• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,907 Views, 45 Comments

The Six’s foal. - Aiwhisper

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Ch2. Denial and depression.

“She really hasn’t left her library all week?” Rarity asked spike. He had asked the girls too all meet up at Sugar Cube Corner to give an update on Twilight.

“Nope. And this isn’t her normal shut in behavior either. She isn’t even reading any books.” Spike fiddled with his claws nervously. “She even ate a quesadilla when I accidentally gave her the wrong plate. She HATES quesadillas!”

“Sugar, you do know why Twi is upset don’t ya?” Applejack tilted her hat.

“No, why? Do you girls know?” He innocently asked.

“Well.” Applejack covered her face.

“You see darling.” The rest of the sentence died on Rarity’s lips.


“Don’t look at me.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Twilight’s having a foal. A Foal! You’re going to be an uncle/older brother Spike.” Pinkie happily answered. She still had no idea why the others had been upset by the news. “And Twilight is going to be a new mommy and Rainbow is going to be the Daddy and I’ll be the fun aunt and Rarity will make it cute clothes and…”

“Hold up why am I the dad?” Rainbow flew into Pinkie’s face. “Why don’t you be the dad and I’ll be the awesome aunt.”

“Silly filly you’re the one dating Twilight, not me.” Pinkie stuck out her tongue.

Rainbow quickly backed up and got flustered. “Wha. I’m. We’re not dating.”

“But you said you want to.” Pinkie said in a sing song tone.

“Girls I think you both got quite off topic.” Rarity interrupted.

“Rares is right. We’re here to talk about helping Twilight and her new foal. She’s already taking the news really hard and she doesn’t even know who the father is.” Applejack agreed.

“It is a bit curious though how even she doesn’t know. Spike, has Twilight been seeing any pony?” Rarity asked.

“Well I don’t exactly pay attention to that.” He tapped his claws together. “But I know she’s slept alone ever since becoming an alicorn and I didn’t… smell anything.” He finished awkwardly.

As the girls bounced ideas around on helping Twilight or who the father might be. None of them noticed a butter yellow Pegasus escaping the room.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy was a bit scared as she entered the library. It was darker than normal considering how sunny it was.

Kindness pressed on however and eventually made it to the bedroom. She had only seen this part of the treehouse a few times before which didn’t help her nerves.

“Twilight are you in here?” She asked again.

“Go way.” The lump int the bed said.

“Twilight it’s okay. Maybe the doctors made a mistake?” Fluttershy pressed forward and made her way onto the bed.

“Nun uh. Checked it myself. I’m going to be a mom.” Twilight sniffled. “The worst part is I don’t even know who with.”

Fluttershy pulled back the blankets to find a very offensive smelling Twilight. She looked like she still hadn’t showered or preened after her last workout with Rainbow days ago. The smell was no worse the some of her animals so Flutteshy felt no discomfort hugging Twilight.

“Shh, it’s okay. Let it all out.” Flutters stroked her mane as Twilight buried her face in Fluttershy’s floof and began to cry her heart out. When no more tears fell she led Twilight into the bathroom and began bathing the distraught alicorn like one of her lost puppies. Twilight gave no resistance and just basked in her friends kindness.

“Thank you Flutteres. You’re the best.” Twilight nuzzled the mare as she was dried off which caused her to blush. That nickname was something only Rainbow used.

Once cognizant enough Twilight used her magic to do a quick change of the bedding before crawling back onto the bed. Twilight bunched the bedding up to resemble a nest and Fluttershy gave a worried look before Twilight lifted a wing.

“Stay with me?” Twilight’s voice was pleading for her to say yes.

Fluttershy nervously nodded then joined her in bed to play small spoon. She had never felt so close to another Pony before even those she had cuddled with. As they drifted off to sleep she almost “epped” as Twilight wrapped her wings around her and began idly licking her mane to scent it.

“Girls!” Pinkie yelled. “My Pinkie sense is going crazy. There’s a doozy nearby.”

“Hey has anyone seen Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked the room and they all shook their heads.