• Published 4th May 2024
  • 200 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 28: Kingdom Of Saddle Arabia

Troy and Twilight stood at the train station of Ponyville, each having a train ticket to give to All Aboard once the Friendship Express gets here.

Fixing up his scarf, he loosened it up to get some air around his neck. He looked around, seeing a few other ponies at the platform, waiting for the train to take them to the places they wanted to go.

He saw the little ones playing in the snow with their parents, building snow ponies to snow castles.

A cold breeze came through him. He shivered, this time getting his scarf to snuggle up around his neck to keep it warm.

Going up to him, Twilight used her magic to put her book away she's bringing with to the place they're going to in one of her saddlebags. "When we get to the place we're going to, you won't need to wear your winter jacket and scarf."

Troy waved his head up and down, not saying a word. He waited for the train, weaving his hoof over his slicked brown hair. He knew once they get to Saddle Arabia, he'll be able to feel the warmth on his fur.

Never get him wrong, winter is cool. Though he prefers warmer weather than the cold. He has no offense to those who do - the ones who love the snow like the ones he sees out of the train station platform.

The weather was thirty six degrees - too cold to practice his martial arts move against the enemies.

Troy was glad that Twilight is gonna teach him and Noah the magic spells, since it's been told by their mentor that unicorns use their magical ability to create offensive and defensive spells. It'll be great use someday for him and his unicorn friend.

Looking around, he saw a couple of ponies walk into the building of the train station, betting it was warm in there.

He let Twilight know he's going inside the building. Then, he entered inside.

The door shut behind him. The air inside felt totally nice. Nice and warm. Warm enough wear he can remove his winter jacket and scarf.

With those things off of him, he held them, seeing there was no place to sit. Shrugging it off, he made his way from the door - until he bumped into somepony.

He recovered with a good shake of his head. "Sorry about that. Wasn't watching where I was going." He fixed up his hair. "May I know your name?" he requested like a gentlecolt.

The young mare bit her lip. She seemed to be in a trance. "Oh," she suddenly spoke, snapping out of it. "The name's Cotton Candy."

Cotton Candy has a pink colored coat, her mane is blue, fading pink, and white. Her eyes are blue. Her cutie mark is a pink cotton candy with a green stick.

In her hoof was a pink cotton candy, half eaten. The Ranger guessed her cutie mark means she likes making cotton candy treats, or else since he wasn't too sure. He's been taught about cutie marks from Twilight, and her talent is magic, but she has other hobbies such as reading and studying. Something he isn't into unlike his nerdy teammate.

Unless he counts studying martial art skills he's reading in a book called The Martial Arts Method at the Friendship Castle before bed.

"Are you embarrassed from bumping into me?"

"Huh?" She let out a laugh. "No, I'm blushing because you're attractive," she told him, eating her cotton candy.

Ah, this again. This dude here had been getting a lot of compliments from lots of mares in this town.

Whenever he goes out to have a relaxing stroll, some random mare will stare at him. It doesn't necessarily bother this young guy. Admittedly, he isn't into any of these girls, except for one.

He doesn't tell them, so he uses his answer to this lady. "Well, you're pretty. I bet a nice guy will go out with you."

"I bet so," she replied when she glanced over her shoulder.

He, too, looked over and saw the Element of Magic step into the building. "Hoo, it's freezing out there," she commented, removing her earmuffs and scarf, leaving on her winter shoes. "Good thing it's warm in here. Is there any hot chocolate around here?" She looked around.

"The hot chocolate is over there, princess," Cotton Candy directed, helping herself to another bite of her sweet treat.

"Ah, thanks, Cotton Candy." Humming, she went over to a table where there are cups of hot chocolate - for free with no charge. Using her magic, she picked up two - one for her and one for her friend. "Here, Troy." She gave the second cup to him.

He took the cup. "Thanks." Gripping the foam material, he took a couple of sips.

The liquid was hot, though it wasn't too hot. It was warm enough where it didn't burn his tongue. It was also warm enough where he felt his body warming up with each sip he took.

Twilight was enjoying hers, stepping up to the window to make sure she and the red hero don't miss their train.

Cobalt, Starlight, Ice Crystal, and Spike decided to stay behind, wanting to do things - like playing in the snow.

The princess doesn't mind them staying put since it was their choice. She did ask them about them coming with, but they denied her offer.

