• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Chain/Days: Different Missions

Seras found that at the end of every mission Saix insisted on those who were sent out to write a report of what they had seen or done during their time away from the castle, so she and Larxene wrote down how they went to Deep Jungle, found the Heartless that had been reported previously, and took them out. It was a simple thing to do, really, and when both of them were done the simplest thing to do was have a Dusk collect their reports so they could be delivered to Saix, since the lowest tier of the Nobodies did all sorts of things like this for the rest of the Organization. Such things involved scouting areas, doing chores that were beneath the numbered members, delivering messages from one member to another, but only if they were important, and occasionally pranking the newbies of the group, as in putting clothespins on Roxas' nose and face while he was asleep. Larxene and Demyx liked to use the last one to play pranks on Axel, simply because he was the easiest target out of all of them, especially since they couldn't do anything to the likes of Xemnas or Saix, but everyone else was fair game for their antics.

Another thing she discovered was of greater importance to her, as she found that Xion was interested in Roxas, mostly in the sense that the other new Nobody stared at Roxas whenever he was in the area, though at the same time she knew it would be some time before both developed into their own persons.

While Seras wasn't in need of additional training, in the sense of combat, Saix made sure that she teamed up with Roxas so they could learn how to do the various missions that would be assigned to them in the future, like how on the second day Marluxia was their mentor. It revealed to her another interesting thing, that there were areas that were blocked off with black and white vine looking things that formed an X, likely Xemnas doing his best to make sure Roxas remained on track during his missions, since she didn't see any when she was out with Larxene. Marluxia was impressed by the power of the Keyblade, in fact he looked at both of their weapons for a moment and seemed to pause, even though he did take a second to wish that he had the power to wield such a great and powerful weapon. While Seras knew what to do Roxas was still a blank slate, thus he needed to be told certain things so he could figure out how to complete his missions, like when Marluxia told him that his job was like Seras' and Xion's, they had to defeat Heartless and free their hearts.

"It is important to defeat all types of Heartless, but remember that ones like these Shadows don't have hearts... however, if left alone they will, in fact, cause more people to suffer." Seras pointed out, as she knew the difference between the figures that had the Heartless emblem and those that didn't, and she made sure that Roxas was watching as she pointed out how the Shadows didn't have the emblem, but the Soldier that came in after them did, "While the emblem Heartless are our main targets, since they have hearts that will be freed by our Keyblades, the purebloods need to be eliminated as well, least they do lasting harm to the people of the worlds."

"Got it. Defeat all Heartless in the assigned area." Roxas said, showing them that he understood that part at least, that it was his job, not to mention hers and Xion's, to deal with the various Heartless, no matter which type they were, which was followed by Marluxia nodding his head to show that he approved of what was being said.

"Indeed, or complete the assigned task that one of the others might have for you... namely it will be defeating Heartless, as they will pave the way to our true goal." Marluxia stated, though at the same time he found that there were more foes in the area in front of them, namely at least ten Shadows and five Soldiers, causing him to draw his scythe as he joined both Keyblade wielders, which reminded him of something else, "Also, if you are ever out in the field with other members of the Organization, just remember that their weapons can only weaken the Heartless, so it'll be up to you or another wielder to finish them off before they escape."

Seras found that Roxas fought just like Sora did, as in he slashed at his enemies with his Keyblade, a near perfect replica of the Kingdom Key, and even used thrusts to deal damage to those that targeted him, while at the same time Marluxia did what he did best by slashing at the Heartless in front of them before sending them at Seras, who finished them off.

"Good, your sense for battle is returning. Now, not all battles will be this easy, and some of the Heartless are in a league all their own, so it's important to understand each mission and respond accordingly." Marluxia said, because while the group of Heartless had been easy to cut down, meaning they were likely the weakest of the weak, it was a good start for Roxas, as he needed time to learn and grow before he was sent at the stronger Heartless, before he considered something else for a few seconds, "However, if you get sent to deal with one of the more powerful emblem Heartless, and they do exist out there in the worlds, we will either send you with the other wielders, or create a joint force to help you bring it down... some of them have incredible powers and might catch you off guard."

