• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Nobody: Return to Agrabah

As Sombra and the others returned to the Gummi Ship, and Sora got them underway to the next world that require their help, she noticed that something had changed during their time in Port Royal, Ansem the Wise was standing outside the lab area with a concerned look on his face.

"Ah, Sombra, good, I was wondering when you and the others would return. Something... has happened." Ansem said, but he spoke only when he was sure that it was him and Sombra, since he didn't think the others needed to be bothered by what he had discovered while they were visiting another world, causing him to beckon for Sombra to follow, "It's better if I just show you what's going on."

Sombra followed him into the lab area, seeing the space they were storing the unused Replicas in, the area that she worked in when she restored Seras and Roxas to actual bodies, the wall that held all of the computers Ansem worked on, and the magically sealed containers that held two things: one held the pieces of Vanitas' heart, the other held the Seeker's heart.

"Fascinating." Sombra commented, as the problem that Ansem the Wise was talking about was the fact that the heart of the Heartless that had taken on his name, the heart of Seeker Ansem as she called the figure in question, seemed to be in the middle of something, as there was some energy around it that was pulsing, almost like a heartbeat, "I see what you mean. If I had to make a guess, I would say that Seeker Ansem's heart is resonating with another's... it's not Vanitas', since you can see that the fragments aren't going crazy, which can only mean one thing: he is resonating with his brother."

"Brother?" Ansem inquired, because for a few moments that comment confused him, since the Heartless in question didn't have any siblings, not that he was aware of, before he fully understood what Sombra was talking about when he recalled what happened when someone, regardless of their power, was turned into a Heartless, their body turned into a Nobody, a fact that reminded him about Fluttershy and Seras, sisters they called themselves, "You're talking about Xemnas! Why would the Seeker's heart resonate with Xemnas?"

"Something must have happened to Xemnas when we brought Terra back... he probably went into shock and his brother is only now reaching out to him." Sombra remarked, which was interesting when she thought about it, as it seemed to suggest that the two beings who were made out of Terra and Master Xehanort had some sort of bond, one that was only now being revealed after Xemnas' heart had come into being, and based on what she was feeling it felt like the Seeker was concerned for his brother, "Interesting... I wonder if awakening Xemnas' heart allowed the Seeker to grow as an individual as well, using the bond that apparently exists between them... it might be more correct to think of them as twin brothers, in a sense, and that they currently making things that much more interesting."

Ansem figured this would be the case, that Sombra saw no harm in the Seeker's heart resonating with another's, but even he had to wonder what sort of information they would gleam from this, or if there was a chance that Xemnas' awakening his own heart was going to cause the Seeker to do the same. Such a thing made him wonder how this turn of events could alter the return of Master Xehanort, since both of them were convinced that the downfall of both the Seeker and Xemnas would bring back the figure that had ruined so many lives, but this turn of events left him full of questions. Sombra felt the same way, as there was no telling how the future was going to turn out now that things were happening to both of the villains she and her friends were going to deal with, making her even more interested in what the coming weeks had for them. For the time being she decided to just study the Seeker's heart and make sure nothing bad was happening to it, while waiting for Axel's report on what the Organization was planning on doing, and if there was any news about Xemnas to either confirm or deny her thoughts.

When she was done focusing on that Sombra watched as Sora found the next Space Gate that was part of the path they had to follow, where this one seemed to be a dark area while their ship followed an odd stone ring or road of some kind, though there were a number of racers on the path, including a big one that seemed to be the main target. It was almost like they were racing through the area or something like that, especially since there were pipes that seemed like they were tunnels of some kind, but once again Sora didn't seem to mind that all too much as he navigated the area and blasted the enemies that were coming at them. Sombra and the others just sat back and relaxed as the ship's systems collected more gummi material for them to use, just feeding the ship and making it even stronger in the long run, which was why everyone was able to relax since they trusted him to be able to get through whatever the space had to throw at them. Of course they discovered that the true 'boss' of this area was a missile shaped Heartless gummi that's body could actually move and become guns to fire at them, though Sora wasted no time in wiping it out with his skills, while at the same time Sombra claimed it's heart as they completed the course.

Upon exiting the Space Gate, however, the group found that the world it connected them to was none other than Agrabah, the world Aladdin and Jasmine called home, to which Sora parked the ship close to their destination, wished those that were staying on the ship well, and then warped himself and the rest of his group down into the city.

"Agrabah... I wonder how Aladdin and Jasmine are doing." Sora commented, because he remembered the trouble the pair had been in during their last visit, which was being caused by Jafar and his Heartless, so since the sorcerer turned genie had been locked up he was sure that their friends should be just fine, but since the World had brought them here that meant something was going on.

"And there's Iago." Fluttershy said, spotting the red parrot flying around the portion of the bazaar that they were in, who did seem slightly different than she remembered, because the last time they had seen him he had been trapped inside Jafar's black lamp, or at least had been pulled inside by Jafar, so if he was free there was a chance that Jafar was free, "But... well, he doesn't seem like he's up to anything evil this time."

"That right, I turned over a new feather... but, um, haven't said anything to Aladdin or Jasmine." Iago replied, though as he said that a wave of dark energy washed over him before he returned to normal, where Sombra told them that she made sure to remove any lingering attachments Jafar might have put on him, totally freeing him from the dark genie's hold, "See, I wanna apologize to them, but haven't found the way to do so without them screaming and capturing me... so maybe you guys can help me figure out how to convince them that I'm not evil anymore?"

