• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 3: A Whole New World

The lights of the Command Center switched on the next day, relighting the entire room. Tensou, letting out a little robotic groan, carefully sat up, wheeling over to Gosei.

"Are you okay, Gosei?" the young robot asked his master on the wall.

"Yes, Tensou, I'm completely fine," he answered in his booming voice. "I never expected us and the Rangers to get a new place until the next day," he said honestly.

"Rangers..." Tensou suddenly remembered the humans being with them during when the wormhole pulled the Command Center from the device Noah accidently hit. "Rangers! Gosei, are they Rangers still here? What if they-"

"Tensou, we're fine. But you may want to turn around because you're not going to believe this..."

"What are you-?" As he spun around, a shriek was let out. There he saw a horse - a small horse - about half the size of the panels, wearing Troy's clothes and sneakers. Upon looking at him, five more peaked their heads around the panels, all wearing the Rangers' clothes and everything before they stepped over to him, joining the first horse.

Looking at them closely, Tensou's eyes lit up in surprise. "Rangers?!" he finally exclaimed. "Oh, what happened to you, guys?"

"I don't know..." Orion answered, looking at his hands now replaced by hooves, lifting one of them up, then setting it down on the floor.

Emma tapped her new hooves - all four of them - on the ground, seemingly to trot in place. "Okay," she spoke, "I have to admit, I've always wanted to have my own pony since I was little. Only I never wanted to be a pony."

"Yeah," the ponified Gia agreed. "I like ponies, but becoming one is totally strange."

Jake went up on his back legs, trying to walk on them. "Whoa. Ah!" He tried to regain his balance he as kept walking - and landed on top of Gia.

The pony gave him a sharp glare, her new pony ears going slightly back. "Jake! Get off me!" she yelled, placing her hooves on his chest, shoving him off.

"Sorry, Gia," he apologized. "I was wondering if I can walk on two legs."

"Ponies walk on all fours; not two," Noah told him.

"He's right, Jake." Troy nodded his head. "It'll be difficult for us to walk on two legs now since we need center of balance," he said, flicking his tail he never had before. It also matched the way his hair looks.

"Yeah, you're right." He helped Gia off the floor. "But what is going on, though?" he wondered towards his ponified pals. "Why are we ponies?"

"I believe our DNA has been changed, having us have these forms as ponies because I don't think there are humans in whatever world we're in now."

"Huh?" Orion couldn't understand what Noah stated.

"He means we turned into ponies to blend in," the Red Ranger explained, making it easier for them to understand.

Jake tilted his head. "Blend in?" he responded. "What kind of world are we in to blend in as ponies?"

"Allow me to tell you, Rangers." Gosei seemed to know what's going on, so they went over to him. "Look at the panels while I explained," he instructed them. They did, each one going to their respective panels. Since they're about half the size of them, they had to go on their back hooves, placing their front hooves on the consoles for balance. "The place we're at is known to be Equestria..."

"Equestria? What's that?" the Green Ranger questioned.

"Jake, let me explain," their mentor calmly said. "Equestria," he continued, "is a place filled with ponies in all kinds of shapes, colors, and sizes. There are three types of ponies living here in this new world. The first group of ponies are the earth ponies. These ponies are known to be close to nature, taking care of woodland creatures, planting plants, and other things. However, these ponies are known to be the strongest in the group. Jake and Gia have earned their strength, becoming these types of ponies."

The two of them observed their forms, gazing at them from afar. A smile spread over Jake's muzzle. "Even though I like my original form better, this new form...it's not that bad."

Gia smirked at him, glad that not everything has changed. "And you're still a goofball," she added, making Jake chuckle.

"At least you're the tough girl, even when you're a beautiful horse." This made her cheeks turn pink when he gave her that nice compliment.

"What about us?" Emma piped in. "What kind of ponies are we? We now know that Jake and Gia are earth ponies. But what about us?"

Gosei, again, calmly answered. "Don't worry, I'll tell you the other type of ponies there are."

Orion raised his hoof. "Sorry to interrupt you, but I couldn't help but notice how a little light I am."

"Yeah!" Now Emma realized it, too. "It feels like I'm floating, barely. Only I'm on the ground."

"And there's a reason for you two to feel that way. Emma, Orion, you two have transformed into pegasi. Pegasi are known to control the weather, creating sunshine, rain, and all kinds of storms. Also, they're the only ponies who can fly and walk on clouds all thanks to the little light weight of theirs. They're also known to be called weather ponies."

Emma glanced behind her, gasping to see wings on her narrow shoulders. She opened them, ruffling her feathers as a smile spread over her face. Moving her wings in an up and down manner, her hooves left the floor, lifting her entire body in the air. "I can't believe I'm a pegasus," she beamed happily, doing some summersaults.

Orion joined her, giving his new wings a test flap as he, too, picked himself off the ground. "This is so cool." He flew around the room, creating a silver streak behind him. "And we can walk on clouds? Awesome!" he declared in full delight.

