• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,324 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 10-Rotten or Worse

6 days later....

Arthur POV:

"FOCUS PUNCH!" I shouted, punching and breaking through a large stone with ease.

As I finish destroying it, I look up to see Queen Night Star order her guards and some of her other children to grab anything to set up defenses on their home in the library. They crawled on the pillars that went horizontally across the ceiling as they pulled off small bits of stone and sticks before taking them back to the Webway. I helped out as well by destroying larger stones, making them smaller and much easier to carry as well. I also used this chance to strengthen my moveset before the day comes tomorrow. I cannot fail my friends, as if this Princess of Darkness does beat me, then there is no telling what she will do to my friends.

We received a letter from Fluttershy not too long ago via by baby manticore, explaining that she is sorry she won’t be able to come this week, due to being chosen to provide a performance for the Summer Sun Celebration. This gave us confirmation and a short time frame to prepare ourselves for the chance to strike. While Queen Night Star focused on defenses and traps, I focused on the attack, trying to expand my move pool.

"EARTHQUAKE!" I shouted, trying once again to gain another move like I had done with my focus punch on the next large stone I saw. Yet when I shouted the move, nothing occured. I grumbled before using Focus Punch, smashing it with ease after a moment. I learned the hard way during my first day away from the castle that I had shout my moves in order for it to work. It all started two days after the party.......

4 days ago...,

But I can't leave! I have to train more before the day your Mistress returns. I do not want to fail you on my promise or to you as a friend.

"And you won't, just take a day out! Ever since that party we had yesterday, you've been in your room reading books and practicing flexing poses! And don't deny it, I've seen you do that flex with your chest and abs!" She called out from behind me, pushing me with her spider body as I moved along, not wanting to cause her any pain from trying to move me from my legs.

I blush at her callout. To be honest, the only reason why I had done those flexes was to try and see if what I saw on the Pokedex in the anime was true. Turns out that flexing does relieve stress, and is rather addicting. I tried to write down another message but by the time I had come up with an answer, I was outside the castle.

"And don't come back until you spent at least 5 hours outside! If I hear from one of my children that you snuck back in........I will find a way to turn your body pink." She said as she gave me a glare that would burn the entire forest to the ground.

I gulped in fear, before nodding quickly. I did not want to be known as the “Pink Buzzwole” by any means, nor did I want to see what would happen if I got on her irritated side.

”Good! See you later!” She said in a sudden cheerful tone, smiling as she turned around and crawled back into the castle.

I grumbled as I walked away from the castle, crumpling the written paper that I had on my hand before dropping it.’I was only getting more information from those books before the Celebration happens, and I was perfectly fine staying in my room. I was living every gamer’s dream! No restroom, no hunger, just free time. Well I am not sure about the hunger part, but I’m pretty sure I won’t ever be hung-‘ My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of a growling stomach.


I sighed as I knew that I would have to find a timber wolf soon, as it seems to be the only food source I could properly eat from what I did to the last one. I looked around as I went deeper into the forest, trying to spot any moving wood so that I could strike and not have a tough time. I did not know how long I spent searching, but soon I heard a noise.


I stopped in my tracks as I heard the noise again, louder and closer.


And either because I was just lucky or because god had answered my prayers, a timber wolf appeared close by, digging a hole in the ground. It looked like it was trying to dig out an animal to eat, yet was struggling. I walked quietly as I got closer behind it, noticing that it’s wood was rotten as well. It’s body was filled with moss and rotting wood, as wood pieces fell off from its side while it dug. Some wood pieces would fall back into place on its body, but most did not.

I was disgusted by the looks of it, but hey, free food is free food.

As I got closer to it, I readied my fist. As soon as it’s head stuck in the hole, I slammed it down hoping that would give me enough time to eat it’s core. Yet to my surprise, it didn’t explode into pieces, but rather its back end fell apart. ’What the fuck? Why didn’t it work?! It worked every other time!’

Before I could make any more questions, I felt a hit to my abs as I stumbled back. The timber wolf had already came back together and had head-butted me while I was confused. It growled at me in anger as a rabbit came out of the hole and ran away.

’Looks like Im going to have to fight it normally then’

“You hungry?! How about a Knuckle sandwich to go!” I shouted as I slammed my fist on its face, breaking it apart. It quickly fixed its face before barking at me, then charging full speed and biting my leg.

I grunted in surprise as I stomped it with my other leg, breaking it apart. It fixed itself again as it bit down harder, actually making me feel slight pain. We continued on in the same motion, I breaking it apart, and it coming back together. Each time I felt pain, my anger grew, and soon I saw red. My stinger glowed green as I looked down on it.


I slammed my stinger down on its chest, as it let go of my leg and howled in pain. I grabbed it with both of my arms as I drank it’s core, draining it as it tried to struggle to get away, it’s movements getting weaker the more I drank until it’s eyes dimmed. It fell apart in my arms, and I threw those sticks on the ground in anger. I felt angry at the world within that moment, angry at everything, angry at Queen Night Star and Fluttershy, yet I knew it wasn’t right. I took deep breaths as to calm myself down and within moments, my anger subsided.

I felt a bit tired as I looked down on the remains of the timber wolf. “*huff* Take that you timber bitch!” I shouted, letting go of my remaining anger as I sat down.

I wondered why didn’t my moves work, why did I became angry when I felt pain? While I didn’t know the answer to the latter, I did have a theory on the first.I stood up first to test that theory. I looked at my fist as I calmed my mind, and soon shouted the move.


My fist slammed forward as I saw red streaks move around the fist as I punched the air. That was the move I was supposed to do. However, when I tried it without shouting but rather in my mind, it didn’t work, rather it was a normal punch. It seemed that I had a weakness, I had to shout my moves in order for them to work, which could lead to problems should I be muted. I continued to test out my theory more until the sky turned dark. By that time I had not only proved my theory, but also tried to do different moves as well.

My main focus now would be to learn earthquake, as it would prove to be most effective for my battle with Nightmare Moon. Ground attacks are always good finisher moves. I ended my practice as I returned back to the castle with greater knowledge on my body, but also a new objective to focus on.

As I returned back to the castle, I went to my room and flopped on the bed, nearly breaking it as it creaked and groaned. I was dead set on sleeping the night away, but a certain Star Spider crawled into my room.

General POV:

”Arthur! Your back! How was your day outside the Castle?” Queen Night Star nearly shouted.

Arthur groaned as he got up from his bed, went to the table to write out a response and gave it to her before flopping again on the bed.

I had a most pleasant day hunting for timber wolves because I got hungry. It was so pleasant that I would LOVE another day out without being able to do anything and just having to walk around. Maybe next time I could spend time at the swamp and play with the hydra there! By the time you finish reading this I will have fallen asleep. Goodnight Queen Night Star.

She looked up to see him snoring on the bed, the bed itself barely capable of carrying his body as she huffed and looked at his sleeping form with an annoyed look.

”It was just one day, you egghead! Acting like it’s a big deal…….next time I’ll come along as well, we’ll see how you act then. Goodnight Arthur, see you tomorrow.” She smiled as she crawled away, carrying the message with her for safekeeping.

Author's Note:

A little filler chapter before we start off with the Nightmare Moon battle. Hope you enjoy!

Name: Arthur Henris
Pokémon: Buzzwole
Type: Bug-Fighting
Level: 71
Moves: Focus Punch, Fell Stinger, ????????,??????