• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 4

Sir Noble Star Blueblood of the Blueblood noble household is to be wedded to the fair and wise Princess Twilight Sparkle within the next coming months. He holds much joy and commitment for Twilight Sparkle as he loves her.

Quite clearly he hasn’t told his mother or father yet. He is far too aware they will likely not approve of their son's wedding to a unicorn who is not of a noble bloodline. Nor of him becoming a royal prince of Equestria. Especially his mother she produced no mares to carry forth the Blueblood name unlike her sister who have had many mares that may allow for their great name to be brought forth. For these reasons she has high expectations of her son marrying a noble birth so he may produce a mare for her side of the family to flourish.

However, he will not allow his mother to cause his courtship to end. For it is he who choose to wed and is well within the laws of nobility within Equestria to marry a royal no matter of their status.

At the moment Noble Star along with his mother and father are by a magically lit fire by a table of much expensive beauties. From the decor and details of wonders putting aside the tables and the chairs made of the most precious metals to the beautiful painted shade of a golden color. To the light of the most beautiful of yellows of the radiance of Celestia’s sun herself.

Nobles always valued expenses and the arts quite dearly ever since the many winters of ancient of olden customs and virtues.

Noble Star however, always preferred the monarchs. They do not exactly hold upon the expenses at least to the levels of the Equestrian noble households. Their private furniture such as their dining room are made of wood rather than the expensive metals of value such as silver. As well as their bed chambers the majority of their materials are made of wood with the exception of a few gems and such.

However, a wondrous room of much beauty and expense may be the most joyous and wondrous of places to discuss his courtship with Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The noble stallion then began to speak.

“Mother, father, I bring you news of much importance. I am currently courted to a suitable wife.” Noble Star said with much passion and joy.

“This is wonderful news son, as a stallion of the Blueblood household it is our duty to wed a proper mare so we may allow for our bloodline to continue on. For the sake of Equestria that is.” The noble's father spoke of joys and warmth.

“As long as she's a mare of desceny within and her blood it is acceptable.” Noble Star’s mother said with formality clear care towards bringing honor to the Blueblood estate. The younge Blueblood knows all too well her mother would never show approval nor respect towards the mare he is to wed. As Twilight Sparkle is not of a noble bloodline she is still a princess and so legally the mare of the Blueblood estate cannot deny of their marriage. But that does not mean she will not try to bring an end to the courtship regarding the circumstances. However, Noble Star is one of courage, love, passion, and commitment. And so he will not allow his mother nor of the other nobles of much prejudice to ruine of their courtship. For Princess Twilight Sparkle and Noble Star Blueblood hold joys, passion, and commitment to each other.

“The mare in question is quite clearly one of decency for she is of wonder of intellect, virtue as well as strength and deep care towards the arts, literature, of history of magic, of economics, and of politcis.” Noble Star said with genuine joys and praise.

“I will admit a mare of such traits would show honor towards the Blueblood estate whom might she be.” The mother stated at the very least with respect and admiration towards the mare at least.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The younge noble answered with much joys and care.

There was then a silence however, Noble Star was prepared for what was to come.

“Absolutely not!” The mother thundered. “You will not shame the Blueblood family by wedding to that common blooded deviant!” The mother stated with distaste and disrespect.

“And who are you to speak that way towards one of our four princesses especially one whom have done much good to our people and the land of Equestria.” Noble Star said with anger and of care towards his finance’s honor.

“It would be wiser if you are to listen to your mother. Twilight Sparkle may clearly use good traits such as intellect and virtue to bring forth harmony towards our homeland of Equestria. However, she is still a common blood and so wedding her would clearly bring shame towards the family. It is not the way of the nobles.” The father stated however, he did not show any disrespect towards Twilight Sparkle as her mother did.

“While it is true she is not of a noble bloodline Twilight Sparkle is, however, a princess and wedding her would allow for the Bluebloods to become royals and haven’t we held the ambition to earn the title of royals for hundreds of winters have we not.” Noble Star stated so he may defend the courtship for he trully loves Twilight Sparkle and nothing will prevent their unity.

“Ha a common blooded can not truly be a monarch and a stallion as a prince such an idea is laughable at best you could never be a proper prince mares simply have more superiority when it comes down to intellect and of virtue.” The mother stated with a crude smile of ignorance and disrespect.

“Dear perhaps it is best that we simply do not escalate the converastaion than it already is. It is best to avoid any serious family quarrels.” The father stated of care to avoid any more words of anger.

“No Light Star he needs ti learn and you and I both know a stallion simply does not hold the proper intellectual nor of cooth status to become a monarch. I mean how can you possibly handle the political and economic duties as a monarch being a stallion and all.” The mother said with clear disdain and rudeness.

“How dare you show father with such disrespect.” The stallion of the Blueblood household said with judgmenet and care towards those whom are faced with injustice and crudeness.

