• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 803 Views, 52 Comments

A blaze rekindled - RedBlack

An alicorn, one whose life had been nothing but war and despair finally finds peace when a purple alicorn, one he had known to be dead appears for a short while, giving him much needed hope.

  • ...

Disastrous Wedding

*Calming Blaze POV*

As I look at the sky, I know exactly what I'm looking at.

An impressive barrier for sure, but it won't hold if only one pony is holding it.

I was planning to tell Celestia about the changelings on the first day, but I guess I was late since the barrier around the capital formed before I could speak to her.

So, we've spent almost a week in the capital.

I visited Lu a few times, turns out she's not getting as much guests as she would like in her night court.

So, now I'm in Celestia's room, drinking tea that I made sure wasn't laced with something.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about Blaze?" she said in that calm and serene voice.

"I want you to protect my mother" I simply state as I take a cupcake and munch on it.

She seemed a bit confused at that.

"The Royal guards protect every guest in the castle"

"No, I want YOU, specifically, to protect my mother"

At this point, I put my cup and half a cupcake down for a serious conversation.

"I don't understand, wh-"

"I know changelings are already here Sunbutt" I decide to cut her off.

She's keeping it under wraps to keep the city calm, but I can't let that hurt mother.

"So, I want you to make sure my mother is safe, whilst I help take care of the changelings, that's my proposal"

She stops for a few seconds, seemingly calculating the risks and advantages of the idea.

"Alright, I'll make sure to protect you mother with my full power, should I fall in battle, I will only ask for your forgiveness"

"Yeah, that works" I say as I down my cup of tea and leave with the cupcake.

"So, what's your plan?" I ask while standing in front a changeling stuck in the wall.

"Buzz off, I ain't telling you anything" he said with failed malice

"You know, hurting and injuring are two different things sometimes, and I can give you tartarus if I needed to" I state as I move around the house I was in.

It's a cozy place, with the scent of old wood in the air and is also trashed from our short fight.

Well, I just knocked and used a spell to check him, to which he freaked out and after a comedic scene that ended because he slipped on some jam that got knocked over.

"Well do it then, I won't tell you anything, because with what we're planning, we'll be able to keep feeding ourselves for the next TEN generations at least"

Ten huh, that's a pretty big number.

"Oh, so Chrysalis is disguising as Cadence" I take a wild guess.


The face he's making right now looks ridiculous.

"H-How did you?"

"I didn't, just a random guess from given hints" I tell him as I knock him out with a punch.

Well that was easy.

Just as I was having that thought, a shocking sensation came to me.

An extremely strong burst of magic came from the palace, one I didn't recognize.

As dread starts to take over me, loud banging starts sounding from outside.

Shoulder checking the front door, I rush towards the castle.

The barrier breaks.


I leap back, narrowly avoiding a strike from a blade as the changeling crashes into the ground.

Lean towards the left to avoid another strike.

Duck to dodge the third, spin to look up and smash their face in.

Teleport to the side, dodging a wolf attack.

Turn back to push away a bear.

Rush towards the bear shaped changeling while its stunned, pulling my hoof back, I push forwards, breaking several bones.

Before I can check, the four others try to charge in.

I stomp the ground with both front hooves, breaking it.

Grabbing the closest one by the horn, I pull it towards me as my right hoof comes down with ferocious power, smashing its head while breaking the horn away.

Holding the severed horn, I dig the sharp side into another one's neck, before pulling and twisting the neck of the third one with a backhoof.

The last one simply stared at me warily as it seemed to be observing me.

I rush forward, pull my right hoof back while my left also lowered a bit.

As it transformed back and changed its hooves into iron, I smashed its gut with an upward swing of my left hoof, completely breaking his defense.

As his hooves lowered slightly, I took the chance and gave a haymaker with my right, caving its face in.

With that, I ignored the ponies and changeling around me as I rushed towards the castle.


"These ones are stronger" I mutter to myself as I ignored the pain coming from my right hoof.

As I've only made 10 percent of the way there, I'm stopped by 5 other changelings.