"Do such powerful Heartless actually exist?" Roxas asked, where he dismissed his Keyblade as his mentors did the same to their weapons, though his question was due to the fact that it seemed weird for such dangerous creatures to exist in the first place, so a little clarification was necessary in his mind.

"Yes. My original form, Fluttershy, fought Kurt Zisa and the Phantom, two such emblem Heartless." Seras explained, as she remembered those fights well, even though they had served as ways to improve themselves for the challenges that were waiting on Hollow Bastion, before she considered something that might interest Roxas, and Marluxia as well, "You know, Sombra said that the pair were specially designed Heartless who were tasked with assassinating specific targets, usually having powers to counter whatever specialty the person might have, and if there were two she was sure that there might be more out there, somewhere."

"I agree. There might be more out there, and it would be nice to bring them down." Marluxia said, though as he said that he raised his hand and opened a Dark Corridor that would bring them back to the castle so they could make their report on what had happened, even though it was just the completion of another of the basic missions Roxas needed to finish before he was sent off on tougher missions, "For now, let us return to the castle so you can rest and prepare for the next mission you need to learn about."

As Roxas nodded his head and entered the Dark Corridor, returning to the castle, Seras found it slightly amusing that the Organization used Twilight Town as their training ground for newcomers, as Axel had come here previously to make sure Roxas knew the basics of everything, which she was sure they would do the same with the others soon enough. The time they spent inside the castle was simply just relaxing and resting before their next missions, since everyone did something for the Organization, though Seras insisted on continuing to make something for everyone every now and then, mostly so they shared moments with each other. Her reasoning was to build bonds between the members, maybe to make them into a more unified group, though it was also to help pass the time, since she would spend most of her time training with the Dusks to make sure she was ready for whatever the future held for her. While she did that she also found that both of her friends, as she saw Larxene and Marluxia in that light already, either watched her or even trained with her to be sure that all of them were prepared, since they had no idea what sort of missions would be given to them.

Roxas, of course, was interested in what happened to the hearts they freed from the Heartless, where Seras reminded him that they would gather in the large heart that was gathering outside their castle, as Xemnas seemed to be focused on calling all freed hearts to this place, to let them combine into a single force known as Kingdom Hearts. She suspected that there was more to it than what he had told everyone previously, that it would do more than grant them hearts whenever it reached it's full potential, though Seras knew something that none of the others knew and she wasn't about to tell them, at least not until it was time to do so. She now understood why the Organization had been so eager to get rid of Sombra in the first place, she held the power to mess with hearts that had been freed, that much she could guess at, and if that was true than removing Sombra made sense so the flow of freed hearts could resume at last. Xemnas was positive that she had sealed the 'troublemaker' in the Darkworld, hence why their boss was focused on collecting as many hearts as soon as possible, but that would do nothing, not with Sombra no doubt out in the Realm of Light, doing whatever she was doing before making her move.

Other than her training there wasn't much else for Seras to do, so when the following morning arrived she found that she and Roxas were being grouped with Zexion, who once again presented them with fish he had made, which seemed to be his specialty since he really insisted on such a thing.

Working with Zexion was just like the previous members, it was just more of the same as they tracked down the Heartless in a shopping area and put down all of the foes that were there, which included some yellow Nocturnes, though Zexion did inform them that they should keep their primary goals in mind. Such a thing meant that if they were sent out to scout a world, or maybe do something else, each wielder should keep an eye out for Heartless to take out, and even if they did take out the required amount of Heartless they should take out any extras that showed up. In addition to the enemies she and Roxas had seen so far Seras found that there was another type, a small green plant that fired seeds at it's foes, which caused her to call it a 'Dire Plant', though at the same time she found that it was as durable as a Shadow, went down far too easily and released a heart upon defeat. They also got a chance to see that there were moments where a couple more Heartless might show up, where Zexion mentioned that Xemnas and Saix would no doubt reward them better if they just applied themselves more, instead of sticking to their original missions.

Seras wasn't too surprised, honestly, because thanks to Sombra's theft of the freed hearts there was a lot of work to do to make up for everything the other Equestrian had done during her first major adventure, so those who ruled over the rest of the Organization were doing everything in their power to make sure hearts were collected.

