• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Heartless: The Desert Assassin

"So, you said you wanted to visit a few worlds before Hollow Bastion?" Sora asked, where he opened the map their ship had formed while they flew around the space between the various worlds, which was useful for activating the warp system, but before he picked a world he glanced at Sombra for a few seconds, "Where are we going?"

"First Agrabah, then Neverland... once we're done, we can head to our final destination." Sombra answered, because now that they were nearing the end of their journey she was sure that they could handle the two powerful Heartless she had felt in the worlds in question, which should, in her opinion, get them nice and prepared for the final battle.

"Why are we bothering to head back to those worlds?" Donald inquired, though at the same time Sora ignored him and just input the command to warp them to Agrabah, causing the ship to enter the warp space without delay, which told the duck that no one seemed to care what he thought about this new information.

"Both have powerful Heartless that we left behind. We weren't strong enough to beat them during our first visits... now I believe we can bring them down." Sombra replied, something that caused Radiant and Fluttershy to understand what she was saying, while Sora and Goofy nodded their heads as well, though while Donald clearly thought they were wasting time he also noticed that he was outnumbered and said nothing, "Think of it this way: this will be our final training before we tackle the challenges of Hollow Bastion."

Donald stared at her for a moment but said nothing to counter her remark, to which he returned to his seat as Sombra and the others returned to the living area, as she was of the opinion that sleep was necessary, something she made sure Sora knew since this portion of the travel could be done without his assistance. This time around no one trained, as they wanted to make sure they were ready for when they reached Agrabah, though Sombra did make sure to prepare a light meal since being completely full could hamper their abilities if her thoughts about the powerful Heartless were right. She was sure that what she had felt earlier was correct, there were two foes she wanted to take down to prepare them for the dangers they would likely face on Hollow Bastion, plus she knew that since they were Heartless there was a chance she could absorb their unique powers once she absorbed their hearts. Such a thing would make her even stronger as well, the true purpose for her wanting to stop at the worlds in question for a few minutes, but she kept that opinion to herself as she prepared a little something for everyone to enjoy.

It still amused her that one of her skills could be cooking, it never occurred to her in the past, yet she wasn't about to even argue with the results, as this meant they could actually have something to eat, since Donald's cooking was horrible and Goofy didn't seem concerned enough to try.

Other than that there wasn't much for them to worry about as they returned to the space above Agrabah without wasting too much time, causing Sora to turn towards Sombra for a moment as she closed her eyes, feeling the sensations she had felt the last time they were here, before pinpointing their target. With that in mind Sora made sure to activate the systems in the ship, hiding it from the people of the world that was below them, before warping them down to their destination, or at least as close as they could get to the target Sombra had felt some time ago. Landing near the main entrance of the city quickly bared no fruit, as they found that there was no way to head out to the sandstorm that was off in the distance, but there was one thing that could help them out, which was why the group turned around and headed back to Aladdin's, as the key might be with him. The odd thing in Radiant's eyes was that there were no Heartless in the city, but she guessed that sealing the Keyholes made a good number of the dark creatures disappear, returning the worlds to some sense of normalcy no doubt, before she focused as they reached their destination.

Upon entering Aladdin's area they found that he was definitely still around, no doubt still worried about Jasmine, though what caught their attention was the fact that Carpet seemed to be dancing in the corner by one of the windows right now, which was what they were hoping to see.

"Oh, hey guys. Did you find jasmine or Kairi?" Aladdin asked, confirming that he was still worried about the love of his life, which made sense when the group thought about it, before he noticed what Phil had noticed, Riku was missing and that they were likely now looking for two friends, not just the one he knew about, "What happened to Riku?"

"He's... investigating another matter. We thought we found Kairi, but were unable to confirm our findings." Fluttershy said, though while she hated to lie to someone who had helped them out, and they had helped him in return, she knew that telling him anything about the other worlds would just annoy Donald to no end, which was the last thing they needed right now, before she shook her head, "We haven't seen Jasmine either."

"I figured I'd ask. So, what brings you guys back to Agrabah?" Aladdin inquired, because he knew about their previous visit and suspected that something was up, even though he hoped nothing was wrong and this was just a social visit for them, causing him to consider what he had seen since their last visit, "Is it the Heartless?"

