• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,870 Views, 45 Comments

The Six’s foal. - Aiwhisper

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Ch3. Acceptance.

Twilight awoke more relaxed than she had in days. When she opened her eyes and found it filled with a pink mane. Her brain began to reboot but it didn’t finish before a voice rang out.

“Hey Twi, sleep well?” Rainbow snickered from the side of the bed. She and the other girls were all watching her and Fluttershy sleep with playful grins.

Twilight blushed as Fluttershy wiggled closer under her wing to get more comfortable before her own eyes slowly fluttered opened.

“Epp.” She hid under the wing then slowly poked her head back out. “Um, hi girls. How long have you all been here?

“Good morning Darling, and not long. Spike, the dear, just let us inside only moments ago after a sleepover at my place.” Rarity smiled knowingly but also looked a bit jealous.

“We got a might worried when you off and disappeared on us yesterday.” Applejack winked and whispered close to Fluttershy’s ear. “But it looks like ya were just fine.”

“It’s not what it looks like!” Twilight’s brain finished its reboot and she fell out of the bed backwards. Everyone else laughed at how long it had taken.

“Silly Twilight even if it was ‘that’ we wouldn’t mind.” Pinkie helped her up. “Unless you didn’t let me join.” She whispered in Twilight’s ear causing her to almost fall over as Pinkie gave her a nuzzle.

Twilight tried to speak but kept fumbling her words.

“So Darling it looks like you’re doing better this morning?” Rarity soothed, trying to get everypony back on track. “Though it looks like you could do with a shower.” Her nose wrinkled.

“Yeah.” Twilight grimaced at her own appearance then sighed. “I may not know how it happened but the foal is mine and I know my friends will be around to help me.” She rubbed her stomach lovingly.

“Buck yeah we will.” Rainbow jumped up. “Any time you need us. And if the little filly needs flying lessons I’m your mare. Heck we still need to do your lessons.”

“Will it even be safe to practice in my condition?” Twilight looked worried.

“Oh yes. So long as you don’t take a big fall it should be fine for now.” Fluttershy’s calming voice rang out. “Though Twilight, have you told anypony else yet?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh my gosh I haven’t even told my parents or the Princesses and oh No! What will Celestia think or Cadence?!” She threw her head back and began to cry again only for Fluttershy and Rainbow to quickly wrap her in their wings.

“There, there. How about you go get a shower while the girls and I get us tickets up to Canterlot.” Fluttershy began leading them to the bathroom.

“A mighty fine plan, let’s get to it.” Applejack spoke up feeling a bit left out so far for some reason.

Once they were all ready the girls met up at the station just in time for the train. Spike had decided to remain behind to avoid the ensuing family drama.

The ride itself felt like a lifetime for Twilight as she just couldn’t sit still. “What if she sends me back to magic kindergarten or my parents disown me or I can’t be a princess any more?”

“Woah Twilight. I doubt your family or the Princess will go that far. Heck maybe she can tell ya what’s going on with ya.” Applejack gave her a nuzzle and wondered if her bookworm friend had always smelled so good.

“Your right AJ.” She instinctively gave a nuzzle back earning looks from the others. “I bet it will all be fine.”

“This will not be fine.” Twilight was pacing outside her parents front gate. “Not fine at all.”

“Sure it will silly we just need to knock.” Pinkie knocks before Twilight can stop her.

When the door cracks open, “Hello? Oh, hello Pinkie dear is Twilight with you?” Velvet looks around then spots her daughter and gasps. She then runs into the garden and gives her a massive hug.

“Oh my little princess. Celestia told us what happened but I just couldn’t wait to see it for myself.”

“Hi mom not so tight.”

“Oh and girls it’s lovely to see you all again. Come in, come in.” Velvet ushered everypony inside. “So aside from becoming a princess what’s new also let me get your father.” Velvet yelled up the stairs and Night Light ran down.

“Oh hello my baby girl good to see you. Have you found a stallion yet, I’m still waiting on grand foals from you and your brother.” Night Light joked.

The group shared an awkward look.

“Well actually dad…” Twilight started.

“Oh what am I saying you just became a princess.” He continued to ramble.

“Dad…” she tried again.

“What stallion wouldn’t want my daughter.” Without pause.

“Dad!” Twilight was huffing by this point as the room went silent.

“Everything alright Twilie?” Velvet put a hoof on her shoulder.

“I’m pregnant.” She just had to get it out. Her parents eyes went wide with shock. Twilight’s friends all got closer for support.

“That, That’s…” they both sputtered.

“I know, you’re disappointed in me and…” Twilight hung her head.

“That’s wonderful!” Her parents actually started hoping circles around each other talking about all the foal supplies and how they would pamper their grandchildren.