As the group considered it they found that a number of Bandits showed up to fight them, one of the Heartless that called this world home, and a few Shadows joined them a few seconds later, though Sora and the others weren't worried about such a thing as they engaged the Heartless. Sombra found that the interesting thing this time around was the sheer number of enemies for them to fight, almost like the Keyhole they sealed during their last visit had never been sealed, though at the same time she wasn't about to complain since it meant she could capture more and more hearts to deprive the Organization of the components they needed to complete their Kingdom Hearts. As she thought about that, however, her senses told her that there was something else about this world that was different from their first visit, she could feel two heart fragments in this world, the fifth and sixth fragments of Vanitas' heart, which was interesting since she had never seen two in one world before. Such a thing made her wonder where the two fragments might be hiding, even though she was sure that they would run into them at some point in time, that seemed to be how things went whenever they were on a world a fragment was on, so she was interested in what might happen since this one had two.

While they fought the Heartless that were in the area Iago did something interesting, he flew around and some of their foes seemed to follow him, where Fluttershy had him move around a few containers and barrels, dropping them on top of the Bandits that were moving with him, allowing the group to bring them down. Such a thing confirmed another thing for Sombra as they took down the Bandit tide that was in the city, many of them were interested in Iago, which meant that his former master was likely doing something and either wanted his old minion back or he was seeking to tie up a loose end before he made his next move. Another thing she found was that the Heartless came out in one last giant push, for the time being based on what they were seeing, to which Sombra had the others get out of the way as the Bandits and Shadows just attacked from the front, causing her to smile as a dark purple magical circle appeared in front of her. Sombra unleashed a torrent of gravity magic on their foes, crushing them into the ground without actually weakening the ground itself, and with her spare hand she allowed everyone else to move through the spell freely, allowing Sora and the others to finish off the rest of the Heartless so she collected their freed hearts.

Once that was done, and they were sure that there were no more Heartless for the time being, Iago told them that he was sure both Aladdin and Jasmine would be at the palace, causing them to quickly move through the city before reaching the front gates of the palace, where the princess seemed to be inspecting things and turned to face them with a smile on her face.

"Don't be alarmed, Iago is with us... Fluttershy believes that he really wants to turn over a new leaf, or feather in his case, and Sombra broke a spell that Jafar left on him." Sora quickly said, as he suspected that the bird would become a topic for them to talk about, regardless if they addressed him or not, so he figured that eliminating this topic quickly might allow them to focus on Aladdin and whatever he was doing right now.

"I... I see... I take it he wants to apologize and amend his ways?" Jasmine asked, because she and Aladdin had agreed to think of the bird as Jafar's minion and be treated appropriately, though she also trusted this group far more than Iago, as they had gone above and beyond to save everything from Maleficent, where it was easy for her to see that the group nodded as soon as she asked the question, causing her to sigh, "I need to speak to Aladdin about this. He said he was in the Bazaar, but that is all I know... you know, sometimes he just seems so sad, like he's hiding something from me, and it makes me worry about him."

"Jasmine, Aladdin loves you, and after what happened with Jafar he's likely trying to keep you safe." Radiant replied, as she knew that when someone loved someone else they would do everything in their power to prove it, and even when they got together that feeling turned into the desire to protect the other from potential danger, which meant Aladdin might be doing his best to keep Jafar contained, without involving Jasmine, "But we'll go find him and see what's going on, and then help deal with the problem. Okay?"

Jasmine nodded and let them head back into the city, though as they did so they noticed an unusual scene, which happened to be Abu running off with a familiar black lamp, Aladdin chasing after him, and a short person, the Peddler, running after the pair, though it was easy to see that they had confirmed their suspicions, Aladdin was trying to keep Jafar sealed inside his dark lamp. The Peddler was annoyed with Aladdin, since he couldn't control Abu, though before anyone could do anything Sombra snatched the black lamp and let her magic wash over it, where she applied several magical seals to the lamp with a smile on her face, because this would give them time to obtain something to trade for the lamp. Sure, she could steal it and replace it with a replica, but based on the loook on Aladdin's face it was clear that he wanted to do things the proper way so he could be respected by certain people, or maybe he just didn't want to use Jasmine's connections to ensure that Jafar was finally sealed away. The Peddler even confirmed as much, his price was something from the Cave of Wonders, which was the legendary cave that Aladdin had found the Genie's lamp in before they arrived during their last adventure, a place that reset every so often, meaning it would be entirely different this time around and Aladdin was glad to have them on his side once more.

As the group started to leave Agrabah, however, Sombra stopped as she found a faint pink heart fragment floating in the air nearby, though as she gently captured it she felt what seemed to be a sense of love, like Vanitas had seen someone that caught his attention, before a sense of being torn apart that caused her to stagger for a moment.

"You okay, Sombra?" Seras asked, because she knew that the figure in question had used a few fairly powerful spells, it was hard to miss the weave of her magic at work, especially since she knew the former Ruler of the Crystal Empire had placed another spell on the lamp to keep track of what happened to it.

"Yes, I'm fine." Sombra replied, though this time she decided to keep the information she had discovered to herself, as this fragment seemed like it was from the time right after Vanitas was created, before he became the monster that Aqua and her friends knew, and it made her angry that Master Xehanort had the gall to sunder Vanitas' heart like this, stripping the bits of light that started to grow in his heart and leaving him in a pit of utter darkness.

She really wasn't sure what was going to happen when she recovered the last fragments of the light half of Vanitas' heart, but what she did know was that she was going to let Master Xehanort have it when the time came, to which she focused on the task at hand and headed out with the group to visit the Cave of Wonders, before worrying about whatever the future had in store for them.

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