• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,871 Views, 45 Comments

The Six’s foal. - Aiwhisper

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Ch5. Questions and concerns.

The girls, sans Twilight, all sat around in Applejack’s barn. They had all returned from Canterlot earlier that day and decided to meet up in secret for planning, herd planning.

“No this just won’t work, Twilight is a princess.” Rarity made use of her fainting couch again as the others rolled their eyes. “We can’t just ask her at the library!”

“Rarity it doesn’t have to be perfect we just have to ask her.” AJ shot her a look. “I think it’s the thought that will matter more.”

“Not perfect!?! Darling it’s a marriage proposal! It. Must. Be. Magical.” Rarity stomped her hoof to emphasize each word after angrily hoping from their lounge.

“I’m with Rarity it’s gotta be funtastic.” Pinkie spoke up nodding. “And when she says yes we’ll throw the best party.”

“Um girls?” Fluttershy tried to speak up as the other four loudly continued their conversations.

“Girls?” She was again ignored.

Girls!” Fluttershy’s ears dropped when they all looked her way. “Sorry.”

“Yeah Flutters what’s up?” Rainbow asked.

“Well I think you’ve forgotten something… do any of you even want to marry each other and form a herd? Especially with me?” She looked downtrodden with watery eyes and scratched at the ground while the others all shared a look. They had been so focused on Twilight and the Foal they forgot about each other.

“Well I…” Applejack looked around at her other friends in a new light and with rosy cheeks. They all shared similar looks of embarrassment until Pinike broke the silence.

“Of course we do silly billy.” Pinkie pulled Fluttershy into a hug. “You girls are my best friends and why wouldn’t I want more? Right girls?”

“Uh Pinkie, Flutters may have a point.” Rainbow scratched at the ground. “I love you girls but I was only just getting comfortable with this romance stuff and dating Twilight and now all this happens.” She threw up her forehooves then sighed. “It’s a lot ya know.” She finished by awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

“Darlings, I don’t think any of us expected this.” Rarity calmly stated while she took charge. “But we are going to be there for Twilight no matter what even if she doesn’t want to form a herd, correct?”

There was a round of nodding and agreement. “Good then I suggest we all take a break and meet up again tomorrow.” Rarity smiled and gave her friends a hug before leaving.

The others all slowly left until it was only Applejack left in her barn. “When did Rares’ learn to take charge?” AJ shook her head and made her way outside then back into the main farmhouse.

“Granny, Mac, Apple bloom, you all in here? I got something ya talk with ya all about.”

“Eeyup.” Mac spoke up from the dining room.

“Hey sis what’s up?” Bloom asked when her sister entered.

“Something on your mind young’un?” Granny filled up a plate and set it in Applejack’s spot. “Eat up first before it gets cold.”

“Thanks Granny. Actually I got some news for y’all, Twilight is with foal.”

“Really?” Applebloom asked excitedly while Mac raised an eyebrow.

“That mare found herself a stallion? Before my granddaughter? Well I’ll be.” Granny chuckled.

“Actually granny… it’s kinda mine.” Applejack rubbed the back of her neck while the others gave her a deadpan look.

“Now how in Tartarus did you put a foal in Twilight when you’re a mare?” Granny gave here a confused look.

“Well…” She started.

“Wait does that mean I’m going to be an aunt?” Applebloom tilted her head then got excited again. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

Mac just sat chewing slowly on nothing while Applejack tried to explain the situation. When she finished Granny spoke up.

“Well you best make an honest mare of her! No Apple leaves kin alone.” Granny pounded her hoof on the table.

When Fluttershy returned to her cottage she immediately began taking care of her animal friends. All of them could tell something was unusual with their kind caretaker the moment they saw her, the peagsus wasn’t singing her usual tune while filling their feeders and she was slower than normal. When Angle bunny finally asked her what was wrong the mare jumped in surprise wit an ‘eep’ and dropped the bag of feed.

“Oh, sorry angel.” She whispered while blushing . “I was just thinking about something.”

She cleaned up the feed and got back to work while her critters shared a look before angel asked what was going on.

