• Published 20th Feb 2024
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Diamond's Pokémon Adventure - Brian Sheil

To prove her mother that she is capable of doing right, Diamond Tiara starts a Pokémon journey.

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9. The Threesome's Travels Continue

Author's Note:

Diamond and company are helping out a central character. And, the first evolution of this story is here.

Diamond Tiara and her traveling companions find themselves on Route 25. There, Diamond has been challenged by a red haired boy who looks at her as easy pickings. He sent out a green cocoon. This had Diamond pull out her Pokédex.

Metapod, the Cocoon Pokémon and the evolved form if Caterpie. The Pokédex said. It takes care not to move too much. Or, it might get hurt.

Diamond called out one of her Pokémon. "Let's go, Pidgey!"

Pidgey popped out. The boy isn't impressed. "First, I'll strengthen it's defense. Metapod, Harden!"

Metapod shined as it hardens up. Diamond responded quickly. "Pidgey, Wing Attack!"

With it's wings glowing, Pidgey struck hard at Metapod. Shocked, the boy called back his Cocoon Pokémon.

"I didn't count on a Pidgey being that strong." The boy figured. "Bye, now."

As the boy heads out, Silver sees something unusual. "Hey, Diamond. What's happening with Pidgey?"

Everybody saw Pidgey glowing. Babs figured something out. "That means Pidgey is evolving!"

The three girls watched as Pidgey started to grow. After the glowing stopped. Pidgey was replaced by a bigger bird with red feathers on it's head.

"A great moment." Diamond cheered as she pulls out her Pokédex. "My Pidgey evolved into a Pidgeotto."

Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokémon and the evolved form of Pidgey. The Pokédex informed. It will attack any intruder who comes to it's territory.

Diamond proudly hugged her newly evolved Pokémon. "Congratulations, Pidgeotto."

Eevee came along to nuzzle Pidgeotto. Soon, Silver Spoon sees something in the grass. It turned out to be a purple bug with big red eyes and two antennas. "I spotted a Venonat."

After recalling Pidgeotto, Diamond used her Pokédex to study this insect. Venonat, the Insect Pokémon. It's large red eyes can see even in dark places.

Pulling out a Poké Ball, Silver slowly approached Venonat. Babs was a little confused. "I thought prissy girls like you and Silver there don't like bugs."

"Believe it or not," Diamond said, "insects fascinate Silver. She thinks they are the most fascinating creatures of all."

Taking careful aim, Silver throws her Poké Ball at Venonat, and absorbed it. When Silver heard her Poké Ball clicked, she was happy.

"Now, I have a playmate for Squirtle." Silver cheered.

At the end of the route, the girls see a cute house. Inside is a high tech type laboratory.

"Whoa." Babs Seed gasped. "This is the type of place Twilight Sparkle would love."

Suddenly, a purple creature with a long horn comes in. Diamond studies this creature.

Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokémon. Said the Pokédex. When it's challenged, it's hair bristles with poison barbs.

Just then, the Nidorino suddenly talked. "Thanks for showing up."

The trio got the shock off their lives. Diamond looked at it strangely. "How can a Pokémon talk like a human."

"My name is Bill." The Pokémon explained. "I was trying an experiment. But, I accidentally got merged with this Nidorino. If you girls can help me, I'll be very grateful."

The girls thought about it for a moment. Then, they made a decision.

"We'll help you out." Babs responded. "What can we do?"

"I'm going into that chamber to the right." Bill explains. "Once the door closes, work the controls to set things right."

Once the Nidorino entered the chamber, the girls look at the controls. They look at the prompt on the screen.

"This doesn't look hard." Babs said. "I'll give it a shot."

Babs followed the prompt, and worked the machine. She was ready to pull a small lever. "Here goes nothing!"

She pulls the lever, and the machine comes alive. The chambers started to glow. After everything shuts down, one of the chambers opened. The Nidorino steps out. From the other chamber steps out a young man with curly light brown hair.

"Thank you." The young man said. "I don't want to go through that again."

Eevee got scared and rushed into Diamond's arms.

"It's okay, Eevee." Diamond said calming Eevee down. "No need to panic."

"Are you okay, Bill?" Babs asked, knowing who it is.

"I sure am." Bill happily replied. "I want to thank you for how you helped me." He then pulls out of his pocket four tickets. "These are tickets to get aboard the S. S. Anne. A luxury ship docked at Vermillion City."

After putting down Eevee, Diamond was given the tickets to hold on to.

"Thank you very much, sir." Diamond said gratefully.

"Nothing much else here." Silver said. "Let's head back to Cerulean City."

"Good idea. Let's go, you guys."

After leaving the house, the girls head back to Cerulean City. They soon saw an Officer Jenny guarding a house.

"These people were robbed by thugs from Team Rocket." Jenny said. "I'm guarding this house from further crimes."

Just then, a mischievous Squirtle ran past the scene. This made Jenny angry. "You again! Come back here!"

After Officer Jenny left, the girls went into the house to see what going on. The people have been robbed of a TM that teaches Dig to any Pokémon. While Silver comfort the people, Diamond, Babs, and Eevee follow footprints left behind. They lead to a hole on the side of the house. They soon saw a Team Rocket thug.

"What do you brats want?" The thug asked.

"We think you stole that TM." Diamond said angrily. "Give it back, you creep!"

"Not happening! Get them, Raticate!"

Out comes a big brown rat. Diamond gets out her Pokédex. Raticate, the Mouse Pokémon and the evolved form of Rattata. They're teeth grow so much, they witter them down to keep them regular size.

"I'll handle this." Babs said. "Go get him, Charmander."

The thug doesn't think that Charmander is worthy enough to fight. "Too easy. Raticate, BITE!"

Raticate attacks with ity,outh opens. Babs sees this as an opportunity. "Charmander, use Smokescreen."

Charmander blew smoke to blind Raticate. As this mouse is trying to see Babs strikes. "Okay, Charmander. Use Ember."

The Lizard Pokémon fired some flames on Raticate. Seeing this, the thug recalled Raticate and took off. Diamond saw that he dropped a CD. Which turned out as the TM Team Rocket stole. Later, at the Pokémon Center, the three girls discuss strategy.

"Well, girls." Diamond said. "We know our next stop."

"Yes." Silver agreed. "Next stop is Vermillion City."

"And, a trip aboard the S. S. Anne." Babs finished.

Eevee jumped happily, knowing that the trip is going well. Meanwhile, in an old cabin outside of town, Holly Prema sits on a chair with her hands tied behind her back. A dark shadow comes in and speaks in the same British tone that scared her months ago. "That foolish girl is heading for Vermillion City. Get over there and SET HER STRAIGHT!"

Holly looks at the figure with fear in her heart. "Yes, sir."

End of Chapter 9




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