reports for Ponyville.

While the number of guards won’t rapidly increase anytime in the future, but they will expect more guards in the next two years. Apparently the main reason why they won’t receive new guards next year is due to the situation in Manehatten getting worse the past months; the body count has doubled to tripled since the first few victims had been found, though oddly enough, now guards are going missing so transfer for more guards had been sent to Manehatten until the situation has been solved.

Pop sighed reading the request for more guards being denied and pushed back an additional two months, now which means Ponyville won’t receive any new guards in the next two years until July.

“This suuuucks, hey Quick, how about we get a drink down at the barracks, I heard the twins managed to get some apple cider from the Apple family’s farm. Apparently they had to negotiate with that Light stallion, he’s quite the merchant, even they had difficulty trying to convince him to get some cider for them,” said Pop, turning on her swivel chair to face Quick.

The griffon was also looking at some similar reports, though these one consist mostly of a mix of reports from various civilians. While living in a town as small as Ponyville wouldn’t mean a lot of problems, but not only is the town built near one of the most dangerous, magical, locations in all of Equestria, the guard also have to deal with issues outside of Ponyville – from the various farms and private properties owned by nobles or rich merchants.

“What is with this Spoiled Rich complaining, she keeps coming to this outpost, demanding we quote-on-quote, ‘That wild beast that wanders about, waiting to eat us all to shreds,’? Just what is she keep yammering about this wenc-”

“Feather… we talked about this, no swearing, or you have to pay the swear jar,” said Pop, pulling out a jar with a notable amount of bits inside it.


“Good and if you’re wondering what Miss Rich is demanding, she wants Sir Light’s pet cub bear, Luella, to be detained… though we technically can’t do that as we’re not animal control… and I’m pretty certain Sir Light would break anypony’s bones if they dare to lay a hoof on her.”

The two could remember when Spoiled rich hired – which was not proven for reasons – somepony outside of town to… ‘remove’ Luella, what happened instead was that all the guards had to separate Eclipse from nearly beating the Tartarus out of the stallion after founding Luella in a bag. The cub was alright… the stallion, not so much, luckily Fluttershy was with Eclipse that day and proven Luella was being kidnapped by this pony… that and the fact that Eclipse is literally untouchable – arrest him, means no local support within the town, meaning the guard stationed in Ponyville won’t be able to manage.

“...Is it technically corruption if we didn’t even give him a fine… I mean, he has connections with the princesses, the guard, some well-know individuals, the heroines of Equestria too!”

“Well, that’s all technically public knowledge if you ask the right creatures. So far he’s done nothing illegal and is a public figure in this town… and he seems like a well-mannered lad.”

Pop chuckled and went back to work, while Quick, pulled open his drawer and removed a cigar, just as he was about to light it, he heard an audible cough. Turning around to face Pop who held another jar that said, ‘No Smoking’, the jar also holding its own share – if not more – of bits. With a disgruntled sigh, he dropped several bits and continued to smoke his cigar, Pop giggling to herself.

Ponyville, Town Square; 2:30pm

While the reservists are only relegated to doing desk work – checking reports, sitting at the front desk, and organizing supply reports – they were required to still train and follow other guard regulations. Right now, Heavy Ear and Light Tap, were enjoying taking a stroll through town, the equipment they were given wasn’t like regular guard-standard equipment, but a close temporary replacement.

Both the minotaur and diamond dog wore a leather vest and helmet, the helmets only covered the back, sides, and top of their heads, but didn’t reach their necks or covered the face, making it look like a modified pith helmet. On the right side of their chest on the vest was a symbol to signify them as guard reservists.

Tap who could understand equine language, also knows the diamond dog language, while his companion can’t speak equine, but can clearly understand equine; the two spoke to one another, speaking in the Heavy’s language.

(So what do you think about the town, nice?) asked Tap.

(Hmmm, its alright… not shabby I suppose.) said Heavy, muttering to himself.

Anypony nearby only heard a sort of bark and grumbling sound from both the minotaur and diamond dog, those who personally met either race kept a good distance from the pair… those who don’t know anything about that, were further away from them like the plague.

(Why did you want to come here, to the land of ponies?) Tap looked down at Heavy who wondering about what reason did Tap wanted to come to Equestria, sure back home it wasn’t as bad but there was its problems.

Deciding to speak in equine, the two walked to a nearby empty bench and sat down.

“I never really fit back home, sure I’m quite built for fighting, but I could never stomach that, especially the way how things were dealt back home,” said Tap. “I want to protect others, not inflict pain onto others for bad reasons.”

(My friend, I understand… but these ponies do not show to be accepting at the slightest… what makes you think you can make them see to accept the real you, regardless of looks?)

“...Eclipse Light, he looks like a pony, but he fought like a minotaur, naw, he fought like warriors of old. His cold, ruthless nature… has been easily accepted openly by the townsfolk, that is enough for me to believe that even I have a chance… Besides, we can’t exactly return back home, especially after humiliating that one warlord, now can we.”

Tap gave a smug grin, as Heavy chuckled along his long time old friend, the two have gotten to their own share of mischief, though working as mercenaries in the past had its problems… though it was worth helping those rebels to fight against that warlord… even though that same warlord hired the pair to work for him.

The two looked at the surrounding town, sure they still given some mistrustful looks, but the best way to be welcomed by others is through their actions than some reputation. With that, the pair stood up and began to get to work.

“Let’s get see if somepony needs help, I believe somepony’s carriage wheel broke at the eastern bridge, let’s go.”

Ponyville; 5:50pm

It was reaching the end of the day, the sun was beginning to set, ponies were beginning to head home or go out for the night-life in Ponyville… one particular pegasus was wandering the streets. Flight wasn’t wearing his guard reservist armor, he was actually not in duty right now and taking a break… that’s at least what he told he colleagues.

Looking around carefully, Flight quickly entered a nearby alleyway, which was blocking the light of the sun, making it dark, to anypony else you wouldn’t be able to see into the alleyway or out… to Flight, it looked like nothing much has changed.

Making a second survey of his surroundings, Flight sighed, when a sudden flash of green and green flames consumed Flight; standing taking his place is a black chitinous equine with insect-like wings, hole-covered legs, fangs like thestrals, and eyes that were completely blue with no pupils whatsoever.

This was Flight’s true form or rather this was Spine’s real form – Spine, a female changeling, not an infiltrator like her other sisters and brothers, just a simple grunt, a lower-class guard changeling… which was odd since she looked nothing like a warrior-class changeling due to her somewhat frail-looking shape and the fact she was quite the opposite of brave, rather she was very spineless… odd since her name is Spine.

Spine leaned against the alleyway’s wall, slowly slipping down on the ground until she plopped down on the ground on her hind-quarters. Laying her head on her forehooves, she pulled her body in, with a slight whimper.

Sure being an ex-changeling guard meant she knew how to take orders and how to act like guard… sadly she wasn’t that great at handling certain… situations, especially the ones the involve her getting her hooves dirty or getting too close… She was terrible getting physical when the situation requires it.

I get some occasional love from the passing couple or pony with a crush… but its not enough… I should leave and go somewhere else… with a better identity next time.

Spine would get ready to leave as soon as the chance was given to her… if she didn’t owe herself to a certain griffon. Ever since Quick Feather found her – well as Flight, not as Spine – that day, she be dead in some ditch, but the old yet kind griffon helped her out, even got her to join the guard somehow.

“No… you can't do that Spine, you owe Quick… You won’t let him down, you’ll stay and maybe… someday… you can thank him for his kindness and… tell him about yourself… the real you, not this Flight persona…”

As Spine took a few calming breaths, she stood up and was rather to go… if a sudden clatter of noise didn’t spook her. A loud yet cute squeal that sounded like a mix between a snake and cat, came out of her mouth, swiftly facing where the noise came from, she expects any of the locals having spotted her true form… only to see a certain cub bear gazing at her.

Seeing it was Luella – Eclipse’s pet bear – having spotted her, she gave herself a sigh of relief until she began shooing the cub away.

“Shoo shoo, go away, go back to your home or whatever you do you… whatever the heck you are. Seriously, just what in the Mother-Hive are you suppose to be?”

Luella grunted and waddled off, once she was gone, Spine transformed back to Flight and headed back to the barracks, he needed to get back to work from his ‘break’.

As Flight made his way back to the barracks, from another alleyway, was Luella, turning around to face the darkness of the alleyway, stepping out of the darkness is Eclipse who held an intrigued look.

“Hmmmm… interesting,” said Eclipse.

Two Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 1:15pm

A week has gone by since the new guards have arrived in Ponyville, with the week coming to an end, the schedules for both old and new guards will return to normal and the real work for the Ponyville-branch of Royal Guards and Lunar Guards can finally begin.

In the middle of the day, Ves has been busy since she was given temporary break while most her usual work as the senior ranked guard for the Lunar Guards, leaving most of her work to Fang’s and Midnight Sun’s hooves. This doesn’t mean she was free as she spent the past week planning for an event that would come in the coming four days – the Grand Galloping Gala.

Ever since Eclipse came back from his trip at the San Palomino Desert and Pristine’s kidnapping, Ves has been doing her own investigations about the Church. Ever since Pristine was kicked out of the Church, she has been keeping a close eye on that mare, but its clear whatever the Church have planned for her, its not happening anytime soon, but the Church’s activities aren’t as simple as that.

The situation in Manehattan has only gotten worse these past months, I’m getting words from my friends stationed there that the Church may be related to what’s going on in that city. The first victims found by the Manehattan-branch of the Royal Guard had no correlation with the Church, but recent victims have been found to be very powerful supporters or individuals that had some shady connections with the Church.

Not only that, with Eclipse being invited to the Gala, the Church will most definitely do something I doubt they would simply forgive and forget.

As Ves headed to Eclipse’s home, she wished to speak to the stallion alone… sadly, she was followed by a rather annoying mare.

“Sergeant Midnight, as I stated before, I wish to speak to Eclipse Light about his invitation to the Gala and how this may give the Church an opportunity to act in kind, so please head back to town so I may convince him to allow some of the guards to accompany him for the Gala,” said Ves, continuing to trot down the path.

When Ves left, Midnight kept pestering her to come along, not only that but she’s been pestered by her ever since she first arrived. Whether it be guard-related or not, Midnight Sun took every opportunity to question Ves’ actions and choices.

Is she this aggressive to receive a promotion regardless of seniority, I swear if she had this attitude in the presence of Princess Luna, she’d get a rightful scolding for her rude attitude.

“I am simply wishing to add my piece to Eclipse Light about who should go with him for the Gala, as I have heard, the Church have quite the grudge on those that dare embarrass them, especially their head paladin who has a bit of a… ‘temper’ to say the least,” said Midnight, responding back.

As the two mares got close to Eclipse’s home, both trying their best to hold a mask of professional, even though their internal thoughts were quite differing to what they really want to say. Once they stepped out of the trees and entered the flat dirt ground that’s the front lawn of Eclipse’s home, the pair spotted Eclipse speaking to two unfamiliar figures.

From what they could see, one figure appeared to be a dragon who wore clothing that best fit with mobsters from Manehattan’s industrial days, he was halfway taller than Eclipse, while anypony who stood alongside the dragon would only reach his lower torso, but due to him slouching – whether this was done on purpose or to better face eye-to-eye with anypony – they would gaze right at his upper torso.

Some other particular details about this dragon was the large object wrapped in filthy rags and various other cloths that was hung and held on his back by a single leather strap wrapped around his chest. His clothing was a black suit with silver criss-cross, on his right breast is an interesting brooch – a silver gear with a jade skull on top of it. Another interesting detail is his face, while dragon scales are tough and the only way to make a scratch is with enchanted weaponry or spiked weaponry, plus a powerful swing, this dragon had numerous scars stretched along his face like some sort of twisted canvas.

The side of his face that had the numerous scars, the eye there was a milky white showing it wasn’t functional anymore, but his other eye was a dark putrid green that made Ves shiver when the dragon took a glance at her for a second.

The other figure that stood beside the dragon was a very unique being, something you rarely see in Equestria or any of the northern lands – an Abyssinian or Cat-Lord for the common tongue. Unlike the rough and tough male dragon, the female Cat-Lord was the opposite; her slim and petite form was very deceiving, compared to the scarlet armor she wore. The armor itself was similar in design and look to Neighponese samurai armor, but while she wore the full set, the only think missing was helmet as instead of that piece on her head, a scarlet blindfold was wrapped around her head, covering both her eyes.

She had a cape that stretched up and ended to her waist, while for her body consisted of a dark sky blue fur with lighter tones around her ears, paws, and nose. Unlike the dragon who didn’t appeared armed, the Cat-Lord had a sheathed katana that was visible to both mares, the weapon itself slung to the Cat-Lord’s waist.

The three seemed to be in a middle of a conversation, but before Ves could figure out what they were saying Midnight approached them with a suspicious look in her eyes, unable to stop her she followed too. As the two approached the first to notice their presence wasn’t Eclipse or the dragon, rather the blind Cat-Lord sniffed the air and gently moved her blind gaze to the pair. This caught the attention of everyone else and soon Eclipse and his company faced the two thestrals.

“You two, who are you and hand over any weapons you may have, by order of Equestrian law, both citizens and visitors outside the country can’t bring weapons without a permit! You will be searched if you are found to hold anything that goes against said laws!” shouted Midnight.

Ves mentally facepalmed at Midnight’s actions, sure what she’s doing is wrong, but the fact one is a dragon and the other appears to be a Cat-Lord, one that while blind doesn’t appear to be the kind of warrior you wish to mess with, the two aren’t equipped to handle an enraged dragon or a warrior with unknown capabilities.

Luckily, Eclipse stepped forward to intervene as he approached both Midnight and Ves – which Ves gave a glad sigh at his intervention.

“Hello Ves, Midnight, if you’re wondering who these two are, they’re old acquaintances of mine from my travels. They came to visit me after hearing that I found a place to stay that will last longer than a week.”

The drake approached the pair with a devilish grin, the sharp pointed teeth, capable of biting through diamonds into dust, glistened in the light. Tipping his fedora down, the two mares had mix feelings about this particular drake – Ves was perturbed while Midnight still kept a feeling of mistrust.

“Hello you two, the name’s Toxic, sadly my feline companion here can’t speak nor see – well in the sense normally see – her name is Pax Certamina. We’re… wanders like… our ‘friend’ here,” said Toxic.

The way Toxic referred Eclipse as friend was strange, but Midnight could care less about him, her focus was on the one armed with a weapon. Stepping up to Pax, the thestral and Cat-Lord looked at one another, though with one of them being blind it felt weird.

Pax gave a gentle closed-mouth smile to both Ves and Midnight, Pax turns to face Eclipse which she does some hand signs. Eclipse nods and processes her hand signals until facing the thestrals.

“She and Toxic were planning to see me about some news during their travels, they won’t be staying for long though and plan to stay in Equestria for a few days,” said Eclipse.

“While that isn’t an issue, what is an issue is the ownership and carrying of weapons, all weapons must be confiscated until departure from Equestria’s borders,” said Midnight, turning to face Pax. “Your weapon, please.”

The abyssinian gave a mute chuckle, tilting her head with another closed-mouth smile, she reaches down to her katana and un-loops a piece of rope that connected the scabbard to her waist. Once finishing un-looping the rope, she hands the weapon to Midnight, which she begins to inspect it.

Unsheathing the weapon she’s surprised to find that the weapon is entirely devoid of a blade, leaving the katana blade-less and only a handle and sheath. Raising her brow, Midnight looks to both Pax and Toxic for answers, Toxic responds.

“Ah, that’s just a memento from her homeland, really its more of an intimidation tool than a weapon. You wish to look at my belongings?” Toxic tries to reach for the large object wrapped in dirty wrappings behind him, Ves takes a sniff of the object on Toxic, but gags and backs off immediately.

“That’s fine, I think the smell alone is enough of a threat though… you might want to get that checked,” said Ves, covering her snout.

“Hehhehe, yeah…”

The Tartarus is that, it smells like something was rotting, decaying, and dead in the sun and was left to lay in the sun for months.

With a skeptical look, Midnight takes another once over the weapon – if it could be classified as one – until sighing; sheathing the katana back, she hoofs back to Pax who loops back to her waist once more. After she was done, she does a bow with her claw on her other claw into a fist, bowing down to the two.

“She is grateful you didn’t take it away, as it holds deep emotional feelings to her,” said Eclipse. Pax faces Eclipse and begins signing some more which he processing some more.

“What did she say?” asked Ves.

“She and Toxic have to leave, they have plans outside of Equestria and need to leave immediately. It was good to see you two again, tell the others my greetings,” said Eclipse, giving his own bow to the two.

Toxic and Pax do their own respective bows until waving and saying their farewells to both Ves and Midnight. The two thestrals watched the drake and abyssinian leave, disappearing beyond the trees until their silhouettes vanish among the shrubbery.

Now that we’re done with that, let’s get to why I’m really here.

“Sir Eclipse, sorry for interrupting your conversation with your old companions,” said Ves.

“No worries, but my focus now is why do you two wished to see me?” asked Eclipse.

“Yes… well, you see, its about that invitation you received for the Gala – yes I know, I heard from Miss Sparkle you received one along with the rest of her friends.”

Ves, Midnight, and Eclipse discuss about his plans to going to the Gala, how this may effect with his bad reputation with the Church, and about any precautions he may have taken when going. Ves furthers explains that the Gala will not only involve well-known nobles and other figures, but members and high-class supporters of the Church.

Further on in the conversation, Ves suggests that Eclipse at least take some guards to come alongside him to the Gala for protection – not that he can’t handle himself, from what they seen – that and to lessen any damages and problems that may occur at the Gala.

“Its just a precaution Sir Eclipse, as you know the Church are still holding a sore-spot for your interference at Ponyville.”

“Well… does Orion know you plan to come with me to the Gala?”

“Of course, he even agrees with me, but he plans to stay in Ponyville and watch your property in case the Church send anypony to steal anything from you. Will you agree to us coming with you?”

Eclipse turns around to gaze at the sky, until after a few minutes of deliberation he comes to a conclusion.

“Fine, I’ll agree,” said Eclipse. For a moment Ves was about to smile, but Eclipse raises his hoof to stop her from saying anything else. “However, only four of you can come, including you that’s five guards, so if I were you, pick who you bring, carefully.”

With a sigh, Ves gives in and accepts his terms, leaving with Midnight, Eclipse stops the two to ask one more question. “Before you go… why do you wish to come with me? I mean, I knew some members of the Church would be present in the Gala, its one of the few events in which you may personally meet Celestia so I assume the Church’s members are just salivating to meet their ‘goddess’… What exactly do you gain to going to the event that you – a guard – could just request being stationed at for a day?

For a short moment, Ves face darkens as she gazes at the ground with hidden contempt, in that moment, Midnight was surprised at this sudden change in Ves’ persona.

“...Its… personal, just indulge my selfishness for a little while, Sir Eclipse,” said Ves, giving an empty smile. Unlike Ves’ usual cocky smiles, this one lacked her usual bravado, which intrigued Eclipse even further. Once the two left, Eclipse was left to his own devices, gazing at Canterlot in the distance, with a look of curiosity and amusement.

I think things will get quite interesting at the Gala… I wonder how things will end that night.

Everfree Forest; 2:30pm

Both Pax and Toxic left Ponyville an hour and a half after the two decided to roam town a little – they quickly left when Toxic was a tad perturbed by some weird pink mare that kept popping out of nowhere, talking about parties and cake. The two decided to wander the strange forest that was situated near the town, the strange energies the forest gave off was quite intriguing to the pair… that and Toxic was bored and wanted to kill something.

Just some distance away, the melted puddle of mush that was a cragadile remained as Toxic flattened his suit of the wrinkles on it. “That was one feisty beast, but it was enough to ebb my hunger for now. So now, you want head back or hang around this place a little bit more?”

Pax continues to walk alongside Toxic, keeping her calm look while Toxic placed both his claws to the back of his head in a lax manner. “This body is tad odd you know, though I got no quarrels. Did you know I can fire flames with the same side-effects like my powers, heh, didn’t expect that tree to melt, was expecting it to burst to flames you know… Say, anything different about you than your regular self?”

Toxic only received more silence and a glance from his blind compatriot, which Toxic waved at her with a dainty wave of his claw. “Yeah yeah, I know, this world takes us in the form that best fits out powers, though at a… redundant state was it? No no, a… lesser-form, that’s it!”

Just as the two are about to walk some more, Pax suddenly pauses, her usual calm smile morphing to a concentrated frown; Toxic continues to walk but stops, turning around with his own look of confusion.

“Hey, what’cha doing, we gotta head back to the others and report. You notice something?”

Before Toxic could approach her, Pax dashes to the left and away from Toxic, which he watches her vanish for a short moment then sighing in defeat. “Welp, if you can’t stop em… join them,” said Toxic, with a grin and following Pax.

While running or flying through a forest like the Everfree would be challenging, since crashing into the thick trunks or branches of the Everfree trees would be a hazard, Pax had no qualms or problems whatsoever. Rushing in speeds that no natural creature would be capable of doing in Equestria, Pax swiftly and fluidly ran through the trees, swerving and side-stepping any incoming trees in her path, to anyone who witnessed this it appear she ran by the trees as if she were the wind itself.

Now leaving the dense forestry, Pax comes upon a sudden cliff, which she stops just as she stood on the edge of said cliff. Her blind gaze stares at the distant horizon until she her gazes moves down below the shift drop of the cliff.

At the bottom of a sheer cliff-side is a small camp of ponies who’re wearing the same colors and armor of the Church, specifically, the Inquisitors. At that moment, Toxic manages to catch up with Pax, while not tired a tad befuddled by his companion’s sudden disappearance.

“Okay, seriously what was that all about that caught your attention to bring you all the way here?”

Looking down too, he sees the inquisitors, without a word or slight gesture, Pax takes one single step forward and free-falls straight toward the group, feet first. None of the inquisitors at first notice or even heard Toxic from above, but the sudden plume of dust and dirt appearing in the middle of their camp immediately got their attention; immediately all the inquisitors investigate the sudden noise until they come upon a abyssinian standing in the middle of their camp.

Many of the inquisitors are shocked by Pax’s sudden appearance, but they get their bearings and quickly surround her. Those armed already are closer to her by a few meters while others are grabbing their weapons or put on what armor they can find, this sudden rush to arm themselves last for several minutes until only two or three of them are missing some pieces of their armor.

Rather than join, Toxic sits at the edge of the cliff and watches the ‘show’. This is going to be fun to watch.

Pax’s blind gaze shifts to all the inquisitors surrounding her, which only disturbs them all as they notice she’s blind yet Pax can tell where they are – whether it be the slight jangling of their armor, the shifting of their hooves on the ground, or the subtle inhale and exhale of their breathing.

At first nothing happens, but one impatient inquisitor steps forward to get closer to Pax. “You, abyssinian! What are you doing at our camp, answer quickly or you will face the consequences!?”

Pax stays silent, which is not surprising as she’s mute… which none of the ponies before her know of that. After several threats and warnings, the one inquisitor who spoke begins to get frustrated at her lack of responding, without much courtesy or warning the inquisitor unsheathes his weapon and points it at Pax.


Even after shouting his warning Pax stands there giving her signature close-mouth smile, this only aggravates that stallion more which he charges forth without warning or ordering the others. After taking several steps and getting with half a meter of Pax, the stallion freezes in place just before he could even swing his weapon at Pax.

(Outro Music)


Those who were closest to Pax, look at their frozen comrade, some even shouting out name and trying to coax him out of his sudden frozen state. Movement starts happening, but the inquisitor that charged Pax suddenly drops their sword from their magical hold, soon a sudden shudder travels across their body then… his head slides off his motionless body and a fountain of blood spurts to the sky.

The crimson spray starts covering everything, the ground, the cliff-side walls, the nearby tents, and the other inquisitors. Even though Pax was the closest to the spray, not a single drop lands at or near her, as this happens, the other inquisitors start panicking, screams of shock and horror begin spreading to their ranks.

As the dead inquisitor’s body stops its crimson spraying, it falls flat to the ground like a stack of cards, Pax who stood there and did nothing – within the inquisitors sight – smiled even further, her mouth opening wide to show her glistening white teeth. Taking a few gentle steps forward, walking over the dead inquisitor's body and head, Pax takes in her surroundings and the inquisitors around her, and opens her mouth.

“Oculum pro oculo…”

Toxic watched and listened to the screams of agony and terror that echoed from below as the inquisitors were cut to ribbons, steel, muscle, flesh, bone, it didn’t matter as all became equal before battle – all are made equal in war.

The last cry of the inquisitor was snuffed out as Pax stood in the middle of a bloodbath as bodies and other viscera were splayed everywhere, a small splotch of blood managed to land on her cheek which Pax touches with her right index and middle fingers. Turning to face the cliff-side wall, she jumps up the several meters high rock wall and lands beside Toxic.

The drake pulls out of his suit jacket pocket a handkerchief to Pax with a smile. “Milady,” said Toxic with a joking tone and smile.

Pax accepts it with her normal closed-mouth smile, dabbing the blood splotch from her cheek, as Pax dabs the blood away, Toxic turns to face the bloodied campsite, with a clawed hand stretched and pointing at the campsite, a green miasma spews forth from his palm.

The green miasma consumes the entirety of the campsite – the bodies and any objects left by the inquisitors – whole, leaving only an empty patch of dust remaining. With a satisfied sigh and grunt, Toxic takes back the handkerchief from Pax and walks back with her and leaves the area.

“Ahhhh, what a lovely meal,” said Toxic.

Once the two finally leave the area, stepping out of the nearby darkness of the forest is Luella, the cub bear watching the pair leave into a swirling dark portal. After making sure the two are gone, Luella gazes at the sky with a look of annoyance at this new development; with a snort, she turns around and wanders back to the darkness of the forest canopy.

The Grandest Day

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Four Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 7:00am

It was like any other day – morning jog, eat breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, and prep for the rest of the day – as his morning rituals, but today was different, as tonight at Canterlot is going to take place an event that only comes annually, the Grand Galloping Gala.

This would be the first Gala he'll go to – both himself and the girls – though how he managed to get an invitation to such an event has been some strange circumstances. While Twilight, the girls, and Spike got their invitations only days after Twilight arrived to Ponyville from her teacher, Princess Celestia, Eclipse on the other hoof got his invitation elsewhere.

Having received his ticket from Pristine’s father as a sign of a good gesture, Eclipse never planned to go to the Gala – though after several attempts by Twilight and Rarity to go, his interest to go had waned – but, it would be rude to not go after Purity Snow went all that trouble to get him a ticket.

He was originally going alone, but other than the guards accompanying him, he decided to bring along an old acquaintance after asking Princess Celestia for a ticket. He would meet up with said acquaintance at the Gala as he already hoofed over the extra ticket to said acquaintance.

As Eclipse made his way back from his morning jog, he finds Ves and some Lunar Guards waiting by his home. Approaching the group, Ves notices him and once he got close enough she waves toward him.

