• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,310 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 7.5- A Mother’s Promise

2 Days Ago

Fluttershy POV:

She was having an especially pleasant morning feeding her animals. It was windy today, and it was her favorite weather. It often brought forth the smells of the forest that she lived near. While the common pony would never live near such woods, especially if it’s the Everfree forest , she was different. She was a caretaker of animals both big and small, and would never send away any animal in need. She loved her animal friends and would never want to part with them. And they in turn loved her back, telling her stories of the forest that they saw. Due to her cutie mark, she understood whatever they said and often conversed with them on daily topics that she couldn’t normally talk to with other ponies, mainly due to her shy personality.

“Oh hello Mr. Owl, how was your nightly flight?” She asked quietly as she saw the owl during her restocking of seeds on the bird feeder, getting ready to sleep until the night again.

”Just a few animals wandering around here and there, however I did see a Timberwolf not far from here. Rather strange to see one so close to the edge of the forest.” The owl replied as he yawned.

“That is rather strange, maybe it’s sick? Oh dear, I hope not. I’d hate to see a sick animal all alone in the forest without anyone to help them…” She replied, sounding worried.

The owl just waved a wing off, “ It could probably had just made a mistake in direction, no need to worry about it now, and don’t you have a meet up with a certain manticore mother and cub today?”

The Pegasus mare perked up upon hearing this. “ Oh yes, I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me Mr. Owl. Ooh I can’t wait to see the baby cub again to see how much it’s grown since I last saw it last week. Hope you have a good nap Mr. Owl, and thank you for the pleasant conversation.”

” Anytime Ms. Fluttershy, and take care.” He replied as he flew up to his nest, yawning one last time before he fell asleep inside.

She on the other hand went to quickly finish up her schedule. After all, Angel Bunny had yet to be fed yet, and he is often the most difficult to feed.

After she finally finished giving everyone their food, (including Angel Bunny) she started to pack up some items for herself inside her room to go within the forest to see the Manticores again. She also packed up a medical kit just in case she found any injured animals along her way.

“Alright then, that should be everything. Angel, could you come here please?” She called quietly. The Bunny soon hopped into her room from around the corner.

“Oh there you are, I wanted to tell you I’ll be going into the forest for a bit, so you’re in charge.” She smiled slightly upon seeing Angel Bunny grinning happily, ready to abuse said power over the other animals. “But remember, no snacking until dinner time, you’re in a strict diet Mr.” She said, as Angel Bunny’s grin quickly turned into a frown as he stomped a few times with his left foot.

“I know you don’t like that, but could you please do it, at least for me? “ , She asked as Angel Bunny sighed and reluctantly nodded. She smiled in response. “Thank you, I’ll make sure to give you a special treat when I return.”

She petted the top of Angel’s head as he smiled back in response. “ I’ll start heading out now, take care, I’ll see you again before dinner time!” She quietly replied, speaking slightly louder as she walked out the door and started to walk into the forest.

She went along a trail that led to a cave, as she hummed slightly while trotting at a casual pace. She enjoyed hearing the noises of the forest, as a slight breeze blew from behind. It wasn’t long until she reached the cave, as she saw the little manticore cub playing with some leaves and sticks.

“Hello there little one” She cheerfully said, her voice still was quiet as ever, but heard by the baby manticore. His ears perked up as he turned around to face her as he cheerfully replied back.

”Hi Ms. Yellow Pony!”

She smiled as she always loved to see the cheerful face of the cub. He could never get her name right, but it didn’t matter to her, as she always enjoys her time with the cub when they meet. However she quickly noticed that his mother was not nearby like she usually is.

“Where is your mother? I don’t see her around, is she hunting today?” She asked. The baby manticore shook his head no as he replied back.

“No, mama is inside cave. She sleepy after getting food today. She healing. Hurt badly by bad wolves” He whimpered slightly at the mention of the wolves.

She gasped in horror. “Can I go see her? I can help her wounds get better. Where was she hurt the most?” She quickly asked, wanting to help the cub’s mother upon hearing what happened.

”Mama hurt most on side, please help her ouchies go away. Big bug helped but not enough to make ouchies go away.” he replied. He was very hopeful that she could make his mom feel better.

