• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 16: Spying

Vekar stomped all over on the floor of the Command Room, still angry from yesterday. His henchmen got destroyed, all thanks to those dimwitted heroes, and the changelings came back with injuries.

Levira had finished fixing all the x-borgs ships, and now she's working on the Armada Ship, not working on the new device yet.

This got him more impatient, seeing that the scientist is too busy on fixing the prince's ship, wanting to make sure it can fly so it'll be easier to use the Magma Beam to enlarge their commanders - even though they don't have any.

Grogar, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow watched him continue pacing around the room, with Argus and Damaras on the other side.

Halting, the prince stomped his hoof on the floor. "I wanna go home! Levira is too busy fixing up this ship; she won't have time to build the device to bring us home." He turned towards the ram, the centaur, the changeling, and the filly. "By 'us', I mean me and my generals."

Grogar doesn't seem offended, stepping up to the prince. "We know you're just talking about you and your allies, right?" He glanced at his own allies.

"Right. And once we get rid of the Rangers and Elements of Harmony, I will rule Equestria," Cozy beamed. "Ah!" Yelping, she was pulled by the tail by the queen's magic, her horn glowing a bright green.

"I should be the new ruler. After all, I am a queen," Chrysalis said, placing a hoof on her chest, letting the filly go. "My new changelings will also get to feed off of ponies' love."

"Then how come they didn't do that during the first fight?" Damaras asked. "Like, there are ponies who could already be in love," he bet. "Maybe one of the Rangers likes one of their new allies."

"Eww!" Everyone looked at Vekar. He had his tongue out, making a disgusted face. "Love is gross," he proclaimed. "Give me a break. Like, let's believe that one of the Rangers having a crush on Twilight or one of her friends. Yeah, let's all picture it for two minutes."

Tirek laughed, getting an annoyed look in return from Vekar. "I'm sorry," he chortled in apology. "What you said is hilarious. One of Rangers having a crush on one of the Elements of Harmony."

Hearing this, the prince's ears perked up. "Elements of Harmony? Who are they?"

"Twilight and her friends, of course. Well, except for Starlight Glimmer. She doesn't have an Element, yet she still defeated me, turning my last horde of changelings against me, having them transform into something else," the queen answered, putting a hint of disgust, recalling what happened last year. "Twilight and her friends, excluding the pony I mentioned, use these gems - the Elements - to defeat villains. Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, wanted them to use those things on me, but my last subjects brought them back to the Canterlot Castle where I was waiting for them."

Vekar couldn't believe what was told by this swiss cheese creature. "You mean, they fight off enemies by using jewels?" he said, almost interested by them. "Is there something special behind those Elements?" he asked, wanting to hear more about them.

Tirek flexed his right arm, bulging some of his muscles. "Yes.The Elements each represent their strengths."

"Strengths?" the white pegasus pony questioned, receiving an angry look from Vekar. "What?" he asked.

"I was going to ask that, you metal brain," the prince insulted. "What kind of strengths?" he directed to half horse and half...something.

"Honesty, Kindness, Laughter..." the centaur listed.

"...Loyalty, Generosity, and the most powerful Element of all - Magic," the filly finished, getting in front of the red and black mythical creature, who returned an annoyed expression. "Applejack is the Element of Honesty, Rarity is the Element of Generosity, Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness, while Twilight, who I assume is their leader, is the Element of Magic. But it's all blah, blah, blah." She made a face. "I bragged that I can make more friends than anybody else without using any of those traits of friendship."

"Uh, huh," Vekar deadpanned. "Where are their Elements?"

"There was a Tree of Harmony..."

"Tree of Harmony? We're not talking about a stupid tree!" he interrupted the queen.

"Actually," Grogar began, "it's a special tree where the Elements once were. The Elements kept the tree from dying," he said, a tad angry about it until a sneer formed on his furry lips. "However," he presumed. "The tree and the Elements got destroyed by King Sombra."

"Who got destroyed by the Princess of Friendship and her stupid allies - without any of the Elements!" Cozy finished, going back on the floor, stomping her little hoof. "They used the 'Magic of Friendship' without those dimwitted powerful jewels."