"You guys are lucky." Despite being an earth pony, Jake felt jealous, watching them fly. "You get to walk on clouds while the rest of us are stuck on the ground."

"Come on, Jake." Noah elbowed him. "Being an earth pony won't be so bad. You did say that this new form isn't awful." However, Jake breathed out of his nose, his eyes on the pegasi Emma and Orion. "Stop being green with envy," he told him, giving him another elbow nudge.

The soccer player rolled his eyes as Emma and Orion lowered themselves back down, placing their hooves back on the floor. "Lucky," he repeated in a muttered tone. "So what about Troy and Noah?" he directed at their mentor.

"Ah," Gosie let out. "The last group of ponies are the unicorns. Unicorns are ponies who have horns to help them do one simple thing - magic. They can levitate objects, teleport to different places if needed. They can even use their magic for defensive and offensive spells. Unicorns are known to be the most intelligent along with great discipline out of the group of ponies, which is why both Troy and Noah got these forms."

Troy shifted his eyes upwards, noticing a horn like Gosei had mentioned had grown on his forehead. "Whoa..." he breathed. "Okay, I know I said I had a dream about ponies, only I never dreamt we'll become ponies because I thought it'll never happen."

Noah nodded. "Yeah... I mean, I don't mind being a unicorn. But I don't know how to do magic."

"Don't worry, you'll learn how to use them someday." This made the two Rangers smile at Gosei's assurance. "Even though there are three types of ponies, there is a fourth type."

"Fourth type?" Gia replied. "You said there are three types of ponies."

"Yes, there are three, but the fourth type of pony is very rare - the alicorn." On the panels, two alicorns showed up. "Alicorns are mixed with three ponies. They have the strength of the earth pony, fly and walk on clouds like the pegasi, and have both unicorn and alicorn magic. What you see here are the two rulers of Equestria. The white one is Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna. Together, these two create harmony around their home. Celestia is the Princess of the Day, while Luna is the Princess of the Night. When the sun rises, Luna lowers the moon. When the moon rises, the elder one sets the sun down. These two are both leaders of their world, helping and protecting their people on every land."

Tensou released a sigh. "I sure do miss those two."

Hearing this, Emma raised a hoof. "Hold up! You guys were here before?"

"Yes, Emma. It was a thousand years ago. Me and Tensou had to help them defeat a villain who enslaved the ponies at a place called the Crystal Empire, where a dark unicorn known as King Sombra who took over it. We gave them weapons for them to defeat him, banishing him to the arctic north, only to leave a curse at the Empire." The Rangers watched as the dark unicorn with a curved red horn get trapped between the ice, his face giving off the defeated yell. "That wasn't all, though," he went on. "Years later, Tensou had to create something else for them to defeat another villain who created chaos - Discord. Instead of swords, Tensou made something called the Elements of Harmony, six gems that are powered up by each kind of friendship. The two Royal Sisters each have three elements. Celestia wields magic, generosity, and kindness, while Luna has the elements of honesty, loyalty, and laughter. Using those elements, they used them to turn Discord back into stone, bringing peace back on their land again."

"Ooo." Tensou shuddered. "Sombra was a lot more terrifying than him, giving me nightmares."

"But why did you guys came to earth?" Troy asked after they watched the screen, watching the strange looking creature get transformed into stone.

"We decided it wasn't safe for us while Discord tried to take over this world, leaving me and Tensou with no choice but to leave right after we gave them the Elements of Harmony," Gosei explained. "However, I sense that something is going to happen in this world, so I need you Rangers to find them."

"Alright. Tell us where they live." Troy stepped forward, stating their mentor. "And we'll bring them here."

"Okay, they live in Canterlot, Capital of Equestria. They live in a large castle, you cannot miss it. I wanted to see them again, to let them know something is here that aren't friendly. We're not far so you Rangers can walk to that place."

Nodding his head, Troy turned to his teammates. "Let's get going," he led before running out of the Command Center.

The others followed, their hooves clicking the floor, following Troy in search of the two princesses.

When they left, Tensou rolled over to the tiki head. "What do you mean something bad is going to happen?"

"I just know it, Tensou. I just know it. Equestria isn't peaceful all the time."

In Equestria and not too far away, laid the Armada Ship on the ground, surrounded by the smaller ones. Vekar's vision came back into view, lifting himself off the floor when he realized something because as he got up, he noticed right away that something isn't right. He tried to walk, except he was losing balance, falling back down onto the floor.

However, being stubborn as he is, he picked himself up again, going back onto his two feet, trying to walk forward, but failed, landing harshly back on the ground on his side, releasing a frustrated growl.

"What is going on?" he demanded angrily, slamming his hand down on the floor. A sound came from the floor as he did so, bringing his attention to his hand he brought down. At first, he thought nothing of it until he expected it even more. It was then a scream erupted over him, echoing off the walls. "No! What happened to me?!" he shrieked, going to a sitting potion, examining his hands, now hooves. "Help! Levira, Argus, Damaras, help me, I turned into some kind of freak of a horse!" he cried out desperately, not happy about the new form.