Finishing her cup, she threw it at a nearby trash bin when she saw the train. "Troy!" She waved her arm. "It's here."

Throwing his empty cup away, the stallion said goodbye to the pony he had a short chat with, following the princess out of the building, the two of them slipping on their winter clothes in the process.

They gave the tickets to All Aboard, who took them. "Next stop - Saddle Arabia," he announced as more ponies gave him the tickets, while others who were on the train got off.

Not all of them got off, thought, for they had places to go.

Twilight and Troy found a spot on the train, sitting down on one of the seats, across from a mare and her foal. A baby foal. The foal was wrapped around in a blanket, being held by a mom who's a unicorn.

On the seat, there was a duffle bag. Possibly baby stuff such as diapers, bottles, baby food, etc.

Inside the bundled up blanket, the baby cooed. From what Troy can guess, the baby could be a colt. How'd he guess? Well, the blanket is blue, and blue means it's a colt, right?

Twilight wasn't paying much attention to the foal, for she was memorized in her book she took out from her saddlebags, flipping to the page she was on. It was the Red Ranger who had his eyes on the little one.

The mom seemed to notice. "You seemed interested in the foal."

He blinked. "Huh? Yeah, I guess so." Refusing to be awkward, he chatted with the mare across from him. "Your son is...adorable," he commented, leaning back in his seat.

"He is adorable," the mother of the colt chuckled, cradling her infant. "He's the cutest earth pony, despite that I'm a unicorn while his dad is a pegasus."

Hearing this from her, he was puzzled, his smile turning into a complete baffled frown. He pulled down the sleeves of his winter jacket. All he did was trying to process what this pony had stated. "Your colt is...an earth pony?" The baby poked his head out, revealing a small tuff of mane of his. The colt had a binky in his mouth, making suckling sounds. "I don't understand. How can he be an earth pony when you are a unicorn while your husband is a pegasus?" He stared at the tiny bundle of joy, saw him reach out his tiny hoof towards him, as if he wanted to be held by a different pony.

His mother used her magic to put his arm back in the blanket. "It's easy," she answered, running her hoof down her baby's face. "His dad's dad was an earth pony, and my great uncle twice removed was also an earth pony. It makes sense, right?" she asked, proud of her explanation. However... the one across from her kept having this...unclear expression all over him. "It's all from the family tree from my side of the family and on my husband's side of the family."

The bewildered feeling went away, when he finally understood. "Gotcha..." he shortly responded, looking at the baby. "Your husband is somewhere, I have to say," he guessed.

"It's the reason why we're on this train. My husband is working in Neigh Hampshire," she told him.

Neigh Hampshire... Troy thought intrigued. Sounds like New Hampshire, a place somewhere in one the states back on earth.

All these places from Equestria are puns for the places for his and his friends' home, a home they'll be returning soon.

The train chugged on the tracks until it came to a stop at a new train station.

From the outside, all the Red Ranger saw was sand. No snow, no clouds, just sand and blazing sunlight. The sunbeams went through the window, catching Twilight's attention. Placing the book away, she hopped off her seat, putting her book away. She also removed her winter outfit, placing them in the other saddlebag.

"I'll hold onto your jacket and scarf," she offered, removing the clothing off of Troy, putting them in her saddlebag with her own winter-y clothes. "It's gonna be hot out there in this climate."

Stepping onto the platform of the train station, straight away, the warmth invaded their bodies like a heater inside a toasty house.

The train chugged away, heading to another stop.

Troy saw ponies walking, chatting with each other. There were buildings everywhere, including homes along with a castle.

This place kind of looks like Canterlot, except different in some ways. For example, there was lots of sand on the ground. No cobblestone street.

Honestly, the Kingdom of Saddle Arabia actually reminded him of a place on earth - Saudi Arabia. A region kingdom on the map of Asia. Except the earth one doesn't have ponies, only humans.

Of course, every place in Equestria are literally puns of the places of the real world.

I wondered what other places are here, Troy thought, gazing around, following Twilight. Noah does have the History Of Equestria. He'll know all the places for how...geeky he is, along with having a serious attitude.

Reaching the castle, the guards on each side of the door saw the lavender alicorn, bowing down with respect, their heads lowered.

"Mind telling us why you're here?" the one Arabian guards requested esteemed.

