• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 796 Views, 35 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

  • ...

Johnny's Home and Blackheart's Plan

Back with Johnny and the gang they were arriving at his home. It was in a different part of Texas and in a wild part none the less.

"Yep. Love your neighborhood, Johnny. You join the Homeowners Association yet?" Mack asked.

"I don't think he will under the state he's in. And plus remember why we are here girls." Twilight replied.

"We know Twi. To find the guy that kidnapped Princess Celestia." Applejack said.

She nodded as they got the message loud and clear. Then they all arrived in Johnny's place and went inside to see that it had lots of motorcycles.

"Oh, I see you still haven't gotten a lock for your lift. That's great. Great. You've got a lot of expensive bikes in here, I told you. How many times? Well, JB, I said it before, I'll say it again: This place could use a woman's touch." Mack replied.

"Clearly. This place is nice but definitely needs a makeover." Rarity said.

"So could you two." Johnny replied.

"Heard that." Mack said as he placed the bike in place. "All right, four out of five. Wreck one more and you get the whole set."

Then Twilight and Mack both saw the books that were scattered. Now Twilight was all for one when it comes to books.

"Well, I'm glad to see you found use for your books." Mack replied.

"Johnny. Can't you place them on a shelf? Mack can I see that book?" Twilight asked.


He gave Twilight the book and she began looking through.

"You want some jellies?" Johnny asked.

"No. I don't want none of your stupid candy." Mack answered. "I wanna talk to you about something kind of serious."

Twilight looked at the page and saw some kind on creature and was starting to get worried.

"I'm trying to relax Mack. Like you said." Johnny said.

"Yeah, I understand. All right? It's just gonna take a second." Mack assured.

Then Johnny sat on the couch and began watching some TV. But Twilight was still looking through the book while the others joined her.

"It's about you jumping on the anniversary of your dad's accident." Mack started.

But Johnny wasn't listening.

"Can I just turn this music off for a minute? This is seriously something we need to discuss. This jump man we--" Mack continued.

But Johnny still wasn't listening so he turned off the TV so he can get his full attention.

"Mack, you touch the Carpenters or that chimp video again and we got a scrap on our hands." Johnny said.

"This jump is nuts. All right, man? I mean, field goal to field goal, and now you're adding cars? I mean, what are you trying to prove?" Mack asked.

"That it's me." Johnny answered.

"That's it's you?"

"Riding the bike."

"Of course it's you, man. Who the hell else is it gonna be? You know what, you're freaking me out. You're freaking Me out because you're reading this comparative exponential religiously crap. It's getting in your brain. I mean what is going on man? And plus I talked to Rainbow earlier and not even she would do something like that." Mack told him.

"Do you believe people get second chances?" Johnny asked.

"i--i don't know." Mack said.

"If somebody makes a mistake, a big mistake do you think that person should have to pay for it every day for the rest of their lives?" Johnny wondered.

"Are you talking about your daddy's accident?" Fluttershy asked. "Cause if you are then I understand your upset but you need to relax a bit."

"See? Exactly what Fluttershy said." Mack agreed.

"I'm just looking for a sign." Johnny said.

"What kind of sign are you looking for?" Applejack wondered.

"That I can take a negative and turn it into a positive. That I can have a second chance too." Johnny answered.

"Look, at least promise me you'll think about taking the cars out." Mack said.

"I'll think about it." Johnny nodded.

He then turned on the TV and was watching cartoons as Mack left and the girls can only hope Johnny isn't pushing himself too far with this.

"Im glad we didn't tell him that he gave his soul to the Devil." Spike said.

"And we don't intend to tell anyone about that. But if someone starts getting suspicious then we need to come clean about this." Twilight warned.

The girls agreed and Twilight placed the book down and they all trying relaxing too.

Back at the saloon things were not getting better. The woman was hiding in the bar because of all the skeletons all over the place. And she did not want to be next. So peeking out of her hiding spot she looked and see if Blackheart was gone. But then she turned around and saw him as he grabbed her by the throat.

"I knew you were here. I could smell your fear." Blackheart said as he turned her into a skeleton too.

He then walked to the table where Celestia is and took off the bandana and burned it. He then sat next to her and all she could do is quake in fear.

"Now this is more like it. Maybe we should have a drink here once were married. And invite a few friends to join." Blackheart said.

"I told you that we are not getting married. Lemme go or face the consequences." Celestia threatened.

"Or what? You gonna blast me with your weak magic? It's not happening. Besides it be rude to not introduce my friends." Blackheart smirked.

Then suddenly a bunch of earth pieces started forming into a demon human. Blackheart knew who he was.

"Hello Gressil."

"Why are you here?" Gressil asked.

Then he saw some water formation that turned into another demon.


"And what do you want from us?" Wallow asked.

"Ive come for the contract of San Venganza. Legend has it that the contract was stolen and hidden in a graveyard not far from here. And now you're gonna to help me find it." Blackheart explained.

Then the doors flew open and an eerie wind came in and formed the finally demon. Together they were members of the Hidden, a trio of fallen angels who hide themselves in the natural elements waiting for Judgment Day.


"And when we find it, then what?" Abigor asked.

"Then we'll take this world and the rest of the universe one city at a time." Blackheart whispered in Celestia's ear.

"Ok. But aren't you going to introduce us to your lady friend?" Gressil wondered.

"Oh right. This is Princess Celestia. My future queen. And I'm sure she won't mind if she had a few friends joining her to the wedding later on once we find the contract." Blackheart introduced.

The trio stared at Celestia and boy she was scared beyond anything she has seen in her life.

"Well. Don't you look precious? And I bet you make a fine addition to the Hidden. Once your married of course." Gressil smirked.

"You won't get you filthy hands on that. Twilight and her friends will get it first and destroy it. And they will take all of you out." Celestia said. "And I don't even want to marry him. Even if I did I don't have a dress."

"Oh. We'll make sure you have one. And if you wish to keep the souls alive you better accept the marriage or else." Abigor said.

Then the Hidden surrounded Celestia like a pack of hungry hyenas ready to pounce.

“Please don’t hurt me,” Celestia whimpered. “T-T-This is all a big misunderstanding—”

“Oh, don’t worry little girl,” Wallow replied. “We’ll make this quick for you. But I must warn you… first times often get a little… messy.”

"And you look good enough to have a little fun. In a demon mistress outfit." Gressil said.

"You wouldn't dare." Celestia replied.

"I like how you want her as the queen. But save that for the wedding. First I need you guys to take care of some ponies that my father talked to. They along with a dragon are looking for her. If you see them....kill them." Blackheart ordered.

"Easier said than done. We'll make glue out of those puny ponies. But what about Mephistopheles?" Wallow asked.

That statement made him angry. And when Blackheart gets mad he doesn't joke around. Ever.

"Don't... Ever....say that name." Blackheart growled.

"Sorry. My bad." Wallow apologized.

"Good. Now let's go get to work. We have a contract to find a wedding to prepare. Oh Abigor and Wallow? Carry my queen will you? And make sure she doesn't escape." Blackheart replied.

So the two fallen angels grabbed Celestia by the arms and carried her as the evil beings walked out of the saloon and on the search for the contract of San Venganza. Celestia can only pray that Twilight and her friends will find her and stop the Hidden and prevent Blackheart from succeeding his evil plan.

Author's Note:

So he's planning to marry Celestia and take the contract of San Venganza. Twilight? Guys? You better find him soon and stop him before all of the universe is doomed in darkness.