• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 802 Views, 52 Comments

A blaze rekindled - RedBlack

An alicorn, one whose life had been nothing but war and despair finally finds peace when a purple alicorn, one he had known to be dead appears for a short while, giving him much needed hope.

  • ...


*Calming Blaze POV*

I'm currently in out guest room, looking over my mother as she calmly slumbers in the soft bed.

"This is my fault" I mutter to myself as I remember the moment I enacted the spell that brought me here.

"I should've realized, that it wasn't going to be as simple as I thought"


"What do you want Celestia?" I ask weakly at the newcomer.

"Have you rested?" she calmly asked.

"I had plenty, now what do you want?" I ask while suppressing a yawn.

"I want you to take a proper rest Blaze, you're still injured"

"I'm fine"

"Blaze, you haven't even been working out lately, you're going to break yourself over this"

"Bullshit, don't give me that fucking crap from one of those drama movies in the theatres"


She let out a weary sigh as she sat on the floor next to me.

Fucking tall.

She was as tall as me even though I was on a chair.

She was about to say something, but my suitcase started glowing.

The suitcase was floated over in a golden light.

Opening it, the Crystal Cube was erratically sending out waves of magic.

Looking closely, it was all directed towards one direction.

The north.

"The Crystal Empire is back" I lightly say as I move towards the front door.

"What did you? No stop, I can't allow you to just go towards the frozen North" Celestia suddenly said.

"I don't give a shit about whether you allow me or not, I have to go. Drega!"

The King Cobra slithers out from under the bed.

"Look over mom for me, I'll bring you a souvenir or something" I say as I was about to leave.

But Celestia stood in front of me.

"Blaze, I really can't let you go when you're as injured as you are"

"Too bad, I need to head there and stop whatever world ending fuckery is going on while the girls take care of Sombra or something"

"Sombra? I thought you already killed Sombra?"

"I did, just a different one"

She seemed confused at the statement, while I used it to leave through the door under her.

"Eep!" She slightly jumped as her face turned slightly red.

She shook her head to clear her flush and held me in her magic.

"Celestia, let me go" I calmly demanded as I dangled in the air.

We were now in the castle halls as a few guards were doing their patrols and two more were standing by.

"No, you're going to explain to me EXACTLY what is it you know that I don't"

"Fuck no, you're not my mother" the guards all freeze at the statement but Celestia tells them to go back to their jobs.

With another heavy sigh, she drags me through the air into her own room.

"I'm not fucking you" I dryly tell her as she levitated two tea and a mettle over.

She seemed to ignore my little remark as she brewed some tea and placed me into a chair next to a table.

She sat across from me and started to pour some tea for both of us.

I only rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Just what do you want?"

"I want to discuss your next course of action over a cup of tea" her eyes were now slightly downcast. "And to apologize for my lack of strength"

"Alright, it's simple, I'm heading towards the Crystal Empire and dealing with whatever extra bullshit another me sends that could destroy the world if I don't deal with it" I nearly facehoof as I just realize my mistake.

"Excuse me" she failed to fully comprehend my rather abrupt revelation.

"You know what? This actually saves a lot of trouble for me in the future, so I'll just say it, I don't have a LOT of secrets, just a really big one" I say as she gets a slight frown on her face from the implications.

"So, what is it?"

"I hopped worlds to get here"

She froze for a few seconds at that.

"Come again"

"I, magically sent myself through the barrier between worlds using the leftover traces of time magic, that enough?" I silently sip my tea.

Ugh, too bitter.

As I add some sugar cubes into my tea, she finally understands the situation.

First, she seemed pissed at it, then she got a thoughtful look on her face, then she looked at me with pitiful eyes, then finally released a sigh.

"Alright, then what exactly is the problem?"

"Basically, other me is pissed at me and is declaring war, are we done yet? I feel like you're stalling"


"I'm not. But if what you say is true, then at the very least send somepony else, you can not fight in your condition"

"Screw that, even if I'm injured I can still take on at least ten of your best guards"

"No, why can't you just listen, you are in no condition to engage ANYPONY in combat, so no matter what you say, I can't let you leave"

I grimace at that attitude.

"Why the fuck, can't you just mind your own shit?"

"Because you told me to not be a coward, so I'm making sure you're not going to hurt yourself"

"Alright Miss Divine, tell me this, if I'M not fighting an alicorn level threat, WHO will make sure that the biannual villain has another disaster with him"

She seemed to think about it.

"Seriously" I continue. "Twilight and the girls aren't nearly strong enough to go into combat, Lu still hasn't fully recovered and Cadence can't fight, at all. Anypony other than those are just going to be sent to their deaths, so tell me"

"I can go, Luna may be recovering, but she can still rule the kingdom alone for a week or two"


I don't know why I laughed, yet I understood it.

I chuckle for a few seconds as she stares at me like I'm crazy.

Then the funny part suddenly didn't feel as funny anymore.

As I grimaced hard, I stood with my front hooves banging on the table.

"Celestia, I don't even know if I can trust you enough to know if you're telling the truth right now"

Her eyebrows shot up in shock as she looked at me.

"You've failed my trust twice already Celestia, and the costs have been much bigger than I would have liked, I'm afraid of what the third would take from me"

Her jaw tightened a tiny bit.

"Don't you get it? I don't trust you to not trick me. When you gave me that promise to protect my mother, you said you would protect her with your full power. I didn't realize that you don't count the sun, the fucking SUN, THE VERY ONE THAT YOU CONTROL, AS PART OF YOUR POWER, SO NO, I WON'T TRUST YOU TO TAKE CARE OF IT, BECAUSE IF YOU FUCK THIS ONE UP, OUR VERY UNIVERSE AS WE KNOW IT, COULD END IN THE HOOVES OF AN OVERPOWERED ALICORN WITH THE MINDSET OF A COLT" the windows and the tea set shattered from the use of the Royal Voice as my wings were unfurled to their full length without me realizing it.

I left without saying more as guards came in the room and drew their spears.

Though they pulled back when they saw me just leaving.


It was the best word to describe my current situation as I headed towards the train station that goes north.