“Good morning sir Eclipse, hope you’re ready to go to the Gala. These are the ones I chose to come with us there,” said Ves, showing Eclipse who'll accompany him.

Eclipse looks at the four other Lunar Guards that are accompanying he and Ves; he recognizes Mango, but the other three Lunar Guards are unfamiliar faces, having only seen them a few times. The other Lunar Guards that are coming with him is the unicorn called Silent Blaze, and the two thestrals, Shadow Fog and Night Rain.

Blaze gives a friendly smile and bows, while Night and Shadow both give their own greetings. “Hello there sir Eclipse, I am Corporal Night Rain and this is my partner, Corporal Shadow Fog.”

“Greetings,” said Shadow. “We’ve been told in advance from Sergeant Ves, how she wishes to accompany you at the Gala as a safety precaution against any members of the Church… or other unwelcome encounters.”

“That is the plan, so these are the ones you selected Ves. I expected all of them being Lunar Guard members… though why is Mango coming with us, considering he’s only a private?”

“Right, well unlike the others, Mango has a specialty that I considered helpful for this mission. Unlike the regular thestral who has sensitive hearing, Mango’s has not only sensitive hearing, but also sensitive smell, I would think this is helpful in case somepony decides to spike the drinks or…”

“Someone sneaks in poisoned weaponry,” said Eclipse, finishing Ves’ sentence.

“Bingo! Now then, while I’d love to explain the abilities of the guards I selected we should make preparations to head to Canterlot. While the Gala begins in the evening, most nobles and other authoritive figures arrive earlier at Canterlot rather than arriving at the city in the evening, there’s always a massive crowd once the Gala begins, so those who been to the Gala arrive an hour earlier than having to wade their way through.”

Just before they make their way, Ves notices the lack of a suit on Eclipse, after making further examinations, she begins to sweat nervously before asking. “Eclipse… by chance… do you have a suit for the Gala prepared?”

Eclipse takes notice how both Ves and her accompanying guards are wearing a formal outfit similar to the guard’s armor, the outfit itself has badges where their withers would be showing which guard they’re from and rank. For a short moment, Eclipse pauses to think back to when was the last time he wore a formal outfit for anything… or when he attended any big festivities – Pinkie’s parties don’t count as an informal gatherings are different – and the answer to that thought was a big blank nope.

“Errrr… by chance, how long would it take to prepare a suit for myself before we arrive to Canterlot?”

Ves’ eye twitched nervously, until she started to chuckle, then that chuckle evolved to her laughing, until she began to laugh hysterically, the others nervously looking at one another then at their sergeant.

“Urrr, sergeant, should we-”

“NO NEED TO PANIC! No need to panic, we’ll just get Rarity to make a rush order for you- TO THE BOUTIQUE!” At those words, Ves grabbed Eclipse – rather she dragged him – to Carousel Boutique, her subordinates following behind with mixed looks.

At the boutique, Rarity did some final examinations and explanations to the dresses she made for her friends and Spike, each of the girls and Spike were happy to receive their Gala outfits from Rarity, but when they were showing their thanks and praises to Rarity, the front door of the boutique burst open with a derange looking Ves, dragging a nonchalant Eclipse.

“Miss Ves, why are you dragging Eclipse behind you and how come you look like as if the sun suddenly grew a mustache?” asked Rarity, confused.

“Miss Rarity, by chance can you make a rush order to make a suit for this – dense – stallion, apparently sir Eclipse, forgot to prepare a suit for himself to the Gala. I am deeply sorry if this is sudden and I will double, no, triple your payment for this quick order.”

For awhile Rarity was silent with many of her friends and the guards who were following behind Ves to watch silently. Many believed Rarity would explode with rage or panic, but she calmly and weirdly enough place her dainty hoof on her snout and giggled.

This boggled Ves’ mind deeply, but before the thestral could speak up, Rarity did first. “Oh don’t worry, I knew this would happen and prepped an outfit for Eclipse, I actually been making it ever since I got his measurements when he first came to Ponyville.”

Rarity approached Eclipse who the stallion in turn was a bit surprised at this sudden development to the current predicament. “I did promise I make something for you as a welcome to Ponyville, while it may had… evolved over the months, but I believe this be one of my finest outfits ever! While I rarely dabble in making things for the stallions, I feel proud to say this has been a good first effort… maybe I should try making clothes for stallions.”

Rarity horn begins to glow and soon a case begins floating over to Eclipse, which he opens and looks inside, taking a look of said outfit, Rarity gestures for Eclipse to take it to the dressing area, which he does. After some time to await Eclipse to put on the suit Rarity made for him, everypony else decides to wait and see, Ves orders her guards to wait back at the outpost for the pegasi chariot to arrive to pick them all up and bring them to Canterlot, leaving the girls, Spike, and Ves.

Rarity helps Eclipse to adjust the suit to his frame as she made the suit based off his measurements from last year, so things may have changed while Eclipse has stayed in Ponyville. It was quiet as everyone awaited fro the results to Eclipse’s suit, when the covers opened up to revealed a giddy Rarity.

“Girls – and Spike – I present to you, Eclipse Light!” Stepping aside, the girls all gazed and awed at Eclipse wearing the suit built by Rarity herself.

The outfit Eclipse wore was to put it simply, a perfect match, to start off it is a black suit with dark blue buttons, a purple tie with silver stars twinkling down it’s length, with a pin of his cutie-mark placed on his right withers.

While everyone else oohed and awed at Eclipse, Twilight was curious why Ves was so panicked about Eclipse not having a suit for the Gala, until she noticed how Ves is equally dressed up for going to such an event.

“Excuse me, Ves, why are you dressed up too to go to the Gala?”

“Oh… well, due to some worries from both myself and the princesses we believe the Church will take this chance from Eclipse going to the Gala to make move on him, so myself and selected guards stationed her in town will accompany him as bodyguards.”

This made Twilight worried, but knowing Eclipse will be going with guards that Twilight has gotten the chance to know a little has lowered her worry, but just slightly though.

“I see… I hope nothing happens though when you and Eclipse arrive at the Gala… Anyway, enjoy yourselves there,” said Twilight, giving a small smile.

“That I hope so too, but I think I’ll be too busy keeping an eye on both Eclipse and those at the Gala, seeing there later in the evening, Miss Sparkle.”

Once Rarity’s final check-up on Eclipse’s suit is made, the girls and Eclipse’s party make their way to Canterlot with the girls going by a pumpkin chariot set-up by Twilight. Eclipse’s group will go to Canterlot by pegasus chariot that was requested by Ves, meaning they’ll arrive their by the afternoon, though will stay at one of the guest rooms in Canterlot Castle until joining the Gala once it begins.

Canterlot, Galloping Gala; 9:00am

At Canterlot itself where the Gala is taking place, both Celestia and Luna examined the preparations being made for the Gala as it takes roughly a week prior to the actual Gala to make certain things are ready. The two alicorn sisters were reviewing the guest list to see who was attending when Luna notices a familiar name under the “E” part of the guest list.

Eclipse Light, why is he going to the Gala?

“Sister, if I’m not mistaken but it says here that Eclipse Light is attending the Gala, I thought neither of us gave him a ticket as he never spoke through Twilight about wanting to attend?”

“And you are correct, but apparently as thanks from Purity Snow himself, he gave Eclipse a ticket to the Gala as thanks for some earlier arrangement – he was rewarded for saving his daughter though it was something else I believe. I did however give him another ticket as apparently he plans to invite an acquaintance of his to the Gala… I hope to meet said acquaintance though,” said Celestia, giggling.

Celestia looked at her sister but noticed the look of worry on her, after placing the guest list aside, she places a hoof on her sister’s withers, until the two look at one another.

“Lulu… what’s the matter?”

“Well… with what has occurred ever since I arrived back, the Church has been on a warpath, sure there has been zero activity from them, but you and I can tell the absolute hatred directed at Eclipse Light, while not of their members have made any sort of contact to him – to our knowledge – the same can’t be said of their followers. You and I been given demands by said followers for something to be done to him… luckily Ponyville has no such fanatics or we expect to hear some form of rioting at the quaint town.”

“And I agree… sadly there’s nothing we can do other than deny said demands… To be honest, when I expected your return I expected ponies to be very distrusting of you, but with the combination of Eclipse’s actions and the Church decisions, all that hatred is being directed away from you… not that is a bad thing!”

“No offense sister, but I agree too… all of this disharmony… if not carefully handled…”

The two sisters had thoughts of dark tidings to come, but soon their conversation was dropped for a different subject.

“Let’s forgot about all of that… Now, what’s this about Eclipse bringing an acquaintance of his, do you think its that dragon or abyssinian we got reports of from Sergeant Ves?”

“No, apparently from what Eclipse told me during our talk prior to the rescue operation to save Pristine Snow, its a she… and another surprise, Eclipse’s student.”

“He has a student… wait… didn’t he mention having taught to one individual when I suggested he teach our guards but he refused that request?”

“Indeed sister… who do you think could possibly be the one to have learned under Eclipse to be shrouded in this much mystery?”

Luna gave her own shrug as the thought of meeting an individual who personally knows Eclipse in person was… tempting. The two sisters continued with their preparations for the Gala until going their own ways for the rest of the day.

Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, Holy Grail’s Office; 12:30pm

Elsewhere, Holy Grail was in his office looking through several papers about those invited and going to the Grand Galloping Gala. This involved notable followers of the Church, high-ranked members, individuals who support the Church, but aren’t involved in any way to be considered connected to the Church, and more.

Hmmm, nobody from Manehattan will be going, not surprising, the city is still under lock-down and the recent killings are starting to be known by the public… Luckily none have put the dots that those involved were Church agents and members.

Sighing to himself, Grail placed said papers away to look at other things when a knock on the door caught his attention and before he could speak up to let whoever was on the other side to enter, the door opened. Warm Earth, Head Scientist of the secretive R&D branch of the Church entered Grail’s office, though to those who know her less, she’s simply the highest donor to the Church.

The female earth pony trotted wearing her signature lab-coat, Grail would reprimand and remind her to not wear her scientist attire outside of the hidden R&D facility, but considering the Grand Cathedral is empty at this nation-wide events, it was unlikely the Cathedral would had any of the regular members seeing Warm in her less than known occupation.

“Grail, I have the recent reports on the tests on those artifacts we’ve acquired, you be happy to know we got some good process on some of them,” said Warm.

“Start off with the ones with the best progress first, we hadn’t acquired artifacts – especially ones these powerful – in ages,” said Grail, placing both his forehooves in front of him on his desk.

Well, to start off, the artifacts I wish to report on is the Alicorn Amulet that we managed to acquire through some connections from a few nobles loyal to our cause, they of course don’t know of our more… scientific endeavors. There’s also the artifact acquired by the individual known as Eclipse Light, later passed on to Pristine Snow, stolen by that griffon mercenary who sold it to our agents, bringing to our hooves. Then there’s the shards of what remains of Nightmare Moon’s armor, there’s also that fourth artifact which we have kept for a few decades.

The amulet itself allows unicorns when wearing it to boost their personal magical abilities tenfold, sadly with the dark malicious energies that come with it. To solve this problem we created pseudo amulets with similar boosting effects without the bad side-effects, though these pseudo amulets are fragile and only allow to double a unicorns magical abilities.

The one found at San Palomino Desert though, while itself is nothing special, appears to be a key of some kind, I suggest to sending in a team back to the necropolis to find a hidden chamber with the artifact.

“I’ll think about that, later.”

Thank you, moving on, the armor of the dark alicorn, Nightmare Moon, has allowed my scientists to extract the malignant magical energies off said armor, we’ll continue further tests to see what we can do with said energies.

Now this is where things get to a stale-mate, the final artifact, even though we had kept it for nearly three decades prior to me reaching this position, my predecessor has made little progress on said artifact. From what I understand, this artifact was acquired from the Frozen North, from visual observations, it appears to be a shard of crystal blue, well, crystal. Its imbued with unfamiliar magical energies and none of our organization’s historians can manage to figure out its exact origins.

Grail knew what Warm was referring to that, that shard of crystal, rather it was the size of a pony, so calling it a shard was a tad underwhelming. While the Church has been around for a long time, due to the clashing of different ideologies and mixing with different religious sects during the earlier days of the Church, much of the past has been shrouded in mist.

“For now, focus on everything else, keep to visual and magical observations on the crystal until any new changes appear. Is that all that needs to be reported?” asked Grail.

Warm examines her notes to check for anything else of worthwhile, but shakes her head. Hearing this he tells Warm to go back to her duties, leaving the old stallion alone in his office, turning around to face the window; gazing at the sky, he takes a side-long glance at the sun, feeling its warmth on his fur… feeling her warmth.

“Hrmmm, tonight will bring change, the question will it be for the better… or worse,” said Grail, contemplating.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Ambassador Wing; 5:30pm

The Grand Galloping Gala officially begins around six o’clock in the evening, but usually in the prior hours – specifically from three to five o’clock – a crowd of ponies invited to the Gala await until the drawbridge to the Gala are lowered and the gates are open. This crowd usually consist of lower nobles or ponies who either bought tickets or were invited by somepony else who extra tickets to the Gala.

This crowd of ponies mostly consisted newcomers, but among them were ponies who wished to be greeted by Celestia first, as is custom every Gala that the princess herself greets everypony who enters through said gates.

The building the Gala is annually situated at is down a separate path which diverges, one leading to Canterlot Castle’s Royal Gardens, while the other leads to the Gala’s building itself. There was a small stone bridge connecting both the Gala and gardens, which is only used by staff, guards, and the princesses themselves, its also heavily guarded so those without tickets or troublemakers don’t come inside, meaning the only plausible way to get inside it through the gates… though you would had to have a ticket to either manage to step a hoof inside.

Said stone bridge is also used as a VIP entry for certain individuals – this consist of higher nobles, celebrities, ambassadors, the varying guild masters across Equestria, and military officers. From a balcony watching as the final moments of the Gala preparations would soon end, letting said gates open, Eclipse wore his suit made by Rarity, the coat giving off a pristine glow under the moonlight, albeit the glow itself appearing as if he wore a suit made of obsidian glass.

“Sir Eclipse, we should head to the Gala before the main crowd head in, VIPs are allowed to gain access to the Gala an hour earlier, rather than having to enter with other ponies, privileges being higher echelon in pony society,” said Ves.

Ves herself wore her formal guard suit, the same one she showed back at Ponyville, the four other guards she brought along stood outside the room Eclipse was given to stay until the Gala was ready. As Eclipse watch the crowd of ponies and the small stream of VIPs, each separated due to prestige, standing, and titles… all Eclipse could see is one clear similarity, one equalizing trait all of these individuals shared.

“Tell me, sergeant… out of all of these individuals, who were raised differently, experienced varying things from one another, had walked down a path much different than you and I… What do you think makes them all equal before you here and now, regardless, of sex, race, societal standing, wealth, power, and traits?”

The sudden question made Ves pause for a second, but rather than avoiding said question, she took it with stride with as much professionalism she could. Glancing down at both the crowd of ponies, many being simple middle-class citizens to lower nobles, the few rare lower-class citizens who saved up enough bits to get a ticket for themselves, then comparing said ponies with the VIPs, ponies who either worked from the bottom to get where they are… or those hoofed to them due to familial connections or their own charisma and charm… she gave a shrug.

“No idea, other than the fact they all look like a rainbow vomited on them all equivocally, I see nothing similar about them.”

“True… and wrong,” said Eclipse. This make Ves raise her brow but rather than letting her respond, Eclipse spoke, giving his answer. “What makes them all equal is what brought them here, not the food, not the music, not the event itself… just one thing, one thing that is the shining beacon in what is the sea of their vast and unknown lives.”

At that exact moment, both Eclipse and Ves – well Eclipse as Ves just followed what he was looking at – stared at one of the large windows of the Gala, seeing a familiar and notable white alicorn. Celestia was speaking to some of the staff who were prepping the Gala, alongside said pony was other staff-members listening in rapt attention as the princess gave guidance, while keeping a motherly glow about her.

Ves immediately realized what Eclipse was making his point toward, but this further confused her. “Princess Celestia? I mean yeah that makes sense, but I don’t follow, I mean not everypony is only here for the princess,” said Ves.

Eclipse continued to stay silent, but soon that silence was followed by a quiet sigh. “Sorry, if I appear off… I simply have an issue with authoritative figures,” said Eclipse, as he turned around to head to the door. “Especially the self-righteous kind.”

As she watched him leave, Ves faced to look back at Celestia, thinking further on about Eclipse’s question and how it relates to what he said and Celestia herself. 'Everypony made equal before Celestia…' what does he mean exactly?

Outside the Gala itself – Canterlot; 6:15pm

Twilight and company arrived fifteen minutes late from when the Gala began, yet there was still a large crowd of ponies outside still waiting to get inside the Gala itself. On the way to the Gala, the girls went into song alongside some other ponies – a certain ebony stallion ears twitched at the sudden feeling that something was happening that would make him question the natural concepts of this world.

After their little singing moment, the girls soon approached said gates, leaving each of them to do their own thing, Spike himself decided to just enjoy things as it is, leaving him to do his own thing. This left Twilight and while she wanted to speak to Celestia, she knew ahead that the princess would be deeply busy with greeting everypony – unlike her friends who were disillusioned by the Gala, Twilight did some study on the Gala itself so she was prep what to expect.

Rather than sob at not speaking to the princess, she said her greetings did a friendly nuzzle with her teacher, and went off to explore the rest of the Gala. Celestia told Twilight she and her friends can head off once things appear to slow down at the Gala to head out – this brought a smile to the book-pony, hopping with joy.

As Twilight couldn’t wait for some one-on-one time with her teacher, she spotted a familiar face among the crowd of ponies. Eclipse was just some distance from her talking to one of more well-know nobles, Fancy Pants; after their conversation Eclipse said his farewells as Fancy trotted with his companion, Fleur de Lis.

Twilight approached Eclipse, happy to see him at the Gala now, waving at the stallion to get his attention, after some attempts Eclipse noticed her. “Eclipse, you got to the Gala, when did you arrive?” asked Twilight.

“Hours ago, but I only just got inside thirty minutes ago.”

“That’s good… say, didn’t Ves mention she be you bodyguard alongside other guards, where are they?”

Rather than giving a vocal answer, he gestures with his head and eyes to varying corners of the part of the Gala he was at. At one corner is Mango who was talking with Spike, enjoying some of the delicacies the Gala had; another had Blaze who sipped some wine and sat on a table; around the dance floor, Night and Shadow were enjoying a waltz, Shadow stumbling at his attempt while Night seemed to still enjoy it with a toothy smile at her partner.

While they appear to enjoying themselves, all four of said guards were vigilant and watching their surroundings and Eclipse with rapt attention. “Rank aside, they’re Lunar Guard, Luna expects professionalism from them all on the job. As for the sergeant herself, I believe she went to see Luna about something, no need to worry about me Sparkle.”

“I thought I said to call me Twilight… still, I’m glad nothing has gone awry in the Gala,” said Twilight, with a sigh.

“I would take back that statement, earlier I noticed Rarity with a particular stallion… let’s say, from what I managed to see – and hear – it was not pleasant,” said Eclipse, grabbing a nearby glass from a serving tray from one of the waiters.

Twilight facepalmed and remembered who Rarity ran off to follow. I knew I should had warned her about Blueblood. “Do you remember where you last saw the two, I think I need to stop a future catastrophe from happening?”

“I believe somewhere near the doors heading out near the gardens, I also believe Applejack was there seeing her wares. I bought some from her, though business appeared slow,” said Eclipse.

With a thanks Twilight was ready to go, but before she did, she eyed a the glass Eclipse held, rather than asking if she could take that, Eclipse simply hoofed it to her without question. “I believe you may need this more than I will in the future,” said Eclipse, trotting off somewhere else.

A tad befuddled by his ability to read situation ahead of time, Twilight downed the drink and placed on another serving tray by a different waiter.

While the two went their separate ways, watching from afar, Shining Might spots Eclipse speaking with Twilight, until the two departed form one another. Might gritted his teeth hard, until he looks at the few close subordinates that he brought with him.

“Swift, take the others with you and deal with that… ‘heathen’, he has been a thorn to our side long enough. I tire awaiting for the chance to deal with him when every opportunity we have has been squandered,” said Might, his voice coming off as a growl.

The five other paladins and senior knights nodded, tailing Eclipse, unknown to them, Eclipse’s bodyguards took notice and stealthily followed. Mango followed the rest of his fellow guards, saying his farewell to Spike. “Gotta go Spike, nice seeing ya here,” said Mango, grinning.

Canterlot, Gala Gardens; 6:35pm

Deciding to take stroll around the gardens just outside the Gala, this part of the gardens is an extension of the Royal Gardens as unlike the stone bridge, both gardens are connected rather than separated by a bridge, so anypony whether Gala invitees or guests are allowed in both gardens.

At some point Eclipse met up with Ves, but she told him that Shining Might was spotted earlier so he needs to be extra careful now. While Might attempting to do something upon Eclipse would bring bad news on the Church, Might has been known to do things outside the Church’s jurisdiction, so the whole of the Church won’t be pinned for any incidents caused by him or anypony connected directly to him.

“Eclipse, knew I found you here.”

The two turned around to see who it was, when they found Pristine standing just some distance from the pair. She like anypony else invited to the Gala wore her own dress, her dress unlike other mares wasn’t frilly, rather it was more stream-lined to better her fit her pegasus form and the muscles underneath her coat.

It was very similar to Rainbow Dash’s outfit made by Rarity, but this variation was less cloud motif. Her current outfit was similar to the one she wore to her father’s party, but with some changes; the outfit had the signature flower she had on, only it more numerous as she one pinned to her dress and mane.

Her mane was put into a bun, with a tiara with a snowflake symbol on it, other interesting details was her wings appear to sparkle like fresh snowfall – possibly an enchantment placed on the dress to add that effect.

Some clouds blocked some of parts of the sky, so only sparse beams of moonlight were splayed toward the ground, though unseen by Eclipse – assuming – Pristine was blushing and given and expecting look toward him. Ves was the only one who could clearly see both ponies reactions, holding her own giggle of interest.

“Sooo… what do you think?” asked Pristine.

Eclipse kept his usual stoic neutral look until he placed a hoof on his chin with a thoughtful look. “Hmmmm, alright,” said Eclipse, simply.

“Alright? So nothing else?” asked Ves, a tad disappointed at his bland response.

Pristine was more upset, but before any outburst could come out, Eclipse continued to speak.

“Of course, though nothing on you would still make you look good,” said Eclipse, turning around to continue his walk through the gardens.

That comment, while pretty basic as all ponies don’t commonly wear clothing, gave a different meaning to both mares, as a heavy blush consumed them both. While Pristine simply placed her hoof covering her flushed look, Ves giggling barely could be held back, as a snort and snicker could be heard every few seconds.

“At least you think I look good…” said Pristine, mumbling that to herself.

Soon the two followed Eclipse through the gardens, until the reached the Canterlot Castle part of the gardens, far from anypony else… except five particular individuals.

“Pristine, your recovery from that incident is going well I presume?”

“Yes, I’m also thankful you came to rescue me,” said Pristine, her blush still visible, albeit weaker than before.

“I simply accepted the request from your father, though I would still assist in your rescue as I hold some responsibility. It should had been obvious that said mercenaries would not forget about our involvement into interfering with their business.”

“You mean the kidnapping of ponies and other races, like that would be considered acceptable,” said Ves, snorting. “Still I’m surprised no guards came along with you in case, Miss Pristine.”

“I’m not defenseless, though expecting mercenaries to sneak up on you in your own home wouldn’t be one of the things to expect after returning to my home city.”

The two soon entered the statue area of the gardens, the trio passed a particular statue of a strange creature made of various animal parts. Eclipse paused to gaze at said creature, a mix of feelings could be seen in his eyes, Pristine stopped to see what made Eclipse pause while Ves kept vigilant of the area.

“Is something the matter, Eclipse?”

“…This statue… gives off a strange aura…”

At that moment, more hoofsteps could be heard approaching, suddenly five stallions approached the trio, one of them Pristine immediately recognizes as Shining Might’s second-in-command, Paladin Swift Slice.

Like herself, Swift is a pegasus, but because of the lack of lighting from the moon, it was hard to tell if it was him and who the other four ponies are… the only clue she got it was him was his familiar snide voice.

“Well well, I expected to bump into the heretic, but to my surprise I get the chance to encounter an exiled and a blood-sucking vampony,” said Swift, chuckling darkly.

At the comment of vamponies, Ves revealed her fangs with a hiss at the racist comment, while Pristine kept her own emotions at the mention of her exile, still she gave her own grimace in turn. Eclipse himself was taking note of the other ponies until his gaze moved to Swift, who stood tall with his chest puffed out like a peacock.

“...Who might you be exactly?” asked Eclipse.

Eclipse’s untended insult at the fact he didn’t recognize Swift was enough to make Ves snort and Pristine to hold back a giggle. The crimson blush to come upon Swift’s cheeks was soon swallowed by his anger, until he continued his condescending attitude.

“Of course some lowly mud-pony like yourself would be too ignorant to recognize a paladin of the great and righteous Church of the Holy Sun!”

Thinking back Eclipse remembered who this pony is… only for further to confusion to shroud his face. “Weren’t you the pony I smacked aside, you were making a lot of noise and were easy to read your attack,” said Eclipse. “Your name was… Swish Cheese?”

At this, the other knights accompanying Swift Slice gave their own amused chuckles, until Swift had enough and charged forth with fury in his eyes. With his own roar he raised his right fore-hoof, flying right toward Eclipse who continued to remember the details from before.

Before the attack could reach him, Ves reacted instantly, flown above Swift and stamping both rear-hooves into his exposed back. A cloud of dust appeared where Swift was slammed into the ground, with that, the rest of Swift’s lackeys charged, when four shadowy figures jumped from the surrounding statues.

“AH YEAH, HOOF-FIGHT!” shouted Mango. The perky thestral jumped one of the Church knights from behind, catching the poor mare by surprise as he pounced onto her back.

The others were dealt with too by the rest of Ves’ bodyguard team, Blaze handled the other hostile unicorn, the two pushing sheer magical might against one another. Shadow hoof-punched one of the earth-ponies, sending the stallion spiraling in a circle, while Night was doing maneuvers in the air against another pegasus.

The statue area of the royal gardens transformed into a full-blown brawl against the Church and the Lunar Guard, in the middle of all this ruckus, Eclipse tried his hardest to remember the name of the pegasus who was close to attacking him.

“Still Speed. Super Strong. Shine… Shine?”

“I think we should leave, unless we get involved, let’s go,” said Pristine, dragging Eclipse with her.

Elsewhere, Luna who only attended the Gala for a short time, returned to the castle to wander a little, the castle was mostly empty as most of the staff either attended or joined the festivities at the Gala, with the sparse guard patrol passing by her. Taking a turn around another hall, Luna pauses then gazes at her moon at the starlit sky.