"For fucks sake" I complain as they charge at me while transforming into various animals.

*No One POV*

Queen Chrysalis had been enjoying her sweet victory as she indulged in the radiating love from Shining Armor.

The Mane 6 could only look on as she boasted about her victory as Celestia helplessly watched from a cocoon.

"Now, it's about time I end you" Chrysalis suddenly said as she approached the trapped Mi Amore Cadenza.

The 6 tried to move in to stop her, but a brightly glowing red colored blur crashed into her.

The sight surprised everypony in the room, except for the groom who was brainwashed.

As the shards of the broken window rained down, a sudden gust came in, blowing away the dust cloud created from the crash as a pony was on top of Chrysalis.

The one on top of Chrysalis was a pony of large size, almost competing with Celestia.

A fully blowing red mane that reached the skies.

A horn much longer than normal, ended with a tip sharp enough to impale beings.

His veins glowed a brilliant orange, tracing his every single nerve and bloodstream.

Most noticeably however, were the large visage of wings.

Made of seemingly pure light, it shone brilliantly with an orange hue

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!" Blaze yelled with pure anger as his voice was amplified by magic without him knowing it.

The Royal Canterlot Voice, as Celestia and Luna called it, rang throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and repeating itself.

The grimacing changeling queen however, now had a smirk on her face at the question.

"What makes you think I know who you're talking about?" she asked with a sneer.

"SINCE YOU WILL NOT SPEAK, I HAVE NO NEED FOR YOU THEN" he said in anger as he raised his right hoof high.

Right as he was about to drop it, a small memory played.

He remembered a small moment, one that looked exactly like his situation.

The time he had actually won, but only at the cost of somepony else losing.

Thay slight hesitation was all Chrysalis needed as she blasted him off with magic.

As he took the full brunt of the attack, he gritted his teeth as he endured the pain of his insides being introduced to fresh air again.

With practiced ease, he swerves and loops around the air, doding blasts of magic as his previous one healed.

"How much love did she get to get that strong" he thought to himself as he noticed that the next blast didn't come.

"GAH!" Chrysalis cried in pain as she held her horn.

"Now!" Twilight yelled as she and her friends tried to charge Chrysalis.

Seeing the outcome, Blaze rushes towards the girls, hoping to make it before something wrong happened.

Chrysalis recovers from the attack, just as the girls are about to reach her, prompting her to blast her magic in their direction.

Twilight held a barrier, which quickly broke and Rarity tried to hold her own too, only for the blast to melt through her diamond shield.

Just as the blast was about to hit them, the alicorn flew down and held them in his wings as an orange barrier appeared around them.

The blast broke upon impacting with the barrier, causing a surge of magic to destroy the wall behind the huddled up ponies.

The barrier held for as long as it could before shattering into a million pieces.

The alicorn coughed, a wave of blood rushed from his mouth and disintegrated before reaching the floor.

The girls felt a calming effect on them as the alicorns' body was set a blaze.

As he burned with a fierce fire, it only felt warm to the touch, like a small fireplace under the chimney on a cold night.

"Let me deal with Chrysalis, you girls do your friendship fuckery, you understand? Good" he said without getting a response as he turned back towards a panting Chrysalis.

"Alright, I'm over your bullshit, what the tartarus did he give you?" he said as his horn glowed with a bright orange.

"HAH! she let out a loud chuckle and smiled silly at the question. "You really think, you get to tell ME what to do? What makes you think you can do that?" Her amused grin suddenly turned malicious as she opened her mouth. "Besides, you're almost out of time with that spell aren't you?"

He coughs up more blood at the question, giving her the answer she needed.

"You're right, but I've got enough time for my loot" he said as he shot a large blast of magic.

Chrysalis battled against it, only to realize a second later that it wasn't a power struggle.

With a flash of light, Blaze appeared right behind her, hoof outstretched.

And a second later, blood splatters as an amulet was removed from under the chitin of Chrysalis.

"As I thought, it's purified" Blaze says as he holds up the amulet with an alicorn at the front, glowing with a green hue, rather than the red Blaze remembered.

