• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 797 Views, 35 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

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Fighting Abigor

The Ghost Rider and Sinister Six all continued riding til they all heard Abigor saying their names. They looked around to see where Abigor was. Then suddenly he came in front of them and snatched Ghost Rider and slammed him on a car! Spike breathed hellfire at Abigor and he yelled a little but then landed on a building. Ghost Rider recovered and roared saying that he and the Sinister Six are coming.

"Come Sinister Six. We must face Abigor now." Ghost Rider said.

A cop was still chasing them but they didn't have time to play cops and robbers. Abigor is on the loose and they needed to stop him. But the cop didn't care. He still kept chasing them.

"I have a few suspects fleeing west on Cherry. Repeat, west on Cherry." The cop reported.

"That's a dead end. You got him." The speaker replied.

"10-4 on that." The cop finished.

The gang were still on the hunt and saw Abigor fly to the top of a tall building. But they had something up their sleeves. So together they all concentrated on the wheels and rode them on the building headed to the top!! The cop couldn't believe what he was seeing!

The gang rode up the building and Roxanne who was doing her laundry saw the fire trail going up and was in shock. The Ghost Rider and Sinister Six all arrived at the top and heard Abigor laughing. But then they saw a police chopper flying and shined a light on them. Back down we see a huge team of cops surrounding the bottom waiting for the gang to come down. Back with Ghost Rider and Applejack they both took out their chain and rope, yelled like cowboys and lassoed the chopper and pulled it down in front of them!!

"COME HERE!!" Ghost Rider yelled.

The cop freaked out a little.

"You're pissing us off. Get out." Rider Applejack said.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry!" The pilot cried.

With that out of the way the two lassoed the chopper out of here and it flew away. Then suddenly Abigor appeared and they now came face to face with the wind demon himself.

"Well. Well. We finally meet face to face. You should have joined us Rider. Soon we will have the contract and Blackheart will have his queen. Then you all will only be footnotes in the history of the new hell." Abigor replied.

"He won't get the chance. Celestia is not his." Rider Twilight said venomous.

Then Ghost Rider grabbed him and was ready to eliminate him.

"Time to clear the air." Ghost Rider said.

But Abigor could only laugh as his turned into wind and floated in the air. Then Ghost Rider took out his chain and tried grabbing him but instead went through him and he laughed harder.

"You're A slow learner aren't you Rider? You cannot catch the wind!!" Abigor replied.

But Ghost Rider had a trick up his sleeve. He lit the chain on fire and spin it around and around til it created a tornado of fire. It trapped Abigor and he yelled in pain as it burned him alive. Ghost Rider may not catch the wind but he can sure burn it. After a few minutes Abigor was destroyed and Ghost Rider wrapped the chain around himself and got on his bike with the Sinister Six doing the same.

They all rode and crashed through the barrier with them using the chains to come riding down the building and the cops saw them and they were surprised and freaking out. Even Roxanne who was witnessing it all. The gang all were close and they stand them straight and crashed on the glass floor! Everyone covered their eyes and saw smoke from that. When it died down they can now see the Ghost Rider and the Sinister Six as they cocked their guns and pointed at them. However when Roxanne saw them she now realized that everything that they said was true.

"Johnny. Girls." Roxanne said softly.

The riders got off there bikes and headed towards them. Even the flames turned blue as they got closer but the captain still thought that they were threats.

"Prepare to fire!" Jack yelled.

Roxanne gasped as she didn't want that happening. And as they were getting closer that's when things were not going good.

"FIRE!!!" Jack shouted.

Then suddenly every cop tried shooting at the Riders but they were not affected by them. In fact due to them being immortal they was no way they can die. The cops stopped shooting and Jack was shocked that they didn't get hurt once by any of the bullets. Then the blue flames turned back into orange and Ghost Rider and Rarity both created waves of hellfire busting almost every cop's eardrums as the screamed and groaned in pain. Then Rainbow stared at the captain and pointed at him.

"You. Do not chase us or lock us anymore. If you do then I will burn you alive. For you are....guilty." Rider Rainbow spoke coldly.

She then conjured a ball of hellfire and threw it at him burning his gun and his face as he yelled and screamed in pain. He ran and ran til he found a fountain of water and jumped in it extinguishing the class leaving a few burn marks on his face and he groaned in pain.

"Ok. Ok! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have pissed you off! I won't chase you anymore! Just don't hurt me!" Jack cried.

Rainbow growled and was about to attack again but Ghost Rider stopped her.

"Rainbow. Leave the face burning for Blackheart. He already got his punishment. Come Sinister Six. We have more work to do to save Celestia." Ghost Rider commanded.

So everyone hopped on their bikes and together they all took off crashing and exploding the cop cars. Roxanne stood there all shocked and surprised that they were telling the truth all this time. But what they don't know is that Blackheart and Wallow were watching from above and Blackheart frowned.

"Abigor is dead. They killed him. What do we do now?" Wallow asked.

Then Blackheart looked at Roxanne and then an idea formed on his head. "If they wanna be like that they I say we force them to bring the contract. By threatening them with this Roxanne's life. And maybe the life of a pony from Equestria. Wallow. Go to Equestria and seek someone they know. We'll force them to bring the contract and if they wish to keep them alive then they will obey."

Wallow nodded and Blackheart opened a portal for him and off he went. Then Blackheart looked back down and frowned so angry.

"This isn't over my little ponies. For this will be the end of friendship. And possibly the end of your friend's life too." Blackheart said.

Who is he planning to take? Whoever it is it can't be good.

Author's Note:

Two fallen angels down. But Blackheart is not giving up.