Many of the clouds which earlier blocked her moon were now gone, blessing the gardens with the soft light of the moon. As she gazed upward, at the corner of her eye she noticed something down below at the gardens; with her enhanced sight from the pegasus part of her body, she spotted Eclipse Light and an unfamiliar mare.

For awhile they stood a small distance from one another, looking at each other, it was hard to tell if they spoke, but soon they approached one another, with Eclipse extending a hoof which the mare accepted. Soon the two began to dance on their rear-hooves, waltzing under the moonlight, as this happened for a moment, Luna swore she her music playing even though the part of the gardens the two were dancing at were too far for any music from the Gala to be heard.

Luna watched Eclipse and this mysterious mare dance away, the only ones witnessing this act is themselves and her. Seeing Eclipse dance with this unknown individual was… entrancing to say the least, it wasn’t the way they danced or the setting made it romantic… it was the fact Eclipse was smiling softly.

While Luna hasn’t known Eclipse for long, even during the short number of encounters she had with him… there was a sense of tired loneliness coming from him… the same tired loneliness she herself felt since her return.

Soon the mysterious music slowly crawls to a end and the two separated, as they departed, Eclipse made his way back to the Gala while mysterious mare trotted and vanished within the shadows of a nearby tree.

For awhile Luna continued to gaze at the spot they were at for awhile, then she continued on her trot within the halls.

Hmmm, I wonder who was that with Eclipse… maybe it was that companion Tia mentioned before.

Continuing down the hall, until she stepped outside to the gardens, she came upon another pony who she was deeply familiar with. “A fare lady Pristine, it is good to see you this fine night, what brings you here to the royal gardens?”

“P-Princes Luna… I wasn’t expecting you here, I thought you attend the Gala.”

“I did for a time, but celebrities from times before were much more active rather than the sociable conversations from nobles… especially when they wish to kiss up to my sister and I,” said Luna.

For short time the two stood, either looking at one another or looking at something else, it was that moment though when Luna thought back to what she saw earlier.


“Lady Pristine, by chance… were you with Eclipse Light earlier?”

This surprised Pristine, but her surprise transformed to flushed embarrassment, smoothing out her mane while tilting left and right in a smooth sway. “I was for a time, we went our separate paths as Eclipse had to go somewhere…”

“I see…” Luna smiled to herself after solving that mystery, suddenly some uproar could be heard coming from the Gala, the noise attracting some guards who rushed by both Luna and Pristine. “It appears things at the Gala have gotten interesting; how about we continue our conversation somewhere else, I know this quaint bakery that sells these wonderful treats, I believe they’re called donuts.”

Meanwhile, Ves and her guards had beaten and chased off Swift Slice and his goons, the group later met up with Eclipse who told them he went to see somepony. “Say, where’s Pristine, I thought she was with you earlier?”

“I told her I needed to go somewhere after we talked a little, right after we-”

Soon the group heard panicked yelling coming the Gala, quickly heading to the source of the noise, what they saw was… well, just chaotic. Animals from the gardens were rampaging through the Gala, Prince Blueblood who was complaining to some guards could be seen with a cake being smashed onto his cranium, while many nobles were crying or moaning on the ground after being pelted by what could be what remained on the buffet table.

“…What in the full-moon happened here?” asked Night.

“Looks like runaway train went by and deposited a whole heap of trouble everywhere,” said Shadow. “I think we should leave the premises for now, sergeant.”

“I agree… let’s head into the city, I know place we can hang out for awhile, until… well whatever happened here calms down,” said Ves.

Soon the group left the Gala, leaving the castle premises and heading down one of Canterlot’s main streets, until they came upon a bakery that was open late at this hour. Entering inside, they found Princess Celestia, the girls, and Spike all sitting around a table; they soon learned that the fiasco that occurred at the Gala was caused by the girls, various shenanigans.

“I can’t believe with all that happened, you weren’t even there to see it!” shouted Rainbow.

“To be honest I doubt I could had made a difference if I were there… but seriously, none of you gathered information what the Gala was like, see if you could sell any of your products, or check any of the more well-known individuals at the Gala and how they’re like in person?”

Many of the girls could best connect with some of the words Eclipse chose to best describe their individual situations, then he looked at Fluttershy who continued to have a staring contest with the ground.

“And Fluttershy… well all I can say is that you can be quite aggressive when it comes to things you’re passionate about… though do remember to not take things too far,” said Eclipse.

A quiet mumble came from Fluttershy which was barely audible, but Eclipse got her message clearly from her, next was Celestia who – which slightly annoyed Eclipse – looked away from his hidden glare.

“Celestia… please in advance, do make certain incidents like this don’t occur often… even if its for your own entertainment.”

Rather than responding, Celestia levitated a cup of tea and sipped it, though the slight sweat dripping down her neck was enough of a sign that she got his message. At that moment, Luna and Pristine entered inside and immediately, she approached Eclipse with some slight worry.

“There you are, I thought we meet up after you were done with whatever you were doing… I wanted to at least dance with you at the Gala,” said Pristine.

This caught Luna’s attention, which made her listen to their conversation, now curious about what happened in the gardens.

“Ah yes… while we did say we meet up, you didn’t say where, so I was heading back to the Gala when that mess caused by the girls happened. Where were you though?” asked Eclipse.

“I… well I wandered a little and encountered Princess Luna… but if the Gala was under that big of a mess I suppose asking a dance from you would had been impossible…”

“Now hold here,” said Luna, approaching the two. “Sir Eclipse, earlier as I trotted through the halls of the castle, I saw you dancing with another pony!”

This caught everyone’s attention, as they listened to the conversation between Eclipse and Luna, with the princess continuing the conversation.

“I thought the one you danced with under the moonlight was lady Pristine, are you saying that wasn’t the case?”

“While it isn’t your business who I’m with… but yes; after having to deal with some troublemakers from the Church – which Ves and her fellow guards dealt with – myself and Pristine talked a little until I had business elsewhere, we departed from one another until I reunited with my protege.”

This made everyone gasp in shock, except for one individual, Fluttershy when hearing Eclipse meeting up with his ‘protege’ which made her think back when she first met Eclipse.

Protege? Wait, Eclipse wouldn’t be talking about…

“YOU MET YOUR WHAT!?” shouted Twilight, her eyes ablaze with intrigue.

Soon the conversation derailed about Eclipse secret rendezvous with an unknown individual that nobody had met before. “My protege, I asked Celestia for an additional ticket so she could come.”

“But I hadn’t met anypony like that while I was greeting those at the Gala’s entrance?”

“She doesn’t like being notice, to say the least Luna saw me dancing with her… as I mentioned she’s a lot like Fluttershy.” While Eclipse sipped his drink, many of the girls came firing various question after question at him which he simply ignored or dodged.

Luna watched this happen until she looked at Pristine, remembering back at the gardens, Luna did see what appeared to be a silhouette of a horn, meaning that it was definitely not Pristine.

If it couldn’t been Pristine… then who?

Prior to Luna’s Perspective – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Royal Gardens; 6:55pm

I remember sitting on that bench, I spent my time waiting by gazing at the reflection of the pond, as the moon could been reflected upon its waters. I didn’t wear something as frilly like the rest of the natives, my outfit was like half-suit and half-gown dress; the part that covered my furred chest, was suit with the dress shirt under a tuxedo, the dress shirt was a light purple while the tuxedo was a darker purple variation, to complete the ensemble is a bow-tie.

As for the lower half which covered the barrel and flanks of my… ‘body’, was a flowing see-through auburn gown, under the see-through silk cloth is a tight fabric that covered the marks on my flank as well as the rest of my posterior. On the withers of my tuxedo is the symbol of my master, my mane while short, it wasn’t its usual mess and brushed to at least make myself look decent enough.

I continued to sit there, gazing at the still waters of that pond, the calming breeze of the night echoed around me… then I heard steps approaching me.

“I knew I find you here.”

I turned to face the voice and standing there in his own outfit was my master. The soft look in his emerald eyes was enough to instill a calm in me, he was the only individual I would give my rest, my life, my whole being in a moment’s notice. Standing up from the bench, I approached until I stood only half a meter away from him. I would had bowed then and there, sadly the outfit I wore didn’t allow me to do so.

“It is good to see you in this form, master… though I can’t say why you wished for me to attend this event… these ponies are a tad self-centered and rude.”

“Now now, no need for that kind of attitude… how about we don’t stand and talk like we just met.”

(Mood Music)


With a wave of his hoof and a gentle sway of his head, the soothing strings of a harp began to echo around us. Once the music began, he took a few steps to me and extended the same hoof he used to summon said music; my deep dislike with how easily he would start a conversation with me, unlike toward the others which he portrayed a visage of respect and power… he did quite the opposite… it made me sick, it made me angry… it made me feel warm inside… I didn’t deserve to be treated like I’m his equal… I was little more than an ant before him.

“I think this is the part you take my hoof, unless you wish to stand and continue talking?”

Sadly, the only think I hate more than this was doing nothing – inactivity was never my strongest side to me.

With my hoof gently placed on top of his, we both began to stand on our rear-hooves. Unlike those at this “Gala” who danced with one hoof around the other, while dancing on all three of their legs, my master and I danced on our rear-legs… which was the closest thing to how we normally danced in our normal forms.

While he had his left foreleg holding my right foreleg, he held me close with his right foreleg, while my other foreleg laid on his withers. It was strange dancing like this, not in our current forms… dancing in general… I should be defending him from all manner of danger, to be his shield and sword… to answer upon his every whim like the titan he is… To be this close to him was surmountable to blasphemy.

To be close to him is a sin of the highest caliber.

“There’s no need to belittle yourself, you hold as much authority as I do.”

Moments like this I forget what he’s capable of, it isn’t that hard to read one’s mind like an open book… he did teach me after all how to control my native telepathy.


“Hmmmm, why what?”

“Why did you summon me to attend to this event? To come here, to wear this… asinine outfit, just so we could dance? You should be recovering until the day for your vengeance is at hand… not… spending time with the one who couldn’t fend off your enemies.”

For that short moment, silence drowned out from my surroundings, even though the music continued on, having been extended for our – for my master’s personal tastes. That silence soon ended, when he responded by pulling me in closer, to say that I felt like tossing myself into the core of an exploding star was taking things light; this entire situation was just utterly foolish… so so foolish indeed.

“Is there a problem to spending time with the one closest to my heart and soul?”


“Staying quiet isn't an appropriate response, little one.”

“Must you still call me that… I have a name.”

“Of course you do… of course you do…”

We continued to sway in a slow circle, it was all so foolish being in this situation… I felt silly thinking… thinking that things could go back to normal – serving by his side, defeating his enemies, protecting his worlds… why did it had to end so?

“I think our time is almost ov-”

What I did next… I can’t say I regret it… I just wished I could had better worded it.

“Could we… Could I continue doing this with you… just a little longer…”

“...I suppose I can accept your little bout of selfishness…”

“I just… don’t want to lose you to the disparity of what is to come.”

“And you won’t…”



The two of us continued like that, we never spoke, nor did we exchange any mental messages toward one another… utter, blissful, silence. My senses dulled as we danced, the only thing I felt was the smooth gentle glow of our souls – one was like a calming chilling black-hole, the other a vast sea of light that dare consume everything around it.

We soon departed, as he had to leave unless his watch-dogs would get suspicious of his absence, I watched him leave, soon I too left, disappearing under the shadows of a tree’s canopy. I turned to see his visage slowly disappear around the bend of the garden, once I saw him completely leave, I took a few steps forward until a swirling mass appeared before me, in which I stepped forward.

I’m both sad and pathetic… but I must be the wall that he needs – that he deserves. This I solemnly swear…

Present Time – Canterlot; 7:30pm

Watching from the rooftop just across Donut Joe’s, she watched as Eclipse continued to speak to the inquisitive unicorn called Twilight Sparkle. The outfit she wore was still on her, but the only difference, was the death glare she gave at Twilight, the mare being a unicorn as her own horn glowed an ominous dark purple light.

Behind her, the same swirling mass appeared behind her as she turned around to go through the portal.

“Thank you for the dance… master.”

The next day – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 10:00am

After the Gala was officially over, the girls, Spike, Eclipse, and the guards all returned back to Ponyville, while the guards reported the incident with Swift Slice and the Church, the rest decided to take today off due to the stressful evening – except for Spike and Eclipse – everypony had.

Spending his free-time at home, Eclipse laid down on his hammock, taking a nap as the warm summer breeze blew through his mane. As he laid down calmly, he heard the tell-tale sound of hooves approaching him, opening his one eye to see, he sees Twilight approaching him by herself.

“Good morning Eclipse,” said Twilight.

“Morning… Can I help you with anything, Sparkle?”

“Again, please call me Twilight… and no, I just wanted to see you.”

“So you aren’t here to keep pestering me about my personal history or my acquaintances?”

Twilight sighed to herself, knowing that Eclipse was like a magically sealed chamber, he would not say a peep about his past or those he knew before arriving in Equestria. Deciding to not force said information out of him, she sat beside him, staring at the far horizon, watching the crystal clear lake near his abode and the blue sky free of clouds today.

“So the Gala was fine on your end, you didn’t see anything that me or the girls did, right?”

“Yes, I didn’t witness the embarrassing situations you or the girls got into,” said Eclipse.

“Do you have to say it like that?”

With a shrug Twilight joined Eclipse in gazing at the horizon, the two keeping quiet until Eclipse spoke next.

“A lot has occurred since you or I have came to this town…”

“Yeah… with Nightmare Moon, the Church, heck, with all the crazy things that happened in town and with the girls… I would thing coming here was a big mistake…”


“Yeah, but I wouldn’t give a single second away being here for anything else.”

“Hmmm… the future will hold many unknowns, but as long you know the goals you wish to reach and those alongside you can help you achieve said goals… Well, you’ll fine satisfaction in the end.”

Twilight nodded in agreement with Eclipse statement, the two taking in the warmth and soft breeze around them. For awhile, neither said a word, simply gazing at the far horizon and relaxing… until Twilight took note of her surroundings and looked at Eclipse confused.

“Say… Where’s Luella?”

(Character Theme/Outro Song)


Far from the pair, hidden within the trees across the lake, stood a unicorn hidden by both the shadows and the cloak they wore. They watched the pair with violet eyes, a deep glare focused particularly on Twilight, as the figure watched with deep contempt, they soon wandered back into the thicket of trees, muttering to themselves before vanishing.

“Fear is weakness; fear is strength; accept the fear, but do not let it overtake you.”

Interlude: Preparing The Pieces

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Two Days Later – Canterlot, Grand Cathedral of the Holy Sun, Shining Might’s Office; 8:30am

To say the calm of the early morning wasn’t as calm at the Grand Cathedral, more specifically at Shining Might’s office, as the high paladin was thrashing his office, throwing objects, smashing anything within hoof’s reach, his horn sparking violently as a lash of untamed magical energy scored the walls.

While the injury to his horn had been painful and a problem for the first few months, due to the Church’s lesser known scientific endeavors, his horn has been making steady recover, sadly his magical potential is still the same with only his control of it being an issue, putting him back to the beginning. He was incapable of complex spells and limited to firing magical blasts the size of a hoof-ball, destructive sure, but not comparable to his previous abilities.

Might was enraged at not only the familiar of Swift Slice’s and his cohorts attempts at Eclipse Light, but how they were single-hoofedly dealt with by the Lunar Guard accompanying said stallion. The only saving grace is that news of the quote-on-quote brawl hadn’t been made to be known… which is why he only just learned of Swift’s familiar now rather than two days ago.

“DAMN THOSE LUNAR GUARD AND DAMN THEIR LUNAR WITCH OF A PRINCESS! I thought with her return the Lunar Guard would be a sad excuse compared to the Royal Guard or even our Church Knights, but to imagine their capabilities far extend our prior estimates!” shouted Might, tossing a head sculpture of himself.

While Might seethed at the idiocy of Swift and their failure – which the stallion and his fellows have been swiftly punished for – his main ire wasn’t on Swift though, what made his fur stand and his teeth grind together was the recent news of what was occurring in Manehattan.

Its been proven now by the knights and paladins still stationed in Manehattan – unknown to both the Royal Guard and the citizenry – that the ponies who were targeted by the so called dubbed, Scarlet Huntress, had some connection to the Church, both minor and major. Might would had retaliated and go on a witch-hunt across the metropolitan city, but due to his actions in Ponyville, the majority of Church activities have been halted and any such activities would result in a heavy penalty.

The only way he and other leaders of the Church could contact their other secretive operations was through crystal balls, enchanted to send undetectable, live conversations from pony to pony. At this moment, Might was having one of said conversations with one of his paladins who were left stationed in Manehattan.

“We have confirmed most of the targeted ponies are believers of the Church, at first we thought it was a heathen against the beliefs of the Church, but when members of the Church Knights and even a paladin – without their equipment of course – found dead either near or at their homes were found, it was clear who or whatever this being is are hunting members of the Church, regardless of connection.”

Might paced before the crystal ball stationed on his desk, he kept said magical device in a storage container in his office, but with the number of messages he’s getting from the thing, he left it on his desk in case.

With frustrated sigh, he sat down on office chair and gazed at the crystal ball with a deep contempt for the situation. “I will see what I can do, for now, continue with your assigned objectives and if possible, gather what remains of our brothers and sisters to the several safe-houses located across the city. The chances of this demoness attacking a group of our knights, would mean the death of this witch; the coward can hunt and scour in the darkness, but the light if our domain! See to it you do not fail me there,” said Might, disconnecting the signal.

At the same time – Manehattan; 8:35am

As the connection to their leader ended, the paladin who was speaking to Shining Might, turned to his fellow knights and other fellow Church members. Once the sudden rise of the deaths of their fellows began to reach their ears, they quickly rendezvous at one of said safe-houses, fearing they would be next.

“You heard the high paladin, together we are strong and under the light the threat of this ‘Scarlet Huntress’ becomes nothing to the might and righteous power of the Holy Sun!”

All of the knights and Church members gave their own roar of approval, but soon the sound of their applause was drowned out by the shattered of glass, as one of the windows built on the roof sprayed glass shards down below, spooking the more wound-up members.

Quickly they search for the source of the noise, when they find a figure standing on top a stack of crates inside the warehouse. As everypony got adjusted to the sudden beam of light splayed down on them, the silhouette of the figure became more clear until a sense of dread befell them all.

Standing with her wings splayed open for all to see was an albino thestral, her fur consisted of white color, tinted with red-tone, making it appear she doused herself in blood. Her mane and tail were a crimson red, while her bat-like wings appeared sharp at the ends, with the membrane scarlet, reflecting a red-light as the sun beamed against them.

The mare stood on her rear-legs, a pair of serrated knives curling and flipping on her forehooves, a noticeable crimson could be visible, covering both her hooves and said knives. With a seductive chuckle, she opened her mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth, stained with crimson life essence of another pony.

The biggest clue that this was no ordinary pony or thestral was her eyes, rather the regular irises of either pony and thestral, hers were shaped differently, the ends of both her eyes coming to pointed curl, while the eye itself was drenched in a crimson red, but her eyes… they feverishly stared at the crowd of ponies not like another would stare somepony else.

She stared at them as if a starved wolf would stare at lambs for the slaughter – meat, simply flesh to devour.

“So you think to hide among each other under the light of the day?” The albino thestral, began to giggle to herself, until her giggling grew to crescendo of mad laughter, many of the Church members in the back slowly began to make their way to the exit, when suddenly a swish of noise in the air as an object flew.

A wet thunk echoed around the crowd, then one of the ponies attempting to retreat found themselves falling flat to the ground with a familiar knife embedded into their eye socket. Those nearest to the body stared with growing horror, until the flood-gates loose, screams of terror spread out to the crowd witnessing the sudden execution of one of their own.

“Who said you could leeeeave? We haven’t started the party!”

As the knights, paladins, and other armed ponies got ready to fight, the albino thestral, with a flick of the hoof she used to throw her knife motioned it back. Soon the knife embedded in the corpse, flew back to its mistress, making the crowd panic at the sudden act of magic, even though the lack of her not having a horn on her.

“Whu-What, who-o, just are you?”

With that, her smile stretched further, revealing the crimson liquid staining her teeth to drip out of her maw like a rapid beast. With a single twirl of her knives, she positioned herself in pouncing position, leaning slightly off the stack of crates, her next target now made crystal clear.

“Me? Hehahhaeheeee… slaughter made flesh, and you… are my next meal.”

With those final words… she pounced – the slaughter has commenced.

Elsewhere – Canterlot, Canterlot Park; 9:15am

After the events at the Gala, Pristine was a little upset she couldn’t spend a little more time with Eclipse, but she was at least glad she got to be with him for that short amount of time. She spend her day relaxing at the park, sitting down at one of the benches that over-looked the park’s small lake, watching a flock of ducks quacking and swimming by.

The entire spectacle itself brought a sense of peace to her, with the past events that had been weighing on her since, taking things easy was all she needed now.

Peace and quiet.

As Pristine closed her eyes and leaned her head back, she listened to the quacking of ducks and the gentle breeze. This serenity would soon end when a figure approached her from behind, not even the grass itself made noise as the figure stepped on it; the ducks seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, either swam or flew away at his approach.

When she abrupt stop of the sound of ducks stopped, Pristine was ready to investigate… when she felt the presence behind, her instincts to turn around and see were halted by the figure’s voice.


Or rather, lack of voice, as all she heard was an ominous voice in her head, rather that she listened to the voice… it felt like her body simply followed the words spoken. Her attempts to turn her head or even move her body an inch was fruitless, whatever this unknown figure did caused her entire body to stop listening to her.

“Sorry if I spooked you, but its best you don’t see my face… it is a grand welcome to meet you, Pristine Snow.”

The absolute terror she felt at this figure knowing who she is was palpable, whoever was behind her was capable of freezing somepony with just their word, while inflicting such a terrifying presence from just being near them… it was the same feeling she got when she was with Eclipse Light.

“It is best you calm down if you wish to hear what I have to say.”

Pristine tried speaking, but even her mouth didn’t follow her either, only her hearing, breathing, sight, and the quick tempo of her heart were the only thinks she could control and feel. She noticed now that the entire park was empty of both critters and denizens… it was as if those who were previously here simply left, all at once.

“In the near future, the coming fall of the Church of the Holy Sun will come, with it a new age will be birth from this change. You will witness to this change… and must decide – which side will you join.”

What is he talking about? ‘The fall of the Church?’ ‘Choosing sides’?

“You must be confused, no matter, this decision will not come immediately… but when it does…”

At the corner of her eye, she could see a muzzle, but there wasn’t enough to see to get any details whatsoever, all she knew was they were male and their fur was a dark color – black or dark blue maybe.

“One age shall end… another will begin anew. I hope you decide the correct side to choose… because they’re will be no second chances afterwards.”

Soon she felt the presence slowly vanish, but she couldn’t move yet and the presence while not big was still felt.

Hope you will see our master in a new light after this occurs. Farewell – Miss Snow. Release.

At that, with a heavy gasp, she swiftly turned around only for the breeze of the wind to blow the grass behind her. The sound of ducks returned and suddenly, she could hear other ponies wander the park as if whatever happened to Pristine never occurred at all.

Turning around and sitting back on her bench, Pristine leaned her head on her forehooves, her thoughts rapidly rushing with question after question on what she was told… and what it could mean for her and the future of Equestria.

...Wait, who does he mean by his ‘master’?… And who is his master?

Manehattan; 9:30am

(Character Theme)


The soft drip drop of blood, was the only sound heard inside the warehouse, all over the now blood-drenched building was the bodies of various ponies. Many were unarmored, but even those who had armor shared the same fate as their compatriots, various stab wounds through the armor, cause deformities on both the armor… and the bodies.

A hoof which was still connected to one of the exits to the warehouse was detached from its owner, left gripping on the handle, forever showing the despair of escape being impossible. Those that tried to fight back were dealt with last, but even their deaths weren’t as swift compared to others, cuts, slashes, even stab wounds decorated their bodies with a twisted sense of macabre artistry.

In the center of the warehouse, piled on top of each other like some twisted form of a throne, was the bodies of the dead, a pool of blood slowly expanding from the bodies. Sat a top, in clear psychotic and twisted sense of humor was the albino thestral, her knives returned to their sheathes hidden under her wings; she held the head of the now decapitated paladin who was earlier speaking to Shining Might through the crystal ball, in a reference to some well-known individual that nopony in this world would know about or at least have heard under a different name.

“‘To be, or not to be, that is the question’… Or something like that.” Tossing the head, forever stained with an expression of sheer terror, behind her, she gave a stretch and yawn, smacking her lips – her crimson-stained lips.

“What a lovely meal, but mustn’t waste the leftovers, now.”

Pulling out one of her knives, she points it upward, soon afterwards, every drop of blood – both on the ground, the walls, even the blood still pumping in the freshly killed bodies – began to float and coalesce toward the sharp-point of the knife like metal sand attracted by a magnet.

Soon all the blood began to form together into a perfectly spherical ball, said ball would warp and jiggle with the slightest movement. “Bottoms up!” With that, she opened her serrated mouth wide open, the orb of scarlet slowly being sucked into her mouth, until not a single drop remained.

Closing her mouth, she sighed in content, laying down on the pile of corpses for a short while, gazing at the slowly rising sun beyond the single shattered window. For that short time, utter silence fell upon that spot for several seconds… then with a grunt, she lifted herself up and stretched her wings open.

“Thank you for the meal, now then… off I go, hehaeheheeee.”

A flap of her wings and she skyrocketed upward, leaving the bodies of the Church members to be later found a week later after complaints of a strange smell coming from the warehouse. Newspapers would later state that the Scarlet Huntress has struck again, except this time, the victims would be unconfirmed Church knights when it was reported there were no more Church knights within Manehattan after all other members returned to Canterlot.

The echoes of mad laughter was heard by all, as a the silhouette of a winged figure flew through the skies of the metropolitan city, as she goes out to hunt once more.

Some time later – Canterlot, Canterlot Caslte, Royal Gardens; 11:00am

(Outro Music)


At the statue area of the gardens, a particular statue of a strange creature stood among the other stone-crafted figures. However as the peaceful serenity of the royal gardens was heard, that serenity began to shatter… as well as another shattering noise.

The statue of the particular creature slowly began to crack as flakes of stone began to break off, from the statue, the ominous laughter could be heard by any who were close by, but sadly none noticed.

As the statue began to crack more and more, a voice began to crept out with a chortle.

“My my, there sure is a lot of chaos happening… and… something else… something… Primordial… this will be fun.”

Slowly more shards of stone began to fall off, the raucous laughter growing louder and louder, until finally like the roar of a lion, the stone state exploded shards everywhere.

The Spirit of Chaos… is free.

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:05am

At the docks, Eclipses sits on the edge, spending his time sharpening his weapons for his free-time, but as he sharpened them, a shift in the air catches his attention. His gaze moves to Canterlot, a new sensation being felt coming from the mountain-side city.