“See darling everything worked out fine.” Rarity comforted while Pinkie joined in on the jumping. The others just watched in amusement until everyone calmed down.

“So who’s the lucky stallion?” Velvet bumped her daughter’s shoulder.

“I don’t know.” Twilight winced as her parents shared a look. The whole group finally sat down and got more comfortable.

“So.” Her mother finally spoke up after drinks and snacks were passed around. “You really don’t know?”

Twilight shook her head.

“Then get a paternity test. The hospitals keep extensive records for… ‘accidents’ like this.” Velvet explained calmly.

Twilight tilted her head but looked more relaxed. “Maybe tomorrow.”

After that initial reveal Twilight and the girls spent the rest of the morning and lunch with her parents. She kept getting embarrassed with their planning but the girls, even Rainbow were all in. Overall Twilight felt so much better after telling her parents.

“Well that went way better than I expected.” Twilight fluffed her wings after saying goodbye to her parents. Her spirits were much higher than they had been all week.

“See sugar family won’t let ya down.” Applejack bumped her flank.

“Yep and now we get to go see the princesses.” Pinkie skipped towards the castle as Twilight’s smile turned upside down.

“Right, the princesses.” Her mane frazzled and she slowed down. Rarity and Fluttershy noticed so they pressed against her sides for support and were covered immediately by Twilight’s wings. Neither mare minded much though Rainbow gave them a look and took up a protective position, hovering above and behind Twilight a bit.

Twilight took a deep breath in from of the throne room doors, her friends all by her sides.
“Okay here we go.” She pushed the doors open and walked in.

“Twilight. Girls. So good to see you all today.” Celestia sat on her throne, court had already ended for the day but nobles were still milling about.

Everypony in their group bowed as Celestia stepped from her throne. “No need for that you six. Considering how many times you’ve saved Equestria.” She gave the six a nuzzle and ended with Twilight.

“So what brings you all here today.”

“Well…” Twilight fidgeted with her hooves as Celestia’s eyebrow rose.

“Princess, Twi has some news you and the other Princesses need to hear.” Aj spoke up.

“Yes and it would be best done in private.” Rarity agreed.

Guards were sent to retrieve Luna and Cadence, who was luckily in the castle, while the group all retreated into Celestia’s sitting room. “So Twilight what’s new with you, are the wings treating you well.”

“Hehe,” Twilight awkwardly chuckled as the other idly chatted amongst themselves. “Well I’ll hold off on news till the others get here but I’m getting used to the wings.” She smiled and spread them out.

“Good, good.” Tea and snacks were brought in and Cadence followed soon after. The two still did their Sunshine dance much to everyone’s amusement and Rainbow’s and Shining’s enjoyment.

“Cadence, good to see you, you too BBBFF.” Twilight gave the, both a hug before the others joined in on greetings.

“So LSBFF what’s this news you needed to share?” Shining looked concerned.

“Well we need to wait until…”

Luna popped into the room at that very moment on top of the tea table.

“Luna!” Celestia yelled.

“Sorry for our absence.” She yawned and stepped down then gave her fellow Princesses a nuzzle. “We had to restrain thyself from bucking a guard out of thy window. What is your urgent news young Twilight Sparkle?”

She felt it best to get it over with like with her parents. “I’m pregnant.”

There was a moment of silence before “Tis joyous news thank you for sharing. We shall ask more on the marrow and shall be returning to bed now.” Luna popped out of the room.

“Well?” Twilight looked desperately at the remaining three who just got the news.

“How?!?” Cadence stomped her hoof. “How were you first when Shining and I try Constantly.” Cadence went from jealous to weeping then happy for her and wrapped her little sister in a hug.

Shining blushed then collapsed on the floor.

Celestia just opened and closed her mouth while watching the two young Alicorns embrace. She had no words considering she knew Twilight hadn’t been pregnant during her ascension.

“So who’s the lucky Stallion? Oh don’t tell me it’s that stud Big Mac.” “That’s my brother!” “Or maybe time turner that inventive pony? No he only has eyes for that mail mare.” Cadence rambled for a bit until Twilight cut her off.

“Um, I actually don’t know.” She scratched at the ground with her hoof.

“Ah, anonymous donor since you’re with Rainbow.” Cadance nodded sagely. Celestia still didn’t know what to say.

“Actually no and we kinda are? It happened when I ascended as best I can tell.” This finally got Celestia’s brain moving.

“Twilight that simply isn’t possible.” She shook her head.

“Ah, hate to disagree princess but she really hasn’t ‘done the deed’ with a stallion or gotten outside help.” Applejack spoke up.

Celestia then lit her horn and encompassed Twilight in a golden glow a couple of thin threads flowed towards her five friends that none of them noticed. “That… what?!?”

Celestia then promptly passed out next to Shining armor as everyone yelled her name.