"Wait, wait, wait." Damaras raised his hoof. "They can defeat bad guys without the Elements?"

"It's what I said," she nodded, until she turned her head. "Hey, Levira," she greeted in a happy manner. "Is this ship ready to fly?"

"One way to find out." Stepping over to where the buttons and controllers are at, working on them.

The ship's engines started. The scientist pulled on one of the levers, and the ship rose. It went up, up, up - until they're so high up, they can literally see what Equestria looks like.

"Whoa." Argus took in a breath. "This world is similar to earth."

"Yeah, whatever, because I got an idea," the prince barged in. "Argus, you fly and search where the Rangers and their friends are at so we know where to send the henchmen and the changelings."

"We can use the orb..."

"We don't need to keep using the pathetic orb!" he shouted in the bodyguard's face. "Once you find them, come back here, and tell us the location so we can send our henchmen and the changelings."

"Yes, sire," Argus bowed. As with that, he walked out of the room, and flew out of the ship.

"Pathetic orb?" The prince flinched when the ram growled at him. "The orb isn't pathetic..." he hissed, his teeth gritting together.

"It just shows us stuff."

"Umm..." Levira stated, trying not to interrupt. "The screen does the same thing."

"Whatever!" the prince exclaimed. "At least I sent bird pony to find those stupid heroes who keep messing up my plans!"

"Aww, you poor thing." The youngest villain gave him a hug, giving him lots of sympathy. "I know, we can sing a song to help us create a new plan-"

"Nooo!" Shoving her off of him, he glared, his blue eyes blazing out. "There is no singing on this ship!"

"Why not? My friends and I sang a song on how to be a better way to be bad," she said with a pouty expression on her adorable, yet evil face.

"Why? Cause I hate singing!"

"Maybe you're too afraid to sing."

"No, I just hate when people sing," he said, not denying it, going to his chair, plopping down on it.

Cozy shrugged. "Suit yourself. What about you?" She looked at Levira and Damaras, and they both answered.

"No thanks."

"I'm good."

"Hmph," she huffed, a frown spreading across her face. "Fine. Tirek? Chrysalis?"

"No!" they cried.

"O-kayyy!" Cozy answered, raising up her arms, like she was surrendering. "No need to get all freaked out over it. I know - let's play a game."

"NO!" Everyone in the room cried out in usion, having the filly flinch away from their yell.

"You're no fun," she grumbled, sitting down. "No fun," she muttered.

"We don't have fun, Cozy," the prince informed her. "We have a job - a job to get rid of the Power Rangers and their new friends. Blah."

"I agree with you," Tirek said. "Blah." He, too, stuck out his tongue.

"I wanna get rid of those Rangers..." Curling both of his hooves into fists, he slammed them down on the control panel, barely missing any of the buttons. "They need to be gone - and I want to go home. Levira! Go and work on the device, and make sure you get it done in twenty minutes."

"Sire, I told you - it's gonna take a year for me to build it," she reminded, going over to the work table where all the stuff is at.

"Ugh! I hate you sometimes. Fine, I'll wait."

"Good, because if you complain..."

"I wasn't complaining!"

"...then I won't build it. I'll have you build it," she almost threatened, picking up one of her tools.

"I won't build the device. I'm the Prince of the Armada. My job is to think of good ideas and send my henchmen and a commander. Except we don't have any commanders!"

"Thanks to those colorful, suited up heroes," the warrior put in.

"No worries, you got us." The blue, curly mane filly beamed, her mood changing, going between the queen and the red and black creature, who rolled their eyes as her feelings switched from angry to happiness.

"Mhm, yeah." Rolling his eyes, the prince looked over at the green unicorn. "You better get started."

"Yes, sire." Honestly, she was starting to get fed up by him. But he is a prince, and she and other generals have to do what he says.

Anyways, she got started - with Cozy Glow watching in case she needed a hoof.

Argus flew across the land, his wings moving up and down, flapping them. The soft breeze bristled through his feathers as he went through the sky with no cloud in sight, looking down at the ground where his shadow casted down there.