Luella waddles her way beside Eclipse, looking up at him with the same curiosity about this sudden change in developments. Not even looking at her, he picks up both swords, sheathing them back, continuing to gaze at Canterlot.

“Trouble already… I’m not at full strength yet…” said Eclipse, now looking at Luella.

The cub bear snorts in return, which Eclipse looks at her a little before looking back at Canterlot with a thoughtful expression… then turning around and walking away from the docks.

“Maybe, maybe… I think its time we see how the ‘Elements of Harmony’ fare against a foe of this world. Let us hope I am not needed… the stench of Chaos is in the air, though, its quite different from the one I know of.”

Luella gives out a small roar, which Eclipse sighs back at her with his own annoyed look.

“Right right… the problems of this world are not our own… but when has that stopped me from intervening at the oddest of times. Let us await what decision Celestia makes and then… I might do something to fix whatever muck up she creates from her choices.”

As Eclipse and Luella made their way back to their abode, from Eclipse’s shadow is peerless, endless horde of glowing eyes, gazing at every direction without an end in sight, while Luella’s own shadow reveals the massive form of a terrifying beast without equal, awaiting its next prey to devour.

“After all… adding another deity to the list isn’t an issue.”

Luella gives out a snort, flicking her ear as the two readied for another foe to face in their endless strife-ridden path that is their life – tomorrow was going to be wrought with unspeakable horrors and carnage.

...Just like the old days.

End of Arc One: The Trader.

Chaotic Nature

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What is one’s truest nature? Is it the culmination of one’s actions in life, is it their victories or their failings; could it perhaps be their predetermined goal from the moment they were birthed and named? Every individual has what is referred to as, their primordial origin – something deep within their very soul that speaks to them… a part of themselves locked with key and chain, until it bursts forth like a raging storm.

The question isn’t about what is one’s truest nature… the question is… how far must you delve into the muck and grime, into shadows darker than the darkness, into madness and suffering?

So I ask once more – what is one’s truest nature, by how much suffering would you bare for the rest of your short, miserable lives.

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 11:15am

It was almost noon in another glorious day for Celestia, she sat at her throne reviewing some recent reports across the various cities, towns, and settlements within her fair nation. She levitated a teacup to her snout and took a sip, until she felt an eerily familiar presence, one she hasn’t felt in over a millennia ago.

No, it can’t be…

Before she could order her guards to respond fast, appearing with a loud pop and a flourish is Discord – the Spirit of Chaos – opening his arms in a wide arc in some over-the-top entry within the throne hall.


Celestia quickly rose from her throne, her magic flickering on as it took a blazing golden glow, while the guards stationed within the throne hall took ready stances and pointed their spears at the sudden new threat. Celestia’s secretary, Raven Inkwell hid behind the lower steps of the throne, watching the sudden confrontation with trepidation.

Discord took a look around at his new surroundings, until his jovial look transformed to a bored frown, crossing both his elongated limbs across his chest, still staying afloat without a care.

“I see you still haven’t changed much in this bland place you call a castle, I mean seriously you could add a little more color, would make this place much more interesting,” said Discord. Taking a look around, he floated over to a mural of Twilight and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon, though Discord gave a weird look at this mural while Celestia took a few steps down her throne, but kept a close eye on the draconequus.

“What are you planning Discord?”

“Not much… yet, though if I’m honest here, this mural isn’t you being really honest here Sunbutt. I mean really now, you’re going to give your little pony student here take the credit for something she, nor her little friends even did, for shame, really for shame,” said Discord, tutting his claw at Celestia.

Celestia eyes widened, while Twilight and her friends never used the Elements on her sister, Celestia didn’t want news that someone or something else easily defeated Nightmare Moon and reverted her back to Luna without the use or assistance of the Elements. This knowledge was kept hush-hush to herself and selected individuals, as well as the Elements themselves though their knowledge on the situation is based only on perspective alone and never speculation.


“Oh come now, just because I was a statue doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear things… and no I don’t know who did fought Moony, I may be powerful but I’m not all-knowing.”

Quickly dropping the subject of the conversation, Celestia’s horn glowed brighter until Discord vanished again, reappearing before one of the guards, until he reached forth and plucked the pegasus’ helmet, said guard taking a firm stance and held his spear at the chaotic abomination.

“Though, that doesn’t mean that those six mares are a threat to me and I have quite a long list of things I want to do before you sic em on me,” said Discord. He held the guard’s helmet on his lion’s paw until he snapped with his free limb to turn the helmet into some sort of creature with four stubby legs, a tongue that came out where the guard’s snout would come out of, and a floppy length of hair on the top and a tail wagging at the back of the helmet.

The creature hopped off Discord’s paw and began barking and running around the throne hall, both the owner of said helmet and his fellows chased the now alive helmet-dog around the throne hall. Discord watched with amusement before facing Celestia, and with a wave and wiggle of his paw, he vanished once more.

Celestia’s glow of her horn began to lessen a little, until she watched the group of guards chase – and fail miserably – to catch the helmet-dog. With a deep sigh, she turned to face the one guard to not follow along his fellows to chase the chaotic creature, but watched them with a stoic gaze.

“Sergeant, please report to Captain Shining Armor and Captain Lilium Nix that Discord has escaped his imprisonment, that they are to prepare and send messages to all other stationed Royal Guard and Lunar Guard at all major cities and towns. They are to secure and evacuate all citizens to magical emergency bunkers until the situation has been handled, you are then to...” said Celestia.

She faced the guards who chased the strange creature, until they managed to dog-pile the thing… before it wiggled out and began to run rampant once more.

“...then you’re to secure both the castle and city of any of Discord’s creations, do please do all this post-haste and within that order, please.”

The sergeant saluted before barking at his fellow guards to do what the princess ordered, until he used his magic to levitate the helmet-dog; with that, he began leaving with both the creature and the guard that the helmet belonged to before it turned into… whatever it is.

While the whole throne hall was emptied of guards, Raven approached behind her princess with clipboard in hoof and quill in the other.

“Raven… cancel all my scheduled duties for… today and possibly tomorrow, I have a feeling we’re going to be busy with this and the aftermath for awhile.”

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:30am

Twilight and Spike were at home having some sandwiches for breakfast, it was another normal afternoon for the two… then Spike made a face that looked like he was ready to barf out said sandwich he was just eating. With a loud flaming belch, a scroll plopped onto the dining table in front of the two, while still chewing her sandwich, Twilight levitated the scroll over to her, opened it, and proceeded to spit out the eaten bits of the sandwich all over the table… and Spike.

“GAH! Twilight, what was that for!?”

“Sorry Spike, but there’s an emergency happening at Canterlot, I need to get the girls together, can you go tell Rarity and Applejack to meet me at the train station. I’ll head to Sugarcube Corner for Pinkie then head to Fluttershy’s and ask her to get Rainbow to meet us there, once you’re done I need you to stay here in the library until the situation’s been handled, can you do that,” asked Twilight, levitating her saddlebags over to her.

With a salute, Spike ran off to tell Rarity and Applejack the news, watching him leave Twilight soon teleported to her first destination. Elsewhere at the same time, both Orion and Ves received an emergency missive from Canterlot that the Spirit of Chaos, Discord, had escaped his petrified imprisonment and is rampant within the capital.

They were given strict orders to evacuate and gather all the citizens of Ponyville to a safe and secure location, like an emergency magic bunker… however, there is only one issue.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS TOWN DOESN’T HAVE AN EMERGENCY MAGIC BUNKER!?” screamed Ves at Mayor Mare. Both the lieutenant and sergeant had immediately headed to town hall to warn and have the mayor spread the news for the sudden evacuation, while they did this, their respective second-in-commands prepped and readied all able-bodied guards for orders.

“Ves, calm down, but as my fellow guard has asked, why isn't there any emergency magic bunker built here in Ponyville?”

“The reasons are long and complicated, but considering we’re in the middle of emergency right now, to shorten it – because of the closeness this town is to the Everfree Forest, the Everfree’s mysterious magical properties have stopped and made construction of a magic bunker impossible in this town, we do have smaller scale ones located at each of the nearby farming communities that surround Ponyville. There is however two problems with that…”

“And that is?” asked Orion.

“First – space – we can’t suddenly evacuate the entire populace into said bunkers when they were purposely made and designed for a few farming families, and only have provisions to last for said families. The bigger issue is problem two – protocol – you see to solve the issue of Ponyville lacking its own magic bunker, in case of a crisis, all citizens of Ponyville are to be evacuated to Canterlot by train… however-”

“Discord is located still in Canterlot and protocol also states that all train routes to all cities and towns are to be shut-down until said emergency has been dealt with… ah crab-baskets!” said Ves, muttering to herself.

“What do we do lieutenant? We can’t move everypony to the farming community bunkers nor evacuate to Canterlot and with Ponyville being the closest town to Canterlot, this place will be the next prime target for Discord to go to!” said Mayor Mare, panicking.

Orion went in deep thought about this predicament, putting together what information he has, what he can’t do and what he can still do…

The farming bunkers are out of the question, even if we tell the entire populace to gather enough food and water for a week, the space alone will not allow for every citizen to fit in all of them and the nearest city or town besides Canterlot is Dodge Junction, but we would have to reach that place in five days by hoof due to the closing of the trains, and that’s going around the Everfree, through it be only one or two days… but, the risk is too high, especially if we move half the town too.

What, just what else have I not thought of that could help us – what we need is enough space to fit not the entire town, but at least a quarter, no half of the town while the rest can be split between the various farming bunkers. We also need a place that has a large stock of provisions that can last longer than a week. Out of all of this though, the most important detail is a place that is the equivalent or greater protective capabilities of a magic bunker… but whe-

Then it hit him, if this kind of scenario had happened a year or two earlier, he would no doubt have no choice but evacuate half the town by hoof to Dodge Junction… but there was a solution to solve all the things he just listed… the only issue was… would ‘he’ be alright with this idea.

“I know where we can secure half of the townsfolk… Ves, prep the guards to evacuate one half to the various farming bunkers near Ponyville, while the other half is to meet here in front of town hall,” said Orion, leaving.

“And where in the heck are you going, you’re the highest ranking guard last I checked, where do you need to go that’s so important?”

Orion turned around to face Ves with a firm yet faltering expression, as if he was uncertain what he thought of would actually work… or that it may be way more riskier than simply trotting through the Everfree.

“...Probably the last pony I imagine asking for help as of right now.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 11:55am

Orion made his way to Eclipse’s home, as he stepped beyond the brush and trees, he spotted said stallion sitting at the edge of his docks. He was sitting on a lawn chair, in one hoof is a fishing rod while the other hoof was rummaging through a box full of bits and odds. Sitting just beside the lawn chair is Luella who was enjoying the tail end of a salmon; the cub’s ears lifted up, then soon her snout followed as her head swiveled to his direction.

Eclipse was still busy with rummaging through the box until he pulled out a bottle of apple cider – most likely bought from the Apples awhile back. Popping open the bottle, Eclipse took a swig until his vision landed on Orion, placing the bottle back down with a light gasp of air.

“Hello lieutenant, what brings you here this afternoon, odd considering you are often busy at this hour,” said Eclipse, his sentence sounding less a question and more an observation.

“Perceptive as usual.” Too perceptive. “I need your help, we received an emergency missive from Canterlot of a magical threat known as the Spirit of Chaos having been freed just half an hour ago, I and the rest of the guard stationed here in Ponyville require your assistance in both the protection and evacuation of the citizens of Ponyville.”

Eclipse continued to keep his normal neutral glance, turning back to face the lake, both forehooves gripped tightly around the rod.

“That is quite the favor you ask of me lieutenant, while I have been asking for your assistance since we met – the expedition and Gala – I remember you asking for much more from me, so far I made a deal with the guard and princesses to lend my facilities for training the guards that would come and be stationed here in Ponyville… what you are asking me is that I facilitate, manage, protect, and provide for a whole town.”

“Only half, the other half is being split into manageable groups within the various farming communities’ bunkers.”

“That still doesn’t change my point… you must have quite a card under your hoof to ask such a grand favor, especially now of all times… quite… fantastical? Awe-shocking? What is that word I’m looking for… ah yes, coincidental.”

Orion sighed to himself, he knew something like this would occur, ever since the Gala, Orion has been suspicious of Eclipse’s whereabouts during that time, especially after the whole ambush with the Church. After hearing of Eclipse meeting with a protege of his, Orion tried to confirm this by meeting said protege… so far Eclipse wasn’t happy about this and so far their prior business-like relationship has become strained since then.

“Look if it is about wanting to meet your protege, I’m sorry, myself and Ves both agreed to have some of Ves’ guards go with you to the Gala to monitor any possible moves made on you by the Church or a third-party… It just came to me as surprising you invited somepony we’ve never met before, and that you never mentioned.

“If I remember correctly, its not your business to know about my personal connections to those you never met in the first place. Don’t forget lieutenant that I never requested your help for the Gala, honestly I never expected to be invited other than from Pristine, not your princesses themselves… it was all sudden really,” said Eclipse.

That I can agree on.

The two continued to keep quiet until Eclipse sighed, placed his fishing rod aside and got up from his seat. “Now then… about this Discord entity… What do you need me to do?”

“Wait, you-you’ll help?”

“Its less about help and more about the fact that I live here and if something were to happen, I would have to move somewhere else, possibly somewhere that doesn’t have the advantages that this location has,” said Eclipse, taking a good look of his surroundings.

With a relaxed exhale, Orion began to explain further about the current situation and what he needs Eclipse’s help with. The pony himself stood as he placed one hoof under his chin in thought, until he gazed back at Orion.

“Luckily my research revolves around these sort of scenarios,” said Eclipse.

“It does?”

“Well by chance it did, anyway, I can manage to hold the other half of Ponyville here and hand out enough provisions to last exactly twenty-four hours-”


Eclipse looked back at Orion while midst explanation, raising his brow at his sudden outburst.

“Sorry, its just that we’re dealing with Discord here, who knows how long it’ll take until the situation with him is dealt with.”

“Less than a day I presume, also don’t you have the Elements of Harmony managed by Sparkle and company, I’m sure she can handle the situation, she’s a smart lass.”

“...You’re right, I shouldn’t doubt what Princess Celestia’s protege and her friends can do, especially since they managed to defeat Nightmare Moon and return Princess Luna to her normal self last year,” said Orion.

While Orion said that, he didn’t notice the strange look in Eclipse’s eyes as he looked away to gaze at the still waters of the lake. “Right…”

“Anyway, how exactly will this barrier work exactly?”

After some more thorough explaining, Orion nodded that Eclipse’s plan will work as long as he has time to prepare, the only downside is that Eclipse is basing this off only protecting half the citizens of Ponyville… as for the guards though.

“Its best your guards head somewhere else once I set-up the barrier, as to where you go is up to you,” said Eclipse.

“No, we’ll setup our own defenses around the barrier just in case, better we do our jobs than run off to safety.”

With a nod, Eclipse began setting up the barrier while Luella followed behind, but looked back at Orion with a snort and followed Eclipse once more. Orion found the exchange strange but shook that thought away, he soon ran off back to town where he found the rest of his guards and all the citizens of Ponyville ready to evacuate.

Ves approached him in her full armor get-up, unlike her usual casual attire or the one she wears during patrol duty, this one looked like one that a true officer of the Lunar Guard would wear. Similar to her fellow Lunar Guards, this one had two small bat-wing protrusions coming from the sides of the head, and rather than a plume on the top of the helmet, is instead a fin-like spikes going all the way from the top of the head to the back.

“First Lieutenant Orion, sir! What is your orders?” shouted Ves, saluting.

Orion saluted in turn back at Ves before facing both the Royal Guard, Lunar Guard, and Reserve Guard; quickly a plan based off what he knows, what Eclipse told him, and what’s available to him was made, then he cleared his throat and looked toward the crowd of scared citizens.

“Citizens of Ponyville, due to the sudden situation occurring in Canterlot, we had to change the usual planned evacuation, instead of being taken to Canterlot which is where the problem is happening, half of the citizens of Ponyville will be evacuated to the nearby farming communities magic bunkers!”

Many of the citizens began talking to one another about these sudden news, but soon Orion called for silence as he continued speaking the rest of his plan.

“While this happens the other half shall stay here under a magic barrier being prepared by the town’s resident, Eclipse Light,” said Orion.

When hearing this, those who knew Eclipse gave approval about this, especially having either witnessed or heard about the varying devices he made that improved life here in Ponyville since his arrival.

“Well if that Eclipse pony is making sure we folk are all safe and comfy, then I got no complaints,” said Granny Smith.

Soon the rest of the ponies who had doubts agreed with the Apple family matriarch, with the issue of disagreements within the townsfolk cleared, Orion moved onto the next stage of his plan.

“Those who can travel far distances will be moved to the magic bunkers in the countryside, however, elderly, the sick, foals, and such will go to Eclipse’s property until the situation has been handled. We will make certain that families aren’t split apart as best as possible, now ponies who fit the criteria I listed first, please stand to the right of me, while those who fit the criteria I listed second, move to the left of me.”

While this happened, Orion turned to face the guards who stood in a ready position.

Alright, we shall split into three squads, with each squad holding ten guards; first squad, you are to escort the ponies going to the countryside bunkers, I want the majority of you to be made up of unicorns and pegasi, specifically unicorns who can use teleportation spells, then I want you to rendezvous back at Eclipse’s property once you are done escorting all the citizens.

Second squad, your job is to make certain that Ponyville is cleared of civilians, nopony is to be left behind, then you are to head to the surrounding areas around the town and head to isolated homes that are too far to any of the nearby countryside bunkers and bring them back to the specified rendezvous point, for example is Zecora who lives in the Everfree Forest, somepony should get her to safety before the real storm hits.

Third squad, you are to stay with the ponies being moved to Eclipse’s Property, make certain they are safe and secure, also assist Eclipse with the set-up of his barrier, I want our heavy hitters to be made up for this squad.

“I shall assign who shall take command of each squad and who will go to said squads!”

As Orion assigned their squads, it went like this; the one leading squad one will be Ves, which mostly consisted of unicorns capable of teleportation and the fastest pegasi they have. This consisted of, Sharp Sight, Fast Shot, Silent Blaze, Windstorm, Fang, Night Rain, Shadow Fang, Midnight Sun, and Quick Feather.

The second squad is led by Orion himself, with him are, Yin, Yang, Heart Beat, Crystal, Sharp Wing, Iris, Sharp Arrow, Mango, and Fruit Basket.

Finally, the one responsible with the squad that’ll lead and protect the ponies heading to Eclipse’s Property is led by Meltdown, along with him are, Soapstone, Forest Shield, Bob, Barbed Rose, Clear Sight, Bubble Pop, Heavy Ear, Light Tap, and Flight.

With everyone now organized and given their respective duties, they went off; Meltdown led the other half of citizens of Ponyville, which consisted of families, the elderly, all of the patients from Ponyville Hospital, and those who couldn’t travel far.

I wonder what solution did Sir Eclipse came with to solve the issue with protection against Discord?

Meanwhile – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 12:30pm

Preparations for the barrier were done and Eclipse had made space within his storage building to hold most of the ponies arriving – at the very least the sick – he also, set up some tents and tables for ponies to rest. This was all possible due to the help with Twilight’s organization skills and the girls help cleaning up his storage building to give it more space, and easier access of items.

Just as he was setting up another table, he senses a familiar presence approaching behind him, one he was wondering when it would appear. Turning around, he comes face-to-face with a cloaked figure, one that is very familiar to him, just like how somebody would gaze at their own shadow.

The cloaked figure bows respectfully toward Eclipse, the darkness around him barely revealing his hooves, face, or any other clues other than he’s a pony.

“My lord, it has been many sunsets and as many sunrises since we’ve last spoken to one another in private… Preparations are halfway done.”

Eclipse nods at these news, then he approached the cloaked figure until he stands just behind him, the two parallel from one another from where they stood.

“With that said, what should be done with the current situation, the entity calling itself Discord that is?”

With a hum, he continued to face away from the cloaked figure, then making up his mind, Eclipse responds back. “I’ll handle the current issue at Canterlot, we shouldn’t reveal all our cards just yet you know,” said Eclipse.

The cloaked figure turns around to stare at the back of Eclipse’s head, he gives off a worried aura around him as he retorts towards his liege’s answer to the problem. “My lord, not to sound… argumentative, but you aren’t fully recovered yet, if this were any other time I’m certain this wouldn’t be an issue for you. It would be best if you allow us to handle this, rather than you face-off against an entity we aren’t fully certain of its capabilities as of yet, it be best if you-”

Eclipse raised his right foreleg which immediately silenced the cloaked figure, with a bow the figure takes a few steps back, keeping his head facing the ground.

With a slight turn of his head, Eclipse looks at the cloaked figure, giving him a faint smile. “Now now, no need to worry, I know my limits but this particular situation should be handled by me… I just have a feeling something interesting might happen is all…”

With a flick of his hoof, the surrounding shadows seem to waver and shift, until they all coalesce into Eclipse’s shadow. Coming out of the shadow is both his sheathed swords, which he straps to himself, he then makes his way to his planned destination, leaving behind a trail of swirling darkness in his wake.

“Besides, the repercussions for facing me – either in victory or defeat – will be a greater price to pay than anything else… Do watch and take care of things while I’m away though… farewell for now.”

Once Eclipse has left the vicinity, the cloaked figure is now alone, standing in the middle of Eclipse’s property. After a few seconds by himself, the figure smiles to himself then makes his way to leave too; however, just as he is about to leave, the guards and citizens led by Meltdown arrive in time.

“Sir Eclipse, we’ve brought the ponies who’ll be here under your care, is there anything you need us to do – should we assist with setting up the barrier before we prep our own defenses?” asked Meltdown, looking around for Eclipse.

Most of the guards and ponies also look for Eclipse, which they don’t see him anywhere in sight… until the pony in question comes out of his home, holding some more provisions on his back. ‘Eclipse’ soon spots everyone, after putting down the provisions he approaches the group.

“Hello everyone, good to see you all arrive in time, I’m almost done with the barrier, just need some final adjustments. Bring any of the ponies from the hospital into my storage building, I made space inside for them, I’ve also prepped some tents and tables outside too,” said ‘Eclipse’.

Guiding everyone to settle down, the guards help out too from either ‘Eclipse’ or Meltdown’s orders, while this happened, Clear for a moment swore she noticed something off about Eclipse.

Something’s off… whenever Eclipse speaks, its almost like I’m listening to a complete stranger right now.

Before Clear could input some further thought at that idea, ‘Eclipse’ began explaining how the barrier worked to the guards.

The barrier works based off a three-support crystal system, the central crystal is a steel crystal which will boost the following three crystals – earth, water, and darkness. Any physical and magical attacks will be negated through the earth and darkness crystals, while the water crystal will make the barrier invisible to both physical and magical methods of tracking. With the steel crystal as the main foundation for all these crystals, it’ll boost their abilities even further.

“The steel crystal only needs a little magic, then the rest of that energy will regulate and self-sustain itself until twenty-four hours have gone by. I left some manuals on how to manage this and more, but for now there’s something I need to do outside the barrier, I won’t be back for awhile so don’t expect me to be back until this situation with Discord is over, for now make certain the barrier is secure and that everyone is inside and safe. You and the guards can handle everything else in anyway you like, but as a request, please don’t enter my home for privacy reasons.”

Before Clear could stop him, ‘Eclipse’ had already left, not even signs of his departure were noticed; after hearing this, Clear retold what ‘Eclipse’ told her to Meltdown, which was followed to the letter until everything would be set-up and ready soon.

Just what the heck was that all about?

With a frustrated sigh, she went back to ordering the guards to set things up, while Meltdown handled with processing the ponies. While the earlier encounter with Eclipse was odd, she had other things to worry about right now.

Canterlot, Canterlot Train Station; 2:25pm

Twilight and company arrived at Canterlot’s train station and made their way to Canterlot Castle, on the way there, they could see the rampant chaos caused by Discord around the city as they made their way to the princesses.

The streets were turned into soapy roadways, pink clouds that rained chocolate milk lazily floated across the sky, occasionally a lamppost with legs would be seen walking down the street. It was absolute chaos and while there weren’t many ponies outside – other than the occasion group of guards that tried to maintain some form of order – the unlucky pony that were left outside during this madness could be seen trying – and failing miserably – to cross the streets coated in said soapy material.

“Just look at all this, this…” said Rarity, at a loss for words.

“Weirdness? Kookiness? Topsy-turvy baloney wackiness?” said Pinkie, pronking alongside the group.

“I was going to say strangeness, but I think your explanation is better than mine,” said Rarity.

Twilight however wasn’t focused on her friends’ conversation, her sight was glued solely on the castle, even from this distance she could tell that a big commotion was going on. The number of distant silhouettes spotted afar were a big indicator of this; pegasi could be seen flying from one part of the castle to the next, some could be seen flying away from Canterlot to distant locations.

The closer the group got, the realization that the situation in Canterlot was more dire than they thought; guards could be seen stationed every inch across the courtyard, walls, and every plausible entryway to Canterlot Castle. Four guards were stationed by the drawbridge entrance, spotting the group of girls, after a few moments of verification, they could finally enter inside.

Inside it was busier than the outside was, as maids, butlers, and all form of staff within the castle were rushing left and right doing various things – whether it was transporting supplies to one wing of the castle or delivering messages to another wing, everypony had a job to do, no matter how small or simple it may be.

The group soon arrived in front of the castle throne hall, there was only one guard stationed out front and the moment he saw their group, he began opening the two massive doors. Once they entered inside, they saw Princess Celestia already facing the entryway waiting for their arrival.

“Princess! What’s happening, what’s causing all of this to happen?!” asked Twilight, worried stricken across her face.

“Now calm down Twilight, all will be answered, as for the odd occurrences happening outside, an ancient foe of my sister and I has returned.”

Celestia explained to Twilight and her friends of an entity called, the Spirit of Chaos – Discord – that once terrorized Equestria over a thousand years ago. At the time, neither sisters had access to the Elements, so Discord was left loose to unleash his horrid power across the three tribes, leaving them in eternal misery.

To find a solution to their current problem, they searched for an opposing force against Discord’s natural chaotic nature. Their search soon led them to the Everfree Forest, which is where they soon found the Elements of Harmony; after having the Elements integrate with the alicorn sisters, they used their power to both defeat and seal Discord in a stony imprisonment.

“Afterwards we decided to settle down at the exact place which we found the Elements, and led the three tribes to the Equestria that stands to this day… of course much has occurred after Discord’s defeat – both in known and not known history,” said Celestia.

Celestia gave a distant look, reminiscing of forgotten memories from a long time ago, as the girls listened to Celestia tale, suddenly they heard the echoed chortling of Discord himself. While they could hear him, his exact location was unknown to those present.

