• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 796 Views, 35 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

  • ...

Out of Control and An Old Lover

In another part of the world in a city we see many people getting ready to see Johnny Blaze ride over the leap of death. The girls tried to convince him that this was a bad idea.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Johnny Blaze Leap of Death!"

The crowd cheered long and loud for getting ready to see Johnny make the jump. In the dressing room we see him looking in the mirror as his buddy Mack came in with the girls and Spike.

"Hey JB." Mack said but Johnny shushed him.

"You're stepping on Karen. Now what was it you're gonna say?" Johnny asked a she grabbed a coffee pot and drank it.

"I just ran a second check on the ramps. They look good. But the crowd's kind of out of control. Johnny, you know you don't need to do this, don't you?" Mack replied.

"He's right. You're pushing yourself too far." Spike worried.

Johnny put down the coffee and went back to the mirror. "Does this suit fit all right? It feels a little loose."

"Dude! Were you listening? You need to relax!!" Rainbow shouted.

"Hey Rainbow. Take a chill pill. Calm down. But yes. The suit's fine." Mack answered.

"Would you bring me my hat, Mack? Thank you." Johnny asked.

Mack left as he went to get his hat. The girls stayed behind as they worried again for Johnny. He kept staring in the mirror and he was saying something to himself.

"You can't live in fear." Johnny said.

Then everyone headed out with the photographers wanting to get a picture. Mack tried to help him get through the crowd and suddenly he spotted someone he hasn't seen for a while. It was the same woman who he dated back in his old days. Roxanne. The girls and Spike saw her and smiled.

"Roxanne? Is that her? We haven't seen her for so long!" Fluttershy said.

"I guess one interview can't hurt." Twilight thought.

So they decided to reunite with Roxanne and do the interview.

"How's your dad?" Johnny asked.

But she didn't answer that.

"Johnny Blaze, thank you for talking to us before your big jump. No one has ever attempted such a distance before three hundred feet from field goal to field goal. What's going through your minds right now?" Roxanne asked.

"Well a lot. Since Johnny wants to prove that he deserves a second chance." Rainbow answered.

"You look really good. I've seen you on TV. You know, I watch a lot of TV and you do a really good job." Johnny commented.

"Johnny that's nice but maybe we should get through the interview." Twilight suggested.

"Come on Twi. He hasn't seen Roxie in years. Lemme him reunite with her." Applejack said.

"Johnny, what drives somebody to risk their life for entertainment?" Roxanne asked.

"Well Roxanne reason Johnny does that is because he's a daredevil and whenever he wants to take it to the extreme he's there. Even Rainbow likes to be extreme sometimes." Spike answered.

"It's kinda true." Rainbow admitted.

"I heard you got married." Johnny said.

Roxanne stood quiet but she knew that wasn't true. "No, no it didn't happen."

"Johnny? Maybe we shouldn't have you do this." Rarity said.

"Most of the time the press focuses on the crashes, the broken bones, and the costs of what you do. Are there any other costs?" Roxanne asked.

Now that question had Johnny remember the day he gave his soul to the devil and that costed him his dad's life. But not wanting to keep them hanging he gave them a short answer.


Roxanne didn't know how to respond to that but rolled with it.

"Thank you for this revealing peek into the life of Johnny Blaze. I'm Roxanne Simpson, on scene." She finished.

"And we're out." The camera man concluded.

"You're gonna stay for the jump, right?" Johnny asked.

"You know, we gotta get back. Plus, I never liked watching you jump." Roxanne said.

"But Roxanne. We haven't seen you for so long. Can't you stay and talk with us?" Pinkie begged.

"Wish I could Pinkie. But I should go." Roxanne replied and took her leave but Johnny asked her before she left.

He tried saying something but didn't know what to say. Then she actually left and Mack came in.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you two had some kind of history." Mack said.

"He did. A long time ago." Twilight admitted.

"That was it Mack. The sign." Johnny smiled.

"The sign? You're saying that Roxanne is the sign you mentioned?" Applejack asked.

Johnny only nodded and that told him her answer.

With Roxanne she was heading towards her vehicle. But one guy to get her to stay.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stick around?" He asked.


"It hasn't started yet. Come on I'll buy you a doughnut. Roxie it's Johnny Blaze were talking about." He said.

"Let's go." Roxanne replied.

Yep. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't convince her to stay. Now back with the gang in the arena they were getting Johnny all ready.

"Thank God you listened to me about taking the cars out. It would've been suicide otherwise. This way if you come up short, see you'll come down on some nice soft, green grass." Mack said.

But he spoke too soon as he saw the roof open and a bunch of helicopters coming in and landing on the field. The girls can only panic and look at Johnny in fear.

"Johnny!! Why?! Why wouldn't you tell us you were doing helicopters?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Because you would have thrown a fit." Johnny answered.

"Call me old-fashioned but Rainbow's right. This is ridiculous! Human sacrifice makes me uncomfortable. Why, JB? Why helicopters man?" Mack reasoned.