"Haakim and Amira hadn't received any information except the one they got about a couple of months back. The one about the Power Rangers Super Megaforce, where us royalties are sworn to keep their true identities a top secret from our subjects," the other one added, his head much lower than his partner's. "The same goes for the Power Ponies," he put in.

They picked up their heads, their expressions solemn, letting the princess speak. "It's why we're here. I decided to let them meet one of the Rangers. The one who is standing next to me is the leader - the Red Ranger of his team. The leader of the Power Ponies decided not to come, as well as her team, including his team."

"We see..." The one guard put on a firm grin. "Too bad the rest couldn't come, for they're probably having fun in the snow," he bet, fixing up his helmet. "We never get snow here for how hot it is. Please, allow us to escort you two to Haakim and Amira."

They opened the doors, letting them in. The Element of Magic and the Red Ranger followed the two guards down the hall.

Troy saw more guards lined up against the walls on each side, their expressions firm. Their eyes never shifted nor blinked. A few had walked by him, marching to the front door of the palace.

One of them saw him, sending him a salute.

Boy, it seems every single royal being is kind, the Ranger thought to himself. Unlike the royalties of the Armada.

At least they destroyed Tirek. From what he learned, the centaur consumes magic. Imagined him consuming the Power Rangers' and Power Ponies' powers.

They still have to deal with Cozy, Chrysalis, and Grogar, along with Vekar's henchmen and the queen's changelings. Not to mention the prince's royalties.

The four of them reached the double doors. The guards opened them wide, getting the doors to reach each wall. Stepping back, they bowed to the princess, and possibly the Ranger.

Twilight doesn't mind them being formal, even they don't need to be formal around her. They don't even need to be formal around her friend.

Troy looked at the room, noticing how decorative it looks for the Saddle Arabia culture. It was stunning to see, wishing his friends were here to witness this.

There, he saw two thrones, which are occupied by...horses? Weird. Gosei never mentioned horses in Equestria. These horses do look like actual horses. One was a brown one with light gold and pale gold mane and tail, with violet eyes. The other one has a pink coat, brilliant blue eyes, and a moderate blue mane and tail. She also seemed to have eyeliner around her eyes.

The brown one is a male. The two of them wore what looked to be Egyptian clothing.

Troy thought they'd have cutie marks. Nope. When they stood up, he saw their flanks are blank. No cutie mark of any kind.

"Twilight Sparkle, it's great to see you," the brown horse greeted, his voice sounding ancient.

"It had been awhile, yes, for the last time we saw you was when Ponyville when we visited the Princess of the Sun, with you being the entertainment," the pink one spoke in an Egyptian accent. "Hello," she then noticed a stallion. "I'm Amira," she introduced with a kind, gentle smile. "This here is Haakim. We are the delegates of Kingdom of Saddle Arabia."

Eeee! This is exciting! For seeing these horses again. By the way, when will the first deleted scene be published?

I hadn't written it yet.

I see... Are you going to post it up soon?

I'll do it on my own time; now get.

*Flinches* Geez. I thought I was your favorite.

I didn't say you're not my favorite.

Really? I'm your favorite?

That's not what I said.

So...I'm neither of those terms...

Ugh, forget it. I need to continue on with this chapter.

The next chapter will be about-

Don't even think about it.

I'll give them a snip it of it.

Nuh uh. You'll be spoiling it, like how you spoiled one of my deleted scenes that yet hasn't been published. *Brushes back hair* Better get back to writing this...

Haakim offered the unicorn his hoof. "Nice to meet you. We'll like to know your name."

"Troy. Troy Burrows," he told them, the expression kind, though solemn at the same time. "I'm guessing you know about the Power Rangers and Power Ponies...?" he bet questionably, doubting what he had said. "Celestia did send you information about us, so..." He doesn't know what else to say at this point.

Amira giggled. "You guessed correctly, love. We've been informed about you guys, wanting to at least meet you guys in pony." Going over to a small table, she picked up some kind of fruit. "Mango?" she offered, tossing it to the two visitors. Twilight caught hers with ease, while the other one caught it with his hoof. "You can use your horn to catch things," the female delegate told him.