“My my Celly, talking about the past without widdle old me, its rude to talk about somebody behind their back you know,” said Discord, his voice echoing within the throne hall.

After some thorough examination of their surroundings, everypony stares at one of the window murals; the one everypony is looking at is a recently installed mural of the girls defeating Nightmare Moon.

Lazily splayed on top of the mural version of Twilight is Discord, taking the form of a mural version of himself. “Well hello~ to all of you! You all must be the newest bearers of the Elements, if introductions are necessary,” said Discord, with a snap of his fingers.

He vanished from the mural and appeared before the group in a flourish of twinkles and trumpets blaring from behind him. “FOR I AM, THE SPIRIT OF CHAOS! DISCORD~!”

After that dazzling display of nonsense, both sides interacted with each other – Twilight challenging Discord and promise to use the Elements, Discord’s response of him hiding the Elements, and his later manhunt for the Elements and clue to where to find them. As this all happened, Princess Celestia watched with a careful eye before giving her blessing to Twilight and her new friends, soon they went off to the royal garden’s hedge maze.

Now left to her own devices, Celestia gives a worried look outside the window overlooking the royal gardens, when with a loud pop of teleportation magic, Luna appears just a distance behind her. “Sister, did you send your student and her companions to face that vile creature! Where are the Elements, shouldn’t they have taken them with her?”

Sighing dejectedly, Celestia turns to face Luna with a solemn gaze. “Sadly, Discord somehow displaced them elsewhere, right now Twilight and her friends are following one of Discord’s twisted games at the hedge maze… All we can do is watch and wait that they are victorious in the end…”

Luna stands beside her sister to gaze outside, watching as the whole of Canterlot and soon Equestria being enveloped by Discord’s disastrous magic. After some time passes, Celestia gives Luna a sideways glance while still facing the window to outside.

“How are things with the evacuation to Canterlot’s emergency magic bunker for the citizens, I’ve been occupied awaiting Twilight’s group to arrive,” asked Celestia, curious.

“So far, majority of our citizens are safely been evacuated, though I doubt that old thing is worth a dime regardless of its recent refurbishing. Nevertheless, mine and your guard have done what they can to mitigate the damage… still…”

Celestia’s brow rises at Luna’s pause, before facing her sister now with a frown. “Dear sister, what’s wrong, did something else occur?”

Luna gaze moves to her own forehooves before rising to face her sister with a dreaded look, muttering her woes to her sister.

“Its about what you told me about my condition after Twilight and her… friends, found me in that deplorable state after my so called return as Nightmare Moon… You don’t think the one responsible for facing and defeating me, may make a move during the chaos sown by Discord… do you?”

At first, Celestia was about to respond to her sister’s rightfully so worries… but she too paused, before gazing back outside with a weak smile. I can’t say that much change will happen with this new incident… however…

“We will face against such problems in the future, together, for now we should have faith with my student and her friends, that they can strive against such challenges,” said Celestia.

With that said, Luna gave a light nod of her head, before also watching the horizon that was Equestria – and the slowly approaching change that may come, wrought with both chaotic disturbances and troubling unknowns.

Five Minutes Earlier prior to Discord’s Game – Somewhere in Canterlot; 2:40pm

Within an alleyway at the capital of Equestria, a dark swirling portal manifested within the darkness of the alley, stepping forth from the portal is Eclipse Light. Wielding both his signature ebony swords to his sides, he examines his surroundings before stepping forward; the portal behind him soon vanishes, leaving him alone to his own thoughts.

The energy signature I sensed is coming from the castle, I should avoid anyone from finding out my presence here in Canterlot.

Taking his first steps out of the alleyway, Eclipse witnesses Discord’s actions within Canterlot and its citizens… at best it brings a frown of annoyance at the absolute nonsense spread forth like a plague.

“This… wasn’t what I imagined when I heard the rumors of a being of chaos attacking Equestria… Either case, I need to confirm whether the threat requires my attention or not,” said Eclipse, trotting past a walking streetlamp.

Swiftly and stealthily making his way to Canterlot Castle, avoiding the occasional squad of guards or panicked citizens, Eclipse soon makes his way to the now fortified entrance to Canterlot Castle. Every visible inch of the castle’s walls and available entrances are covered by a wall of golden and royal purple armored ponies of all three races.

There goes the straight-forward route… Hmmm, if I remember correctly, the path used for the Gala is just to the far left of the castle. With that thought, Eclipse went around to the entrance used for the Gala; the path there was blocked with the drawbridge lifted, however there were barely any guards and the small entryway for garden staff to use to enter the royal gardens was left unguarded.

With a clear route found, Eclipse sneaked his way to the entryway and entered the castle property to the royal gardens. Wandering around the statues situated around the royal gardens, Eclipse noticed one of the pedestals empty of a statue, not remembering what was there earlier from before, a distant commotion can be heard further in the garden.

Making his way past several flower patches, Eclipse followed a stone path which led him to a grassy area that was the entrance to the hedge maze… and standing just in front of said entrance was Twilight and the girls. They were in the middle of conversation – a very heated one – with a particular entity.

The same entity with the energy that’s been sporadically covering the entry continent… Found you.

After some further words, soon the girls make their way inside the hedge, when suddenly all six are stripped of their horns – for Twilight Sparkle and Rarity – and wings – for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash – before being split apart by the sudden rise of additional hedge maze walls.

This development peaked Eclipse curiosity further, continuing to eye the odd entity that continued chortle to itself, Eclipse decided to make the first move. Stepping out from his hiding spot, Eclipse approaches forth, but the entity continues to be unaware of his approach; once close enough, Eclipse gets a good look of the thing he’s staring at.

An amalgamation of various animal parts, one hand scaly green like a dragon, another a paw of some type of feline animal, two varying wings, a body that stretched like a boa’s and much, much more to describe. The term madness incarnate isn’t enough to quantify just what in the deities I am staring at right now… nor the questionable origins to this thing's exact existence of origin.

Either unaware or ignoring him, Discord is too busy staring at the spot where the Element Bearers were just at, but before he could leave, a sudden cough from behind him was heard. Pausing mid-snap, he swiftly turns around – or rather his head makes a one-eighty turn – and spots a very darkly-colored equine stallion.

An armed equine stallion, he’s holding some real armaments compared to Celly and Moony’s excuse for guards.

With a full turn of his body, Discord descends and floats toward his latest guest to appear before him, oddly enough the stallion in question doesn’t flinch or take a step back at his approach.

A brave one at that too… how peculiar…

After the two finish sizing each other up, Discord is first to start a conversation. “And who might you be, my foolishly brave stallion?”

At first, Discord expected a quick response, but what followed instead was complete silence, getting agitated at the lack of any reaction, Discord snaps his fingers in frustration. Soon several suits of armor – some equine, others of other species – appear from different eras, wielding varying weapons, all charge directly at Eclipse.

With an apathetic gaze, Eclipse unsheathes just one of his swords, and like a dancer on an ice-rink, moves from one suit of armor to the next. Cutting them down to metal scrap, Eclipse flips, dodges, pirouettes in place to shatter and demolish at Discord’s attempt of an assault… not bothering the draconequus at the slightest, but rather intriguing him even further.

With a mischievous grin, he lowers himself to Eclipse’s view and asks once more who he’s speaking too. “While I would love too continue the back-and-forth we’re doing, could I know whom exactly I’m speaking to?” asked Discord, giving a devilish smile.

Keeping his sword in hoof, Eclipse faces Discord and with barely a twinge of his mouth, speaks. “You can simply call me Eclipse Light, however, there’s something I want to know from you – two questions is all I require.”

Still smiling, Discord secretly snaps his fingers on his second limb, causing a giant cage to fall toward Eclipse; with a quickness that would make the speediest of individuals gape, Eclipse unsheathed his second sword, ripping the cage to shreds.

Easily beating back Discord’s second attempt, Eclipse stands on his rear-hooves – surprising Discord further – as he moves to an unfamiliar fighting stance to the draconequus.

Unbothered by the new developments, Discord decides to play along with this pony’s requests. “Oh, and what would you like to know my strange yet peculiar pony?”

“First – how old are you?”

This catches Discord off-guard but with a shrug, he leans back while still afloat, with both claw and paw behind his head in relaxed posture.

“Well since you asked, I’m at least a few centuries older than Sunbutt and Loony, though to me, time is simply numbers going up… and I lost the exact count a looooong time ago.” Discord stretches his arms three times his normal length with a grin to give an example to his extended age.

For a moment Eclipse continues to stare at Discord with neutral gaze, internally, he was trying to sense for any form of deception. Hmmmm… can’t say he’s lying, just not giving me the exact details I want…Moving on then.

“Then next, secondly – what is ‘Chaos’ to you?”

While Eclipse is asking for a specific thing, Discord however believes otherwise and is imagining the broader part – this world’s variation – of chaos. With a chuckle he floats down and inches his face to Eclipse with a smile wider than his previous one.

“My my my, aren’t you the curious colt, but if you must know,” said Discord, floating back. “Chaos is the opposite of Harmony, it is everything that these peace-loving ponies crave and desire, it is the very essence I am made of, so unless you are here to talk philosophy between the two, I am happy to oblige!”

For just a moment, there’s this cold dead gaze from Eclipse, but Discord doesn’t seem to notice or care, as he summons a cup of chocolate milk, proceeding to break several fundamental laws as he literally ‘drinks’ the glass and not the chocolate milk.

With a very annoyed and drawn out sigh, Eclipse slowly sheathes both his swords away, goes back from his two-legged stance to his four-legged one… and turns around to leave, away from Discord and the absurdity of it all.

“So I was mistaken… you have nothing to do with ‘it’, then you aren’t a threat then, I take my leave, I’m certain the girls will deal with you – sooner or later.”

Spitting out his drink – in this case, shards of literal glass, Discord tossing the remainder of the chunk of chocolate milk behind him, a small mushroom cloud appearing behind him. Hearing Eclipse’s words, enraged Discord deeply, so with a snap of his claw he pops before Eclipse who gives a neutral, bored look towards him, which further angers the chaos spirit.


Discord gives out a ferocious roar at Eclipse, the two continue staring at one another – one neutral an impassioned, the other raging and furious – until Eclipse simply steps around him and trots away without a single word. A slight twitch from Discord brow grows to a furious shiver across his body, with a beastly twist, Discord’s once jokester outlook changes to pure fury.

With a lunge, Discord extended the one claw toward Eclipse, which the very tip of his claw touches Eclipse’s forehead. The pony in question in bothered by the sudden movement, stares boringly at the attempt.

Once contact was made… nothing, nothing happened, the two stared at one another in confusion – more in Discord’s part – at the absolute nothingness that was happening; with a raised brow, Eclipse stared back at Discord attempt at something… but then suddenly, a twitch which turned to a sporadic seizure overwhelmed Eclipse.

Discord’s chaotic magic slowly slips into the recesses of Eclipse’s psyche, deep within, the same place that Twilight found herself during the accident during that one experiment some time ago, the three doors are present within the endless void of darkness, the two doors from the left and right are soon enshrouded in darkness, untouched by Discord’s magic.

This left the middle door – the door enchained by rusted filthy locks and chains – to Discord’s machinations, as his magic soon engulfed the door, enveloping those same locks and chains, with a mighty tug, those same limiters deteriorated like dust, vanishing into thin air.

With that action, the only things that remained was the slowly dissipating chaotic magic of Discord, the unbarred middle door… and the echoing sadistic laughter that came from beyond said middle door.

With a wicked smile, Discord floats back as he crosses his arms in smug victory, as he stared at his work taking action. Eclipse continued to spasm uncontrollably on the ground, his eyes swirling with a chaotic mix of colors, unable to control the muscles within his body. Taking a few steps back, Eclipse collapses on himself, his two swords clanging in their sheathes against his sides.

A noiseless scream seem to come forth from his throat, his vision beginning to swim as his thoughts become a muddy mess, then… he drops like a bag of rocks – unconsciousness ensnares him, leaving him laid flat on the ground, his face dug deep to the ground.

Discord stares bewildered before shrugging to himself. “Welp, not the result I wanted, but it’ll teach him to belittle me. Now then, I have some goody-too-shoe mares to manipulate!” As Discord floated away back to the hedge maze… he didn’t notice as the lifeless state of Eclipse, start to slowly twitch to life.

Eclipse’s iconic neutral gaze, changes… to a smile filled with pointed teeth – with demonic snap of his head, his eyes open wide heavenward, a vicious look developing that once calm, and collected gaze.

Dusting himself of a good’s day work, for just a second, Discord swore he heard a noise behind him, when without warning, a sound of displaced air starts swooshing towards him. Without even thinking, Discord barely dodges the energy slash that was flung where his head was; just barely, the very tip of the energy slash grazed his cheek.

Taking several meters back away from his earlier position, Discord gaze takes him back to where the once comatose Eclipse was, before he feels stinging pain on him. Placing his paw where the pain’s source is, he hisses in pain as he gazes at his now bloodied paw – his bloodied paw that’s covered in his own blood.

What in all that’s mercifully crazy is happening?

With a slow turn of his head and fearful look of his eyes, Discord stares where the now moving Eclipse was laying.

A strange energy starts bubbling off him like a hot stew with bubbles on the surface, he slowly rises from his collapses state, then a snap of his head, Eclipse unnaturally moves around. His limbs twist and turn like a doll that hasn’t moved in eons, his head turning eerily towards Discord, then the sky, then the ground, he moves and gazes every which direction as if unaware where he as.

For a moment there’s no more movement, then Eclipse stands up back on all fours suddenly, his gaze once more facing Discord… and what he saw sent shivers down his spine.

Eclipse gave off a creepy smile which was followed by the wide open gaze, that was resembled a beast gazing at prey. Soon a deep distorted chuckle formed out of his lips, that sounded almost robotic in nature while mixed with… an almost dead radio-static that just echoed. With an exhale, Eclipse mouth brew up a foul air of death and murderous energy… then he spoke.

Self Diagnosis Report: Mental attack on user detected, switching to autonomous defensive mode, prepping all systems… error error, cannot unlock full capabilities, user unable to use one-hundred percentage Minor power. Activating emergency power, removing limiters, using remaining power to be overcharged. ERROR ERROR ERROR, UNABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM… ANNIHILATE UNTIL THREAT IS ELIMINATED! DESTRUCTION! VIOLENCE! CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS CHAOSCHAOSCHAOSCHAOS-

The maddening sputtering of the same word seem to drone on, and on, and on, and on, and on; he proceeded to unsheathed both his swords, and stood back on his rear-hooves immediately. With a twirl of both blades, the incessant crazed rambling ended swiftly, Eclipse gave an unnerving gaze at Discord, as the same energy oozed out of his form like a festering bleeding wound… he slowly began to change before his very eyes.

What was standing before him that was Eclipse changed, as an amorphous energy coalesced around him into an equine-like shape – it had four horns that sprouted around its head, two big ones behind the ears, while two shorter ones grew from the sides. With a large feral smile that spoke of unending torment to come, jagged sharp teeth that protruded out of the things maw, designed for slaughter.

But out of all the things that changed to this grotesque state… it was the eyes that brought the final nail in the coffin – aglow with a black light, the entire eye was encompassed in complete darkness, leaving behind a single crimson vertical line within the middle of the iris of both eyes.

Unnerved deeply by the sudden changes, the ‘thing’ gazed toward Discord who shivered at the absolute bucket of shit he stepped into.

Target acquired: system error still present, solution; eliminate cause of system activation. The slaughter will now commence, have a great day.

(Outro Song)


The last thing Discord hears before experiencing the second time he’s felt true fear, is the feral scream that echoed out – one mind silenced, another awakened once more.

Chaotic Aspect

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Canterlot Castle, Royal Gardens, Hedge Maze; 3:30pm

Its been almost an entire hour since Twilight and the girls were split apart inside Discord’s chaos twisted maze, the first few minutes were bad… that’s until she was now being chased by what appeared to be a giant pony made of roses and vines. Without magic, all she could do was run unless she wanted to be covered in thorns.


Suddenly she came face-to-face with something, luckily it wasn’t the giant thorn-pony, but a familiar face. “Ow, whu- APPLEJACK! Thank Celestia I found you!”

“Ohhhh~, hey Twi, glad to see you too,” said Applejack, picking up her hat that fell off.

After the two talked about their respective experiences trapped inside the maze – Applejack having to deal with a literal tsunami of pears from drowning her, to some sort of golem made of… bees? They soon would later reunite with the others – Pinkie and Rainbow met up with each other earlier, while Fluttershy would be found by Rarity.

“So I was being chased by a thunderstorm of those pink clouds, let me tell you, do not get hit by the thunderbolts those things make, feels like somepony hit me with a bucket of ice-water… I was really expecting the usual static-charge,” said Rainbow, her fur looking wet and frozen at the same time.

“Ohhhh that’s sound fun, though I wouldn’t call what happened to me fun though – these meanie balloons kept chasing me saying mean things… I know you girls wouldn’t do that… right,” said Pinkie. Rainbow gave Pinkie a pat on her head, saying that those dumb balloons were just being jerks.

“I’m sorry that happened to you dear, though my experience wasn’t that bad, all that happened was this massive boulder blocking my path… What’s with that look, that’s all that happened okay!”

“Ummm… nothing much happened to me, I mostly stayed in one place until Rarity found me,” said Fluttershy, fidgeting in place. “Are you and Applejack fine when we were separated?”

“Nothin much I couldn’t handle Flutters, though I wish Discord hadn’t split us up and removed the horns and wings from the rest of you – except for you Pinkie with… well you know,” said Applejack, pointing at the lack of said appendages.

As each of the girls talked about the various problems and trials they had to go through, suddenly a strange sensation seemed to envelop them all. With a puff of smoke the maze around them seemed to dwindle away to nothing and the missing appendages of the others returned. They found themselves back in the entrance of the maze prior to Discord manipulating it.

“Whoa, what happened here,” said Rainbow. Hearing Rainbow exclaim, Twilight turned to see what her friend was talking about, when she too was in shock at what she saw. What was the royal gardens, was the remains of a vicious battle as there were craters, scorch marks, and varying forms of destruction strewn around the royal gardens.

As everypony else got their bearings together at seeing the destruction before them, Twilight was busy with her own thoughts, specifically about what Discord said about where to find the Elements.

‘Twists and turns, are my master plan, then find the Elements, back where you began.’ Back where I began…


“Huh, what about Ponyville?” asked Applejack, spooked from Twilight’s outburst.

“The riddle, Discord wasn’t referring to the maze, he was talking about where my journey to finding the Elements began, Ponyville! We have to get back to Ponyville, quickly!”

As the girls watched Twilight run off without them, they soon followed her back to Ponyville; as they ran past the destruction, none of them noticed the splatter of blood staining the grass just a meter where they stood.

Earlier – Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 3:15pm

As Celestia and Luna continue to watch Canterlot under siege by Discord’s machinations, they sensed a foreboding presence coming from the hedge maze, where Twilight and company went to confront Discord.

“Sister, did you felt that?” asked Luna, eyes widening.

“Yes, but that didn’t feel like Discord nor Twilight using magic… it feels, almost wrong, like its something that shouldn’t exist.”

Before either of the two could respond to the strange sensation, they can hear some sort of commotion happening outside the throne hall. As they were about to investigate, several yells and muffled warnings could be heard beyond the large gates, when an explosion shook the entire castle. Some stone dust and pieces of marble fell loose, from the ceiling and pillars holding the majority of the hall together.

Several loud sounds and thunks could be heard from outside, until with a sudden outburst, both large doors banged wide open; sent flying into – and through said doors – and sliding before the hooves of both sisters is a beaten and bloodied Discord.

The dazed draconequus is dazed and confused, as he flops before the alicorn princesses, his eyes swirling in their sockets before focusing towards the two. “Oh, hi~! Nice to see you again Celly, and Loony, it has been ages girl,” said Discord, coughing some red specks of blood.

Both sisters are befuddled to find the same individual responsible for the actions occurring outside their city, beaten right before their hooves. Before anybody could respond, an unholy roar echoed from outside where Discord just came flying from.

“What in harmony was that!?” shouted Luna, her wings opening defensively.

With a wince Discord floats up weakly, before giving the two sisters a haunting gaze; attempting to snap his fingers – failing a few times – he leaves one final message to the two.

“If I were you two, I’d run as far away as possible… I may or may not have messed with the wrong stallion,” said Discord.

Before either princess could question what Discord was talking about, with a successful snap of his claw, he vanished with a loud audible pop, the draconequus was soon gone from their sight. Still confused about what he was referring to, they soon hear something approaching them from the now demolished throne hall doors.

The hallway outside was coated in a thick cloud of dust and some sort of black mist, the earlier sounds of intense battle was now silent, with the quiet titter-tatter of steps and something being dragged in the ground.

Soon a shadowy figure stepped forth from the mist and what they behold brought a shiver down their spines. The figure – if not creature is a better apt descriptor – wobbled on the two rear-hooves it stood on, to its sides it dragged two black-stained swords that dripped of a crimson ichor.

The blood that stained the swords wasn’t a lot, but it gave the sisters enough warning that this thing was a threat to them and their fellow ponies. Once the creature had fully stepped out of the black mist, said mist seemed to disperse… and what they saw within made their blood go cold; the hallway was littered with the still forms of guards, maids, and butlers that served within the castle.

Tiny cuts and slashes seemed to cover their forms – those without proper protection were struck with clean cuts, while the guards had more cuts than normal. The thing cackled as if not noticing the sisters, too busy sniffing the ground for more prey.

“Sister… what is that thing,” asked Luna, readying into a battle stance.

“I, I don’t know sister, but if Discord was scared enough to run away from that thing… we need to stop it, here and now.”

Before either princess could even twitch, the creature froze in place and with a snap of its head, it gazed at the two with pools of black with two crimson vertical lines. With a monstrous roar, it lifted one of the hooves holding a blade, made a mad dash towards them, a strange ooze dripping from it’s maw.

(Fight Music)

At this action Luna responded with firing a concentrated beam of dark blue energy that slammed into the foul monster. This paused the creature’s advance, but not for long as it simply swatted the magic beam with one of its swords, barely singed by the attack.

It deflected my attack and how was it not harmed at the slightest!

The creature responded with slamming both swords in the ground, shattering the marble floor and sending a shock-wave toward the sisters. Both flew up into the air and continued to send several magical construct weapons consisting of glowing golden and dark blue arrows. With a malicious smile, the creature proceeded to twirl both swords quickly, deflecting and destroying all the magic construct arrows.

Changing their tactics, Celestia continued her onslaught, while Luna summoned her signature weapon – a greatsword with symbols of the moon and stars covering every inch of the weapon; from the handle and pommel, to the tip of the blade itself. With a flash of her horn, Luna soon appeared behind the creature that appeared unaware of her sudden vanishing.

Charging swiftly, she struck her sword to the side of the creature, sending the equine-esque monstrosity into one of the throne hall’s pillars. A cloud of debris exploded from it crashing into the pillar, for a moment everything was silent, but soon the creature sprung forth, tossing one of its swords at Luna.

Seeing this Luna tried to grasp the weapon with her magic, but soon felt a sickly terrible sensation the moment her magic tried to touch the weapon. She felt wrong the moment she tried to touch that weapon with her magic, feeling the grasp on the weapon simply slipping away like some other force was rejecting her presence.

At the last second, she nearly had her head chopped off from the thrown sword, her cheek bleeding as the sword embedded in the wall behind her.

Within that split second, the creature struck her with the hoof that once held the sword that was thrown, sending her flying straight at Celestia’s direction. Seeing her sister flung towards her, Celestia caught her within a telekinetic grasp, gentling placing her back on the ground.

“Luna, are you alright!?”

Shaking off the hit, Luna stood back up to gaze back at the creature, who was currently pulling the sword out of the wall. “Sister, when I went to grab the sword it threw, I felt this overwhelming wrongness around it – as if something was trying to pull my magic into some vast emptiness. Whatever or whoever that is, we can’t be pulling our punches… we have to hit to kill.”

Hearing this, Celestia paused in thought then nodded in agreement, that this is unlike any foe they faced together before. Prepping themselves once more, the creature seemed to twitch grotesquely, with a snap of it’s jaw, the creature began sputtering gnarled sounds then words began coming out, shocking the sisters even further.

Scanning threat level of individuals… Threats within manageable parameters; initiating stage two, prepping techniques. ERROR Technique: Dread Swath!

The creature swung both swords in a horizontal direction, sending a dark crimson wave of energy towards the princess; rather than block the attack, both sisters quickly flew upwards to avoid the mysterious attack. The energy wave struck the wall behind them, obliterating it to dust as a gaping hole was left behind for the two to stare at, but their moment of shock was short lived.

ERROR Technique: Destruction Slash!

Celestia quickly turned around, only to see the glowing dark crimson sword inches away from her neck. Summoning out her personal weapon – a giant warhammer, one side flat, while the other is a spike, adorned with symbolism of the sun itself – she managed to divert the sword’s direction, watching as the remaining energy from the attack left a scarring trench in the hall’s floor.

Focusing her attention back to the fight before her, Celestia watched her sister attack the creature from behind, only for it to simply block her attack with its other sword, not even looking towards Luna at the slightest.

Still focused towards her, the creature snarled then flipping its body in a one-eighty roll, it went for a spinning blade attack, forcing both sisters to block the sudden attack. Giving themselves space from the creature, they went back to their original plan – Luna attacking close-up, while Celestia is attacking from a distance and supporting her sister’s blindsides.

Back to facing against the creature, Luna traded blows back and forth, the creature shrieking back whenever Luna seemed to make a hit, while she would grunt whenever any attacks from the creature nearly came close to her.

Believing they’re within a stalemate, things changed when the creature suddenly embedded Luna’s greatsword to the floor, by stabbing both it’s swords in an x-formation into the ground. Now forced into her hooves, the creature rushes up to her and pouncing on top of her. Not knowing what’s it plan is without a weapon, she stares up at it in defiance.


With a tilt of it’s head, a strange guttural noise could be heard coming from the creature and without warning, it opened it’s maw. From within Luna could swear she could see a faint light… a light that was quickly beginning to brighten with each passing second.

“LUNA!” Seeing what’s happening, Celestia tries to reach for her sister… but it was too late.


Flung from the creature’s maw is a dark crimson orb that’s the radius of at least 50mm from all directions, it flew at a moderate speed, but once it made contact with the tip of Luna’s snout, an overwhelming energy engulfed both her and the creature.

Celestia was sent flying back at the sudden force of energy, skidding against the floor, tumbling until she made contact with one of the hall’s columns. Once things cleared away and calmed down, she quickly ran to where her sister last was. Using a quick wind spell to blast away the leftover dust, she spotted her sister laying down on the ground, unconscious and covered in wounds ranging from cuts, burns, to one of her eyes bleeding.

“Sister! SISTER! LUNA!”

Terrified at the state of her sister, Celestia’s worries are quickly dashed, when she watches the creature, standing back up, unharmed and unfazed with both blades in hoof. Standing on its rear-legs, it gazes at Celestia, then rushes forth with renewed blood-lust.