“Well.” She tapped her hooves together. “Twilight, the girls and I are having a foal and maybe forming a herd.”

Angel rubbed his ears thinking he misheard her before asking if it was a joke.

“Oh no, I’m quite serious you see…” she began explaining while looking off into the distance.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled for her assistant.

“Yeah Twilight?” The young dragon poked his head into the main room from the kitchen.

“Bring me some quesadillas please, from that mexicolt place.” She groaned while laying on the couch trying to read a book in order to ignore her budding cravings.

“Um, Twilight are you sure..” Spike tapped his claws together nervously.

“I know what I said! This foal wants something cheesy, even if I hate cheese and I don’t want to ruin toast by having grilled cheese.” She shuddered as Spike just shrugged as he made his way out of the library.

Moments later Twilight heard the door open again. “Spike did you forget Bits there’s…” she cut herself off when she noticed it wasn’t Spike. “Oh hey Rainbow what’s up?”

Without saying anything the prismatic mare nuzzled against Twilight’s neck and planted a kiss on her cheek she then climbed up and cuddled with her on the couch. Twilight had never known Rainbow to act this way so set her book down and just hugged her mare friend.

“Rainbow what’s wrong?” Twilight’s concern evident in her voice.

Rainbow spoke softly. “I don’t know if I want to share you Twilight. I know the others shouldn’t be kept from a foal they’re part of but I don’t know if I can accept that.” She sniffled.

Twilight wasn’t quite sure what to say as she didn’t fully understand what Rainbow was talking about. Before she could ask they were intrupted by Spikes return.

“I’m back Twi and I got your cheesy snacks. “ Spike giggled. “Got some for myself too.” Spike’s jaw dropped and he backed away slowly when he noticed the position Twilight and Rainbow were in on the couch before quickly running upstairs yelling, “sorry to interrupt I’ll be in my room.”

Twilight just sighed as Rainbow had started dozing upon her chest after crying herself to sleep. Without moving she grabbed the first quesadilla in her magic and took a bite. She moaned in pleasure from her craving subsiding and she actually found herself enjoying the food after not having tried anything cheesy since she was a filly.

“This isn’t half bad, stupid hormones.” She mumbled to herself while idly stroking Rainbows back with her hoof before taking another bite.

Once she had finished the bag she lifted Rainbow up with her magic and walked herself and the sleeping mare up to her bedroom for the night. Once in bed Rainbow grabbed her again and the two cuddled together.

Rarity couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts were currently consumed by all of the outfit ideas for her new foal as well as wedding dresses for the girls. Sure she had already had designed dresses for them but those were for individual ceremonies not meant for one herd wedding.

While pondering these ideas she fell into a fitful sleep as those dreams turned into nightmares of the girls not getting along as a herd or other issues popping up and she wasn’t the only one.

Comments ( 8 )

This is all getting very interesting, I think all 6 of them need to have a serious talk

Tbh though, Nothing says that HAVE to be a herd. Dash and Twi can be the couple, and the others can help in other ways, babysitting and such

Though, I would be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wants them all together

“Something on your mind youngin?” Granny filled up a plate and set it in Applejack’s spot. “Eat up first before it gets cold.”

that's "young'un". As in "young one".

“I know what I said! This foal wants something cheesy, even if I hate cheese and I don’t want to ruin toast by having grilled cheese.” She shuddered as Spike just shrugged as he made his way out of the library.

Well, that's one way to face your fears. :unsuresweetie:
Stuffing your face wuth what you fear. :ajsmug:

Yeah, it would be best to make sure they are going into it for love and not just because of the kid.

I hear being married just because of a shared child isn't the best idea.

All of them could tell something was unusual with their kind caretaker the moment they saw her, the peagsus wasn’t singing her usual tune while filling their feeders and she was slower than normal.


That's because thise situations the responsability is thrusted upon one or the other but in this case they are sharing it together.

That story's actually better than i thought. Really, it was great! When will the next chapter come??

After another bout of inspiration. This one’s more of a side project.:fluttershyouch:

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