He spotted some ponies casually walking and talking. He even saw two of them - mares - sitting down on a bench, chatting with each other.

"I cannot wait for Nightmare Night," a pony who is pink with a yellow and peach colored mane and tail said, speaking to another pink pony who has a yellow mane and tail. "What are you gonna dress up as, Cherry Berry?" she asked.

"I'm unsure what I wanna be, Cherry Pie," a pony known as Cherry Berry answered.

The bodyguard rolled his eye at their names. "Cherry Berry and Cherry Pie..." he muttered, unamused for how they're called that. "Guess all the ponies don't have human names," he bet, flying past the two ponies. Some stopped, watching him go by. Then they went back to what they were doing.

It was then he reached an area with small houses with roofs made out of hay, assuming it was Ponyville. In the distance, he saw a castle that looked like a tree, all made out of crystals.

Adding to that, he also saw another building that is a color of purple with a bridge going across the water from there to the castle.

Turning to the building, he went to the center to see a fountain and four bridges when he saw someone he's familiar with.

Landing on the roof of the building, he watched the Blue Ranger step outside, who made his way over to one of the bridges, and placed his forearms on the railing, looking down at the water.

"Noah?" Quickly, the villain ducked, when he saw the Red Ranger. "Is something wrong?" the Red Ranger said.

"No. No, nothing is wrong. I was...thinking, that's all." He looked at the school, and Argus shuffled down some more, his hooves planting on top of the building. "Pretty cool on how Twilight opened up this place, huh?"

"Don't change the subject." With him hiding on top of the building, the white pegasus pony peaked over the roof. He saw the red hero, who responded to his pal with a solemn look. "You don't wanna leave. I know for a fact," he said, seemingly to understand, the two of them unknowingly about the person who's spying on them. "Though, we won't have a choice," he went on. "When we defeat the people we're dealing with, along with getting rid of our new friends' enemies, we would go home. Maybe we'll defeat the Armada..." Argus made a frown at this, knowing how wrong this Red Ranger is. "...so they won't come back to our home. The only villain we have to look out for is Vrak."

Mm, Vrak, Argus thought to himself. Wish he was here with us. I don't care how jealous Vekar gets with his little brother. At least he doesn't throw temper tantrums like his big brother.

"Unless we do defeat them. Yet, my feelings for you know who, keeps getting higher - despite the fact we just met, like, what? Two days ago? I know she has the same feelings for me, but we didn't admit it to each other."

This got the bad guy to raise an eyebrow. So, he continued to think, he likes some girl, eh? I wonder who she is...?

"Gia hadn't admitted her feelings to Jake," the red hero brought up, unaware that he interrupted Argus's thoughts, who kept himself hidden from him and his teammate.

"I know, dude." Then he heard the two laugh together. "I'm gonna hang out here for a bit. Plus, Pinkie did say that henchmen and changelings will be coming. I can keep a lookout for them."

Pinkie? How does she-?

"Yeah, except you won't know where they'll be dropping by." The leader of the Power Rangers looked, having Argus duck down again. "I'm gonna head back. The school day isn't done yet."

Leaning his head over the roof, Argus watched the Red Ranger walk back in the building which he called a school - a perfect place to send the henchmen and changelings.

He waited for the Blue Ranger to follow, and when he did, Argus flew around the school, looking through the windows, seeing ponies - including strange creatures - heading to what he believes are classrooms.

Flying, he went to find one of the classrooms from outside, when he spotted a pink pony with a huge, curly, dark pink mane and tail with a trio of balloons on her flank, chatting with a stallion when she stopped, scratching her neck, and began to look around, like she was searching for something - or someone.

The stallion noticed the pink pony's odd behavior. "Is something wrong?" Despite being on the other side of the window, the bodyguard was lucky that he could read lips.

"Itchy neck, itchy neck," the pink pony's mouth moved, continuing to scratch with her front, right hoof, finally plopping down the floor, using her back hoof, scratching at the same spot like a dog would do. "Itchy neck, itchy neck."

Her friend seemed confused. "Itchy neck? Maybe you got bit by a bug."