Enraged Celestia glared at the creature, soon building up magical power within her horn then blasting the creature with it. Knowing that her magic wouldn’t be able to destroy or even dent the thing, so her best option was to instead use a high-powered teleportation spell to send it who-knows where.

Better to deal with it later once Luna is healed and we’re better armed and prepared… I need to get Luna to the castle’s hospital wing, state!

Gathering her sister and all those injured outside the throne hall, Celestia quickly teleported everypony to the hospital wing, unsure where the creature was sent… or what it will do now out of her sight.

Elsewhere – Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters; 4:00pm

The creature stumbles after the sudden teleportaion, examining it’s surroundings, it quickly sheathes both weapons, snarling to itself in frustration.

Target elimination: failure. Proceeding to search procedures to locate target. KILL SLAUGHTER KILL DEATH KILL MURDER KILL KILL KILLKILLKILLKILL!

With that exclamation, the creature wandered off towards the desolate castle, twitching sadistically with a manic grin. As the creature soon left through a random corridor of the castle, a figure from the shadows steps out, wearing a dark cloak shrouding their figure and face, the only two visible parts of them being their snout, and a dark purple unicorn’s horn.

The unicorn follows the creature, a strange aura shrouding them as they tail the creature within the darkness of the castle.

Meanwhile – Ponyville, Outside Golden Oaks Library; 5:00pm

Right after leaving Canterlot and taking the train back to Ponyville – which was a massive hassle, with the train being transformed into a giant snail, so they had to go by hoof back to Ponyville. When they finally got to Ponyville,they only found out later that the transformed train still worked like a normal train, with the giant snail moving at supersonic speeds.

The girls gawked at the speeding train being dragged along by a giant snail – Pinkie found it amusing and giggled as the giant snail left the girls behind in the dust.

When the group finally arrived just five minutes outside of Ponyville, they quickly went to the library, searching for where the Elements could be hidden, when Pinkie – just like the last time they were trying to find clues to the Elements – pulled out the same book about the Elements.

“Of course, the riddle was referring about the book about the Elements, on my first day at Ponyville!” said Twilight, taking the book from Pinkie. “Thank you Pinkie!”

“No problem-o!”

With a grateful nod, Twilight opened the book and inside she found the Elements, everypony happily gave out a victorious shout – in their own ways – putting the Elements on and heading back outside.

“ALRIGHT! Let’s kick some chaos spirit butt!” shouted Rainbow, pumping her hoof upwards.

“Did somebody call me?”

Facing where the voice came from, they saw Discord floating in the air with a mischievous grin, but his grin vanished when he saw the girls wearing the Elements and that none of them were discorded at the slightest.

“Huh! Why aren’t any of you discorded or even the slightest changed!? Oh well, can’t win them all,” said Discord shrugging.

Preparing to use the Elements, Twilight declares toward Discord in a confident smile. “Surrender Discord, your tricks won’t work on us anymore, we’ll use the Elements once more and turn you into a statue for another thousand years!”

Not if I have anything to say about that. With a grin, he prepares to snap his fingers and just as the girls are readying to use the Elements, with a loud snap, Discord’s magic quickly engulfs them all. As the sudden flash dissipates, the girls look around for any changes, but seeing nothing different they face where Discord is, but he’s now gone.

“Huh… that was easy,” said Applejack.

“Um, girls… where’s Twilight?” asked Rarity, worried.

Discord’s Chaos Dimension, Weirdville; Time… um… Banana?

Twilight was dazed, confused, and wondering where in Celestia was she right now; staring wide-eyed, all around her is a mesh of colors, shapes, and all manner of oddities that were beyond explaining and…

“Is that a duck riding on top of a pig with wings?”

Taking a careful look, it was indeed what Twilight spoke out, as the strange duo flew by, the duck waving at Twilight while wearing some dark shades.

A tilt of her head to display her confusion, she quickly became aware of her surroundings, as a sense of dread began engulfing her wholly.

In a flash of color and trumpets, Discord appeared in some flamboyant robe, a crown, and holding a scepter with his face on it. He gave a toothy smirk before making his outfit soon disappear, approaching Twilight nonchalantly.

“Welcome to my world of chaos and nonsense, isn’t it beautiful,” said Discord, extending his arms out to the mesh-mash of randomness.

“What are you planning Discord, why separate me from my friends, are you planning to keep me here forever?”

“Now why would I do that, I’m crazy my dear, not cruel, besides spending my time here may be fine once in awhile, but even I get bored seeing the same thing over and over and over.”

As Discord said this, a record player seemed to repeat the word “over” in his voice, before he proceeded to remove the vinyl record and tossed it away like a discus. “No no no no, I brought you here to make a deal with you.”

Twilight was befuddled by this new revelation, not sure whether to outright deny his words or outright call him insane. Though honestly, both is going to happen either way, I’m never going to listen to a word he’ll say.

“I would never follow whatever words you’ll say Discord!”

“Now now, before you ignore my words just listen first,” said Discord, floating around Twilight.

While yes, you and your friends can simply turn me to stone sooner or later, and sure maybe in the future the six of you go through some adventures, and various saving-the-world moments… but soon it’ll all come to an end – you, your friends, your families, everyone – why await the inevitable? Why follow such constraints and do a more… chaotic approach?

If you simply hand over your Element of Magic, I can grant you a much greater power that you’ll be able to outlast those so called friends of yours, heck you can rule Equestria if not the world… simply think, what’s so worth being with ponies you’ve only known for a short time that’ll end any time, any moment of your short existence?

At first Twilight was about to retort back at Discord… but paused, while she knows what he’s saying is just to manipulate and trick her… she also knows he’s not wrong either. Maybe she or her friends will distance themselves from each other, or they’ll soon past on from this world… that not all things can last no matter how much they’ll make it last.

While Twilight has only known her friends for a short time since she came to Ponyville, those moments she had with that, those memories and future ones were all worth it. Life isn’t about what you could do in it, but about how you spend it with those you cherish.

“You may be right Discord, but I’ll never accept your offer, even if all things will end suddenly, I rather spend my time with my friends and family! In every waking moment of my life, I’ll be with them and they’ll be with me, that’s what friendship is and nothing will split us apart!”

Annoyed at her declaration, he grumbles to himself until he remembers earlier about the stallion he encountered right after he sent the girls into the hedge maze. With a curious and mischievous glint in his eye, he gazes down at Twilight one last time.

“By any chance… are you acquainted with a dark-furred stallion who knows how to wield two swords?” asked Discord.

“I-what? Um, yes – are you referring to Eclipse – but why are you asking about him all of a sudden,” said Twilight, confused at the sudden question.

Hearing this, Discord chortles and laughs louder and louder hearing this, unable to control his excitement at this sudden change in things. Frustrated at Discord’s change of attitude, Twilight stomps her hoof to get his attention. “What is it Discord, did you do something to Eclipse!?”

“Oh did I do something to him! Well rather than that, its more like he did something to me, but speaking of that curiously tricky stallion-friend of yours, he has been quite the thorn in my side… especially considering he came towards me without your knowledge, apparently.”

Twilight eyes widened, unsure if what Discord is saying is true or not, before she could get any further words out, Discord’s continues with a vague statement about Eclipse.

He was quite insistent I wasn’t a threat before trotting away, I managed to catch him off-guard… but things… escalated afterwards. Now my dear, poor, naive, Twilight, you may have faith within your friends… but not all of them are being honest with you; there are some secrets that are capable of shattering that so called friendship you hold so close to your heart. Oh I can just imagine it, seeing that look of horror and despair at finding out what your friend Eclipse is keeping hidden behind those eyes of his – quite the twisted and estranged mind he has.

“Discord what are you talking about-”

Before Twilight could finish her question, a strange trembling could be felt throughout Discord’s bubble dimension, sending intense distortions and various shock-waves to emanate around the two. Wondering what’s happening, suddenly appearing above the two, an ebony vortex opens up without warning; feeling a powerful gravitational force, neither Twilight or Discord could stop themselves from being pulled up towards it.

“WHAT IN THE HECK IS THAT!? NOBODY SHOULD BE CAPABLE OF OPENING A PORTAL TO MY WORLD!?” shouted Discord, screaming as he was sucked into the portal.

Both shocked and overwhelmed by the sudden information dump by Discord, Twilight did nothing as she let the strange ebony vortex send her flying off to another unknown location, her last thoughts forever engraved in her mind.

Eclipse… what happened to you?

Ponyville, Town Square; 5:15pm

Twilight was sent being flung out the other side of the ebony vortex, until she landed harshly on the ground; standing back up, she took quick note of her surroundings until she found herself back in Ponyville, standing in front of the town hall.

“Twilight! You okay sugarcube,” said Applejack, approaching her alongside the other girls. “What happened to ya?”

As the girls checked Twilight’s sudden reappearance, Discord was in a daze, standing back up before twisting his head off. He gave his own head a good shake, the sound of gears and random knick-knacks bouncing around, before re-twisting his head back on.

“What in all that’s chaotic was that!? WHO’S THE BUSTER THAT TOOK ME OUT OF MY PRIVATE TIME WITH CELLY’S STUDENT! HUH! SHOW YOURSELF!” Discord screamed as he blasted his magic in random directions, either turning buildings, trees, and rocks into all manner of weird things.

While he was occupied with his own tantrum, Twilight got the attention of the girls as they all nodded and prepped themselves to finish this madness, once and for all.


Turning around after turning a shrub into a six-legged sheep made of the leaves, Discord eyes bulged out as he saw Twilight and her friends magically floating. Each of the six girls began to glow a color representing their element, then all their eyes sprung open and glowed brightly white.

Welp, crab-baskets.

Discord wails in terror as he attempts to block the harmony beam, but it soon engulfs his entire form; after several long seconds, what stood in Discord’s place was the now petrified statue of Discord. After the girls floated gently back down, they gazed at their work and yelled in victory, coming together into a group hug.

“WE DID IT, HECK YEAH WE DID IT!” shouted Rainbow.

“Yippee, this calls for a ‘We defeated the meany spirit of chaos’ party!”

“Finally, things will turn back to normal.” As Applejack said this, slowly and steadily, all the chaotic actions and changes Discord made, soon up and vanished away, turning many of his strange creations back to what they were originally.

Once the afterglow of their victorious shouting died down, Twilight smile changed to one of confusion as she faced her friends.

“Wait… how did I managed to get free from Discord’s grasp, did something happen on your end girls?” asked Twilight.

After hearing this, Rarity trotted forth to retell the events that led to Twilight’s kidnapping just moments ago. “Well darling… after you left-”

Just moments earlier – Ponyville, Town Square; 5:10pm

“WHAT DO WE DO!? Twilight’s gone, the town is still a chaotic mess, and we can’t use the elements without her!” shouted Rainbow, angrily.

“RAINBOW! There’s no need to get mad at us,” said Applejack, reciprocating her friend.

Rainbow slumped sadly and gave a sorry look at Applejack, until Rarity was the next to speak.

“We need to tell the princesses, immediately!”

“But didn’t the princesses called us to stop that meany, wouldn’t they had stopped him without our help in the first place?” asked Pinkie, worried stretched across her features.

“Ummmm, girls…”

“Well its either that or we stand here like a bunch of lazy ducks,” said Applejack.


“Now, no need for that attitude Applejack, let’s head back to the Golden Oaks Library and ask dear Spike to send a message to the princesses, then afterwards we-”


After getting the attention of her friends with her – slightly loud but still quiet – shout, Fluttershy pointed a hoof upwards just behind them. Turning to see what she was looking at, they all stare at a mysterious cloaked stallion who stood on one of the rooftops just across the town square.

Out of all the buildings there, it was the only one left untouched by Discord’s chaotic magic; the individual itself held a strange black crystal that glowed an almost dark light, that pulsed every few seconds.

“Hey, who the heck is that?” asked Rainbow, flying up to get a better look.

Before anypony could respond, suddenly the black crystal shot a beam of black energy into the space that Discord was just moments ago, then suddenly a black vortex appeared and come tumbling out is both Twilight and Discord.

Gaping in shock at the sudden appearance of their friend, the group stare where the mysterious stallion was only for him to up and vanish.

Ponyville, Town Square; 5:20pm

“Then the rest you know by now, whoever that stallion was without him, who knows what Discord could had done to you,” said Rarity.

All the other girls gave their own nods of agreement, as Twilight gathered this information to herself, they then heard flapping wings. Gazing up, they spotted both princesses Celestia and Luna approaching them, when they got closer though, they spotted how disheveled the two looked, especially Luna who was pretty roughed up with a portion of her fur around her abdomen being slightly scratched up.

Once the two landed before the girls, they congratulated them in defeating Discord, but soon their congratulations turned into worrying news. “Well done Twilight, with the power of friendship you girls have defeated Discord and returned him to stone once more… sadly, there is much bigger pressing matters at hoof,” said Celestia.

Luna approached the group with a slight limp on her back leg, making a wincing noise each step she took. “A dangerous entity appeared before us in the castle just after you girls left to the hedge maze to confront Discord, it harmed and incapacitated both guards and castle staff without mercy. Good news is that no fatalities occurred, but many of our ponies, especially the guards had been heavily injured due to this incursion.”

The girls gasped hearing these news, wondering if Discord played one final harmful prank on the ponies of Canterlot, but after asking this, the princesses confirmed that this entity had no relation to Discord and simply appeared out of the blue.

“We both tried to find its whereabouts after I teleported it away from the castle to the Everfree Forest, but it soon disappeared. I have no clue what it was, but I wish to tell you to be wary of this new threat and that you and your friends be ready to face this foe against harmony. For now, let us reconvene back to Canterlot to let all of pony-kind know of your deeds.”

After hearing this, the group soon left, but in the back of Twilight’s mind, much of what Discord said still troubles her.

Just what did he mean… could he just be tricking me or is there really something going on behind our backs? What could this new mystery entity be? Who saved me from Discord’s realm? I hope things will slow down so I have some time to figure things out soon.

Sometime earlier – Everfree Forest, Outside the Castle of the Two Sisters; 4:30pm

The creature wandered the castle ruins, either destroying any random debris blocking its path or sniffing its surroundings for any living beings nearby. After much time, it ended up outside, gazing at the surrounding foliage and trees across the valley that separated the castle from the rest of the Everfree.

With a tilt and shake of its body, the creature stared hungrily around itself when a figure soon approached it from behind. Standing several meters away is a cloaked unicorn, her snout just poking out under the thick hood, leaving any visible features on them shrouded in darkness.

Seeing the cloaked unicorn, the creature grinned maliciously at its newest prey. “New target acquired – preparations for annihilation commencing! LET DEATH BE YOUR SONG; LET THINE SCREAMS BE MY MASTERPIECE! OH HORROR IS THEE, THINE SAVORY YOLK SHALL CONSUME!

With a rapturous roar, the creature surged forth with a charge, demolishing everything in its path. The ground it trampled under turned to dust, any foliage or stones were sundered as it soon approached the cloaked unicorn.

The cloaked unicorn stood in front of the moss-covered statue of an unknown armored stallion, until they swiftly dodged; the creature soon rammed into the statue, leaving a cloud of stone fragments to burst from the now destroyed statue.

As the unicorn watched the dust cloud for any movements, in just a split second something rapidly flew out of the dust cloud. Just barely moving out of the way, the object was the smashed remains of the statue’s head, for within that moment of distraction, the unicorn didn’t see the creature hurling its entire body at them.

Slamming both hooves into the ground where the cloaked unicorn stood, the creature snarled in victory, before feeling neither flesh nor bone within their grasp. Instead of the pulverized remnants of the unicorn was instead the torn scraps of their cloak.

Looking for their now missing prey, the unicorn in question stood safely atop a lone column in the middle of the deteriorating castle’s garden. With nothing to hide themselves from the elements, the unicorn was in full view – and their bare form in plain sight.

Sat on the top of the ancient column, is a dark purple unicorn, staring down with a pair of cerise eyes. Her mane and tail were both respectively short, unlike the lengthy manes of most ponies and quite shorter than the usual short length of other ponies. Her horn protruded from the messy short mane – if it could be called a mane – of a mane she had, but the most remarkable details was elsewhere.

Her cutie-mark displayed a dark purple claw or paw of some kind that melded perfectly with her coat, making it near-impossible to spot from a distance. The claw itself has an upside-down purple star with a dark pink circle in the middle of said star. The next and final detail that showed that this was no ordinary unicorn was her hooves; sprouting out from both her fore and rear-hooves was three sharp claws, just barely poking out from the fur around her hooves.

If you looked carefully, you can just manage to spot the slight glint of carnivorous teeth from her snout, that would poke out at the slightest movement from her lips.

Not uttering a single word other than the usual snort and grunt, the unicorn hopped off the column to stare down the creature. Both would size each other up from the fair distance they had, waiting for the others next move…

(Fight Music)


Until the creature roared and charged, the unicorn responded by reaching a hoof to the column, then proceeded to tear the column and the stonework foundation below it from the ground. At first it appeared the unicorn was using magic, but no sign of her horn glowing was made evident, revealing she was using pure-strength to both lift and tear the column from the ground.

Perplexed by this sudden action, that moment of confusion swiftly changed when just as quickly, the unicorn swung the column like a bat, right at the creature. Unable to slow down fast enough, the creature was hit with the full power of the unicorn’s swing and the column itself, both sending the creature flying and obliterating the column even further from its already damaged state prior.

Sent flying, the creature recomposed itself, skidding on all four hooves on the garden’s ancient stone pathways, sending stone and dirt being flung everywhere. With a murderous gaze and snarl, it charged forth, sending several orbs of dark crimson energy towards the unicorn.

Seeing the energy orbs coming at her, she easily dodged them, with acrobatic flips and twirls. Once the two got close enough, both combatants responded with their own close combat moves – the unicorn responding with a swing of her hoof, while the creature went for a hoofpunch.

Their attacks collided, a shockwave being created from the source of their impact, sending their respective opposing auras to the nearby surroundings like tsunami waves. Surrounding foliage and debris was obliterated from the pair’s intense attacks. It was during this short moment of respite that the unicorn responded by striking with her other leg, doing an uppercut, right towards the creature’s chin.

Now dazed by the sudden attack, the unicorn didn’t end it there as she switched from physical moves to ranged. Lifting both her hooves, her horn glowed as a spear of ice coalesced from the surrounding moisture; soon what was once a spear of ice turned into a swarm of fifty.

With a flick of both hooves, the ice spears flew true to their target, as each spear struck they detonated a blast of energy, destroying the already crumbling gardens. As the dust grew and began to settle afterwards, the creature was somewhat scratched but stood up resiliently.

“Enough playing around… time to finish this,” said the unicorn.

Standing back on both rearhooves, she did several moves and dances when a glowing black symbol appeared behind her. The symbol was of a circle with four lines, making eight points with each point having an element that ranged from this order – fire to steel, ice to water, wind to wood, and thunder to earth – at the sides of the circle was a symbol to represent light at the left, and a symbol to represent darkness to the right.

In the center of the circle was a ten-pointed star with an eye in the middle, piercing forth was its gaze. The glow from the symbol intensified, causing the creature to snarl louder the more the glow increased; attempting to move forwards, the creature weakly charged, but was thwarted by the light of the symbol.

“Nzb gsv gvm vovnvmgh, xlmmvxgvw yb gsv gdrm-hrwvw xlrm lu ivzorgb, yzmrhs gsrh xsrow lu xszlh yzxp gl ulitlggvm wvkgsh lu xivzgrlm! Nzb blfi wvhgifxgrev dzbh, rmhzmv iznyormth, zmw mrtsgnzirhs gslftsgh, ulivevi yv wildmvw rm rmurmrgb’h yzgsrmt ortsg, zmw vgvimrgb’h vevi-ivzxsrmt tizhk!”

After saying those words, a strange dark crimson smoke began to spill out of every orifice of the creature, as a demented scream-like laughter came out. Focusing on her task, the unicorn with one final glare, spoke the final words of the ritual.

“Yvtlmv uiln gsrmv slhg, zmw yv uroovw drgs Elrw’h ortsg! Void Technique: Maker’s Lock!”

With those words, the creature screamed as billowing smoky energy was expelled out, after several seconds of screaming, complete silence soon descent within moments. Collapsed in place of the creature was Eclipse, who had his head tilted down with his eyes closed.

The unicorn watched Eclipse for a few moments until, he slowly opened his eyes and gazed up at the individual for helping him from his earlier possession.

“...How long was I under it’s influence for?” asked Eclipse, slowly standing back up.

“One hour, forty-two minutes, and seventeen seconds as of now, master,” said the unicorn, bowing respectfully.

“Hmmm, that was quite awhile, still was a surprise that so called spirit managed to break through my mental defenses that easily… I might not be as close to my full-strength, if it took that easy to break for a semi demi-god to crack them. Either case, we should go, no doubt the lingering energies will be sensed by the princesses soon.”

Nodding in agreement, the unicorn uses a claw on her right hoof to rip open a dark portal, first letting her master to enter first, then herself next. The two left just moments when both alicorn sisters arrived to search for the mysterious creature that attack them back at Canterlot. Having lost trace of the creature, they sensed a second unfamiliar energy signature that neither can recognize or understand; later on the two will soon sense Discord being sealed once more, heading back to Ponyville to congratulate Twilight and her friends at their victory… and to warn them of another threat that may still be lingering in Equestria.

Sometime later – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 9:15pm

After being congratulated by both Princesses Celestia and Luna, and given warning of another threat out there, the town slowly returned to a sense of normalcy. Celestia promised to send a team of builders to do any repairs in Ponyville as well as the surrounding area due to Discord’s actions. Many of the ponies who were evacuated to nearby bunkers soon returned to their homes or at least what may had remained, so some of the townsfolk were given lodging in the town hall or some of the spacious barns in Sweet Apple Acres until their homes were repaired.

As Twilight sat at her desk in her room, she thought back to the words Discord said before they were returned by that mysterious portal in Discord’s dimension.

What could Discord be talking about? Is Eclipse hiding something… I mean I haven’t known him for long and technically speaking the girls only knew him for a month prior to my arrival in Ponyville. Sure he has some secrets that we don’t know or understand, but could it be that bad…

Sighing to herself in frustration with all these complicated thoughts, Twilight decides to sleep earlier than she usually would, hoping an early night’s sleep will help.

As Twilight began to slowly close her eyes, the deep embrace of sleep welcomed her; elsewhere, outside the library, on top the rooftop of the town hall stood Eclipse.

He overlooked the entirety of the town before turning to face two cloaked ponies – one was the unicorn who freed him from his possession who had their hood off, revealing their head and short-mane. The other individual was the Ominous Presence who spoke to Pristine in secret, he had his hood still on, only his snout being visible to the moonlight that bathed the town.


“Besides that spirit of chaos having nothing to do with the Chaos we know, while the entirety of Equestria, especially Canterlot was preoccupied, we managed to explore a little more of the Church’s major locations. There’s a hidden lower level under the Church’s cathedral in Canterlot, as well as two other major structures, one in Baltimare and another somewhere just far south, near the Forbidden Jungle.”

“Excellent, for now continue monitoring their actions until the preparations have been made, is that clear, Dark,” said Eclipse, gazing at the Ominous Presence, now named Dark.

“As you command my liege, it’ll be done,” said Dark, bowing.

After hearing Dark’s report, Eclipse turned to the unicorn with a somewhat, gentler gaze than his usual neutral flat one.

“How are the preparations with preparing a gateway within the tunnels at Canterlot?”

“They are… sufficiently done, however, the energy output isn’t enough… I need to borrow the energy signatures of items and artifacts from this realm, if I were to use something not belonging here, the energy signature will be noticeable almost immediately… Master, why must we do things this way and not strike now, none shall impede us as we deal a heavy blow to our enemy?”

Eclipse stayed silent but continued his gentle gaze, before placing a hoof on the unicorn, causing her in question to frown and lower her sight.

“It is so we aren’t noticed before the blow has been made… for now we should siphon the lingering energies from this realm’s sun and moon, the energy output will be enough and nobody shall notice due to both alicorns being present almost constantly in Canterlot. Those that notice would assume it is simply the lingering auras of the sisters… not realizing we are building up enough energy to obliterate a mountain…”

“Or to transport a hidden army… of course master, I am sorry for doubting your judgment… forgive me-”

“Forgiveness isn’t necessary my protege… Now we must move on with the next stage of the plan, the next and final stage shall begin by next year of the first month. Once everything is ready, those that enacted the flames, shall be bathed in the fire they worship.”

Afterwards, a swirling black portal soon appeared, both Dark and Eclipse’s protege stepped through the portal, leaving Eclipse alone to stare at the starry night sky. Closing his eyes in self contemplation, he could vaguely hear the chaotic laughter that dwelt deep within his soul, the voice of madness roaring within his psyche, knowing that this was far from close to the end.

Reopening his eyes, he soon gazes toward the portal and walks through it, leaving the townhall rooftop, towards an unknown future.

Special Chapter: Battle For Control

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Deep within the mental recesses of Eclipse Light..

Most common examples of one’s mental worlds is a reflection of oneself – their soul – in which it can go from a child’s fantastical view on reality, a war-torn land of strife and battle of a soldier, to even the ambitious, righteous goals of a conqueror.

It reminds me of an adage old saying from… well, from a murky past.

Life begets Death, Creation begets Destruction, a cycle of continuity will lead to the end of all. Forget thine burdens, for what awaits is the Eternal, or be swallowed by the abysmal depths of Chaos.”

I never had a clear view or understanding of my own reflective mental world… but I understand now that the nothingness I see within my closed eyes… is my mental world – the reflection of my soul.


Pitch darkness that swallows all light and is solid as the far-reaching unknown skies of the night, not even stars will outlast such shadowy visage. The only things to exist is the darkness, silence… and myself.

Here I stand and here I think, wandering, pondering, questioning… waiting.

For untold eons I asked myself the truth of my reality of my existence, and the role I play in this game of life and death, of creation and destruction.

I played many roles and lived many lives – a warrior, a soldier, a wanderer, a healer, a traveler, a merchant, a leader, an executioner, a prisoner, a criminal, a judge, a victim, a liar, an avenger, a bystander, an observer…

A hero…

The dried blood that stain my arms and hands, no matter how much I wash away, its stickiness and scarlet essence can still be felt on me. I have trudged worlds of life brimming with aura… and have seen to these worlds end countless times.

I have witnessed wars that shook worlds and realms asunder, seen denizens outcast from their homes, a sea of orphans made motherless and fatherless… turned against one another for survival.

I have bore witness to the madness of self-proclaimed prophets, that sacrificed their own people and turned innocents into abominations and monsters.

The cries of all reality screamed at this damnation… and with balance had to be made. I both stand guard and seat myself on the Empty Throne… both alone… and accompanied.