"I know." To be frank, he was a tad tired of ponies reminding him about him having a horn. Whenever he goes out to town to get something for Twilight, he'll pick the item up with his hoof with ease with all the practice he had due to the lack of fingers and thumbs. Ponies will tell him, advice him, to use his magic. He'll tell them he doesn't know magic, despite the disbelief he'll receive. Thank Celestia his unicorn teammate doesn't know magic. "Thanks for the mango, by the way," he smiled, biting into it, the slimy fruit taking over his taste buds. "You have a nice palace," he commented, checking out the area again. "It'll even be better if the rest of us were here," he wished, biting back into the fruit.

"Correct us in case we're wrong, but are you the Red Ranger?" Haakim guessed correctly.

"You got it," the Red Ranger confirmed, finishing up his fruit. "Honestly, my team's mentor never mentioned..." He twirled his hoof around, looking for the right words to use to avoid any phrases he doesn't want to say. "...horses," he managed to get out, looking up at them. "I mean, my friends have been seeing ponies for days - weeks - all over Ponyville. We never knew there were...my little horses." A short chortle came when he made a light joke.

Of course, the Princess of Friendship doesn't find it funny. "Troy, they may not be pony ponies like us, yet they're the delegates of their home," she said, she too, finishing up the mango.

"It's alright, your highness." Twilight took her eyes off of him, now on Amira. "We may not be pony ponies, though we do have similar features as the ponies," she continued to reassure the fine alicorn.

Putting on a understanding smile, she knew this delegate is right. They may not be actual ponies even though they have features of the ponies for how different they look. Remembering the lesson she and her friends learned a couple of years ago when they first encountered Zecora, they learned about getting to know someone without judging them.

It was fantastic for Twilight to meet these two horses for the second time when the last time she saw was at Ponyville town where Trixie had dueled with her, getting her redemption, reforming her until she became friends with Twilight's friend.

Haakim and Amira gave the visitors a tour of their palace, showing their unique ancient antiques they collected over the years, along with the ones past down moons ago.

They showed them different rooms, like bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen where five chefs are cooking something.

The Red Ranger took a quick whiff, smelling something good. It smelled wonderful for his stomach rumbled despite the fruit he was given give five minutes ago.

The one chef saw them, giving a bag of the food he and his helpers are making to the brown delegate. Haakim thanked him, as he and Amira proceeded the tour for their newcomers.

With the tour done, they sat at a round wooden picnic. Amira took out four boxes, passing them to Haakim, Twilight, and Troy.

Opening up the food box, the unicorn saw cooked rice and steamed vegetables, along side with a plastic fork. It smelled good, his hunger rising. Picking up the fork, he ate with his kind, savoring the taste on his taste buds.

As they're enjoying the food the chefs made, Haakim told Troy about the history about the Kingdom of Saddle Arabia, about the different places, like a place called Somnambula Village, as well about a Legendary Pony named after it. The place is also the desert part of this Egyptian place, further from this kingdom.

"Would you like to see it?" Twilight asked Troy, pushing the box away from her.

"See what?" he answered, his food half gone.

"The Somnambula Village, including the Legendary Pony named after it," she exclaimed with eagerness, throwing her trash away at a nearby trash bin. She was about to throw the other one for Troy. "You done with this?" He nodded, placing the plastic fork in the almost finished up meal. "Great." She threw it away. "We should get to the train station to get on the train to get where we wanted to go next."

"Nonsense, princess." This got her to halt with her pal doing the same after they got up from the table, turning their attention to Haakim. "We'll have our Saddle Arabia guards take you there by wagon. It'll take awhile to get there, and it's gonna be really warm there, so I'll give you and the guards bottles of water," he offered, getting up from his seat. "I'll be right back. You hang tight."

It hadn't taken him long for him to return with cold bottles of water, along side with guards hitched up to a wagon. He gave the first two water bottles to the guards, who gradually put them in their saddlebags, then gave the last two to the princess and the Ranger. Twilight put hers and Troy's water bottles away. Inside one of her saddlebags.

They got in the wagon with the help of the delegates, thanking them for everything - the tour, the food, the water, and for their guards to take them to the Somnambula Village, along with meeting the Legendary Pony named after the place.

Sitting down, the two ponies got comfortable in the hay that was in the wagon to make the trip more comfortable rather than having their rumps sore from the hard service. Amira and Haakim waved at them, watching them leave, the other two returning the wave as they headed to the Somnambula Village.

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