The next two days had different things for Roxas to do, as one of the days had Vexen, of all people, be their superior for the day, who told them about some of the more stealth based missions they might be assigned to do, where they would have to explore a new world and keep themselves hidden from the residents. Roxas really didn't know why that was necessary, as he had learned that Sora's group didn't bother to hide whenever they visited a world, where the scholar informed him that the longer they remained hidden, without their enemies knowing what was going on, the better everything would be for them in the long run. In addition to that he revealed the existence of some white spherical items that were known as tokens, as he or one of the other members of the Organization might issue a movement challenge to the pair, so they could learn the ins and outs of an area, to aid them in collecting the hearts they had to collect. Like today his task for them was to head out into the portion of Twilight Town that they were in and track down the various tokens he had scattered throughout the area, where Roxas and Seras discovered two paths, one for each of them, before rushing out to deal with them.

It was rather simple, and Seras realized that the tokens were also placed in good spots to gather information about an area, so it was two for one when she thought about it, though it was also a short mission that didn't involve any Heartless, but the other day's mission was more interesting since it was with Larxene.

"I know both of you are skilled with the Keyblade, but today I want to see how well you can wield magic." Larxene said, where the pair found that there wasn't much for them to do but stand near her while she was in the training area of the castle, as she didn't feel the need to go out and train in an area that everyone else was using, "Some of us have elements that we are specialists in, like how I'm great at using lightning or how Axel is good at channeling the power of fire, but some either don't have an element or don't care about magic at all. I want to see how well you two do today... you'll also learn about limits later on, from Lexaeus."

It was a good time for Seras, really, because she found that the spells that Fluttershy had learned during her adventure were still in her arsenal, in fact she could cast some of the second tier spells and even a few third tiers, which impressed Larxene, while at the same time Roxas had trouble with just the basic Fire spell.

"How are you so good at magic?" Roxas asked, though at the same time Seras stood nearby and pointed out what he was doing wrong, something that allowed him to actually use his mana to fire a small fireball at the dummy they were using for this training session.

"I'm not, really. Most of my skills were picked up from my other half and I just polished them accordingly. If you want a true master of magic, well, you should see Sombra's skills." Seras remarked, once again realizing that one of the things she was being complimented on was after minor in the grand scheme of things when she considered Sombra's skill in that field, a fact that caused Larxene to tilt her head a little, like she wanted to know about this topic, "Sombra is 'darkness incarnate', a master magic user that has learned the various spells she's picked up in no time at all, to the point that I look like a novice in comparison... now that I think about it, she's probably firing off those spells into the heart of the Darkworld."

"Well, I still think you're doing good with your magic... far better than a newly born Nobody should, really." Larxene stated, as that was the truth, in fact she was positive that she and Marluxia would say the same thing about everything Seras did, that she happened to be skilled in most of the things she did, far more than the other Nobodies when they were first born, which put a smile on her face, "And Roxas, don't worry too much about the magic... some people need practice before they can use the various spells that exist in the worlds, even though it would be good to have it in your arsenal, just in case you found yourself in a strange situation or something."

Seras smiled as she listened to Larxene talk, because her friend had originally disliked Roxas, simply because it took too long for him to regain himself after being born, but something in her had changed, that much Seras knew, and honestly she was happy to see that her friend was embracing Roxas in a more positive light. The same was true for Marluxia, both had their opinions on Roxas when he was first born, but now, after getting a chance to work with him, they seemed to view him more as a valuable member of the team and not someone who would hinder their progress. It was almost like they were going to become friends with Sora's Nobody at one point, though she knew it would take some time before that happened, but at the very least they were willing to see him in a new light and not treat him like he was garbage. Such a thing meant that her work was working, she might actually be changing some of the members for the better, and if that was the case maybe she could do the same with Xemnas, open his heart to the possibility that having friends was better than just treating everyone like they were beneath him.

Such a thing only made her more eager to see what the future held in store for her and the rest of the Organization, since there was no telling what sort of missions Saix would assign at any given moment, causing her to focus on helping Roxas and talking with Larxene as she waited to see what the coming days had in store for them.

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