Chrysalis breathed heavily as she almost collapsed from the sudden weakness.

She looked around and told every single changeling to come towards the wedding area.

As changeling rush in from almost every single crevice, the Mane 6 six and now freed Cadence prepare for battle.

But an orange barrier forms around them just after the alicorn lands in their midst.

He coughs up more blood, this time, the heat was not enough to burn it all before it splattered on the floor.

Whatever injury they had was now gone.

"Any ideas? I'll be out after this barrier goes down" he says as countless thuds and bangs from hooves slamming into the barrier come in.

Almost covered in the dark, a bright pink glow catches the attention of the others as Cadence approached her groom.

As the others watch curiously, Blaze blinks a bit as blood starts flowing from his eyes, causing him to collapse.

"A little faster would be nice" he said in an irritated voice.

"Sorry" Cadence said without much acknowledgement as she hugged Shining Armor around the neck.

She held for a few seconds as her horn gave out a few sparks.

Outside the barrier, Chrysalis fed on love stored from her drones as she looked at the number of changelings around the barrier with concern.

Almost half the swarm was missing.

Using the love, she transformed it into magic and started to heal herself.

What concerned her even more now, was the small spark she felt, notifying her that her mind control spell had been broken.

As she prepared for whatever might come, she had forgotten just why you could never really expect anything normal from alicorns.

She was reminded of that lesson, when a gigantic wave made out of the very emotion she fed on, pushed every changeling back and out of the palace.

The orange barrier fell, revealing the relieved faces of ponies and one frown.

"You're telling me you two assholes could've dealt with the changelings ALONE?" Blaze shouted in annoyance as he lifted his head to point his horn at Celestia, stuck on the ceiling.

Glowing a bit weakly, the cocoon breaks as Celestia plops down to the ground, covered in the green mucus.

"Thabk you" she weakly says as she stands up on shaky hooves while Twilight runs up to her.

As his body goes back to normal, Blaze notices that the pain is much greater this time.

Now the size of the average adult pony, his bones creak and gruesome cracks could be heard from his back.

"Jeez, don't you stretch Blaze?" Celestia asked with a small trasing smile as the colt glared at her.

"Fuck you" he simply stated as he turned his head to look at his back.

The others get slackjawed at the blatant disrespect and at the scene as Blazes' eyes widen at what he's seen.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" he suddenly yelled and, weirdly enough, he easily accessed the Royal Canterlot Voice.

As the others slightly winced at the shout, Celestia and Cadence looked with awe as wings were sprouting from Blazes' back.

A few drops of blood fell to the ground as the wings were controlled with efficiency.

"Just what in Equestria?" he says to himself as he inspected his wings.

Thw wings were massive compared to the normal size, but it still wouldn't allow for flight according to physics.

At full length, it was at about 70% of Blazes' own height.

As he looked closer, he noticed something weird.

Magic didn't pass through it.

Slightly worried, he fought through the pain and let magic run through his body, and was relieved to find it working.

It was just the wings that magic rejected.

As he tried to push it, his magic acted as if it wasn't even there.

As weird as it was, he let out a sigh and went on his way to find his mother.

"Twilight, can we do this later please? I think we all have more important stuff to do" he said in an irritated voice as Twilight puts her notebook back down.

Leaving the others, he pushed the door open to reveal his mother.

"MOM" he said in worry as a changeling was right behind her.

But before he could punch it, the changeling fell to the ground while foaming at the mouth.

Forgetting about the changeling, he hugs his mother as a snake wrapped himself around Blazes' neck 8 times.

He stayed like that for a few seconds, but got the feeling that something was wrong when he didn't feel the hug back.

Stepping back a few steps, he takes a clear look at his mother as she just stares back with an emotionless gaze.

"N-No, Drega, what state was she in when you found her?" he nervously asks the snake around his neck as Drega tries to comfort him.


Fluttershy gasps in horror after Drega hissed as Blaze gets a grimace on his face.

"Fuck" he said with gritted teeth as a few drops of tears fell to the floor.