"Sort of. Sombra said there's supposed to be a powerful one near Agrabah." Sora answered, where they found that their friend from this world thought about the information they were giving him and seemed to glance out towards the large sandstorm they had spotted earlier, to which he summoned the Kingdom Key for a moment, "We figured that, since we were passing by, we might as well swing in and help you take care of it before something bad happened."

Aladdin nodded before beckoning to Carpet, who lowered itself down so he, Sora, Donald, and Goofy could climb onto it, while Sombra floated herself and Radiant as Fluttershy took to the air, allowing them to leave the hideout before heading towards the sandstorm. For a time they didn't see anything out of the ordinary, though as they drew closer to the edge of the natural event everyone found that it wasn't even a sandstorm, it was a large sandy brown Heartless, which they were able to confirm thanks to the emblem, that seemed to be using it's six arms while it spun, hence the storm. From what all of them could see it looked like the beast was at least three times the size of Sora, maybe even four times, where Sombra found that there were also brown and black segments while it's head was a golden cobra, much like Jafar's staff, while all six of it's hands were made up three segmented talons and it's feet were curled like sharp hooks. In addition to all of that the beast had two weapons, silver crescent blades that were being held by the middle hands, leaving the upper and lower arms and hands free to do whatever the beast wanted, and the closer they got the more Sombra confirmed that this was, in fact, what she had felt during their previous visit.

As they got even closer something caused the beast to stir as it shifted course and angled it's blades at them, causing the group to dodge as Radiant pointed out a number of large stone pillars that appeared all over the area, trapping them in the area thanks to the barrier that formed between all of them, causing the ground to land on the sand as the beast did the same.

"What in the world is that thing?!" Aladdin asked, all while he and the others readied their weapons, because if seemed like this was a fight they wouldn't be able to escape from, not that Sombra was thinking of fleeing now that they had found the Heartless that had drawn them to this area.

"Kurt... Zisa..." the beast replied, speaking right after Aladdin did while one of it's hands pointed at it, surprising Sombra since it seemed unreal that a Heartless would have the ability to speak, even to the limited ability that they were seeing at the moment, before it, or rather 'he' since it seemed to have a male voice, pointed at Aladdin, "...Aladdin..."

"Okay, Heartless assassin... not good." Sombra remarked, because this meant someone was creating specific Heartless to kill specific targets, meaning Kurt Zisa would most definitely have a unique power that she wanted to claim for herself, a fact that was followed by one of the Heartless' arms being raised as a wave of dark colored magic washed over them, only for Sombra's eyes to widen in surprise as her magic was sealed, "A silence spell... definitely not good!"

Based on what she was feeling right now Sombra was convinced this was likely the third tier of Silence, it was powerful enough to cover all seven of them at once, which meant it was likely called 'Silencega', though out of all of them the only one greatly impacted by this was Donald. As everyone scattered, dodging Kurt Zisa's attack with both of his blades coming down on where they landed, Sombra figured out why this Heartless had such a power, if he was an assassin, as she was sure of that fact, this ability was to allow him to deal with Genie, Aladdin's source of magic. Such a thing made her wonder if the same was true for Neverland, that whatever Heartless she had felt was likely searching for Peter Pan, before quickly returning her attention to the fight as she jumped into the air and spun around, parrying one of the crescent blades. While she did that Radiant remained in the distance and loosed arrows from her bow as she kept Donald safe, as the duck was a sitting target if Kurt Zisa, before Fluttershy pointed out that two of their foe's hands were holding spheres that seemed to be powering his Silencega spell.

In the following moment everyone seemed to have the same idea, some of them distracted Kurt Zisa as he tried to crush Aladdin with his blades, where Goofy raised his shield and did everything he could to block some of the attacks, while at the same time Sombra did the same thing. Sora and Fluttershy dealt with the spheres as quickly as they could, because after some time the Heartless jumped into the air and landed in another part of the desert that had been portioned out as his arena, showing that they wouldn't be able to beat him as quickly as they had been hoping. Sombra did find that Kurt Zisa's blades were powerful and that blocking one usually knocked whoever stopped them backwards, though they made sure to do everything in their power to stop the Heartless from hurting or even killing Aladdin, since he was the beast's true target. Of course that didn't stop Aladdin from attacking the beast with everything he had as well, because if he was Kurt Zisa's target he wasn't about to let them fight his battle in his stead, something that allowed him to jump into the air and strike one sphere while Sora did, allowing Fluttershy to focus on the other one as both spheres shattered.