That question made him remember what his dad wanted to try doing when he was around.

"My dad thought it be cool." Johnny replied.

Now this time Mack didn't want to argue. "He was right."


"Ok ok here's the deal man. Halfway down the ramp I want you to hit the NOS, okay? Do not hit the NOS too early. If you hit it too early then you are screwed. You got that? Hey! JB where is your head at right now?" Mack asked.

"She's probably on the interstate by now huh?" Johnny wondered.

"Johnny. This is overkill. You seriously need to listen to him. You can get killed if you mess up. Please don't screw this up." Rainbow pleaded.

Johnny placed his helmet on and prepared to ride.

"How much gas did you put in the NOS?" Johnny asked.

"Enough to shame the space shuttle. Chief, go ahead. Come on girls. Out of the way." Mack said.

They all got out of Johnny's way and he rode his bike down the ramp and everyone panicked when they saw him jump it. They were terrified that he won't make it. But then Johnny remembered all the times Roxanne would watch his shows. And suddenly to their surprise he made it!! And then the crowd cheered!

"I told you he'd make it!! Yeah JB!!" Mack cheered.

Then Johnny felt so proud that he needed to talk to Roxanne. So he rode his bike and tried tracking her down. The girls and Spike saw what he was doing and went after him. Of course since he was gonna be on the road they grabbed a few bikes and gained their human forms and rode after him. Now with Roxanne she was starting to get annoyed with the guy talking about Johnny Blaze.

"Stuart, can you please stop talking about Johnny Blaze already?" Roxanne asked.

But he saw Johnny and the gang coming close. He smirked. "That might be hard."

So Johnny tried doing everything he could to get her attention and tried asking the guy to pull over but Roxanne wouldn't allow it.

"Come on Roxie! I need to talk to you!" Johnny begged.

"Um hey dude? This isn't probably the best way to get her to stop!" Spike yelled.

Then Rainbow rode to the guy's window. "Hey man. Don't freak out but what's your name?"

"I ain't scared. The name is Stuart." He answered.

"Oh. Stuart can you give us a hand?" Rainbow asked.

"Sorry girl. I wish I could but she's the boss." Stuart answered.

"All right. I guess I see how it's gonna be. Hang on!" Johnny said.

So he did the unthinkable. He stop right in front of the van and Stuart slammed on the brakes and thank God he didn't run him over.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Roxanne asked.

"I wanna talk to you. I haven't seen you in 56,000 years." Johnny replied.

"Please Roxanne. All he wants is to reunite with you." Fluttershy said.

"This is crazy. You are crazy. I don't have time for this, I have a story to edit." Roxanne said.

"You could have said no." Johnny reasoned.

That made Roxanne stop.

"When they asked you to interview me, you could have have said no." Johnny said.

"What are you trying to say?" Roxanne asked.

"Well I'm not trying to say anything. I'm saying that means something." Johnny answered.

She then tried apologizing to the people that are not happy with the holdup.

"Don't mind them. There fine." Johnny assured.

"We are on the side of the freeway! Dude has your brain been scrambled?!" Rarity yelled.

"Come on Roxanne. Let's get some dinner. You still like Italian?" Johnny wondered.

"What is this about Johnny? You want some closure? Look, you were 17 and you witnessed a tragedy and you ran. I understand now and I understand then and I have no hard feelings, none. That's why they call it the past, because it's passed. It's done, it's over with." Roxanne said.

But Johnny didn't listen to any of that and he kissed her. The cow Moore loud seeing that. They separated and Roxanne couldn't take it anymore.

"There's a restaurant in my hotel, the Plaza. Eight o'clock. And don't be late." Roxanne said.

"Yes!" Johnny cheered.

Then suddenly fans came out of their vehicles and asked Johnny for an autograph and he did the pleasure of signing them. Then Night rolled in and the gang were at Johnny's place and he was getting ready for his date. The girls and Spike decided that they wanted to join too.

"Johnny. Were happy that you have a date. But next time please tell us what you're doing! You were lucky you made that jump." Twilight said.

"Ok Twilight. I'm sorry. It was something my dad wished to do so I gave him his wish doing what he wanted." Johnny replied.

"We understand. But you still haven't forgotten that you needed to help us find our princess." Rarity reminded him.

"I haven't forgotten that. Since Mephistopheles somehow knew your real forms and mission I haven't forgotten that. So Celestia is who your trying to find?" Johnny asked.

"Yes. Someone kidnapped her but we don't know who." Twilight answered.

"And this Mephistopheles guy said he'll reveal his na!e when he returns but we don't know when." Spike added.

Then we zoom out as the thunder boomed. And sooner than later our heroes will met the Devil once more and he will assign them to stop the kidnapper.

Author's Note:

Johnny is being crazy. But at least he tried reuniting with Roxanne. Anyways next chapter they will met Mephistopheles again and he will assign them to stop the kidnapper as The Ghost Rider and The Sinister Six.