"Calm down, sire. There's no need to freak out." The prince's ears perked up when he heard Levira, seeing them in front of him. "You need to stay calm, not freak out," she assured him.

This got him more ticked off. "Not freak out?! You guys are horses too!" he pointed at them. "You got a horn..." He pointed at the scientist. "...you got wings..." He changed his direction towards Argus. "...and you...you just look like a normal horse." Lastly, he jabbed a hoof at Damaras. "Why are we horses? Is this some kind of sick joke? Where are we?" he rambled, giving them question after question. "What kind of place made us turn into horses?"

"Sire, please control your temper." Damaras went up to him, placing his large hooves on the leader's shoulders. "We're not horses, we turned into ponies," he corrected. "We have no idea where we are."

"B-But I don't understand!" he began to panic, getting back up, this time on all four hooves to keep balance. "How can this happen? How can we-" He stopped, his eyes hitting at his bodyguard. "You..." he hissed. "You did this! You brought us here!" he blamed.

"No, I didn't!" Argus proclaimed, raising his hooves in defense. "It's not my fault. The Blue Ranger hit the device with his move, not me," he argued.

"It's your fault!" Vekar went to charge at him, only to be pulled back by the warrior. "Let go of me! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind for what he had done to the Armada."

Damaras kept his grip around the prince. "It's not his fault," he defended, refusing to let go. "And we can't do anything about it now."

Vekar began jumping up and down, throwing a fit. "No, no, no, no, no!" His generals backed away from him as he continued to vent. "It's not fair! I want to get rid of the Rangers, but it turns out we got sent to a different world instead! I'm already beginning to hate this new body! I want my old one back, right now!"

"Stop it!" A loud voice came over the large pony, making the prince fold down his ears to block the sound out. "Stop it now. We're not the only ones who got turned into ponies, look outside."

Even though he was angry, Vekar did as he was told, walking over to the window. There he saw his henchmen, all confused by their new pony bodies, leaving their ships, failing at walking on two legs, falling down on the dried up ground.

Seeing them made him smack his hoof on the window. "We got to get rid of those Rangers. Only we need to get out of here."

"I got an idea. Why not look for help?"

Vekar scoffed at Levira's suggested. "Yeah, right. You're idea is lame."

Levira blinked her orange eyes. "Really? Then what's your idea?" she replied, ready for what he has to say.

"We go look for help." Levira smacked her hoof onto her face when he said that, shaking her head. "But where are going to find help?" He went back over to his generals. "We're in the middle of nowhere."

"Well, we can't stay here. We have to get moving." Argus began towards the door. "Actually, you guys stay here. I'll go look for help." The doors open, letting him step out of the room, leaving the others behind.

When he was gone, the prince let out a yell. "I'll never get used to this new form! I'm going to my room!" Releasing an angry breath through his nostrils, he stomped out of the room, heading to his bedroom.

In the bedroom, he shoved a table near the wall, knocking it down before throwing it across the room. He was ticked off to the point where he began destroying his bed, throwing all of his blankets all over the place.

During his fit of rage, he grabbed a picture frame off the wall, throwing it across the door. He never wanted this to happen, never wanted to be a cute, little pony. He's a prince! He wanted to get rid of the Rangers, wanting to send them to a new world. But no, it turned out he failed. Again!

"Those Rangers got me at the last straw..." he seethed, gripping one of his pillows. "They've gone too far this time. When we get back home, I'll destroy them once and for all!"

"But what if they're here?" Damaras' voice caught his attention, snapping his head to the right to see him at the doorway.

He set the pillow back down. "Why do you say that?" His eyes went down, staring at the object in his hooves.

"I'm saying that the Rangers might be here too." Stepping into the room, he made his way over Vekar whose ears are laying back on his head, showing how irritated he is. "We won't know for sure since the screen isn't working. I checked. And before you ask, I have no idea how long we'll be here. Besides, maybe being a pony won't be bad after all."

Shrugging, the ponified prince climbed onto his bed, looking at the golden colored pony, who's cape is touching the ground. He picked up the pillow, lifted it up - and smacked Damaras across the head with it.

A shock looked came over him after he felt that, his mouth dropped open. "Ow! Why did you hit me?" Damaras rubbed the side of his head.

Another hit came to him when he got his answer. "For saying the most stupidest thing in the world." A third hit. "You think I'll be happy in this dumb pony body!?" he yelled, giving him more hits. "You think it's cool to be this way!?"

The hitting went on until the pillow got snatched away from him, having it be thrown out of his reach. "Enough!" Vekar glared at him when he was ordered to stop. "I think you need to stay here."

"Don't tell me what to do, Damaras. I'm the Prince of the Armada! I get to do whatever I want! It's all Argus's fault!"

Now the warrior was getting mad. "Stop blaming him. You should be glad he's going for help. You stay here and don't come out until you calm down."

"I'll never calm down." Except he had already left, causing Vekar to throw all the pillows across the room. "If he doesn't bring back help...I'll kill him."

Flopping down onto the mattress, he covered up his face, waiting for Argus's return.

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