“Just as this is the millionth time I came here… this is the millionth I must face you once more, my innermost chaos – my sin, my burden… my madness, my instinct…”

“I shall face you again my murderer and accomplice, until one or the other falls within this eternity, made renew once more,” said Eclipse.

Eclipse stood on two legs once more, his form shaped like a minotaur, but more lean and rather than cloven hooves, but feet like an ape. Cloaked in a shrouded darkness, eyes blazing with white glowing light, he faced within the pitch dark void… himself and yet not himself.

Stood afar was a figure that glowed a crimson murderous light that just pushed away the shadows, it’s hands of four-pronged claws, it’s legs ending in talons like a raptor, but it’s most visible feature was the eyes – eyes that too glowed but not of white, but were pitch dark orbs of black, as if black-holes were used for eyeballs than real eyeballs.

Gsv vmw rh mrts, wzip droo ezmrhs zmw hllm wzbh lu yollw lu xzimztv droo wvhxvmw. Xszlh hszoo ivgfim, xszlh hszoo yovvw gsrh ivzon wib, xszlh hszoo ifov vgvimzo lmxv nliv!

The crimson entity screamed nonsense, but to Eclipse it was clear as rain what was spoken, but in the end, nonsense is nonsense.

“Time may past, but you’ll never change… then I suppose we’ll continue off our war for control again.”

Eternity shall last, this I swear, into the fray once more, shall I divulge my soul in my unending rule.
(Zoo gsrmth hszoo vmw, zoo droo ivgfim gl nzwmvhh, wvhgifxgrlm hszoo drkv gsv hozgv xovzm, gsv mrtsgnziv droo yvtrm zmvd, uli xszlh rh fmwbrmt.)

Both Eclipse and the crimson entity spoke at the same time, each saying a final passage, until Eclipse drew out both his twin swords, while the crimson entity did the same – a twin pair of swords, one spewing crimson flames, while the other unleashed frigid frost.

An infinite emptiness...
(Zm vgvimzo xszlh...)

...to an end to a cycle of suffering.
(...gl zm vmw gl z kzgs lu mlgsrmt.)

The first few seconds were of the two standing with both weapons drawn, gazing deep into the eyes of the other... and then they vanished.

(Fight Music)


Like lightning striking the earth, sparks of two energies clashing against one another lit dark expanse. Both fights fought one another in speeds imperceptible with common sight, their sword strikes resembling the flashes of the birth of stars.

Like stars soon said flashes flicker away, until more soon appearing, the intensity of their battle exceeding even further on until a shock-wave of air blasts the surrounding air.

Both Eclipse and ‘the crimson’ are face-to-face, both pairs’ weapons in a lock formation; Eclipse unflinching gaze against it’s glare of madness, a cackling laughter echoing from it’s throat.

With a push, the two stepped back from one another, giving the other space to reevaluate the situation and their surroundings. While the battle of the mind felt only mere seconds, the outside world could be much different than within, and with this thought did something change.

Nzb gsv gvm vovnvmgh, xlmmvxgvw yb gsv gdrm-hrwvw xlrm lu ivzorgb, yzmrhs gsrh xsrow lu xszlh yzxp gl ulitlggvm wvkgsh lu xivzgrlm! Nzb blfi wvhgifxgrev dzbh, rmhzmv iznyormth, zmw mrtsgnzirhs gslftsgh, ulivevi yv wildmvw rm rmurmrgb’h yzgsrmt ortsg, zmw vgvimrgb’h vevi-ivzxsrmt tizhk!

Eclipse could recognize the voice being his protege, the ‘crimson’ too also recognized it and realization dwelt on it as it’s time was coming to an end. With a vicious but knowing grin, it bowed flamboyantly as it knew time was short as it said its farewells to Eclipse as ebony chains seem to descend and arise around it’s surroundings.

Said chains proceeded to wrap around it’s arms, legs, wrists, torso, and neck, till every inch of the creature was sealed a cocoon of ebony chains. The visible part was two leering black orbs gazing from within a crack of the cocoon. Soon the cocoon descended into the pitch dark floor, a gleeful laughter echoing from below as the cocoon slowly descended downwards.

Yvtlmv uiln gsrmv slhg, zmw yv uroovw drgs Elrw’h ortsg! Void Technique: Maker’s Lock!

With the final work spoken, the seal was made and Eclipse could feel his mind lighten with the swift submission of ‘the crimson’. Soon a white light seemed to form before him like doorway, dropping both swords to the floor, said weapons melding with the ground, Eclipse stepped forward, exiting his mental world.

Feeling the soreness from his body, Eclipse opened his eyes until he gazed upon the forlorn look of his protege – her cerise eyes gave off a look of worry compared to her annoyed posture.

“...How long was I under it’s influence for?” asked Eclipse, slowly standing back up.

“One hour, forty-two minutes, and seventeen seconds as of now, master,” said the unicorn, bowing respectfully.

“Hmmm, that was quite awhile, still was a surprise that so called spirit managed to break through my mental defenses that easily… I might not be as close to my full-strength, if it took that easy to break for a semi demi-god to crack them. Either case, we should go, no doubt the lingering energies will be sensed by the princesses soon.”

She nodded in agreement, but before they left she asked what needed to be done next.

“What is our next move, master?”

“For now… we wait, Discord isn’t a threat but more of a nuisance, let’s have the girls and princesses take this victory. The less they know about our involvement, the better.”

The two soon leave, vanishing into a swirling ebony vortex, leaving no evidence of them being there, the only clues remaining is the scars from two different battles – one of the day against the night, the other of protege against her master.

With their departure, the arrival of the two sisters happens, both questioning what could had caused such extensive damage and left such violent energies behind.

Such mysteries would be left unanswered until another day.

The Unheard Voices

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Five Days After Discord’s Return – Ponyville, Market Street; 11:00am

After the harrowing events caused by Discord, the populace of Ponyville returned to an atmosphere of calm; while there were still clear signs of damage on some buildings, reconstruction efforts and business was returning to full force.

The same can be said with Twilight and her friends, as they all returned to their daily lives, with one such pony busying herself with some shopping. Fluttershy was browsing the local vendors of their various produce and wares, and unlike her usual shy self, she was feeling a little confident today – well, as confident as she can be without squeaking in fear like a mouse.

After having bought some carrots for Angel Bunny, she moved on to finding some animal feed for her more carnivorous animal companions. Heading to her usual to-go stall, she hummed to herself when just for a moment…

So many lights, so many steps taken, so many so many so many…

“Um, pardon, did you say something?” asked Fluttershy, facing the vendor.

“I said, that’ll be six bits, mam.”

Deeply confused about what she heard, she shook off the odd feeling; Fluttershy reached for her purse to give the necessary bits that the vendor asked for. Just as she began counting out the bits needed, the strange voice from earlier returned.

Clink clink clink, coins rolling, scraping, tinkling between one’s grasp, exchanged forth to another, to one’s eyes before the deal made.

“Epp, wh-what?” Spooked by the sudden phrase, she dropped the bits she just counted out; luckily the vendor managed to catch them in time, and is happy to know they were the amount he asked for.

“You okay mam? You seem pretty freaked out?”

“I-I-I’m fine… I thought… that you… I’ll just go now. Um, thank you,” said Fluttershy. Once she took the bags of feed off the vendor’s hooves, Fluttershy made her way back home, leaving the vendor in confused bewilderment.

After leaving town and heading down the trail to her cottage, Fluttershy calmed herself down with some breathing exercises. Once she made it further down the trail, she thought to herself about those strange voice she heard and where they could had came from.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been hearing things… it started when Eclipse defended me from those ponies from the Church… then again, when I kept Eclipse occupied when the girls were preparing for a surprise party for his birthday. It happened as he and I were at the old castle in the Everfree, and that same voice appeared again.

While Fluttershy was deep in thought and was nearing her home… the body-less voice soon returned again, but this time it wasn’t alone.

The deeper the trail, the deeper to the source you are…

Built on a foundation of bodies, lies, and misery…

Clip clop clip clop, down the path we go we go we go-

When the voices returned, at first her confusion became clear to her that there was nobody near or around her, no animal in sight either. She couldn’t find where the voices originated from… but, the voices didn’t just end there, and continued as their strange whispers started to get louder.

Stories endless, stories untold, a wealth of knowledge before you-

Battles fought and forgotten, comrades abandoned and foes remembered, an oath kept for ages-

We are one and the same you and I-

What started off as anxious confusion turned into overwhelming fear as the voices only got louder, their words both painful to her ears and head… and… something deeper within, as if resonating with an inner hidden core of hers.

“Wha-what what is happening? Wh-who is this,” said Fluttershy, sweat dripping down her head and neck.

Left ignored or forgotten completely, the voice continued speaking, but what started with simple rambling turned to horrific lines that would churn the minds and stomachs of any weak-willed pony.

Oh horrors before us, they slaughter them like cattle-


...Will you stay, resentful of us, of him? Will you abandon what little hope is left…

...How could you do this… how could you…

...Goodbye my friend… my creator… goodbye, L-

And like the end of a song, complete silence descent upon Fluttershy, but just as the voices seemed to had calmed down… like a hammer upon an anvil, they returned and struck true on to their target, swiftly crashing onto Fluttershy’s physique.





Gasping loudly, her throat harsh as if she was screaming for hours, Fluttershy was on the ground flat on her belly, inhaling air into her burning lungs that felt so empty. The once tranquil trail to her home, now felt so eerily quiet now after experiencing such a harrowing mental experience. After taking a good long breather, she quickly grabbed all her belongings that fell on the ground, and stumbled her way back home.

Entering inside the cottage, Fluttershy dropped her groceries with an audible clatter, soon collapsing on her coach, trying to catch her breath after having such an intense experience she had. Some of her animal friends and Angel noticed her sudden exhausted state, some worried, while others were wondering if something had happened earlier.

While Angel would act like his usual selfish self, instead gave his own worried look, hopping over to Fluttershy and rubbing one of his paws on her hind leg. Turning to see who was touching her, Fluttershy gave a tired but grateful look to Angel and her fellow animal friends.

“I’m fine everyone… I just… need a moment is all…” said Fluttershy, taking some deep breaths. “I just… had a very strange… experience… on my way back… here… I’ll prepare some food… soon…”

Taking several minutes to calm herself, Fluttershy began preparing lunch for everyone; afterwards, she decided to continue the rest of her day outdoors, by checking the small garden she has in the back. Maybe doing some watering will help take my mind off… whatever that was recently.

Grabbing her watering can and trowel, she went to the backyard – less of a yard and more of an expansive field. Behind the cottage, a small area was fenced up for her garden, but there was also a chicken coop for Fluttershy’s chicken friends, some various trees for her to hang birdhouses, and a few small hills for her other animal friends to make their burrow homes in.

Watering and checking her garden, Fluttershy was happy that the voices seemed to had vanished now, finally having a moment to herself to relax.

Looking, looking, not here, not there, must keep looking.

Dropping her watering can in surprise, she looks around for where this new voice came from, but unlike the previous ones that felt ethereal and mysterious, this one felt more grounded and nearby.

“Hello, who’s there?”

At first there was no response, but then the voice responded back.

No no no, no time to talk, no time to be distracted, keep looking keep searching.

Just as the voice responded, in the corner of Fluttershy’s sight, she noticed the shadows shift for a moment within the nearby woods. At first she was afraid when she first heard the voice, but a strange trance seemed to descend upon Fluttershy, and soon curiosity took root within her instead of fear.

What was at first one step, became two steps, then three steps, until she approached the source of where the voice was coming from.

Taking several steps behind some trees in the more denser area of her backyard, she examined her surroundings and only found dense shrubbery and more trees.

“Is anypony there… you don’t need to be scared, I’m just wondering what it is you’re looking for? Maybe I can help you look for it,” said Fluttershy, examining her surroundings.

At first, nothing seemed to move or make a single noise… in fact, the air around her seemed to have suddenly stilled. Just as she was about to give up and return to her garden, the shadows around her suddenly began to get darker, and like waves on the surface of a pool, they began to morph and sway around her. Suddenly the denser portion of the surrounding darkness began to spill forth like water from a glass cup… and rising from the spilled darkness, something loomed over her and opened it’s eyes.

Hmmmm, who are you?

Meanwhile – Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:45am

Inside Twilight’s room, the unicorn in question was deep in her own personal research, studying about the most recent incident with Discord, as well as the strange ominous occurrences that happened around town ever since she first settled here. Her evidence has all pointed the source of these strange encounters – as well her own personal suspicions – to be none other, but one individual alone.

“Eclipse Light… just what are you hiding and how are you connected to everything that’s occurred,” said Twilight, muttering to herself.

Just as she was about to continue her self musings, they were soon brought to a halt when she can hear a voice suddenly, that was both quiet yet also audibly loud too. Rather than coming from one single direction, the voice or rather voices seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.

LIEs lies, We mUST DestROY! SuSpiCiOns thAT Is all we NEEd To BriNG ForTH ThE TrUTH!

WhY DelaY NOW!

HiS ACTions SpeaK LOUder than AnythinG HE WILl teLL YoU!

The voices were a mesh-mash of nonsense and barely comprehensible sentences, all varying octaves, some words quiet, while others at shouting levels of noise. Some insist she act now, others seem to demand for her to wait and keep looking, and a few say she ignore it all and move on with her life… and others just rambled on and on about seeking for more… secrets.

It was as if a swarm of foals ran up to her and started gibbering their curious minds toward her, whether it be giving either obvious to clever questions. Her shock changed when all the voices suddenly silenced themselves at once, and one clear and concise voice spoke… but what it had to say only brought more doubt to her mind about her current outlook on Eclipse.

Can he be trusted, is he speaking the truth? He means to deceive you and your friends, but what does he truly want in the end?

Just as the voice spoke, it ends suddenly too when she heard another voice, the familiar voice of Spike from downstairs.

“TWILIGHT! Lunch is ready, come down before it gets cold!” shouted Spike.

After that sudden episode of hers, rather than question what just happen, Twilight decides to put a pause on her studies and get some fresh air after having lunch with Spike.

Maybe I’ve been thinking too deeply about what Discord said, he’s just trying to trick me like he almost did with my friends.

“Coming Spike! How about we go out and get some air, I heard Pinkie has some new cupcake flavors she’s trying out, maybe we can go and try them out!?”

As Twilight headed down the steps, she barely noticed the ominous laughter that echoed deeply in her mind.

Elsewhere – Canterlot, Noble District, Snow Mansion; 12:15pm

Pristine was busy looking through some documents on her father’s business, to keep herself occupied – that and she having no work to do – and help out in the family business. While she reviewed a document on an extension for a railway to the north, she became distracted when thoughts of the mysterious cloaked individual from before came to her.

Just who was he and why did he approach me of all ponies, why not the princesses or any important figures from the guard?

This brought nothing but worry and curiosity to the forefront of her mind, whether she was to take the message from the mysterious figure as either a warning… or a threat.

They must know I have no more connection with the Church, correct? Do they think I have any loyalty left for them… and even if I tried warning them, they’ll either not believe me or questioned me about who and where I got such information before they even plan on acting.

The information she has about this is that an unknown group was targeting and planning to overthrow the Church of the Holy Sun. Her personal feelings about this was murky at best, conflicting at worse; deep down she still felt great betrayal and anger toward the higher-ups for dumping the blame on her – even though they still got the direct attention and ire of Princess Celestia in the end.

They were still the only organization to accept her after dozens of rejection and disappointments from her past… but, there was much of the Church kept hidden, even from her.

Regardless, there is only one thing I can do… I need to delve deep into whatever past the Church holds and find out what sort of connection they have with that ominous presence from before and their illusive master.

Focusing back on the documents before her, she had a clear goal to do that will lead to either a definable future… or a perilous path that will bring more questions than answers.

Ponyville; 1:05pm

Trotting down the path to Fluttershy’s cottage, Rarity decided to visit her friend to invite her to their bi-weekly get-together at the spa. Skipping happily to the cottage in question, Rarity thought that going to the spa might help her friend relax after the most recent events from before – Discord and Twilight’s sudden, but short disappearance.

Nearing the door to Fluttershy’s cottage, she did two firm knocks on the door, awaiting for the owner of the home to answer. When the door opened, Rarity was confused when nopony was behind it to greet her. Gazing around her, she heard a familiar thumping below her eyesight, and lo and behold, Angel stood there with his arms’ crossed and right foot thumping against the floor, with an annoyed look at the unicorn.

“Oh, Angel Bunny, now you wouldn’t happen to know if dear Fluttershy is home, would you?”

The bunny in question gave a thoughtful look, before nodding once.

“Wonderful and where might she be?” asked Rarity.

The mischievous bunny grinned and cheekily pointed behind himself into the cottage; Rarity’s left eye gave an agitated twitch, as she smiled creepily back at the bunny at their obvious – and annoying response.

“Right… of course she’s home… inside or outside?”

Instead of annoying the unicorn further, Angel makes a motion to go around, pointing to the back of the cottage. Giving her thanks, Rarity went around the cottage as Angel closed the door with a final humph.

“I swear, I don’t understand what Fluttershy sees in that rabbit, I wonder if Fluttershy should be the element of generosity instead with how he treats her,” said Rarity, grumbling to herself.

Arriving to the backyard of the cottage, Rarity examined her surroundings from the small fenced garden that had both vegetables and flowers growing inside, the open field with a chicken coop, to the varying trees that had birdhouses hanging upon their branches, or the hills with burrow hole entrances littered everywhere.

But not a single sighting of Fluttershy, where could she be?

Just as she was about to go back to Angel and have a very serious ‘conversation’ with the rabbit, Rarity heard her friend’s voice around the bend of some trees. Following to where the source of her friend’s voice was coming from, Rarity could barely hear what Fluttershy was saying, but it appeared she was talking to somepony or maybe another one of her animal friends.

Just as she was nearing the end of the bend, she just caught a portion of Fluttershy’s conversation with her mystery friend.

“...so that’s what you are, well it’s nice to meet you Mr. Shue, and I hope you look for what you’re finding.”

Just as Rarity turned the corner, she saw Fluttershy sat on the ground facing away from her… and facing the thick bark of a tree. This raised many questions for her as Rarity didn’t see any sign of anypony or animal anywhere near Fluttershy, as she appeared to animatedly gaze and talk to… a tree.

Well this is awkward.

“Um, Fluttershy dear… who are you talking to?” asked Rarity.

Turning around, rather than being spooked that somepony had trotted up behind her suddenly, Fluttershy just smiled back at Rarity and answered immediately – this gave Fluttershy several odd looks, as Rarity stared at her usually shy, now suddenly sociable friend.

“Oh Rarity! I was just talking to Mr Shue, he’s this unique critter I found in the edge of the Everfree. He wandered around here in search of something. Oh, yes… this is my friend Rarity, say hello,” said Fluttershy, happily.

Rarity expected something to approach or make some sort of noise… but noting, nothing but the tree and the nearby shadows. Rather than continue watching her friend begin to slowly descend into madness, she uneasily chuckled and approached Fluttershy, reminding herself for her original reason for visiting here.

“Dear Fluttershy, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mine but come with me to the spa, to relax after the recent events we all had to experience,” said Rarity, keeping a careful eye on her friend.

Fluttershy looked back at Rarity, before gazing back at the empty space that was in front of her and spoke to absolutely nothing there.

“Oh yes… yes Mr Shue… I understand…” Facing Rarity with a smile, she stood up and looked ready to go. “Mr Shue said he doesn’t mine I leave now, he said he still needs to look for the thing he’s searching for. Let’s head to the spa, I do feel tired recently and stressed for some time.”

“Of-of course dear, let’s go and relax, I got us the Princess-package deal from the Lotus sisters, you won’t regret it!”

As the two soon left – one feeling oddly happy and calm, while the other was wondering if her friend was feeling alright – just as the quiet of the woods returned after their departure, the surrounding darkness began to twist and sway until an amorphous shadowy entity seemed to rise forth.

It watched the two mares leave beyond the horizon, while behind the strange creature, deep in the shadows, a wall of glowing white pupil-less eyes sprang forth and also watched the pair leave too.

The strange creature tilted its head to the side, then began speaking, even though it had no visible mouth to speak with.

“Shuevastrla senses her scent has the lord’s scent on her… Shuevastrla likes individual called Fluttershy, and promises to visit once the ‘World Core’ is found and secured. Shuevastrla and the ‘Shadows Within’ will guard and hunt those that harm the lord’s acquaintances and close guests.”

With those words spoken, Shue and the glowing wall of eyes began to delve deep into the shadows and vanished. Even when they weren’t present or visible anymore, they continued to have an ever vigilant gaze… for they are shadows… and they always have eyes everywhere.

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Two Weeks Later – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle; 5:50am

Deep in Canterlot Castle, at one of the highest twin spire towers, Princess Celestia slumbered peacefully in another beautiful morning in Equestria. The sun hasn’t risen yet and while most ponies wouldn’t be awake at this hour – leaving only the farmers and early-bird ponies being up at this hour to start their day off – Celestia had to wake up to begin the rising of the sun.

The loud chirping of Philomena from her roost soon woke up Celestia, who with a yawn and the wildest bed-hair ever, rose from her bed-sheets… and proceeded to grumble to herself.

I hate waking up this early.

Lethargically getting out of bed, Celestia dragged herself towards the balcony doors, opening them with a magical flick of her horn, she gazed at the darkened skies of the night. Glancing to the distance, she could see her sister already lowering the moon and awaiting for the rising of the sun. With a sigh and a focused gaze, she slowly began applying energy to her horn, feeling the raw power and heat of the solar celestial beginning to rise beyond the horizon.

Opening her eyes, the gentle light of the sun began to rise in the horizon, the sun slowly ascended upwards, letting her spell handle the rest. Normally Celestia would help the sun rise upwards to its fullest, but due to her schedule today requiring her to get up earlier than planned, she decided to supplement a little of her magic to the celestial object. This allowed the sun to rise upwards without her help, but this also means the sun wouldn’t be fully up in the sky until later in the day.

Done with the sun rising, she made her way to the bathroom to clean herself up for breakfast; brushing her mane and cleaning up her face, she stepped out, ready for whatever the rest of the day will bring her.

Heading outside, Raven was there to greet her for today’s schedule, the secretary showing her a list of things to be done today and several meetings with various ponies and representatives.

“Good morning princess, today you have a visitation from the ambassadors of Minos, several requests from various nobles and high-class citizens, and an update of where should this year’s funds should be sent to.”

“What about my meeting after breakfast with Captain Armor and my nephew Blueblood? Apparently I need to review the documents with them, specifically the allocation of funds and resources to which of the Equestrian Guard Generals should go to, as well as improvements on several of the minority factions and specialist squads.”

Raven looked through said information, before giving Celestia a piece of documentation about what she’s referring to.

“So far everything else should be known during your breakfast with the rest of your family, a short summary though is that several pieces of information has came up since the past few years both prior to the return of the Spirit of Chaos & Disharmony – Discord – and princess Luna’s return as her corrupted self, Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia nodded in understanding, telling Raven to meet her some time after noon; the two made their separate ways as Celestia made her way to the dining hall to have breakfast with the rest of her family.

Approaching the doors to the dining hall, inside she found the rest of her family inside, already eating or waiting for the rest of breakfast to arrive. Luna sat by herself near Celestia’s seat, having some pasta for a meal – it being dinner for Luna right now, meaning she will head to sleep some time afterwards.

Sitting beside Luna on the circular dining table is their nephew, Prince Blueblood, who was looking through several documents and a peculiar news article, taking a sip of tea with his magic.

On the other side of the table is their niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or preferring to be called Cadance instead, with her fiancee sitting beside her, Shining Armor – Captain of Canterlot’s Royal Guard branch and General of Internal Security.

Looking up from his reading, Blueblood puts down the news article and cup of tea he had to greet his aunt Celestia. “Hello and good morning aunt Celestia,” said Blueblood, cordially.

Celestia faced Blueblood and thought back to the way he acted during the Grand Galloping Gala from Rarity, while she and her friends were at Donut Joe’s bakery. While local gossip and personal experience, portray Blueblood as the spoiled and arrogant nephew of the princesses… he’s still a royal, and his actions hold a deeper meaning than his flat-rude attitude, that many ladies hear about him.

“And good morning to you too nephew, how is everypony’s morning? How about you sister, anything of interest in the land of dreams last night?” asked Celestia.

“Nothing much, just the usual frightening nightmare from the occasional foal… however, the dreams from those in Manehattan are still terrible. I hope the investigations to those unexplained murders and attacks have brought beneficial fruit, have they Captain Armor?”

Shining sighed giving a shake of his head, being reminded of the terrible and mysterious deaths of the ponies found in Manehattan, resulting in the city’s lockdown until further news.

Celestia gazed at the five ponies sat together, making up half of the most important ponies of Equestria high-society and governance. While she and her sister are responsible for the cycle of the sun and moon, as well as giving their final judgment of any important decisions to be made, her nephew, niece, and future nephew-in-law roles are just as equally important too.

Starting off with Cadance and Shining, while Cadance is considering a princess-in-training, her main responsibilities are greeting diplomats from outside the country and to handle any minor activities in managing Canterlot itself.

Shining on the other hoof is part of an elite military group known as – the Harmony Star Generals – various individuals managing different aspects of Equestria’s military from land, sea, air, and more.

Blueblood’s role in Canterlot is a manager of the castle’s staff, and to make sure everything in the castle is done in clockwork like a well-oiled machine. He also kept a close eye on the doings-and-goings of the Equestrian nobility – from those loyal to the royalty, the rich and economical nobles, the older noble families from prior and around the founding of Equestria, various militaristic families, and much more. Outside of social gatherings and in public, he is quite strict in work and making negotiations… the definition of being married to the job, making him terrible within intimate relationships – whether it be intentionally bombing Rarity’s attempts at getting close with him, or him just not caring about such intimacy directed to him.

After the rest of the food arrived and was eaten, the dirty dishes were taken away by the kitchen staff… the real meeting could now commence. Both Shining Armor and Blueblood brought various documents, reporting on the day-to-day information, reports, and news on the Royal Guard, the varying major noble factions, and news from outside of Equestria.

“Here are the reports from the other Harmony Star Generals and myself, I hoped to take this opportunity to update Princess Luna into how today’s military is managed and her request into the creation of two new departments and opening of two new ‘Star General’ positions,” said Shining, hoofing the princesses the requested documents.

"~…of the original Star Generals, we must first list off the trio of the Star Generals representing the army, navy, and air-force and their sub-factions including minority and specialist groups, which will be listed below.

Beginning with the Star General of the army – General of Industry, responsible for the management and organization of Equestria’s army, also responsible in agriculture, industrial production, and the creation and maintenance of new and existing rail-lines that are owned by the Equestrian government.

The following sub-groups are listed based on region, purpose, and capabilities; collectively they are called ‘the Equestrian Protection Battalions’ with each battalion stationed at various parts of Equestria.

The first battalion is stationed near the swampy and dense jungles of Hayseed Swamp and the Forbidden Jungle, they’re dubbed, ‘the Natural Wilderness Guard Battalion’ or ‘Wild Guard’ for short.