She wondered what he meant by “Big Bug” but she pushed that thought aside as she nodded. She quickly flew in to see a large sleeping manticore, with wounds on her body covered with pieces of cloth. When she felt it, she was surprised to see that whoever put it made sure that it wasn’t tight enough to hurt her, yet was enough to bandage the wound to prevent blood loss.

However, with her inspection of the cloth, she woke up the manticore mother. At first the manticore growled as to who it was, but quickly recognized the scent.

”Ms. Fluttershy? What are you doing here? And why are you touching my bandages?” She asked; confused by Fluttershy’s presence.

“O-oh, um, so-sorry Ms. Manticore, I was just looking at them, your cub told me about you being attacked by some timberwolves. I wanted to put some bandages on your wounds but it seems somepony else had already done so” she explained, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

”I see….. well someone did put these on, though I cannot say for certain who.”

“What do you mean by that?” Fluttershy asked, her head tilted to the side in confusion.

”I mean that I do not know what type of animal he was at all, or if it is a he at all for that matter.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widen in shock. Usually every animal within the forest knew which animal was who, but for one that was not even known by even an adult animal was unheard of.

”He, or it was massive, with bulking muscles, four legs, and a stinger for a mouth. It looked more like a bug than anything, but what shocked me the most was that it actually managed to kill a Timberwolf that was attacking us rather than going for us instead. It defended us before killing the one Timberwolf and scaring the others away. It bandaged me up with some cloth it found and played with my cub for a bit before we had to leave. My cub didn’t want to go, so I had to promise him that we’d return back someday.”

As the manticore finished her story, Fluttershy didn’t know what to say. On one hoof, it could be a dangerous animal that can kill even the unkillable, and maybe harmful towards ponies like the hydra. However, it showed kindness and helped another in need, even as so far as to cheer up a baby animal and patch up his mother in the process. She decided that she wanted to see it for herself, as maybe it could be friendly with her too.

“Thank you for telling me your story Ms. Manticore. It must have been scary being caught up in that fight. Would you like me to change your bandages? I brought my med-kit. ” She asked, wanting to at least help Ms. Manticore at least a little bit.

”It was a slightly scary situation, but my cub took a liking to the creature, so we would have to go back someday. But I wouldn’t mind you changing my bandages, these are starting to itch.” The manticore replied, scratching at one of the Banda slightly to prove her point.

She smiled as she begun her task. She made sure to be careful and not to reopen any wounds were starting to heal. She first started to clean each wound carefully, then started to replace the cloth bandages with some medical ones, which were more beneficial. Once she was finally done she wiped some sweat off her forehead, slightly tired from the task, as there were more wounds than she initially thought.

“There, that should be all of them, and from what I could see, your wounds are already healing up nicely, so you would be able to start moving again soon. However I do not know how much….blood…you lost but you should at least try eat more. If you can’t I could always bring some fish for you and your cub.” She said.

”Alright Ms. Fluttershy, I will try my best to get some more food, but I will accept your offer on the fish, it’d be easier for me and my cub. Thanks again for all your help, you truly are the kindest.” She replied back.

Fluttershy beamed with happiness but blushed slightly from the praise. “N-no need to thank me Ms. Manticore, I’m just doing what anypony would do.” She started to put her medical items away when she thought back on the mystery beast again.”Um, Ms. Manticore, could I perhaps join you to see the beast again if you do go? I want to see it for myself, but it’s ok if you don’t want me to come along.”

”Yes, you may come along, but I suggest that you stay behind us, I don’t know if it likes ponies or not, so hiding would be best.” She replied back with a cautious tone.

Fluttershy nodded happily before hugging the manticore’s face in thanks. When the cub came into the cave to see his mom, he saw her feeling more better and thanked Fluttershy by licking her. She giggled as she petted the cub in response before getting ready to leave as it was getting close to dark.

Before she left though, she agreed on going with Ms. Manticore and her cub to see the beast again 2 days from now. When the cub heard this, he excitedly jumped around in joy. Fluttershy smiled seeing such a happy cub despite his mother’s injury. As she waved goodbye, she could only just imagine of what the creature could look like.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but here is interlude of the other side of perspective 2 days before the meetup. Hope you liked the chapter!