With the spheres destroyed the detonation of them, plus Sombra's magic flaring as she struck the Heartless, knocked Kurt Zisa onto his rear and stunned him, allowing everyone to launch an assault on him before he even had a chance to get up and attack them, though while they seemed to chip some of his arms and his legs they realized this wouldn't be an easy fight to finish.

Following that Kurt Zisa forced them backwards as he called forth his magic, causing him to float in the air in what looked like a sphere of energy, a protective shell that may or may not be healing him for the next round of battle, though while he did that the Heartless summoned tornadoes that they had to dodge. Not only did he do that, causing everyone to scatter once more, the beast even fired off fireballs at whoever happened to be his main target at any given moment, where Sora had a good idea as he turned and struck one of the fireballs, bouncing it back at their opponent. With that in mind most of the group copied that move for a few moments as they did everything in their power to damage the Heartless, while at the same time Sombra lashed out with her darkness, slamming it against the barrier while the others focused on the fireballs and Donald let loose with his own magic. Even with their powers and attacks it took a bit of time to break the barrier and knock Kurt Zisa to the ground, allowing them to repeat what they had done when they shattered his Silencega, though it wasn't long before he got up and attacked everyone again.

As Sombra was thrown back once more she found that Silencega was in effect once more, while at the same time realizing that these stronger Heartless could take a lot of damage before being brought down, though as she thought about that an idea formed in her mind as she beckoned Radiant over to her side.

"I take it you have a plan?" Radiant asked, because Sombra was one of the smartest individuals she knew, it was the main reason why both Princess Celestia and Luna had attacked her before her defeat and the sealing of the Crystal Empire, so she figured that Sombra had to have some idea on how to even the odds in their favor.

"Yes, the next time we lower his defenses I'll stab him with one of my dark crystals." Sombra replied, as it was a tactic she hadn't needed to use since arriving in this world, but at the rate things were going she figured that this might be the best way for her to weaken their foe so they could finish it off.

Radiant glanced at her for a moment before nodding, as the dark crystals sealed the magical abilities of the afflicted, so in this instance they would be able to force Kurt Zisa to stop using his magic and attack them with his blades, which would open his defenses so they could bring him down. Fortunately things were already turning in their favor, because now that they knew about the spheres powering the spell the group could target them without delay, breaking them in no time, but as Kurt Zisa fell to the ground Sombra called forth her power and the darkness responded. Such a thing allowed her to make a sharp dark crystal as she rushed towards their foe, though as she grabbed hold of it Sombra propelled herself into the air and landed on her target's back, opening the way for her to stab the Heartless in the back of his neck, driving the crystal deep into his neck. While she did that everyone else laid into Kurt Zisa and did more damage to the Heartless, all to weaken the creature even more, and, as they expected, the beast got up before rushing off again, just like they had done after breaking his spell the first time.

This time, however, Kurt Zisa found that he was unable to cast his spells, where the group tore into him, using his bout of confusion to topple him for real, where Carpet flew in and let those riding him earlier climb into him as he flew off, while Sombra picked herself and Radiant up, and it wasn't long before Kurt Zisa dissolved as his large heart escaped, though it didn't get too far as Sombra captured it and absorbed it.

"I'd say we all earned something from this battle... plus we got part of Ansem's report." Sora remarked, showing off the new page that had been blown over to him by the wind as the large Heartless was brought down, all while Sombra had to grin as her tome filled out, adding all three tiers of Silence to her arsenal, her additional reward for absorbing the heart of Kurt Zisa.

Sombra and the others were pleased with their efforts in bringing down the Heartless, while some were wondering what was waiting for them in Neverland, something that caused her to smile as she wondered what might happen before they faced the dangers of Hollow Bastion at long last.

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