• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 227 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 7

Princess Celestia is about to have an audience with Lady Blueblood; she was the mare in question of the nobles who agreed to discuss the matters of the new policy in Celestia’s School for Gifted Ponies as it is called now.

She let out a small bow of deep respect as she is royalty and it would bring great shame on the Blueblood household if she did not show the proper amount of respect towards royalty.

“Princess Celestia you are a reasonable and virtuous mare who has always cared about tradition. The nobles have all agreed to allow for non-nobel unicorns to still be allowed to attend the school despite their loss in numbers of pure unicorns outside the noble families.” Lady Blueblood said.

“The nobles do not make these sorts of decisions when a political entity breaks the laws set forth by ancient times. It is up to the Equestrian Court of Justice to determine the proper punishment for their crimes and this was their ruling. I can not in any legal way deny their decision.” Celestia said.

“But those with improper bloods are allowed to attend your school.” Lady Blueblood said.

“You of all people should know I do not believe in improper blood especially when you refer to our subjects. And this ruling is a good thing. It is about time in this enlightened era that non unicorns are granted the rigorous classes as well as the privileges and high status that comes from graduating from the school.” Princess Celestia spoke with a passion, seemingly happy about the decision that passed.

“But how are we going to fund the decision to incorporate all those new courses into the curriculum earth pony geology for geologists, pegasi weather formation classes for new coming weather developers surely the classes already in existence in other high level schooling can incorporate that.” Lady Blueblood said.

“But they simply do not have as much funding as the school for gifted ponies therefore the courses can become more rigorous not to mention the high amount of status and job offerings that come from graduating from the most pristine school in the country. Why should we deny our subjects access to the very best?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Because they are greedy and don’t have our best interest at heart they keep trying to reduce the amount of revenue of our noble families but our money is what keeps Equestria going.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Greedy? I don’t see how reducing the revenue of the noble families is going to do much. You only give the minimum back for the country they just wish to have the wealth they need to maintain the country given back to them.” Celestia counter argued.

“But it is not the Equestrian way, we must have standards traditions.” Lady Blueblood stated.
“Even if those apparent “traditions” do nothing but discriminate and oppress the other races?” Celestia asked with a hint of anger.

“They are simply not of intellect to manage the country like the unicorns are good hard working unicorns.” Lady Blueblood spoke with passion and deep belief.

“You already know my answer we simply can not keep holding traditions that do not hold true in these modern times for instance Ivory Scroll is a stallion of much dignity and ambition for the country and happens to be an earth pony who helped to bring the country out of economic turmoil when we needed to divert our funds accordingly after the attack by Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia stated as a matter of fact with passion and admiration.

“But he’s an incompetent buffoon who gave too much of our funds to the social networks when they needed to go to the military after the attack that proves that stallions simply are not as competent as mares when it comes to politics.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Those social networks are necessary in ensuring that everyone is funded under these circumstances. Many people needed the money to compensate for the damages done to their families and now that I recall his balance for the military was very fair, half is a decent amount to provide for those hard times.” Celestia said.

“It should have been at least 60%.” Lady Blueblood argued.

“60% now that’s unreasonable how could the people rebuild for the short and long term damages.” Celestia argued.

“We needed to defend ourselves in case there was another attack that is a long term goal.” Lady Blueblood argued.

“Well thanks to Prince Shining Armor we..”

“Ha Prince Shining Armor he’s too soft-hearted making peace with the changelings we should have attacked and taken over the land to show the other creatures of Eqous we mean business.” Lady Blueblood said.

“And that is exactly why the nobles were refused to allow to come to the peace making meeting we needed to ensure to the other leaders that we wouldn’t unnecessary harm even when being attacked we’ve been at war with countless people but we’ve since made peace with them I was not going to allow an unusings of all that hard work and effort just because some nobles couldn’t keep their tongues.” Celestia answered.

“Which is exactly why we can’t trust non ponies. Our land has been invaded by them far too many times.” Lady Blueblood said.

“It is because of non ponies that we even have the technology we have now: running water, heating, electricity, new magical developments. All of these were created by non ponies or earth ponies mostly so they deserve the amount of respect they are due.” Celestia stated in annoyance.

“But it was the unicorns that helped fund it and we took part too.” Lady Blueblood stated.

“I was there, it was mostly the earth ponies, donkeys, and minotaurs people you clearly have no respect for and I will not allow them to be mentally discriminated against in my presence.” Celestia stated.

“You’re right this conversation is pointless but how do we fund these new classes?” Lady Blueblood asked.

“Simple, the monarchs and nobles will simply have to.”

“What the nobles expect us to fund this untraditional project of yours.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Well, yes that and every other high-income individual within Equestria it is our duty to fund these sorts of projects through the income tax or have you forgotten what happens to nobles who step out of line like what you tried to do to Prince Shining Armor and the crystal ponies.” Celestia said.

The mare looked at her with anger and venom but knew there was no swaying the princess; she would simply have to give her answer to the nobles whether she likes this or not.