“No your mother us only stating the most basic of facts son. Stallions simply do not make good rulers. Look at the horrors that were committed under King Sombra.” The stallion stated with true belief towards the idea that a stallon simply can not mainatian a kingdom.

“Your father is right mares simply have far proper nature than that of a stallion and it would be of greed if you are to simply produce impure breeds of unicorn and allow for the Blueblood heritage to become a corrupt prince bloodline.” The mother stated with much predjiusm and sexism.

“The bluebloods are descent from a prince in case you’ve forgotten.” The Blueblood of true noble virtue spoke of much courage and care.

“And I refuse to allow my foolish son to taint our bloodline any further!” The mother said with deep crudeness and disrespect.

“Whom I wed is not your choice to make.” He snapped full of righteous fury.

“It is my choice to make for I have birthed you.” She said of deep anger.

“Birth is naught a factor for we are meant to live our own lives.” He said with deep anger and passion.

“Who told you that your common blood deviant mare.” She said with disbain and disrespect.

“You will not speak to my fiance like that! And it was not just her who told me that stated that people need to live their own lives.” He said.

“Oh so you admit that deviant mare corrupted you.” The mother snarled.

“You didn’t let me finish it was it fact not just Twilight Sparkle who provides I with support it was also the solar monarch whom loves and cares for who I am. The noble stallion said of much of much cares and deep gratitude.
“You told Princess Celestia!” The mare barked of much anger and corrupt judgment.

“And I hold no regrets towards it Celestia is one of much wisdom and deceny.” Noble Star said.

“Know that is something we can both agree on. However, while Celestia is one whom is worthy of respect and admiration the solar monarch simply can not interfere with the customs and virtues of those of noble birth.” The mother stated.

“Know that is unfair to say about our wise Celestia she knows how our customs work and nows that a noble may wed to a royal.” Noble Star stated.

“When it was written the nobles of the time meant a a royal of proper blood not a commoners bloodline.” The mother stated with crudeness and disrespect.

“But it does not say that specifically and I’m pretty sure that’s not what they meant so you can not simply deny of our courtship or our marriage.” The stallion stated of much intellect and courage.

“Yes however, laws can be interpreted such as the one that one’s freedom in matters such as the press.” The mother stated with clear knowledge of politics.

“Of course you do realiz interpreaton works both ways while some fo predjuism may interpret mary a monarch as one of being of a noble bloodline there are still far more enlightened idegologies that would interpret it as one whom have earned the role of a monarch due to their political and economic successes.” Noble Star stated formally with care towards his clourtship with Twilight Sparkle.

There was another silence.

“Enough of this foolishness! You will put an end to this corrupt courtship with that uncouth mare! The mother stated with clear rudeness.

“As I’ve said before you will not show disrespect towards my fiance and it is a little late to end our wedding we are already well into the preparation and already have the date for the wedding.” The noble stated with courage and firmness.

“You already planned the wedding, how dare you do this without our consent!” The mother stated with clear anger in her tone.

“What about my fiance and I what of our consent all the other roryals already show great joys and support towards our courtship. Why is it that you cannot?” The stallion stated with clear care towards his freedom and his love.

“Because it is an immoral courtship!” The mare yelled.

“Regardless of your ideologies it is simply not within your authority as that of noble blood to put an end to this courtship.” He stated knowing they were words of much truth from his lessons into the political system.

“As though the other nobles of proper virtue and tradition would ever allow for such an improper wedding.” The mother said.

“It is not as though all the nobles in particular will be against this courtship the Gemstones for example have always been ones whom granted the poor with the greatest acts of charity and it is clear common civilians of Equestria will be of most joyous and faithful to learn of our courtship.” The stallion of the Blueblood household said with joy.

“You will not do so! It is bad enough you have burdened the Blueblood family with such a dishonorable courtship but if it were to become public our bloodline would be brought to the mud you selfish colt!” The mare barked with rage and judgement.

Noble Star simply held his ground for he is aware it is his choice to tell the public.

“Alright it is clear our son has become blinded and corrupted by the uncouth customs of those of improper families then he shan't be welcome pack your bags Noble Star you’re leaving.” The mother stated with venom and of deep judgement.

“Noble Gem you can’t be serious, where will he go?” The father stated with reason and care towards his son.

“And the foolish boy must live with the consequences!” The mother said with venom

“And it is a decision I do not regret in the slightest I will accept this as I accepted it. I was planing on moving with the dear and fair Twilight Sparkle as I am to become a prince. I know that a noble can deny her son their inheritance but you can not take away the money I have made while I was assisting the public at my finance job and if you even attempt to do so I will have it reported.” Noble Star said.

The stallion then left knowing there will be challenges to come with how the nobles will react. However, so long as he is married to the one he loves things will be alright.