• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 802 Views, 52 Comments

A blaze rekindled - RedBlack

An alicorn, one whose life had been nothing but war and despair finally finds peace when a purple alicorn, one he had known to be dead appears for a short while, giving him much needed hope.

  • ...

Small repercussions

In the peaceful town of Ponyville, or, as peaceful as it can get with the god of chaos in charge, currently stood a black dome in the middle.

If you walk past it, you can hear the whimpers of timberwolves and the occasional booms created by a powerful attack.

When you look to the right a bit, you can see Discord as he's blasted by a ray of rainbow, turning him to stone.

And with it, it created a wave of magic that swept through everything in the area.

The sky boasted its beautiful blue color with the clouds to create a calming atmosphere.

The ground regained its life, showing its natural green color throughout the fields of grass.

The river regained its color, bursting full of life.

The black dome followed soon after, shattering into a million pieces.

Revealing a small mountain made of wood with a colt sat on top.

His darker features faded away as his mane and tail turned from a shadowy mist to a fiery orange.

The colt sat still for a few seconds as he breathed heavily.

Soon enough, he coughs up blood as he collapses.

"Shit, I went too far with that one" he said as slammed his hoof down, breaking a few logs as he did so, and stood up with shaky legs.

Turning back, he slowly made his way towards the middle of the area.

His mother watched with concerned eyes as her son, painfully made his way towards her.

When he reached her, he stood up on his hind legs as he moved his front hooves to untangle the vines.

After struggling for a bit, the colt just decides to pull it all of then try untie everything.

It worked, even though it pulled the mother along with it, it still worked.

"Son!" Delicate Cuisines yelled in concern as she instantly pulled him into a hug.

He only coughed up more blood in response as he passed out.

"Blaze? Blaze!" he could only hear his mother's concerned being muffled by the darkness as his vision blacked out.

*Celestia POV*


I calmly sipped my tea as Luna yelled in surprise at the newspaper.

I should really start telling her things since she doesn't seem to go outside that much.


"Well it's hardly my fault, I got turned into a weeping angel and I could barely move because the guards ended up finding me and had me paralyzed until Twilight and her friends defeated Discord"


Aww, her little pout is always so adorable.

"Wait, it says that Twilight and her friends defeated Discord at Ponyville"

Oh dear Faust.

"If it was in Ponyville"

Oh no, how do I explain this.

"Where was Blaze during all of this?"

Oh Faust oh fuck.

"Lu, I'm going to need you to prepare yourself for the answer" I try say as calmly as I could.

Oh this could very well break her.

"Just tell me dear sister, where is Blaze? Is this related to why he hasn't sent me his weekly letter?"

They write to each other?


"Although I don't know what, Discord seems to have had some sort of vendetta against Blaze, before when he was even released from his stone imprisonment"

Luna seemed very worried, but she calmly listened.

"In Twilight's report about the event, it was briefly mentioned that Blaze had stood his ground against an endless horde of timberwolves"

This seemed to confuse Luna more than anything.

"Timberwolves? That shouldn't have been much of a problem for him. If anything, I'd be surprised if a timberwolf could even damage him at this point"


That's new info.

"Why do you think so?"

"Why? Have you SEEN his training?"

"No, I don't beloeve I have"

"Well you must, it's just ridiculous, one can actually die from how difficult it is"

I guess that makes sense.

"Well it doesn't matter, he fought against timberwolves made by Discord, and they were proven to be much more powerful since the lumber they've left behind after dying proved to be much stronger than normal ones"

"Wait, then is he alright?"

I release a weary sigh, already seeing how it would end.



Faust damn it.

I hate it when she has that face.

Always makes me sad for her.

"It was reported that at some point, the amount timberwolf corpses piled up to such a degree that when a fusion happened, the resulting beast was bigger than the town itself, so Blaze was forced to deal with it"

She intently listened with her teeth clenched and jaw shut.

"It seems he mimicked the Pony of Shadows this time and went too far"

"H-how bad is the damage" she asked in an almost silent and trembling voice.

"He'll live, but he's currently bedridden, the doctor said it'll take 3 weeks to walk again and 2 full months to walk without pain"

I move from my seat to comfort her.

Placing both my wings around her, I try to comfort her inside a hug.

I had known that Blaze was quite close with Luna, but I didn't realize the damage the news could do to her.

I can only hope, that she doesn't blame herself too much for this.

Blaze on the other hoof, I've seen his mentality first hoof.

He'll get over it just fine.

I hope.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter guys.

As one of the only people who can cook in my family, I've been preparing most of the dishes this evening.

With that,

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!!!:twilightsmile: