• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,310 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 15-A Bright Morning

Arthur POV:

Did I die? To be honest I really didn't know, as when I opened my eyes all I saw was white, and I couldn't move my body. I looked down but couldn't seem to find Nightmare Moon in my grasp. I panicked slightly before I heard a voice in the distance.

"Warrior of Strength, you passed my first challenge, but there is still more to come. Take this reward for your efforts. Awaken and follow the path set for you, so that the wrongs of the past may be fixed..."

Before I could even speak I felt a calming aura surrounding me as the void faded. I felt a rush of energy powering me as my vision started to clear, with color slowly returning to the area around me. I stood up as I felt a pony's body in my arms as I look down once more, seeing a smaller being that looked different than the Nightmare Moon that I saw before. As I looked up I saw my friends both pony and spider look relieved before one of them rush towards me.

I quickly dropped the bundled up pony gently as a Spider's body latches onto my face, crying.

"OH THANK THE GODS! YOU’RE OK!”, She screams as I struggle to get her off of me, to no avail. I staggered forward as I used my arms to pull her off my head where she moved to cling tighter. Her grip was stronger than even my own strength, which was surprising considering what I was. The others laugh or smirk at my situation as I chuckle alongside them, happy to see them all again. Not even a second after another joins in to hug me. Fluttershy hugs my right leg as I take notice and stop struggling.

She was crying softly and muttering how happy she was as well that I was ok. I bent downwards and lift her up with an arm, causing her to let go.

“Eep!”, She shouts as I hug her back, making sure not to squeeze too hard as she smiles. Queen Night Star joins in as she uses her front legs to hug her hair as she still clings to my head. It was the thought that counted I suppose.

We hear a slight cough as we turn to see the others stand there awkwardly, with Pinkie Pie jumping up and shouting, “Well can we join or what?!”

More laughter soon follows as I grab the rest of them in a fell swoop and hug them. Rainbow Dash struggles against my arm as I hug them all but I could see a slight smile on her face as she shouts how not cool this is. I still made sure not to push my strength on my hugs. Rather not break any backs like a certain Batman villain.

As I enjoyed the moment of happiness, a small yawn could be heard behind me. We all stiffened as we could already tell whose yawn that was. I slowly turned around with friends in my arms as we saw the bundled pony start to wake up. I let them all down quickly as they huddle behind me. I flexed my muscles as a show of strength and to prepare myself for any form of violence.

The pony awakened as her eyes opened to the view in front of her. The first thing she saw was me, standing in front of her ready to pounce at any moment. Her eyes widen far beyond what I thought was possible as she shuddered in fear, but once her eyes was set on the Star Spider on top of me, her eyes watered as she gasped slightly.

I felt my friend crawl down my head and onto my arm as she signaled to be lowered. I obliged as I set her down, and noticed how hopeful she looked.

”Luna? Are you truly back?”, She said as she crawled closer to the pony.

“Y-yes, Night Star………do you forgive us? For what we did, and the pain we have caused onto you?”, Nightm-Luna asks, her words barely above a whisper.

A insect leg touches her webbed bundle as she looks down to see Night Star.

”You have nothing to be sorry for, as I had promised you all those years ago, I will always be there for you, no matter what….”, Queen Night Star replies.

Luna starts to cry as she smiles, Queen Night Star crawling on top of her head as she gives a whole body hug. It was a heartfelt moment as I smiled (metaphorically). My body relaxed as the ponies behind me smile as well at the heartfelt moment, Fluttershy having translated the minor conversation. I accomplished my promise to my friend, and gave back her Mistress that she had lost ages ago.

I was interrupted by the sound of somepony blowing their nose as I turn around to see Pinkie Pie sobbing and using tissues to blow her nose, with Rarity in tow of also using them as well, though much more quietly. ‘How the fuck did she get tissues? I don’t remember seeing them on her at any point.’

I decided not to ask at the moment, as there were other matters more important now. I stepped forward as to introduce myself to the mare. She noticed me walk towards her and flinched as I stood in front of both her and Queen Night Star. She looked at Night Star in worry, but she flashed a smile and ensured her that no harm will come.

”He’s a friend.”, Queen Night Star said, to calm her worried Mistress. She looked back at me as she relaxed slightly.

“W-who art thou?”, Luna spoke up. I however, could not speak up, so I signaled to Twilight for her writing materials. She perked up upon my signal and gave me the writing materials in her magic. I gave a thumbs up in thanks as she smiled and turned back around to face Luna, who had a face of small interest and confusion on what was going on.

I saw her shock as I begun writing, making an introduction for myself as well as my hope. This was a goddess in front of me, weakened, yes, but somepony who could help me try and find a way home. I had to be truly honest with her if she was able to help me in return. I was also writing to my newfound friends behind me, as while I do not know the extent of what Fluttershy told them, it was important that I was to explain my full situation. I finished my writing as I showed it to Luna to read.

Hello, Luna. I am glad to see that you are free from the corruption that my friend above you told about. My name is Arthur Henris. I apologize that I wasn’t able to respond to your question verbally, mainly due to my speech being incapable of saying words like you can, but I am able to write freely. I am happy I was able to accomplish my promise to my friend, as I was worried I would have to break it in order to save everypony else. However, I’m glad I didn’t have to do that.

I have read up on some history of this world, as well as the calamity that befell this land many years ago. I am not from this world, I do not know how others of my species came here, nor do I know why they acted such ways in the past, but I am different from them. You can trust that I will not do anything to harm those around me. I just wish to go home. I apologize for making a request so soon, but I ask of you to help me return back home. I miss my family, my life, and my normalcy. Could you help me?

I closed my eyes as I thank myself for taking classes on English writing, as I want to convey myself so I do not look like a threat, just as a person wanting to return home.

When I opened my eyes however, all I saw were tears falling from her eyes, as she looked up to me with sadness. Queen Night Star looked the same way, though she knew of this beforehand. I was shocked to hear what came next.

“W-we will do everything to help thyself return home Arthur. No being should have suffered a cruel fate such as this. We are grateful for thy help in freeing us and reuniting us back to our dear Night Star. Thy deserves to be treated in in the same way in return.”, Luna said in a soft yet determined voice.

I did not know what to do to express my thanks. So I gave her a hug as I dropped the items I held. She gasped with surprise but otherwise smiled as I lifted her up and hugged her, as I expressed my gratitude for her answer. Queen Night Star smiled as well as she clung onto Luna’s hair.

It was only then that another princess entered this moment.

Author's Note:

Here is another chapter! Sorry for such a long wait. It was going to come out as originally planned, but due to an internet issue I couldn’t save it so it was erased completely. So I had to start from scratch again. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Name: Arthur Henris
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Type: Bug-Fighting
Level: 74
Moves: Focus Punch, Fell Stinger, ???????, ????????, UmUsSpBdBw