"No, I wasn't bitten by a bug. There are no bugs in this school. It's one of my Pinkie Senses."

Argus went up against the wall, pressing his back on the building when the pink pony looked at the window, waiting for her to turn her gaze back at the stallion.

Peering back, he kept his body hidden, having his one eye visible.

"What does an itchy neck mean?" the stallion asked, Argus continuing to read the Ranger's lips.

The pink one answered. "Somepony is watching us. It's a bad kind of watching."

The Green Ranger questioned her. "What the heck is a bad kind of watching?"

Quitting her scratching, the pony jumped up on all four hooves. "Spppppyyyying." Argus saw her release a word from her muzzle. "And the spy..." she looked back at the window. "...is outside."

"Uh, oh," the bodyguard released, realizing it was time to go.

With no other words, he took off, flying away, ready to tell the prince where to send the henchmen and changelings.

Inside the party pony's classroom, Pinkie ran up to the window. "Darn it!" She banged her hoof on the glass. "The spy went away!" she declared, angry that whoever it was, flew away, and all she saw is a white speck getting smaller and smaller.

"Are you sure it was a spy?" Jake asked her. "Maybe it was just someone who is, you know, shy."

"Nuh, uh," she turned around and shook her head. "It was a spy, Jakey. The only part I saw was his eye - I didn't get to see the rest of him to know what he looks like." Her hock began to re-pinch. "Now the henchmen and the changelings will be coming to this school. I have to tell everypony. I have to-"

"Hi, Professor Pinkie." She was interrupted when her next class came in. The one who greeted waved at her. "What are we gonna learn today?" a male brown and white unicorn asked as he and the rest went to sit down on the chairs.

Unwilling to make fear from her next class, she changed her mood to a happy one. "We're gonna learn how to make different types of popcorn."

"Popcorn? Isn't this the class where we learn about laughter?" another pony asked.

"Yes, though this class also teaches you on how to have fun, too," their teacher smiled. "And making different types of popcorn is fun. Right, Jake?"

"Yes..." he responded slowly. "Though, I do have to say, we made too much popcorn," he mentioned, directing to all the bowls that are filled with popcorn so far. "Why not make something else for...fun?"

"Hmm." Humming, the Element of Laughter thought about it. "Okay," she agreed, thinking it's a good idea. "We can make balloon animals."

"Balloon animals?"

"Balloon animals," she confirmed, opening up the draw from her desk, pulling out some long, thin balloons that hadn't been blown up. With a deep breath, she blew into two of them and, with a quick motion, she made a duck. "Ta-da!" she presented, showing off her creativity.

The Green Ranger seemed amazed at how quick she made it. "Wow. That's pretty neat."

"Thank you, my good pal." She closed her eyes approvingly. "Please help yourself to a balloon," she told her class.

The stallion in the black sweatshirt watched everyone take a balloon. This school is a lot better than the school at home, he thought, almost smirking in amusement when he saw them trying to blow their balloons.

His amusement went away when one of them passed out, falling out of her seat.

Concerned, he went to make sure she's okay. "Are you alright?" Jake asked when the pony's eyes fluttered open.

"Yes. I-I'm fine," she stuttered, with him helping her up. "Guess I blew too hard." She picked up her unblown up balloon. "These long, thin balloons are difficult to inflate without a pump."

Pinkie bounced over to her. "You just need practice." Taking out another deflated balloon from her fluffy mane, she stretched it a couple of times, and blew it up. "See?" She showed it to her student. "Then you can make something like..." In another blur motion, she created another animal. "...a puppy." Finished up, she created a green puppy. "Here, I'll help you blow up your balloon." She stuck out her hoof, and her student gave it to her. Pinkie Pie blew the balloon, tying up the end into a knot. "There you go." Handing it back to her, she let her student take it. "You can make whatever you want."

"Pinkie Pie?" Jake spoke up. "Mind if I see Noah? I wanna see how he's doing."

"Sure thing, Jake. Be sure to be back soon."

"I will." Turning around, he walked out of the classroom, searching for Noah.

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