• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 12

Golden Trim recently had her daughter. She is a beautiful golden maned filly with yellow eyes with a white coat just like her father’s. She shares her mother’s golden coat and yellow eyes and has the most adorable horn. She is perfect. Celestia walked in and smiled upon seeing another grandchild she always looks forward to meeting her grand foals. They are so adorable after all. “Why hello there young Golden Heart.” She said kindly to the foal. They named the foal Golden Heart to honor their mare's ancestor Diamond Heart blueblood.

The mare had distaste upon seeing Celestia after what she is going to be forced to do. “I pray to Elysium you do not corrupt my foal.” She said with passion and venom.

“And I can only hope that she is given the choice to choose.” Celestia said.

The mare laughed crudely “Choice? She is a noble birth, it is up to the parents to choose what life they will live.” She said,

“Not according to the rules set forth by the constitution.” Celestia corrected.

“Oh it will likely change one of these days when ponies realize their folly and accept the noble birth as those who understand virtue.” She said,

Celestia knows that will never happen as this is the constitution but she does hope that things will change with the nobility and royalty soon with these new foals being added.

Celestia then began to teach the foal when she became of proper age to do so. Reading her stories such as of the great Humble Wing and Persesus. The foal seemed to like the stories to the liking of Celestia and seemed to even show respect towards her cousin Prince Noble Star Blueblood and to her surprise even her second cousin Spike. The two became close play fellows and like to go on adventures together she started to spend time with him after he saved her from a fire when he was a foal.

Celestia had Spike receive a golden heart for saving royalty. It was the first time a dragon ever received a golden heart so it was quite the big deal. The nobles were in an uproar about it but nothing could be done about it as he did do an action worthy of a golden heart and is something set forth in the constitution.

Princess Golden Trim was in an uproar over how her daughter was acting and tried several times to change her mind but her views changed after Spike was seen saving him. With that she realized that dragons could be just as virtuous as ponies. This change made her grow angry and she often resorted to grounding her daughter and preventing her from seeing Celestia or Spike. When Celestia realized this she went to parliament to state that this was unconstitutional to deny a princess the right to see family over the fact that she has different views then the mother. This went through because royals have a right to see family according to the constitution and the mare could not keep her away.
It was then that her aunt had an announcement during dinner. “My dearest family. I have an announcement for I am bearing a foal.” Golden Tiara said.

“That is joyous to hearest of do you want any lessons about how to teach dominion over the stallions.” Golden Trim asked. Her daughter looked so embarrassed. She knew that stallions should not be subordinate to mares. She's met many that are just as virtuous and intelligent as mares and thus knows this is wrong.

“No I can not for my foal is to be a stallion.” She said with disappointment.

“Oh this is… unexpected. Our bloodline has always been one of mares.” She said,

No that isn’t true or have you forgotten about Prince Solaris. Golden Heart thought.

“Yes I know with this it is a shame I’ve always wanted a mare so I could nurse it with proper morals and intellect. It may be a bit difficult doing that with a stallion.” She said,

“Well I know many programs created by nobles to teach our noble born stallions proper virtues and subservient tasks as they do not after all have as much intellect as us mares.” Princess Golden Trim said.

This made Golden Heart want to puke. She’s heard of those “programs” to “benefit” young noble stallions but it’s all a hoax to just have them under the mother’s control. While the stallion would have rights to a proper education of all forms she would still be allowed to show her side of politics meaning she could force him to go to these programs until he reached the proper age to decide that he did not want to. That is what most noble stallions do when they reach the age of five the programs are just too much for most. It’s disgusting but there’s nothing that can be done about it, at least not yet. However, people like Golden Trim know this will not stand forever. And the noble stallions will eventually revolt as they have already begun to grow tired of the ever growing subordination of them and since the stallions are necessary in order to produce the next generation of nobles the mares of nobility will be forced to adhere to their demands. This made Golden Heart smile. Her mother knew it was nothing good and scowled her but not even family could keep this mare from her dreams and aspirations.