The second battalion can be found both in the south and south-west lands of Equestria, consisting of deserts, wastelands, and dry canyons that expand across the land, being dubbed, ‘the Desert Patrol Guard Battalion’, their nickname being ‘the Dune Trotters’.

The third battalion is located in the lands north of Equestria, and certain parts of the Frozen North and Crystal Mountains, dubbed ‘the Northern Equestrian Polar Guard Battalion’ or in short ‘the Polar Guard’.

The fourth battalion are mainly stationed in the urban dense cities, located on both the east and west coasts of Equestria – this includes the cities of Vanhoover, Los Pegasus, Manehattan, Filly Delphia, Baltimare, and etc. Due to the location of their posting, they often work together with the navy when necessary; their known as ‘the Urban Safety Guard Battalion’ but are given various nicknames, but most well known as ‘the Safety Patrol’ and ‘the Blue Guard’ by locals.

The fifth and final battalion is the generalized ‘Royal Guard’ that the populace widely hear and known about, but their official name – which oddly enough nopony seems to be knowledgeable about is called, ‘the Central Royal Guard Battalion’ made up of the standardized guard force and any militia force kept in emergencies across Equestria.”

After showing the documents relevant to the current topic, Shining changed to a different document showing images of both the sea and skies of Equestria.

"Next on the list is the Star Generals of the navy and air-force; the navy is led by the General of Trade, responsible with the management of Equestria’s navy, including in the handling of imports and exports, both entering and exiting Equestria’s borders – this includes land-routes too with the assistance with the Equestrian Border Guard (a detailed explanation of the EBG and their information can be found on documentation C-1 through C-3).

The navy is split evenly between two separate groups; the ‘Equestrian Oceanic & Riverside Patrol Guard’ aka EORPG, are a mix between Equestria’s interior and exterior protection security, focusing on the major rivers and sea-routes that go by Equestria’s riverside settlements and coastal cities. They vary with various ships and boats from small dinghies to traverse rivers, from warships and cargo ships within the east and west seas in use during patrolling Equestria’s waterways and transporting of goods.

As for the other half, they’re known as ‘the Aquatic Scouts’, their role is equivalent to the Wonderbolts, with the Scouts membership consisting of ponies with water-based cutie-marks and the local tropical-climate seaponies. Their main job is handling elite-specialized missions alongside both of Equestria’s coastal areas – this varies from rescue operations, collection of lost cargo, protection detail of important facilities within Equestria’s coasts, and preservation of natural mana-rich zones.

Completing the trinity of land, sea, and skies, the General of Skies manages Equestria’s air-force; they consist of the widest spread force than either the army or navy, and monitor almost the entirety of Equestria itself. Their total force consist of a combination of three separate factions – the Wonderbolts, the original aerial combatants of Equestria for the last thousand years until efforts for modernization were made, relegating them to a legacy group within the Equestrian military.

Another organization consist of a collective involving every single flight-based guard that are stationed across Equestria and within the other branches under centralized union that manages both their placement and orders on a weekly basis.

The third and final faction dubbed as, ‘the Information Cloud of Network Security’ aka ‘ICON Security’, who’s main objective is to keep an always ready and maintained force for both offensive and defensive operations in times of emergency, in a wartime scenario they are the first to respond and act.

The Wonderbolts nowadays don’t hold much responsibilities besides being called during emergencies, or used in operations requiring their specialty for speed and long-distance travel. In the early days, they were responsible with escorting both important individuals and cargo with the use of airships, while also diverting, managing, and stopping any uncontrollable or unnatural weather phenomena that may occur – which they still continue to do today, making them responsible weather-based situations.

The second faction is lesser known and was built when the rapid-number of aerial participants to join the guard increased, as well as varying minority groups that also joined consisting of other flight-based species. Dubbed ‘the United Aerial Forces’, they’re a union for all flight-based creatures who’ve joined the guard in the last thousand years during Equestria’s founding, though the actual union didn’t become official until three centuries ago due to vastly changing times and improvements to the military and public-opinion on other species joining the guard.

The UAE manage distribution of flight-based guards to different parts of Equestria, they also have some control over guards in other branches of the military, but these guards only follow their designated officers or which faction they belong to if they have a permanent post. The only time every flight-based guard – guards who use magic or enchanted items are a separate categorization and are not part of the UAE – ever follows their commands is when times of emergency occurs. The majority of UAE guards are always on the move, being sent to a different posting every few months to maintain constant vigilance across the various lookout outposts; however not everywhere in Equestria is in constant vigilance due to certain areas being too dense with mana or are lacking in guards and proper outposts within the vicinity – efforts are being made to retake ancient facilities from early Equestrian rule, but such plans have been slow going so far.

The final faction – ICON Security – are rarely seen or heard of both in public and within the guard itself, in times of peace they are mostly stationed near both Canterlot and Cloudsdale, and occasionally on a seasonal basis they do mandatory war-games with each other to keep their skills sharpened whenever they’re needed, while doing security detail for important facilities kept hidden from public knowledge – Canterlot Castle and the Cloudsdale’s weather factory are dealt separately by either the Royal Guard stationed in Canterlot and the Wonderbolts for the weather factory.

ICON Security consist of a trio of companies dubbed, ‘the Elite Tri-Companies’ with each company holding a different role in times of war, each company being called, ‘Alpha’, ‘Beta’, ‘Charlie’ Companies within the ETC.

Alpha Company, nicknamed as ‘the Loyal Vanguard’, handle any scenarios and situations in the front-lines of the battlefield, they’re also responsible for reconnaissance in times of battle and war.

Beta Company, nicknamed as ‘the Deliverance of Harmony’ are responsible with the management of resources for medical, food, ammunition, and equipment, while during extensive battles will swap roles with Alpha Company to keep fatigue levels within a manageable state.

Charlie Company, nicknamed as ‘the Protective Wings’, are in charge of guarding the flanks and interior security from espionage and infiltration from enemy forces. Alongside their role of protecting the other companies from ambush, they also deliver and retrieve messages by flight due to limited options to receive information through magic. Unlike the other two companies, they also consist the deadliest trained and selected fliers within the Equestrian military and within the other companies, being chosen for operations involving hit-and-run tactics deep within enemy territories.

ICON Security also assist in any operations with the Department of Internal Security, though this is rare too and these kind of requests are only done with both the confirmation of both Star Generals of Skies and Internal Security, alongside confirmation from Princess Celestia (this document also confirms that confirmation from Princess Luna is acceptable too as an option).”

“So I’m able to make decisions that would normally require my sister’s final decision, as well too,” said Luna, reconfirming what was stated in the document.

“Yes, just as how Celestia has final say in any decisions brought up that are needed for either your or her discretion in the future, however there will be times when an immediate decision must be made, so each Star General always select a representative in operations that create little to no-contact to the rest of Equestria’s control group – for example an area making magical or physical communication impossible, either by distance or environmental obstacles.”

Nodding in agreement, Celestia waved for Shining Armor to continue with the rest of his report, with the next set of documents talking about both the Departments of Internal Security and External Security.

"Equestria is protected by two departments that focuses on defending both its borders and cities from threats that either can’t be handled by localized troops, requiring the reinforcement and prioritization of protection and not aggression.

The Department of Internal Security is led by the head captain of Canterlot’s Royal Guard – General of Internal Security & Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor. Unlike other captains across Equestria, role of Captain of the Royal Guard, unlike the regional based guards means they control the entirety of all ground-based guards within Equestria, but rather than deciding what the guards do and go to, the leading Captain simply delegates and communicates with the other captains across Equestria.

Guards that are part of any regional factions or are part of the Border Guard are a separate issue and follow a different set of rules and orders. The main objective of Internal Security is to prioritize safety, protection, and the defense of Equestria’s lands and populace, meaning they themselves can’t be used to send guards outside of Equestria and only act if Equestria and it’s citizens are under threat. Internal Security can request the assistance of other departments forces, if said request is accepted, based off the scenario in question (an example of this is the recent kidnapping of pony citizens and miss Pristine Snow, asking for the assistance of the Wonderbolts, Royal Guard, and a small contingency of the Lunar Guard to help).

Then there is the polar opposite of Internal Security – the Department of External Security – led by ‘the General of External Security’. While Internal Security is responsible for the safety of the capital and all major cities, (ex. Manehattan, Cloudsdale, Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, and etc), External Security is responsible with defending and securing the frontier towns and smaller villages that dot across Equestria – this includes any settlements near similar areas like the Everfree Forest, Ponyville is listed as a frontier town due to its location being nearby.

The guard posted in External Security call themselves ‘the Equestrian Border Guard’ and other times they refer themselves as Royal Guard in some cases; however, within the furthest borders of Equestira, the Border Guard self proclaim themselves, ‘the Frontier Self-Defense Force’ aka FSDF.

The Border Guard are stationed across all of Equestria’s borders, but are known to mainly stationed within areas that require constant vigilance, from the vast deserts of San Palomino, the canyons and plateaus of Appleloosa, the wastelands of the Badlands, the icy hills of Luna Bay, the treacherous and chilling heights of the Crystal Mountains, and the mysterious and unknown lands of the Undiscovered West. They also assist and check the borders that other departments manage too, posting their own Border Guard outposts near the Forbidden Jungle, both coastlines of east and west Equestria, and any main trade routes taken in and out of Equestria.

Unlike any of the other departments, External Security has the most non-ponies stationed within the guard, with the Frontier Guard consisting of three quarters of non-ponies of their total forces, but unlike the other departments, they only have a sixth of non-ponies within the Equestrian Guard combined.

To join the Equestrian Guard, its separated into three categories; the first category focuses on the three tribes that make-up Equestria, the second category however is mainly consist of sub-ponies (creatures with equine-like traits) – these creatures include, ponies from Prance or Saddle Arabia, or pony-like creatures like the thestrals and kirins. The final and third category has every non-pony creature known to Equestria, from griffons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, dragons – only dragons within a certain height and size (three to five meters at maximum) can join the guard under strict individual checks.”

“Hold one second, I can understand we accept foreigners into joining the guard, but we accept dragons too?” asked Blueblood, finding the idea of a fire-breathing lizard being allowed within the guard.

“Yes, Blueblood, the introduction of allowing any creature to join Equestria’s guard, when the increase in foreigners rose in the past few centuries. Unlike in the past thousand years during Equestria early times, modern day Equestria is more peaceful than back then and not many ponies are that openly joining the guard.”

“To supplement this, it decided to allow any creature to join the guard, with the first foreigner guards being creatures from Prance and Saddle Arabia, then the large minority group of griffons being given the chance to join the guard in later centuries,” said Celestia. “I remember when the first group of non-ponies graduated into full-fledged guards all those centuries ago.”

"The departments each have their own rules and regulations when it comes to non-ponies; the Departments of External Security and Industry allow non-ponies to join due to their wide-reaching responsibilities requiring them to be anywhere across Equestria. The Department of Trade also allow non-ponies, but at a minor quantity and only certain individuals, while the Departments of Skies and Internal Security rarely or never allow non-ponies to join.

The Department of Skies only allow non-ponies that have natural ability to fly, but once they do, they normally send them into the other departments directive with only exception. The UAF have representatives for all minority groups within the guard, allowing any non-pony guard to join to some extent, but this doesn’t extend to ICON Security, as the Elite Tri-Companies are a pegasi-only force, not allowing any non-pony whether a sub-pony or creature to join.

As for the Department of Internal Security, it rarely allows non-ponies to join, with ponies no of the three tribes going through a rigorous screening test in being accepted, this is slightly different for the Lunar Guard as it has some leeway in allowing sub-ponies in joining. The two royal elite guard forces, the Solar Guard and Lunar Guard also consist within Internal Security, both forces kept within important facilities in Equestria, rarely seen in public view.”

With that said and done, Shining finished his summarized presentation for the departments connected with the guard, but there was still two other departments left. “Thank you for your report captain, next I would like to bring up the departments I’ve been helping build since my return,” said Luna.

Bringing forth her own documents, Luna brought out a chalkboard that showed images and writing about the two new departments – one showed an image of an eye with a feather and telescope behind it, while the other was a bit more ambiguous, showing a black swirl with several tiny twinkling stars and six colored gems surrounding the swirl.

"While the five departments led by the Harmony Star Generals have been around for the last eight-hundred years, there were originally three organizations that protected Equestria in the early days. The progenitor of the Royal Guard, Wonderbolts, and the Departments of Industry, Trade, and Skies, was ‘the Hooven Coalition’ which consisted of the three tribes military forces after the unification of the tribes and founding of Equestria.

Along with the Coalition, was two organizations led by myself and my sister – the Solar Legion and the Night’s Gaze – the legion was Celestia’s personal army that faced off various threats that deemed to challenge the safety and independence of Equestria in the early days, however, they were not a peace-keeping force at initial creation.

The legion’s only goal was to defeat and face-off against threats to Equestria at a time when threats could come from anywhere. They were the progenitor to the Solar Guard, but unlike their modern counterpart, the legion was much more violent and uncontrollable, they consist of individuals either loyal to Celestia or individuals that held a zealous view to her. As time went by, the legion soon fell apart during my… fall, as the legion did actions against Celestia’s decisions… which led to the creation of the Solar Guard as they soon brought a swift end to their rebellious actions.

The Night’s Gaze on the other hoof were my personal force, but unlike the legion were more like protective guardians within Equestria. Their role was to oversee and protect Equestria during the night, facing off against threats both unseen and hidden from the common eye; they assisted me in facing against creatures of the mind and corruptive forces, defeating nightmares and cultists that threatened pony-kind.

Sadly, when my fall as Nightmare Moon came, the Night’s Gaze was split on who’s side to take, but after my fight against my sister, regardless of which side was taken, the legion didn’t see it that way. Taking advantage of the split between myself and Celestia, the legion made their move into causing as much mayhem to my force and those who had the slightest interest and sympathy to myself and the night.

The legion was left unstopped for decades until they were brought to a swift end, but the damage was done and it took two centuries until any remnant to the legion and any followers of Nightmare Moon were defeated. Prejudice still shrouds much of Equestria afterwards still, and many independent forces such as the Church of the Holy Sun spread their own twisted sense of justice, bringing dread and misery to all.

After much planning, funding, and support from various nobles and the other Star Generals, I’m planning to reinstate a modern version of the Night’s Gaze and another new department.

Inheritors to the Night’s Gaze, is ‘the Department of Surveillance’, whose job is to gather information, archive knowledge, and is to become a logistical hub toward the other departments. They also now are responsible with managing public and private mail across Equestria for citizens, the governing body, and foreign nations with ties with Equestria – this responsibility was originally done by the Department of Skies.

This department held control in overseeing Equestria information network, but due to their relative newness, they are limited still on both individuals and resources, so far they only have outposts within Canterlot, Baltimare, and Las Pegasus.

The second new department I’m creating has a more specialized role than the other departments; dubbed ‘the Department of Anomalies’, are given the sole goal in finding, containing, and cataloging mysterious magical objects and individuals that can be found both within and near Equestria’s borders.

Searching for artifacts of immense power and influence, their job in scouring across Equestria for such items is a counter to any future scenarios involving dark magic in play. Alongside magical artifacts, this also includes magically-attuned individuals, specifically those classified under five-tiers.

The lowest tier is called, Titan-Class – those under this tier are individuals who have unnatural strength and physical power, also classified with bodies of nigh-indestructibility and abilities that affect one’s own physical form. Some centuries-old dragons are classified as Titan-Class, but one example of a Titan-Class entity in recorded history is crimson centaur, Lord Tirek, who was capable of absorbing the magic of other creatures to both increase his physical state and magical power.

The next tier, Celestial-Class, classify individuals who hold great magical power, capable of manipulating vast objects and attuning with magic in the environment. Any alicorns and creatures of equivalent power are classified under this tier.

The third tier, Chronos-Class, those under this tier are capable of manipulating the reality around them at will, whether it be changing the matter of an object, shifting the spatial area around them, or even traversing time itself. The recently returning Discord is a prime example of this classification, however these three tiers do not classify who is stronger, but rather their range of abilities and capabilities, but the next two tiers are under a classification of their own – Alpha-Class and Omega-Class – but both these classes are under strict need-to-know basis for now.

The Department of Anomalies isn’t only limited to the gathering of magical artifacts and observation of powerful individuals, as through this process, they are also responsible in researching the properties of said artifacts and individuals with the inventions they build improving both the guard and citizenry livelihoods.”

After finishing her presentation Luna sat down and teleported the chalkboard away, this led to the next individual to bring up their report. “Thank you for the update auntie, now then, my recent observations and review on the aristocracy, has brought some interesting developments ever since the incident back in Ponyville with those sun-zealous cultists-”

“Nephew, remember about your anger-issues,” said Celestia, seeing Blueblood angered gaze.

Taking a breath, Blueblood gave his aunt a nod and went back to his report on Canterlot’s nobility.

"While the public’s personal views and information on the nobility may see them in a… unflattering perspective, but they’re not wholly united, as they are split between three groups vying for control for their own personal objectives.

First we have, ‘the Moneymakers’, these ponies are group consisting of Equestria’s business-ponies and traders, who rose in the ranks of the nobility through their business acumen and wealth alone, led by sir Fancypants. With his long ties with the nobility already, his business skills made him an excellent tradespony, and due to his morale view, the likely chance of him or ‘the Moneymakers’ funding any ambiguous and unlawful projects in the future is nil with him as their leader.

The next group is ‘the Conservatives’, a group that are rooted in both their historical and familial ties of old Equestria, led by myself, Prince Blueblood. The Conservatives hold a deep loyalty and trust in Celestia and the royalty, making certain that ancient Equestrian traditions aren’t forgotten or die out in the passing of time.

This leaves the final group and the most troublesome of them all, ‘the Revolutionists’, with their leadership being mostly unknown, they consist largely of ponies of the younger generations and those who feel desensitized to auntie’s past decisions throughout her centuries of rule. Their goal is to bring great change to Equestria and to have it solely ruled by ponies for ponies; they plan on doing this by removing the centuries old monarchy system and replace it with a democratic one, in which case selecting a pony representative to stand at a same seat of power as the princesses.

The issue with this action isn’t their end goal, rather their methods toward it as evidence of both radical and corruptive nature have been found within this group. Sadly, no action can be taken by them, as some powerful individuals are members of ‘the Revolutionists’, making it difficult to pinpoint areas of value for the group, leaving their current actions and movements widely unknown. The only thing keeping them at bay is their relative fresh appearance has made it clear the group themselves hold no tight cohesion with one another, and simply work together out of shared dislike for the royalty alone leaving them predictable at a close range – but this means while their activities in Canterlot are easily monitored, beyond the city leaves them hugely non-tethered and unbound.

To keep this unpredictable group’s actions limited as best as possible, both the Moneymakers and Conservatives have equally agreed to keep any decisions made by the nobility in the future, to be directed only for the benefit of Equestria. This however has kept majority of dangerous ideas and plans shut down immediately, some ideas are inevitable, leaving both Blueblood and Fancypants to go into full damage-control whenever any ideas from the Revolutionists passes through.”

“With that, this is the end of my report on the aristocracy, no then, is there anything else that needs to be brought up?” asked Blueblood, setting his papers down.

“Now that you have asked nephew there is, I was hoping to have some members of the Department of Anomalies to investigate the wave of murders and deaths in Manehattan. Alongside them I wish they receive the assistance of the Department of Surveillance, Manehattan’s stationed Urban Safety Force, and as back-up ICON Security’s Charlie Company for emergencies,” said Luna, bringing forth her suggestion.

At the notion of this idea, Blueblood swiftly places his hoof down on the table, giving a disagreeing shake of his head. “I’m against this idea, as such an action might bring the wrong message to not only the citizens in Manehattan, but all of Equestria too.”

“I agree with Blueblood, it’s one thing to send the DOA to investigate, but to also supplement this investigation with the help of another department, including the forces from two different departments two is excessive. I believe that this responsibility should be given to the DOIS instead under my supervision.”

At the mention that her idea be denied by Blueblood and given control to Shining Armor, Luna slowly turned her gaze at both her so called nephew-in-law and nephew, giving them both a leering gaze. Both stallions gave their respective reactions, with Blueblood coughing awkwardly and bringing up the newspaper he was reading back to hide his face, while Shining began sweating and gulping at her intense gaze.

“Auntie, please don’t hurt Shining, while it makes sense this would be under his jurisdiction, I don’t think its the best choice either,” said Cadance. Hearing this, Shining pouted in disappointment that his fiancee wasn’t on his side, but Cadance wasn’t done yet.

“Not only that, Shining, your forces are still monitoring the Church, especially with how these murders in Manehattan are connected with them. Recent murders have brought up groups of Church members being slaughtered in areas with little to noponies within the area at the time of death. The murders which were originally done at night, are now appearing broad daylight.”

Everypony agreed that having Shining get involved wasn’t a good choice with him having to monitor the Church and with the death in Manehattan having something to do with the Church, especially since the deaths have been occurring long before the Church’s actions in Ponyville that happened nearly a year ago.

“Alright, you make a good point niece… but I still wish that we send in a skeleton crew from the DOA, DOSu, DOIS, and the Urban Guard to investigate, and make certain that news of this operation be kept from public view. It has been almost a year and no progress to finding the killer’s whereabouts, besides a physical description of them by one off-duty guard by the name of Watcher.”

Celestia agreed with Luna that an investigation absolutely now than ever and to limit into a simple skeleton crew was alright adjustment. After this, Luna brings up more news prior to Discord’s release from an informant in Ponyville, bringing the attention of everypony.

“I would like to mention some interest news I just received from an informant of mine at Ponyville, relevant to Eclipse Light,” said Luna.

“Oh, and what might that be sister?”

“Well from the report, apparently, two acquaintances of Eclipse have given him a visit just some a few days before Discord’s seal weakened for him to free himself. The information I was given about these individuals was this; one is a dragon that wore a suit, while the other was an abyssian wearing Neiponese-style armor, in which shortly after their visit, they simply vanished afterwards.”

Hearing this brought some surprise, as having both a dragon and creature that was given the description of being armed was some serious alarms to the council, especially them being deep in Equestrian territory. “I had sent requests for both the DOSu and DOES to be on lookout for the duo ever since, but none have sighted either having left Equestria at all, and them using the assistance of magic to leave is also unlikely too, as not signs of any magical spatial manipulation has been made outside beyond Equestria’s borders.”

Hearing the update on these situation has brought intrigue – to Blueblood and Celestia respectively – and worry – to the young couple – about Eclipse recent house-guests that came from outside of Equestria.

“How come I wasn’t told that such individuals were sighted entering Equestria in the first place?” asked Celestia, a concern gaze directed at Luna.

“Of course, but when I heard this information myself too, I had the same question and when I investigated into not hearing about this either, the departments responsible for monitoring from such a situation like occurring, reported to never detect that such individuals had crossed the border to enter Equestria in the first place,” said Luna, equally befuddled.

“Prior to their arrival to Ponyville, no sightings by the physical or magical kind were made were found… as if their appearance and soon disappearance was instantaneous. The most likely possibility is they used a combination of an artifact that allowed instantaneous teleportation, and another artifact that hid their presence, which would explain the suddenness of their arrival and our lack of evidence being found.”

Hearing this, everypony agreed this was plausibility, but even Luna who brought up the explanation still skeptical as the initial investigation by both DOA and DOSu, still brought too much mystery towards the duo… and only increased her skepticism towards Eclipse and whatever secrets he’s still holding.

“Well, thank you all for given your reports and the update on recent news, with this, we’ll adjourn this meeting for now until next month or an update has been made on any of these situations has come to light. Have good day everypony, and sleep well sister,” said Celestia, making her exit.

Soon everypony else soon left, with Blueblood leaving to head another meeting with the other aristocracy under his group, while both Shining and Cadance left together, the two talking jovially with one another about future plans in the coming year. This left Luna by herself as she soon left and headed to her room to rest, but as soon she left the dining hall, a pony from DOSu comes running, nearly crashing into the monarch.

Sensing the pony’s approach, she swiftly stops them with her telekensis, the pony stopping in place suddenly, while the stack of papers she was carrying on her back, suddenly spills off and scatters on the carpeted castle’s hallways. “Oh dear oh dear oh dear, I am terribly sorry your highness, I should had watched where I was running.”

“Oh do not fret Keen Time, you never make an appearance from your office unless it is of utmost importance, though you must keep that bad habit of you tunnel-visioning into whatever has your current interest, your brother, Paced Trot always warned that you might run into somepony someday,” said Luna.

“Oh please don’t mention my brother, it takes him forever involving anything with movement, as least I get things done in a swift and timely order… though I’ll try to keep my pace… on a more manageable and safer… pace,” said Keen.

Keen Time and her older brother, Pace Trot, are members of the Department of Surveillance, helping manage DOSu Canterlot-branch workload… that is whenever neither are either distracted by their latest hobby project, or still archiving on last week’s information report.

“So, what brings you directly to me this fine morning?” asked Luna, curious.

Immediately remembering why she’s here and not her desk, Keen swiftly searching for a particular document among the pile of documents splayed on the ground. Soon finding what’s she’s searching for, she hoof’s said document to Luna, who quickly reads what’s on it.

Report from Department of Industry - First Battalion, Natural Wilderness Guard Battalion

Sightings of strange movement from within the Forbidden Jungle, cause and source of movement is suspected to be a currently unregistered and unknown force of Church of the Holy Sun. Currently, their activities as to why they are here is unknown as to how long they’ve been stationed here for, as their discovery was made on accident when a standard patrol route of the planned route was made, when said patrol squad entered some sort of anti-detection bubble that hid a hidden Church outpost camp by both physical and magical means.

Currently monitoring Church activities in secret and require immediate orders as current nearby posted guards do not have clearance to make an immediate decision. Require the active orders from both a Harmony Star General-level clearance and royal-level clearance, ASAP.

Addendum One:

Additional observation, detects malicious magical energies coming from the camp, scans indicate, that magical energies are related if not connected with Celestial-Class individual anomaly – Nightmare Moon.

Finishing reading the given report, Luna’s curious gave changes to one of deep concern, as she frowns at the mention of her darker tendencies being involved. Not only is my dark self involved by the Church too, if they have the capable to hide their presence from us, who knows how many of these outposts might be in, if not beyond Equestria.

“Keen, I need you to send copies of this report to my sister, the Star Generals of both Industry and Internal Security, asap,” said Luna, passing the document back to her. “After you’re done with that, I also want you – and say this word-by-word – to tell the Star General for the Department of Anomalies this…”

“And, that would be your highness?”

“To prepare a strike-force as soon as I given them the go to, and that this operation is to be done swiftly… and without mercy.”

After saying that, Keen soon left with the documents that were on the ground after scooping them up and dashing away. Once Luna was now alone again, she headed off to her room, but not to rest, instead to prep for turbulent future that’s ahead of her – ready to make her next move in this game with lives at stake.